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ELSEVIER FEMS Microbiology Letters 140 (1996) 151-158

Genetic characterisation of the botulinurn toxin complex of

Clostridium botulinum strain NCTC 29 16
Ian Henderson *, Sarah M. Whelan, Tom 0. Davis, Nigel P. Minton
Department of Molecular Microbiology, Research Division, Centre for Applied Microbiology and Research, Porton Down,
Salisbury, Wilts. SP4 OJG, UK
Received 26 March 1996; revised 24 April 1996; accepted 25 April 1996


An 8 kb segment of the Clostridium botulinum NCTC 2916 genome 5’ to the type A botulinum neurotoxin gene has been
sequenced revealing five open reading frames. Four encode components (HA70, HA17, HA34 and NTNH/A) of the
progenitor toxin complex. The product of the fifth, OrfX, possesses a putative C-terminal helix-turn-helix motif, exhibits
homology with known regulatory proteins (including MsmR from Streptococcus mutuns, UviA from C. pelfringens and
Orftxel located upstream of the C. d@ciZe toxin B gene) and is also found within the vicinity of genes encoding tetanus
toxin and types B, C, D and G botulinum toxins. Primer extension and Northern blotting analysis demonstrate that the genes
are expressed as two divergent operons [HA34, HA17, HA701 and [NTNH/A, type A toxin gene], with the Ortx gene
expressed singly. Immediately adjacent to the transcriptional start sites of the HA34 and NTNH/A genes are two highly
conserved motifs (S-AlllTagGTITACAAAA-3’ and 5’-ATGlTATATgTaA-3’1, separated by 12 bp, that span the putative
-35 and - 10 promoter regions. Homologous sequences occur in the equivalent position relative to the genes at type C
botulinum toxin gene and the tetanus toxin gene loci. It is likely that these sequence motifs, together with OrfX, are involved
in the co-ordinate expression of the genes encoding the various components of the botulinum toxin complex in groups I, III
and IV C. botulinurn strains and in that of the tetanus toxin gene.

Keywords: Regulation: Clostridium botulinurn; Botulinum neurotoxin A (BoNT/A); Progenitor toxin complex

1. Introduction kDa) chain linked by a single disulfide bridge. The

heavy chain is involved in the targeting of the phar-
Pathogenic Clostridium botulinum (physiological
maceutically active light chain to the appropriate
groups I-IV>, and strains of C. butyricum and C.
cellular target [2].
baruti produce seven antigenically distinct bo-
The stability of the botulinum neurotoxins is cru-
tulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs), serotypes A-G, repre-
cial to their toxicity, and to this end they are pro-
sentative genes for which have been sequenced [I].
tected from the external environment by other ‘non-
Synthesised as single polypeptide chains, BoNTs are
toxic’ proteins, forming a progenitor toxin complex.
subsequently proteolytically cleaved to yield a di-
Its size and composition varies depending on neuro-
chain composed of a light (50 kDa) and a heavy (100
toxin serotype, host strain and environmental factors
[3,4] and ranges from the M-form (300 kDa; 12S), to
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 (1980) 612 361; Fax: +44 the L-form (500 kDa; 16S), and finally to the LL
(1980) 610 898; E-mail: 100020,2133@compuserve.ccom form (900 kDa; 19s). The larger progenitor toxins

0378-1097/96/$12.00 Copyright 0 1996 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V.
PII SO378-1097(96)00172-3
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152 I.Henderson rt ul./ FEMS Microhiolq~ Letters 140 (19961 ljl-15X

can resist greater extremes of pH and temperature UK; Bioline UK Ltd.). Radiolabels ([o-35S]dATP,
than the purified neurotoxin, and appear to be ideally [a- 3’ P]dATP and [ y- 3’ P]rATP) were purchased from
suited to the conditions encountered on passage DuPont NEN, UK. Oligonucleotides were synthe-
through the stomach of the host, having a much sised using an Applied Biosystems 380A DNA syn-
greater oral toxicity than the neurotoxin alone [51. thesiser.
The LL form has only been observed from prote-
olytic strains (group I) of C. botulinum expressing 2.3. PCR reaction conditions
BoNT/A, while the L form is associated with
BoNT/B (group I) and group III C. botulinum strains PCR mixtures contained 10 ng DNA template, 0.1
expressing BoNT/C and BoNT/D. BoNT/E and mM of dATP, dCTP, dGTP and dTTP, 10 mM
BoNT/F only occur in the M form. Proteins with Tris-HCl, 50 mM KCl, 3 mM MgC12, 30 nmol of
haemagglutinating activity have been detected in the primer and 2.5 U of Taq DNA polymerase. Amplifi-
larger L and LL form progenitor complexes of types cation was through an initial denaturation step of
A, B, C and D, and genes with the potential to 95°C followed by 30 cycles of (1) 96°C for 1.5 min,
express haemagglutinins have been detected in strains (2) 37°C for 3 min, (3) 72°C for 3 min, in an MJ
that harbour the BoNT/G encoding plasmid [6]. Research PTC- 100 thermocycler.
In the present study, we report the identification
and characterisation of the proteins that form the 2.4. Southern blotting and in situ hybridisation
type A progenitor toxin complex of the C. botulinum
strain NCTC 2916, as well as the identification of The detection of DNA sequences transferred to
sequences that may play a role in regulating expres- charged nylon membranes was performed using
sion of their encoding genes. methods described elsewhere [ 11I.

