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DOI 10.1007/s10586-017-1307-4

Dual QR decomposition in K-best sphere detection for Internet

of Things networks
B. Syed Moinuddin Bokhari1 · M. A. Bhagyaveni1

Received: 16 June 2017 / Revised: 10 September 2017 / Accepted: 28 October 2017

© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2017

Abstract Internet of Things (IoT) in 5G communications 1 Introduction

is becoming more popular due to its robust features. Mul-
tiple input multiple output (MIMO) in IoT is playing a The IoT allows objects to be sensed or controlled remotely
vital role nowadays with large and massive concepts. At across existing network infrastructure, creating opportu-
the same time detection in such scenario is becoming com- nities for more direct integration of the physical world
plex day by day. Sphere decoding algorithms is one of into computer-based systems. MIMO systems have been
the MIMO detection schemes used for achieving near- deployed in a variety of wireless communication fields such
optimal maximum likelihood detection (MLD) performance. as 4G (LTE, LTE-A and Wi-Max), next generation WLAN
Preprocessing algorithms such as lattice reduction and QR- networks (IEEE 802.11n/ac), etc because it has high spectral
decomposition (QRD) has been widely used along with the efficiency. Due to the high density of networks in the present
variants of MIMO detection for achieving better bit error day environment, detection of MIMO systems faces serious
rate (BER) performance. This research paper proposes a issues. Linear detection algorithm such as zero-forcing (ZF),
novel dual QRD (DQRD) algorithm to obtain a universal low minimum mean squared error (MMSE), non-linear detection
complex-lattice reduction aided (UL-LRA)—K-best sphere algorithm such as successive interference cancellation (SIC),
detection (KSD) for MIMO networks. The proposed algo- ZF–SIC, MMSE–SIC, Vertical Bell Labs layered Space Time
rithm is evaluated under additive white Gaussian noise flat (VBLAST) and QRD-M based detection algorithm was used
fading and indoor task group ac (TGac-channel D) channel in the receiver to achieve sub-optimal performance. Perfor-
model. The results proved that the BER performance was mance and trade off issues of MIMO receiver algorithms
enhanced as well as the average runtime complexity of LRA– are well discussed in [1–3]. Optimal MLD [4], needs high
KSD was reduced by 45 and 39% in a flat faded and channel D computing resources due to its complex exhaustive search-
respectively compared to the optimal MLD using 16-QAM. ing nature. Sphere decoding (SD) algorithms [5], are used to
perform tree-based search detection with the reduced constel-
Keywords IoT · 5G MIMO · Maximum likelihood detection lations to achieve optimal performance. KSD algorithms [6],
(MLD) · Quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) · Bit are used to perform breadth-first search detection depending
error rate (BER) · Runtime · AWGN upon the value of K. Due to its fixed throughput it is mainly
used nowadays for MIMO detection.
Dynamic KSD (DKSD) [7], a variant of KSD was pro-
posed to reduce the complexity even lower compared to KSD
B B. Syed Moinuddin Bokhari without degrading the BER performance. Recently bit sort-
imranbadsha1979@gmail.com ing technique proposed in [8], was implemented both in KSD
M. A. Bhagyaveni and dynamic KSD. The method adopted was a simpler one
bhagya@annauniv.edu when compared to the conventional K-best algorithm. Sphere
1 decoding with the increasing radii algorithm for HetNets was
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,
College of Engineering, Guindy Campus, Anna University, proposed in [9] using 4-QAM. In [10], MIMO detection in
Chennai 600 025, India HetNets was performed using low complex max-log-MAP

