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The Classification of Financial Products

Article  in  Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology · February 2014
DOI: 10.1002/asi.22969


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3 authors, including:

Aaron Loehrlein Victoria Lemieux

University of British Columbia - Vancouver University of British Columbia - Vancouver


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The Classification of Financial Products

Aaron J. Loehrlein and Victoria L. Lemieux

iSchool, University of British Columbia, Suite 470—1961 East Mall, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada V6T
1Z1. E-mail: {a.loe, v.lemieux}@ubc.ca

Michael Bennett
Enterprise Data Management Council, London, SE16 7TB, United Kingdom. E-mail:

In the wake of the global financial crisis, the U.S. Dodd- surveillance and policy responses at both the national and
Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act international levels” (FSB/IMF, 2009, p. 4). Lack of access
(Dodd-Frank) was enacted to provide increased transpar-
to information on a timely basis, data quality issues, missing
ency in financial markets. In response to Dodd-Frank, a
series of rules relating to swaps record keeping have evidence, and poor recordkeeping have all been implicated
been issued, and one such rule calls for the creation of a in the build-up of financial risk and its spread through global
financial products classification system. The manner in financial markets. Within the international financial commu-
which financial products are classified will have a pro- nity, a broad consensus has emerged regarding the informa-
found effect on data integration and analysis in the finan-
tion gaps that need to be filled. Since 2008, international
cial industry. This article considers various approaches
that can be taken when classifying financial products and agencies, financial regulators, financial trade associations,
recommends the use of facet analysis. The article argues and market participants have been working to better capture
that this type of analysis is flexible enough to accom- the build-up of risk in the financial sector, to improve data on
modate multiple viewpoints and rigorous enough to international financial network connections, to better
facilitate inferences that are based on the hierarchical
monitor the vulnerability of domestic economies to shocks,
structure. Various use cases are examined that pertain to
the organization of financial products. The use cases and to improve the communication of official statistics
confirm the practical utility of taxonomies that are (FSB/IMF, 2009, 2011).
designed according to faceted principles. It was with the objective of improving transparency in
financial markets that the U.S. Dodd-Frank Wall Street
Introduction and Motivation Reform and Consumer Protection Act (Dodd-Frank), which
was signed into law on July 21, 2010, introduced compre-
The global financial crisis of 2007–20091 highlighted a hensive regulation of swaps2 under Title VII (Public L. 111–
number of weaknesses in the quality and management of 203 H.R. 4173) and amended the Commodity Exchange Act
records, information, and data that led to an increase in (CEA). In scope of this section of the Dodd-Frank and the
systemic risk. The need for improved data and information CEA are the credit default swaps3 that were at the center of
was specifically recognized in a Financial Stability Board
(FSB) and International Monetary Fund (IMF) report titled
“The Financial Crisis and Information Gaps” (2009) that 2
Swaps are types of financial contracts that involve the exchange of one
noted “the recent crisis has reaffirmed an old lesson—good security for another. “If firms in separate countries have comparative advan-
data and good analysis are the lifeblood of effective tages on interest rates, then a swap could benefit both firms. For example,
one firm may have a lower fixed interest rate, while another has access
to a lower floating interest rate. These firms could swap to take advantage
1 of the lower rates” (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/swap.asp#
The dates of the so-called global financial crisis are open to debate; for
ixzz2KT8lfb7l; read more: http://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/swap.
example, Reinhardt and Rogoff (2009) refer to the crisis as the financial crisis
of the late 2000s. We have chosen to standardize the dates to 2007–2009. 3
Credit default swaps are types of swaps with a risk rating and price
Received December 31, 2012; revised February 22, 2013; accepted March based on the risk of default by the underlying issuers. “The main goal
10, 2013 of credit default contracts is to establish a price for a given default risk,
where it can then be traded to another party who wishes to accept
© 2013 ASIS&T • Published online 18 October 2013 in Wiley Online it” (http://www.investopedia.com/terms/c/credit_default_contracts.asp#
Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com). DOI: 10.1002/asi.22969 ixzz2KTAQfm3y).

the global financial crisis of 2007–2009. Among the changes of swaps (depending on the asset class involved), whereas ~5
set out in the Act were new requirements to have standard- to 20% of swaps may be sufficiently bespoke that they can
ized forms of these financial products trade on open and only be described rather than identified by a UPI (CFTC,
transparent platforms similar to the way that stocks trade on 2011a, p. 101). As noted in the Committee on Payment and
stock exchanges. Specifically, Section 727 of Dodd-Frank Settlement Systems and International Organization of Secu-
added a new section 2(a)(13)(G) to the CEA that requires all rities Commissions’ report on over-the-counter derivatives,
swaps, whether cleared or uncleared, to be reported to swap data reporting and aggregation requirements and develop-
data repositories (SDRs). SDRs are new registered entities ment of a standard product classification system are needed
created by section 728 of Dodd-Frank to collect and main- as a first step toward both a system of product identifiers for
tain data related to swap transactions and to make such data standardized derivatives products, such as swaps, and an
electronically available to regulators. internationally accepted semantic for describing nonstand-
The new section 21(b) of the CEA, added by section 728 ardized instruments (CPSS-IOSCO, 2011). The final rules
of Dodd-Frank, directed the Commodities and Futures with respect to UPIs, as published in the Federal Register, are
Trading Commission (CFTC) to prescribe standards for reproduced in Table 1.
swap data recordkeeping and reporting. To give effect to We provide a foundation for discussions about the most
Dodd-Frank’s provisions, the CFTC engaged in an extensive appropriate method for developing a product classification
rulemaking exercise resulting in the Real-Time Public system as a foundation for assigning UPIs. It is expected that
Reporting of Swap Transaction Data Rule (“Final Rule”) UPIs for the most liquid, standardized parts of the market
that was finalized on January 9, 2012 (77 FR 1182). The will become available for integration within the overall
Final Rules call for the use of the following three unique industry regulatory reporting framework in 2013, and so
identifiers in connection with swap data reporting: a unique there is considerable pressure to arrive at a consensus on the
swap identifier (USI), a legal entity identifier (LEI) to iden- technical details and operation of the financial products clas-
tify the counterparties involved in the transaction, and a sification system. Despite these pressures, we believe it is
unique product identifier (UPI). The CFTC proposed the use important to take the time to consider all possible options for
of these unique identifiers as regulatory tools for linking data product classification and to carefully weigh the pros and
together and enabling data aggregation across counterpar- cons of each approach.
ties, transactions, and asset classes to fulfill the systemic risk In this article, we focus on the advantages and disadvan-
mitigation, market manipulation prevention, and other pur- tages of various possible approaches to the hierarchical clas-
poses of Dodd-Frank (CFTC, 2011b, 2012). sification of financial products to support risk analysis and
This article focuses on the issue of financial product management, setting aside any discussion of the mode of
classification needed to support the issuance of a UPI. The operation of a financial products classification system or
purpose of the UPI is to categorize or describe swaps with related technical implementation issues. As such, this article
respect to the underlying products referenced (e.g., interest examines the choices for product classification, predomi-
rates, currency), allowing regulators to aggregate, analyze, nantly from a knowledge organization-theoretic perspective,
and report swap transactions by product type and enhance drawing on ideas from this field to discuss a range of pos-
position limit enforcement and real-time reporting (CFTC, sible hierarchical classification options before applying
2012). Industry experts involved in this initiative and the them to a set of use cases. Our decision not to focus on the
CFTC’s Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) data subcom- technical mode of operation or method of implementing a
mittee expect that it may be possible, once a product classi- financial products classification system means that we also
fication system is developed, to assign a UPI to ~80 to 95% do not focus on the Financial Products Markup Language

TABLE 1. CFTC’s final rules concerning unique product identifiers in swaps data reporting and recordkeeping.

3. Final Rule: § 45.7

After considering the comments and input received concerning the UPI and product classification system, the Commission has determined that, as called
for in the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the final rule provides that each swap subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction must be identified in
recordkeeping and swap data reporting pursuant to this part by means of a unique product identifier and product classification system acceptable to
the Commission, when such an identifier and classification system are designated by the Commission for this purpose. The unique product identifier
and product classification system will be required to identify and describe the swap asset class and the sub-type within that asset class to which the
swap belongs, and the underlying product for the swap, with sufficient distinctiveness and specificity to enable the Commission and other financial
regulators to fulfill their regulatory responsibilities.
The final rule provides that the Commission will determine when a unique product identifier and product classification acceptable to the Commission
and satisfying these requirements is available, and when it so determines will designate the unique product identifier and product classification system
for use in compliance with this part, making this designation in a Commission order. The final rule requires registered entities and swap
counterparties subject to the Commission’s jurisdiction to use the unique product identifier and product classification system in compliance with this
part when this designation is made. Prior to this designation, each registered entity and swap counterparty must use the internal product identifier or
product description used by the SDR in all recordkeeping and swap data reporting pursuant to this part.

