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Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

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Economic Modelling
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Potential socio-economic implications of future climate change MARK

and variability for Nigerien agriculture: A countrywide dynamic
CGE-Microsimulation analysis

Jean-Marc Montauda, , Nicolas Pecastaingb, Mahamadou Tankaric
CATT, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (UPPA), 8 allées des platanes, 64100 Bayonne, France
Universidad del Pacífico, Av. Salaverry 2020, Jesus María, Lima, Perú
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), Dakar, BP 24063, Senegal


JEL classification: This study explores the potential economic and social effects induced by a possible future deterioration of
C68 weather conditions on Niger's agriculture. Our scenarios over a 25 year period rely on both long term climate
O13 change deterministic features and climate variability stochastic features which take into account a higher than
Q54 normal frequency of severe droughts. Using a microsimulated Dynamic Recursive Computable General
Keywords: Equilibrium model, we show how a long run mean decrease in main crop yields could adversely affect growth,
Climate change and variability poverty and food security in the country and how more severe drought would worsen these negative effects.
General equilibrium However, we also show that there would appear to be some room for manœuvre for coping strategies for Niger
such as improving the rural road network, adopting modern crop varieties or, to a lesser extent, extending
irrigation capacity.
Food security

1. Introduction of severe droughts (Sylla et al., 2010; Mohino et al., 2011; Roudier et al.,
2011; IPCC, 2013; Sultan 2013; Niang, 2014), the present study seeks to
The Nigerien economy depends strongly on its agricultural sector, a assess the risk that these possible deteriorations might entail for the
sector that occupies more than 80 percent of the workforce and Niger's economy and the welfare of its population. We draw here on
contributes to more than 40 percent of GDP. However, this agriculture several ways on the studies attempting to assess developing countries’
is handicapped by its low productivity and its exposition to a number of vulnerability to possible changes in weather conditions.
risks. Among the latter, the adverse climatic conditions are often First, regarding the modelling framework, we chose to build a
considered to be the most severe (World Bank, 2013). Over the last Dynamic Recursive Computable General Equilibrium (DRCGE) model
few decades, the Sahel region has indeed been hit by rising temperatures, for the Nigerien economy. This framework seems indeed better suited
reduction in average rainfall and higher climate variability reflected, in to an economy-wide analysis of the potential effects of future agro-
particular, in more frequent major droughts (Druyan, 2011; IPCC, climatic shocks than others approaches in the literature (relying on
2013). Within this context, the living conditions of the fast-growing Ricardian or partial equilibrium analysis). On the one hand, because
population are particularly precarious, especially in rural areas where the general equilibrium logic does not restrict the effects of the shocks
agriculture is the main source of income but also the main source of to agriculture alone but also captures explicitly all the linkages between
food. In 2010, 48,2% of Nigerien households were poors and rural areas prices, income, supply and demand in the whole economy. On the other
contributed 90% to total poverty with a poverty rate of 54.6%; 48.1% hand, because the use of a dynamic specification enables to generate
suffered chronic malnutrition and more than 20% were affected by lack time paths of the evolutions of the country's economic variables under
of food security and identified as being in a severely vulnerable situation different hypotheses for potential shocks over a given period. In the
(Herderschee et al., 2014). Noting the apparent consensus in agro- recent economic literature CGE studies on developing counties clima-
climate literature that Niger's future weather conditions could deterio- te's vulnerability have known a rapid growth, either in a global or
rate and be characterized by both a drier climate and a higher frequency national framework (see for instance Gebreegziabher et al., 2016, for a

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: jean-marc.montaud@univ-pau.fr (J.-M. Montaud), n.pecastaing@up.edu.pe (N. Pecastaing), M.Tankari@cgiar.org (M. Tankari).

Received 9 November 2016; Received in revised form 31 January 2017; Accepted 10 February 2017
Available online 20 February 2017
0264-9993/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

review). However, to our knowledge, such analysis has never been rainfed subsistence farming, is characterised by structural fragility. The
conducted for Niger. Our DRCGE model involves fairly standard decline in natural resources and in soil fertility, the traditional nature
general equilibrium assumptions for low income countries (Decaluwé of systems of production, the lack of rural infrastructures, the weakness
et al., 2013). But, unlike the majority of other CGE studies, we also of state institutions or rural organizations, the low level of incomes
chose to consider some specific features of the Nigerien economy, which limit farmers’ ability to invest, etc., are all handicaps which have
particularly its dual nature, both in rural areas and urban areas (Stifel a powerful impact on agricultural production and its ability to meet the
and Thorbecke, 2003). Moreover, using a top-down approach, we chose needs of an ever-increasing population (3.5% growth per annum). But,
to link this model to a dynamic microsimulation (DMS) model in order beyond these constraints, which are relatively common in the least
to also assess the potential social outcomes of the future adverse developed African countries, Nigerien agriculture is also constrained by
climatic conditions at the micro level. particularly unfavourable climate conditions. The first reason has to do
Second, regarding the nature of the climatic shocks simulated with with the limit in the amount of arable land: only 12,5% of land is
the models, we chose here to use a three-pronged approach in order to cultivated, mainly in the Sudan-Sahel and Sahel regions, the only areas
isolate the respective potential effects of climate change and climate to have rainfall in excess of 300 mm per year (FAO, 2016a). The second
variability. In a first step, as with a majority of CGE studies (see for has to do with the detoriation of historical climate conditions over the
instance, Juana et al., 2008; Reid et al., 2008; Bezabih et al., 2011; last few decades. On the one hand, the continuous long term effects of
Hertel et al., 2010; Bosello et al., 2013; Calzadilla et al., 2013; climate change have contributed to an increase in average tempera-
Gebreegziabher et al., 2016), we adopt a deterministic approach of tures and a reduction in rainfall even in the more agriculturally
climate change by considering solely the potential effects of long-run productive southern regions on the country (see for instance Mohino
mean changes in agriculture (mainly crop yields reductions). We thus et al., 2011; Druyan, 2011). On the other hand, climate conditions have
define a first group of agro-climatic scenarios over the next 25 years for also been characterised by a high inter-decadal variability as well as
Niger, on the basis of the main forecasts of average yield evolutions significant interannual variability, particularly reflected in a higher
found in the agro-climate literature. However, limiting the agro-climatic frequency and intensity of drought events (Epule et al., 2014; Masih
shocks to average changes clearly underestimates their potential effects. et al., 2014). According to the World Bank (2013), there have already
In the literature, whenever possible, other CGE studies thus try to been three such major episodes leading to food crises since 2000
include some climate variability features using stochastic or probabilistic (2004/2005, 2009/2010 and 2011/2012), while only three episodes
scenarios (see for instance, Thurlow et al., 2009; Yu et al., 2010; Arndt were observed between 1970 and 2000 (1973/1974, 1984/1985 and
et al., 2011; Arndt et al., 2012; Sassi and Cardaci, 2013; Arndt et al., 1997/1998).
2015; Arndt and Thurlow, 2015). Others, though in limited number, Under these adverse, changing climatic conditions, Nigerien farm-
focus even more on future changes in extreme events and the disaster ers have preferred crops able to thrive despite low rainfall such as
risks that they could represent for a country (see for instance World millet, sorghum or cowpea which together represent 92.7% of the
Bank, 2008; Pauw et al., 2011; Al-Riffai et al., 2012 or Zhong et al., harvested area and 61% of the crops’ gross production value (Table 1).
2014). In a second step, we therefore chose to focus on the risk of a However their yields remain particularly low and unstable. Over the
potential future greater climate variability by defining a second group of period 1980–2011, millet and sorghum yields fell 11.7% and 44.5%
agro-climatic scenarios including more frequent and more intense respectively even though an average increase (23.6% and 50.4%
drought events for the next 25 years in Niger. These scenarios rely here respectively) was observed over the period 2000–2011 (World Bank,
on stochastic annual weather sequences including drought events with 2013). This decade-by-decade instability has moreover been reinforced
sizeable one-off impacts on yields, rainfed land depreciation or livestock
capital. Finally, in a last step, we combine previous analyses in a range of Table 1
scenarios including both climate change and climate variability features. Share of Harvested area, Production and Gross Production Value of major
Third, some CGE studies (see for instance, Eboli et al., 2010; World agricultural crops in Niger (in %).
Source: Own calculations based on FAO (2016a)
Bank, 2010; Robinson et al., 2012; Bosello et al., 2013; Bandara and
Cai, 2014; Calzadilla et al., 2014; Chalise and Naranpanawa, 2016) CROPS Harvested Production(1) Gross
explore also different options for coping with future climate conditions area(1) Production
focusing on either autonomous price-driven decisions of agents Value(2)
(mainly regarding primary factors-use change) or adaptation strategies
Food crops 62.47 54.59 41.11
that governments may promote. We thus chose to also asses the Rainfed 62.38 53 39.74
opportunity of such coping strategies for Niger. For that purpose, we Millet 42.21 37.65 29.90
selected some planned strategies specifically designed to boost agri- Sorghum 20.17 15.35 9.84
cultural productivity with a focus on improvements in the rural road Irrigated 0.09 1.59 1.37
Cassava 0.04 1.47 0.77
network, expansions of irrigation capacity or changes in farm manage- Rice, paddy 0.05 0.12 0.60
ment practices. Cash crops 35.20 38.33 47.82
The rest of the paper is structured as follows. Section 2 presents the Rainfed 34.34 20.77 27.42
current vulnerability of Nigerien agriculture to climate conditions and Cowpeas, dry 29.82 16.95 21.22
Groundnuts, with 4.52 3.82 6.20
the hypotheses we selected for defining the different future agro-
climatic scenarios. Section 3 describes the main features of our Irrigated 0.86 17.56 20.40
economic models and Section 4 presents the results of the different Fruit, fresh nes 0.31 3.43 5.15
simulations. Finally, Section 5 explores the net impact of the coping Mangoes, 0.22 2.06 5.32
strategies we selected in order to determine if they are capable of mangosteens,
counterbalancing the effects of the changing weather conditions. Onions, dry 0.14 4.29 3.88
Cabbages and other 0.06 2.44 1.57
2. Background brassicas
Tomatoes 0.06 2.06 3.28
Vegetables, fresh 0.04 1.11 0.90
2.1. Niger's current vulnerability to adverse climatic conditions
Sugar cane 0.03 2.17 0.30
Despite the major efforts made since the 1970s by the Nigerien
(1) (2)
government to develop agriculture, this sector, which is essentially Notes: Mean of 2012, 2013 et 2014; Mean of 2012 and 2013.

