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Random System Determination Charts

00-05% Deep Core (d20) 61-68% Expansion Region (d20) 93-99% Outer Rim (d100)
1 Byss 1 Nkllon 01 Lwhekk 72 Bonadan
2 Eclipse 2 M’Haeli 02 Bakura 73 Telos
3 Khomm 3 Malastare 03 Firrerre 74 Toprawa
4-20 Roll on Core 4 Acidus 04 Endor 75 Dathomir
06-30%Core (d20) 5 Iktotd 05 Sump 76 Agamar
1 Coruscant 6 Ktommamool 06 Veronat 77 Bfmmiel
2 Galantos 7 Jsarian 07-13 Bespin 78 Sernpidal
3 N’Zoth 8 Mimban 14 Hoth 79 Helska
4 Abregado-Rae 9 Gyndine 15 Ison 80 Dantooine
5 Sacorria 10 Aquaria 16 Karfeddion 81 Garqi
6 Talfaglio 11 Ploo 17 Asmeru 82 Dubrillion
7 New Ptynpto 12-20 roll on Mid Rim 18 Dorvalla 83 Belkadan
8 Corellia 69-92% Mid Rim (d66) 19 Rutan 84 Muunilinst
9 Kuat 11 Cerea 20-26 Sullust 84 Yaga Minor
10 Alderaan 12 Riflor 27 Eriadu 85 Bastion
11 Camas 13 Umgul 28 Clak’dor IV 86 Zonama Sekot
12 Brentaal 14 Naboo 29 Sluis Van 87 Adumar
13 Ruan 15 Kalarba 30 Dagobah 88 Praestylyn
15 Empress-Teta 16 Druckemer 31 Xagobah 89 Veragasso
16-20 roll on Colonies 21 Falleen 32 Bpfassh 90-97 Tantooine
31-42%Colonies (d20) 22 Andi 33 Roon 98 Geonosis
1 Phu 23 Cularin 34 Pzob 99 Ryloth
2 Fondor 24 Moonus 35 Gamorr
3 Teyr 25 Mandell 36 Barab I
4 Kubia 26 Bothawui 37 Nar Shaddaa
5 Onderon 31 Kothlis 38 Ylesia
6 Commenor 32 Lennik 39 Do Soocha V
7 Balmorra 33 Toydaria 40 Aduba-3
8 Arkania 34 Chalacta 41 Monoghr
9 Borleias 35 Sneeve 42-48 Kessel
10-20 roll on Inner Rim 36 Bimmisaari 49 Kegan
43-60% Inner Rim (d20) 41 Tholatin 51 Kubindi
1 Reecee 42 Kashyyyk 52 Tund
2 Thyferra 43 Garos IV 53-59 Mon Calamari
3 Moorja 44 Belsavis 60 Montu Cordu
4 Bestine 45 Ithor 61 Ossus
5 Yag’Dhul 46 Anobis 62 Cron Drift
6 Aleen 51 Vortex 58 Dellalt
7 Atzerri 52 Ord Mantell 63 Lianna
8 Telti 53 Iridonia 64 Quermie
9 Ambria 54-66 roll on Outer Rim 65 Gala
10 Hapes Consortium 66 Wayland
11 Tanaab 67 Korriban
12 Carratos 68 Yavin
13 Obroa-Skai 69 Bandomeer
14 Myrkr 70 Ord Radama
15-20 Roll on Expansion Region 71 Ammuud

Two separate random determination of systems have been created. One begins with rolling sequentially on the
tables beginning with the Deep Core. The convention is designed to simulate how rare it was to find either a
character or destination as you progress out from the Galactic core. The second is a simple percentage system
designed primarily for game play rather than realism.
Byss was the secret throne world of Palpatine and the location of his towering Imperial Citadel. He also kept his
secret supply of clone bodies there

Khomm was a planet in the Khomm system on the edge of the Deep Core with wide blue seas, great land masses,
and an abundance of oxygen. It was the home planet to the Khommites and the Khommite striders

Galantos’ surface was covered in smooth, pale green gelatinous bodies with continental islands. During large
storms, the surface of Galantos would roll and shift. Because Galantos' crust was severed into drifting tectonic
plates, the islands were wracked with regular seismic vibrations known as gelquakes. Like many other planets in the
Farlax sector, Galantos was rich with chromite deposits

N'zoth was an arid planet with standard gravity and an atmosphere breathable by most sentient creatures. The brutal,
xenophobic Yevetha were the planet’s only sentient species

Abregado-rae was a major manufacturing and trade-oriented planet, the third of five worlds in the Abregado system
in the Core Worlds and the homeworld of the Gados. It sat at the beginning of the Rimma Trade Route, and was also
the starting point for the Shapani Bypass or the "Bacta Run". The planet had a reputation as one of the Core Worlds'
more rough-and-tumble worlds. It was home to the infamous Abregado-rae Spaceport.

Sacorria was an agriworld in the Sacorrian system, located on the fringe of the Corellian sector

A terrestrial world with a diameter of 11,000 kilometers,[3] Corellia possessed a breathable atmosphere, a temperate
climate, standard gravity,[8] and a moderate hydrosphere.[2] Corellian weather was characterized by warm, sunny
days separated by long, severe rainstorms.[10] Like every other planet in the Corellian system, Corellia had a
planetary repulsor.[22] The surface of Corellia contained rolling hills, dense forests, lush fields, vast seas,[8]
beaches, mountain peaks and crystal swamps,[3] as well as an eastern ocean and a western ocean.[10] Corellia also
featured urban terrain,[2] was designated as an industrial world,[8] and was considered a highly developed

Kuat was a planet located in the Core Worlds and one of the earliest members of the Galactic Republic. It was best
known as the home of Kuat Drive Yards. These famous shipyards, used to build ships for both the Galactic Republic
and later the Galactic Empire, circled the planet for thousands of kilometers

Renowned galaxy-wide for their planet's unspoiled beauty, refined culture, and commitment to peace, Alderaanians
worked with and around the land to preserve as much of the natural surroundings as they could

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