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Heart Online First, published on November 25, 2017 as 10.1136/heartjnl-2016-310848

Takayasu arteritis: challenges in diagnosis

and management
Esther S H Kim, Joshua Beckman

Cardiovascular Division, Abstract for arterial complications.5–7 The long-term prog-

Vanderbilt University Medical Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a rare disease affecting chiefly nosis is related to the presence of arterial complica-
Center, Nashville, Tennessee,
USA young women, although it can affect both men and tions and progressive course. Fifteen-year survival
women and persons of many different ethnicities. TA for those with and without TA complications was
Correspondence to carries a high morbidity rate, but importantly, overall 66.3% and 96.4% and 58.3% and 92.7% for those
Dr Joshua Beckman, Vanderbilt mortality has declined over time such that the 15-year with and without a progressive course, respectively.7
University Medical Center, Heart survival rate has increased from 82.9% for patients A multicentre retrospective study of 318 patients
and Vascular Institute, 1215 Ave diagnosed between 1957 and 1975 to 96.5% for those from the French Takayasu Network demonstrated
South Medical Center East, 5th
Floor, South Tower, Nashville, diagnosed from 1976 to 1990. Severity of presenting that the 10-year event free (ie, vascular complica-
TN 37232-8802, USA; ​joshua.​a.​ arterial complications and delay to diagnosis have also tion, relapse and/or death) survival rate was 36.4%.
beckman@​vanderbilt.​edu decreased over the past decade owing to advances in Progressive disease course and carotidynia were
non-invasive diagnostic imaging and the development associated with worse event-free survival.8
Received 25 May 2017
of medical therapies. Despite these advances, there
still remain significant gaps in the diagnosis and Diagnostic challenges
management of these complex patients. These gaps Diagnostic and classification criteria for TA are in
encompass the basic, yet extremely complex, tasks of evolution
defining a universally accepted diagnostic criterion, There are no gold standard imaging or laboratory
accurate assessment of disease activity and development tests with adequate sensitivity or specificity for the
of clinically meaningful and accurate outcome measures diagnosis of TA. Patients may have significant delays
to guide necessary clinical trials for the management of in diagnosis due to non-specific constitutional
these complex patients. symptoms which may precede the onset of apparent
clinical signs. Diagnostic criteria for TA employ a
Introduction combination of physical examination, labora-
Takayasu arteritis (TA) is a chronic, granulomatous, tory and imaging findings. The Fiessinger criteria
large-vessel panarteritis with preferential involve- incorporate endemic country of origin and prior
ment of the aorta, its major branch arteries and tuberculosis or streptococcal infection history,9 but
the pulmonary artery. The mean age at diagnosis the most widely adopted criteria are those proposed
is between 25 and 30 years, and women have been by Ishikawa10 and the American College of Rheu-
reported to comprise 75%–97% of cases.1 Although matology (ACR) classification criteria.11 The Ishi-
widely considered a rare disease primarily affecting kawa criteria include an obligatory criterion of ≤40
Asian women, TA can affect persons of any ethnicity, years of age at time of diagnosis or onset of charac-
with prevalence of disease varying by geographical teristic signs and symptoms. The Ishikawa criteria
location. In Japan, the prevalence estimates are had a sensitivity of 84% when applied to a cohort
over 0.004%,2 while it is 4.7 cases per million in of 96 Japanese patients.10 The ACR criteria (table 1)
the UK.3 Contemporary incidence estimates for the were developed to distinguish TA from other vascu-
USA are lacking but have been estimated to be 2.6 litides for the purpose of research, rather than as
new cases per million persons per year.4 diagnostic criteria, and were developed using other
The aetiology of TA is unknown, but several vasculitides as controls.11 The gold standard used
studies have demonstrated an association with to test these criteria was a TA diagnosis adjudicated
human leucocyte antigens, suggesting a genetic by vasculitis experts. When three of six criteria are
predisposition for the immune-mediated process. present, the ACR criteria have a 90.5% sensitivity
Granulomatous inflammation has been observed and 97.8% specificity for the correct classification
in the media and adventitia, and mononuclear cells of TA.
(predominantly lymphocytes, natural killer cells, Major criticisms of the Ishikawa and ACR criteria
macrophages and plasma cells) and giant cells are were their potential to underdiagnose patients
present in the media during active inflammation. with late-onset TA and those with predominantly
