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A project report on

Importance of social media marketing

Submitted by:

Rashid mushtaq
Class: BBA [4th SEM].

Roll no: 4024.

College: Govt. Boys degree college sopore.

Academic year: 2017.

I hereby declare that this project Report titled [Importance of social media marketing]
submitted to Department of business management Govt degree college sopore is a record of
original work done by me under the guidance of Mr. Wajahat Ahmad.

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my knowledge.

This project report is not submitted to any other university or institution for the award of any
degree, diploma or fellowship or published any time before.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Aijaz, H.O.D of management department GDC
sopore for providing me an opportunity to do my internship and project work in clearwire
technologies Pvt ltd.

I sincerely thank Mr.wajahat and Mr. Aehsaan for their guidance and encouragement in
carrying out this project work. I also wish to express my gratitude to the officials and other staff
members of clearwire technologies PVT ltd who rendered their help during the period of my
project work.
Abstract of the project:-
INTRODUCTION:-MY project was on importance of social media marketing, for this purpose i
worked in a private LTD company namely clearwire technologies PVT ltd for the period of four
weeks under the guidance of Mr.wajahat and Mr. Aehsaan. MY primary focus was on the HP
world retail outlet with a proposition that if company increases its online presence it will
definitely be able to induce more profits.

Problem statement:-

Some of the concerns raised by users.

Stock Availability:

A common concern that we observed was the non availability of stock in retail store. The
customers were of the opinion that since company doesn’t hold ample stock in their store
therefore customers were kind of forced to purchase products from unregistered dealers or at
times move to other places like Srinagar or sopore to; purchase required items.

The company as we have already mentioned had puts its entire energy on catering government
sectors, specifically defense, so the customer retail segment which didn’t add much revenue was
sought of ignored. Now that the customers have raised these issues, company in a way was
forced to focus on the customer retail segment and maintenance of EOQ in their retail store. in
past 15 days we have seen a fair increase in the number of walk in sales.

After sale support:

After sale support is a service that is provided after merchandise or services have been sold.
Most after-sale support involves a guarantee, warranty, upgrade or repair service. After-sale
support encompasses a wide array of services that cater to consumers.

We also observe that there were lack of after-sale support, the

customers doesn’t got the facilities like repairing, warranty, guarantee, quick feedback on
messages etc, this was the major problem that can result a huge loss for the company, After this
we strengthen the social media presence of this retail outlet, we gave proper feedback to its
customers on social media and gave them confidence of providing After sale-support services
properly. Within few days we saw a great response from its customers.
Table of contents

TOPIC Page no

1-] Abstract 04

2-] Introduction about social media marketing. 06-12[1.1-2.0]

3-] Company profile 13-14[2.2-2.4]

4-] Research and methodology 15-17

5-] Result and findings 17-19

1.1:-Social media marketing Introduction:-
Social media marketing programs usually center on efforts to create content that attracts
attention and encourages readers to share it with their social networks. A corporate message
spreads from user to user and presumably resonates because it appears to come from a
trusted, third-party source, as opposed to the brand or company itself. Hence, this form of
marketing is driven by word-of-mouth, meaning it results in earned media rather than paid
media. Social media has become a platform that is easily accessible to anyone with internet
access. Increased communication for organizations fosters brand awareness and often,
improved customer service. Additionally, social media serves as a relatively inexpensive
platform for organizations to implement marketing campaigns.

1.2:-Different Methods of Social Network Marketing:-

Social network marketing is popularly called as Internet marketing. Today you can find many
ways for internet marketing. Many people who enter this online marketing are less worried
because of its guaranteed success. If you see in Internet totally all types of products has been
marketed online without much effort. Internet attracts many business people to promote their
business online. Social network marketing is grown to such a height that today many people
can't earn without it. Some of the most recognized network marketing tools are Face book,
MySpace and LinkedIn. Twitter became regular place for people who have newly entered the
field of social network marketing.
1.3:- Networking websites and blogs:-
Social networking websites allow individuals to interact with one another and build
relationships. When products or companies join those sites, people can interact with the product
or company. That interaction feels personal to users because of their previous experiences with
social networking site interaction. Social networking sites and blogs allow individual followers
to ―rewet ‖ or ―repost‖ comments made by the product being promoted. By repeating the
message, all of the user‘s connections are able to see the message, therefore reaching more people.
Social networking sites act as word of mouth. Because the information about the product is being
put out there and is getting repeated, more traffic is brought to the product/company. Through
social networking sites, products/companies can have conversations and interactions with
individual followers. This personal interaction can instill a feeling of loyalty into followers and
potential customers. Also by choosing whom to follow on these sites, products can reach a very
narrow target audience.

