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The Vibration of Rectangular Plates

By G. B. Warburton, M.A., Ph.D.*
I n this paper are considered the free transverse vibrations of rectangular plates with all possible
boundary conditions obtained by combining free, freely-supported, and fixed edges. The Rayleigh
method, assuming waveforms similar to those of beams, is used to derive a simple approximate
frequency expression for all modes of vibration. The terms in this expression depend on the nodal
pattern and the boundary conditions; they are tabulated for fifteen boundary c o n d i t i o n s 4 four
edges free, freely-supported, or fixed and the twelve cases in which some of the edges have one
condition and the rest another. The expression can also be used to obtain frequencies for a plate
which has a combination of all three boundary conditions. The effect on frequency of an edge being
supported and partially restrained is discussed.
For some boundary conditions it is possible to compare derived frequencies with those obtained
by various methods of accurate analysis and by experiment; except for a few cases, the results from
the approximate expression and accurate analysis agree closely.
For rectangular plates and for most boundary conditions and modes of square plates, the nodal
pattern consists of lines approximately parallel to the sides of the plate. The exceptions are discussed
and the gradual transition from these non-parallel patterns characteristic of a square plate to those
of a rectangular plate is traced.
The frequencies of extensional vibrations of rectangular plates are derived for two boundary con-
INTRODUCTION In practice, one edge of a panel may be supported and
I n this paper are considered the frequencies of free transverse partially restrained-a condition between that of freely-
vibrations of rectangular plates for all combinations of free, supported and fixed. For any mode the increase of frequency,
freely-supported, and fixed edges. In transverse vibration, points which is caused by the substitution of a fixed for a freely-
in the plate undergo small displacements in the direction per- supported edge, may be obtained from the approximate formula.
pendicular to the plane of the plate. All four edges of the plate Thus limits are imposed on the required frequency and, from a
may be free, freely-supported, or fixed;there are twelve mixed knowledge of the degree of restraint, an estimate of the frequency
boundary conditions in which some of the edges have one con- can be made. Some of the boundary conditions investigated
dition and the rest another. The author has obtained an approxi- appear to have little practical significance, but those containing
mate formula, expressing frequency in terms of the boundary various numbers of freely-supported edges are required in order
conditions, the nodal pattern, the dimensions of the plate, and to give lower limits for the frequencies of plates with partially
the constants of the material; this formula is applicable to all restrained edges.
fifteen boundary conditions. For six of these the author has not Extensional vibrations can also occur in a plate; then motion
found any reference giving frequencies;for only one-all edges is only in the plane of the plate. AS this type of vibration is
freely-supported-is there a well-known frequency expression. associatedwith high frequenciesand has less practical significance
For the remaining conditions, previous investigators, whose than transverse vibrations, it is only considered briefly for two
work is referred to, have obtained frequencies for some modes boundary conditions (Appendix I).
of vibration for specific values of the ratio of the sides of the Throughout the paper, the plates are assumed to be isotropic,
rectangle. For two of these eight conditions, Eschler (1950)t has elastic, free from applied loads and of uniform thickness, and
obtained frequency equations similar to those found by the the analysis is based on the ordinary theory of thin plates. Also
author and including all modes of vibration. The author also the thickness is assumed to be small in comparison with the
outlines a method of obtaining frequencies for a plate which has wavelength.
a combination of all three boundary conditions, for example,
two free, one freely-supported, and one fixed edge. Notation.
The approximate frequency formula is derived by applying Lengths of sides of rectangular plate. ,
the Rayleigh method (Rayleigh 1894, p. 109 et seq.) and by Ratios in expressions for displacement.
assuming that the waveforms of vibrating plates and beams are Frequency.
similar; thus for a plate with all its edges fixed, the waveform Acceleration due to gravity.
assumed is the product of the characteristic functions for two Thickness of plate.
beams with fixed ends. In effect, the Rayleigh method imposes Number of nodal lines in X and Y directions
additional constraints on a system, so that the resulting fre- respectively.
quencies are higher than those given by an exact analysis.
Whenever possible, the approximate frequencies are compared
with the results of exact or more accurate analyses. For most
rz = -
d ( n - 1)2'
boundary conditions, the errors are very small, but for a few Time.
they are appreciable. To use this method the nodal patterns must Component displacements of a point in the X and
consist of lines approximately parallel to the sides of the plate. Y directions.
Usually this condition is satisfied; the exceptions, and their Transverse disulacement of a Doint.
effect on frequency, are discussed. x, Y Co-orciinate distances in p h i of plate.
A, B, C Component amplitudes.
The MS.of this paper was first received at the Institution on. 21st Eh3
July 1953, and in its revised form, as accepted by the C o u n d for D= 12(1 -u2)'
publication, on 24th November 1953. E
* Lecturer, former1 I.C.I. Research Fellow, Department of Engi- Youne's modulus.
neering, University o?Edinburgh. Gx, Hx, Jx Funzons of m in frequency expression.
t An alphabetical list of reference8 is given in Appendix 111. Gy, H,, Jy Functions of n in frequency expression.
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Ria integral. The maximum values of potential and kinetic energy are given
Kinetic energy. by
Strain energy. Eh3
w = wsinwt.
Factors in amplitude expressions defining nodal
Functions in frequency expressions.
Functions of x and y respectively, defining wave-
T m U =ph2
t g 1: W2&dy . . . . ..... (6)

2rf circular frequency.

