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Induced Breeding and Seed Production

of Pabda: A Species with Potential

for Aquaculture Diversification
in Northeast India
Pradyut Biswas, Alok Kumar Jena, Himadri Saha and Tanmoy Gan Chowdhury

P resently, Indian
TABLE 1. Nutritional profile of pabda.
is a delicacy in northeast
region states. It is also a
aquaculture is dependent on
Nutrient content per 100 g raw edible part.
a few species of major carps species that can be included
and prawns, although there are in species and culture system
15-20 species with potential Protein (g) 16.20 Iodine (μg) 7.0
diversification. Pabda can
for commercialization. The Fat (g) 9.50 Selenium (μg) 27 thrive well in shallow water,
projected fish production of Moisture (g) 73.90 Phosphorus (mg) 150 making it a preferred species
India country in 2020 is 11.9 Ash (g) 0.90 Magnesium (mg) 23 for culture in seasonal water
million t, consisting of 7.4 Energy (kJ) 619.00 Sodium (mg) 47 bodies. The fish is remarkable
million t from inland production Iron (mg) 0.46 Potassium (mg) 230 because it can survive without
and 3.5 million t from the Zinc (mg) 0.90 Manganese (mg) 0.073 food and water for some
marine sector. Development Calcium (mg) 91.00 Sulphur (mg) 190 reasonable length of time.
strategies need attention towards So urce: Bo gard et al. 20 1 5 Unlike other catfishes the
diversification of aquaculture species is fairly calm and is
through production of locally compatible with carps.
available fish species. Carps, In well-maintained
TABLE 2. Criteria followed to select mature
catfish, prawns, mollusks, and culture systems, pabda attains
spawners of pabda.
ornamental fish provide options a size of 85-120 g in 7-8
for diversification of species Sl No. Male Female
months. although growth
cultured.  in nature is slow, attaining
The northeast region of 1 Small Relatively large a length of 128 mm after
India consists of the states of 2 Abdomen normal; Abdomen bulging, one year, 159 mm after two
Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, not bulky like female elastic and soft years and 198 mm after three
Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, 3 Body slender, Body robust and years. The maximum length
Nagaland, Sikkim, and Tripura. more transluscent pigmented recorded so far is 450 mm.
It has rich biodiversity and and less pigmented Recently, the reduction
fisheries resources. With more 4 Serration of the Serration of pectoral spine in habitat area as a result of
than 95 percent of the population pectoral spine is is not pronounced reclamation of wetlands and
consuming fish, demand is very pronounced excessive use of pesticides,
high but there is a wide gap herbicides and inorganic
between supply and demand. fertilizers in agricultural farms
Aquaculture development in the have threatened the species to
region is taking place at a rapid rate. All states in the northeast the point where it has been designated as vulnerable to extinction.
region have reported productivity levels of around 1000–1700 Despite having potential as a good species for diversification, it has
kg/ha per yr with an average of 1500 kg/ha per yr. not received much attention in aquaculture, mainly for the lack of
However, efforts are needed to increase the present level of information on breeding and culture techniques. Captive breeding
production through horizontal and vertical expansion. The region can go a long way toward diversifying this aquaculture species.
has rivers, coldwater streams, floodplain wetlands, reservoirs,
lakes, ponds, paddy fields, and mini-barrages to support Captive Breeding
commercial-scale aquaculture activities, which can produce fish Pabda does not reproduce naturally in artificial rearing
to meet regional requirements and export the surplus. conditions. Fish mature after one year and males mature earlier than
The catfish Ompok bimaculatus, commonly known as females. Pabda reach maturity at 200-230 mm or 20-40 g during
pabda, is a native species that is recently gaining in importance April and May. During the breeding season males and females
as a promising aquaculture candidate, related to its good taste, move in shoals and migrate from beels to rivers. Spawning occurs
excellent nutritional profile and high market value. Smoked pabda (CONTINUED ON PAGE 42)

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FIGURE 1. Earthen ponds for rearing of pabda broodstock. FIGURE 2. Administration of spawning inducing agent. Note size of syringe (1
mL) and proper angle of injection.

