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¢ EAwri edri, VEnit HIKMAD SOOMAALI Muuse Haji Ismaa‘iil Galaal B.W. Andraejewski CEOPYREY CUMBERLEGE see OXFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS ~~~ CONTENTS 1 Rorron’s Parrace pagew GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION 1. The Diet 1 1. Letters ont Dineen edi the Speling 1 THT, Frontneat ‘ 1, Tone Marks a The Spelling of Verbal Badings «4 VI The Spelling of the Present Tense forms of the Com ‘pound Verb leeyghay (eh-+yghay) to hare’ 15 VIE The Spelling of the Sabjest Pronouna aan, aad, &e. 15 VIL The Speltng of the Impersoaal Pronoan La and the ‘Onjot Prosoun Kur 6 IX, The Spelling ofthe Conjunetions (Co-ordinates) e, 00 ‘sd the Ire Adjective ah n X. The Spelling of the regular Adjetives ah and teh 7 {X1. Tho Sling of thowe form of Nouns, Verband the ‘Deite Article whith ed ne, va, oF -0 before ee 18 XU Aitorative Foto ofthe Posmssives kis and tis 20 XII, Contention ” XIV, Word Division 2 XV. Subir AareomentSlans (SAS) a XVE Bibigrsphy - TEXTS 1. Midi tibta iyo mpoyns ka babsaday a a 2 Gari ah Hay taqaen 3. Tabsaglyo 4. Trwtadgeron, Mlaynanada bart 5. Wan yaa 6, Wank gga nha 1. Nin yi, "Nina lo jt? 8, Natal god mn Nano 9, Usha hat La fo ma bana 10, Baka i ihaambisay Teh “Una alata laayo dgaman Ta qablay lehay e dao La quit ‘ma 13, Abaalgye 14, Bahay oats yin (Gyrae jaan iyo wel eral iyo rag gogo 18, Niki boogta gba 17, Ink ani paslay 18. Tanta La hart 19, Wanasn daa aay dabaday a homnadan 29, Ninkil hoot Lag sporyeyay ink than an fe nanti ka inatay gaat Bows Faull La heyday ores Tntrodetion to Notes ten story No, 1 Noa a 8 2 6 “ 6 10 @ Notes on story No 4 1s 2 * 78 0 © 6 oe 6 10 08 100 GRAMMATICAL INTRODUCTION 1 THE DIALECT "The texts in this book axe writen fn the Tang (aang) dialect of Somali paken in the coteal aréa of the Somaliland Protectarte "This dale iene very Ute from the dialects spoken by the Ese (Ilse), Gadaborsi (Ggdabura), ant the Norehera Dseod || (Daarood) people. The speaker of thin dialect understands and Jn undeetaa by al he Dara people and the Northern Hays {Hawiye) but may have won fest in comeing with the Southern Ifovwiya and the Usadie (Bynaadte) peopl, ad woul have to live for few months amang the people of the ahanweyn (Rahsawiln) group in onder to wnderetand thom ‘without any diiclty. ‘Geographical and ethnographical data conceening the speakers | of then diet ean be fun in she work gven in ee Tibi fgraphy under the healing “Phyricl and Sota! Background " LETTERS AND DIACRITICS USBD IN THE SPELLING In thi ook the fllouing etter are used for Somali: beadkea BrDDKGQ fa ah kh Nh FS Sh Kh WH 1 © zs os a TRAOU Bi Be An Oo Uo “The flowing dines are usd the coil the we of which is explained in Section TH cee tone marks, the vse of whisk i explained in Section 1. Reading conventions ccncersing certain Teter ard certain typonaf words are given in Sections TTT, VII, TX, X, XE, and in thin Seton. "The letters used for consonants and the somi-vowela w andy ar the me na thoe empl hy Armatrong ace Biography, "Phonetics, excel tat way Kt and sh correspond to Arm eong’s & end f tespectively, and that hate introduced the Mion symbol 3. The aymbol§ represents @ sound acvusti+ ‘ay similar toy Dut lee tense sd ‘darker’, Te is articulated ty a murement of te tongue towards the upp front tect oF ‘ech ridge, but without aol contact, The tp of the tongue Is Sear tathe level of or above the lower front teath but there is fo ubetantn rising ofthe mid part of the tongue (a im ¥ towsris the hard plate, This sound occurs bebween vowels only find fs aways voted Bg. maja no fwaan akheifaa Tread indigo exes fwaan tggayan je Tam going Berahoi uses the symbol 8 foe thi sound and deseribes it on pn, 12s-F otha Somat Sten’ (ne Bibllography, "Texts have naroduced in the texts the Following eaing convention ‘The leiter = atthe end of & word ato bo eal as F when it Fr maine followed by tho Carjanetion 00 oF othe Teseglar Adjective ab (I), Waa nin qayrkay ah Ho is man of the same age as aayrkag ah). royal Suldaankit bus arkay 00 He saw farkey 00) Ia hadlay. ith kim "This convention does ot apply, howorer, to the nal -y of tte ed Pera Singslae Maseline Part Tenge (Shoet Form) of any verb, eg. sottan and spoke ‘Tykay 00 is ka sgehay. Me prayed and went to sleep. (in purely practi! orthography, designed for ereryday we, toa apmbt 3 cold be dspansed vith.) ‘Unlike Armatong Tae only fve vowel eymbols and general sign for 'Prontneat ose Section TT. The telaton between my ‘vowel eynbols and those of Armstrong i as flows My aymbolh———_Acmtron’s eymbal 1 jon 4 gue ° ono « vow 7 (Wor ent ogy (ehort and long) "The asterisk indicates a eymbol which, although itself not marked with a coil, represents the mse vowel aa the come- “ponding symbol marked with x calla. For the ending conven: lows covering the sosee of this Kind ace Section THY of the Introduction Readers will notice that Armstrong's corespons to both 4 (is) and i In my opinion Armstrong's apeling sytem 5 Incomplete here and would require am addtional eymbol to represent auch pie a ie pot down (Draper. Se) ia. he pat down Sahib Tighe (afte) shi et (a fire) Aid shut tio ML he shat, he ted lq. evallow Tq. he wwallowed Fis sharpen (mp Si) Hs he mike he sharpened aitaay Tfsnted Aijagy Tresed “Long vowels are marke, a8 in Aemstrong's transcription, by onbing the vowel eters "The Cttliation of the fal vowels yy tye aol ty which overs fire ase i ert grammatical ctesoriea Joe urbe in my meng ere woe case it night toe meson fo mark iy is onler to avosd ambiguity, a eer?) cultvat, dig (Leper. Se Ist Con) peer liver Mass. Noon) ‘hadat) tlk, speak lmper. Se, Ist Con) hhadat talk speech (Maze. Now) waa qorie), Taball write dvan qpei it #4 piece of wood casa of tht kind, however, do not otcur in the ext ven in thi book Tenders famiiar with ll Sonali Fnguoge wil fd that ny pang ier rer ite fom ia hone aie wit Ui ebtens of spelling vse by Herghold, Cert, Maino, Moreno, Reina, von Ting, ant th Sessa Waiting wil readily eee the coresponenoes inthe symbas FRONTN 1 the pling ws nthe book te vowel qualities are recone in bath shoe ant long, vowels Berea A Sores B 1 Shot vowels i il ts Lang vowels | 2a 2 °° % w Examnus is build impor Se) is he but hel fied igh he found Kab nasil orshoe kab heset (a factored tone) ‘god dig (tnper. 8) gad be dug tis show 1s he showed iiday ote Aijdey Lrefsed hhees typeof poem (ong) pgs be recited a *hece™ Tab cles (thorws) Iggb be folded soot Tivestork fnogl a passenger’ fare ‘outa Tew dagylay Tattacked ‘The vowels of Series Tir from thowe of Series A in that they ave afte with the mil part of the tongue more ‘Ruvaneed towards the han! palate and the teth ridge than in the eomesponing vowels of Series A, ‘Tit fata, common to All yowele of Series B, I propose to eal Fontes ‘Feontnas ots absence, extends over whe words or eren route of wor, whole words or groupe of words have vowels etonzing to the same ares. Armstrong, who waa the frst to Uscower this fet, refers titan Vowel Harmony in her article The Phanetie rete of Soma” (oe Biography) ‘Wien Prontness ss sonst sharuteritiefentur of e pati- colar form of «word inal ple contents Toone to ell it Constant Protest. ‘Sime winds have Constant Frontnese i all their forms. The ‘Verb fogs (tH Con} ta ay to wait forexample, has Contant eontnot nal it forms (inal Persons and Tenses) Silay the Noun mosgotg ns Constant Frontness bth i te Singer sal Phra for. ‘Some wits on the other hand, hare Constant Frontness only in some of thee forms, Inthe Verb keen (It Con.) ‘to bring fhe example, the form of the Preset Tense Continuous have Constant Frontneet but the frm of the General Present Tens feveno Constant Proniness, The Nown sheeko das tory" hae Constuns Fromtneas nts Phra! frm hat no Constant Prontnoas in te Single form. Win Frontnec ipa constant feature of form of ven won i wo be wasteful to repent the cella under ene of 8 vows Testor Concent the sending eaneention introduced ere that mca under the Fat rowel eter of a form inistes that all the vowels of tht fret hage Constant Frontnea. We hall write therefore magaatooyin insted of mageglogyin. Iibaah insted of ibagh. & ‘ometin forthe reson of junation it ray be nocessry to gall woo more words together. In applying the convention ‘Motoring the edi the rest mest regad the components of ‘Shainatonsof words spel together as oparste form. ‘The com ination of mords pet together ar eoken into their eomponents inthe lst of Contnetion in Seton XIUT ofthe Intsoction oF {he Noten Alle Deities (he Definite Arle, the Denon tives, the Possasiven, andthe Taterogatie Detnitives kee Unt tgey are apr togetier with the pending Noon to which they fete, but they ao reconsidered as aerate forms Tn thote Compound Nouns and Verbs which have Constant iontnen the ctl place, not under the first vowel eter of the whole Compound, but wider the frst vowel Iter of that ‘hisyunent which can te asciate with a word which has Con STEnUFrontnes, eg shimblelibaa (instend of shimblribaah) Tino! [ierly afin bi} where [baa canbe samc ‘with the word baat "a Ton's Bgedaggoye (inst of aeeda fooye) tm sootheyer, a herbie” (hueraly "a grass oF eb ‘Biter’ where @gedas ean be amociated with the word gedo ‘ras, herb" and =ggaye ot be associate with the worl 890 (22) toca Th these wards which ave Constant Protest ony in me of ‘hin forms,theorsurrencenf Constant Frontnesisoenawoiated Tih the prowne of cvtin afies, eq. gor ‘write’ ut (ha) {ori ont writes Aystom of marking which would inten seeames might be wsefal but owing £0 the complexity of {he mattor woul be too elaorate forthe purposes of this book “Tre exist in this diner personal variations as fr a8 Conatant rontneas concerned. The word iis °n bag’ fr example, is promnunced by some people sash and by wore as kith, Yor tou reales who find i diol to distinguish between the presence and the absence of Fontes the following Tseng stone may. Heipfisthey should compare the Imperative ‘Singur of ang verb wth ied Person Singular Maseline Past ‘Tons, Shore Form (ell § 121), Whoa thee to forms difer inthe rowel quality, the Imperative Singular has no Frontness hn the fred Peron Singular Mascalino Past Tense, Short Form, fins Frontneas I they do not ifr in thei vowel quality they both have Fronnoss,e, tan strike gabe struck ib temp Abb he trapped eg look fet he looked tos wake ap {jos he woke up roe tors rhb bred hd reach 4nd he rechod gait sop Soft he topped “Thin exercise fn ase on he role that all he Short Forms of the 3nd Peron Singular Masealine Past Tense have Constant Frontnes while some forme of the Tmperatire Singular bave Constant Frontness and some have not. ‘ten Fronts is only n positional feature, Le it occurs ony fn the noishourhood of Constant Feontnes, within the sme interrupted utterance an utterance within which there ate fn pace Inthe examples Flow the whole sentences marked irith the letter A ave no Frontsesat any’ point while sentences Tharke with the letter have Frontnest in all their vowel {Contant Frontnes is sake with a cella a describe above [A Waa aaan shabeel, Tt sa par’ akin 1B Waa saan lfdaah. Tt i lons skin ‘A Waa daar yar. eal howe B Waa daar wey. It en big house [A Soor bay karlsay. She cooked rome fod 1 Soor bu kgriyay. He cooked rome food | Beerta ha warasbin. Don't water the garden 4B Berta ha bin. Don't buy the garden A Ma faras baa? Toit hore? 5 Ma djbi ban? Hs iten ox (bu)? [A Wuu iman doonaa. He will ome 1 Wan faut doonaa. te wil rach, Frontneat whieh it present ony in the neigh of Forms ehich have Constant Frontness T propose to all Poston Prontnas, There is no phonetiediference between Constant and Positional Frontnest. 