By the Rayleigh principle (Rayleigh 1894, p. 109 et seq.), if a
suitable waveform W is assumed, satisfying approximately the
GENERAL METHOD FOR T R A N S V E R S E V I B R A T I O N S boundary conditions, the resulting frequency value is very near
Before considering the various boundary conditions, the basic to, but higher than, the true value, because the assumption of
equations and methods of solution will be given. For a rectangular an incorrect waveform is equivalent to the introduction of
plate of sides of lengths a and b, the vibration form must satisfy constraints to the system. The characteristic beam functions in
the directions OX and OY are normally assumed. By this
method the approximate frequency expressions in this paper are
The energy method gives more accurate values if the
Rayleigh-Ritz method* is used. I n this,a series is assumed for
W, of the form
W = z % A O(x)+@)
ab ab a
(8) . . . .
where &(x) and are the various characteristic bcam
functions corresponding to different modes. The coeflicients
Aab have values, which make w2, given by equation (7),a
For any mode of vibration the nodal pattern is dciined by
m and n, the number of nodal lines in the X and Y directions
respectively. This number includes the edge if it is supported;
thus, for two parallel edges supported, m (or n) can be any
integer given by m> 2. For a plate with one edge supported and
the parallel edge free, m = 1 is an additional value, and for
Fig. 1. Details of Rectangular Plate two parallel edges free, m = 0 and m = 1 are possible. The
method of denoting the mode of vibration by the numbers of
the boundary conditions at the edges OA, AB, BC, CO (Fig. 1); parallellines
nodal is suitable, if the nodal lines are approximately
also it must satisfy the plate equation (Love 1927) :- to the sides of the rectangle. However, when the plate
is square and similarly supported in the X and Y directions, the
nodal lines may not be parallel to the sides. Thus, for a square
plate with all edges fixed (or free) or with two neighbouring
edges lixed and two free (or freely-supported), the patterns
where w, the displacement at any point (x, y) at time t, is given may not be similar to those for rectangles; the case of a square
by plate with all edges freely-supported is an exception-the nodal
w = wsin wt = Ae(x)+Cy)sinwt .. (2) lines are always parallel to the edges. These non-parallel
patterns were first observed experimentally for a square plate
In general, it is not possible to find a form for w to satisfy with free edges by Chladni (1802 and 1817). For this plate, the
equation (1) together with the boundary conditions. For these normal modes of vibration are of the type m/n (that is, m nodal
cases, an infinite series can be assumed for W; each term of the lines in the X direction and n nodal lines in the Y direction)
series satisfies equation (1) and some of the boundary con- only when m = n or m is odd and n is even, or vice versa. When
ditions and, by taking suitable values of the coefficients A, the m-n = f2, f4, f6, . ..
the normal modes are of the types
remaining conditions are satisfied. Usually this procedure leads m/n+n/m and m/n-n/m. These patterns do not consist of lines
to an infinite determinant being zero, each term in the deter- parallel to the sides of the plate; the amplitude of any point is
minant being a different function of the frequency. The roots the sum of the amplitudes of that’point for the component
of the determinant give the natural frequencies for the modes. vibrations m/n and n/m. Thus two new nodal patterns are
Normally, the roots obtained by taking two, three, four and obtained; the plus and minus signs corresponding to m/n and
five rows and columns of the determinant converge to a limit. n/m being in phase and out of phase respectively. However, the
Accurate values of frequency can also be obtained by con- normal modes are m/nfn/m and, in these cases, the modes
siderations of energy. For a rectangular plate, the potential m/n, n/m cannot exist separately. Simple examples of modes of
energy of bending U is given (Timoshenko 1937) by the types m/nfn/m are given in Fig. 2 (first column) for
a/b = 1 for various boundary conditions. The two types have
discrete frequencies as well as discrete nodal patterns. The
gradual transition from normal modes of the types m/nfn/m
to normal modes of the types m/n and n/m, as a/b deviates from
unity, will be considered later in this paper.
When m is even and n is odd (or vim versa) for a free square
plate, the normal modes of vibration have nodal lines parallel
and the kinetic energy T by
This method was first applied by Rim (1909) to the transverse
vibration of free plates; the method and its ap licatian to various
plate problana have been described in detpil by &instock(1952).
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to the sides, and the modes m/n and n/m have, in theory, are only approximate for free edges. The appropriate expressions
identical frequencies. The two modes may vibrate together and for e(x) are given below; corresponding expressions for $(y) can
an infinite number of nodal patterns is theoretically possible, be obtained by substituting y, b, E, and c for x, a, y, and k
corresponding to combinations of the modes m/n and n/m, \Iv’th respectively.
varying amplitude ratios and phase angles. Such combinauons (1) Freely-suppfled at 0 and = a.
are given by Chladni (1802) and are discussed in detail by
Waller (1939). In practice, the frequencies of modes mln and
n/m may not be identical, owing to small imperfections in the
e(x) = sin (m-
- a
for m = 2,3,4,. . . . (9)
plate, and the nodal pattern obtained d depend on the method (2) Fixed at = 0 and = a.
of excitation.
e(x) = cos y(;- j)+k cosh y(z-+)
Characteristic Beam Functions. Using the Rayleigh method,
the characteristic beam functions are substituted for O(x) and
&) in equation (2). These functions satisfy the boundary
for m = 5 4 , 6, ... . . . (lOa)
conditions for plates with fixed or freely-supported edges, but where k I -Sin fr and tan b+tanh fr = 0.
s l n h 4-Y
e(#) = sin yt(;-j) +K’sinh yt(f-j) for m = 3a5a 7,
. . . (lob)
where k’ = --
fr’ and tan w-tanh w = 0.
S i n h 3r’
(3) Free at x = 0 and x = a.
e(x) = 1 form = 0 . . . . .’ . . . . . (lla)
form = 1 . . . . . . . . . .
L a d

Bl H
e(x) = 1-- (llb)
d(x) = cosy(;-+) +k cosh y(f-+) for m = 2,4, 6, (11~)
Sin 4-Y
where k = --wfr and tan fr+tanhfr = 0.

. .. (lld)

lo En

w 2 p o p €3 I
C 0

2/I-l/2 wB
a b-@so
a] h - I-DO alb-o.98 alb- 0.95

Fig. 2. Variation of Nodal Pattern with u/b

a All &CS fixed, m = 4, n = 2. b All edges free, m = 2, n = 0. c Two neighbouring edges fixed, two Erce, m = 2, n = 1.
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number of nodes in the X-direction affect the values of G ,, Hx,
and Jx. Similarly, the edge conditions for y = 0 and y = b and
the value of n control the values of Gy, H,,, and Jy, and the latter
(4) Fixed at x = 0, free at x = u. are identical in this case with those of 9 m Table 1. Thus for
the fundamental mode 111 the frequency factor h is given by
e(x) = cosF-cosh$+k(sin$-sinhy)

for m = 1 , 2 , 3 , . . .... (12)

h2 = 05974+0+~[u(-0*0870). O+(l-u)O.471 .a]

= O.l27+0*287g(l-~)

(5) Fixed at x = 0, freely-supported at x = a. The last column of Table 1 gives the conditions for which
modes of the types m/n&n/m occur for square plates. Sometimes
e(%) = sin yfZh-+)
x +A’ sinh yt(&-+)
the effect of these modes on frequency is considerable; this will
be discussed in the next seaion, where the necessary modified
for m = 2,3,4,. ..... (13) frequency expressions are given. In that section the frequencies
for modes of the type m/n, given by equation (16), are compared
where y’ and k’ are defined in equation (lob). with those obtained by previous investigators. However, it may
(6) Free at x = 0, freely-supported at x = a. be noted that the errors in the frequencies obtained from
equation (16) for plates with no free edges are less than 0.6 per
e(%) = I-; x for m = 1 .......... (14a) cent.

