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Some of you know I possess the Nu Diamond Sutra

while most are still consider the Hellenistic(Westernistic,

Eurocentric, White Supremacy) to be viable to what ever
cause you are into. I see everything because history is the
unfolding of logic. KemPtah math, science, design and
technology Is the Diamond sutra and it is the basis of
immortality, resurrection, reincarnation, Transformation
etc. Prior to KemPtah we have been tricked and the
campaign of Alexander the great and other
conquistadors such as Aristotle and others was about
permanent distortion of all aboriginal logic and history
hence the destruction of culture. I see it in all our
activities as a collective. Evil and Good are synergy of
sides, and their separation of the two is the real evil.
Demons and Deities work hand in hand. In the hands of
the KemPtah the Set or Demons are the ones who punish
transgressors of KemPtah and not necessarily the ones
who created evil. The righteous evil is evil that gets evil
on evil. Synergy of sides. Most people will reject my
works because it does not complement the one who will
take you to oblivion (hell).
What do I mean that I possess the Diamond Sutra?
The ancient Afrikans of Asia says the Nu Buddha will be
the one with an unbeatable science, math, design and
technology. I am the only one on this planet at this time
who possesses the unbeatable (Diamond Sutra). One of
My friends outside the E-net who is quite verse with
Hindu says I sound like Krishna. I never read or study
Hinduism, is that coincidence. No it is logical and
historical. And Krishna supposed to know the synergy of
Deities and Demons also he uses both hand in hand. The
Kemetics, the Black ancient Asians and the Ancient
Aboriginal all over the planet was into KemPtah. That is
why I can easily translate their culture to the modern
because all are of KemPtah. Most people say they believe
in Maat but never really used it in a historical logical way,
they only dissect it and try to straight jacket it in their
own personal perspective. To most people, when they
say math is a universal language they only take it as far as
a cliché, nothing more. I have never met an actual
KemPtah besides myself. My diamond Sutra (KemPtah) is
irrefutable evidence that I am him (Nu Buddha). All
Buddha was never perfect but the works they produce
was perfection. White people fooled you to think
perfection is isolated from imperfection and got you
chasing perfection like a rabbit chasing a carrot on a
string. Ironically this is the law of identity crisis that many
of you prefer and cherish the law of fakeness. You had
the Good Buddha and the Buddha (evil) that administer
punishment to evil doers. Being pure or cut (in a western
sense) means Satan (law of identity crisis) is in your
heart. Hence pure Good is just as evil as pure evil.  One
is just being nice about being evil. There laws of Karma
(synergy of cause and effect) and the Laws of polarity
are complementary manifestations of synergy of sides.
Synergy of Sides embraces all and everything. Most are
planning how to life (and hence planning how to die)
because they lack KemPtah, hence resurrection,
immortality are not even a seed in your thought nor
practice. I thought energy cannot be created nor
destroyed, that is the symbol of the Cobra. Like I said in
my previous works that the only way for energy to be
perpetual and in order for technology to be perpetual if it
can handle the transformation of forms of energy. The
western kulture’s groupings (number system) are few
hence they can only come up with a few vessels for the
spirit and energy. So of course if your spirit and practice
is based on westernization you will parish and never exist
again. It is logical.
As the Blood line of the Black Nation flows in me, I
understand I must explain the Black Nations works and
the works of their conductors which is our ancient Black
ancestors. In the past years I think I have done a terrific
job at that. My explanations are only curses and blessings
of what I have to do which the ancients called Judgment
day. The Ancients knew the general formulation and let
the logic unfold(history). Also the prophesy says the
Buddha will be enlightened at 35(my current age the
same time I created the KemPtah math on a Cosmic-
Godly level), which is the same time an average Melanite
graduate the mystery school. If you believe me or not it
does not matter, the proof is in the pudden, the source is
in the soup. I will succeed in technological parts of
KemPtah which will have the same superiority as the
KemPtah math and sciences. Like father like son, like
mother like daughter. So in a way I am generating the
silver city that was mention by the ancients in which the
ancients said was needed prior to being Nu Absolute
Cosmic Ruler. THE BLACK NATION IS GOD. Black
Supremacy, Black Power and Black Love.

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