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PCNC Router de mecanizado

Manual de usuario

2015 – V1.0
Todos los derechos reservados. Ninguna parte de esta publicación puede ser reproducida o
transmitida por cualquier medio sin el permiso escrito de PATAGONIA CNC MACHINES. No se asume
responsabilidad alguna con respecto a la utilización de la información contenida en este documento.
PATAGONIA CNC MACHINES se reserva el derecho de modificar la información contenida en esta
manual. PATAGONIA CNC MACHINES no asume responsabilidad por errores u omisiones así como
daños que resulten del uso de la información contenida en este manual.


- II - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0
El Router PCNC es un pantógrafo de calidad certificada con una importante robustez

mecánica, fabricado en Argentina con componentes de última generación.

Patagonia CNC Machines privilegia la fabricación de fresadoras de duración extendida, y

busca, en cooperación con sus clientes, lograr desarrollarse y perfeccionarse día a día para

establecerse como referente en los mercados de América Latina, Centro América y América
del Norte.

Dir. Comercial

Dir. Ingeniería Dir. Servicio al Cliente

Camino de Cintura 7497

B1839FSH, 9 de Abril, Esteban Echeverría
Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Teléfono: +54 – 11 – 46933773


ɕ INDICE ............................................................................................................................................................................ IV

1Ň CONDICIONES DE SEGURIDAD ..................................................................................................................... 8

1.1 Condiciones de seguridad generales ....................................................................................................... 8
1.2 Seguridad básica ............................................................................................................................................ 9
1.3 Seguridad eléctrica ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2Ň ESPECIFICACIONES .......................................................................................................................................... 11
2.1 Especificaciones de máquina .................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Partes de la máquina .............................................................................................................................. 13
3Ň INSTALACIÓN .................................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1 Disposición de la máquina en el espacio .............................................................................................. 14
3.2 Nivelación de la máquina...................................................................................................................... 15
3.3 Instalación eléctrica ................................................................................................................................. 16
3.3.1 Puesta a tierra ...................................................................................................................................... 17
3.3.2 Conexionado alimentación monofásica................................................................................... 18
3.3.3 Conexionado alimentación trifásica .......................................................................................... 19
3.4 Conexión neumática (opcional) ........................................................................................................... 20
3.5 Bomba de vacío (opcional) ................................................................................................................... 21
3.5.1 Sistema “A” de alimentación ............................................................................................................ 21
3.5.2 Sistema “B” de alimentación........................................................................................................ 22
4Ň INTRODUCCIÓN AL EQUIPO CNC.............................................................................................................. 23
4.1 Cuestiones teóricas sobre el CNC ........................................................................................................... 23
4.2 Unidades de trabajo ............................................................................................................................... 24
4.3 Límites de trabajo .................................................................................................................................... 24
5Ň PUESTA EN MARCHA Y ENCENDIDO ........................................................................................................ 25
5.1 Pasos para el encendido de la máquina ............................................................................................... 25
6Ň PANEL DE MANDO Y PANTALLAS.............................................................................................................. 26
6.1 Distribución de la pantalla ......................................................................................................................... 27
6.2 Interfaces de trabajo ............................................................................................................................... 28

- IV - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0

6.2.1 Interfaz “MONITOR” ........................................................................................................................... 29
7Ň OPERACIÓN ....................................................................................................................................................... 30
7.1 Referencias de máquina ............................................................................................................................. 30
7.1.1 Búsqueda de Home (0 máquina) ................................................................................................... 31
7.2 Desplazamiento en los ejes ....................................................................................................................... 32
7.2.1 Movimiento continuo en modo JOG............................................................................................. 32
7.2.2 Movimiento por pasos en modo STEP..................................................................................... 33
7.2.3 Movimiento por Handle en modo MPG (opcional).............................................................. 34
7.2.4 Desplazamiento a una posición determinada. ...................................................................... 35
7.3 Selección 0 de pieza.................................................................................................................................... 36
7.3.1 Selección de 0 de pieza sobre todos los ejes simultáneamente ........................................... 37
7.3.2 Selección de 0 de pieza por eje individual.............................................................................. 38
7.3.3 Configurar múltiples 0 de pieza en la misma mesa (G54, G55, etc) ................................ 39
7.4 Manejo de programas ................................................................................................................................ 40
7.4.1 Transferir un programa desde la memoria USB al controlador ............................................ 41
7.4.2 Cargar un programa ..................................................................................................................... 42
7.4.3 Edición de programa..................................................................................................................... 43
7.4.4 Simulación de programa .............................................................................................................. 44
7.4.5 Ejecución de un programa .......................................................................................................... 45
7.4.6 Pausa y detención de emergencia de un programa............................................................ 46
7.4.7 Visualización de trayectoria en ejecución ............................................................................... 48
7.5 Función SBK ................................................................................................................................................... 48
7.6 Cambio automático de herramientas (opcional) ................................................................................ 49
7.6.1 Armado del conjunto herramienta ................................................................................................ 49
7.6.2 Cambio de herramienta manual ................................................................................................ 50
7.6.3 Número de herramienta .............................................................................................................. 51
7.6.4 Calibración de herramienta ......................................................................................................... 52
7.6.5 Registro de herramientas ............................................................................................................. 53
7.6.6 Realizar el cambio de herramienta automáticamente ......................................................... 54
7.6.7 Pasos para la correcta calibración de herramientas. ............................................................ 55
7.7 Funciones auxiliares ..................................................................................................................................... 57
7.7.1 Accionar el husillo manualmente ................................................................................................... 57


7.7.2 Accionar el sistema de lubricación (opcional) ........................................................................ 57
8Ň CÓDIGO G .......................................................................................................................................................... 58
9Ň MANTENIMIENTO ............................................................................................................................................ 60
9.1 Introducción................................................................................................................................................... 60
9.2 Limpieza ..................................................................................................................................................... 60
9.3 Engrasado .................................................................................................................................................. 61
9.4 Soporte técnico ........................................................................................................................................ 62
9.4.1 Control de correas .............................................................................................................................. 62
9.4.2 Limpieza de tablero eléctrico...................................................................................................... 62
9.4.3 Calibración........................................................................................................................................ 62
9.4.4 Modificación de parámetros y backup de software ............................................................. 62
10Ň PLANOS ELÉCTRICOS ..................................................................................................................................... 63
10.1 Listado de planos..................................................................................................................................... 63
10.2 P-001: Lista de componentes .............................................................................................................. 64
10.3 P-002: Esquema topográfico del Tablero......................................................................................... 65
10.4 P-003: Esquema Unifilar ........................................................................................................................ 66
10.5 P-004: Esquema Trifilar .......................................................................................................................... 67
10.6 P-005: Entradas al controlador CNC.................................................................................................. 68
10.7 P-006: Salidas del controlador CNC .................................................................................................. 70
10.8 P-007: Conexionado de relés............................................................................................................... 72
10.9 P-008: Conexión de variador de velocidad...................................................................................... 72
10.10 P-009: Cableado en máquina ......................................................................................................... 73
11Ň ALARMAS Y SOLUCIÓN DE PROBLEMAS ................................................................................................. 75
11.1 Alarmas....................................................................................................................................................... 75
11.2 Solución de problemas .......................................................................................................................... 76
12Ň GARANTÍA .......................................................................................................................................................... 80
12.1 Cobertura de la garantía limitada ....................................................................................................... 80
12.2 Reparación o reemplazo ....................................................................................................................... 80
12.3 Limitaciones y Exclusiones de la Garantía......................................................................................... 80
12.4 Limitación de Responsabilidad y Daños ........................................................................................... 81
13Ň SERVICE ............................................................................................................................................................... 82
13.1 Revisión técnica ........................................................................................................................................ 82

- VI - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0

13.2 Reparaciones............................................................................................................................................. 83
13.3 Sistema de lubricación (opcional) ....................................................................................................... 84
13.4 Listado de Herramientas........................................................................................................................ 85
13.5 Set de Repuestos ..................................................................................................................................... 86
14Ň NOTAS ................................................................................................................................................................. 87




Leer las siguientes medidas de seguridad para prevenir

accidentes que podrían causar serias lesiones a personas y evitar
daños a este producto.
El equipo sólo podrá repararlo personal autorizado de
Patagonia CNC Machines.
Es responsabilidad del dueño de la máquina asegurarse que
todos los que participan en la instalación y operación de la
misma conocen completamente las instrucciones y operaciones
de seguridad proporcionadas en este manual.
Patagonia CNC Machines no se responsabiliza de cualquier
daño físico o material derivado del incumplimiento de estas
normas básicas de seguridad.

1.1 Condiciones de seguridad generales

Solo personal autorizado y entrenado puede operar el equipo. Aquellos que

no posean entrenamiento previo o no hayan leído las instrucciones del
mismo representan un potencial peligro a ellos mismos y a la máquina en sí.
Actuar acorde a las instrucciones dadas en el curso de entrenamiento y el
35(&$8&,•1 manual de usuario.

No operar la máquina sin haber leído las advertencias, precauciones e

instrucciones de uso de la misma.

Seguir siempre las prácticas de seguridad necesarias a la hora de ejecutar un

programa en la máquina.

-8- Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


1.2 Seguridad básica

Prevenir la entrada de personal no autorizado al área de trabajo de la


Evitar ingresar en el área de trabajo de la máquina cuando esta se encuentra

en movimiento. Este accionar puede causar grandes daños o incluso la


Utilizar protectores de visuales correspondientes para evitar posibles

impactos en los ojos.

Utilizar protección auditiva. Someterse a los ruidos provocados por el husillo

puede causar lesiones graves en el sistema auditivo.

Ya que es una máquina automática, ésta puede arrancar en cualquier


El desmontaje o modificación no autorizada puede provocar incendio,

descargas eléctricas o la ruptura de la máquina



1.3 Seguridad eléctrica



x Previo a instalación o mantenimiento asegurarse de que la alimentación eléctrica se

encuentre desconectada.

x La fuente de energía debe estar en condiciones acordes a las dictadas en las especificaciones.
Intentar hacer funcionar la máquina desde otra fuente distinta puede causar daños graves en
el equipo, anulándose la garantía del mismo.

x No utilizar cables subdimensionados, dañados o con empalmes.

x El tablero eléctrico de la máquina debe permanecer siempre cerrado con los tornillos
colocados. Sólo personal calificado podrá acceder al mismo.

x En el momento de funcionamiento el tablero posee energía eléctrica en sus circuitos, así

como también algunos componentes operan en alta temperatura, por lo tanto es preciso
tomar las precauciones correspondientes.

x No modificar o intentar configurar los componentes internos de la máquina, sólo personal

autorizado de Patagonia CNC Machines puede hacerlo.

x No acceder al panel eléctrico ni realizar cambios en el mismo mientras la máquina se

encuentre encendido.

x No desconectar ningún componente mientras la máquina se encuentre encendida.

x Sólo personal autorizado de Patagonia CNC Machines puede realizar cambios en los
componentes del equipo.

- 10 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


2.1 Especificaciones de máquina

Tensión de Alimentación * Monofásica AC 220V/110V ± 2%

Trifásica AC 3 x 380V/220V ± 2%

Frecuencia de Línea 50/60 Hz

Dimensiones Exteriores PCNC5 860 x 1275 x 1800

(Ancho x Largo x Alto)
mm PCNC9 1160 x 1675 x 1800

PCNC13 1820 x 2075 x 1800

PCNC19 1820 x 2675 x 1800

PCNC25 1820 x 3275 x 1800

PCNC29 2520 x 3675 x 1800

PCNC31 2520 x 3825 x 1800

Movimiento de los Ejes PCNC5 500 x 500 x 300

(Ancho x Largo x Alto)
mm PCNC9 800 x 900 x 300

PCNC13 1300 x 1300 x 300

PCNC19 1300 x 1900 x 300

PCNC25 1300 x 2500 x 300

PCNC29 2000 x 2900 x 300

PCNC31 2000 x 3050 x 300

Neumática 7 bar (Sólo Modelo Husillo ATC)

Precisión ± 0,05 mm

Repetición ± 0,01mm



Precisión de Trayectoria **

Husillo Estándar 3kW 18000RPM

ATC 4,6kW 18000RPM

Motores Servomotor 1000W 3000RPM

* Según modelo**Depende del equipo en particular

- 12 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


2.2 Partes de la máquina

Nº Denominación

1 Puente Y

2 Husillo

3 Cepillos de Aspiración (opcional)

4 Rack porta herramientas (opcional)

5 Tanque inmersión líquida (opcional)

6 Mesa

7 Base

8 Tablero de control



3.1 Disposición de la máquina en el espacio

A la hora de colocar el equipo en el espacio de trabajo, contemplar las dimensiones mínimas

sugeridas en la imagen siguiente:


80cm 80cm

El espacio de trabajo debe permanecer ventilado.

El tablero de control debe estar por fuera del área de movimiento de la máquina, para evitar que el
puente golpee con el mismo.

Por otro lado, la orientación debe ser acorde a los ejes y sentidos en que se mueve el husillo a través
de ellos. Esto facilita la visualización a la hora de operar el router con el controlador, por ejemplo
cuando se quiere mover manualmente el husillo dentro del área de trabajo.

- 14 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


3.2 Nivelación de la máquina

Es preciso ubicar el equipo en el sector con la mejor condición de suelo posible, esto es, una
superficie de suelo sólida y plana que ayude a mantener la máquina firme debido a las vibraciones
que ésta genera.

A su vez, es preciso que la misma se encuentre correctamente nivelada, para ello se debe colocar
una pata antivibratoria con ranuras para función de antideslizante.

El diámetro del tornillo a usar debe ser 3/4” aproximadamente.

Con la ayuda de un nivel se van ajustando las patas, girando las tuercas de ajuste de las patas, hasta
dejar la máquina perfectamente nivelada. Luego ajustar las tuercas de fijación.

x Una colocación y nivelación correcta de la máquina garantiza un

funcionamiento duradero, regular y fiable.
x La máquina no debe oscilar al moverse.
x La superficie de instalación debe estar limpia y libre de cualquier aceite o



3.3 Instalación eléctrica

Antes de conectar la unidad al tomacorriente asegúrese que el producto

esté correctamente instalado.

No use extensión o empalmes intermedios.

No tenga las manos húmedas al conectar o desconectar los
No vierta agua sobre el panel.
Si no se siguen estas instrucciones, se puede causar muerte,
incendio, o choque eléctrico.

En caso de que sea necesario, el cable de alimentación debe ser sustituido

por otro nuevo con las mismas características, no reemplazar por cables
usados o de menor sección.

En el circuito eléctrico es indispensable la utilización de un interruptor termomagnético y un

interruptor diferencial para proteger el router y al operario de la máquina. En caso que no exista
dicho circuito con interruptor termomagnético e interruptor diferencial, consulte a un electricista para

- 16 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


3.3.1 Puesta a tierra

Puesta a tierra de la mesa

Se procede a conectar el cable exclusivamente a la jabalina de tierra desde una de las patas de la
mesa, donde se puede roscar un tornillo que garantice la conducción eléctrica.

Puesta a tierra del tablero

En este caso, es preciso sacar la tapa posterior y acceder al tablero eléctrico.

En la esquina inferior, se encuentran las borneras de conexión, donde se conecta el cable
correspondiente a tierra que conecta con la jabalina.

La jabalina de puesta a tierra debe estar puesta exclusivamente para la

máquina, no puede estar compartiendo otro circuito externo.



3.3.2 Conexionado alimentación monofásica

1) Retire los cuatro tornillos de la tapa posterior del tablero de control

2) Dentro del tablero de control, ubicar la bornera de alimentación.

3) Colocar los cables acorde a la imagen siguiente:

220V ó 110V (+/- 2%)

CA – 50/60 Hz




Tablero de control Bornera de alimentación

Cable Tipo de entrada

110V 220V
Neutro (azul) 1 x 4mm 1 x 4mm2
Fase (Rojo) 1 x 4mm2 1 x 4mm2

- 18 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


3.3.3 Conexionado alimentación trifásica

1) Retire los cuatro tornillos de la tapa posterior del tablero de control

2) Dentro del tablero de control, ubicar la bornera de alimentación.

3) Colocar los cables acorde a la imagen siguiente:

220V ó 380V ±5V

CA – 50/60Hz



Neutro R S T

Tablero de control Bornera de alimentación

Cable Tipo de entrada

220V 380V
Neutro (azul) 1 x 2.5mm 1 x 2.5mm2
R S T (Rojo) 3 x 2.5mm2 3 x 2.5mm2



3.4 Conexión neumática (opcional)

Para las máquinas con cambio automático de herramienta (ATC), es necesario contar con un circuito
neumático en el husillo, ya que este trabaja con aire a presión para realizar el cambio de la

La entrada de aire de la máquina se encuentra en el lateral de la misma.

Es necesario instalar el racor de conexión. El mismo debe ser para un caño flexible de 8mm. Y la
rosca de entrada depende del usuario y el sistema de aire con el que cuenta.

Fig. 1 – Conexión de aire

Presión de aire necesaria: 7 BAR

- 20 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


3.5 Bomba de vacío (opcional)

En caso del sistema de sujeción por vacío, la máquina debe contar con un circuito neumático para
dicha función.
Acorde al fabricante de la bomba de vacío, existen dos sistemas de estos circuitos.

3.5.1 Sistema “A” de alimentación

x Con agua corriente “circuito abierto”



3.5.2 Sistema “B” de alimentación

x Con depósito de recirculación de agua “circuito semicerrado”

- 22 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0



4.1 Cuestiones teóricas sobre el CNC

CAM Operación Fresado

Programación Operación de máquina

Se realza el dibujo en 2D o 3D correspondiente de la pieza deseada. El mismo se realiza teniendo
en cuenta el futuro mecanizado de la pieza, por lo tanto, hay que diferenciar el dibujo de
presentación, o planos de la pieza del dibujo para generar el programa de mecanizado. Cabe
destacar que el mismo se realiza en programas vectoriales o paramétricos.
Ejemplo programas 2D: Autocad – Coreldraw – Illustrator – Rhino – Solidworks – Inventor – etc.
Ejemplo programas 3D: Autocad – Rhino – Solidworks – Inventor – Catia – etc.

En esta etapa se plantea el programa de mecanizado en sí, ya que se detallan las estrategias de
mecanizado a realizar en función de la pieza deseada y el material a mecanizar. Se definen los
tamaños del material (ó stock) en bruto sobre el cual la máquina realizará el desbaste. Se define
también los parámetros de fresa y velocidades entre otros.
Dentro de esta etapa se generará el código tal que el router interprete de forma correcta para
poder realizar sus movimientos. Este código se lo conoce como código G.
Para esta etapa existen programas independientes dedicados a este tema tales como ArtCam,
SprutCam, SurfCam, etc. Pero también existen diferentes plug-ins o extensiones para los
programas CAD mencionados anteriormente que permiten realizar la programación del
mecanizado dentro del mismo programa, estos pueden ser: RhinoCam, VisuallMill, BobCAM,
SolidCAM, MasterCam, etc.