e(x> = siny‘(~--f)+k‘sinhy‘(~-f)
... (14b)
(1) Four Edges Freely-suppolted. This is the only boundary
where y’ and k‘ are defined in equation (lld). condition for which h can be expressed exactly by a simple
formula. The frequency equation derived by the Rayleigh
APPROXIMATE FREQUENCY EXPRESSION method, equation (16), is identical with the well-known exact
expression, Timoshenko (1937). For square or rectangular plates
For any boundary condition, expressions for O(x) and +(y) the nodal lines are always parallel to the sides.
are obtained from equations (9)-(14), and are substituted in
equations (2) and (7) to give an expression for frequency. In (2) Four Edges Ftked. Sezawa (1931) obtained frequenciesfor
each case a non-dimensional frequency factor A, proportional to several modes, but, owing to his assumptions, his values are
frequency, is derived, where inaccurate by 3-5 per cent. Kato (1932), by progressive approxi-
pU4(2&Z12(1- 02) mation, obtained a value h = 3.641 for the fundamental mode
A2 =
ltoEh2g . . .
(15) for a square plate. A more accurate value for this mode,
h = 3.646, has been obtained by Merent methods by Tomotika
It is found that for all possible boundary conditions consisting (1935 and 1936) and Iguchi (1938). The latter also obtained
of any combination of My-supported, free, and fixed edges, frequencies for various higher modes of square plates and for
frequencies can be determined from the expression the fundamental for rectangular plates. By using a modified
minimal problem, Weinstein (1937 and 1951) obtained upper
and lower bounds for the frequency of ten modes for a square
plate. Hopkins (1945) extended the theory to include transverse
where the coefficients Gxa Gya Hxa Hya Jxa and Jy depend on the load, the influence of stiffeners and aeolotropy of the material;
nodal pattern and the boundary conditions. Values of these the only calculated frequency in his paper agrees with those of
coefficients are given in Table 1 for the three pure boundary Tomotika and Iguchi for the fundamental mode for a square
conditions, in which all the plate edges have the same condition, plate. The methods of Tomotika (1936), Iguchi (1938), and
and for the twelve cases in which some of the plate edges have Hopkins (1945) were all similar to that previously described,
one condition and the rest another. where W consists of an infinite series j considerable computation
Suppose the frequency of a rectangular plate with three edges is required to obtain a single frequency by these methods.
fixed and one freely-supported(parallel to the Y-axis) is required Young (1950) applied the Rayleigh-Ritz method to square
for the modem = 2, n = 3. Then from Table 1 and equation (16) plates, and obtained frequencies agreeing with those of Iguchi
(to within 0.1 per cent). Eschler (1950) used the Rayleigh method
to obtain an approximate frequency expression, similar to but
more complicated than equation (16). Comparing values of h
+(l--0). 1*252(1-mT) 1 ,252 given by approximate and exact analyses, the maximum err01
is 0.5 per cent.
d UZ
= 2*44+39.0%+ lO45p Existence of Modes m/nfn/m. When a clamped plate is
square or almost square, the nodal patterns no longer consist of
Thus the frequency factor h is obtained for any ratio a/b; the lines parallel to the sides. Also, a square plate does not have two
frequency is given by normal modes m/n, n/m with identical frequencies, but has
f normal modes represented by m/n&n/m with two discrete
frequencies. The nodal patterns of the modes 4/2&2/4 are
shown in Fig. 2u. The literature contains no record of the
In this case, A is independent of Poisson’s ratio u, because change-over in pattern from a rectangle to a square. Young
Hx = Jx and H, = J,; this is true for any plate with no free (1950) obtained discrete frequenciesfor the two modes 4/2&2/4,
edges. but Iguchi (1938) obtained a frequency only for the mode
Equation (16) and Table 1 can also be used to give frequencies 4/2+2/4. I n order to check the existence of these two modes
of plates with boundaries including all three edge conditions- with discrete frequencies, the author exteaded the analysis of
free, freely-supported, and fixed. For instance, if a rectangular Tomotika (1936) to these modes, and found that they exist
plate has the side x = 0 fixed, y = 0 freely-supported, and separately with discrete frequencies.
x = a and y = b free, the values of G,, Hx, and Jx are idenucal The author investigated the transition of patterns as a / h l
with those of cases 12, 13, and 15 in Table 1 ;that is, only the by using the Rayleigh-Ritz method, but limiting the analysis
boundary conditions for the edges x = 0 and x = a and the to the two principal terms. For a rectangular plate in which
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- - - - - - - Freely-supported edge, m,
- Fixed edge.
-- Free edge.


Boundary conditioi m n Modes m/n&nlm

GY HY JY exist for a b if,

2,3,4,. . 2,3,4, . I n--. (n-l)z None

2 2 1-50 1.248
3,4,5, .. I, 4.5,. . n-!
2 m-n= f2,4,6... .

0 0 0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 2 193 r-n = i2.4.6, ...
3,4,5, .. I, 4,5, .. n-1 1-+)2 c 1--

2 160( 1.248
2,3,4, .. 1,4,5, .. n-4 I -w[1-An None

1,3,4,.. !, 3,4, .. n-4

3,4,5, .. ,I 3.4, .. n-I (n-l)a

!,3.4, .. r 3 r 4,. . n-1 (n-l)2 None

0 0
1 0

1-1 1
!,3.4, .. 3
4,5, ..

1 1 0
t, 3.4,. . 8 3.4,. . n-f

I,4,5, ., 1 3.4, .. n-1 (n-l)1 (n- 111 None

I, 3,4,. . B3.4,. . 0-1 (n-1)* None

2 2 L.506
1,4,5, .. I 4,5, .. *-f None

I 1 1.597 -0.0870 0.471

2 2 ,494 1.347 3.284
2 2 mitn
I4.5,. . I
4,5,. .I 1-+

0 0
1 0
2 2 -506
,4,5,. .. 4,5, ... I-+

0 0 0
1 1 0 0
2 2 -506
,4.5,. .. ... None

- 4,5, 1-f
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there are an even number of nodes in both the X and Y directions, and
the displacement may be expressed as Eh3
W =A[..sy(~-~)+kroshy~-,)][00~€(f-f)
12(1 0 2 )
Owing to the existence of the small term T]’, the two modes m/n
and n/m are never completely independent;their effect on each
+c cosh c(f-+)] other w ill be investigated for particular values of m and n. If the
modes 412 and 214 (or the associated modes 4/2f2/4) be con-
sidered, then substituting y = 3.57~and e = 1.506~in equations
+B[cosc~--f)+ccosh~~--))][cosY(%--f) (18) and (19), two frequencyfactors hl and X2, with corresponding
amplitude ratios @ / A ) , and (B/A)2, are obtained for any value
+ k coshy($-t)] of a/b. It should be noted that (B/A)l = -(A/&. In Fig. 3a,
hl and h2 are plotted against a/b for these modes; the dotted
where the amplitude ratio A / B is chosen for each mode to make lines represent the values of X1 and hz obtained by applying
the frequency a minimum for that mode. This is expressed equation (16) to these modes. It will be observed that the
mathematically by resulting difference in frequency, if a dotted line is used instead
of its associated full line, is negligible. Thus if it is erroneously
-aaRA = 0 , aaRT=O
where R is the Riu integral given by
a2w a2w

azw 2 12(1-u2)pw2~
]&dy . (17). .
The evaluation of this integral is simplified by noting that

provided that W = 0 at the four edges. This was proved by

Leggett (1941) in a paper on the buckling of plates.
- - (9g +4p +2y2czr)
o = -aA x - x phw2
)A+&j$ (18) - - -
. . . (19)
[1-(- ‘I+-; 2
sin y ) ] 1-(- l)n(cz-;
sin €)I 0:6 09

b All edges free, m = 2, n = 0.

16 a16
u All edges fixed, m = 4, n = 2. c Two neighbouring edges fixed, two free, m = 2, n = 1.
Fig. 3. Variation of Frequency Factor X with a/b
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T H E V I B R A T I O N OF R E C T A N G U L A R P L A T E S 377
assumed that the normal modes for a square plate with fixed corrected the work of Goldmann and showed theoretidy and
edges are 412 and 214, instead of 4/2f2/4, the frequency error experimentally that for alb = 1.5, the nodal patterns were
will be very small. The amplitude ratio (B/A)l is plotted in approximately parallel to the sides, conesponding to modes of
Fig. 4 (curve I); these values have been used to construct the the type mln. By taking three plates for which alb = 1,1.04, and
1.07, Pavlik showed theoretically and experimentally the transi-
tion from the characteristic patterns of square plates to those of
rectangular plates. Waller's papers (1939 and 1949), which
include a large number of experimental patterns for square and
r e ~ . 3 u l a free
r plates, showed the same transition.
Equation (16), with Table 1, gives frequencies for all modes of
the type mln; that is, it gives all frequencies for rectangular
plates and frequencies for square (or almost square) plates when
m = n or m - n is an odd number. When the plate is square and
m-n 1s an even number, the modes are of the types m/nfn/m.
The range of values of a/b, in which the transition from modes
m / n to modes m l n f n l m occurs, is considerably greater for free
plates than for fixed plates. Also, the percentage difference in
frequency between two associated modes m/n+n/m and
mln-nlm is much greater for free plates than for fixed plates.
Thus it is necessary to modify the frequency expressions
previously given.
Modes m10fOlmfor Square Plates Wherem is Even. Assuming
vibrauon forms
LV = A[cosy(~-+)+k coshy(:-+)]
fA[cos y e - i ) +k a s h y e - + )
Fig. 4. Variation of Amplitude Ratio with a/b it is found that
I All edges fixed, m = 4, n = 2.
I1 All edges free, m = 2, n = 0. A2 = (m-+)4f2o(m-+)2;;-,8 . . . (20)
I11 TWOneighbouring edges fixed, two free, m = 2, n = 1.
Modes m l l fllm for Square Plates Where m = 3, 5, 7
nodal patterns for a/b = 1 and a / b = 0.98, shown in Fig. 2 ~ . Assuming vibration forms
Fig. 2 shows the rapid change from patterns characteristic of
square plates to those for rectangular plates, as a/b deviates from W = A[sin y ' E - + ) +k' sinh f(:-f)](l-?)