DOI: 10.1002/asi
(FpML)—an XML-based message standard for the Deriva- Data and Transparency Issues Affecting Systemic Risk
tives industry—even though it incorporates a “Product Analysis and Management
Type” element. FpML is a standard that represents a mes-
A number of sources, including the FSB/IMF report cited
saging protocol in financial transactions, but it is not itself a
previously, have noted the data management issues facing
classification system. For similar reasons, we do not focus
macro-prudential supervisors. Flood et al. (2012) observe
on the Financial Information eXchange Protocol (FIX) and
that financial information has been expanding much faster
other messaging standards (e.g., ISO 20022), even though
than traditional technologies can track. The rapid expansion
these may have common data models. Nor do we focus on
in financial information coupled with shortcomings of exist-
the Resource Description Framework / Web Ontology Lan-
ing financial information processing infrastructure has
guage (RDF/OWL) specifications. RDF/OWL provides a
limited the ability of financial regulators and market partici-
framework and language for the description of semantic
pants to identify, track, and manage systemic risks (Flood,
concepts in a domain (i.e., domain ontologies from which
Kyle, & Raschid, 2010; Lemieux, 2013). These issues have
classification systems may be derived), but does not in itself
precipitated the introduction of global initiatives to enhance
specify the content of domain ontologies or classification
data management throughout the global financial system,
systems. In other words, our focus is not on standards such
one of which is the CFTC’s Final Rule.
as FpML or RDF/OWL; rather, it is on the models or prin-
ciples of organization for a hierarchical classification system
itself. Once a particular model is chosen, it is then possible
Knowledge Engineering and Financial Product
to populate the structure with content or semantic elements
Classification for Systemic Risk Analysis and Management
that may or may not be derived from a domain content
standard4 to facilitate grouping of the semantic conceptual- Efforts to enhance financial data management in support
izations of financial products for purposes of product valu- of improved capabilities for financial risk analytics and man-
ation and risk analytics. agement increasingly draw on semantic approaches from the
field of knowledge engineering. Knowledge engineering is an
engineering discipline that involves integrating knowledge
Related Literature into computer systems to solve complex problems normally
requiring a high level of human expertise (Feigenbaum &
Systemic Risk
McCorduck, 1983). The relationship between hierarchical
This article explores approaches in the classification of classification and knowledge engineering is discussed in
financial products that enhance financial systemic risk ana- Studer, Benjamins, and Fensel (1998), where the role of
lytic and management capabilities. However, we recognize classification in aggregating instances in support of making
that different audiences will have different requirements for inferences is set out in what they refer to as the Problem-
financial product classification. For example, good classifi- Solving Method (PSM). There is a great deal of literature
ers should assist in data validation, data integration, pattern relating to classification in general and its application in a
detection, and risk monitoring at the firm level. variety of domains, but comparatively little concerning the
Since the global financial crisis there has been much application of classification theory in the financial domain
written about financial systemic risk, but there is still no and less still on its application for use in financial risk analysis
agreement on a precise definition of the term (Bisias, Flood, and management. Of note is Lemieux and Limonad (2011),
Lo, & Valavanis, 2012). Flood, Mendelowitz, and Nichols who discuss the development of a domain ontology to repre-
(2012) point to a recent shift from firm-centric measures of sent financial crisis using upper-level substantive and social
systemic risk to those that focus on the financial system or ontologies to extend the semantic expressiveness of their
networks of relationships among financial counterparties. modeling language and as a means of identifying the ele-
From this perspective, systemic risk may be said to refer to ments required to create better representations of domains for
the risk or probability of breakdown (losses) in the indi- the purposes of recordkeeping. Although they discuss classi-
vidual parts or components of a financial system that affect fication, it is in the context of articulating the class hierarchies
the operation of the system as a whole and is evidenced by for their domain ontology, and not with respect to the devel-
co-movements (correlation) among most or all parts of the opment of a system for the hierarchical classification of
system (Kaufman, 2000). Bisias et al. (2012) outline a range instances of financial products to support the development of
of techniques designed to identify systemic risk, including inference engines for financial systemic risk analytics. Simi-
probability distribution measures, contingent claims and larly, Ye, Yan, Wang, Wang, and Miao’s (2011) article on
default measures, illiquidity measures, network analysis knowledge-level modeling for systemic risk management in
measures, and macro-economic measures. financial institutions sets out a conceptual model for systemic
risk analysis by laying out the static and dynamic constructs
for their domain ontology and an implementation in RDF/
For example, Enterprise Data Management Council’s Financial OWL and Semantic Web Rule Language. A related article in
Industry Business Ontology (FIBO): http://www.edmcouncil.org/ the field of knowledge engineering is Pena, Patino, Palacio,
financialbusiness Lochmuller, Ardila, and Villa (2012), which describes a

DOI: 10.1002/asi
fuzzy model of adaption for operational risk assessment are representative of the entire domain; however, they do
in financial institutions. Their article, however, focuses offer an expert if not entirely representative sample
on the classification of risk events, not financial (Huzzard, Ahlberg, & Ekman, 2010).
products. We also identified structuration theory as relevant to our
purposes (Giddens, 1984) and, in particular, adaptive struc-
turation theory (Orlikowski, 1992; Yates & Orlikowski,
Action Research
1992). The structuration theory emphasizes mutual inter-
The method used in this article is informed by action action between structures (e.g., financial markets), func-
research (AR). AR is a systematic approach to investiga- tions (e.g., over-the-counter trading), and actors (e.g.,
tion that enables people to find effective solutions to prob- financial counterparties). Adaptive Structuration Theory
lems they confront in their everyday lives (Stringer, 2007). (AST; DeSanctis & Poole, 1994), which studies the inter-
It works on the assumption that all stakeholders—those action of groups and organizations with information tech-
whose work is affected by the problem under study— nology, is relevant because it draws on the concepts of
should be engaged in the processes of investigation. Stake- structuration theory to study the interplay between
holders participate in a process of rigorous enquiry, social structures, human action, and advanced information
acquiring information and reflecting on that information to technologies.
transform their understanding of the nature of the problem
under investigation (Stringer, 2007). In AR, stakeholders
are active coparticipants in the process of inquiry rather
than passive research subjects. The goal of this highly In the specific method used here, stakeholders were
interactive and inclusive research approach is to trans- involved in the co-generation of knowledge. As mentioned,
form the research into practical, reflective, pragmatic we draw on AR methodology, which typically involves
action directed toward solving “real-world” problems. For three phases (Calhoun, 1994), although there are other
example, in the InterPARES 3 Project, researchers com- variations on the model (e.g., Stringer, 2007): (a) targeting
prised of academic researchers, professional archivists, an area of collective interest; (b) collecting, organizing,
and organizational staff members identified recordkeeping analyzing, and interpreting data; and (c) taking action
problems and then worked together through regular discus- based on this information. This article discusses research
sion and focused research activities to identify strategies covering phases a and b. The publication of the article will
and solutions to address the problems (InterPARES 3, be the catalyst for initiating phase c, a future phase of the
2012). broader research agenda. The stakeholders who partici-
AR is grounded in a qualitative research paradigm. pated in the research form part of an informal community
Unlike quantitative research that is based on the precise of practice—the Open Financial Data Group (OFDG)—in
definition, measurement, and analysis of relationships which social interaction creates meaning and defines
between a carefully defined set of variables, AR begins values with respect to data management and information
with a question, problem, or issue—in this case a question technologies within the global financial system. The
about options for financial product classification—that is OFDG is comprised of financial regulators, market partici-
broadly defined. Formally, then, AR is phenomenological pants, technology developers, academics, and representa-
(focusing on a community’s actual lived experience/ tives of financial industry associations from a number of
reality), interpretive (interpreting acts and activities of different countries. The group meets weekly via confer-
stakeholders in the community), and hermeneutic (incor- ence call, and participation in the weekly calls varies,
porating the meaning stakeholders make of their activities) with members joining as they have time and interest in
(Stringer, 2007). The literature on action research is quite the topic under discussion. The authors acknowledge
extensive, indicative of its application to a wide range of their place within the OFDG both as researchers and
professional and organizational contexts. Despite its wide stakeholders.
diffusion into other domains, its use in the financial The ideas presented in this article took shape over a
domain is limited. To our knowledge, Waddell (2012) series of recorded weekly OFDG calls held between
remains the sole example of the application of this method March 2 and July 13, as well as drawing on discussions on
in the area of global finance in spite of its suitability to this the group’s Basecamp collaboration site. The authors’
domain. In the Waddell study, the project team set out to analysis and synthesis of the weekly call recordings and
integrate social, economic, and environmental concerns wiki postings resulted in the production of this article.
into the “logic” of the global financial system. The Early drafts of the article were shared with OFDG
researchers engaged in the project reported in Waddell did stakeholders, and the authors made revisions based on
not have extensive expertise in the domain of finance. This feedback received. This process continued in an iterative
is a key differentiator from our study, in which individuals fashion until OFDG stakeholders were satisfied with
possessing knowledge of the global financial system and of the final “position” on the options for financial product
financial products actively participated. This is not to classification for enhanced systemic risk analytic
suggest that the researchers who participated in this study capabilities.