Cluster Comput

(maximum a posteriori) Block QRD method using quadra- tion and with the variants of QRD algorithms was discussed
ture phase shift keying (QPSK). in [18]. Higher value of K (= 80) was considered by sacri-
The trade-off between performance and complexity still ficing the complexity issues to show a better performance in
exist in the present day networks due to the huge network HetNets. Within the extensive literature on QR decomposi-
deployments. Complexity mainly arises in the channel. Lat- tion, comparatively little research has been done on RBQRD
tice reduction is a method applied to get the reduced basis and multiple QRD algorithms in the MIMO scenario. So uti-
for the channel. It was originally introduced by Lenstra lizing the proposed DQRD algorithm, which uses two stages
Lenstra Lovasz (LLL) in 1982. It is a method for fac- of QRD algorithms, a good performance improvement was
torizing polynomials with rational coefficients [11]. LLL shown in the two MIMO scenario compared to the previous
algorithm is well explained in [12]. Complexity and diag- and existing works. The major contribution of this research
onal variants of LLL algorithm was also proposed and the work is as follows:
performance improvement was made [12,13]. Various other
• We present a novel DQRD algorithm and its use in the
reduction techniques such as Brun’s algorithm, Seysen algo-
UL-LRA–KSD for a MIMO scenario.
rithm, Hermite-Korkine-Zolotareff (HKZ) and Minkowski
• As an extension of the work done in [19], we considered
reduction algorithms are also followed for lattice reduction
complexity analysis of KSD using RBQRD/GQRD for
[14]. Seysen is a lattice reduction algorithm which performs
HetNets in this paper.
well compared to Brun’s algorithm but at the expense of
• Run-time complexity of UL-LRA–KSD in MIMO using
complexity [14].
the novel DQRD was analyzed and compared with KSD.
Lattice reduction aided–K-best sphere detection is a
method applied with lattice reduction to KSD algorithm.
After thoroughly surveying the literature it is observed that The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. In Sect. 2
KSD with lattice reduction has not been addressed for MIMO the system model for MIMO in flat faded and indoor chan-
HetNet scenario and hence in this research work, we eval- nel is introduced. Section 3 gives a review of several QRD
uated the performance of UL-LRA–KSD in MIMO under algorithms with the proposed DQRD algorithm for the KSD.
two different scenarios namely MIMO-general and MIMO The UL-LRA–KSD for MIMO system with emphasis on
HetNet using our novel DQRD algorithm. To have a low com- DQRD and LLL algorithm for lattice reduction is explained
plexity the original LLL algorithm is used in this research in Sect. 4. Simulation results are given in Sect. 5. Conclusion
work for lattice reduction which was used intensively in the is outlined in Sect. 6.
previous literatures. The proposed DQRD algorithm is novel
in the sense that it alternates to MIMO-general and MIMO 2 System model
HetNet scenario using the switching logic (QR) present in
the technique.It is assumed that the switching logic operates We are very much aware of the MIMO model that has been
according to the strength of the signal detected in the two used almost in every MIMO literature. Considering the same
MIMO scenarios. the system model of IoT and HetNet is shown in Fig. 1a and
In MIMO the channel is usually faced with the least b respectively. We have used the combination of the exist-
squares problem before Lattice reduction. Normal equations, ing MIMO-IoT and MIMO-IoT HetNet model for evaluating
QRD and singular value decomposition (SVD) are the meth- the performance analysis of UL-LRA–KSD in a IoT environ-
ods adopted to overcome least squares problem [15]. QRD ment. The scenario shown here is 4 × 4 system, which can
methods have been followed to avoid least squares problem be decomposed in to two 2 × 2 systems using RBQRD for
in a full-rank matrix. Most of the techniques used in the effective MIMO detection. A HetNet, consists of a Macro
literature are based on Gram–Schmidt (GS), modified GS cell and the other sub cells, such as the microcell, picocell,
(MGS), householder QRD (HQRD), Givens rotation-QRD femtocells, etc. In our system, the mobile terminal (MT) in
(GQRD) and recursive block QRD (RBQRD). Utilizing mul- one of the sub cell–picocell is considered for modeling the
tiple QRD algorithms will increase the performance in terms HetNet.eNodeBs (eNBs) each with two antenna in both the
of BER [16]. So QRD is introduced before as well as inside Macrocell (eNB1) and the picocell (eNB2) forms the trans-
the lattice reduction steps in our novel DQRD algorithm. mitter and the MT with four antenna forms the receiver. User
Detection based on QRD algorithm was a drawback in the information from the eNB1 and eNB2 are considered as s1
MIMO–NOMA design for IoT networks [17]. So the prob- and s2 respectively. The desired stream is s2 and the interfer-
lem was taken in to consideration for variants of QRD and the ing stream is s1 . Conversely if the MT is in Macro cell, the
results are compared in the IoT model. The algorithm works interfering stream is s2 and the desired stream is s1 . In the
with GQRD in MIMO-general and RBQRD in MIMO Het- subsequent sections, the system model for HetNet is consid-
Net before and GQRD inside the LLL algorithm used for ered under two separate channel scenarios via flat fading and
lattice reduction. Performance of KSD without lattice reduc- indoor fading.

