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Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®

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Volume 16 Number 4 December 2005


Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

Jesus and the Relinquishment of Judgment respond non-judgmentally—with love rather than attack, vision
My article “Learning to Listen” in the September 2003 and not judgment.
Lighthouse focused on the importance of setting aside our per- The implications here are clear. Since there is no way we can
sonal (read: special) needs, so that we may truly be able to hear ever know what another truly needs, we need only focus on our-
the calls for help and love from another, and answer them and selves; specifically, on getting our egos out of the way. It is but the
our own call as well. I had referred there to the metaphor of ego’s arrogance that would lead us to believe we could know
silence in music, and on being able to hear the “silence between what is in the best interest of others, and therefore how we should
the notes,” to quote the great violinist Isaac Stern. That article respond verbally or behaviorally. This salient point is underscored
was also somewhat parallel to my 2003 workshop “Healing: in the following passage from the manual for teachers:
Hearing the Melody.”1 In this current article, I would like to re- The aim of our curriculum, unlike the goal of the world’s
visit the idea of listening to another, emphasizing its impossi- learning, is the recognition that judgment in the usual sense is
bility as long as we judge. Parallel to this, of course, is the impossible. This is not an opinion but a fact. In order to judge
important theme in A Course in Miracles of asking the Holy anything rightly, one would have to be fully aware of an
inconceivably wide range of things; past, present and to
Spirit for help, or looking to Jesus as our model for learning.
come. One would have to recognize in advance all the effects
Moreover, the Christmas season is always a good opportu-
of his judgments on everyone and everything involved in
nity for reminding ourselves of the importance of turning to them in any way. And one would have to be certain there is
Jesus, specifically to learn to be like him, setting aside our ego’s no distortion in his perception, so that his judgment would be
judgments, their place taken by his radiant vision of forgiveness wholly fair to everyone on whom it rests now and in the
and love. In 1975, Jesus gave an important message to Helen, future. Who is in a position to do this? Who except in grandi-
one I frequently cite as a caution to students asking Jesus for ose fantasies would claim this for himself?…Wisdom is not
specific help with specific problems, even, when as in her case, judgment; it is the relinquishment of judgment. Make then
the sincere desire is there to be of service to another. Helen had but one more judgment. It is this: There is Someone with you
asked Jesus what she should say to someone dealing with a dif- Whose judgment is perfect. He does know all the facts; past,
ficult situation. This was his response: present and to come. He does know all the effects of His
judgment on everyone and everything involved in any way.
Do not forget if you attempt to solve a problem, you have And He is wholly fair to everyone, for there is no distortion
judged it for yourself and so you have betrayed your proper in His perception (M-10.3; 4:5-10).
role. Remember you need nothing, but you have an endless
store of loving gifts to give. But teach this lesson only to What we can know, however, is that the healing of
yourself. Your brother will not learn it from your words or another’s needs is what we need: the undoing of the false belief
from the judgments you have laid on him. You need not even in separation. In other words: “To perceive the healing of your
speak a word to him. You cannot ask, “What shall I say to brother as the healing of yourself is…the way to remember
him?” and hear God’s answer. Rather ask instead, “Help me God” (T-12.II.2:9). Relinquishing judgment—the ego’s weapon
to see this brother though the eyes of truth and not of judg- of separation par excellence—is therefore the means of being
ment,” and the help of God and all His angels will respond healed, for it restores to awareness the shared need and purpose
(Absence from Felicity, p. 381). of God’s separated Sons. Indeed, as Jesus tells us, this is the
We shall return presently to this important idea that it is not essence of his course (M-9.2), for true judgment is not possible
our words that teach others, but the demonstration of our ego- for a split mind.
free love, the love that Jesus symbolizes for us. Thus does he
want us all to ask his help that we hear as he hears, and so “Mute, blind, and dazzled”: Healing with Jesus
The great early-twentieth-century poet Rilke frames our
discussion in his poem “Gong.” It is one of a large number of
1. Issued as cassette tape (T-88) and CD album (CD-88), and in video (V-29).
The Silence of Salvation: Hearing the Melody (continued)
French poems this Czech poet wrote, though his greatest work the throes of madness to his sane approach to illness: all symp-
was in German. Here is the second stanza: toms are but calls for help and healing—the reminder that no
We must close our eyes, renounce our mouths, thought of separation, guilt, or attack has the power to take
remain mute, blind, and dazzled: God’s Love from us. Thus we can remind our ill brothers and
with space utterly shaken, what touches us sisters that they have simply chosen falsely, but can just as eas-
wants no more from our being than attention.2 ily choose again—love instead of fear, peace instead of conflict,
It is the silence of our senses—mute, blind, and dazzled— life instead of death. As we read in “The Function of the Teacher
that allows us to be without judgment, and attentive to the plain- of God” from the manual:
tive cries of others. It is the silence of truth’s oneness that allows To them [the ill] God’s teachers come, to represent
us to hear the answer: hearing another’s call for love as our own another choice which they had forgotten. The simple pres-
echoes the truth beyond all seemingly disparate life. This ence of a teacher of God is a reminder. His thoughts ask for
premise of fundamental unity underlies, for example, the core the right to question what the patient has accepted as true. As
God’s messengers, His teachers are the symbols of salvation.
teaching of Buddhism: compassion for all sentient beings.
They ask the patient for forgiveness for God’s Son in his own
Beyond distinctions made between right and wrong, or good and
Name. They stand for the Alternative. With God’s Word in
evil, rests a simple truth—in the words of Harry Stack Sullivan, their minds they come in benediction, not to heal the sick but
the founder of the school of Interpersonal Psychiatry: We are all to remind them of the remedy God has already given them. It
more human than otherwise. This commonality of human exist- is not their hands that heal. It is not their voice that speaks the
ence is the suffering we share, and it is the pain inherent in life Word of God. They merely give what has been given them.
here to which we need pay attention. Unrecognized, the source Very gently they call to their brothers to turn away from
of this pain—guilt—remains in the shadows of our mind, there death: “Behold, you Son of God, what life can offer you.
to be continually projected in disguised forms that prevent its Would you choose sickness in place of this?” (M-5.III.2).
undoing. These forms all contain judgments—of others or our- If the problem is our having chosen as our teacher the ego’s
selves—and these unforgiving thoughts protect the guilt that has raucous shrieks of separation—sin, guilt, fear, and death—then
been projected outward (W-pII.1.2:3). salvation’s healing is the Holy Spirit’s silent melody of Atone-
An axiom in psychotherapy states that one cannot under- ment. This, again, is the content underlying all forms that but
stand when one judges; judgment being the shadowy projection seem to be the instruments of healing. It is in the silence beyond
of separation that keeps people apart, while understanding the words that healing actually occurs, as we saw above that the
reflects the light of true communication that binds us together, true music is found in the silence between the notes. Thus does
the etymological meaning, incidentally, of the word religion. Jesus instruct us about the irrelevancy of words:
Thus, learning to listen means learning to give up judgment.
Strictly speaking, words play no part at all in healing.…
This fundamental principle of salvation enables us to listen to God does not understand words, for they were made by sepa-
others, in muted silence, blind to the ego’s judgments, and daz- rated minds to keep them in the illusion of separation.
zled by people’s fervent call to be proven wrong about the pre- (M-21.1:1,7).
conceptions of their problems and, indeed, their very selves. In
We are repeatedly instructed in A Course in Miracles that salva-
releasing the barriers of judgment that hinder communication,
tion (forgiveness, the miracle, Atonement) is undoing, and does
the belief in separate interests is undone. The forms of the prob-
not involve any behavioral intervention, such as words or
lem are gone beyond, that we may look upon the single content
prayers we may speak to another. Since it is only the mind’s
of separation. Healing occurs as we mirror to each other the
decision for the ego that is the sickness or problem, undoing this
shared purpose of salvation: hearing the forgotten melody and
decision by choosing the Holy Spirit as Teacher is the one heal-
remembering the love that is our true and shared Self.
ing. This is why Jesus asks that we take him as our model for
For this healing to occur, it is necessary that we entirely
learning (e.g., T-5.II.9-12), and in Helen’s poem “A Jesus
shift our perspective on the world and the nature of its multitudi-
Prayer,” we pray that we become like him, which living in the
nous problems. Throughout A Course in Miracles, Jesus tells us
silence of healing brings about:
that there is only one problem: the decision to believe in the
ego’s separation; and one solution: changing our minds to A child, a man and then a spirit. So
believe in the Holy Spirit’s Atonement. That is all. This is the I follow in the way You show to me
That I may come at last to be like You.
content that underlies all concerns and remedies the world pre-
What but Your likeness would I want to be?
sents, and to believe in any one particular form of problem or
solution is to subscribe to the ego’s first law of chaos: there is a There is a silence where You speak to me
hierarchy of illusions (T-23.II.2:1-3). That way madness lies, to And give me words of love to say for You
To those You send to me. And I am blessed
quote King Lear, for it leads us still further into the ego’s insane
Because in them I see You shining through.
thought system of separation, differentiation, and specialness.
(The Gifts of God, p. 82)
Yet, under Jesus’ firm but gentle guidance, we are led back from
To become like Jesus, therefore, means to be silent to the
ego—mute and blind—so we may hear the dazzling silence of
2. The Complete French Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke, Tr. Poulin, A.; Graywolf God. In that silence, words are meaningless, for love transcends
Press, St. Paul, 2002, pp. 52-54.