DOI: 10.1002/asi
Financial Product Classification Initiatives require both human recognizable and computer readable
identifiers. It was thought that the identifier would have to be
During the period that the issue of financial product clas-
extendable beyond vanilla (i.e., standard) products because
sification was under discussion by the OFDG, an industry
all products would eventually need a UPI with the exception
initiative to create a product classification system to extend
of exotics (i.e., highly customized products). Furthermore,
classification of financial products to include products pri-
there was wide recognition that UPIs are best suited for
marily based around cash flows was being led by the cre-
liquid products and least suited for exotic products, with the
ators of FpML in cooperation with experts at FIX (FpML,
suggestion that exotics instead be represented via an asset
2012). The International Swaps Dealers Association (ISDA)
class taxonomy and a generic UPI (e.g., 999999).
and an inclusive group of industry representatives had devel-
The ISDA proposal called for the following elements:
oped a proposal and underlying approach to implementing
UPIs in the marketplace to support regulatory reporting to
• Asset class and taxonomy.
swaps data repositories. The proposal was being vetted with
• Product description: A human readable description of the
each of the ISDA product steering committees to ensure that product.
the overall approach was fully understood and supported by • Ticker: For some but not all products where appropriate to be
the industry, including ensuring that: used for price dissemination (ticker tape) and quoting (e.g., by
swaps exchange facilities) for human understanding.
• It presented no impediments to product innovation or trading. • UPI key: A computer-friendly, singular, opaque, immutable,
• The costs were well understood. fixed length, always unique key.
• The resulting UPI level of granularity would meet regulatory • A rulebook for each asset class which would define the price
needs without causing market disruptions. forming attributes which make up the product info-set.
• The creation of a full product representation (as opposed to a
ticker-only representation of the product) would result. The CFTC’s Technical Advisory Committee Sub-
Committee on Data Standardization, UPI, and LEI working
ISDA’s aim was to have the vetting process reach a point group supported the ISDA UPI proposal and underlying
of industry consensus on the adoption of the framework. As approach (Figure 1).
part of this process, a whitepaper on UPI generation and The methodology that was suggested to implement the
dissemination was produced that would detail options for proposed ISDA system aimed to:
where UPIs would be generated and the resulting workflows
as well as options for how UPIs could be disseminated (e.g., • Convert a standard trade representation (FpML) into a product
translate a UPI key to a product representation). info-set by determining the price forming attributes.
At the time, there was a broad industry consensus that the • Normalize the data by ensuring consistency in the values,
UPI code and system could not be achieved without identi- sorting, and so on in the product info-set.
fying products that made sense for price comparison. There • Generate the UPI key by inputting the product info-set into a
was also recognition that the UPI code and system would hashing algorithm. The resulting output would effectively

FIG. 1. Data model of the proposed ISDA UPI scheme. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

DOI: 10.1002/asi
yield a human readable product description, although the cre- Our understanding of taxonomies is informed by various
ation of tickers could be used for some standardized and theories and standards, including those taken from knowl-
liquid parts of the market. edge organization theory (e.g., Broughton, 2006; Dextre
• Generate the ticker as an additional step after generation of Clarke, 2001; Jacob, 2004; Kwasnik, 1999; La Barre, 2010;
the product description and UPI Key.
Ranganathan, 1962; Vickery, 1960), professional indexing
(Aitchison, Gilchrist, & Bawden, 2000; ANSI/NISO, 2005),
As of March 2012, ISDA had issued its Product
taxonomists (Hedden, 2010; Lambe, 2007), information
Taxonomy Scheme and FpML had stated that this would
architecture (Farkas & Farkas, 2002; Morville & Rosenfeld,
become the default scheme to determine the FpML “Product
2006), and ontologists (Gruber, 2008; Sowa, 2000; W3C,
Type” element (FpML, 2012). Work to extend international
2004a, 2004b). Some of these models are standards that
standards (e.g., ISO 10962 on Classification of Financial
explicitly constrain the manner in which a taxonomy is to be
Instruments) is ongoing (FpML, 2012).
structured. For example, the Resource Description Frame-
work Schema (RDFS) is constrained such that all instances
of a class must also be instances of the class’s superordinate
Hierarchical Taxonomies
class. Similarly, if one wishes to adhere to the recommen-
This article examines the various approaches that can be dations of the ANSI/NISO Z39.19 standard regarding
taken for the organization of financial products. Emphasis is monolingual controlled vocabularies, only certain types of
given to approaches that use taxonomies, especially those relationships are allowed between categories.
that are hierarchical in nature. We use the term taxonomies, Some models are not standards, but theories that seek to
broadly referring to any system of representation that is used describe taxonomies that are already in existence. For
to group, arrange, and describe items according to meaning- example, when Dextre Clarke (2001) discusses thesauri, her
ful principles and that provides users with an overview of the purpose is not to provide constraints as to what is allowable
set of items as a whole (Lambe, 2007). Particularly well- in thesauri, but to describe the types of relationships that are
known taxonomies include the biological classification first commonly observed in thesauri and to provide explanations
developed by Linnæus (1735), the periodic table of elements for inconsistencies that are observed between thesauri.
developed by Mendeleev (1869), and the Dewey Decimal These approaches derive from observation of taxonomies
Classification developed by Dewey (1876). Taxonomies can “in the wild” (Glushko, Maglio, Matlock, & Barsalou, 2008)
also take many other forms, such as inventories, maps, in the same manner as a botanist may observe specimens of
figures, and diagrams. A grocery list can be considered a plants.
taxonomy simply because it groups together items that are Many taxonomies are easy to create and use, but prove
needed from a grocery store. Similarly, an anatomical chart difficult to describe because they are more complex than
of the human body can be considered a taxonomy because it they appear to be. For example, when making a taxonomy of
represents how human organs fit together. animals, it may be easy and natural to create the categories
We consider ontologies to be types of taxonomies, Dogs, Cats, and Hamsters and to group them under Pets.
although they are somewhat atypical of taxonomies. A However, this structure can be fundamentally misunder-
typical taxonomy may group together categories by using stood. What about dogs that are not pets? Because the cat-
one or two simple relationships (such as type of) in a egory Dogs is nested under the category Pets, it is possible
systematic manner. In contrast, an ontology explicitly to interpret the structure above such that only dogs that are
defines the precise nature of concepts and the relationships also pets should be included in Dogs. It is also possible that
between them. For example, Lemieux and Limonad (2011) the category Dogs is meant to include all dogs and that Pets
use an ontology to describe a wide range of concepts that is simply the most convenient section of the taxonomy in
relate to the structure of financial records, including Finan- which to place Dogs. Upon further investigation, the user of
cial System, Financial Asset, and Policy. These con- the taxonomy may find that Dogs is nested under both Pets
cepts are associated by various types of relationships, and Canines. In that case, he or she may infer that Ham-
including owns, is part of, secured by, and restricts. These sters is nested under both Pets and Rodents, only to find
conceptions of taxonomies and ontologies are not univer- that there is no category called Rodents in the taxonomy.
sally accepted. There may also be difference of opinion as to whether it is
Lambe (2007) maintains that an ontology would be a type valid to add the category Pet Care under Pets. Some
of taxonomy. However, Suryanto and Compton (2000), people may argue that, because all the other categories under
writing from the perspective of knowledge management, Pets are types of pets, adding Pet Care violates the prin-
conceive of taxonomies as being narrower than and some- ciples of how Pets should be organized. Other people may
times derived from ontologies. In addition, Guarino (1998) argue that any principles for the organization of Pets are
distinguishes between ontology as a formal philosophical merely inferred and that Pet Care is a valid subcategory.
discipline that concerns itself with developing a system of Further complications may ensue if some people use the
categories that account for a certain conceptualization of the taxonomy to organize animals, whereas other people use the
world and ontologies as engineering artifacts constituted by taxonomy to organize books that are about animals. When
a specific vocabulary that describes a certain domain. the taxonomy is used to organize animals, a pet dog may be

