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Q1: Various sequences of signals that occur on the address bus,

control bus, and the data bus when a simple microcomputer fetches
an instruction.

Ans: - when a simple microcomputer fetches an instruction or reads

data from memory by sending out an address on the address bus and
memory read single on the control bus. The memory outputs the
addressed instruction or data word to the CPU on the data bus.

CPU writes a data word to memory by sending out an address on the

address bus, sending out the data word on the data bus, and sending
a memory write signal to memory on the control bus.

Q2: a) If the code segments for an 8086 program start at address

70400H, what number will be in the CS Register?

Ans: - The IP register holds the 16 bit address, or offset, of the next
code byte with in the code segment. The value contained in the IP is
preferred to as an offset because this value must be offset from the
segment based address in CS to produce the required 20 bits physical
address sent out by the BIU. CS registers points to the base or start of
the current code statement.

b) Assuming the same code segment base what physical address

will a code byte be fetched from if the instruction pointer contains

Ans:- IP is the code statement register holds the upper 16 bits of

starting address of the segment from which the BIU is currently
fetching instruction code bytes .The IP contain a 16 bit offset which
says, in that 64 k bytes code segment the next instruction byte is to be
fetched from .

Q3: Assembly language in what sense is advantageous as compare to

machine language.

Ans: - Machine Language is the only language the computer

understands. Under it instructions are written as strings of binary 1s
and 0s but Assembly language is one level above the machine
language. It uses certain predefined symbolic codes intead of binary
codes. These symbolic codes are called mnemonics.
(Both Machine and Assembly language are considered low level


Q4: If the Data segment register contain 7000H, write the instruction
that will copy the contents of DL to address 74B2CH.

Ans: - In 8086, BIU sends the 20 bits addresses , therefore it can

address any of 1048576 bytes in a memory .In BLU, Four segment
register are used to hold the upper 16 bits of starting address of four
memory segments that the 8086 is working with at the particular
time .It is also code segment register ,stack segment register ,extra
segment register , and the data segment register .For repeat of
segment registers is used to hold the upper 16 bits of starting address
for each of the segment.

Q5: Describe how an assembly language program is developed and

debugged using system tools such as editors, assemblers, linkers,
locators, emulators, and debuggers.

Ans: - An assembly language program is developed by these:-

In order to be able to create a program, several tools are needed:

First an editor to create the source program. Second a compiler,

which is nothing more than a program that "translates" the source
program into an object program. And third, a linker that generates
the executable program from the object program.

The editor can be any text editor at hand, and as a compiler we will
use the TASM macro assembler from Borland, and as a linker we will
use the Tlink program.

The extension used so that TASM recognizes the source programs in

assembler is .ASM; once translated the source program, the TASM
creates a file with the .OBJ extension, this file contains an
"intermediate format" of the program, called like this because it is not
executable yet but it is not a program in source language either
anymore. The linker generates, from a .OBJ or a combination of
several of these files, an executable program, whose extension usually
is .EXE though it can also be .COM, depending of the form it was

An assembly language program is debugged by following steps:-

The first step is to initiate the Debug; this step only consists of typing
debug [Enter] on the operative system prompt.

To assemble a program on the Debug, the "a" (assemble) command is

used; when this command is used, the address where you want the
assembling to begin can be given as a parameter, if the parameter is
omitted the assembling will be initiated at the locality specified by CS:
IP, usually 0100h, which is the locality where programs with .COM
extension must be
initiated. And it will be the place we will use since only Debug can
create this specific type of programs.

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