1.4:-General Social Networking Statistics:-

• 62% of adults worldwide now use social media

•Social networking is most popular online activity, with 22% of time online spent on channels
like Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.

• 65% of the world‘s top companies have an active Twitter profile

•90% of marketers use social media channels for business, with 93% of these rating social tools
as ―important‖

•43% of marketers have noticed an improvement in sales due to social campaigns

•72% of marketers who have worked in social media for three or more years said that they saw a
boost in turnover due to social channels (the longer you‘re working in it the better you get)

•91% of experienced social marketers see improved website traffic due to social media
campaigns and 79% are generating more quality leads.

•The average time spent by marketers on social media is 1-5hrs per week for those just getting
started and 6+ hours per week for those with 3+years of experience

•The most popular social networking tool for marketing is Facebook – being used by 92%,
followed by Twitter (84%), LinkedIn (71%) and blogs (68%).
•LinkedIn is 4X better for B2B lead generation than Facebook and Twitter.

•Only 10% of marketers are actively monitoring social media ROI.

•Only 22% of businesses have a dedicated social media manager.

•23% of Fortune 500 companies have a public-facing corporate blog.

•58% of Fortune 500 companies have an active corporate Facebook account, 62% have an active
corporate Twitter account.

•47% of customers are somewhat likely to purchase from a brand that they follow or like.

India‘s Internet economy is expected to reach Rs. 250 billion by 2020, as the country‘s
growth rate in this segment is far ahead of many of the developing nations, reported by

Titled 'The $250 Billion Digital Volcano: Dormant No More', the report was conducted jointly
by BCG and The Indus Entrepreneurs (TiE), which further added that in the next three years, the
data consumption could potentially increase 10-14 times.

Some of the interesting findings of the report were that the high speed mobile internet adoption is
set to reach over 550 million users by 2020, almost 85% of the total mobile internet users.
Average data consumption is projected to reach over 7-10 GB per user per month by 2020.

The report reveals that while so far mobile internet users have proliferated and Smartphone users
have gone up by 4 times, high speed internet users have still been limited only to ~56%. Thus,
average data consumption per user continues to be low, standing at less than 1 GB data per
month vis-a-vis developing economies like Indonesia and Brazil at 2–3 GB/month and developed
economies like Japan and US at 9–11 GB/month.

1.5:-Why is social media marketing important:-

1: Gain Valuable Customer insight:- Social Media Marketing generates a huge

amount of data about your customers in real time .Every day there are over 500 million
tweets,4.5 billion likes on facebook AND 95 million photos and videos upload to
instagram.Behind these staggering numbers is a wealth of information Though daily activity
engagement and social listening, you can gain relevant customer data and use that information
to make smarter business decisions and you know about your customers-who they are, what
they like, and how they feel about your product.
2: Increase brand awareness and loyalty: - when you have a presence on social media,
you make it easy for your customers to find and connect with you. And by connecting by
connecting with your costumers on social media, you are more likely to increase customer
retention and brand loyalty.

3: Run targeted ads with real –time results:-social ads are an inexpensive way to
promote your business and distribute content. They also offer powerful targeting options so
that you can reach the right audience.

4: Generate higher converting leads: - social media marketing increases sales and
customer retention through regular interaction and timely customer service.

5: Build relationship:- social media isn’t about blasting your company’s sales pitch on social.
It’s a two-way channel where you have the opportunity to enrich relationships with your