Areas of inflammation evolve to fibrosis and dense abdominal aortic involvement. Vascular distribu-
scarring of the artery wall leading to stenosis, while tion of TA may vary geographically with higher
destruction of the elastic lamina and media may incidence of aortic arch involvement in Japanese
lead to aneurysm formation. patients compared with higher incidence of thora-
TA is a chronic, relapsing and progressive disease. coabdominal and renal disease seen in Indian
To cite: Kim ESH, Beckman J.
About 20% of patients will have a self-limited condi- and Southeast Asian patients.12 Modifications
Heart Published Online tion, while the majority of patients will demon- were proposed which removed the obligatory age
First: [please include Day strate a relapsing/remitting or progressive course requirement and included the addition of coronary
Month Year]. doi:10.1136/ requiring long-term immunosuppression. Up to artery lesions in patients <30 years of age in the
heartjnl-2016-310848 20% of patients will require a surgical intervention absence of atherosclerotic risk factors (table 2).
Kim ESH, Beckman J. Heart 2017;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2016-310848   1
Copyright Article author (or their employer) 2017. Produced by BMJ Publishing Group Ltd (& BCS) under licence.
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the ACR criteria for GCA includes an age of disease onset ≥50
Table 1  The 1990 American College of Rheumatology Classification
years in addition to the criteria of new headache, temporal artery
criteria for Takayasu arteritis
abnormality, elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and
Criteria Definition abnormal artery biopsy.14 Multicentre, internationally collab-
Age at disease Development of symptoms or findings related to TA orative work is ongoing to develop diagnostic criteria able to
onset ≤40 years age ≤40 years differentiate the vasculitides, including TA, from its mimics and
Claudication of extremities Development and worsening of fatigue and discomfort to discriminate systemic vasculitides from each other.15
while in use, especially the upper extremities
Decreased brachial artery Decreased pulsation of one or both brachial arteries
pulse Clinical presentation is highly variable
Blood pressure difference Difference of >10 mm Hg in systolic blood pressure Clinical presentations vary from non-specific constitutional
>10 mm Hg between arms symptoms without clinical or radiographical evidence of arte-
Bruit over subclavian Bruit audible on auscultation over one or both rial occlusive disease (pre-pulseless stage) to symptoms attrib-
arteries or aorta subclavian arteries or abdominal aorta utable to arterial stenosis, aneurysm and occlusion (pulseless
Arteriogram abnormality Arteriographic narrowing or occlusion of the entire stage) (table 3).16 Ascending aortic involvement can result
aorta, its primary branches or large arteries in the in aortic root dilatation and aneurysm with aortic regurgita-
proximal upper or lower extremities, not due to
tion. Abdominal aortic involvement may cause middle aortic
arteriosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia or similar
causes; changes usually focal or segmental syndromes with resultant renovascular hypertension,17 while
For classification purposes, a patient is said to have Takayasu arteritis if at least
distal aortic involvement can produce lower extremity clau-
three of the six criteria are present. Reproduced with permission from Arend et al.11 dication symptoms (figure 1). The pulseless stage reflects the
advanced stages of disease, and diagnostic criteria and labora-
tory/imaging modalities able to detect TA in the early stages
These modifications resulted in a sensitivity of 92.5% and spec- disease are highly desirable.
ificity of 95.0% for the diagnosis of TA in a population of 106
Indian patients with angiographically proven TA.12
Importantly, TA must be differentiated from giant cell arte- Available biomarker findings are not specific
ritis (GCA), another major cause of inflammatory aortitis also No blood tests are specific for TA. Autoantibodies (eg, antinuclear
thought to be an antigen-driven, cell-mediated autoimmune antibody, antinuclear cytoplasmic antibody (ANCA), anti-DNA
process.1 TA and GCA may involve common arterial sites; antibody, anti-Ro antibody, circulating immune complexes18)
however, presenting symptoms differ such that patients with associated with other vasculitides are not useful for the diagnosis
GCA have greater prevalence of jaw claudication, visual symp- of TA. Acute phase reactants (APRs) such as C reactive protein
toms and blindness. The major distinguishing feature between (CRP) and ESR are non-specific. Active inflammation may also
TA and GCA is the age of onset; GCA affects an older cohort be noted in elevated white blood cell counts, complement (C3,
with mean age at time of diagnosis of 75 years13. For this reason, C4, CH50) levels, fibrinogen and immunoglobulin G.5

