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c-lt, suc'toR 6, PA\CIKULA.

Ph. No. 0172-r5?7870-873

Io. usPclr/ ircdt/2olE/ lo?'i- 5. Dlrcd: 1q.6.l9

i) All Dcput) Comtrissionc6 oI NCR l)isriols ofIlanam
ii) All MuniciFl (rmmhsioneN Aurhornics ol NC R Disl.icN ol I larlana

Adrisry fmn llsryrnr sr,tc PdltrIion Conrrcl Board on risirg PMro

nnd l,M2,5lcvck in NCR-Rqt,

\Ynh rcf{rncc lo thc xbovc suhiNl ir is inlomcd thar rhcre h.s iEcn a
sudden ircrcasc nr I']M l0 rnd 2.5 cveh rhinS thu ri. pollulion lcvcL to scvorc plui
cntgory during lhc Dast 24 hours a{ h6 bNh ob$Rcd b} our rnonilorins nelrvo*. h is
l! mt rhat sam. is an ourcoDc olrh. dN nom and rhc rinds comins,iom c rc-qions
ol l{ajanhdr ai'l bcyond, Mcrcor,logi.a! Dcpannlonr has aho inlormcd $ul rhis
silualion sill continuc for lhc ncxt lt$days.

Chainnon. linlib.nrcnr l,ollulion (lrvcnrion & ( ootrol) Autho.n:i Ior $c

\arioml ('!niul Rcsio. (l,lic.^) hls llso dircded $c sralu olllaryana rnd l|tr lloard to
issuc !dri$r,,lo lll conccm.d. llr hdrer R a-Ecnrcil oldun- inlo.nrin-q lunhcr $ut il
l,itll0 l.v.Ls rcmritr irr'suvcrc pl(l crlcgory li)r,18 hou6. corcspo.dinS ncrions
Itoscribc<l und$ llF Crdcd l{rspoB. Ad n I'>lan lulc o bc intlcmctrlcd

ln !ic\v ofthc {bo!c. !u arc hcrcby idliscd l(, implcnrc rhc llllo*ing
loions und$ your j uisdiclion rilh imrcdialc cnicl.
. [nsnring fEqumt sprinkling ol szi$ kJ sculc doNn rhc dusr in all
r llDs!rine ii.r !igilo! Llt-earhugc bumios iclivilics- lhbush dc!lolmenl
ofspNial ro!trs
. lnclcusing thc licqucnoy ol mochaniTcd cl.aning ol madi lnd idcnlilying
ud slrelchcssnh Oc [i8h dusr Bcnclarion lbr addrcssing lhe issucs.
. Iinsurin-e that Do consrucrtun icriii$ aE bcinS cDicd od for rhc ncxl
. IiNuring ur th. .nohrions ol all I kn Mir l,lanrs aM Slonc ftushe
unJlr r"u, rura N_ n.rc r,,nn(n li'r thLncl 13 houa.

'Ihc lbard shlllconlinuc 10 nx)nnornrc snuatioh lnr $c nerl48 houN and

rill advisc on l!flhcr slcps. il n,!dcd. Yon rE ftcrclbrc Undlj requcstd to itnplcnc
thcrbovc$cps inN.diarcb ro hrvc R,mc l{rc 1 cont.ol ovcr $c dust nollulion.
sr. r:nn. [ies-ll (EQ)


Endd. \.- lISPCll/Ai.c.lU201S/ loSl--'l I

cop, ofrhc.bovc is Insurdcd ro ihc bUorvins fo! irlbrmatbn and

I ACS. linlnonncnl. Covcmme olllarymi.

2. ACS.Inx)d and CivilSupplics. Covcrnnrenl ol llaryand.
I ACS-'lianspon.(;o\cmrchrof llarlana.
,1. ACS- l'wD (B&R). Golcmmcm oflhDana.
i. PS.lndusrics and Commcrcc. Colcarmcnl ol llaryanr
6. l'jS. L,Lll l)cpannrDl Covcrnmc ol llar_!an!
7. IS. hsn a.d Countn'Plcnnine- (nn.mmc ofllaqaf,..
8. l)ioctoi lllll Dcpddmcnr. (iovcmnlcntol-lluryana.
9 l)necu. invnonmcnl (ntrcrnmctrl olllaqanr.

10. ,^ll RcgnnDlO icc6 olllSPCR.

/ ,-4 G
s"r"Y e"ee-ririiqr
ror Mcnbcr S..r.r,^'
ljntl{, L.ll\t'( l, \ir(ll'2(r18' ldlj -l i Uarr,t:rq.d{,r'
$tr ol thc aborc is lanviftl.d lo rhc follo$in! for idbmarion and

l. ACS.llcalth- Ooremnt oalla4atu.

:. DClls.Ilary{na{nh $c rcqrcsro is c {n adlisory to g.n.nl publi. on
thcpNaunlN 10 bc likcn durinsLhc duslslonn.lt is also rcquesrcd thal
thcsomc mat ti eir.D $idc puhlionr dnooeh DcNsl)lp.6 anil clotonic
1)'"---)l_ -
Si Enr. EnssJl (llQ)
for Mcnbc. S.cct!r'

tndsr- .\..o. Hspctr/Aircctu2ot 8t I 01tr1cl Dflcd:lq.(,,8

Acopyol'lhc.bo!c is lnNardcd rothc lllloving lbr info nalio.l

L VdhbcrS.crta.\- ( l,Cl'.
.1. l'S u chiel Scc-_rary. (iorcmnrcm oall.ryana.
5 PS 10 Channlo. ilsl,( ll
6. tA b VS.llsPCU.
si (llQ)
Env. Engs-ll
for l\4cnber Sccrcl!n

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