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—a biography of — SWAMI KESHVANAND MLM. SUNEJA MODERN PUBLISHERS 227-P, Urban Estate IE HISAR-125005 (Haryana) India Phone £76853, DEDICATED TO ‘myrevered father Shri Ram Chandra Juneja Rs, 300 (2920.95) who, being an admirer of Swami, Ansptred me totake up this projet is hand, Plt Published $1996 © MM, Junie Pubhed by + ‘sips for Modern Pobiabers ‘at, Urban Bate, HISAR Printed ot Pankaj Piste ‘Manjpor Shniaea Demr10035 Phone + 2252850 Preface tise matter ofebance that realy a quater of century thas pased tothe dethof Swami Kerbvesand, but 90 research frend volume, on this lagu son of the sll as been Trough out fas However, two oe thee books on iar in “ini have been authored by bis admires and devotes. rom the times iemoris, the stores of eaten are nays narted to younger generation. Iti the ature of man that betes hace fattest nthe heros of the past Geting Inspiration from them, the younger geeratins often try 12 ‘ake tet fare glorious. ‘Agent i indeed twos-one, When he i avy be Anproves the lot of Presat by his tions apd sets. And: then Hedi, his Meas become the guidloes for the beter Future, He's thas the ‘arvanof the Preset and “savioa” of fhe Fue | the younger generations are tobe benefited properly ‘by thet here, tbe Btorinn have to concentrate teacher oy preparing the cenit blopeapies of uch grate. Arto triloal heros ie Samii are bot 10 be eal andertoo, ‘ee or mo volumes on each of them are ot enough thao {hem throushy. They, virally eed a volley of volumes. All ‘of on ar amare ofthe fact that TRUTH salma oe found fn fagments 80, it the duty of historian Yo come forward fn larger numbers devoung themselves in itroducing the itor Sgues like Swamjl ftom” iMerent anges to oF younger georations in a systematic and venti way “The autor ofthe preset volume is not a histeran, but ‘smal student of history et he as made a bumble attempt to introduce tbe worthy READER withthe hfe and work of ‘Seam Keshyaad (1883-1972), Whether the author could ‘sszed in his miion or not, ito be ded only by a8 obje tive readet. Bat the author shal cetlaly fel obliged It the feader appre hi of hs opinion by dropping a leet at the {llowingsddree, 17 December 1995, MM. Jana ‘12th betanalerary of Swami) 122, UE BISAR-125 05 aryana) Acknowledgements Fit ofall 1am deeply indeed to How’ble Sardar Shee ‘Singh Tur, te covet associate of Swart Keshanand. Me had ‘been with Swami in several eapacites fom 1938 to I972 Tes ‘0 exaggeration, Tame him aah encyclopaedia" on the fubjeet of Samii's fe and work Had he ot. wholceately offered me bis elp 1 ould novr tin of preparing tae peeeat volume. Sardar Ste i indend a trua devotse of Swamy ‘rate is alo doe co Ch. Ram NaeayanJyen, aber close ssocat of Swami, Hoi alto an athotly oo Swami To 48 myset alighted om the sje, fen hut dead ‘iessons with hi, ‘Lam greatly pratefl to Prof NK Tia, an expect of Eeglh tngutge and bse withthe wide knowledge of the ‘MOE Hedi his best to lp mois improving te man Though be wos extremely busy in ia family afte yet he ‘eal spared good amount of ins for ne, Badr obag ‘80, Pro. Timai has sincerely beled the noble came of te, ring volume onan ilestrioa son of Inia, that Sen ‘Another exicemed perozulity whom I ewe my deep deb, 4s Emerius Profeior V.N. Dati. He is am acknowledged Sutbority on the sbject of world Miory. Ie itt talet ‘of grat pride for me that he bus etal fone trough ec shaper of the manuscpt, and adv te how to make the ‘reset volume «schol work If the volume tras, is oa uc to Prof, Datts’sseonod adic ad pide, Tam bebolden to Siri Mahendra Moban Kaimca who cts -iniy be eal the ‘pride of Hanumangar. His renidans wan ‘my headguacers while collstng the sovresnaterl om Swat, 4% Sb. Kamra aot only accommodated te wary, bot lo eadily accompanied me while testing numrous inoeledge: ble perons onthe sbjc. Another rerarableperonaly the town, who deterves my hearelé tanks, is Ret. Jodge ‘Morli Dar Sharon. This ‘Grand-Ols-Men of Hanemangaae always encourged me exceedingly. He himself the "ring itor’ of north Raathen, amo thankful to Dr. Sandeep Kamar, young nd etiated doctor aswell the efiientllcencharge ef he Soha Sadon Abokar He provided me all sorts of hlp fa enpletiog the project spend. Bender, be iva Bats oF Swen 1 shal cre be grateful to $iSh._ Reghuoath Pryadacb sod Vinay Kamar of Hisar~est devotee of Swart fee sulfcent information onthe sbject 88 Wellas tet ‘Sorepoodenee with Sai. ‘My thanks ae also due t0-Ch, Yashwant Singh—the Seeretary ‘of Swan! Ketvanand Soll Chartble” That (Saoparin Sb, Ralm—theoffeenchang of the Trust and Sh eval the cok in the Trot forthe courtesy and. oat ‘shown tinea and whea T ised the cone of the Tran 1 extend ny thanks to Sh. Shiva Nand Melity my Intimate end, who remained ia toech with se trough’ and ‘nade his alable suggestions ia improving the menserge He ‘in seholdbrario, hardly found in college level ary of India. Valo owe my regards to my seior and lenred end Sb, Poran Modgl of Siam for his Kod co-operlon He is Wedded to the eave of must edgetln, DreICN. Sharm, Fone shor of Sanskrit, sastberpersooaity, to whom E ‘ay my dep repards. He ealghtened me on the piloopbeal 0d Herary aspects ofthe histor: T acknowledge with thanks the services msde by Sb, ‘Kashmir Lal in tiie the dete ofthe smnuscrit meio. Youly 1 albo extend ay thanks 19 83, Rajndes Tar, too ropritor of Paka} Printers (Dal), who helped me a ota oblthing the volume quickly and gealtaivelye ‘Last et ‘not the least, Ta thokful 9 my wife, St, Pashps Jose, who freed frm the fcly font Iwas ‘manly beau of her sles sarce thst I sould ape ll of ‘my tine from my daly routine 4 compete the project i ort spa of ine Anta 0 m wv v w vu * x x xu at ‘CONTENTS Price ‘Actnowledgenents Eaey tite A Learner A Freedom Fighter ‘The Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Opening the Rural Stools In Suppor of Women’ Edustion Love for Libraries 1h Service of Hind (Ceaze for Moreuna A Social Reformer nd. Cotletions ‘lustatone Was be a Sacha ? Concation Appendices Chrovlogy Bibography [Name Inder 2 sees o 1% 100 m2, ns 151 m 219 am as. on Early Life Swami Keshvnnand was « prominent peronlity of worth Inds. “Beinga Swami, be neither wrote hs autobiography, for ever talked about it family. "So litle oly knoe boat his family background and ely lie. To. know snore, tome of Swami close asoniae ike Master Teg Ram, So Kolbusan, Ch Kumbha Ram Arya, Sardr Set Sigh De nd Pe. Brij Narayan Kauaik persuaded bin tell tea ha. family ckpround. Subsequently, Swami ave tome iaformae ion aboot his erly Ife Ia ‘pita of this best efor hi ‘sdmiters could ict only some basic Information abet his ‘arly it. As he was s sadhe, Keshvaneod gitly avoked ‘eng aything obi cute, parents or early days. Oo ‘ther bao hs admirers were ao equal right ‘in persuading im to teil them about “his carly dayt and femly back ‘ound wo tht the comlag generations might know th ttl ftir beloved forefther volved, worked tad ded Tor ‘making nr fatre bright and beter ® Swami Keshvanand wat born in December 1883 at Magloonavlgo of Sar Disc Ia Rajestan, Twas 8 ig vilge of Seta! repon situated onthe border of dain. ud Bikaner States, “The popultion cf Magioona, village Someried of Brabmis, Vaidas, Jt, Rajpat, Hariaay end ‘Ayemants (a Masia tribe having Hinds oust). The ee ‘orcepation ofthe villgers was agricltor aad vestock fare 7 A biography of Swami Keshronand lng. Asthe region was devoid of alas aud water, the igs ‘Magloons was economically poor, chrontaly fumineecken ‘and educationally backward. 1 Swami Keshvasand was the only child of Thakur and Saacan Dei, Hie faba, Tos, as Had by relies, Ja bycte und Dhaka by ftraiubcast). The onal nate of ‘Swami Kesbvaouad, give by his parent, was Bema All the fee nates tis ol faslyToakrs, Sauray 208 Bi ‘Wethe stor! form ofthe names of Thakur Singh, Saraswat fd Beha, respectively a -Thakursi was he on 00 of Dood 16 rported that the save lage of BiatsMaloons-was founded by one WT us foreuthers; nancy, Malo, la 1994 AD2 As the ‘undatin-day ofthe village ‘eas. Mangatar (Toesoy), the ‘lage ws tated as Mangia’. Subeoqenty, i was Ktowa BE'Mfagloone, te i belived that Blema nas the T8tb -dtcendant ofthe founder ofthe villge—Malooj.* i) ‘icma's father, Thakord, was an apts. As the “ytlage Magloona wat affected by Tomine tm 1884, Thakursl Tita hia aly to Ratangsth town (in Cu Dist) cover- fer the distance of neil 50 Elometes on fot. Bir m theo oly st months ol "Thakos at only le paternal vig, bat ako bis fanily occupation of axle, He took up the job of movlog pscages tulween Ratsogath and Debi on camel ie. Tn Thone ays, Del was the srt place to Ratanngarh con ected by ral withthe metropolian lies of nda Tike Bomby, Caleta and Ahmedabad. Tho jourtey from Rataa- ‘put (0 Deli, covering the ditance of more than 300 ometes, analy tok tren day. According to an estimate, "That income was al lee eupees per month ‘Thats was golte skifl io hie cccuation. Ho wat oroughly boot in Bis eaigs. Once, oe of is passengers Bary Le 15 {eR th bape po) th camlinck, Thay Sui soars ame nea aa ‘camelmen (ka‘aariva) did otherwise, be would ha me ee a ry be woud ap tak Sin ia ie Dr ete pk eo (tne epic ac ee a Secondly, Thakur waa gos pon. He oes sat es ote alain a Reon aoe aed aya hs “eh cs. Wh santo : he boat on Ram ath a fly and Hoke afters hs ow eas Raa wos ols Bra by si jn, Faroese ean ‘eave person. Highigin brave pron. Highlighting hs bravery, © popular peo ‘Being a fears gure, Thakur once got hold of hive. ‘Due to his bold sep the solen items wer earned to bt heute Bima ould ot ey oe he foe tt Secon‘ oe Ws a oy {00 an a year hi es Takes ew Rae Bn IE pico te pHabe noe of a cat te on Bem td one of i foscen hn Ss ot i Toor at (ce, my fuer 10k hs x