Table 2  Modified Ishikawa diagnostic criteria for Takayasu arteritis

Three major criteria:
 1. Left mid subclavian artery lesion The most severe stenosis or occlusion present in the mid portion from the point 1 cm proximal to the vertebral artery orifice
up to that 3 cm distal to the orifice determined by angiography
 2. Right mid subclavian artery lesion The most severe stenosis or occlusion present in the mid portion from the right vertebral artery orifice to the point 3 cm
distal to orifice determined by angiography
 3. Characteristic signs and symptoms of at least These include limb claudication, pulselessness or pulse differences in limbs, an unobtainable or significant blood pressure
1-month duration difference (>10 mm Hg systolic blood pressure difference in limb), fever, neck pain, transient amaurosis, blurred vision,
syncope, dyspnoea or palpitations
Ten minor criteria:
 1. High ESR Unexplained persistent high ESR >20 mm/h (Westergren) at diagnosis or presence of the evidence in patients history
 2. Carotid artery tenderness Unilateral or bilateral tenderness of common arteries on palpation. Neck muscle tenderness is unacceptable.
 3. Hypertension Persistent blood pressure >140/90 mm Hg brachial or >160/90 mm Hg popliteal
 4. Aortic regurgitation By auscultation or Doppler echocardiography or angiography.
or annuloaortic ectasia By angiography or two-dimensional echocardiography
 5. Pulmonary artery lesion Lobar or segmental arterial occlusion or equivalent determined by angiography or perfusion scintigraphy, or presence
of stenosis, aneurysm, luminal irregularity or any combination in pulmonary trunk or in unilateral or bilateral pulmonary
arteries determined by angiography
 6. Left mid common carotid lesion Presence of the most severe stenosis or occlusion in the mid portion of 5 cm in length from the point 2 cm distal to its
orifice determined by angiography
 7. Distal brachiocephalic trunk lesion Presence of the most severe stenosis or occlusion in the distal third determined by angiography
 8. Descending thoracic aorta lesion Narrowing, dilation or aneurysm, luminal irregularity or any combination determined by angiography: tortuosity alone is
 9. Abdominal aorta lesion Narrowing, dilation or aneurysm, luminal irregularity or aneurysm combination.
 10. Coronary artery lesion Documented on angiography below the age of 30 years in the absence of risk factors like hyperlipidaemia or diabetes
Presence of two major or one major and two minor criteria or four minor criteria suggests a high probability of Takayasu arteritis. The table is from Sharma et al,12 reproduced
with permission.
ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate.

