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Calaloo Seclion 60 435 Page 1

Roadway Lighting
@ t-nn,t,r, Low Pressure Sodium

Available in ihe tollowing watlages:

180 135 90 55

Westinghouse Electric Corporalion

Liqhling Division


Heavy Aluminum Housing-Res sts corro-

sion and weathering. Searns are welded for
strenglh and eifecl ve seal.

Eleclrostalic Powder Spray Paint-Gray

polyester finlsh lnhibits fading, chlpping and

Separale Ballast and Oplical Comparlments

Cavities are separaled by a bulkhead ior
ma ntenance safety, conven ence. Each has
separate access door.

Hinged and Lalched Doors Ballast com

partment door hinges at rear oi un t. Optical
system door hinges at iront. Each latches
wllh two captive qr.rarler turn lhumb screw
Full Perimeter Gasketing C osed cel neo Aluminum Lamp Support-Bracket wiih
Destruclion Resislanl Acrylic Lens Resists p e'e gac(e sealc Lr I .ga nsr.orlani clamp ng spr ng eliminates vibratlon
.'d. 19 n
dcride'lLdl da-rage. D r.n' a n ants, damage.
side-smooth surlalce outs de. Lens lramed
by m lered and we ded optical door for Specular Alzak Aluminum Feflector-Semi- Casl Aluminum Sliplitter-Accepts 2" (23,/s "
security and appearance. patabolic contour for maxlmum rellectance O.D.) pipe. Pipe penetratlon is 4y? inches.
and photometric control. Slipfitter drilled and tapped for live boll
Door Mounled Ballasl-Co m po n ents on mounting and eveling.
door for easy access. Quick dlsconnect Porcelain Enclosed Bayonet Sockel-
device between ba ast and socket leads for Mounted on main bulkhead for rigidity and
last servicing. lamp protectlon.

Dimensions in lnches (Not for ConstrLrcl'on PLrrposes)

30 l-- 5

[' I

h- s'' --'l
lltr-\ Elfective Projected Area: 55 watt-3.o Sq. Ft.

Enrt View
13 \ -Tl/';
90 watt*3.3 Sq.
135 watt-4.4 Sq.
180 watt-5.8 Sq.
catalog socrion 60-435 Page 2

Roadway Llghling
Low Pressure Sodium

Ordering lntormation-Order by Cala!og NLrmber

Lamp Ballast Fixture

Type Watlage Type VoltageO Weight Catalog NumberO

Hi Reactance '120 / 240 RMS-ALCL-F2AA

90 Hi Reaciance 120 / 240 RMS-ALFL-F2AA
'135 Hi Reaciance 120 /240 4S RMS.ALHL-F3AA
LPS 180 Hi Reactance 120/ 240 RMS-ALML-F3AA

For Optional Vollage Substitule

O slandard ballast is 1?0/240 volt lactory wired 120 volt. Can be lield rewired to 240 vo11. Olh6r vollages available.
@ All unils supplied with pholoconlrol receplacle and shorting cap lo a low lse wiih or wiihout photoconirol. Lamp rot included,

Photomelric Report
Catalog No. : RNIS-ALCL-F2AA Cataloq No.: RMS-ALFL-F2AA Caialog No.: RIVIS-ALHL-F3AA Cata og No :RMS-ALN,4L-F3AA
ANSI/ IES Class: ll-S-C ANS l/ IES Class:1|-S-C ANSI/ IES Classr lll-S-C ANSI/ IES Class: lll-S-C
Mounling Helght:20 Ft. Mounting Heighti 30 Ft. l\lounting Height: 30 Ft. l,rounting Height: 30 Ft.
Descrjption: 9" x 612" x 19" Description:9" x 61h" x 22" Description:9" x 612" x 33" Description: g" x 612" x47"
Lighted Length Lurninaire Lighted Length Luminajre Lighted Length Luminaire Lighted Lenglh Luminalre
w/Specular Reflector and w/Specular Reflector and w/Specular Beilector and w/Specular Reflector and
Prismalic Acrylic Lens. Prismatic Acrylic Lens Prlsmatic Acrylic Lens. Prismalic Acrylic Lens.
solux curves- lsol!r Curves so ux curves lsolux C!rves-
Va u.,as in lnLtial Footcand es V, uFs in nit ai Footcand es Va ues in ln lia Footcand es Values in ln llal Foolcandles
! : : I

.9' 9 .9
.g .s

9 ! 9 I I ;:

Dislance A orq Street/Mounilnq Helghl O stance Along Streei/[,lounl nq Height olslance A ono Streel/Mounlinq Heiqhl Oistance A ong Streel/Mo!nt ng He ght

Convers,on Faclors ror va,Lous !amps Con!.rs on Fa.lo,s lor Var ous Lamps c.iv.,5 oiFaclors lor vanous Lamps C.nv-",s,on Fa.rors lor var ous Lam!s
and Mounriia rl€i!hts and Mounlnq He qhls and Mounl nq Ee qhrs
24'20 16' 13'r0
LanrpType Lutrens Lamprype Llmens 35 30' 25 22 24' LampTyre Llmens 35' 30' 25' 20' Lumen5 10 35 2A

sox55 3000 69r0 16 2440 soxgo 13500 73 io it19 22 sox135 22500 i3r0 14 2335 sox r30 5t 000 56 7l 23
sox:s raoo 42 6a 94 1424 sox so ltmo 44 60 36 r 4 21

Westinghouse Lighting Division

Vicksburg, Mississippi 39'1 80

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