1¢ may be mentional here that no words a mvammati! forms ae ierentiatd through the presence or Absence of Poston Frontnes: "Tone a gent deal of ictuston i the extent of Positional -Frontaen, "Tis yetuation depends onthe occurence of yee etic sped anil ssle ofthe pronneiaton, a sot won om the indivi preferences of the speakers. TE wold be very Uifcut to represent Pralonal rontness without narrowing ‘Town the apelin t the transcription of ne particle realiantion| {utteranes of the piven txt Tesional Brontess left omar in the present tests bat ‘hone renders ho wis to pure thi spe of Soma proc Money tna wet the falling apeoaimate ications eon ‘ering Potion Fronts Tr thin an ainternpted terance words whieh precede 8 forme which haa Constant Printness tend to have Positional Fronts When immetitely presse by a form which has Constant ecntnes and immedistely fllowet by a pause the flowing ‘Nonds sa thee combination tnd ko have Positional Frontnes "The Syntactic Partie (Hiietor baa ‘The Aljetives Tey lay and ab in hele simple (non-verbal) ‘oem ‘The Conjunetions eo (yoo, Yoo}, « (e, eh, 17. m the nchesied word ba she Sujet Prononne a, aad, uu, ay, ayn anne, ayn "The Negative Partito aa The fallowing Ausliary verbal forms: doonsa (oon), "doontaa, {dooata}, doonsaa (dooms), doontaan, ‘loonaan, doono, ovate, doonne, maayo, mays, imayno, maysean, maaysan, lahaa, Tahayd, Jahayn, Iahaydees, lahaageen. ll the Demonetratives, Posemives, and the Definite Article ‘These wn tenencin are Mvsteated by the sentences given low, where the fllowingeonsentions are adopted (oy The sgn (1) ana (1) indinto thatthe vowels of ll the lables brtween them hase Frontaew, i Delong to ‘Slvee Tete vgn (Bor (8) ocurs within 8 combina tion of words spell together, hyphens are placed before fan ater the bret, (0) The aloanee of these sgn ibeats absence of Fronts {6} Tris saumed that there are no pause within the sentences sles expecially indicated, (Win wntestond that the marking of Prontnes in these samples io Based on one particular uterance which hongh typical is ot meat to repeesent- or imply any {pert rater cacerning the extonsof Positional Front nes 1. (82) Lo" baan groorigay. (-B) T watered some cate ‘Lo’ ban eastay, looked otter some cattle (Bs) Beer but ibsaday. (-B} He bovaht « garden Beet buu beeray. He eatvated the guren. (B-) Waa taba dgonyood. (-B} They ar two dhows, Was taba markab. They ar to ships (B.) Looha ha kgenin, (-B) Don't bring the bose {Looha keen. Bring the boar (84) Roob baa d3'ay- (+B). Rn Root baa helay. ain fl (Bain found i fim, er, ‘them (B-) Suldaanku ma gayahay. (-B)_ Doosthensltan know t Suldaankw ma arkay? Has the mltan seen i (him, Ther hor)? (4) Wann tgogtay. (+B) Tehot ati hi, her, them Wann qabtay. Test 1 (him her, them) (B+) Odayaashit Bgrber-(-B)-us u sheegay. He told the ers of Bytes ‘aayaanhtt Bur'wu w sheegay, He wld the elders of Bor. By 2B) Be ow Bood baa Oodwsyne (-B) qabtay- Boot (6 man's hme] went ta Ong Boos, baa ‘Adan qabtay. Door went to Aden Markaasuu Bootaan (B-) dameerkil saantil ka ‘hiyay (B). Thon Bootan (a snan's mame) took ‘the akin off the healonkey Mackaasuu Bootaan dameerktl saant ka saaray. {approsinatly the same meaning as above) Haddaan La kala (-) roonaaa roob ma dy’ (-B). ns people aze beter than one another rin does hot Ail (Vile one party shows more good will {han the ther, resoneiation fond es Mess] fever comes) addaan La kala roonaan [Paver] (B-) roob ma “ago CB). (The sme meaning a8 above.) Waannu ggadi doonnaa (-B)._ We sll sch Waanne iman doonmaa. We shall come Ma aqatkisi baa (-B)? Te this howe? Ma aqatkasgit baa? Tait your howe? Waa nin tgalir ah (-B). He isa rich man Waa nin dogon ah He i fotsh nan Hatkanu (B-) waa meot biyo Teh (-B). Here ls 8 place in hich here i (hich has) water, ‘Hatkanu wan mecl ‘ayes Teh. Here i place in which there (whi has) dea. ‘Wunws dgonayo ba {-B) [Passe] waan sii, shall ie hin whatever he wants Wohou dgonayo (-B) ba waan sin, (Tie sme running a abore.) Markaasu waaay 00 (-B) (Poel fs ka dagaaaey. ‘Then he det Ga hi, he, hem) and went away. Markaasuu waafay (-B) 00 Is ka daqaagay. (The sone mouring a abort) [Panse) (Be) wadaadiaa (-B). ram secapomnyng that man of religion Wansan raafaysa (Pass) baabuurkaa. T am tease Ting om that ley. (0s) Wodaadkas (-B) [Pause] rag’ Accompany that man sf ralinon (p2) Wedaad-(CBi-kaaraa’. (Themmemeaningasabore.) ‘Forther examples may be found pp. 182-61 of Armstrong's antle "The Phoneis Stretane of Soma (ae Bibliography) Ww ‘TONE MARKS ‘tone marks are used in this bork only when they are nesessry Ter ciminatng ambiguity in meaning or for elusidating certain atc af pramane, and the epsom of tne marking intodced Pets designe only for that prone. List designed, howe, Te tel with the intonation patterns whith are aszoiated with Nfsome typeof emotional solnring (2. sarpipe, ange em Tharagument, sarc, &e.) oF notional Smplintons (©. em Shunt a, surance, imple. suggestion, &e.), for which @ imerent atom of nrtation would have to Bese Por the present parpons the following tones (elatve pies ofthe vole) have to be distinguished igh Tone, Highalling Tone, Mid Tone, Lv Tone {is important, in this connerion, to take into account the ovo ponte positions af every alae: (0) allable i either falowedimmedintely-by anther syle, io the sme or the TaN odor Qt followed by a pause at the end of a eentence, for within sentence), qn ane marked inthe presen txts area follows: 1. The mark ointer igh Tone in position (as 68 (Ma gibsd, baa? Toit gi DMA diméer Dia? Init shedonkey? id Tone in positon ea ‘Waa ga tis a girl a ee qosdo Win timer, ieastedonier 6 peg fomedr ae Wardabé—(Pausn}—ma tGostly? Dil you shoot ata hyena? ‘Note that in an ulterane fee fom any spec emotionsl colouring High Tone can never eur in postion 2, The mate indintes High Falling Tone in both positions, ea: IMA dimer bia? Toit hedonkey? aaa aaa\EE Wia dimter. Ibs hedonkey. y In position () the Wish Falling Ton normaly reaches a Toe level tthe en hn fn potion (e 8, The mark llientes Mid Tone in peition (ee. 2 Div anan come? He knows the man, Low Tone in position (6 Ma yimi sin? Did a man come? [inkl wis yBqBan- Ho knows the man. aes “Low Tope on long vowel oF on a short vowel 4: Woe yb Contonst Ie charatrived hy aight fa ny position (8) (On some rare ceasons it might be necessary to se two sudaitona! tone marks, "forthe syllable which has High Tone sapoattion (a) and High Falling Tone im position (Band forthe [Rabe which has Mil Fe in bot postions. Occasions of th Kind have not rien in Ue present texts Th ng vowels the tone marke aro placed over the fst vows! letter only tt refer to the wle vowel and indeed the whole syllable). "The mader who find it fea. to reeagize or to make tonal istinctions should begin. with pairs of words and. sentences ‘imerentited by tone pattern ons, such 8: (MA njrig ha? Tata male baby camel Ma nitig bha? Tait «female baby camel? ioitt Stop! “Bpoji. He stopped Winka KEenty. Ie brought you ‘Waka keenty, He brogt i (hi, ber, them) in Ma yBaian? Docs he know? ‘Ma yBqsan, He doesnot know. [Nin bia shabtel diy. A man killed opi ‘Nin bia shibel dilty. A leopard kil a man, ‘There corclation in thie dialect between tone and sre Rowers may ind information on this subject on pp. 147-8 of Usemateong's "The Phonetic Straetore of Somali” a in § 580-2 SED. Jones's The Phoneme (ace Bibliography, “Phonetic THE SPELLING OF VERBAL ENDINGS My aptting of verbal vig Aor fom that of other wtee {Anastrng. Bll, von Tiling) —sho an lifer from each other— nt has the following characteris "Phe letter ys ner sub; this made posible by intro Avcing the ssimbol 8 "AM the regular form of the AMlerative Post at Past Ca tino Tense, wth the exception of the Zn and rd Person Plus en ima. Eg. Waan keenay. I bro it (him, he, then). Waan u yeeday. Tealled him (her, diem) Wan kgenayay. [vas bringing it (hin. be, the) Wann wvygedayoy. Iva caling his (her hem) All the endings of the Afirmtive Continuous Tenses besin with ay. Eg. Waan kgen-ayas, Tm bringing (him, he, ther) Waan o ygedcayay. Tas calling him Qe, them) ‘The Tovarinble form of the Negative Past Tense Contnwoos ‘end in -9ym oF ymin, ‘Mu uu jmaneyn. He was not coming Mar uu jmaneynin, ews not coming ‘The characteristic parts of the enngs of those verbs of the nd Conjugntion whith ent I =ee fe saree “todo, to make") jn the Tnperative Sings re spa 2 follow Prost Prasat Cnt, Past Pens Ne WER sameeyan —— sameynayan Taa8samey samoynerss | maya warm }samaynaa_—samaynaynaa eer ‘waydin sameysaan — samaynaysaan| ‘way sameeyaan— samaynayaan Other Tense follow a similar pattern: -eey- Before a vowel aunt -ay- before consonant. "The ortm ofthe samayeo ‘to make for one” type have il ey bere Ya i the verbal endings when they occa in forma with Con- sane Frontocas (marked hy 2 ceil) the final -ay or che mel via awe the alternative pronenciaton ~ey, -e¥~, ©. Wu aay a www bgodey the jumped’ wos dawaynaya or peevdpweymeyan he i teting (medicals) him Ghe, them)’ "Phe iference between =a, -ny~ and -eY, ey i the endings of euch forme is very sll and elusive and there are some Speakers who wae only sey, -ey- in ach positions. For the TRUST grammatical uniformity T have standardized, these ‘httogn ty spelling thom with -ay,-ay~ Uhrouehout I THE SPELLING OF THE PRESENT TENSE FORMS OF THE COMPOUND VERB leeyohay (teh-+yohay) “TO HAVE? ‘These form ae ape here a follows (oraan) leevahay (o20008)) seena feat) Tecahay (rape sete (Grau) eyghay (raydin) teeajhiin foray) leedahay (way) Teexiin vin THE SPELLING OF THE SUBJECT PRONOUNS fan, aad, rc ‘The Sebjct Pronouns (Bll § 29, Subject Pronouns—Verbel) {nfs in combination with the Particle aan or th Conjunctions fna or se ase elt ote allows: Ist Pes. Sg, aan at Por, PL (Ine) ay 9 Gixsty anna (aan) andy aad sh 7) ayn aad, 98) Sel) Maeua ela * Fem. ay When the form ay, ayn and aydin occur with Positional Pemtneat fee Section HI} they may have alternative pro- ‘Roncatons ey, em, ad ayn respectively. T have standard Teen the ayo ay, aed ayn forme Uonghout the test, vur THE SPBLLING OF THE INPERSONAL PRONOUN Ta AND THE OBJECT PRONOUN Ku “The Impersonal Prononn La ‘ppl, they” (an equivalent of the French on" a in "on a dt’ was sad’) and the Object Pronoun Ku (Gu) ‘yow' (i) are aways sett wih a capital ree whethos alone oe in eombination Wi other Pronouns oF Prepositions “Taadcrive i into erst eiminate confusion between ‘he persona? Pronoun Ta aad the Preposition Ta, and the DOjer Pronoun Ku (-Gu) a the Preposton kw (2. Th peumundation they ave often, but not always, distinguishes! by tone, e ‘Wa LA Arky, Tt (he, she hey) was (were) abe, people sa it tht, hr them) Waa id aria. he) save it (im, Shem) with him (hen ‘hem Wan KG Aekdy. ‘Tow sou Se Wao Arkay. “Tsoi i ee, them) there init Sink Ro md fan dg. “Til not ae you thie morning Shaki KO ma dan dri. °T aid not ee it him, her, them) here in) this orn” [A the beginning of a sentence oth Ku ond Kk, Lat a ae pat seth capital Teter, Dnt. they could be distinguished, if Ret, iy repeating the word in Bracket, 6 15 (LA) gréig. “Someone sit 14 Ua) Brg. “He av i wih him (her, them) 1x ‘HE SPELLING OF THE CONJUNCTIONS (CO-ORDINATES) ¢, 00, AND THE IRREGULAR. ADJECTIVE ah ‘The Conjunction €, 00, andthe jet ah (ih), when im Inaliataly peeoaed (without a passe intervening) ty & word ating ine =i,-a8, or ee have the following forms: Seorye $00 oe 300 sah ih) ‘The diference between Je and ye, $00 and yoo, is connected wth the geommatinl category of the prceding wont, eg. Byugga akhel foo yg! Read the Book and wait forme! iibka karl yoo ma 1 Cook the meat and give it 20 the gests! {ake and kart telong to diferent Conjugtins) ‘As the forms yoo, $0, ¥, and fe cannot occur immaliately foe apse they ms be mbetttd by on and e, respectively, ita pena is made inmeistely before any of then. x THE SPELLING OF THE IRREGULAR ADJUICTIVES ah AND Teh ‘Thos two Adjectives ate ape with fat the el lthough thin frat hi not pronounced, ules followed by the Conjunetons e ana 00. "Teh ia writen 9 show the connexion batwoen a, leh and tn, in, fe the forms of ah, Heh wi the Subjective (Bel 8, wi x THE SPELLING OF THOSE FORMS OF NOUNS, VERBS, AND THE DEFINITE ARTICLE WHICH EXD IN -¢, a, OR -o BEFORE A PAUSE [A form of this typ often etd