to the nth an of Ratgath fr ging An soon ty fate the ce han Ha a tiocamel ould aot run bt move oa be ea ‘Probably, his heart stopped Teectlag! et ‘Thakur masendowsd with bums goalie, Expres ‘us gratis ote revered father, he one emarieds My ftber ad many qualities, especially generosity and {he sprite of sce, 11am bieted with aay of them, Wis ony because ofthe heredity 6 A biography of Swan Keslonond © “Thakarl was srived by his wifeSearan, son—Birme, sod nephew -Ramll. When the widow Staran reached bet Tusbendt tative wage Meploona slongwith Biemt snd Ramis she war not ascommodated bythe villagers, and she Trio leave Mogioons soca after. For the survival of er family, she lot fora nearby llge namely Haesau-Hama trhers hor mnt (aust) wat resin. The aunt ortoatly ‘elonged toa welltodo fay. Se ma alo of able naar Shereaiybeped bar widow nec by olfeiog her n hot and some cows. Saran, Devt bo started rining cor for rich howe, Suaran Dei setd in er ann’ vile, probably in 188 ‘Like her husband, Suuran Devi as alo a courageous Indy, She coal ros jngles ata night without any fear of trv aninal. Acknowleeing ber a8 bold enough, te son Bima one ld hs younger astcite + 14 was the rotine jb of my mother and her nt take ther cows to nerby janis st igh. a chowe days, the onto bd Gongeous wi aia ike Boo (wea, aha, baghyaar and Dee [Aporsing ot of an incident, the sume Biema, who often ‘Romie hn moter, forthe remarked: In one of he dat nights ost cows dlnppeaed from the ‘ones Twas then ety ordered by my mother t0 there fenlely wating ber stor, Being an obeieat le Lawated fy tthe the whole aight and the whole ‘iy feeling thirsty and hogry. Having soeeeded in her tsi, tbe mother aad bet auat wlmateyetarnod tent night longith coms. Xvas thea barely fe? Saacan Devi probably tie ia ber aunts village for about sx yous fom 097 to 1893. By 1993, ber aunt had posidiy ‘Sede tien shied to. another ‘acarby vilage, samely cnhans By now, Blems' coun, Rama, ws 16, ed be bad Jet for hs fiber wilge. At Kelana ila, Bie and bis Imother lived from 1895 to 1899. Here, the young Birmt bid ary Life ” snc shoek, Dust eee famine 189, te poor Suaran Devitt many other vin of te feo, die of saryaton, ‘Troophout her ie, pec widowhood, sh. bed reed with sartion and at lat did of At he tine of ‘ober death i wi only ’A pein. question may be posed. ber: Was Dima fotoened by hi moter? Te wit tht she could no afd to ove hs ton with formal edsestion Dot at ibe sae fine she spared no pain in onabishing the wanda fie tefore Biea'seye~how to suvne Hoscerahiy even whee worst ccumstances She knew i well How to sway) ‘tainted. Ste war nded lovable wif, bold mote daa eal widow. Bia was infcnced ty hs aflewonate ‘moter ati obvious fom bs ftre role for Female Euan ton, He pid bus obit departed moths in his own nay. Inhislater cys, te bulldng of the scoot wal se el atm ete ne Boa te otra on And the Seamatl Aslvam, epetiey. He bala Fey ana hs ote beng Te ee th Bima htood was ge dea fom ater pbc en of hi pera Ate eae oa, ware want Sia ton, Sim atta feet conser We see ‘ih bscol Ril st oer vilage aed a {etc an bts ohn cove fr peta. Mow oe tovtard oy bel om he communist ie baa ‘onthe "Te ombeoyt dt tke er trap cone tuning cling wasr—vioa ‘ny nom to. usps tig come af acy go my oe oes ete nc rom Haren. oy. owes unt pe Bian au ae We Gat.boe) wee so allowed to take water of Harn tos. On my oxns, We sede hl ate ely, salons tne wwe eae er of dt at conan, wit alvye checked fo dog a, ‘vas thatthe faith was more important than theif 8 A biography of Svamt Kesranand Wistive that te Janboys gover dre. water ffom Harjane ‘oye, Bt atthe same te al of them played gfpethor and protected theie cowed from wil ssa Dating his chile ‘od, Birma observed how the caste Hindu humiliated the Harlan ‘Dirms's ites cowberd-boy i fall of expviences. Av and ‘When any cow or cl ot tslf separated from the herd twa fea Kile by wolves So, Birma had to be very active end ‘leet while grazing bis cowberd. “Whenever Bit saw the wolves approaching the cowher, he always chase. them. wilh ‘his lait protecting his cows at any cots Like hi ater, Biems performed his duties enthusaataly. Durog. hs Dastora if, Bima lars how to protect the weak fom the ‘pprestc, ‘The moat biter thing which Binns experienced la his and Tad faith, bu Wesed with commonwest—are the ‘roo of he staunch fh inthe sayings othe holy Ske Fevpres A Learner a © As the days role by, Swami interest In rending. books crew stenlly, He skinimed thorugh large numberof books, othe pored thoroughly ony into te select Tew. The sajets fof bio interest were aaturopathy, wilpower, philosophy. polities and history, His favourite sahors wee Tsk, Gand ‘Tagore, Vivekanand, Ram Tithe, Mathilsaren, Gupta, Loo Kote and Janes Alen, ut Swami was intuenod by alot all the books whieh be bad gone trough ia his, But he most unforgetable ook, ‘which nfuenee he greatly the famous Ctl Rahasya of ‘okaanya Bal Gangadhar Tak. It war ocgaally writen in ‘Marathi 1 ht SOD pages was completed within the short span of ve monthyfrom 2 November 1910 to 30 March 1911— when Tk wasn Mandalay Jl twas Sst published {in 1915, Ie Fig version was troup ot la 1917. While ma ing hit comments ints Prefce, isk remaris highlighting the Ges Keep in mind the universal ule that, “Nothing bappens, Unless something is dove", and_ devote yourssles Dest Acton tht ial: My last prayer to everyooe intat one shou not fai to tnocoushly woderstand this Ancor sence of the fe (Gio) eats at pose 1 is re that Swami bed ween countless books, read a saficieat numberof books bat. igetedonly ene he the Ge ohacya. Acknowledging thi ft, Swami once mentioned: _/o 197, having ved in Dannewsa vilage ear Falla {or some months, 1 devoted reel 0 staying the Hind session of Lokitaya Tals Gia-Rohaya, 1 payed a ‘ial ole in moviding the future course of my if. ‘irully speaking, it the Book that made moto adopt the pth of Famayor.” * A biography of Swami Keshranand Wemay apply here the important saying of the Brisa (Bilosphee Francis Bacon: “Some bools ste To. be aeae ‘thes to be svllowed, and som few to be cheval ‘ised that i, some booksare to be read oaly pant ‘thers to be read, but not carlouny and some few to be ced © Besides reading books, Swami was fond of teavling, It re grat sours of knowl: fr Bim. Thre wat anda ‘Gat of Todian subcontinent which was not vised Uy ta ‘le was a rave Tndan who walked for several thousods oe ‘Hlonetres. Giving’ an acotat of Al wide ares Sosnn dence naa: \V Tae visited th whole of Hindustan more than once (0 foot and seeal time by al Wile walking, I have gone Upto the bls of Klaie Mansarovar, apart from the rsigiow plas of Bac thy Kedaraat, Rishikesh, Haridnas aad Daaikon ‘Swami was not an ordinary tourist. Wheevec h weet ‘St whatver he am, that was cially overed by la, Ast ‘al his kaowiedge about te lands people wide sad ‘be vision brosdened. flow the freuen vine lntecseed ‘iad is obvious fom his fllowing wor White towing masons pst of ay ooaateys 1 found say falow-coaneryaen with dierent drewes, reign, tad tions, diets and duets. In spite ofall thle ditaeriie, oo " sides Lada, Swami vsked the asghboarag. countries ‘The Nepal, Seilasin, Tibet, Burn andthe Britt coloay ot Hove Kong. Ater mating some freign tou Ia 195%, he cod ‘is young asoiate Ch, Rams Chandra Matias In Rojesthont | ile: Rive front ho eee dart, vanipe eta vealalt (here is no dierence of land, vegetable, crt aed A Leary cdo" Swami found no major iference between them and curls o ‘There were ako certain ober futors ‘Swami One of them te one wrote: 1 wat brought up in an envionment of Arya Sams} E fen ettended the Acya Samaj fonetions. Ta fond of Tinting tothe lectures ofits dese Ris Dayanend ‘war « mode for me" Giving some more evidence to show Swamil at a8 Arya Samaj his ose end, Ch, Kuna Ram Arya (191493), spores ws of the following = Suu Kesrasnd wat nadoctof th Vee pint plc. twas dor tht fominion hats anc ote fee Sums nthe de Kamar Skew Tuned at ‘boar On ssa at Sop fowl Ae amar dram o Seat tthe Sih gre ~ unsbakeable. He had «deep faith nthe teachings, popula knowa as vance, of Guru Nanak Dev and Babs St Chun, ® a fen cd yay et Anar ly who made x good inpect on is mid, wa Pe ‘inden Moton Mie. Sosmit eet pest iron tres Matava while partepetig inthe eecom owen ad eveepng te Gromortan Fahne at Segara. Connerng mas a mot for Bmwl, Swan pratt Male nT folowing wore: PL, Madan Mohan Matevya wes choar pr excellence. A bopraphy of Sant Kesbvnand “He sed f rue like Hon wile making public spec He founded the Beira Hinda Uslveraiy in 1916, jst 1 year before ou, Gramothon Vidyapeeth, He wis an rcaent begga of is time, He always wore pure white ‘ots of Kad. Around Yok of sandalwood was always Tibi on, ls forchesd. He was indeed 2 great -Contring his repas for Pt, Malavga, 4 close obsever af ‘Swami life, C2. Kembéa Ram, also erinds us tn his adder before the stadeots of Gramottion Vudapeth, Seni ofen gave elation of Pt Madan Mohan Mataviga's good deeds, eopecialy the etablish- Inert of Benaras Hindu University." Besides, Sami was greatly auaved by the amgnetic peniomaty of Gandhi. Av far asthe views of Swami on the reslon of basis eacation, socal reforms aod nonviolence fee covered, thor woe eully bated on Gandhian ‘owas " obviows from the afore account that Swami was encod by may fttoe. To sua tem up, we my age with fhe obwrvatione mtdo by hit fends and ders in the following words: ‘ater studyng the Ges Grantha Sahib a0 the Vedanta Phiowoty, Seam Keskvanand leaat the principle of DESIRELESS ACTION from the Gta Rohan urtee~ tore the els of Mabarsi Duyanand were the souree ‘this inspiration, And bedested hs fe to she matin raring the protective armour of Gandhi's Aim Tova tat, be mat Sanod wih the human quale of