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Mean variation of temperatures (°C) Mean variation of precipitations (mm)

Minimum/maximum of GCMs results + Mean of GCMs results Median of GCMs results

Fig. 1. Level of uncertainty of GCM climate change forecasts for Niger under three SRES scenarios(1) Mean variation of temperatures (°C) Mean variation of precipitations (mm)
Minimum/maximum of GCMs results + Mean of GCMs results — Median of GCMs results Notes: (1) Based on 9 GCM (CGCM3.1-T47, CNRM-CM3, GFDL-CM2.0, GFDL-CM2.1,
ipsl_cm4, MIROC3.2, ECHO-G; ECHAM5/ MPI-OM and MRI-CGCM2.3.2) and 3 Special Report on Emissions Scenarios (B1, A1B and A2); Sources: Own calculations with the Climate
analysis tool powered by Climate Wizard (http://climatewizard.ciat.cgiar.org/index1.html).

by exceptional periods of drought. For instance, each major drought A second source of uncertainty concerns the potential impact of
observed since 2000 led to a dramatic fall in yields of between 21% and these climatic forecasts on Nigerien agriculture (see for instance Lobell
24% for millet and between 19% and 28% for sorghum. and Burke, 2008). In agronomic literature, even if studies attempting to
assess such impacts have increased significantly in recent years, there
2.2. Defining future agro-climatic scenarios for Niger: the need to are unfortunately very few studies focussing exclusively on Niger, or if
deal with uncertainty they do, they only take into account a limited number of crops (see for
instance, Ben Mohamed et al., 2002 or Salack et al., 2008). It is
Given the already difficult socio-economic situation which weakens therefore necessary to draw on studies with a more extensive scope,
the ability of the populations concerned to adapt, the potential risks focussing on the African continent, Western Africa or the Sahel.
posed by a further deterioration of climate conditions in Niger are thus However, results vary as a function of the methodologies used
far from negligible. In the agro-climate literature, it seems commonly (mechanical or empirical)1, the geographical areas on which they
accepted that, on the one hand, long-run climate change could lead to concentrate, the crops they include and the climatic scenarios they
greater variations in average temperatures and rainfall over the Sahel, select (see for instance Roudier et al., 2011 or Niang et al., 2014 for a
which could exacerbate disturbances in crops’ biological cycles and literature review). Even though some analyses do not rule out increased
thus further reduce the country's agricultural potential (see for instance yields in some cases (for instance Liu et al., 2008 for millet and rice),
Roudier et al., 2011). On the other hand, future weather conditions most forecast a long term downturn in average yields for main crops.
could also be characterized by increased variability, including higher For example, Knox (2012) estimates an average fall of 8% between
frequency of severe droughts which could have serious one-off impacts 2010 and 2050. Thornton et al. (2011) forecasts a fall in maize yields of
on agricultural production (see for instance Sylla et al., 2010). 19% as a result of a 5 °C increase in temperature in sub-Saharan Africa.
However, producing reliable agro-climatic scenarios of such impacts Ben Mohamed (2011) calculates a fall in millet yields of 20% and 40%
remains challenging because of large uncertainties grounded in both respectively for 2 °C and 3 °C temperature increases in the Sahel
climate and agricultural sciences. region. Van Duivenbooden et al. (2002) estimate falls in cowpea and
groundnut yields of between 12% and 30% depending on the climate
scenarios selected (temperatures of +10% et +20% and precipitations
2.2.1. Long run climate change perspective −10% and −20%). Schlenker and Lobell (2010) estimate a reduction in
In order to characterize the possible future evolutions of weather sub-Saharan Africa for 2050 of −22%, −17%, −17%, −18%, and −8%
conditions in Niger, we have no choice but to use the forecasts provided for maize, sorghum, millet, groundnut, and cassava respectively. Sultan
by the General Circulation Models (GCMs) which simulate the effect of et al. (2013) forecast reductions in millet and sorghum yields in the
variables that might affect the climate. However, these predictions are Sahel of up to 41% for a 6° temperature increase and a 20% drop in
by their very nature uncertain (see for instance Burke et al., 2015). rainfall. Thomas and Rosegrant (2015) calculate changes in Western
First, the complexity of climate is still not completely understood, African yields of −5.8% to +0.3% for groundnuts, −9.5% to −15.9% for
specifically in the Sahelian zone. Secondly, these forecasts depend on sorghum and +0.5 to −4.4% for rice.
scenarios (of greenhouse gas emissions for instance) which are Given the state of the art, our long run agro-climatic scenarios rely
themselves uncertain. And thirdly, even though the in the end on the major above-mentioned reference studies that
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change stresses the improvement quantify future crop yield changes in Niger, the Sahel region or
in the ability of climate models to simulate surface temperature on a Western Africa, for Millet, Sorghum, Cowpeas, Goundnuts, Cassava
regional scale (IPCC, 2013), these predictions must be used with care
in a national framework. Fig. 1 reflects these uncertainties in the
specific case of Niger. If the different GCMs agree on an average 1
The mechanical approach relies on bio-physical agronomic crop model (DSSAT or
increase of temperature (between 1.8 °C and 2.5 °C) from the historic SARRA-H for instance for Africa). The empirical approach establishes statistical links
to the future time period whatever the scenario, there is much more between agronomic and climate observations from the past to forecast future yields
without necessarily explaining the nature of the causes involved (cf. Lobell and Burke,
uncertainty regarding rainfall patterns. Although the average results 2010 or Porter et al., 2014 for a literature review). Empirical projections exhibit greater
show relative stability, some models indicate an increase while others dispersion than mechanical projections given the variability of yields over the last few
point to a reduction. decades.

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Table 2 subjective prior distribution and to adopt a stochastic approach. We