1.6:- Impact:-
A unique role of social media is that enabling customers to talk to one
Another is, in a sense, an extension of traditional word of mouth communication
(Mangold & Faulds, 2009). Managers are faced with the question of how this
Power can be harnessed to benefit the organization. Although companies cannot
Directly control what consumers are saying, they do have the ability to influence
The conversations consumers are having (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). But how can
Managers use social media to influence customer conversation or interact with
1.7:-. Strategy
A study conducted by The SMB Group found that one in five small
Businesses have no social media strategy. Without strategy or goals, a business
Is unable to determine whether or not they are gaining anything through their
Efforts or simply wasting time. Those businesses without a strategy also
Reported being less satisfied with social media’s ability to generate new leads
(SMB Group, 2012). Small businesses need to have a plan when using social
Because social media is applied to marketing in various methods, no one
Strategy fits all. Businesses use social media in many ways including: monitor
Conversations about their business, feedback, drive traffic to company web site,
Customer service, promotions and deals, and build community among others
(Business.com, 2010). The tools and strategies for communicating with
Consumers have changed. Social media tools help companies communicate with
Individual consumers, which can in turn help establish long-term relationships.
Social media tools such as forums, blogs, or chat rooms create an interactive
Dialogue for companies to engage consumers. However, at the same time,
Consumers are able to produce information about a company and educate other
Consumers about products, brands, services, and more.
One may question the advantages of having a presence on social
Networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter when the business already has a
Website. The answer is reach. A business wants their message to reach as many
People as possible. To maximize this reach, a business needs to have a
Presence where customers are hanging out; and increasingly they are hanging
Out on social networking sites (Halligan, Shah, & Scott, 2009). The question
Becomes: how does the manager decide which strategy is best for what they
Want to accomplish?
Not all social media are the same. Marketers recognize “different
Purposes or ways in which consumers respond to or use these media” (Weinberg
& Pehlivan, 2011). Those individuals in charge of social media strategy within a
Company must take into account the various types and uses of social media
When deciding where to direct their marketing efforts. A study by Weinberg and
Pehlivan (2011) identified two factors explaining the variation in social media: the
Half-life of information and the depth of information. With respect to a company’s
Marketing objectives and purpose, these factors can be used to direct decision
Making. The half-life of information refers to “the longevity of the information in
Terms of availability/appearance on the screen and interest in a topic.” The depth
Of information refers to “the richness of the content, and the number and diversity
Of perspectives.” Micro-blogs such as Twitter enable fast, brief conversations
And engagement. The information shared on Twitter is relatively shallow with a
Relatively short half-life. This type of social media may be best used with the
Marketing objective of creating brand awareness and recall. Blogs such as
Word Press are considered to have a relatively long information half-life
Compared to micro blogs but are still shallow in terms of information depth.
Marketing objectives and purpose of blogs include brand building and to convey
Product knowledge. Online communities allow interaction/conversation on a
Variety of topics. Because conversations can be deep and carry on for years, the
Information for this type of social media is described as having a relatively long
Half-life and being deep (Weinberg & Pehlivan, 2011). Online communities are
Well suited for establishing and maintaining relations between consumers and
Organizations. Social networks such as Facebook have a relatively short half-life
Of information and are deep. This social media can be used to influence and
Track beliefs and attitudes of consumers (Weinberg & Pehlivan, 2011). Now that
The key factors for differentiating and guiding utilization of social media have
Been identified, it is imperative to discuss the processes for using social media to
Address social objectives.
With social objectives in mind, a marketer “first monitors all vehicles for
Content of interest (e.g., mentions of a brand or product); then identifies
Individuals associated with that content (e.g., a customer indicating satisfaction
Or dissatisfaction); then decides whether to target those individuals and, if so,
With what action (e.g., continue to monitor, engage in conversation, and offer
appreciation); then, ultimately, funnels them toward evangelism” (Weinberg &
Pehlivan, 2011). At present, the consumer voice is more dominant than the
Organization’s voice in the social space. Organizations must devote resources to
Building relationships with consumers in able to leverage the social currency of
Others. Companies need to engage in topics of interest with others, show
Support, share, collaborate, and co-create (Weinberg & Pehlivan, 2011).
1.9:- Empirical Studies
Social media can be used to supplement a company’s existing marketing
Efforts. Social media strategies can be developed alongside other marketing and
Communication efforts in order to maintain consistency across all channels. One
Way that companies can influence discussions is to use blogs and other social