Getiaion,renmaiation, love, compasion and pere- Senge of ation wich mado ln an epoch gure” A Learner erences Ghar boy Naapan Kasi tse Sin Sean! Resonant ‘Sin al pt Se ae Slo Reammd: em arama ie br sty a Tp 8 rei Sia Montors Birapl Sacer 150190 (cw Danie Bob. Ro ali posit peed om Stans, Spr me ne aa ‘Sr nt 1 ‘SS ow Coated, Seam Ketan Aan Grothe (Seo. 95) 9.8. ‘hiner Geto oo 9.89808 92. Sarto oc ‘Seen fae by he oer cf Show Kesbonond Sor Coralie ra Segy A Freedom Fighter Swami Keshvanaa’s dsr fo erong te him to know the plaba condition ofthe county. Under the Bh ra, nn wes going from bad to. wore, By the eo ofthe es, ‘orld war (1918), twas elo by the publiospirted Semeats Of Indi ‘thatthe end ofthe Raj was nt, Like ny ote ‘tions, Swan alo Jumped note srugle for fice 1918, ® 11907, Swami showed bi cootsoasoeas about his daty foward the nation atthe young age of 20, Tate were the 8 when Lala Lajpat Rai ead Sander Ajt Singh were sored. I¢ wat a shockag news forthe sountn’ Ar he ‘moment, Swami tok a vow of sihing over 1 smadeies Taking voW & one ting Fling It forte time ne ‘another thing. Apprisng' us of the voy, Swami tld cae ‘is younger ssotten in 1956 ‘Whe the Panjab Kerr Lala Lajpt Ral was deported 1 was ia Quets now in Pakistan). fo those day Tate to wear malmal of silky clothes. A” nationist Sich happened to mect ie hte, On his advise f aeicace ‘over to Khaddae Is sll my res es oohlng sa fomforiabie! A Freedom Pier 3s » But he turing pit i Sums publi te came ia te) nd of 1918 when he atended the aaualsesion ofthe Indies | Nationa! Congress held. at Delis These were the days whee {he country mas opposing the Rowiat Bilt, Subsequent the Rowlatt Bil wore pasted by the Brtsh Government on 6 February 1919. The Aes created gretdaconient toughest te ‘country leading to tikes and sot clmiaating lathe allans ‘Yala Bagh masaere on 13 April 1919 and the stating of the Nowcoopecation Movement ot 1 August 1920. Oitng, oe comments on the effet of the Rowist Bilton Swamy one of ‘is intimate ends, Kuban, write Wes fe Rov Bil, sho Saowa Mack Dis ew lng diced by the perl “Lege ona eS ate vars ees Nata Conse ely met Doi ted th Conse naan Bec op erty Pt Mado ban Mate ° encforth, Swamji started. attending the Congr sevions Wien the Congress, led by Mabatia’ Gundb, eons ‘ed te Noneooperation Movement, Swati took leads tint, When te Congress boyeated the royal vist of the Prince of Wales in November 1921, the British autbores Adopted reprenine. measures. By the cad ofthe year cary, {wenty-Sve thousand nationalists were arrested throughout the ‘county. ASSwami wat leading Congrenman of Fenuepors Distt, be was also areted. 1 Leto know : What type of sation! eetvtes were pre formed by Swami during the Non-cooperation Moveneat, Sevaram Mitt who was an eye witness to his civic, ‘recolecting is ld dye spent with Sma, wrote isthe i930 In 921, the polis! movement was at is peak. Ons ™ A bingy of Sami Kesronand Gandhi's at, Sani alongwith is asoites, jumped Into the ray hoe and sou His activites cold be men urban ab well as rural ates of Feroarpore Distt ‘onotateating on the boyent of foreign gooee and proper ating heute of ade goods. From good. number {St people, he otpledgerof adopting swadest good lone ‘As perthe adie of Swami, I and some of my fend to ared using hadi. Tam ai king to Besides, Sramiji haa shed some light on. tative ‘Recolletog his days at Noscoopertar, be tld one of is ‘dias in 1956 a suet We were hen known a8 Gandhi-men. Speech was our efetiv organ ‘Because of the polis ter, nose dared to accom- ‘modate ws So, often we had to tke shelter under Resides dalivering eto, we asd to dictate book let, had ad parpht We wed to cover thes wiles a da We often ected patie song in Panjab ke + ee Tal farang dera oe, ra) nahivn rae tera aye (Oh the Bh, quit the counte: your days ate sumbered) © Swan's atv rls in the Nonsoopeaion Movement) ‘sist Tod to hia art ‘ad imprsonment, Reproducing)” ‘essa ois conrton by the Fetompore Coury Swami ‘pore ‘The pole cold not prodace any wines against me. So, «report in the CID sary, mentioning me dangerous for the Raj, was prodaced as an evideose against me. The Judge asked te to apologise, Thereapon, Tid: For wha ofeace, shoal I fea sorry ‘An Swan felt that be had righty opposed the fori ‘us i refuted to aoe the propos ofthe jue. A rest, ‘Hema sentenced to two yes, porous impesonment. Acsord- “A Presiom Filter as to Syamifi "I was probecited uf 108 of the IPC in eend 1 102" Ande was set to the Feonepoe Jal wre bs eo ‘rtoner was Lala Anchit Rat, to. Tt nas th at fiprson: “neat of Swami m After the expty ot his impeboament tem, Swan was teliied om the Ferorepore Fall athe ond of 193, Beng Gantbian, he devoted himself to the consroctve peogramine of spreading edveaton,populang swadet and iproving thelot of Harjans- Bat the polite of India took «grave ‘arn when te Sion Commision vite Inia ia 1926. Tt ‘ried at Labore oa 30 November 1925. Lala Lalpat Ra took 4 leading port in organising the boycott movement, He wat severely attuled by the police while leading the proseon, ‘Conseqenly, be died witha month eon 1th Novesber, @ ‘The news of Lal's death swept scons the whole land. Like other nationalists, Swamgi wae thocked to kuow i Swanij'ssisike forthe Raj mor aggravated, ad he decided {o.oppose the goreromeat tooth and nly Being an adaier of ils, Swami closely watched the reaction of bis fellows countrymen wea they lat heir beloved leader. Giving ws the, ‘it hand informatio, Swart mentions (Ob, what dark day it was forthe Punjab. There was hardly any house where lamp or cholha or tndoor vast sill remember, om that aight, the adults well asthe minors weat to their beds on hong tomache? “The Simon Commision wat one of the ajo factors Which led to the Civil Dinobediens. Movement ao knows 5 the Salt Suyagraa, on 6 April 1980. Av soon sate wove ‘ment wat lnunched by Gandhi, the Bish aethories adopted Fepresve mesures arestng sty thoatand volumes ofthe Coogresr thoughout te county. Being a alow ef Mabutsa Gandhi, Swami inmetiatelyjomped late the A biegrapy of Swami Renan? ovement heurt and soul. While playing bis leading. rte, Swami was arcs in village of Ferorepore District, ‘probably Ia May 1930 0 Now one may be interest to kaow Whit wis his toyaprat'? To make the Satyagraia © suc the leadership appointed one iocharge, known at was sppointed he "Diao of Fraps Dims in Api 1930 Under lender the Salt Sues grain progrened stayin tho dat, expsaly nr those dye he ditt of Ferosepore wat iid it 18 shana or ante eng the lender of the dt, Semi ‘ten opie al adding he ping The faa, Iaiing om ila ha, eget tended such alien ‘At toon at he pois nme to know of any of tbe sl, tay ‘sivas ied to dient the progreme. Reporting wach ent Deol aii othe pai, Swami mentions ‘Once we held rally at Doli village Te was attended hy several jaar bang Grom Abobar, Giddertahs, Maktse, Mops, Jalalabad, Dharakt, Ji, et. When started edresing the rly, some surangéados (les sent by the polis, cetled datubance. And” some Dafaoes and balls wore alo seat ia the meating. The Police payed even wore role during our rally bed at adhe. However, our volunteers tke Pt. Bhardwa}, {ale Kare Caund, $8. Rajndra and. Mahasha Stade Lelspared no paios to make he ales a sues! ‘Towing some more light oo the ral, oganiied by Swamisn various vilager of Ferozpore Distey, one of the Daricipant, Master Teg Ram, gives us the desta for ‘maton inthe following words: As perthe cal of Mahatma Gandhi, Swami gave ap: {he charge of Sahitya Sadan, Abohar in 1930 and started A Freda Fighter ” populaiag the Congress Movement jn the Ferozepore dire. Having taken lenve for a month from the Jt School, Sangria, Talo joined Swans {ata a Iotianva village? Iwas the same vitge of Jhotanwala wher Swami “yas srered, Being an everest the were of arrest the ‘hme Master Teg Rem frther informs efor the addres of Swami the patriotic slogans were Toully ade and the songs were tung in the meting. While stacking the goveromeat in bis public pech, ‘Swami sas, Sarkar ko nant yoda yee’ ne gover: ‘pent shall have fovgh time). On the Bass ofthese ror he was are bya fhonedarand was taken 10 Feromepore, He wat indicted under the charge of {edition 1208 of he IPC). Samii wat sentto the Olé Central Ji, Malian in May’ 1990, Having spent his igoroos impcsonmeat of weal 10, (montin wae seas after the Gandhidewia Pact which trermide on 5 Mare 193, o tis obvioos from the records of Swami as feedom ‘igher that bu man avresod twice tnd sentenced to rely Aree yet’ imprisonment. Now we shal ke to lcus is -expevenes a Prone. Tis teue that Swami, bsing an momen peitoner, maintained his jal-iary. Bu twas somehow fost by him. $0, {to now his prior If we hve tally to depend on it com. ‘erution of 1956 wth oe of hi younger elles, Pt. Br ‘Narayan Kroshik. Only afew of bis folowing experiences are ‘fe be matloned ia Smemiis own wor A wed to pack ily bag in Ferorepore Jal often washed the urinals wih ny own bands In the ‘Multa Jal Once T took my bath,2eur a wellia the Matta Ja A biography of Swan Keshranands ‘Meanie, «few drops of water perhaps fell ona Pathancpritoner, Teron, be started. beating me severely. AV T was totaly fnooent, the flor decided {© give corporal punishment to the gully But. to aot tay flon-oesoner excused, Tatked the jul, eet {o change tis mind or T woud go oa an inde ‘As ares the Pathan prisoner wa spared, Tints detained ts the lan Jal wth ten Sikh pole ‘prisoners including Gil Sher Singh. Doe thet all actvies, they weve sited tothe mort clas of the jul. Thoogh the jalor “eauaded ye, yet T Accompanied them as they were my felon frsdon ‘otter. In the Motiay Ja, 1 Prisoners. Alter my reese, sent 10 books fiom the Sahiye ‘Sadar, Abobar tothe Mola Jll’™ © Swami was arrested ia 1930 for