Main hypotheses for long-run scenarios of climate change for Niger (Annual then assume that the appearance of an extreme drought follows a
crop yield reduction over 2040).
Bernoulli law of probability p every year. According to historical data,
Crops Optimistic Medium Pessimistic Based on the frequency observed in Niger was close to one event every ten years
from 1970 to 2000 and one event every five years from 2000 (World
Millet −0.311% −0.386% −0.833% Knox et al. (2012) and Bank, 2013). Therefore our variability scenarios envisage three hy-
Ben Mohamed et al.
potheses for annual probability of drought occurrence: normal (p=0,1),
Sorghum −0.277% −0.386% −0.479% Thomas and Rosegrant as observed before 2000, high (p=0,2) as observed between 2000 and
(2015) 2015, and very high (p=0,3) with potentially greater climate variability.
Cowpeas −0.354% −0.796% −0.986% Van Duivenbooden et al. Second, regarding the intensity of drought events, it is difficult to
(2002) isolate and assess the mean impact of past droughts on agricultural
Groundnuts −0.01% −0.166% −0.268% Thomas and Rosegrant
yields, rainfed land depreciation or livestock in Niger. Each one is
Cassava −0.232% −0.232% −0.232% Schlenker and Lobell indeed unique depending on its location within the country, its period
(2010) of occurrence and duration, or the co-occurrence of certain associated
Rice +0.12% +0.03% +0.01% Thomas and Rosegrant risks which increase its impacts. In this context, we decided to adopt a
conservative approach with different hypotheses of impact levels,
severe (is=−10%), high (ih=−12.5%) and very high (ivh=−15%), which
and Rice. In the absence of reliable projections for other crops, which will affect rainfed crop activities and livestock as described in the next
represent a minority in Niger, it was decided not to take them into section.
account. On this basis, three deterministic scenarios (pessimistic, Finally, combining the three hypotheses for drought intensity and
medium and optimistic) were defined for the next 25 years. (see frequency, we thus define nine scenarios of potential greater climate
Table 2). They include 97% of harvested areas and 70.5% of Nigerien variability for the next 25 years. For each one, given that it relies on the
crop production for which we assume a linear continuous variation of probability of occurrence p, we use a random process to generate
yields that we will be able to simulate with our economic models. different (thirty) stochastic annual weather sequences including
drought events. Each sequence should then be simulated with our
economic models in order to average the representative impact of each
2.2.2. Interannual climate variability perspective scenario.
In order to define future climate variability scenarios for Nigerien
agriculture, we chose to focus on the occurrence of severe drought. 3. Key model features
However, here again, we have to deal with uncertainty. Regarding the
GCM predictions, it should be stressed that they tend to underestimate Our DRCGE model for Niger is adapted from the PEP-1-t Standard
climate variability. This is particularly true with regard to extreme Model (Decaluwé et al., 2013). It features four groups of households
droughts in the Sahel because their factors are still insufficiently (Subsistence farmers, Other agricultural workers in export agriculture,
understood and their rarity makes evaluation of model performance Urban formal and Urban informal), one government agent, one firm
less robust than for average climate features (Burke and Brown, 2008; agent, twelve agricultural activities (irrigated or rainfed), seven in-
Zhao and Dai, 2016). In this context, we can however find some dustrial activities and five service activities (the relevant equations and
indications based on GCM forecasts which may suggest that extremely variables are presented in Supplementary Material).
hot seasons will probably become more frequent in the future. For Its within-period specification relies on fairly standard general
instance, Fig. 2 shows that Dry periods indicate a recurrence interval equilibrium assumptions for low income countries. On the supply side,
value between 2.2 and 3.4 for scenario B1 (with a median of 2.8), each activity maximises profit by combining capital factors with the
between 2.9 and 3.8 for scenario A1B (with a median of 3.2) and labour factor. For agricultural activities, the capital is assumed to be
between 2.3 and 3.1 for scenario A2 (with a median of 3.1). For composite between capital and land. The latter may be rainfed or
Consecutive dry days, the recurrence interval value is between 2.4 and irrigated. On the income side, the different agents receive revenues on
3.1 for scenario B1 (with a median of 2.6), between 2.2 and 3.4 for the basis of their factor endowments. In addition, the government
scenario A1B (with a median of 2.4) and between 2.1 and 4.4 for receives various taxes. On the demand side, households’ consumption
scenario A2 (with a median of 2.2). follows a linear expenditure system function, and demand from the
These uncertaincies are even greater regarding the potential government is exogenous. Nominal investments are savings driven in
impacts of future droughts on the agricultural sector. Althougth the capital market. The numeraire is the nominal exchange rate (for
drought has been widely considered as a major problem in Sahelian further details, see Decaluwé et al., 2013). Moreover, in order to
agriculture, there is still very little modelling and observation evidence capture the dualist characteristic of this under-developed economy, we
of their ex-post impact (see for instance Gautier et al., 2016 for a chose to modify the PEP standard model by including a dual-dual
literature review for West-african countries). Such assessment is framework (Stifel and Thorbecke, 2003). First, urban areas reflect a
indeed rather difficult given that drought is not a straightforward formal–informal dualism. As the urban informal sector is assumed to
concept raising problems as to its definitions (agricultural, meteorolo- use only labour, the income of informal workers is just their average
gical or hydrological), its spatial extent (areas affected in the country), revenue product. In the formal urban sector, owners of capital are
its temporal dimension (date of appearance, duration) or its associated profit maximizers and pay their workers their marginal revenue
risks (such as locust invasions, water scarcity, crop or animal diseases, product (urban wage rate). Informal sector workers devote all of their
etc.). Moreover, an ex-ante modelling of cropping systems’ response to labour to the sector until marginal revenue product falls below the
droughts is difficult as, by definition, these events occur rarely and alternative wage in the market. Second, in rural areas, two other sectors
process-based crop models cannot be adequately calibrated and tested are distinguished: a subsistence sector (mainly food crop activities) and
(Porter et al. 2014). an export sector (mainly cash crop activities). The wage earned in the
With such an uncertain background, we chose to use a conservative subsistence sector (mainly by family workers) is assumed to be lower
sensitivity analysis procedure to define agro-climatic scenarios of than in the export sector and the subsistence farmers household group
potential greater variability over the next 25 years period. First, is supposed to earn the entire value added generated by this sector.
regarding the frequency of severe drought, given that we have no idea Within this framework, Nigerien workers can flow freely between all
of the distribution of such events, we have no choice but to develop a four sectors of the economy. We assume moreover that disguised

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Recurrence interval of dry periods (2) Recurrence interval of consecutive dry days (3)

Minimum/maximum of GCMs results + Mean of GCMs results Median of GCMs results

Fig. 2. Level of uncertainty of GCM climate extreme event forecasts for Niger under three SRES scenarios(1) Recurrence interval of dry periods(2) Recurrence interval of consecutive dry
days(3)• Minimum/maximum of GCMs results + Mean of GCMs results — Median of GCMs results Notes: (1) Same GCMs as in Figure 1 (2) Number of consecutive dry day periods of
length > 5 days, per year; (3) Largest number of consecutive dry days (with daily precipitation < 1mm) per year. Sources: Own calculations with the Climate analysis tool powered by
Climate Wizard (http://climatewizard.ciat.cgiar.org/index1.html).

unemployment exists in the rural sector where the wage rate is lower products. Moreover, as the DRCGE model's results are only relevant
than the formal urban alternative wage and that rural workers migrate at the household group level (in accordance with the representative
to urban areas in line with Harris and Todaro's hypothesis until the agent hypothesis of CGE modelling), a second group of welfare
rural wage reaches equivalence with the expected wage in the urban indicators are calculated with a Dynamic Microsimulation model
sector. (DMS). The two models are linked with a top-down approach. Their
The between-period specification of the model is recursive, which consistency is insured by a reweighting procedure in order to account
means that the behaviour of agents is based on adaptive expectations, for changes between the initial weightings in the base sample of the
rather than on forward-looking expectations. The first assignment DMS and those of the simulated situations over the period
concerns the accumulation of capital between two periods (see (Buddelmeyer et al., 2012). The DMS model is therefore used to assess
Decaluwé et al., 2013 for further details). The second dynamic the impacts of climate change at the individual level such as inequality
specifications mainly concern the different climate impacts on the indices, poverty indicators (with two distinct poverty lines for rural and
agricultural sector that we chose to include in the model. We assume urban areas) and, finally, another aspect of Food Security with a Food
(Eq. 1) that, in any one period, the total factor productivity parameter insecurity ratio which represents the proportion of individuals with
( βjVA
) of each agricultural crop activity j (rainfed or irrigated) exposed to insufficient dietary diversity (further details of the DMS model are in
changing climatic conditions is firstly a function of an average the supplementary material).
exogenous annual depreciation rate ( Climatej, t ). It is secondly a Finally, the initial equilibrium of the DRCGE model is given by the
function of the impacts of drought events ( Droughtj, t ) that occur at last Social Accounting Matrix for Niger which has the advantages of
random over the 25 year period on the basis of the probability p focussing on the agricultural sector and distinguishing between irri-
characterizing each variability scenarios. It should be noted that this gated and rainfed agriculture2. Most of the CGE model parameters can
second effect is only considered for rainfed crop activities and not for be calibrated directly from this matrix. When such calibrations were
irrigated crop activities. We moreover consider (Eqs. 2a, 2b and 2c) not possible, we obtained the parameters from extant literature,
that, when a drought occurs, there is a higher than normal annual including those used in CGE models previously established for Niger
depreciation rate (δk , j, t ) for rainfed land stock (reflecting deterioration (Go et al., 2013 and Devarajan et al., 2015). The microeconomic data
or greater underutilization of this land) and livestock capital (reflecting used for the DMS model are from the 2008 Household Food
reduced pasture, increased diseases and animal losses) with a two-year Vulnerability Survey of Nigerien National Statistical Institute.
post-drought recovery period. The models run for the period of 25 years. In a first step, a Business
As Usual (BAU) scenario is simulated by updating various constants
, t +1 = Bj, t . (1 − Drought j, t +1) − Climatej, t +1 ∀ and exogenous variables from one year to the next. For this purpose,
j ∈ Agriculturalactivitiesexposedtochangingclimaticconditions (1) we chose the annual medium population growth rate projected for
Niger (United Nations, 2015), except for land stock for which a 1.39%
δk , j, t +1 = δk , j, t − Drought j, t +1 For k = RainfedLand and Livestockcapital annual rate was selected given the observations of the last decade
(2a) (FAO, 2016a). In a second step, the different scenarios are simulated
and presented in comparison with those of BAU. Given the internal
δk , j, t +2 = δk , j, t +1 + Drought j, t +1/2 (2b) complexity of our DRCGE framework and the multiple circular forces
between demand, incomes, prices or supply it considers, we chose here
δk , j, t +3 = δk , j, t +2 + Drought j, t +1/2 (2c) to isolate the respective potential effects of each agro-climatic change.
In the first group of simulations we only consider the long run socio-
W ith Droughtj, t = iS or iH or iVH for a year of occurrence and 0 economic incremental impacts of climate change: the exogenous
variables Climatej, t in Eq. 1are defined as in Table 2 and variables
for other years
Droughtj, t =0 for all years. In a second group of simulations, we only
Some specific indicators are built in order to capture these climate
impacts on household welfare. The first ones are calculated directly
with the DRCGE model: a Food Availability Index measures the 2
The informal sector was integrated into the Social Accounting Matrix on the basis of
volume of food production per capita in the country; a Food Access the National Accounts and employment survey data (Institut National de la Statistique,
Index measures households’ real consumption per capita of food 2012) completed by data from Herrera et al. (2012).