FIGURE 3. Stripping ovulated eggs from pabda female broodfish. FIGURE 4. Fertilization of eggs by activation of sperm with water,
accompanied by mixing sperm and eggs with a feather.

once per year during the monsoon season (June-August), with a condition should be examined periodically.
peak in July. From October to January pabda are in stages I and Broodfish are harvested by reducing the pond water level
II of maturity. Most males mature from late March to May while during the breeding season. Identification of male and female
females are only in stage I and II at this time. Fully ripe females broods is based on some external features (Table 2). Selected
are observed from May to the end of July. Feeding behavior is broodfish can be held in fiberglass tanks with continuous water
erratic during the maturation and spawning season. flow for a day to allow evacuation of gut contents. Male and female
fish are held in separate tanks and are not fed. Constant water flow
Broodstock management is maintained to ensure proper aeration. Handling of fish should
The success of breeding depends on a sufficient amount be done very carefully to avoid possible injury and secondary
of quality broodfish. Broodfish are selected by sex and held in infection.
separate ponds. An average weight 150-200 g is good for breeding.
Broodfish ponds should be 0.2-0.5 ha and 1-1.2 m deep (Fig. 1). Induced spawning
Broodfish ponds and tanks should be covered with netting. After gut evacuation, a single injection of inducing hormone
Pabda broodfish should be fed daily with a 35 percent crude (e.g. Ovatide, OvaFH, Gonopro, Ovasis) should be administered
protein pelleted feed. In certain locations or for various reasons, to all broodfish. Fish are injected intramuscularly above the
it is not always possible to obtain and provide a high-protein lateral line towards the dorsal fin using a 1-mL syringe. The
pelleted feed. Thus, to provide an equivalent level of crude protein, needle is inserted at an angle approximately 30° from the head
a mixture of mustard oil cake, fishmeal, rice bran, and wheat (Fig. 2). Injected spawners are kept separately in containers to
flour can be pulverized and fed in the form of a dough. Broodfish avoid disturbances and self injuries.

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FIGURE 5. Incubation of fertilized eggs in an aquarium. Note placement of FIGURE 6. Newly hatched pabda larvae will aggregate at the tank bottom.
eggs on horizontal screen below water surface.

FIGURE 7. Plastic tubs make excellent larval rearing units for pabda larval FIGURE 8. Tubifex larvae are an excellent larval food item.

At the end of the latency period (10 h), females are strip Egg incubation and hatching
spawned by gently pressing the abdomen with a thumb from the Incubation can be done in plastic tubs, cement tanks or
pectoral fin towards the genital papilla (Fig. 3). Ovulated eggs aquaria. Plastic tubs are inexpensive, portable and easy to clean.
will flow easily in a thick mass from the genital vent if females A framed fine-mesh nylon net screen is spread horizontally in the
responded well to hormonal treatment. Ovulated eggs are brown container, 5-10 cm below the water surface and fertilized eggs
and there are about 600 eggs in one gram of eggs. There is a strong are evenly spread over the screen (Fig. 5). Eggs maintained under
correlation between female size and fecundity, with the average flowing and well-aerated water survive better. Water in hatching
relative fecundity of 18,000-22,000 eggs/100 g fish. The mature tubs or cement cisterns must be clean and chlorine free.
ovary contains different sizes of eggs. Fully ripe ova are dull Embryos hatch 22-24 h after fertilization at 28-30 C.
yellow/green and measure from 760 to 875 µm in diameter. Hatchlings move to the bottom of the container through the nylon
Pabda males cannot be stripped and consequently sperm can net (Fig. 6). Low hardness and alkalinity is conducive for better
only be obtained by dissecting the male and removing the testes. embryonic development, leading to better hatching rate. Newly-
The dissected testes are then placed on a piece of clean and dry hatched larvae possess a large yolk-sac that is absorbed within
cotton cloth and milt is squeezed out and applied to an egg mass 2-3 days. Non-fertilized eggs and shells remaining from hatched
on a plastic tray. Eggs are fertilized by activating sperm with water eggs must be removed immediately to avoid fouling of water.
and simultaneous mixing with a feather (Fig. 4). The water and egg The screen and non-fertilized eggs should be removed from the
mass are mixed by gently shaking the tray. After about one minute, hatching tub/cistern as soon as most eggs have hatched and fallen
fertilization has taken place and the sperm has lost its activity and through the screen.
fertilized eggs are ready for incubation in tanks. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 44)

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FIGURE 9. Survival can be enhanced by providing hiding places to larval FIGURE 10. Outdoor cement tanks for nursery rearing of pabda.
rearing units.