Media tools to engage customers (Mangold & Faulds, 2009). When consumers
Are able to submit feedback, they feel more engaged with products and
Organizations. For example, Starbucks enables its customers to provide
Feedback and submit suggestions to help shape the future of Starbucks via its
“My Starbucks Idea” site (Starbucks, 2011). Users are allowed to submit their
Own suggestions to be voted on by other Starbucks consumers, vote on other
People’s ideas, discuss ideas, and even see what actions Starbucks is taking on
The most popular ideas. Starbucks empowers its consumers by directly asking
Them what they want. By publicly acting on this information, Starbucks
Strengthens its relationship with consumers.
Many companies including Comcast, Southwest Airlines, and Starbucks
Have Twitter accounts to assist customers, apologize for mistakes, and share
Specials, and interact with their public. Using social media in such a manner
Helps create transparency which can increase trust from consumers. By using
Twitter as a customer service platform, these companies are able to successfully
Promote a positive brand image and solve customer problems often with less
Cost than call centers or email service (Parr, 2009). Providing great customer
Service enables better brand loyalty. Such well known companies, however, have
The resources to dedicate to creating relationships with consumers. The research
Intends to find how a small business with limited resources is able to achieve
Similar results and customer relationships.
In Social Media Examiner’s 2011 Social Media Marketing Industry Report,
Over 3,300 marketers were surveyed about their use of social media. One major
Finding of the study is that social media marketing takes a lot of time.
Approximately 58% of marketers are using social media for 6 hours or more each
Week while 34% invest 11 or more hours weekly (Stelzner, 2011). Marketers
Reported the number one advantage of social media marketing as generating
More business exposure, indicated by 88% of marketers. Other major
Advantages of social media marketing were increased traffic (72%) and improved
Search rankings (62%). Slightly more than half reported social media had
Generated qualified leads. A significant 90% of marketers surveyed claimed
Social media was important for their businesses. The self-employed and small
Business owners were more likely to strongly agree. “A direct relationship
Between how long marketers have been using social media and their weekly time
Commitment” exists (Stelzner, 2011). For those just getting started with social
Media, 59% spend between 1 and 5 hours per week; those with experience of a
Few months or longer spend 6 or more hours per week on social media activities.
Marketers reported reduced overall marketing expenses. The main financial cost
Of social media marketing was recognized as the time it takes to gain success.
The survey found that the top two social media choices for marketers just getting
Started to those using social media for three or more years were Facebook and
Twitter (Stelzner, 2011). The interview will address the reasons the owner manager
Chose these two platforms for their social media efforts.
A few questions arise from the findings of these studies. How much time
Does an owner-manager have to devote to social media to see results? Did they
Have a strategy when beginning to use social media? Why are Facebook and
Twitter chosen for the small business’s marketing strategies? Each of these
Questions will be addressed by the study.
2.0:-Applied to small businesses
Social media marketing enables companies to achieve a better
Understanding of customer needs in order to build effective relationships. The
Foundation of any business is the customer. Social networking provides small
Businesses with multiple opportunities to build closer and more profitable
Relationships with customers. However, not all social media are the same and
Some are better suited for certain marketing strategies than others. The research
Aims to find the strategies a small business uses to engage consumers through
Social media.
2.1:- Summary
This chapter has provided an overview of the literature relevant to the
Focus of this study. Topics covered included small business marketing, integrated
Marketing techniques, social media, and social media marketing. The literature
Review revealed the need for research in the area of small business and social
Media strategy and the relevance of the research question. Small businesses
Struggle to use social media to reach customers. Research on how small
Businesses use social media exists, however the results are based solely on
Surveys or interviews. The research fails to gain insights on the strategies owner managers
Use to engage customers on social media and check what the
Participants say against what the participants do. The research on social media
Use by small businesses also fails to investigate the types of messages,
Comments, or replies participants post on the social media sites. The methods
Described in this paper aim to bring new insights to existing literature. This review
And the additional research will result in an initial understanding of how a small
Business recognized for using social media, uses social media to engage customers.
2.2:-Introduction about the company:-
The Company Clearwire Technologies Pvt Ltd was incorporated on 21st of March 2011. It is a
technology firm based in Bandipora district of Jammu & Kashmir. The Head office of the firm is
situated in Bandipora and there are numerous branch offices located in different locations across
J&K state. The company is involved in retail & commercial vending. The firm has numerous
clients in defense and government sector. Apart from dealing with Government and Corporate
sector the company also owns an HP World Retail Store in Bandipora town.