DOI: 10.1002/asi
considered to be a member of both the categories Dogs and might include relationships other than one-to-one relation-
Pets. However, when the taxonomy is used to organize ships. A hierarchical taxonomy may divide the United States
books, a book that is about dogs (or even pet dogs) may not into its various states. It may further divide each state into its
be considered a valid member of the category pets because congressional districts. Some states, such as Wyoming, have
the book is not about pets in general. As these examples only one congressional district. Therefore, a hierarchical
illustrate, even a simple taxonomy can be subject to a wide structure that is based on U.S. states and congressional dis-
range of interpretations and misunderstandings. tricts would include a few one-to-one relationships between
Because taxonomies can be deceptively complex, it is a state and a congressional district. In addition, some hier-
perhaps not surprising that no one theory of taxonomies is archies have no relationships at all between categories. For
universally agreed upon. Different theories of taxonomies example, in a hierarchy of income brackets, the wealthiest
employ slightly different terminologies. Kwasnik (1999) 1% of the population might occupy the top bracket while the
uses the term classification to refer to a system that employs poorest 20% might occupy the bottom bracket. This hierar-
a “meaningful clustering” of items (p. 24), whereas Jacob chy might not include any relationships between these
(2004) uses the same term to refer to the “orderly and sys- income brackets aside from their position on a continuum. If
tematic arrangement” of items into a “system of mutually hierarchies are thought of only as implementations of one-
exclusive and nonoverlapping classes” (p. 522). Some theo- to-many relationships, then structures without relationships
rists use the term hierarchy to refer to any system of subdi- would not be considered hierarchies.
vision (e.g., Morville & Rosenfeld, 2006), whereas others Nevertheless, the presence of one-to-many relationships
use hierarchy only to refer to subdivisions in general types in a taxonomy is highly characteristic of a hierarchical struc-
(e.g., Kwasnik, 1999; Lambe, 2007). Many professional ture. Many of the advantages of hierarchical structures, such
guidebooks do not provide formal definitions or descriptions as modularity and the potential for transitive inferences,
when discussing taxonomies, preferring informal language are facilitated by one-to-many relationships. Accordingly,
and illustrative examples (e.g., Morville & Rosenfeld). For hierarchical structures tend to be fertile ground for the
these reasons, the terminology that we use in the discussion development of one-to-many relationships. We consider a
of taxonomies is not necessarily consistent with the termi- hierarchical structure to have two characteristics. First, it
nology used in other theories and standards. consists of categories that are organized along an identifiable
The remainder of the discussion of taxonomies focuses on continuum, such as specificity or size. Second, more items
hierarchical taxonomies in which concepts are systematically tend to be placed at one end of the continuum than at the other.
divided and subdivided (Morville & Rosenfeld, 2006). Hier- Ataxonomy of military ranks is a hierarchy if it groups people
archies are useful because they are fairly simple to construct according to military rank, sequences those ranks according
and easy to navigate. Hierarchies tend to be modular, making to their relative power, and if the lower ranks tend to have
it relatively easy to identify subsections within the overall higher populations than the higher ranks. If the continuum is
hierarchical structure. In addition, it is possible to make transitive in nature then it is possible to make inferences
inferences about a concept based solely on its position in a based on the hierarchy. People in military hierarchies do not
hierarchy. For example, if a hierarchy of military ranks is simply have different degrees of power. Instead, some people
organized such that generals have power over colonels, and command others. For these reasons, it is fairly straightfor-
colonels have power over majors, it can be inferred that ward to represent this hierarchy with transitive “commands”
generals have power over both colonels and majors. relationships. Because the taxonomy tends to be lopsided,
Although it can be easy to identify a structure as being a most of the relationships will be one-to-many in nature.
hierarchy, it can be surprisingly difficult to identify the quali- However, there may be a few cases where a person commands
ties of hierarchies in general. For example, Lambe (2007) only one other person, or where a person answers to multiple
claims that a hierarchy is, among other things, a tree structure, commanding officers. Because hierarchies need not consist
which is a series of nested one-to-many relationships. entirely of one-to-many relationships, the presence of other
Kwasnik (1999) describes a tree structure as a structure that types of relationships does not disqualify a taxonomy of
“divides and subdivides its classes based on specific rules for military ranks as being a hierarchy.
distinction,” such as military ranks (p. 30). A taxonomy of
military ranks has a tree structure if each soldier is linked to
multiple soldiers over which he or she has power. A taxonomy
Types of Hierarchies
of physical regions has a tree structure if a region such as
Canada is linked to its constituent parts. Having laid the theoretical groundwork for the essential
These distinctions are useful, but the presence of one-to- characteristics of a hierarchy, we now examine different
many relationships is not necessary or sufficient in deter- types of hierarchies. Some hierarchies are structured so that
mining whether a taxonomy is a hierarchy. In some cases, a it is not possible for a category to have more than one
category may have multiple categories nested underneath it superordinate category. We refer to these hierarchies as strict
in a one-to-many relationship that is not hierarchical in hierarchies. Other types of hierarchies allow categories to
nature. For example, a person might be linked to her or his have multiple superordinates and are known as polyhierar-
various phone numbers. In addition, a hierarchical structure chies (Kwasnik, 1999). Well-known examples of strict

DOI: 10.1002/asi
hierarchies include the biological classification and the tends to be useful only to people who have an interest in the
Dewey Decimal Classification. Each of the proposed ISDA specific set of principles upon which the hierarchy is based.
OTC Derivatives Taxonomies (ISDA, 2012) is also a strict If the category Convertible Bonds is nested under Bonds
hierarchy, since no category in those taxonomies can have in a strict hierarchy, it cannot also be grouped under Equi-
more than one superordinate. For example, the ISDA Com- ties. In that case, people who are interested in types of
modities Taxonomy includes many categories that are equities would find that the taxonomy does not suit their
labeled Cash. Similar to all categories in the ISDA Tax- needs (Figures 2, 3).
onomy, each Cash category has only one superordinate. In a polyhierarchy Convertible Bonds could be
Therefore, Cash as it is nested under Metals/Precious/ grouped under both Bonds and Equities. In most polyhi-
Swap is a different category from Cash as it is nested under erarchies, there is no explicit distinction that is made
Metals/Precious/Option. Strict hierarchies are often used between different types of hierarchical relationships, each
to organize physical objects, such as books on a bookshelf, of which may support different types of inferences. For
which can exist in only one location at a time. They are often example, if Dogs is nested under both Canines and Pets, a
organized according to a single relationship type. It is often person may infer that, because all dogs are canines, then all
easier to interpret the organizational principles of a strict dogs must also be pets. Similarly, if Convertible Bonds is
hierarchy than a polyhierarchy. However, a strict hierarchy grouped under both Bonds and Equities, a person with

FIG. 2. The ISDA product taxonomy showing commodities. The taxonomy also covers credit derivatives, interest rate, foreign exchange, and equity-based
products. [Color figure can be viewed in the online issue, which is available at wileyonlinelibrary.com.]

FIG. 3. Graphic illustrating the strict hierarchical structure of the ISDA classification scheme.