Similar results are obtained for modes with odd numbers of

nodes in the X and Y directions, provided m # n. When m is
odd and n even, or vice versa, there is no term in AB in the it is found that
integral R. Hence the two equations, corresponding to equations
(18) and (19), are independent. Thus, in this case, mln and nlm
are normal modes for all values of a/b and there is only one
frequency for the square plate, as the two equations are identical
for a/b = 1.
Only one pair of modes has been investigated in detail, but
these modes have the lowest frequencies at which this pheno- Modes mlnfnlm for Square Plates Where m and n are Like
menon occurs. From the nature of 7' [equation (19a)], it can Quantities but Unequal (m>l, n>l). Assuming vibraaon
be seen that the percentage difference between the frequencies forms
for modes m/n+n/m and m/n-n/m decreases as m and n
increase. Thus the author has not attempted to allow for these W = A[cos y ( z - 4 ) +k cosh y(z-+)] [msc~-+)
modes in his approximate frequency equation (16). When the
plate is square, and m and n are unequal but both even (or both +c coshce;'-+)]
odd), there will be two frequencies, both nearly equal to that
given by the approximate formula. The nodal patterns for these
modes can be determined by addition and subtraction of the & A [ c o s c ~ - + ) + cc o s h ~ ( ~ - f f ) ] [ c o s y ~ - f )
relevant patterns for modes m / n and n/m.
+k coshy(:-+)]
(3) Four Edges Free. Chladni (1802 and 1817) determined
experimentally the nodal patterns of square plates. The it is found that
theoretical determination of frequencies and nodal patterns of A2 = (m-.))4+(n-+)4
free square plates was the first application by Ritz (1909) of
his method, which has since been applied to many other
problems. Lemke (1928) repeated the work of Ritz with greater
accuracy (in effect this means taking more terms in the series 6 6
for displacement) and she also obtained experimental frequencies
and nodal patterns; for the graver tones there was good agree- 160 1 m-n
ment between theory and experiment. Ritz showed that for
square plates the normal modes were of the type mln with nodal
f,2[(m -+)4{- m +n - 1 (m -+)2+ (n-f)*
lines approximately parallel to the sides, if m = n or if m was 1 m-n
odd and n even (or vice versa). For m-n = 5 2 , f 4 , f 6 , . ..
the normal modes were of the types m/nfn/m. 32( 1 - 0 ) 1 m+n-1 2
Goldmann (1918) extended the work of Ritz to rectanguh f j12 (m- +)2(n-+)2[ m+n--l+ (m -+)2 +(n-4121
plates, but erroneously assumed that modes of the types
m/nfn/m existed in rectangular plates. Pavlik (1936 and 1937) . . . (22)
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378 THE V I B R A T I O N OF R E C T A N G U L A R P L A T E S
It will be seen that for all modes m/n&n/m, the expression for one edge fixed and three edges free. For the latter condition
A2 consists of the corresponding expression for the non-existent Barton (1951) performed similar calculations for rectangular
mode m/n plus (or minus) a ‘correction factor’. These factors are plates and obtained experimental frequencies for these modes.
not negligible; the difference in frequency for the modes Eschler (1950)obtained an approximate solution for plates with
2/0+0/2and 210-0/2 is approximately 25 per cent for (I = 3. two parallel edges free and two fixed, but his solution considered
However, in the correction factor of equations (20)and (22), it only modes in which there were two or more nodal lines parallel
is sufficiently accurate to use the integral value m = 2 (or n = 2) to the free edges; thus the two gravest families of modes-with
with no modification; the usual modifications are made in the no nodal line and one nodal line parallel to the free edges-were
remainder of the expressions for hz. Frequencies have been ignored.
calculated from these equations for various modes for square The accuracy of the frequencies obtained from equation (16)
plates and for rectangles, where a / b = 1.5, and have been depends on the boundary conditions. As has been mentioned,
compared with the accurate values of Ritz (1909),Lemke (1928), the assumed waveforms do not satisfy exactly the conditions for
and Pavlik (1936). For square plates, frequencies given by the a free edge ;hence the frequencies are not as accurate for plates
approximate formulae are 5 per cent high for modes 111, 211, with one or more free edges. When there are no free edges, the
and 2/2, but for most other modes the error is less than 1 per frequencies given by equation (16) and by exact analysis agree
cent. For the rectangular plate the error for the fundamental to within 0.6 per cent. When free edges exist, the approximate
mode 1/1 is 6 per cent, but for other modes the errors in fre- frequencies are usually within 1 per cent of the exact values,
quency are about 1 per cent. but they are sometimes 5 per cent too high when the charac-
The author has investigated the transition as a/&l from the teristic functions for free-free or fixed-free beams are used in
modes 210 and 0/2of rectangular plates to the modes 2/0+0/2 the analysis. The greatest errors occur for cantilever plates
and 2/0-0/2 of square plates. The method has been described (condition 15) for the modes 1 /I and 2/1;for a square plate the
for plates with fixed edges. The waveform assumed is :- approximate frequencies are 11 and 3 per cent too high and for
a / b = 5 they are 27 and 12 per cent too high for these modes.
W = A[cos y(:-+) +k ~~shy(:-+)] For both these modes the waveform in the Y-direction is