Larval rearing and mortality and poor growth

fry production of larvae due to a poor
Larvae are reared for 15 environment and high
days till they grow into fry that stocking density during the
resemble adult fish. For the first indoor rearing phase. A
two days, newly hatched pabda stocking density of 1,000-
larvae use yolk-sac reserves. 2,000/m2 is considered to be
After the mouth opens, by optimum for good growth
the second day after hatching, and survival in indoor
small quantities of feed should conditions. In the event of
be offered. They must be cannibalism, segregation of
fed appropriately for good the stocked spawn based on
development and growth. As size is necessary and is done
there is likely to be differential by grading through nets of
growth among fry from the different mesh size. Pabda
same batch, it is not always prefer darkness, so hiding
possible to standardize the FIGURE 11. Pabda seed can be reared in cages placed in an earthen pond. places should be provided
particle size depending on age. for better survival (Fig. 9).
Hence, visual observation of food acceptability at different stages Larvae grow to 15-20 mm fry during 15-21 days of rearing. After
is the best way of selecting the appropriate feed type. a maximum of 21 days of indoor rearing, fry should be transferred
Feeding larvae with live organisms has proved always best. to outdoor rearing tanks for fingerling production (Figs. 10 and 11).
First feeding can be done with mixed zooplankton from adjacent
ponds, Artemia nauplii produced in the hatchery, or finely Nursery rearing
chopped tubifex worms, four times per day. Larvae are usually Ponds of 800 m2 are suitable for nursing pabda fry. After
raised in a plastic tub (Fig. 7), cement tanks, or aquaria until they drying the pond bottom completely, cow manure at 5-10 kg per
are 2-3 cm or more. decimal (ca. 40.5 m2) should be applied. After tilling the pond
After collection of live food from the pond, contents must bottom, lime at 250 kg/ha is added and left to react with pond
be sieved so that only smaller zooplankton are put in the rearing soils for 1-2 days. The pond is then filled with water. Frogs, snakes
container. After seven days of feeding, larvae are transferred to and other predators are very harmful for nursing of fry and so
a larger nursery tank. Pabda larvae are then provided with other it is important to protect the nursery pond from these predators.
supplemental foods like fish flesh, earthworms, and freeze-dried Small-mesh netting is used to surround the whole nursery pond.
tubifex. However, ground tubifex worms (Fig. 8) and finely sieved Nursery ponds are stocked with 5-d old fry at 15,000/ha. A feed
zooplankton are the best foods to control cannibalism among of 50 percent rice bran and 50 percent dried fish powder can be
pabda fry. Feed is provided slightly in excess quantity for the mixed together and used as nursery feed at 20 percent body weight
larvae to feed ad libitum. per day. Fish are nocturnal and so feed should be given two times
It is important to provide a good environment for the at night. Fry are reared in nursery ponds for up to 40 days, until
larvae. For this purpose, indoor rearing tanks are provided with fry reach 5 cm.
continuous aeration and water exchange. There is a chance of

44 M A RC H 2 018 • W O R L D A Q UACU LT U R E • W W W.WA S .O R G

Grow-out Culture Notes
Earthen ponds, stone-lined ponds, and cement tanks are Pradyut Biswas*, Alok Kumar Jena, Himadri Saha and Tanmoy
suitable for grow-out culture of pabda. A density of 25,000-40,000/ Gan Chowdhury, College of Fisheries, Central Agricultural
ha is recommended for culture of this species. Pabda stocked at a University, Lembucherra, Tripura(W)-799210, India
larger size (5-10 g) had good survival and growth during culture. * Corresponding author email: pradyutbiswas@gmail.com
Fish are fed at 3-5 percent of their body weight with pelleted feed
that is placed in feeding baskets located in different places of the References
pond. Fish reach a market size of 100-120 g within one year and Bogard, J.R., S.H. Thilsted, G.C. Marks, M.A. Wahab, M.A.R.
production of 1-1.2 t/ha can be achieved. Hossain, J. Jakobsen, and J. Stangoulis. 2015. Nutrient
composition of important fish species in Bangladesh and potential
Conclusion contribution to recommended nutrient intakes. Journal of Food
Although induced breeding of pabda is not difficult, the Composition and Analysis 42:120-133.
main problem lies in fertilization, hatching success and early Chakrabarti, N.M., P.P. Chakrabarti, and S.C. Mondal. 2009. Ompok
development of the fish. Large-scale mortality occurs in early bimaculatus and Ompok pabda. Comparative, morphometric and
development stages after absorption of the yolk sac. Proper feeding meristic study of embryonic larval development. Fishing Chimes
and water management is critical for excellent seed production. 29(6):8-9.
In the recent past, culture of pabda culture was not taken up in Chakrabarti, P.P., S.C. Mandal, D.N. Chattopadhaya, R.N. Mandal,
confined water bodies because seed was not available in adequate B.N. Paul and P. Jayasankar. 2012. Pabda – Seed Production
quantities. Now, farmers are interested in stocking pabda with & Culture. Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture,
Indian major carps, providing additional financial benefit. Bhubaneswar, 44 p.

Although induced breeding of pabda is not difficult, the main problem lies
in fertilization, hatching success and early development of the fish.
Large-scale mortality occurs in early development stages after absorption of the yolk sac.
Proper feeding and water management is critical for excellent seed production.

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