the second ad last tine, But the uragge fr feedom war not yt over Like the ‘Non-coogeratin Movement andthe Civil Dokeience Move: ‘ment, Gandhi also launched the Individual Segagate (0940-41) and the" Quit asia Movement (10244) During these movements, several thoosands of Gundites were rested allover the county. But Swami wae not areted as he bad’ ‘ow devoted himself completly tthe case of Eduction. So, ‘important question may be posed here: Why did Swami leave the pat of going tolls and adopt the pth of speaog ‘ducation Ici bette to know the answer in Same owe, folowing words it Hla to my fellow Dang my. stay inthe jai Chad come to reso that 103 ope thing to win freedom for eich a. vst county but gute another thing to. undetand the mesning of ‘eedom and to preserve democracy. If we ca pies te freedom ofthe country, i ean be dove only through ‘location. What isthe ase I the people, for mom we fre winning freedom, donot understand is value ? Te A Freedom Pier » ‘ot proper to handover the responsibilty of prseton of young Tog in weak bands ater stg ber fee fom. {alban eis oly the edvction which can dive out the ‘deeply ingrained slavery from the minds ofthe people Ce eee iat Sago arte ress et leaearte ese a es cree some hale adn, Hhwane i flco baton ke Hye andl nin iyethe Hmse Sezai chal! eur Yah mil ayer (Geotteus, me dit not stugale for such extraneous " Conidertiooe, We devited Freedom, and that we have werd, 1 olen Nap Kah, Se Soe eum Ahr Ease en 2 Bont Det Chane Shon Keiannd Aiendor owe SS aie & Such Chandre Chae, Kale ke Padma Gana, 1860, 1B Seemter | he sia 72:74 sh Se Sh Tor, Sam sma ‘ean ou aa aay ang 1D. 4 The Gramotthan Vidyapeeth Sabi Keanad wat sat dinenins! pencmliy, 1 be eto aonb oe te Sula 0 Siw he te ten mung mesh te realagnoac soos he pops Hi a ase ‘ag th Sait Astra, Pari, emabching the Sata Sau), Abeer, teat ete ao pi imbibe nth via of Tata ea Svat Bata tung pa came SDST ie ‘nthe OM Cont Jal, alana eon dave ee Be sano hate comm at eae el ee fing ‘Indoor the tte saat Sa ot 0 olin wo masta ad prs So San spt aid to dese the ta Uae ee ‘homonyms, realy ge 1 ee ‘nh ree ome Ma Sal Be Ses cn ates of ene ee elt Psa Oa 18 Desie(9%, Staaiy needed ‘portant mesg fof the Managing Commitee ofthe Ja AstioSanseit Middle Schoo, Ses ‘wasn the verze of ts lone ® Tit Jt Sahoo, whi snow known a8 the. Granotihon Zrabopet, basis own bistory. 1 wat founded by Ch Bane ‘Sash Biobia (1982-1928), an "exservicemas ad Seo, Macsnath (1875-1965) at ‘Hanumanguch on 9 Aupus 1st The Gromaan Vidyapeeth i ‘On 21. Decembor 1917 wat shied to. dharmasle at Sangria In March 1915, th school war peemaetly ied to own align ewe 4 Ker “Astra of he Véppeth Sungai) proms stne Tae {and forthe choot was donated by Tao Gop! Sing 6. 1944). The oender heater Of the sehcl wat Lala Lait ‘Prand(19001969. We ht Sho woe a anime at cppond by the auton of Bier Sate, Av Ge wee “thr pst ofthe Repu stato Bikey, the very name ofthe ‘too Jat was not elomed by the authorities, ‘The school ‘os toefor sted to Sango Jat dominated ae Te Sehoal stared wih 28 tdente a 117. The ge roto 103 In 1927. As th authori ft jeu of the progr of th St Sect, they opened a pri soa In Seguin is 13 ‘To atracsiadnt te ols anounced oxi coacestons for tem ite scholabips and Jobaccriy. As 0 realy by 1932 the seth f Jt Schoo ered to 5s funds re siost exheeed; aad is tachsuiking wat about 10 ‘ole 1 Under sich crcamstanoes, am important esting of th Managing Commitee of Jat School wat coovened on (8 December 1932 at Sangara. Keeping” Swami Keshvantad’s love for eduction ja view, be was specially ivited fom Abobar, 50 mit away fom Senzara. When the orgies ‘showed thr belpeses ia raing the school and even. went *o the extent of gusting cowie, Swami war whocked end ‘sected sharply Bale ademiyon, agar tone shoal hi band Karn ha, to ime Kon bay? Scho! band karne ka pap salt ‘hear par hyo date ho? (Gentes, if you were to cote the boo, why dit you tnvite me ? Why do you mate t sah rxponile fo the sinful atv of closure a A biography of Sant Kesianand ‘Tereipon, the members of the Schools goveing body ‘soanimonsiy reuested Swami to come formad and acne the assignment. Being ar beloer in the ease of edoetion, ‘Swami accepted the chilenge.Informating ts of handing. ‘over the charge, tbe Minster Book of he ecol recone: 1b enanimoaty dsided that Swami Kesvaoand wos be the Chie! Admintator ofthe Schoo. Te is fally ithorised wo exereie ll the powers of tho Managing Commitee? co Before discoming the eforts of Swami made for the al ound progress of the shoo, tis ater te know something bout Sunsari’ where the Ja Sehool, sow the. Gramethon | Vidvapeth, is stand. Ue is a kasba of the newly formed sri, Hanumangar,wbich case into being on 1 pei 195, Ssogara is putt of the orth Rajasthan suated on the bower of Punjab and Haryana adjoining the disuicts of Ferorepoe and Si. Ks cutie the mates of Rajarthant Bacar, Hervant and Payoh. I is oa the Batinda Bike allay line. By ond ti 60 Klometres sway fromm Deb 0 ‘Sugain Mand part of th are which nt ooe- own at Bona, The Hstry of Bats wliniy 4d, Deve th perod.f Toh snd th ete AD he felon covering te sea fro Daetnda tM (nt ‘anurans fom Abhsyagrh gress Abt) heen, td fm Jago to Bla om la Paan) wow 4 "Mina a9 te rales eat’? Aer the dowel the. Bhatt he Bhatinna ron wae Civil among the ie Raptr pate Moga "ot the bame ‘Sagar hoot a centr of 1 was hen stood the year 1900 How wae named Sagar Iasi oral beckoned, is tepoved The tome ray ‘io Bane Sate bad nce sng" Unocal on) near te praca Mand fret ported it ie time of isang, thre as some al age 1 he GramothonVidyapecth “. 1020 fale ow the vilage war developed into © mand should also bbe known Tue Mandi war founded in July 1908 by the Maharaj of Bane Sst Shri Gangs Singh (1887-194) The tain porpor of establishing the, Mandi was to check the ‘tiaaping of goods from the Sate tothe Pana "The Mandi was eublabed four years afer tbe_opein ofthe railway sion, known athe Chauala-Rond. This amie twas, however, changed to Sangaria Railway Staton in 1983. i ‘The geogripbicl condition of the Mona! was pital. Ie ‘mas faminestreten aren. Ts water was slne Drinking ‘waler was brought from distant places. The egion was KIOWD for te uopleaunt fextres lke heavy Got ors ad unbear thle westry hot winds known a loo. The whole of Bikaner Sate, which also” felude Senger stunted on the north of Ralasthas, was known asthe Baopor or the Maratha! (sre waste), It nas offen dubbed by the radents of the Doab of ‘Ganges and Yamuna at Mont ke Des te an of deat)" Co 1a sch environment, Smami Keabvanan appeared onthe: scene to serve the ignorant people ofthe region trough the Jet. School, Sangria, When Swan ook the charge ofthe School Jn the beginning of 1953, bad only $6 atadets on Is rol mall bung of five cha mad rooms which Frequeatly leaked daring rin badly x. penoy en is account, a totalarea of 14 bias and 3 bowen! ‘What Swami did for the development ofthe shook, i ‘ong soy, but we sal] mention Hee oa his inactive. fn bret. At soon as be took charge of the school, Sma ‘worked ft. For examine ery Ste two. yea ofS ‘eure, ffom 1933 to. 1935, be oles a handsome amount ‘of Re 6000/4 by which he added the following ase tothe Stool expe: A Wlography of Swat Kesioanand A new building for the school, Sraaat! Mand, was ‘it —A ney Seardapowe, ye Kamar Aaa, =A" pony consrectod ouhadilayy, Arey Mandir, vas opees =A elleaupped be ‘Man, wan std =A Voaratala (gyemasam) was eonseacted. Hee bi act et) ere bit. —Rurvitare and tbe iems,requited bythe teacher and the taught, were purchased Comprising 3 bight and 11 Bowes, expansion ofthe choo. wit a resding room, Saha Asie das raed by, the schoo! made ssi progese "Bye time of te dul of Seam 19a, seea hoa ‘efit hd go te laaton ftom th ra tt {et fie GramoranFivpets, Tormey Keown te a tbat The gure of the crass nthe Peper forthe academe senion of 1972.79 man 106? Seco, Wronshout thelifeof Swami, tee was tary da) whos “the comtuson-nork oth Fiapeeh had Hoppe A. ‘account of shines ten tepid of B37 TD ‘Prnentione troosopely a flows 101957, the need ala mas taco, In 1938, © museum, lately known m Str Cio Rant ‘Saree Sangrabalaa (1956), wat opened. In 1963, theJue Mite Sooo! was upgraded to High School ad in 1955 Higher Secondary School ts 1984, vocational subjects were introduced in the shoal, ‘In 194, there was a gousate with 100 coms of Haan ‘reed. 101947, to Sonecteta was oped in 1964, the Jat Schoo wat named Vuhapeth (GN, In 194, the Maia Aviram wat opened, Subsequent, the Gramatan The Grama Vidyaeath “s the Arya Kany Pthtala was ed 10 in 1980,"4" plating prem, Neeeron Pres, was tated. In T9S1, the pabisation of peieical, Gramarthon Poirk, was are. In 1936, n power howe supptring electricity tothe Tevet ofthe Vidhapeth wae commision, Ln 1936 te Teacert Trini Schoo! was stated Te 196, the Coles of Apscatre with a farm of 300: sere of and was opened =In 1965, the College of Eduestion was started, Tin ‘196, port-griduat clases were added to the Coes of Agrieature. How moch amount was spent on the contraction work, Gift task to calcite. Tn 1954, it was extinatod at Ra. 105 lakh And, in 1957, irom to Rs, 22 ahs At the {ine of Swami deat (172), might wel be in cores. As far ts the total aren of toqired lsd was conceoed, io ro 14 big and 3 rows 0 2805 igh and 19 swan o Defoe expuiing the various features of he nse, we ould lite todscss how th name of Jat Schoo! was chioged {othe Cramorhan Vijopeth. With the paste of time, ‘Seam tealued thatthe oame ofthe Scho! Jat) was com ‘munal, Opposing soch name, be once wrote emphatically oat fter the ereton of Pa 1 was alo the Cavtsim and Commusalisa which led, towards te Prition, Such pames should not be afited| ‘wth any organisation, especialy the educsona ors. So, we sould