2 Kim ESH, Beckman J. Heart 2017;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2016-310848

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IL-18, matrix metallopeptidase 9, vascular endothelial growth
Table 3  Clinical presentations of Takayasu arteritis by affected
factor, anti-endothelial cell antibodies and circulating endothe-
vascular territory
lial progenitor cells have been proposed as potential surrogates
Sign/symptom for disease activity; however, investigations have yielded incon-
Constitutional Fatigue, weight loss, low-grade fevers, night clusive results.20 One promising biomarker, pentraxin-3 (PTX3),
sweats is part of a superfamily of proteins which behave as APRs.
Musculoskeletal Arthralgias, myalgias, synovitis PTX3 is produced by immune and vascular cells in response
Dermatologic Erythema nodosum, pyoderma to proinflammatory signals and plays a role in the recognition
gangrenosum of certain pathogens, activates the complement system and is
Vascular Diminished or absent pulses, vascular bruits synthesised locally at sites of inflammation. Levels of PTX3 have
 Aorta Aneurysm been observed to be higher in TA patients with active disease
Aortic regurgitation due to aortic dilatation (median >2.14 ng/mL) versus inactive disease (median 0.63 ng/
Aorta stenosis mL), healthy patients (median 0.11 ng/mL) and patients with
 Common carotid arteries Stroke/TIA, syncope, orthostasis, headaches, active infection (median 0.26 ng/mL). Levels of PTX3 have also
seizures, carotidynia, visual loss,
been shown to have higher area under the receiver operating
characteristic curve than ESR or CRP (0.92 (95% CI 0.847 to
 Vertebral arteries Subclavian steal syndrome, vertigo
0.991) versus 0.75 (95% CI 0.623 to 0.876) versus 0.68 (95%
 Subclavian arteries Upper extremity claudication, digital
CI 0.582 to 0.850), respectively).21 A PTX3 level of 5.37 ng/mL
ischaemia/gangrene, interarm blood
pressure discrepancy >10 mm Hg has been shown to have a sensitivity of 82.6% and specificity
 Coronary arteries (rare, lesions often Angina, heart failure, myocardial infarction
of 77.8% and area under the curve of 0.914 for the detection
ostial in location) of active disease, and PTX3 levels have been shown to be inde-
 Pulmonary arteries Chest pain, dyspnoea, hemoptysis, pendent of prednisolone dose.22 Small validation studies have
pulmonary hypertension shown mixed results, and larger confirmatory studies are neces-
 Mesenteric arteries Abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhoea, sary prior to the adoption of PTX3 as an accepted clinical deter-
gastrointestinal haemorrhage minant of disease activity.
 Renal arteries Renovascular hypertension (either from
renal artery stenosis or suprarenal aortic
Lack of a ‘gold standard’ imaging modality
Physical examination for the detection of arterial lesions has
 Iliac arteries Lower extremity claudication
16 low sensitivity (range 14%–50%) but good specificity (range
 Small vessel Raynaud’s phenomenon (uncommon)
71%–98%) when compared with angiography. Thus, the
TIA, transient ischaemic attack.
majority of diagnostic criteria for TA are dependent on lesion
location as determined by imaging studies. The relative advan-
Laboratory findings are not reliable indicators of disease tages and limitations of the imaging studies used to establish the
activity diagnosis of TA are listed in table 4.5 23–26 Lack of specificity for
Elevations in APRs are not consistently associated with disease disease activity in available imaging tests highlights the comple-
activity.19 ESR is elevated in >50% of patients considered to mentary role of imaging to clinical assessment of disease activity.
be in remission.19 Biomarkers including interleukin (IL) 6, IL-8, TA lesions are generally smoothly tapered, circumferential
areas of luminal narrowing typically found close to the origin
of the primary branches of the aorta (figure 2). Copious collat-
eral vessels may be present and are indicative of the chronicity
of stenotic lesions. Additionally, TA lesions have been observed
to demonstrate ‘vascular symmetry’ whereby stenotic lesions
develop in paired vascular territories with contiguous disease
extension in the aorta.27 An angiographic classification has
been developed that categorises lesions based on their region
of involvement: type I (branches of the aortic arch), type IIa
(ascending aorta, aortic arch and its branches), type IIb (type
IIa lesions plus thoracic descending aorta), type III (thoracic
descending aorta, abdominal aorta, renal arteries or a combina-
tion), type IV (abdominal aorta, renal arteries or both) and type
V (entire aorta and its branches).28

Validated composite measures of disease activity for TA are

Therapy decisions in Takayasu arteritis depend on an accurate
assessment of disease activity. Major barriers include the lack
of a widely accepted TA-specific disease activity scoring system,
lack of a sensitive and specific biomarker which tracks with
disease activity, and lack of a gold-standard imaging modality
which can provide early recognition of active disease prior to
Figure 1  Magnetic resonance angiography demonstrating distal arterial stenosis and provide adequate differentiation within
aortic occlusion in a patient with Takayasu arteritis and bilateral lower stenotic lesions between active inflammation and scarring from
extremity claudication. prior disease activity. In practice, disease activity is defined by a
Kim ESH, Beckman J. Heart 2017;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2016-310848 3