Operación de la máquina y fresado:

En esta etapa se configurarán los diferentes parámetros necesarios para poder realizar el
desbaste de la pieza, tales como los sistemas de referencias, colocación del bloque en bruto o
stock, colocación de fresa, etc.
A su vez, se lee el archivo con el código generado en la etapa anterior, el cual pondrá en
movimiento el equipo logrando mecanizar el material y llegar a la pieza deseada.



4.2 Unidades de trabajo

Unidades de
Velocidad del cabezal Avance de los ejes

[mm] [rpm] [mm/min]

4.3 Límites de trabajo

Los routers PCNC cuentan con dos tipos de límites, para protección:

Límites físicos: son sensores que vienen instalados en la máquina, los cuales evitan que los carros
salgan de las guías, generando una interrupción de emergencia en la máquina con el fin de

Límites por software: Vienen preconfigurados en el controlador con el fin de evitar que los carros
alcancen los límites físicos, el principio de estos no se basa en sensores físicos, sino en una lectura de
la posición dentro de la cual se encuentra la máquina.

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Si está por encender la máquina por primera vez, realizar los
siguientes pasos previos de verificación:

Verificar que la conexión eléctrica esté realizada acorde a lo

indicado en el manual
(Ver Capítulo 3 INSTALACIÓN Æ Instalación eléctrica)
Verificar que la máquina se encuentra bien nivelada y firme.
En caso de tener sistema de lubricación, aspiración, o fijación
por vacío, verificar el correcto conexionado de sus componentes
con el fin de que no haya pérdidas en los mismos.

5.1 Pasos para el encendido de la máquina

1) Si la máquina posee cambio de herramienta, abrir la válvula de aire

2) Levantar interruptor termo magnético (“térmica”) de encendido del router.
3) Aguardar a que encienda la máquina.

Encender el husillo en vacío y dejarlo girar a 6000 RPM

durante 5 minutos antes de comenzar a trabajar.

* (Para realizar el encendido del husillo en vacío ver “6.6.1 – Accionar el

husillo manualmente”)

Ante eventuales cortes de electricidad, cabe destacar que el controlador no

perderá el sistema de referencias ni el programa cargado.



Training manual

Sinumerik 808D ADVANCED

Programming and Operating Procedures for Milling
Version 2013-09

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 2 808D ADVANCED

Basic knowledge of programming for milling is required,
before operating of a machine !

Switch On and Tool Setup
Pages 5~7 Pages 9~10 Pages 13~20
Pages 23~27

Create Part
Part 1
Pages 29~36
Machine Test Simulate
Pieces Program Program

Pages 61~63 Pages 57~58 Pages 53~54 Create Part

Program Program
Restart Part 2
Pages 65~66 Pages 39~51

Part 1

Pages 69~75
ISO Mode Appendix
Additional Pages 91~89 Pages 101~110 Pages 113~116
Information End
Part 2
Pages 81~89

808D ADVANCED Page 3 Operating and Programming — Milling


Absolute incremental dimensioning 32 Manual tool change 15

Editing part program 31 MDA 81

ExecutingM function 20 Moving axis with handwheel 16

Calculator 89 Part programming 29

Changing time 78 Protection levels 7

Creating and measuring tools 13 Program execution 57

Creating zero offsets  24 Block search  65

Cycles 40 Reference point 10

Dry run 58 RS232c and USB 69

Jogging spindle 20 Saving data 78

Tool wear 63 Simulation 53

List of programming functions 113 Subprograms  82

Manual face milling 76 Sample program  91

Manual start spindle 23 Timers/counters 61

ISO mode 101

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 4 808D ADVANCED

Preparation s
Content Basic Theory

Unit Description PPU

Function of
This unit describes the 808D ADVANCED PPU and MCP functionality, the keyboard
coordinate system of a milling machine and how to enter passwords to
access the system.
panel processing unit
(PPU) is used to input
data to the CNC and to
Unit Content
navigate to operating
areas of the system.

Function of
interface Menu navigation
keyboard Operating area

MCP mode MCP mode
Changing Changing

Moving axis

The 808D machine Mode Navigation

OEM control panel (MCP) is
keys used to select the
machine operating
mode :

808D ADVANCED Page 5Operating andProgramming — Milling

Preparation s

MCP User
Moving axis interface

Axis remove
The 808D
machine control panel (MCP)
is used to control manual
operation of the axis.
The machine can be moved
with the appropriate keys. 808D ADVANCED
(PPU) has eight
vertical softkeys
MCP (abbr. SKs) on the
OEM right of the screen.
keys These SKs can be
activated with the
corresponding button
OEM (located on the right).

The 808D machine control

panel (MCP) is used to
control OEM machine
The machine functions can
be activated with the 808D ADVANCED (PPU)has eight horizontal SKs on the bottom
appropriate keys. of the screen. These SKs can be activated with the corresponding
button (located below).

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 6 808D ADVANCED

Preparation s

Machine Passwords at the control are used to set the user’s

coordinate Passwords right to access the system. Tasks such as ”Basic
system Operating”, “Advanced Operating” and commissioning
functions all depend on the passwords.
The Sinumerik 808D
ADVANCED uses a No password Machine operator
coordinate system which is Customer’s password Advanced operator
derived from the DIN 66217 Manufacturer’s password OEM engineer
The system is an international
standard and ensures Customer’s password = CUSTOMER
compatibility between Changing Manufacturer’s password = SUNRISE
machines and coordinate password
programming. Usually the machine, operator does not need
Step 1
The primary function of the to change the password.
coordinate system is to
ensure that the tool length The service mode is opened
and tool radius are calculated with the appropriate key
correctly in the respective combination.
axis. In the service mode, the
password can be activated
and deactivated.

Step 2

Enter customer’s or manufacturer’s password

Change customer’s or manufacturer’s password

Delete customer’s or manufacturer’s password

808D ADVANCED Page 7Operating andProgramming — Milling

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 8 808D ADVANCED

Switch On
and s


Unit Description Switch on

This module describes how to switch the machine on and reference it. machine

Please note the explicit switching on rules as specified by

the machine manufacturer

Unit Content Step 1

Turn on the main switch of the machine.

Switch on
the The main switch is usually
machine at the rear of the machine.

Step 2
Make sure you perform the following operation

Release all the EMERGENCY STOP

buttons on the machine

808D ADVANCED Page 9Operating andProgramming — Milling
Switch On
and s


Reference If your machine is configure with ABS

the encoder, you do not need to reference After completing the referencing
machine the axis of the machine. procedure for all axes, the refer-
If your machine is fitted with INC enced symbol is displayed next to
encoder, After power on, the machine the axis identifier.
Step 1 must first be referenced

After power on, the machine will be

in the reference point approach
mode (default).
Step 3

After returning to JOG mode, use

the axis traversing keys to move the
If the axis is not referenced, the non- machine manually.
referenced symbol (circle) is dis-
played between the axis identifier
and the value.

The machine can now be operated

in JOG mode.
Step 2
During normal operation (JOG)the
referenced symbol is not shown on
The axes are referenced with the the screen.
corresponding axis traversing keys.
The traversing direction and keys
are specified by the machine manu-

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 10 808D ADVANCED

808D ADVANCED Page 11Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 12 808D ADVANCED

Tool Setup s

Unit Description A tool must have been created and

Create tool measured before executing the
This unit describes how to create and set up tools. program.

Step 1 Please make sure the system is in JOG mode.

Press “Offset” on the PPU.

Unit Content
Press the “Tool list” SK on the PPU.

Create tool Start


Create tool Measure

edge tool

Load tool
into active

Move ma-
chine with Execute M
handwheel function


808D ADVANCED Page 13Operating andProgramming — Milling

Tool Setup s

Step 2 The range of tool numbers which can be created Create tool A tool must have been created and
by this system is1 ~32000. edge
The machine can be loaded witha maximum of selected before creating a tool edge
64 tools / 128 tool edges.
Use “D” code to specify the tool edge. The system activates tool
Press the “New tool” SK on the PPU. Step 1
edge no. 1 per default at the start.

Press the “Offset” key on the PPU.

Select the type of tool required. Press the “Tool list” SK on the PPU.
Enter “1” at “Tool No.” Use direction keys to select the tool
which needs to add a tool edge

Press the “OK” SK on the PPU.

Enter the ”Radius” of the milling tool.

Press the “Edges” SK on the PPU.

Press the “New edge” SK on the PPU.
Press the “Input” button on the PPU.
Operating and Programming — Milling Page 14 808D ADVANCED
Tool Setup s

Step 2
Load tool A tool must have been created in the
A new tool edge can be added in this way and different lengths and radii into Spindle system before it can be loaded into the
can be entered as required. active position.

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU

The red circle shows the actual active tool and tool edgethe purple circle
shows how many tool edges have been created and the related data for
Press the “JOG” key on the MCP
each tool edge.
Press the “T.S.M” SK on the PPU

Enter tool number “1”in“T”

Press “CYCLE START” on the MCP

A maximum of nine tool edges can be created for each

Different tool lengths and radii can be saved in different
tool edges as required.
Please select the right tool edge for machining according
to requirement! Press the “Back” SK on the PPU
808D ADVANCED Page 15Operating andProgramming — Milling
Tool Setup s

The tool are usually loaded manually into the spindle. Select the required override increment
according to the buttons on the right
The tool will be automatically loaded into the spindle with an automatic tool ˄this selection fits all axes˅
The handwheel increment is“0.001 mm”

Move ma- Make sure there is no obstruction when

chine with moving the tool to avoid a crash. The handwheel increment is “0.010 mm”

The handwheel increment is “0.100 mm”

A handwheel can control the axis motion instead of the “JOG” button.

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU The selected axis can now be moved with the handwheel.

Press “JOG” on MCP to end the function

Press the “Handwheel” key on the MCP of “Handwheel”.

Notes˖If set the MD14512[16]=80, the system will deactivate the

function of MCP for selecting the axis of handwheel, the user will
Select the axis you want to move with have to activate “Handwheel” function with PPU softkey.
the appropriate keys. on the MCP

Under “WCS” or “MCS” state, a handwheel Select the required

will be shown beside the axis symbols, axis on the right of
showing the axis is chosen, and can be the PPU; the se-
controlled with a handwheel. lected axis is
shown with a Ĝ

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 16 808D ADVANCED

Tool Setup s

Start A tool must have been loaded and ro-

spindle tated to the position.

Start the spindle before adjusting tools as follows:

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU

Press the “JOG” key on the MCP Press “Reset” on the MCP to stop the
spindle rotation
Press the “T.S.M” SK on the PPU
Press the “Back” SK on the PPU
Enter “500” at “Spindle speed”

Measure A tool must have been created and

Select “M3” using the “Select” key on tool loaded before it can be measured!
the PPU

Step 1 Measure length

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU

Press the “JOG” key on the MCP

Press the “Meas. tool” SK on the PPU

Press the “CYCLE START” key on the
MCP Press the “Measure manual” SK on the

808D ADVANCED Page 17Operating andProgramming — Milling

Tool Setup s

Use “SELECT” key to set the reference

point as “workpiece” (In real measure-
Press the axis keys on the MCP to ment, the reference point can be set as
move the tool to the set position either “workpiece” or “ fixed point” if
above the workpiece. required.

Enter “0” for “Z0”

(If the setting block is used, then the
value would be thickness a)

NoteThe following text describes the

required settings in the workpiece coordi-
nate system
“X / Y / Z” zero points as“X0” / “Y0” / “Z0”

Press the “Handwheel” key on the

MPC and position the tool at location
Z0 or a of the workpiece. Press the “Set length” SK on the PPU

The measured tool length is now shown in “Length L ”. This value is also
saved in the length value column of the corresponding tool list at the same

or a
Step2 Measure diameter

Press the “Diameter” SK on the PPU

Move directly to zero point Use a setting block.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 18 808D ADVANCED

Tool Setup s

Enter“0” at “X0”
Enter “0” at “Y0”
Press the axis keys on the MCP to (This is the value of the width of a
move the tool to the set position. setting block if it is usedSelect one of
X0/Y0 according to requirement.)

Press the “Handwheel” key on the

MCP and position the tool at the
location X0 or a of the workpiece. Press the ”Set diameter” SK on the PPU

Press the “Back” SK on the PPU



Move directly to zero point

Use a setting block.

808D ADVANCED Page 19Operating andProgramming — Milling

Tool Setup s

Please make sure all the machine axes

A tool must be loaded to the spindle. Execute M
Jog spindle are in safe positions before executing
the M function!

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU. Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Press the “JOG” key on the MCP. Press the “T.S.M” SK on the PPU.

Press the spindle direction key on the Use the direction key to move the
MCP to start/stop the spindle. highlighted cursor to “Other M func-
tion” and enter “8”. This will start the
Press “Spindle left” on the MCP to start the coolant.
spindle in the counter-clockwise direction.

Press “Spindle stop” on the MCP to stop

the spindle.

Press “Spindle right” on the MCP to start

the spindle in the clockwise direction.

Press “CYCLE START” on the MCP.

The coolant function button on

MCP is active.

Press the “Reset” key on the MCP to

stop the coolant function.

Press the “Back” SK on the PPU.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 20 808D ADVANCED


808D ADVANCED Page 21Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 22 808D ADVANCED

Setup s

Unit Description Manual A tool must have been loaded into

start the spindle.
This unit describes how to set the workpiece offset and test the tool re- spindle
Before measuring, the spindle can be started as follows:

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Unit Content
Press the “JOG” key on the MCP.

Press the “T.S.M” SK on the PPU.

start Enter “500” in “Spindle speed” on the PPU.

Select “M3” as the “Spindle direction”

Create using the “Select” key on the PPU.

Test tool


Press “CYCLE START” onthe MCP.

808D ADVANCED Page 23Operating andProgramming — Milling

Setup s

Create A tool must have be created and

workpiece measured before it can be used to set
offset the workpiece offset.

Make sure the active tool is the measured tool

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Press the “JOG” key on the MCP.

Press the “Reset” key on the MCP to stop
the spindle rotation. Press the “Meas. work.” SK on the PPU.
As the following red frame shows, 808D ADVANCED provides the user
Press the “Back” SK on the PPU. with three methods of using tools to simplify the operating process.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 24 808D ADVANCED

Setup s

Method1 This method is normally for setting the zero point of the work- Press the “Handwheel”
pieceat the edge of the workpiece. key on the MCP to
position the tool at the
X0 edge of the work-
Using a tool that has a measured “Tool length & radius”, move the tool to a piece.
known position on the workpiece. Using either JOG or Handwheel, scratch
an edge and then calculate the zero point of the workpiece.
The process of setting the “X” zero point (“X0”) is described below.

Press the corresponding SK of the first Select “Save in” Offset “G54” (or other off-
icon on the right-hand side of the PPU. set).

Select “Measuring direction” as “-”.

Press the appropriate SK to select the
(This value should be chosen according to
feed axis which needs to be set up.

Set “Distance” as “0”.

Press the axis traverse keys to move the
tool to the required setting position in the
X axis. Press the “Set WO” SK on the PPU.

“Step 2” must be repeated for the setting of Y and Z zero points.

If you change the tool because of wear/damage during the machining proc-
ess, you must remeasure the length of the tool.

808D ADVANCED Page 25Operating andProgramming — Milling

Setup s

Method 2 This method is normally used for setting the workpiece zero Method 3 This method is normally used for setting the zero points at the
point at the center point of a rectangular workpiece. center point of a circular workpiece.
Using tools with a measured “length and radius”, move them to the four Using tools with a measured “length and radius”, move them to the three
edges of the rectangular workpieceUsing either JOG or Handwheel, edges of the circular workpieceUsing either JOG or Handwheel, scratch
scratch an edge and then calculate the zero point of the workpiece. an edge and then calculate the zero point of the workpiece.

Press the corresponding SK of the second icon on the Press the corresponding SK of the third icon on the
right-hand side of the PPU. right-hand side of the PPU.

Observingthe figure on the PPU, move the coordinate axis following the Observingthe figure on the PPU, move the coordinate axis following the
orange arrowto move the tool to the specified position and scratch the orange arrowto move the tool to the specified position and scratch the
edge of the workpiece. edge of the workpiece.

Press the ”Save P1” SK on the PPU to save the coordi- Press the ”Save P1” SK on the PPU to save the
nate axis of the 1st position in the system. coordinate axis of the 1st position in the system.

Repeat the process for positions2, 3 and 4. Repeat the process for positions2 and 3.
(When the setting is complete, the buttons will be When the setting is complete, the buttons will be
shown in blue.) shown in blue.˅

Press the “Set WO” SK on the PPU. Press the “Set WO” SK on the PPU.

You have then finished You have then finished

setting the zero point of setting the zero point of
the workpiece as the the workpiece as the
center point of the center point of the circular
rectangular workpiece workpiece

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 26 808D ADVANCED

Setup s

Test tool The tool setup and workpiece setup

offset must have been performed correctly so
results that it can be tested as follows

In order to ensure the machine safety and correctness, the results of the
tool offset should be tested appropriately.

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Press the “MDA” key on the MCP.

Press the “Delete file” SK on the PPU.

Enter the test program recommended G54 (select offset panel
on the right. (can also be customized) as required)
T1 D1
G00 X0 Y0 Z5
Pressthe “ROV”key to ensurethe
“ROV” function is active lit up 

NoteThe ROV function activates the feedrate override switch under the
G00 function.

Make sure the feedrate override on the MCP isat 0%!

Press “CYCLE START” on the MCP.

Increase the feedrate override gradually to avoid accidents caused by an

axis moving too fast. Observe whether the axis moves to the set position.

808D ADVANCED Page 27Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 28 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 1

Content Basic Theory

Unit Description A standard program structure is not needed but is

structure recommended in order to provide clarity for the
This unit describes how to create a part program, edit the part program machine operator. Siemens recommends the
and get to know the most important CNC commands required to produce a following structure:
Header N5 G17 G90 G54 G71

T, F, S function N10 T1 D1 M6
Unit Content N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z5
Geometry data / motion
N25 G01 Z-5
N30 Z5
Return to change tool N35 G00 Z500 D0
Definition Milling
of target circles and T, F, S function N40 T2 D1 M6
position arcs
N45 S3000 M3 G94 F100
N50 G00 X50 Y50 Z5
Geometry data / motion
Moving to a N55 G01 Z-5
Create Rapid
program fixed N60 Z5
position Return to change tool N65 G00 Z500 D0

T, F, S function N70 T3 D1 M6
Edit Tools and Controlling N75 S3000 M3 G94 F100
program motion the spindle
N80 G00 X50 Y50 Z5
Geometry data / motion
N85 G01 Z-5
N90 Z5
Imperial Setting a
and Metric Behaviors Return to change tool N95 G00 Z500 D0
delay in the
system at corners
N100 G00 G40 G53 X0 Y0 Z500 D0
End/stop motion

808D ADVANCED Page 29Operating andProgramming — Milling

Create Part
Program s
Part 1


The following sequence should be followed to create Step 4 1

a part program: You can
“New” or
Step 1 “New direc-
Programs can be
created with the Choose
“program manager”. “New” to
You can select the create a
“program manager” program.
using the key located 
on the PPU. 2
“New direc-
tory” to cre-
ate a file.
Step 2
Select NC as the storage location for the Step 5
program. Programs can only be created Now the
in the NC. program is
opened and
Step 3
can be ed-
Create a new
program with
the “New” SK
on the right of
the PPU.
The system will save it automatically after editing. 