The Silence of Salvation: Hearing the Melody (continued)
the specific and thus cannot be known by the body, but only by Son—would we exclude the one we have made our symbol of
the mind that has chosen to leave the dream—if only for an evil from that benevolent judgment? It cannot be that one Son is
instant—and rejoin the oneness that is beyond the ego’s separa- good and another evil if the oneness of God’s creation is to be
tion. Thus we read in the workbook another reference to the recalled in memory. To be sure, within the illusion of time there
inadequacy of words to express the ineffable nature of salvation: are differences, but these are inherently transient and thus super-
Oneness is simply the idea God is. And in His Being, He ficial. As Jesus says of himself: “I am in…[no] way separate or
encompasses all things. No mind holds anything but Him. We different from you except in time, and time does not really
say “God is,” and then we cease to speak, for in that knowl- exist” (T-1.II.4:1). And he adds: “All my brothers are special”
edge words are meaningless. There are no lips to speak them, (T-1.V.3:6), which clearly means we are all special, along with
and no part of mind sufficiently distinct to feel that it is now him, thus voiding the common exclusionary usage of the word.
aware of something not itself. It has united with its Source. Since love is perfect oneness, our defense against this love
And like its Source Itself, it merely is. is to see only separation and differences—the hallmark of spe-
We cannot speak nor write nor even think of this at all. It cialness—yet when the doors of perception are cleansed, to use
comes to every mind when total recognition that its will is
William Blake’s evocative phrase, it will be this fear of love we
God’s has been completely given and received completely
can know, in ourselves and in all people. To hear this universal
call, we need only be still and listen to the cry behind the words,
In sum, as long as we are in the world, judgment is inev- to feel the despair of hopelessness beyond the symptoms. Our
itable. Our attacking others is the norm, without which we do differing belief systems are ultimately irrelevant to this new
not believe we can survive. And so we walk the earth as sepa- vision, for they are but vehicles we use to convey the underlying
rated selves, seeing everyone as separated, too. The innocence response of love. And so, to hear these songs of love or fear, and
of God’s Son becomes shrouded in veils of judgment, and only these, we need to be quiet within, to come without needs
Heaven’s silent melody of love is drowned out by the strident unto the figures in our dream. In that inner silence, we recognize
sounds of the world of differences and attack. Yet, taking Jesus’ that we all have the same two melodies running through our
hand, the sharp edges of the ego’s thought system dissolve, and minds, determining what we think, feel, and do.
we are softly still, resting in his presence and sharing his vision The first of these melodies is love and healing, and the sec-
of non-judgment and love. As he tells us in an oft-quoted line ond is the fear of love and healing. The latter is what we typi-
about forgiveness: cally call resistance, and in the end, it is this fear for which we
Forgiveness…is still, and quietly does nothing.…It listen. Once heard, we simply touch it with gentle hands, and its
merely looks, and waits, and judges not (W-pII.1.4:1,3). hardness softens and dissolves in a duet of healing whereby two
disparate voices blend together and sound as one. Resistance
To Judge One Is to Judge All never responds to analysis or judgment, but only to the kind
Once again, judgment is inevitable and unavoidable to all reminder that love is unaffected by fear, and so the need to resist
of us who wander in the world, “uncertain, lonely, and in con- is futile. Thus we must wait patiently, and true patience is born
stant fear” (T-31.VIII.7:1), and so what is the right-minded way of the certainty of outcome (M-4.VIII). Healing occurs when we
to look at judgment—ours or another’s? If we see our attacks as are able to remind others that love waits quietly beyond the
coming from fear of love, these can only be defenses, regardless clouds of guilt, fear, and attack, and all they need do is be that
of the form they take. After all, no one who accepts the love presence of quiet patience. They indeed do nothing but be still.
within could ever attack anyone else. It would be impossible. In that silence, beyond the neediness that distorts percep-
Therefore, we can conclude that a person attacking another does tion, we come to understand that what appears to be problems or
not feel this love inside. Yet if that love is truly there, as it must pathology is only a special form of fear, the same fear of love
be in everyone—We are all more human than otherwise—then it that cowers in each of us. To the extent we believe in this iden-
must be the fear of this love that drives us to defend against it by tity, we shall fear the melody of forgiveness that recalls to
attack—blatantly or subtly—in thought, word, or deed. Thus do mind—literally—the song our true Self still sings to all who
we all suffer from the same fear, defending against love by cross our path, and whom we had heretofore sought to exclude
ensuring that we remain separated, forever protected against its from love, as we sought to exclude ourselves. Yet in the pres-
encroachment. ence of the soundless song of love, the discordant noise of sepa-
The following is a helpful rule of thumb to guide us along rate and selfish identities must fade and disappear. Jesus’ vision
salvation’s silent path of non-judgment: Any judgment we would has come to replace the ego’s judgment, and we include all
make of another that we would not also make of everyone, people—“in holy welcome”—in our forgiving embrace, emulat-
comes from the ego. This rule has no exceptions, for the Love of ing the Christ of Helen’s first poem, “The Gift of Christmas”:
God makes no exceptions. And so, if we are tempted to judge Christ passes no one by. By this you know
one Son of God—public or personal figures in our individual He is God’s Son. You recognize His touch
dreams—as evil and beyond redemption, we need stop and con- In universal gentleness. His Love
sider whether we would make the same judgment about Jesus, Extends to everyone. His eyes behold
or any other symbol of an ego-free and all-loving person. Simi- The Love of God in everything He sees.
larly, if we judge Jesus as loving and good—God’s innocent No words but those His Father’s Voice dictates

The Silence of Salvation: Hearing the Melody (continued)
Can reach His ears. His hands forever hold Nothing remains unsaid nor unreceived.
His brothers’, and His arms remain outstretched Strange dreams are washed in golden water from
In holy welcome. The blazing silence of the peace of God,
(The Gifts of God, p. 95) And what was evil suddenly becomes
The gift of Christ to those who call on Him.
This, then, is the challenge to all of us as students of
His final gift is nothing but a dream,
A Course in Miracles: not to exclude anyone from our forgive-
Yet in that single dream is dreaming done.
ness. Our willingness to practice this lesson reflects our willing- (The Gifts of God, p. 61)
ness to silence the ego’s harsh sounds, and thus awaken from the
dream and return home. Only through the absence of judgment— The final dream is the complete forgiveness that undoes
reflecting Heaven’s oneness here—can we leave the ego’s separation, and touches all people—the “good” and “bad” alike,
thought system of separation, differentiation, and fragmentation. victims and victimizers—in its healing embrace. With the
sounds of separation’s battle stilled, the harsh voice of special-
Ending the Dream in Silence ness silenced, our minds are free to recognize the one Son
Whom God created as Himself. Salvation’s song re-enters our
Our prayer to ourselves should echo Lorenzo’s words to
hearts that guilt had turned to stone, and an ancient melody
Jessica in The Merchant of Venice, which bespeak what could be
begins to stir once again, heralding our awakening from the
the happy fate of all our relationships, if we so choose:
ego’s dream of death. The sounds of earth have vanished, and
Here will we sit, and let the sounds of music but for an instant longer we hear the silent music of forgiveness,
Creep in our ears: soft stillness and the night until even that is gone, leaving only the true silence in which
Become the touches of sweet harmony. (V,i) creation is joyfully reborn in the holy Name of its Creator:
Thus do we see each of our daily encounters as fresh opportuni- All little things are silent. Little sounds are soundless
ties to sit in silence while the soft sounds of music enter our now. The little things of earth have disappeared. The universe
hearts and minds, sweetly harmonizing our heretofore special consists of nothing but the Son of God, who calls upon his
relationships into the beautiful melody that reflects our love for Father. And his Father’s Voice gives answer in his Father’s
Jesus, and his for us. This blazing silence that ends the ego’s holy Name. In this eternal, still relationship, in which com-
dreams of guilt and evil is movingly portrayed in the second munication far transcends all words, and yet exceeds in depth
stanza of Helen’s poem “Conversion”: and height whatever words could possibly convey, is peace
eternal. In our Father’s Name, we would experience this
There is a silence into which God’s Word
peace today. And in His Name, it shall be given us
Has poured an ancient meaning, and is still.
(W-pI.183.11). Q

* * * * * * *
We gratefully appreciate any donations, which are tax-deductible, to offset the costs of
printing and mailing this newsletter.