DOI: 10.1002/asi
incomplete knowledge of financial instruments might infer hierarchies can still differ from each other in important ways,
that convertible bonds have the same relationship to bonds such as whether they organize items or topics, or with respect
that they have to equities, when in reality a convertible bond to the implicit understanding of the concept species outside of
ceases to be a bond once it is converted to equity. When its traditional usage in biology.
using a polyhierarchy, there is usually no way to distinguish
between different types of hierarchical relationships or the
different implications that a relationship carries. For that Types of Generic Relationships in Hierarchies
reason, making inferences is often more fraught when using A generic relationship can be thought of as a series of
a polyhierarchy than when using a strict hierarchy (Lambe, inclusion sets in which items in a category are also included
2007; Morville & Rosenfeld, 2006). in that category’s superordinate category. However, many
Hierarchies can also be distinguished by the type of rela- generic relationships form inclusion sets that are not precise.
tionships that they use. Hierarchies could make use of virtu- In those cases, most, but not all, of the items in a category
ally any kind of transitive relationship. As seen earlier, a are also members of the category’s superordinate. A generic
hierarchy of military ranks might use a commands relation- relationship between Dogs and Pets is imprecise because a
ship, whereas a hierarchy of regions may use a partitive dog is not necessarily a pet. Imprecise inclusion sets often
relationship in which each category is part of its superordi- form when a generic hierarchy is designed to be easy to use
nate. It is even possible to organize a group of partygoers into rather than rationally precise. For example, a generic rela-
a hierarchy that is based on the spoke to relationship to track tionship might exist between Rats and Vermin simply
how an idea at the party spreads from person to person. Each because the people who use the taxonomy find it convenient
of these relationships is recursively transitive, such that if A to place these two categories near each other and no other
has a relationship with B, and B has the same relationship type of relationship is possible. Similarly, Convertible
with C, it can be inferred that A also has that relationship with Bond could be nested under Equities, even though not all
C (Kwasnik, 1999). However, sometimes exceptions occur. It convertible bonds are traded by the equities desk of a firm. If
may be that a corporate executive supervises a departmental the taxonomy only uses the generic relationship, then in
manager, and that the manager supervises a technician, but order for the categories Convertible Bond and Equities
that the executive has no form of power over the technician. to be associated with each other, one must be nested under
The category Chair may in some cases include nontradi- the other. Obviously, an imprecise generic relationship could
tional chairs such as chairlifts on which it is possible to sit. result in an incorrect inference, such as a convertible bond
Chair, in turn, is typically included in the category Furni- being inappropriately treated as though it were traded by an
ture. However, it does not follow that chairlifts should be equities desk. Nevertheless, given the time constraints under
included in category Furniture, however comfortable they which many taxonomies are created, it is not always practi-
may happen to be (Hampton, 1982). cal to create a generic hierarchy that consists only of precise
In the case of derivatives, we may note, somewhat simi- inclusion sets. Even for categories that are not necessarily
larly, that spots, forwards, options, and swaps are all kinds of inherently fuzzy, certain instances of the category may be
over-the-counter contracts, but spots are not generally con- highly exceptional and therefore inferences drawn based on
sidered to be derivatives. Similarly, there is debate as to placing those instances within a particular category may
whether a credit default swap is in fact a swap. prove false or misleading.
One of the most commonly used relationship types in a Furthermore, some concepts are inherently fuzzy in
hierarchy is the generic relationship, which is sometimes nature. As Rosch and Mervis (1975) demonstrated, it is
referred to as the type of relationship or is-a relationship. This exceedingly difficult, or perhaps impossible, to accurately
relationship organizes items according to type. The generic and precisely stipulate the essential characteristics of the
relationship exists between Dog and Canine, since dogs are concept Furniture. As a result, some people may feel that
types of canines, but does not exist between Colonel and all seats count as furniture, whereas others discount atypical
General, because colonels are not types of generals. Differ- seats such as car seats or miniature seats found in doll
ent theories provide slightly different accounts of the nature houses. Many naturally occurring categories are notoriously
of generic relationships. Some models describe generic rela- difficult to define precisely. For example, metallurgists do
tionships as applying in cases where all members of a cat- not agree on the essential characteristics of metals (Murphy,
egory are included in another category (e.g., Dextre Clarke, 2004). The essential nature of biological species such as
2001; Farkas & Farkas, 2002; Kwasnik, 1999; W3C, 2004b). Tiger has also proven elusive.5 Similarly, the CFTC’s defi-
Other approaches describe generic relationships as parent/ nition of a swap, although intended to precisely establish the
child relationships (e.g., Morville & Rosenfeld, 2006), scope of rules relating to swaps, still raises questions about
broader term/narrower term relationships (e.g., Hedden, whether certain types of contracts that were not intended
2010), or relationships between a category and a species or to be treated as swaps might fall within the scope of the
member of that category (e.g., Aitchison et al, 2000;
ANSI/NISO, 2005; Jacob, 2004; Kwasnik, 1999). In all 5
For example, if we conclude that all tigers possess an essential tiger-
likelihood, each of these models conceives of the generic ness, then we must conclude that at some point in the evolutionary process
relationship in a broadly similar manner. However, generic a non-tiger must have given birth to a tiger.

DOI: 10.1002/asi
definition (Brush, 2012). If a hierarchy includes categories distinction speaks to the fundamental purpose of the tax-
that are inherently fuzzy, some of the inclusion sets in the onomy. If the purpose of a hierarchical taxonomy is to
hierarchy will not be strictly precise. organize items or concepts according to consistent prin-
Some standards, such as ANSI/NISO Z39.19, discourage ciples, it may not be necessary to make a distinction between
the use of imprecise inclusion sets in taxonomies. In addi- well-established concepts and ad hoc intersections of con-
tion, many theorists hold that inclusion sets must be precise cepts. However, if the purpose of the taxonomy is to orga-
in order for a relationship to be truly generic, or even hier- nize established concepts, then the term species may be used
archical (e.g., Cheti & Paradisi, 2008). In this article, we do to exclude marginal, novel, or ad hoc concepts. For example,
not take a position on whether the use of precise inclusion in the Emtree Thesaurus, Artiodactyla (a type of hoofed
sets is recommended, or legal, but instead observe the type mammal) is nested under Placental Mammals, which in
of relationships that are commonly used. We also do not turn is nested under Mammals. In the CAB Thesaurus,
interpret standards such as ANSI/NISO Z39.19 as prescrip- Artiodactyla is nested directly under Mammals (Dextre
tive definitions of taxonomies, such that any structure that Clarke, 2001). It is unclear whether the Emtree Thesaurus
violates the standard could not be considered a taxonomy. includes Placental Mammals because its users may wish
Rather, we view ANSI/NISO Z39.19 as the standard pre- to refer to that category, or because Placental Mammals
sents itself: as a set of recommendations. is simply a useful means for grouping together a set of
As stated earlier, generic relationships have been subordinate categories.
described as links between a category and a species of that Some hierarchical taxonomies include relationships that
category. An understanding of the generic relationship that is do not represent the hierarchical structure. For example,
based on the concept of species is fraught for the reasons many thesauri identify all nonhierarchical relationships col-
described above. That is, a species of a superordinate lectively as associative relationships. These relationships
category may include members that do not belong to that are generally used to link together categories that have an
superordinate category. Even if the hierarchy is rigorously important relationship, but which exist in different sections
constructed so that each category falls entirely within its of the hierarchy (ANSI/NISO, 2005; Dextre Clarke, 2001).
superordinate, it may be unclear just what a species is. An associative relationship may be used to link together
Intriguingly, although many theorists and standards use the Bees (which may be nested under Insects) and Honey
term species to describe generic relationships (Aitchison (which may be nested under Condiments). Associative
et al., 2000; ANSI/NISO, 2005; Jacob, 2004; Kwasnik, relationships can be very useful in helping a user navigate a
1999; Vickery, 1960), it is difficult to find a definition of taxonomy. However, the unspecified nature of associative
species in the context of taxonomies. It is possible that relationships implies that associative relationships are based
theorists use species synonymously with inclusion set so on a variety of principles that cannot be discerned from the
that a species is simply any set of items or concepts that is relationship itself. For that reason, it is often not possible to
included within a larger set. However, it is also possible that make inferences based on associative relationships. For
species is only used to refer to sets whose identities are well example, a taxonomy may use an associative relationship to
established within a field or discipline. For example, connect the categories Bees and Honey and a second asso-
Square is generally considered to be a species of Quadri- ciative relationship to connect Honey and Toast. However,
lateral because squares have all of the properties of quad- the associative relationships cannot be used to support infer-
rilateral in addition to having properties that are not ences between Bees and Toast (apart from the fact that both
necessarily associated with quadrilaterals (Smith & Medin, categories are related to Honey in some manner).
1981). In addition, the category Red Square is clearly Taxonomies are typically thought of as organizing items
included within the general category Square. However, it is according to principles that apply to the items themselves. If
not clear that Red Square is a species of Square, since Red an animal has wings, it is likely to belong in the category
Square is not an established type, but is rather an ad hoc Birds, which tends to include animals that have wings.
combination of the well-established concepts Red and However, taxonomies that organize documents tend to orga-
Square. In the domain of finance, Equity Basket Option nize those documents according to their topics. These hier-
might be considered a type of Option without being con- archies are often structured slightly differently than other
sidered a species of option. Vickery (1960) seems to sub- hierarchies (Vickery, 2008; Loehrlein, 2011). The differ-
scribe to this interpretation of species when he suggests that, ences are partly due to the fact that documents represent
when a taxonomy combines terms in compound subjects, it topics at particular levels of specificity and partly due to the
“breaks free from the restriction of traditional classification fact that collections of topics often include concepts that are
to the hierarchical, genus-species relation” (p. 13). Here, it is of fundamentally different types. When a document repre-
important to keep in mind the kind of system for which the sents a topic at a particular level of specificity, it not only
classification scheme is designed and its purpose (e.g., in a represents the characteristics of the topic, but it attributes the
political classification system one would expect to find the characteristics specifically to that topic. For example, we
concept Red Square as in a city square in Moscow). could say that all robins have wings, but we cannot tell from
It could be argued that to contrast type with species is examining a robin whether has wings is a characteristic of
to make a distinction without a difference. However, the robins, birds, or animals. A book about robins not only

