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Because as I objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures

attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, I fear being indefinitely to life illegally incarcerated,
Qualifiedly Murdered and incidentally Tortured, Bodily Harmed as I’ve objectivized it’s the mafia’s
intent to an effect in section I.A.II. at any time and therefore be unable to lodge this penal
complaint completed to ICC, I’m submitting the sufficiently proven short version, adding more about the
criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia in time. Sections enclosed in “<>” while pointing to
sufficient relevant information are work in progress meaning I will expand upon

International Criminal Court

Office of the Prosecutor
Post Office Box 19519
2500 CM The Hague
The Netherlands
email: otp.informationdesk@icc-cpi.int
+31 70 515 8555

Mr. Prosecutor,

I, the undersigned with first name Tudor-Andrei, last name Raneti, mother’s name Mariana,
father’s name Viorel, legally domiciled in Bucharest, sector 3, Theodor Pallady boulevard, no 2, M2A
apartment block, entrance B, 6th floor, 61th apartment, where I don’t live since 2009 – so don’t use it as
address of correspondence, identified with Identity Card series RT no 654712 emitted by SPCEP S3
bureau no 4 on 4th September 2009 and having personal numeric code 1801010394508, with the
chosen address of electronic correspondence: tudor.raneti@gmail.com,

indicating the document structure beyond the following preliminary section:

Page 41 I. In fact
Page 495 II. Of right
Page 496 III. Damage claims. Other requests
<Page 499 IV. Proofs inventory

formulate this ICC penal dossier according to

0.1. article 15 paragraph 1 from the Rome Statute “The Prosecutor may initiate investigations
proprio motu on the basis of information on crimes within the jurisdiction of the Court.”, following that I
simultaneously notify all other competent international institutions and organizations,
0.1.1 because I, refugee, human rights defender and the victim of Crimes against humanity,
have thoroughly investigated and demonstrated in this ICC penal dossier that 2 instances of Crimes

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against humanity have been committed and 6 instances of Crimes against humanity have been
attempted against me as I objectivize in section I.A.II.1.3.1,
0.1.2 and that Crimes against humanity are committed against institutionalized children,
homeless, members of Rroma minority, ignorant youngsters and elders, and any person in general
unable to defend itself and not defended by anyone else, as well as persons “put outside the protection
of the law” by the murderous Romanian “state “mafia regime such as dissidents and human rights
defenders such as myself, as I discovered during my investigations and as I objectivize in parallel to my
case throughout section I.A that the Crimes against humanity are “part either of a government policy”
and not just “or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de
facto authority”
0.1.3 by the Romanian “authorities” which I dubbed the Romanian “state” mafia because as I
proven by my case and investigations controls at least the entire judiciary system meaning the
courthouses, tribunals, appeal courts and supreme court, the Constitutional Court, the Superior
Magistrate Council, the Judiciary Inspection, the entire prosecutor’s offices hierarchy near these courts
or Public Ministry, the Ministry of Justice, meaning in short the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, the
Ministry of Interior Affairs meaning the mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police”, “special agents”
and “gendarme” soldiers , the county lawyer bars and the national lawyer bars union, the Health
Ministry and subsidiary institutions meaning the entire legal medicine hierarchy, the health directions
containing the malpraxis committees, the medic’s colleges, meaning the mafia associates, and more as
objectivized in paragraph 0.2 and chapter V.3 of annex 23 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, public demonstration of the mafia’s
criminal activity which motivated it to commit Crimes against humanity against me between the years
2014 - 2017 which ultimately forced me to become a permanent refugee fleeing in fear of indefinite to
life illlegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder as I objectivized in paragraph
2.4^45 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, Crimes against humanity which are in the jurisdiction of ICC because Romania
signed the Roma statute in July 1999, ratifying it on 11th April 2002, and which has entered into force on
1st July 2002
0.1.4 The refusal to prosecute will result in the accomplice and intrinsically instigating or
determining of Crimes against humanity “prosecutor” to be inculpated, respectively I will demonstrate
the refusal is new evidence to reinsert this ICC penal dossier in consequence in which the inculpated
“prosecutor” cannot participate according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, just like
I’ve proceeded against the Romanian “state” mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes who attempted to cover-
up the penal dossiers declaratively instead of syllogistically motivating their falsified ordnances

0.2. article 17 paragraph 1 letters a and b of the Roma Statute “The case is being investigated or
prosecuted by a State which has jurisdiction over it, unless the State is unwilling or unable genuinely to
carry out the investigation or prosecution”, and
0.2^1 according to article 17 paragraph 2 “In order to determine unwillingness in a particular
case, the Court shall consider,having regard to the principles of due process recognized by international
law,whether one or more of the following exist, as applicable:

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0.2^2 (a) The proceedings were or are being undertaken or the national decision was made for
the purpose of shielding the person concerned from criminal responsibility for crimes within the
jurisdiction of the Court referred to in article 5;
0.2^3 (b) There has been an unjustified delay in the proceedings which in the circumstances is
inconsistent with an intent to bring the person concerned to justice;
0.2^4 (c) The proceedings were not or are not being conducted independently or impartially, and
they were or are being conducted in a manner which, in the circumstances, is inconsistent with an intent
to bring the person concerned to justice.”, and
0.2^5 according to article 17 paragraph 3 “In order to determine inability in a particular case, the
Court shall consider whether, due to a total or substantial collapse or unavailability of its national judicial
system, the State is unable to obtain the accused or the necessary evidence and testimony or otherwise
unable to carry out its proceedings.”
0.2.1. because the Romanian Public Ministry by which I mean the entire competent
prosecutor hierarchy refuses to prosecute itself for Crimes against humanity or any other crime no
matter the gravity as proof of total system collapse, by either ignoring my penal complaints or falsifying
ordinances of rejection against them, which got the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes proven felons in
the same penal dossiers they attempted to cover-up, and in this ICC penal dossier as proof,
0.2.2. respectively the Judiciary Inspection refuses to investigate and condemn the mafia
“prosecutor” caporegimes because is populated by more mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes proven felons
in the same penal dossiers they attempted to cover-up, and in this ICC penal dossier as proof, and
0.2.3. the Romanian “state” mafia controls the Supreme Council of Magistrates leadership who
has attributions in regard to the activity of the chief of the Judiciary Inspection, and who controls
whether a mafia “magistrate” caporegime is to be prosecuted or not as proof of lack of judicial
independence, leadership positions in which of course more mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes were
installed such as “prosecutors” Luminita Palade and Ban Cristian Mihai responsible for the cover-up of
all the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and all the mafia associated “lawyers” crimes in the capital city
of Bucharest, the latter against who I opened many penal dossiers in which he was never acquitted
before Crimes against humanity were committed against me, cases in which he intervened to cover-up
with falsified ordnances and made himself accomplice and instigator to the Crimes against humanity
against me, and
0.2.4. the minister of justice, the general prosecutor of Romania and the supreme court
president who being members of the Supreme Magistrate Council and being entitled to initiate
disciplinary action are all mafia underbosses or bosses who according to article 44 from the Romanian
Law 317/2004, refused, reason for which I’ve also inculpated them in the same penal dossiers they tried
to cover-up, and in this ICC penal dossier as proof, and
0.2.5 the prime-minister actively and his cabinet of control refused to initiate any action against
the minister of justice and minister of interior affairs accomplice and instigators to the Crimes against
humanity committed and attempted against me, respectively the president of Romania refused to
initiate penal action against the prime-minister, and so on and so forth, meaning the entire Romanian
government is controlled by the mafia for which rightfully I dubbed it the Romanian “state” mafia, and
this mafia’s bosses and underbosses are also the so called mafia “secret information services” who took
power or inherited oligarchically it more accurately in the 1989 coup d’état from their ancestor the

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mafia “communist security secret police”, and never let it go - who would as short proof, history about
which I spoke often in this ICC penal dossier and can be found by searching for keywords “coup d’état”,
0.2.6 respectively everyone in Romania is afraid of carrying out any public investigation except
me which is why I say I am the only anti-mafia fighter from Romania as I can prove I’ve notified by email
for years all the Romanian media of any kind, multiple committees for human rights near the Romanian
Parliament, near the European Parliament and from CoE, committees which did not do anything except
the Romanian ones who forwarded my petitions to the other mafia controlled institutions to attempt to
absolve themselves of any personal responsibility, respectively I’ve notified a plethora of useless
Romanian human rights NGOs who also did nothing, and my forum from “militia.freeforums.net” where
I published over a hundred of the mafia’s “magistrate” caporegimes penal dossiers and other antimafia
specialized articles I wrote was entirely censored illicitly on 8th April 2017, and my facebook.com partly
censored illicitly on 10th April 2017, exactly during the almost daily acts of state terrorism through illegal
home breakings and illegal arrests committed against my family and me before Orthodox Easter 2017 on
6th, 10th, 13th and 14th April 2017, which made my mother fall ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma,
when the mafia was falsifying its pretexts and cover-up stories preparing to commit Crimes against
humanity on Orthodox Easter 2017 in typical “communist” mafia fashion to stop me from denouncing
its criminal activity concomitantly meaning by erecting another forum, Crimes against humanity which
the mafia eventually committed against me as proof by illegally arresting me from my law faculty exams
on 27th May 2017, illegally incarcerating me in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag, illegally tying me up to an
operating table and illegally putting me into anaphylactic shock for at least three days through daily
deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections without treatment meaning expecting me to die, then
after I survived the mafia “psychiatrist” torturers forcefully chemically lobotomized me with other
deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins until 8th June 2017 as I objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7,
I.B.6 and I.A.I.1-2. The mafia overreacted again partly censoring illicitly my facebook.com account in
February 2018 when I opened a group named “Romanian revolution for human rights”, situation which I
demonstrated at large multiple times through this ICC penal dossier as can be found by searching the
keywords “Romanian revolution for human rights”. In conclusion not even a full public investigation is
run by anyone but me against the Romanian “state” mafia Crimes against humanity despite I’ve picked
from the press the fact it even has been chemically lobotomizing institutionalized children as it
performs national wide illegal experimentation for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia in which
“justice” participates by obligating innocents to chemical lobotomy according to a mafia “secret
information services” bosses superficial report to “throw the dead cat in the courtyard” of the Romanian
general prosecutor mafia underboss who of course did nothing afterwards as I should’ve been notified
because I attached this case to theirs, as I’ve objectivized in an email towards Citizen’s Commission on
Human Rights that I linked to INTERPOL in my request to recognize I’m politically persecuted, not even
falsely indicted and convicted, that the Romanian “state” mafia engages in state terrorism and Crimes
against humanity, as I’ve objectivized in https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy,
respectivelly in paragraphs 2.4^14 and 2.4^28, and 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
respectively requesting that INTERPOL acknowledges the acts of state terrorism and Crimes against
humanity perpetrated by the Romanian “state” mafia. In fact the corruption is so widespread in
Romania that even the corrupt chief of the Romanian National Direction for Anticorruption Kovesi Laura

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Codruta declared publicly over 50% of the oncologists subjected healthy persons to chemotherapy for
illicit profit <as prooven by - seek press article link when I have internet>, of course only the situation
got dire as I was making propaganda against the “justice” chemically lobotomizing innocents in
response to the Romanian “state” mafia Crimes against humanity attempts to chemically lobotomize
me that directed my attention and found proof in the public evidence of dossiers ECRIS that it’s a
widespread practice of course, and of course the Romanian “state” mafia issued immediately a conjoint
Ministry of Justice and Supreme Magistrate Council order to hide the evidence except my falsified
dossiers who were kept public for the purpose of discrediting me and my work of denouncing the
mafia’s criminal activity as I’ve objectivized in the document linked above, , respectivelly in paragraphs
1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
0.2.7 I can demonstrate this chapter on demand as translating the penal dossiers and obtaining
transcripts of the emails I’ve notified the Romanian “state” mafia controlled institutions with is time
consuming. I will as I complete this ICC penal dossier demonstrate the involvement in Crimes against
humanity of the most important Romanian “state” mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes and others I’ve
indicated by name and public office abused

0.3. article 7 paragraph 1 of the Rome Statute regarding Crimes against humanity meaning
0.3.1 “(a) Murder;” - attempted 8 times in qualified form as objectivized in section I.A.II.1.3.1
0.3.2 “(e) Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of
fundamental rules of international law” - committed 6 times on 17th September 2015, 11th December
2014, 18th May 2016, 6th and 10th April 2017 and between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and
attempted 5 times on 2nd October 2015, 13th, 14th and 27th April 2017, then indefinitely through the
mafia’s final solution - the falsified sentences from 12718/231/2017, as objectivized in section
0.3.3 “(d) Deportation or forcible transfer of population” - I’ve been forced to become a
permanent refugee fleeing in fear of indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and
Qualified Murder as objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. See also paragraph 0.3.7 below regarding the factual
objectivization of article 7 paragraph 1 letter i of the Rome statute
0.3.4 “( f) Torture” - committed 2 times in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22,
respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and attempted 6 times as objectivized in the rest of
section I.A.II.1.3.1 and corresponding I.B sections. Repeated acts of state terrorism through illegal home
breakings and arrests is a form of psychosomatic torture as proven by the fact the almost daily home
breakings and arrests before Orthodox Easter 2017 made my mother ill with Zoster Area from stress and
0.3.5 “(g) enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity” -
committed 2 times in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and
I.A.I.1-2, and attempted 6 times as objectivized in the rest of section I.A.II.1.3.1 and corresponding I.B
sections, through proven deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning as objectivized in chapter 1

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from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, and section <create a section quoting the myriad of health problems caused by the deadly
fluorine based poisons employed by the “psychiatry” charlatanry, sexual dysfunction included>
0.3.6 “(h) Persecution against any identifiable group or collectivity on political... cultural,
religious, or other grounds that are universally recognized as impermissible under international law, in
connection with any act referred to in this paragraph or any crime within the jurisdiction of the Court;” - I
have been persecuted on political, cultural and religious grounds, because I’m a human rights defender
and a Christian, meaning an upholder of the rule of law, state of right and an absolutely honest way of
life which are my politics, culture and religion reason for which I’ve denounced the criminal activity of
the Romanian “state” mafia regime who destroyed family, social, professional and familiar personal life
as objectivized in chapter IV from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding damage claims, reason for which the Romanian
“state” mafia engaged in acts of totalitarianism committing Crimes against humanity to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity in an attempt to raise public awareness and create outrage to oust from
public office the Romanian “state” mafia, which the mafia feared as objectivized by the fact it declared
in the falsified motivation from 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance that I must be “psychiatrically”
incarcerated in the Focsani gulag so that others don’t take example although unspecified example of
what since I’ve only displayed civilized behavior, falsified motivation totally unrelated to the penal
matter object of an “psychiatric” charlatanry impossible incarceration for “examination” which cannot
take place without my consent and cooperation, and the fact according to article 49 paragraph 1 from
Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding mental health no “psychiatric” charlatanry matter can be disposed
as a sanction, which proves the Romanian “state” mafia fears a real revolution and it identified me as a
potential leader as objectivized in section I.B.20, which is further reason to commit Crimes against
humanity against me
0.3.7 “(i) Enforced disappearance of persons - attempted as objectivized in chapter 2.4 from
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier regarding the fact the Romanian “state” mafia placed me “outside the protection of the law”
and attempted to indefinitely to life illegally incarcerate me, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly
Murder me as objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The Romanian “state” mafia refused to acknowledge the
Crimes against humanity committed against me as proven by the falsified decision from 1779/91/2017
as objectivized in section I.B.15 and annex 15 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, or even use the proofs it falsified under Torture against
me openly of course as objectivized in annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, because it’s typical criminal behavior to distance
themselves from the Crimes against humanity committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
proven in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, as objectivized in paragraph 2.4^46 from annex 21 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
regarding the fact they aren’t mentioned at all in the falsified sentences from 12718/231/2017 nor the
falsified “prosecutor’s” proposal they are based on, respectively distance themselves from the Crimes
against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 proven in
sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, as objectivized in chapter 2.7 from annex 2 of my Rule 39

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ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the
fact one mafia “prosecutor” caporegime attempts to use one of my declarations against me and is
caught admitting but downplaying the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night
between 5th to 6th December 2014, naming it an “aggression”. The fact I was forced to become a
permanent refugee also qualifies as enforced disappearance as it comes with plenty of risks being
outside the protection of one’s country, meaning is an indirect way of enforcing the disappearance of a
person, as I’ve been between 1st September 2017 and the present human trafficked and exploited,
thieved and put in a dangerous situation more than once, and unable to obtain justice because of the
Romanian “state” mafia who placed me “outside the protection of the law” as its “communist” mafia
ancestor did not before 1989 against dissidents and human rights defenders before me, objectivizing
using the notorious extreme proofs of indirect enforced disappearance of persons in Romania, the case
of priest Illarion Argatu who took refuge in a walled section of a house’s attic for approximately 40
years, the case of monk Ilie Cleopa who fled in the mountains living in the wilderness for 9 years, and
the case of the man nicknamed “Tarzan of the Carpathians”, an anti-communist fighter who survived a
very long time in the mountains owing his nickname for avoiding the communist patrols by jumping
from tree to tree in winter to not leave tracks in the snow <come back with press article links when I
have internet. The only reason I’ve not “disappeared” although the other parts of the definition
according to article 7 paragraph 2 letter i from the Rome statute hold meaning being intentionally
removed from the protection of the law for a prolonged period of time, through the threat of arrest and
detention, and even more Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder, accompanied by the refusal of
acknowledgement of Crimes against humanity attempts and committals by the Romanian “state” mafia,
is that I’ve been able to stay in contact with various organizations for protection
0.3.8 “(k) Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or
serious injury to body or to mental or physical health” - although already qualifying according to
Romanian Penal Code law text as Torture and Bodily Harm as translated in chapter 3 from annex 21 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
about which I’ve indicated the demonstration in paragraph 0.3.4 above according to article 7 paragraph
2 letter e from the Rome statute, this Rome statute article regards the effects of Torture and especially
Bodily Harm therefore I objectivize indicating chapter IV from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, especially paragraph 5^1
regarding the fact I was chemically lobotomized through the 2 Crimes against humanity committals
proven in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, as I was
covertly injected with a deadly fluorine neurotoxin in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014,
respectively between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 I was put in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days
without treatment through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections, then after I survived
forcefully chemically lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins, in all instances to
make the Qualified Murder appear as a death of natural causes like an cardiac arrest, about which of
course the mafia associated “legal medics” would falsify the death certificate omitting that the cardiac
arrest was caused by deadly fluorine neurotoxic poisoning, deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic
poisonings which instead caused permanent anhedonia meaning I’ ve been amputated of the ability to
enjoy life and induced suicidal ideation and other brain damage effects such as overall intelligence loss,

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learning, memory, sexual dysfunctions, endocrine and sight disorders, metabolism and parasympathetic
system damage, panic attacks, terror, anxiety and other physical and psychological problems

0.4 regarding grave fundamental rights infringements meaning as relevant the European
convention on human rights articles 2 (right to life – physical and psychical integrity), 3 (right to not be
tortured and not be subjected to degrading treatment), 8 (right to not be arbitrarily deprived of
liberty) in principal, as well as ECHR articles 1, 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, 13, 14 and 17, or the Universal declaration
of human rights articles 3 (right to life, liberty and security), 5 (no one be subjected to torture or cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment), 9 (right to not be arbitrarily arrested, detained), as
well as UDHR articles 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 21 (2), 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, or the Rome statute article 7
<seek Rome statute or relevant fundamental rights regarding correlation with ECHR or UDHR

the present


0.5 against the perpetrators, accomplices and instigators to the felonies and for the reasons
constituting Crimes against humanity, enumerated below in relative reverse chronological order of
Crimes against humanity committal or attempted dates or periods,
0.5.1 as proven by objectivizing that the grave felonies committed for wrongful political
repression against me constitute Crimes against humanity in section I.A meaning murder,
dehumanization, unethical human experimentation, extrajudicial punishments, state terrorism,
kidnapping, unjust imprisonment, enslavement, torture, political repression, religious persecution and
other human rights abuses, and
0.5.2 as proven by demonstrating the Crimes against humanity were perpetrated by the
persons enumerated in the below preliminary section and the corresponding I.B sections,
0.5.3 referencing mainly my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures and its annexes
attached as annex 1 to the present ICC penal dossier, and other proofs as necessary

-1 ICC complicity and instrinsic instigation to Crimes against humanity preliminary section
-1.1 “Mark .P. Dillon”
-1.2 a so-called prosecutor who refused to give his name knowing he is accomplice and
instigator to the Romanian Crimes against humanity demonstrated in over 900 pages of this dossier and
referenced documents, as proven below anyway in this preliminary section,
-1^1 mafia agents posing as “Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor” and prosecutor of ICC, who are illegally destroying ICC penal dossiers to cover-
up the Romanian Crimes against humanity and those of the international mafia they are thus proven
members of, international mafia in cahoots with the Romanian “state” mafia as also proven by this ICC