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 30 808D ADVANCED
Create Part
Program s
Part 1

Basic Theory

Edit Inches and

program mm

The program shown in the editor can be G71 Header N5 G17 G90 G54 G71
created and edited with the appropriate With G71 at the
keys. header, the ge- TFS function N10 T1 D1 M6
ometry data will N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
be in the metric N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z5
unit system, the Geometry data / motion
N25 G01 Z-5
feedrate in the
N30 Z5
default metric Return to change tool N35 G00 Z500 D0

G70 Header N5 G17 G90 G54 G70

With G70 at the
header, the ge- TFS function N10 T1 D1 M6
ometry data will N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
be in the imperial N20 G00 X3.93 Y3.93 Z5
(inches) unit Geometry data / motion
N25 G01 Z-0.787
system, the
N30 Z0.196
feedrate in the Return to change tool N35 G00 Z19.68 D0
default metric

808D ADVANCED Page 31Operating andProgramming — Milling

Create Part
Program s
Part 1

Basic Theory

Definition of G90 N5 G17 G90 G54 G71

target Absolute positioning;
position with G90 at the header, N10 T1 D1 M6
the geometry data which N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
G500 N5 G17 G90 G500 G71 follows will be inter- N20 G00 X100 Y100 Z5
All absolute path X50 Y50 preted relative to the N25 G01 Z-20
G500 X N10 T1 D1 M6 active zero point in the
data will be relative N30 Z5
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300 program, usually with
to this position. The N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5 N35 G00 Z500 D0
position is written in G500 Y G54 or G500 or G500 +
N25 G01 Z-20
the G500 (basic) N30 Z5 G54.
zero offset. N35 G00 Z500 D0


G54 G55 G56 G57 N5 G17 G90 G54 G71 G91 N5 G17 G90 G54 G70
G58 G59 X50 Y50 Relative positioning
With G500 = 0, the N10 T1 D1 M6 N10 T1 D1 M6
G54 X with G91 you can add
offset for the work- N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
N20 G00 X0 Y0 Z5 an incremental value N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
piece can be stored N20 G00 X3.93 Y3.93 Z0.196
G54 Y N25 G01 Z-20 G91-defined data is the
in the G54 workpiece N30 Z5 relative positioning N25 G01 G91 Z-0.787
offset. N35 G00 Z500 D0
using the present posi- N30 Z0.196
tion as the start point  N35 G00 G90 Z19.68 D0
Or Finally you should
G54 X0 change the program to
G500 + G54 N5 G17 G90 G500 G71
G54 Y0 absolute positioning with
With G500 unequal G90.
G500 X N10 T1 D1 M6
to 0 and be acti-
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
vated, the value in N20 G00 G54 X20 Y20 Z5
G500 will be added G500 Y
N25 G01 Z-20
to the value in G54. N30 Z5
N35 G00 G53 Z500 D0

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 32 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 1

Basic Theory

N5 G17 G90 G54 G71

Rapid x Feedrate
motion x Spindle speed N10 T1 D1 M6
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
x Feed type N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5
G00 N5 G17 G90 G54 G71 x Spindle direction N25 G01 Z-5
When G00 is In the program, the feed rate is N30 Z5
activated in the N10 T1 D1 M6 N35 G00 Z500 D0
defined with “F”. Two types of
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
program, the axis N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5 feed rate are available:
will traverse at the N25 G01 Z-5 1. Feed per minuteėG94
maximum axis N30 Z5 2. Feed per revolution of the spin-
speed in a Straight line (parallel/
N35 G00 Z500 D0
unparallel to axis) dle ėG95 N5 G17 G90 G54 G71
straight line.
Defines the feed rate in terms of N10 T1 D1 M6
N15 S5000 M3 G95 F0.3
time (unit: mm/min). N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5
Tools and G95 N25 G01 Z-5
motion Defines the feed rate in terms of N30 Z5
spindle revolutions (unit: mm/rev). N35 G00 Z500 D0
The spindle speed is defined with
T1 D1 M06 N5 G17 G90 G54 G71 ”S”
Usingthe “T” com- S5000
mand, the new tool N10 T1 D1 M6
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300 M3/M4
can be selected. N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5 The spindle direction is defined
The ”D” command N25 G01 Z-20 with M3 and M4, clockwise and
is used to activates N30 Z5 counter-clockwise respectively.
the tool length off- N35 G00 Z500 D0 G01
set. When G01 is activated in the pro-
M06 can be also gram, the axis will traverse at the
used for machines programmed feed rate in a Straight line (parallel/
with automatic tool straight line, according to the feed unparallel to axis)
changer. rate type defined by G94 or G95.

808D ADVANCED Page 33Operating andProgramming — Milling

Create Part
Program s
Part 1

Basic Theory

When traversing circular Contour feedrate with

Behavior at
contours with cutter radius CFC
compensation, it should be
decided whether the feed
rate should be calculated
along the contour of the
deactivation of the
workpiece or along the path
tool radius compen-
defined by the center point
sation when working
of the cutting tool.
on the part contour.
When using a contour with
G41 / G42 and G40
a feed rate defined by the
CFC code, the feed rate will
be constant at the contour,
the tool radius com-
but in some cases, it may
pensation will be
cause increases in the feed
done in the direction
rate of the tool.
of travel.
Direction for com-
This increase could dam- pensation,left of
G41˖Compensation age the tool if excessive contour will be Feedrate calcu-
to left material is encountered at G41 lated when using
 the contour; this function is tool center, inside
G41 ė direction G42 ė direction
normal for finish cutting of or outside of the
G42˖Compensation along the tool mo- along the tool mo-
contours. contour
to right  tiontool is always tiontool is always
 on the left of the on the right of the The CFTCP command
G40˖Compensation contour. contour. ensures a constant feed The result of the two commands will
of the radius can be rate, however a constant be such that the cutter goes very fast
deactivated Arrow indicates the feed rate may not be en- around a corner or slow on the con-
direction of tool motion sured at the contour, which tour.
along the contour. may cause deviations in
surface finish.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 34 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 1

Basic Theory

circles and Determine tool radius of T1 D1 J
N5 G17 G90 G500 G71 Tool motion direction
The circle radius shown
in the example on the X100, Y50
N10 T1 D1 M6 X0, Y50 X
right can be produced
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300 SP
with the specified part N20 G00 X-20 Y-20 Z5
program code. N25 G01 Z-5
When milling circles N30 G41 X0 Y0 (J) -35
and arcs, you must N35 Y50
define the circle center N40 X100 X125, Y15
point and the distance N45 G02 X125 Y15 I-12 J-35 CP
N50 G01 Y0 (I) -12 EP
between the start
N55 X0
point / end point and N60 G40 X-20 Y-20
the center point on the N35 G00 Z500 D0
relative coordinate. X0, Y0 X110, Y0
When working in the
XY coordinate system, Note˖
the interpolation pa- N45 can also be written as follows SP = start point of circle
rameters I and J are N45 G02 X125 Y15 CR=37
available. CP = center point of circle

EP = end point of circle

Two common types of defining circles and arcs
ķG02/G03 X_Y_I_J_ I = defined relative increment from start point to center point in X
ĸG02/G03 X_Y_CR=_
Arcs İ180ºˈCR is a positive number J = defined relative increment from start point to center point in Y
Arcs !180ºˈCRis negative number G2 = define circle direction in traversing direction = G2 clockwise

G3 = define circle direction in traversing direction = G3 counter-

When milling circles, you can onlyuse ķto define the
808D ADVANCED Page 35Operating andProgramming — Milling
Create Part
Program s
Part 1

Basic Theory

Moving to a
the spindle

The following functions can be

Using the code G74, N5 G17 G90 G500 G71 used to influence the operation N5 G17 G90 G500 G71
the machine can of the spindle:
N10 T1 D1 M6 N10 T1 D1 M6
move to the
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300 N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
reference point auto- N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5 M3 accelerate to programmed N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5
matically. N25 G01 Z-5 speed clockwise N25 G01 Z-5
N30 Z5 N30 M5
N35 G74 Z=0 reference point M4 accelerate to programmed N35 Z5 M4
speed counter-clockwise N40 M5
N45 M19
 N50 G00 Z500 D0
M5 spindle decelerate to stop

M19 orient the spindle to a

specific angular position.
Using the codeG75, N5 G17 G90 G500 G71
the machine can
move to the fixed N10 T1 D1 M6 Setting a
N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300 delay in the
position defined by N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5 program
the machine supplier N25 G01 Z-5
automatically. N5 G17 G90 G500 G71
N30 Z5 G04 can be used to pause the
N35 G74 Z=0 reference point tools’ movements during op- N10 T1 D1 M6
N40 G75 X=0 fixed point eration N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5
N25 G01 Z-5
G04 F5˖ Program pauseof N30 G04 F5
5s N35 Z5 M4
This makes the surface of the N40 M5
workpiece much smoother N45 M19
N35 G00 Z500 D0

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 36 808D ADVANCED


808D ADVANCED Page 37Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 38 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Content Basic Theory

Unit Description
Radius and
This unit describes how to create a part program, edit the part program chamfers
and get to know the most important CNC commands required to produce a
workpiece. The two radii and
the chamfer shown
Part 2 in the diagram can
be produced with
Unit Content the code marked in
the program below.

RND = Radii N55 SUPA G00 Z300 D0

CHR = Chamfer N60 SUPA G00 X300 Y300
Radius and Hole N65 T3 D1
specified side length of isosceles N70 MSG("Please change to Tool No 3")
chamfers positioning
triangle with chamfer as base N75 M05 M09 M00
N80 S5000 M3 G94 F300
Hole N85 G00 X-6 Y92
milling with specified base line length of N90 G00 Z2
cycle isosceles triangle with chamfer as N95 G01 F300 Z-10
N100 G41 Y 90
base line
N102 G01 X 5
N105 G01 X12 RND=5
Drilling Milling slots N110 G01 Y97 CHR=2
holes and spigots N115 G01 X70 RND=4
N120 G01 Y90
N125 G01 G40 X80
End N130 G00 Z50

808D ADVANCED Page 39Operating andProgramming — Milling

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

With the “OK” SK, the values and
centering cycle call will be transferred to
the part program as shown below.
The easiest way to This will drill a hole at the current
center drill a hole position.
prior to drilling is to With the Modal call SK, holes will
use either CY- be centered at subsequent
CLE81 or CY- programmed positions until
CLE82 cancelled with the MCALL
CYCLE81:With- command in the part program.
out delay at cur- The information is transferred as
rent hole depth shown below.
CYCLE82: With
delay at current Parameters Meanings
hole depth RTP=50 Coordinate value of
turning position is50

RFP=-3 Coordinate value of hole

The relevant cycle edge starting position
can now be found under workpiece zero
using the vertical point surface is3
softkey on the ˄absolute˅
right. SDID=2 Safety distance, feed
˄frequently path changes from quick
ė used values feed to machine feed 2
mm away from RFP face
Select “Deep hole 2~5˅
drilling” using the N325 MCALL CYCLE82( 50.000, -3.000,
vertical SKs , and 2.000, -5.000, 0.000, 0.200) DP=-5 Coordinate position of
final drilling depth is-5
then select “Deep N330 X20 Y20 ; Hole will be centered
N335 X40 Y40 ; Hole will be centered ˄absolute˅
hole drilling” ,and
N340 MCALL DTB=0.2 Delay of0.2 s at final
parameterize the
N345 X60 Y60 ; Hole will not be drilling depth
cycle according to centered
Operating and Programming — Milling Page 40 808D ADVANCED
Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

With the “OK” SK, the values and

cycle call will be transferred to the
part program as shown below.
This will drill a hole at the current
The easiest method to drill position.
holes is with CYCLE81/82 With the “Modal call” SK, holes will
Without/with delay at current be drilled at subsequently pro-
hole depth grammed positions until cancelled
CYCLE83˖Each drilling with the MCALL command in the
operation needs a with- part program.
drawal distanceduring deep The information is transferred as
hole drilling. shown below.
The cycle can be found and
parameterized with the
“Drill.” SK.

For specific parameter

The relevant cycle commands, see the
can now be found next page
using the vertical
SKs on the right.

“Deep hole drilling” N325 MCALL CYCLE83( 50.00000, -3.00000, 1.00000, ,9.24000, ,5.00000,
90.00000, 0.70000, 0.50000, 1.00000, 0, 0, 5.00000, 1.40000, 0.60000, 1.60000)
using the vertical
N330 X20 Y20 ; Hole will be drilled
SKs and param- N335 X40 Y40 ; Hole will be drilled
eterize the cycle N340 MCALL
according to re- N345 X60 Y60 ; Hole will not be drilled

808D ADVANCED Page 41Operating andProgramming — Milling

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

DAM parameter 
For descriptions of RTPRFP, SDIS and DP,please see page 40
ķDAM≠0, the first drilling operation˄FDPR˅cannot exceed the drilling depth. As of
FDEP=5 Reach first drilling hole depth. Z axis the second drilling operation, the drilling is acquired from the last depth operation
coordinate is-5 drilling depth=last drilling depth-DAM The calculated drilling must be >DAM If the
absolute coordinate value calculated drilling is İDAM, as of the next feed, the DAM value will be the feed depth
FDPR=5 From the reference plane, drill down- until the end of the feedIf the last remaining depth is DAM, then drilling is per-
wards5mm formed automatically until the required depth is reached.
DAM=90 Decrement is90 ĸDAM=0drilling depth each time is same as the 1st drilling depth FDPR 
In case the residual depth <2xFDPRthe last 2 cutting depth are half of the residual
DTB=0.7 Pause 0.7 s during final tapping of DTB <0: Unit is r depth.
thread depth (discontinuous cutting)

DTS=0.5 Stops at the start position for 0.5 s DTS <0: Unit is r Example˖40 mmdeep hole as an examplewith DAM=2 mmand DAM=0 mmfeed 
for VARI=1removal active 
Feed Every feed depth/ Actual depth/ Feed Every feed depth/ Actual depth/
times mm mm times mm mm
FRF=1  Original effective feed rate remains Feed rate modulus DAM=2 DAM=0
(range0.001~1 unchanged
1. FDPR=10 -10 1. FDPR=10 -10
VARI=0 Interruption in drilling is active VARI=1 retraction of activequill back 2. FDPR-DAM=10-2=8 -18 2. FDPR=10 -20
to reference plane
3. (FDPR-DAM)-DAM -24 3. FDPR=10 -30
AXN=3 AXN is tool axisunder appointed The value of AXN decides which axis
G17 useZ axis to use
4. (FDPR-2DAM)- -28  Remaining depth =10  2xFDPRthe
MDEP=5 Minimal drilling depth5 mm This parameter activates onlywhen DAM =6-2=4 remaining depth distribute by the last two
DAM <0 drilling
VRT=1.4 Interruption in drilling, the retraction VRT=0 ėretraction value is1mm 5. (FDPR-3DAM)- -30 4. 5 -35
value of the quill is1.4 mm DAM =4-2=2
VRT>0 ėretraction value isap-
pointed value 6. DAM=2 -32 5. 5 -40
DTD=0.6 Pauses at the position of final drilling DTD <0:unit is rDTD =0:same as 7. DAM=2 -34 6.  
depth for0.6 s DTB
8. DAM=2 -36 7.  
DIS1=1.6 When reinserting a quill, you can For specific explanations please refer
program a distance limit of1.6 mm to the standard handbook
9. DAM=2 -38 8.  

10. DAM=2 -40 9.  

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 42 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

With the “OK” SK, the values and

Tapping cycle call will be transferred to the
part program as shown below.
This will drill a hole at the current
The easiest way to position.
tap a hole is to use If there is no other operation, the ma-
CYCLE84: Solid chine will drill holes in the current
tap holder position.
CYCLE840: With With the “Modal call” SK, holes will be
floating tap holder. tapped at subsequently programmed
The cycles can be positions until cancelled with the
found and param- MCALL command in the part pro-
eterized using the gram.
“Drill.” SK. Examples are shown on the next
page .

The relevant cycle

can now be found
using the vertical
SKs on the right.

Select “Thread”
using the vertical
SKs ,and then se-
lect “Rigid tapping”,
and parameterize
the cycle according
to requirement.
808D ADVANCED Page 43Operating andProgramming — Milling
Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

For descriptions of RTP, RFP, SDIS, DP and DTB,please see page 40

For descriptions of AXH, VARI, DAM and VRT, please see page 42

Parameters Meanings Remarks

DTB=0.7 Pause 0.7 s during final tapping to

thread depth (discontinuous cutting)

SDAC=5 Spindle state after cycle isM5 Enter values


PIT=2˄Range of val- Right hand thread with 2mm pitch Evaluate value→left
N325 MCALL CYCLE84( 50.00000, -3.00000, 2.00000, ,6.00000, 0.70000, 5, hand thread
ues0.001~2000 mm˅
,2.00000, 5.00000, 5.00000, 5.00000, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5.00000, 1.40000)
N330 X20 Y20 ; Hole will be tapped
POSS=5 Spindle stops at5º ˄unit:º˅
N335 X40 Y40 ; Hole will be tapped
N345 X60 Y60 ; Hole will not be tapped SST=5 Tapping thread spindle speed is
5 r/min

SST1=5 Retraction spindle speed is Direction is opposite

5 r/ min toSST SST1=0
→speed is same as

SST and SST1 control the spindle speed and the Z axis feed position synchronously. 
During execution of CYCLE 84, the switches of the feed rate override and the cycle stop
(feed hold) are deactivated.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 44 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

With the “OK” SK, the val-

Hole ues and cycle call will be
transferred to the part pro-
gram as shown below.
The easiest way to This will drill holes at the
drill a series of positions defined from
holes is to use the within the cycle.
pre-defined “Hole
pattern” cycles.
The cycles can be
found and param-
eterized via the
“Drill.” SK. N325 MCALL CYCLE82( 50.00000, -3.00000, 2.00000, -5.00000, 0.00000, 0.20000)
N330 HOLES2( 36.00000, 24.10000, 10.00000, 90.00000, 60.00000, 6)
N335 X36 Y24.1
N340 MCALL ; Modal Call OFF

Parameters Meanings
The relevant cycle
CPA=36 Center of hole circle horizontal coordinateis 36 (absolute value)
can now be found
using the vertical
SKs on the right. CPO=24.1 Center of hole circle horizontal coordinateis24.1 (absolute value)

RAD=10 Circle radius is10 mm

Select STA1=90 Angle between the circle and horizontal coordinate is90º

“Hole pattern” using INDA=60 Angle between the circles is60º

the vertical
SKs ,and then se- NUM=6 Drill6 holes on circle
lect “Hole circle”,
and parameterize The cycle is used together with the drilling fixed cycleto decrease thehole clearance
the cycle according
to requirement.
808D ADVANCED Page 45Operating andProgramming — Milling
Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

Contour By selecting the “New file” SK, the contour turning data can be
milling with inserted into Sub Program File (.SPF). You can edit and change it
cycle when selected. The sequence is as follows:

The easiest way to Enter the cycle data setting

rough and finish according to the former opera-
around a contour tions in the screen and enter
is to use the con- the name of the contour sub-
tour milling func- program.
The cycle can be Press “New file ”on the PPU
found and param- to create contour information
eterized via the in the .SPF file. The cursor
“Mill.” SK. moves to the contour editing
position automatically.