Table 4  Imaging modalities for the evaluation of Takayasu arteritis

Advantages Limitations Assessment of disease activity
Catheter-based (digital subtraction) ►► Precise evaluation of severity of stenotic arterial lesions ►► Invasive ►► None
angiography ►► Allows central aortic pressure measurements ►► Iodinated contrast
►► Concomitant therapeutic intervention as necessary ►► Radiation
►► No assessment of arterial wall thickness
►► Not a practical means for surveillance imaging
CT angiography (CTA) ►► Ability to evaluate stenotic and aneurysmal lesions ►► Iodinated contrast ►► ‘Double ring’ pattern (circumferentially thickened aortic
►► ‘Roadmap’/relational imaging of vascular lesions ►► Radiation wall surrounding a concentric, low-attenuation ring inside
►► Ability to measure arterial wall thickness the aorta) on delayed-phase imaging described in small
►► When used in patients at high suspicion for TA, CTA has a sensitivity of studies
95% and specificity of 100%, using catheter-based angiography as the
gold standard.23
Magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) ►► Ability to evaluate stenotic and aneurysmal lesions ►► Decreased sensitivity for smaller branch involvement ►► Delayed enhancement imaging has been poorly correlated
►► ‘Roadmap’/relational imaging of vascular lesions ►► Overestimate degrees of severe stenosis or occlusion with disease activity5 25
►► Vessel wall evaluation (thickening, oedema, degeneration)
►► Improved soft tissue discrimination vs CTA with ability to assess mural
oedema and vascularity
►► No radiation exposure
►► Sensitivity and specificity of 100% vs catheter-based angiography24
F-fluorodeoxyglucose positron  ►► May be able to localise active vessel inflammation and provide data on ►► Not an angiographic study modality ►► Possible; moderate diagnostic value, studies with mixed
emission tomography (FDG-PET) intensity of inflammation results
►► Sensitivity and specificity 70.1% and 77.2% for evaluation of disease
Duplex ultrasound ►► Ability to evaluate localised areas of stenosis and aneurysm ►► Unable to provide a ‘roadmap’ of vascular lesions ►► Possible; regression of carotid intima media interface with
►► Vessel wall evaluation ►► Unable to perform complete imaging of the aortic treatment reported
►► Non-invasive, no radiation exposure, does not require iodinated contrast arch and descending aorta ►► Pilot studies on the use of contrast-enhanced ultrasound
►► Operator dependent for disease assessment
Transthoracic and transesophageal ►► Non-invasive, ability for concomitant assessment of aortic root and aortic ►► Unable to provide a ‘roadmap’ of vascular lesions ►► None
echocardiography valve for insufficiency ►► Unable to differentiate among pathologies causing
►► May be used to demonstrate circumferential aortic wall mural thickening hypoechoic aortic wall mural thickening
►► May be used for surveillance of known ascending aortic dilatation or ►► Operator dependent
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►► May be used for the detection of pulmonary hypertension and emerging
use for the detection of pulmonary artery involvement

Kim ESH, Beckman J. Heart 2017;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2016-310848

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Other disease activity assessment tools include the Birmingham
Vasculitis Activity Score (BVAS), but this scoring system has been
validated only and used primarily for the assessment of disease
activity in small-sized and medium-sized vasculitides (granulo-
matosis with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis). Because
common manifestations of small-vessel disease are rare in TA,
some argue that the use of the BVAS may lead to unnecessary
organ evaluation and incomplete investigation of cardiovascular
findings.20 29 The Disease Extent Index for Takayasu’s Arteritis
(DEI.Tak) was developed to record disease extent and, while
based on the BVAS, assigned heavier weights to items related to
larger arterial disease. Unlike the NIH criteria, the DEI.Tak did
not include imaging or laboratory findings and, while was simple
to use, had only modest agreement with the physician’s global
assessment (PGA) (68%).30 The Indian Takayasu Clinical Activity
Score (ITAS2010) was subsequently developed as quantitative
Figure 2  Power Doppler image of the right common carotid score of new active disease by evaluating clinical features newly
artery in a patient with Takayasu arteritis. There is a long segment of present in the prior 3 months31. Elevated ESR and CRP were
hypoechoic, smooth, concentric arterial wall thickening (Macaroni sign) added to the ITAS2010 (ITAS2010-A), and while these scoring
characteristic of vasculitis. systems had good inter-rater agreement with the BVAS and PGA,
the ITAS2010-A scores did not decrease accordingly in patients
combination of clinical signs and symptoms, laboratory assess- considered to have inactive disease by PGA after therapy.
ment and vascular imaging. Unfortunately, arterial specimens Disease assessment methods for TA and their advantages and
have shown active inflammation in patients with apparent clin- disadvantages are summarised in table 520
ical and laboratory remission.19 Recognising the lack of widely accepted outcome measures
There are no validated disease activity criteria for large-vessel in TA, the goal of the Large Vessel Vasculitis task force, initi-
vasculitis, including TA. The most commonly used measure is ated by the Outcome Measures in Rheumatology (OMERACT)
known as the US National Institutes of Health (NIH) criteria vasculitis working group in 2009, is to develop a core set of
where active disease is defined as any two or more of the following: data-driven, validated outcome tools for clinical trials in large
(1) signs or symptoms of vascular ischaemia or inflammation, vessel vasculitis, including TA.20 In addition to incorporation of
(2) increase in sedimentation rate, (3) angiographic features and physicians’ perspectives for important elements for assessment
(4) systemic symptoms not attributable to another disease.19 of disease activity, patient-reported outcomes are also strongly

