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Anggry Arbryan*, DewiRochsantiningsih, Abdul Asib

English Education Department of Teacher Training and Education Faculty

SebelasMaret University


Email: arbryan.anggry@gmail.com


The objectives of this research are: (1) to find out whether and to what extent
WebQuests Technique improves students’ reading comprehension (2) to describe the
class climate when WebQuests Technique applied in reading class. The research data
were collected by using techniques of observation, interview, field note, photographs, and
test (pre-test and post-test). Related to the purposes of the study, the research design used
in this study was action research. The research findings show that the implementation of
WebQuests technique could improve students’ reading comprehension and class climate
of reading class. The research results also indicated that these Web-based learning
activities could make students more engaged in the learning process.

Keywords: reading, WebQuest, reading strategy, SMP students


Tujuandaripenelitian ini adalah: (1) untuk mengetahuiapakah dansejauh manaTeknik

WebQuestsmeningkatkanpemahaman bacaansiswa(2) untuk menggambarkaniklimkelas
ketikaTeknik WebQuestsditerapkandi kelasmembaca. Data penelitiandikumpulkandengan
menggunakanteknik observasi, wawancara, catatan lapangan, foto, dan tes(pre-test dan
post-test). Terkait dengantujuanpenelitian, rancanganpenelitian yang digunakan
dalampenelitian ini adalahpenelitian tindakankelas. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan
bahwapenerapan teknikWebQuestsbisameningkatkanpemahaman bacaansiswadan
iklimkelasmembaca. Penelitian inijuga menunjukkanhasilbahwakegiatan pembelajaran
berbasis Webbisa membuatsiswa lebihterlibatdalam prosespembelajaran.

Kata Kunci: membaca, WebQuest, strategimembaca, siswaSMP


Language has a central role in Based on pre-observation and

the development of intellectual, pre-interview in SMP N 1Wonogiri,
social, and emotional of the there are some problems in reading.
students and brings the key to success in Their problems in reading
learning all fields of study. As one of the comprehension are also indicated from 2
language that mostly used in the world, indicators, students’ reading problem
English becomes a tool to communicate and class climate.The indicators of the
in oral and written form. English also reading problem are: (1) the students are
uses as an instrument for everyone who unable to catch specificinformation from
wants to broaden his knowledge beyond the text; (2) the students get difficulties
particular national boundaries. Reading in inferring the implied meaning; (3) the
is a very important activity in human students get difficulties to find the
life. This is due to the fact that most meaning of new vocabularies; (4) the
people mostly get information through students get difficultyto identify the
reading. In this modern era, moreover, referent of word in the text;and (5) some
when every aspect of human life students get difficulties in identifying
develops faster and faster, it becomes main idea of the paragraph.
more essential since the development is
recorded and issued through media The classroom climate indicates
including printed media. the problem as follows: (1)some
students did not bring the text book;
Reading especially in second (2)some students did not pay attention to
language learning is one of important another student who read; (3)the
skills because it is able to enlarge and students tends to neglect new
increase peopleknowledge. As stated by vocabularies while and after reading
Aebersold and Field (1997: 15) reading session; (4)the students needs to repeat
happens when people look at a text and reading more than twice to understand
assign meaning to the written symbols in the text; (5)the students spent long time
that text. Supporting this statement, to read a short text.
Wallace(1996: 4) says that reading is as
interpreting means reacting to a written Some other causes bring the
text as a piece of communication. In problem out. Viewed from the teaching
other words, it can be stated that reading materials and technique, there is limited
involves communicative intent on the teaching and learning technique to
writer’s part which the reader has some conduct English lesson and specifically
purposes in attempting to understand the in reading activity. Viewed from the
content.Based on theories above, it can teacher,there are few variations of
be concluded that reading is a process of teaching and learning activities that used
decoding written symbols, guessing, by the teacher in facilitating the reading
following and responding a message of lesson. The mainproblem caused by the
the text from a writer in attempting to students themselves; (1) The students
understand. rarely read any other texts or books
outside the class; (2) the students tend to
lose their focuses during the lesson;