The “Contour mill- Make sure that the cursor has

ing” SK can be moved to the contour writing
found in the verti- position as shown in the
cal SKs on the figure 

The parameteriza-
tion is performed
as in this figure.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 46 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

After opening the contour data setting window,please make the following

Enter appropriate
coordinates based
on the data from the
technical drawing.

After all the settings take effect, the selected cycle and set data will be
transferred to corresponding part program automatically
for further information, see next page 
After completing the steps, the system will re-
turnto the edit interface.Press“Technical
interface” on the PPU to return to the interface
for setting the cycle data.

After finishing the parameter settings ofCYCLE72,

press the ”OK” SKon the PPU to insert the corre-
sponding cycles in the main program.

808D ADVANCED Page 47Operating andProgramming — Milling

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

With the “OK” SK, the values and the cycle call are transferred to the part For descriptions of RTPRFP, SDIS and DP,please see page 40
program as shown below. Parameters Meanings Remarks

KNAME= Set the name of the contour subprogram The first two positions of the
CONT1:CONT1_E as “CONT1” program name must be letters
“CONT1_E”is automatically created

MID=5 The maximal feed depthis 5 mm

FAL=0 Finishing allowance at the contour side is 0


FALD=0 Finishing allowance at the bottom plane is 0


FFP1=300 Tool feed rate on plane is 300 mm/min

FFD=100 Feed rate after inserting the tool in the

materialis 100 mm/min

VARI=111 Use G1to perform rough machiningand For other parameters, please
back to the depth defined by the RTP+SDIS refer to the standard manual
at the completion of the contour
N245 CYCLE72( "SUB_PART_1", 50.00000, 0.00000, 2.00000, -5.00000,
5.00000, 0.00000, 0.00000, 300.00000, 100.00000, 111, 41, 12, 3.00000, RL=41 absolute PL=41ėuse G41to make tool compensa- PL=40ėG40, PL=42ėG42
300.00000, 12, 3.00000) value) tionon the left side of the contour

AS1=12 Approach the contour along the 1/4 circle For other parameters, please
on the path in space refer to the standard manual

LP1=3 The radius of the approaching circleis 20 The length of the approaching
mm path is along the line to ap-

FF3=300 The feed rate during retraction of the path is

300 mm/min

AS2=12 Return along the 1/4 circle on the path in Parameter explanations are the
space same as for AS1

LP2=3 The radius of the return circleis 20 mm The length of the returning path
is along the line to approach

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 48 808D ADVANCED

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

With the “OK” SK, the values and cycle call will be trans-
Milling slots ferred to the part program as shown below.
and spigots
This will perform milling at the position defined in the
The easiest way to
mill a slot is to use
the SLOT2 cycle.
The cycle can be
found and param-
eterized via the “Mill.”

The relevant cycle

can be found using
the vertical SKs on
the right.

Select “slot”
using the vertical
SKs and parameter-
ize the cycle accord-
ing to requirement.

808D ADVANCED Page 49Operating andProgramming — Milling

Create Part
Program s
Part 2

Basic Theory

Parame- Meanings Remarks


NUM=3 Three slots on the circle

AFSL=30 Angle slot length is30º AFSL andWID jointly

decide the shape of the slot in
WID=6 Slot width is6 mm the plane

STA1=165 Start angleangle between theeffectivework piece

horizontal coordinate in positive direction and the
first circle slot is165º

INDA=90 Incremental angleangle between the slots is90º INDA=0cycle will calculate
the incremental angle automati-

MID=3 Maximal depth of one feed is3 mm MID=0 ėcomplete the cutting
of the slot depth

CDIR=3 Milling directionG3 in negative direction Evaluate value 2ėuseG2 in

positive direction)

FAL=0.2 Slot side, finishing allowance is0.2 mm

N210 SLOT2( 50.00000, 0.00000, 2.00000, , 3.00000, 3, 30.00000, 6.00000, VARI=0 The type of machining is complete machining VARI=1ėroughing
38.00000, 70.00000, 20.00000, 165.00000, 90.00000, 300.00000, 300.00000, VARI=2ėfinishing 
3.00000, 3, 0.20000, 2000, 5.00000, 250.00000, 3000.00000, )
MIDF=5 Maximal feed depth of the finishing is5 mm

FFP2=250 Feed rate of finishing is250 mm/min

SSF=3000 Spindle speedfor finishing is 3000 mm/min 

For descriptions of RTP, RFP, SDIS, DP and DPR, please see page 40
For descriptions of CPA, CPO and RAD,please see page 45
If FFP2SSF are not specified then use the feed ratespindle speed of rotation as default
For descriptions of FFD and FFP1, please see page 48
FFCP= Feed rate at the center position on thecircle 
path unit ismm/min

Before recalling the cycle, you mustset the tool radius compensation value.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 50 808D ADVANCED


808D ADVANCED Page 51Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 52 808D ADVANCED

Program s

Module Description Simulate A part program must have been created

program before it can be tested using
This unit describes how to simulate a part program before executing it in Axis do not “Simulation”.
AUTO mode. move)

Step 1

Module Content The part program must be opened using the “Program Manager” on PPU.

Simulate pro-
gram˄Axis do
not move˅


808D ADVANCED Page 53Operating andProgramming — Milling

Program s

Step 2 Step 3

Press the “Simu.” SK on the PPU. Press the “CYCLE START” key on the MCP.

If the control is not

in the correct mode,
a message will be
displayed at the
bottom of the
If this message is displayed at the bottom of
the screen, press the “AUTO” mode key on
the MCP.

Press the “Edit” SK on the PPU to return to

the program.


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 54 808D ADVANCED


808D ADVANCED Page 55Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 56 808D ADVANCED

Program s

Unit Description Before the part program can be loaded

Program and executed in AUTO mode, it must be
Execution tested using the simulation function
This unit describes how to load the program in “AUTO“ mode and test the
part program at fixed speed. mentioned previously!

Unit Content

Press the “Execute” SK on the PPU.


Dry Run

The control is now in AUTO

mode with the current opened
program storage path being
displayed and the AUTO lamp
on the MCP is on.

Now the program is ready to start and the actual operation

will be described in the next section!

808D ADVANCED Page 57Operating andProgramming — Milling

Program s

Before executing the “Dry Run”, please Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.
Dry Run change the offset value appropriately for
the real workpiece size in order to avoid Press the “Prog. cont.” SK on the PPU.
cutting the real workpiece during the dry
run and avoid unnecessary danger! Press the “Dry run feedrate” SK on the

Note The following operation is based onthe finished “program execution”

Step 1 The data in the “Dry run feedrate” must first be set
and checked!

Press the “Offset” key on the PPU. Note: The “DRY” symbol is shown and the “Dry run feedrate” SK is
highlighted in blue.

Press the “Back” SK on the PPU.

Press the “Sett. data” SK on the PPU. Step 2

Make sure the feedrate override on the MCP is 0%.
Use the traversing key to move to the required position.
The position is now highlighted. Press “Door” on the MCP to close the
door of the machine. (If you don’t use
Enter the required feedrate in mm/min, enter “2000 ” in the example. this function, just close the door in the
machine manually.)

Press “CYCLE START” on the MCP to

execute the program.

Turn the feedrate override gradually to

the required value.

After finishing the dry run, please turn the changed offset
Press the “Input” key of the PPU. back to the original value in order to avoid affecting the
actual machining!
Operating and Programming — Milling Page 58 808D ADVANCED

808D ADVANCED Page 59Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 60 808D ADVANCED

Pieces s
Content Basic Theory

Unit Description
Time Make sure the machine has been refer-
This unit describes how to use the Time counter function and how to ma- Counter enced before machining workpiecesʽ
chine pieces and the compensation setting for the tool wear.

Step 1

Unit Content
Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Press the “Auto” key on the MCP.

Press the “Time counter” SK on the PPU.




808D ADVANCED Page 61Operating andProgramming — Milling

Pieces s

“Cycle time” shows how long the pro- Machine Make sure the program is correct before
gram has been running. Pieces machining pieces

“Time left” shows how much time re- Set the program in
mains before the program ends. the ready-to-start
status as shown on
the left in accor-
dance with the
The “Time left” can only be counted after a “Program execu-
Step 2
successful cycle run of a part program tion” sequences.

Perform the
Select“Yes” or “No” to decide whether relevant safety
to activate the counter (press the
“Select” key to activate the choice). precautionsʽ

Make sure that only“AUTO” mode and

“ROV” mode are activated
Enter the number of workpieces you
require to be machined in “Required”. or select the M01 function if required 

Notes˖M01 functionėprogram will stop at the

“Actual” shows the number of work- position where there is M01 code.
pieces that have been machined.

Make sure that the feedrate override on the MCP is0%!

Press “Door” on the MCP to close the door of the machine.

(If you don’t use this function, just close the door on the
machine manually.)
Press “CYCLE START” on the MCP to execute the program.

Turn the feedrate override gradually to the required value.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 62 808D ADVANCED
Pieces s

Step 2
Tool The tool wear compensation must
Wear Set the tool length wear parameter of axis X in ”LengthX”, the sign deter-
distinguish the direction of compensa-
mines the direction of wear compensation.
tion clearlyʽ Set the tool length wear parameter of axis Z in ”LengthZ”, the sign deter-
Step 1 mines the direction of wear compensation.
Positive value: The tool moves away from the workpiece
Press the “Offset” key on the PPU. Negative value: The tool moves closer to the workpiece
Press “Input” on the PPU to activate the compensation.
Press the “Tool wear” SK on the PPU.
Set the tool radius wear parameter in “Radius”, the sign determines the
Use the direction keys to select the re- direction of wear compensation.
quired tools and their edges. or Positive value: tool is away from workpiece (set radius bigger than real
Negative value: tool is close to workpiece (set radius smaller than real

Press “Input” on the PPU to activate the


808D ADVANCED Page 63Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 64 808D ADVANCED

Restart s

Unit Description
This unit describes how to restart the part program after a tool has been
changed due to damage, or remachining has to be performed.
Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Press the “Auto” key on the MCP.

Unit Content
Press the “Block search” SK on the PPU.
Press the “Interr. point” SK on the PPU
and the cursor will move to the last
interrupted program line.
Note: The cursor can be moved to the required program
block with the traversing keys.

Note: The “To contour”
and “To end point”

“To contour”: The

program will continue
from the line before the

“To end point”: The

program will continue
from the line with the

Press the “To end point” SK on the PPU.

(can also press “To contour” if required)

808D ADVANCED Page 65Operating andProgramming — Milling

Restart s

Press the “CYCLE START” key on the MCP

to execute the program.

Turn the feedrate override on the MCP gradually to the required value.

The feedrate override must always be set to 0%

Make sure the correct tool is selected before continuing

Press the “CYCLE START” key on the

MCP to execute the program.

Alarm 010208 is shown at the top prompting to press the “CYCLE START”
key to continue the program.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 66 808D ADVANCED


808D ADVANCED Page 67Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 68 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 1


Unit Description RS232

RS232 is used to transfer the programs to
This unit describes how to perform simple tasks on the machine and pro- USB and from the NC.
vides some additional information which may be required to operate the
machine correctly. Step 1 It is recommended to use the “SINUCOM PCIN” communication
SW provided by Siemens to transfer the standard program.

Adjust the parameter settings on the PPU to match the settings of the com-
Unit Content munication SW on the PC.

Press “Program Manager” on the PPU.

Press the “RS232” SK on the PPU.

parameters Press the “Settings” SK on the PPU.

Adjust the parameters in “Communication settings” to match the settings of

Shared communication SW on PC.

Help Save data

milling Press the “Save” SK on the PPU.

Press the “Back” SK on the PPU.

808D ADVANCED Page 69Operating andProgramming — Milling

Information s
Part 1


Step 2 Transfer a part program to a PC from the PPU. You can continue sending the part program.

Press the “NC” SK on the PPU. Press the “OK” SK on the PPU.
Use “Cursor + Select” to select the required part program.
The selected program will be highlighted.  Or you can abort the sending of the part program

Press the “Copy” SK on the PPU. Press the “Cancel” SK on the PPU.

Press the “RS232” SK on the PPU.

Step 3 Transfer a part program to the PPU from a PC.
Check the interface setting and start the communication software to re-
ceive the program on PC. Press “Program Manager” on the PPU.
Press ”Receive Data” on SINUCOM PCIN to start the receive function.
Press the “RS232” SK on the PPU.
Press the “Send” SK on the PPU.

The PPU will display a window showing the progress of the transfer. Press the “Accept” SK on the PPU.

Check the interface setting and start the communication software to send
If there is a problem during transfer of the part program, a window will be the program from PC.
Press ”Send Data” on SINUCOM PCIN to send data.

The PPU will display a window showing the progress of the transfer.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 70 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 1


“USB” is used to transfer the programs to and from the NC.

Step 4 Use the “Copy” and “Paste” SKs to transfer the part program from
NC to USB.

Connect a USB device with sufficient memory to the USB interface on the
Press the “NC” SK on the PPU.

Use “Cursor + Select” to select the required part program.

The selected program will be highlighted. 

Press the “Copy” SK on the PPU.

Press the “USB” SK on the PPU.

Press the “Paste” SK on the

Step 5 Use the “Copy” and “Paste” SKs to transfer the part program from
USB to NC.
Connect the USB device with the stored target programs to the USB inter-
face on the PPU.
Press the “USB” SK on the PPU.
Use “Cursor + Select” to select the required part program.
The selected program will be highlighted. 
Press the “Copy” SK on the PPU.

Press the “NC” SK on the PPU.

Press the “Paste” SK on the

808D ADVANCED Page 71Operating andProgramming — Milling
Information s
Part 1


Shared A shared network drive can be made using an ethernet In the "local configura-
Network connection between the PC and the PPU so the tion data" in the rele-
Drive transferring and backup of NC programs can be vant parameters.
performed easier. 
ᬅ DHCP is set to
Step 1 Set PPU IP address. "No"

ᬆ IP address and
Connect PC using a network cable to the rear X130 ethernet port on the subnet mask can be
PPU arbitrarily set accord-
Press key: Press key: ing to need. (Right
given only as an ex-
Press “Serv. Displ.” SK

Press “Service control” SK

“Local Configuration
Data" setting fin-
ished, press the
"Save" button to
activate the data set.

When the "data stor-

age end" is dis-
played, the input data
activation effect.
Press "Network Info" button to enter the
"Local Configuration Data"

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 72 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 1


Step 2 Set the PC's static IP address. Step 3 On PC create a shared folder.

Anywhere on your PC create a new folder with a simple name (do not use
Ensure PC/PG is connected using a special characters). This example creates a folder named “Test”. Once
network cable to rear X130 PPU Ethernet created, right-click the folder and select “Properties.” then select the pull
port. down menu “Sharing”.

Open the PC's network connection settings,

in the "local area connection properties"
select "Internet Protocol (TCP / IP)"
And double click “Properties”.

In the dialog box, select "Use the following

IP address" and fill in the required IP
(Shown right only given as an example) In the dialog window, select “Advanced Sharing”
Select "OK" to complete the setup. Then check “Share this folder”
Then select “Permissions” and check “Full control”
Select “OK” - “Ok” - “Close” to activate the settings.
In this folder you can put some machining program.
Note: The address "" setting is
based on the first step in the IP address of
Step 4 Add the network drive on the PPU side to activate the shared
the PPU.
PPU and PC IP address should be kept in folder, and online processing
the same network segment.

In the “Network drive configuration” screen select

“Net drv. Config.”
808D ADVANCED Page 73Operating andProgramming — Milling
Information s
Part 1


In the “Network Drive If the connection is lost

Configuration” Enter PC select the drive path
login user name, and press “Connect.”
password, and path of SK
where shared folder is. If your PC does not set user
In accordance to the name and password
format required. You do not need to enter This will re-establish the
connection with PC/PG.
Server: IP address
Share Name: the name This will be shown with
of the shared folder the text “Connection
Note: Use “TAB” key to
switching between
different tasks boxes.
Press “Add Drive” SK to add it to the specified drive letter Press “Program Manager” Button

After set successful, Press “netwo. Drive”

the screen will dis- SK to enter the network
played “Network drive drive interface.
added successfully”
while the set path is
automatically written
to the “drive” Window. Press “Enter” Button to
open network drive to

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 74 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 1


You can now see the

content of the shared Help
folder with all the
machining programs.
The PPU has an online help which shows the contents of standard
You can select the file documents.
you require to
execute in AUTO
mode, click “Exe. Press the “Help” key on the PPU.

Press the “Cur. Topic” SK on the PPU.

The system will auto-
matically jump to The help information related to the current topic will be shown on screen.
AUTO mode, select
the appropriate NC
program. Press the “OEM Manual” SK on the PPU.
Press the “Cycle
Start” button for The online help manual of the OEM will be shown on the screen.
machining operation

Press the “TOC” SK on the PPU.

The online help from the Siemens manual will be shown.

Note: You can also use the “Copy”, “Paste” key to achieve “NC”,
“USB” and “Network Drive” moving files.

808D ADVANCED Page 75Operating andProgramming — Milling

Information s
Part 1


Step 2
face Press “Face cutt.” SK on PPU.
Enter appropri-
“Face cutting” is used to cut the oversized materials on the rough face ate data in the
before starting to machine. ”Face Milling”
window accord-
Step 1 ing to the ma-
chining require-
Press the “Machine” key on the PPU. ment.
Usethe button
Press the “JOG” key on the MCP. on the right side
of the PPU to
select the cutting
Press the “Sett.” SK on the PPU. path of the tool
during machin-
Enter appropriate values in “Retraction plane” and “Safety distance”. ing.

Press the “Input” keyon the PPU to activate Press the “OK” SK on the PPU
the settings.
The system
now automati-
cally creates the

Make sure that the override value on the MCP is0%

Press the “Cycle Start” key on the MCP.

Adjust the override on the MCP gradually to the required values.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 76 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 1


Below shows the connection between program and “R variables” status

Press the “Offset” key on the PPU.

The arithmetic parameters are used in a part program for value assign- Press the “R var.” SK on the PPU.
ment, and also for some necessary value calculations. The required values
can be set or calculated by the control system during program execution. N10 G17 G90 G54
Some of the common arithmetic functions are shown below: N20 T1 D1
N30 S2500 M03 M08
Arithmetic parameters Meaning  N40 G00 X-10.0 Y0 Z10
+   Addition N50 R1=0 R2=0 R3=0
-   Subtraction N60 STOPRE
*   Multiplication N70 M00
/   Division N80 R1=1
=   Equals N90 STOPRE
Sin()    Sine N100 M00
COS()    Cosine N110 R2=2
TAN()    Tangent  N120 STOPRE
ASIN()    Arcsine N130 M00
ACOS()    Arccosine N140 R3=R1+R2
ATAN2( , )  Arctangent2 N150 STOPRE
SQRT()    Square root N160 G00 X=R3
ABS()    Absolute value N170 M30

Reprocessing stop
Programming the STOPRE command in a block will stop block preproc-
essing and buffering. The following block is not executed until all preproc-
essed and saved blocks have been executed in full. The preceding block is
stopped in exact stop (as with G9).