in ileent vowel when i ie oe ay lowed ry anehet word, aml aot by «poate, TE ie tue inl were to be reotde n the transcription, toga chaos woul esl Pee i oils aa to ron int rl the grammatical Fae ve intrivcd the fllowing rang conwention (a) When a form ofthat i immediatly followed by ony AUNT ther than the Conjunction e othe thi frm ofthe Weebaar Adjetive ah, the final =, =a, -0 areal toe cea {ay Wen form of tis ty is immeiatty flowed ‘Conjunto the finale, -,-0 are all oo el 8 (ey Whos for of this type ie immediately followed by the Tht ioe ofthe Teruo Aajative ah the inal =, 85-0 he al be read 4 this convention dogs not apy when there is 8 pase (oven we sot aner the Ral, =a, -0, and when the pronunciation ie rey dv the Exanrins (0) ‘sano lo’and Canna faa) cow's mile cfaano ak smaro wonaagsan (mara se loth ‘wonaagsan) ef'mare oth ‘buste yar (busta yar) al blanket, ce baste. blanket Nin gaqwade ah ma heshay? Have you found & (Guim gndwada ah ma Reshay?) guile? efogagwade 0 goide ° © (abo faraska! (Qaba faraska ff qabo. catch ‘Aan salaanno suldaanka (Aan ‘salaanna suldaanka!) cf Aam salaanno' ot ua grot Meeshaad tagto ba Rabbi ka Nabsood ! (Meeshaad tagta ba Rabbi ka ‘absood !) fc meeshaad tagto ... the place a which 30% go “Tage nimanka. (Taga aimanky) chtage they went Waa dawa'o © 1909 dawate © 19080) cf-dawa'o a ack) (Waa Faraska kooree aan tago & (Faraska kooree aan tage e!) cfoaan tage. let me go Sidaas ma aha e, (Sidsas ma ahee) cf Masha Te isnot Waa ninks ¢ ta hadal! (Waa inke e la hadal cfininks. the man Nin gadwade thi hatkan_ma Simi? (Nin godwadi thi hatkan sma yimt?) cfigadwade a guide “ot bylsho i hafkan ma maray? (CO! bylehi iki halkan ma maray?) ef byleho a Sihting brotherhood Catch the horse! Tet un gon thecuttant Wherever you may 80 fear Gol! "The men have gone Te in a jackal, shoot Saale the horse 90 hat T may go (Saddle the Norn, Jet re go) Ara bt) not Tike eis the man, apeak to im! Did eguide come hore? Dit ighting brother. ood pane by her? [inka tgajirka thi ma ygqaaa? Docs the merchant {Minka gajirklihi mayoqaan2) know! eE tgairka he merchant ‘This convention alo applies to the word maga "no xu ALTERNATIVE FORMS OF THE POSSESSIVES is AND dis “The Posessies jl and tis have the alternative forms Kj ae th which occur quite fequeully. 6, farask] his hore Deerti hie ganlen xu CONTRACTION One of the characteristic features of this dialect i froquent CiMtrcston, Le. the tame word may, according to context and hte of pronunciation, sesue now in a Tonge, now ina shorter xe, ‘The shorter shape, which im mont caves ocears when the ‘Food “combines” with apreosing oF «following word, ay ever ‘TMetimescomitof' single consonant oe diference inthe tone pattem only, Ninkiad aragtiy Ninkd Sad aragtay Ninkdad Seagtty. ‘You su the mn T'Ninkl + baad Beaty. Ninkdad arigtay? Ninkge baad arigty? Some eonttactions are optional and depend on the speed. and “The man whom you 20 Which man did you sce? syle of pronation, eg Ways ku eld, I the aun (oninary sped Waa ie ku mid oe dow ape [Nin tgajr aan ta hadiay. — Tspoke toa merchant (oninary ‘pe [Nin tajlrah haan Ia hadlay, T aprke to & merchant (low o ‘These contractions can be desert in term of comparison Letweon the contract and uincontacted shapes, as shown in the above examples, ‘There are, however, some contractions ‘which can only be assemed fom Ue analogy between comparable Srammatiel structures, og. ‘Ma ijbaah baa? Tait Ton? Ma gged baa? Tnitatwe! Matykaa? Tait crow? Waa fibaah. eis lon Waa aged. isa tree Waa tyke, Kisacrow ‘The combination tyke baa dacs not normally occur, and in fact, -aa ts alway found where the sequence -e baa might be pected ‘Te concept of ‘Asse Contentions” is introduced here at ‘amt of desribing the relations betoroon actly occuring mand wot asa statement on historia shang. Tea berate ty » convenient Reton wsed forthe parpane of grammatical slnciation in the Note Optional Conteations are analyped by giving thet ncontracted forms, and the assumed contractions by rscing the wan + between the assmed unconteatel ehapes ©. ‘An Optional Contraction ‘Waa Lay silvay. Someone pave to me ‘Waa Lat sivay. ‘An Assumed Contraction ‘Waa Loo sheegay.__Someane tld him. Was Lau sheegay, ‘Some contrstonscosur a frequetly that it wonld be burden- ome to explain them in the Notes, They are therefore given here niet. 5 markaasaan = markaas 2. Contractions with bina mahaa = mahay}baa kala = kale-baa ‘ymarkaasaa = miarkaas baa anaa = ant (1, ‘me’)baa ‘dambaa ~ dambe -b ‘daa — ad you") aa horas — hore j baa band, buu, & ‘mahaad ~ mahay j-baad _symarkassaad— markaas baad dambaad — dambe baad hhoraad ~ hore: i alaad — kate aa 2, Contractions with baa rmahay-}aan | muhuu = mahay-+buw ——mahay = mahay-+bay “5 markaasuy ~ markage buy —ynarkaasoy = markaas bay’ Gamba dambe bus ~dambay — dambe--Day hora! hore aw foray ~ hore: bay Kealuu — kate bow kealay = kale} bay smahaynu = mahay}}baynumahaannu = mahay ss markaasayn = marksasymarkaasaannu = markaas ayn paar dambayn = dambe-baynu dambaanny = dambe horaymu = hore jbayn ——horaann = hore baanny Kalayna-o Kalebaynu — kalaanau = kale /baannu 5. Contmctions with the Subject Pronoun aan, aad, we markaan = marka san markaad = marka aad intaan ints aan intaad— inta aad sidaan ~ sida aan sidaad ~ sida aad rmarku ~ marka wi smarkay ~ marka ay ntuu = fata wo Intay — tata ay sd ~ sida siday ~ sida ay ‘marksann — marks aannu ida aannu -markaynw — marka ayn Intaym iota ayn Intasna sidayau = sida ayn sidaannu 4. Contractions with 00 Iyadoo = tyada 00 innagoo = Innaga 00 lannagoo ~ annage 0 ‘adigoo — adiga 00 Idinkoo = Idinka 00 fsagoo = Isaga 00 jyagoo — tyade 00 5, Contractions with the Conjunction 9a anna — ant (T',‘me')+na ada = adi (you")-+na 6, Contractions with Is ways = waa fs hays = hats ays — La 17. Contraction between » Noun and the Artie {8 combination of « Noun engin vowel and the ha, “hv, form ofthe Atile often ends -aa, tli instead of \waraabia insted of waraubaha Vwaraabuit instead of waraabube ‘waraabil intend of waraabiil Ioolaainstond of Hoolaha ool iateat of hookuh ool nated of Roan, xv WORD DIVISION 1 is often vey dificult to decide in Somat whether to mpell Certain words togeler oe separately. In many other Iangoages inilar problems exist, Int are wully regulated (Ren quite Mtuitmils) hy oethogephi triton, by printers, by learned Aoeietis, and in some crim, bythe Sta. T have tric to be on consistent ax pomible in my system of word ison, the principles of which ean be son in their appli tion in the text, “The speling ofthe Conjunstons na, se, the Teeguar Aj ‘ives af Heh 1a, asd the word a, separately my met with tjetins on the gvand that thee Wonks ne alway’ pronounced oper withthe preceing woe, My aim init them fepnrtely was to throw into tein the grammatical endings of the words which precede thom SUBSIDIARY AGRERMENT SIGNS (648) (2) A Noun,» Demonstetiv,» Posse, an Aetie, oF Pr rowan ngroe with a Verband the rues for the aysten. of yreementa may be foond in grammars of Smal cither deserted wet or implicit i the essaleation of forms into Masetine, Feminine, Singular, and Purl Thisapotem of ageecrsents clade lsu aiionalfntures ‘nthe nafizes cu distinetive tone patterns, and in some ces the tength and quality of the final vowel. These addtional Festures, which Uproag to rll ‘Subsidiary Agreement Signs {Ghlerinted to $48), hove not eon gives aleqate testnent {theeastnsliteraturvon Somali. They ar, howeer,inporiant for the chusilation of texts, Quite often it happens that owns for grentflesiilty of word oer in Somali there are to won (orimore) in the same sentence, both of which take the sane Ircement. Consequently nhigvity may ae ifthe Subsiinny Ihereement Sign ae ignored, Here are some example Nin ba tba ly. A ion killed man.” SAS in thi wa tone soni f the tone pastor CE Nin bia Tibia ly. ‘han lle io,” ‘Nin miytiw kay? "Dil a ae ie (het, ity sem) 2” SAS in this wentence consi of the tne pater Cf. Nin iy frkiy? "Did heme = min Iagt miyiy Braigedy? “Did «woman ae im (he, ty them) 1? "SAS i this sentence conto the tone patter and the uli tin mais CE Nang miyhy Bragedy ? “Di she see ‘Kano iyi Selly? “Did thi one see hin (her, i, them 'SAS in this sentence convint of the tone pa Simic ou in kind. CF, Kd rviyh Arkdy? this one?” (0) Tn onder to remove possible snbigites inthe text, we mst {ito take into account the SAS in Nominal Complexes, ‘bye Nominal Complex in thin dialct of Somali T mean a Noch Demonsteative, a Arie, of an Emphatic Pronoun, seanpaned by anathet word or words which, when taken to Siler any be placed within the eet fame ma. baa. Eat T condor ninka wonaagsan “the good man’ and ninkil aan ‘alay ta hadtay "the man with whom Tspoke yesterday" as Nominal Complees, becuse they could be placed within that fame, Ma nina wonaagean baa? "Is it the good man" and ‘Mar ninkit aan shalay Ia hadlay baa? ‘Ts i che man with MeomT spoke yesterday" On the other hand, Ninku waa, Tharagssayghay "The man is good” and Ninkli Baan shatay Tehadtay “Tapoke vith the man yesterday” are not Nominal Complesos na they cannot be placed witin the ma. baa frame, An edditona eiterion of « Nominal Complex is the fet that it canoe contain ny of the Particles (Iodieatrs) aay fy, ya, ryan, wa, oF raeiny Nominal Compies oe i Head-word, be. the word on rich the surecment with « rer outside the Nominal Complex “eponda or eld flepend. Fog ia ‘inkil odayaashit a badioy pean a apoke with the elders” the Head. word is in~ wasn't depends the type of verbal gzeement if this Nominal Complex ears a senteno lke Ninkit odayaashit ta hadlay, mya ym? “Did the man who spoke withthe elders come” Weis sna] Complexes that Tat at the ed “In the examples below the Head-word is underlined with straight tne at the lst wor ofthe whole Nominal Complex Is lumdetined with wavy line. The column on the lft contains thawte reamples, wile the coleman on the right contain, {or comparann, Nominal Complexes in whieh the Head-word ‘los not age with the Verb Mas yiri suiyiu djtby? Mas yi iyi djlay? Dil a smal snake Kill him "Dil he ila amall sae ° (her, them Aust ipo iy? Usk mga sy? ' aidan ipo dy? Mah sy ty Wisk ySrl miybu djldy? Maka yir myo dy? ithe sl emake kil in?” “Dil he kl the stall snake Masks yar Emgdsobi miyou Masks ye & madéve mi qiy? aiiay? ‘Di the ell Mack snake Kl “Did he kil the small Mask him ther, them) aake” shilaytoinigs — Mskitshilaytd inp pisidy miyhu ditty? bihsaday miyiu diliy? “Dil these which ran sway” “Did he il heanake which an {fom se yeterday Kill ity away from us pete? (er, hen)? [Maskit dy Srkion miyi —-Maskii dy dekbon mig aiay? “ity? Dil the snake which they saw “Dut le Kill the ake which a hiss hee, the) they aw? (Mgkit Ran ggaKk8 ggliny Mish Jan ghaks gin ‘iy clay? ‘niy atiy? “Dil the enske which di not “Did he kill the anake hich 0 into the Hole Kil him didnot go int the hole? thee the Kil wyna miyiw djliy? Kil wfynda miu 4 Dhi the big one bl hin her, “Di he bl the ig one? i, them) yas in ye mya ajlay? “Did this amall one Ki Ni Did kl his small one? (ei, them) Ae Sey Sinks paki mi yighan? Sink bod “Does the man who is sick “Does he know the man who i Woe im (he, Hy them) ek?” 1 Nina sbidianka 6 — Ninkksotsiameans VAs Tiida ma Arkly? | Bédiiyé mf Sky? “Dil the man with whom the “Dit hews the man wth whom ‘tan speaking se him the stan le ppesking her, H, them) (9 The Subsliaey Agreement Signs do not occur on « Nou, Dafntive, Prononn, cr Nominal Complex when the Particle {tnicator) baa (or ayaa or yaa) follows immediatly. Rg. Inn yie baa yimi Amal boy ame Cf. in yBe4 im yfmt? “Dida small boy come?” Tn auch zontencos SAS do, however secur on thengrecing Ver, il consstof the shortnom of the Bal vowel (ef Bll, § 87, 1) tal itinetive tone patterns ‘Sometimes thongh not very often, the Subsidiary Agreement Signs in an asreing verb rmay he of importance in eliminating ‘pombe ambiguity, 0g ‘Néag bia gid @ tim. “A woman came toa group of jules “The SAS on the Verb tent consist of the ditnetive tone rater CE Nang ha god “A group of ode aaGetddit bas giddt 14 jfogth.