immediatly dwocate rele fom this fommuct! name. If we retain this word, tke it for ranted wil not even belp tbe Jat commit sel a ny sete ‘eing a oatonait, Swami opposed the marow name of 46 “A tography of Swami Kesboonand fhe sehool (Ja) determinedly, As far the leaders of the Jt ‘Comunity were concern, they wer equally determined to ‘etn the name To pt the isu resolved, tn open sion of he community was organied in 1948, As soon a4 Swami ‘ut up his proposal for etaglag the name, he war vehemently ‘Opposed by the audience. How the costroveny was sted, {eprted by am eye ites tothe scene inthe folowing wards “When Swans proposel was seected by the uudnce he ‘ned left the meting sing : "You have to hoor for the athool ther SWAMI or tho JAT word" food mie prevailed, andthe 31. years old ame o the Ja ‘Shoo! was changed the GramathotVidypeath a. October | 548 as aupgested by Sam hiaslf, The simple meaning of {he word, Granothan Vidaperth, un eduatona conte {orth upil of sity, epeily the ral © [Now we shall explancetin features of the Granola atapecth Ws reprted that Swami Bad own Inthe Asharm ‘of Gand, known ov the Sergram, fr rome tine, He wat fatunced by Gandij's ideal of ‘Basie Education. Like Gaadbi, Sram wanted to anike the atudete of the Gramation "Vidyapeeth snp, ard-working and. sel) ‘ependent 1 11944, Swami added certain vocational trades to the syle of the school With the passe of tine, the stool rote popula. Tn 1935, the soo! was copied ate ‘Maltiparpore Higher Secondary Schol”by the Rajsthaa ‘Education Depirimeat. Ie was ae wehoo ofthe day ofeing several vocational subject tosis students ike Gens Age alte, Animal Hasbindey and Daiyiog, Hortioure and Gardesag, Wood-work, Metalwork, Talloing, Carpetry, Soup-making, Tinsaihy, Spaning aad Weaving, Eleneatay Engineering, “Photography, Typenriing and Shorthand ‘Throwing some Tight on this pet of te Viapeth, Seal The Gramothan Vidyapeeth ” ‘The Gramathae Vevapeth i ranning diferent erat sehools sezardng to the attitudes of the stofents. All raft aretaapht hero on selene and) moder ines by the frnined tachers. Every student of the VUepecth as to opt for oe of tho crafls Thi stetoe of ho Vidyapeeth gran 00 the principle of LEARNING WHILE EARNING." ‘The financially poor students of the Vuiapecth were ‘often given seholahps. Apart from the school funds, such ‘Scholahine wore freqsnty alfred By the indviaal ianthe Tops and the goveramest alle. Asn res, a good number fofch studants, expecially. the Havas and the Wctins of Parition, got themelves odvcsted and. traited in some pro= fesonal vsation fee of charge. Subiguetly they sood 00 Ahel Tet and independently supported their fami Some of thom even wentsbood for higher sade, Cig a astaace, Swami wes pleared to write io (971 "A studet of the Carpentry, named) Hanuman Prasad Sharma, weotto Ameria St for tsning ad thea for PRD." ‘Being a pullioapirted gue, Swami knew i well that the Brith edaetonal ten, itroduced in Tada, wat hie Imeant 19 prodece cela. But in Swans viet, the. poot County of Tada, putelaly the pln of Baoper,requleed fore tcbncal heads Giving prefereace. to the technical ftucation, be often sak: The tadiloal eduction prepares ‘ere and oot creftsen or tohnial hands wbo are Cady sncded Ia oo society.” 0 Swami was equally avare of the usefulness of medica ‘doction He often tai that weak penon or «plat could surly do anything forbs counter. He paid spacial atetion to develop the. Ayarvede Department the Pljaperh. I 193, the Apede Pihalaya ws made animporant wing ofthe Vayapeti, “A phstmacy sd fee puble dpensery were lo tached (9 i He, thecooledstadents were prepared for taminatons conducted by the ind! Sabie Sane “ A biography of Sam! Keshonand 4) andthe AR Bhriya puree Vdvapeth (Deh. ‘och students could ely got employment o star independent Dractce aed. Bosdes, the Ayurvedic Department of the Vedapeth was iscumeatal in serving the masses of the Baager region a thre was edly any medial ality povided by the sutborts, Highlighting serves, Swami states (Our Ayarvesio Department intibutes fee quinine and ‘other medicine nthe days of malaria season. Ie pulses Ttetare to edacate the mac making thet beth ‘comeios. Hygienic methods are also taught to ther ‘hrowphlestrer and demonstrations Another grt serie made by the Ayurvedic Deparment ‘ofthe Vidyapenth was to chack a common dlvease, Known a8 Ralowr Rog. Kvas a kiad of pile.boi often crag eat Is rot cans was the constmption of wahyiene wate ‘Swami spared no pains to combat this leas, Ts medi was immediately developot by te Rasavansalaabortory) ‘ofthe Pipapeth, Iewae tuted among the patente on Targe ele ree of charge. ‘To aks the region pesthneatly es from the dangerous iucate of Neharaa, Swami organised a conference of the ‘elds hang from different pars of Rasta et Sogtea on 9 Avgust 1948. Coateming this fat, an eyewitness tothe conferees, wees 1 wan the St provincial eooferene ofthe vais. Certain ‘makes (preeiptions) were consied Bre. They wee ‘aly publi ia book named. Nahaarw Rog Pradeep u ‘Swami wanted to see the allzound development of student As a sound mind ler in a sound bod¥ be paid “Spec tention tothe phyla growth of the youth He often vised the youth eying + (To remain In good bal, you ould ent by: phy execs, otherwio the doctor vl take you red! treugh bis ede bls ‘The Granttan Vidyapeeth ° [A welkeqsipped, Vrayamttels (Gymnas) was a9 Importatstiraction of the school campus. Here, the sade ere given speci traning in various pa ana, eerie sod ie, Ts instructors, knows ar Voeyamechares, were well faloed and dedcted, One of them as Rel who tod Toe {rst of wining nue forthe imation. Cig en notnes ‘of och achievements, the Fulacpal of the High School af te Vedpeth, Bi Rom, apply informs the Chit Miniter of Rajasthan on $Febrony 1954 ‘This yea, the scouts of the schoo} won the fist place of ‘honour inthe Intemation! Rally held st Hyder. By ain 0, they bave rated the prestige of the Wate in the es ofthe world Tewat indeed a ore achievement mae bya ru! shoot Inthe remote corer of «det To keep the studeots of the Plyapeethphysicly ft, the ‘ames and sports were made compolory for them. Giving oes "eport to Swami, the Physleallsrstor of the Papamoa, ‘Ram Lal, wrote on 20 May 194 ‘The Yayamsialy is functioning wel, Thre i not een ‘single aden of the Vubapeth bo Goes not pat Cipate in il ad execs the morniog fo es, an howe Av and when a studat of the Vidypeth showed any intrest in"symnasm, he was always encouraged by Susi, For example, on of the stents, eamed Kevel Ram» Soars, [Es secly sea to Bard a 198435 to pt er tang ermnastice wv Swami was aio lover of mie He knew is igificance forth spiral growth of man. A Sangeetthte (mostocen) ‘way spted in THT. 1 seid with lata te 0 tual instruments. A welkttined Sanectacharya (sioteaches) was is i-change. The sect of Songer (sic) was compulrry for gis A bigrapy of Sami Keshronand v Anothee notble fentre of the Vidyapeeth was ite ‘weeny. It wat amazing tose how the somes was conve Tazo grevn flag when Sangria was Sadly devoid of rane and vate. Tt could only be possible Beeuse of Sais ntligent sPaanig. Appiing ws of one of kitcar plan, Swami himel? fees With each plat, a ail (Honepate) wax paced, The teacher and the taught were stialyhected to me the ‘hil while bathing or "washing vo thatthe pant ould eadaqustely watered | ‘Whosoever vse the Gramothon Visapecth was matali Amprezod by the wlgue method of watering te plants To eke aniostnace, when Dr. VS. Agrawal, a renowned achaclonit ‘ofthe day, pail a vist to the VUpapecth, he exprewed hi ‘learare in the following words ‘Te sysem of watering the plants adequately, s indeed «Fruita experimeat. By doiag 40, Swami or estabi- hed an example for taoss who wast to letra the ecb eof watering the plants fn 2 deere ™ wt ‘The bg and beat buldings of the Vidvapesth are 0 -Aocbt a great achevemsat of Samii. Bo the bigger thing that be" got them bait ata place, Saagura, which had thea ster bricks nor water. Covering the log dite of wveral Ils te brits wee broaght from. Mundt Dabwall and the ‘rate rom Hanumangarh. Swamlj was not much educated and haviag 20 spi, Arulning in any betach of Kaowedge, yt he was better than ‘maay qulied and epeoalied persone For example, his. know ‘edge as ot les than any qualified srchitest Appreciating “Swain stalwart of th astaton, Cs. Harsh Chandra Nain 0885-197), sin 1955 © The Grama Vidypent s Sram was not edacatl in any schoot or cog, yet ‘iis amazingly intelligent. The besatifl design ef the product of Seams Ind aloe. I have often heard the enginsr apg, Ne ane isa dest Swami Kalan see oate habs (ke & miter of wonder how Swami arrange sich dees) © Swami wanted to make the Pbapeth& model. Ascord= ‘ng to Soa an del eduatonal instetion needs oot ooly spacious buildings, bat also inspiring teaser. Swati bad over been a regu todent, et be was vate of the gualites ‘of good teacher. What type af teachers be prfeted forthe Vidyapeeth i vous trom his foloming words ured belts A patherng of tncers emuelen = ‘A good teacher ie who hardly wet tok and bars Tangaage. the does So, stent wl copier hi a Shay ea hot (got of fest). A teacher, who lacks wisdom 0d depth oaly behaves ie hat. Atetcher should deal ‘ith is students with love aad fection, 20 that they ‘ay repr him as an embodimeot of resect ‘Throwing some more light on the wefules of a good teacher for is pup, Sma farther remark Achill is tke pie of stone fom a quarry fle tale ints The same pss, whan torbed ite {tga at the hands of salt, becomes pein ‘hen tis itherworhipned ina eagle or stalled aa ‘ely square reminding peopl hit. © ‘The aforesaid account shows that Swami dd hisbet to make the Vidopeerh a model. Bat the qvertion are ‘Could he suced in ib sion? Trying to anrwer this que