808D ADVANCED Page 77Operating andProgramming — Milling

Information s
Part 1


You can change the time on the control if required Press the “OK” SK on the PPU.
Time when the clocks changes from summer time to winter

Press “Shift” and “Alarm” on the PPU simul-

taneously. +

Make sure the password is set to the “CUSTOMER” access level.

Press the “HMI” SK on the PPU.

Press the “Date time” SK on the PPU.

Press the “Cancel” SK on the PPU to
abort the operation.

“Save data” enables the complete system to be backed

Save data up on the system CF card so that there is a system
backup available to the operator.
Press “Shift” and “Alarm” on the PPU
simultaneously. +

Make sure the password is set to the “CUSTOMER” access level.

Enter a new “Date” and“Time”.
Press the “Save data” SK on the PPU.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 78 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 1


Press the “OK” SK on the PPU. Gear stages M40, M41, M42, M43, M44 and M45 are available.

M40 Automatic gear selection

M41 Gear stage 1
M42 Gear stage 2
M43 Gear stage 3
M44 Gear stage 4
M45 Gear stage 5


The machine tool manufacturer specifies a speed range for each gear

S0...500 Gear stage1 ėM41

While the control is saving data to the system, do not S400..1200 Gear stage2 ėM42
operate or switch off the control! S1000..2000 Gear stage3 ėM43

If the operator is manually selecting the gear stage in the part program, it is
Gear the operator’s responsibility to select the correct gear stage according to
change the required speed.

When a machine has a manual gearbox on the spindle, it is the responsi-

bility of the operator to change gear at the correct place in the part pro-

If the machine tool manufacturer has fitted an automatic gearbox, the fol-
lowing M-codes can be used to change gear in the part program:

808D ADVANCED Page 79Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 80 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 2


Unit Description In MDA mode, you can enter and execute single and
This unit describes how to perform simple tasks on the machine and pro- MDA multiple lines of NC codes.
vides some additional information which may be required to operate the
machine correctly.
Part 2 Use MDA to move the axis to a fixed position.

Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Unit Content Press the “MDA” key on the PPU.

Press the “Delete file” SK on the PPU.

Enter correct NC code to move the axis to the required position.

MDA workpiece Program
offsets jump Make sure the feedrate override on the MCP is at0%!

Press “CYCLE START” on the MCP to execute the

Coordinate MDA program.
M/H Program
function skip
ROT AROT Turn the feedrate override on the MCP gradually to the required value.

Scaling Calculator

Polar Program
coordinates example

808D ADVANCED Page 81Operating andProgramming — Milling

Information s
Part 2


M/H  Subpro-
function gram

The M function initiates switching operations, such as "Coolant ON/OFF".

Various M functions have already been assigned a fixed functionality by Frequently used machining sequences, e.g. certain contour shapes, are
the CNC manufacturer. The M functions not yet assigned are reserved for stored in subprograms. These subprograms are called at the appropriate
free use of the machine tool manufacturer. locations in the main program and then executed.
With H functions, the meaning of the values of a specific H function is
defined by the machine tool manufacturer.
M codes and H functions created by the OEM should be backed up by the
machine tool manufacturer. Subprogram for posi-
tions of the four pockets.
Specified M Explanation Specified M Explanation
function function
M0 Stop program M6 Tool change
The structure of a subprogram is identical to that of the main program, but
M1 Stop program with M7 / M8 Coolant on a subprogram contains M17 - end of program in the last block of the
conditions program sequence. This means a return to the program level where the
subprogram was called.
M2 End program M9 Coolant off

M30 End program and M40 Select gear stage The subprogram should be given a unique name enabling it to be selected
back to the beginning automatically from several subprograms. When you create the program, the program
name may be freely selected.
M17 End subprogram M41~M45 Change spindle gear However, the following rule should be observed:

M3 / M4 / M5 Spindle CW/CCW/ The name can contain letters, numbers and underscoresand should be
Stop between 2 and 8 characters long.
Example: LRAHMEN7

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 82 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 2


Main program Sequence Polar

MAIN 123


... In addition to the common specification in Cartesian coordinates (X, Y, Z),

the points of a workpiece can also be specified using polar coordinates.
Polar coordinates are also helpful if a workpiece or a part of it is
N20 L10; call Subprogram dimensioned from a central point (pole) with specification of the radius and
... L10 the angle.
The polar coordinates refer to the plane activated with G17 to G19. In
... N10 R1=34…
addition, the third axis perpendicular to this plane can be specified. When
... N20 X...Z…. doing so, spatial specifications can be programmed as cylindrical
... …
The polar radius RP= specifies the distance of the point to the pole. It is
N80 L10; call ... saved and must only be written in blocks in which it changes, after the pole
... M17 or the plane has been changed.
The polar angle AP= is always referred to the horizontal axis (abscissa) of
... the plane (for example, with G17: X axis). Positive or negative angle
... specifications are possible. The positive angle is defined as follows:
Starting from the plus direction of X axis and rotates CCW.
M30 It is saved and must only be written in blocks in which it changes, after the
pole or the plane has been changed.
Subprograms can be called from a main program, and also from another
subprogram. In total, up to eight program levels, including the main
program, are available for this type of nested call.

808D ADVANCED Page 83Operating andProgramming — Milling

Information s
Part 2

Basic Theory

G110 GGPole specification relative to the setpoint position last programmed

(in the plane, e.g. with G17: X/Y)  workpiece
Owhen using G110, please always take the current position of the offsets
tool as the reference point to specify the new poleP
The programmable workpiece offsets TRANSandATRANS can be used
G111 Pole specification relative to the origin of the current workpiece in the following cases:
coordinate system in the plane, e.g. with G17: X/Y˅
G112 GGPole specification, relative to the last valid pole; retain plane ● For recurring shapes/arrangements in various positions on the workpiece
● When selecting a new reference point for dimensioning
Programming example
N10 G17 ; X/Yplane
This results in the current workpiece coordinate system.
N20 G111 X17 Y36 ; pole coordinates in the current workpiece TRANS X...Y... Z... ; programmable offset˄absolute˅
AP=45 RP=50 coordinate system ATRANS X...Y... Z... ; programmable offset, additive to existing offset
N80 G112 X35.35 Y35.35 ; new pole, relative to the last pole as a
AP=45 RP=27.8 polar coordinate TRANS ; without values, clears old commands for offset
N90 ... AP=12.5 RP=47.679 ; polar coordinate
N100 ... AP=26.3 RP=7.344 Z4 ; polar coordinate and Z axis˄ cylinder Programming example
coordinate˅ N20 TRANS X20.0 Y15.0 programmable offset
L10 subprogram call

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 84 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 2

Basic Theory

rotation Scaling

The programmable rotation ROT, AROT can be used: A scale factor can be programmed for all axes with SCALE, ASCALE. The
path is enlarged or reduced by this factor in the specified axis. The cur-
The rotation is performed in the current plane G17, G18 or G19 using the rently set coordinate system is used as the reference for the scale change.
value of RPL=...specified in degrees.
SCALE X...Y... Z... ; programmable rotation offset (absolute)
ROT RPL=... ; programmable rotation offset (absolute). ASCALE X...Y... Z... ; programmable offset, additive to existing offset
AROT RPL=… ; programmable offset, additive to existing offset (incremental)
ROT ; without values, clears old commands for offset If a program contains SCALE or ASCALE, this must be programmed in a
separate block.
N10 G17 Programming example
N20 AROT RPL=45 additive 45 degree rotation N10 G17
L10 subprogram call N20 SCALE X2.0 Y2.0 ˗contour is enlarged two times in X and Y
L10 subprogram call

808D ADVANCED Page 85Operating andProgramming — Milling

Information s
Part 2

Basic Theory

N10 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N10 SUPA→cancel all settable offsets

Program N15 SUPA G00 X0 Y0 N15
example N20 G17 T1 D1 N20 coordinate plane G17ˈuse tool 1
N25 MSG ("change to 1tool") N25
N30 M5 M9 M00 N35
This describes and analyzes the additive offset,coordinate rotation, scal- N35 S5000 M3 G94 F300 N40
N40 G00 X-28 Y 30 N45
ing functions mentioned above. N50 LAB1:milling start sign
N45 G00 Z2
N50 LAB1: N65 milling rectangular groove˄depth5 mm,
N65 POCKET3( 50, 0, 2, -5, 30, 15, 3, -28, length30 mmwidth 15 mmcorner radius 3
Machiningtarget dimension drawing and the final effect are as follows:
30, 0, 5, 0, 0, 300, 100, 0, 11, 5, , , 5, 3, ) mmgroove datum coordinate X-28,Y30),
N70 LAB2: groove longitudinal axisand planeX axis
Drawing1üoriginal workpiece N75 M01 clamping angle0º˅
machining  N80 ROT RPL=-100 N70 LAB2:milling groove end sign
Drawing2—coordinate rotates N85 REPEAT LAB1 LAB2 P1 N75
N90 M01 N80 coordinate axisrotates 100º in positive
100º direction
N95 AMIRROR X=1 N85 machining the same groove at the new
Drawing3—ķDrawing2 along N100 AROT RPL=-20 position
X axis mirror image N105 M01 N90
N110 REPEAT LAB1 LAB2 P1 N95 along the new Xaxisto change the
ĸCoordinate rotates 20º mirror image
N115 AROT RPL=10
N100 coordinate axisrotates-20º in positive
Drawing4—ķDrawing3 along N120 ATRANS Y-60 direction
Y axis moves60 in N125 AROT RPL=-10 N105
N130 ASCALE X1.3 Y1.3 N110 machining the same groove at the new
negative direction position
ĸenlarge 1.3 times in X N140 M30 N115 coordinate axisrotates̢10º in
and Y direction negative direction
N120 Yaxis coordinatemoves 60 in negative
N130 groove enlarged 1.3times in the XY
In this example, the positive N135 machining the same groove at the new
direction of the XY position
N140 end
coordinate axisis different
when machining each

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 86 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 2

Basic Theory

Program execution
N10 G0 X...Z...


NC programs process their blocks in the sequence in which they were ...
arranged when they were written. The processing sequence can be N40 GOTOF LABEL0; jumps to label LABEL0
changed by introducing program jumps. The jump destination can be a
block with a label or with a block number. This block must be located within ...
the program. The unconditional jump command requires a separate block. ...

N70 LABEL0: R1=R2+R3

GOTOF+ label˖Jump forward (in the direction of the end block of the
program) N80 GOTOF LABEL1; jumps to label LABEL1

GOTOB+ label˖Jump backward (in the direction of the start block of the N90 LABLE2:
M30; program ends
LabelName of the selected string(standing for the required jump
N110 LABEL1:
program block) or block number

N130 GOTOB LABEL2 ;jumps to label LABEL2

Unconditional jump example

808D ADVANCED Page 87Operating andProgramming — Milling

Information s
Part 2

Basic Theory

Method 2
skip Press the “Machine” key on the PPU.

Method 1 Press the “Auto” key on the MCP.

N5 G17 G90 G500 G71
“;” code Press the “Prog cont.” SK on the PPU.
N10 T1 D1 M6
Using “;” code at the N15 S5000 M3 G94 F300
beginning of the block N20 G00 X50 Y50 Z5 Press the “Skip” SK on the PPU.
can skip this string. N25 G01 Z-20
“;” can also be used to N30 Z5
add remarks to the ...
N85 T2 D1 M6 ; Tool change
N90 S5000 M3 G94 F300
See the figure on the ; N95 G00 X60 Y55 Z10
right for an example of ...

Using “;” code at the begin-

ning of the program block Using “;” code to add a
N95, this string will be remark to the N85 func-
skipped without execution. tion, without any influence
on the execution.

When ”SKP” is displayed (red circle), the skip function has been activated.
After activating “SKP”, using “/” at the beginning of the program string
(shown in purple circle), the string will be skipped without influencing the

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 88 808D ADVANCED

Information s
Part 2

Basic Theory SEQUENCE

Press this SK to delete the contents in the calculator.

Press this SK to exit the calculator screen.

Use this SK to accept the input and write the values to the
You can use the calculator to calculate contour elements, values in the required position.
program editor, tool offsets and workpiece offsetsand enter the results on If the input field is already occupied by a value, the calculator
the screen. will take this value into the input line.
Use the “Accept” SK to enter the result in the input field at the
current cursor position of the part program editor. The calcu-
lator will then close automatically.
Press the “=“ SK on the PPU.

808D ADVANCED Page 89Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 90 808D ADVANCED

Program s
Content Drawing

Unit Description
Milling Make sure all the preparations and
program 1 safety measures have been performed
This unit shows three typical program examples of frequently used milling
cycles and the corresponding machining diagrams with detailed explana- before machiningʽ

Unit Content

The zero point of

Milling the workpiece is
program 1 located at the
center point of
the workpiece
program 2

program 3 

Tool information˖
T1 Milling toolD50
T2 Milling toolD8
Note: All the program examples in this book are only for reference. If
you want to perform actual operations, please adjust the tool offset,
coordinate moving range, workpiece plane settings, etc. according to
the actual machine conditions! Actual effect
808D ADVANCED Page 91Operating andProgramming — Milling
Program s
Machining Process

N10 G17 G90 G54 G60 ROT N10 ; =======Repeat rectangular pocket milling ; ====Repeat ĸĹĺrectangular pocket
N20 T1 D1; FACEMILL N20 tool 1 is plane milling tool 3 times========== milling 3 times=====
N30 N200 Repeat N160 ~ N190 operation three
N30 M6 N200 REPEAT _ANF _END P=3
N40 S4000 M3 M8 ; ======Cancel rotation======= times
N50 ; =======Cancel rotation=========
N50 G0 X-40 Y0 N60 N210 ROT
N210 cancel all the coordinate rotation com-
N60 G0 Z2 ; =========Start face milling======== N220 S4500 M3
; ========Start face milling========= N70 start point X-25ˈY-25 , the length ; ========Start rectangular pocket finish- N220
N70 CYCLE71( 50, 1, 2, 0, -25, -25, 50, 50, 0, and the width are 50 mm, feedrate 400 mm/ ing========= ; ===Startķ rectangular pocket finish-
1, , , 0, 400, 11, ) min, along the direction parallel to the X axisto N230 _ANF1:
perform roughing. ing===
N80 S4500 N240 POCKET3( 50, 0, 2, - 5, 13, 10, 4, -13, N230 _ANF1: Milling start sign
N90 CYCLE71( 50, 1, 2, 0, -25, -25, 50, 50, 0, N90 repeatthe process in N80 , the differ- 16, 0, 2.5, 0.1, 0.1, 300, 200, 2, 2, 2.5, , , , N240 milling rectangular groove depthǃ
1, , , 0, 400, 32, ) ence between the two˖along the alternate 2, 2) lengthǃwidthǃcorner radiusǃbase
; ========End face milling========== direction parallel to the X axisto perform ; ==Adaptive rotation around Z axis==
pointǃcorner angles are the same as the
N100 G0 Z100 finishing N250 AROT Z90 above parameters), plane feedrate300 mm/
N110 T2 D1 ; ENDMILL D8 ; =========End face milling========= N260 _END1: min, depth direction feedrate200 mm/min,
N120 M6 N100 ; ========Repeat rectangular pocket milling direction G2, finish machining.
N110 tool 2 is face milling tool, diameter8 ; ==Adaptive rotation around Z axis===
N130 S4000 M3 milling 3 times=========
mm N250 rotation in positive direction90º
N140 M8 G0 X-13 Y16 N120 N270 REPEAT _ANF1 _END1 P=3
N260 _END1: Milling end sign
N150 G0 Z2 N130 N280 ROT
; ====FinishingĸĹĺrectangular
; ========Start rectangular pocket rough- N140 ; ========Cancel rotation=========
N150 pocket milling =====
ing========== N270 repeat N230~N260 operation three
N160 _ANF: ; ===Startķ rectangular pocket rough- times
N170 POCKET3( 50, 0, 2, -5, 13, 10, 4, -13, ing=== N280 cancel all the coordinate rotation
N160 _ANF:Milling start sign commands
16, 0, 5, 0.1, 0.1, 300, 200, 2, 11, 2.5, , , ,
N170 milling rectangular groove depth5 ; =====Cancel rotation===========
2, 2)
mm, length13 mm, width 10 mm, corner
; ==Adaptive rotation around Z axis==
radius4 mmgroove base point coordi-
N180 AROT Z90
N190 _END: nate X-13,Y16), angle between groove
verticalaxisand planeX axisis 0º),
feedrate300 mm/min, milling directionG2,
rough machining, use G1 vertical groove
center to insert.
; ==Adaptive rotation around Z axis==
N180 rotation in positive direction90º
N190 _END: Milling end sign

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 92 808D ADVANCED

Program s
Machining Process Drawing

N290 G0 X0 Y0 N290 back to workpiece zero point Make sure all the preparations and safety
; =============Start circular pocket ; =====Start circular pocket roughing===== Milling
N300 milling circular groove depth5 mm,
measures have been performed before
roughing============== program 2
N300 POCKET4( 50, 0, 2, -5, 7.5, 0, 0, 2.5, 0.1, radius 7.5 mm, groove base point coordi- machining!
0.1, 300, 200, 0, 21, 2, , , 4, 1) nate X0,Y0), angle between groove
N310 S4500 M3 verticalaxisand planeX axisis 0º),
milling directionis positive, rough machin-
; =============Start circular pocket
finishing============== N310
N320 POCKET4( 50, 0, 2, -5, 7.5 , 0, 0, 5, 0.1, ; =====Start circular pocket finishing=====
0.1, 300, 200, 0, 12, 2, , , 4, 1) N320 milling circular groove depth5 mm,
N330 G0 Z100 radius 7.5 mm, groove basic point coordi-
; =========Start drilling========== nate X0,Y0), the clamping angle between
N340 T3 D1 ;DRILL D3 the groove vertical axisand planeX axis
N350 M6 is 0), finish machining allowance 0.1 mm,
milling direction is positive, finish machin-
N360 S5000 M3
ing, useG1vertical groove center to
N370 G0 X0 Y0 insert.
N380 MCALL CYCLE81( 50, 0, 2, -5, 0) N330 G0 Z100
N390 HOLES2( 0, 0, 10, 45, 60, 6) ; =========Start drilling========== Workpiece zero
N400 MCALL N340 3 tool is drilling tooldiameter3 mm point is located in
N410 M30 the top left corner.
N370 back to workpiece zero point
N380 drilling depth5 mm, use ”MCALL”
mode to use command, means drilling position
decided by the parameters in N490
N390 circular line holeforms cycle command
circular center point coordinate X0,Y0), radius
10 mm, angle between theline with first hole
andcircular center point and the X axis in
positive directionis 45º, angle between the
holes is 60º, circular hole number6 њ˅ 
N400 cancel mode use
N410 M30 Tool information˖