I n Fig. 3b the frequency factors, A1 and h2, for the two modes
are plotted against a/b. The frequency factors that would be
obtained by erroneously using equation (16) are shown by
dotted lines. Over the range 0.8 <a/b <1.25, if frequencies are
obtained from equation (16)for these modes, they are inaccurate.
I n Fig. 4 (curve 11) the variation of the amplitude ratio
with a/b is shown; this has been used to plot the nodal patterns
for the two modes for various values of a / b in Fig. 2.It will be
seen from Figs. 2 and 4 that the transition from modes charac-
teristic of rectangular plates to those of square plates is much
more gradual for free plates than for fixed plates. The amplitude
ratios agree with those obtained theoretically and experimentally
by Pavlik (1936and 1937)j his results show that for other modes
(B/A)l decreases as the difference between m and n increases,
for a particular value of a/b. Thus it is safe to conclude that for
all modes for which (m-n) is an even number, equation (16)is
inaccurate only over the range 0.8 <a/b <1.25.
(4, Mixed Boundmy Conditions. For six of the twelve mixed
boundary conditions listed in Table 1 accurate values of
frequency have been obtained for some modes by other investi-
gators. For each of the conditions, in which two parallel edges
are freely-supported (conditions 6, 7, 10, and 1l), there exists a
waveform, which satisfies the plate equation (1) and all the
boundary conditions. The resulting frequency equations are
transcendental and can be solved numerically only for particular
values of (n-l)a/b. For a plate with two parallel edges fixed
and two freely-supported, Sezawa (1931) and Kato (1932)
obtained the fundamental frequency, and Iguchi (1938)obtained
frequencies for several modes. Eschler (1950)solved the problem
with the addition of loads applied in the plane of the plate and
he also obtained an approximate frequency expression similar
to equation (16). Voigt (1893)first derived the transcendental
equations for plates with two parallel edges free, two freely- I 2 3 4 5 6 7
supported; following this analysis Zeissig (1898) calculated
frequencies for various modes and performed experimental Fig. 5. Frequencies of Cantilever Plate
investigations, which gave frequencies and nodal patterns a/b = 1.855.
agreeing with his calculations. Eschler (1950)repeated Voigt’s o Grinsted’s experimental points.
analysis, adding the effect on frequency of loads applied to the n Number of nodal lines in Y direction.
plate in its plane, and he also obtained an approximate frequency
expression, but it included only modes with two or more nodal assumed to be linear. This assumption, which cannot be
lines parallel to the free edges. Iguchi (1938) calculated fre- expected to give good results, is also associated with the less
quencies for several modes for a plate with one edge fixed, three accurate frequencies obtained for free plates. In Fig. 5 the
edges freely-supported. For the last of these four conditions- frequencies of a rectangular cantilever plate (a/b = 1.855),
one edge free, three edges freely-supported-the author has obtained from equation (16) and Table 1, have been plotted
derived the transcendental frequency equation (Appendix 11). against the number of nodal lines in the X-direction, m, each
Young (1950) used the Rayleigh-Rim method to calculate curve representing a different number of nodes in the Y-direc-
frequencies of the five gravest modes of vibration of square tion, n. As m and n can only be integers, the curves connecting
plates with two neighbouring edges free and two fixed, and with the frequencies have no physical significance, but merely indicate
Downloaded from pme.sagepub.com at IOWA STATE UNIV on May 10, 2014
the different families of modes. Grinsted (1952) obtained experi- Therefore 3*24<h<3.66, where A is the required frequency
mental frequencies for 24 modes for a plate of these dimensions factor of the plate. From the inequality and knowledge of the
and his experimental points are shown in Fig. 5. Apart from the degree of restraint applied to the plate edge it should be possible
mode 111 the greatest difference between experimental and to estimate the fundamental frequency to an accuracy of about
theoretical frequencies is 6.4 per cent and the mean error is 3 per cent. If all the edges of a plate are partially restrained, only
2-5 per cent. The diagram shows that, in general, the frequency a rough approximation to the fundamental frequency can be
error decreases as m and n increase. expected from this method.
For three of the mixed boundary conditions of Table 1
(5, 9, and 13) modes of the types m/nfn/m exist for square
plates, when m and n are unequal. When the plate has two
neighbouring edges fixed and two freely-supported (condition5),
the difference in frequency between associated modes is
negligible, and equation (16) with Table 1 can be used to give
approximate frequencies; the rapid transition from nodal APPENDIX I
patterns characteristic of square plates to those of rectangular
plates is similar to that described for a plate with all its edges C O R R E L A T I O N B E T W E E N P L A T E A N D C Y L I N D E R T H E O R Y .
fixed. A square plate with two neighbouring edges free and two
freely-supported (condition 9) behaves in a manner similar to TRANSVERSE A N D E X T E N S I O N A L V I B R A T I O N S
that of a plate with free edges. Thus the percentage difference in
frequency for associated modes, m(n+n!m .and mln-nlm, may The flexural vibrations of thin cylinders with freely-supported
be considerable. Frequency expressions slrmlar to equations (21) ends and with fixed ends have been investigated (Arnold and
and (22) can be derived, and for modes m/l f 1 /m,where m > 1, Warburton 1949 and 1953). By making the cylinder radius
approach infinity the results from these papers can be applied
to the vibration of flat, rectangular plates with either all edges
freely-supported or two parallel edges fixed and two edges
freely-supported. For plates, the distance between nodal lines
in the Y-direction is b/n- 1 (Fig. 6); this must replace the ratio
The behaviour of the modes 211 and 1/2 for a plate with two of cylinder circumference to number of circumferential nodes in
neighbouring edges lixed and two free (condition 13) has been the expressions for cylinders, as both these quantities for
investigated by the Rayleigh-Ritz method, assuming cylinders approach infinity.

W = A [ c o s ~ - c o s h ~ + k ( s i n ~ - s i n ha~ ) ] [ c o s $
-cosh ?+ c(sin%- sinh f)] yI
+B[cos%-cosh -+c
EX s i n --sinh -)][ax
€X 7
a (: a
- c o s h ~ + k ( s i n ~ - s i n h pb) ] .... , (24)
I n Fig. 4, curve I11 gives the variation of the amplitude ratio --r--+--
A/B with a/b. Fig. 3c shows the variation of frequency with a/b
for the two modes; the full lines represent the frequencies
calculated by the Rayleigh-Ritz method and the dotted lines
represent those calculated from equation (16) and Table 1.
The points marked 0 were obtained for a square plate by
Young, using several terms in his series expression for W,and
show that the use of two terms in the expression for W instead
of the approximate frequency expression (16) may not, in fact, Fig. 6. Details of Rectangular Plate
increase the accuracy. The author considers that approximate
frequencies for all modes can be obtained from equation (16),
particularly as the percentage difference in frequency between Plates With All Edges Freely-supported. From the results for
associated modes m/n+n/m and m/n-n/m decreases as m and n freely-supported cylinders [Arnold and Warburton 1949,
increase; the errors for modes m/n&tn/m will not be greater than equation (15)] a frequency equation is obtained for plates, and
those existing for modes m/n for this boundary condition. If it has the following roots (in the notation of this paper) :-
exact values are required for the higher modes, a series of 2 2
several terms must be used for W.The variation of nodal pattern A1Z = [(m-l)2+(n-l)2;] . , (25u) . . . . .
with a/b is shown in Fig. 2c for the modes 2/1 and 1/2.

For a plate which has three edges fixed and the other supported
and partially restrained frequency limits can be found for any
mode by considering the fourth side to be (a) fixed and (b) freely-
supported. The greatest percentage difference between these The frequency equation for cylinders also gave three roots for
limits will occur for the fundamental mode. For this mode for any nodal pattern; the lowest root corresponded to flexural
a square plate, taking values from Table 1, vibrations and the two higher roots to extensional vibrations.
with four edges fixed For plates, if u and er are the displacements of a point (x, y) in
h,2 = 1.5064+1.5064+2. 1.2482 the X-Y-directions and w is the transverse displacement,
= 13.41
A, = 3.66
with three edges fixed and one freely-supported
hb2 = 1.254+1*5064+2. 1.252(1--=-)1*248

