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Professional Learning and Leadership

International Literacy Association International Dyslexia Association Course/Artifact

ILA Standard 6: Professional IDA Standard F: Follow Ethical EDCS 605

Learning and Leadership Standards for the Profession
Artifact #1
Identity Choice
Project- Book
EDCS 605
Artifacts #2&3
Literacy Coaching
Question /
SPED 639
Artifact #4
Writing Unit on
Cultural Identity-
Unit Schedule

Synthesis of Assessment Standards

International Literacy Association standard 6 and International Dyslexia Association
standard F adhere to the professional responsibility of all educators to collaborate with other
professionals involved with teaching. It is important to see our adult learning as a lifelong path
so we can continue to be knowledgeable about currently accepted best practices in the field. Both
standards promote continuous professional learning through collaborative efforts (conferences,
workshops, programs, communication etc) and acknowledge that his level of dedication toward
personal and professional growth, benefits society as a whole. Keeping current on scientifically
based research and sharing this among colleagues, other professionals we work with, and
community members promotes fairness, equality and respect. Literacy specialists appreciate that
professional development that focuses on the needs of all students and reflects this through its
content is in the best interest of all. Both standards strive toward professional learning and
leadership that supports diversity existing in society. The need for instruction that reflects the
range of diverse students is acknowledged in these two standards. Literacy specialists must be
knowledgeable about policies and promote fairness and equality regarding diverse students. They
understand that modelling an overall respect benefits diverse student, the community, and
society at large. ILA Standard 6 focuses on promoting professional learning and IDA standard F
guides us as to how to do this. Standard F focuses not only on teachers but also considers the
community at large.

Summary of Artifacts

The first artifact, #1, is a Professional Identity Choice Project that I completed over the
Spring 2018 semester for the EDCS 605 class. I facilitated a book study with a group of
colleagues in the special education department at my school. We met weekly for 6 weeks to
​ the book ​When kids can’t read: what teachers can do by Kylene Beers (2003).
collaborate on
The main theme that guided my book study included attributes of dependent readers and how to
pinpoint specific areas to address to help students. The team I worked with reflected and shared
about strategies we were trying with our students. We created a team toolkit by the end of the 6
weeks and continued to meet and collaborate as a sped team regarding strategies for the
remainder of the school year.

Artifacts #2 and #3 were extracted from a Literacy Coaching project for EDCS 605. The
aim of the project was to work in partnership with another teacher in order to elicit what would
help the teacher by asking ‘The Question’ (When you think about the teaching you want to do,
what gets in your way?”and then working collaboratively to find a solution. Artifact #2 is an
extract from the question faze of the project and artifact #3 is an extract from the reflection
portion of the project where I express that I grew in the experience as a literacy coach.

Artifact #4 is an excerpt from a writing unit on cultural identity for sped 639. The writing
unit project was a collaborative effort with an associate in the literacy specialist cohort. The
project itself focuses on cultural diversity among students and includes a 3 tiered plan to reach all

Justification of Artifacts
Professional Learning and Leadership (ILA 6).
Follow Ethical Standards for the Profession (IDA: F).
Facilitating a book study group for the professional identity choice project (artifact #1)
allowed me to accomplish my goal of working collaboratively with the special education
department at my school. Facilitating this learning allowed me to share with valued colleagues
important information that would inform and assist our teaching. As we worked through the
book over a two month period, we met weekly to share what we read, what we implemented in
the classroom and how effectively it worked. Collaborating in this way with other special
education teachers was a valuable experience in which we grew professionally together through
shared learning with the best interest of our students, our school, our community, and one
another at the center of our efforts. Throughout this experience I was able to foster positive
leadership qualities in myself and others and focus on adult learning theory in order to reach all
the members in the group.

The literacy coaching project ( artifacts #2 and #3) promoted partnering with another
teacher with whom I work. Encouraging a coaching conversation and collaborating on a plan to
address an issue together was a valuable learning experience we shared. As we committed to the
task of assisting students to become more self reliant through direct instruction of pertinent
strategies, my partner teacher and I strived to positively impact the student, the school, the
community and society.

Artifact #4 is pertinent because it address both standards (ILA 6 and IDA F); Working
with a partner in the cohort required professional learning and the content required us to conduct
ourselves professionally as we explored ways to build a fair and appropriate curriculum around
diverse cultures and sensitive topics. Sharing this work with a trusted co-student in the literacy
specialist program and devising a comprehensive writing plan that adheres to RTI values
demonstrates my commitment to ILA standard 6 and IDA standard F.

The 4 artifacts included in this section demonstrate my ability to adhere to my

professional responsibility as a Literacy Specialist in promoting professional learning through
collaboration with adults. Continuous review of best practice methods of teaching and sharing
among adults with whom I work and using responsible and ethical ways that reflect updated and
diverse pedagogies benefits myself, my colleagues, the students, the community and society at

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