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For a HetNet system,

y1 H 11 H 12 s1 n1
y= = Hs + n = + (2)
y2 H 21 H 22 s2 n2

where H11 , H12 are the channel matrices due to the desired
signal s2 in the picocell and H11 , H12 are the channel matrix
due to the interfering signal s1 in the macro cell. The objective
of the MIMO detection algorithm is to compute an estimate
such that

ŝ = arg min y − Hs2 (3)


where  is the set of complex entries from the QAM con-

stellation and C is the size of QAM constellation.

2.2 MIMO system with indoor fading channel model

This model considers a MIMO indoor channel. For this the

traditional kronecker MIMO model which deals with the
indoor Rician fading is taken into account.

y = Hk s + n (4)

For a HetNet system,

y1 H k11 H k12 s1 n
y= = H k s +n = + 1 (5)
y2 H k21 H k22 s2 n2
Fig. 1 a System model of IoT with base station. b System model of
HetNet for RBQRD based LRA MIMO-IoT detection The kronecker MIMO channel is given as [18],

H k = Rtx 1/2 H w Rrx 1/2 (6)

2.1 MIMO system with flat fading channel model H k11 = Rtx11 1/2 H w11 Rrx11 1/2 ⎪

H k12 = Rtx12 1/2 H w12 Rrx12 1/2
In this model, Rayleigh flat faded channel with AWGN noise H k21 = Rtx21 1/2 H w21 Rrx21 1/2 ⎪

is considered for the MIMO system with M transmit and H k22 = Rtx22 1/2 H w22 Rrx22 1/2
N receive antennas. This means M independent signals are
where the elements of Hw are independent and identically
multiplexed at the transmitter end and demultiplexed by N
distributed as circular symmetric complex Gaussian with
receivers, this, is known as spatial multiplexing. If we group
zero-mean and unit variance. Rt x and Rr x are the transmit-
all signals into vectors then the MIMO system can be viewed
ter and receiver correlation matrices given by the kronecker
as transmitting M × 1 vectors through an N × M chan-
nel matrix H . Also, each receiver will have its own noise
source (assumed Gaussian). Thus, the overall baseband sys- 1/2 1/2
R = Rtx ⊗ Rrx (8)
tem model can be mathematically represented as
For a 2 × 2 channel matrix the matrices R, Rt x and Rr x is
y = Hs + n (1) given by
⎡ ⎤
1 r 1 t1 s 1
where s is N × 1 received vector and n is N × 1 noise vec- ⎢ r ∗ 1s2 t2 ⎥
R=⎢ 1
⎣ t ∗ s ∗ 1 r2 ⎦
⎥ (9)
tor. The (i, j) th element, h i j , of the matrix H denotes the 1 2
complex channel response from jth transmit antenna to ith s1∗ t2∗r2∗ 1
receive antenna, n is zero mean gaussian vector with a covari- 1 t 1 r
Rtx = ∗ , Rrx = ∗ (10)
ance matrix of Rn = E {nn ∗ } = σ 2 n I. t 1 r 1

