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Batugranit mining by PT. Mining Grani Bukit Mandiri located in Karimun

regency, Riau Islands. dismantling Batugranit by blasting. The problem lies in
blasting activities that occur incompatibility fragmentation size for their muscular
structure in the field batugranit to be detonated.
The data captured includes blasting geometry data, photos fragmentation results
of blasting, blasting geometry data and rock factor.

Geometry blasting recommendation is Burden = 2,8 m, spacing = 3,2 m,

stemming = 1,96 m, depth = 16,5 m, subdrill = 0,56 m with rock factor = 6,06
and hence obtained volume uncovered = 23.109,63 ton. Fragmentation of
blasting rock with recommendation geometry using Kuznetzov calculation
obtained by Boulder presentation with size <80 cm equal to 80,73%, with actual
data field calculated using Split Desktop equal to 80,73%, so fragmentation size
is relatively small. From 8 times the highest explosion of rock factor value is 5th
detonation with value 6,06 so that boulder dominant fragmentation size, while
blasting (1,2,3,4,6,7,8) with value 5,46 from result of weight (Lilly 1999).
To produce a uniform rock fragmentation with regard muscular density and
fractures exist, the amount of explosives to be inserted into the holes must be in
accordance with perhi explosive-rofits obtained, so that fragmentation is more

Keywords: Stump structure, Fragmentation,

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