DOI: 10.1002/asi
represents the characteristic has wings, it attributes that types could be subdivided according to different principles.
characteristic to a particular level of specificity via state- That is, cars could be subdivided according to types of
ments such as “like all birds, robins have wings.” In contrast, chassis, producing the subcategories sedans, compact cars,
a book about birds in general is likely to attribute has wings and subcompact car. In contrast, airplanes could be subdi-
to birds without specifically mentioning whether robins also vided according to types of engines, producing the subcat-
have wings. For this reason, categories of documents do not egories jet planes and propeller planes. When people use this
form inclusion sets. Books that are about robins would not taxonomy, they may find it difficult to predict how a given
be included among books that are about birds in general. The category will be subdivided. For that reason, some generic
two sets of books are likely to be disjoint, apart from a few hierarchies are structured so that categories are subdivided
books that happen to be devoted to birds in general and to according to a consistent set of principles. In order to ensure
robins in particular. Nevertheless, taxonomies of topics are that principles of division are consistently applied, hierar-
often organized as though they were taxonomies of items. chies may use a schedule of principles of division and the
When organizing books by topic, the topic Robins might be order in which to apply them. These schedules are referred to
nested under the topic Birds, not because books on the as faceted schemes (La Barre, 2010). A faceted scheme takes
former topic are included among books on the latter topic, a bottom-up approach. That is, it does not organize items, but
but because robins are included among birds. instead identifies the characteristics of items and organizes
However, hierarchies that are organized by topic are them into facets. At that point, the characteristics from mul-
particularly susceptible to imprecise nesting, since these tiple facets can be combined to represent an item. For that
hierarchies tend to bring together concepts that are of fun- reason, each item is represented as a specific intersection of
damentally different types. In a hierarchy of living things, all characteristics (Broughton, 2006; Cheti & Paradisi, 2008).
the items are living organisms, but in a hierarchy of topics, Many theorists refer to facets as categories or funda-
almost any type of concept can be included. For example, mental categories (e.g., Hedden, 2010; Kwasnik, 1999).
French Grammar is not a type of French, but a book on However, because the term category can refer to any type of
French Grammar might be considered a type of book on the grouping, more precise language is necessary to understand
French language. Similarly, a hierarchy that organizes sci- how facets differ from other types of categories. According
entific journal articles might nest the class Absorption to Taylor (2006), facets are “clearly defined, mutually exclu-
within the class Chemistry even though absorption is a sive, and collectively exhaustive aspects, properties, or
process and chemistry is a discipline. The concepts are characteristics of a class or specific subject” (p. 394).
nested perhaps because most studies of absorption are Ranganathan (1962) describes facets as “trains of character-
thought to be undertaken by chemists. It is not possible to istics” (p. 71) that can be understood to be sets of charac-
evaluate the appropriateness of the hierarchical relationship teristics that are ordered according to a single principle.
based on the members of each category, since the journal When such a situation occurs, the values are alignable (e.g.,
articles that are about absorption are disjoint from the Gentner & Markman, 1994). For example, the characteris-
journal articles that are about chemistry in general. For that tics Two-sided, Three-sided, and Four-sided could be
reason, if hierarchies of topics are to be constructed in a grouped together into a facet that is organized by the prin-
precise manner, great care must be taken to ensure ciple Number of Sides. Ideally, the characteristics within a
that the categories are organized according to consistent facet should be identical to each other, or nearly identical,
principles. except with respect to a single principle. However, facets
When considering financial products, derivatives could could also be sets of values that are abstract or subjective in
be thought of as a description of their underlying asset. For nature, such as different degrees of comfort or entertainment
example, a foreign exchange (FX) swap can be considered a value (Johnson, 1984). For example, consider the following
specialized description of the currencies to be exchanged in faceted scheme of financial derivatives:
the swap. Therefore, a financial taxonomy might nest deriva-
tives under their underlying asset, even though derivatives Facet A: Contract Structure
and assets are fundamentally different types of concepts. Option
While this approach is likely to confound inferences about Forward
the concepts organized, it is the same general approach that Swap
is used in schemes that organize documents by topic. Swaption
Contract for Difference
Faceted Schemes—A Tool for Creating a Facet B: Notional Maturity
Generic Hierarchy 1 month contract
6 month contract
When designing a generic hierarchical structure there is 1 year contract
often a variety of approaches that can be taken when dividing (etc.)
and subdividing categories. A taxonomy of vehicles could Facet C: Type of Underlying
divide the set of vehicles into well-established types: cars, Foreign Exchange
trucks, trains, airplanes, boats, and so on. These general Rate Based

DOI: 10.1002/asi
Index Foreign Exchange, Forward, 6 month contract
Interest rate Foreign Exchange, Forward, 1 year contract
Asset (etc.)
Equity Both hierarchies are strict hierarchies. In both cases, a
Commodity single principle of division is employed at each hierarchical
Credit level. The user of the system has control over which prin-
ciples of division to apply to the hierarchy and the order in
The characteristics in the Notional Maturity facet are which they can be applied. As a result, people with different
identical except for a single principle: the amount of time to priorities can use the same faceted scheme to arrange the
the contract’s notional maturity. However, the characteris- same set of items according to different sets of principles.
tics in the Type of Underlying facet can be differentiated It is important to remember that a faceted approach alone
according a wide set of principles. For example, there are is not guaranteed to produce hierarchies that are organized
many differences between a contract wherein the underlying according to consistent principles. If a facet itself is orga-
is foreign exchange versus that in which the underlying is a nized in an imprecise manner, any hierarchy that is orga-
commodity. nized according to that facet will also be imprecise. For
Once characteristics of items have been organized into example, a facet of derivatives could contain the values
facets, the facets can be used to divide and subdivide the Commodities, Metals, Cash, and Credit Default.
items in a hierarchy. One facet is chosen to make the initial However, these values are not alignable by any identifiable
division of items, while the other facets are used to make a principle. If 6-month contracts were subdivided according to
series of subdivisions. For example, the set of all derivatives this facet, different types of relationships would form
can be divided first according to the Contract Structure because the relationship between “6-month contracts” and
facet, including options, forwards, and swaps. Each of these “six-month credit default contracts” is different from the
groups could be subdivided by the values in the Notional relationship between “6-month contracts” and “6-month
Maturity facet, so that options, forwards, and so on, are metals contracts.” In addition, facets can be constructed such
divided according to the length of time to notional maturity. that an item fits two or more of its values. Certain contracts
The Type of Underlying facet could be used to divide the are both credit default contracts and commodities contracts.
categories a third time. As a result, the following hierarchy In a hierarchy that is based on the above facet, those con-
emerges: tracts would appear in more than one location.
The categories that result from faceted schemes tend to
Financial Derivatives be ad hoc intersections of characteristics rather than well-
established concepts. This phenomenon occurs because the
Options, 1 month contract
process of dividing categories by facet naturally results in
Options, 1 month contract, Foreign Exchange
Options, 1 month contract, Index categories that are combinations of values from each facet. A
Options, 1 month contract, Interest Rate faceted structure could easily be devised that would divide
Options, 6 month contract squares into red squares, yellow squares, and blue squares.
Options, 6 month contract, Foreign Exchange However, it would be more difficult to devise a faceted
Options, 6 month contract, Index structure that divided a well-established concept such as
Options, 6 month contract, Interest Rate Quadrilateral into another well-established concept such
(etc.) as Square (Smith & Medin, 1981). A faceted scheme that
attempts to do so may look something like this:
One of the great advantages of the faceted structure is that
once the structure is in place, it is relatively easy to alter the Facet A: Number of Sides
order in which the facets apply. This order is commonly 3 sides
referred to as the scheme’s citation order. For example, a 4 sides
person who is primarily interested in types of underlying (etc.)
could apply the Types of Underlying facet first, followed Facet B: Equality of Sides
by the Contract Structure facet. In this case, a different All sides equal in length
All sides not equal in length
hierarchy emerges:
Facet C: Equality of Angles
All angles equal in size
Financial Derivatives
All angles not equal in size
Foreign Exchange
Foreign Exchange, Options
Foreign Exchange, Options, 1 month contract In this manner, four-sided shapes (quadrilaterals) could
Foreign Exchange, Options, 6 month contract be broken down into four-sided shapes whose sides are
Foreign Exchange, Options, 1 year contract equal in length (rhombuses) and further broken down into
Foreign Exchange, Forward four-sided shapes whose sides are equal in length and whose
Foreign Exchange, Forward, 1 month contract angles are equal in size (squares). As can be seen, this