J.-M. Montaud et al.

Table 3
Selected impacts of various long–run climate change scenarios for selected periods (Average annual deviation from BAU value in %).
Source: Own calculations with GAMS software for DRCGE results and STATA software for DMS results

Optimistic scenario Medium scenario Pessimistic scenario

2015-20 2020-25 2025-30 2030-35 2035-40 2015-40 2015-20 2020-25 2025-30 2030-35 2035-40 2015-40 2015-20 2020-25 2025-30 2030-35 2035-40 2015-40

Economic indicators
National real GDP −0.33 −0.93 −1.59 −2.29 −3.02 −1.63 −0.49 −1.39 −2.37 −3.44 −4.58 −2.45 −0.86 −2.44 −4.22 −6.21 −8.39 −4.42
National Price Index 0.90 2.06 3.14 4.28 5.49 3.17 1.13 2.60 4.07 5.67 7.41 4.18 2.28 5.43 8.75 12.66 17.32 9.29
Agricultural GDP −0.34 −0.98 −1.68 −2.43 −3.23 −1.73 −0.55 −1.59 −2.73 −3.95 −5.25 −2.81 −0.89 −2.57 −4.46 −6.53 −8.78 −4.65
Agricultural Price Index 0.96 2.39 3.86 5.45 7.16 3.96 1.33 3.38 5.59 8.08 10.85 5.85 2.53 6.51 11.03 16.48 23.05 11.92

Welfare indicators
Real income per capita
Subsistence farmers −0.02 −0.29 −0.77 −1.32 −1.92 −0.85 −0.05 −0.59 −1.36 −2.23 −3.18 −1.48 −0.01 −0.86 −2.14 −3.61 −5.25 −2.37
Other agricultural workers −0.97 −2.12 −3.12 −4.14 −5.19 −3.11 −1.30 −2.90 −4.36 −5.88 −7.48 −4.38 −2.44 −5.46 −8.25 −11.23 −14.47 −8.37
Formal workers −0.63 −1.39 −2.05 −2.73 −3.44 −2.05 −0.81 −1.80 −2.70 −3.64 −4.62 −2.72 −1.56 −3.53 −5.41 −7.47 −9.76 −5.55
Infomal workers −0.37 −0.95 −1.56 −2.20 −2.87 −1.59 −0.51 −1.34 −2.22 −3.16 −4.16 −2.28 −0.92 −2.44 −4.08 −5.89 −7.88 −4.24

Headcount Poverty Rate
National 0.14 0.42 0.75 1.11 1.48 0.78 0.19 0.61 1.10 1.64 2.23 1.15 0.34 1.08 1.98 3.00 4.14 2.11
Rural areas 0.16 0.49 0.86 1.26 1.69 0.89 0.22 0.69 1.24 1.83 2.48 1.29 0.40 1.24 2.24 3.37 4.61 2.37
Urban areas 0.10 0.33 0.61 0.92 1.25 0.64 0.16 0.51 0.96 1.46 2.00 1.02 0.27 0.90 1.70 2.65 3.73 1.85
Headcount Food Poverty Rate
National 0.18 0.55 0.98 1.44 1.94 1.02 0.25 0.79 1.43 2.14 2.91 1.50 0.44 1.42 2.59 3.94 5.45 2.77
Rural areas 0.21 0.64 1.13 1.66 2.22 1.17 0.29 0.90 1.62 2.41 3.26 1.70 0.52 1.63 2.95 4.46 6.13 3.14
Urban areas 0.12 0.38 0.71 1.07 1.45 0.74 0.18 0.59 1.11 1.68 2.32 1.18 0.31 1.04 1.97 3.07 4.34 2.15
Food Security
Food Insecurity Ratio
National 0.05 0.17 0.30 0.45 0.60 0.31 0.08 0.24 0.44 0.66 0.90 0.46 0.14 0.43 0.80 1.21 1.67 0.85
Rural areas 0.06 0.19 0.33 0.48 0.64 0.34 0.08 0.26 0.47 0.70 0.95 0.49 0.15 0.47 0.86 1.29 1.77 0.91
Urban areas 0.04 0.14 0.26 0.39 0.54 0.28 0.07 0.22 0.41 0.62 0.86 0.43 0.12 0.38 0.73 1.13 1.59 0.79
Food Access Index
National −0.21 −0.61 −1.06 −1.55 −2.07 −1.10 −0.30 −0.90 −1.59 −2.33 −3.14 −1.65 −0.53 −1.56 −2.74 −4.05 −5.49 −2.87
Rural areas −0.50 −1.33 −2.21 −3.11 −4.06 −2.24 −0.67 −1.85 −3.10 −4.41 −5.78 −3.16 −1.22 −3.32 −5.53 −7.87 −10.33 −5.65
Urban areas 0.13 0.26 0.34 0.40 0.43 0.31 0.14 0.25 0.29 0.30 0.27 0.25 0.31 0.64 0.88 1.10 1.30 0.84
Food Availability Index −0.28 −0.80 −1.37 −1.99 −2.65 −1.42 −0.41 −1.18 −2.05 −2.99 −4.00 −2.13 −0.71 −2.05 −3.58 −5.27 −7.11 −3.75
Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142
J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Table 4
Selected average impacts of various variability scenarios (Average annual deviation from BAU value in % for 2015–2040(1)).
Source: Own calculations with GAMS software for DRCGE results and STATA software for DMS results

Level of drought intensity

Severe (is=−10%) High (ih=−12.5%) Very high (ivh=−15%)

Probability of drought p=0.1 p=0.2 p=0.3 p=0.1 p=0.2 p=0.3 p=0.1 p=0.2 p=0.3

Economic indicators
National real GDP −0.75 −1.19 −1.90 −0.92 −1.79 −2.82 −1.29 −2.21 −3.30
National Price Index 1.05 2.03 3.17 1.47 2.94 4.70 2.06 3.92 6.07
Agricultural GDP −0.94 −1.53 −2.19 −1.11 −2.14 −3.27 −1.59 −2.60 −3.81
Agricultural Price Index 1.89 3.28 4.81 2.47 4.83 7.50 3.59 6.27 9.28
Welfare indicators
Real income per capita
Subsistence farmers −1.03 −1.63 −2.05 −1.37 −2.78 −2.95 −2.15 −3.35 −4.39
Other agricultural workers −0.46 −1.13 −1.48 −0.55 −1.32 −1.76 −0.44 −1.43 −2.78
Formal workers −0.40 −0.89 −1.10 −0.53 −1.15 −1.42 −0.62 −1.41 −2.43
Infomal workers −0.62 −1.10 −1.40 −0.77 −1.61 −1.85 −1.06 −1.87 −2.80
Headcount Poverty Rate
National 0.44 0.68 1.14 0.55 1.05 1.62 0.73 1.11 1.93
Rural areas 0.47 0.74 1.27 0.58 1.11 1.72 0.78 1.22 2.15
Urban areas 0.44 0.64 1.04 0.56 1.06 1.60 0.71 1.01 1.75
Headcount Food Poverty Rate
National 0.57 0.88 1.49 0.71 1.37 2.10 0.95 1.44 2.46
Rural areas 0.62 0.98 1.67 0.77 1.47 2.28 1.04 1.61 2.75
Urban areas 0.51 0.75 1.22 0.66 1.24 1.89 0.84 1.19 2.01
Food Security
Food Insecurity Ratio
National 0.18 0.27 0.46 0.22 0.42 0.65 0.30 0.45 0.69
Rural areas 0.18 0.27 0.42 0.22 0.43 0.66 0.30 0.43 0.68
Urban areas 0.18 0.28 0.44 0.24 0.45 0.68 0.31 0.47 0.71
Food Access Index
National −0.55 −0.90 −1.29 −0.63 −1.24 −1.88 −0.88 −1.45 −2.14
Rural areas −0.84 −1.46 −2.19 −0.97 −1.94 −3.00 −1.30 −2.24 −3.43
Urban areas −0.16 −0.15 −0.09 −0.15 −0.26 −0.30 −0.26 −0.28 −0.25
Food Availability Index −0.68 −1.11 −1.61 −0.75 −1.51 −2.45 −1.04 −1.74 −2.63

Note: Results computed from 30 randomized simulations for each scenario.