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penal dossier, comprised thus of ICC itself as also ECHR (the so-called registrars and judges), CoE (the so
called anti-corruption committee, president and other parliamentary members of the various national
organized crime groups) and EU (the so-called members of parliament, especially those in LIBE), all
notified and who refuse to take a stance against the Romanian Crimes against humanity even if just a
political stance, but actually because they’ve actively abused office to cover for the Romanian Crimes
against humanity are thus proven in bussiness with the pharmaceutical mafia who is the primary
beneficiary of the
-1^1.1 chemical lobotomization and illegal human experiments conducted on orphans as again
revealed in the Romanian press not a month ago - google: “cum se face lobotomizarea chimica a
copiilor” which means in English mot-a-mot: “how is chemical lobotomization of children done”,
-1^1.2 members of the Rroma minority as exemplificatively proven by the Ivascu case which the
Romanian “state” mafia in cahoots with ECHR tried to cover-up until I picked it up and denounced the
case of Mr Ivascu, a Rroma minority member who was incarcerated in a “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag
for hundreds of days and chemically lobotomized for demanding justice before being absolved by
courthouse “Judecatoria Sighetu Marmatiei” in dossier 907/307/200 who declared nobody can be
subjected in penal matters to the security measure of “psychiatric treatment” until it has been
established that the accused has committed a felony and that there is a danger of committing further
felonies according to article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code and article 23 paragraph 11 from the
Romanian Contitution,
-1^1.3 and other defenseless persons incarcerated and chemically lobotomized nation-wide as
proven by a Romanian “state” mafia “secret service” report to the Public Ministry or general prosecutor
of Romania Augustin Lazar, a notorious communis torturer who of course covered-up the penal dossier,
-1^1.4 or persons made defenseless by being put outside the protection of the law by the
Romanian “state” mafia such as dissidents and human rights defenders as I, Tudor-Andrei Raneti
political refugee after being perpetrated against 8 Crimes against humanity by the Romanian “state”
mafia who committed against me incidentally Torture, Bodily Harm to the principal motive to an effect
of Qualifiedly Murdering me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity,
-1^2 as proven thoroughtly in this ICC penal dossier and summarily in the referenced Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures, and as short proof made evident by the notorious fact the
so-called general prosecutor of Romania Augustin Lazar is a communist torturer for over 30 years, being
let to abuse office by none other than the EU (who accepted this anticorruption so-called prosecutor
sacked for corruption in Romania no less, as EU prosecutor candidate), CIA (as unconspired by the
Romanian “state” mafia defector Sebastian Ghita) and George Soros protejee Kovesi Laura Codruta
who also notoriously knew both of Augustin Lazar’s real occupation being another “communist”
nomenclature oligarch as well, as well as of the Romanian “state” mafia who let her to abuse the
general prosecutor office as well before abusing the office of the national anticorruption direction for
political police such as againt journalist Dan Diaconescu who is also denouncing the mafia and was
interdicted to practice journalism for it being falsely accused of blackmail against a person who admitted
on tape he couldn’t have been ever possibly blackmailed by Dan Diaconescu, or such as the assasination
of Dan Adamescu who after a conviction of 4 years for corruption wasn’t allowed medical treatment
and died making his case nothing more than an assasination, or the assasination of the mafia’s
“magistrate” capo regime Mustata who took the wrong inner mafia faction side and paid the ultimate

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price. Kovesi Laura Codruta also new notoriously according to the evidence in the press that Augustin
Lazar had a penal dossier open at the moment he was let into the office of general prosecutor of
Romania, all of these arguments proving the existence of the Romanian “state” mafia with which ICC is
in cahoots with, mafia comprised of the old “communist” criminal nomenclature, who was installed as a
puppet government through the 1989 coup d’etat by CIA and its allies. All this is notorious, proven in the
Romanian press
-1^3 Demonstration of the “Mark .P. Dillon” and the other mafia “prosecutor” capo regime who
falsified the ICC address from 4th April 2019 after delaying this ICC penal dossier for half a year, illegal
acts through which these mafia agents attempted to cover-up the ICC penal dossier OTP-CR-424/18 and
failed. I attach the falsified communique from 4th April 2019 as annex 5 to this ICC penal dossier. These
ICC clerks impersonating mafia agents lied and I quote: “...your communication appears to relate to
matters (Crimes against humanity) outside the jurisdiction of the Court (!?). The Prosecutor has
therefore confirmed (how!?) that there is not a basis at this time to proceed with further analysis (after
not analyzing anything as proven for half a year), which proves the falsification of the ICC address from
4th April 2019 and therefore the appartenence of the inculpated mafia agents anumerated above to the
international mafia targeted by this ICC penal dossier for Crimes against humanity, because the above
quoted text is a multiple falacy because:
-1^3.1 no functionary in the world under the rule of the law or system rule by the legality
principle has the right to infer syllogistically any juridical act without a factual particular premise
correlated with an universal law premise - see legal syllogism
(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Legal_syllogism). Because these mafia agents
-1^3.1.1 lied that this ICC penal dossier does not regard classic Crimes against humanity as I’ve
punctually demonstrated as summarized in section II.1^1 that “Crimes against humanity (1.1) can be
committed during peace or war.[1] They are not isolated or sporadic events, but are part either of a
government policy (although the perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy) or of a wide
practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority.(1.2) War
crimes, murder (1.3), massacres, dehumanization (1.4), genocide, ethnic cleansing (1.11), deportations
(1.12), unethical human experimentation (1.5), extrajudicial punishments (1.6) including summary
executions, use of WMDs, state terrorism or state sponsoring of terrorism(1.7), death
squads, kidnappings and forced disappearances(<), military use of children, unjust imprisonment (<? see
section I.A.II.1.3.1^7 until I make an inline summarized reference>), enslavement
(1.13), cannibalism, torture (1.8), rape, political repression (1.9), racial discrimination, religious
persecution (1.14), and other human rights abuses (1.10) may reach the threshold of Crimes against
humanity if they are part of a widespread or systematic practice“ pointing out the index within this ICC
penal dossier to the demonstration of each type of Crimes against humanity

-1^3.1.2 and even worse subjectively declared “it appears” instead of demonstrating it does not,
not even attempting to contradict a single argument of mine because these mafia agents know its
impossible to undo logic and justify the Romanian Crimes against humanity and inherently of the
international mafia they are part of, even lying this ICC penal dossier was analyzed as proven by the

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quote “further analysis” where not a shred of analysis is presented such as a single attempt to contradict
a single demonstration of Romanian Crimes against humanity
-1^3.1.3 it is proven beyond all reasonable doubt the mafia agents premeditatedly lied to cover-
up the Romanian Crimes against humanity.
-1^4. Further explication of paragraph 0^4. A prosecutor is obligated by the universal logic of the
law to respect the legal syllogism in formulating any juridical or judiciary act more precisely, meaning
both in decisions about a penal dossier, and the communications of those decisions. The legal syllogism
means the prosecutor is obligated to formulate a factual particular premise, constituted as the name
suggest of the facts of the case meaning the prosecutor is obligated to inventory and administrate or
objectivize all evidence of the case, factual ensemble which then the prosecutor must correlate with an
universal law premise, constituted as the name suggest of the law, regulations, norms, even customs
correlated with juridical logic, in this case the Rome Statute at least, premises out of which according to
the 6 laws of the syllogism an inferrence can be made meaning without ommitting any of the necessary
and sufficient arguments of the case correlated with all relevant aspects of the law. This is the only way
a judiciary decision can be valid, but the ICC mafia agents falsified decision is not only syllogistically and
thus judicially invalid, it is intrinsically false because I have defined the truth by demonstrating it, and
the ICC mafia agents have not even attempted to contradict me logically knowing its impossible to
contradict logic and justify Crimes against humanity, which proves it, the enumerated ICC clerks
inculpated are mafia agents for premeditatingly attempting to cover-up Crimes against humanity, as
proven by the fact nobody falsified documents and lies by accident which retrospectivelly means the
delaying in emitting a decision about this ICC penal dossier was also premeditated because once a
criminal has an intent to an effect he carries it out as proven by the falsified ICC address from 4th April
2019, as I’ve otherwise objectivized a criminal does in section I.A.II. Simply said the prosecutor
did not demonstrated in the least that any of the facts correlated with the law amount to Crimes against
humanity, which I’ve proven pervasively without being contradicted, meaning in corroboration
according to the law of the excluded middle - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_excluded_middle
or law of the excluded third juridical logic principle, I can only be right and the mafia agents can only be
wrong, also corroborated with the fact this entire over 900 pages long investigation which could easily
be risen to tens of thousands as I’ve only caught the tip of the iceberg of Romanian Crimes against
humanity which escaped in the press or I demonstrated myself through my human rights defending
activity, has been presented not only at ICC, but at ECHR, at the various UN bodies, INTERPOL, before
the Romanian “state” mafia of course, neither of which ever even accused me of False declarations for
lying, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error for falsifying evidence and Disseminating false
informations for publishing these dossiers on the internet, which proves all these institutions and
organizations legally obligated to accuse me of these felonies from the Romanian Penal Code, although
institutions controlled by the mafia who even worse has the proven intent to falsify penal dossiers
against me as proven in this ICC penal dossier it already falsified 4, did not even accuse me of these
felonies tacitly admitting I am right in all aspects of my investigation meaning again according to the law
of the excluded middle this entire ICC penal dossier is correct, and the ICC mafia agents lied it doesn’t
demonstrate to Crimes against humanity, the ICC mafia agents making an even worse logical error by
declaring it doesn’t appear to refer to Crimes against humanity which it clearly does and beyond,
demonstrates the Romanian Crimes against humanity beyond any reasonable doubt, and the

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involvement in cover-up of Crimes against humanity of ICC, EU, CoE, ECHR and other so called
institutions of right in actuality controlled by an international mafia cartel comprised of members of the
various national organized crime groups, such as the Romanian and French “state” mafias who are
heavily involved in perpetrating and attemting to cover-up these Crimes against humanity, both nations
who arepro-US evil imperialism and state terrorism puppets
-1^5. Because the ICC mafia agents have not used a single premise in inferring aberrantly that “it
appears” this ICC penal dossier doesn’t refer or demonstrate Crimes against humanity, the ICC mafia
agents demonstrated they’ve lost touch with reality and hallucinate, as well as manifesting logical
incoherence and intrinsic occupational dysfunction by not knowing the law, the legal syllogism, the
principle of the excluded middle or not having any juridical training whatsoever evidently for that matter
and not anticipating they represent a danger not only to others but also to their own persona by
incriminating themselves for complicity and intrinsic instigation to Crimes against humanity by
encouraging the international mafia they are part of to continue to perpetrate Crimes against humanity.
Losing touch with reality, logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction are the 3 main symptoms of
schizophrenia according to DSM-V “psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, which
means as correlated with the deeds of the ICC mafia agents that in conclusion they are schizophrenic all
the more the Romanian Crimes against humanity are notoriously presented in the Romanian press,
meaning the mentally alienated ICC mafia agents declared against public evidence that the proven
communist torturer Augustin Lazar, the so-called prosecuotr of Romania, is not accomplice and
instigator to Crimes against humanity by
-1^5.1 covering up the chemical lobotomy of institutionalized children, meaning orphans, as the
press revealed again - google: “cum se face lobotomizarea chimica a copiilor” which means in English
mot-a-mot: “how is chemical lobotomization of children done”
-1^5.2 covering up the chemical lobotomy of the Rroma minority and other defenseless social
categories, or put outside of the protection of the law by the Romanian “state” mafia in order to be
illegally incarcerated in the Romanian “psychiatry” charlatanry gulags to be chemically lobotomized and
be made human experiments, fact proven by the Romanian mafia “secret information service” report
I’ve printed from the general prosecutor’s office press announcement and republished at address:
faptul-ca-psihiatrii-fac-din-pacienti-cobai, situation of which I’ve spoken in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5
and 2.4^20 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier, respectively after I’ve researched the Romanian situation in general notified
Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights and INTERPOL with it in this email I’ve printed and uploaded to
this address: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy
-1^5.3 covering up meaning being accomplice, and being instigator to the 8 Crimes against
humanity perpetrated against me, as proven by the fact this notorious communist torturer Augustin
Lazar, so-called general prosecutor of Romania, supervized the falsification of the 4 penal dossiers
against me as he did before against political dissidents, dossiers in which I remind I was never indicted
and convicted, and personally falsified the rejection of my request that the 4 falsified penal dossiers be
moved in another jurisdiction than the one they were falsified in for proven partiality through pervasive
law breaking which is the single most evident demonstration of partiality, because Augustin Lazar
arranged to use these 4 falsified penal dossiers as a cover-up and pretext for the 8 Crimes against

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humanity against me, in cahoots with other members of the Romanian “state” mafia as demonstrated
by the falsification of the Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19 January 2017 by the
Romanian judiciary, the communist torturer Augustin Lazar included, the Romanian Government, the
Romanian Parliament and the Romanian Ombudsman, all who lied in this falsified decision that it isn’t
necessary that a deed is proven to exist, that it constitutes a felony, that the accused committed it, that
the accused is convicted by an impartial tribunal through a fair or legal trial, that the decision remains
definitive through which the presumption of innocence can legally lifted, and that only then an impartial
tribunal can prove or not whether a penal security measure is necessary, according to the law, meaning
in Romania according to the mafia policy made evident by this falsified Romanian Constitutional Court
Decision no 25 from 19 January 2017, since the law it contradicts is still in vigor as I’ve demonstrated in
section I.B.11 of this ICC penal dossier, law which the mafia never obeys of course, anyone can be
arrested from the street or his home and be incarcerated and chemically lobotomized or subjected to
other forms of Crimes against humanity under the cover-up and pretext of penal security measures.
This truth I’ve also published at http://truthjustice.x10host.com/index.html and other sites
-1.6 Beyond the demonstration above all reasonable doubt above, as made evident by the ICC
messages on Twitter, ICC is just another American propaganda mill covering up US Crimes against
humanity and US War crimes, not condemning them, reminding the Romanian Crimes against
humanity are committed for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia which originates from and is a
protejee of US and its allies, as proven by the criminal acts of George Soros on behalf of this
international mafia he is part of, reason for which he was expunged from the Russian Federation as
personna non grata, as I’ve demonstrated in section I.A.II.1.2.4. The way in which the US evil empire
operates, is frame a casus belli with a minor nation then wage an economic war in desguise devastating
that country and installing a puppet government to allow the US companies to enter under the guise of
foreign investors, and illicitly syphon the resources of the victim country and enslave the people. This is
what happened in Romanian through the 1989 coup d’etat spearheaded by CIA and its allies with the
help of Romanian traitors, and this is why a communist torturer, Augustin Lazar, is abusing the office of
prosecutor general of Romania 30 years after the 1989 coup d’etat and the so-called fall of communist
and installment of democracy which is another lie and utopia. US’s war on communism is thus proven
fake; it was always an economic war as all wars. The best tactic the ICC mafia agents could’ve used is
continue to delay the ICC trial without justification as ICC has been doing so far, which is just another
proof of ICC’s complicity and intrinsic instigation to Crimes against humanity through propaganda and
dissinformation encouraging the committal of Crimes against humanity, and War crimes, but of course
the ICC mafia’s hubris couldn’t resist defiantly producing a falsified document of cover-up of the
Romanian Crimes agianst humanity after I’ve baited them on ICC already demonstrating ICC is covering
Crimes against humanity by delaying trials, and now I got definitive proof. Pride really is the most useful

1 - I.B.1 ECHR complicity and instrinsic instigation to Crimes against humanity preliminary
1.1. "D.Lupu",

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1.2. "I.Banu",
1^1. Romanian “state” mafia agents posing as ECHR registrars and illegally destroying Romanian
petitions to ECHR before reaching the judges to cover-up the Crimes against humanity perpetrated by
the Romanian “state” mafia they are members of, as proven by the fact my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures published at https://www.scribd.com/document/352597506/Raneti-vs-Romania-
at-ECHR and attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, is so grave that "D.Lupu" and "I.Banu"
destroyed it 4 times to stop it from reaching the judges in various ways although being the same petition
which provess it right away logically, for which I opened a penal dossier against them which I lodged
with the French “authorities” indicated in the penal files’s header, and published at address:
European-Court-of-Human-Rights, respectivelly attached as annex 2 to this ICC penal dossier, in which I
demonstrated the facts which I also transposed in this ICC penal dossier regarding the felonies of
"D.Lupu" and "I.Banu" that constitute complicity and inherent instigation or determination of the Crimes
against humanity objectivized in this ICC penal dossier. <complete the penal complaint> My Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures has been destroyed 2 more times afterwards by “C.Vezan”
and “I.Banu” again, about which I had not the time to update the penal complaint, nor consider it a
priority since “D.Lupu” and “I.Banu” are already caught proving ECHR and CoE are accomplice and
inherently instigators or determinant in the Crimes against humanity objectivized in this ICC penal
dossier by participating in the cover-up and encouraging or permitting the Crimes aganist humanity to
occur instead of issuing the urgent interim measures I’ve proposed in chapter III from annex 23 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
1^2 Background. The fact these patsy's are preventing the Romanian Crimes against
humanity denunciations from reaching the ECHR judges doesn't mean these ECHR judges can be
assessed as honest, because it is absolutely plausible they are just as corrupt and criminal, as proven by
the following demonstration - because I've notified ECHR's <anticorruption and torture prevention
committees> as proven by annex <print email and proof update inventory> and because I’ve got no
answer from the <anticorruption committee>, and I've got a generic response meant to "handle" me
from the <torture prevention committee> meaning to cover up the refusal to solve the petition by
answering that ~"they're interested but doing nothing to solve my petition" in short, as also proven by
the fact ECHR never did anything about it so far neither positively or negatively - positively meaning
ousting "D.Lupu" and "I.Banu" from office disciplinarily and denouncing them to the penal authorities as
I did through the penal complaint attached as annex 2 to this ICC penal dossier, which in turn it means
ECHR backs up "D.Lupu" and "I.Banu" felonies and their cover-up of the Crimes against humanity
committed by the Romanian mafia meaning its really within ECHR’s hidden agenda that is obviously not
justice, or negatively meaning ECHR would admit publicly that it backs up "D.Lupu" and "I.Banu" felonies
and their cover-up of the Crimes against humanity committed by the Romanian “state” mafia, which
because ECHR didn’t then explains the generic answer of ECHR’s <anticorruption bodies> by the fact first
of all ECHR as proven doesn't wish to solve the situation because ECHR as proven covers up the mafia
crimes, corroborated secondly by the fact that ECHR won't admit it even if it obviously refuses to solve
this case and even if I've already proven "D.Lupu" and "I.Banu"'s felonies in the penal complaint
attached as annex 2 to this ICC penal dossier, from which I'm transcribing the content into section I.B.1.,
and thirdly ECHR ignoring the petition would've been just as bad as admitting it is covering up for the

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Romanian Crimes against humanity, so ECHR's only solution they thought was to attempt to fool me
with a generic response which would've probably work on someone else, not me who I've investigated
the Romanian mafia aproximatively 9 years to this date and seen a lot of its modus operandi. In
conclusion ECHR beyond any reasonable doubt conducts the cover-up of at least Romanian state
terrorism and Crimes against humanity for wrongful political repression, proven by the analysis of
ECHR’s <anticorruption bodies and torture prevention committees> generic answer or none at all as
proven by annex <print email and proof update inventory>, cover-up motivated by illicit political reasons
infringing on the law and regulations and preventing that justice be done once and for all about the
Romanian criminal activity which ECHR as proven by this argument are clearly upholding, as well as
covering up for this illicit activity of cover-up within itself which I've also proven implicitly. ECHR's illicit
motivation then remains to be objectivized after its illicit activity has been proven, for which I retain that
ECHR actually condemned the Romanian "magistrate" mafia many times superficially for denial of
justice and abuse by annulling the falsified Romanian "decisions" proving intrinsically the "magistrate"
mafia exists as corroborated by the notorious fact no Romanian mafia "magistrate" caporegime was
ever condemned and made to pay for his falsified with malice aforethought anulled decision because
the mafia doesn’t condemn itself as opposed to what a real body of magistrates is suppose to do
according of the law - lustrate itself of any corruption, which corroborates to the argument mentioned
before that ECHR with aforethought won't solve this dramatic situation although it has the power to
impose drastic measures, leading again to the conclusion that ECHR's annulment of Romanian falsified
decisions and lack of legal repercussions against the falsifiers is part of an occult conspiracy and not the
agenda of justice because ECHR’s decisions are obviously not intended to fulfill justice although they’re
intrinsically proving the head of Romanian judiciary system meaning the disciplinary and penal justice
against the corrupt and criminal Romanian "magistrates" is putrid corrupt and criminal itself obviously
because the mafia doesn't condemn itself contrasting to what a real body of magistrates would do as
legally obligated, which just proves the whole "magistrate" Romanian body of functionaries is at least
part of the Romanian mafia, meaning as obvious the “magistrate” mafia is in cahoots with other factions
of a bigger mafia cartel because the Romanians "magistrate" mafia can’t be also the executioner of their
falsified decisions because they are attempting to maintain an image of lawfulness, meaning in cahoots
with the mafia soldier "police", "secret police", "masked police", “special agents” and "gendarmes", in
short the Romanian Ministry of Interior Affairs apparatus, in cahoots with legal medicine for the cover-
up of their violent crimes or Crimes against humanity committed through use of the “psychiatry”
charlatanry for chemical lobotomy and cover-up of the Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder is
part of this organized crime cartel who is as proven in this ICC penal dossier participating in acts of state
terrorism and wrongful political repression as demonstrated, and at this point an investigator’s intuition
would raise the natural question about how and who if anyone is concertizing this mafia cartel’s criminal
activity, question which I will address next
1^3 Because ECHR is thus proven fake justice and is not an end in its means then it is a mask for
something else, another motive, an instrument for a wider materialistic motivated charlatanry to cover
up the reality of Romanian economy being dilapidated by the EU's illicit western classical ex-imperialist
national, corporate interests as well as other foreign interests, meaning while EU is providing fake
justice for Romania's partnership, is imposing in turn its economic interests above the Romanian
interests as it even escaped such unfortunate syntagms in at least one Romanian government ordnance,

