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Hoisting Systems ‘The transportation of miners, supplies, and mined material from an underground opera- tion is the connecting link between the mine plant and the surface plant, Unless the mine is accessible by a drift or adit, some type of hoisting system is necessary for slopes or shafts. This chapter deals with the selection of wire ropes and hoists, two of the most important considerations when designing a holsting system for an underground mine, WIRE ROPES ‘A wire rope is designed to transmit forces longitudinally along its axis, Its used in a varie ety of mining applications because of its flexibility, high tensile strength, and dependabil- ity, Shaft hoisting ropes and principal slope haulage ropes are usvally custom built; however, proper rope selection for slushers, car spotters, ete., should not be overlooked. Because wire ropes for shafts and slopes represent the lifeline for a mine, they should be made ofthe highest-quality improved plow steel. Such quality is necessary to deal with the conditions af loading, winding, vibration, abrasion, and corrosion. Tables 7.1 and 7.2 lst the specifications forthe types of wire ropes typically used for mine haulage applications. ‘The 6x 19-class haulage rope is used where abrasion is not critical. Where abrasion is eit ical, such asa slope application, 6 « 7-class haulage ropes are preferred. For other mining applications, manufacturers’ handbooks should be consulted. Selection A wire rope for a mining situation is selected by simply applying appropriate safety fac- tors to a calculated maximum rope pull and comparing the result to the listed breaking strength of the rope under consideration. Table 7.3 can be used to determine the mi mum safety factors for wire ropes. To determine the maximum rope pull, the following quantities must be known: the rope weight in pounds (x), the conveyance weight in pounds (y), and the weight of the load in the conveyance in pounds (2). These values are used to calculate the load due to gravity, the load due to conveyance friction, and the load due to rope friction. When these londs are added together, as shown in Eq. 7.1, the maximum (static) rope pull (RPS) can be derived: RPS = [(x + y + 2) sind] + [{y + 2)(cos 0}(0.025)] + [(0.1)(x)(cos 6)] (97.3) 296 | MINING ENGINEERING ANALYSIS Breaking Stream. tens a imoroves Plow Stee! improves Pow Stet 3 ie? 82 ne a 22 60 a8 9 28 no os 4 m2 1010 s20 1189 0810 mM 13 1380 3240 1550 141.0 or 1760 1600 138 197.0 sro as 2200 2000 105 2000 240 Rove Dlometer, _—_Aspraimate Weigh Sreong Svene te oy fer fin me Era improved Plow Stee! Improved Plow Snel ve a 13 18 Me ona a0 mt “a 135 a8 m7 a 190 ar a7 Me 190 ua os 1 am oa so * 2B a ra tt 338 us a2 fos S217 10001 ‘ones =7-00014 Stove Host howwe Hoist $F =7 (0.00084) where 8 is the angle of incline and 0.025 and 0.1 are constaris determined from experi- ence and used universally, ‘A mining engineer's concern regarding mine hoist design is to ensure that the motor horsepower of the hoist is sufficient to de ix assigned tasks. Obviously, any extended! interrapeion of hoisting service due ta improper design can greatly curtail production. To. properly size a holst motor, complete information on the service for which the hoist is iene ie need. The folowing sections deal the infomation regained for mow ealeulations, Shon Slope Parameters ‘The following informacion ts mecessary for a thorough analysis of boist-motor design: (1) hoisting layout; (2) shaft’shope inetinartion; (3) net weight of the loads; (4) weight of skips, cages, and cars; (5) rope size ara weight; (6) botsting distances; (7) drum dimen. sioas; (6) the effective weight of the drums, gears, and sheaves at a given radius from the drum equivalent effective weight (EEW); (9) rope speed; (10) production requited; (G1) Hoad and dump/caging times; and (12) acceleration and deceleration rates. Although