“"The queen stays with Trp of judges’ The SAS on the Verb fot consist of fh shortness of the final vowel and the tone pattern. Cf Bogordddt baa goddt 16 fGoRtda. ‘A group of judgee faye with the queen, In the Notes an secon is given of the SAB, whenever it cera for the elachation of he text, Dy comparison between the form of the given Noun, Dewonetetive, Powosiv, Arie fn Nomisl Complex when it occurs with SAS ar the frm i soul have without SAS, Tiimitatione af space do at alow me to give herean exhaustive staverenton the pattern of the SAS and their dstebution ‘ftrmation concerning the Aaeetival Ending lar the ku, ‘tu forma of the Dasinite Arile aa BAS can be found in von ‘Tiling’ ‘De Vokale de bestimmten Artkes im Some “Adjeltiv-Bodangen in Somali (ae Bibligeaphy) x 1 BIBLIOGRAPHY Tondtonts ond Works om Somali Grammar ane 189, elena, Te tomy ‘Stan rate inci 4 mmo Sol Lape ari ley tum tl awronr oP iar of he ‘Tun Sebi Yeti em Soa ett ‘ip jr pay poe witht ad Amuse RG. he Pi of Sami tom TiS cpt, son, plist haere Aton Tent 1K. “Samal lin enn Orit Juma ‘rea tpi coat al eg Sse tt ale. dt ali Roe erin wn pp 1-3 Alani a, 158 Tyo Fer, Ole coat ion ye tee Riri maton Set Tet and inshgen sur Soma Le ‘Bi Ashish ur Zach fr Bingsnenen Seshan, PPE Somali Tent son ashame ur, Zea for Bip Dietonariee Lauran nm, Senate nt Bi Sonat Diinry. Landon, "Somale. "Asmara, 191%, Tipagrfe Panceenan, Siminaw Catton, Phonetice “Seniarsfr Orin Speen Ben Sahepang xxx, Abvelang comitan Ee etqs note a a pool Som. Comte Rent “A Gage Tinginiue Estes meseminguc, ee TN, ‘hae tian ds Hanns Eten a Sorton, Pai pp 930. cera, tar Phat Sol, Wier et far ai Ronde “sonra. The Phnom, te Nate el Uae Cate, 1880, eter, rr Ba Wand Stine Prose, Jan-Mar 123, Neil xfttnenes, A. "st da Smal cng Tom Sata’ Zech for Non-Roman Serite ann NTC, Shh Sept for Soa Pe Jott Quarry, ‘iw, Je 'Bonall ae e Weston Langone "fue tain Ati Enq Sonata Samet Trrgmamente Prferionl, Sle Somali Plant Names ugnn Poin lc of Ba od Somali Atronomy Tg ee ae Rua aha = Bitlogrphio of Works othe Somali Lamguage “i. kien Carona as hes Tnteotbnal Aton fat ailton tLe Ligue Sonne SramntedTeromante Prftoae, “i ioe ng A ‘The list of work given in those bibliographies m: plemented by the hshson of the following toms be ap uno St Torin Maio rvs Nlle ing Somat Al ssi pn Hol 3 unt, Ronee Literary Pramsations from Somali sacs Se Ry SB Me Pale Pow he Physic and Social Background Mun BA 4 rt ay fe Sead Pct HSK ec Mn af fr eM ry nd te SS peo ft na sae sm Spe Ait fii Soa. sin 1 TEXTS 1 MIDKIL TIBTA IYO MQOYAA KA BAHSADAY bar taf gut ah hay, Markawsaa ina dasa ino ‘OL dgstays raw Bankagnas bart lyn waa fabar intin sped heh ka rang 0 tts "Waar, gor, fs ka joo Siete diay o» ye “Mahan dalinyarada qaythay ah © ATpallnnia rantayn ign ryebaya?” Markaaany Dariday bariday Denny co, matt walla. Kola adashay. Markaneun iday Markageay srk dame tes Bal hada woan Kaw d'es- yas peleen afk” Maskaans davai digtay Marknasay Jay il uge aubtytls"Taymii bte fy mgoyan ka ‘bahanday Kaa ce! ‘pwr coll badly, anna was raaay. Show se glad Lage diyalago isladgedi Bintan goryan jogts,, Wahay oi wean nottaan ba sibibi dambsy dgemadil 00 show diveat Showdjntin gett ooaanay ska gang weerarhuriven, Ble, ‘ele na wala hogs day 00 wey etn. Tn Lays hu wado wado wado wado wado bs sarkik markay ahaye baa gol so dyurhay faa yarna ma ahs ni le TIeLds spay. nai yam na waa La quay. Markaasan vi Ka bgp Bee dant a iit nt ia yaaa Jima “ge ws diay ‘Hatkaasen ‘lit foo san inn ys hag basa ART TLAAH BAY TAQAAN igel tha nin ali ha untay. ashi bum nn gartay. inks eu aan in Tays la reqaan co deg iyo dood yo dagsal Be Mae su tgagny,Markonav inkl hash Ihe ko yt [RWanr watia Rew ma hao e wal igula soo ta” Marken hin hasha tna si tes on dey abeegay. Markasse “yg nba i ene na ‘iyi ba niki son Lagh arty’ baa 00 echt. ark niki has lion ma git gesevay. Marsan fa Kr Lo aot. Markanean gyi ma cet ‘fark inkl Tain goo gat La ely an Da yi: “Gar tumbe mon w noqonaysaa Mavkaasad yi “Ninka ins Son ‘rea La yaaa ban kita” Tna Sanyo na Haar Sehanke spells bus aaa, Mrkaaava ina SansgyDe 1 SF aaa ‘vi mdi iyo myafaay i ba hadlean © markhaati soit gon Inn ina Sanwgyne Kany oo Baraangbanki Ke Sites ‘Waar, ningobow, gant aoidog ta taqan oo spt {dgpan 90 tlm taqan oo Bid te taqaan 90 jb ma oqaan fooenlaal ma taqpan ao sabe ma tagaan oo hgoye ana taqaae So pmbad me tng oo Abie ma taqaan 90 adeer me tea 00 Shisherye ma taqan co sokeeye ma tagnn eTeaay bay taqaan, ‘ ninyohom, bash TaGa bel” ‘Markasena ninkivhashs Tolan kay o0 int iit La ac jira i Soregye iyo eda g'an qaaday si: "Walle, Ins Sanyo, magnanga wan fy.” ark dip tgyny bu gartu naqo bx xan sy: Ta Same na pe ‘Srkanson in Sanesyie dyn $0 daa aan noqday” 3 TALAGELYO inka in Sanwoyme Leon hoy bute bee nin yim Mar Sasi inkl ind Sing Bw ye "Ade, inaad Uy tabs Ivaan Kea rlgnayan fe. Ii tai” Markaasu ina Sanne io wa maha taladand ign gonnysns 2” ‘Markacnu niki yi: Tnaan funy fara aan dgonayaa ser The tat” Morkeane Sod Sgn nile hun woe Harkasan nik na Sanegyne ker ys Adee, mien i fadootay? Matnad sidan fom gu egeay ?” -Markassa na Samegyne yi Han foo, waen Ku ‘uooday 10 apksasan nt ys 0 mats i toy Masa ina Smgye vidi: "Oo aig reer La sya bas “ayes tale aglgna fe, ma rer La babhi'inays ban Tayga tale seliyas 4 INWADEEROW, KHAYAANADATBARE [Nim ta bt nin yn. Makaanon kn yt: “Waban dgorayaa FT uhevaanastat bato! Mrkaasas nin yi "Was tabay iefasnona Hon et" Morkaaron hash goo Fis, Mek Tink ani amay tw ko gis "Dee, haddaba Rheyaanadii 8 Pte 'Markassan niki yi "Doo wa tan aan bash Kans roela? Markanana mink fen Kala blag, WAA YAAB 1 [ink ina ‘AW Qablah La tan jray baa meal dyndumo boos fnclintay, Ina Ai Qublah raw ino aa, Marans Cyndi toabtay. Markaasuu oink 16 ofliy ku yi Waar horta tbashan dynamo La yieablo Sigs warran!” 6 Mustuna ninkil yi De, aboorkaa hgbeyshl ‘enuf, serena Markansaa ina ‘Alt Qablah yaabay’ 00 yidh: “Hal vest hat waa graba sab), al na van anmankas ‘oes mill sli: “Kore” Markaasa na ‘Alt Qablab vith Dymtamada inter leg bor a semeeys, wan yauby 10 Pusan aa ynabk foo bbeynkil bs. sameeyas waa oe yea, hal pa, yaa ammankaag_oo ‘anon ke Somesyagaa ammankaas” 6 WANKIE GERSATIA LANAA Ast ta wan geno ku jr fray. “Ashi came ayn eer ‘ica lain 33467 "Aan labs ka shitaysanno!” Markaness ‘rank dab sre gay’ oo iii Kw dem. “hsho dant addon teri gli: “Aan manta riya ka thitesonnno!”Markaneas wank bail 0 jeliyay 00 radii hoos w diay’ on iii ray. ‘duu wankl marka La yea, “Has ha Laga shidaysto ra, iyon a rgtayny, marks La yiaahdo, "Bjyan ha Taga thst oa” an rata, au Ku S00 doen. ‘Nin Khana badd wn na! gan, NINKIT 18 YIDI, ‘NINKA KALE BAIT! [Nin bassin yim, Mlarkaasin is yi: “Ninkan ajt yoo war ‘na on illo sh shorg!” Mavkaasu sii: “Wnaryna hebel Markanesn nin yi “Hee. Markasno yi "Wah Za yi “yma wean Ta rsa eer ‘Markanena nin sis "Oo ake Taw rgpayan?” Markansan inkl wrgeramiayay silt: “Dee, wa La qalingaa. Son waa Tat eave dd iyo danse” Markassna winklt Loo wgeramayay SHU "Wane ningobow, akan aad shgognysin wa war ilo tho bum, ha yeeshoedynidan Large reekagega dan baa bn tw jrtes Mankassas nny wgrrmayay sii: "OD sidge Hg Jira?” Morkaanon sis “Awe ban nagh gaebo beeshay 00, Inada Tas rpgo beeekaann ba ka earn ly” 8 NATAD GODAY MA WIDANTO [in bao gr gorse kw ji quay, Markaasuu Ask arkay “Masha no nos dali alka shag ‘Asbo wal Sarre i ‘ool deg is kt mari jay 00 waht ma yet jr ‘Mastin dame wn un rinks tashaday 90 Se 3H 09 waar torte mskans yan hooks yo “arasrta Kas Sine maa iid?” Mackassan maski $00 peed jell Ko hyrdn w yim [Joo ys Seo? qoorta kage fo” Markaas ln waafay 00 ct jah slay. Marka maski tooeay’ 06 “array (0 ed gay ‘pbeynki, sarki La soeweehday buu saskil soo bahay co ian rad pinay. Markaacan ina int ‘Soli an ink ms w yi foo ke vt: "Waar, many how, aan watanno on i dgyno!” Markaasaa mack si: ‘Waar, ninguhone, hei hore ba was tay nabadda aay © ta oye: imminHntaan anna sean da ku taal ftkopos ana inankaaga Rabsaejien akagso, wid inoo hil sanyo oa ha Kec! ° USHA HADDIE LA aITPSHO NA BANNAAN [Nin baa, waka La ili, moet hoqor abas. Maatinti demas Be beer days Mathaasan wink Werte si lRagdy ta kan 00 gohtakooday ‘Marknesna sblaanki fukon Uipay 003i intow wi kor sw quays "Ninki sajow De nin hale leyghay aaa vebaas To Kank garinayaa.” ‘Maalnt ambe ays suldsanke quis stun loeyghay beer agny. Markussas wuldaankit Loo soo shoegay oo TA i ‘anna etaopi an bor dag’? Markaasna suldannki yi "HT wa al La Jahon banca 10 BAKHAYLKIL 18 JILKAAMBITAY ‘iba, ea Lyi nin rer w on gay Marks rer Jen vecuiay. Sub mark wyagit bgevay baa nak mnie tha ha‘ay 00 niki rerke Ihaa yeetay. Blatant inkl reerk ahaa goats ia so tgaguy Marksasna nok mirth i in ofevk ia $k afb ky "Haddaad, niayohow, tagaan ire aor Ta gw yond sitsan ah ze bio iyo marks La fly intaan ka “ao iyo rmarkaan wgaso sian wen adkayst, lay gn mi mshtean Trtan mark si ew mii martin saa i ka tay Mar agen miki Takase aha tireanyoodas. n ISHAA UMAR KA LULATA Wabs La yi, habordogang 00 can tu Bye hal wad quay Markaasan’ bash sills "Wane, dgrwaafow, hilbas abil Markansea dyewas yi: “Dee, lsh eo bn tive bie, bal Iisatinn leh Bk ale babardyenngss kalow ko. bei Morkansna Ita Sool on ince warble Doan sis “WWsae, wh isl boat” Maskaasuionhe ‘gatas 00 yronngt bo Hl kag soo casray, Marhaaa Qe Saag gosas 0 haga a low ‘Markansoa Haan intow balnedugaagié hu fetay dawato elas. Morkasnin ku yidis “Naaganbeoc dgyons,.dyrwaa ‘posi gaean wen yey ag hile syle!’ Mrkaseny tal Dee, hts maa mise, ba ita lea; bln lena 1a wg nie wpa, gab bean Ie; wpa Kes fll mis ft, al boss ies falls so ay mn tain lana let; ao ay me il ie ul, ‘i ibatina leh; doe, mis no haa haloes kalo es fl Markaama Hjbath qoshy oo vill: ‘Naayahee dpyo, yan ‘gaylmgnnacan Kn baray? Masksasay tits Waka avbing- 20 ‘pag ary ina “Cina fark Ka Tat." 2 RELAAYO DAAMAN LA QABTAY LEEDAHAY 1 B DANO LA QABTO MA LEH Las halo co yaryr 09 ao I fea meal fw faanay Wahny is ug fuonven ‘aahbohay tia ffen iyo aabbabay baa fia. ® ‘Mid baa tis" Anbbabay goo fan buy ugu stan Marknasaa ti ale ti: “Oo Iatan ton wahay Koa tahay ian Aba ke stot” Marknnany ti Markaasoy tis “Bali cheeg sidvvngasita” Markaany tl: Wabusuge ota atau agonimo ex qa ul kat lay wy kw ka karan” "Ti Kan yaaheay on int abinar aammnatay i: “Naa ny gabtyabay,jrtoo hada abelian al kala dilaaoy i ‘in kabi Kara ws uh, bn yosho eaniga mesh sab hy igo dl bk ra kal itn, 13 ABAALGUD ' Tri bas wats La yi ol soo diy “Oki ta marcus meet he Jgoeny lao soo dirty, Malad baa dGgrda ‘SAG to uly im Tales ma markan way rajysantahay. Mackaasayintay niman wala his ka mo gins dggmadt w 8 tim. Markassaa dgzmadi ka sechata. "Sub na ilaindt foo gaajrsand gmat ka loudday. Maki bay dogma go Kaloo w pw tii. Markaasia rin draai ay tn Saray nay niman aad gaaoonay Yin Morksamus kgheeyay oo syesial ageay. Markaaeow 10 Sno w keeraye Ina yin rm ma gpraney Markay ‘sani ameen bt ke vi: "Nimanyobow, webaan ‘ana in Koenay. ah Stel yo a el om oe Aish Markoasn well porta fe ka 9p ‘Marksnsnn inti a tag, Marky aaa eri ka ofotay haa ail ville "Waar, nin alates ine im Iigalogwcen?” Markie La yiltsHoan. Maekansn y(t: "00 Inhayne sw abont nan?” Mansa tale "Aa Cpa tw Maga Som ka ayn!” Morkanany sid kw Ishin, ‘Marky iaaladi ‘lk w tatay ay’ Kw tis “Waar meesha Ina dggmaa ypal oo ta sine gel badan ma hayant et ake san dati” Savkaneay roe teen 0 rg ban ka ae, ut BAKHAYLKIL MEELADDA Y}QUIN ribs was La sw jr in Ninh ada wah ive ma.nm dayetho. Gut watba hola fh ag ahaa fo haysano oo qof waits wun ka tags ago fara ae woah na La sin, Bradman wink Tay mwa shea ‘Manlintt dmbe ayaa afar xq nia #0 ryndsntay 00 in tis “Bal ninkan La shigegnyo soo eon oo ldo akhayl Dubay’ ad 0 ween tialeen "Waar, ning, inkheyInimadan ekg yann LaCie!” Ha dad ‘een ka sgegnsn mt ha ie. ‘Wasi bin oink 8 yn Markaasay markt whores ‘hak alideen:" Waar, bor mi ada wink baba alo Ta sheegaa’” Markrssnn sii: Walsallayaal, min manly Aladkn Dadkvhal bk gw hong eke aaa! ik ‘ead dontaam haan ii naan Je” Marknsean wea