(3)the students tend to read interesting reading and writing a more

topic and text form; and (4) the students communicative and authentic learning
lack in background knowledge about the experience for language learners,
text. WebQuests can then be utilized by
teachers who wish to make an effective
As an RSBI school, SMP N 1 use of technology to achieve these goals
Wonogiri provides a Wi-Fi network (Egbert &Handson-Smith, 1999).
around the school to support the
teaching and learning process. The RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
students were also bringing their laptop
at the school. Considering the condition, The method used in this
one of suitable techniques in teaching research is action research method.
reading to the condition of the teaching Action research definition is given by
learning process at 7A of SMP N Carr and Kemmis in Burns (1998: 30)
1WonogiriisWebQuests and combined that action research is a form of
with optimizing the reading strategy to collective self-reflective inquiry
solve their problem indicator in undertaken by participants in social
reading.WebQuests technique situation in order to improve the
facilitating the students in learning rationality and justice of their own social
reading directly to the website and or educational practices, as well as their
provide the authentic material to adapt understanding of this practices and the
in daily life. WebQuest technique was situation in which these practices are
also supporting the students’ interest on carried out.
their laptop.
Kemmis and Taggart in
WebQuests were first Burns (1999: 33), state that Action
introduced in 1995 by Dr. Bernie Research occurs through a dynamic and
Dodge, a professor at San Diego State complementary process, which consists
University (SDSU). He originally of four fundamental steps in a spiraling
designed the WebQuests model to process as follows: 1) Planning.Develop
integrate the use of the Web into a plan of critically informed action to
classroom activities, defining it as improve what is already happening. 2)
an inquiry-oriented approach with Action.Act to implement the plan. 3)
some or all of the information for Observation.Observe the effects of the
learners to work with, coming from critically informed action in the context
resources on the web. in which it occurs. 4) Reflection.
Reflecting process on these effects as
WebQuests are a combination of the basis for further planning,
project-based instruction and innovative subsequent critically informed and so
use of technology for language teaching on, through a succession of a stages.
and learning, these Web-based lessons
provide opportunities for learners to be The researcher uses some
exposed to a variety of authentic texts techniques in collecting the data in this
from the Internet. As there are a lot of Classroom Action Research Method,
attempts to look for ways to make they are as follows:

1. Document Analysis 5. Test

Document includes portfolios of Test instrument is used to
student’ work, student records and collect students reading score. The
profiles, lesson plans, classroom test has been administered two times
materials, and previous tests or was pre-test and post test term in the
examination papers. It can be used form of individual written test
to diagnose the changes that have (formative assessment).
been implemented are working
(Burns, 1999: 140). McKernan in Burns (1999: 156)
states that there are five stages in
2. Interview analyzing the data:
The interview has been done to 1. Assembling the Data
get data from the students in their The first step is to assemble the data
interest. In this research, the that the researcher collects over the
interview designed as type of semi- period of the research: field-notes,
structured interview the students journal entries, questionnaires and so
will be asked some open questions on.
for further information; (Wallace, 2. Coding the Data
1998: 147). In this stage, once there has been
some overall examination of the
3. Observation data, categories or codes can be
Observation is one of the developed to identify patterns more
instruments used in collecting the specifically.
data. The writer observed the 3. Comparing the Data
students’ activities while the At this stage, comparison can be
teaching-learning process is given. made to see whether themes or
The result of the observation can be pattern are repeated or developed
recorded on observation sheets as a across different data gathering
useful stock of data. The techniques.
collaborator English teacher could 4. Building Interpretations
assist the researcher to give him It is the point where moving beyond
inputs and suggestions in relation describing, categorizing, coding and
with the teaching materials (Burns, comparing to make some sense of
1999: 80). the meaning of the data.
4. Notes and diaries 5. Reporting the Outcomes
Teacher diary will be used to The final stage involves presenting
record the observation during the an account of the research for others.
learning process (Burns, 1999: 85). RESULT AND DISCUSSION
It is an alternative to field note
which will help teacher to reflect Pre-Research
reflection on the teaching as it is
more subjective and personal than In order to know the condition
the relatively formalized recordings of the English class in 7A RSBI, a pre-
of note. observation was conducted before