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meaning in reality as already proven the Romanian “state” mafia which is notoriously recognized by the
ex-president Traian Basescu although truth be told not officially obviously because ex-president Traian
Basescu is not anti-mafia but he is part of the old “communist” mafia nomenclature, a proven
collaborator with the “communist” secret services, but in an unconspired private phone conversation
made public by Antena 3 television, is backed up and controlled under the table by EU's illicit western
classical ex-imperialist national, corporate and other associated foreign illicit interests that actually as
notoriously known ordered the Romanias's economy be destroyed through a tandem of imposed
economically plateaus or illogical restrictions on production, open foreign investor legislation allowing
Romania to be sold out as a colony since evidently an ex communist country doesn't have the capital to
buy itself because nobody had enough capital in a “communist” country where the state mafia
totalitarianism kept everyone poor, stupid and thus easily governable, then destroyed the Romanian
industry and old way of life through its political commissars or so called economic hitmen which if not
obviously foreigners could only be the traitorous ex “communist” secret services members who sold
Romania out to foreign interests or robbed it patrimony and split it amongst themselves which is a
specialized sector called the liquidator mafia as the infamous Hassan Awdi who had his hundreds of
millions of dollars bussiness expropriated through a mafia takeover during the last decade at least, ex
“communist” secret services and other nomenclature of the “communist” ruling class (using quotes
meanins false communism because true communism or any egalitarian state of right has only one class
as the mandated functionaries are remunerated servitors of the people nor rulers) who took power in
the 1989 coup d'etat from “communist” dictator Nicolae Ceausescu, and never let it go obviously (who
would as proof) ever since, and who are controlling the mafia "magistrate" caporegimes or the
monopoly on cover-up fake legitimacy for public consent, mafia soldiers meaning the Ministry of Interior
Affairs monopoly on state terrorism and the mafia associates meaning legal medicine, lawyers, registrars
and others, mafia or organized crime group which was always controlled historically as of fact in
Romania, as exemplifiedly proven by the Hohenzollern's genocidal family usage of this criminal
apparatus to destroy the Legionary Movement - a christian nationalistic movement, and Torture, Bodily
Harm and Qualifiedly Murder its members, mafia "magistrate" caporegimes who as of notorious fact in
1989 coup d'etat assassinated Nicolae Ceausescu and Romanian justice publicly along with him, without
use of the law and implicitly against the law, with no proofs, no appeal, no anything remotely judicial
but a pure televised extrajudicial assassination and no less on the 25th December, the Christmas day to
mock and defy the Christian Romanian people, which I remember it shocked me then as I was 9 years
old, and it still shocks me now that they had the audacity to televize atrocities, except shocked not into
submission as meant to by the mafia, but into indignation and outrage as humanely proper, as these
“shock and awe” tactics to me translate as normal into shock, fear, hate then will to destroy the source
of this evil as I have become a human rights defender for this purpose. The mafia "magistrate"
caporegimes in Romania is controlled or concertized as the mafia soldiers and associates through
blackmail and is ordered around by the ex-“communist security” and “secret information services” and
other high office ex-“communist” nomenclature, either by dossiers of blackmail maintained in archives
like SIPA which is a notorious proof being an archive of magistrate's personal data and more irrelevant
to the state of right data which has no democratic use whatsoever proving in turn its real use as well as
the fact its very existence is pointing at the entity maintaining and using it, a secret information agency.
Another instrument for the “magistrate” mafia and its soldiers and associates is the control of

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institutions through which the mafia "magistrate" caporegimes if not controlled through blackmail
dossiers are threatened anyway with fake penal and disciplinary dossiers from the Supreme Magistrate
Council and Judiciary Inspection mafia controlled institutions, respectively the general prosecutor’s
offices with Supreme Magistrate Council and Judiciary Inspection approval and direction, mafia
controlled institutions where only the most corrupt and criminally obedient mafia "magistrate"
caporegimes accede into function to be used as slave masters against the rest of Romanian
"magistrature", a bunch of so-called magistrates from the Supreme Magistrate Council and Judiciary
Inspection which I've caught and opened penal dossiers against that I've also published along with the
denunciation of all other disciplinary action titularies meaning the supreme court president, minister of
justice and general prosecutor according to article 44 from the Romanian Law 317/2004, which beyond
any reasonable doubt triggered the Romania “state“ mafia to commit against me between the years
2014-2017 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against humanity commitals in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 and the between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, by abusing
against me the judiciary system ( mafia caporegimes), the order forces (mafia soldiers) and legal
medicine and lawyers (mafia associates) as weapons of state terrorism and wrongful political repression,
as proven bluntly in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, and in detail in this ICC penal
1^4 I conclude according to the evidence that ECHR's cover-up of Crimes against humanity
amongst other crimes cannot be self motivated because there is no interest plus ECHR’s clerks are also
protected from prosecution obviously therefore the French judicial system is in cahoots for the cover-up
of Romanian Crimes aganist humanity at least, thus the cover-up of Crimes against humanity must be
motivated at the instigation of the group of illicit interests ECHR and CoE belongs to or is under control
of, group of illicit interest which itself operates from a larger area than the geographical confines of
Europe as illicit financial interests pervade all boundaries, being immediately evident that I’m thinking
first and modeling this group of illicit interests after the financiers of the mass Crimes against humanity
in Romania through illegal experimentation, that is non other than the pharmaceutical mafia and other
demented personalities such as George Soros’s national sovereignty underminind network of NGOs
which was banned in the Russian Federation and George Soros declared persona non grata for pushing
fluoridating bills to brain poison the russian people as I objectivized in section I.A.II.1.2.6. The other
entities of this group of illicit interests evidently according to the outcome manipulated the
circumstances on all levels since and before 1989 coup d’etat so that Romania became a cheap labor
force colony infested by french and german hypermarchet chains, myself being a victim of the Delhaize
Group run by convicts who bribed through the corrupt Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes who sold out my worker rights as objectivized in chapte IV from annex 23 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, a
cheap or gratuitous raw material source as notoriously proven by the mountains of minerals carried out
for free or almost nothing out of Romania, an open market for European closeouts, second-hand and
other junk, or for second hand outdated and useless military equipment and army surplus refrigerated
food, in exchange for example for exported Romanian rich and clean agricultural products as Romanian
has been dubbed for a while now “the granary of Europe”. The Romanian work force was enslaved in its
own country by anthropic created vicissitudes through imposed systemic government corruption and
inherent economic nation wide dilapidation, and to avoid malcontent and an inevitable real revolution

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over 3 million Romanian economic refugees as after a civil war were maneuvered into unqualified
subserviance to the so-called European developed countries which clearly owe their welfare to praying
on others, as proven by the destruction of the Romanian academia and political maneuvering towards
low grade technical schools by, amongst others, the minister of education Ecaterina Andronescu
nicknamed “the destroyer of Romanian education”, economic refugees lured by the promise of a better
life which in actually doesn’t mean a civilized way of life but wage slavery as demonstrated by the
inequities between the native and foreign work forces throughout Europe which just proves the gross
inequity policy of EU conglomerate of economic interests despite its fanfare of human rights directives,
and the rest of Europe for that matter because this chapter is about ECHR's jurisdiction or CoE’s not just
EU’s, socioeconomic situation which has nothing to do with a progressist and developed society but the
abject achieval of illicit economic interests as always by all purposes and means, in short wild capitalism
at its worst, EU’s and CoE’s juridics being obviously tools used by the expanded economic interests
conglomerate which is actually EU's origin, and other illicit interests from around the world such as the
corrupt military industrial sectors of the superpowers which long outlived their usefulness and as all
who gained power refuse to let it go and dismantle, and have turned to become an established
corporations that at least influence the states their operate in and others for their own illicit interests, or
the pharmaceutical mafia which acts all around the world through the “psychiatric” charlatanry to do
the totalitarian dirty work of the ruling class in exchange for which it receives state accreditation to prey
on the weak for illicit profit in the trillions, affording to callously pay fines of a few billions once in a
while as I objectivized in chapted 1.9 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, while destroying millions of lives. One human
rights court and a few judges for 80 million Europeans is obvious an injustice in itself, as trials take even
10 years to complete making the justice in a reasonable amount of time principle a mockery as people
die before seeing justice inclusively from cancer as from Romania where exemplificatively but relevant
to the present ICC penal dossier, a huge amount of money instead of being allocated to cancer patients
dying in agony, is poured into the "psychiatry" charlatanry gulags where illegal experiments are
perpetrated on institutionalized children, homeless, youngsters, elders, the Rroma minority or any
category of people who can't defend itself or is put outside the protection of the law by the mafia
"magistrate" caporegimes such as dissidents and human rights defenders against the Romanian “state”
mafia as myself, fact which I thoroughly prove in the section I.A regarding the objectivization of the
Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me and others, or, if people don’t die waiting on justice
they get to see their lives destroyed from all possible directions in the meantime as in my case appealing
to ECHR just to get my petitions destroyed over and over again illegally by Romanian “state” mafia
agents posing as ECHR registrars to cover-up the Romanian Crimes against humanity that were
committed exactly because of ECHR’s failure to act at all not just promptly, as in August 2018 I’m
lodging my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier for the 7th time, number obtained by counting the number of times the previous have been
illegally destroyed in various ways despite being the same as first logical proof, by mafia agents posing
as ECHR registrars, mentioning the 1st I lodged on 18th April 2017 was destroyed on 26th April 2017
meaning it could've prevented the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017 as well as me becoming a permanent refugee from 1st September 2017, status
quo which constitutes a reason to place ICC's reputation in question also right from the start for "sharing

Page 18 of 501
the neighborhood" with ECHR, CoE and their puppeteers but being totally silent about this, remaining to
be proven whether ICC is real justice or fake like I demonstrated ECHR is, using ICC's response to the
Crimes against humanity committed against me and other Romanians. I warn thus in good faith that a
“prosecution” and / or “judgment” against the law meaning an injustice will result in a public display of
ICC fake justice and will just bring this Crimes against humanity penal complaint again in ICC with the
felons from within ICC in the case, and to the attention of the competent UN committees. I've already
done this in Romania as of fact, reason for which the Romanian “state” mafia realized there is no way to
cover-up its felonies against me just by falsifying decisions for rejecting my claims which just helped me
demonstrate statistically the Romanian “magistrature” body of public functionaries is just one big mafia
cartel in itself subdivided into local crime groups organized by their real jurisdiction and territoriality in
which they manifest power by abusing public function, demonstration that I made public which led to
the Crimes against humanity the Romanian “state” mafia committed against me to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity as demonstrated in this penal complaint, and I can't be blamed for
wanting to live a lawful inherently peaceful and loving life which is the guaranteed promise of the rule of
the law under which I’ve been raised, even more so as a Christian Orthodox, nor the atrocities
perpetrated by the Romanian “state” mafia have any excuse at all as it cannot even invoke “mafia
bussiness” against me since I obviously was no threat to the mafia before it committed Crimes against
humanity against me and shown its real face, that of being Stalinist - paranoid and openly totalitarian,
reason for which it must be destroyed as the derailed “communist” anti-social relic of the past it is
1^5 Regardless of who supports the proven complicity and instrinsic instigation of "D.Lupu" and
"I.Banu" to Crimes against humanity, "D.Lupu" and "I.Banu" must be ousted from public office, put
under life interdiction to occupy another public office and penally convicted for being accomplice and
instigators to Crimes against humanity as proven, amongst other accompanying felonies
1^6 “D.Lupu” and “I.Banu” are to be subpoenaed at their place of work, European Court of
Human Rights, Council of Europe, F-67075 Strasbourg Cedex, fax +33 (0)3 88 41 39 00,
1^6.1 or if not found through the Romanian authorities and ultimately if still not found, through
Europol, Interpol and similar organizations

<remained here with work>

2 - I.B.2 Beginning of the sections regarding the 8 Crimes against humanity perpetrated by the
Romanian “state” mafia
2.1. "judge" Badiu Mandica from Vrancea Tribunal falsified the sentence in 12718/231/2017 in
2nd instance as thoroughly demonstrated in this section and section B.2., claiming against all law,
regulations, juridical logic that groundlessly, being proven innocent as in never indicted and convicted of
anything, I must be Illegally deprived of liberty indefinitely to life then Tortured, Bodily Harmed and
Qualifiedly Murdered by being incarcerated in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag being proven mentally
sane as in army incorporable, apt for work and superior studies, then put in anaphylactic shock and
chemically lobotomized with deadly fluorine based neurotoxins for the purpose of state terrorism and
wrongful political repression in the Romanian “state” mafia’s interest to stop me from denouncing its
criminal activity, "judge" Badiu Mandica knowing as proof of her murderous aforethought exactly how
by breaking every relevant law, regulation and juridical logic, and absolutely unjustified as I've
demonstrated punctually in section A. II. 1.3.1^7.(1-10) regarding the 7th Qualified Murder attempt,

Page 19 of 501
Torture and Bodily Harm, I've been arrested by the mafia's secret police from my law faculty exams on
27th May 2017, tied up at the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag to an operating table and put in anaphylactic
shock for 3 days through fluorine and chlorine injected poisoning, then after I survived they forcefully
chemically lobotomized me until 8th June 2017 under threat of violence with other deadly fluorine and
chlorine poisons, all of which I've demonstrated based on the same proofs in dossier 12718/231/2017
“judge” Badiu Mandica had but never administer any, dossier in which furthermore I thoroughly
objectivized in my written plead also attached as annex 20 to my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, how all the penal dossiers and
psychiatric actions against me were falsified by the Romanian "state" mafia breaking every relevant law,
regulation and juridical logic without any grounded factual motivation or juridical logical justification,
and without administering any proofs because all demonstrate by themselves my innocence which is the
same reason my demonstration of my innocence was refused to be brought in discussion at an attempt
to contradict and rejected it exactly because it's impossible to contradict it veridically and logically
<assimilate what I've said in the other paragraph>, proofs which "judge" Badiu Mandica was legally
obligated to administer but refused in favor of executing the mafia's orders to which "judge" Badiu
Mandica thus proven belongs to, not even administering the mafia's falsified documents because it’s
impossible to objectivize their veridicity being obviously false and demonstrating by themselves
according to the principle of non-contradiction my innocence and mental sanity given the mafia’s
interest to successfully falsify penal dossiers against me and psychiatric actions and the fact the mafia
failed as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history meaning I was never indicted or convicted
since 2014 in the thus proven 4 falsified penal dossiers against me, also proven falsified in many other
ways which I will demonstrate in this ICC penal dossier, as the fact the mafia failed when I annulled their
“psychiatric” charlatanry actions in their own courthouses meaning in 15730/231/2014,
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance as proven in my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, while the last
two falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry actions are in ne bis in idem relation with the two before them,
meaning they are also intrinsicly proven falsified, meaning 4909/231/2017 in ne bis in idem relation with
11224/231/2015 and 12718/231/2017 in ne bis in idem relation with 14277/231/2015 regarding the
same obvious false accusations that I’m irresponsible, lacking discernment, violent and a public danger
groundlessly. “Judge” Badiu Mandica refused to administer the mafia’s falsified documents because it
also meant administering in contradiction my demonstration the mafia's documents are falsified, as well
because the main obvious reason is that it’s impossible to legally justify a falsified judicial decision for
the committal of the felonies Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder constituting Crimes against
humanity against me. I mention I objectivized in my plead attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier how any penal or
psychiatric action against me was and can only be falsified regardless when it is falsified because as I
proven in 12718/231/2017 with documents, witnesses and logic regarding my entire biography, that I
can not even reasonably be suspected of being a sociopath criminal like the Romanian "magistrates"
who can't abstain from pervasively breaking the law and infringing on people's right daily which I've
proven extensively both to the Romanian "penal authorities" who to my dismay I found out from their
lack of response or falsified answers, and thus proven statistically that all “magistrates” are also part of

Page 20 of 501
the Romania "state" mafia. The penal dossiers I opened against the Romanian “magistrate” mafia I
published on the illicitly mafia censored forum "militia.freeforums.net" between the years 2014 - 2017
hoping for public outrage and lustration of the corrupt and criminal “magistrates” from office which
failed because of the Romanian people’s idiocy meaning lack of skill and interest in public affairs, not to
mention cowardice and lack of integrity, penal dossiers in which never was a criminal "magistrate" I
caught acquitted because it’s impossible given I built all dossiers based on proven accusations ready to
be sent in court, and as proof of verity of my declarations in all the penal dossiers I opened against the
Romanian "magistrate" mafia, I was never accused of the felony of giving False declarations even if it's
the Romanian "magistrate" mafia intention proven by the 4 penal dossiers it falsified against me, I was
never accused of the felony of Inducing the judiciary bodies into error by falsifying proofs, and I was
never accused of the felony of Disseminating false information by publishing on the internet most of the
penal dossiers against the Romanian "magistrate" mafia caporegimes, their "police" and "gendarmes"
soldiers, and their "legal medics", "lawyers" and other interloper associates. To this I continue to declare
responsibly knowing of the consequences of False declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error
and Disseminating false information (because I'll publish and disseminate this plead to raise public
awareness) according to Romanian Penal Code, judicial declarations that I've also given to a number of
international organizations such as INTERPOL where the same no fault was found in my demonstration
of the Romanian "state" mafia criminal activity
2.2. "prosecutor" Peicu Daniela instigated that the sentence in 12718/231/2017 be falsified
2.3 . my mafia appointed “state lawyer" Miron Adrian pleaded against my plead, against the
law, against my fundamental rights, against juridical logic, against facts and invoked proofs and facts
that don't exist but never presented them obviously because they don't exist, as he was instigated by
the Romanian “state” mafia to do
2.4. accomplice “registrar” Luminita Mioara Haiduc, who wrote the meeting closing document
based on which quotes I punctually demonstrated the instigation and complicity to Crimes against
humanity, and who refused to denounce the criminal activity she witnessed as a public functionary
according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Code, committing the felony
of Omission to denounce flagrantly
2.5 subpoena addresses
2.5^1 “judge” Badiu Mandica from Vrancea Tribunal is to be subpoenaed at his place of work,
Tribunalul Vrancea, Focşani, Str.Cuza Vodă nr.43, judeţul Vrancea, email: tr-vrancea@just.ro
2.5^2 “prosecutor” Peicu Daniela is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Parchetul de pe
langa Tribunalul Vrancea, Focşani, Str.Cuza Vodă nr.43, judeţul Vrancea, email: pt_vrancea@just.ro
2.5^3 “lawyer” Miron Adrian is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Baroul Vrancea, Focşani,
Strada Cuza Vodă nr. 6, cod 620034, email: baroulvrancea@yahoo.com
2.5^4 “registrar” Luminita Mioara Haiduc is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Tribunalul
Vrancea, Focşani, Str.Cuza Vodă nr.43, judeţul Vrancea, email: tr-vrancea@just.ro

3 - I.B.3
3.1."judge" Miron Doina from "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse falsified the sentence in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance as thoroughly demonstrated in this section and section I.B.3., claiming
against all law, regulations, juridical logic that groundlessly, being proven innocent meaning never

Page 21 of 501
indicted and convicted of anything thus benefiting of the presumption of innocence, I must be Illegally
deprived of liberty indefinitely to life then Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered by being
incarcerated in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag although being proven mentally sane as in army
incorporable, apt for work and superior studies, having work experience with superior studies, as proven
logically, having witnesses etc., then put in anaphylactic shock and chemically lobotomized with deadly
fluorine based neurotoxins for the purpose of state terrorism and wrongful political repression in the
Romanian “state” mafia’s interest to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, "judge" Miron Doina
knowing as proof of her murderous aforethought exactly how by breaking every relevant law, regulation
and juridical logic, and absolutely unjustified as I've demonstrated punctually in section A. II. 1.3.1^7.(1-
10) regarding the 7th Qualified Murder attempt, Torture and Bodily Harm, I've been arrested by the
mafia's secret police from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied up at the Focsani “psychiatric”
gulag to an operating table and put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days through fluorine and chlorine
injected poisoning without treatment, then after I survived they forcefully chemically lobotomized me
until 8th June 2017 under threat of violence with other deadly fluorine and chlorine poisons, all of which
I've demonstrated based on the same proofs in dossier 12718/231/2017 “judge” Miron Doina had but
never administered any, dossier in which furthermore I thoroughly objectivized in my written plead also
attached as annex 20 to my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, how all the penal dossiers and psychiatric actions against me were falsified by the
Romanian "state" mafia breaking every relevant law, regulation and juridical logic without any grounded
factual motivation or juridical logical justification, and without administering any proofs because all
demonstrate by themselves my innocence which is the same reason my demonstration of my innocence
was refused to be brought in discussion, meaning no attempt was made to contradict and reject my
demonstration of my innocence and mental sanity exactly because it's impossible to contradict my plead
veridically and logically <assimilate what I've said in the other paragraph>, proofs which "judge" Miron
Doina was legally obligated to administer but refused in favor of executing the mafia's orders to which
"judge" Miron Doina thus proven belongs to, not even administering the mafia's falsified documents
because it’s impossible to objectivize their veridicity being obviously false and demonstrating by
themselves according to the principle of non-contradiction my innocence and mental sanity given the
mafia’s interest to successfully falsify penal dossiers and psychiatric actions against me and the fact the
mafia failed as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history meaning I was never indicted or
convicted since 2014 in the thus proven 4 falsified penal dossiers against me, also proven falsified in
many other ways which I will demonstrate in this ICC penal dossier, and as the fact the mafia failed
when I annulled 4 out of 6 of their “psychiatric” charlatanry actions in their own courthouses meaning in
15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance as
proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, while the last two falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry actions are in ne bis in idem relation with
the two before them, meaning they are also intrinsically proven falsified, meaning 4909/231/2017 is in
ne bis in idem relation with 11224/231/2015 and 12718/231/2017 in ne bis in idem relation with
14277/231/2015 regarding the same obvious false accusations that I’m irresponsible, lacking
discernment, violent and a public danger groundlessly, only posing a danger to the Romanian "state"
mafia itself according to its Stalinist paranoia. “Judge” Miron Doina refused to administer the mafia’s