consider the impacts of a greater climate variability ( Climatej, t = 0 and economy with a fall in GDP of 1.63%, 2.45% and 4.42% and an increase
Droughtj, t = iSoriH oriVH depending on scenarios assumptions). Finally, a in the price index of 3.17%, 4.18% and 9.29% for the three scenarios
last group of simulations combine both scenarios in a unique perspec- respectively.
tive. In this new context of a general fall in income and price increases,
especially as regard agricultural prices, social indicators would be
sharply degraded with respect to BAU. First, climate change would
4. Results have a strong impact on real income per capita for all households. It
should be stressed, however, that subsistence farmers, whose incomes
4.1. Potential socio-economic impacts of climate change scenarios depend mainly on the sale of their products, benefit from the increase
of the prices in this sector and experience a less of a decrease than the
Selected results for the three long-term climate change scenarios households who work in the other sectors. Second, the effects in terms
are given in Table 3 (more detailed results are given in the supple- of poverty would also be particularly striking. The proportion of the
mentary material). They are consistent with the findings of the other national population living below the poverty line would significantly
CGE studies that assess (even in different frameworks) the impacts of a increase with respect to BAU (+0.78%, +1.15% and +2.11% depending
long-run crop yields reductions for other developing countries (see for on the scenario). Although this increase is logically greater in rural
instance Bosello et al., 2013; Calzadilla et al., 2013; Gebreegziabher areas than in urban areas, the latter are also affected given the fall in
et al., 2016 for recent studies in Africa). As expected, the economic and the income of both formal and informal workers and the increase in the
social impacts are proportional to the extent of climate change urban poverty line. At the end of the period, given the demographic
envisaged. They are also progressive with effects which are amplified growth and the cumulative effects of climate change, this increased
over the period. For the period 2015–2040, falls in yields for the main poverty would represent nearly 470,000, 550,000 and 1,400,000 more
crops would cause a mean annual reduction in agricultural GDP against poor people compared to BAU. Moreover, as indicated by the poverty
BAU of 1.73%, 2.81% and 4.65%, respectively for the optimistic, gap index, the Nigerien poor would not only be more numerous but
medium and pessimistic scenarios, and an increase in agricultural also poorer. On average, during the period, the national percentage
prices of 3.96%, 5.85% and as much as 11.92% in the pessimistic shortfall in consumption with respect to the poverty line for the
scenario. These effects are relatively evenly spread over subsistence and population would be annually higher than in the BAU by about
export cash crops even though, given the production structure of the 1.02%, 1.50% and 2.77% for the optimistic, medium and pessimistic
food crop sector, price effects would be relatively greater (as high as scenarios respectively. This increasing depth of poverty is particularly
+25.56% in the pessimistic scenario). Given the importance of the true for rural residents given their exposure to climate risks. Third,
agricultural sector and its direct or indirect links with the rest of the climate change would also have a strong impact on the inequality of
economy, these effects would cascade down through the entire national distribution among the poor as indicated by the Poverty severity index

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

that would be annually higher than in the BAU scenario by about 4.3. Combining climate change and climate variability perspectives
1.17%, 1.73% and 3.20% depending on the scenario. Finally, the effects
on food security would also be very strong. The national headcount In that last group of simualtions, we combine the two previous
food poverty rate would be 1.02%, 1.50% and 2.77% higher depending approaches in a single one. To keep the results to a manageable size,
on the scenario, indicating that more people would be below the food only the medium long-run climate change scenario is simulated along
poverty line compared to BAU. At the end of the period, it would with the nine variability scenarios (see Table 5 and the Supplementary
represent a relative increase of nearly 104,000, 157,000 and 280,000 Material). The results confirm the potentially strong impacts of future
people without sufficient income to buy food. On average, the Food weather deterioration seen in its dual perspective. As expected, a
Insecurity ratio would increase annually by 0.31%, 0.46% and 0.85% greater climate variability leads to a degradation of macroeconomic
depending on the scenario. The Food Availability Index indicates that and welfare indicators with regard to the long-term scenario without
per capita supply of foodstuffs would fall with respect to the reference variability (column 1). For example, in the most unfavourable hypoth-
situation by 1.42%, 2.13% and 3.75% as a result of the drop in esis, the negative shocks caused by drought multiplies on average the
agricultural production. Similarly, the Food Access Index shows that, effects on GDP by 2.43 (2.41 for agricultural GDP), on the price index
in this context of falling incomes and increasing prices, per capita food by 2.83 (2.97 for agricultural prices), on the poverty rate by 2.90 and
consumption in households would fall (−1.10%, −1.65% and −2.87%) on the food insecurity indicators by 2.93, 2.33 and 2.40 respectively. In
particularly in rural areas. this context, it is rural households which will see the greatest degrada-
tion of their situation.
4.2. Potential socio-economic impacts of variability scenarios
5. Investigating some strategies to cope with new climate
Table 4 presents some selected results of simulations for the nine conditions
stochastic scenarios of climate variability (more detailed results are
given in the Supplementary Material). Because of the random process The final step of our analysis is to investigate whether Niger migth
used to generate climatic conditions over the period, each result is the have some room for manœuvre for coping strategies. Over the years, a
mean of the thirty sequences which define each scenario. However, as number of adaptation options have been identified for developing
droughts occur at different dates in each sequence of each scenario, it is countries (see for instance IPCC, 2014, chap.14) and some CGE studies
therefore no longer possible to detail the results year by year as for the have tried to include them in their analyse (for instance, Bandara and
previous deterministic scenarios. We just present here the average Cai, 2014; Calzadilla et al., 2014 or Chalise and Naranpanawa, 2016).
annual deviation from BAU for 2015–2040. Although obtained within In Niger, many planned adaptation options have already been defined
a different framework and a different methodology, these results by Nigerien authorities (CNED, 2010). The latter are numerous and it
prolong the results of CGE studies that focus on extreme events (see is impossible to consider all of them in the present study. We therefore
for instance Pauw et al., 2011 for Malawi or Al-Riffai et al., 2012 for only select three, specifically designed to boost agricultural productiv-
Syria) and confirm the usefulness to better take such events into ity: an improvement of rural road networks, an expansion in the
account in the analysis of the outcome of future agro-climatic changes. capacity of irrigated agriculture and a change in farm management
They show that, for a given level of intensity, the increase in drought practices, reflected here in the use of crop varieties better adapted to
frequency is reflected in a degradation of macroeconomic and welfare the new climate conditions. For each one, we simulate different
indicators. Similarly, for a given level of frequency, the increase in scenarios (reflecting different underlying assumptions) in order to
intensity of droughts also degrades these indicators. For instance, it is determine if it is capable of counterbalancing the effects of the
observed that the introduction of droughts with a frequency of 10% and changing weather conditions. To save space, these net impacts are
severe intensity causes a mean annual deviation of GDP of −0.75% with only calculated for the scenario which combines the medium long-run
regard to the BAU growth trend, an increase of +0.44% and +0.57% agro-climatic impacts hypothesis with the medium values for drought
respectively in absolute poverty and food poverty rates, and a +0.18%, frequency (p=0,2) and drought intensity (ih=−12.5%). Even if they
−0.68% and −0.55% change in food insecurity indicators (Food should be considered cautiously3, some cost-benefit analysis elements
Insecurity Ratio, Food Availability Index and Food Access Index). In are moreover introduced by comparing the potential benefits of each
the most unfavourable hypotheses, a 30% increased drought frequency strategy with the potential financial efforts that they could require.
and an increase in intensity to the very high level would cause a
potential mean deviation of −3.30% of GDP, +1.93% and +2.46%
respectively for absolute and food poverty rates and +0.69%, −2.63% 5.1. Improving the rural road network
and −2.14% for the food security indicators. In this context, as the
drought's effects are concentrated in the subsistence sector, subsistence The rural road network is still very limited in Niger representing
farmers are always more affected in terms of real income than other only 7371 km of classified road with a density of 0.6 km for 1000 km2
households. of land area, one of the lowest in Africa. Mainly used by buses that
In order to illustrate the crisis effects generated by a drought, we carry farm families and trucks that transport products, this network
chose to simulate the impacts of a fictitious scenario corresponding to connects land areas to local input or output markets and strongly
very high intensity events regularly distributed every five years during determines the opportunities to trade or the costs of production for the
the period (Fig. 3). The results are comparable to what has been agricultural sector. Many studies point out that an improvement in
observed in Niger in the last decades when the country suffered a African rural road network could help agriculture to achieve better
severe drought event. They show that each event causes an average fall performance (see for instance Calderon and Serven 2010; Gwilliam,
with regard to the BAU GDP growth trend of almost 7% (with 2011 or Domínguez-Torres and Foster, 2011). The Government of
progressive return to normal in the two years following the event)
and effects on prices in excess of +30%. In this context, periods of 3
It should be stressed that a better cost-benefit analysis would be quite difficult to do
drought are characterized by a very high increase in poverty rates and here for several reasons. The first is that our estimated costs should be considered
food poverty. At the end of the period, given the cumulative dynamics cautiously. Second, given the absence of accurate indications, we did not introduce in the
involved in the model, the effects of these droughts grow ever-stronger simulations the demand effect that each strategy generates on the activities that provide
the capital goods for these investments. Third, as such strategies may involve different
with an increase of more than 1,200,000 extra poor people with types of stakeholders (government, NGOs, private firms or farmers themselves, bi and
880,000 in a situation of food poverty caused by the previous drought multilateral cooperation agencies) and therefore cannot be considered only as public
(as against 550,000 and 430,000 in food poverty for the first drought). policy, fiscal space effects are not included.

