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Original Investigation

Electron Microscopic Features of Nasal Mucosa Treated

with Topical and Circumostial Injection of Mitomycin C:
Implications in Dacryocystorhinostomy
Mohammad Javed Ali, F.R.C.S.*, Farhana Baig, M.D., D.N.B.†, Mekala Lakshman, Ph.D.‡,
and Milind N. Naik, M.D.*
*Dacryology Service, L.V. Prasad Eye Institute; †Department of Pathology, Global Hospital;
and ‡Ruska Laboratories, College of Veterinary Sciences, Hyderabad, India

range from 4% to 13%.1–3 The most common cause of fail-

Purpose: To evaluate the ultrastructural effects of topical and ure is scarring and cicatricial closure of the osteotomy site.3,4
circumostial injection of mitomycin C (COS-MMC) on nasal Therefore, increased success can be achieved using antifibrotic
mucosa and compare them with the controls. The study also agents, such as mitomycin C (MMC) that can inhibit scarring
aimed at classifying the subcellular effects in detail. and cicatrix formation through its wound modulatory effects.5–12
Methods: The nasal mucosa of 6 patients were subjected to Ali et al.13 studied the effects of MMC on nasal mucosa
0.02% of mitomycin C for 3 minutes (3 patients) and 0.02% fibroblasts and found that the minimum effective concentration
COS-MMC (3 patients) as per standard protocol, during of MMC was 0.2 mg/ml for a duration of 3 minutes. They found
endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy. Normal nasal mucosa from that at this concentration, there is significant inhibition of cel-
untreated areas (2 each from topical and COS-MMC groups) lular proliferation among fibroblasts without causing significant
were taken as controls after harvesting the treated areas. Full apoptosis and cellular death. Kamal et al.14 described a new
thickness tissues (5 mm × 5 mm) were collected for transmission technique of injecting MMC called circumostial mitomycin C
electron microscopy, and ultrastructural effects were evaluated. (COS-MMC) to potentiate the wound modulatory effects of the
Results: Both topical and COS-MMC showed significant drug. They showed it to be safe and effective in high-risk cases
and distinct ultrastructural changes involving the epithelial, such as revision DCRs and surgeries for post-traumatic second-
glandular, vascular, and fibrocollagenous tissues compared ary acquired lacrimal duct obstruction (SALDO).
with the controls. There were profound changes within Ultrastructural effects of MMC in DCR have been stud-
fibroblasts with intracellular edema, pleomorphic and ied once earlier by Ugurbas et al.,15 who demonstrated mito-
vesicular mitochondria, dilated smooth and rough endoplasmic chondrial and nuclear changes following topical application of
reticulum, and chromatin condensation. In addition, COS-
0.5 mg/ml for 2.5 minutes. The current lacunae in ultrastructural
MMC samples showed subepithelial hypocellularity with
knowledge are lack of detailed drug effects, no data with the
limited disorganization of structure. The changes in both the
current evidence of 0.02% MMC for 3 minutes, and no data on
MMC groups were restricted to treated areas only.
the subcellular effects of COS-MMC. This article attempts to
Conclusions: Both topical and COS-MMC show profound
fill this void and report detailed transmission electron micro-
changes in nasal mucosa with more marked changes in COS-
scopic (TEM) effects of standardized MMC on nasal mucosa
MMC group. These changes being limited in nature may
using various approaches. These changes were also documented
help in enhancing the success of dacryocystorhinostomy
by preventing cicatricial changes of the ostium, especially by classifying them under 4 subheadings, namely epithelial,
in high-risk cases such as revision and post-traumatic glandular, vascular, and fibrocollagenous.
(Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2015;31:103–107)
The nasal mucosa of 6 patients were subjected to 0.02% of
MMC for 3 minutes (3 patients) and 0.02% COS-MMC (3 patients) as
per standard protocol, during endoscopic DCR.13,14 Normal nasal mu-
cosa from untreated areas (2 each from topical and COS-MMC groups)
D acryocystorhinostomy (DCR) is a common surgery per-
formed for the management of nasolacrimal duct obstruc-
tion with a good success rate. However, the failure rates can
were taken as controls after harvesting the treated areas. Full thickness
tissues (5 mm × 5 mm) were collected for TEM, and ultrastructural ef-
fects were evaluated. All patients were operated by a single surgeon
(M.J.A.). Institutional review board and ethics committee approval was
Accepted for publication April 12, 2014. obtained. All patients provided an informed written consent.
The authors have no financial or conflicts of interest to disclose.
This study has been reviewed by the ethics committee and has been TEM Protocol. The samples were fixed in 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1-
performed in accordance with the ethical standards laid down in the 1964
Declaration of Helsinki. Informed consent was obtained from the patients. M phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) for 24 hours at 4°C and postfixed in 2%
M.J.A. helped in concepts and manuscript writing; F.B. in concepts and aqueous osmium tetroxide in 0.1-M phosphate buffer for 2 hours. The
electron microscopic interpretation; M.L. in electron microscopy; and tissues were dehydrated in a series of graded alcohols, infiltrated, and
M.N.N. in critical review. embedded in Araldite 6005 resin or Spur resin. Ultrathin sections of
Address correspondence and reprint requests to Mohammad Javed Ali,
F.R.C.S., L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Road No 2, Banjara Hills, Hyderabad 34, 50 nm were made with a glass knife using the Ultra-microtome (Lieca
India. E-mail: drjaved007@gmail.com Ultracut UCT-GA-D/E-1/00, Wetzlar, Germany). The ultrathin sections
DOI: 10.1097/IOP.0000000000000205 were then mounted on copper grids and stained with saturated aqueous

Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015 103

M. J. Ali et al. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015

uranyl acetate and counter stained with Reynold’s lead citrate. The sec- cytoplasmic organelles were indistinct with patchy chromatin condensa-
tions were viewed under TEM (Hitachi H-7500, Tokyo, Japan) at ap- tion (Fig. 2A). The nuclei were pleomorphic with indistinct nucleoli and
propriate magnifications as per standard protocols.16 gross marginal chromatin condensation. Few cells showed gross peri-
nuclear dilated areas (Fig. 2A).
RESULTS The glandular cells showed distinct intracellular junctions but
Both topical and COS-MMC showed significant ultrastructural were not tight. Cytoplasm showed permeable vesicles with scattered and
changes involving epithelial, glandular, and vascular changes compared disorganized secretory granules (Fig. 2B). There were areas of intracy-
with the controls. Features of each category are described separately. toplasmic edema with dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum
(Fig. 2B). Nuclear changes were more marked with perinuclear dilated
Controls or Normal Nasal Mucosa. The normal nasal mucosa areas, disrupted outer nuclear membranes, and peripheral chromatin
showed healthy epithelial cells with well-defined cellular boundaries condensation abutting the inner nuclear membrane (Fig. 2B).
and microvilli toward the luminal side (Fig. 1A). The cytoplasm and Vascular changes noted were dilated microcapillaries with lu-
nucleus were normal, with numerous intracytoplasmic normal mito- men homogenously filled with blood cells (Fig. 2C). The endothelial
chondria reflecting an increased metabolism. Within the epithelium, cells were dilated with irregular or indistinct nucleus with plenty of
there were distinct goblet cells with a large lumen and nucleus to one chromatin condensation. There were deep indentations in smooth
side (Fig. 1A,B). The glandular tissues showed cells with tight intra- muscle fibers with intervening edema, adjacent to the capillaries
cellular junctions with numerous intracytoplasmic golgi bodies and (Fig. 2C).
endoplasmic reticulum (Fig. 1C). There were numerous secretory ves- Fibroblasts and collagen fibers showed the most profound ef-
icles with secretory granules within them reflecting secretory activity fects. The collagen fibers were edematous with intervening fluid be-
(Fig. 1C). Subepithelial tissues had numerous collagen fibers, some tween fibers in some places (Fig. 2D). The fibroblasts showed gross
longitudinally cut (fiber like) and some cross-sectional (end-on dark intracellular edema and indistinct cytoplasmic organelles but main-
tips) with intervening normal fibroblasts with scanty cytoplasm, large tained its shape and cellular outline (Fig. 2D). There was scanty but
nucleus, and numerous normal mitochondria without gross chromatin widespread patchy electron dense granular condensation (Fig. 3A).
condensation (Fig. 1D). The mitochondria were pleomorphic with altered size and shape.
Some mitochondria were predominantly vesicular without any mito-
Topical MMC (0.02%, 3 Minutes). The epithelium was attenuated chondrial matrix, reflecting loss of function(Fig. 3B). The nuclei were
with changes up to the basal cells with gross inter- and intracellular ede- indistinct. Endoplasmic reticulum was discontinuous with intervening
ma (Fig. 2A). Intercellular junctions were either loose or indistinct. The edema (Fig. 3A,B).

FIG. 1.  Ultrastructural features of normal nasal mucosa. Transmission electron micrograph (TEMG) showing the normal nasal mucosa
epithelium. Normal epithelial cells (E) are seen with tight junctions and normal nucleus (N) and nucleolus (NL). Intervening goblet cells
(G) and microvilli (M) can be noted (×2,895) (A). Large goblet cell with nucleus to one side (×3,860) (B). TEMG showing glandular
cells with tight intercellular junctions (T), plenty of golgi bodies (G), and numerous secretory granules (S) (×3,474) (C). TEMG showing
fibroblast (F) with surrounding collagen fibers (C) (×5,790) (D).