Aditi expen oo yjatilenn= “Woat, maton data been theezaya ean friaannn co i seen eno Markansea nik ald imal af taqaan 8 see 60 leu sites Moame, Ardaanijoaska Harsegyenimankan #00 sogol!” Marknaman nian, arly ejjastl xo Haraygyai ringlee, fa eegeon co saatcen, Markaasaa naagtit harag anda hacer ah on ist. Marinas yadon nian shakisanyhiin ddan. nin angtist kv yi" “Meare, vloubkit Qo ‘Doon aan dameeread ku noo wi!” Markaassa dana, mari, markay agen ha[vubka magma é waha Lap nano, yanbeon aoe eegeen_ Marans mangti hava fqnlday no watheanay oan aad arkaynin amin Meerkat gorge nant rink il go iis" Hagb ki fran dignar Marka rangi ku yi “Sah bgbel © aan ewonta kaso tay mimarkas ws is!” Markansna wean ‘Init dareorcon oo ink ke yianhdeen: "Wase, mage tag, peortanda ra sunk mayne e,shaydangchow!” “arkansa mink imannk ea dabo kay oo ky“ Wala Inyanlow, hays tgpinn ©, wahaan iin mayo ils bubsnda! ‘Markaunan mga sien oo ka arteen inkl gyri iyo wih foo can pag an san. 15 GARAW ITDAANK} 1Y0 GREE MERADI TYO RAG GOGOSHT ‘Beth nan damfay nm grand, markaas later simi, Mariaaevn ka yt "TimaPadeerayaal, aan gyvrae tnagan Fe wal ila bia” Markaasny yiaahlen ‘Oo eb ge irvereanasona”.Markana yl: Seeidan hablood ta gu ‘Tenaya Mackaasay yitalleen: "Oo sidge bayno te wes Behan w garanagnna Marka mani nil Thi Shits Arma goranay stay lane Morkaasta kai kale Jiantdcen: "Oo wan sige?” Maekassun yids ‘Hablahex iPaainan Soo tx spPaasha ko aabtayns gyurmnnea.” Sar Teams ‘oi kale gis 700 mahaym nifeahnas > Marksssva i ink ne keen” ‘Sarkanaay sets hablo oo get diranaynu sjaneen ‘Markaanan Hubli Lago slaty 09 Lays avsnday. ‘Abst Toarki La heasnoway baa. ink ball aalay. Woh 3 "THnblayohow,suih hal sbeega!” Markaasay’habliyiaah= thos "Oo saudhda bal wan many?” Barknasou yi: "Was pra jaa iy get Dera i rae pon Markoni TittssAllagieesanna arnnaes! Markoasoaninanklytebleen: "Qo wan mabay'!” Morkaoeay tis "Dee, pera jdaank) waa. Sasnekit w galgaal oo tan 00 Daalka ks 00 dabei abe mark Hind subag io tanno iso goer kn dar. Gel era wa Senthil lab nin heron die fm mec gen Sah youll Dake ka Bgae 00 mish nlkee yoo oarggo wgitasan io daten nau so0 ey, dabuecd ta fidka hrs here, Rey gre om aa age we i 0 jini, ug 00 boostn wan dada oo gagogol oo demo hari fh igo borkiono naw fiz, Dube! atkins be aeetio” Mar naeay indi labs ables! © kale mid kw s(n dies na ninhay? Kola tahoy!” Maekaway tii: Anna sida fsbadeace tid bay ia tab.” Mrkonony tt sales ke ileahdeen: "Adne mabay” Kula thay?” Marknasny ints ‘bar anny ts "Ani way ata, raw jie] svat got baal si, gget era nm waa qolo aig ne alo, ‘elo ag nn og pes, xg soso ne wan nab” Markaasoy ‘imankityjlasern: "Gabar[aman garstay 00 aannu gs ‘aan’ Marknosay gyorsadeen, 6 NINKIT ROOGTA QATAY in baa bi gin ka bygnotay, markaanay booth aad Thumantay 00 md flan tiyktny Paliye fv farreve wba cv tgny oo waa Jaga quetay.- Maan damfun min daa Swern mt Soo boot say. ‘Markansan niki dgweeya aban arkay nay boogt antag ‘90 and» barattay no ‘aabuaday 00 nike inten Sntunaseo ‘inka bukan na dsen wae nin data intas wan sarin dink bona, ‘Dakshin nin Sal bow aia, Maransun yi: Morea si ninkanns s'odkan na. jgliyo motsha na fran en deny falowggd qrbo!” Markansi tasbah qaatay 00 faal ropa. Marko fan roy bu ink ys Ban Weng. Macks rinks bykay yids Msad sda om ig gogaean ? Marknaean othtarit yi: “Wot fat Kg sheqgay haan Ta. ynabas 19 Markanana winkii bpkay yf: “Oo waa maksy Markaasne AUekhterit yi: “Bo afr igo toa “aso ah bea Taba pes eatin iit lnatagé Kaagn so tabayaan, adigoo stonaya ina tgagun Mrkaaeaa niki bykay” aay 00. yaabay 00 akivarkt ku lis ‘Dymo ann labadan ayes is haga Soho ma 20 ncanayian!” Mackaasas aktrkii ys “Han” Markanean hake ghey: sits "Oo waa tiahay?” Morknasna dahtar Side Was ado hod yo goorIsada atmood mada ka bay lala ges Hoon w “sda, yay no ihn, Sagat a fk ra Markansea sinkit bykay rash yi Soo fuistny 09 bad tmnt mndatia saray 80 hows tes lands. Narkaasia flannel gli: “Arign ogtn fw ballee oo lable goes wn ‘S'ya mow op aan tar qe ah madaha ba ka quan, ha Sin” Markanssn tba sii Waa tahay » Markaaann dekhtarki messi spfeeyay 00 Ail ka Noga co do ka shubay maalin wala Taba goor. Marky toddoba ‘aaa ko wasay ba boog gsatay. Markansna akan ‘Hin ghay mai dambe wy Son gh: Ba eka warn” Markassna rink bykay yidis"PooguiDjestay e Inbal pres 98 thn ka bagayan’Markaasan abort yl: “Tada abe ies Kaa oo bit mayen annum baa aba, meoska nt fraha Anka ayo, sfodka a ha ka dpayo!” Markaasa nin bykay Jo dadht aloo cami eskitarka ‘alivgynaantjis iyo eb sraonnimii ln yen, o ‘Marka ninkit bykay dakbtarkil gta siyay. Noog tnunanbrty nay wahay tits "Wan La Kalo. maadiyan mee ‘lipo fran" u INANKIL AABBIM] SWPAALAY 1 nan baa waa La yi aabbih ayanlay. Woh yi: "Anbbow, ue at i shece" Marksasea aabbibj ii: ‘Saddebda bal Sean mishay?" Markansan anki yi “Horta, marka bor i Je hpajeypqaanannid, hoddane Bpajadaad adigu gushes na 8 runcki ba was aminantan on vas Lagu Iyshiyen, tan ang fale na welggs aga na Ii.” Mavknasan eaygi i Rw Markanen irik Ts aha nam aso igo tse by Jaana igh Hoole bai” Markanons ay to sylis"Kow? Mavkansia ink is "Ta sndlchaadl a, ma: Htngeu nmagehanga, kt qurho ava, bacaan ‘rewurtg ‘remade ka hi errand wgnanaagsn, Markavson eye iis 'SaMcbdy te oenhaysblan ku nonyeen aon Kink sng! Markaseaa inonkil yi "Row 1s Morkonsne day sit Horta waa ruta Se Kaa ma hyayg- {quanean ha eso # aga na hpnjo waa mara hoerages € Ep tovabialay bal gusna, ange shikai ha fist Aigengtnn, Marka La wala glo © nin wait quust e Inbal gle s haysan wo kala sara bola ban Riva ioe 20 "Waar san iin Kalasaroe wabaan tin onhdoma yey 2” Morkaasny yoaidann: Hag.” Dee, markaas uo baa ane anand wo ob, msi lob “Markos anki yt: “Ky! Makan eal yi: “TH Iain na wan ran Soo Kaa mn ago Ivo tab ii hn eco agu na msckand foob ice! kn dafayn aragtan bad eerkanga i gh rata, anign arta was sha ga, ma Tanssan meer roobh lay v0 eurzny hort ew ees aaah holna a wonangann gee” Marknsnen ina i 1 "Row Morkaasaa lat yi) "Ta aeldehanl na wna rant Soo nangaliangyo huwayze naagabaaga qusho bad, wan so ‘Srevurtae ruta nen wennageantay, aj na nang, tun qo asd eprstn, ag nn waan ler 1s : INANLAYALKU LA HANTAY Was La yt nin or bet iamlaygal aban. ‘Asha ambun fads ht sits "Naa, Wayne gyurayman ge. Teorjinna Slieeg!” Mackassay seerigoiu shergtay. Mavkasann reel ns f innlaygalkit ffbandiyay 00 yarusooray. Markaasta. ina Taygallel rer po ain gun Maalntt Soo dan wn sit wade ba, ‘asarkil bas mel ka fray Mark fray reerkit bu alas ku yt: “Naa, eri fine ka aon epuray oa mapa erFahay 0 A oe nego ayaa fer Moolan sis heree Yoo 1 sit speal” Markaasw db rola. ‘Gong ay fae dame tain bus degra yi, Marks eartun ka pyurey pled fa(untay 00 han egaystay Markancas rerk rink hantay. Nin reskil Sah bon yi ian vt wink hehe! e mpadada bsdan noo inaygatha ihe of wath ka rarran!™ Markaasna nin yi: “Sinkanm Sin eganapnan Inve ea. Markaasca nin kale yi: "Allyl, Tes uw aba’ Morkasen nin kale na yi “Alay, dgeget Te ahaa,” Markaaman nin Kalen ys “AMlnsee, woe lebejeto Ttona Markauma nin kale yf "Allaslee, engypqean bow shan "ecekit foo dan ba inkl wads ammannay, Ninki nina wean igerpeanayas, ‘Mar dana nan yar ojo i ti Thilasae ane garanayn wu Ke human Markaasna La i ‘On wan mahay?" Mavkansay tl: "Dee, keaddsan te foeaan Jini Markanson seer foo comm gas w wad day. Mar eink “oud ints Kata yi: “Angee, naan Te ipznaa’? Markaasaa rerkis wada sabay. 9 WAMAAN DAMAD AHAYNI DABADAY Ka MUMAADAAN ‘Waha La yi iba iyo mn iyo mus iyo dab iyo dad 0 esl igo saad tm bye hal oda Tabs. Maalintt damba ena damsday nay in loo an hash a gato. Mar Taney sai wig foo tls "Waar, horta ninkan ia La ‘rtsaln aya wa ls Ngo Int leery 00 maatint Rabun ina sada layn doonaa se mayna #8 ka gubano Markanswn yi: “00 sige w quran ‘Markanany tis" Dee, adn mas ah oo yee ntand istiha ss ash mavbusSaawa noo lave qalla®daadeed| na mk ul” Markus aa oti yoy o isi marks bey soo galay stoke aay na gley, Mariana baad avis markt mart dgrcatay @ i ei “eng” bow Ci Tigye Markawena maski ag wea nin ai 6 si ka a ae AT abla onal eh nie $8 1s eh wgagans Markanana Khaya db tim 0 ey shies wiz tgarenan Maskaneen Wiis yaar nna dat lag ork Wabi ily wa nna sa hte: yl Has So aii noo oo oot! Mrkanaes 1 TaN mango. igerny ian ws ayngan se, many a ia arse iam Rus salon bao dgnnayea 3 Pah ‘Rutlar?” Market sills “Dee, enon mayo © mabey Kola nT fren ih: Hepa Mica Ait Markanng is Di ain dae nk ko ey! te ae sikh, ca iyo amit ahaa eoaoy to Mevasaan gis "Waa tala -09 anos nek ow nin ghana inn “AT QablA yl: “Dayrant These uty, Markaasoy bess haddans dad in $00 CU eran sy hors hadanoa dal Bednay eas 00 = ‘Wrasrsdaten ala wma gay dla wa ing rgb mayo Kane we Tuvecne waya bo laagecn inte dul bean aoe ant aman sh yee Mam ao ihn 0 pn naan Ka ii Mae wii ala ko ‘era ia eu so haseon. Sarna th: "Naa, hash ino Tm tiraansoo”"! 2s bekn Mash fy int Kabassteen Ine Is koreen. Makaasny nkosi ys Shikh waa hada wpnasgrn chal Few tafe sNan, basin. noo Ue" Hoshi ay maar, secre sen el a bly galley 9 2? ‘SMaransy sbi hg a Byrn. ahear Tui bu aha, nan yey au sabot Dean 268 SMaskareay Ded hae abit hoor kx marisny 00 ti saan ena Lay ggeahay, basse wasn eeSRhA safuge dastadcey. far, boorks bash sibiets ke staran Yet Moclo nm rina nary Daan naan in areas so Marksan ati gratay’ ina Teoahny "as hoe an ey daindeedaiinnt ban Daley Hi ele Mate Markeasay day. Markaasay” heel = tl fs ca abla gla 003i: “Dp, op wan 3 ‘pl oo ihe “Hale anan gofoyn Mavkasny ho Mariaatne Pd Balay no gaahey?” Markaome wink SH pedo te tides Let!” Markaasas hiss orrats quay 00 imi re Mfakaasaa Toa ‘AH Qables yi: “Oo adieara recat bee kala goyeny” Markvasse. dial hishit w ‘Se faday? Markaass ikl yi, “Soon” Mor a5 badder, imine Wa Gabah ys Bodonka na quad, mann ea a ia abn ah aad na ‘arate ka Nata, 3 el om wna manny Ka abaal eydnea!” 20 ae it sable ahaa Ks Hoolaystay, ‘eb wa KER thay 1 NINKIT HOOLIHJISH LAGA SQORYEEVAY [inka ina ‘Ali Qa Ta oan jay ba bo angoo ano boda an her ate wata rece so lnyday Teer a ano! ba aba, ne SAL Quah a anos 09 smn ab on La om sity be NINKIDILKAA La'aA YE NAAGTICKA | 1 5 gta ‘pIMATAY, Nrkid mint rerk Tahan se sabooka ass marti fens malas arkay bn nas, hn yeesho # wom ka Mshondy ina fa Lay a ko aos. Nag wanaagnan na wa Oe Cheah, Markoast aesa 8 fia’ 09 gE een Mar Ware retnngte worn ‘eli fray. Markansen SAP as niet marta wat” Kyheeyy rn iis daa, Mary ica matey. Mavkaaann Tt aay, Maite 10 martina wut sporgevay. Ai bvan bus ggg haley aa Lge wn decay inci Been, 09 fo sib his bu ka riya. ack teed wpa dul gogaray bas eabbolil 8 DMarkaasun meeshil whys. Markaasn wubiit mari waa Ievay meee nin aaay hi aon mneay, Makara mink 1o Habaabi dl RlUISKY arkay” Merion ke aco basa Markasaa mlatinay oo warsyatay- Morkaasiy nia lat i int Syl warramgy on yi: ‘AB ba shal intay 00 meena Lage aan” Narkaasaa day vill: “00 has afadandi imtay mating babasabcede Ku tl gay 7 15 Markansua sii: “Oo haddit hgbanyo simatay_ me nat Daan | flanayna Hatkaygn nat hang bho.” Marka oda itis ‘Milan noag wanangsnn ay lig?” Markoaaa 9H Ha.” Markaasan orayat vi: “Noago Kale wn epueatay Markaosuy yids "Mapa Mavkaatan edaygit ys "OD ale 20 dandandmatay mana ku jelaatay?” Narkaaenn yhU"Waan ko lan Soo sory i‘ghalin tay.” Markansna oye vi "Op ma wahag Kula tab ase aay Kale sidan yeesoen Marknanu sis “Has Maskaasoe olay yi: Bal ord 0 ‘wan infaatnad mid ka mynsagsan hoshan fe nagg kale gysre.” ‘Markaasne ody nage kn simatay foororanay 0 si ‘Oo war hort tnd daa ypeshidY” Markaami in kay {iis "Alle, waa rantaa Se bal aa side vedo” Marken fnnag kale gyursnday.Morkaasan ti) ma Slatin soot w tnt” Tis ka yo ie db mi ha Wort a ain 0 jiry tye soortan La tury, tan La tomy tna dam'ad iyo Tatar room,” Morkasros robiii dnesbe audi ka ena Tbenahgei dab Kole so kllahey. Markastaa aay ayant howe Intel ska Hla hunay. Markaasny its "gunad abla et sda?” Marksasun yi "Saag bye dowasel en 2 flimatay ban Dbsashgeds soo gplayaa.” Mavkaanie yi “Wang?” Barkan sys Way 1 Khavaanay jay Mae kami aye sii: “Ob sidge bay Kou Elayaaayn jrtay 7 Markonsu yiis “Wan ilk lean Soo soortny