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Fig. 3. Selected impacts of a fictitious scenario of regular occurrence of drought events every five years a. Effect on real national GDP (base 100 for 2015) b. Effect on prices index (base
100 for 2015) c. Effect on poverty rate (base 100 for 2015) and absolute variation from BAU of poor people (thousand).
Source: Own calculations with GAMS software for DRCGE results and STATA for DMS results

Niger, which is aware of this challenge, has even made access to remote BjVA VA
, t +1 = ROADt +1. Bj, t . (1 − Drought j, t +1) − Climatej, t +1 ∀
rural areas one of the pillars of Niger's programme of commitment for
j ∈ Agriculturalactivitiesexposedtochangingclimaticconditions
the Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme and
defined an annual target of 500 km of roads (Road-tracks) repaired, (1’)
upgraded or built. ( Roadnetwork
t +1 − Roadnetwork )
In this context, we thus chose to assess if a better access to the road With ROADt +1 = ΨRoad . Roadnetworkt
network could be an effective strategy for adapting to climate change. In this framework, we simulate different hypotheses of road
Our methodology relies on several key points. First, we chose to use the network improvement under different alternatives of RAI targets for
Rural Accessibility Index (RAI) as an indicator of connectivity level of 2040. Moreover, given that empirical estimates of the value of the
the rural network. This RAI measures the proportion of the rural spillover effect display variation across studies economic literature, we
population within a two-kilometer walking distance of an all-season follow, in the absence of better information, the sensitivity analysis
road and it is particularly low for Niger at 15% (Carruthers et al., procedure of Thurlow et al. (2007) using alternatively three values:
2009). Second, using the Road Network Evaluation Tools (RONET)4, lower (ѰRoad = 0.113), medium (ѰRoad = 0.150) and upper (ѰRoad =
we calculated how many kilometers of additional roads would need to 0.188). Finally, the overall spending needs of each alternative of RAI
be built to reach a percent target for this RAI. Results show, for targets has been evaluated on the basis of the estimates of Carruthers
instance, that the tertiary classified rural road network would need to et al. (2009). These costs involve upgrading the quality of the tertiary
grow in length by around 175 percent to attain 100 percent rural road network (to a level adequate to the demands made upon it),
accessibility. Third, in the DRCGE model, we chose to consider the improving the network of unclassified roads (so as to minimize ongoing
rural road network as a pure public good with a Hicks's neutral maintenance costs), adding additional links to the unclassified network
productivity effect on agricultural input (for a similar approach see, to reach the most isolated villages, and ultimately, maintaining the final
for instance, Estache et al., 2012 or Chitiga et al., 2016). On this basis, network in its improved, upgraded, or expanded form. The relation
we change previous Eq. 1 into equation 1’ where agricultural produc- between the RAI target and the network length is not linear. Each
tivity is also now a function, with a lagged effect, of the road network successive increment in the RAI becomes increasingly costly, as more
growth rate in the preceding period given a spillover effect ( Road ) of kilometers of road are needed to reach increasingly isolated segments
road infrastructure. of the rural population. On this basis, reaching a RAI target of 40% or
100% would involve a respective spending about USD 536 million and
USD 1336 million.
Selected results of the simulations are presented in Table 6 (see also
the Supplementary Material) and appear consistent with other findings
within CGE literature (for instance World Bank (2010) or Arndt et al.,
RONET is developed by the Sub-Saharan Africa Transport Policy Program of the
(2015) for Ghana). They confirm for instance that a progressive
World Bank (see ssatpdev.worldbank.org).

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Table 5
Selected average impacts of agro-climatic scenarios combining long run yield reduction(1) and increasing drought intensity and frequency (Average annual
deviation from BAU value in % for 2015–2040(2)).
Source: Own calculations with GAMS software for DRCGE results and STATA software for DMS results

Level of drought intensity

Severe (is=−10%) High (ih=−12.5%) Very high (ivh=−15%)

Probability of drought p=0 p=0.1 p=0.2 p=0.3 p=0.1 p=0.2 p=0.3 p=0.1 p=0.2 p=0.3

Economic indicators
National real GDP −2.45 −3.18 −3.89 −4.74 −3.44 −4.38 −5.49 −3.61 −4.65 −5.97
National Price Index 4.18 5.52 6.90 8.55 6.16 8.15 10.45 6.66 8.76 11.82
Agricultural GDP −2.81 −3.66 −4.47 −5.42 −3.96 −5.03 −6.26 −4.15 −5.21 −6.77
Agricultural Price Index 5.85 8.02 10.16 12.66 9.00 12.06 15.52 9.73 12.72 17.53
Welfare indicators
Real income per capita
Subsistence farmers −1.48 −2.47 −3.31 −4.16 −2.97 −4.18 −4.65 −3.35 −4.67 −6.17
Other agricultural workers −4.38 −4.92 −5.62 −6.62 −4.96 −5.82 −6.18 −4.93 −5.89 −7.35
Formal workers −2.72 −3.19 −3.73 −4.46 −3.34 −4.05 −4.28 −3.43 −4.20 −5.35
Infomal workers −2.28 −2.89 −3.50 −4.24 −3.10 −3.90 −4.23 −3.24 −4.12 −5.27
Headcount Poverty Rate
National 1.15 1.58 2.01 2.46 1.76 2.21 2.80 2.02 2.66 3.34
Rural areas 1.29 1.74 2.19 2.67 1.92 2.38 3.00 2.22 2.84 3.53
Urban areas 1.02 1.46 1.90 2.34 1.66 2.15 2.75 1.85 2.62 3.36
Headcount Food Poverty Rate
National 1.50 2.06 2.63 3.21 2.30 2.89 3.66 2.67 3.48 4.36
Rural areas 1.70 2.29 2.90 3.53 2.53 3.15 3.98 2.95 3.77 4.68
Urban areas 1.18 1.69 2.20 2.71 1.92 2.49 3.19 2.12 3.05 3.91
Food Security
Food Insecurity Ratio
National 0.46 0.64 0.81 0.99 0.67 0.89 1.13 0.71 1.08 1.35
Rural areas 0.49 0.67 0.84 1.02 0.70 0.91 1.15 0.74 1.09 1.35
Urban areas 0.43 0.62 0.81 1.00 0.66 0.91 1.17 0.71 1.12 1.43
Food Access Index
National −1.65 −2.15 −2.64 −3.22 −2.29 −2.93 −3.68 −2.39 −2.90 −3.96
Rural areas −3.16 −3.91 −4.68 −5.63 −4.11 −5.07 −6.26 −4.23 −4.95 −6.63
Urban areas 0.25 0.15 0.07 0.04 0.10 −0.01 −0.07 0.07 −0.06 −0.14
Food Availability Index −2.13 −2.73 −3.34 −4.08 −2.89 −3.68 −4.63 −2.99 −3.98 −4.96

(1) (2)
Notes: Medium long run climate change scenario Results computed from 30 randomized simulations for each scenario.

improvement in access to rural zones would be enough to counter the insufficient to realize this potential even though the government
negative effects of climate change and climate variability. Logically, this announced an objective of increasing irrigated land area by 125,000
neutralization effect takes place all the more rapidly as the assumed ha by 2015 (Domínguez-Torres and Foster, 2011). In this context, our
spillover effect is high. For a high level, the impacts of climate are second adaptation strategy assumes an expansion in the capacity of
neutralized from an RAI threshold close to 60%. For an intermediate irrigated agriculture (see for instance Beyene and Engida, 2013 for a
level, this neutralization is reached around an RAI value close to 80% in similar approach), that will take place at the expense of unirrigated
2040. For a low level, a value of 100% would be required to achieve land without necessarily achieving the total potential in 2040.
quasi neutralization of the effects of climate. In regards to the costs- Selected results of the net impact of such strategy are presented in
benefits, results show that such a policy would be a potentially Table 7 (see also the Supplementary Material). They indicate that
profitable investment. For the low level of spillover effect, reaching increasing the area of irrigated land could be a profitable investment.
the RAI threshold of neutralization (100%) could generate a national Achieving the full irrigable potential of the Niger could, for instance,
real GDP net gain of about USD 437 million annually (USD 251 million generate a national real GDP net gain of about USD 117 million
if we only consider the agricultural real GDP). For a high level of annually (USD 72 million for agricultural real GDP). They also show
spillover effect, these net gains would be respectively of about USD 466 that even if it could improve economic and social indicators in the
million and USD 269 million for the RAI threshold of neutralization of country (except for the export agricultural workers whose income suffer
60%. from the mechanical decrease of the irrigated land rental rate), it would
not be enough to compensate entirely for the effects of new climatic
5.2. Increasing irrigation capacities conditions. This outcome can be compared with those of Bosello et al.
(2015) which, for instance, find a same result for Mozambique, even in
The Niger's irrigation potential is currently under-exploited, parti- a different framework. For Niger, one reason is that not all crops,
cularly in the Niger River valley in the South-West of the country. Of particularly cereals which form the basic staple of the Nigerien diet,
the 15 million hectares of arable land, only 0.67% is irrigated (FAO, lend themselves necessarily to irrigation. Another reason is that as a
2016b). You et al. (2011), combining biophysical and socioeconomic result of the country's physical conditions and climate, the potential of
factors, indicate for instance that Niger could potentially expand the land able to be irrigated is ultimately fairly low. However, this type of
irrigated area about 162% over existing area with a good level of strategy should not be neglected, because it concerns primarily cash
profitability, with large-scale irrigation programs (reflecting only crops that form a major part of agricultural GDP, and it remains a
specific infrastructures) or small-scale irrigation projects, for an overall potentially cost-effective means of mitigating the damages from future
investments spending about USD 788 million. Current investments are adverse climatic changes.