1. Title of Publication: THE LIGHTHOUSE, Newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®. 2. Publication no.: 1060-4987. 3. Date of filing: September 30, 2005.
4. Frequency of Issue: Quarterly. 5. Number of issues published annually: 4. 6. Annual subscription price: None. 7. Complete mailing address of known office of publication: 41397
Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. 8. Complete mailing address of the headquarters of general business office of the publisher: 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA
92590-5668. 9. Full names and complete mailing addresses of publisher, editor, and managing editor: Publisher: Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®, address same as above.
Editor: Gloria Wapnick, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. Managing editor: Kenneth Wapnick, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. 10. Owner:
Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. 11. Known bondholders, mortgages, and other security holders owning or holding 1
percent or more of total amount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities: None. 12. The purpose, function, and nonprofit status of this organization and the exempt status for federal
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nature of circulation: Average no. copies Actual no. copies of
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A. Total No. copies (Net press run) 18,750 19,500
B. Paid and/or requested circulation 17,447 18,102
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I. Total 18,750 19,500
Percent paid and/or requested circulation 94.05 94.82

16. I certify that the statements made by me above are correct and complete. Kenneth Wapnick.



New York, NY: Kenneth will present The Silence of Psychotherapy: A Workshop Based on A COURSE
IN MIRACLES, sponsored by the Association and Center for Spirituality & Psychotherapy, Fordham
University Psychology Association, and Professor Anie Kalayjian. The workshop will be held
April 28-29 at Fordham University, Lincoln Center, 60th Street & 9th Avenue (12th Floor
Lounge), New York City.

Friday, April 28 • 7:00 p.m.–10:00 p.m.
Saturday, April 29 • 9:30 a.m.–5:30 p.m. with one hour for lunch

Fee: $130.00 if paid by March 15, 2006

$145.00 if paid from March 16, 2006 to April 15, 2006
$160.00 if paid after April 15, 2006, or at the door.

Registration information may be found at www.Psychospiritualtherapy.org, or if you have other

questions, you may contact Sam Menahem at 201-944-1164.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Virginia Beach, VA: Kenneth, Mark Thurston, Ph.D., and Charles Thomas Cayce, Ph.D. will
participate in Reaching Beyond Ourselves to Service: The Cayce Readings and A COURSE IN
MIRACLES at the Association for Research and Englightenment (A.R.E.), 215 67th Street, Virginia
Beach, VA 23451. This in-depth exchange will be held October 20-22.
For more information about this event please contact the A.R.E. at 888.273.0020, or register on
their Web site at: www.edgarcayce.org. When registering, identify yourself as being from the
Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES to receive a discount.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Please consult the March 2006 Lighthouse for detailed information on speaking engagements
Kenneth will be giving in May in Philadelphia and Boston.

The Staff of the Foundation Extends Warm Greetings to All

for a Blessed and Happy Holiday Season!

THE LIGHTHOUSE (ISSN 1060-4987) is the newsletter of the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®. The Foundation is a not-for-profit organization
founded in 1983 to help students of A Course in Miracles through workshops, courses, books, and audio and video tapes.
THE LIGHTHOUSE is published and sent out four times a year (March, June, September, December) by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®,
41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590-5668. Periodicals Postage Paid at Temecula, California and additional mailing offices.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to THE LIGHTHOUSE, Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®, 41397 Buecking Drive, Temecula, CA 92590.
Articles published in THE LIGHTHOUSE are copyrighted by the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®.

* * * * * * * * * * NEW BOOKS * * * * * * * * * *
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

JOURNEY THROUGH THE WORKBOOK OF A COURSE IN MIRACLES. This eight-volume set is the product of a series of 58
classes conducted at our Foundation’s former location in New York. The classes consisted of a line-by-line analysis of the
lessons, introductions, reviews, summaries, and the Epilogue. The original discussion has been enlarged considerably, and
many additional references included to other relevant portions of the Course, the Preface, the two pamphlets, poems from The
Gifts of God, and the prose poem “The Gifts of God.” This work can thus be seen as a complete Course companion to
accompany students on their own journey through the workbook. The purpose of this book—as it was in the classes that
inspired it—is to help students of A Course in Miracles better understand the meaning of the lessons and their place in the
overall curriculum of the Course. Most of all, the purpose is to help students see the importance of applying the daily lessons to
their everyday lives. Without such application, the brilliance of Jesus’ words is wasted, and they become simply a sterile system
of intellectual teachings.
Eight-Volume Boxed Set #B-23 ) $60.00 ISBN 1-59142-206-X

F ORM VERSUS C ONTENT : SEX AND MONEY. The near-universal preoccupation with the issues of sex and money can be
traced to the ego’s agenda concealed in our minds—specifically, its plan to keep us rooted in the body and the world so we
will never get to the real source of pain and conflict, which is the mind’s decision to sustain the separation from God, but not
be held responsible for it. In the context of the ego’s principles and its doctrine of specialness and separate interests, both sex
and money are shown to be behavioral forms that give expression to the content of our minds. The focus in this book, there-
fore, is on identifying the content that gives rise to the guilt, conflict, myths, and obsession associated with sex and money.
Forgiveness enables us to shift our attention from the complexity of behavior to the simplicity of purpose. Thus sex and
money, which have come to express the ego’s guilt-inducing thought system of one or the other, are transformed in purpose to
reflect the Holy Spirit’s healing principle of together, or not at all.
Available now #B-21 ) $7.00 ISBN 1-59142-194-2

W HAT IT SAYS : FROM THE PREFACE OF A C OURSE IN MIRACLES . One year after the Course was published in 1976,
and in response to many requests, Helen Schucman wrote an introduction to the Course material. It was in three parts and was
called the Preface. As the third of this three-part Preface to the Course, “What It Says” was scribed by Helen through the same
process of inner dictation from Jesus as was the Course itself. It provides a succinct overview of the spiritual journey pre-
sented in A Course in Miracles. It is a remarkable piece, elevating the reader to the same level of thought and experience
found in the Course itself. The book consists of a line-by-line commentary.
Available mid-January 2006 #B-25 ) $8.00 ISBN 1-59142-208-6

PARENTS AND CHILDREN: OUR MOST DIFFICULT CLASSROOM. This book focuses on what it means to be a right-minded
parent and a right-minded child. The role of parent involves being faithful to that role as it evolves, while at the same time
respecting the child’s decision-making mind to choose its life experiences. The parent’s choice is whether to perceive the
child through the eyes of the ego or the Holy Spirit. Spiritual maturity is attained when we no longer think of our parents or
parental surrogates as authorities—on the level of content—but as brother and sister walking with us on the path that leads us
home. Thus, both forms of this primary relationship can exemplify Jesus’ message of forgiveness: not seeing another’s inter-
ests as separate from our own. Much of the discussion is based on issues raised by students stemming from their roles as par-
ents and children.
Winter publication date

T HE A RCH OF FORGIVENESS . This book is derived from a number of different classes held at the Foundation, unified by
the theme of contrasting life within and without the arch of peace, its pillars framed by Jesus and his message of forgiveness.
This discussion drew its inspiration from the image of an arch immortalized by D.H. Lawrence in his novel The Rainbow. As
the child in the story was freed to live her life framed by the pillars of love and strength represented by her parents, so Jesus
asks us to view our daily lives as framed between the pillars of forgiveness, allowing its quiet strength and gentle protection to
nourish our experience and sustain our learning. We thus grow in our recognition of the contrast between life under Jesus’
arch of love and safety, and life under the ego’s unsafe arch of the body. The final chapter of the book consists of questions
and answers from other classes and workshops. These augment the preceding discussion through exploring the practical
applications of the principles of living under the arch.
Winter publication date

* * * * * * * NEW MULTIMEDIA RELEASES * * * * * * *
Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D.

