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English for Immersion – Section 002

2018 Spring Midterm Exam

“How to” Speech Project
Test details
Key points
 Individual speech  Grading:
 Topic: “How to” o Content, Structure, Language, Voice,
 4-5 minutes, +1-2 minutes for Q&A Body language, Audience skills
 20% of your final grade

Score breakdown:

Your speech must be:

 New: something the audience doesn’t know
Content  Useful: something the audience can actually use
 Interesting: something the audience wants to know

Your speech must contain the following parts:

 Opening
o With a hook; topic; outline; WIIFM
Structure  Main body
o 2-3 sections, with 2-3 main points for each
 Closing
o Signal to close; thank the audience; summary; link to WIIFM; closing thoughts
Your speech needs to make effective use of:
 Signposting phrases
 Linking phrases
 Vocabulary
Language o Simple and clear; Strong words; Avoid wordiness
 Emphasis
o Using adjectives and adverbs for emphasis
 Rapport
You must effectively control the following elements of your voice:
 Volume
Voice  Pronunciation
 Speed
 Chunking, stress, and intonation

You must use effective body language to hold audience interest

 Eye contact
Body language  Gestures
 Posture & movement
 Attitude

You must pay attention to all other speeches and give appropriate feedback to your classmates:
Audience skills  Comments
 Written questions

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