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Quote collection:

"There is no greater force than an Idea whose time has come." -Victor Hugo

Eg.- Eco Growth vs HDI

Last year India had grabbed world attention on 2 fronts:
-Fastest growing Major Economy
-Low HDI (130th rank)

~As GDP Growth slows down, we have to shift from our euphoria on count 1 and reach
out to solve the problem of count 2.

~Amartya Sen "IDEA OF JUSTICE"--> Human Development is basic human right denying
which is not only unethical but also UNSUSTAINABLE.

~In this essay we shall dicuss the extent and nature of the unsustainability and
its solutions.


Economic Growth= Sum total of all goods and services produced

HDI= Transformational process of capacity building of human resources to relaise
potential of every individual

| Problem Statement :: |

American and French Revolution Commonality= Freedom from unjust tyranny + Ideal of

American Revolution= Built Human Capital via Workshops, Minutemen, etc

French Revolution= Carried away in mob violence without focus on human development

Result= USA became leading economy + functioning democracy while France remained
under tyrants and economy lagged due to wars

British Deindustrialisation of India= Economic Growth between 1900 to 1947 only


~Thomas Picketty book "CAPITAL"---->
Lack of investment in Human Development => Builds Inequality => Reduces
Consumption Capacity of masses as mass is poor => Ultimately slows economic growth
=> Demand Crunch.

.`. Economically Unsustainable

Gravity= [[Oxfam Report]] 1% people carry 60% wealth resulting poor becoming poorer
-> Global Humanitarian Crisis

Cost of not developing Human Capital Quality in India:
Education Report= Class 5 students cant read class 2 notebook
Industry [[FICCI Report]]= Only 2% Indians are employable on Industry standards

.`. Immense economic loss is going on


Internal Security---->
[[MoHA Report]]= Current Kashmir unrest Burhan Wani etc due to Youth Unemployment &
Lack of jobs
=> Plays into the hand of proxy agencies of Pakistan offering money for millitancy

~ISIS Growth= Targets marginalised and unemployed to spread terror via lone wolf
attacks. (Eg.- Paris Attack)

[[World Bank Report]] = 5% Indian women anaemic => gives birth to unfit children

[[National Nutrution Insititute Hyderabad Report]]= NMR of malnutruioned child is

10x normal child

Loss of Human Capital ---> Areas of Human Development India has to work on.

| Solutions :: |

Amartya Sen: A just society is where each section of society will be given equal
platform to realise potential

Capability Approach: Entitelments not enough, entitelments must be converted into

Eg- not enough to give free food to the poor, right to address hunger and
malnutrition must be developed.

Globally, a shift on idea of development is seen:

Eg.- Bhutan's GNH and Happiness Index of UNSDSN
Eg.- Nordic Model of Socialist Capitalism: Ensuring common man benefits from the
economic prosperity

Where India Lacks and What it is doing:

Human Capital Factors: Only 1.6% investment in Health, Decline in Edu Spending
from 4.5% to 3.6% in past few years

Other factors: Check leakage, corruption

Good deeds: e-Gov, proactive Governance, Inclusive Growth
Eg.- CH and OD significantly improved service delivery to the poorest sections

"There is no greater force than an idea whose time has come" - Victor Hugo
The idea of distribution and inclusive growth not only ethical but also the only
way to continue global well being of human civilization and its economic growth


What Essay does not add and should have

Discussion on ethics= Personal, Professional, Attitudinal, Psychological--how Eco

Growth without HDI affects

Discussion on parameters of HDI= LE at birth, Edu (Mean + Expected Years of

Schooling) , GNI-per-capita

HDI vs iHDI debate= Inequality Adjustment, HDI as potential dev and iHDI as actual

Dimensions of LE= IMR, MMR, NMR, ((LSE Research on effect of Disaster Management on
LE at Birth)), Gender gap in LE, how economic inequality affects LE (eg even in
rich countries wide LE gap between richer and poorer neighbourhoods like in UK),
>>When British left, India's LE=35 y/o but now we have raised to 69 y/o (2018)

Dimensions of Edu= How to increase mean years of schooling (MHRD reports, ASER,
Primary edu stats, SSA, Mid Day meals, etc schemes), Expected Years (how to
increase GER, gender gap, girl education, etc etc)

Finally GNI= Development,

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