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ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies

Unit Assessment Plan

Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

Stage 1 – Desired Results

Established Goals – GLO(s):

7.2 Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how the political,
demographic, economic and social changes that have occurred since Confederation have
presented challenges and opportunities for individuals and communities.

Understandings: Essential Questions:

Students will understand that… Inquiry Question: “Who did the National policy
benefit most?”
Values and attitudes:
Students will: Additional Questions:
→ 7.2.1 Recognize the positive and -What is the National Policy? What are the three
negative aspects of immigration and main components of the National Policy?
migration. - How did the Canadian government encourage
→ 7.2.3 Appreciate the challenges that European immigration? Why did they want to
individuals and communities face when bring people from other countries to Canada?
confronted with rapid change. How did the immigration policy influence
Knowledge and understanding: Francophones? How has the tolerance towards
Students will: immigration changed?
→ 7.2.5 evaluate the impact of -Why were the Mounties created?
Confederation and of subsequent -Why did John A. Macdonald want to construct
immigration on Canada from 1867 to the the CPR? Are there any similarities or differences
First World War by exploring and between the development of the CPR and the
reflecting upon the following questions current development of the Keystone/Dakota
and issues: Pipeline?
- How did the National Policy -How did the influx of immigration, creation of
determine the economic and Mounties, and the construction of the CPR
demographic aspects of Canadian influence the lives of FNMI population?
expansion? -Was the National Policy national?
- How did changing demographics
resulting from Clifford Sifton’s
immigration policies affect the
collective identity of Francophones
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

in communities across western

- How did Asian immigrants
contribute to the development of
Canada (i.e., Chinese railway
- In what ways did the building of
the Canadian Pacific Railway
affect the growth of Canada?
- What was the role of the North
West Mounted Police in the
development of western Canada?
- What strategies were used by the
government to encourage
immigration from Europe?
- What strategies were used by
religious communities and
missionaries to encourage
migration and immigration to
western Canada from eastern
Canada and the United States?
- What impact did immigration have
on Aboriginal peoples and on
communities in Canada?
- How did immigrants from eastern
Europe contribute to the
development of western Canada?

Prior understandings… Students will be able to…

This unit will draw on the the students V 7.S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and
prior knowledge of Canadian history and creative thinking:
the relationship between various cultural - Determine the validity of information
groups that the students were introduced based on context, bias, source, objectivity,
to in the General Learner Outcome 7.1 and evidence and/or reliability to broaden
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

previous grades. Students will also need to understanding of a topic or an issue.

have an understanding of the events that - Evaluate, critically, ideas, information and
led to Canadian Confederation and how positions from multiple perspectives.
they influenced the identity of Canada. - Demonstrate the ability to analyze local
and current affairs.
Where does this lead? - Re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden
By successfully completing this unit, the understanding of a topic or an issue.
students will have scaffolded their - Generate creative ideas and strategies in
knowledge and be better prepared to enter individual and group activities.
grade eight when they will be required to 7.S.2 develop skills of historical thinking:
examine how intercultural contact has led - Use historical and community resources to
to changes in the worldviews of societies. organize the sequence of historical events.
The following GLO in particular will be 7.S.3 develop skills of geographic thinking:
influenced: - Interpret historical maps to broaden
- General Outcome 8.2 Origins of a understanding of historical events.
Western Worldview: Renaissance - Define geographic challenges and issues
Europe that lead to geographic questions.
- Through an examination of 7.S.5 demonstrate skills of cooperation, conflict
Renaissance Europe, students will resolution and consensus building:
demonstrate an understanding and - Assume various roles within groups,
appreciation of how the exchange including roles of leadership where
of ideas and knowledge appropriate
contributed to shaping the - Identify and use a variety of strategies to
worldview of the Western world. resolve conflicts peacefully and equitably.
- Consider the needs and perspectives of
7.S.7 apply the research process:
- Develop a position that is supported by
information gathered through research.
- Draw conclusions based upon research
and evidence.
- Determine how information serves a
variety of purposes and that the accuracy
or relevance of information may need
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

- Organize and synthesize researched
- Formulate new questions as research
- Integrate and synthesize concepts to
provide an informed point of view on a
research question or an issue.
- Practise the responsible and ethical use of
information and technology.