Key offerings of Clearwire Technologies Pvt Ltd.

• Networking Equipments
•Personal Computers
•Biometric Systems
•Security Surveillance Systems (CCTVs and Security Alarm Systems)
•VSAT systems
•VOIP Systems
•Printing Equipments
Head hunting/Hiring
•Software Solutions
• POS Systems

2.3:-About Founders/Directors of the Company

Mr. Mohammad Aehsaan and Mr. Wajahat Ahmad are the founders and Directors of Clearwire
Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
Mr. Mohammad Aehsaan is a computer graduate and a Cisco Certified Network Associate. Prior
to entering the role of an entrepreneur he worked with Accenture, Vcustomer and CISCO for
near 8 years.
Before joining in to start Clearwire Technologies Pvt. Ltd Mr. Wajahat Ahmad, a management
graduate from the University of Kashmir and Company Secretaryship dropout, worked in
Automobile and IT industry for near 6 years.

2.4:-Departments of the Company

- IT
- Finance
- Marketing
- HR
Organization Vision
To provide outstanding products and unsurpassed service that together delivers premium value to
our customers.

Organization Culture
The Company Believes in an open system where one has ample opportunities to grow along with
organization. We believe in working as a group rather than an Individual towards the attainment
of the goals.
2.5:-Research and Methodology
Now finally we came to the topic of research and methodology, in this topic I will tell you about
how I collected data from the company for my project report.

Data collection methods

An interview and unobtrusive methods were used to collect the studies
Data. The researcher wanted to know what strategies an owner-manager uses on
Social media to engage customers. How the owner-manager perceived her own
Efforts were also identified. The interview provided enough detailed information of
How the owner-manager uses social media that the results could be analyzed
Deeply. Review of documents was also relevant to the case study topic and the
Researcher collected data through collection of the business’s social media
I intended to understand what activities the owner-manager
Uses to engage customers through social media. It was important to understand
What type of messages they send the experiences they have, the challenges
They face, and their investment in their efforts. Such information may be easily
Missed in a survey. An interview enabled me to have a structured
Conversation with the participant.
The interview is one of the most important sources of case study
Information. Interviews can be in-depth, focused, structured, or
Unstructured. A focused interview was used for the study because it provided for
A short period of time in which the interview was open-ended but still followed a
Predetermined set of questions. The owner-manager in charge of the company’s
Social media activity was interviewed. The interview addressed topics mentioned
In the literature review such as social media strategy, challenges, experiences,
And engagement. Questions that were asked included: “What is the purpose of
Your use of social media?”; “What methods have you used to engage your
Audience?”; “Can you tell me about some of the challenges you have faced when
Introducing social media in your business strategy?” The questions can be found
In Appendix A. The focused interview enabled the researcher to gain insights on
The owner-manager’s social media strategy. The interview was immediately
Transcribed by me. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the data,
As it is a process for encoding qualitative information. It provides
The researcher with a way of seeing and making sense out of seemingly
Unrelated material. The researcher must be able to sense themes, recognize the
Codable moment and encode it consistently, develop codes, and interpret the
Information and themes in the context of a theory. For this study,
i allowed the themes to emerge from the information being
Reliability and Validity
Research has to be reliable and trustworthy. It is important for the
Conclusions that are made to be verified in one way or another. With qualitative
Research, reliability and validity have a slightly different meaning in comparison to
Quantitative research (Sekaran & Bougie, 2009). Reliability in qualitative data
Analysis involves category reliability and interjudge reliability. Interjudge reliability
Is not relevant for this particular study because only one coder, the researcher,
Was used. Intracoder reliability refers to consistency within a single coder. The
Researcher repeated the coding procedure in order to see if the same results
Were yielded on repeated trials. The researcher reread, recategorized, and
Reanalyzed the same text to be sure that nothing was missed (Krippendorff,
2004). According to Kassarijan, (as cited in Sekaran & Bougie, 2009) category
Reliability depends on the analyst’s ability to formulate categories and define
Those categories in order to determine “which items of a certain population
Belong in a category and which do not.” Higher category reliability can be
Achieved through well-defined categories (Sekaran & Bougie, 2009). The
Researcher produced well-defined categories in order to ensure reliability.
Sekaran and Bougie (2009) recognize the validity of qualitative data as
“The extent to which the research results (1) accurately represent the collected
Data (internal validity) and (2) can be generalized or transferred to other contexts
or settings (external validity).” Internal validity may be achieved through
Respondent validation. By soliciting feedback about the study’s conclusions from
The individual being studied, the possibility of misinterpreting the responses of the
Interviews were ruled out (Maxwell, 2005). Internal validity was also achieved
Through triangulation. Data triangulation involves collecting data from several
Sources, allowing a better assessment of the generality of the explanations
Developed (Maxwell, 2005). The data collected for the study included an
Interview and the posts from the business’s Facebook and Twitter accounts. By
Using this strategy, the risk that the conclusions reflect only the limitations of a
Specific source was reduced. A broader and more secure understanding of the
Issues investigated were gained. External generalizability is often not a crucial
Issue for qualitative research (Maxwell, 2005). Although the study cannot claim
Generalization, the results are useful to other small businesses looking for
Strategies to use social media. The validity of the research was also enhanced by
Providing an in-depth description of the project which will allow anyone to transfer
The results to another context (Sekaran & Bougie, 2009). Maxwell (2005)
Recognizes validity as a goal rather than a product and something that can never
Be proven.