Cluster Comput

Table 1 Tgac channel D Table 2 Improvement and drawbacks of various QRD algorithms
Parameters D Algorithm Improvement and Complexity
Avg. 1st wall dist. (m) 10
RMS delay spread (ns) 50 MGS [21] Performs well but not 2mn 2
numerically stable
Maximum delay (ns) 390
HQRD [21] Requires fewer n 3 /3
Number of taps 18
operations than GS
Number of clusters 3 and more stable than
K (dB) LOS/NLOS 3/-∞ GS
GQRD [22] Numerical properties are 3mn 2 − n 3
closer to Householder
but less stable
where the elements r, t and s represent receive, transmit and
RBQRD [23] Numerically stable for 2nlog N n + 2n 3 + 19
cross correlation respectively. The estimate ŝ is now com- k
large block size and
puted using the kronecker model of the Eq. (3). So using more number of
Equation (2) the estimate ŝ is given as streams especially in
dense networks
ŝ = arg min y − H k s2 (11)

Using the kronecker channel models, the indoor channel compare the performance of UL-LRA–KSD MIMO detec-
models for IEEE 802.11n/ac were obtained under the TGac tion both in flat faded and indoor channel model (channel
amendment [20]. Channel D is defined [21] for different envi- D).
ronment using Rician fading and are shown in Table 1.
3.1 QRD algorithms

3 QR decomposition There are several QRD algorithms available for channel

matrix factorization. Algorithms which are fast and numer-
Nowadays most of the MIMO detection methods are com- ically stable perform better compared to other algorithms.
bined with QRD [22]. In this paper also we apply various Table 2. gives some comparison of QRD algorithms in terms
algorithms of QRD to SD. QRD is a technique applied to of improvements, drawbacks and complexity.
computationally solve the channel matrix rather than the tra- Taking into consideration the large deployment of MIMO
ditional methods, which has huge errors if the matrix involved networks, and the use of MIMO HetNet scenario, we had
is the ill conditioned. The standard solution is to make the taken GQRD and RBQRD in our proposed DQRD design.
QR factorization or QRD. RBQRD is exclusively used for MIMO HetNet. The pro-
posed DQRD with some insights of GQRD and RBQRD are
H = QR (12)
discussed in the next section.
where Q is the orthogonal matrix and R is the upper triangular
matrix and in Eq. (7), the received signal can be modified as, 3.2 Proposed dual QRD (DQRD) algorithm

ŷ = [y1 , y2 , . . . , y N ] = QH y The DQRD algorithm proposed is a hybrid form of QRD

= Q QRs + Q n
H H which is shown in Fig. 2. The algorithm is adaptive depend-
ing upon the MIMO scenario. For a MIMO-general sce-
ŷ = Rs + QH n (13)
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ nario, GQRD is applied and for a MIMO HetNet, RBQRD
⎡ ⎤ s n
r1,1 · · · r1,N −1 r1,N ⎢ . 1 ⎥ ⎢ . 1 ⎥ is selected. In the first stage we have a selection of

= ⎣ ... . . . .. .. ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥ ⎢ .. ⎥ RBQRD/GQRD. The switching/selection parameter QR is
. . ⎦⎢ ⎥+⎢ ⎥ (14)
⎣ s N −1 ⎦ ⎣ n N −1 ⎦ used for selecting RBQRD/GQRD. If QR = 1, RBQRD is
0 · · · 0 r N ,N selected, otherwise GQRD is selected. This switching logic
sN nN
eliminates the system to perform complex detection proce-
The main idea of QRD is not only to keep the channel orthog- dure when the network is simple. The two QRD methods
onal but also to simplify the procedure for signal processing. used in DQRD before and inside the LLL algorithm of lat-
The basic algorithms used in QRD are GS, MGS, HQRD, tice reduction are discussed below. The pseudocode for the
GQRD and RBQRD. We combine some of the existing algo- proposed DQRD algorithm under different MIMO scenario
rithms, such as GQRD, RBQRD in a hybrid manner and is given in Algorithm 1.