H ELEN SCHUCMAN : A G IFT OF G OD . This workshop focuses on Kenneth’s relationship with the scribe of A Course in
Miracles, centering in part on the importance of accepting the choices people make, so that we can see past what appear to be
clouds of darkness to the light of Christ that shines so brightly in each of us. This allows us to recognize, as was so demonstrable
in Helen, the universality of the split mind and the Mind of Christ.
#DV-108 • one DVD (143 minutes) • $15.00 T-108 • two tapes • $10.00 #CD-108 • two CDs • $15.00

PSYCHOTHERAPY AND H EALING . Although this workshop covers many aspects of the Course’s approach to psychotherapy,
its principal focus is on therapists learning not to judge their patients—the basis for healing. Thus therapists demonstrate their
right-minded choice for forgiveness instead of judgment, reinforcing the power of the patient’s mind to make the same choice.
The emphasis of therapy, therefore, shifts from the symptoms to their underlying cause—the decision to be separate, born of
the fear of love. Without judgment to block remembrance, this love naturally extends throughout the mind, proclaiming the
healing of both therapist and patient. (Presented at Fordham University in New York, May 2005)
Audio: #T-120 • four tapes • $20.00 #CD-120 • six CDs • $35.00

THE CONDUCTOR AND THE O RCHESTRA : T HE MUSIC OF F ORGIVENESS . Jesus is the conductor, we are the orchestra,
and the music he teaches us to play is the forgiveness of our special relationships. Specialness is the problem, for our invest-
ment in it is the static that drowns out the Holy Spirit, Who reflects to us Heaven’s song of oneness. His melody focuses on
seeing shared interests instead of the separate interests of the ego’s specialness, and as we learn to play Jesus’ music we begin
to remember Love’s Oneness that created us and Who we are.
Audio: #T-119 • four tapes • $20.00 #CD-119 • four CDs • $25.00

A COURSE IN MIRACLES: “A BOOK FOR ALL AND NONE”. This title is based on Nietzsche’s subtitle for Thus Spoke
Zarathustra, words that reflect the universality of the Course’s message, at the same time underscoring its great difficulty as a
spiritual path. A core component of this difficulty is the Course’s all or none principle: the centering point of the workshop,
which emphasizes the all-inclusive nature of forgiveness that reflects the oneness of Heaven’s love. Thus, we learn not to
exempt anyone from our forgiveness, just as God exempts no one from His Love. By this practice, A Course in Miracles truly
becomes a book for all—our brothers in Christ—without exception.
Audio: #T-118 • two tapes • $10.00 #CD-118 • three CDs • $20.00

THE FOUR SPLITS OF THE SEPARATION R EVISITED. The workshop presents the ego’s thought system of separation
within the framework of four splits: 1) mind from Mind; 2) split mind: wrong mind—right mind—decision maker; 3) wrong
mind from right mind: sin-guilt-fear (A-B-C); 4) world and body from mind (A-B-C). These differing aspects of separation
and fragmentation are undone through forgiveness, the process of realizing that our separation from each other is illusory, and
the only truth within our dream of splitting off from God is to reflect His perfect Oneness by understanding that our interests
are one, for we share the same split mind.
Available February 2006

CAUSE AND E FFECT . Cause and effect is one of the key themes in A Course in Miracles, for it underlies not only the ego’s
thought system of separation, but the Holy Spirit’s correction of forgiveness. Thus we learn that the cause of distress is not
external—regardless of the form of upset—but the mind’s decision for guilt. By returning the cause from the body to the
mind, we give ourselves another opportunity to choose again. Placing cause and effect in their true relationship, we are able to
undo the ego’s cause, thus remembering our true Cause—the God Who created us like Himself.
Available February 2006

Now also available on CD:

#CD-78 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money (4 CDs) $25.00
#CD-76 The Changeless Dwelling Place (4 CDs) $25.00
#CD-75 Healing the Dream of Sickness (4 CDs) $25.00
#CD-71 Approaching A Course in Miracles (1 CD) $10.00

The recently published French translation joins these other completed translations: Chinese, Croatian, Danish, Dutch, Finn-
ish, German, Hebrew, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Slovene, Spanish and Swedish. All books may be purchased from the
Foundation for Inner Peace, P.O. Box 598, Mill Valley, California, 94942-0598, 415.388.2060, or www.acim.org.


The Lighthouse in its entirety (.pdf format) is available to download from our Web site at www.facim.org. You will need Adobe
Reader to view the newsletter, and if this program is not already installed on your computer, you can download it from our site. In
addition, you can have the page monitored by Changedetection.com, and each time a new edition of the newsletter is added to the
Web site you will receive a notification by e-mail. Activation of page monitoring can also be done from our site. If you wish to
receive our newsletter in this form only, please let us know and we will remove your name from The Lighthouse mailing list.


The complete Course is now available in a smaller-sized edition (8"x 5" differing from the 9"x 6" regular-sized editions).
Printed on the same quality paper as the traditional Softcover and Hardcover editions, this newly designed book’s type size is
slightly smaller than that of the traditional versions. Anexo a Un curso en milagros, the new Spanish translation of the supple-
ments (Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process, and Practice and The Song of Prayer) is also available. Both of these publications
may be ordered from the Foundation for Inner Peace Web site (www.acim.org), as well as our order form on pages 18-19.

Our latest series of excerpts is from our tape album “Healing the Dream of Sickness,” a workshop presented by Kenneth in
February 2002. After a review of the metaphysical basis of sickness and the body, the discussion develops the unique view of
A Course in Miracles that the source of all sickness, regardless of the form, is not the body or the world, but our unconscious
belief in sin and guilt. Healing therefore centers on the removal of this cause through our looking without judgment at our
decision to push love away and then blame our plight on external sources. This looking—the meaning of a relationship with
Jesus—is the core of healing. These excerpts can be found at the Foundation’s Web site at www.facim.org.

WEB SITE—www.facim.org
Browse our Web site, where you can purchase Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® publications at a 10% discount; regis-
ter for the Temecula Center programs; add your name to our mailing list or change your mailing list address; read past articles
from The Lighthouse, as well as the most recent newsletters in their entirety; find program schedules for both the Temecula
Center and the La Jolla branch; and consult our teaching aids, including our online excerpts series. You may also access our
Question and Answer Service (www.facimoutreach.org) at the Electronic Outreach portion of our Web site.

We have a link to www.idepi.com, Web site of IDEPI, a Spanish teaching organization run by Eduardo Iannici and his wife
Adriana. The site, which is in Spanish, serves all of Latin America, and consists of extensive discussions of A Course in Miracles,
as well as Spanish translations of articles from The Lighthouse, our Excerpts Series, excerpts from various Foundation publications,
and portions of our Question and Answer Service. You may contact IDEPI through E-mail at: info@idepi.com. Please note that this
site is currently designed specifically for Internet Explorer browsers. Other browsers may experience problems viewing the site.