DOI: 10.1002/asi
approach requires much more analysis than a nonfaceted Or this hierarchy:
approach that simply nests Square under Rhombus and
Rhombus under Quadrilateral. The facets above also Mouse
include many combinations that are geometrically impos- Pet Mice
sible, such as triangles with sides that are all equal in length Mice that are Vermin
but angles that are not equal in size. For these reasons, in Rabbit
Pet Rabbits
some cases a faceted classification of shapes might be seen
Rabbits that are Vermin
as an inefficient approach. In classifying derivatives prod-
ucts, a faceted approach may require a large number of Pet Rats
facets to adequately represent the topic area. They may Rats that are Vermin
produce a large number of intersections, such as credit
default futures, that are logically impossible. Therefore, in Both hierarchies consist only of precise inclusion sets,
some cases people classifying financial instruments may opt and in neither case could Rats be nested under Vermin.
for a looser set of organizing principles than is possible Similarly, when using a faceted scheme to organize financial
when using facet analysis. products, it would not be possible to nest Convertible
In general, users who are primarily interested in hierar- Bonds under Equities. Instead, the hierarchy would nest
chies of well-established concepts will often be frustrated Convertible Bonds under Bonds.
with the categories that can be formed out of faceted Facets are also a useful means for separating intrinsic and
schemes. However, it is equally true that users may be inter- extrinsic characteristics of items. A bond may be intrinsi-
ested in certain combinations of properties that they deal cally convertible, but may be traded on the equities desk in
with on a routine basis, but that do not have well-established some circumstances and the fixed income desk in other
names. This is certainly the case in the area of risk analytics circumstances. A faceted scheme tends to naturally group
as applied to financial products where a faceted scheme together intrinsic characteristics into certain facets and
could have a great deal of utility by helping analysts to extrinsic characteristics into other facets.
identify and combine the ad hoc categories of products that Finally, it should be noted that it is possible to use a
are of particular interest to them. faceted scheme without necessarily applying the scheme to
Because faceted schemes produce categories that are an entire taxonomy. For example, in the hierarchy below, it
based on intersections of characteristics, hierarchies that are would be possible for Financial Products to be organized
based on facets cannot form inclusion sets that are impre- according to a faceted scheme, but for the categories nested
cise. Because subsections only can be formed by taking a under Clothes, Electronics, and Food to be organized
category and dividing it, all members of a category must also into nonfaceted hierarchies.
be members of the category’s superordinate. For example, it
is not possible to nest the category Rats under the category Products
Vermin when using a faceted scheme. Instead, Rats and Clothes
Vermin would each be treated as characteristics that could Electronics
be combined in various ways to form different categories. A Financial Products
faceted scheme that includes these characteristics may take Food
this form:
Hierarchical Taxonomies—Conclusions
Facet A: Role
Pet Hierarchical taxonomies have the following
Vermin characteristics:
Facet B: Species They consist of items or categories that are organized on
Mouse a continuum. One side of the continuum is likely to be more
densely populated with categories than the other side. This
environment is particularly conducive to the identification of
one-to-many relationships between categories.
The facets could be combined to form either this
They can be strictly hierarchical, where categories are
permitted to have no more than one superordinate, or polyhi-
erarchical, where categories are permitted to have multiple
superordinates. Strict hierarchies tend to be organized
Pet Mice
Pet Rabbits
according to a smaller set of principles than polyhierarchies.
Pet Rats The relationships used in a hierarchy can take any form, as
Vermin long as it is transitive in nature. Perhaps the most common
Mice that are Vermin type of relationship is the generic relationship, which nests
Rabbits that are Vermin categories under general types. Another common transitive
Rats that are Vermin relationship is the partitive relationship, which nests parts

DOI: 10.1002/asi
under wholes. Other transitive relationships are also possible, uniquely identify the item, the item may also be given a
such as the commands relationship, the sold to relationship, separate set of identifiers that refer to its position in an
and so on. Transitive relationships are often recursive, but organizational scheme. There is no theoretical limit to the
exceptions can occur. For example, it is possible for a rock to number of location identifiers that an item can receive. For
be considered a chair, and for chairs to be considered furni- example, in the Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), the
ture, without the rock being considered furniture. heading for Molecular Computers has the unique
Hierarchies can organize items or topics. Hierarchies that identifier D039301, plus two tree numbers:
organize topics are used in the organization of books and L01. (Computers) and L01.224.300
other documents. If a hierarchy of topics is based on the (Computing Methodologies) (NLM/NIH, 2012). The
generic relationship, each document that is organized in the tree numbers indicate the two positions in the polyhierarchi-
hierarchy is likely to occupy a single hierarchical level. cal structure in which Molecular Computers appears.
Hierarchies of topics are more likely to include concepts that This situation is roughly analogous to a person who main-
are of fundamentally different types than are hierarchies tains multiple addresses: a home address, a work address,
of items. and so forth. The person is unique, but can be found at
Hierarchies based on the generic relationship have the multiple locations.
following characteristics:
A category is considered to be included in its superordi-
nate category or categories. However, a category may or Use Case and Implications
may not be included precisely in its superordinate. Rats In this section, we discuss several use cases to illustrate
might be nested under Vermin even if not all rats are vermin. the operational implications of choosing one classification
Imprecise inclusion sets are more likely to occur when the model versus another. We posit nine specific use cases
categories involved are inherently fuzzy (e.g., Vermin is a related to macroprudential supervision, although we again
fuzzier category than Rats) because membership in the emphasize that these are not the only use cases for financial
category is uncertain. product classification. We draw from the information
A subordinate category might be a well-established requirements in the Canadian Securities Administrators
species of its superordinate, or it might represent an ad hoc CSA Consultation Paper 91–402 on Derivatives Trade
combination of characteristics that are used to divide the Repositories (Canadian Securities Administrators, 2011):
superordinate. For example, subordinates of Quadrilat-
eral may include Square (a well-established concept) or 1. Aggregate notional data for all contracts traded or settled
Red Quadrilateral (an ad hoc combination of Quadri- in Canadian dollars, including a breakdown by reference
lateral and Red Thing). Some users may prefer that a entity and/or sector.
taxonomy consist only of well-established concepts while 2. A list of the top counterparties trading Canadian dollar
other users appreciate categories that are plausible for the denominated contracts with each counterparty’s aggre-
gate notional position and aggregate position by contract
domain but which have not been blessed with a well-known
linguistic label.
3. A list of the top counterparty positions for each of the
Generic hierarchies can be made with the benefit of a largest financial groups in Canada.
faceted scheme. Faceted schemes are very useful in ensuring 4. Aggregate notional data for contracts written on
that categories in a hierarchy are organized according to a Canadian-domiciled corporations (reference entities),
consistent set of principles. They are also useful in distin- including a list of the top aggregate notional counterparty
guishing between principles that are intrinsic to the item and positions for contracts written on each firm.
principles that are based on an item’s role or function. By 5. A list of the top counterparties’ aggregate notional
their very nature, hierarchies that are based on faceted positions where the contract references the debt of the
schemes are always strictly hierarchical and never include government of Canada.
imprecise inclusion sets. However, the resulting categories 6. A list of top counterparties’ aggregate notional positions
where the contract references a specific commodity.
tend to be ad hoc combinations of characteristics rather than
7. A list of the top counterparties’ aggregate notional posi-
well-established concepts. By changing the order in which
tions where contracts reference the debt of one of the 10
the facets apply, it is possible for different users to derive largest Canadian financial groups.
different hierarchies from the same faceted scheme. 8. Data on the overall level of activity of each of the Cana-
dian banks in each asset class.
9. Each of the Canadian bank’s overall positions in specific
Identifiers for Items and Classes
products within an asset class.
In many information systems, an item must receive a
unique identifier. In the case of financial products falling We focus our attention on use cases two, four, five, six,
within the CFTC’s Final Rule, it will be the Unique Product eight, and nine, as all of these cases rely on a system of
Identifier (UPI). Therefore, it may seem reasonable to infer classification for financial contracts.
that an item can appear in only one location as per a strict Beginning with use case two, we note that we require a
hierarchy. However, in addition to a number that is used to system of classification that permits identification and