tion, Swati wrote an ofl of Hanamangrah tei on 23 ‘April 1985 mentioning: A bivgroply of Swat Keshoonond “The Grammetthan Vidapeeth san insitation of diver sie stvties, Hester to the edcationl, sora! and Imeicelrguiemeat of big aga around Suara” Weking a eter of similar ature, Swami also glaslouvey. othe Proseat of Inia, Dr. Rajendea Prasad, 0025 Decetber 195688 ch ‘Your Eroelncy might be Knowing that the Gramathan- Vubapeth, Saogaia bas been ding is best to conte the people of thi aren jn mallag them socal pol Cally and conomially concioas Tor the ast 40 years. So,tosy,itlea rural ostaton with its multifariows ‘There is bardly aay eld in which the student of Pda peat have not served, Hundreds of 8 students have served: ‘hate countrys tether, cv servants and oldies. Seer ‘then have adopted the odependeat occopation of handi~ frat, vid, arty, soial workers, authors nnd journalists. Many of them have sso Become jndges, advocates, MLLAARy Mops and Mnisers® Tnformieg this fact, Smamji once fwote to the Presiest of Indin: You would find hundreds. GF the exstudents of this iouiton-workig in dierent ‘Separtmens ofthe Goverment ia high rans” m ‘As the days were pasiag by, the Pibapeth wos becoming fncressney popular. Keeping opel periodical, Mahavir AdeAr, wrote to Swami oa 1 Sanuary 1959: ‘You will be slad to. know that next isu ofthe Sama Kelyan wil bea apesiat i on Rarthan. Under your fuidance, the Gramotton Pdyopeah playin poner ing oe fe the fel of edaaton. So, we want poblsh. the work of Pidyapeath with isatins ia ou Torthcom Ing ise "The Gramathen Vidyapeeth s W Keeping the progress of the Plbapecth in view, many “great men vated the institution and pease it in vey generous fexms. The list of such prominent gure ioclates, the names -of PL Jawaharlal Netra, AciaryeVinoba Bhave, Gara ‘Golwatar, Si ChhotwRam, Rare Poresbottam Das Tandon, Raju Mahendra Pratap, Lal Bhadur Shai, Smt. lading © Gandhi, Sant Kirpal Singh, Ssigura Jagjit Singh Namba, ‘Acharya Sei Tus, Goboaita Lala Hardey Sabai, KM. ‘Pankkar, Maharaj Karn Singh PE Besaasi Das Chaturvedi, ‘Seth Jags Kishor i, andthe foreign digntares~Thomus G. Alle, Varannioy and Sedat T. Bore—reprsating Ameria the Soviet Union snd Yepowlva ripest. ‘These was hardly ay stadea ofthe Vibapeth who did ‘oot pay his deep regards to Swami after getting biel sted ‘in fe, Paying his bats, one such stadeat nated. Valid, ‘who was serving as a librarian inthe Rafethan University, “trot row Jiput to Swany on 30 Api 1960 1am deeply indebted to you, Had 1 not been in the GramothanPlhapecth, my fory could not get td of poverty. 1 have no words to express my graiade, IT ferve you the whole of my if, een then I cannot fepay ‘Under the inspiring guidsnce of Swain the sade ‘were sot only tained to get Jobs, but ko to make aloud development of their personaly. Resletng eal dye ‘Bate a the jopeth an emlaatexstaden, Jaga, Nebra oom the rigaton Miniter of Hasyanth, atfly 1 sarted my educations career under the spell of Swami. Hi interest war not cone only to Books owedge, He woke us at 4 anand took veto the playground. Morsing tnd evening prayers wee tid egal. Besides, he nculcated courtesy abd coubenoe Ey A biography of Swan Kessaand wt ‘The overall smcaphere of the Gramotha Vidyopecth was. pralaeworthy from ie very beglaing. Whosoever had teen Inthe campus of Vdbapat even for «while, wat greatly Fmpeened by the atmosphere To ete a instance, after paying: faieto the Pujapeth so stehacologlst of wational repute, Dy. VS. Agrawal, remarked in 1989 My vit to the Granodhan Vivapeth ve me mich Pleure Fou sell bepiing 1917 with onl 28 Stents, the lation hor now developed into = big Senta mein through the ear of Seam Keshrand howe saocaton with eae 193. “Toe Vuyapeh provide ebustion on resent ies tr avrngeent fo he eshng of seca ada, “The Ayureds seton,crgnned oo found is, pr Colas most sce for fl aed The iach ae Stade osuccafl expert with the pemr—EARN [END STUDY. ‘he Vibopat bas slved is water problem in « vogue manner The corporate elt has tere into te Tne of he mater which eset feetbelrenitence™ vm “Throughout bi sstocation with the Pihapeth, Swami 4. lentes served the Institution while devting pot only sti and stergy, Bat abo tbe money. Telig us about hi ‘own financial contribution, Swan himself remarked in hi. Inter days "To make the all-ound development ofthe ibapsth, have ered ith tar-mar-ahan.T hae pent my youth in aking thi stitute foorah, AB am. MCP. (1952-69), 1 {ot Re 44,00) a8 my salary and. TAIDA, The whole mount U have sent for the Pldppeah. Por 12 year, B hve. wed my rallvay-pse manly forthe Pda ‘And T have hardly spent even single pemey on nyse from the Fibapethfanda™ {the Gronothn Vdypeath ss var ‘The Gramotton Vidvopth ean important edeationsh ‘ene of the country From the begining, bad been centre ‘otattaction for the people. A late aber of donor from the then Har Dini Feroscpore ise, Hahawspar State, Bikaac Siete, ete, fea donated iberally othe faluson Here, the students) habing from these area, got ber ede ‘on played ial soe in improving the lo of the region on many fonts which lped the people i transforming thems from the Medieval Age to he Moder Age. Acknowledging {Bis fact em eminnttlectalf the day, wots ‘Tee instuton, through the efforts ofits founder tector Swami Ketratand is rendering excelent rervics to the educational, caltral and economie life of the people {hi emote pat ofthe Indian ever xt “Thovgh the Granwtthan Vidyopecth wae eusted ia a emote dsr aren of north India, yet it war compared 9th the educatiooal intuitions eababed in tbe Beat pat of Indi Cting an instance, Ch. Yashwant Singh Advocate, Steretayy ofthe Svan Reshanond Sri Chrable Tt, 066 athe educational story of Tala, the Sant Nikon of Gurodev Ravindetath Tagore, the Girukul Karger of ‘Swim Shragchanend the Bonras ins Unory of PrMadin Mohan Malaya and the Decca Saheton ‘Sociey of Lokmanya Tink bad plajeé a vil rle while freating the patriotic and caller awakening. 008. Indiant Similarly, the Gromotlion Fijepeth, Senge tun by. Shtahe'Son Svan Keshvaneed has eee tively tered the people af the desert of Rast. and (he part of present Punjab, Haryana abd Patan” x 11s tre that whosoever knew bot the achievements of the Vidypecth, could not help appreciating it. A fa s Sait A A Bogrpiy of Svat Kesivanand lowe 6 concerned, be oace briny sid: Yah sons iy met hrpe Sanskrit! panaat K*Taksila? ht (Tis Tonitat ethos of ho Aryan Cate hin pat oft country xi After having sti the detail of the Vidupecth at sme ong, th render an wall imagine aboot the cbntbatios oF ‘Sam mae forthe intutlon which was almost dead wien be took iis charge. Amazingly, twas made all sod Ieaty by the expat doctor, Swan Keshvanand. However ting cre to ime, Samsun 1989: une 19 ‘ahs yee art?Kiavaee (We got the ber vole)” o Before coun the shaper, we woald lke tte the render cts more factors which I Sram to devote bse fo he fate of Eduction, Biewod.wity the knowlede of bison ‘Shami could en apne the ure of his country. ta bis ‘Spinvon the Shara ofthe. past andthe iterates of the pee ‘et fl i the eae cxtgory The Saahas wee only howe who ‘rt left the path of lesnng ad then Became the droge ofthe sock. Simla, if the. preset Tot of literate do aot {ear any Teton fom Matory, they Would have oiler the te ae. Keeping ac apprecasions in mind, Smash alvays ‘reed the leat of hi county to come forward 1 aeqire Xnowiedge.Forovraing thea, Swami once sit expat cally Ina few yout time, the itertes wil have the same fotos in he soley, dominated by th edeated, which the Shnrar bad in the oid Hind (1. The Shay lost thei igh of equality ow Decase they bad neglected the ‘value of Baveation® ess, if we look into the formative period of Swami ‘we thallnd that he wanted to seek education, but the ec ‘onal faites were then not eualy avalable for those who ‘neslihan Yo mouth. So, he made up hit mind to make “The Gramottan Vdyepseth "We efuctinal facie availabe for youuger generations who ‘yer expel the por and the a Funbermore on the base of his experience, Swail realied that he inorance was at the foot of eumerous ei Appring ws of te cuse ofthe Devil of Igneratce, which is ‘he cond name of ‘Darknet’, e agueetl rman Many peopl talk of sing the OHOST (hoot) daiog thenlght But no oe tak of ssn Bi in tho dsp ea he fhe ty ie a tbe wot, the “boot is xt ibe scond sate of DARKNESS lone * Sami was equally sare of the fc tht the darks ot ‘he ignorance could be removed aly trough th amp of lr fing: Being sant ofthe Gt, Sam ove ofthe fra belt -thi the DESTRUTION OF IGNORANCESTHE ‘MOKSHA. -RSPERENCES Seat Katte min ra “Sa So Eaten ek Sanne 18 ‘Tie Mle fe St, eosin 1 Deser 92 ‘eo in wi uh Sher Seah Tt ay File De, Ch Mov Chad Fu es, BE eeguineeenevm ‘Thakur Dexa), Maroon he Uperan (Sangaia, 1957p. 6, Seach rmcne mn Srna cane Denko els pia EEE ame Ret a aan spererare a = a Non Ren Sie So Sn Fed See A Blgrepy of Swami Kesbanand™ Sean Kester? hy? How abut Graton Pe: ‘ec Sagi 2 Donkonetaee esr Dat Chat, Siam sound Adon Gat Sra Kennan, Morbo Sry (ane), 9, ‘Sip i 4 Svan Kennan Sema’ Jayant dar amare Rt (Ginga, Toast 50, BoM Aero iw ioe Rap i Month Seti. 80 5 Opening the Rural Schools ‘Alter consoling the extabishment of the Jat Schoo, Sungai, Swami Keshvacund’decled to open schoa inthe villages of Bikaner Site It wara backward state. cpedally in the ld of education, Twas the atcond Teresi sate moog the erstwhile Rajpatana princely ates With area of 23,317 ‘square mies.” Although is 1938-29, 4 Compulsory Primary Edueston Act was incorporated inthe sate book, the felis for primary edecaton remsined on paper ony, When a Member of the State Counc Ch. Hath Chandos Nai, drew the atteation of the autorts towards opening ‘hoot in vilaps, they expres thelr plese ying he ilget had no means of taneportation. 