Table 5  Disease assessment methods for Takayasu arteritis

Outcome Advantages Disadvantages
TAK-related outcomes
 PGA Feasible, gold standard Not sufficiently discriminative for activity assessment, not
 Flare Feasible Not sufficiently discriminative for activity assessment
 Remission Feasible Not sufficiently discriminative for activity assessment
 TAK disease activity scale (DEI.Tak/ Feasible Not in good concordance with PGA
 BVAS Feasible Missing aspects of disease
Consistent with other vasculitides Poorly accepted by investigators and not well validated for
 Vascular interventions (angioplasty, Major outcome—possibly well associated with long-term Not sufficiently sensitive for activity/damage assessment
stents, surgery) prognosis
 Catheter-based angiography Accurate assessment of vessel changes Not feasible for routine follow-up
 CTA or MRA Accurate assessment of vessel changes Expensive
Not validated
 PET Whole-body imaging Expensive
Potential for quantification of disease activity Not validated
 Damage index (VDI, TADS) Feasible, possibly associated with prognosis Hard to discriminate disease vs treatment effects
Laboratory testing outcomes
 APRs (ESR, CRP), PTX3 Feasible Not specific
Not validated
Other outcomes
 Mortality Feasible Not sufficiently discriminative as a study endpoint
 Patient-reported assessments Feasible Not validated
Disease-specific outcomes not yet developed
APR, acute phase reactant; BVAS, Birmingham Vasculitis Activity; CRP, C reactive protein; CTA, CT angiography; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; MRA, magnetic resonance
angiography; PGA, Physician’s Global Assessment; PTX3, pentraxin-3; TADS, Takayasu arteritis score; TAK, Takayasu’s arteritis; VDI, vasculitis damage index. The table is from
Aydin et al,20 reproduced with permission.

Kim ESH, Beckman J. Heart 2017;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2016-310848 5

Table 6  Prospective studies of disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs for Takayasu arteritis

