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Application Data 60-610 Page 1

Westinghouse Mercury Ballasts and

Ballast Perforrnance Dala
Fuse Rat fg
Constant Curent Transf ormer Loadrngs

Performance Data (Approximate)at:

The fo ow ng e ectr caL performance data eclion. t s a so useful rn
as a basis for se
for 60 cyc e mu liple ba asts bu t'in and pld11 10 'looolql rrrg o^o rooo^d\ .o1 q
rernote type t provides more cornplete
nJormet of for add I ona product ana ys s

For Built-in Luminaires

Norm. Stad Open

oner. lno Circuit

reg o!ip!t a I ranges +l3ib r38 it !) 30 94

reg!lated 124/244 +14% 138 (' t) 19/24 90
iri-react. 12Q +5% 230 360 33 t8 51
reactor 244 !a% 211 28n 0 12 52
reactor 244 +5Ya 123 175 I50 13 92

regoutp!t all ranges +13yd 230 0r !) 93

reg!lared 120/244+1AYr 221 .0(' 21/32 94
h react. 124 +'at 400 600 48 21 51
reactor 2,10 +5% 312 510 0 16 5l
reacto: 244 +5% 214 340 216 1l
254 H31 a reg. o!tput a ranges +13% 322 tt ir) 9l
h -react 124 +5% 530 750 48 35 51
reactor 240 +5% 504 114 0 23 54
reactor 240 +59/o 305 405 312 24 90

250 C 250 las cerm ill mnles +59i 325 440 525 42 90

400 H33 1 reg o!t!!1 3L ranges +1391 470 ai It 59 98

regulated : IEnges +l0o,/" 500 O (i,j 60 92
h -reacr 124 +5r/", 890 1200 4a 32 49
rc.cror 210 +5% 79! 1200 0 32 54
reactor 240 :1511 460 840 500 33 94

400 MH 400 reg! aled a I ranqes +5% 530 a!) L! 64 90

400 c-400 re!! ared alL r.nqes +l09,; 500 ij,) ii,l to 90
ag cerm. aL ranses +51'. 500 400 860 50 90

700 f35-18 reg o!lpLrt a ra.ges +139'o 18

reguLated a ranges +l0% 192 A it J2 97
reactor 480 +59/o 1380 2400 0 40 53
reaclor 480 +5% 825 1470 920 42 90

r000 H36-r 5 req olrout a ranqes +l39'; I 120 !t l, 97

ree! ared a I raiges +109/o 11 36 !i It 85 96
resclor 480 +5% 1840 2810 0 58
reacror 480 +59i 1180 610 1200
1 64 90

r 000 MH -1000 regll€ted a r.nges +109; t2t9 100 90

I 500 MH r 500 re.t! aled all ranqes +10?'. I650 120 98

Allva !es are nomina.

All ba asts w I operlte amps :t temperatuires :s ow as 20"F
O BaLLast data r€presents typca values of compone.t parts lested !nder laboratory condrro.s These val!es
mayv.rys ght y dependrn! on balLasl €nclosures and ampposton.
O Io dererm .e .e c!ftent. d v de voli ampere valle by nplt vo laqe
O For reg! aled ollput ba las1s, starl ng and open circ! t vo t amperes are no greater tlran norma operatin!
v.L!es However, I rne vo taqe becomes m!ch ower than rated vo ta!le, as rs .ommon d!ri.g system la!lts,
c!nent w be a!tomatlcallv increased as th s tvpe of ba lasl attempls lo de iver rared watta!e to tlre rmp.
Swit.hrn! n tr.nsients of verl short d!ratron may operate unus!a y fast protective dev ces For rhis reason,
i c rcu 1 prolecr o. Ls to be !e€d, flse types a.d rar .qs as shown on paqe 2 are sLrgqesred

ljlarch, 1972

Application Data 60-610 Page 2

Mercury Ballasts and

Bal ast Performance Data
Fuse Rating
Constant Current Transforrner Loadings

Fuse Ratingo
The fo ow ng lists the fLrses that are used both by type and rat ng. This information w
serve as a gu de rf replacements are eveT necessaTy, or if it is desirable to add fuse protec-
ton n the future.
FL.rses not s!pplied unless ordered at add lional cost.

Ballast Design Typo

H39 22

124 3 8 10 10 15 25
2AA 2 3 7 l 10 15
240 2 3 3 7 10 15
5 '10
277 2 2 3
480 1 2 3 5 5 1


240 NPF
240 tPF
480 NPF
480 HPF

KTK (600 vo 0 rar igs available 1. 2, 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 10. 1 5, 20. 25. 30 amp.

O Fuse rarinss are suggested val!es qu dance p!rposes on y. Spec f c fuse perlorma.ce data should be obla ned lrom fuse rnanlfacturer and related to antic pat€d
ambient temp€rat!res, other operat nq cond l ons, and ba last pedornrance character slics

Constant Curtent Transformer and Watts Constant Cufien1 Translormer

Loading@ H38-4 H39 22 H37-5 H33-1 H35 18 H36-15
100w 115w 25Ow 400w 700w 1000w
When serles transformers are used to Stading
operate rnercuTy amps from ser es circu ts,
suffic ent constant curlent tral]sformer 300 315 490 660 1300 1900
capacity m!st be a owed for each larnp 315 375 490 660 1300 1900
330 375 490 660 I300 1900
for proper operalion. The following con
stant current transformer capac t es (in @ Val!es apply 10 "L FEG UABDo' mercury larnps operat€d from either a tank lype or l!minaire rnounted series
watts) shoLrld be allowed for each lamp mercury rransforrner.
and transformer cornbination. OFor West nghouse Type cPH. CSPH. CMH and other Conslant cLrrrent Tr€nsformers whh 48"/" to 50%

As a guide to loadinq series circLrits. the

values shown n Table wiL provide proper
ldnp operat o1 rrdFr tl_e \oi a ooe'"riro
conditions found on most seTies roadway
lighting systems. Under more idea condi-
t ons t may be possible lo operale more
d"rps or d cJrl.'o rrfo ^.otro- ror
. er1'rg L orslar I LJrrell rra']s orie s
. or AFpa-dtL\ R.o",
". I Weslt'lgfoLse
Plant, Phoenix, Arizona.
Westinghouse Electric corporation
Outdoor Lightjng Divisioni Cleveland, Ohio 44101

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