2.5. Northern blotting

2. Materials and methods
RNA isolation and agarose gel electrophoresis
2.1. Bacterial strains, plasmids and growth condi- were undertaken as previously described [12]. The
tions RNA was blotted from electrophoretograms on to
Hybond H+ nylon membrane (Amersham Intema-
Chromosomal DNA was from C. botulinum tional, UK) according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
NCTC 2916. All recombinant manipulations were tions. Blots were prehybridised (in 10 ml of 0.2 M
performed in Escherichia coli TGl [ A(Zac-proAB) NaH,PO,, 0.3 M Na,HPO,, 0.5 M EDTA, 7%
thi supE hsdA5 F’[traD36 proAB i lacIY lacZA- (w/v) SDS) for 30 min prior to the addition of the
~151. Cloning vectors used were pMTL22 [7], the labelled probe. DNA probes from appropriate plas-
Ml3 phages mp8 and mp9 [S], and pCRlOO0 [9]. E. mids (see Fig. 1) were labelled with [o~-~‘P]~ATP
coli was routinely grown in L-broth [lo] supple- using a Megaprime labelling kit (Amersham Intema-
mented with ampicillin (50 p_g/ml) when required. tional). Blots were incubated with probes for at least
C. botulinum NCTC 2916 was grown in USA11 4 h at 50-60°C, and excess probe removed by three
medium as previously described [ 111. washes (2 X SSC, 0.1% (w/v) SDS at 50-60°C).
Blots were air dried briefly and autoradiographed at
2.2. Recombinant DNA methods - 70°C against Kodak film.

Chromosomal DNA purification and plasmid se- 2.6. Primer extension

quencing methodology were as previously docu-
mented Ill]. DNA manipulation was performed us- Primer extension was performed essentially as
ing standard techniques [lo]. DNA modifying and previously described [ 131. Oligonucleotides were
restriction enzymes were used according to manufac- end-labelled using T4 polynucleotide kinase and [y-
turers’ instructions (Northumbria Biochemicals Ltd., 32P]dATP, extracted with phenol:chloroform (1: I),

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I. Henderson et al./ FEMS Microbiology Letters 140 (1996) 151-158 153

Restriction H E XTH HE T H HP T P
I l II I I I I I I I I 1


probe 1

probe 2

p544.__-._ l._ 9! ’ pCBA2

Plasmids ~257 pCBA4 I pCBA3 1

Open reading
frames HA70 HA17 HA34 OrfX NTNH/A BoNT/A

Transcriptional -

0 2Kb
Fig. 1. Structure of the BoNT/A gene locus of C. botulinum NCTC 2916. Open arrows indicate the six open reading frames at the locus.
Solid arrows represent a transcriptional map of the locus. The plasmids used to sequence the region 5’ to BoNT/A are ~257, ~544 and
~933. These were generated by the respective insertion into pMTL22 of: (i) a 3 kb HindIII fragment: (ii) a 2.3 kb EcoRI/TaqI fragment;
and (iii) a 2 kb EcoRI/HindIII fragment. Details of the other plasmids are presented in [ 1 I]. The restriction enzyme sites arc H: HindIIl, E:
EcoRI, T: TaqI, X: XbaI, P: PstIr

and precipitated at - 20°C with 2.5 vol ethanol, 0.1 Sciences, Inc., UK). Extension products were precip-
vol sodium acetate (pH 5.3) and 1 pl glycerol itated using ethanol/sodium acetate, and analysed
(Boehringer Mannheim Ltd., UK). The pellet was by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis [lo].
resuspended in 10 ~1 of 3 X PEB buffer (30 mM
PIPES pH 6.4, 1.5 mM EDTA pH 8.0, 1.2 M NaCl), 2.7. Nucleotide sequence
to which was added 15 p,l sterile distilled water and
5 p,l of RNA solution. This was incubated at 80°C Data have been deposited in the EMBL/Genbank
for 5 min and then for 3 h at 55°C. After centrifuga- database under Accession number L42537.
tion and brief air drying, the pellet was resuspended
in 20 p,l of extension buffer (1 mM dATP, dCTP,
dGTP and dTTP, 25 p,g/ml actinomycin D (Sigma 3. Results and discussion
Chemical Company, UK), 1 ~1 of placental RNase
inhibitor (RNasin-Clontech, UK) and 2 ~1 of 10 X 3. I. Cloning of the toxin complex genes
reverse transcriptase buffer (500 mM Tris-HCl pH
8.3, 500 mM KCl, 40 mM DTT, 100 mM MgSO,)). One of the genomic clones (pCBA4) obtained
Extensions were performed at 42°C for 1 h after the during the previous [ll] characterisation of the
addition of 20 U of AMV reverse transcriptase (Life BoNT/A gene (botA) of C. botulinurn NCTC 2916,