Drug Study type n Patient population Outcome

Methotrexate (MTX)33 Open-label 18 ►► Mean disease duration 5.2 years ►► 81% (n=13) of patients achieved remission; 44% (n=7) relapse when steroids
►► Angiographically proven disease, failed steroids tapered, 23% (n=3) could stop steroids
►► Mean MTX dose 17.1 mg weekly added to steroids ►► 50% (n=8) attained remission for mean 14.2 months without steroids; 25% (n=4)
►► 16 patients followed for mean 2.8 years (two withdrew) could be taken off MTX
►► 18.8% (n=3) progressed despite treatment
Leflunomide (LEF)35 36 Open-label 15 ►► Median disease duration 38 months ►► 80% (n=12) attained remission with reductions in steroid dose, ESR and CRP
►► Failed steroids, failed/intolerant to azathioprine (AZA), CYC, mycophenolate ►► 13.3% (n=2) new vascular lesions
mofetil (MMF), anti-tumour necrosis factor agents ►► 13.3% (n=2) improvement in prior lesions
►► Oral LEF 20 mg/day ►► In extended follow-up of 43 months in 12 of the 15 original cohort, 58% (n=7)
►► Median follow-up 9.1 months switched to other medications due to relapse (n=6) or GI side effects (n=1). No
patients who continued LEF had new vascular lesions
AZA37 Open-label 15 ►► Newly diagnosed, angio-proven, active TA ►► 100% attained remission, reduction in ESR and CRP, no new angiographic lesions;
►► AZA 2 mg/kg daily added to steroids 50% arteries no progression, 31% improvement of stenosis, 15% worsening stenosis
►► 1-year follow-up ►► No side effects requiring discontinuation
MMF38 Open-label 10 ►► Mean disease duration 4.8 years ►► 90% sustained clinical remission, significant reduction ESR and CRP
►► Active disease, failed steroids ►► 50% able to discontinue steroids, remaining 50% able to reduce steroid dose by 76%
►► MMF 2 g/day ►► No angio assessment of disease progression
►► Mean follow-up 23.3 months
Etanercept/inflixibmab39 Open-label 15 ►► Median disease duration 6 years ►► Seven patients received etanercept (three later switched to infliximab), eight received
►► Active, relapsing TA, failed steroids infliximab
►► Etanercept 25 mg twice weekly ►► 66.7% (n=10) achieved remission off steroids, 26.7% (n=4) partial remission
►► Infliximab 3–5 mg/kg 2 and 6 weeks after first dose, then every 4–8 weeks with>50% reduction in steroid dose.
after ►► 64.3% of responders required increase in dosage to sustain remission
►► Median follow-up 12 months
Tocilizumab (TCZ)40 Open-label 2 ►► TCZ 8 mg/kg monthly×6 months ►► Patient one able to taper off steroids after prior failure of MTX, ESR and CRP
normalised. Asymptomatic at 7-month follow-up
►► Patient 2, TCZ monotherapy normalised ESR and CRP after first TCZ infusion,
asymptomatic at 10-month follow-up
►► PET/CT marked decrease in vascular FDG uptake after six TCZ infusions in both
TCZ41 Open-label 16 ►► Newly diagnosed (1) or relapsed active disease; median three prior ►► Three withdrawal for severe neck pain after 1st dose
immunosuppressants ►► No withdrawals due to lack of efficacy
►► TCZ 4/mg/kg in seven patients, TCZ 8 mg/kg in nine patients for first dose, ►► One patient able to stop steroids; >50% reduction in steroid dose in seven patients.
then 8 mg/kg subsequent doses ►► Significant decreases in ESR, hsCRP, common carotid and subclavian artery wall
►► Median 10 doses in 13 months thickness by duplex ultrasound
►► Follow-up range 8–20 months
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TCZ42 Randomised, Double-blind, 18 ►► TA patients ≥12 years old who had relapsed ≤12 weeks before enrolment ►► Relapse-free rates at week 24: 50.6% TCZ, 22.9% placebo, no difference in time to
(abstract form only) phase III trial ►► ≥2× steroid dose at relapse and in remission for 1 week prior to first relapse (HR 0.41 (95.41% CI 0.15 to 1.10), P=0.0596)
►► TCZ 162 mg vs placebo weekly
►► Steroids tapered by 10 %/week
Abatacept (CTLA-4lg)43 Randomised, double-blind trial 34 ►► Newly diagnosed or relapsing TA patients treated with prednisone and ►► Relapse-free survival at 12 months
abatacept 10 mg/kg intravenous who achieved remission at 12 weeks were ►► 22% abatacept vs 40% placebo (P=0.853)
randomised to abatacept or placebo ►► Median duration of remission
►► 5.5 months abatacept vs 5.7 months placebo (P=0.125)
CRP, C reactive protein; ESR, erythrocyte sedimentation rate; FDG, fluorodeoxyglucose; GI, gastrointestinal; hsCRP, high-sensitivity C reactive protein; PET, positron emission tomography; TA, Takayasu arteritis.

Kim ESH, Beckman J. Heart 2017;0:1–8. doi:10.1136/heartjnl-2016-310848

Downloaded from http://heart.bmj.com/ on March 7, 2018 - Published by group.bmj.com