1 ‘As far a8 Swami Kesbanand wis concerned, be took a Yow to make ll ponibe eos for spresding eduction, caper aly Sn rra areas Secondly, when he used to vet dies ‘ilags of Bikaner State o colt funds forthe Jat Schock, ‘Sangita, he wah ften shed bythe lage Sami, omy the children of the seh oould go to ‘Sangara, bat not ous. So, you kiedly do something for the education of the eden of the peor like wx! " “Ther was yt another cause wbich led Swami to take: 40 the path of opening school in vilges, Tt was exposed a, A Bloraphy of Swamt Kesbanand ‘Seams ova words i 1965, Head, “My proposed shen foc caral schools was atthe call of my’ ner voit, aad. this call vas in anawer tothe following question whic had been ‘patering my mind for months fogthee” Thies uations How can the devlopat ofthis dsrtiake place 7 How can the wants ofthe dese penpe bs fall? How ean this desert some » vena olay ? How can there bea reign of happlaess ad protprty fn thie region ? —Hlow can his region filtrate and backward poople be tranafrned ito sao ealtred people o Now we drs the eorts mide by Swami to achieve ‘his mision. Fist ofall he. propoted a Thre-Yexr-Scheme {nan open seston ofthe people eld in September 1944 at ‘Sangara wheres war anusimously approval. Ile give ot reson his Mea inthe form of ook, eat Mara Boom Sevatarya, ig 1985. [t contained 125 pagee Te Aighlichte the various problems of the raal area of the desert ate of Bikaner. It alo. sugerad how th region ‘ould be developed through education. For the spread of duction ia vllge and the ofr sa emooth fenstioning ‘of hook, Smamjipablihed another book—ramin Shiksha ‘Prasaar Aur Uska Vit Vidhan in Pbranry 195, 1 ‘Toistrasy compsinn wa eaivety aanehe} by: Swami in 1948 gaice continued 1955 when the whoo wers ‘radualy taken over by te Goveeameet of Ralesthan, During {his tae, 267 primary ssools wore opened in dierent village of present Bikaner Divison of Reethan icading ho istic of Bikaner, Cone, Sigangsnagar and Hanumingath for the detailed it of shoo, pease ae Append 1). Exch stool was opened at ceatally located vilage where the deus of furor Gre nearby vigor could eal wach ‘This experiment was a grand maces, From the Opening the Rar Sehols oe enning f thee schools, he vlages responded ferourbly ‘oct am insane, between the period of 1944 and. 1989, ‘the ‘umber of schools "was aboot one hundeed. From tees schools 8416 students got their education” The education ‘was not confsed to boys alone. The ad igre ined 288 rs and 442 dle a ‘Swami knew well how to achieve bis mistion. Howhe {fot so many rural whole opened, ie an intersting sory. ‘Throwing some light on tis aspect, one of his companions, Enon te ah oie pct oe of he ‘When Swami opened 100 schools in the desert villages of Bikaner State, ¥asa_ wines. Mort of these vil ages were on para, Swami vised thee vilages on oot in day time aswel asin aight time. -He persuaded the viges to open schol eling them the Importance of duction, ‘During his vist, Swami flea bad some teachers accompanying him. Wherever he weal, ho most succeded in openings acool tere Another young companion of Swami, Brij Narayan “Kaus, ao els os how Swami got the sehools constructed tome vilagee without spending a sngle penny. According. {eo Mr. Kawi, Swami often eae the vlagers saying Deu vilagers, your children can be edocaed. without ‘much dtealy.” Small rooms crn be contracted with ‘0d. Only thing that the villager abou pt ivolved wi al vigour. ‘The room exn be made from the mad en fiom the ponds and women can plate them With smvd end cow-deng. The ‘wood eat be contributed by farmers bavi trees in their lds abd carpetes ca ve tele tne by making the doors! Swami devoted vereral days in thee vilages to get rooms. read) under bis own soperisin, Furthermore, fe ed to ‘alt ‘one rupee from each family of the vilage. After bevng bis mation, Swami nly eft forthe ex village a A blgraphy of Swat Reshonand Swamifwas «practical men. He wsed all strategies to chew his milo. Before his vis, some opdeshaks toured ‘proposed villages popularsing the cause of education among {he villagers throug thir sweet tongs. Ose of sch apdesakr tees Kavi Hardat Singh Bhadoo, belonging to wnarby vise of Seigangaagar—Lalarh Jaan v As fr 2 tbe total amount spent on thee hoot, etween the period of 194 and. 1988, Ie concerned, czordiag 10 an ‘stims itis Ra 22-5 lek3* How was this amount. collet S47 Sami vas expert in collecting funds. Snamfi Knew {hat a good umber of Marwars, haling from Rajstha wer well setted ia the metropolitan ity of Calzutla. AS ho ‘omanity was ri, be ment to them for fund collection. His Fit journey Wook place probably ia September 194, flloned by December 198. Swami suceeded in eoling handsome “xnaunts fom Seth Sarajnal Nagarmal, Seth Sokal Ins. mae and the Marval Rel Solr. Wits the help oft ‘Marwari acary 10 school were not only opened, but ako spalataned fora good peiod of tne. Its eprted that on an Sveage, the Marwort Ralf Setey contbutot Rs. 150 pet ‘hoa! anally ‘Ar the soome was ment forthe betermeat of ilages, they ae sonirbited ay best tthe could. salen umber ‘of echool buildings were bul by th vilagers themes. They ‘ho provided food and abater to the lagedescher, spurt from avng donations o Samia cash Aer independence, Swami ao sought Gauacl grants from the coatral1s well ss sate governmeat w the Sosa annance was fequelly extended byte peopl and the government, the administrative aspect of the ‘hols was looked after by the Gramathan Pidapeth, tl by ‘Swami Such whools hed te following features © Opening the Raat Schools a ‘Though the show's, opened under the seheme, were primary school jet most of them bad airy Emteeding oom and « dpentry ~The appointed tees of 2 schoot was two-a-on. Ho wa acacber aswell a a va fo he vilagere. =e presrbed slab of schoo mee dternned by the idapeth. The presibed books were peated 1 uppliog by the Pldpeperth ial A" permanent sebool inspector, mamely Lalcand ‘Poona, was appointed. He visited school by camel, donated by (Ch. Ganpat Ram. The lpecior also took redcies with hie, supplied by the Vpapect, While making bis oii tours of the shoo nthe isl stage, the teachers ere bronght fom ‘UDP. When they ft ais ia potting themselves feted ie the deere area, the teachers, having book {tuned from the Pbapet, replaced them. he choos were kaown she Grantham Parhaas = The sos students wer ented fo get erifones Issued by th Pdpaearh which were regaled by ti The ramothan Vadvapeeh, Sangaia was the bea ‘quarter ofthe schools. Bac tensor of thes schools sta to sead hs repulse monthly progres ceport tothe Midyaperh. ‘In ater day, the salary, ood ad iodgng ofa teacher ‘wee sranged bythe concemed vila © By cpesiog te afrold stool, Swami tees ‘atalino man oes loan, spares snd poverty. One of bis youse Touowers, Bij Narayan Kaus ger he comment: sory of Primary Edsaton in Tiny witout the name ot Swami Kesanend, shill or "remain "incon ‘Om Pratah sik, aother flower of Swami and moe the Secretary ofthe Gramation ype emer “Sse ad alvay bo renembwe othe Eee faeces ae fortes pata Rajan’ Paying hitebutsn Sora A bicgraphy of Sant Kesianand™ ‘one of his devotes, Dr. Gyan Prakash Pilani, President of the Svan Kesianand Snr Clartoble Tra sido 19894 ‘The old students of 287 rural schools ail express thle ratte to Sramit saying—Had Swami not opened thse in our silage, our lives would have become hell Anothet admirer of Swami, Ram Sbst, wrote rtf to Swami from Onkara Mandi (Rajasthan) on 12 May 9472 Recast of our relate efor, the case of education Ie beooming sendy poplar ia this deter art of Indi. ‘The country realy eoud of you. By opening oume- fouwsebools in tht regioa, you are inst. dag the ‘Brana aon 1 Acknowleglag his wrvis forthe case of eduction sn rral areata pal ofthe ay states: ‘One may caluste the total expenditure made on opto Ing the 287 oral scbools. But 0. ove cam even think thatch a gret work the ob of one ladvidual loge" “Appreitng hit role opening the rural scoots, one ‘of bis young admires, De. D.C: Saran, writes somewtere inthe following words: ‘Twenty-two lakhs of rupees Tonal edvcationlsobome by 1936. Hundreds of vilages tree boned by the scheme. “Tht advesturous pro- iramme was suc that any governsient woold hesitate {undertake i Bo, Swale alone M Win realy amesiog bow Swami etblithed 257 schools fn dient luge state far fom modern means of com- ‘munications and transportation, Furthermore, the continous. farina, ignores, iltercy, poveriy. aupentitons and Opening he Rural Soo ie brine of dvnking water wer the salen feature ofthe are, ‘Tostar the ieacy campaign in eich an ates as tol eo cary task. Tt equred not only large amoent of money, but tho great persereence and determiaton, v Another important feature of these schools was that they were equipped with lbares, reading rome ond feo ipensren. The sehools were the center of adult and female eduction. Apart feom being the temps. of learning, {Sey sowed be wage at aude and hee te ‘in eradicating their social evils. “ Keeping his aforesaid services In vew, the younger eoerations ay remember Swami tthe torc-beaiee wh ‘read educational Iipht in the hut of the. poor, The Chine: lilosopher, Confucius, has eighty eid: It be beter to ght ‘smal lamp thn to curse he darkness” ‘But Swami tole {n opening the rr schools I even bead oft," Swami was Indeed a rare tigre of lia who” never cared the derhuss, ‘ther always Hated the lamp of karing in he ark comers. oftiestaray weather, 1 Rea Dae Chae, Sem eared diane Grae (Stew 1980, 9 2 2 Swot Kesraan, Mate Svatarys ag, 1, 1, 5 Tinta Dern Meubiond Upn opie 7,9, 5 Svan Kesha al mc aks‘ Segue, 1 Setter 180, 6 ej Nicer Kaus, Shs Su Sot Kelonnd nin 1915, 9p. 9098. 