T1 Milling toolD50
T2 Milling toolD12
T4 Milling toolD10

Actual effect
808D ADVANCED Page 93Operating andProgramming — Milling
Program s
Machining Process

N10 G17 G90 G60 G54 N10 SUB_PART_2.SPF ***CONTOUR**** 

N20 T1 D1 ;FACEMILL D50 N20 tool 1 is milling tool, diameter 50 mm
N30 G17 G90
N30 M6
N40 G0 X3 Y3
N40 S3500 M3 N50 back to workpiece zero point G2 X3.27 Y-40.91 I=AC(-52.703) J=AC(-
N50 G0 X0 Y0 N60 19.298)
N60 G0 Z2 ; =========Start face milling====== G3 X46.27 Y-47 I=AC(38.745) J=AC(54.722)
; =======Start face milling======== N70 start point (X0ˈY0 , the length and the G1 X42 Y-8
N70 CYCLE71( 50, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 50, -50 , , widthare 50 mm, feedrate300 mm/min, X3 Y3
finishing allowance0.1 mm, along the direction M2;/* end of contour */
1, 40, , 0.1, 300, 11, )
parallel to the X axisto perform the rough
N80 S4000 M3 machining
N90 CYCLE71( 50, 0.1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 50, -50 , , N80
1, 40, , 0, 250, 32, ) N90 start point X0ˈY0 , the length and the
; ======Start contour milling====== width are 50 mm, feedrate250 mm/min, finish-
N100 T2 D2 ;END MILL ing allowance0, along the direction parallel to
N110 M6 the X axisto perform the finish machining
; =====Start contour milling=======
N120 S3500 M6 N100 tool 2 is milling tool
N130 CYCLE72( "SUB_PART_2", 50, 0, 2, - N110
5, 2, 0.1, 0.1, 300, 300, 11, 42, 1, 4, 300, 1, 4) N120
; =======Start path milling with radius N130 contour cutting depth5 mm, all finishing
allowances0.1 mm, the feedrate of surface
compensation ========
machiningand cuttingdirection300 mm/min,
N140 T4 D1 ;ENDMILL D10 useG42 to activate the compensation, useG1
N150 M6 to do rough machining, approaching path is
N160 S4000 M3 along a straight line, length4 mm, the parame-
N170 G0 X55 Y-15 ters offeedrate/path/length in retraction and
approach are equal.
N180 G0 Z2 ; ====Start path milling with radius com-
N190 G1 F300 Z-8 pensation ===
N200 G42 G1 Y-15 X50 N140 tool 4 is face milling tool, diameter10
N210 G1 X44 Y-2 RND=2 mm
N220 G1 Y0 X 22 N150
N230 G40 Y30 N170
N240 M30 N180
N200 G42 activate tool radius compensation
N210 starts from X44,Y-2 inserta reverse
circle, radius is 2 mm
N220 X22,Y0 is the reverse circle point
N230 G40 cancel tool radius compensation

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 94 808D ADVANCED

Program s
Drawing Machining Process

N10 G17 G90 G54 G71 N10

Milling Part of the cycles in the program are N20 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N20
program 3 taken as examples in Section 5, “Create N30 SUPA G00 X300 Y300 N30
N40 T1 D1 N40
Part Program Part 2”! N50 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 1") N50 hintchange to tool 1
N60 M05 M09 M00 N60
N70 S4000 M3 N70
; =======Face milling start======== ; =======Face milling start=======
N80 CYCLE71( 50, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 70, 100,
N80 start point X0,Y0 , machining lengthX
0, 2, 40, 2, 0.2, 500, 41, 5)
N90 S4500 M3 ė70 mm, Yė100 mm, angle between verti-
N100 CYCLE71( 50, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 70, 100, calaxisandX axisis 0º, finishing allow-
0, 2, 40, 2, 0.2, 300, 22, 5) ance0.2 mm, feedrate500 mm/min, along the
; ========Face milling end======== alternate direction parallel to the Y axisto
N110 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 perform the finishing
N120 SUPA G00 X300 Y300
; =======Path milling start======== N90
N130 T3 D1 N100 repeatN80 contour processthe
N140 MSG( "Please change to Tool No 3") difference in the feedrate is 300 mm/min along
N150 M05 M09 M00 the single direction parallel to the Y axisto
N160 S5000 M3 G94 F300 perform the finishing
N170 G00 X-6 Y92
N180 G00 Z2 ; =========Face milling end=======
N190 G01 F300 Z-10 N110
N200 G41 Y 90 N120
N210 G01 X12 RND=5 ; ======Path milling start=========
N220 G01 Y97 CHR=2 N130
N230 G01 X70 RND=4 N140 hintchange to tool 3
N240 G01 Y90
N250 G01 G40 X80
N160 feedrate300 mm/min
N260 G00 Z50
; ========Path milling end======== N180
Tool information N200 left side radius compensation
T1 Milling toolD50 T5 Milling tool D5 N210 circle, milling radiusis 5 mm
T2 Milling toolD12 T6 Drilling toolD10 N220 incline, milling side lengthis 2 mm
T3 Milling toolD10 T7 Drilling toolD5
T4 Milling toolD16 T8 TapD6 N250 cancel tool radius compensation
; =========Path milling end======

808D ADVANCED Page 95Operating andProgramming — Milling

Program s
Machining Process

N270 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N270 N430 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N430
N280 SUPA G00 X300 Y300 N280 N440 SUPA G00 X300 Y300 N440
N290 ; ======Contour milling start======
N290 T4 D1 ; ======Contour milling start====== N450
N300 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 4") N300 hintchange to tool 4 N450 T2 D1 N460 hintchange to tool 2
N310 M05 M09 M00 N310 N460 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 2") N470
; ====Circular pocket milling start=== N480
; ===Circular pocket milling start==== N470 M05 M09 M00
N320 N490 contour cutting depth5 mm, surface
N320 S5000 M3 N480 S5000 M3
N330 milling circular groove˄depth5 machining feedrate300 mm/min, cutting
N330 POCKET4( 50, 0, 2, -5, 22, 38, 70, N490 CYCLE72( "SUB_PART_3", 50, 0, 2, direction feedrate100 mm/min, useG41 to
mm, radius 22 mmgroove center coordi-
2.5, 0.2, 0.2, 300, 250, 0, 21, 10, 0, 5, 2, -5, 5, 0, 0, 300, 100, 111, 41, 12, 3, 300, activate compensation, useG1 to do rough
0.5 ) nate X38,Y70), finishing allowance0.2 12, 3 ) machining, back to the machining plane at the
N340 S5500 M3 mm, plane machining feedrate 300 mm/min, ; ======Contour milling end======= end of the contour, approach path is along1/4
depth machining feedrate250 mm/min, circle in space, length3 mm, the parameters of
N350 POCKET4( 50, 0, 2, -5, 22, 38, 70, N500 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 feedrate//path/length for retraction and ap-
milling in positive direction, along helical
2.5, 0.2, 0.2, 250, 250, 0, 22, 10, 0, 5, 2, path insertto do rough machining, helical N510 SUPA G00 X300 Y300 proach are equal.
0.5 ) ; =Rectangular pocket milling start== ; ======Contour milling end=======
path radius 2 mm, insert depth0.5 mm˅
; ===Circular pocket milling end==== N520 T2 D1 N500
N340 N510
N360 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N350 repeatN370 milling process, the N530 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 2") ; =Rectangular pocket milling start==
N370 SUPA G00 X300 Y300 difference is the machining allowance. N540 M05 M09 M00 N520
N380 T5 D1 ; ====Circular pocket milling end=== N550 S6500 M3 N530 hintchange to tool 2
N390 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 5") N360 N560 POCKET3( 50, 0, 1, -3, 40, 30, 6, 36, N540
N400 M05 M09 M00 N370 N550
24.1, 15, 3, 0.1, 0.1, 300, 300, 0, 11, 12, 8,
N380 N560 milling rectangle groove depth3
; ========Slot milling start======== 3, 15, 0, 2 )
N390 hintchange to tool 5 mm, length 40 mm, width30 mm, corner
N410 M3 S7000 N570 POCKET3( 50, 0, 1, -3, 40, 30, 6, 36,
N400 radius6 mmgroove base point coordinate
N420 SLOT2( 50, 0, 2, , 3, 3, 30, 6, 38, 70, ; ========Slot milling start======= 24.1, 15, 3, 0.1, 0.1, 300, 300, 0, 12, 12, 8,
X36,Y24.1), angle between groove verti-
20, 165, 90, 300, 300, 3, 3, 0.2, 0, 5, 250, N410 3, 15, 0, 2 )
cal axisand planeX axis is 15º), finishing
3000, ) N420 milling slot˄depth3 mm, machin- ; ==Rectangular pocket milling end== allowance0.1 mm, feedratesurface
; ========Slot milling end======== ing3 slots, slot angle30º, slot width6 machining and cutting directionmachining
mm, basic circlecenter pointcoordinate is300 mm/min, milling in positive direction,
rough machining, useG1 vertical groove
X38,Y70 , basic circle radius 20 mm, center to insert.
start angle 165º, slot incremental angle N570 repeatN600 milling process, the
90º, depth machining feedrate300 mm/ difference is the machining allowance.
min, plane machining feedrate300 mm/ ; ==Rectangular pocket milling end==
min, milling directionG3, slot edge finish-
ingallowance0.2 mm, complete machin-
ing ways, finishing machining feedrate 250
mm/min, spindle speed rate 3000 r/min
; ========Slot milling end=======

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 96 808D ADVANCED

Program s
Machining Process

N580 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N580 N790 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N790
N590 N800
N590 SUPA G00 X300 Y300 ; =========Centering start======= N800 SUPA G00 X300 Y300
; ==========Tapping start========
; ========Centering start========= N600 ; =========Tapping start========= N810
N600 T6 D1 N610 hintchange to tool 6
N620 N810 T8 D1 N820 hintchange to tool 8
N610 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 6") N630 N820 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 8") N830
N620 M05 M09 M00 N640 N840
N650 CYCLE82 mode recall command active N830 M05 M09 M00
N630 S6000 M3 N850 CYCLE84 mode recall activeėdrilling
ėdrilling depth5 mm, last drilling depth N840 S500 M3
N640 G00 Z50 X36 Y24.1 depth6 mm, last tapping depth delayed
N650 MCALL CYCLE82( 50, -3, 2, -5, 0, 0.2) delayed milling stops for0.2 s N850 MCALL CYCLE84( 50, -3, 2, , 6, 0.7,
N660 hole arrangement circular center milling stops for0.7 s, after the cycle,
N660 HOLES2( 36, 24.1, 10, 90, 60, 6) 5, , 2, 5, 5, 5, 3, 0, 0, 0, 5, 1.4 )
coordinate X36,Y24.1 , circular radius10 the spindleM5 stops, machining dextroro-
N670 X36 Y24.1 mm, start angle90º, angle between the N860 HOLES2( 36, 24.1, 10, 90, 60, 6) tation thread, size 2 mm
N680 MCALL ; Modal Call OFF holes is60º, circular hole number6 N870 X36 Y24.1 , spindle stop position is5º , the tapping
; =========Centering end========= N670 continue drilling with X36,Y24.1) as for N880 MCALL ; Modal call Off speedandthe retraction speed of the
the center point spindle are 5 r/min, selectZ axisas the
N690 SUPA G00 Z300 D0 N680 cancel mode recall command ; =========Tapping end========== tool axis, incremental drilling depth5 mm,
N700 SUPA G00 X300 Y300 ; =========Centering end======== retraction value is1.4 mm
N690 N890 SUPA G00 Z500 D0
; =========Drilling start========== N700 N860 hole arrangement circular center
N900 SUPA G00 X500 Y500;
N710 T7 D1 ; ===========Drilling start======== coordinate X36,Y24.1 , circular radius10
N720 MSG ("Please change to Tool No 7") N710 ; =========Move to the change position mm, start angle90º, angle between the
N730 M05 M09 M00 N720 hintchange to tool 7 Ready to start next program or repeat holes is60º, circular hole number6
N730 N870 continue drilling withX36,Y24.1) as the
N740 S6000 M3 N740 =========
center tapping
N750 MCALL CYCLE83( 50, -3, 1, , 9.24, ,5, N750 CYCLE83 mode recall command active N910 M30 N880 cancel mode recall instruction
90, 0.7, 0.5, 1, 0, 3, 5, 1.4, 0.6, 1.6) ėdrilling depth9.24 mm, first drilling ; ==========Tapping end=========
N760 HOLES2( 36, 24.1, 10, 90, 60, 6) depth 5 mm, degression90, last drilling N890
depth delayed milling stops for0.7 s, N900
N770 X36 Y24.1 stops at the start point for 0.5 s, first
N780 MCALL ; Modal call Off drilling feedmodules is1, selectZ axis ; ======Move to the change position Ready
as the tool axis, machining type is delayed to start next program or repeat =======
; =========Drilling end========== N910
milling, tool axis isZaxis, minimal depth
5 mm, every retraction is1.4 mm, drilling
depth stops for0.6 s , reinsert lead dis-
tance1.6 mm
N760 hole arrangement circular center
coordinate X36,Y24.1 , circular radius10
mm, start angle90º, angle between the
holesis 60º, circular hole number6
N770 continue drilling with X36,Y24.1) as the
center point
N780 cancel mode recall instruction
; =========Drilling end===========

808D ADVANCED Page 97Operating andProgramming — Milling

Program s
Machining Process

G0 X7 Y0
G1 Y61.35
G2 X13.499 Y86 I=AC(57) J=AC(61.35)
G1 X63 RND=2
M2;/* end of contour */

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 98 808D ADVANCED


808D ADVANCED Page 99Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 100 808D ADVANCED

Mode s
Content Basic Theory

Unit Description ISO Siemens standard machining codes are implemented in
function DIN mode. The 808D ADVANCED also provides also
This unit describes the ISO operating functions in 808D ADVANCED, com- switch provides appropriate functions for implementing the ISO
pares the similarities and differences of the machining code in DIN mode commands, but the ISO mode must be activated during
and ISO mode and shows how to transfer and implement the ISO machin- operation.
ing program. The examples is ISO mode chapter can be run in 808D AD-
ISO function switch
Method 1
Unit Content
Press the “Shift” + “System - Alarm” keys +
on the PPU. Input the manufacturer’s
password (“SUNRISE”)

Press the “ISO mode” SK on the right.

function A dialog box appears prompting whether
switch to activate the new setting. Select the
“OK” SK to activate it.

ISO program
transfer and


808D ADVANCED Page 101Operating andProgramming — Milling

Mode s
Basic Theory

After pressing “OK”, the

ISO All the ISO codes described in this unit
system restarts automati-
code can be implemented in the ISO mode of
cally. explanation the 808D ADVANCED system!
After restarting, press “Shift”
+ “System - Alarm” again Brief description of typical, frequently used ISO codes
and if the symbol in the red
ISO code Description Compare
circle appears, ISO mode is with DIN 
already activated.
G00 Orientation rapid traverse  AsDIN

G1 Linear difference  AsDIN

G17/G18/G19 XY plane / ZX plane / YZ plane As DIN
G20/G21 Input in inch/mm G70/G71
A red ISO appears at the top of the screen and the ISO mode button on G41/G42/G40 Left tool tip radius compensation / right tool tip As DIN
the right is highlighted in blue. radius compensation / cancel tool radius com-

Method 2 When using method 2 to activate the ISO mode, G54 ~ G59 Select workpiece coordinate system AsDIN
it will exit ISO mode and return to the default G80 Cancel fixed cycle 
DIN mode via “Reset” button or after finishing
the machining program. G90/G91 Absolute/incremental programming 
G94/G95 Feedrate F in mm/min/ mm/r As DIN
Insert G291 in the first line of the ISO part program to be executed and
insert G290 in front of M30. S Spindle speed As DIN

ˈR Reverse circle note the form there must be RND

G291/G290com- ”ˈ” before R parameter 
mands must be set M3/M4/M5 Spindle right/ spindle left/ spindle stop As DIN
separately in a line!
M98 P _L_ Subprogram call P+ subprogram name/ L+ Program
name + L

If ISO is displayed at the top of the screen, it is M99 End of Subroutine M17

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 102 808D ADVANCED

Mode s
Basic Theory

In DIN mode, the tool length H01→Offset value 20.0 CodeG02 andG03
is activated automatically, H02→Offset value -30.0
but in ISO mode,you must H03→Offset value 30.0 G02 circular interpolation in
activate the tool length via H04→Offset value -20.0 positive direction
G code.
G90 G43 Z100.0 H01˗Z will reach 120.0 G03 circular interpolation in
G43/G44 andG49
negative direction
G90 G43 Z100.0 H02˗Z will reach 70.0 You can specify the circle end
UseG43/G44ˈthe tool G90 G44 Z100.0 H03˗Z will reach 70.0 point in the following X/Z ad-
length compensation value
will be activated. G90 G44 Z100.0 H04˗Z will reach 120.0 dress for both. You can also
describe circle radii with I, J, K Method 1 (use incrementalto describe
G43˖Tool length compen-
sation in positive direction incremental or use parameter R circular radius)
Note˖In DIN mode, you must open the H
to specify radii directly. G92 X200.0 Y40.0 Z0
G44˖Tool length compen- code list in the tool list. For information on
sation in negative direction G90 G03 X140.0 Y100.0 I-60.0 F300.0
the opening method, please refer to the G02 X120.0 Y60.0 I-50.0
G49˖Cancel tool length
compensation instructions forH code on page 104 
Method 2 (use parameterR to de-
scribe circular radius)
G92 X200.0 Y40.0 Z0
G90 G03 X140.0 Y100.0 R60.0 F300
G02 X120.0 Y60.0 R50.0
G98 ˖Fixed cycle back to  N5 G90 T1 M06
the original point N10 M3 S2000˗spindle rotation
G99 ˖Fixed cycle back to R N20 G99 G81 X300 Y-250 Z-150 When specifying circle radii
point R-10 F120˗after orientation drill- with parameter R 
G80 ˖Cancel the fixed cycle ing, back to R point 
Pausing functionG04
N30 X1000. ˗after orientation drill- Circles less than 180°is as- End point 
G04 X5.0→delay5 s
G04 P5→delay5 ms ing, back to R point signed positive values
N40 G04 X2.0 ˗delay 2 s ᬅ→G02 X6.0 Y2.0 R50.0
Circles greater than 180° are
N50 G98 Y-550 ˗after orientation drill- Start point 
assigned negative values
ing, back to start point ᬆ→G02 X6.0 Y2.0 R-50.0
N60 G80 ˗cancel the fixed cycle
N70 M5 ˗spindle rotation stop
N80 M30

808D ADVANCED Page 103Operating andProgramming — Milling

Mode s
Basic Theory

Frequently used letter meanings of typical fixed cycle codes in ISO mode Brief introduction of typical fixed cycle codes in ISO mode