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154 I. Henderson et al. / FEMS Microbiolog?: Letters 140 (I9961 151-158

carried 1734 bp of DNA 5’ to the toxin gene (Fig. 1). of the gene, relative to botA, Northern blotting ex-
The sequence included a 43 bp non-coding region periments were undertaken. Although a discrete
immediately 5’ to borA, preceded by a putative open NTNH/A-specific mRNA product was not detected,
reading frame (ORF) with no recognisable start a ‘smear’ was evident on autoradiographs, originat-
codon. Studies elsewhere had indicated the presence ing at a point equivalent to RNA of some 7.5 kb in
of genes encoding proteins (Hn+) with haemaggluti- size. In contrast, botA-specific probes detected two
nating activity 5’ to both botA and botB [ 14,151. In discrete mRNA species, of 4 kb and 7.5 kb in size.
an attempt to characterise the upstream region from This suggests that the two genes form an operon
the BoNT/A gene, botA-specific primers were used from which both bicistronic and monocistronic tran-
in conjunction with primers based on a determined scription occurs (Fig. 1). This conclusion was sup-
[15] AHnf peptide sequence to PCR amplify the ported by the demonstration of two transcriptional
region upstream of botA from pCBA4 DNA. The start points in primer extension studies, although the
resultant 4 kb DNA fragment was cloned into cDNA product obtained in the case of NTNH/A
pCRlOO0 to give the plasmid pNTNHA (Fig. I>. was very weak (Fig. 2). The labile nature of neuro-
Two subfragments from the insert of pNTNHA were toxin in the absence of NTNH would suggest that
then used as probes in Southern blot experiments co-expression of the two genes would be advanta-
(probes 1 and 2, Fig. 1) to generate a restriction map geous. Additional expression of botA may simply be
of the region of the clostridial genome adjacent to to overcome mRNA instability of such a large bi-
botA. This enabled three specific restriction frag- cistronic transcript, or serve another, as yet un-
ments (see Fig. 1) to be targeted and cloned without known, function.
risk of cloning a functional botA gene. Nucleotide The transcriptional start site of botA gene was
sequence analysis of the inserts of the resultant three mapped to a position 20 nucleotides upstream of the
plasmids (~257, ~544 and ~933) revealed five ORFs, ATG codon (see Fig. 4). Binz et al. [17] mapped the
encoding the proteins HA70, HA1 7, HA34, OrfX start point in strain 62A as being 118 nucleotides 5’
and NTNH/A (Fig. 1). to botA. Though this discrepancy between the two
studies may be attributable to strain differences, the
3.2. Organisation of the non-toxic, non-haemaggluti- upstream regions of both genes are identical for at
nating gene and botA least 340 bp. The primer used by Binz et al. 1171,
however, spanned the botA ATG codon. Small tran-
Immediately 5’ to botA is a gene encoding a scripts products beginning 20 nucleotides upstream
protein of 1193 amino acids (138 2 18 Da). This may, therefore, not have been detected in their exper-
protein, NTNH/A, shares homology with the non- iments.
toxic, non-haemagglutinating proteins found in type
C, E and F progenitor toxin complexes [ 161. It is 3.3. Organisation of the haemagglutinin genes
larger than NTNH/E and NTNH/F, by 33 amino
acids, and shows greatest homology with NTNH/C On the opposite DNA strand to the NTNH/A
(Table 1). To assess the transcriptional organisation gene, at a distance of 923 bp, reside three contiguous

Table 1
Comparison of NTNH proteins and OrfX homologues by percentage similarity (lower left-hand triangle), and percentage identity (upper
right-hand triangle) of amino acid sequences


A Cl E F Ofl P21Bp P2lBnp orf22

A _ 65 58 61 OtfX _ 91 88 52
Cl 76 _ 58 61 P21Bp 98 89 52
E 15 75 71 P2lBnp 89 90 _ 47
F 78 16 84 _ ort22 67 68 63 _

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I. Henderson et al. /FEMS Microbiology Letters 140 (1996) 151-158 155