DOI: 10.1002/asi
grouping of all Canadian dollar denominated contracts. This options. A strict hierarchy by contract type is not going to be
case also requires that we further segregate these contracts of much assistance, unless the type of collateral is a level in
by contract type. It is easy to see that a strict hierarchical the hierarchy. Even so, it is highly unlikely that a hierarchy
system, such as that proposed by ISDA, will fall short on that is organized by contract type would include the heading
meeting this requirement. First of all, the issue of the cur- GOC debt subdivided by various collateral types that also
rency type in which the contract is denominated is likely to reference GOC debt. Since we are more interested in group-
be of subordinate interest, thus producing a classification ing types of contracts that reference GOC debt as underlying
scheme where contract types is the superordinate and cur- or collateral we need a mechanism to bring these contracts
rency type of contract is the subordinate. In such a scheme together in the most efficient manner. A strict hierarchical
the grouping together of contracts by the subordinate system would require a significant amount of data wrangling
feature—currency type—can be cumbersome (and depend- before the desired list could be achieved. The next option is a
ing on the technology of implementation, practically impos- polyhierarchical approach. We could have a system where
sible). In this case, a polyhierarchical structure may work GOC debt is subordinate to both contract type and collateral
better. We could then expect to see Currency Type having a type, thus we must still decide how to handle index compo-
number of different superordinates: sition.7 It would not be possible to make GOC Debt Index a
part of a class called Index—Debt Index—GOC Debt Index
By contract type: Futures, Options, Swaps, etc., that also contains subheadings Equities Index, and so on,
By underlying type: Asset, FX, Commodity, Credit, Interest because a single index portfolio may hold all of these asset
Rate, etc.6 types. We would therefore be unable to classify or group the
index portfolio under the single class Index—Debt Index—
This arrangement, however, still does not resolve the GOC Debt Index as it would improperly characterize the
difficulty of grouping by currency type first, followed by index portfolio and render opaque and unanalyzable the other
contract type, followed by underlying asset type. For this to features of that portfolio. The latter problem does not disap-
work most effectively, it would be better to use a faceted pear with a faceted scheme, but the added flexibility of a
scheme wherein currency types, contract types, and asset faceted approach means that one could more likely create
types exist as faceted categories that can be combined “on-the-fly” analytic classification classes to address the need
together in order of preference depending on the analytic to segregate indices containing GOC Debt from those that do
task—in this case, with currency taking the first position in not. For example:
the hierarchy.
In the fourth use case (which seemingly implies but does Asset Type
not state that the contracts in question are credit default FX
swaps because only these are generally described as being Equity
“written on” some company—most derivatives are written Debt
by some company, not on it), the classification system must GOC Debt
support grouping of contracts by the country in which the Index
reference entity is domiciled (e.g., Canada). The challenges [classified by Index Structure]
Contains Debt
in this use case are similar to those delineated in the discus-
Contains GOC Debt
sion of use case two, with a similar result: a faceted classi-
fication scheme provides the required flexibility and analytic $1m
capabilities. $1.5m
Use case five is challenging not only from the perspective Contains Equity
of classification but also because it is semantically under- (etc.)
specified. For example, does “contract references the debt of Collateral
the government of Canada” (GOC) refer to the underlying or Cash
to collateral? Both could be relevant for the purposes of Equities
systemic risk analysis. Moreover, where the contract relates Debt
to an index, it would be necessary to have sight of the asset GOC Debt
composition of the index in order to meet the requirement.
Assuming that the requirement is to prepare a list of contracts
Use case six presents essentially the same challenges but
referencing GOC debt as both the underlying and as collat-
in reference to commodities instead of GOC Bonds.
eral, and that we are also interested in indices that include
Based on the analysis of the Canadian use cases we
GOC debt, we can now consider various classification
conclude that a faceted scheme has the requisite flexibility to
meet the Canadian requirements. We also wish to emphasize
Note that this assumes that when the referenced document says “con-
tract” it means any kind of contract, and not for example “any kind of swap”
or “any kind of interest rate derivative.” Sometimes the top level classifi- Particularly because “Index” may also be a type of underlying—
cation is implied by context and not made explicit. seemingly hidden away alongside interest rates in the ISDA taxonomy.

DOI: 10.1002/asi
that the utility of this approach is extended when one The facets used may depend on the context in which the
considers that analytic requirements, especially in stressed instrument is considered. For example, the “available for
conditions or unprecedented market disruptions, may be sale and held to maturity” (AFS/HTM) distinction may be
unpredictable and emergent. Under such conditions it is important in an accounting context, but irrelevant to a risk
especially important that the structure of the financial manager. Similarly, if the object of analysis is to discover
product classification scheme be capable of supporting new how the behavior of a contract might contribute to systemic
analytic requirements. This would not be the case with a risk under certain market conditions, it is more likely that
strict hierarchical model, but would be achievable with a one would need to deduce this information from combina-
faceted scheme. tions of facets. A purely faceted approach is (a) very flexible
Another feature to tease out here is that for some analyt- and clean and (b) tends to exclude certain concepts. Sepa-
ics, and in particular for risk aspects, what is of interest may ration of the registration or ID number for a product instance
not be features intrinsic to the thing itself (facts which may from the classification number is recommended regardless
be established with reference to the instrument contract) but of the other choices.
extrinsic features such as whether the holder also holds some It is worth noting that a formal ontology provides the
related asset (“naked”—no collateral—versus “covered”— means to capture meaningful concepts across as many facets
backed by collateral—credit default swaps), whether the as are considered to be worth naming and defining in the
issuer (or a subsidiary or parent) has some unrelated but domain of discourse. Other technologies, when used to try to
systemically important position with respect to the holder support classification, identification, and so on, will unnec-
and so on. essarily constrain the number of available options to those
Use case eight is interesting as it calls for grouping by that that specific technology supports—including, typically,
asset class as opposed to contract type. Clearly then, any the imposition of a strictly hierarchical taxonomy on the
strict hierarchical scheme designed on a principle of division subject matter or the imposition of one and only one order of
by contract type is going to be unsuited to the task at hand. precedence of the different facets by which the subject
A strict hierarchy divided by underlying asset types would matter may be classified. This approach may thus prove too
work (assuming this is what is meant by “asset class” in this brittle for effective risk analytics.
context); however, it would not work for the other use cases. Here we have laid out the foundations for an approach to
Thus, we would be forced to adopt different classification classification of financial products, with financial systemic
systems for different analytic tasks, which is not an attrac- risk as a use case. We suggest that the core principles set out
tive prospect given the added complexity. In this case, it in this paper more broadly embrace other facts of relevance
would make most sense to have a strict hierarchical faceted such as the combinations of instruments in portfolios, effects
scheme that permitted us to combine classes divided by of market behavior, and so on. We also do not attempt to
contract type with those divided by asset type. address issues of implementation and operation of the finan-
The final use case, number nine, requires that we classify cial products classification system; however, readers may be
or group our objects of analysis first by asset type and then concerned about the cost of supporting a faceted approach to
by product type. A strict hierarchical scheme would run us product classification given the innumerable categories that
directly into the problem we encountered earlier with con- could presumably be created and creatively combined to
vertible bonds. A polyhierarchy would resolve this issue, but support product valuation and risk analytics. Although cost
a faceted scheme would allow for maximum flexibility as we is an issue, we think that a move toward the use of semantic
could combine lists of asset types with lists of product types technologies by market participants will alleviate much of
to produce a combination that would cover assets that are the cost burden because it is technically possible to auto-
both bonds and those that are bonds traded as equities and matically tag (using Financial Industry Business Ontology
that are of the product type “Convertible Bond.” [FIBO], for example) elements within a financial contract to
classify them according to a faceted scheme. We must leave
the details of how a financial products classification system
based on a faceted approach could be developed and oper-
This article discussed the theory of classification and the ated to a follow-up paper.
strengths and limitations of various approaches to classifi- It is worth noting that many important stakeholders in
cation as a contribution to the issue of establishing and the discussion about financial products classification have
assigning UPIs to categorize or describe swaps with respect not participated in the work that resulted in this article. It
to the underlying products referenced in them, allowing is our hope that through dissemination of this work, other
regulators to aggregate, analyze, and report swap transac- stakeholders will be able to engage in this discussion as
tions by product type and also to enhance position limit well.
enforcement and real-time reporting as a means of identify-
ing and managing financial systemic risk. Rather than
definitively recommending one approach to financial References
product classification we prefer to acknowledge the limita- Aitchison, J., Gilchrist, A., & Bawden, D. (2000). Thesaurus construction
tions and applicability of approaches in different contexts. and use: A practical manual (4th ed.). New York: Europa Publications.

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