= 10.49 and
& = 3.24
Downloaded from pme.sagepub.com at IOWA STATE UNIV on May 10, 2014
where A, B, and C are component amplitudes. From the ampli-
tude ratios for cylinders [Arnold and Warburton 1949, equations
(17) and (re)] it follows that for plates,
A P P E N D I X I1
for h1 A=B=O
for h2 C=Oand-A =B
(n- 1)a
Considering OC (Fig. 1) to be free and the other edges fieely-
(n- 1)a supported the waveform which satisfies the plate equation is
and for h3 C = O a n d --A=B
(m -1)b
w = sinotsin- n(n-l)y[ Asrn (n(n;1)2u . -(rZ-l)+($+)}
Thus, the vibrations associated with hl are transverse vibra-
tions, and the frequency expression for hl agrees with that pre-
viously given [equation (16)]. The other roots give much higher
frequencies, as h/a must be small for a thin plate, and are asso-
ciated with extensional vibrations; that is, the motion occurs
only in the plane of the plate. From the boundary conditions
Love (1927, p. 497) gives equations for extensional vibrations
of plates; by substituting u and w from equations (26) in his
equations, the expressions for X2 and h3, given in equations
(25b and c), can be obtained. For transverse vibrations the
boundary conditions considered were freely-supported, free,
and fixed; for extensional vibrations new definitions are neces-
sary. In general, there are two conditionsfor the edge OY; these and the frequencies are given by
conditions depend on whether that edge is free to move in the
X-direction. These conditions will be referred to as free and
restrained; in this section all edges of the plate are free. From
equation (26) it can be seen that there are m equally-spaced lines. 2fr2+l)f coth [T(#-l>a
~ ( r z + l ) + ]= 0. (30)
parallel to the Y-axis, including the edges, for which u = 0;
between these lines there are (m-1) lines for which u = 0. This equation has to be solved numerically for particular values
Similarly, parallel to the X-axis there are n lines, including the of (n-l)a/b and U.
edges, for which u = 0 and n-1 lines for which u = 0. Thus
the only real nodes are a finite number of points, given by the
intersection of these two series of lines. Further investigation
shows the difference between the two types of mode associated
with h2 and A3 respectively. For the former type the plate edges,
x = 0, x = a,y = 0, and y = b, must be free from direct stress,
but a shear stress must be applied to the edges for the equili- A P P E N D I X I11
brium equation to be satisfied. For the latter type no stresses are
applied to the edges. Thus equation (25c) gives the frequency of REFERENCES
extensional vibrations of rectangular plates with perfectly free ARNOLD, R. N., and WARBURTON, G.B. 1949 P m .ROY.SOC.
edges. A$ vol. 197, p. 238, ‘Flexural Vibrations of the Walls of
Thin Cylindrical Shells Having Freely-supported Ends’.
Plates with Two Parallel Sides Fixed and Two Freely-supported. 1953 Proc. 1.Mech.E. (A), vol. 167, p. 62, ‘The Flexural
From the results for cylinders with fixed ends [Arnold and Vibrations of Thin Cylinders’.
Warburton 1953, equation (23)] a frequency equation is obtained BARTON, M. V. 1951 Jl. of Applied Mechanics, Trans.
for plates of this type; the roots of the equation are A.S.M.E., vol. 73, p. 129, ‘Vibration of Rectangular and
Skew Cantilever Plates’.
d 2aZ
h12 = (m-+)4+(n-11)4-+-(m-+)2(n-l)2p
b4 b2
. C
I E. F. F. 1802 ‘Die Akustik‘.
1817 ‘Neue Bietriige zur Akustik‘.
ESCHLBR,H. 1950 Ingenieur-Archiv, vol. 18, p. 330, ‘Zur
Ermittlung der Eigenschwingungmhlen der in ihrer
Mittelebene belasteten Rechteckplatte’.
GOLDMA”,E. 1918 ‘Anwendung der Ritzschen Methode auf
die Theorie der Transversalschwingn freischwingen-
der Platten von rechteckiger, rhombischer, dreieckiger
und elliptischer B e g r m g ’ (Dissertation, Breslau).
+4(nr-f)z(n-l)$(1+~)2p] t .. (27b and c) GRINSTID,B. 1952 Proc. 1.Mech.E. (A), vol. 166, p. 309,
‘Nodal Pattern Analysis’.
E R. F. S. 1952 JI. of Applied Mechanics, Trans.
where p = l--
(m f ) T
for m = 3, 4, 5, . . . ;p = 0.550and A.S.M.E., vol. 74, p. 402, ‘The Frequency of Vibration of
Rectangular Isotropic Plates’.
m-+ is replaced by 1.506 for m = 2.
HOPKINS, H.G. 1945 Aeronautical Research Council, Reports
and Memoranda No. 2234, ‘The Solution of Small
The lowest mot agrees with that given by equation (16) for Displacement, Stability or Vibration Problems Con-
transverse vibrations; this is to be expected, as the theories for cerning a Flat Rectangular Plate when the Edges are
cylinders and beams are both based on assuming the beam either Clamped or Simply-supported’.
vibration form between the fixed ends. The two higher mots IGUCHI,S. 1938 Memoirs of the Faculty of Engineering,
give the frequenciesof extensional vibrations for plates with two Hokkaido Imperial University, ‘Die Eigenwertprobleme
parallel edges restrained and two free. As the waveform for a f i r die elastische rechteckige Platte’.
cylinder with fixed ends is only approximate, the frequencies 1937 Ingedeur-Archiv, vol. 8, p. 11.
given by equation (27) are also approximate, whilst those given 1938a Ingenieur-Archiv, vol. 9, p. 1.
by equations (25) are exact, because the assumed waveform KATO,H. 1932 J1. of the Society of Naval Architects, vol. 50,
[equation (26)] satisfies the plate equations. p. 209.
Downloaded from pme.sagepub.com at IOWA STATE UNIV on May 10, 2014
D. M. A. 1941 Aeronautical Research Council, TOMOTIKA,
S. 1935 Report of the Aeronautical Research
Reports and Memoranda No. 1991, ‘The Buckling of a Institute, Tokyo Imperial University, No. 129, ‘Trans-
Square Panel Under Shear when One Pair of Edges is verse Vibration of a Square Plate with Four Clamped
Clamped and the Other Pair is Simply-supported’. Edges’.
LEMKE, ALICE 1928 Annalen der Physik, Leipzig, fourth 1936 Phil. Mag., seventh series, vol. 21, p. 745, ‘The
series, vol. 86, p. 717, ‘Experimentelle Untersuchungen Transverse Vibration of a Square Plate Clamped at Four
zur W. Ritzschen Theorie der Transversalschwingungen Edges’.
quadratischer Platten’. VOIGT,W. 1893 Nachrichten, Giittingen, p. 225, ‘Bemerkung
LOVE,A. E. H. 1927 ‘Mathematical Theory of Elasticity’, zu dem Problem der transversalen Schwingungen
fourth edition (Cambridge University Press). rechteckiger Platten’.
PAVLIK,B. 1936 Annalen der Physik, Leipzig, fifth series, WALLER,Mary D. 1939 Proc. Phys. SOC., vol. 51, p. 831,
vol. 27, p. 532, ‘Beitrag zur theoretischen und experi- ‘Vibrations of Free Square Plates’.
mentellen Untersuchung der Biegungsschwingungen bei 1949 Proc. Phys. SOC.(B), vol. 62, p. 277, ‘Vibrations of Free
rechteckigen Platten mit freien Riindern’. Rectangular Plates’.
1937 Annalen der Physik, Leipzig, fifth series, vol. 28, WEINSTEIN, A. 1937 Memorial des Sciences Mathematiques,
p. 632, ‘Beitrag zur Untersuchung des Zusammenhanges No. 88, ‘Etude des spectres des equations aux dtrivkes
der bei Biegungsschwingungen an rechteckigen und partielles de la thbrie des plaques elastiques’.
quadratischen Platten beobachteten Staubfiguren’. 1951 Jl. of Applied Mech. Trans. A.S.M.E., vol. 73, p. 229,
RAYLEIGH, Lord 1894 ‘Theory of Sound’, vol. 1, second Contributions to the Discussion of paper ‘Vibration of
edition (Macmillan and Co., London). Rectangular Plates by the Ritz Method’.
RITZ, W. 1909 Annalen der Physik, fourth series, vol. 28, WEINSTOCK, R. 1952 ‘Calculus of Variations with Applications
p. 737, ‘Theorie der Transversalschwingungen einer to Physics and Engineering’ (McGraw-Hill, New York
quadratischen Platte mit freien Riindern’. and London).
SEZAWA,K. 1931 Report of the Aeronautical Research YOUNG,D. 1950 Jl. of Applied Mechanics, Trans. A.S.M.E.,
Institute, Tokyo Imperial University, No. 70, ‘On the vol. 72, p. 448, ‘Vibration of Rectangular Plates by the
Lateral Vibration of a Rectangular Plate Clamped at Ritz Method’.
Four Edges’. ZEISSIG,C. 1898 Annalen der Physik, Leipzig (Wiedemann),
TIMOSHENKO, S. 1937 ‘Vibration Problems in Engineering’, vol. 64, p. 360, ‘Ein einfacher Fall der transversalen
second edition (Van Nostrand). Schwingung einer rechteckigen elastischen Platte’.