Page 22 of 501
falsified documents because it also meant administering in contradiction my demonstration the mafia's
documents are falsified, as well because the main obvious reason is that it’s impossible to legally justify
a falsified judicial decision for the committal of the felonies Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder
constituting Crimes against humanity against me. I mention I objectivized in my plead attached as annex
20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier how any penal or psychiatric action against me was and can only be falsified regardless when it is
falsified because as I proven in 12718/231/2017 with documents, witnesses and logic regarding my
entire biography, that I can not even reasonably be suspected of being a sociopath criminal like the
Romanian "magistrates" who can't abstain from pervasively breaking the law and infringing on people's
right daily which I've proven extensively to the Romanian "penal authorities" who to my dismay I found
out from their lack of response or falsified answers, and thus proven statistically, that all “magistrates”
are also part of the Romania "state" mafia, other national and international institutions and
organizations, and publicly on the illicitly mafia censored forum "militia.freeforums.net", my illicitly
mafia partly censored facebook.com account which occurred simultaneously with the censorship of
"militia.freeforums.net" in April 2017 during the daily home breakings before Orthodox Easter by tens of
mafia soldier “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and “gendarmes” as if I were a
MMA fighter or terrorist not an intellectual human rights defender, then again immediately after I
opened a facebook.com group called "Romanian revolution for human rights" in February 2018, while
some of the documents presented through these internet media remain on my public scribd.com
account. The penal dossiers I opened against the Romanian “magistrate” mafia I published on the illicitly
mafia censored forum "militia.freeforums.net" between the years 2014 - 2017 hoping for public outrage
and lustration of the corrupt and criminal “magistrates” from office which failed because of the
Romanian people’s idiocy meaning lack of skill and interest in public affairs, not to mention cowardice
and lack of integrity, penal dossiers in which never was a criminal "magistrate" I caught acquitted
because it’s impossible given I built all dossiers based on proven accusations ready to be sent in court,
and as proof of verity of my declarations in all the penal dossiers I opened against the Romanian
"magistrate" mafia, I was never accused of the felony of giving False declarations even if it's the
Romanian "magistrate" mafia intention proven by the 4 penal dossiers it falsified against me, I was
never accused of the felony of Inducing the judiciary bodies into error by falsifying proofs, and I was
never accused of the felony of Disseminating false information by publishing on the internet most of the
penal dossiers against the Romanian "magistrate" mafia caporegimes, their "masked policemen",
"secret policemen", "policemen" and "gendarmes" soldiers, and their "legal medics", "lawyers" and
other interloper associates. To this I continue to declare responsibly knowing of the consequences of
False declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error and Disseminating false information (because
I'll publish and disseminate this plead to raise public awareness) according to Romanian Penal Code,
judicial declarations that I've also given to a number of international organizations such as INTERPOL
where the same no fault was found in my demonstration of the Romanian "state" mafia criminal activity
3.2. "prosecutor" Anca Rasca instigated that the sentence in 12718/231/2017 be falsified
3.3 . my mafia appointed “state lawyer" Arginteanu Dan pleaded against my plead, against the
law, against my fundamental rights, against juridical logic, against facts and invoked proofs and facts
that don't exist but never presented them obviously because they don't exist, as he was instigated by
the Romanian “state” mafia to do

Page 23 of 501
3.4. accomplice “registrar” Judele Claudia, who wrote the meeting closing document based on
which quotes I punctually demonstrated the instigation and complicity to Crimes against humanity, and
who refused to denounce the criminal activity she witnessed as a public functionary according to articles
61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Code, committing the felony of Omission to
denounce flagrantly
3.5 subpoena addresses
“judge” Miron Doina from “Judecatoria Focsani” courthouse is to be subpoenaed at his place of
work, Judecatoria Focsani, Focşani, Str.Cuza Vodă nr.43, judeţul Vrancea, email: jud-focsani@just.ro
3.5^1 “prosecutor” Anca Rasca is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Parchetul de pe lângă
Judecatoria Focsani, Str. Cuza Vodă nr. 43, Focşani, jud. Vrancea, email: pj_focsani@just.ro
3.5^2 “lawyer” Arginteanu Dan is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Baroul Vrancea,
Focşani, Strada Cuza Vodă nr. 6, cod 620034, email: baroulvrancea@yahoo.com
3.5^3 “registrar” Judele Claudia is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Judecatoria Focsani,
Focşani, Str.Cuza Vodă nr.43, judeţul Vrancea, email: jud-focsani@just.ro

4 - I.B.4
4.1. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior
4.2. "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut,
instead of proving my innocence as legally obligated according to article 5 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code regarding the principle of finding out the truth, and the principle of the
impartiality of the prosecutors, my innocence being evident according to all the proofs, even the
accusers penally self-incriminating depositions, all which "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his
superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut refused to administer for both the accusation and the
defense, as they refused to build an indictment with which to notify the courthouse, or close the cause
right away denouncing to the superior prosecutor office the felonies of False declarations and Inducing
into error the judicial bodies committed by the lying accusers, they claimed against all relevant law,
regulations, juridical logic that groundlessly and being proven innocent meaning never indicted and
convicted of anything thus benefiting of the presumption of innocence as they admit in their falsified
ordnance anyway, that I must be Illegally deprived of liberty indefinitely to life then Tortured, Bodily
Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered by being incarcerated in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag although
being proven mentally sane as in army incorporable, apt for work and superior studies, licensed in
informatics, having work experience in informatics, being a student in law, having other documents
proving my mental sanity as this plead in itself proves my mental sanity logically, having witnesses etc.,
then put in anaphylactic shock and chemically lobotomized with deadly fluorine based neurotoxins for
the purpose of state terrorism and wrongful political repression in the Romanian “state” mafia’s interest
to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first
prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut knowing as proof of their murderous aforethought exactly how by
breaking every relevant law, regulation and juridical logic, and absolutely unjustified as I've
demonstrated punctually in section A. II. 1.3.1^7.(1-10) regarding the 7th Qualified Murder attempt,
Torture and Bodily Harm constituting Crimes against humanity, I've been arrested by the mafia's
"secret police" soldiers from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied up at the Focsani “psychiatric”

Page 24 of 501
gulag to an operating table and put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days through fluorine and chlorine
injected poisoning without treatment, then after I survived the “psychiatrist” torturers forcefully
chemically lobotomized me until 8th June 2017 under threat of violence with other deadly fluorine and
chlorine poisons, all of which I've demonstrated based on the same proofs in dossier 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor"
Petrescu Auras Ionut never administered because the proofs demonstrate my innocence and mental
sanity by themselves, falsified dossiers in which furthermore I thoroughly objectivized in my penal
complaint I lodged with the title of judicial declaration against these "judiciary bodies" proving how and
why they falsified these dossiers, and lodged with the penal authorities, as in short I’ve also declared
and demonstrated in the 3 declarations they judicially harassed me to give, judicial declarations through
which I made these accused "judiciary bodies" incompatible to address these dossiers according to the
principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, or as according to jurisprudence how notoriously the
anticorruption Romanian commissar Traian Berbeceanu accused and got convicted his lying accusers
from the same anticorruption institution, in the same penal dossier they falsified against him.
Furthermore I demonstrated in my written plead also attached as annex 20 to my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, how all the penal dossiers
and “psychiatric” charlatanry actions against me were falsified by the Romanian "state" mafia breaking
every relevant law, regulation and juridical logic without any grounded factual motivation, juridical
logical justification or scientific objectivization, and without administering any proofs because all proofs
demonstrate by themselves my innocence and mental sanity which is the same reason my
demonstration of my innocence and mental sanity was refused to be brought in discussion on all
mandatory occasions, meaning no attempt was made to contradict and rejected my demonstration of
my innocence and mental sanity exactly because it's impossible to contradict my plead veridically and
logically, proofs which "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu
Auras Ionut were legally obligated to administer but refused in favor of executing the mafia's orders to
which these "prosecutors" thus proven belong to, not even administering the mafia's falsified
documents because it’s impossible to objectivize their veridicity being obviously false and
demonstrating by themselves according to the principle of non-contradiction and principle of excluded
third my innocence and mental sanity given the mafia’s interest to successfully falsify penal dossiers and
psychiatric actions against me and the fact the mafia failed as proven by annex 17, annex 18 and annex
19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier regarding my empty judicial history and continuous mentions of lacking a judicial history
meaning I was never indicted or convicted since 2014 meaning in all the proven 4 falsified penal dossiers
against me, also proven falsified in many other ways which I will demonstrate in this ICC penal dossier,
and also given the fact the mafia failed when I annulled 4 out of 6 of their “psychiatric” charlatanry
actions in their own courthouses meaning in 15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and
14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance as proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, while the last two falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry actions are in ne bis in idem relation with the two before them, meaning they are also
intrinsically proven falsified, meaning 4909/231/2017 is in ne bis in idem relation with 11224/231/2015
and 12718/231/2017 in ne bis in idem relation with 14277/231/2015 regarding the same obvious false
accusations that I’m irresponsible, lacking discernment, violent and a public danger groundlessly, as

Page 25 of 501
even the courthouse proven falsified documents from 14277/231/2017 where invoked in
12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance no less by the same “judge” Badiu Mandica who rejected them in
14277/231/2017 in 1st instance being aware they were also rejected in 2nd instance as inadmissible and
unfounded, even by reduction ad absurdum only posing a danger to the Romanian "state" mafia itself
according to its Stalinist paranoia, which is no legitimate reasoning in any regard. "prosecutor" Lupu
Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut refused to administer the mafia’s
falsified documents because it also meant administering in contradiction my demonstration the mafia's
documents are falsified, as well as because the main obvious reason is that it’s impossible to justify a
falsified judicial decision for the committal of the felonies Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder
constituting Crimes against humanity against me. I mention I objectivized in my plead attached as annex
20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier how any penal or psychiatric action against me was and can only be falsified regardless when it is
falsified because as I proven in 12718/231/2017 with documents, witnesses and logic regarding my
entire biography, that I can not even reasonably be suspected of being a sociopath criminal like the
Romanian "magistrates" who can't abstain from pervasively breaking the law and infringing on people's
rights daily which I've proven extensively to the Romanian "penal authorities" who to my dismay I found
out from their lack of response or falsified answers, and thus proven statistically, that all “magistrates”
are also part of the Romania "state" mafia, as I’ve proven to other national and international institutions
and organizations, and published on the illicitly mafia censored forum "militia.freeforums.net" on 8th
April 201, my almost simultaneously illicitly mafia partly censored facebook.com account on 10th April
2017 during the daily home breakings before Orthodox Easter by tens of Romanian “state” mafia soldier
“masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and “gendarmes” as if I were a MMA fighter or
terrorist not an peaceful intellectual human rights defender, facebook.com account then again illicitly
censored in part immediately after I opened a group called "Romanian revolution for human rights" in
February 2018 which startled the Stalinist-paranoid Romanian “state” mafia hanging on my
facebook.com account all day judging by their prompt selective reaction. The reason for the illicit
censorships is the penal dossiers I opened against the Romanian “magistrate” mafia that I published
without being accused of the felony of Disseminating false informations as proof of verity, on the illicitly
mafia censored forum "militia.freeforums.net" between the years 2014 - 2017, hoping for public
outrage and consequent lustration of the corrupt and criminal “magistrates” from office even if just
coming from the Romanian “state” mafia to protect it’s fake public image, which failed because of the
Romanian people’s idiocy meaning lack of skill and interest in public affairs, not to mention cowardice
and lack of integrity, public penal dossiers in which never was a criminal "magistrate" I caught acquitted
because it’s impossible given I built all dossiers based on proven accusations ready to be sent in court,
and as proof of verity of my declarations in all the penal dossiers I opened against the Romanian
"magistrate" mafia, I was never accused of the felony of giving False declarations even if it's the
Romanian "magistrate" mafia illicit intention proven by the 4 penal dossiers it falsified against me in
which I was never indicted and convicted as proof, I was never accused of the felony of Inducing the
judiciary bodies into error by falsifying proofs, and I was never accused of the felony of Disseminating
false information by publishing on the internet most of the penal dossiers against the Romanian
"magistrate" mafia caporegimes, their "masked policemen", "secret policemen", "policemen" and
"gendarmes" soldiers, and their "legal medics", "lawyers", convicts and other interloper associates,

Page 26 of 501
although I even filed self denunciations based on the "prosecutor's" lies that the "magistrate" felonies
I've filed penal complaints for don't exist, and the self denunciations were of course covered up by other
"prosecutors" who delayed solving them indefinitely as they thought they only had this option which
also proves my case anyway, or 5 non-viable alternatives of, first, going against the mafia and indict the
"magistrate" criminal I caught and send him to be convicted which of course wouldn't happen because
the mafia doesn't convict its own members as proof of the difference to a real body of magistrates,
corroborated factually with the notorious evidence for all the ECHR convictions of Romania, no mafia
"magistrate" who falsified those annulled decisions with aforethought ever paid to my knowledge and
according to the press, second, if this "other" prosecutor refused to indict me and closed the file
concluding I didn't commit False declarations and Inducing the judiciary bodies into error, according to
the principle of non-contradiction and principle of excluded third he would contradict the "prosecutor"
who lied the felonies I've denounced don't exist and who should've in fact accused me of the felonies of
False declarations and Inducing the judiciary bodies into error ex officio but also tacitly admitted I am
right by this, third, if this other "prosecutor" indicted me, the case most probably would've failed in
court automatically proving this "other" prosecutor falsified the indiction, just like I've annulled the 4
“psychiatric” charlatanry actions against me proving they are falsified in the mafia's courthouses;
15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and 14277/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance, while
the last 2 of the total 6 are in ne bis in idem relation with the last 2 before them being proven false
implicitly, fourth, if this other "prosecutor" abused the judicial system and psychiatry as state terrorism
and wrongful political repression he would get involved in Crimes against humanity directly like the
"judicial bodies" who instigated and committed the Crimes against humanity against me as proven in
this ICC penal dossier, through which they achieved the opposite of their goal; they abilitated me and
supported my goal to further demonstrate the existence and criminal activity of the Romanian "state"
mafia, and finally fifth, resign, in conclusion this other "prosecutor" having no options at all because any
path taken serves my purpose of proving the criminal activity of the Romanian "state" mafia. To this I
continue to declare responsibly knowing of the consequences of False declarations, Inducing the
judiciary bodies into error and Disseminating false information (because I'll publish and disseminate this
plead to raise public awareness even if internationally about the Romanian “state” mafia) according to
Romanian Penal Code, judicial declarations that I've also given to a number of international
organizations such as INTERPOL where the same no fault was found in my demonstration of the
Romanian "state" mafia criminal activity. As proof the Romanian "state" mafia tacitly admits the
decisions in 12718/231/2017 are falsified, the prosecutor's office should also have accused me of the
felony of Disrespecting the court order by not allowing the mafia to indefinitely to life "psychiatrically"
incarcerate me, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly Murder me, against which of course not only can I
prove as I did in this ICC penal dossier that the decisions in 12718/231/2017 are falsified which is
relevant because this felony refers to disrespecting judicial decisions not falsified documents with no
force of right whatsoever, but I can also invoke the Romanian Penal Code physical and moral constraint
clause which removes the penal character of this particular felony in this particular cause, making a
further accusation against me useless even if it was falsified for the purpose of covering up the falsified
decision from 12718/231/2017

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4.3 "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
to be subpoenaed at their place of work, Parchetul de pe lângă Judecatoria Focsani, Str. Cuza Vodă nr.
43, Focşani, jud. Vrancea, email: pj_focsani@just.ro

5 - I.B.5
5.1. "judge" Neagu Rodica from Vrancea Tribunal delayed the trial in 1779/91/2017 to allow the
Romanian “state” mafia to capture me and commit Crimes against humanity against me, as it
attempted in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance where it motivated “I must prove I’m not the devil”. For
participating in the attacked falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, “judge” Neagu Rodica
was incompatible to address dossier 1779/91/2017 according to article 64 paragraphs 3 and 4 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, althemore I have many penal dossiers against “judge” Neagu Rodica
lodges with the prosecutor’s office, in which he was never aquitted as I declare knowing the
consequences of the felonies of False declarations of which I was never accussed, penal dossiers
inclusively for being accomplice to the cover-up of the Crimes against humanity committed against me
in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, in cahoots with the same “judge” Croitoru Sandina
Mariana who falsified the decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance after obtaining the dossier from
“judge” Neagu Rodica with no apparent legal forms. "judge" Neagu Rodica from Vrancea Tribunal after
allowing Crimes against humanity to be committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 as I objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7, attempted to cover them up through the falsification of the
decision in 1779/91/2017, all of which I thoroughly demonstrated in section I.B.5.
5.2. "prosecutor" Barsan Victoria instigated that the decision in 1779/91/2017 be falsified
5.3 . my mafia appointed “state lawyer" Lupu Cosmin pleaded against my plead, against the law,
against my fundamental rights, against juridical logic, against facts and invoked proofs and facts that
don't exist but never presented them obviously because they don't exist, as he was instigated by the
Romanian “state” mafia to do
5.4. accomplice “registrar” Varlan Carmen, who wrote the meeting closing document based on
which quotes I punctually demonstrated the instigation and complicity to Crimes against humanity, and
who refused to denounce the criminal activity he witnessed as a public functionary according to articles
61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Code, committing the felony of Omission to
denounce flagrantly
5.5 subpoena addresses
5.5^1 “judge” Neagu Rodica from Vrancea Tribunal is to be subpoenaed at his place of work,
Tribunalul Vrancea, Focşani, Str.Cuza Vodă nr.43, judeţul Vrancea, email: tr-vrancea@just.ro
5.5^2 “prosecutor” Barsan Victoria is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Parchetul de pe
lângă Judecatoria Focsani, Str. Cuza Vodă nr. 43, Focşani, jud. Vrancea, email: pj_focsani@just.ro
5.5^3 “lawyer” Lupu Cosmin is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Baroul Vrancea, Focşani,
Strada Cuza Vodă nr. 6, cod 620034, email: baroulvrancea@yahoo.com
5.5^4 “registrar” Varlan Carmen is to be subpoenaed at his place of work, Tribunalul Vrancea,
Focşani, Str.Cuza Vodă nr.43, judeţul Vrancea, email: tr-vrancea@just.ro

<remained here with work, enumerate the perpetrators in inverse chronological order according
to plead.txt and I.B.? sections

Page 28 of 501
<perhaps make link references in the <x - I.B.x to aid in navigation of the document, although
they can also be easily reached by find the appropriate paragraph who is also bold to differentiate from
the references to it

<6 - I.B.6
6.1. <adapt from plead.txt> “psychiatrist” torturer Florea Gabriela is the Focsani “psychiatric”
gulag chief who “authorised” me being tied to an operating table and put in anaphylactic shock for at
least 3 days through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning without treatment
expecting me to die, then after I survived being chemically lobotomized me with other deadly fluorine
and chlorine neurotoxins, constituting the 7th Crimes against humanity committal against me as
objectivized in section I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2. See annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
6.2. <“psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen is the mafia associate who named or was
named curator and breaking every relevant law, regulation, norm, deontology and logic chemically
lobotomized me with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins again to Qualifiedly Murder me while
incidentally Torturing and gravely Bodily Harm me as I’ve objectivized especially in chapter 1 from
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier. In short not only are both fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons deadly, it’s proven they
cause “mental illness” not cure it as obvious by destroying the brain as proven, and in combination they
increase the chance of dying which is why I was always administered these deadly poisons in
combination as overdose to be Qualifiedly Murdered, which is why I was put in anaphylactic shock for
at least 3 days without treatment being expected to die
6.3. <“psychiatrist” torturer Dutescu Mircea is both one of the “psychiatrists” torturers on guard
in the first 3 days of “psychiatric” torture when I was put in anaphylactic shock without treatment and
expected to die, and participated on the 3rd day in the face committee convening for covering-up the
fact my “psychiatric” incarceration was illegal, irregular, against norms, deontology and logic as I’ve
succintly indicated all the laws, regulations, norms, deontology and logic broken by the “pscychiatrist”
charlatans in chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, 3rd day when “psychiatrist” torturer Dutescu Mircea was
yelling that “I’m a public danger and must be incarcerated and chemically lobotomized” although
obviously innocent and obviously a human right defender being wrongfully politically repressed, being
no doubt about the fact “psychiatrist” torturer Dutescu Mircea is one of the principal perpetrators of
Crimes against humanity against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, both disposing that I be
injected at night in the 2nd day and in the morning in the 3rd day with deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic poisons even if I reported repeatedly the symptom that was visible of severely shacking from
all my body and that I was feeling very ill
6.4. <”psychiatrist” torturer Puiu <?other name?> is the the other “psychiatrist” torturers on
guard from the 1st day in which I was expected to be incarcerated in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag by 5
“psychiatrist” charlatans ( - I refer to “psychiatrist” “assistants” and “medics” as “psychiatrist”
charlatans because there is no differece, they are charlatans and their medical and scientific knowledge
is relatively equal meaning virtually non-existant, while historically in fact the “psychiatrist” charlatans
wrose exactly from “medical assistants” who wrote charlatanry literature to elevate their status in

