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PEPSI Screening

Johanna Hernandez

PEPSI Screening

EDU 220 Section 1004

Prof. Hooks
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For this PEPSI Screening I will be doing is going to be about a young fiffteen year old

female named Sherlyn, who has barely starting ninth grade in high school. She is one of my

cousin’s oldest daughter in which I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time since last year.

She is fluent in Spanish and is taking English course classes in Tijuana, Baja California in which

she was born and also resides in. She has a huge passion in wanting to learn and to succeed in

life with a great personality and nice morals and manners towards other people. She came from

a poor, yet humble setting in which has made her how she is, humble and well-mannered young


Her physical development, like all adolescents when they reach a certain age is maturity.

Becoming a bit more responsible and more serious for certain things. Beginning to grow in

height, body changes, and weight change. The individual has started to grow into the pre-adult

state. As one would say, puberty has started to show evidently once hitting that certain age in the

hormones start to spurt to life and to change one’s aspect and vision towards other things.

Signs being, showing interest in male’s and having crushes on famous celebrity male’s.

Sherlyn has talked about how her first menarche or first menstrual cycle was for her and how she

had to come to terms that she was beginning to grow into a adolescent and accept the fact that

her body was going to change and not look like a little girl anymore. Knowing that some or even

all of her interests would change and she would have to experience new beginnings to becoming

an adolescent. According to the textbook in page 101, “Most students reach physical maturity,

and virtually all attain puberty.” Experiences being, knowing how to use pads/tampons,

experimenting with make-up, learning how to deal with mood swings when her period starts,

having to be the mature one out of her two younger sisters, knowing that she would have her
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body change from her breasts and widening of her hips, her voice seeming a little bit more

maturer than a little girl voice.

Knowing that she would have to deal with different emotions during puberty. Having to

go through with having a sex education class once in high school.

As for her emotional development, I have seen some stress from her when she talked

about having to get advanced classes when going to high school. She seemed nervous, but

excited at the same time to be able to meet new people and to begin to learn different subjects.

She also talked about having a lot of stress when homework will be given along with tests,

projects and final exams. Developing depression or even anxiety from high school to even social

stress from not having that support from family or friends. According to the textbook in page

104, “Many psychiatric disorders either appear or become prominent during adolescence.”

From what I observed on Sherlyn, she seemed to be doing okay for her first few months

of being a highschool student after our talk a few months before she started ninth grade in high

school. She did show a few signs of stress, but it all went away after she spent some time with

relatives and talked about other things like her favorite singers and youtubers instead of stressing

on talking about how much homework she is getting how much more studying she is doing.

Philosophy speaking, she was ready to take on independence of herself and to be more

responsible with her stuff and other things. She had a positive approach to talking with adults

and having great manners when asking for something or just saying a simple, “thank you” and

“please”. Along with greeting others when introduced to new faces or familiar ones.

Her social development had grown as she would dress differently, have a different

hairstyle as she would usually have, she would carry a purse on a daily basis, and knowing the
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newest slang word or viral dance. She would talk about her new friends and how they would

have the newest and latest phone, clothes, shoes, crushes, etc. In high school, it is true how some

friends do make an impact on how you are. They give you different advice from what you are

given from your parents. They influence you into good things like doing your homework on

time and being a good student in school and being nice to your parents.

They could also influence you in the most bad way possible like making you or peer

pressuring the most innocent student they can find so they can start doing drugs and drinking

alcohol just like them or worse. Being classified as a popular kid in school, the jock, the geek,

the nerd, the normal ones, goths and so on. Classifications in school for how nice looking and

how rich you are shouldn’t being happening in school, but it is. Sherlyn says that it doesn’t

matter to her what they classify her, she only thinks of herself as a normal highschool student

that does her homework, studies and goes to school just like any other student would. That she

totally disagrees on how people would classify others by their presentation and how they act or if

they are rich or not.

How each and every student should be treated the same and not by their appearance. To

act differently is okay, but to push your limit to having to act a certain way just to please how

society is nowadays is too much to be a fake person than being normal. According to page 103

in the textbook, “When adolescents look for models and advice on such social matters as dress,

hairstyle, speech patterns, friendship, and leisure activities.” From the observation, I saw how

she would at times, look at her phone and text back to someone for a bit before going back to

doing whatever she was doing, like talking to someone and putting her undivided attention to

them again. She would also show her little sisters the most viral dance moves being used
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nowadays like, dabbing or the nae nae, in which they would laugh and make it seem more fun

than how it is being portrayed through videos on YouTube.

She would act all goofy and motherly with her younger siblings as they would goof off

with her and bounce around her wanting her to join them in on some made up game they would

have going on or ask her if she would like to draw and color with them in the kitchen dining

table. She would accept the majority of the time or she would just tell them nicely that she

would join them another time when she wasn’t tired or would actually feel in the mood to join

them and to have patience with them. She also talked about how some of her friends had current

jobs after school so they could earn a few money and experience once they are done and out with

high school. She said that she wanted to wait a bit before actually going out and getting

interviews and working once she wasn’t as stressed out and busy with school.

Her intellectual development has grown incredibly through the years as she is now taking

advanced classes to get to college/university faster and start her new career/job. She understands

what some things are good and others being bad in some cases. When asked what her opinion

was on drugs, she would reply with “I think drugs are the worst things for a human being to

consume. Why waste money and ruin your health on some pill or other drugs that will ruin you?

Why not waste that money on something reasonable like healthy food or something you actually

need and not want something that will harm you.” She is at that point of maturing and

understanding what is happening around her. The positive things in life and the negative ones.

Reasoning with things and knowing to not just trust what someone from school is telling you or

pressuring you into doing.

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Snowman, Jack. "Chapter 3." ​Psychology Applied to Teaching. 14th ed. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag.


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