Mr. R. F. S. HEARMON (Princes Risborough) wrote that the Rayleigh-Ritz method, had been able to derive for the funda-
author had shown that the systematic application of beam mental frequency of the clamped oblique plate a closed formula
functions not only simplified the approximate derivation of the which was substantiallyindependent of the form assumed for W.
transverse frequencies of rectangular isotropic plates under all In the case of the supported oblique plate, Bereuter had been
possible boundary conditions, but also completely unified the unable to find any simple expression for W which satisfied the
presentation of the results. boundary conditions, and, as a result, the Rayleigh-Ritz method
It was worth discussing briefly the possibility of applying proved unreliable. Bereuter, however, developed a finite-dif-
beam functions to plates which differed in specified ways from ferencemethod applicable to the supported plate, but the solution
those dealt with by the author and, in particular, with plates was only slowly convergent with respect to the fineness of the net
into which the plate was divided, and thus the accuracy was not
(1) which were isotropic, but oblique; high. The problem of buckling was closely allied to that of
(2) which were rectangular but anisotropic. frequency, and Wittrick (1953)t had studied the buckling of the
(1) Barton (1951) had calculated the frequencies of the first clamped oblique plate. It was evident that there was some
two modes of oblique (or skew or swept) cantilever plates, having interest at the present time in oblique plates, and it seemed that
all sides the same length. He had used a series formed from the application of the author’s beam function method might
suitable beam functions to represent the deflexion W and, in his yield results of considerable value.
treatment, had limited the series to eighteen terms, but even so, (2) The differential equation and the potential energy
he had been unable to avoid somewhat complex calculations. equation had been derived for a generally anisotropic plate (for
Bereuter (1946)* had obtained estimates for the fundamental example see Hearmon 1948)$, but the only case which had so
frequency of oblique plates with all edges either clamped or far proved amenable to treatment was the ‘specially orthotropic’
supported and of the clamped oblique plate with a concentrated plate (Hearmon and Adams 1952)9, that is, a plate made from a
mass at its mid-point. He had assumed straightforward trigono- t WIITRICX, W. H. 1953 Aeronautical Quarterly, vol. 4, p. 151,
metric or polynomial functions for W and,,by applying the ‘Budding of Oblique Plates with Clamped Edges Under Uniform
*BERBUTER, R. 1946 ‘Theoretische Untersuchungen iiber die
R. F. S.,and ADAMS,E.H. 1952 British Jl. of Applied
Eigenfrequenz Parallelogramftrmiger Platten’. Ecole Polytechnique Phys., vol. 3, p. 150, ‘The Bending and Twisting of Anisotropic
Fedkrale Publications du Laboratoire de PhotdlasticitC No. 3. Plates’.
Edition S. A. Leeman frkres et Cie, Stockerstrasse 64, Zurich. HEARMON, R. F. S. 1946 Proc. Phys. SOC. Lond., vol. 58, p. 78,
(Acknowledgement is made to Professor B. G. Johnston, University ‘The Fundamental Frequency of Vibration of Rectangular Wood and
of Michigan, for drawing attention to this reference.) Plywood Plates’.
Downloaded from pme.sagepub.com at IOWA STATE UNIV on May 10, 2014
material possessing three perpendicular axes of elastic symmetry, the difiicult question of ‘single’ vibrations which had no separate
two of which lay in the plane of the plate, in directions parallel physical existence and of true ‘combined’ modes.
and perpendicular to the plate edges. Expressions for the fre- The nodal systems for a square plate with fixed edges shown
quency of vibration had been derived for all the modes of the in Fig. 2u were 3/1+ 1/3 and 3/1- 1/3 systems respectively, not
simply-supported orthotropic plate, but only for the funda- as stated, 4/2&2/4 systems. That might be made clear by con-
mental mode of the clamped plate (Hearmon 1946)*. However, sidering the analogous (and theoretically simpler) case of a
using the appropriate beam functions (equations (1Oa) and (lob))
in conjunction with the potential energy expression from
reference Hearmon (1948) or Hearmon (1946), the frequencies of
all the modes, except the fundamental of a clamped orthotropic
plate, were obtained as :
I 2 3
m /n - n / m .-*
where y = (m-+>rr for m = 3a4a 5 .. .
c = (n-+>rr for n = 3,4, 5 ...
Dl,Dz,and D 3 were the flexural and torsional rigidities defined
in Hearmon (1948) and Hearmon (1946) and the other symbols
were defined as in the author’s paper, exceptp, which represented
mass per unit volume. For an isotropic material
D, = D~ = o3= ~h3/12(1--*)
and equation (31) reduced to the equation given by the author
for the clamped isotropic plate.
The fundamental corresponded to m = n = 2; in the case in

where the numerical factors were given to three significant

The previous estimate (Hearmon 1946) had been obtained by
assuming Fig. 7. Square Membrane (Theory)
W = Kx32(u-x)2(b-y)2 sin w t Compare plate with fixed edges.
and gave for the fundamental mode :

0 I 2
Evidently, the two estimatesfrom equations (32) and (33) were in
good agreement, and M e r e d appreciably only in the n u m e r i d
factor of the third term; the effect of that difference on the
calculated frequencies was, however, small.
The above example showed that it was possible to apply the
beam functions to calculating the frequency of vibration of

anisotropic plates. There was no reason to expect difficulties
with boundary conditions other than clamped, and it was thus c I----- 1