P. Descriptions  Unit Applied range and For the meaning of letters when programming typical fixed
note cycles, please refer the figure on the left
X/Y Cutting end pointX/Z absolute coordi-  G73 / G74 / G76
nate values  G81 ~ G87 / G89 G73 fast-speed deep hole G73 application example program˖
drilling M3 S1500 spindle rotation
The distance incremental value be-  G73 / G74 / G76 Common programming G90 G99 G73 X0 Y0 Z-15 R-10 Q5 F120
Z tween R pointand the bottom of the G81 ~ G87 / G89 structures˖ after orientation drill 1st hole, back toR point
hole, orthe absolute coordinate value G73 XüYüZüRüQüFü Y-50 after orientation drill 2nd hole, back toR point
of the bottom of the hole K Y-80 after orientation drill 3rd hole, back toR point
Motion process˖ X10 after orientation drill 4th hole, back toR point
The distance incremental value be-  G73 / G74 / G76 Y10 after orientation drill 5th hole, back toR point
R tween the start point planeandR G81 ~ G87 / G89 ķDrilling motion -Z ė
intermediate feed G98 Y75 after orientation drill 6th hole, back toR point
pointorthe absolute coordinate value G80 cancel fixed cycle
of R point ĸMotion at the bottom of
G28 G91 X0 Y0 Z0 back to reference point 
the holeėnone
M5 spindle rotation stop
The depth of every cut  G73 / G83 ĹRetraction motion Z  M30
Q ˄incremental value˅ ėfast feed

Offset value  G76 / G87

˄incremental value˅
G74 reverse tapping cycle G74 application example program˖
P The delay time at the bottom of the ms G74 / G76 / G89 Common programming
hole G81 ~ G87 structures˖ M4 S100 spindle rotation
G90 G99
F The feedrate of the cutting mm/min G73 / G74 / G76 G74 XüYüZüRüPüFü G74 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-120 P300 F120
K after orientation drill 1st hole, back toR point
G81 ~ G87 / G89
Motion process˖ Y-550 after orientation drill 2nd hole, back toR point
K The repeat times of the fixed cycle  G73 / G74 / G76 ķDrilling motion -Z ė Y-750 after orientation drill 3rd hole, back toR
G81 ~ G87 / G89 cutting feed pointX1000 after orientation drill 4th hole, back toR pointY-
ĸMotion at the bottom of 550 after orientation drill 5th hole, back toR pointG98
In 808D ADVANCED, the default ISO programfeed distance the holeėspindle rotation Y750 after orientation drill 6th hole, back toR
unit ismm X100ė100mm in positive direction pointG80 cancel fixed cycle
ĹRetraction motion Z  G28 G91 X0 Y0 Z0 back to reference point
ėcutting feed M5 spindle rotation stop
Note˖change the parameter 10884=0ˈto make X100 ė100 um / X100. ė100 M30

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 104 808D ADVANCED

Mode s
Basic Theory

G76 Boring cycle G76 application example program˖ G82 Drilling cycle countersink drilling G82 application example program˖
Common programming structures: Common programming structures:
G76 XüYüZüRüQüPüFüK M3 S500 spindle rotation M3 S2000 spindle rotation
G82 XüYüZüRüPüFüK
G90 G99 G90 G99 G82 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 P1000 F120
Motion process˖ G76 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q5 P1000 F120 Motion process˖ after orientation drill1st hole, stop for 1 s at the bottom
ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed after orientation bore 1stholethen move5 mm, ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed of the hole, back to the R point.
ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė stop for 1 s at the bottom of the hole, back to the R Y-550 drill2nd hole the same as1sthole 
point. ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė
spindle stop directional pause Y-750 drill3rd hole the same as1st hole 
Y-50 bore2nd hole the same as 1st hole 
ĹRetraction motion Z ėfast feed ĹRetraction motion Z ėfast X1000 drill4th hole the same as1st hole 
Y-80 bore3rd hole the same as 1st hole 
feed Y-550 drill5th hole the same as1st hole 
X10 bore4th hole the same as 1st hole 
G98 Y-750 drill6th holestop for 1 s at the
Y10 bore5th hole the same as1st hole  bottom of the hole, back to the start point position plane
G98 Y-750 bore6th holethen move5 mm, G80 cancel fixed cycle
stop for 1s at the bottom of the hole, back to the start
point position plane G28 G91 X0 Y0 Z0 back to reference point 
G80 cancel fixed cycle M5 spindle rotation stop
G28 G91 X0 Y0 Z0 back to reference point 
M5 spindle rotation stop

G83 Drilling cycle deep hole drilling G83 application example program˖
G81 Drilling cycle fixed point drilling G81 application example program˖ Common programming structures
Common programming structures˖ G83 XüYüZüRüQüFüK M3 S2000 spindle rotation
M3 S2000 spindle rotation G90 G99 G83 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-100 Q15 F120
G81 XüYüZüRüFüK G90 G99 G81 X300 Y-250 Z-150 R-10 F120 Motion process˖ after orientation drill 1st hole, back toR point
Motion process˖ after orientation drill 1st hole, back toR point ķDrilling motion -Z ėintermission Y-550. after orientation drill 2nd hole, back toR point
ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed Y-550 after orientation drill 2nd hole, back toR feed Y-750. after orientation drill 3rd hole, back toR point
ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė point ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė X1000. after orientation drill 4th hole, back toR point
none Y-750 after orientation drill 3rd hole, back toR
None Y-550. after orientation drill 5th hole, back toR point
ĹRetraction motion Z ėfast feed X1000 after orientation drill 4th hole, back toR Ĺ Retraction motion Z ėfast feed G98 Y-750. after orientation drill 6th hole, back tostart
point plane
Y-550 after orientation drill 5th hole, back toR G80 cancel fixed cycle
point G28 G91 X0 Y0 Z0 back to reference point 
G98 Y-750after orientation drill 6th hole, back to M5 spindle rotation stop
start plane M30
G80 cancel fixed cycle
G28 G91 X0 Y0 Z0 back to reference point 
M5 spindle rotation stop

808D ADVANCED Page 105Operating andProgramming — Milling

Mode s
Basic Theory

G84 Tapping cycle G84 execution operation graphic˖ G86 boring cycle G86 execution operation graphic˖
Common programming structures With command G99 without operation in red line Common programming structures With command G99 without operation in red line
With command G98 with operation in red line With command G98 with operation in red line
G84 XüYüZüRüPüFüK G86 XüYüZüRüFüK Except for the stop at the bottom of the hole, G86
Motion process: Motion process: is same asG81
ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed
ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė
spindle rotation in negative direction spindle stop
ĹRetraction motion Z ėcutting feed ĹRetraction motion Z ėfast feed

Origin spindle CW
after pause
spindle CW
after pause Origin spindle CW
after pause
R Point
R Point

Z Point
Z Point
spindle CCW
after pause spindle stop
after pause

G85 boring cycle G85 execution operation graphic˖ G89 boring cycle G89 execution operation graphic˖
Common programming structures With command G99 without operation in red line Common programming structures With command G99 without operation in red line
With command G98 with operation in red line With command G98 with operation in red line
G85 XüYüZüRüFüK Except that the spindle is not rotating at the G89 XüYüZüRüPüFüL Except that the spindle stops at the bottom of the
Motion process˖ bottom of the hole, G85 is same asG84 Motion process: hole, G89is same asG85
ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed
ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė
none pause
ĹRetraction motion Z ėcutting feed ĹRetraction motion Z ėcutting

Origin Origin

R Point
R Point

Z Point
Z Point

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 106 808D ADVANCED

Mode s
Basic Theory

G87 Boring cycleĉ/ reverse boring cycle G87 execution operation ISO The ISO mode function provided by
Ċ program the 808D ADVANCED can easily

Common programming structures transfer and
Fixed cycle Ċė operate the existing ISO program
G87 XüYüZüRüQüPüFüL spindle start operation
Motion process˖
Step 1 Transfer ISO files in USB device to 808D.
ķDrilling motion -Z ėcutting feed
ĸMotion at the bottom of the holeė Connectthe USB device with the stored target programsto the USB inter-
spindle stops Z Point
face on the PPU.
ĹRetraction motion Z ėmanual
operationor fast feed  Positioning of Spindles Press the “USB” SK on the PPU.
Tools move
Use the “Cursor + Select” keys to select the required program
Fast feed which is then highlighted. 
R Point
Cutting feed

Manual feed spindle start Press the “Copy” SK on the PPU.

Press the “NC” SK on the PPU.

G87 execution operation graphic˖

Press the “Paste” SK on the PPU.
Fixed cycleĉ
A specifiedISO program is then stored in the 808D system and can be
edited and executed as described above.

spindle start

Origin Step 2 Make the necessary changes to the ISO programs.

spindle start

R Point
Programs in ISO mode in the 808D ADVANCED have
their own rules. Suitable changes must be made at the
Z Point Z Point
Using G98 Using G99 appropriate positions so that you can run the ISO
spindle stop spindle stop programs!

808D ADVANCED Page 107Operating andProgramming — Milling

Mode s
Basic Theory

Beginning of the program CommonISO program 808DISO program Step 3 Program execution
Common ISO program˖ O0001˗ O0001˗Delete this
Beginning is “O” G0 X50 Y50 Z50 M5 line Make sure the current system is in ISO mode
ISO mode of 808D˖ G04 X5 G0 X50 Y50 Z50 M5
Not compatible with the programs M3 S1000 G04 X5 Make sure all preparations and safety measures have been
beginning with “O”  M3 S1000 performed

Operate as described above.

Tool and workpiece setup ėsimulationėtestėmachining.

H code
In808D standardDIN mode, you
must open the H list in the tool list
first and fill in the data accordingly  Step 4 Transfer the ISO files in the 808D to the USB device.

2 common methods
ķDirect useof the ISO switch Connect the USB device with sufficient memory to the USB interface on
button on the PPU to enter ISO the PPU.
We recommend the 1st Press the “NC” SK on the PPU.

Use the “Cursor + Select” keys to select the required program
ĸEnter code G291 in MDA mode 
and execute. When the ”Reset” is which is then highlighted.
not used, the H list in the tool list is
open. Press the “Copy” SK on the PPU.

Press the “USB” SK on the PPU.

Press the “Paste” SK on the PPU.

Note˖Every tool only can use the H value corre-
spondingto the edge. A specifiedISO program is then stored in the USB and can be executed
In the graphic above,T2 H1 cannot be executed. as required.

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 108 808D ADVANCED

Mode s
Basic Theory

ISO programs can be executed in the 808D as follows:

Step 5 Sample program

Make sure the current system is in ISO mode N10 G291 N210 T2M6
Make sure all preparations and safety measures have been N20 T1M6 N220 M3S3000F100
performed! N30 G0G54G90G40 N230 G43H2Z50
N40 M3S1200F200 N240 G0X40Y-40
N50 G43H1Z50 N250 Z20
N60 G0X0Y-70 N260 G81Z-2R10
N70 Z5M8 N270 Y40
N80 G1Z-5 N290 X-40
N90 G01G41X20D1 N300 Y-40
N100 G03X0Y-50R20 N310 G80
N120 G1X-50,R10 N320 G0Z50
N130 Y50,R10
N140 X50,R10 N330 T3M6
N150 Y-50,R10 N340 M3S3000F100
N160 X40 N350 G43H3Z50
N170 X0 N360 G73Z-20R10Q5
N180 G03X-20Y-70R20 N370 Y40
N190 G1G40X0 N380 Y-40
N200 G0Z50 N390 X40
N400 Y40
N410 G80
N420 G0G40G90G49Z100
N430 M09
N440 G290
Note˖This program opens/exits N450 M30
ISO mode with theG291/G290 com-
mand. It is recommended to use
the first method to open ISO mode
— using the ISO mode active but-
ton on the PPU (described above)

808D ADVANCED Page 109Operating andProgramming — Milling

Mode s
Basic Theory

Standard Siemens programming. N160 G0G40G90Z60

Machining the same workpiece as N170 M09M05
described above can be compared N180 M30
with theISO code 

N10 T1D1M6 ; contour milling tool

N20 G54G90G40G17
N30 M3S2000M8
G0 X0 Y-50
N40 G0Z25 G1 X-50 RND=10
N50 X0Y-70 Y50 RND=10
N55 CYCLE72( "SUB_PART_4", 50, 0, 2, X50 RND=10
-5, 2.5, 0.1, 0.1, 200, 200, 111, 41, 2, 20, Y-50 RND=10
200, 2, 20) X0
N60 T2D1M6 ; quilldrill center hole M2;/* end of contour */
N70 M3S2500M8
N80 MCALL CYCLE82( 50, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0)
N90 CYCLE802( 111111111, 111111111,
40, -40, 40, 40, -40, 40,
-40, -40, ,)
N110 T3D1M6 ; quill; deep hole drilling
N120 M3S2500M8
N130 MCALL CYCLE83( 50, 0, 2,
-20, ,-5, ,3, 0.5, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 0, ,0)
N140 CYCLE802( 111111111, 111111111,
40, -40, 40, 40, -40, 40,
-40, -40, ,)

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 110 808D ADVANCED


808D ADVANCED Page 111Operating andProgramming — Milling


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 112 808D ADVANCED

Appendix s

Unit Content

Group 1: Modally valid motion commands

Name Meaning
G G00 Rapid traverse
G01 * Linear interpolation
G02 Circular interpolation clockwise
G03 Circular interpolation counter-clockwise
CIP Circular interpolation through intermediate point
Contact CT Circular interpolation; tangential transition
G33 Thread cutting with constant lead
G331 Thread interpolation
Useful G332 Thread interpolation - retraction
Group 2: Non-modally valid motion, dwell

Name Meaning
G04 Dwell time preset
G63 Tapping without synchronization
G74 Reference point approach with synchronization
G75 Fixed point approach
G147 SAR - Approach with a straight line
G148 SAR - Retract with a straight line
G247 SAR - Approach with a quadrant
G248 SAR - Retract with a quadrant
G347 SAR - Approach with a semicircle
G348 SAR - Retract with a semicircle

808D ADVANCED Page 113Operating andProgramming — Milling

Appendix s

Group 3: Programmable frame Group 8: Settable zero offset

Name Meaning Name Meaning
TRANS Translation G500 * Settable work offset OFF
ROT Rotation G54 1st settable zero offset
SCALE Programmable scaling factor G55 2nd settable zero offset
MIRROR Programmable mirroring G56 3rd settable zero offset
ATRANS Additive translation G57 4th settable zero offset
AROT Additive programmable rotation G58 5th settable zero offset
ASCALE Additive programmable scaling factor G59 6th settable zero offset
AMIRROR Additive programmable mirroring
G110 Pole specification relative to the last programmed setpoint position Group 9: Frame suppression
G111 Pole specification relative to origin of current workpiece coordinate system Name Meaning
G112 Pole specification relative to the last valid POLE G53 Non-modal skipping of the settable work offset
G153 Non-modal skipping of the settable work offset including base frame

Group 6: Plane selection Group 10: Exact stop — continuous – path mode
Name Meaning Name Meaning
G17 * X/Y plane G60 * Exact positioning
G18 Z/X plane G64 Continuous — path mode
G19 Y/Z plane

Group 11: Exact stop, non-modal

Name Meaning
Group 7: Tool radius compensation
Name Meaning G09 Non-modal exact stop

G40 * Tool radius compensation OFF

Group 12: Exact stop window modally effective
G41 Tool radius compensation left of contour
Name Meaning
G42 Tool radius compensation right of contour
G601 * Exact stop window
G602 Exact stop window, course, with G60, G9

Operating and Programming — Milling Page 114 808D ADVANCED

Appendix s

Group 13: Workpiece measuring inch/metric Group 44: Path segmentation with SAR modally effective
Name Meaning Name Meaning
G70 Inch dimension data input G340 * Approach and retraction in space (SAR)
G71 * Metric dimension data input G341 Approach and retraction in the plane (SAR)
G700 Inch dimension data input; also for feedrate F
G710 Metric dimension data input; also for feedrate F Group 47: External NC languages modally effective
Name Meaning
Group 14: Absolute/incremental dimension modally effective G290 * Siemens mode
Name Meaning G291 External mode
G90 * Absolute dimensions data input
G91 Incremental dimension data input
Group 15: Feedrate / Spindle modally effective Name Meaning
Name Meaning TRACYL Cylinder. Peripheral surface transformation
G94 Feedrate mm/min TRANSMIT Transmit: Polar transformation
G95 Feedrate F in mm/spindle revolutions TRAFOOF Deactivate transformation

Group 16: Feedrate override modally effective

Name Meaning
CFC * Feedrate override with circle ON
CFTCP Feedrate override OFF

Group 18: Behavior at corner when working with tool radius compensation
Name Meaning
G450 * Transition circle
G451 Point intersection

808D ADVANCED Page 115Operating andProgramming — Milling

Appendix s


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If you have any questions about this product or this manual, contact the

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SINUMERIK Internet address

Further product information can be found at the following web site:


Operating and Programming — Milling Page 116 808D ADVANCED


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Everything ever wanted to know about SINUMERIK 808D:

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Siemens AG Subject to change without prior The information provided in this brochure contains merely general
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their own purposes could violate the rights of the owners.

7.6 Cambio automático de herramientas (opcional)

Los Router PCNC equipados con el Husillo ATC permiten automatizar el cambio de herramienta
evitando el cambio manual.

La máquina realiza intercambios de herramientas definidos por el usuario utilizando los Conos
dispuestos en el Portaherramientas.

En las máquinas CNC con cambio de herramientas es preciso que

esté conectado el aire a la máquina previo a ejecutar el Cambio
de Herramienta

7.6.1 Armado del conjunto herramienta

Para poder operar con un husillo con cambio de herramienta, las herramientas deben ir montadas
sobre conjuntos de sujeción de las mismas. Este conjunto de componentes, son piezas estándar que
por un lado permiten sostener todo tipo de herramienta acorde al collet o boquilla que tengan, y por
el otro se sujeta solidario al husillo para que pueda girar con el mismo y así poder realizar el desbaste
de material.
Los componentes necesarios del conjunto de sujeción de herramienta en los routers PCNC se
componen de la siguiente manera:
Tuerca o perno de tracción: es la pieza sobre
la que traba el cono con el husillo.

Cono mandril: sujeción de todo el conjunto.

Modelo para PCNC:

Collet: Mandril que sujeta la fresa. Su

diámetro es en función de la fresa a sujetar.
Diámetros para tuercas ER25: 1 a 16mm
Diámetros para tuercas ER32: 1 a 19mm

Tuerca de boquilla: sujeta y aprieta la fresa

en la boquilla y por ende sobre todo el
conjunto de sujeción de la fresa.
Modelos para PCNC: ER32 o ER25

Fresa: Según el trabajo a realizar y material a

mecanizar, será su forma y compuesto con el
que está hecha la misma.



7.6.2 Cambio de herramienta manual

Para poder realizar el cambio de herramienta se debe acceder al lateral del husillo donde se
encuentra un pulsador para activar y desactivar el Clamp de la Herramienta.