implementing the action research. It was twice a week. The materials were taken
found that most of the students actively from the internet and from eBook that is
used internet for their leisure time but linked to the educational website. In the
never utilized it in learning, especially eBook can be found the material and
for English class. The material being online worksheet about the indicator of
taught by the teacher was taken from a the reading skill that is found on the pre-
printed book.It was found on the test; vocabulary, referent, main idea,
observation that the students got implied meaning, and specific
difficulty in doing reading task. It was information.It was about descriptive text
indicated by their expressions after as aimed in the curriculum.
reading a short poem about bird and
answering some questions on Action
vocabulary, implied meaning, specific In this cycle, the researcher
information, and main idea.The students started implementing WebQuestsas
were passive and waiting for their friend teaching technique in the class.There are
or their teacher to answer it for them. In
two meetings in this cycle. In the first
addition, the students had no passion on meeting, the researcher distributes the
reading class although they like reading. eBook as learning media. The students
After the observation, pre-test use the eBook to solve the problem
was held in order to know the detailed indicators in Vocabulary, Referent, and
problems of students’ reading Main idea. It was also helped by the
comprehension. From the result, it was optimizing skimming and guessing
found that the students’ mean score was strategy. Students also have the online
70.40 and it was lower than the exercise from the eBook.
minimum standard which was 80.00. In second meeting, the material
Based on the pre-observation, was specific information and inferring
pre-interview to the English teacher, and implied meaning. The scanning strategy
pre-test to collect the detailed data, it was used in specific information. The
was identified that the students’ reading students also have their exercise with
comprehension should be improved. online worksheet. In inferring implied
Therefore, WebQuest was used as the meaning, the students work in group of
teaching-learning technique during the 5. They were discussed how to infer
reading class. It was used as the main meaning from the eBook before practice
sources and the online worksheet which it in the front of class.
allowed the students to explore their
In the first meeting, the students
Cycle 1 looked interesting with the eBook and
Planning active during the lesson. The eBook
helped them to solve their difficulties in
In cycle 1, it was planned to reading indicators. The class situation
have two meetings which was conducted could be well controlled for the first

meeting by implementing WebQuest. the vocabulary they found in the text;

The use of internet connection was also They used skimming as the way to find
under control because the eBook only the main idea of the text;The implied
redirect the students to the site linked meaning could be inferred by analyzing
previouslywhich was about descriptive the information lies behind the text;
text. Specific information from the text could
be found by the use of scanning strategy.
In the second meeting, it was
found that they were interested in the There are still found minor
online worksheet while they were asked problem in the first cycle that the
to do it in front of the class; they even students’ confidence was still low when
could do it at home since they already answering questions, it was decided to
had the eBook.The communication continue the research with the cycle 2
between group members and another which focused on reviewing material so
group were actively identified although that the students’ confidence will
they got it hard to start. The students got increased.
some oral questions that should be
answered orally. In this session, the Cycle 2
groups were active and they helped their
Revising Plan
group members when they got
incomplete answer. From the formative Depending on the result of
test it can be concluded that students Cycle 1, it was decided to continue the
still have minor problem dealing with research to Cycle 2. There were minor
their confidence in answering questions. problems in Cycle 1 which were related
to students’ reading comprehension to
Reflection resolve.The revised plan was about
After analyzing the observation reviewing the material that has been
result in the first cycle, the researcher taught thatwere focused from the
did reflection in order to evaluate the difficult material according to students.
teaching and learning process done so The use of eBook still helped to
far. The students got the lesson strengthen their comprehension on the
interesting because of the use of the material.
technique and media.Their interest on
the laptop was supported and facilitated
in the implementing of WebQuest There was one meeting in this
technique which motivated them to learn cycle since the objective is to increased
by themselves in everywhere they students confidence by reviewing the
brought their laptop. Some improvement material. The lesson was initialized by
from the reading comprehension also reviewing vocabulary, main idea, and
can be seen: The students identified referent. It is also reviewing on how to
pronoun as referent and helped by use guessing and skimming strategy on
looking the sentence before and after the reading text. The next review focused on
referent existed;The students used inferring information and specific
guessing strategy to find the meaning of information material. The review was