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society for illicit profit.) who tied me up violently to an operating table and injected me with an
overdose of deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons putting me in anaphylactic shock since the
first day
6.5. <of the other “psychiatrist” torturer accomplices who were present during most of the time
of the 7 Crimes against humanity commital I name the “psychiatrist” charlatan Mihai Oana who was
repeatedly and sadistically asking me if “I was afraid”, and I mention this one because Mihai Oana also
participated in the falsified convening of the committee for the cover-up of the illegality of my
“psychiatric” incarceration on the 3rd day, a monday as I remember, and witnessed when the
“pscyhiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen callously “prescribed” after I survived the first 3 days in
anaphylactic shock other deadly fluorine and chlroine neurotoxins, calling me probably “schizo” - short
for schizophrenic showing objectivization of dehumanization towards her victims as a typical psychopath
/ sociopath, which corresponds with the deadly risperidone or paliperidone fluorine based neurotoxin
which claims to cure schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia proving the producers, commercializers,
state agencies who approve it and “pscyhiatrist” charlatans who prescribe it are all schizophrenic or
logically incoherent. On the annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier of course there’s not even a falsified diagnosis of schizphrenia,
proving again the mafia’s intent to Qualifiedly Murder me with the most brain damaging poisons they
“legitimally” had at disposal to cover-up the Qualified Murder at the same time reminding no Qualified
Murder and no Bodily Harm or Torture is ever investigated and condemned in the Romainan
“psychaitric” gulags because the Romanian “state “mafia pervasively used still as it did before during the
“communist” era, the “psychiatry” charlatanary as a weapon of wrongful political repression. Because
Mihai Oana seems to fetch the “psychiatric” ccharlatanry poisons at the orders of the others, I suspect
Mihai Oana is the same who stole the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone from
the inventory, with which I was covertly injected during the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
constituting the 2nd Crimes against humanity I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, and
6.6. <the third member of the committee who attempted to cover-up the illegality on the 3rd
day while still in anaphylactic shock, meaning all three were aware I was in anaphylactic shock and
refused to treat me for it, is an elderly grey hair and having a moustache person, member of the
leadership of the local health direction where I saw him while interesting myself of my 3 petitions
ignored by the malpraxis committee, not knowing his name
6.7. <from the “pscyhiatrist” charlatans “assistants I remember there was one tall blond typical
“communist” torturer who during the first three days of being put in anaphylactic shock through deadly
fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning was sadistically mocking me by saying things like “you want
more poison?” while grinning, while I was reporting I was shacking from my whole body and feeling very
ill, meaning this one is a clear sadistic psychopath who painfully twisted my arm while I was tied
violently to the operating table, meaning who authored the actual 7th Crimes against humanity. I also
remember 2 of the other “pscyhiatrist” charlatans “assistants” were members of the Rroma minority,
both thin and middleaged, and one of them less thin is the one who injected me first with the deadly
overdose of fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons then stood “on guard” expecting me to die while I
was entering anaphylactic shock. I don’t remember who the 4th and 5th ones were as they were present
just for violently tying me up to the operating table making a big circus about it as typical from sadistic

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psychopaths to witness the suffering and destruction of another man’s life, but I’m sure they can be
identified by the others. I do remember to this circus one of the mafia “secret police” soldiers who was
clearly a member of the Rroma minority although having no more “official” bussiness came to watch me
being Tortured, Bodily Harmed and beint attempted Qualified Murder against, making the Rroma
minority mention because in fact the Nazi scientist report that the members of the Rroma minority
predisposed genetically and culturally to be sociopaths, ~”will never socially integrate in civilized society”
was never invalidated and proven time and time again, their occupation ranging throughout all Europe
from thiefs and bribe-takers to murderers. Of course if there is even one honest Rroma minority
member and there are a few, the Rroma minority as a whole can’t be discriminated against, but here I’m
not discriminating but scientifically proving why half of the “pscyhiatrist” torturers were in fact members
of the Rroma minority, and so is “prosecutors” Mihaila Paul, Tarlea Florin Cristinel, Barsan Victoria,
“policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara and pretty much half of the ones who falsified acts of procedure
instigating Crimes against humanity againt me. Europe has no ideea what it unleashed upon itself twice,
as ironically the Romanian Rroma minority is nothing else than old Syrian refugees who never integrated
socially over the course of hundreds of years, fact which I’ve discovered by the identical traditional
clothing between Romanian Rroma minority and some of the over 20 Syrian minority ethnic groups,
which makes perfect sense since Syria or the Levant was a theatre of war and genocide for millenia.
Finally I remember one fat young Romanian and one middle aged Rroma minority “pscyhiatrist”
assistants who attempted to inject me with what they claim to be antibiotics, marking me like cattle
with a ball point pen which is a form of dehumanization as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.1.4.
preparing to put a permanent needle in my arm which would’ve contributed to intrahospital infection
many Romanians died from, and this by force while I didn’t consent, time at which I implored the
“psychiatrist” torturer Florea Gabriela who was sadistically witnessing to stop poisoning and sticking
needles in me as I did every day in fact, who played “good cop” telling the two other “psychiatrst”
torturers to stop torturing me. The fat young Romanian “psychiatrist” torturer from these two was on
another time assuring me in cahoots with Gabriela Florea, grinnng sadistically the deadly fluorine and
chlorine based neurotoxins weren’t brain damaging me while I was daily imploring them to stop
chemically lobotomizing me, as I both knew from before and feeling losing my mind faculties from
neurotoxic poisoning, and as I’ve objectivized now in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier in fact the chemical lobotomization I was
subjected to being much more severe than I believed because the mafia’s intent to an effect was as
proven to Qualifiedly Murder me while making it appear “of natural causes” as surely they would’ve
faked the legal medicine report regarding an cardiac arrest, and only incidentally Tortured and gravely
Bodily Harmed me, just as when I was covertly injected with the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxic
risperidone or paliperidone in the night between 5th adn 6th December 2014 which constitutes the 2nd
Crimes against humanity committal against me. There was another “psychiatrist” assistant guard
present both during the days I was in anaphylactic shock, and who forcefully took me to the last
“psychologist” charlatan, and to the “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” from 8th June 2017 where
nothing happened as usual as nothing could happen without my consent and cooperation but the
“psychiatrist” charlanta Lucasievici Silviu also involved in the falsification of the “psychaitrist” charlatan
documents against me since 2015 kept repeating “is clear” being obviously mentally alienated since if he
was aware of falsifying the procedure every time there was no need to convince anyone he wasn’t, me

Page 31 of 501
or himself or the other “psychaitrist “charlatans, because we were all aware of “pscyhiatric” charlatnary
falsification of documents and Crimes against humanity. This last guard is thin, blond and young, having
an eye problem and being clearly mentally retarded, as I’ve indicated often the Romanian mountain red-
necks and the Romanian Rroma minority being the recruiting grounds of torturers since the
“communist” era at least, meaning from the ranks of immoral, functionally analphabet at least persons
from the violent Romanian peasantry
6.8 <the other accomplices are the “psychologist” charlatans <name and <name, who
interviewed me even during anaphylactic shock on <, and respectivelly on <, and also refused to dispose
that I be treated for meaing are clear accomplices and intrinsic instigators to the Crimes against
humanity by refusing to denounce the mafia as legally obligated, but neither did they resign as at least
humane if they feared the mafia’s reprisal, but simply sacrificed my life for their petty financial interests
demontrating they are sociopaths. See annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier for the objectivization of their falsified document
contribution to the cover-up of the 7th Crimes against humanity, in reality contributing to the
demonstration of the breaking of every relevant law, regulation, norm, deontology and logic as
objectivized in chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and even as the last declared I had full cognitive functions
after 12 days of chemical lobotomization, anaphylactic shock, meaning Torture and Bodily Harm both
physical and psychosomatical, about which he should’ve noted post traumatic shock disorder
6.9. <as aforementioned the last accomplices and intrinsic instigators of the 7th Crimes against
humanity are the members of the “pscyhiatric” charlatanry committee from 8th June 2017 where I was
taken by force as usual without my consent where no “expertise” took place, and where I recognized
Lucasievici Silviu, one of the “psychiatrist” charlatans who falsified the “psychiatric” charlatnary
documents ever since 17th September 2015, another woman “psychiatrist” charlatan at least if not two, I
don’t remember clearly and they were suppose to be 5 as on 17th September 2015, and Florea Gabriela
again who was mocking me using an “unbelieving” tone whether “I would take my medicine” meanign
the chemically lobotomizing and schizophrenia causing risperidone or paliperidone, for which I was
never even falsely diagnosed and with which I was covertly injected as I can prove now during the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014, constituting the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal against me
6.10 <there are other accomplices to the Crimes against humanity committed in general in the
Focsani “psychiatric” gulag, meaning the workers in the kitchen who are aware of what happens in the
Focsani “psychiatric” gulag and refuse to denounce, and other personel involved in the illegal
experimentation making fake statistics as objectivzied by the very mafia “secret service” report I spoke
of in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, reminding that especially in the Focsani
“psychiatric” gulag the torturers declared that the Ministry of Health gave them authorization to break
the law as if that is even possible, proving they are also schizophrenic - logically incoherent,
occupationally dysfunctional and failing to recognize what’s real. I also mention an assistant secretary it
seems from the local “legal medicine” who was aware in cahoots with another who faked the
“psychaitric” paperwork on 6th April 2017 at the instigation of “pscyhiatrist” torturer Berzvehnnii Igor
primarely and two other woman “pscyhiatrist” or “psychologist” charlatans, meaning instigators through
the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 that refered to these falsified documents to instigate the 7th

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Crimes against humanity committal, proving the wide concertizing at the hand of the mafia’s leadership
as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.^7
<6.11. As I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2,no ethics committee was
ever convened, committee in which surely the chief “psychaitrist” torturer Florea Gabriela would’ve
been part of, again proving the central “psychiatrist” torturer who “authorised” the 7th Crimes against
humanity against me is Florea Gabriela. Clearly the whole nomenclature from the mafia associated
“legal medicine”, “lawyers”, “registrars”, the hospital management, the local health direction and
malpraxis committee and medic’s college are in cahoots for the commital of Crimes against humanity
aganist me and others as I’ve witnessed personally, because all are legally obligated to denounce the
crimes to the penal authorities which is true that in Romanian don’t exist, while the “penal authorities”
were also obligated to make sure the evidecne of the crimes don’t exist and prosecute and sent the
perpetrators of Crimes against humanity to be convicted, but of course they wouldn’t send themselves
to be convicted, the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who actually instigated that the Crimes against
humainty be committed as proven in section I.A.II.1.3.1 in particular, nor would they convict the mafia
“secret police” soldiers who illegally arrested and incarcerated me making the 7th Crimes against
humanity possible as objectivized in section I.A.1.3.1^7, about which I demonstrate punctually in the
I.B.x sections in reverse chronological order because the latest Crimes against humanity are the most
relevant to my permanent refugee status which is why I demontrated them first
<This is the committal of the 7th Crimes against humanity, see section I.A.II.1.3.1^7

<7 - I.B.7 “judge” Neagu Rodica, under the watch of a Romanian “state” mafia appointed
unknown (isn’t even named anywhere) “lawyer” to “represent me” by usurping my rights in favor of the
mafia of course, emitted a ruse address to “prove I’m not the devil” as mediaval witch trials went, by
proving I’m not mentally insanwhich I actually did according to annex 22 from ECHR demonstrating as
certified by my family doctor who would’ve been notified otherwise though the informatized system of
any diagnostics, that I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies, about which I have 4 work legal
medicine certificates, the ceertification of my 4 year college graduated from which I’m licensed in
informatics, and ever since army incorporable, as well as I’ve proven logicall, having witnesses etc.
although I didn’t have to prove anything according to the presumptino of innocence and blatant proof
all acts of procedure against me are falsified because they are simultaneously illegal and groundless.
“jugdge” Neagu Rodica attempted to fool me to go to a “psychaitrist” charlatan who would’ve called the
mafia soldiers to illegally arrest me, and “judge” Neagu Rodica delayed the trial in 4909/231/2017 for
this purpose, just as she illegally took over the contestation of it in 1779/91/2017, delayed it permitting
the 7th Crimes against humanity to be committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017,
and only then falsified the decision of rejection on 21st June 2017 as proven in detail in section I.B.5
<“judge” Croitoru Mariana Sandina took dossier 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance without
apparent legal forms from “jduge” Neagu Rodica, and falsified teh decision copy-pasting the falsified
decision from 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance, and stole a administrative request about removing my
public evidence according to the law and Ministry of justice and Supreme magistrate council order to

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falsify a judiciary rejection which is inadmissible to start with, not just illegal and unfounded, acording to
the princple of separation of powers in theh democratic state, then falsified teh rejection of my
notification of the Romanian Constitutional Court, all in cahoots with “lawyer” <?which isn’t even
named in the falsified decision nor did he plead at all in my defence> and “prosecutor” Mihaila
Gheorghe who actually instigated the 4th Crimes aganist humanity in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance
and lost. See annex 13 and annex 14 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
<This is instigation to the 7th Crimes against humanity committal using the falsified decisions
from 4909/231/2017, see section I.A.II.1.3.1^7

<8 - I.B.8 on 13th, 14th and 27th April 2017, mafia 1 “police” and 1 “gendarme” then 2 or 3 “secret
police” soldiers broke into my mother’s apparment with falsified mandates they refused to hand my
mother as legally required, as well as refused to tell who they were, as proof of being fully aware they
were accomplice and instigators to Crimes aganist humanity, thus fully aware they are instigated mafia
soldiers to Crimes aganist humanity, the falsfieid mandates they had being proof with which they were
obligated to denounce the mafia instigator “magistrate” caporegimes who sent them, meaning Lupu
Mihai Cristian and Petrescu Auras Ionut, and their mafia “secret police / police / gendarmes” chiefs. First
the chiefs can be indentified, then these mafia soliders . The Romanian mafia controlled institutions
typically refuse to communicate the reports as legally required, especially in my case regarding a
“covert” concertizing of Crimes against humanity by the Romaniain “state” mafia leadership as proven
by the fact I was denied the right to make copies from falsfieid penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, and to consult dossiers 4909/231/2017, 1779/91/2017 and
12718/231/2017 in which I sent my mother with a mandate to look and I know there weren’t even any
falsified “psychiatric” charltanary docuemtns in them meaning as I’ve heard they are circulated by the
mafia leadership meaning the mafia “secret services”, the oligarchic descendants of the “communist
secret police” who controls the actual Romanian “state” mafia cartel including the judiciary system most
importantly, and these documents are and will be kept secret as if a “state secret” which is no more
given my research and this document, pointing out that there have been discovered numerous illicit
understanding between the maifia “secret services” and the national anticorruption direction where the
mafia “secret services” were practically writing the penal dossiers of political police, as proof agani and
again which factino “is running the show” of the Romanian “state” mafai ever since 1945 in actuality,
maening my case is nothing different than the old “communist” mafia persecutions of intellectuals,
while the mafia oligarchic descendants after ~27 years of “democracy” are still protecting the
“communist” torturers and still believe the “communist” wrongful political repression would work,
which I have to admit would’ve if not for the help of God who kept me alive in 4 distinct instances I
could’ve died in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 consituting the 2nd Crimes aganist
humanity committal, and in the daily Qualified Murder attempts from between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017 constituting the 7th Crimes against humanity, reminding that because of the long presence of
the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone and paliperidone in the body meaning up to 300 days
depenidng on metabolism, proved in my blood stream for 6 month, meaning for 12 month or a whole
years i was in elevated risk of dying from poisoning while no mafia member denounced this or even

Page 34 of 501
attracted my attention in any way, nor was I treated for anaphylactic shock during the first worse 3 days,
clearly being expected to die, also meaning the chemical lobotomization or neurotoxicity persisted for at
least 12 months in my body and is responsible for the severe anhedonia, autoimmune sindrome I
developed in my hands if not from gadolinium poisoning at the medlife clinique where I took the 2nd MRI
scan, endocrine sytem problems related with sexual dysfunction problems, sight problems, learning,
memory and other cognition problems as I’ve objectivized through the objective testimonies in
paragraph 1.8 from annex 21 and chapter IV.5 from annex 23 from my ECHR request
<“registrar” Valentina Miauta is accomplice and improper instigator by the refusal to denounce
the mafia
<This is instigation to the 7th Crimes against humanity committal using the falsified decisions
from 4909/231/2017, see section I.A.II.1.3.1^7

<9 - I.B.9 <”judge” Dinu murgulet ana falsified a mandate constituting an act incidental act of
state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrest with 9 mafia “gendarme” soldiers as if I
were a dangerous terrorist or MMA fighter not a peaceful intellectual human rights defender, for the
sole purpose of impeding my right to defend myself by bringing me in court at the last possible moment
and not be able to consult the falsified dossier dossier 4909/231/2017 in which “judge” Dinu Murgulet
Ana falsified the decision in the same day of 10th April 2017 although he was incompatible for 11 reasons
as I’ve objectivized in section I.B.4.22.1^11. For the summary falsification demonstration of decision in
4909/231/2017 in 1st instance see annex 12 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
<mafia appointed “lawyer” Micu Mihai as all others pleaded against my plead and rights even
aberrating that ne bis in idem expires (between 11224/231/2015 and 4909/231/2017), and of course
didn’t denounce the mafia he works for
<mafia “prosecutor” Batranu Iuliana is the same one who instigated the 5th Crimes aganist
humanity attempt in 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, while “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana the same
one who instigated 4th Crimes aganist humanity attempt through the identical falsification of
10547/231/2015 as he falsifid 4791/231/2017 to lead to 4909/231/2017 just as 10547/231/2015 lead to
11224/231/2015 being evident that the same mafia actors or members are instigating Crimes against
humanity against me
<“registrar” Crina Stancu is accomplice and improper instigator by the refusal to denounce the
<This is instigation to the 7th Crimes against humanity committal using the falsified decisions
from 4909/231/2017, see section I.A.II.1.3.1^7

<10 - I.B.10 “judge’ Dinu Murgulet Ana falsified the mandate from 4791/231/2017 on 5th April
2017 just as he falsified the mandate from 10547/231/2015, illegal mandate executed by 2 mafia
“masked police” and 2 “police ‘soldiers on 6th April 2017, who illegally broke into my mother’s home,
illegally arrested and detained me for two hours then forcefully brought me to the “legal medicine”
institution where the “pschiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor and two other “psychiatrist” or
“psychologist” charlatans pretended a “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” took place. There are other

Page 35 of 501
witnesses to this such as two “legal medicine” isntitution workers, one of which who was falsifiying the
acutal “psychiatric” charlatanry documentation and another who had a horror look on her face from
what was happening but didn’t have the humanity to at least resign but collaborated with the mafai,
and my mother who accompanied me. The falsified “pscyhiatric” charlatanry documents were hidden
until now, just like the documents frmo the falsidifed dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/p/2016 and
4329/P/2016 because they are proof they are falsfiied, just as the refusal of the mafia “judciiary bodies”
is proof, just as I’ve proven in annex 8 and annex 9 these dossiers ar falsified, then made about the same
declarations 3 more tiems to the police who falsfied acts of procedure in them, wihtout ever being
accused of the felony of giving False declarations which proves all my declarations are true as even the
mafia admits it tacitly

<11- I.B.11 Constitutional Court falsified decision 25/19th January 2017 abolishing the
presumption of innocence and intrinsically implying that Crimes against humanity can be committed
against me by being illegally incarcerated indefinitely, Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly
Murdered, without an indictment and conviction according to article 109 from Romanian penal Code
which refers to convicts, and article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitutions refering to the
presumption of innocence which is only removed by being convicted definitively after an indictment
which in my case doesn’t even exist because the deeds I’m accused of don’t even physically exist and
cannot physically exist.
<the falsifiers and instigators to Crimes against humanity are Victor Ciorbea, the so-called
“peple’s lawyer”, a physically and mentally handicapped person just like Zegrean Augustin who falsified
a Constitutional Court decision in the past aganist me of lesser relative importance, meaning the mafia
consistently as I theorized hires and maintains as “magistrates” schizophrenics and mentally
handicapped, because they are mentally labile or lacking integrity and easily manipulated into
committing crimes for the mafia,
<and the other one I don’t remember clearly except that he is the president of the
Constitutional Court... <? - research when having internet?>, not having to remember because for a
falsifiedd decision of this magnitute all Constitutional Court members are aware, as well as the prime-
minister, the presiddent of Romania etc., meaning Constitutional Court falsified decision 25/19th
January 2017 is pivotal in the demonstartion that the Romanian “state” mafia controls CSAT - the
supreme council of the country’s defence, for which STS works, a maifa “secret telecommunications
service” who has been monitoring me as I’ve been discretely notified. Needles to mention I had a penal
dossier on Victor Ciorbea and Klaus Iohannis and whatever the prime-minister name was since they are
exchanged less than yearly in Romania as the mafia wind blows, none of which were ever acquitted
being impossible
<of course all this I can prove as soon as i have time although it’s obvious by itself the decision
being public and published by the state and the felons notoriously known or easily identifiable by
following the law and the responsibles who didnt’ do their job, or accomplices who are intrinsic
instigators etc.
<again needless to say this proves the mafia control of the Romanian press who never said
anything about this as if it never happened, of which ironically in parallel I investigated Hassan Awdi’s
case of illegal expropriation by the mafia in what looks like a mafia takeover although it concomittanlty