considered in the formation of these core outcome measures as it compared with those for bypass performed for atherosclerotic
has been recognised that disease manifestations of high priority disease. The reasons are several: longer lesion length, more
for patients with various forms of vasculitis are not routinely fibrotic vessels and persistence of vessel wall inflammation
collected by physician-based measures, although they have been despite clinical or laboratory evidence of quiescent disease.44
shown to have discriminatory capability among different disease Around 20% of patients with TA will require surgical treat-
states in ANCA-associated vasculitis.32 ment for vascular complications, primarily for stenotic
lesions.5 6 Bypass surgery is associated with low morbidity
Management challenges and mortality and occlusion or restenosis after bypass grafting
occurs in 8%–31% of causes during a follow-up of 3–6 years45.
Lack of large prospective clinical studies of medical therapy
Patients with active disease are more likely to require surgical
Corticosteroids comprise the mainstay of therapy for TA.
Induction therapy with oral corticosteroids (1 mg/kg once revision or develop restenosis, and thus, when possible, revas-
daily or divided into twice daily doses) is followed by cularisation is usually delayed until the disease is not active.46 A
gradual tapering over weeks to months depending on the retrospective multicentre review of 79 consecutive patients with
rate of symptom and biomarker improvement. They can be TA who underwent 166 vascular procedures (62.7% surgery,
discontinued on remission; however, approximately half 37.3% endovascular repair) found a 37.5% complication rate for
of patients are not able to attain sustained remission with those who underwent surgery compared with 50% for those who
glucocorticoid therapy alone. 33 Maintenance therapy with underwent endovascular repair. The overall 5-year complication
disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs) such as rate for all procedures was 44%, and in multivariate analysis,
methotrexate, mycophenolate mofetil or azathioprine and biological inflammation was independently associated with the
cytotoxic drugs such as cyclophosphamide may be neces- occurrence of complications (OR 7.48, 95% CI 1.42 to 39.39;
sary. Patients unable to achieve remission with DMARDs are P=0.04).46 A single-centre registry of 42 patients with TA who
treated with biological agents such as anti-tumour necrosis underwent surgical revascularisation showed that patients with
factor alpha agents (infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab, quiescent disease on no steroids had freedom from graft revision
golimumab), tocilizumab, abatacept and rituximab,34 but at 5 and 10 years of 100% compared with 57% in those with
studies demonstrating improvement in disease status are active disease on steroids and 33% in those with active disease
limited to small open-label studies composed of <20 patients not on long-term steroids.6 In a study of 25 patients who under-
(summarised in table 6).33 35–43 went 58 endovascular procedures, with or without stenting, only
The first and only randomised controlled trial of therapy after patients were treated with immunosuppressive therapy, and
for TA enrolled 34 patients from 11 academic medical after the ESR had normalised, there was a 17% restenosis rate
centres and required a period of nearly 5 years. This was a over a mean of 23.7 months47. Other studies have demonstrated
negative trial which did not show any difference in relapse- restenosis rates are lower when interventions are performed in
free survival among patients randomised to abatacept or the stable stage of disease and when immunosuppressive therapy
placebo after having achieved remission with prednisone postintervention is used.48
and abatacept.43 Despite the negative results, this trial high-
lights important elements necessary to run a successful trial
of a rare vasculitis: a multicentre, collaborative approach, a Conclusions
predetermined definition of disease activity, blinded assess- Several advances in the diagnosis and management of
ment of relapse, protocol-driven imaging schedule to assess patients with TA have led to significant improvement in
for asymptomatic progression of arterial disease.43 In 2009, survival and decrease in morbidity. Significant gaps remain
the European League Against Rheumatism34 developed in the diagnosis and management of these complex patients,
recommendations for the management of large-vessel vascu- and given the rarity of the disease, bridging these knowledge
litis to include the following: early initiation of corticosteroid gaps will be the work of collaborative networks such as the
therapy for induction of remission, use of immunosuppres- Vasculitis Clinical Research Consortium (www.​ rarediseas-
sive agents as adjunctive therapy, clinical monitoring of esnetwork.​org/​c ms/​v crc) and international efforts of organ-
therapy with inflammatory markers as supportive data and ised networks such as OMERACT.49 The evidence base in the
revascularisation to be performed in expert centres during study of TA also requires a move beyond expert opinion and
the quiescent phase of disease.34 descriptive studies to adequately powered clinical trials in
order to provide the most optimal patient outcomes.

Patency after revascularisation depends on disease activity Competing interests  None declared.

In the late and chronic stages of TA, revascularisation of
Provenance and peer review  Commissioned; externally peer reviewed.
severely stenotic lesions may be required. No controlled
© Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the
trials have been performed comparing open versus endovas-
article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise
cular revascularisation, and choice of therapy depends on expressly granted.
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Takayasu arteritis: challenges in diagnosis

and management
Esther S H Kim and Joshua Beckman

Heart published online November 25, 2017

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