about optimizing strategy in inferring students were more cooperative and

information and finding specific excited during the learning process since
information. The scanning strategy was they could utilize the eBook in the
also applied in the process of learning. WebQuest implementation reading
After the oral question section, the class.
researcher asked about students’
readiness on post-test and they were Third, the students could fully
looked optimistic and ready for the post- focus on the lesson without any
test. distraction from their laptop since their
laptop was used in teaching and learning
Observation process so that they did not use it to do
non academic activities.
The meeting was conducive
since the students prepared themselves Fourth, the students shared their
to get the lesson.the students were given opinions and understanding to their
more chance to discuss with their friends friends and having more practices in
and the researcher. The students asked reading outside the class. It indicates
their difficulties dealing with the that their confidence was increased and
material to the researcher and got they could actively be involved in class
answered by the explanation of the activities and explore their skills more.
researcher and even by their own
friends.The researcher and students also CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION
did reflection about what they had
learned. Students’ readiness for the post-
test indicated that their self confident The implementations of
were increased and ready for having WebQuests as the teaching technique in
post-test. teaching learning activity showed that:
1) WebQuest is able to improve
Reflection students’ reading comprehension. It is
Based on the result of the supported by the results of the test
observation, the researcher reflected the scores and the situation of the class.
result of the action in the second cycle. From the results of the test scores, it can
There were some positive results be seen that the mean of pre-test score is
reflected in the second cycle. First, the 70.40 and it increases up to 93.07 in
overall reflection about the students final post-test. This result proves that
reading score shows that there was an teaching writing using affinity grouping
improvement on it. After the cycle 2, can improve students’ reading
there mean score of students’ writing comprehension. 2) WebQuest technique
test was 93.07. It was higher than the is able to improve situation in the
mean score of pre-test scorewhich is reading class. The classwas conducive
70.40. since the students were interest with the
media being used. They were also fully
Second, the class management involved to the lesson. The point is that
was better than the prior situation. The students’ interest on laptop was

supported so that finally they attracted to more information to increase their

learn more and finally the utilizing of comprehension about the material.
the laptop supporting teaching and
learning process. 3. For institutions
The institution should encourage and
Suggestion support the English teacher to improve
the quality of their teaching. It can be
After conducting an action done through providing ICT training to
research and based on the research improve their ability in using and
findings, the researcher would like to developing ICT-based material.
add some suggestions for the English
teacher, the students, and other
researcher. The researcher hopes,
WebQuests become an input in BIBLIOGRAPHY
determining the appropriate teaching
Aebersold, Jo Ann., & Field, Mary
technique, which improve students’
Lee.(1997). From Reader to
reading skill as follows:
Reading Teacher. Cambridge:
1. For teachers Cambridge University Press.
The teachers should provide
attractive media and appropriate
teaching method readingso that the Burns, Anne. (1999). Collaborative
English class commonly quite Action Research for English
interesting for the students. The Language Teacher.Cambridge:
teacher could use WebQuest Cambridge University Press.
technique in collaborative learning
other than the previous method
mentioned. Teacher can change the
Dodge, Barney. (1995). Useful
media into video, song, or other
WebQuests Resources. Retrieved
media that can be utilized so that
from: http://webquest.org/index-
they could also develop various
material of teaching reading.
WebQuests technique is adaptable
so it also can be used in other skills
and other subject depends on the Smith, Nile, et al. (1980). Reading
creativity. Instruction for Today’s Children.
New Jersey: Englewood Cliffs.
2. For students
The students should beutilized
the facilities provided in order to
Wallace, Catherine. (1996). Reading.
support their learning abilities. The
Oxford: Oxford University Pres
students can use internet to gain

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