Stage 2 – Assessment Evidence

- KWL Chart

Quizzes, Tests, Assignments Performance Tasks, Projects

- Journal Entry -Debate
- Timeline -Debate Speech
- Chapter Reading Quiz -Debate Research Notes
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

Other Evidence (observations, work Student self-assessment

samples, dialogues) - Debate Self Reflection
- Class Discussions
- Students Observations

Learning Assessments
Title KWL Chart Class Timeline Chapter Diary Research Debate Debate
(Pre- Discussi Reading Entry Notes and Speech Reflection
Assessment) on Quiz Reasoned

Type Formative Formati Formativ Summati Summ Formative/ Summati Summative

(Formative/ ve e/ ve ative Summative ve

Weighting 0% 0% 10% 15% 15% 20% 30% 10%

7.2.1 - recognize the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

positive and negative
aspects of immigration
and migration

7.2.2 - recognize the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

positive and negative
consequences of political

7.2.3 - appreciate the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

challenges that
individuals and
communities face when
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

confronted with rapid


7.2.5 - evaluate the ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

impact of Confederation
and of subsequent
immigration on Canada
from 1867 to the First
World War by exploring
and reflecting upon the
following questions and

7.S.1 - develop skills of ✓ ✓ ✓

critical thinking and
creative thinking

7.S.2 - develop skills of ✓ ✓ ✓

historical thinking

7.S.3 - develop skills of ✓

geographic thinking

7.S.5 - demonstrate skills ✓ ✓

of cooperation, conflict
resolution and consensus

7.S.7 - apply the research ✓ ✓


7.S.8 - demonstrate skills ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

of oral, written and visual

Assessment Tool Overview

ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

Assessment Tool Brief Description Assessm Assessm Assessm

ent FOR ent AS ent OF
Learning Learning Learning

KWL Chart On the first day of this post

(Pre Assessment) confederation unit the students will
complete a KWL chart for the
teacher. This will allow the teacher
to determine the student's’ previous ✓ ✓
knowledge on the unit topic as well
as what they hope to learn
throughout the unit. Once the unit is
complete the students will be
provided with an opportunity to
inform the teacher through the
KWL chart what they have learned
throughout the course of this unit.

Class Ongoing classroom discussions will ✓

Discussions give students the opportunity to
participate in both small and whole
Outcomes: group discussions. This is
7.2.1 considered assessment “for”
7.2.2 learning as it will help students gain
7.2.3 a deeper understanding of the unit
7.2.5 content and help to direct student
7.S.2 learning in future lessons. It also
7.S.5 allows the teacher to ‘check in’ with
the students and determine their
progress and understanding.

Timeline Students will complete a timeline ✓ ✓

that indicates if significant events
Outcomes: Post-confederation are positive or
7.2.1 negative. They will hand in their
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

7.2.2 timeline at the midway point of the

7.2.5 semester to receive formative
7.S.2 feedback. At this time the activity
7.S.3 will be assessed “for” learning.
7.S.8 They will then continue to complete
their timeline in the second half of
the unit. The completed timeline
will be handed in to be summatively
assessed prior to the performance
task. Therefore, the activity will be
assessed “of” learning.

Chapter Reading Midway through the unit the ✓ ✓

Quiz students will be tasked with
completing a summative quiz on a
Outcomes: chapter in the textbook. Therefore,
7.2.2 this assessment is “of” learning.
7.2.3 This chapter will be gone over in
7.S.8 the classes previous to the
administration of the quiz. The
students will also be provided with a
brief study guide to ensure they are
studying the proper material. Once
the students have completed the
quiz and they have been marked the
students will be given the
opportunity to make corrections on
the short answer part of the quiz. If
the students choose to make
corrections on their quiz, the
corrections made will only be given
half marks. Allowing the students to
self reflect on their quizzes and
make the conscious decision to
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

make corrections or not makes this

an assessment “as” learning.

