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Unit: _____Volume of sphere, cone, and cylinder_ ___8.

1_____Day 2 Lesson________

Today’s Outcome/Essential Question(s): How can I find volume of a cylinder?

Material(s): pencil, paper, calculator, Big ideas math book

Objective: When asked, students will apply the area of a circle, to find the volume of a cylinder, 4 out of 5
times correctly.
Students will be able to…

CONNECT to previous work Yesterday we …..recalled our previous learning of finding the area of a circle. We took a pre-test
on finding area of a circle. Students Practiced those skills and talked about how we will scaffold
that knowledge to finding the volume of a cylinder. Students worked in RPJ to discover the formula
for volume of a cylinder by layering coins.

TEACH Today we’re going to learn/figure out:

Teaching point/ question and • How do we use area of a circle to find the volume of a cylinder?
what teacher will say, do, • Notes on the formula of volume of a cylinder
model • Practice problems within the notetaking
• What do we notice about the formula of Volume of cylinder?
• How are the two related?

ACTIVE ENGAGEMENT • I will be using magformers to show the students 2D shapes vs. 3D shapes.
• I will have two students build those for me
Student practice of teaching
point with teacher support • Practice problems will be done, some for finding the radius and some for finding the
(e.g. teacher asks guiding volume.
questions, students turn/talk or • Students will turn/talk with their partner on their answers (mathematical arguments)
stop/jot, teacher charts • I will listen to the students as they converse using mathematical vocabulary keeping them
responses) on track with the lesson
• The magformers will be out for students to build and explore as they work their way
through the lesson problems

INDEPENDENT PRACTICE • Student work will be spent mostly in group time today
• Independent work done at home on Homework practice
Send students off to
independent work (teacher • Students will be allowed to play with the magformers to manipulate their thoughts and
confers and/or works with questions of circle to cylinder
small guided groups) • Student having difficulty with pi or cylinder volume will practice daily 10 on IXL.com

CLOSING/SHARE • Come back as a class and review the formula area of a circle, volume of a cylinder.
• Class answers questions as I call on them about different pieces of the two formulas
Review teaching point to • Don't forget: square the radius, write out formulas, substitute in formulas then solve.
reinforce learning and assess • Students will move onto Volume of cone tomorrow
understanding • The following day they will be assessed on using the area of a circle to find the volume of
a cylinder and a cone
• Hmwk practice for all Pg 338 # 1-24 due following day

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