Most of the Foundation books and a few tapes have been translated into German. For information, please contact: Greuthof
Verlag und Vertrieb GmbH • Herrenweg 2 • D79261 Gutach i. Br. • Germany • Tel. 7681-6025 • FAX 7681-6027. Many of the
Foundation books have also been translated into Spanish, the most recent being Awaken from the Dream, and these can be ordered
from our publications list on page 16. In addition to the books already listed, Absence from Felicity will be available in early 2006.
Dutch: The Talk and The Most Commonly Asked Questions. Order from Ankh-Hermes bv • Postbus 125 • 7400 AC
Deventer • Netherlands.
Italian: The Talk. Order from www.ucim.it.
Danish: The Talk, The Most Commonly Asked Questions, and Absence from Felicity. Order from SphinX Publishers •
Løvstræde 8 • 1152 København K • Denmark.
Slovene: The Talk. Order from Zalozba Quatro • Zabnica 31 • 1357 Notranje Gorice.
French: The Talk. Order from our publications list on page 16.
Afrikaans: The Talk. Order from Henri Theron • 302 Monterey Bay Road • Mouille Point, Cape Town • 8005 South Africa.

a) We accept registrations by mail, FAX, telephone, a) Confirmation information will be given over the
and on our Web site at www.facim.org. If you reg- phone if your registration form does not reach us
ister online, please submit your registration at in time for a letter to be sent to you. In this
least 3 days prior to the event you plan to attend. instance, you may call the office Monday–Friday,
b) If you register by mail or FAX, please allow 9:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m. Pacific time to verify your
enough time for your registration form to reach us acceptance into a program.
and the confirmation form to reach you in return. b) It is important that you double-check the regis-
c) If you register by phone, please have your credit tration information sent with your confirma-
card ready when you call. tion letter to ensure the accuracy of the
information. In the event the program you register
d) All program fees must be paid in full—by check, for is filled, your registration form and fee will be
money order, or credit card. International students returned to you, unless you have requested that
may also use wire transfer (call our office for your name be placed on a waiting list. Thus, you
information). Your check or money order should may be confirmed either as a participant or as
be made payable to ITIP-ACIM (in US funds only, being on the waiting list.
drawn on a US bank). There will be a $20 fee for
any check returned to us for insufficient funds. III. WALK-INS
While walk-in registrations are accepted, auditorium
seating cannot be guaranteed.


Call the Temecula Comfort Inn (.5 miles/951.296.3788) and identify yourself as a student attending
class at the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® to receive a group discount. RESERVE EARLY!!!

Motel 6 Best Western Country Inn Best Value Inn

951.676.7199 (2.6 miles) 951.676.7378 (1.1 miles) 951.676.5700 (2.5 miles)
Hampton Inn Extended Stay Doubletree Suites Hotel
951.506.2331 (2.4 miles) Kitchenettes Embassy Suites Hotel
951.587.8881 (.9 miles) 951.676.5656 (2.8 miles)
Holiday Inn Express
951.699.2444 (1 mile)

For a list of additional lodging accommodations in the surrounding area

Many food establishments
are nearby in Temecula.
(10-45 minutes from Temecula), please call our office at 951.296.6261
between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. PT, Monday through Friday.


Our bookstore, Oasis of Peace, is open 9:00 a.m–5:00 p.m. daily. Please note that weekend hours may be
adjusted when classes are being held at the Foundation.

Temecula Center


Time: 10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. • Fee: $40.00

Saturday, January 21 Sunday, April 23
Sunday, February 26 Sunday May 28
Sunday, March 5 Sunday June 11

Time: 1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. • Fee: $25.00

Saturday, February 11 Saturday, May 20
Saturday, March 4 Saturday, May 27
Sunday, March 19 Saturday, June 10
Saturday, April 8 Saturday, June 24
Saturday, April 22

Half-day seminars are relatively informal, allowing for more discussion and questions than one-day workshops.


Kenneth Wapnick will present introductory lectures for those interested in learning more about A Course in Miracles
and what it says. The program format will include a question-and-answer period. No Registration Required.
TIME: 12:30 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. ) Saturday, February 25 ) Saturday, May 13


The Foundation conducts weekly ninety-minute discussion and study groups on the Course (except on mornings
when an Academy class is in progress). These Wednesday sessions (11:00 a.m.–12:30 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.–8:30
p.m.) are facilitated by the Foundation Staff. There is a $5.00 fee per session.

Faculty: Drs. Kenneth Wapnick, Rosemarie LoSasso, and Jeffrey Seibert
Times: 10:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.
Dates: January 22 – 24 Fee: $90.00
A-1D1 January 22 Fee: $30.00 A-1D2 January 23 Fee: $30.00 A-1D3 January 24 Fee: $30.00
We are asked by Jesus to find the “quiet center” or “stately calm within,” for that is where his help is found and God’s Love
remembered. The special relationship is the ego’s primary device to keep us off-center, demanding that we focus on the body rather
than the mind, where truth is found. Forgiveness of our specialness is the Holy Spirit’s gentle means to bring us to His home in the
right mind, and through readings and discussion, this class will help lead us away from the tempting attraction of the special rela-
tionship to our real attraction to the love that is the mind’s true center.


Dates: February 12 – 14 Fee: $90.00
A-2D1 February 12 Fee: $30.00 A-2D2 February 13 Fee: $30.00 A-2D3 February 14 Fee: $30.00
We are taught that the ego’s maxim is “Seek but do not find” (T-16.V.6:5). In this class, we shall explore the many ways we put
the ego’s principle into practice, deliberately—albeit unconsciously—looking in the wrong place for the solution of peace for our
problems of conflict. Thus did the ego make a world of specifics, enticing us to seek for help where it could never be found, all the
while our true Help waits patiently within the mind for us to choose again. Readings will augment our discussion of this fundamen-
tal theme in A Course in Miracles.

ALL Academy 3 classes will be taught by Kenneth Wapnick

Dates: March 20 – 24 Fee: $150.00
A-3D1 March 20 Fee: $30.00 A-3D2 March 21 Fee: $30.00 A-3D3 March 22 Fee: $30.00
A-3D4 March 23 Fee: $30.00 A-3D5 March 24 Fee: $30.00
In Greek mythology, the Trojan princess Cassandra was condemned by Apollo to possess the gift of prophesying truth, but hav-
ing no one believe her. In A Course in Miracles, we can see Jesus in the same position: he speaks truth, but no one truly believes
him. As he says in the workbook: “You have heard this said a hundred ways, a hundred times, and yet belief is lacking still”
(W-pI.154.12:2). Through readings and discussion, we shall explore Jesus’ truth and our many resistances to accepting it.


Dates: April 9 – 11 Fee: $90.00
A-4D1 April 9 Fee: $30.00 A-4D2 April 10 Fee: $30.00 A-4D3 April 11 Fee: $30.00
This opening line of one of William Wordsworth’s most well-known poems serves as the theme for this class. Our uttering such
a statement is what the Holy Spirit has been waiting for, since it is our invitation that He teach us another way of living here.
Admitting our miserable state as a body in a world that is overwhelming allows His gentle lessons to enter our minds, wiping away
our tears as misery shifts to happiness. Discussion will be augmented by recommended readings.


Dates: May 21 – 23 Fee: $90.00
A-5D1 May 21 Fee: $30.00 A-5D2 May 22 Fee: $30.00 A-5D3 May 23 Fee: $30.00
William Blake’s statement about his patron highlights the ambivalent nature of our special relationships. Our special loves—our
“friends”—end up betraying our love and friendship, so much so that we feel more “trusting” of our enemies, who at least are up
front about their enmity. In that sense, we feel more comfortable with our special hate relationships. The strange and insane
dynamics of the special relationship will thus be the subject of our discussion and list of readings.

Dates: June 25 – 27 Fee: $90.00
A-6D1 June 25 Fee: $30.00 A-6D2 June 26 Fee: $30.00 A-6D3 June 27 Fee: $30.00
This plea for kindness and understanding for all people from Plato or Philo (history is unclear as to the author) underscores
Jesus’ message in A Course in Miracles. He asks us to be tolerant of our brothers, learning they are one with us and thereby giving
up all judgment that merely separates and attacks. Understanding everyone’s hard battle as the wrong mind struggling to survive
allows us to see pain instead of sin, and answer with kindness instead of attack. This important principle of healing will be
explored through discussion and readings.