Acercarse al husillo mientras está girando o moviendo la máquina,

puede ocasionar lesiones graves. Esperar a que esté completamente
detenido, tanto el router como el husillo, para poder acceder al mismo.

El pulsador se habilita solo cuando el husillo no está girando



Pasos para la colocación del cono en el husillo

1) Mantener presionado el pulsador.

2) Introducir el Cono con la herramienta.
3) Soltar el pulsador.

En el momento de sujetar el cono, realizarlo desde la parte inferior al

aro mayor, ya que en el momento de inserción en el husillo, puede
apretar los dedos del operario.

- 27 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


Código Función

G00 Posicionamiento
G01 Interpolación Lineal
G02 Interpolación Circular Horario
G03 Interpolación Circular Antihorario
G04 Tiempo de Espera
G17 Selección de Plano XY
G18 Selección de Plano ZX
G19 Selección de Plano YZ
G20 Entrada en pulgadas
G21 Entradas en mm
G27 Comprobacion de Retorno a la posición de referencia
G28 Retorno a posición de referencia
G29 Retorno desde la posición de referencia
G40 Retorno a posición de referencia 2,3 y 4
G41 Compensación izquierda del radio de la herramienta
G42 Compensación derecha del radio de la herramienta
G43 Compensación longitud de herramienta + dirección
G44 Compensación longitud de herramienta – dirección
G49 Cancelación de compensación de longitud de herramienta
G52 Ajuste de sistema de coordenadas locales
G53 Selección de sistema de coordenadas de máquina
G54 Selección de sistema de coordenadas de pieza 1
G55 Selección de sistema de coordenadas de pieza 2
G56 Selección de sistema de coordenadas de pieza 3
G57 Selección de sistema de coordenadas de pieza 4
G58 Selección de sistema de coordenadas de pieza 5
G59 Selección de sistema de coordenadas de pieza 6
G65 Llamada a macro
G73 Ciclo de taladrado profundo

- 28 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


G74 Ciclo de roscado con macho inverso

G76 Ciclo de mandrinado fino
G80 Cancelación de ciclo fijo
G81 Ciclo de taladrado
G82 Ciclo de taladrado
G83 Ciclo de taladrado profundo
G84 Ciclo de roscado
G85 Ciclo de mandrinado
G86 Ciclo de mandrinado
G87 Ciclo de mandrinado posterior
G88 Ciclo de mandrinado
G89 Ciclo de mandrinado
G90 Comando absoluto
G91 Comando incremental
G92 Ajuste de sistema de coordenadas de pieza
G98 Retorno al punto inicial en ciclo fijo
G99 Retorno al punto R en ciclo fijo

Código Función

M01 Parada de Programa

M03 Rotación de Husillo
M05 Parada de Husillo
M06 Cambio de Herramienta
M08 Lubricación On
M09 Lubricación Off
M32 Bomba de Vacío On
M33 Bomba de Vacío Off
M30 Fin de Programa
M98 Llamada de subrutina
M99 Fin de subrutina



9.1 Introducción

Un mantenimiento regular es importante ya que asegura una buena vida útil y productividad del
equipo con el menor tiempo de inactividad posible. El Programa de Mantenimiento Preventivo se
basa en tareas simples que cualquier usuario puede realizarlas por su cuenta. El mismo consiste en el
engrasado de las guías, patines y tornillos de los ejes de la máquina, más el control de las correas.

Las tareas de mantenimiento deben ser llevadas a cabo por

personal idóneo.

Antes del trabajo de mantenimiento, asegurarse de desconectar

la alimentación eléctrica de la máquina.

9.2 Limpieza

Utilizar aceite SAE20 para limpieza de las guías patines y tornillos

Remover el óxido presente en guías

- 30 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


9.3 Engrasado

El procedimiento se debe realizar de acuerdo a la siguiente tabla:

Material Período de mantenimiento

Madera Blanda 16 horas de uso

Madera dura 25 horas de uso

Aluminio, bronce 30 horas de uso

ƒ Utilizar grasa Shell GADUS V220

ƒ Proceder a insertar la engrasadora en los alemites de los patines y a lo largo de la guía

ƒ Fig. 22 – Detalle de los alemites para engrasado



9.4 Soporte técnico

9.4.1 Control de correas

La tensión de las correas dispuestas en los engranajes del Motor-Tornillo se debe controlar
periódicamente para garantizar un correcto funcionamiento del Router.

El procedimiento consiste en la inspección visual de la correa y el control de la tensión de la misma.

9.4.2 Limpieza de tablero eléctrico

El procedimiento consiste en la inspección y limpieza del tablero eléctrico de control del Router
PCNC en caso de posibles fallas que se estén dando en el equipo.

9.4.3 Calibración
La calibración del Router certifica la correcta reproducción de mediciones y formas del mecanizado.
El procedimiento permite corregir posibles diferencias de nivel que posea el husillo en X e Y.

9.4.4 Modificación de parámetros y backup de software

En caso de posibles fallas o mal accionar del mismo, se dispone a revisar el estado del controlador
buscando las posibles fallas en el mismo. Se realiza un backup de registro para futuras revisiones.

ATENCIÓN: dichos procedimientos deben ser realizados por

personal de Patagonia CNC Machines con el fin de preservar la

- 32 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0



10.1 Listado de planos

Nº de Descripción Revisión

P-001 Lista de componentes R01

P-002 Esquema topográfico R01

P-003 Esquema eléctrico unifilar R01

P-004 Esquema eléctrico trifilar R01

P-005 Entradas controlador CNC R01

P-006 Salidas controlador CNC R01

P-007 Conexiones de relés R01

P-008 Conexionado de variador de velocidad R01

P-009 Cableado en máquinas ejes X – Z R01

P-010 Cableado en máquina eje Y R01

Fecha de revisión R01: 29/09/2014



10.2 P-001: Lista de componentes

Ítem Cant. Símbolo Código Marca Descripción

Driver co ntrolador de
01 3 Driver Servo xx QS7AA050M2 Adtech servo

Variador de velocidad
02 1 VVelxx SV-iC5 LS 3HP 220VCA

Contacto r 9Kw bobina

03 1 Contactor -- Thomelec 220CA

Filtro EMI
04 1 Filtro AH2102-3-44 Adtech

Placa de borne d e
05 2 Placa-borne ADT9125 Adtech controlador

Relé inversor bobina

06 1 Rxx HF41F HF 24Vcc

Zócalo p ara relé

07 1 Zócalo 41F-1Z-C4-1 HF inversor bobina 24Vcc

Cable de control de
08 3 Cable control ---- Adtech driver servo

Cable DB25 entrad as

09 1 Cable DB25 entradas L01- 30225GG1 Adtech controlador (DB25
Cable DB25 salid as
10 1 Cable DB25 salid as L01- 30225GM1 Adtech controlador (DB25
Cable para salida
11 1 Cable salida analógica L01- 302D9G03 Adtech analógica co ntrolador
(DB9 Macho-cable)

- 34 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


10.3 P-002: Esquema topográfico del Tablero



10.4 P-003: Esquema Unifilar

- 36 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


10.5 P-004: Esquema Trifilar



10.6 P-005: Entradas al controlador CNC

Borne Símbolo Descripción

01 IN0 Home eje X
02 IN1 Home eje Y
03 IN2 Home eje Z
04 IN3 Home eje A
05 IN4 Regulador de herramienta
06 IN5 Seguridad de puertas
07 IN6 Sistema de alarma de bajo voltaje
08 IN7 Alarma de presión del sistema lubricante
09 IN8 Entrada libre
10 IN9 Entrada libre
11 IN10 Alarm a del sistema de agarre de m aterial
12 IN11 Entrada libre
13 IN12 Entrada libre
14 IN13 Entrada libre
15 IN14 Entrada libre
16 IN15 Entrada libre
17 IN16 Límite negativo eje X
18 IN17 Límite positivo eje X
19 IN18 Límite negativo eje Y
20 IN19 Límite positivo eje Y
21 IN20 Límite negativo eje Z
22 IN21 Límite positivo eje Z
23 IN22 Límite negativo eje A
24 IN23 Límite positivo eje A
25 IN24 Incom (24VCC)

- 38 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0




10.7 P-006: Salidas del controlador CNC

Borne Símbolo Descripción

01 OUT0 Husillo marcha directa
02 OUT1 Husillo marcha derecha
03 OUT 2 Standby output
04 OUT 3 Standby output
05 OUT 4 Refrigerante
06 OUT 5 Lubricante
07 OUT 6 Sistema de alarma de bajo voltaje
08 OUT 7 Alarma de presión de lubricante
09 OUT 8 Standby output
10 OUT 9 Standby output
11 OUT 10 Alarm a del sistema de agarre de m aterial
12 OUT 11 Standby output
13 OUT 12 Standby output
14 OUT 13 Standby output
15 OUT 14 Standby output
16 OUT 15 Standby output
17 OUT 16 Standby output
18 OUT 17 Standby output
19 OUT 18 Indicador d e alarma
20 OUT 19 Indicador d e marcha
21 OUT 20 Switch de velocidad 3
22 OUT 21 Switch de velocidad 2
23 OUT 22 Switch de velocidad 1
24 OUT 23 Switch de velocidad 0
25 OUT 24 Outcom (0 VCC)

- 40 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0




10.8 P-007: Conexionado de relés

10.9 P-008: Conexión de variador de velocidad

- 42 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


10.10 P-009: Cableado en máquina



- 44 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0



11.1 Alarmas

A continuación se detallan un listado de las posibles alarmas más comunes con sus códigos para
poder identificar de dónde está surgiendo dicha señal.

Nº de Título Descripción
La máquina no tiene referencia del 0 de máquina
1024 no\return zero\
(no realizó el HOME de máquina)
1027 Z – direction program limit Límite por software en Z –
1028 Z + direction program limit Límite por software en Z +
1029 Y - direction program limit Límite por software en Y-
1030 Y + direction program limit Límite por software en Y +
1031 X - direction program limit Límite por software en X -
1032 X + direction program limit Límite por software en X+
1033 A - direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en A – (4to eje)
1034 A + direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en A + (4to eje)
1035 Z - direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en Z -
1036 Z + direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en Z +
1037 Y - direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en Y -
1038 Y + direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en Y +
1039 X - direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en X -
1040 X + direction machine limit Límite por Sensor en X +
1041 SCRAM Parada de Emergencia



11.2 Solución de problemas

Al encender la máquina, hay una alarma sonora y la máquina no se

PROBLEMA (Ver la Barra de Estado para determinar el número de error)

Alarma 1041 SCRAM

Botón de Emergencia apretado

1) Liberar pulsador de Emergencia (Handle)

SOLUCIÓN 2) Apretar el botón

Alarma 1033 a 1040

Límite de eje alcanzado (ver Listado de Alarmas para detectar qué límite es)
1) Alejar el Router del sensor sobre el que se encuentra (ver Listado de
2) Apretar el botón

Alarma 1027 a 1032

Límite de eje alcanzado (ver Listado de Alarmas para detectar qué límite es)
1) Alejar el Router del sensor sobre el que se encuentra (ver Listado de
2) Apretar el botón

3) Presionar la tecla

4) Presionar la tecla

- 46 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


Al apretar las teclas de movimiento la máquina no responde


No está seleccionado el modo de movimiento correcto.


Seleccionar el modo [JOG] para movimiento continuo


Al apretar las teclas de movimiento laa máquina se mueve muy


El % de JOG RATE es muy bajo


En interface MONITOR, aumentar el % de JOG RATE utilizando la flecha


El paso en modo STEP es muy preciso (0.001 o 0.01)

Disminuir la precisión del movimiento (0.001 Æ 0.1), utilizando [las flechas].




Mientras la máquina se mueve en forma manual, se enciende una

alarma sonora.

La máquina se encuentra fuera de coordenadas

Se necesita realizar un Home de máquina

SOLUCIÓN 1) Acercar la máquina en modo al 0 de máquina

2) Presionar la tecla

3) Presionar
4) Esperar a que la máquina llegué al cero de pieza para continuar

Mientras la máquina se mueve al acercarse a un borde, se enciiende

una alarma sonora.
PROBLEMA (Ver la Barra de Estado para determinar el número de error)
Alarma 1033 a 1040
Límite de eje alcanzado
1) Determinar el eje en el cual se alcanzó el límite.
2) Mover el Router en el sentido opuesto al que se lo estaba moviendo
SOLUCIÓN (de esta forma se libera el sensor de límite)

3) Apretar el botón para desactivar la alarma

Al ejecutar un cambio de herramienta, la máquina se frena y enciende

una alarma.
Alarma “IIn 15 Time OUT!” ó “A
Alarma NO HAY CONO!””
Significa que no hay un cono con herramienta cargado en el husillo.

1) Frenar el cambio de herramienta apretando

SOLUCIÓN 2) Colocar una herramienta en el husillo de forma manual (para más
6.5.2 Cambio de herramienta manual”)
información referirse a “6
3) Volver a realizar el cambio de herramienta.

- 48 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


Alarma In 14 Time OUT!

No hay herramienta en la cuna porta conos.

1) Frenar el cambio de herramienta apretando

SOLUCIÓN 2) Alejar el husillo de la posición de agarre de herramienta (mover hacia
el frente de la máquina).
3) Colocar una herramienta en el husillo manualmente. (para más
información referirse a “66.5.2 Cambio de herramienta manual”)
4) Colocar un cono porta herramienta en la posición solicitada.*
5) Volver a realizar el cambio de herramienta automático.

(*): Asegurarse que el número de herramienta colocado en el portaconos, no

coincida con el cono en el husillo. Ya que en el momento de dejar el actual
habría una colisión con el portaconos por encontrarse en el mismo lugar

Al querer ejecutar un programa, se enciende una alarma sonora

Alarma 1024 no \"return zero\\
Significa que no se hizo la búsqueda del 0 de máquina (Home)
CAUSA Límite de eje alcanzado

Se necesita realizar un Home de máquina

SOLUCIÓN 1) Acercar la máquina en modo al 0 de máquina

2) Presionar la tecla

3) Presionar
4) Esperar a que la máquina llegué al cero de pieza para continuar



La garantía de la máquina es un compromiso de calidad asumido por PATAGONIA CNC MACHINES
SA para los clientes y usuarios de sus productos, con el fin de garantizar el funcionamiento de los
mismos y/o la sustitución de los elementos que presenten fallas de material o fabricación, durante un
plazo determinado.

Las reparaciones deberán ser efectuadas exclusivamente por el servicio técnico de PATAGONIA CNC

PATAGONIA CNC MACHINES SA provee una garantía limitada sobre la máquina y sus componentes.

12.1 Cobertura de la garantía limitada

La máquina y sus componentes tienen garantía del fabricante contra defectos de fabricación. Esta
garantía tiene validez sólo para el usuario final (cliente). El período de garantía es 1 (uno) año. El
período de garantía comienza en la fecha en que se retira la máquina en las instalaciones de

12.2 Reparación o reemplazo

La única responsabilidad del fabricante y el recurso exclusivo del cliente bajo esta garantía, con
respecto a todas y todos los productos de PATAGONIA CNC MACHINES, se limitará a la reparación o
sustitución, a discreción del fabricante, del producto defectuoso.

12.3 Limitaciones y Exclusiones de la Garantía

Componentes sujetos a desgaste durante el uso normal y con el tiempo, incluyendo, pero no limitado
a husillo están excluidos de esta garantía. Los procedimientos de mantenimiento especificados por el
fabricante deben cumplirse con el fin de mantener esta garantía. Esta garantía es nula si el fabricante
determina que (i) cualquier componente fue sometido a mal manejo, mal uso, abuso, negligencia,
accidente, incorrecta instalación, no cumplir el programado mantenimiento, u operación inadecuada,
incluyendo el uso de lubricantes inapropiados u otros fluidos, (ii) cualquier componente reparado por
parte del cliente, por un no autorizado servicio técnico, o cualquier otra persona no autorizada, y/o
(iii) el cliente o cualquier otra persona hace o los intentos de hacer cualquier modificación a cualquier
componente sin la previa y por escrito autorización del fabricante. Esta garantía no cubre daño o
defecto debido a una influencia externa o asuntos más allá del control razonable del fabricante,
incluyendo, pero no limitado a, robo, vandalismo, incendio, condición atmosférica (tal como lluvia,
inundación, viento, rayos, o un terremoto), o actos de guerra o terrorismo.

- 50 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


12.4 Limitación de Responsabilidad y Daños

Patagonia CNC Machines no será responsable ante el Cliente o cualquier otra persona por daños
compensatorios, daño o reclamo incidental, consecuente, punitivo, especial u otro, ya sea en una
acción por contrato, agravio u otra teoría legal, que surja de o esté relacionada con algún
componente, de otros productos, servicios facilitados por el fabricante, la falla de piezas o productos
hechos mediante el uso de cualquier producto de Patagonia CNC Machines, el daño o reclamación
incluye, pero no se limita a, la pérdida de beneficios, datos perdidos, productos perdidos, pérdida de
ingresos, pérdida de uso, costo de tiempo de inactividad, cualquier daño a los equipos, locales, u otra
propiedad de cualquier persona, y cualquier daño que pueda ser causado por un mal
funcionamiento de cualquier producto. Todos estos daños y reclamaciones son negados por el
Fabricante y renunciados por el Cliente. La única responsabilidad del fabricante, y el recurso exclusivo
del Cliente, de los daños y las reclamaciones por cualquier causa alguno se limitará a la reparación o
sustitución, a discreción del Fabricante, del Producto defectuoso conforme a lo dispuesto en esta











13.1 Revisión técnica

Fecha Técnico Servicio Comentario

Control de equipo
salida de planta

6 meses

12 meses

24 meses

36 meses

48 meses

60 meses

- 52 - Router PCNC – Manual de usuario 2015 – v1.0


13.2 Reparaciones

Fecha Técnico Garantía Comentario




13.3 Sistema de lubricación (opcional)

Es preciso realizar un seguimiento de la mezcla de lubricación, utilizada para mecanizar, con el fin de
tener siempre la máquina en las mejores condiciones.

Sem. Fecha Líquido Proporciones mezcla Comentario

utilizado [ % Líquido ] [ % agua ]





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13.4 Listado de Herramientas

Tabla para completar con las herramientas utilizadas por el router, con el fin de tener un seguimiento
preciso de las mismas.
C o m e nt ari o s
Mater ial
Largo Filos
Diám. ‡
Forma Cant.
Nº /

( ): Refiere a posición en el rack portaconos para cambio de herramienta automático.


13.5 Set de Repuestos

Descripción Código

Patín W25

Patín H25C

Patín H25H

Cable UltraFlexible 4x1,5 CabUl4

Cable UltraFlexible 16x0,5 CabUl16

Soporte BK25

Soporte BF25

Soporte BK15

Driver Servo MCDJT3220

Cadena Portacable MSME082J1c

Manguera Corrugada Man-Corr

Sensor Inductivo HT-N12NAE


Set de Correas Set-Corr

Relé Auxiliar HF41F


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2015 – V1.0

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