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Firmware: is software that is integrated into the memory of read-only

devices such as watches and cell phones. This limited functionality software is
often used to boot the device

2. What network device maintains the information on where to send the data
packets to reach remote destinations?


3. Which of these statements describes computation in fog?

Respuesta correcta: Creates a distributed

IT infrastructure that provides services near the
perimeter of the network.

4. What type of device is primarily responsible for the explosive growth of IdC?

Respuesta correcta: sensors

5. Join the IoT devices with the correct descriptions. (Not all options are used)
Sensors: convert information( buca en las opciones primero q diga information
o algo asi ese es )
Solenoide: convert electric power ( dice eso dice energy buca en las opciones
donde dice energy o algo asi ese es)
RFID: responds to a signal from (no dice exactamente eso dice otra cosa pero buca
donde dice signal)
Controller: (lee las opciones donde dice IP en esa oraciones esa es)
6. Why is cloud computing necessary to manage everything on the Internet?
Respuesta correcta: It provides applications and services distributed all over the
global. (algo asi dice en la respuesta busca las palabras que coincida)
7. Which of the following is an example of a computer program that can be
encoded with the JavaScript scripting language?
Respuesta correcta: A calculator of the monthly payments of a mortgage on a
web page (algo asi dice en la respuesta busca las palabras que coincida)

8. What is an example of an M2M connection in IoT?

Respuesta correcta: The sensors in a warehouse communicate with each other
and send data to a server block in the cloud.

9. Which pillar in the Cisco IoT System describes integrated networks that include
a compact form factor switch and router cards that run Cisco IOS software to
provide secure data, voice and video communications?
Respuesta correcta: network connectivity
10. An employee has an idea for a product and decides to make a functional
demonstration version of the new product to show management. What is the
student creating with the demo version? (es sobre un empleado)
Respuesta correcta: a prototype
11. What three network models are described in the cloud computing pillar of the
Cisco IoT System? (Choose three.)
 Client server
 fog computing
 Cloud Computing
12. Which statement describes the Cisco IoT system?
Respuesta correcta: It is an infrastructure for managing large-scale systems of
terminals and very different platforms.
13. Why is a default gateway address required in the configuration of an IP-enabled
intelligent sensor?
RESPUESTA CORECTA : Allows the sensor to send data to a server on a remote
14. What computer platform was designed to help a beginner create interactive
objects that receive information from sensors and use that input to control
lights, motors and other physical objects?

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