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Activity type: Reading and speaking – Mingle / Forced debate – Pairs / Whole class
Aim: To practise expressing disagreement, making concessions and making counter-
Language: Expressions for the above – Use at any point from Explore speaking.
Preparation: Make one copy of Worksheet 1 for every pair of learners. Cut up the
worksheet to make a set of ten Conversation cards. (Note: the Conversation cards are
prejumbled, so needn’t be cut up at all if time is short.) Make one copy of Worksheet 2 for
the class. Cut up the worksheet to make a set of 40 Topic cards.
Time: 30 minutes

1 Give each pair of learners a set of Conversation cards. Learners put the lines A–J in
order to make one conversation. They must use all the cards.

1 C  2 I  3 F  4 E  5 A  6 J  7 D  8 B  9 H  10 G

2 Learners look at the eight underlined expressions in the conversation and think of an
expression with a similar meaning which could replace each one. Halfway through
this stage, ask learners to look back at Explore speaking (Coursebook p44) to remind
themselves of any expressions they might have forgotten.

Suggested answers
I Oh, come on. = Are you joking?
F Are you serious? = How can you say that?
E that’s true, but = I take your point, but
A I wonder about that. = I have to disagree with you there.
J I have to admit that’s true = I see what you mean
D Even if that’s the case, = That may be so, but
B I’m not so sure about = I wouldn’t exactly say
H I’d go along with that. = maybe you’re right about that.

3 Give each learner a different Topic card. Try to give them a card with a topic on
which they have a definite opinion. For example, read out the topics and ask learners
to call out when they hear a topic that appeals to them, or spread the cards face up on
a table and ask learners to gather round and choose one each.
4 Working alone, learners write a sentence on the back of the card, expressing their
opinion about the topic.
5 Learners get into pairs. They read aloud their sentences to each other. They must
argue against the sentence they hear and defend the sentence they’ve just read out.
6 After a few minutes, give a signal (e.g. clap, turn the lights on and off). At the signal,
learners swap cards with their partner and get into new pairs. Again, they must argue
against the sentence they hear and defend the sentence they’ve just read out (which
they previously argued against!). Repeat as many times as you wish.

Make your own cards with topics which you know will appeal to the learners in your
particular class.

Learners return to their seats. Ask learners to remind you of the topic sentences and write
them on the board. Then in pairs or small groups, learners tell each other their real opinions
about each sentence.

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011
5C Argumentative! 1
Conversation cards

Hmm … I wonder about that. There are lots more jobs in the summer – but what about the
rest of the year? There’s nothing!

Oh, I’m not so sure about that! What about all that money they spent on the leisure centre?
That’s for everyone, not just tourists.

If you ask me, tourism’s been a disaster for this town!

Even if that’s the case, the money doesn’t get spent on really worthwhile things. It all goes
on facilities for the tourists, making buildings look pretty …

Well, that’s true, but there are far more jobs than there used to be.

Are you serious? There’s nothing in the centre for local people any more. It’s all cafés and

Perhaps you’re right. Anyway, how was your holiday? Lots of sunshine?

Well, yes, the leisure centre’s great, I’d go along with that. But it gets really, really crowded
at times. I really don’t mind tourists, but do we have to have so many?

Oh, come on. Tourism’s been great for local businesses.

Yeah, I have to admit that’s true – work is very seasonal. But still, the town’s got a lot more

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011
5C Argumentative! 2
Topic cards

young people
tourism football space travel

dogs cooking at home the theatre mobile phones

going to the gym museums baseball cats

junk food high-rise flats bicycles

clothes and
banks the Internet modern art

budget airlines nuclear power global warming

going to the animal

cars taxes
cinema experimentation

bottled water dieting boxing
light bulbs

blood sports smoking zoos plastic surgery

supermarkets video games public transport instant coffee

English Unlimited Upper Intermediate Teacher’s Pack  Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press 2011

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