8 Seuml Kehna Pape, 6 March 1971 7 A Bography of Sam Kessand trae ameter pean eveon 15 Seam aren 1 May 1907. 1 mm mans SE Ee ra an sa nrmane 6 In Support of Women’s Education When Swami Kesbvanend achived one thing, te Immediately moved forward. By 1944, be placed the Jat High ‘School, Sangria on strong footag. So, now Be devoted his ime and eneray to opening schools oral areas, After ehioving soe in tis mision by 149, Swami pid speil attention to Womes's Euston. His Gramathan Vidyapeeth wos meant forthe eomplteuplitmeat of the rural popatton laclaging men and women. Prom te begining of pubis if, Swami was conscious ofthe portance of feusle aloe tion. “Hower, his ellctive role warted in 1940 when Re ‘pened the Groat Maile diam at Sangacne ‘The mun objet of etelshing the Matis Asiram at Saneatia was to spond easy among women ofthe surounds ‘ngareas; fo uproot the superstitions aad ipnorsnceprevale Jing among them ;and to eftoats thom in howsesold ars, lulu, tloriag. et. Sooa after ie etablshmeat, am ‘Adult Womea's Schoo and a Git Primary Schoo! wee asd opened bern 1954, th Gis Primary School wae upareded to ‘he Middle standard, in 1958 co the High standard and 1972 {o the Higher Secondary standard. Now the school known ‘the Gramouhen Viapeeth Balika Seon” Secondary Vie Jaya. Here, sujet ike mi, embroidey, atlas, swag cooking were compultory. As fara he whoo! for adult women wat coscerne, it was very wf, epeily Tor the needy. Most of is enrolled students were widows and the poor. ‘They were ven ise 6 A bseraply of want Keshronand accommodation and edveation, Many of them were geo Sonatina raiing especialy is taleing. Subeequety, they Noted ening their Tveinood iadependetly and run their ‘amie boaoursby. “The Maile dam and it aod wings were of great service othe women folk of he region, Throwing ve light ‘hs sino the trom, ocket of the Piduperh, pb Tihed in 1957, meatons* "This sition serves as a eat to spread socal equality, polis! cometousaes and altura tage amongst te women." Iie Ineotof Swami. Now we shall dheu: How In Serice of Hin vor ‘books were pulsed. He alto ofleted hi services in itrbut~ ‘nga good numberof Hindi books. Now we make an tempt {0 throw some light on how he achieved this msion. 1 Wit the eatabishment of the Sakina Saion, Abeba, Swamijistared helping the cause of book polis. Cig ‘an lstnee, report of the Sadan, dated 3 February 2%, seks, The campalgn for popoaring Hindi was launched by ‘he Sadan in 1926. sil gong on. During ths period some of the book-publsrs have recived nancial ‘sence from hee, For example, when the Sasa Say Mandal Amer pubisbed the book, eatiled Shatan Iota i was gven Ra. 20) rom tho Sadan, Toe moot incioded Re. 75 contributed preolly by Swaa.™ As the days rolled by, the interest of Swi inthe felt of publistion was strengthened. There was hardly year when ‘ome Hind books were aot pubised by hs active support. To ‘ite an instance, a booklet ented Hind ka Mattes prepated ‘snd edited by Swami Mil, wae dstluted. free song the Hivdiiover of Pani, UP. and Rejsthan assembled at ‘Abobac on 2 Rebranry 19222 [was he auriclous osaion of ‘the onugural freon ofthe Sadan bung " (Ope of the monumental volumes mich Swami got Doble isthe lbh. 1 iy wate by ‘Thakur: Desa Whe ba ohio certain History books a Hin facing Jott. His atest book, the ‘Sita, contin 36 poget ‘and itutratins, 1 was published ia 1984, Tis the fst bintor of the Sikhs in Hin, How did Smanijbecome Interetd | geting the Siar publishes 7, ian ltereting question. Answering this queion, the author, Thakur Der hase remark 06 A Blography of Swat Keshanand There was no history of the Sikhs for Hindiknowing Beonle offi Keeping tin ming n 1938, approached Sami Kesbvanand who was_popsar among the Sikh When I request Mao help mein prepariog. tet Bintory, be apreeé. Thereupon, he ininedtely coast {wid a Sikhstory-Commities at Ferogepore cmrisng Prominent Sikh-igures acadiog one or two members Of the “Shromant Gurdwara Prabendhak Conmiace Garcy= “Exoraing is thanks to Swami the author futher remarks “shall ever remsin deeply indebted to Swami who sve me [Now the reader my ike to know how the Stehihes, ‘sfonsred by Swami aad writen by Des, was tected by the sountrymen | Giving ts lapresion about the volume, a "snowned historia of the Panjab, De. Ganda Slag, write: ‘inthe bt book so far writen oa the subj in Hin Is a complete hsory of the Skis. Thakur Dee eserves to be congratlted for the commendable work that he hes produced. The retest cei is du o Swami ‘Keshvanad for the undetating of pobistion wie ‘shou be whole-heartedly Beped by one an lated In Sikh Hiatory* Making his commoot on the Sith ilar, an eminent edz Monit of Indi, ‘Dr. Babu Ram Sazeas (Prayag, ree “Ther is no exngpsaton if we same the volume a at Eye -elpeta ofthe Siti What was inthe mind of Swami while publishing the ‘ies a pertinent qesion. Fis ofall he was. the ‘pinion that the Sith Guat had made great eacies for the ounty, speci the Hindus. Throvgh this ook, its hope, that lige somber of Hinde, partials out af Pansy ould come to know some dete about the makers of thet ‘story. Secondly, a there was ao book in. Hind onthe Sik, ‘would bean abet to the Hind Hiteratre. Thi, could be InSerice of Hint 109 ‘source of strengthening the reltion between the Sikhs ang the Hinds, m1 Wis toe that Swami became isrameatst fo sting serous books pubed in Hind AS forthe topic of hi Publstons are coneetne, ome tore information esaoaea, ighleing the priovtie of hit sabes, Swemail Heat Informs us trough a Booklet, published on 10 Jy 1984 nt felloming words Our country tacks printed materia! in Hindi for adults covering the sbject of rel development. With the help ‘ofthe pilsothopits andthe ete of these, the Gram, than Vidyapeeth Sangin bas taken the teposbity of ‘ook-pubeation. So fe, ics the eet of publishing bout thre doea of Boks in ipressie se ad sale Innguage. The books are generally oa the subjects af- Awicatere, Sociology, History, Health, Selene and onatnm. Because ofthese Book, te’ whole ft a 3 Werate of our seion i being benefied. Undoubtedly, Swami brought out sicient numberof indi-books. But the question aes, who were the maa bays. ‘of such books? Appriing us ofthe cotomern. Swamit once ‘wrote: "Our publications ae in gret demand by the Hones, ‘of rom panchayats andthe boos of villages end tow." ‘Keeping bi ove for book pabiation ia view, nuerous etons often approached Swami with their new propose ‘hing a instance otis ert, Kall Dev Shae. wroe fea Robigk to him on 13 September 1949 requesting, ‘Lam grateful to you forgiving me eertaa publication complimentary copies Out of them, I have, my spect liking forthe volume ented Need! Gyan Rosh Tes my humble subaiion to you to Kindly take vp also the ‘sponsiity of ting & biography of Ch, Cate Rat pared sod poled 10 A biography of Swami Keslronand w Swami pesuaded ectsin Hindiautors to prepare “manuscripts preferably onthe subject of ral deslopmeat. If “anautbor vas intersted in wring a Book on subject of is ova ‘holes be could abo easly approach him. As and when such Seauthor met Swami be was helped by him. Telling us ofthis tude of Swami, an thor, named Balbhadr, writes: fot my fanou aol, Radho ur Rajon publ with the fEnnci asianee arranged. by Swamji™ Appreciating his tcoursging attiage Tor aothors, an intimate associate of ‘Sami Kubhoshan, rately writes Thowph Sasi Ketan hime was not an schnowledged autor, yt be a patton of ution He hav almays erally Delped them fa the hour of aed expecting nothing fom them in return ‘Such atttade wa further acknowledged by 2 noted istoran ‘ofthe Puja, Dr. Gande Singh. Prati Swami at a paton ‘tutor he biorian eaarked 09 I September 19852 1 pave Enowa Swami Keshvanaad for over 20 years now. Ta him I foond a ian of wide yrpathie, He bas a sft ‘corte or all engaged inthe pusult of Meat He it Uber fa se patronage cod fice fom all ise and prejaice.” v Swami role wat act only coulaed to make srrange- meats for the finial ssstance, but alo to colest saree ‘ateral for the preparation of books Thete are extuin framples when he oflred such material 1 some research inate {ues urgog them fo help in. petting he volumes pabited, CCing en nsance. thie fest, Stam role the following Teter to Acharye Vshvabsndhu, Dietor of Viseshvaraaand “Vail Rewarh lost, Hosiarpr (Punjab) on 9 May 1970 ‘Lam seoding bereith sme sourcematral for repring tnd pulsing sresercraioted. and ateacive book in I EEETESTSTST Ae Serie of Hinds ra sole sist be pine i to cl. ave ranged Rate 0 tce hon for Ws pabcaton Tbe book pls y sour aus, ean tap dnsling icon the Pub Hayat ed Raja, Tiseopes maya bel in her provige. athe Seip Hn Sahitya Sonnet, Praag w Another import apest of Sam's ie hate 4 wor tone Though ewer aot cael we, et ‘ir for wing Swami aa oer of wing hatreds ot ase in wigs nde «bok tow booty sient ‘ter of aris, several papi secant lates oe ‘ome depen se tbe hibgraphy. As Seo nk const hat et Manito Stary. Hs pind hagen th e, ‘ero Te cnton 18page hike lt wo parts fe bat got, comprang vee by Sangin te polnn of ie Secect we ‘he tlton thom tule pon, heh et Foe ‘och ee rnd roo coe! twpraof peste ar, Sone ai wing do rev ht Swami wot i tet o eae Ba so bay se eto ot std te mah tine ng ek ‘ook cs often sen tht the makers of Bry are nae bir Tinh be ware or fen ne wan Revetaten ttn icing ot wen Forage cir Lal Sig, the lca of Lineage Pu ha -him on 16 August 1961 ad The Language Deparment is holding « represitative Writes Convention driog the Jathor sad eebatons ‘onthe 20h August 196 Patil, Over 200 weer of te State ate parisipatise in the’ Cocveation You sre equesed fo partepate inthe Convention Being an author, Swami was a serious reader, too. He m A bography of Sant Kesar ould easily analyte «book while going

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