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Table 6
Selected average net impacts(1) of a rural road network improvement policy under various hypotheses for spillover effects and RAI level reached in 2040
(Average annual deviation from BAU value in % for 2015–2040(2)).
Source: Own calculations with GAMS software for DRCGE results and STATA software for DMS results

Net impacts with adaptation strategy

Level of spillover effect of road network on agricultural productivity

Low (ѰRoad = 0113) Medium (ѰRoad = 0,15) High (ѰRoad = 0188)

Without RAI level reached in 2040 RAI level reached in 2040 RAI level reached in 2040
strategy 40% 60% 80% 100% 40% 60% 80% 100% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Economic indicators
National real GDP −4.38 −2.73 −1.75 −0.96 −0.30 −2.18 −0.89 0.15 1.03 −1.63 −0.01 1.29 2.46
National Price Index 8.15 4.80 3.16 1.90 0.88 3.87 1.79 0.22 −1.02 2.95 0.46 −1.38 −2.89
Agricultural GDP −5.03 −3.02 −1.79 −0.77 0.10 −2.33 −0.68 0.70 1.89 −1.62 0.48 2.24 3.88
Agricultural Price Index 12.06 6.54 3.71 1.53 −0.22 4.94 1.34 −1.37 −3.55 3.35 −0.96 −4.17 −6.89
Welfare indicators
Real income per capita
Subsistence farmers −4.18 −2.65 −1.70 −0.94 −0.29 −2.12 −0.87 0.15 1.01 −1.58 −0.01 1.26 2.46
Other agricultural workers −5.82 −3.23 −1.75 −0.54 0.48 −2.40 −0.43 1.17 2.54 −1.55 0.92 2.94 4.66
Formal workers −4.05 −2.84 −2.21 −1.70 −1.29 −2.49 −1.66 −1.01 −0.47 −2.13 −1.11 −0.32 0.35
Infomal workers −3.90 −2.50 −1.69 −1.04 −0.49 −2.04 −0.98 −0.12 0.59 −1.58 −0.26 0.80 1.74
Headcount Poverty Rate
National 2.21 1.34 0.79 0.35 −0.01 1.03 0.31 −0.25 −0.70 0.72 −0.16 −0.83 −1.42
Rural areas 2.38 1.46 0.87 0.40 0.01 1.13 0.35 −0.25 −0.75 0.79 −0.21 −0.90 −1.55
Urban areas 2.15 1.26 0.72 0.31 −0.03 0.96 0.27 −0.25 −0.67 0.66 −0.19 −0.79 −1.31
Headcount Food Poverty Rate
National 2.89 1.75 1.03 0.46 0.00 1.34 0.41 −0.31 −0.89 0.93 −0.30 −1.06 −1.81
Rural areas 3.15 1.92 1.14 0.52 0.02 1.48 0.47 −0.32 −0.97 1.04 −0.32 −1.15 −1.98
Urban areas 2.49 1.46 0.84 0.36 −0.03 1.11 0.32 −0.28 −0.76 0.76 −0.28 −0.90 −1.50
Food Security
Food Insecurity Ratio
National 0.89 0.54 0.32 0.14 0.00 0.41 0.13 −0.10 −0.28 0.29 −0.06 −0.33 −0.57
Rural areas 0.91 0.56 0.33 0.15 0.00 0.43 0.14 −0.10 −0.29 0.30 −0.09 −0.34 −0.59
Urban areas 0.91 0.54 0.31 0.13 −0.01 0.41 0.12 −0.11 −0.29 0.28 −0.05 −0.34 −0.57
Food Access Index
National −2.93 −1.53 −0.66 0.05 0.67 −1.05 0.12 1.08 1.92 −0.55 0.93 2.17 3.32
Rural areas −5.07 −2.91 −1.59 −0.50 0.43 −2.18 −0.40 1.07 2.35 −1.42 0.84 2.73 4.45
Urban areas −0.01 0.32 0.59 0.84 1.06 0.47 0.86 1.21 1.54 0.63 1.15 1.64 2.14
Food Availability Index −3.68 −1.98 −0.95 −0.09 0.64 −1.41 −0.02 1.13 2.12 −0.81 0.95 2.42 3.77
Costs-benefits indicators of strategy
Average annual cost (3) – 21.4 32.2 42.9 53.4 21.4 32.2 42.9 53.4 21.4 32.2 42.9 53.4
Average annual national net gain (4) in real GDP – 183.6 285.1 367.3 436.6 240.2 374.7 483.4 575.0 298.3 466.4 602.2 724.1
Annual real GDP gains/costs – 8.56 8.85 8.56 8.17 11.21 11.64 11.27 10.76 13.91 14.48 14.04 13.55
Average annual net gain in agricultural real GDP – 102.4 161.0 209.4 251.0 134.9 213.9 279.4 336.1 168.7 269.1 353.0 431.1
Annual real agricultural GDP gains/costs – 4.77 5.00 4.88 4.70 6.29 6.64 6.52 6.29 7.87 8.36 8.23 8.07

Notes: (1) Medium long run climate change scenario combined with variability scenario with p = 0.2 and ih = −12.5% (2) Results computed from 30 randomized simulations for each
scenario (3) In USD million, based on Carruthers et al. (2009) (4) In USD million, compared to the scenario without adaptation strategy.

5.3. Substituting traditional cultivars with modern varieties of Millet Given the difficulties involved in setting up such policy and the
and Sorghum possibility of resistance on the part of the farmers, we tested several
hypotheses for the substitution to achieve a 25%, 50% 75% and 100%
In this last a strategy for adaptation, we consider an improvement target for the surface area cultivated with modern varieties at the end of
of farm management practices. As it has already been emphasized that the period. Moreover, as Sultan et al. (2013) stress that yields of
cultivation of millet and sorghum occupies a central place in Niger, in modern varieties are potentially more sensitive to climate risks (in
terms of the total area of land cultivated and as a source of food for the 65.2% of their GCM models’ forecasts, they could suffer a greater loss
population, we envisage that farmers could replace traditional varieties of yield by −10% than traditional varieties) we also tested two types of
with modern ones. In an early CGE study, Breisinger et al. (2011) had hypotheses. First, we consider that the two types of crops react in the
already point out the potential benefits of such a green revolution in same way to climate conditions. Second, we consider that modern
Africa. According to Bezançon et al., (2009), millet and sorghum are varieties are more fragile than traditional varieties. However, estimat-
heavily dominated by the traditional varieties in Niger (89.1% and ing the cost of such strategy is not as straightforward as in the previous
95.2% respectively), whose yields are among the lowest in the world. cases. That is due, on the one hand, to the fact that there are different
Yet, Sultan et al. (2013) indicate that modern varieties can have much types of modern or traditional varieties, according to the crops and
better yields (from +61% for millet and +31% for sorghum5 [5]). types of agro-ecological zones in Niger. On the other hand, there is the
fact that the success of such policy also depends on the setting up of
additional programs dedicated to improve management and farming
The traditional varieties include HKP and Somno for millet and Timari and Kénikéba practices, that would include technical assistance (training, access
for sorghum; for the modern varieties, Souna III for millet and CSM 63 for sorghum were to improved seeds or appropriate phytosanitary products, etc.),
selected (See Sultan et al., 2013).

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Table 7
Selected average net impacts(1) of an irrigation capacity improvement strategy under different hypotheses for potential irrigation achieved in 2040 (Average
annual deviation from BAU value in % for 2015–2040(2)).
Source: Own calculations with GAMS software for DRCGE results and STATA software for DMS results

Net impacts with adaptation strategy

Without Potential of irrigation achieved in 2040

strategy 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Economic indicators
National real GDP −4.38 −3.96 −3.80 −3.65 −3.51 −3.38 −3.35
National Price Index 8.15 7.21 6.96 6.73 6.52 6.33 6.18
Agricultural GDP −5.03 −4.52 −4.31 −4.12 −3.94 −3.77 −3.63
Agricultural Price Index 12.06 10.31 9.78 9.28 8.82 8.40 8.29
Welfare indicators
Real income per capita
Subsistence farmers −4.18 −3.84 −3.68 −3.53 −3.40 −3.27 −3.03
Other agricultural workers −5.82 −5.76 −5.77 −5.79 −5.81 −5.83 −6.40
Formal workers −4.05 −3.72 −3.64 −3.56 −3.49 −3.42 −3.37
Infomal workers −3.90 −3.61 −3.50 −3.40 −3.31 −3.23 −3.28
Headcount Poverty Rate
National 2.21 2.35 2.30 2.24 2.20 2.15 2.15
Rural areas 2.38 1.99 1.89 1.81 1.73 1.66 1.60
Urban areas 2.15 2.81 2.72 2.64 2.57 2.50 2.48
Headcount Food Poverty Rate
National 2.89 3.11 3.03 2.96 2.90 2.84 2.83
Rural areas 3.15 2.30 2.20 2.10 2.00 1.92 1.86
Urban areas 2.49 −1.24 −1.19 −1.14 −1.10 −1.07 −1.04
Food Security
Food Insecurity Ratio
National 0.89 0.86 0.84 0.81 0.79 0.77 0.76
Rural areas 0.91 0.90 0.88 0.86 0.84 0.82 0.82
Urban areas 0.91 0.85 0.81 0.77 0.74 0.71 0.68
Food Access Index
National −2.93 −2.60 −2.46 −2.32 −2.20 −2.08 −1.99
Rural areas −5.07 −4.80 −4.69 −4.59 −4.49 −4.40 −4.48
Urban areas −0.01 0.33 0.49 0.64 0.78 0.92 1.21
Food Availability Index −3.68 −3.29 −3.14 −2.99 −2.85 −2.73 −2.66
Costs-benefits indicators of strategy
Average annual cost (3) – 15.8 18.9 22.1 25.2 28.4 31.5
Average annual national net gain (4) in real GDP – 54.6 71.0 86.5 100.7 113.9 117.2
Annual real GDP gains/costs – 3.46 3.75 3.92 4.00 4.02 3.72
Average annual net gain in agricultural real GDP – 30.7 40.2 49.3 57.7 65.5 71.9
Annual real agricultural GDP gains/costs – 1.95 2.13 2.23 2.29 2.31 2.28