Cluster Comput

parallelism. It always acts as an alternative to HQRD with a

performance complexity trade-off.

3.2.2 Recursive block QRD (RBQRD) algorithm

RBQRD is the most flexible approach of QRD which uses

recursion method of decomposing the block of channels
H 1 , H 2 especially in HetNets. According to the block QRD,
if H ∈ Rm×n the thin QR factorization of the channel matrix
H can be given as
  R11 R12
Fig. 2 Proposed DQRD algorithm [H 1 |H 2 ] = Q1 |Q2 (15)
0 R22

3.2.1 Givens rotation QRD (GQRD) algorithm From the Eq. (15), Q1 R11 = H 1 , R12 = QT1 H 2 , Q2 R22 =
H 2 − Q1 R12 the decomposed channels [H 1 |H 2 ] for the
The GQRD which is used before and inside the LLL algo- RBQRD are obtained.
rithm is a widely used numerical linear algebra algorithm. It is
often used by the wireless communication platformto achieve H 1 = Q1 R11 (16)
the system throughput and stability. In embedded systems, it
H 2 = Q2 R22 + Q1 R12 (17)
is often preferred over the HQRD, due to its high degree of

Cluster Comput

and for a MIMO HetNet using RBQRD,

y = (H̄ 1 |H̄ 2 )x + n (21)

Fig. 3 UL-LRA–KSD based on proposed DQRD algorithm
where x = T −1 s and H̄ = H̄ 1 |H̄ 2 is expressed as given
The parameter n b called as the blocking parameter con-
trols the decomposition of the channels into blocks. It is  
    R̄11 R̄12
usually chosen to be less than the size nof the channel matrix H̄ 1 |H̄ 2 = Q̄1 |Q̄2 (22)
0 R̄22
H to perform RBQRD for splitting the channel matrix in
HetNet scenario. In our case, the (4 × 4) MIMO Hetnet is
From the algorithm, we obtain the new QRD that is used for
split into two (2 × 2) MIMO systems each for a macrocell
KSD. The QRD obtained is the reduced basis for KSD.
and a microcell as discussed in Sect. 1. If n b is greater than
the size n of the channel matrix H thin QRD is performed.

4 UL-LRA–KSD based on proposed DQRD


The block diagram for the UL-LRA–KSD based on the

proposed DQRD algorithm is shown in Fig. 3. The lattice
reduction algorithm follows the DQRD algorithm. Finally
the new QRD obtained is used by the KSD. The estimate
ŝ L R−K S D obtained from the KSD is either ŝ L R−K S D−R B Q R D
or ŝ L R−K S D−G Q R D depending upon the MIMO scenario.

4.1 LR algorithm

Consider a lattice L as

L  {s : si ∈ A, 1 ≤ i ≤ 2N T } (18)
4.2 Sphere decoding (SD) algorithm
An ML solution is to obtain the closest estimate ŝ from the
Z  {z : z = Hs, si ∈ A, 1 ≤ i ≤ 2N T } (19) received vector y which is obtained from Eq. (3). SD algo-
rithm can be applied to reduce the complexity by setting the
In Eqs. (18) and (19) L is the transmit lattice, Z is the radius of the sphere r to narrow down the search space [28].
received lattice with noise and N T is the number of transmit It is an algorithm which is transformed from closest-point
antennas. The channel matrix can be reduced in LRA MIMO search to tree-search using QRD. The new-QRD obtained
detectors with the well known algorithms [24,25]. Various from LLL algorithm of lattice reduction is applied to the SD
reduction techniques and LLL algorithms such as original search space. The modified estimate and the input–output
LLL, complex LLL and MLLL had been used for LRA relation after the lattice reduction is given as
MIMO detection. The lattice reduction in MIMO uses basi-
cally a original LLL algorithm for the reduced complexity.  
ŝ = arg min T y − H̄x 2 (23)
The original LLL algorithm [26,27] for the UL-LRA–KSD s∈C
uses the GQRD. The pseudocode for the original LLL algo- H
ŷ = R̄s + T Q̄ n (24)
rithm based on the novel DQRD is given in Algorithm 2.
Using the pseudocode we get the reduced channel matrix  H
H̄ . It is denoted as H̄ = HT, where T is the uni-modular where ŷ = T Q̄1 |Q̄2 n has been modified with the uni-
matrix. The system model of Eq. (1) can be written for a modular matrix T and has the same statistics as n. Q̄and R̄
general MIMO using GQRD, are the new QRD obtained from the LLL algorithm. Utiliz-
ing the triangle nature of HetNet R matrix Eq. (19) can be
y = H̄x + n (20) rewritten as,

