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Professor :
Jacome Ruiz Maira

Marelyn Abigail Santos


The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari
The monk who sold his Ferrari narrates the history of Julian Mantle,
rich and successful attorney who after suffering a heart attack and
working out alive of it decides to escape of his work and the stress
of the daily life that was going to find the lighting that so many lack
was doing him.
The most interesting of the book begins from the chapter 7 that is
when Julián Regresa to house to share the wisdom obtained with an
ex-companion of work. I am going to try to explain, in a simple way,
which me seemed to 13 to be more important of the chapters 7
where it is possible to find more philosophical lighting that is
possible put into practice.
It notices: The book of " The monk who sold his Ferrari " speaks,
basically, of how to improve the quality of life centring on practical
ideas in spite of which advancing in this intention. The whole book
is written like novel and this form there are estimated better each of
the concepts that later I detail, therefore, I recommend his reading
for better comprehension of each one of them.

The most important of every chapter:

Chapter 7. You cannot decide what is what happens to you but if
you have the aptitude to confront what happens to you with an own
and positive attitude. The quality of life is influenced directly by the
quality of the thoughts.
Chapter 8. The happiness you consists of marking aims and of
working with determination in fulfilling them. Insure yourself of
defining these aims putting a limit of suitable time so that with this
you they put limit of caducity to give them own life.
Chapter 9. It tries to cultivate every day the mind, body and soul.
Everything is a balance and if you fail in one of them you can spoil
the others. The clarification only is achieved on having supported
the balance sheet of these three elements.
Chapter 10. To live with discipline. To achieve this is necessary to
realize small acts that carried out frequently will make you make
concrete important habits of life to improve as person. A will power
of steel is necessary in this point.
Chapter 11. The more valuable thing that you have in this life is the
time and ... it is not renewable. You must avoid lose the time and
also avoid at any expense the persons who make you lose it. To put
this in practice you can begin for learning that to say NOT, in
occasions, it is the better thing.
Chapter 12. To live with attitude of service. If for something we are
in this world it is to serve. Because what matters after everything is
what one contributes to other persons. Reflection: the one that does
not serve, does not serve.
Chapter 13. The happiness is a way, not a destination. It is counter-
productive to sacrifice the existing happiness at the expense of the
future accomplishment provided that these sabotaging the trip.
All these points are, to my to seem, the most relevant of the book
and to what I can call a summary of the technologies described in
this one. Later I show the elementary points of each one of them:
1.-The mind dominates
2.-the intention To follow
3.-To practise the Kaizen
4.-To live with discipline through
5.-To respect the own time
6.-To serve disinterestedly other
7.-To embrace the present

Ultimately the monk who sold his Ferrari discovered that a life been
ruled by the before mentioned technologies is a life that satisfies the
spirit. Julian Mantle discovered that all his wealths (included his
beautiful red Ferrari) are not compared at all with a full and
illuminated life.
Trusts in you itself. Believe the type of life that you would like to live
along your life and the good people are consolidated continuously.
My great conclusion is that in the life it is not alone a thing it is
necessary to take advantage of everything to the maximum and be
big entrepreneurs. If we have some problem so there that make trip
and to solve the problem. And since also a well organized time is
the sign mas clear of an organized well mind.

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