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-1 Study Group

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Disc. Group Disc. Group

W-1 Study Group Study Group S-2

15 16 17 18 19 20 21 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group W-2 A-2 A-2 A-2 Study Group

22 23 24 25 26 27 28 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-1 A-1 A-1 Study Group Study Group Intro-1

29 30 31 26 27 28


Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 1
Disc. Group

Study Group S-3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Disc. Group

Disc. Group Study Group S-5

W-4 Study Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Disc. Group

Disc. Group A-4 A-4 A-4 Study Group

Study Group 16 17 18 19 20 21 22
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 Disc. Group

A-3 Study Group S-6

S-4 A-3 A-3 Study Group A-3 A-3 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
26 27 28 29 30 31 Disc. Group

Disc. Group W-5 Study Group ASP ASP

Study Group 30

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3
Disc. Group

Study Group

7 8 9 10 11 12 13 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group Intro 2 Study Group S-9

14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Disc. Group Disc. Group

Study Group S-7 W-7 Study Group

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
Disc. Group Disc. Group

A-5 A-5 A-5 Study Group S-8 Study Group S-10

28 29 30 31 25 26 27 28 29 30
Disc. Group Disc. Group

W-6 Study Group

A-6 A-6 A-6 Study Group

• You may use the same form if you are attending with another student.
• Registrations without the correct amount of money accompanying them will be returned.

PERSON 1: (Please print) PERSON 2: (Please print)

Name ________________________________________ Name ________________________________________
Address_______________________________________ Address ______________________________________
City/State/Zip __________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________
Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( )____________ Phone: Day ( ) Eve. ( ) ___________
E-mail (optional): _______________________________ E-mail (optional): ______________________________

Our Workshops, Classes, and Discussions are videotaped. Our Workshops, Classes, and Discussions are videotaped.
Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want Please sign and date the Release Form below. If you do not want
to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium. to be videotaped, you will be seated in the rear of the auditorium.
* * * * RELEASE FORM * * * * * * * * RELEASE FORM * * * *
I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per- I hereby grant the Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES® per-
mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video mission to videotape me. I understand that the finished video
may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and may be sold to the public, as well as shown on the internet, and
that I will receive no compensation for said videotape. that I will receive no compensation for said videotape.

___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________
Signature Signature

__________________________ __________________________
Date Date

Place me on the waiting list if program is filled: ˆ yes ˆ no

• Make check or money order payable to the Institute for Teaching Inner Peace through A Course in Miracles, or ITIP-ACIM (US funds only,
drawn on a US bank), or provide credit card information to secure a place for the programs listed on pages 10-11.
Note: If you are also ordering publications, please send separate payment.
ˆCheck or money order enclosed for $
ˆCredit card information: ˆ American Express ˆ Discover ˆ MasterCard ˆ VISA

Person 1: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Person 2: Exp Date: _____________ No. CVV2/CID Number: ____________

Important Credit card billing address if different from above:

Person 1: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Person 2: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________

• Signature(s) required: Mail to: Institute

Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®
41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590
FAX: 951.296.9117

Program Program
Fee Program
Number Date
Person 1 $
Please use program numbers listed on page 11
when registering for portions of, rather than a
Person 2 $
complete, Academy class. Person 1 $
A-1 January 22 – 24 $90.00 Person 2 $

A-2 February 12 – 14 $90.00 Person 1 $

A-3 March 20 – 24 $150.00 Person 2 $

A-4 April 9 – 11 $90.00

Person 1 $
Person 2 $
A-5 May 21 – 23 $90.00
Person 1 $
A-6 June 25 – 27 $90.00
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
(10:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.)
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
W-1 January 8 W-2 January 21
Person 2 $
W-3 February 26 W-4 March 5
Person 1 $
W-5 April 23 W-6 May 28
Person 2 $
W-7 June 11 Person 1 $
Person 2 $
Person 1 $
Person 2 $
(1:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m.) Person 1 $
S-1 January 7 S-2 February 11 Person 2 $
S-3 March 4 S-4 March 19 TOTAL $

S-5 April 8 S-6 April 22

S-7 May 20 S-8 May 27

S-9 June 10 S-10 June 24

La Jolla Branch
7843 Girard Avenue, Suite E ) La Jolla, CA 92037 ) 858.551.1227
Classes are held each Thursday from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
The fee for these lectures is $5, payable at the door.


Monday: 6 p.m. – 7:30 p.m. or Tuesday: 10 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. • $15 fee
Pre-registration is required at the La Jolla Branch. Call: 858.551.1227. No registration required.

Dates: January 23—February 13 (Mon.) DIFFICULT CLASSROOM” Date: January 15
January 24—February 14 (Tue.) Dates: May 1—May 22 (Mon.) FW-2 “THE UNBELIEVABLE
Fee: $20 plus tape set May 2—May 23 (Tue.) BELIEF”
Registration ends: January 12 Fee: $20 plus tape set
Date: February 19
Registration ends: April 20
Dates: March 6—March 27 (Mon.) “TO BE OR NOT TO BE” TO P ROJECTION”
March 7—March 28 (Tue.) Dates: June 5—June 26 (Mon.) Date: March 26
Fee: $20 plus tape set June 6—June 27 (Tue.)
Fee: $20 plus tape set
Registration ends: February 23 WITH THE H OLY S PIRIT ”
Registration ends: May 25
Date: May 7
Date: June 4

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat FEBRUARY
1 2 Tape 3 Tape 4 5 6 7 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MARCH
Study Study Lecture
1 2 3 4 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
8 9 Tape 10 Tape 11 12 13 14
Study Study Lecture 1 2 3 4
5 6 Tape 7 Tape 8 9 10 11
15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Lecture
Study Study Lecture
FW-1 Lecture 5 6 Tape 7 Tape 8 9 10 11
12 13 Tape 14 Tape 15 16 17 18
22 23 Tape 24 Tape 25 26 27 28 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture 12 13 Tape 14 Tape 15 16 17 18
19 20 21 22 23 24 25
29 30 Tape 31 Tape Study Study Lecture
FW-2 Lecture
Study Study 19 20 Tape 21 Tape 22 23 24 25
26 27 28
Study Study Lecture
26 27 Tape 28 Tape 29 30 31
FW-3 Study Study Lecture
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat MAY
1 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat JUNE
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1 Tape 2 Tape 3 4 5 6 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Study Study Lecture
9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Tape 1 2 3
7 8 Tape 9 Tape 10 11 12 13
Lecture Study Lecture
FW-4 Study Study Lecture
16 17 18 19 20 21 22 4 5 Tape 6 Tape 7 8 9 10
14 15 Tape 16 Tape 17 18 19 20
Lecture FW-5 Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
23 24 25 26 27 28 29 11 12 Tape 13 Tape 14 15 16 17
21 22 Tape 23 Tape 24 25 26 27
Lecture Study Study Lecture
Study Study Lecture
30 31 18 19 Tape 20 Tape 21 22 23 24
28 29 30 31
Study Study Lecture
25 26 Tape 27 Tape 28 29 30 31
Study Study Lecture

Item Title Price Item Title Price
Books (Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick) T-25 What It Means to Be a Teacher of God (KW) (6 tapes) 36.00

B-1 Christian Psychology in A Course in Miracles (KW) $5.00 T-26 Overeating: A Dialogue (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-3 A Talk Given on A Course in Miracles (KW) 6.00 T-27 To Judge or Not to Judge (KW) (4 tapes) 24.00

B-4 Glossary-Index for A Course in Miracles (KW) 10.00 T-28 Healing the Unhealed Healer (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-5 Forgiveness and Jesus (KW) 16.00 T-29 The Real World (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-6 The Fifty Miracle Principles of ACIM (KW) 8.00 T-30 True Empathy (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-7 Awaken from the Dream 10.00 T-31 Jesus: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (KW) (5 tps) 30.00

B-9 Love Does Not Condemn (KW) (sale price) 20.00 T-32 The Laws of Chaos (KW) (12 tapes) 72.00

B-10 A Vast Illusion (KW) 12.00 T-33 “There Must Be Another Way” (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-11 Absence from Felicity (KW) 17.00 T-34 Metaphysics of Separation and Forgiveness (KW) (1 tp) 6.00

B-12 Overeating: A Dialogue Based on ACIM (KW) 5.00 T-35 Workbook of A Course in Miracles (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-13 ACIM & Christianity: A Dialogue (KW/Clarke) 7.00 T-36 Making the Holy Spirit Special (KW) (7 tapes) 42.00

B-14 The Most Commonly Asked Questions About ACIM 8.00 T-37 The Meaning of Judgment (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-15 The Message of ACIM (2 volume set) (KW) 22.00 T-38 The Web of Specialness (KW) (12 tapes) 72.00

B-16 The Journey Home (KW) 16.95 T-39 Duality as Metaphor in ACIM (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-17 Ending Our Resistance to Love (KW) 5.00 T-40 Rules for Decision (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00