Cluster Comput

NT  LLL algorithm is used for channel splitting into two cells
ŝ =  ŷi − R̄ s (25) (macro and sub-macro). LLL algorithm reduces the basis
 i, j j 
i=1  j=i  from RBQRD output and gives a new-QRD to the KSD. The
KSD principle is explained in Algorithm 3. Higher value of K
Equation (22) can be thought of as a detection problem in a gives better BER performance where as the lower value of K
tree that has a root above the N T layer and leaves on the first reduces the complexity. The last iteration of the K-best algo-
layer. The survived candidate s(i) called as partialsymbol rithm produces the best hard decision output of the decoder.
(i) (i) (i)
vector (PSV) is given by s (i) = si , si+1 , . . . , s NT is used The main advantage of the KSD over the other types is its
to compute the partial Euclidean distance (PED)di = d s (i) fixed throughput.
which is given as,

di = di+1 + |ei |2 (26)

5 Simulation results
Using the initialization of d NT +1 = 0, the distance incre-
ments are given by, The proposed algorithm was analyzed using Monte-carlo
simulations using MATLAB. The simulation parameters
  used are shown in Table 3. Since the UL-LRA–KSD tech-

|ei | =  ŷi −
2 (i) 
R̄i, j s j  (27) nique uses switching logic for the two scenarios, their
 j=i  analysis is also carried out separately for MIMO-IoT general
and MIMO-IoT HetNet using GQRD and RBQRD respec-
Since the PED’s are updated using PSV and using the con- tively and hence UL-LRA–KSD hereafter will be referred
straint di ≤ r , the tree-search algorithm has been transformed to as LRA–KSD in the simulation discussion as and when
to depth -first, weighted-tree search algorithm. needed. As evident from the work, [29] among the TGac
channels, performance of LRA-ZF MIMO detection using
4.3 K-best sphere detection (KSD) algorithm QRD is better in channel D. Hence channel D is taken for
indoor channel analysis. The BER performance of LRA–
The depth-first nature of the SD algorithm results in non-
constant throughput and inefficient decoding. So a modified
Table 3 Simulation parameters for MIMO detection
form of the algorithm which applies breadth-first strategy was
proposed. The K-best algorithm for sphere detection is a well Parameters Value
known breadth-first lattice decoder type of search algorithm Number of symbols 10000
[28], which improves the performance of sphere detector
Number of antennas (TX × RX) 4×4
and approximates the ML detector with a performance com-
Number of users 1
plexity trade-off. Preprocessing in KSD is performed using
Channel type Flat faded, TGac–D
QRD and lattice reduction steps. In our proposed model for
Mapper schemes 4, 16, 64 and 256-QAM
MIMO-IoT HetNet detection both the steps are used to avoid
least squares problem and basis reduction. RBQRD before
Blocking parameter for RBQRD 11

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Fig. 4 Performance of UL-LRA–KSD in MIMO-IoT for a 16-QAM Fig. 6 Run-time complexity of UL-LRA–KSD in MIMO-IoT for a
(4 × 4) in flat faded channel (4 × 4) in flat faded channel