Notes: (1) Medium long run climate change scenario combined with variability scenario with p = 0.2 and ih = −12.5% (2)Results computed from 30 randomized simulations for each
scenario (3) In USD million, based on You et al. (2011) (4) In USD million, compared to the scenario without adaptation strategy.

agro-meteorological assistance (reinforcement of early warning sys- million for agricultural real GDP) for the first sensibility hypothesis and
tems to manage meteorological risks or pests attacks, etc.), as well as about USD 495 million and USD 207 million, respectively, for the
research programs to develop the varieties better adapted to the second sensibility hypothesis.
different agro-ecological zones. However, we can ascertain an indirect
estimate of this cost by relying on the previsions made by the Nigerian 6. Conclusion
government in the context of its adaptation program for 2005–2030
(CNEDD, 2010). It was estimated at USD 540 million (including USD This study uses a microsimulated DRCGE model to explore the
491 million investment and USD 49 million maintenance operations). potential economic and social impacts over a 25 year period of various
The results of the simulations are presented in Table 8 (see also the new climate conditions scenarios for Niger. First, it shows how a long
supplementary material). They show that replacing traditional varieties term fall in the main crop yields could reduce the country's economic
with modern ones can be an effective strategy for neutralizing the growth and considerably degrade its poverty and food insecurity
effects of climate change. In the case in which modern varieties react in indicators. Secondly, it also shows how these negative impacts could
the same way as traditional varieties (34.8% of GCM forecasts), the be aggravated by a higher frequency of extreme drought events. Third,
threshold of neutralization is reached when modern varieties represent it shows that there is some room for manœuvre to anticipate these new
between 50% and 75% of traditional varieties at the end of the period. conditions. Improving the rural road network or adopting new crop
When these modern varieties have greater sensitivity (in 65.2% of GCM varieties could, for example, turn out to be worthwhile coping strategie
forecasts), this threshold is logically less high (between 75% and 100%) whose benefits greatly exceed their costs. Similarly, extending irrigated
because the positive effects on yields are in part counterbalanced by the areas could usefully contribute to broader policies to combat the effects
negative sensitivity to climatic risks. Regarding the costs-benefits of the climate.
criteria, this strategy also appears to be the most effective compared Even if these results offer an indication of Niger's vulnerability to
to previous ones as its potential benefits greatly exceed its costs. future climate conditions, some caution should however be exercised
Reaching the thresholds of neutralization could for instance generate a when interpreting the absolute magnitudes of estimated economic or
national real GDP net gain about USD 483 million annually (USD 200 social losses. There are several reasons for this. The first is that our

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

Table 8
Selected average net impacts(1) of a variety substitution strategy for Millet and Sorghum under different hypotheses for climate sensitivity for varieties and for
substitution achieved in 2040 (Average annual deviation from BAU value in % for 2015–2040(2)).
Source: Own calculations with GAMS software for DRCGE results and STATA software for DMS results

Net impacts with adaptation strategy

Scenario with a same sensibility to climate change for Scenario with a different sensibility to climate change
both variety for variety

Share of modern variety on total cultivars adopted in 2040

25% 50% 75% 100% 25% 50% 75% 100%

Economic indicators
National real GDP −4.38 −2.76 −1.28 0.21 1.46 −3.33 −2.05 −0.73 0.41
National Price Index 8.15 3.33 −0.27 −3.50 −5.98 4.92 1.67 −1.37 −3.80
Agricultural GDP −5.03 −3.65 −2.32 −0.94 0.25 −4.14 −3.00 −1.80 −0.73
Agricultural Price Index 12.06 6.61 2.49 −1.20 −4.08 8.39 4.66 1.16 −1.63
Welfare indicators
Real income per capita
Subsistence farmers −4.18 −3.52 −2.84 −2.18 −1.64 −3.73 −3.10 −2.45 −1.91
Other agricultural workers −5.82 −2.48 0.44 3.34 5.79 −3.69 −1.23 1.31 3.52
Formal workers −4.05 −1.53 0.57 2.58 4.22 −2.41 −0.60 1.20 2.73
Infomal workers −3.90 −2.23 −0.72 0.77 2.02 −2.82 −1.53 −0.20 0.95
Headcount Poverty Rate
National 2.21 1.50 0.74 −0.03 −0.67 1.78 1.13 0.44 −0.15
Rural areas 2.38 1.56 0.74 −0.22 −0.98 1.89 1.13 0.34 −0.36
Urban areas 2.15 1.54 0.67 0.36 −0.10 1.78 1.24 0.70 0.26
Headcount Food Poverty Rate
National 2.89 1.94 1.20 −0.06 −0.89 2.31 1.45 0.55 −0.22
Rural areas 3.15 2.05 0.94 −0.28 −1.26 2.49 1.49 0.45 −0.46
Urban areas 2.49 1.79 0.89 0.42 −0.12 2.06 1.43 0.82 0.30
Food Security
Food Insecurity Ratio
National 0.89 0.60 0.30 −0.01 −0.26 0.72 0.45 0.18 −0.06
Rural areas 0.91 0.60 0.26 −0.08 −0.37 0.72 0.43 0.13 −0.14
Urban areas 0.91 0.66 0.40 0.15 −0.05 0.76 0.53 0.30 0.11
Food Access Index
National −2.93 −1.92 −0.89 0.23 1.25 −2.29 −1.44 −0.49 0.38
Rural areas −5.07 −2.91 −0.71 1.71 3.93 −3.70 −1.91 0.12 2.01
Urban areas −0.01 −0.57 −0.98 −1.32 −1.54 −0.39 −0.74 −1.08 −1.33
Food Availability Index −3.68 −2.34 −1.03 0.36 1.60 −2.83 −1.72 −0.53 0.55
Costs-benefits indicators of
Average annual cost (3) – 5.4 10.8 16.2 21.6 5.4 10.8 16.2 21.6
Average annual national real GDP – 179.5 332.1 482.8 609.2 118.1 247.8 381.0 495.7
net gain (4)
Annual real GDP gains/costs – 33.25 30.75 29.80 28.2 21.86 22.95 23.52 22.95
Average annual agricultural real – 73.0 136.0 200.3 255.7 48.6 101.7 157.7 206.9
GDP net gain (4)
Annual real agricultural GDP – 13.51 12.59 12.36 11.84 9.00 9.42 9.73 9.58

Notes: (1) Medium long run climate change scenario combined with variability scenario with p = 0.2 and ih = −12.5% (2) Results computed from 30 randomized simulations for each
scenario (3) In USD million, based on CNEDD-PNUD (2010) 4) In USD million, compared to the scenario without adaptation strategy.

methodology does not fully address the issue of uncertainty about the here the critical question of funding for coping strategies. Contrary to
nature and amplitude of climate change or climate variability or their most low income countries where agricultural production is weather
respective effects on agriculture. Second, our modelling framework sensitive and adaptive capacities are low, Niger now occupies a
does not allow us to take into account all the effects associated with particular position as it will benefit from additional “windfall revenues”
new climatic conditions by including certain collateral effects (health expected from the new Imouraren uranium deposit as well as new
risks, conflict over water, external migrations, etc.). Third, although petroleum production (see for instance Go et al., 2013 or Devarajan
some autonomous adaptation responses to climate change are already et al., 2015). In this context, an important policy question that could be
endogenously determined in the DRCGE model (accumulation dy- also investigated is how this country could harness the increased
namics, intersectoral-labour migration, changes of relative price or income from natural resources to cope with new climate conditions
patterns of consumption, etc), the reality would probably be more and achieve growth and poverty reduction over a long period of time.
flexible over the long time period simulated. Fourth, our methodology
does not really fully examine here the question of costs-benefits of the
planned adaptation strategies which are here only taken into account
through their exogenous supply effects on the agricultural sector Appendix A. Supporting information
without any considerations about their demand effect on the others
activities or even their fiscal space effects. Moreover, we do not address Supplementary data associated with this article can be found in the
online version at doi:10.1016/j.econmod.2017.02.005.

J.-M. Montaud et al. Economic Modelling 63 (2017) 128–142

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