B-18 Life, Death and Love (KW) 25.00 T-41 I Want the Peace of God (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

B-19 The Healing Power of Kindness: Volume 1 (KW) 6.00 T-42 Forgiving Jesus: “Stranger on the Road” (KW) (2 tps) 10.00

B-20 The Healing Power of Kindness: Volume 2 (KW) 6.00 T-43 The Bible from the Perspective of ACIM (6 tapes) 36.00

B-21 Form versus Content: Sex and Money (KW) 7.00 T-44 The Theology of A Course in Miracles (2 tapes) 10.00

B-23 Journey through the Workbook of ACIM (KW) 60.00 T-45 The Inheritance of God’s Son (2 tapes) 10.00
T-46 The Sign of Christmas Is a Star (2 tapes) 10.00
French Translations of Books (Kenneth Wapnick)
T-47 The Holy Christ Is Born in Me Today (2 tapes) 10.00
B-3f Introduction Générale à Un Cours en Miracles $6.00
T-48 From Time to Timelessness (KW) (1 tape) 6.00
Spanish Translations of Books T-49 Climbing the Ladder Home (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00
(Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick) T-50 How Will the World End? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-1s Psicología cristiana en Un curso en milagros (KW) $5.00 T-51 The Importance of Jesus (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-3s Una introducción básica a Un curso en milagros (KW) 6.00 T-52 Learning from the Holy Spirit (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-4s Glosario-Indice para Un curso de milagros (KW) 10.00 T-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
B-5s El perdón y Jesús (KW) 16.00 T-54 The Kindness of Healing (KW) (1 tape) 6.00
B-6s Los 50 principios del milagro de UCEM (KW) 8.00 T-55 Gift of the Ego: Fear • Gift of God: Love (KW) (8 tps) 48.00
B-7s Despierta del sueño: Una presentación de UCEM 10.00 T-56 The Experience of ACIM (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00
B-13s UCDM y el cristianismo: Un diálogo (KW/Clarke) 7.00 T-57 Separation and Forgiveness (KW) (7 tapes) 42.00
B-14s Las preguntas más comunes en torno a UCDM 8.00 The Workbook Lessons of ACIM
B-15s El mensaje de Un curso en milagros (KW) 22.00 Number of tapes per item number in parentheses.
T-58-1 (8) $32.00 T-58-4 (8) $32.00
Tapes (Kenneth and Gloria Wapnick)
T-58-2 (10) $40.00 T-58-5 (8) $32.00
T-1 The Simplicity of Salvation (KW) (8 tapes) $48.00 T-58-3 (11) $44.00 T-58-6 (10) $40.00
T-2 Christian Psychology in ACIM (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 T-59 The Quiet Answer (KW) (3 tapes) 18.00
T-3 Atonement without Sacrifice (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 T-60 The Obstacles to Peace (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00
T-5 The Ego and Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM
T-9 Special Relationships—Part 1 (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00 Eight tapes per item number.
per item
T-61-1 (Volume 1) through T-61-8 (Volume 8) number
T-10 Special Relationships—Part 2 (KW) (6 tapes) 36.00
T-13 Cause and Effect (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00 T-62 The Meaning of the Holy Instant (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00
T-15 The Gifts of God (KW) (3 tapes) 18.00 T-63 From Darkness to Light (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-16 Seek Not to Change the Course (2 tapes) 10.00 T-64 The Pathway of Forgiveness (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-17 Love Does Not Oppose (8 tapes) 48.00 T-65 Love and Be Silent (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-18 The Song of Prayer (KW) (10 tapes) 60.00 T-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-19 The Origin of A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 6.00 T-67 Living A Course in Miracles (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-20 I Will Be Still an Instant and Go Home (1 tape) 6.00 T-68 Special Relationships/Home of Guilt (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-21 Jesus: Teacher • Model (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00 T-69 Dreaming the Dream (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-22 The Authority Problem (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00 T-70 The Compassion of the Miracle (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00
T-23 Our Gratitude to God (KW) (5 tapes) 30.00 T-71 Approaching A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 5.00
T-24 Sickness and Healing (KW) (8 tapes) 48.00 T-72 An Overview of A Course in Miracles (KW) (1 tape) 6.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price
T-73 The Time Machine (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-21 Jesus: Teacher • Model (10 CDs) 55.00
T-74 Forgiveness and the End of Time (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-31 Jesus: The Manifestation of the Holy Spirit (6 CDs) 35.00
T-75 Healing the Dream of Sickness (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-39 Duality as Metaphor in ACIM (10 CDs) 55.00
T-76 The Changeless Dwelling Place (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-42 Forgiving Jesus: “Stranger on the Road” (2 CDs) 15.00
T-77 To Be or Not to Be (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-51 The Importance of Jesus (2 CDs) 15.00
T-78 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-53 The Meaning of Forgiveness (2 CDs) 15.00
T-79 The Prodigal Son (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-54 The Kindness of Healing (2 CDs) 15.00
T-80 Returning Home (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-55 Gift of the Ego: Fear • Gift of God: Love (10 CDs) 55.00
T-81 Justice Returned to Love (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 The Workbook Lessons of ACIM
T-82 The Problem of Evil (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 Number of CDs per item number in parentheses.
T-83-1 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. I (KW) (10 tps) 40.00 CD-58-1 (7) $40.00 CD-58-5 (8) $45.00
CD-58-2 (5) $30.00 CD-58-6 (9) $50.00
T-83-2 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. II (KW) (10 tps) 40.00 CD-58-3 (5) $30.00 CD-58-7 (10) $55.00
T-84 The Quality of Mercy (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-58-4 (12) $65.00
T-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM
Eight CDs per item number.
T-86 The Journey: From Ego Self to True Self (KW) (12 tps) 60.00 per item
CD-61-1 (Volume 1) through CD-61-8 (Volume 8) number
T-87 Living in the World (KW) (8 tapes) 40.00
T-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-65 Love and Be Silent (4 CDs) 25.00
T-89 Deciding for God (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-66 Jesus: Symbol and Reality (4 CDs) 25.00
T-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-71 Approaching A Course in Miracles (1 CD) 10.00
T-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-72 An Overview of A Course in Miracles (1 CD) 10.00
T-92 Letting Go of Judgment (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-75 Healing the Dream of Sickness (4 CDs) 25.00
T-93 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process & Practice (KW) (8 tps) 40.00 CD-76 The Changeless Dwelling Place (4 CDs) 25.00
T-94 Jesus: “The Ancient Love” (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-77 To Be or Not to Be: Hamlet, Death, and ACIM (4 CDs) 25.00
T-95 Escape from Love: Dissociating ACIM (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-78 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money (4 CDs) 25.00
T-96 Walking with Jesus (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-79 The Prodigal Son (4 CDs) 25.00
T-97 Jesus: “Bright Stranger” (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-80 Returning Home (4 CDs) 25.00
T-98 Who is Jesus? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-81 Justice Returned to Love (4 CDs) 25.00
T-99 Jesus: Companion on Our Journey (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-82 The Problem of Evil (4 CDs) 25.00
T-101 “What It Says”: From the Preface of ACIM (KW) (4 tps) 20.00 CD-83-1 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. I (10 CDs) 55.00
T-102 The Ghost of Caesar: Guilt’s Shadow (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-83-2 Classes on the Manual of ACIM – Vol. II (10 CDs) 55.00
T-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-84 The Quality of Mercy (4 CDs) 25.00
T-104 The Arch of Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-85 A Tale Told by an Idiot (3 CDs) 20.00
T-105 “On the Three Metamorphoses” (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-86 The Journey: From Ego Self to True Self (16 CDs) 85.00
T-106 The Inner Voice (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-87 Living in the World: Prison or Classroom (8 CDs) 45.00
T-107 Shadows of Limitation (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-88 Healing: Hearing the Melody (4 CDs) 25.00
T-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift of God (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-89 Deciding for God (2 CDs) 15.00
T-109 “Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity” (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-90 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well (4 CDs) 25.00
T-110 Art and ACIM: Reflections of Holiness (KW) (4 tps) 20.00 CD-91 Jesus: Light in the Dream (2 CDs) 15.00
T-111 Transformation: ...Form to Formlessness (KW) (2 tps) 10.00 CD-92 Letting Go of Judgment (3 CDs) 20.00
T-112 The Lessons of the Holy Spirit (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-93 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process & Practice (8 CDs) 45.00
T-113 Parents/Children: Difficult Classroom (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-94 Jesus: “The Ancient Love” (4 CDs) 25.00
T-114 From Futility to Happiness: Sisyphus (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-95 Escape from Love: Dissociating ACIM (2 CDs) 15.00
T-115 The Real Alternative (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-96 Walking with Jesus (3 CDs) 20.00
T-116 Looking with Jesus: Forgiveness (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-97 Jesus: “Bright Stranger” (4 CDs) 25.00
T-117 When 2 + 2 = 5 (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-98 Who is Jesus? (3 CDs) 20.00
T-118 ACIM: “A Book for All and None” (KW) (2 tapes) 10.00 CD-99 Jesus: Companion on Our Journey (4 CDs) 25.00
T-119 The Conductor and the Orchestra (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-100 Jesus: Songs of Gratitude and Love (32 CDs) 100.00
T-120 Psychotherapy and Healing (KW) (4 tapes) 20.00 CD-101 “What It Says”: From the Preface of ACIM (4 CDs) 25.00
CD-102 The Ghost of Caesar: Guilt’s Shadow (4 CDs) 25.00
Compact Discs (Kenneth Wapnick)
CD-103 Jesus: Fantasy or Truth? (2 CDs) 15.00
CD-5 The Ego and Forgiveness (3 CDs) $20.00
CD-104 The Arch of Forgiveness (3 CDs) 20.00
CD-15 The Gifts of God (4 CDs) 25.00
CD-105 “On the Three Metamorphoses” (4 CDs) 25.00
CD-18 The Song of Prayer (13 CDs) 70.00
CD-106 The Inner Voice (3 CDs) 20.00