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looks like a behind the scene understanding, and whatever the case is it led to the destruction of the
Romanian free press putting under mafia control the rest who is subventioned by the mafia as proof
and refuses to tell its financing source, while Hassan Awdi was used as a scape goat for the whole affair.
hassan awdi’s case is notorious as one can google him cross-referencing with ICSID where he won once
already and is suing again for the rest

<12 - I.B.12 a falsified “pscyhiatric” charlatanry “expertise” in secret and in my absence on 8th or
9th December 2016. As usual teh falsified documents were illegally hidden but referenced without ever
appearing in the dossiers meaingn manipulated by the mafia’s “secret services” who clearly
demosntrates how it contorls and manipulates the Romanian “judiciary system” in a puerile manner I
might add because they haven’t realized anything but prove their existance by this when the right
course of action was to ignore me, but being paranoid criminal sociopaths they are obsessed to make a
show of their fictive power which wouldn’t even exist without the psychotic consent of the other
schizophrenic and sociopathic mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who could’ve simply opposed the mafia
at no cost as proven by “judge” Harabor Dorel who annulled the falsfieid decision in 11224/231/2015 in
1st instance, in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance as proven by annex 3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, or “judge” Badiu Mandica who
annuled in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance the falsified “prosecutor” proposal for chemical
lobotomization demontrating openly the instigation to Crimes against humanity, although “judge Badiu
Mandica was clearly coerced by the mafia leadership somehow to falsify the decision in
12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^7 because he invoked the
falsified “pscyhaitric” charlatanry documents he annulled before, or even the mafai “magistrate”
caporegime Popa Mariana who annulled the “prosecutor” falsified appeal in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd
instance because he didn’t want to get involved in Crimes against humanity, although he fasified the
penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 and instigated the 7th and 8th Crimes against humanity
knowing what was the mafia’s intent to an effect - to Qualifiedly Murder me to stop mem from
denouncing its criminal activity, the felonies of Torture and Bodily Harm being incidental as were all teh
acts of state terrorism meang fot the purpose of infringing my right to defend myself or aid in the
falsificatino of acts of procedure against me

<13 - I.B.13 “policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara falsified the ordnances in rem, in personam
and putting into motion the penal action, and the proposal that I be subjected to an impossible
“pscyhaitric” charlatanry “examinatino” without my consent and cooperation, clearly demonstrating the
instigating of the 7th and 8th Crimes against humanity which wouldn’t exist because the mafia is
obsessed with pretexts and cover-up stories such as the falsfidied penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 althorugh so poorly executed that it helped me demontrated the
concertizing of the mafia leadership instead meanign it backfired again on the paranoid Romanian
“state” mafia who I repeat if it ignored my human rights defending it would’ve not gotten so far but
remained at the corruption level denouncements I was making agains thte Bucharest Tribunal “judges”,
Supreme Magistrate Council, prosecutors, ministry of justice, national anticorruption direction and anti
organized crime directions, crimes of corruption with which I coudln’t have notified ICC or the UN
Human Right Committees and many other international institutions and organizations, nor would I have

Page 37 of 501
discovered that the Romanian “state” mafia commits Crimes against humanity agianst institutionalized
children, homeless, Rroma minority, yougnsters, elders, dissidents, human rights defenders etc. thorugh
illegal exeperimentation for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia, even using the judiciary system
to convict innocents to be chemically lobotomized for it as I’ve objectivized in para paragraphs 1.1^6,
2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
<accomplices and intrinsic instigators are, another “policewoman” named Manta <?> who took
the place of Popescu Lacramioara one time, and the chief of police <?> of the degenerated “European”
Vrancea county, and the chief of burreau of criminal investigation <?>, and a mafia appointed “lawyer”
<?>, all against which I opened penal dossiers in which they were never acquitted

<14 - I.B.14 “judge” Popa Mariana falsified on 7th July 2016 the decision in 14277/231/2015 in
2nd instance rejecting my appeal in which I was denouncing the mafia’s crimnal activity thorugh the
falsfication of dossier 2417/P/2014, meaning “judge” Popa Mariana falsified the decision to cover-up
the 4th , 5th and 6th Crimes against humanity attempts, and also rejected the falsified appeal of
“prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta because it was blatantly flawed not having active quality
formulating an appeal in an closed obviously falsified dossier and contradicting with the law while doing
it. See annex 7 and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier. This constituted the 6th Crimes against humanity attempt , see section

<15 - I.B.15 “judge” Popa Mariana however harassed me for hours, falsfiied 2 judicial tickets and
falsified penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 clearly instigating the 7th and 8th Crimes against
humanity because “judge” Popa Mariana knew the mafia’s intention to an effect to commit Crimes
against humanity against me for stopping me from denouncing its criminal activity
<“prosecutor” Victoria Barsan is accomplice and instrinsic instigator to the falsfiication of the
penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 clearly also instigating the 7th and 8th Crimes against
<“registrar” Ciuperca Radu is accomplice and improper instigator by the refusal to denounce the
<“lawyers” Dragovici Cristian (relative of Dragovici Anca Cristian instigator to Crimes against
humanity?), and Teodorescu Monica were also mafia appointed and instigated to not aid me, and did
not plead in my benefit (and if they attempted to plead against me in my face which Teodorescu Monica
did which is why I asked to be removed, I would’ve filed penal dossiers against them, whcih I did as I
remember and they were never acquitted but most interestingly the mafia ignored entirely the penal
dossiers) but I had to defend myself. Lawyers do no have an obligation to denounce any crime to the
penal authorities, but they do have an obligation to represent their client, and they do have as
everybody the oblgiation to denounce death-threat felonies such as Crimes against humanity which
were instigated against me exactly through 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance cosntituting the 6th Crimes
agianst humanity attempt. See annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

Page 38 of 501
<16 - I.B. 16 “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian stole my
complaints against the falsfiied prosecutor’s acts from 2417/P/2014 2220/91/2015 (and
1560/231/2016) with the intentino of falsifying the decisions of rejection, and concomitantly attempted
to frame me up for the felony of disturbing the courthouse solemnity, falsifying penal dossier
2845/P/2016 for it which constitutes also the instigation to the 7th and 8th Crimes against humanity
attempts because these mafia “magistrate” carepogimes knew the mafia’s intent to an effect of
committing Qualified Murder agianst me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, from the
previous 5 Crimes against humanity attemtps against me, and the Crimes against humanity committal
from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
<“registrar” Bulancea Mihaela is accomplice and improper instigator by the refusal to denounce
the mafia
<mafia “gendarme” soldiers Butuc Emanuel and Toni Lepadatu participated in the falsfiication
of dossier 2845/P/2016 by refusing to testify the truth although not contributing to the false
acccusations against me it does not absolve them of collaborating with the mafia, else if they denounced
the mafia the penal dossier 2845/P/2016 wouldn’t exist
<mafia “special agent” Crintea Valerica from the Ministry of Interior Affairs who also
participated as a false witness nto contributing to the false accusations but neither telling the truth
about 18th May 2016. I’ve demontrated that the mafia “secret services” of the mafia control and relay
orders from the mafia leadership to the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes. This idiot is another clear
proof of the mafia’s leadership instigation and concertizing of Crimes against humanity against me,
especially the committal s from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and frm between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017, and through the falsification of the sentences in 12718/231/2017, also judging
by the awkward frame-up that backfired on the mafia as usual frm 18th may 2016

<17 - I.B.17 “judge” Badiu Mandica rejected in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance the falsified
“prosecutor’s” proposal that I be obligated to chemical lobotomizatino which constitutes Crimes agains
thumanity,as if sucha thing could legally exist in a state of right, but didn’t denounce the mafia
therefore is accomplice and intrinsic instigator to futher Crimes against humanity which he could’ve
stopped by denouncing the mafia. , see section I.A.II.1.3.1^5
<“prosecutor” instigating that Crimes against humanity be committed against me is Batranu
<“prosecutor” that proposed that I be obligated to chemical lobotomizatino which constitutes
Crimes agains thumanity, is Mihaila Paul who falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 and committed
numerous crimes for the cover-up of the 1st and 2nd Crimes against humanity in person namely in penal
dossiers 2222/P/2014, 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) and others
<“registrar” Gabara Alina is accomplice and improper instigator by the refusal to denounce the
<accomplices and intrinsic instigators to Crimes against humanity as the two mafia “gendarme”
soldiers who illegally detained me 3 hours not giving me the mandate to not even learn of the object of
the falsified dossier 14277/231/2015 in which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul hid the fact he lsot in
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance

Page 39 of 501
<18 - I.B.18 “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsified teh ordance of penal pursuit renounciation in the
falfisied penal dossier 2417/P/2014 which is unconstitutional reason for which the law for penal pursuit
renunciation was repealed the following year, lying that I threatened to kill his instigator and the
principal instigato of all Crimes gainst humanity “judge” Dita Mirela which if were true I were in jail, and
instigated that I be chemically lobotomized constituting the 5th Crimes aganist humanity attempt
through 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, using the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from
23rd November 2015 which I found hidden in another dossier of the courthouse archive not in
14277/231/2015. I remind I was never indicted and convicted as legally required, as proven in annex 17
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
See annex 6 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier

<19 - I.B.19 on 23rd November 2015 the “psychiatrist” torturers Lucasievici Silviu, Berzvehnii
Igor, Florea Gabriela, Mihai Oana Georgiana, (“pscyhologist” charlatan) Luminita Grajdeanu, falsified
“pscyhiatric” charlatanry document attached and demonstrated falsfiied as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, constituting the
instigation to all the following Crimes against humanity 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th where in 12718/231/2017 in
2nd instnace this falsified document was invoked again even if annulled by the same schizophrenic
“judge” Badiu Mandica in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, even if irrelevant for the future according to
article < from Romanian Law 487/2002 and logic. These “pscyhiatrist” charltans also instigate the 4th
Crimes against humanity from 11224/231/2015 where they lost in 2nd instance, and one of them stole
the deadly fluorine neurotoxic poison risperidone or paliperidone I was coveertly injected with in the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014. See annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

<20 - I.B.20 “judge” craciun constantin catalin falsified the decision from 11224/231/2015
constituting the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt, see section I.A.II.1.3.1^4. See annex 2 and annex
3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
The instigator is “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who also instigated the 5th Crimes against humanity through
14277/231/2015, in cahoots with the “psychiatrist” charlatans enumerated in preliminary section 19
above, all instigated by the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela instigated by Delhaize Group through
its Kinstellar SPARL lawyers as proven by the fact they in cahoots with “judge” Dita Mirela instigated the
3rd Crimes ganist humanity attempt through 15730/231/2014 claimingn that I must be put under”
psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my right to justice, when in reality “judge” Dita Mirela
was helping them usurp my worker rights in dossiers 1118/91/2013 and 861/91/2015 regarding my
trials aganist Delhaize Group for falsifying 3 disciplinary sanctions through the Kinstellar SPARL and
disrespecting the judge order from 43961/3/2009 where I annuled its first falsified disciplinary sanction,
and breaking other worker rights
<”prosecutor” Mihaila paul on 22nd September 2015 Harassed, Threatened and Blackmailed my
mother through the telephone instigating her to either convince me to incarcerate myself in the Focsani
“psychaitric” gulag, or perhaps convince her to ask the”pscyhiatrist” charlatans to incarcerate me, as the

Page 40 of 501
psychopathic / sociopathic Mihaila Paul psychosis makes him believe that if he instigates Crimes against
humanity against his fellow people everyone is a mentally ill criminal like him, even family members and
Christians, of which I spoke more in section I.A.II.1.3.1^4.3 that there are indeed more pscyhopaths and
sociopaths in the degenerated “European” Vrancea county who sell their parents home leaving them
homeless and leave abroad, but most importantly the mafia “magistarte” caporegimes are obligating
innocents to chemical lobotomization for illicit profit for the pharmaceutical mafia as I’ve proven in
paragraph paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, illicit affair in which the entire
judicial hierarchy, ministry of health, public ministry, ministry of justice, secret services, prime minister
and president of romania is involved
<”prosecutor” Mihaila paul instigated the incidental act of state terrorism through illegal home
breaking and illegal arrest from 17th September 2015 of which I’ve spoke more in section I.A.II.1.3.1^4.3,
through a falsified mandate he instigated “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana to falsfify on 10th September 2015
in 10547/231/2015, for the purpose of falsifying acts of procedure to instigate the 4th Crimes against
humanity attempt through 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance as he did
<”prosecutor” Mihaila paul falsified mandates of arrest and detainment towards the Bucharest
sector 3 police, after faking a pretext that I elude justice, which he never actually used in writing, by
sending me a falsified subpoena on 5th May 2015 to my mother after the hour he established for the
summoning on 5th May 2015, falsified subpoena in which he was calling me a felon already and
ommitting every other information to threaten me implicitly that he will falsify the penal dossier in this
regard. I sent “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul a memo on 9th May 2015 to send a legal subpoena and he
refused not only for 4 months until he proved again he knew where to send me a subpoena by, but
“prosecutor” mihaila paul never legally subpoenaed me nor the mafia “Magistrate” caporegimes he
instigated against me in 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015
<all these falsfied acts of procedure are instigated by “judge” Dita Mirela as I’ve objectivzied in
section I.A.II.1.3.1^4.3
<21 - I.B.21 <remained here with work

<22 - I.B.22

<23 - I.B.23

<24 - I.B.24 of course to all these criminals are accomplice the mafia leadershi pmembers such
aas the minister of justice, general prosecutor of romania, prime minister, minister of interior affairs,
president of romania, cheif of judiciary inspection, leadership of the supreme magistrate council,
supreme court president, cheifs of anticorruptin and antiorganized crime directions, the people’s
lawyer, members of the constitutional court if not all, as objectivized in paragraph 0.2 from this ICC
penal dossier and chapter V.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

I. In fact,

Page 41 of 501
<summary with links
<point out more often the logic by which all these are responsible for the Crimes against
humanity against me
<Note: the latest Crimes against humanity are the most relevant to my permanent refugee
status which is why I demontrated them first
1. Page 44 - A. Objectivization of the Crimes against humanity committed against me and
against other Romanians
2. Page 276 - I.B.1. Plead against “D.Lupu” and “I.Banu” from ECHR, accomplices and
instigators to Crimes against humanity
3. Page 277 - I.B.2. Plead against “judge” Badiu Mandica and accomplices for the falsification
of the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance, and instigation to Crimes against
4. Page 326 - I.B.3. Plead against “judge” Miron Doina and accomplices for the falsification of
the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, and instigation to Crimes against humanity
5. Page 361 - I.B.4. Plead against “prosecutors” Lupu Mihai Cristian and Petrescu Auras Ionut
for the falsification of the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016), and the falsification of the ordnances in rem, in personam
and putting into motion the penal action, and instigation to Crimes against humanity
6. Page 451 - I.B.5. Plead against “judge” Neagu Rodica and accomplices for the falsification of
the decision in 1779/91/2017, and instigation to Crimes against humanity
7. <Page 469 - I.B.6. 27th May 2017 - 8th June 2017? the psychiatrists, assistants, secret police
instigated by proseecutors with the falsified decision in 2nd instance of 4909/231/2017 <I’ve
demonstrated it all in section A.II.1.3.1^7 which I will keep expanding in time, and annex 16
from echr, and preliminary section
8. <Page 471 I.B.7 4909/231/2017? in 2nd instance from 18? May 2017, fake lawyer? fake
address from 14th of neagu rodica, see annex 13 and 14 from ECHR
9. <Page 471 b.8 27th April 2017 secret police instigated by prosecutors, 13th 14th April 2017
secret police, police and gendarmes instigated by prosecutors, with the falsified decision in
1st instance of 4909/231/2017
10. <Page 471 b9 4909/231/2017? in 1st instance from 10th April 2017, 9 gendarmes arrest, ,
fake lawyer, see annex 12
11. <Page 471 b10 4791/231/2017 falsified mandate from 5th April 2017, 6th April 2017 masked
police and police arrest, 6th April 2017 SML Vrancea falsified acts by committee in secret,
never communicated - copy plead from sectionI. B.4. also
12. <Page 472 b11 Constitutional Court falsified decision 25/19th January 2017 abolishing the
presumption of innocence and intrinsically implying that Crimes against humanity can be
committed against me by being illegally incarcerated indefinitely, Tortured, Bodily Harmed
and Qualifiedly Murdered, without an indictment and conviction according to article 109
from Romanian penal Code which refers to convicts, and article 23 paragraph 11 from the
Romanian Constitutions refering to the presumption of innocence which is only removed by
being convicted definitively after an indictment which in my case doesn’t even exist because
the deeds I’m accused of don’t even physically exist and cannot physically exist.

Page 42 of 501
13. <Page 493 b12 8th or 9th Decemb er 2016 SML Vrancea falsified acts by committee in secret,
never communicated - copy plead from section B.4.
14. <Page 493 b13 Plead against “policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara for the falsification of the
ordnances in rem, in personam, for being accomplice to the falsified ordnance of putting
into motion the penal action, and for the proposal to undergo an impossible “psychiatric”
charlatanry “examination without my consent as foreseen by the procedure against the
suspects or accused of homicide, and instigation to Crimes against humanity
15. <Page 494 b14 7 July 2016, falsificatino of decision from 14277/231/2015 of rejection of my
appeal, and even the falsification of the rejection of the “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta’s appeal - meaning without any logical juridical motivation whatsoever. <Page 494
b15 24th June 2016, falsificatino of closing from 14277/231/2015 constituting judicial
harassment and instigation or determination of Crimes against humanity through the penal
complaint from 24th June 2016 that was registered under numbers 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 prove copying from B.4. how it was falsified <although proving sufficiently the
instigation to Crimes against humanity against me, at this point I could translate the penal
complaint I made in Romanian against “judge” Popa Mariana from
_drept\_vrancea\_tribunal\penal\Mariana Popa\pentru 24.06.2016 din 14277 231 2015 si
3992 P 2016 si 4329 P 2016>
17. <Page 494 b16 18th May 2016, falsificatino of closing from 2220/91/2015 (and
1560/231/2016) constituting judicial harassment and instigation or determination of Crimes
against humanity through the penal complaint from 18th May 2016 that was registered
under number 2845/P/2016 - prove copying from B.4. how it was falsified <translate paun
ionel iulian penal complaint from D:\_drept\_vrancea\_judecatoria\penal\_Paun Ionel
Iulian\ppp paun ionel iulian pentru 18.05.2016
18. <Page 494 b17 2nd or 5th feb ruary 2016, falsification of rejection of action 14277/231/2015
against me, because it’s unmotivated juridically properly nor are all my requests addressed,
and falsification of “prosecutor’s” appeal against it too. Falsified appeal of Dogaru
19. <Page 494 b18 10th December 2015, falsificatino of ordnance of penal pursuit renounciation
in 2417/P/2014, and proposal of 14277/231/2015 constituting instigation to Crimes against
humanity - refer to section A. the illegal home breaking and illegal arrest from 11th
December 2015, and my illegal detainment in the Focsani courthouse for 3 hours by “judge”
Badiu Mandica who ordered the “gendarmes” illegally
20. <Page 494 b19 23rd November 2015, falsification of annex 4 of my ECHR request,
constituting instigatino to Crimes against humanity through 14277/231/2015 - refer to
section A
21. <Page 494 b20 11224/231/2015 constituting instigation to 4th Crimes against humanity -
refer to section A. mention the blackmail from 22nd september 2015, homebreaking from
17th, falsified mandate from 10547 from 10th, falsified acts from the summer of 2015 and 5th
may 2015
22. <Page 494 b21 15730/231/2014 which could’ve resulted in Crimes against humanity - refer
to section A. Kinstellar SPARL who bribe the mafia for the Delhaize group, in cahoots with