104 © 2014 The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc.
Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015 Ultrastructural Effects of Mitomycin C on Nasal Mucosa

FIG. 2.  Ultrastructural features following topical mitomycin C treatment. Transmission electron micrograph (TEMG) showing epithelial
changes up to the basal cells (B) with inter- and intracellular edema (E), degenerating nuclei (N), peripheral nuclear chromatin condensa-
tion (C), and perinuclear dilatation (PND) (×6,755) (A). TEMG of glandular cells showing vesicular cytoplasm (V), dilated endoplasmic
reticulum (ER), nuclei (N) with widespread chromatin condensation (C), disruption of outer nuclear membrane (ONM), and perinuclear
dilatations (PND) (×7,720) (B). TEMG showing a dilated microcapillary (DC) with a lumen (L) filled with erythrocytes (B). The endothelial
cell (EC) is edematous with disorganized nucleus (N). Smooth muscle (SM) fibers are seen in the vicinity (×2,316) (C). Edematous colla-
gen fibers (C) with a swollen fibroblast (F) with scanty electron dense granules (ED) and vesicular mitochondria (VM) (×7,720) (D).

Circumostial Injection of MMC 0.02% (COS-MMC). The epithe- DISCUSSION

lium was grossly attenuated with very sparse microvilli (Fig. 3C). This
MMC is an antineoplastic antibiotic obtained from strep-
epithelium can be compared with the normal one (Fig. 1A). The nuclei
tomyces caespitosus and is commonly used in lacrimal surgeries.
were vesicular with indistinct nucleoli and irregular chromatin con-
densation (Fig. 3C,D). The mitochondria were devoid of matrix, and
It is a potent inhibitor of DNA and protein synthesis and acts by
numerous such vesicular changes were noted (Fig. 3D). The basement
covalently reacting with DNA forming cross-links between the
membrane of the epithelium was found to be discontinuous with ir- complementary strands.17 It is well-known that for any wound
regular collagen bundles and gross gaps within the bundles (Fig. 4A). healing, the proliferation and extracellular matrix production by
The highlight of COS-MMC was focal disorganization in the subepi- the fibroblasts play a central role and that low dose of MMC
thelial tissues (Fig. 4A). induces cell cycle arrest at S phase and also at G2-M phase,
Glandular tissues were disorganized with thickened septae and while increased MMC concentrations results in apoptosis.17
diffuse inter- and intracellular edema (Fig. 4B). The secretory compo- Desmouliere et al.18 conducted electron microscopic studies
nents were hypoplastic with numerous empty secretory vesicles and of the granulation tissues and scar in female Wistar rats. They
scanty secretory granules. Grossly disturbed but plenty of rough endo- found that fibroblast and myofibroblasts play an essential role in
plasmic reticulum were seen (Fig. 4B). wound healing and also in the scar formation.
The vascular changes were similar to that seen with topical Ugurbas et al.15 studied the histopathological effects of
MMC (Fig. 2C), with no perceptible differences; however, the fibro- MMC on nasal mucosa by both light microscopy and ultrastruc-
collagenous tissues showed marked changes. The collagen fibers were turally. They used 0.5 mg/ml for 2.5 minutes followed by a wash.
appearing scant because of severe edema of the fibers and intervening They harvested the nasal mucosa not only intraoperatively but
spaces between collagen bundles (Fig. 4C). Few fibroblasts showed also many times postoperatively on day 15, 1, 3, and 6 months.
gross degenerative changes with partly missing cellular outlines They concluded that effects of MMC were confined to treated
(Fig. 4C,D). However, all the fibroblasts showed indistinct cytoplasm, areas, and effects of MMC continued up to 6 months after sur-
indistinct cytoplasmic organelles, loss of mitochondria, peripheral nu- gery. They observed attenuated epithelium, intracellular edema,
clear chromatin condensation, and patchy electron dense granular depo- and abnormal mitochondria as the most prominent findings and
sition all over (Fig. 4C,D). concluded that the topical use of MMC may enhance the success

© 2014 The American Society of Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Inc. 105
M. J. Ali et al. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015

FIG. 3.  Ultrastructural features following mitomycin C application. Transmission electron micrograph (TEMG) high magnification of
fibroblast (F) shows retained cellular outline on 1 side with dilated endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and vesicular mitochondria (VM) with
peripheral chromatin condensation (C) (×13,510) (A). TEMG high magnification showing subcellular features of fibroblast, including
dilated endoplasmic reticulum (ER), pleomorphic mitochondria (M), VM with peripheral chromatin condensation (C), and scattered
electron dense (ED) granular material (×28,950) (B). TEMG of circumostial injection of mitomycin C (COS-MMC)–treated mucosa
showing attenuated epithelium (E) with vesicular nuclei (VN) and VM and sparse microvilli (M) (×3,860) (C). TEMG of COS-MMC–
treated epithelium in a higher magnification showing vesicular nuclei (VN) and VM (×4,825) (D).

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Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2015 Ultrastructural Effects of Mitomycin C on Nasal Mucosa

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