int i “alin ‘sank Tg jira, ik nasi tay.” Malas yi 40 "Oo goormand ggatay ‘Markaasus yrs "Tnovinka,” Mrksaau yi: "Oo sew wastay?” Marknaauw yi "Nang kalaan yyumeaday oo sort gs mn ‘qaalin et toniay Markaasia olay sl: "Oo anign ff garsnayen?? Markassit yj May" Mavkaaswe 94 45 "Wehoan shy ninki malin hora Basa ka dl gosgsy Kala tliyay © Ku yi, "Suagte Kalo yom”, Smminka a veahaan Ki if, “Naagtit ado ike Wk? soorta Kun ‘gaan Jotaymaupfan a aay, dad ae mid ka wgnaagsan heey ere hataashgeda he gybin © ora oo u ao0 faateee op dubia Tre tawe, Waheonad qguata, bani Aadanks gofkii wpnangson asa teegto bof mon baa ka it wana 2 SGAAL BOWKAT, stat Borba nik La on ny baa ty fairy. Wao ae retin set Meta. ink Tan Towa Tegan eta wa an aan, gon wa ete pasta ho wid a ayo mga Ya yan ae rmerag tay. Meskans aay mo as, sooner poe afr elnyn Logs oy in 0 Teoma gn hn en i Seen oone a i” Nit doona ia Tee dond bu Ksysan jjy 0 bel La yeshdo See rn Mandate aye ig to sn vat Domabag tg bagn thay: mahan Seley reac “iu Gandan tap alan ty aoa fen 0 inpeaoy todebayink dio, Markasw sages “Sc ac any how in i wang ot lb en marth ena ary Marka i Aad aden Fe elt co meas tadcad gn ey bo! wemeeta ty. Mba yt bina Te-atay ufo Maca a tarag cies oro Dt o0- Mr TEER gpk nad dur ah in ho say ange htt bau, ago swap yo dal igo brand eee el st Marks epi gan was see, ern seh fasten ysl na ‘hme by ow anno Gn bia cae reete ghey fo an dooheda tyes 4 Tar Eu ni toy tna auido doa FE Seapine naa ko Je bal ney MOE etapa dmer io taki in ey Side ees nbn, anak as, aga aba tuba pat bahay Mar wun tw ie “Os want hor, tmnt lamerian nen yd?” Al om hs oe Rye Sr wan ve tetwsay st Staal ive.” Mrtanun toy so ural ew dub. nae lis Teo bayonet gs Fettns ku rs ina hl fo Bo Ain on. tr (opth eye a Teen oi Ly 00 ‘Sin ar hws Msn ene yo ap Torta mangaen strhnc i Mh Renuunedsy ont inten eb po ype Ie day hgh dameeraa w afirqanday. . om Srna al so Une | hymtulleyy o w de wanpecpay Savana dares gel out tk Shean: hg get awh ay was an iy tien Sun dai states eda hes asin 0 eu tv bow, bso ahy Ke eager? Esra ty wegen cain eon tng lee yey Ine ku ui asyean Nie fo tan heyy wn ews a na wy ys apn ya Sea tie ntti eo ane Sincere nan wa tanecrtaWots teta can kp man yecly pe any ny Manna me il soon gi ev a aga Sica. an nk diner ign bs nn mt oso mot ke tenon Stk bgla adankgli Loo wath keeay bos, ino agit ly, lai any so hoe sor kao has dined hops Jay 00 gw ny tay Marka mpd Daron Ex i Sj bu bahay wo dn Mika inl we spe Tepe sci mayen hay aia me {etapa oo Soom ath omit ey Wan treedapage ol quae foo "owt sion Ins sodas “Mons np" Manas gal Bova yay 00 Mn ily sf er masa sen a inn ie a ysten, maha pedhy ar Scaled Seam mesa ke fey Matansy 3h Wat nad hs andy Sv 3 Ha Mas 100 haga ke tn” Markassnn SAY phen ea agingeyy oo ean w soopay. Markaasu 7 WRENS “Samsung Mkaasey yosiieen: “Fyemaan Hoe anata co moka ban na 300 galay? Marksasue Fede aiagal mu ka iasaa? Sfarknasny yilasbeen: A (Pinslayenyne ge. Sl sano kablanks Row no!” Mackacnsy. hari a gyeyeen, Markanena, Rabianli ot sare Nanerce osama elabii ba dagaagas. Ws TEES, eanaa oo yl a epmecyay” hada hs aba FA cumbia gual Rowksh ‘Adan yimi. Markaasen golo nayanvah yay gan erik ge hgeeysy, Marka 6 sce "Dee, ang waa of taky aad wala Jeet its "Om waayo?™ Marksnsay_ giao: “Oo Meth taeda gine aad Dagon’ Gye8 ga slay? ‘Shea ogy abd shar sw stay Sarkaasn seas ae oft Arcane, Band (in, maaan iin kale 65 Make” sassy yylastden: “Oo ky =” Markaasun aro hela da oo marks ni tayen arto mya Fees torn haragensBarksany ister: “De, wae Serkan yi Deo, bai fa baa Lage a dua, ere Ahan a wd ef a, rasan ark io she 9 afin Nspaa i ls "doo ar digas aren a see pata Kaa ki mayo” *Aloladayg, na a8 Jah wehell” eusayyilaieen 23 PAALIVINIT LA BILKEYDAY 1 Wana Tayi win ba fatiye aia. Ninh na ado fata wae Selena bu jaa Soo gf wah Krad AZT aac ta nyo oa jg’ 1 fai” Maroon Sut rar Fonkgan Soomatd ma mark f Janko kynkan. io “ajakansy nono Silas, Ai po syakuan La a tga ahs ba da Jon ann! flaaday 00 eck ‘eens mi Barase ki Joo daa tan Kt wogdy rig dann wav auAannkigyay: Mashaasan lnk nr iis La panna “Ba ‘ikon ita sgn gnaygy ht” Dlarkaan tmatn dabe yaon nfo san sh Tage hada hyo euldacnkt sie “Anizn wat hy fan inka whe oqo" Markasna Ta yf: “Sula ain ke Nika dan Le'ma arg Marken oulaank ye Ba oa tor nsan spesiayn fe Salve apnea jp the, wna nin wah raquan oo na wah ba ayn, bedi i an tah an Mao i soda nag oo La Alls, sua, nk wan nin gang han’ Manca Heli soo Maan Too lay’ La i: "To et ker Tai teipan ho fe adios wabay wil Saiyan han doonnan ba oad Sa lay’ Key. Mari ih eatin shea Lt heonay’ ba sank kr wy Marana Timo shay, Merkaace eaeani nin flys shan be uly oo sis “Wane be, ru ada da yi "Wad than eqn"! Marketa nin fatigan ahaa tgay on Sil, “ayn, wai tjeamntahsy! on Slee, nf? Minune oly 00 sis "Tan loa go fn ah mmatays Sink bbe wah ba sq” et ata be wahsan Ka wgyigo guo! Makausa nin fin ahaa Tprarabay on Toororony oo bul ark gay Mariana Faust shirke fay sis “Sulla, mink bel anagae ean oa sn ghyann ah e wah ws” Marka sl hai oo $Me, da kale wens Ko wgyige in 'vand w dheegon ma anal {latyana Marka rink Sil 'Ssldaan, naga ewabawranan goon’ Marka icant sil Bly soo Tall ana rg so wba Sees enna so a'dan ww nog nt, Wabaanad faite tad wataed sheotan run nega na se, oan ‘Tish. fa kalo nm qortnn Kn gqvonyan ‘Marken ink lian shan tla In sn Daag 00 span pga yen co goes hi Salih Bl age {ince scan deep Marken ea naka 0 oat {ule dutag oo pay om barn has hoy So gana ta ns ka ba iy Int ark Tadao jog weno int bla a soo fay fa te gpovay Kaw! ise digens bn s00 dgnyay, shall pekecata di shirka gngny oo an qa wali fs yroray mein lls Dee, wu waashay «tila i ka eg!” Tata thethay atom clan yt: “Hb, bal warran.” Markansaa ‘i sigan han ys “Sana, fall ba wahaan w roy ecina warramin e bla aga ig 960 tay bu sheng 09 wa tune “omvurgyurigny? Makansun solaankit yi "al, had {Tune rye’ Markaaes epg bike wats soo bahay min fal ‘Marka sis "Sldany, mink fe) baa aon tay” Mar ares snldanrkit ys Maha marag ah?” Markansos roy ‘Santaynannaa ano boy. Markassat fli nab aawadged sbi Rainy. Markasinauldaonkit yi: “Mabel, aaa (luap?! Markoxmae fal afke kala qublay 00 baal kan Rages. Markocon slannki dagalay’ oo vis “TI weg waka TEhag.! Markease yi: “Doe, dee, suklan, de, suldaan, Sten Mapu hal kar wpafassuldaanki ke 30 Bgoay 00 hth sHadal wanes Markaasnn yf: “Dee deo, suldaan, fai Tee pe gums Markaamo ssidsankl “eslooiay oo intan i raya silts Manta naan ka vedo a bua spaasagela Jeetatefuti Rea dgonnyanMarknansw ea tay. Markaasnn A Lagu kala drecray. Maratea Kyanka mech nahin Tale a har wangay. Toes incesh fifo ba mar davsboo dad kala jtay baw epson rsh yatay oo epesy, bis, mavlanaa 00 bahay, Narkasnaw tasiti tworay no moored boabba'hay 00 foakit ‘quay ea goer stday 0 fla had oo man Ka gan TOE ar in ka golay oo i ka qoeray.. Woh sidan ahaado ‘tanta ht mie amo tala’ 00 manag a tay. tu yiles “Waar, saasyow, aitana stm aba e bal ator conahainta isk bt al Bake w iw Bie wu ‘Rowe you, masta so hayek hs nog hive mata TOE thay. Mariaae. tale ho ‘addaatay, "Waar, mahsad esha Town flewn Seer felero fer bn mar dara [iy on ys "Sashay, wan up: sharad gly waa naan fo joven suai Hela ta hae aschan oo wa uni cat ain wo mel da! ge ogi” Markaasww ay la Wa qateay. Wohin aya buloo marba ged fuiston foal san ‘tam bahay rogo ba wus marbs gg gpoyo ba wah hola Theoreeye hay ae wana grungy’ cm pala LAM ‘ark dame gd hada he hon uisay 00 yi “Dees Tr, haddny Rm per tay aqedkaagan ba mga Renae simanito #16 ke how fic” Halkansue masa Alig oo ka esto. Hatkaneea dane beta hela: Marks saan wal Iubade Segyltdoa ki'ia Gallyin endordeyin retafyteysa pu ati fuk Kn 200 nods Bice, ne wa sana sno baba Bark midi ain oy a goo mal Mh rage oo tl gang in ate mala ado ayn I edt un hos ijt abe gbootay kxgn so bahay Srkanaat i aysan ai wgagay oo bola’ v0 warani aatay oo god Inari hn ao jestay oo U8 yl “Dee, Tehatka i ke raw!" Mar nan fn inte msi is giv undaha aday’o9wint etlay 09 ys "Wane bel Thad inrrtay 2" Markxseaa niki falivaa ana sili: ‘Dee, nn Kan bay oo waa is kx. Kan rebayn’ Mavkaasna TEM plies Hye bain, mabian yelay wean Kung ini {san Kila halon fe naan ak Ku yeeo dgon’ mango," Mar Taso antiyan ay ily min an98 ll a ea hava yay oo woffa alo oman woagay ov aban Tait qubtay Mar dant ys Ku rumayssn saa, maa Maloy? well mine la am ara” Mavinavaa maski gol SO GHUE es, bean! hore Big manta beg Iitkonsws'Mgtnankil ys “Kv grunt mayo Markoasna ‘avrik piie an wafatanno.” Maskaasan inkl int Sabbaar Mnnnsay sili Wan tase” Mwkasan ski int ei {nbaagn so sora Bagi ego Hera on kale ah exny. favasa ine ine tga Riera anes 00 ys Taaannn Mot egeyatig ma hae Ku daaein wan Wallaay o Billaahay So atiahay.? Tntaw mark bn arigdl ke bake Slekasuen nia too gnay, Markase artsy. Markit Taya auijnstan age waayatay, Mork wari La als asta maski ide Mgbel, nts alain: Kaa keen’ e ax lkeyaean Pee dineay? StaKansa ninki ws seeasy 00 yi Suldaan- Egon tan t sii "Stand soo ofdan wrahow rogan done Te egtrma!™ dabwdeed na funk a ign yrs. dadesd nw igpaluan.‘yreeafgaynayay? Markaaana nakit yilis *O0 JpSeanen mos heshag? Maskaonon ils Maga” Mrkasna BNA vite “Oe bilasn Ku akergo mahaad i sin? Mar aasan ysis ‘Wetwod doonto’ Markanena maski yi: “OO Rutused ky jpwnabto,sukdainlen mubon Kw sagan” Mar rans ftt Monte bon Markaasow sits "Oo hddaan teers aeauttan wut mosgin done Kuheeg, honkn LAC er ecaygn my heen? arknanvo ill: Walaahts, aa ein Kun was kgenayaa” Mvkaasua maski sil ASS as wei = Das nado as naib Kee.” Makaneaa Li outs Hfgwrsaroans Barkaasan madkit ys “Suldaankit sri hia Sanka imam dona Sifepse doesn Wan ml snag ga eh (Oo skiosdgysre bless ah Op spat er Bias yo sesiyaal La sagen yo sofa oo Ta fans Tyo sonbir Wynd giao yo nanan any {Go rg natal ined Tyo u sgmnyany nl Wearmii spiroobay mt UU epfaymay nga Senunyosha qanasstay na Ursteaay renal Sioraarkit globes’ ma UV avldaysay arena. hada sch laa yer haga ep ah yo haan soft gala es a Una bn Syn fa gy spe ‘Aad sj inn Ke sbiianaallnysin Tonys kein. ‘Markit inkit yhsanka.ahae geeraekii wnda mnqlay ot ugg ints maski yey yi Wahu 90 oo tree Meuena eo sirayes oo Lat leyghay, “Waar, yd ‘Gunmplaty © haggww rink hte qublay 2” oo rag Teephay, Ms “Dee milan markows wb garam wpafay fn Dahan! rag ra eeyghny, “Dee, manta mighdadembayma eal a slate a rom ay trian ara gab abaya Thm feo Ta kage Markaoeea Lo ys" Waat,signdansn waa maha?" Bis, nin hs mon geen soo goeranraya. ise waa 150 Thais om jaynnfay on epdonbay oo ina gga ka sno gan olay wan inn ek Faso wa alanine ad titan rohay paabto. Marknason I wn shaariareeeray. Mar Temas hort aOkdéanki aii “gndady ahoyd ganged KM ‘latay. Markaasa yea dad lganugsanayoo La leeyghsy, 12s “Talon, muti elon” Du goerari kw fay. Markasane ‘taki foo dem srarta ka wala sila'ay 00 Tag aon gay fo La ewan qanday. Markaasaa slant yl “Kebeeyoo tvsinya soos Hal gol a gal ‘Marknnsne sian rg ys “Dash eh mara 180 wahand tiloahdaan, "aante masinea ke eed ak waynco| Shire nin magnaadaa ma jro” Markasr sl La yelay 00 tnnalntt anti see aba ba gilt fo damon a rin kn mannayni soo shires. Baraat suldarii w waenmay (0 sills henna 200 stan waa phen ‘ones min walbaan 15 fara nasa 00 ik aon pepo 90 warm 0030 0 fara gogen ah wo dgmsey int aldunan fo eaafeym ‘maaln walba ann shir” Markaseaa wid La ely o9 maa tral La soo tira’ 09 hubit La iiyaarauay 00 koro La ray 06 nin walibe agli ka gray Maan dam rag Kenyan Lew diny anal son diy oo La sits Ke a sean Layne hayna’” Marknasan frit La booby o0 uit a [lay alls) Barqo yar hadday aha 09 heat fofeen baa Eat ‘pinaaryley fi dggnin rear metas, enh Mar Kenssa llayn ens qb din pba’ oo dynar ah e Lagala 15 hone fay 00 mines ‘eit a0 dylan ints Kaw Lage sig ii ng Loos wg’ el as Lg tra ‘Markit intaony stay ay malo yrs ka dambayaay baw Iuadiana eyuto kale deg ashy, Marinas peace a Tn jgipay.Markagnn ilayn wn abe “olsadced © gablut 0 day iyo was bya pln Lave ely. Markaassn dyn “rergoontay oo ji iyo jog ba Laas, Maras ql ltl ga be jg. eu Alln ut sro ma belay, ag fina agi Lo qpreomeevay e Sannsdhi nn ayskas ko dammaaday. Markaasua ola tk foo an qolo wall danddausiny qpbilkitwuldaankn 208 tha ma 6 ‘Maalintitsamian skank git fo wgu yeaa Indlay 00 asomaanay. Sark amu wink yhaanka haa [yon ihe Ninyohow, wah wganagsan bea! maya anna imatoiod aan Kan aha. Tonsinka ne hadi geela ah iyo 210 Aeralan ain ah yo fuigaa lo'a ah iyo wegenkon furan ah ‘ql, was baal Marka neki kyhoanka haa fan ‘o slaani gaan ganda’ 00 hoot kahaysay. Marka ‘aba hoolis wyay” bus allay: maski teen tossing. Matkaasie ool soo qe gay 00 yl> Dee, 215 ‘naeki qaybjisw ge Mark Hook apo eh galay bu hook mga silaanaa w eepas. Morkaasn “rq Iehejeads tea ese: “Oo haatan ma Hookah quran eh That ae snap? Satan naan ealay, wane, intaad babal Gann ah holo i ka sinayno anyae aceftan qual on maska 220 sical! Sarkanai meft galla ala bahay 90 int wi lan ita si "Tl Keheeya!, miei Ahomtay Thu i sf is maski joo hall byrne uy. Markanso ect tgmeny on yi: “Qooeta Raga goo” Hada is vie 225 ‘Ku efor Inn mask wu daseemay mqovaane rig on Kyi gg. Maokanean sell baht ask mada Fda dang kal! Markagian inks Kyanka ahaa i Nils “Gatantan gly! Der, hiddiu mo Doda widen ihe i log Kea cnn fe aoo!” Marken ‘aga wal a ‘gay, tabbabbabbabta. Wobuw a ordo ba iangoo deena fi tow hoold iyo idankil foo aif w'da gala. Morkaasn Fong ln nga gqnsno yl: “Qiiyn Noolaa!