Page 43 of 501
dita mirela instigated that Crimes against humanity be committed against me to be
eliminated physicallly so I don’t pursue them penally for their crimes against me
23. <Page 494 b22 Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me on the night between 5th
and 6th december 2014 by both being hit on the head by interloper herghelegiu danut, and
being poisoned with risperidone or paliperidone as proven by the blood test I took later, and
parhon case and all the other happenings that indicated this, other bucharest
endocrinologist, monza hospital money back, dutescu, dulcan money back, psychiatrist
scharlatan woman from 17th september, refusal of legal medicine to send me to medical
specialties and falsification of report for which I opened penal dossiers 1863/P/2015
(829/P/2015) etc. (hired lawyers about medcare and medlife who both “dissapeared”) -
refer to section A
24. <Page 495 b23 mentino the 1st qualified murder attempt from 27th october 2014, and link
the summary of Dita Mirela’s criminal activity from Proofs or my grounds of fearing
indefinite detainment, torture and loss of life_2.doc and from the sesizarea comisiilor
25. <Page 495 b24 mentioning in the cover-up of the falsified acts of procedure in the falsified
penal dossiers against me 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016
through which Crimes against humanity were perpetrated against me, a cohort of “judiciary
bodies” participated, which I will name and prove in time because it’s less important, but of
which I clearly remember the same “judiciary bodies” that directly instigated the Crimes
against humanity also are implicated in the cover-up falsified decisions although almost
always incompatible. Furthermore, I’ve notified all the superior institutions regarding penal
and disciplinary action against these “judciiary bodies”, all who refused to take action
proving themselves accomplice to the Crimes against humanity<mention here the
accomplice superiors frmo Buccuresti and magistrates from Galati, and others such as from
DSPV, ministers, generals etc. denounce them all here
26. Annex C - the quoted and underlined law used in this ICC penal dossier plead

<the general plan is to prove what (Crimes against humanity), how (this whole section), by who
(the other plead regarding the perpetrators) and again how technically regarding their felonies in the I.B
<when having acces to internet and a proper computer complete section C quoting all the law
referenced and google translating it fast>
A. Objectivization of the Crimes against humanity committed against me by the Romanian
“state” mafia to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity and other eligibility corroborations

<fix, complete>A^1 organized according to this section summary

<fix, complete>Page 46. I. Chapter introduction
Page 52. II. Punctual objectivization of the Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me in
corroboration with preliminary section 0.3

Page 44 of 501
Page 52 II.1.2 The proof that the Crimes against humanity committed against me and others by
the Romanian “state” mafia are “part either of a government policy”
Page 53 II.1.2^1.2 Innocents sentenced to chemical lobotomization by the mafia “justice”. The
Romanian “state” mafia attempted to cover-up my denouncement through illicit censorship and the
Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 against me
Page 54 II.1.2^1.2.3 the Romanian “state” mafia abolished the presumption of innocence
through Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 - see section I.B.11
Page 76 II.1.2.1 Demonstration that “psychiatry” is charlatanry, neither medicine nor science
Page 119 II.1.3 Murder (Qualified, attempted) ... with malice aforethought
Page 124 II. The logical proof scientifically objectivized that the mafia’s intent to an effect
not being fulfilled, caused themafia to continue to instigate the committal of Crimes against humanity
against me
Page 132 II. the proofs that the mafia’s intent to an effect or committing Crimes against
humanity against me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity against me and in general
Page 137 II. the concertizing of the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th
and 6 December 2014 by the Romanian “state” mafia
Page 143 II.^4.1-5 the objectivization of the Bodily Harm, attempted Qualified Murder
and intigation or determinatino of Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut
Page 152 II. objectivization regarding the main instigator Dita Mirela. Also see
I.A.II.^2 and I.A.II.^1
Page 185 II.1.3.1^1-8 the chronological enumeration of the Crimes againts humanity pleads
Page 188 II.1.3.1^2 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 objectivization
Page 196 II.1.3.1^2.1^2-3 demonstration I was covertly injected with the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite meaning basically the same thing,
during the 2nd Crimes against humanity between 5th and 6th December 2014
Page 221 II.1.3.1^7 7th Crimes against humanity committal from between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017 objectivization
Page 240 II.1.3.1^7.11^3.1 unfolding of 7th Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017
until 8 June 2017
Page 247 II.1.4 Dehumanization
Page 257 II.1.5 Unethical human experimentation
Page 259 II.1.6 Extrajudicial punishment
Page 261 II.1.7 State terrorism
Page 263 II.1.8 Torture
Page 263 II.1.8^1.4 Proof of being put in anaphylactic shock during the 7th Crimes against
humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, meaning the most evident proof of all the
Qualified Murder attempts through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons overdose
Page 269 II.1.9 Political repression
Page 273 II.1.10 Human rights violations

Page 45 of 501
<TODO: wherever I mention proofs, also attempt to quote in short from the proofs, and at the
end of each paragraph reference all the law, conventions (from OHCHR), regulations etc., or better yet
in section C
<II.2-n should be commenting based on other sources of analysis of Crimes agiants humanity to
help me objectivize... if this is not enough which it is

<remained here with work, needs heavy reworking to represent the content>I. Chapter

<Legend, where I mention an annex from ECHR, I’m certainly refering to an annex from the Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, and where I’m refering to just an annex I’m referring to
an annex to this ICC penal dossier, and although my intent is to be specific where I say paragraph I
sometimes intended to say chapter meaning more relevant paragraphs and subparagraphs grouped
together as numbered, so where I say paragraph and there’s subparagraphs according to the numbering
those certainly are relevant, as the paragraph I’m indicating may be a subparagraph of a whole relevant
chapter, and where I indicate an paragraph or chapter withouth mentioning an annex I’m certainly
refering to this ICC penal dossier paragraphs and chapters, respectively where I use the word
“aforementioned” I refer to the last mentioned occurence of the indicated plead element
<mention all the “features”, the constitutional court falsifying a decision of cover-up for the 7th crimes
against humanty, EU, CoE and ECHR being accomplice etc., but in short referencing the body of the ICC penal
I am presenting below the bjectivization of the Crimes against humanity committed against me
and others by the Romanian “state” mafia to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity and other
eligibility corroborations, by quoting the encyclopedia which is referencing the most relevant scientific
truth in the world, other scientific literature quotes and their references I am using for objectivization,
that I am correlating with the facts and proofs of my case to conclude the enumerated types of Crimes
against humanity were committed and are continuously attempted against me but also committed
against the general populace as proof this is the Romanian mafia state policy of committing crimes in
the name of profit. For objectivization I will also reference Romanian Penal Code regarding the felony of
Crimes against humanity and its types such as the felonies of Torture, Bodily harm, Qualified murder
and other crimes which I remind I already objectivized in the email regarding “proofs or my grounds of
fearing indefinite detainment, torture and loss of life” at the end of the document attached to it, as well
as reference the relevant ICC laws and regulations such as the Rome statute and any other international
laws and regulations in this matter
As short proof of verity, I’m made these declarations to all competent international institutions
for my case, that didn’t accuse me of the felonies of False declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into
error and Disseminating false informaetions according to the Romanian Penal Code, because I’m telling
the truth as proven anyway,
respectively I’ve never been accused by the Romanian “state” mafia for the same felonies when
lodging over a hundred perhaps penal dossiers against its members in 9 years of investigating its
branches, even if the mafia has the proven interest to falsify penal dossiers against me it wants to avoid
bringing attention to its criminal activity as much as possible
I.1. I also remind in short that the Crimes against humanity were committed against me since
5th December 2014 when I was attacked by an interloper at the instigation of the Romanian
“magistrate” mafia for the purpose of silencing me from denouncing their criminal activity as I did for
years before, interloper who hit on the head with extreme violence and threw me on a flight of stairs
unconsciously to make the Qualified murder attempt look like an accident as proven by the fact I caught

Page 46 of 501
him lying about it using my audio-video recording proof, no doubt as he was taught by his instigators,
fact proven by the lies told by the “authorities” themselves who protected the interloper from
prosecution in penal dossier 246/P/2015 and even civil trials by pervasively breaking the law intently for
favoring the perpetrator, hiding the facts and stealing dossiers from the random distribution system and
proofs from the dossiers, delaying the prosecution unjustified then lying and falsifying all the acts of
procedure while committing at the same time Crimes against humanity attempts against me in
11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 as proven by annex 3 and annex 5 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures, to deter me from denouncing them again to the penal authorities and
publicly. Immediately after the interloper committed the felonies of attempted Qualified murder and
Bodily Harming against me, in the same night between 5th and 6th December 2014 I was also poisoned at
the emergency hospital ward of “Sf. Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani municipal city of Vrancea
county, without my consent with an unknown substance by an unknown person who injected it in my
right elbow believing I wouldn’t feel the needle, while I refused to be interned in the hospital thus any
treatment for the very reason of fearing being poisoned after acknowledging the attack in aforethought
of the interloper in the same night and the illegal behavior of the gendarmes, that there was a
concerted attack against me involving the “authorities”, fear which was confirmed by the fact I went to
the police station the same night who also refused to take my declarations and notify the prosecutor’s
office at my verbal complaint as required by the law, as well as refusing to notify the prosecutor’s office
at the notification of the hospital, then again after I went to the forensic medics or legal medicine
service “SML Vrancea” to obtain a certificate of my injuries, the forensic medics refused to send me to
the proper medical specialties for head trauma proving they falsified the expertize I requested which I
proven beyond any reasonable doubt afterwards by the fact they declared the diagnostics I obtained
afterwards anyway falsified and falsified the expertize again for which I opened penal dossier
1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) which of course was covered-up with falsified acts of procedure at about the
same time with 246/P/2015 during Crimes against humanity attempts were committed against me
through 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 as proven by annex 3 and annex 5 from my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures, for the purpose of deterring me from denouncing them to the
penal “authorities” and publicly, and proving that I wasn’t going to receive any examination and
treatment if interned because this was their intent, but by interning myself in the hospital I was putting
myself at risk. Furthermore, I found out later investigating that the gendarmes were circulating a fake
story lying up to the gendarmes general Mircea Olaru that I aggressed the interloper and he called the
gendarmes not my mother, which of course I proved with the phone company evidence of the phone
call being made by my mother, and the gendarmes general Mircea Olaru refused to start and
investigation of course by delegating the gendarmerie direction of internal control, because they were
all in cahoots with the “magistrate” mafia with orders to support the murder attempt. The hospital
responded to my information request that the illegal injection from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 was Tetravax antitetanos which is also neurotoxic, however by the symptoms of severe
anhedonia and many other correlated symptoms which I experienced myself and correlated experience
with the many internet testimonies of the victims of this poisoning type, most notably proven high
prolactin or hyperprolactinemia by blood test which notoriously is a symptom of fluorine based
poisoning or as the “psychiatric” charlatanry calls it “neuroleptic”, as proven by the scientific article at
address: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010960 from which I quote “The mechanism
by which conventional neuroleptics cause increased prolactin is a dopamine blockade in the tubero-
infundibular tract of the hypothalamus, which in turn reverses the dopaminergic inhibition of prolactin in

Page 47 of 501
the anterior pituitary”, it means I was also injected with a high dose of “neuroleptic” not Tetravax
antitetanos, corroborated with the fact I took the blood tests months after I was poisoned and the effect
endured because of the long life of paliperidone / risperidone poison in the bloodstream, that can only
mean I was poisoned with the same deadly neurotoxic poison Invega in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 for the same purpose of being murdered by it as it’s notoriously known in the press that
it caused the death of at least tens of other people around the world as I’ve proven in annex 21 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, and I corroborate it was Invega poisoning using the
proof of the fact I was illegally and unjustified poisoned at the instigation of the same “magistrate”
mafia members from “European” Vrancea county with Invega between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
as proven by the last row of first page of the document attached as annex 16 to my updated Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures published at address:
https://www.scribd.com/document/352597506/Raneti-vs-Romania-at-ECHR, which is why without any
diagnostic I was poisoned with Invega (risperidone or paliperidone deadly fluorine neurotoxic poison)
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, because it’s the mafia’s obsession and I recognize their
mentality pattern after so many years of investigating them. I objectivize the high prolactin with the
blood test proof from 10 April 2015 attached as annex <. Furthermore, seeking help to alleviate my
suffering after the murder attempt from 5th December 2014, I talked soon after 5th December 2014 to
one of the torturer “psychiatrists” from 27th May 2017 – 8th June 2017 called Mircea Dutescu, and I
noticed he started giving unasked advice as if he knew I was drugged and he was describing the
psychological symptoms I would experience, unrelated with the murder attempt, and avoided
deliberately to theorize about the physiological symptoms related to the reproductive system problems
which are caused by Invega poisoning, and I wouldn’t mention this evidence if I was in doubt – he heard
and knew from back then of the murder attempt from 5th December 2014 which is why he participated
as a torturer between 27th May 2017 – 8th June 2017 because he was all along a mafia collaborator, fact
which I remind is perfectly correlated with the falsified uncalled for psychiatric action 15730/231/2014
started on 27th November 2014 supposedly but in secret, which demonstrates the aforethought for
“psychiatric” abuse which corroborates in support to the proofs I was poisoned with Invega in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014, as well as demonstrate who was the instigator, the same “judge”
Dita Mirela from Vrancea Tribunal who in fact also stole the dossiers against the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut and falsified the decisions to cover-up his crimes, then the same “judge” Dita Mirela instigated as
I’ve proven in section <, the falsification of 4 penal dossiers in which I was never indicted and convicted
as proven by annex 17 from the Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures regarding my empty
judicial history meaning I wasn’t even official prosecuted, and the falsification of 5 more psychiatric
actions against me, 4 out of the total which I annulled proving they are falsified, and the last 2 being
identical to the last 2 are obviously falsified as well as I’ve proven in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures. I mention annex 16 to my updated Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures does not represent a diagnostic but an invalid juridical act lacking any factual backup,
or in juridical terms it’s a conclusion without a premise. I’ve objectivized in detail how annex 16 from my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures constitutes a falsified document, in annex 20 from
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, 2nd document regarding the demonstration of
the falsification of the discharge from “psychiatric” imprisonment. In this document it is also inscribed
that (1) I was poisoned with overdose of Haloperidol, a fluorine based poison or “neuroleptic” as the
“psychiatric” charlatans call them – see first page, or another injectable fluorine based poison such as
Invega to induce anaphylactic shock as proven by quoting the article at address

Page 48 of 501
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11048906 “a 6-week acute trial ... haloperidol 5 to 20 mg/d ...
analysis ... suggests that ... PRL is elevated ... intermediately by haloperidol (mean change,
approximately 17 ng/mL), and strongly by risperidone (mean change, 45-80 ng/mL)” and (2) I had
prolactin level 608.3 mIU/L which is 28.59 ng/mL using this calculator: http://unitslab.com/node/28
which reported to the scientific article https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010960 is
abnormally high, as I quote from it the norm: “Hyperprolactinemia is clinically defined as a plasma
prolactin level of >20ng/mL for men and >25ng/mL for women.2 Elevated prolactin in men may cause
erectile dysfunction, ejaculatory dysfunction, gynecomastia, and decreased libido.” After the murder
attempt from 5th December 2014 I met another member of this mafia in the person of an “university
endocrinology professor” at Parhon hospital in Bucharest named Badiu Corin which is supposed to be
specialized in endocrinology, “professor” to whom I presented the evidence and lied to me attempting
to throw me off the course of my investigation to both relieve my suffering and condemn the
perpetrators of the crimes against me, mentioning that this knowledge he should’ve known is amongst
the most basic in endocrinology, being a direct correlation between symptom and the hormones
responsible for it, as well between the endocrine dysfunction and the cause, fluorine poisoning, but this
Parhon hospital university professor did say to me that the causes are not what I think meaning from the
hit on the head with the proper intonation of knowing what was the real cause, which he refused to
utter, but which I objectivized anyway above. At the same time I met with a neurologist named Dulcan
Constantin who as soon as I made the right inference in front of him asking him to help me complete my
investigation, he became nervous and wrote a reference sending me to see a psychiatrist, for which
being at a particular clinic I demanded and obtained my money back from the quack examination of this
so called “famous” neurologist, also dealing in esotery as proven by his book named “Intelligence of
matter” which must be mentioned because one cannot ignore all the evidences leading to the particular
criminal organization named masonry, which is just a vanity title and occupation for the mafia. I also
went in the same day or period to another endocrinologist named < who instead of deducing my
morning hand stiffness autoimmune syndrome was because of fluorine poisoning as I’ve proven in
section < regarding scientific facts on the biological effects of fluorides, made me a lecture saying I
should watch the grass grow. Needless to say against Parhon hospital “service” I hired a lawyer named <
who I heard nothing ever since, proving again as I already did in Romania the whole judiciary system and
health system is owned by the mafia, meaning judges, prosecutors, lawyers, medics, “psychiatric”
charlatans as well as the government meaning the “order”-of-the-mafia maintaining forces of “police”
and “gendarmes”, and I could go on with the proofs in this direction which I address in the other chapter
where I demonstrate who committed the Crimes against humanity and how in detail, being the proper
place for the virtue of brevity of this summary
I.2. Taking the time to analyze my proofs more attently I discovered the uncontrolled shivering
I've experienced after the first 3 days of sleep deprivation and fluorine and chlorine daily poisoning
between 27th May 2017 and 8 June 2017 was actually anaphylactic shock, and the evidence was all
along in annex 16 to my latest Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, which I’ll prove here
summarily and objectivize at length in the section regarding Crimes against humanity through murder
attempts. For objectivizing my declaration I quote the specialty literature from address:
https://www.rxlist.com/haldol-side-effects-drug-center.htm "Call your doctor at once if you have a
serious side effect such as, only quoted as relevant: "dizziness, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeat,
tremor (uncontrolled shaking)...”. In this blood test the high number of basophiles (0.2*10^3/uL%, 2.6%)
indicate an allergic reaction according to medical specialty literature which I quote as proof from

Page 49 of 501
address: https://www.pcfarm.ro/analize_medicale/269/Numarul-de-bazofile- in romanian: “Crestterea
numarului de bazofile peste 200/µLse numeste bazofilie si este caracteristica in:
Boli alergice: rinita alergica, polipoza nazala, sinuzita cronica, astm, dermatita atopica, alergii
medicamentoase” objectively translated to English by Google translate: “
Increasing the number of basophils over 200 / μL is called basophilia and is characteristic in:
Allergic diseases: allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, drug
allergies” meaning I’m at higher risk of death from the “psychiatric” poisons that caused the allergic
reaction, never having an allergic reaction before to anything else except to penicillin, and I kept
imploring them daily between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 to stop poisoning me because I’m extra
allergic to foreign bodies and toxins which I believe is a psychosomatic response to my sane personality
profile of instinctively rejecting everything malignant by acknowledging it at a subconscious level,
exemplificatively but relevant mentioning I always use toothpaste with no fluorine, and I only drink
bottled water with low chlorine to perform well intellectually. As proof I am not allergic normally, I
indicate the normal number of basophiles in the blood test I took on 10 April 2015, 4 months after I was
provably poisoned with fluorine during the continuous murder attempt perpetrated against me in the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which left plenty of time for the allergic reaction to subside,
but not the hyperprolactinemia induced through the specific fluorine poison paliperidone / risperidone
I.3. Both Qualified murder attempts in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, by being
violently hit on the head, thrown on a flight of stairs unconscious then poisoned at the emergency ward
as proven above, mentioning I could’ve also been poisoned while I was unconscious, were preceded by a
similar attempt on 27th October 2014 by the same interloper who hit my mother’s door with his feet
attempting to provoke me, accompanied by a policeman and gendarme who hid in the interloper
apartment when the attempt failed because neighbors from 3 floors of the apartment building came out
the door who would’ve witnessed the Qualified murder attempt and also my mother got to the door
before me and the interloper backed down, the “policeman” and “gendarme” he brought with him
refusing to come out from the interloper’s apartment and do their job taking the declarations of the
witnesses, myself and my mother into a report according to the articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293
from the Romanian Penal procedure code with which they were supposed to notify the prosecutor’s
office but that obviously wasn’t the reason of their presence but to be themselves false witnesses as
proven by the fact they lied I disturbed the peace even if I proved what happened with a video-audio
recording which of course meant nothing to the mafia who occupies the police and prosecutor’s office.
In fact I remember now that they’ve used as a false excuse that they didn’t want to do their job the
syntagm that “I was agitated” which is the usual “psychiatric” lie that someone was evangelizing in the
local mafia collective, meaning they were thought, badly as is, how to lie. The same phenomena I
witnessed many times, of an idiotic syntagm or behavior being copied and executed identically between
the members of this criminal organized group, such as in the spring and summer of 2017 when before
the Orthodox Easter my mother’s apartment was broken into and I was arrested almost every day with
tens of “masked policemen”, “policemen” and “gendarmes” attempting to falsify the procedure and
appearance of legitimate “psychiatric” imprisonment exactly during Orthodox Easter like the specialty
literature indicates is the mafia’s stereotype to do so exactly on holydays, causing my mother to fall ill
with Zoster Area from the stress and trauma, then they hunted me with the secret “police” which
accosted my mother on 27th April 2017 too by two members of the secret police, then on 27th May 2017
I was arrested from my law faculty exams by 3 members of the secret police, tied at the psychiatric ward
and poisoned with fluorine and chlorine, without even falsified papers, illegally, unfounded, being