possible in principle to construct a table similar to Table 1, but
valid for anisotropic instead of isotropic plates.
Dr. MARYD. WALLER (London) wrote that it had been stated
in the paper that, ‘the analysis is based on the ordinary theory of
thin plates’. That assumed that the principle of superposition
was valid, namely, that a stationary wave in one direction was
unaffected in frequency or amplitude by the superposition of a
second stationary wave of the same frequency at right angles to
it. It then followed that, as the author had remarked, ‘When m L---
is odd and n is even (or wice wersa) for a free square plate . . two
modes m a y vibrate together and an infinite number of nodal
patterns is theoretically possible, corresponding to combinations Fig. 8. Free Square Plate (Experimental)
of the modes m/n and n/m, with varying amplitude ratios and
phase angles’. This was orthodox theory. She had, however,
shown (Waller 1952)t that Such additionalmodes were impossible
and that the displacements of free-vibrating surfaces of geo-
metrical shapes must be ‘mechanically-balanced’ about one or
more lines of w e t r y . She had also discussed ( W d e r 1953)$ vibrating membrane some of whose nodal systems were shown
in Fig. 7. They corresponded to the formula
* HEARMON, R. F. S. !948 Forest Products Research Laboratory,
Special Re rt No. 7, Elasticity of Wood and Plywood’ (H.M.
Stationery &ice,
D. 1952 Proc. ROY.SOC.(A), V O ~ . 211, p. 265,
m X
z = s i n - s i n ~ & s i n - s i n ~ =a O
(34) . . .
‘Vibrations of Free Plates : Line Symmetry: Corresponding Modes’.
$ w m m , m y I>. 1953 ACU(tjCa, ~01.3, P. 370, ‘Concerning where, for the case in question m = 3 and n = 1 and wice verso.
Combined and Degenerate Vibrations of Plates’. Fig. 7 might be compared with Fig. 8 (which was part of a
Downloaded from pme.sagepub.com at IOWA STATE UNIV on May 10, 2014
diagram in Waller 1939) which related to the free square plate. Dr. Waller had misinterpreted his notation, when she had
The nodal systems of a hypothetical free membrane could be stated that the nodal patterns for a square plate with fixed edges
similarly arranged and their equation would read shown in Fig. 2a were not 4/2f2/4.The author had defined
ma n as the number of nodal lines in the X and Y directions
e=com s - xc o s ~ f c o s n ~ c o s ~ = O
a U
... (35) respectively; if an edge were freely-supported or fixed, it was
included in the number of nodal lines in the relevant direction.
giving m = 2, n = 0 or erice oersa, for the square nodal systems Thus for a plate with all its edges fixed, there were at least two
so marked in Fig. 2b. nodes in each direction, and patterns such as 3/1+1/3 and
311- 113 were impossible. That notation could be applied to all
boundary conditions without any inconsistency occurring, .and
was convenient because the nodal patterns consisted of h e s
approximatelyparallel to the sides of the plate for most boundary
conditions. Dr. Waller had considered m and n to be the number
of half waves in the X and Y directions respectively; that was
shown by the form of equations (34)and (35).
Dr. G. B. WARBURTON wrote, in reply to the communications, Orthodox theory predicted that when m was odd and tz was
that the possibility of applying beam functions to plates, other even (or vice aersa) for a free square plate, two modes of equal
than rectangular isotropic plates, as suggested by Mr. Hearmon, frequency might vibrate together and an infinite number of
was very interesting. He agreed with Mr. Hearmon that the nodal patterns was possible. Dr. Waller had pointed out that
application of the beam function method might give valuable such patterns were impossible to obtain experimentally; she
results for some boundary conditions for oblique isotropic called them ‘degenerate modes’ (Waller 1953). However, in that
plates. Probably an oblique cantilever plate was an exception; paper she had admitted that for particular values of m and n
there were discrepancies between the theoretical and experi- two patterns might be obtained, similar to those of two degenerate
mental results of Barton (1951) for that case, although he had modes, owing to faulty experimentation or lack of uniformity
used a series of eighteen terms to represent W.Barton had of the plate. That result was to be expected from a considera-
concluded that the Rayleigh-Ritz method, using beam deflexion tion of the effects of small imperfections on the vibrations of a
forms, was suitable for that type of plate only if the angles of the plate.
plate were between 60 and 120 deg. Thus, the beam function In the papers quoted in her contribution to the discussion
method was likely to be inaccurate for the oblique cantilever (Waller 1952 and 1953)Dr. Waller had considered the classes of
plate. However, frequencies obtained for oblique plates with symmetry of the nodal patterns for vibrations of free plates of
other boundary conditions might be accurate, as the work on various forms. For a free square plate six classes of symmetry
rectangular plates had shown that it was difficult to apply his had been given ;two of them included all the patterns for which
own method to a cantilever plate. (m-n) was an odd number, and the remaining four classes those
It seemed that his own method could be expected to give patterns for which (m-n) was an even number and m and n
frequencies for anisotropic rectangular plates with a fair degree were equal. The four latter classes had been defined in terms of
of accuracy. For the ‘specially orthotropic’ clamped plate, their lines of symmetry, the two diagonals and the two medians
mentioned by Mr. Hearmon, values of the fundamental natural of the square, as given below :-
frequency had been given in a paper by Kanazawa and Kawai
(1952)*. The method was similar to that of Tomotika (1935), (a) both diagonals and both medians antinodal (for
successive approximations being obtained for MY required example, patterns for modes 2/0+0/2and 212, Fig. 8);
frequency. Unfortunately, for anisotropic plates, only the first (b) both diagonals and both medians nodal;
approximations for the frequency factor h had been given for (c) both diagonals antinodal and both medians nodal (for
various values of DI/D, and 0 2 / 0 3 between and 3.The author
had compared the values of h given by Kanazawa and Kawai with
example, pattern for mode 111, Fig. 8);
(d) both diagonals nodal and both medians antinodal (for
those obtained from equations (32) and (33) for a square plate. example, pattern for mode 210 -012, Fig. 8).
Over the above range of values of D11D3 and D2/D3,equation
(32), based on the beam function method, always gave the lowest Dr. Waller had stated that if the patterns of a free square plate
value of A; the corresponding values of frequency given by were tabulated as in Fig. 8, which could be extended indefinitely
equation (33)were up to 1 per cent higher, and those of Kanazawa downwards and to the right, the classes of symmetry repeated
and Kawai were up to 1.5 per cent higher. As the Rayleigh themselves in every four columns and every two rows. Thus the
method always gave frequencies higher than the exact values, class of symmetry for modes 2/0-0/2, 610-016.. .a 212,
the frequencies obtained from equation (32) had the smallest 4/2+2/4,6/2+2/6. ., should be the same. The nodal patterns
error. The fundamental frequencies of ‘specially orthotropic’ of a free square plate had been obtained experimentally and
square plates with other boundary conditions (combinations of analytically, and had been given for many modes by Chladni
fixed and freely-supported edges), had been given by Kanazawa (1802), Ritz (1909), Lemke (1928)a Waller (1939), and Grinsted
and Kawai. (1952). A study of any of those papers showed that the classes of
They had also tabulated frequencies for two or three modes of symmetry, as defined above, did not repeat themselves in every
isotropic rectangular plates with one or more edges clamped and four columns and every two rows. For instance, it was obvious
the rest freely-supported. In some cases they had given only a from Fig. 8 that the patterns for modes 210-012 and 212 did
first approximation, but in others they had included better not belong to the same class of symmetry.
approximations; they had compared their values of frequency He did not find any law governing the repetition of classes of
with those of other Japanese workers (for example, Iguchi (1938), symmetry; Merent laws were applicable, depending on whether
Sezawa (1931)a Kato (1932)a and Tomotika (1935)), where the mode was to the left or to the right of the diagonal line,
available. His own values of frequency from equation (16)were representing modes for which m = n, in Fig. 8. However, the
always lower than the first approximations of Kanazawa and various modes could be divided amongst the above four classes
Kawai and sometimes lower than their second approximations. of symmetry as given below :-
Comparing the errors in the Merent methods applied to iso-
tropic and orthotropic plates, it appeared that frequencies Class (a) modes m/n+n/m when both m and n were even; also
obtained for orthotropic plates with combinations of fixed and modes 2/29414,616 . . .;
freely-supported edges would be accurate, if the appropriate (b) modes mln-nlm when m and n were both odd, but
beam functions, equations (9)a (lo), and (13), were used for the unequal;
plate displacement. (c) modes m/n+n/m when both m and n were odd; also
KANAuWAa Tea and KAWAIa T.1952 pro^. Second Japan National
modes 111, 313,515 . . .;
Congress for Applied Mechanics, p. 333, ‘Onthe Lateral Vibration of (d) modes mln-nlm when m and n were both even, but
Anisotropic RectPngular Plates (Studed by the Integral Equation)’. unequal.
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He had stated that the value of the frequency factor, A, obtaining the patterns of Fig. 2 (b and c), the frequency factors
depended on Poisson’s ratio u if one or more edges of the plate of Fig. 3 (b and c), and curves I1 and I11 in Fig. 4. However, any
were free. The value of u also affected the nodal patterns obtained other practical value of u would have little effect on the results
for modes of the types m/nfn/m. Those effects were small, but plotted in Figs. 2 and 4; the effect on frequency of varying values
it should be noted that a value of u = 0.3 had been assumed in of u was usually s m a l l and could be obtained from equation (16).

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