Fig. 7 Run-time complexity of UL-LRA–KSD in MIMO-IoT for a

(4 × 4) in channel D
Fig. 5 Performance of UL-LRA–KSD in MIMO-IoT for a 16-QAM
(4 × 4) in channel D

best complexity performance was obtained for the value of

KSD MIMO detection using DQRD in flat faded and TGac K=8 in our DQRD algorithm design. Moreover when LRA–
channel D are shown in Figs. 4 and 5. Clearly from the fig- KSD–RBQRD (K = 8) is compared to GQRD the reduction
ures the BER performance for RBQRD and GQRD in KSD in complexity is more than KSD–RBQRD (K = 8) and LRA–
with and without lattice reduction is almost the same at low KSD–RBQRD (K = 16). Similarly when compared to MLD,
SNR’s. Also in low SNR regime, KSD without lattice reduc- an average reduction in complexity of 45 and 39% were
tion performed well compared to LRA–KSD.At high SNR obtained for flat faded and channel D respectively. As a whole
(> 20 dB), LRA–KSD has the best performance compared we can infer that LRA–KSD with the RBQRD for HetNet
to KSD without lattice reduction. Also in high SNR regime, gave the optimal complexity when compared to GQRD.
LRA–KSD–RBQRD, performed well compared to LRA–
Due to indoor fading of channel D, LRA–KSD per- 6 Conclusion
formed well in flat faded channel compared to channel
D.Complexity in-terms of run time was analyzed using differ- A novel DQRD algorithm for MIMO based on IoT was
ent MQAM formats by comparing it with MLD and GQRD presented. Performance in terms of uncoded BER at low,
as shown in Figs. 6 and 7. LRA–KSD–RBQRD with a medium and high SNR regime were considered with the flat
value of K=8, is compared with MLD, KSD-GQRD (K = 8), faded and indoor channel variation. Results have shown that
KSD-RBQRD (K = 8), LRA–KSD–GQRD (K = 8, 16) and the LRA–KSD–RBQRD algorithm for HetNet with a second
LRA–KSD–RBQRD (K = 16).Table 4 shows the compari- stage of GQRD provide better results with the flat faded fol-
son of the same. We could very well see that whenever the lowed by channel D. The complexity of LRA–KSD–RBQRD
value of K increases the complexity increases. Hence the in-terms of run time was analyzed and was found to be opti-

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Table 4 Run time complexity analysis

Channel Reduction in complexity of LRA–KSD–RBQRD for K = 8 (in %)
(K = 8) (K = 8) (K = 8) (K = 16) (K = 16)

Flat faded 45 20 7 17 23 15
Channel D 39 17 4 16 18 9

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Cluster Comput

M. A. Bhagyaveni received
B. Syed Moinuddin Bokhari her B.E. degree in Electronics
completed his B.E. from Gov- and Communication Engineer-
ernment College of Engineer- ing from GCT, Coimbatore, India
ing, Bargur, INDIA affiliated in 1997, M.E. degree in Opti-
to University of Madras in cal Communication from CEG,
2001, received his M.E. from Gunidy, India in 1999 and Ph.D.
Jayaram College of Engineer- degree from CEG, Guindy, India
ing and Technology, Thuri- in 2006. She is currently working
ayur, INDIA affiliated to Anna as Professor in the department
Univeristy, Chennai INDIA in of Electronics and Communica-
2005.Currently he is a research tion Engineering, CEG Campus,
scholar at the department of Anna University, Chennai, India.
Electronics and Communication Her present research interests
Engineering, College of Engi- include wireless communication,
neering Guindy, Anna Univer- digital communication, MIMO systems, Ad hoc networks, sensor net-
sity,Chennai, INDIA. His field of interests include wireless commu- works, cloud computing, cognitive radio technologies, radio resource
nication and networks, signal processing. His current research interests allocation in LTE and next generation networks. She has published about
are multiuser detection, multiuser scheduling applied to FPGA based 40 papers in Journals, National and International Conferences. She is a
SISO/MIMO test beds. He is a life member of ISTE. member of IEEE and several International association bodies.


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