For the purposes of this research, a case study was chosen as a research
Strategy, in which an interview and unobtrusive methods were the main data
Collection sources. As the collected data was analyzed, different themes were
Identified in order to give clarity and organize the data. The themes were
Modified as new codes emerged from the data.
The information obtained through the analysis of interviews and social
Media activity provided insight into how the small business uses social media to
Engage customers. Through thematic and content analysis the researcher aimed
To acquire an initial understanding of the type of content shared by the business
And for what purpose. Such information provides a thick description of the
Phenomena. The research is not argued as the absolute truth but an attempt to
Explain a particular phenomenon.
From the review of literature and previous research, the researcher
Predicted that the business devotes a considerable amount of time to social
Media activity. The owner-manager will recognize social media as a source of
Networking and generating business leads. The business’s social media activity
Includes engaging customers, promoting the business, and sharing content.
Because small businesses are central to the U.S. economy, it is important
For them to survive to sustain or increase their contributions to the economy.
Small businesses often face resource constraints in terms of employee expertise
And money that larger organizations may not. Therefore, small business owner managers
Must take advantage of social media for the opportunities it provides.
The problem however, is that a major challenge for small business owners is
How to effectively reach customers with limited resources. The research provided
A description and understanding of a small business’s social media strategy.
Such insights may be used by other small business owner-managers for their
Social media strategies. The next chapter reports and interprets the findings of
The research.

2.6:-Result and Findings

Our primary focus was on the HP World retail outlet with a proposition that if the company
increases its online presence it will definitely be able to induce more profits.

Currently the company has created a facebook page for its Hp world outlet with near 932 likes.
But there is rarely any activity in this page, which can be understood from the fact that the last
update on this page is dated 24th January 2017.

In order to increase its online presence we have suggested starting its activity on Twitter,
Instagram, Whatsapp and YouTube.
We will begin our experiment with featuring new products on the Facebook page and other
sites and monitor the user activity. Our objective will be to convert possible online leads into
business. The company has decided to dedicate a separate number specifically for Whatsapp

Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/HPWBPR/?ref=aymt_homepage_pannel




In a short span of time we were able to increase the page likes from 926 to 1350. After
increasing the likings we offered a test production on for sale on the Facebook page. The offer
was purely for demonstrational purpose. As expected the product was well received and we
were able to sell 15 units of that specific product in just 4 hours.

Our main objective behind promoting a specific product on the facebook page was to
demonstrate the power of Social Media Marketing. Though it was a small experiment but it
bought out best results. On our recommendation the company has decided to engage full time
social media manager who will be responsible for the media relations of the company.

The experiment also helped the company to understand various issues related to their
business. The company also received lots of feedback on stock availability and after sales
support, the issues raised in the feedback were well received by the company and efforts were
put in place to resolve some genuine concerns raised by the users

Some of the concerns raised by users.

Stock Availability:

A common concern that we observed was the non availability of stock in retail store. The
customers were of the opinion that since company doesn’t hold ample stock in their store
therefore customers were kind of forced to purchase products from unregistered dealers or at
times move to other places like Srinagar or sopore to; purchase required items.

The company as we have already mentioned had puts its entire energy on catering government
sectors, specifically defense, so the customer retail segment which didn’t add much revenue
was sought of ignored. Now that the customers have raised these issues, company in a way was
forced to focus on the customer retail segment and maintenance of EOQ in their retail store. in
past 15 days we have seen a fair increase in the number of walk in sales.
After sale support:

After sale support is a service that is provided after merchandise or services have been sold.
Most after-sale support involves a guarantee, warranty, upgrade or repair service. After-sale
support encompasses a wide array of services that cater to consumers.

We also observe that there were lack of after-sale support, the

customers doesn’t got the facilities like repairing, warranty, guarantee, quick feedback on
messages etc, this was the major problem that can result a huge loss for the company, After
this we strengthen the social media presence of this retail outlet, we gave proper feedback to
its customers on social media and gave them confidence of providing After sale-support
services properly. Within few days we saw a great response from its customers.

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