ORFs, encoding HA34/A (291 amino acids; 33 826 The close proximity of the HA genes is indicative
Da), HA17/A (147 amino acids; 17 035 Da) and of transcriptional linkage. Northern blotting detected
HA70/A (625 amino acids; 71 144 Da), separated a single 3.2 kb transcript, using probes derived from
from each other by 69 and 13 nucleotides, respec- either gene. Furthermore, in primer extensions, a
tively (Fig. 1). All three proteins are homologous to cDNA product was only obtained using a HA34-
proteins encoded by ORFs adjacent to botC1 specific primer (Fig. 2), and not with primers based
(antp34/C 1, antpl7/C 1 and antp70/C 1 respec- on HA17 or HA70. These results suggest that the
tively) [ 181. In addition, the translated N-terminal genes form a tricistronic operon.
sequence of HA17 is identical to the previously
3.4. Putative regulatory factors
determined [15] sequence of a purified type A Hn+
peptide. The finding that antp34/Cl possesses The genes of the botulinum toxin complex of
haemagglutinating activity [ 141strongly suggests that strain NCTC 2916 are arranged as two divergent
HA34 has a similar activity. polycistronic operons. At the BoNT/Cl locus, tran-
Positions 16-25 of the deduced amino acid se- scriptional start sites for both antp34/Cl and
quence of HA70 correspond exactly to the deter- antp139/Cl lie within an 80 bp intergenic region
mined N-terminal sequence of the 21.5 kDa protein between the two putative operons. In strain NCTC
purified from type A progenitor toxin by Somers and 2916, the equivalent intergenic region is interrupted
DasGupta [15], while residues 204-213 match ex- by a small ORF encoding a protein of 178 amino
actly the N-terminal sequence of the 57 kDa compo- acids (21654 Da), OrfX. A homologous protein
nent of the type A complex. This suggests that HA70 (Orf22) is specified by a gene located downstream of
is initially produced as a single protein and is subse- the antp34/Cl operon of type C strains. Equivalent
quently processed into these smaller polypeptides. ORFs have also been detected in proteolytic and
Intriguingly, the smaller of the two proteins shows non-proteolytic C. botulinurn strains expressing
some homology with the receptor binding/cytotoxic BoNT/B (P21Bp and P21Bnp respectively), as well
domain of the C. perfringens enterotoxin (20% iden- as in strains that harbour the BoNT/G encoding
tity/33% similarity in a 202 amino acid overlap) plasmid (Stacey, Collins and East, personal commu-


A ;
tG T


(i) (ii)

Fig. 2. Primer extension analysis of the promoter regions controlling the expression of the two major operons at the BoNT/A locus, (i)
[NTNH/A, BoNT’/A] using the primer 5’-CTCTAACTACTACAACA-3’ and (ii) [HA34, HA17 and HA701 using the primer 5’-ACGT-
TACCGGCAACTIG-3’. Arrows indicate the primary cDNA product of primer extension present in lane P.

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156 I. Henderson et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 140 ( 1’996) I.5 I - IS8


_ 3 6 II II_ 1 0 *


(a.1 TTTACA________2~~t___________t~tgtt

(b) TTTACA--------18nt--------ttatat

(c) TTTACA--------16nt------tgttat

Gram +ve
vegetative TTGACA____________________TATaT


Fig. 3. Transcriptional analysis of the genes at the BoNT/A locus and putative regulatory sites in the promoters of the two major operons at
the BoNT/A, BoNT/Cl and TeNT gene loci. Arrows indicate transcriptional initiation sites (this study for the NTNH/A, HA34, BoNT/A
and Oltx genes, and [18,231 for the remainder). Boxes 1 and 2 represent conserved sequences in the promoter regions indicated. the
consensus of which is presented below the boxed DNA sequences. The sequences (a-c) indicate putative - 35 and - 10 promoter sites of
boxes 1 and 2. The transcriptional start sites for the BoNT/A and OrfX genes are also presented.

nication) (Table 1; Fig. 3A). All of these proteins, These features are indicative of a DNA-binding func-
and OrfX, possess a weak helix-turn-helix motif at tion. Furthermore, a database search revealed signifi-
their C-terminus and a p1 of approximately 10.4. cant homology between OrfX and the MsmR regula-







Fig, 4. A comparison of the OrfX protein sequence with related proteins. (A) P2lBp and P2IBnp from proteolytic and non-proteolytic
strains respectively of C. botulinurnexpressing BoNT/B; Orf22 from C. botulinurnexpressing BoNT/C 1. (B) Orftxel from C. difJiciZe
VP1 10463; UviA from C. perfringens. Boxed sequences represent identical/similar amino acids. The putative helix-turn-helix motif (HTH)
is indicated below the C-terminal portion of these proteins.

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I. Henderson et al. / FEMS Microbiology Letters 140 (19%) 151-158 157

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