Item Title Price Item Title Price
CD-107 Shadows of Limitation (4 CDs) 25.00 V-10 Special Relationships: The Home of Guilt – VHS 30.00
CD-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift of God (2 CDs) 15.00 V-10p Specl Reltnshps:/Home of Guilt – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00
CD-109 “Sweet Are the Uses of Adversity” (4 CDs) 25.00 V-11 Love and Be Silent – VHS 30.00
CD-110 Art and ACIM: Reflections of Holiness (4 CDs) 25.00 V-11p Love and Be Silent – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00
CD-111 Transformation: ...Form to Formlessness (3 CDs) 20.00 Classes on the Text of ACIM
One 2-hour VHS tape per item number; item num- 15.00
CD-112 The Lessons of the Holy Spirit (4 CDs) 25.00 per item
bers correspond to chapters (i.e., V-12-2 is Chapter 2)
CD-113 Parents/Children: Most Difficult Classroom (5 CDs) 30.00 number
V-12-in through V-12-31
CD-114 From Futility to Happiness: Sisyphus (4 CDs) 25.00
V-13 Justice Returned to Love – VHS 30.00
CD-115 The Real Alternative (4 CDs) 25.00
V-14 The Time Machine – VHS 30.00
CD-116 Looking with Jesus: Practice of Forgiveness (3 CDs) 20.00
V-15 Forgiveness and the End of Time – VHS 30.00
CD-117 When 2 + 2 = 5 (4 CDs) 25.00
V-16 From Darkness to Light – VHS 30.00
CD-118 ACIM: “A Book for All and None (3CDs) 20.00
V-17 Jesus: Symbol and Reality – VHS 30.00
CD-119 The Conductor and the Orchestra (KW) (4 CDs) 25.00
V-18 Dreaming the Dream – VHS 30.00
CD-120 Psychotherapy and Healing (KW) (6 CDs) 35.00
V-19 The Compassion of the Miracle – VHS 30.00
DVDs V-20 Healing the Dream of Sickness – VHS 30.00
DV-108 Helen Schucman: A Gift of God (143 Minutes) $15.00 V-21 The Changeless Dwelling Place – VHS 30.00
VHS (Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick) V-22 To Be or Not to Be: Hamlet, Death, & ACIM – VHS 30.00

V-1 Seek Not to Change the Course – VHS (US) $20.00 V-23 Form vs. Content: Sex and Money – VHS 30.00

V-1p Seek Not to Change the Course – VHS (PAL non-US) 30.00 V-24 The Prodigal Son – VHS 30.00

V-3 The Real World (3-hr. unedited) – VHS (US) 30.00 V-25 The Problem of Evil – VHS 30.00

V-3p The Real World (3-hr. unedited) – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00 Classes on the Manual of ACIM
One 2-hour VHS tape per item number.
V-4 The Real World (2-hr. edited) – VHS (US) 20.00 per item
V-26-1 through V-26-10 number
V-4p The Real World (2-hr.) – VHS (PAL non-US) 30.00
V-27 The Quality of Mercy – VHS 30.00
V-5 Interview with Kenneth and Gloria – VHS (US) 15.00
V-28 A Tale Told by an Idiot – VHS 30.00
V-5p Interview w/Kenneth and Gloria – VHS (PAL non-US) 20.00
V-29 Healing: Hearing the Melody – VHS 30.00
V-6 Visionaries—VHS (US) 10.00
V-30 Loving Not Wisely, but Too Well – VHS 30.00
VHS (Kenneth Wapnick) V-31 An Introduction to A Course in Miracles – VHS 10.00
V-7 The Pathway of Forgiveness – VHS $30.00 V-32 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice – VHS 60.00
V-7p The Pathway of Forgiveness – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00 V-33 “What It Says”: From the Preface of ACIM – VHS 30.00
V-8 Living A Course in Miracles – VHS 30.00
Nightingale-Conant (Gloria and Kenneth Wapnick)
V-8p Living A Course in Miracles – VHS (PAL non-US) 40.00
NT-1 Living A Course in Miracles album (8 tapes) $69.95
V-9 The Meaning of the Holy Instant – VHS 20.00
NC-1 Living A Course in Miracles (8 CDs) 79.95
V-9p The Meaning of the Holy Instant – VHS (PAL non-US) 30.00

A Course in Miracles and Related Material (retail only)

Item Title Price Item Title Price
F-2 A Course in Miracles (Combined Softcover) $30.00 F-9 Readings from A Course in Miracles (1 audio tape) 10.00
F-11 A Course in Miracles (Combined Hardcover) 35.00 F-10 The Story of A Course in Miracles (1 video tape) 60.00
F-15 A Course in Miracles (New Combined Paperback) 20.00 F-10p The Story of ACIM (1 video tp) VHS (PAL non-US) 60.00
F-1s Un Curso de Milagros (Spanish) 35.00 F-12 A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (42 audio tapes) 150.00
F-3 The Song of Prayer 6.00 F-12cd A Course in Miracles (2nd Ed.) (59 CDs) 170.00
F-4 Psychotherapy: Purpose, Process and Practice 6.00 P-13 Concordance of ACIM 50% discount 25.00
F-34s Anexo a Un curso en milagros (Spanish Supplements) 10.00 F-14 The Forgotten Song (1 video tp/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-5 The Gifts of God 21.00 F-14dvd The Forgotten Song (DVD/ Part I only of F-10) 30.00
F-6 Workbook Lesson Cards 22.00 C-3 Electronic version of ACIM—Win (CD-ROM only) 40.00
F-7 What It Says (1 audio tape) 10.00 C-4 Electronic version of ACIM—MAC (CD-ROM only) 40.00
F-8 What It Says (1 video tape) 30.00


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Foundation for A COURSE IN MIRACLES®
41397 Buecking Drive
Temecula, CA 92590-5668

The Foundation is located just off I-15. From the north,
take the CA-79 N/Winchester Road exit and stay in the far
right lane. Turn right onto Winchester Road/CA-79, again
staying in the far right-hand lane. Turn right onto Jefferson
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Jefferson (heading north) for two long blocks until you
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The Foundation is the second building on the left.

From the south, take the CA-79N/Winchester Road exit,

turning left onto Winchester Road. Get into the far right
lane and turn right onto Jefferson Avenue, which is the sec-
ond stop light. Continue straight on Jefferson (heading
north) for two long blocks until you reach Buecking Drive.
Turn right onto Buecking Drive. The Foundation is the sec-
ond building on the left.

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