* Markasany Imai ge dani Dol igen, Slakaasay nabad tageen ‘Ml hada ski Kyanka ahs gris jong e nasty fc intarehay I ninan allele wo diay 0 ymmaaddeen 00 Yilvalicen: "Sallank baa noo eo Kan diay.” Sarna Hil: "Om mofo A doonayaa?” Maekaacay” y}laahdeen: ‘Mooyi” Maras yi, mimo, int madaha ruby. ‘Avtar eamman yoo fer yon ie yi, “Waae tow, ahaa 240 sds manta Kis dgomayas oo mar dambin kx'oo Yili Ton mama!” Markaaaun 220 aay. nay oo afd uaa Sv sik Fp iSuy yea deer Morknnane suai ray’ 0 ta Khan yom Daw gatan quaday oo waraystay, Mae dambas sukdaak yi Hehe whan Kyvg yey ee wa igi kal ore na naa eainy evtannaik a nieqen dono inon seepay ey tal Eesmndio nm ka warran’ Marknazsn inkl fialiyae ahaa aba foorersaday. Mar dames" Saklan, ma websasand How scckfag Markaowassuldaaukit yi: “Ifa”, Maskaarna HUE" Oo stkdonn, wot fen gua ma aha?” Markaaan EiMeant hsTashaa Ells, Kaa mi goin co wad kal tne bn pay e waa hx i din ann Haina yal © ore TOSS hat hore tddobaSesho aq annidkan 50 han Tanou _noqon doono ka aio warean, dee, hallan na wayro0 cena” ‘Markaassn wink yank tia talk lanky “Wan ata yoshi” Silu hal w feign’ ew tskanaysy ba Thrit Lago at dneesny. Siriaas kann alk ci ieee enon mshi w pda’ gaa en rv ‘Markit wgnet bray who tashalo is yi We al ma maski qovmamio isn gaaelingo uh gst 00 Ihlaahta, "Dee, wna Kugn botoo Kage fgogny’e manta m8 {igo ag f agent cian sane!” Sit nt Maso wa. Upatorigay 00 mack foo Halk jf w tgay, iangno alae ‘ainym . gofaya oo ht "Dee, naeyoiow, si fm haan Kuw Jains on mel nan Kaaga day oo wasn Ki waa fray ei oat on qymaneit co Kon ante nae aa, de, in 48 Markansnn maski stay gshuatzlsabiglizah oo yi: "Wane foatoe was ninkat Hor adi tea toy. Mog Alban Ee totaal adi wa fin rm and hain i yes © wa Tn pile 'Haddaan Ta kala raoaan rob ma dj.” Bal, bor Tasker taan Kin ‘aawimayn, sraasaan Koln halayan | Aca Kyhaanyow,dthfnnas stad Long daw gay © Taina in Lays waa hiya dooha' 30 ray © Dalla gllzeen wisn jee ean iy Markand dagantiin baad na jo aga jin inkagsdaakhishaa saan dalagsantin Yo ‘Devhalhjinnn gota Hesaan w mn danaysan “Ad dnty wads! gash dpansadi hore © Divindast bani dan ts di gatas @ ‘Dynal wabwal ks Today qa Kaa oa aaron CGoortan ato gk ja dabinkt Kan eoary Bean aba oe a dejo gez0ayny ms Was ta dgminyow sagigadaaban Kaa belay € jas seca io ign daartay madohasin Paint tata bodadaan down enya Datta bay Age lam i yioaben & ‘mada big teh iio organ camagiayfsthayen 257 Wc wans mark oe i dagay dfogintaa joan © Manntar gain qa naan deco hy lin € Dit ath asa guminkad ign dalbaysa fe ‘Dar Allaan wah Katya dain baa tahoy © ata nin ley iyo ago dlitay sale ye 8 ‘lany dgkne angio gym hora bitin Salsas Ku 0 ray aba rata dt de Si yo majeenta fv drew way macnn deh Diba igo qa Boa gag damasha wanreyn deh peti iye Iago brio dooindas gui deh 30 Piakiyeanootoe da iy cpunsadan soon di Dynnfecrta gsi ia dylan ha deh Fs nist ddl a waa dg Harayan teh Markanen Kpanniké frhay 00 kal balay 00 fs Ibarroesy oo rte Diee hatan mueyow wii hore « aan Ragu smeeyay 6 eH jean, mount abate ad igang na waan ark ‘Wataaead Sgu ggnatan whi hore ¢ aan Kings spmeesay’ Kot Te ruayes Waa. Tay. aiyo maanta na oan Kow wad thate hin ig pgow) Makan mask iQ: “Bab nine cera mam gee doom’ Markaasna ink yank ah fs 330 Jie Inen store ond bn sik bo yi foo mannan bow Seepage Ain sgmimesyan Lagu 290 Bgoday co minds eee de tit ba Lage gpeyay.Marknaasa ruldaankit $00 ara rao kay oo tan qonday oo maha u tuntamey sarnsesyaye Marasna rink Ryans ahaa La glbiay 00 318 Te ddbbeetdygny, Maan dame sldaanc opi hay oe eee tall etna ohn usten” Saaa nae arco feteneye ins matsp ts ay Miata Cs aehesytn babe dra shal Bly oc Bt wraget seat ties epaay so here me wtf t merle et dy oa tan 20 Ar eu geen 0 er wa fade on tel peeps mete al tach peace diate co anon anne eae ean Nt ena apy er SSEASLEN sce ye dotnet sh te notcgea b ntsc, lian {Tite ay Mayan eto bee sgn Be on Tt damian lr ot Lyn oon yulsy oe hina a Nan yo SCETNG at eo ako, Ss oye cena talon tanita, Martane tb TURE hare hay ta ote Pe tet aie be marl daninun ta Hel foe See i or Sop, tame Bela ee mtacce at yep may, Br ore SAU hate tna nee kn saan sr ean ne aay? Nem ly Cee ans Se ec aos eae ays ean eee ee Tatton Neue are Nha Pensa Ane nan yee te pepe eer ireyepreel aroniry Miah SIRE, Say nal that na. ‘ln date go pis eo tr oe re ea fl oheatatant EM’ “Sauna set 9 rape’ arta bps ray "Bde mabe manana Kungu elton er tte apt kage oni ey eyassteinta tt ess tpt woe ee oa ate pee ean Set fee Cyan se TEE setay moh tn yo or tg me Row fla nna na ngs So Malaasankybownkl aay oo i Sa ae lds Mankanans ann i: “rte Oe enna hore hai Tada adnate tee at ove i marta tn ey om nai. lagna wan tanned ipo doug 3° Vee ie Metin, Makan ay lah eo Ih too a ano Ka dgnagnan de, nad hn sea rants “Ka waruntan fou?” Bo Kuban tay srk kn srry 0 lh kn ay sams an ty eo gk Sal 28 Haan sys Waannnon an markt akan sie va cea! Marana diag hy a at pasate rsa ints kn oopaey :“Ninkas Doe vk an nnn, “Hlacdannad wnbaan Ku aaa amc aso agen fevabin afin Ku Cir eka than La tal ot marc dombe enna fat elsani Lan seep. Ma Tria endantay” wb i Waar, tal mal 08 a wm hyp anna wohan Ta Ta Aegon no won han ign, Wane aba 2 SEM Niattnoe fs Tow, srs hada ee arena ge Rear? ew hese Ke sed 6 aor anmand hayetan Alloys ing Sgt tog ale Ta Ke aetmpay on maak nw eaey- Maskaama mask ee Wan, hela ne aig baa mesa 399 spay 20 Meekasne yie Han Navkaaau mek ea gente’ Marka ye SpPashsnn Ko wepin iee event aay wayaigoy? Macken ak > “san ray, kan a daw eh ‘pea degen sve De oboonaye Tea ary hy ho ila? il oon dk BEER jan bad wa 9 ig eh Palo won oan olin ba ma deh Pence na ony oan ty Bt dh Pane tmagyrny bas Geko playa deh 38 De ai hon ea ine Disa wii oe dala deh Pee Upvesiasgyryen dane ekg fe Dyrewivo sarki hawsba way aan igo oh ‘acid dm i so in eh Dray ka so bin hides ja le Dgrmaday ku wagon glk dn ayssoonen eh [Raggoo dl? foray ban nrkon iro mo git tel. Goorin dggas tna aft dana! es Loo gy deh Dalgalemashaeetindon a Su fh Durdnoran Laan el yar co deta ae joe dl Daibionsingdsn pee don bana ok Dalmarasnmarkna ahi dy 200 Mi el amashaadka lootkay ku all natipo Hhayteed eh Dose ign vgrida hablas tn daa tog dle Markana dabbaaligg igo sta Log deejay eh Dyin sland nm mink donna eh Markans dynrshay oo skin bua abeegey. Mae ‘kana maaan na sii hove ka daean Loo play ‘Goreivahero halla myddo ari ka damayeay aun ba darwir yr tt got kaso kay gor gah ah Sarkanesn La ‘Qeonlyahoroaroue lan soo ke.” Si darworti Sad yar {Lan mpudoyay wom boy mari hose son galeen ar gunt ke Iillang bile! Markaasan dad Soo sam waa Fahy 00 Asnaekt anasbarad ke ufteen oo wotanshn Alla dak $00 ‘lan gd ka dotiay. Sit Loo gogaray © aan wate, aysagn fileyn wn baa La yi: “Qomahero dame ein Ant jogta’ La ye: “Agel tnonae oo Nolan mihi jean ‘pndke eh” Suit han La evlay oo emit galas Ta tonsre holt La ala wads Ngaiajan Lak cecseehday oelyaer, badils ghey dao tego arta sea, i Marks matkus Hiro gay qaaday= Merkanans ool a Cipomngeyay, Markaseay’ dyleckn ka “yon, Markassan ‘lui na aanscay, Murnane hana mack wat eye tmagay hu funy, Mrkaasun marly Darga abaya a ‘paday, Markagoaa Bool Le sii dqayn- Marknastn marki hohe ao dsnnaa Rook el vo ae a gegen 90 wi flay imaanandeen onda abo Ks era Marsnenamarkay gy bank hag alan git shiriyay co Rgajonyinit abuart ayo an hueemay 0 dak serivay 0 kala ada moray. Markancu mark hyajoyinki vada damaneyay kyankw yeaa, Markos Rofo bean ence wat kis Sian nik Kokua baa in yi: ‘Alay, maa salsa goo apa an sauce amar alin Ki wad Fry mn ma rn bl gp Blin Iu ciyny on fun w adage? Markanu iit yeay 09 Yoana tn sn ada kgheevay 00 maski a heey Sete yt Mas sh hal fan Kw iy mid eye # yaeead tan tainty eo tan ann ar ala santa Kose nat go asta na qgomamessay wants Lay jy wn Rowan ean qd fm spa! ihn apt uit tnan dooney. Ta edb seats, ta nin hse aad tahay © dmonyads i Toki ts eern!™ Markaane mk YP “Horta ta UFaimads wee ede ang nin a anes in Tey tunun haan qebtn ava ‘awinas, ‘To qomarmads 50 Toit wal eentay ma het mi wgeye ogame bans Tee hole nad ieanay na wayne pao, Ts NG po nigel na Ranga weemsy © hort db Stn sata ma jt. Nolo La ges mar ba wa sida Jee taay ony dno spnceyaySlrkaon ae sein tndas w see Dada na ‘lmonynks Sides Minima Madan agen agbn andeed hay da sree ot mel kesta ba joven, 0 aig ba was ai ZEA stomayd maaan Reena secfe oo quay « pique ka eyo aghenk abaar goby m8 va ee ce tptinen fon a a wa ait hol I tabods {elany heron anya lio io wa ger eset mga om age ba waa aga wai LaCie 00 SCOT Nu Keonag ten gor mar nit wah berks Ke ay iam bad edge yoespey. inka io gohan na horta EE psn nan watrameyas Se ras ma ih Xebst ban SA Sims ka daw we arkrgpi. De nia io natad yo a NOTES Nurering cl note given w number corsping eth ie of ns the few touhich it rf Hither sium than no nee the ae fats by aml ape eters ote aw eran scons nel acorting fo the sa mee feb ty Teo teats, whic ar lwaye rete, the mer of the mry itiput Brak andthe nur of the note follows aie an lie Sh Sn eS in So 3 ms Vocabularies “Th Notes gc voonblaron whieh are entered aecoring othe {atlning nto "Nonna mre entered together wi th form ofthe Arie a, nh thay takes Purl are pve ron they a ete Mar eyentered in th Tprativs Sigel i Saal Dt are ten ih ee 0 Boe Hn Eo Teeter Teta whi hve sangng Arabi yet Yo an iyo, ikem ke) we ero toi he fll ornn Jose sete ome) viah vie J cnt Yr. Pat Tes) tot retested by the Ifitive fn ga toe’ to aay No anow’ so my's and to on! reopctsly “ph oietutonw mens "oe" andthe mbt and srotines suo coital eter) which fle neato he Conjntion neon Ingo Bate clinton, Tie sawication wel be weve 0 ‘emit with Soma pane "Phe writen aed 4) denote ws of wan whi an sca ctr na hajstveso at Compound Verb th Con. Bal ‘ication inch has eet ent be saa 0 Be to treater Verb yphayy ste to. Nota sha the compen fre Pana of were oe sy sented hy vom ing in hoe ‘fiBntengen im Soma fe apr) Words 0 tie came [Sune Maine Por Teo ft verbal fre me) ee unmask word cutie tho claiention adopted "entre donot normaly cour inthe for under which they scott i te ten ate rave in aqee bracts. .s [80 aug ety co go bn Tie inperatne ie hore the ent {ei es not nosey svar, eo or of i wort are gute “tte who aval shores f th Help of «Soma in sng tan acai ton and woul be haa ineligible rena nts ha ted te rare af hin on language) {2akitvtiont a tae contexte ono ait yt among {Neston incu tos en grammer ven in lah wel aeeeene Seto ths spank mito wrote weit’ "in oer SRA tast witht Sontext wtih woul give ther « ear and kat nning, else to langungo Two oF «i ‘When wer anc to bo «foreign borrowing its original i even ha Noten, for omparioon, rh source of freign beers ton el eotact “Wn erat mad to Arabic word rote and ot ans Fa curr esto ang antigo th ty tom sean aesbites to one yurialar great frm, and of ok ‘cueing any peter Arse dae fo whi Se words my Ee'Mia to be bree, lowing than i very ith Know "The Arabic letéerearw transcribed follow: i aay wo smb ut oe ae Be tm em be te oa ci oe Ee ee ce oar oe im oye 6a gr ‘Wen i le ncemary te rms whole Arai rnb th ve sion el or ras or short wey sd My a, wer ome wel ‘Tham stim, winter ie borer {hs soppoeting Teton) I 1 1 nih prmiag at m n s a pla e 10 MEgLi cn bhsadoy, "i pon bik snp ‘Shpiom san Mayme sro ata der frp Rot! tet ne aoe 4 [MF wih matin st be md ei se hgeyow’ hope avy wo hy yaa” Ths om {yo SJow) is et cana whem om 5 faaye sta. (Cod wih the Pome bt witht a Ati) “he Seg Sen gaya ann a he st yh om aa, NB dee (yt Ban to nok Cat {Sher ti does prtsly lr hey Spr 98 funy Tent wu dierent that ow Gee eh eH ot mahi ow Te Mhtiatss uses ifthe meuig pated der ton () tow. (a) en etre aan’ pa ting "hog oot fan fart Sarg ew Min, a in “hauminiaan pan nten, Tain fr gi ‘tabi ‘ieee wet SMattanan bor ne Tin ha ig ig th men one arn) of Sat sv “ane ‘Ten ae bom ay To is easy pa (gettin ith he Tt ita te ne 9 Iman sda un hy mon Spar ae ‘eta dames? eek oat ant ao oti ith ‘Gad tm La gyursaday 1 erat eh ge bn Sah. ewe pee naan Mamata nan 1H a wi ot ot Syto-tionsyien at Tay «is my Go tm so ite Te wend Many aot dignal a SAS ut wc ie wont wo tatiana. 