the need for many of these parameters is abviaws, those that require Further ‘description are clarified in the ensuing paragraphs, Hobsting Layouts, With each hoisting application, the engineer must devermine ‘wheter a drum ot a Koepe hoist isthe better choice; this snot as seraighelorward as ome might expect. One holst manufacturer hat recommended an initial analysis ax summa- rized by Figure 7.1. The hoists ean be eizher single-drum, divided single- = ((5.75 + 8,25)/(1041.8/6) ~ (0.00084)(1,050))/1})°* =15in, Drum dimensions: From Figure 7-3, D/d = 62: therefore, the drum diameter equals 8 fe (C15 11629/12)). Face widit of the drum (Eq. 7.4): Pe where d is the rope diameter in inches. Thus, the face width is 6.5 ft (76.825/12). FEW: From Figure 7.4, EEW is approximately'53,000 Ib Horsepower calculations: The variables for this problem are as follows: D= 1050 f RW'= 3.78 Ib (Table 7.1) V=31.34 fps DT= 1 sec ‘SL 11,500 Bb {0.6)(1,560)(1.2) _ MP, io 13 B= 1,560 +113 = 1,673. P=-19- 113 =-132 rims HP = (BE\°* (Note: DH is obtained from 84, 7.6.) 42,911,572) °° - (Fasr 73) *1,100 hp Solution 7.6 Using Eg. 7.6: mmsne= (By) = (re) = 1000bp Solution 7.7 ‘Thos, select a 1.25-in, rope. Check T,/T; ratio, safety factor, and tread pressure: Because of its mode of operation, a Koepe hoist should be checked for proper teasion (T/T,) and tread pressure at che hoist drum. T,/T, should be kept at 1.5 or below, while the tread pressure should be in the range of 250 to 270 psi. Thus, Ty | SL+SW + (total rope weight /2) t, Sree eae Fy emo an Ben? «1 ! ; where the total rope weight (assuming the weight of flattened strand rope ix the skips. Next, check the safery factor, The breaking strength of a 1.25-in, flattened strand rope is assumed to be equal to the 6 = 19 high-strength stee! rope of Table 7.1: 64.6 tons. ln reality, it may be higher, so n manufacturer's catalog should be consulted. .- (tweaking strength (number of ropes) _ 64.614) |. alee: (T, in tons) Sasa 797 When compared to Figure 7.2, this situation appears to be marginally acceptable, expe cially if the assumed breaking strength of the rope is a conservative value, Next, use Figure 7.3 to pick the wheel diameter: D/d = 80; 80(1.25) ~ 100-in. wheel The tread pressure (tp) is: = 120000 (1001.25 14) 240 pst Horsepower calculations: From Figure 7.4, FEW = 25,000 Ib. ‘The acceleration and deceleration times are: v 12 atept+¥ «121 04.8 see 5 25 fe persee’ =D «RW x 2x (number of ropes) = 2,000(2.63)(2) (4) = 42/080 Ib ‘TSL = EEW + SL+ 2SW +R = 25,000 + 26,000 + 52,000 + 42,080 = 145,080 Ib 145,080 x 127) 33248350) “246 HP, = ( 145, «12 ns wn 8000822 9 = 96000412, 10-09 | 550 a9 = Aw S67 +63 +246 = 876 B= S67* 69-620 C+567+ 63-246 = 384 HP, D= 876+ 164= 1,030 E= 384-164-220 To calculate the induction motor’s rms horsepower, the full-speed time (TFS) must first be determined: Distance traveled during acceleration = (0.5)(V)(AT) = (0.5)(121(4.8) = 28.8 ft Distance traveled during deceleration = (0.5)(V)(DT) = 28.8 ft ‘Total distance traveled (TDT) during AT and DT = 57.6 ft Tes - Seeh TOT . ay = 162 sec ~ (eozagsoaayss 1698 =641hp ‘Solution 7.8 Using Eq. 7.8: ares = (EH)? 69,745,502.4)°* 1752 6s hp Solution 7.9 ‘Rope size: Determine the rope size in the manner outlines at the beginning of this chap- ver; because this slope will probably be used for haulage of workers and materials into and out of the mine but not for mined material, the rope size shauld be based on the ‘maximum anticipated load (20 + 2.5 = 22.5 tons). Assume that a 1.25-in, 6 = 7oclass improved plaw-steel rope will be used. RPS = {[(45,000) + (1,780 « 2.34) (sin 18°) + [(45,000)(cos 18*)(0.025)] + ((0.1)(4,165)(co8 18°)) = 16,659 Ib ‘Turning to Table 7-2, the minimum breaking strength for the rope is 122,000 Ib. Divid- ing this value by 16,659 yields the following safety factor: 12,000 _ 16.659 722 ma

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