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Owing to the threat caused by fire to human life and personal property, it is important to develop
a mechanism through which one can help people avoid such situations and just in case, if such
situation arises, one should be able to give a quick response. This will help in reduction of
damage that may be caused because of such threat.

The scope of this document is to present a set of guidelines that may help avoid home fire safety
messages. The focus of these guidelines will be the household who can read.

1- Household should ensure that every house should have smoke alarms. These are not
expensive in nature and yet are very safe and useful in identification of fire threat. These
fire alarms should be installed at high -risk areas especially in kitchen.
2- Water sprinklers should be installed at different places in the home. These water-
sprinklers should be installed in kitchen so that in case of any fire, these sprinklers should
be able to extinguish fire as soon as possible. At the same time, these should also be
installed in bedrooms so that in case of any fire, these can be used to help extinguish fire.
3- Household should raise their awareness by learning about fire precautionary measures
and should also help the family members in giving a response to the fire. As a matter of
fact, household should attempt to prepare and practice fire-drill at least twice a year.
Household should include children and handicapped people.
4- While designing homes and residential facilities, household should ensure that they
should have proper doors and windows that can be used in case of any fire emergencies.
All fire exits should be cleared so that they can be used in case of any emergency.
5- It is important to maintain a no-smoking policy in the house especially in bed and
drawing rooms. As any ash or burning part of cigarette my lead to a full-scale fire.
6- All space heaters should be placed in a place where they may not top easily. In addition
to this, it is also important that one should ensure when unused, all heaters should be
7- Household should ensure that for all persons in home, who have special needs, there
should be a plan in place that may help them in rescuing from fire.
8- All fire chimneys should be cleaned at least once a year. If needed, professional support
can also be obtained for cleaning and maintenance.
9- All cooking ranges, heaters, large and small heating and cooking appliances should be
switched off when not in use especially at night.
10- Household should inspect all electrical appliances once a year and ensure that there are
no worn wires. No wires should be allowed to run under rugs and carpets. If possible,
fire-proof electrical wiring should be used.
11- All highly-combustible material should be kept at least 5 feet away from things that may
cause smoke and fire. Example includes water heaters, stoves, electric appliances, etc.
12- All the members of the family should develop an emergency communication plan
through which they can approach to each other in the event of any emergency.

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