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Let’s communicate Asking someone to say something again — Pardon? — I'm sorry | didn’t hear / catch what you said. — Would / Could you say that again, please? — Would / Could you repeat what you said, please? — I'm sorry, what did you say? — What was that? Informal: —What was that again ...? Very informal: —What? / Eh [er]? / Mim? Checking you have understood — So, ... — Does that mean ...? — Do you mean ...? — If lunderstand right ... — I'm not sure | understand. Does that mean...? Saying something another way — In other words, — That means — What I mean is — That's to say . — ..., or rather . — What I'm trying to say is ... — What I'm driving at / getting at is Giving yourself time to t — 0h fer /um, — Let me see / think =... just a moment, — You see, ... — ..., you know, — How shall | put it? — 1... Now what's the word Checking someone has understood you — Do you know what | mean? — ... if you see what | mean. — | hope that's clear. — Do I make myseif clear? Informal: — Are you with me? Get it? Right? Very informal: — Got the message ['mesrdg]? Changing the subject — .., by the way, —.., before | forget, ... — ..,P nearly forgot, You want to add something —I'd like to make another point —I'd also like to say You need help — 1 don't understand, I'm sorry. — I'm not sure | understand what you mean. — What's the meaning of...2 — What does the word ... mean? — What’s the French/the English word for —I didn't hear what you said [ repeat, please? say it again, please? — Can you exolain it again, please? — Could you spell that word, please? — Would you | write it on the board, please? speak louder / up, please? |_speak more slowly, please? — Could you stép aside, please? | can’t see the board. You want to apologize — Sorry, I'm late. — 1 apologize [s'poledsarz] for being late. — I'm afraid I've forgotten my workbook. Don’t be dumb — I'm afraid | don’t know. — | haven't a clue [klu:]. — I'm afraid | haven't got the faintest / slightest idea [a'dhza). m terribly sorry but | haven't understood the question = Sorry | don’t know what you mean — I'm not sure | can answer. — I've no idea (about) what | am expected to do. — I wish I knew. — | must admit | don’t know much about this problem. — I'm sorry but | don’t know what to say. Showing you're interested — Uh, uh. (4), =I see... (7%) — Really? (7) — Oh, yes. 7) — How interesting! (7%) — | know / see what you mean,

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