Journal/ Diary Throughout the unit the students ✓ ✓

Entries will complete a diary comprised of
5 journal entries. These entries will
Outcomes: be based off of questions from the
7.2.1 learned material and will be
7.2.3 provided by the teacher.. The
7.S.1 students will then share with their
7.S.8 classmates to be peer-assessed
(assessment “as” learning). When
providing peer-feedback, students
will have to complete a two stars
and a wish. After the last journal
entry has been completed, students
will hand in their diary to the
teacher to be summatively graded.
They must include all 5-journal
entries and the corresponding peer-
feedback. The final submission of
the completed diary is considered
assessment “of” learning because
the artifact provides a ‘snapshot’ of
what the student has learned.

Research Notes The final performance task for this ✓ ✓

and Reasoned unit will be comprised of four parts.
Judgment First, students will develop research
notes and a reasoned judgment.
Outcomes: Each student will be required to
7.2.1 write and give a speech supporting
7.2.2 or discouraging the National Policy.
7.2.3 Students will be assigned one of the
7.2.5 following perspectives:
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

7.S.2 - FNMI
7.S.7 - Francophone
- Asian Immigrant
- European Immigrant
- Canadian Government

This activity will require students to

form an opinion on the National
Policy according to their assigned
perspective. One they have made an
initial opinion, they will be required
to research the National Policy and
provide evidence as to why they
support or discourage the
legislation. They will need to look
at environmental, economic, legal,
political, cultural, etc. ramifications
of the Policy. Once they complete
the research portion of the
assignment and have sufficient
evidence, they will be able to form a
reasoned judgement.
During the process of developing
the reasoned judgments, the
students will be asked to hand in
what they have. Formative feedback
will be provided at this time to
make sure that reliable, various, and
scholarly resources are being used
to provide evidence to their
reasoned judgement. Providing the
students with written formative
feedback ensures the students are
being assessed “for” learning.
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

Debate Speech For the second portion of the final ✓

performance task students will have
Outcomes: to develop a speech using their
7.2.1 research notes and reasoned
7.2.3 judgment from section one. In order
7.2.5 to accommodate all learners, the
7.S.5 students will be given a choice on if
7.S.7 they want to write their speech or
use visual representation (keep in
mind that they will have to perform
their speech so their visual
representation will have to be very
meaningful). Students will perform
their speech for the class on why or
why not the National Policy should
be implemented. In order to
accommodate all learners, students
will be given the option if they want
to perform their speech in front of
the class or they can create a video
of their speech that can be submitted
to the teacher. Once the students
have orally or visually represented
their speeches they will be handed
in, at this time the students will be
provided with summative feedback
(assessment “of” learning).

Debate After listening to the speeches that ✓

use a variety of perspectives arguing
Outcomes: for or against the National Policy,
7.S.8 students will participate in a
classroom debate surrounding the
question of ‘Who will benefit the
ED 3604 – Evaluation of Student Learning Subject Area Social Studies
Unit Assessment Plan
Grade Level Seven

Topic Post Confederation and the National


Length of Unit 2 Weeks (14 Class periods)

most from the National Policy?’

As part of the debate the students
will be assessed “as” learning in
which, they will be required to
critique their classmates arguments
and provide them with constructive
criticisms in the form of two stars
and a wish. The students will not be
summatively assigned on this
portion of the final performance

Debate → The last portion of the final ✓

Reflection performance task will have the
Outcomes: students submitting a minimum one
7.2.1 page reflection on if/how their
7.2.3 initial response to the National
7.S.1 Policy has or has not changed. This
reflection will be the last summative
assessment piece of their final
performance task. (Assessment “of”

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