115 Kad to nit meting. fo ake rmethng otf {in fast tenn Singur arse | tntpntnt Fo fh Pa ‘Rts eH res img ct hw ‘pen aceasta Be fe Pak (6) Thy can rc hy tenor a by Merve an coma seinen rye ett eth {eh Im the Tt Beeson Singular and Phoal, 2nd Pert Sing, and 3a Fem Ragen ey ih 2 they bave scaled Short Farms Belk 12.) ata. kdenay—améeyty gabaay mn ony Simayesy — abeanay Brome Meee Heo abet Sel Rem eentay Himiyety —Subeatay Tate Icnmty — Hamiyesy — Gubainnty Foy Keene” mages” gabon Ba Keene Sameeye ahead hay etapa it Soren eee ain ae (oy When aed ithn Noga fam aa orb ly eta ae it ee TROON cart one cs Papa's Fs ‘ry eam bine hl’ ina a ‘Teining tthe content Tn tration the Sal Premnt Subjne ‘il rosa onl i any. er man nt wu so Sogo a gai ka, Mon vig tn taps tn davoqvo doa ar dea bprmadh gia. Aer thy tatton ehie so Sie ol ong an) tony nord sordaan da uray déadeen, Ao hey had tan ching tet hey nec Bars. & NNO) sae nm etn Pn nye (ay etatver see cuter naamacewhenese Sota vo Dyan go baabuoral iyo bor any tin (a the ‘sep, the ae oan arta ma hate nha ein a Wy iy eat te am he Nara a wet ego Moomba waa a tray, 1 arb in he tine ah ot Yah Oe Pr (abo es Aas ta on im, Hr, hat one ou hare’ et ary hen SFuRitha wan maton ay, We ee nd te we of Jn sy of sort am ear) wate oe & fone Ct dg lh few nan the Subieet Pronoun ay. The Parte Be ane Zhen not ngy according to Teena, eg. ent, oct tn 1 of (Aan owns knowing. NES SE Shy Wm “at hens hh hy he attr HEE MItTYEaN tn st tach onto how (3) 6 pt on ts Sie ttl Taw wry el eer fate Engh 1 it ons Ka to tack by eri; to mba to wary. nthay = fed ay pst bei ee toting. intends temas arto eee ' 8S nggoog (30 to suyaoe—wcina a ca at aaa te yea "nist to see 1h grin fr ume stern ps pane pen Ts tat yt on a net a tet ft (oS sn’ ta’ 2, tan yar haeyn A ey Sicha han intk artnaso ana eras Peony Sw ata gowty heen Marky honed Seaten snes na yran te aad Nal el hn eee ie pe) one Sikvnt's ce nn ca Thc oy Tot ‘The Lara rn beng fromm ham, Tho in that way) the wal bey Beane teed ma Ot cee al gona ie x mtgnan = he ann masa SHER foe Raper omi rey euch they he gant Pana ry er cement ne cc eae ia Septet eatitoated ec chaanrtteeanisiee darpay eae ee roueheteesons teas atc — teak ori sn iver fey ise neat Topas vo pat Ta Rama se He me ecu wer eon tn SETRSISELNECIE iy bese han mpar awe pe i ae at h e te Stearate wo Low cou oan an Barman jae Hana onky Goi. Jstice know ‘rut rycen tl le fn et gts et 1 " ahi" nin he gartys ie mcg the shoe to Ce dutta ns Ths Sabet Troma "a Ce) sgmone dort bn nro ec ol al 2 SvTap tr youn eau som pte oy on and wh se Soult dn, sagem he nt of freaie oratory ef and (1) to soci do xe in eta a pat aera anti my iri wd rom an ster ne i it wee 1 pment toga antes moh wt sepa lan ca inst oa ak ats he ma em among cm prone Gene (2h, toronto at the davon of the gt when ce eee tte geo ato oie Yo aren. Cnet ‘Si mary Eee a a ee so. Shores to lect chown. The jn are howe by both parton te i te ee mle joie Pld ceae erty nesting Yo eh prt vy TR a ae Bm sit are ati rin a erent ‘thn Iesiqgs tothe tbe Haar Toto nga Mark gt Ta 15, bao SHAG IE geist ts ty n qabed, tensa nie Fh Aa ee Ta lsc ater fhe (2). Eb toe osu oe EIS Gis biton Sng Mant Pe Teo, Uepentent Porm ise 1 ganda me 8110 Be WN, an ase ep a ath Art Fe eater ac ota smth tron they To ae tee (hand aot (8) sex fms tpya dma: ning Vo fon sr farsi" mtn te Toh san foes nag ‘ba gata se ago ay stators rome doi Serta an itn stance ano ka ty di ma Sere dy a 1 nce ee ccs ong a re rsh pa he 48 ana tm an Muni agncs wih ght ian ha sa bt Shes mo SOLES Rina nat ts nn att Smo SAS Sing Seay anor 5a int Sgn ah rsh ea fet nv sty ‘in ito Ine Same ogee) Hews. Wie tro a grepaitions 0) be be ‘arcing al tn ea NILE he mea nema the oer then ant atalino ak ave fm abot TE pte oo Boman ce ems to aioe: to dey ef hm) 9D, 0 Benen tomate, stm diye OH see aopoors ce kytinee tse ‘Saddell now hat you he dra he SEN sant tat hy) wa "Th ting ban on Holga Sure Kt haps 1 maybe samme heen at kag vente ca‘taeas kay sith theming “ngiot, voit h Seer tact enn and kone mewn abe antcrmaap: Wehn Ws malay We: incre i Tete ah tm et ‘hte at qubrayy he poe i auth fon ng oherent 5 emanate te TESTA outlan ta Sma iad mag anyone Ha di ‘Stine a ery ty ned ao ‘ora os inayat» mie, ha ot ot ll 1 a) see ih 3 SS ink ya rn wold ee Tefay Neha Pee i fae) awa) tet of ryan js thins 1 dee an me Sn exit sn FISOLDStat, ti wn the wander gat onde, 1S Teme oy et west, woti wo ih Isc eel ota aes ft en 12 fangs aati bo 1 gyn ha ena cn o ena ta) torn 2s Si geo tl ares pay wt fan A, without heres Taman int Ho ser aa 35 higayna 0 fbi avant an tan ahidayedionoy ie i an ani foo fai en moti (hi, hem) ren ai tree cn Seen eal ewe te ednen my yo) : nf teeneen ies ae eee am aati Th dar fe hevaarae ine wth te me with (6) ago, Warsaw daray. Markansouaddana gay teay taba tM pt hotest ta ‘Roel sentomete mt) a 6 Spe iy tem prac {Bs ao eho fy to tr enn oe, em rm ova 2 Bane aie oe 1S dee cethtsisaie i her es EQTRRE Te cathe mio he rian hy the way I at ato rnc wey to at out of danger ee : watts tows et warvan ( a ee ce ae a am rey ara eh tne pas oa yay tht wor which ng tamed wie down Ste a erage, dink TanrBe bee ‘tho back vn BE ni sti Se nd ken ret 8 1a {gon,ento Beets tobe ens t bot at ls of a (02 (ee Goon eh ear nent ee, to emia dna et wane Ne ey ee Wo Se bran mie fae ost. ager tat et ron os, ae Son asi enc) in which ment Serer anette it sit. ee acto ea Imam wan baa noo sheegay. A ee tna been hen) Inka fngp) Bena uri nt thy aan aad ann ayaa Wont gow gy bee naa oe + Markannan togokl oo gee Jee hu byeda wim i cetancs| Four inyu ago T wet fo Sep et 69 Aung mith Ha wi mg uml) (i a i Soa yon abe YS Lae 2 et at given ta costo with ao we (0 ear re a ot a ert ik cae a iyudeo imam ‘Abdl apgayaan boa suldaanklt atom wae eang or Aba il and 914 bot the Nominal 1 cw in arkansas Nomina ted doce vats 1 steal eect ema 2 care ‘to Hoop; 40 sleep (uted when spenking of 11 Reese (en ta fang joa aoe sa and ya ha BAS, but mh doe FAL noel soy mite when faring ech te. setae weeks th sb pre, he wan elo key to break the ew Hi oN cTrateng omepnctayin eee Nojta—Nt0]5-0= a weno cnt iin ew ert 1 (easayme) naa aay © 24d gory teen a Elen ruc oe ef see Cnn 4 wu grt raincoat = . tr oy tue comin woth dees o 3 Sea 10S ne te ee aa SSADI RIG es ae ne ah See et oe Be oe ieee era nee kwon Em RoTieatcnam neg nay. Or sure Ta he tre Haare et a nn tert MAE RPTAGaE Saag scum “Aba new er, im, tam: Tutdnaa =aaaeay Senco gay sm wh ty tan ait ssl Baton th gr a a Nan nn ane whe [wh ‘Ab SASS shen emer et eta at, ‘The conaations Ina (Obst De ‘its EE epi asc an eet EL SSESEMT ESS ste tte sr more than Se Pen 0 1 uy nam ots, 0st nt ft rem. A ‘ ings 0 Wi went ne Eon te 1 2 a a on tr me ‘tu Spo (et come toa place to pen ho night care, to wpend the tw Jat = Ba 3 tet ee hm ay =m me Fee yay pens heres ri ote, amnaan a ial se pon r an eer fo he men secs = Par he McRae eel th we a he reel 9S ofa sen ten ish awake 209 2 Steen. ona A i ot eae monte SAS SE ted wy te Tn dane BE RBtatisern ete and vs to damn 1 REESE ces Sotenmt tonne econ al ears eter any tang who came NatRatos en Arise Telgt a fctglyamagne nl cree pyemtn ase aae AGES MATa an ft roe Gf NOE aaace ae van tea aae 1 eee es tc Se tow i oa eed ror ining Wh PERERA at ESR SE CE SSG righ ae a fe SSSR a soar si pintsa mrs Cope tee ners eee eee oe te eee eect ‘ia wo be wth 7 tigu = bees gy = ne, In set of hi hypothetical Septet fom tens ten Sees zher acta oman, Fae et acu gms ane tote mn for wane ot SEB Migs Ire ue tome lor some font sy shay te Then nth vo te. BS SORE SMT ev to or soneting oo hat oe Indonesneanouns ited ee SIG ana Shee ah taste mae song aah ‘Chcmane or roe hal Ngan acenteen ml ot heeft tay sk 1 no ing ral nt have 1 en} 04 nol nt ms wa ened tewonlt at being or he wl nt sa al et iso we ut ot vat uae "Ty tt ing oy 0) nrc seg hy eve sma ay beemtede {soln fan keene henna sma ay boomed Ho WmBEguau' tan to vee owen ef sanyo, eet, 1 ta eae ohne rn oto dnl ofl 1, otc region 2 BESET os uy man i SESE mcmama 3. qyrwan "ga on altcrnotve nam for hye. 3 Ron gram poe mets emt et on rine sl ‘hw Saar Sorta ma eag ‘Tho Unters mine ert ovat what) “Neyer ie Gamarkad or tw omen ‘Ne tsnwer, Alba arse ne oie) shot mye mining ao hota: ThotnaMste meta Aer em ale Tetyeen nh thn a Te ‘ashen ome fe Tr in: Bt ibaahaa teh, Dawa lmgn to in 5 Homan teh ibaa Bas ey te on athe To or CAE tfc tht sus be mei precede Ite Pere. Se (yl an Amig ka oot yr ave ower ai Min he hes oy sn nin am ol ors Yo 8 bre st Yc mnt Pode ec, gaa in Ya ‘sie io ms evr tual han Me tay sonata ka has yar Bhs aa omer han beh ont ln tyags ka Moate sae, Tey ave fewer ina has be ‘cos the. tue Yn 1 yt on Anna ketone yarn. We hee foner fanaa} SMe ern, senate than eae the. ea Tata as nk ka Rota ert. You PA) ave fe aime than Bo ab oy srr lasing wth th sane on veal it fe ceenie S : sgt han spn ing ut Deion, Pte facets ‘ans ot BEER eich a Ne eno A)! wba ey te tao sow nan Basan vn 86 fe Repth ae es A SR tie tin te em re ate ttt ete eo 100 Feared bie (on td ede baa 1h pauper = i ema saa vetaion iinet og ew 5 mua 2% oe alkane men (wna ting whish oe th enon Sng Moon Det enn arte Pom gait seme NAb Thang ea oneigheh (amen dn or. neste (ea in term) ITA, nosey fe at tom tes wate 0 Ths acing nyeted orl ior on ion ane ing at rain ua te tonto ‘tv (pana “ha ches act of the boy) eine yt Aigan ck hasan sa mo Delage. Seaport Aitrene ha jr by hie it me STS hi a ya a) fa ie, at tn" sateeton fen wa td of "ibe th, to sy nt ae SPabu Iogay as tao we 2 Rea ies aw eu on Sabbatuy ban an, ny aero 0 mylar i earn ane Mi. ta a acl tt onl ave ih no oe ei et tan et eit iim sot ote tlowig: on wanay i tay, "an (or, ft 2 aki ai ie pe “oe (in rv) agro with sto sboanay a anh et fete oF to mie ice wa el nie ior ee te fab mera Fe amen a ri ieee ae 2 hg hat oe Etrite ater getter) ih que A mn pacr enjoy Vrs ge DE rem a notes uate ene btn stone Fut me he brunt TilmgMye?eran or potite whaeh the Soralie Hoh High _, Sataten ete State hh oo a 0 dmonda, soe NI STU TESTU ee cg gg hy on Who enraaons wee tnt an agra ka kaso tay Neeseinp np stoner whch te a {5 gaupaaan (wou gaajayanon) (A and ve hungry of alo meds defend (inh co unr ss tuna ta san nist ob “iggy ogasing tte hg Ang them menting anes hi they were Sayan (Halal anys na ait lt Masta $0 Baalaysan 1 Sega dsm toe disor met oar he rk fe a a aoa TE-1e-wattan » iraigh 1 brow you thie mi bets of the fa cmt fe mo Poon ‘pe oy th lowing weap seseuanra eae NRIRE Aten "chaahas What brat fo him he hw) the aie rs sion suas+ tan at ett a th Lad eenay Tenn wy hop the “coer ‘orm, oe eau naga Bes Tea ip Nal ‘ty habeas en daw nate ot ster Land One AR ERNE 1 Bt re ys Pom fh lcs fr ewae.GUe(

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