Page 50 of 501
innocent, being sane, without diagnosis, without consulting the committee for evaluating the legality of
my “psychiatric” imprisonment, without consulting the committee for evaluating the legality of my
poisoning without my consent, without a contract with my legal or conventional representative, all of
which I’ve demonstrated in section <, when they were all muttering the same common theme that
~“they want only my good” as no doubt they’ve been taught, which again is ridiculous and foolish
because it shown me the extent of the mafia again, including a priest named Costica <?other name?>
who I was suspecting and thus frequenting to draw information from, and who was afterwards
rewarded to serve of all the tens of churches in Focsani exactly at the church of the priest husband of
the “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana who falsified the decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance
resulting in my illegal and unfounded “psychiatric” incarceration and torture with poison between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, “judge” who visibly intervened to cover-up the complaints against the
prosecutor’s acts of cover-up of the interloper that attempted murder against me on 27th October 2014
and 5th December 2014, and who committed a long list of other felonies against me, being in cahoots
with the prime instigator “judge” Dita Mirela from the start. In the period since 27th October 2014 and
for years after especially same “magistrate” members of this mafia eluded the random distribution of
dossiers which they thus illegally obtained for the purpose of covering the truth up with falsified
ordinances and decisions against all the civil and penal files I made against the interloper they’ve
instigated to murder me, for which I as before, investigated, proven and filed penal complaints against
the “magistrate” mafia itself who was in cahoots for the cover-up with a number of accomplices from
the local “legal medicine service”, “police” and “gendarmes”, reason for which the same “magistrate”
mafia members as proof, to silence me after I proven the murder attempt and their crimes of covering
up for the interloper and accomplices, falsified 4 penal dossiers against me between the years 2014-
2016 in which I was never indicted and convicted as proven by my empty judicial history attached as
annex 17 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures where not even the illegal and
unfounded prosecution was noted as required by the law because the criminal abuse was covert, only
used as a pretext for falsifying 6 psychiatric actions against me, 4 of which I’ve annulled meaning
15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance after I’ve been illegally convicted and
14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, proving thus all the proposals that I be psychiatrically
committed are falsified as the last 2 which are identical to the last 2 before them meaning ne bis in
idem. In dossiers 4909/231/2017 (identical to 11224/231/2015) and 12718/231/2017 (identical to
14277/231/2015) meaning made the same with fictive accusations and same vitiated procedure by law
breaking, actually the “magistrate” mafia went beyond just breaking the law and falsifying documents in
cahoots with their accomplices, this time they’ve condemned me to be poisoned forcefully with the
deadly neurotoxin Invega for another person named Vasilache Daniel’s felonies and diagnosis because I
wasn’t indicted and convicted and I wasn’t diagnosed as I’ve already declared judicially without being
accused of false declarations, as proof of verity. I’ve proven all this and the fact the penal files and
psychiatric actions against me are falsified meaning I’m proven innocent and sane, in the documents I’ve
given <?entity> with which I’ve also updated my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures also
given to <?entity>, especially annex 20 regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017 and annex 17 regarding
my empty judiciary history of this document which I’ve published updated at address:
https://www.scribd.com/document/352597506/Raneti-vs-Romania-at-ECHR, which I’m going to
reference throughout this document, attempting to point out at the old documents I’ve given <?entity>
at the same time, remaining to build another translated plead on the existing penal dossiers against the
interloper and his accomplices for which I had neither room in the existing Rule 39 ECHR urgent request

Page 51 of 501
for interim measures, nor the time because the “magistrate” mafia desperately perpetrated in cascade
Crimes against humanity against me through Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified murder to
attempt to silence me about the very fact they’ve instigated the interloper to kill me to start with,
through which they’ve continuously demonstrated the same murderous intent and criminal versatility
thus proving my case way beyond any reasonable doubt

<TODO: make paragraphs shorter and number them all. Achieve this through separation of ideeas
<TODO: make more references to the ECHR request and shorten the document. Remember this is
objectivizing the Crimes against humanity against me and others, and not demonstrating my innocence,
so stick to the exact point, point to proofs and draw conclusions to the point. Avoid commenting too
much on the background, although make perfect proofs. Make a skeleton document and add more later
if needed, and always prove what I say by referencing proofs of any kind, testimonies, notorious facts,
press articles, declarations, logic, science etc.
<walk all over the plead I’ve made already and insert these principles

II. Punctual objectivization of the Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me in

corroboration with preliminary section 0.3
<perhaps also make links for the below references, which are referenced to page numbers in the
II.1. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crimes_against_humanity
II.1^1 “Crimes against humanity (1.1) can be committed during peace or war.[1] They are not
isolated or sporadic events, but are part either of a government policy (although the perpetrators need
not identify themselves with this policy) or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a
government or a de facto authority.(1.2) War crimes, murder (1.3), massacres, dehumanization
(1.4), genocide, ethnic cleansing (1.11), deportations (1.12), unethical human experimentation
(1.5), extrajudicial punishments (1.6) including summary executions, use of WMDs, state terrorism
or state sponsoring of terrorism(1.7), death squads, kidnappings and forced disappearances(<), military
use of children, unjust imprisonment (<? see section I.A.II.1.3.1^7 until I make an inline summarized
reference>), enslavement (1.13), cannibalism, torture (1.8), rape, political repression (1.9), racial
discrimination, religious persecution (1.14), and other human rights abuses (1.10) may reach the
threshold of Crimes against humanity if they are part of a widespread or systematic practice“

II.1.1. This encyclopedic article describes Crimes against humanity in terms of international law
as proven by the fact it’s scientifically cross-referencing 51 relevant sources, of which I exemplify by
indicating the first by Margaret M. DeGuzman in "Crimes against humanity" RESEARCH HANDBOOK ON
INTERNATIONAL CRIMINAL LAW, Bartram S. Brown, ed., Edgar Elgar Publishing, 2011

II.1.2. The proof that the Crimes against humanity committed against me and others by the
Romanian “state” mafia are “part either of a government policy (through unconstitutional laws, illegal
norms and law breaking) (although the perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy (such
as the mafia “policemen” soldiers who in Romania are notoriously just “professional” false witnesses,
pedofiles, torturers, killers and other types of criminal sociopaths recruited by the mafia regime for

Page 52 of 501
being mentally labile, meaning lacking integrity or schizophrenic and therefore easily coopted for
committing crimes on command)) or of a wide practice (totalitarian doctrine) of atrocities tolerated or
condoned by a government or a de facto authority (to say at least since a totalitarian regime doesn’t
“tolerate and condone” its regime, it imposes its regime or totalitarian policy)”, is
II.1.2^1 that the Crimes against humanity are “part either of a government policy” meaning
through unconstitutional laws, illegal norms and law breaking, is proven by the following facts
II.1.2^1.1 that according to Romanian Penal code articles 107 - 110 regarding security measures,
a potentially recidivist felon can be chemically lobotomized - see sections <I.A from this ICC penal
dossier and chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the fact “psychiatric” charlatanry “treatment” always
employed deadly brain damaging poisons such as mercury, opium, heroin, fluorine and chlorine
meaning has always been chemical lobotomy which is capital punishment - the eradication of
individuality or a persona’s identity, which is unconstitutional according to article 22 from the
Romanian Constitution regarding the guaranteed right to life, body and psychic integrity <quote and
translate?, and according to articles 11 and 20 from the Romanian Constitution regarding that the
international ratified treaties by Romanian are internal right unless the Romanian Constitution is more
favorable, respectively and articles 2 and 3 from ECHR and articles 3 and 5 from UDHR regarding the
right to life and prohibition of Torture and Bodily Harm. This proves right from the start that Crimes
against humanity through chemical lobotomy are “part either of a government policy” in Romania
meaning through unconstitutional laws and illegal norms, indicating the logical notorious proof of the
fact that not only there is no such thing as medical treatment for felonies with the exception of drug
addiction which doesn’t stop a felon from becoming drug addicted again, but the “psychiatry”
charlatanry chemical lobotomy obviously falsely advertised as medicine because medicine cannot
engage in chemical lobotomization being sworn by the oath of Hippocrates to “at least do no harm”,
induces suicidal or worse homicidal ideation and behavior as proven in section I.A.II.1.2.10^1, thus
represent a death threat to the general population, ironically since it’s wrongfully called a “security
measure” since it creates deadly insecurity, and even more ironically a “medical treatment” since it
causes a life threatening state of mind and body for oneself or others as I objectivize in the rest of
section I.A of my ICC penal dossier and chapter 1 of annex 21, therefore the “psychiatry” charlatanry in
cahoots with the pharmaceutical mafia is not just an “industry of death” as notoriously nicknamed
internationally <link to article, but it is an industry of Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder which
constitutes Crimes against humanity. This is the Romanian “state” mafia’s policy meaning it can’t be
spoken of a totalitarian regime tolerating and condoning its own regime it imposes
II.1.2^1.2 The Romanian reality is far worse however as the Romanian “state” mafia breaks the
law abusing the judiciary system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry to chemically lobotomize innocents
for illegal experimentation and illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia as I’ve proven and denounced
in this illicitly censored mafia article republished at:
https://www.scribd.com/document/344526386/justitia-din-Vrancea-drogheaza-oameni-nevinovati, as
further proven by this press article <link in which the “psychiatrist” torturers admit they are conducting
illegal experiments by lying the Ministry of Health gave them permission to break the law which is
preposterous and proves concomitantly the “psychiatrist” charlatans are schizophrenic or logically
incoherent, occupationally dysfunctional and inherently failing to recognize what’s real according to the
DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics. This is the Romanian “state” mafia’s
policy meaning it can’t be spoken of a totalitarian regime tolerating and condoning its own regime it
II.1.2^1.2.1 The denouncement aforementioned triggered the Romanian “state” mafia to issue
the joint Ministry of Justice and Superior Magistrate Council order <identify and link> to hide the public

Page 53 of 501
dossiers from the informatic system “ECRIS” except my dossiers <print email transcript to ANSPDCP and
CNCD and proofs, annex or publish and link> which were kept public to discredit me and my work of
denouncing the criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia, to which the Romanian data protection
agency “ANSPDCP” and the Romanian national council for combating discrimination “CNCD” are in
cahoots as I proven by petitioning them followed by their refusal to do their job and falsifying the
answer to my petition as proven by this penal dossier I opened against CNCD and published at address:
Pentru-Falsificarea-Raspunsului-in-Scopul-de-a-Solutiona-Petitia-Si-Probe <publish ANSPDCP email
transcript and link proving in short how it broke the data protection law or my right to demand and
obtain the removal of my personal data from public space>,
II.1.2^1.2.2 then the Romanian mafia “secret information service” bosses issued a superficial
report “to throw the dead cat in the courtyard” of the general prosecutor of Romania who of course
didn’t solve anything as I should’ve been notified since I attached my own case to it which directly
proves the complicity and instigation of the general prosecutor of Romanian Augustin Lazar to the
Crimes against humanity committed against me the next year, and against others in general,
corroborated with the fact Augustin Lazar falsified personally a rejection of my legal request that the
falsified penal dossiers against me be moved to another prosecutor’s office in another county based on
proven lack of impartiality flagrantly proven by the falsification of the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as I’ve demonstrated in annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, in which furthermore I
inculpated the mafia “judicial bodies” who falsified them by attaching to them with the title of judicial
declaration, the penal dossiers I’ve investigated and lodged otherwise with the Romanian “state” mafia
“penal authorities” and which I’ve also published on the mafia illicitly censored forum
“militia.freeforums.net”, as proven jurisprudentially I can by the notorious case of anti-terrorism and
organized crime commissar Traian Berbeceanu who inculpated his mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes false
accusers in the same falsified penal dossier against him and got them convicted too in what looked like a
mafia internal struggle for power <seek article and link>, meaning the “judicial bodies” I inculpated
could not legally touch the penal dossiers they falsified without breaking the principle nemo esse iudex
in sua causa potest, and concretely article 11 from the Government Ordnance 27/2002. The Romanian
mafia “secret information service” report I’ve printed from the general prosecutor’s office press
announcement and republished at address: https://www.scribd.com/document/331592730/comunicat-
de-presa-SRI-PICCJ-din-31-05-2016-privind-faptul-ca-psihiatrii-fac-din-pacienti-cobai, situation of which
I’ve spoken in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, respectively after I’ve researched the
Romanian situation in general notified Citizen’s Commission on Human Rights and INTERPOL with it in
this email I’ve printed and uploaded to this address:
II.1.2^1.2.3 then the Romanian “state” mafia issued the falsified Constitutional Court Decision
no 25 from 19th January 2017 as I objectivized in section I.B.11, where a sum of notoriously criminal
mafia “judge” caporegimes denounced even by the corrupt ECHR such as mafia “judge” caporegime
Livia Stanciu who is accomplice, declared that I do not benefit of the presumption of innocence if it’s not
proven a deed exist and if it’s not proven it constitutes a felony and if I’m not convicted for that felony
according to the law that removes the presumption of innocence, meaning any innocent in Romania can
be chemically lobotomized without being proven a deed even physically exists, that it constitutes a
felony and premise for a diagnosis, and that a court of law decided definitively the innocent commited
the felony, and that respectively the innocent committed it without discernment, reminding relevantly
there is no such thing as medical treatment for lack of discernment but only education in conditions of
safety for the general population meaning in prison and even then with the convict’s consent and

Page 54 of 501
cooperation else it’s not possible except perhaps through brainwashing by Torture, such as in the a
certain notorious movie after the notorious novel <“1983” - research on internet name and author> as it
was always the modus operandi of totalitarian regimes, meaning it’s not even necessary that a deed to
exist and constitute a felony for any “security measure” to be taken against an innocent in Romania
according to the Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 as I objectivized in section
I.B.11, falsified decision which can logically but illegally be abused to justify any penal measure which
proves again that the Crimes against humanity are “part either of a government policy (through
unconstitutional laws, illegal norms and law breaking) (although the perpetrators need not identify
themselves with this policy (such as the mafia associated data protection agency and national council for
combating discrimination public functionaries and other types of criminal sociopaths recruited by the
mafia regime who by themselves do not form the Romanian “state” mafia but are mafia collaborators))
or of a wide practice (totalitarian doctrine) of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de
facto authority (to say at least since a totalitarian regime doesn’t tolerate its regime, it imposes its
regime as proven by the Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 as I objectivized in
section I.B.11, and the involvement of most of the other Romanian “state” mafia controlled institutions
enumerated in paragraph 0.2, meaning the tolerating or condoning of Crimes against humanity is
perpetrated improperly usually by the mafia collaborators who are accomplices and marginally
instigators by assuring the Romanian “state” mafia that they would meet no opposition when engaging
in Crimes against humanity, and that they will be committed by these patsy mafia associates that makes
it harder to trace them back to the mafia leading instigators, which makes however even the mafia
collaborators no less important determining factors or instigators)”
II.1.2^1.1^1 For a potentially recidivist convict to become a mental patient, according to the text
of article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code the potentially recidivist convict
can be proposed by a judiciary body to undergo a “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” meaning not
be coerced according to article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and article 11
from the Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding the inquiry for consent, as coercion attracts the vice of
consent or lack of consent and invalidation of any proof obtained illegally or under Torture according to
articles 102 (paragraphs 1 and 2) and 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, proofs which
are required for “legal” (ad absurdum) obligation to “psychiatric” incarceration and chemical
lobotomization according to article 184 paragraph 7, 245-248 and 566-572 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, proposal that can only be made to minors between 14 and 16 years old or women
who harmed or killed their baby whenever the prosecutor hallucinates - any inference without
evidence is a symptom of schizophrenia or failure to recognize what’s real, that there’s a doubt
regarding the discernment of the suspect or accused in the moment of the felony committal - expression
which proves the “prosecutor” who wrote this article (in Romania mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes write
this law for themselves to abuse which is then passed by the mafia controlled parliament, reason for
which the Romanian notoriously nicknamed this “democratic” system “the prosecutor republic” - <insert
link here to press article) is schizophrenic also since suspects and accused by definition committed no
felony, they are legally and logically innocent - article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code is unconstitutional and illegal at the same time because according to article 4 paragraph
2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure, any prosecutor’s doubt, in my particular case a proven
“prosecutor’s” schizophrenic hallucination, can only be interpreted in favor of the suspect or the
accused who dispose of what’s in their favor according to the principle of disposition, respectively it
cannot be proposed to the suspect or the accused according to the presumption of innocence but only if
the suspect or accused admit they committed the felony case in which they still must be prosecuted,
indicted and convicted as required by the law because it’s been known persons with mental problems
admitted that they committed felonies which they didn’t respectively there’s a small chance of a person
being drugged (e.g. with scopolamine or “the devil’s breath” according to <insert link to article here) or

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otherwise coerced to admit to have committed a felony, presumption of innocence which according to
article 23 paragraph 11 form the Romanian Constitution can only be removed through a definitive
conviction by an impartial tribunal which respected all the rights of the accused as the suspect cannot be
indicted and convicted, and proved the accused guilt beyond all reasonable doubt, as corroborated with
articles 11 and 20 from the Romanian Constitution, article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from
UDHR. Because in my case the Crimes against humanity have been instigated by breaking every possible
and relevant law as enumerated in chapter 3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and as summarily objectivized in the rest
of the annex summaries of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier backed up by the full demonstrations from the I.B sections in principal from this
ICC penal dossier, it is proven that the Crimes against humanity are “part either of a government policy”
because it involves all the Romanian “state” mafia controlled institutions enumerated in paragraph 0.2
II.1.2^1.1^2 Because is unheard of that a “psychiatrist” charlatan informs his victim he will
falsify “psychiatry” charlatanry documents which lead to illegal “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration
and chemical lobotomization, it’s proven that any potentially recidivist convict and mental patient
doesn’t give his consent in legal conditions except if receiving real medical attention regarding drug
addiction withdrawal, as any other “psychiatric” charlatanry “treatment” is nothing else than chemical
lobotomy through poisoning with deadly fluorine or chlorine neurotoxins. Because is unheard of that a
“psychiatrist” charlatan informs and asks his victim if it wishes to be chemically lobotomized and
induced a myriad other health problems in the process, potential death included as objectivized in
chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier, it’s not only proven that any potentially recidivist convict and mental patient
doesn’t give his consent in legal conditions, but cannot consent to assisted suicide given chemical
lobotomy is capital punishment through the eradication of individuality or a person’s identity, and
cannot even consent to be bodily damaged because in Romania, CoE and the world as of fact is illegal
according to article 22 from the Romanian Constitution, articles 2 and 3 from ECHR and articles 3 and 5
from UDHR. Taking deadly neurotoxic poisons cure nothing and produce by brain damage the “mental
illness” they claim to cure as objectivized in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. This proves again that the Crimes
against humanity are “part either of a government policy (through unconstitutional laws, illegal norms
and law breaking) ... of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority (to say
at least since a totalitarian regime doesn’t tolerate its regime, it imposes its regime as proven by thefact
the Romanian “state” mafia gives accreditation to the “psychiatry” charlatanry to raise its power
because it abuses it together with the Romanian “judicial system” as weapons of state terrorism and
wrongful political repression - of course the mafia won’t destroy but enhance its tools, meaning in other
words when the mafia doesn’t abuse the “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of state terrorism and
wrongful political repression, it “tolerates and condones” the “psychiatric” charlatanry atrocities or
Crimes against humanity committed for illicit profit through illegal experimentation for the
pharmaceutical mafia, or for personal illicit profit of the “psychiatrist” charlatans which I’ve observed in
Romania occupy both public functions and have a prive “psyhiatry” charlatanry bussinees which
obviously creates a conflict of interest
II.1.2^1.1^3 According to article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Code respectively
articles 10 and 11 from the Romanian Law 487/2002 that state a “psychiatric” charlatanry
“examination” can only take place directly, with the person’s freely given consent in front of the
judiciary body in writing in the presence of his legal representant, then again in front of the
“psychiatrist” committee of charlatans after the person has been informed of its rights and
repercussions of giving its consent to the “psychiatrist” charlatans as objectivized in paragraph
II.^2, with the exception of the person lacking discernment which because it cannot be

Page 56 of 501
established by the judiciary bodies, can only be established through a legal medicine expertise according
to article 10, 11 and 13 paragraph 4 from the Romanian Law 487/2002 case in which the procedure is
impossible to realize because again it requires the person’s freely given consent after being informed in
front of a committee of “psychiatrist” charlatans as objectivized in paragraph II.^2 or, or not be
given case in which the “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” is physically and logically impossible to
achieve except if there are proofs that the person lacks discernment such as manifesting logical
incoherence, occupational dysfunction and failure to recognize what’s real case which are impossible to
achieve if a person refuses to cooperate and according to articles 10 and 14 from the Romanian Law
487/2002 a “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination can only take place directly, and proofs can only be
obtained directly and are only relevant in the prezent, nor in the past or the future meaning the
“psychiatry” charlatanry cannot evaluate the mental health of a felon regarding the committal of a
felony in the past, nor can ever the subjective “psychiatrist” charlatans hallucinations constitute an
objective proof in a criminal investigation which prove again the mafia illicit accreditation of the
“pscyhiatry” charlatanry for illicit abuse of its own, mentioning while I was a temporary refugee
between 11th April 2017 and 27th May 2017 I wrote an essay for the law faculty regarding judicial use of
psychology in which I demonstrated judicial psychology cannot offer proofs in any judicial act of
procedure and was graded 70% because I didn’t have acces to enough reading material to reference but
just logic, my own case and my own research, while the essay is suppose to reference every other
perspective or research in the world for 100% coverage of the subject. In the case that a foolish person
cooperates with the “psychiatrist” charlatans who thus rightfully declare that person lacking
discernment if only for failing to recognize that “psychiatry” is charlatanry, that person’s legal or
conventional representant must be inquired for consent for the “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination”
which if given makes that representant a direct instigator and accomplice to Crimes against humanity if
the “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” leads to “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration and
chemical lobotomization, as further proven by the fact lack of discernment can’t be cured as logically
notorious through deadly neurotoxic poisoning which causes lack of discernment through brain
destruction as objectivized in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, else everybody would take this fictious
treatment and exemplificatively there would be no more car crashes, logical fact which stands as proof
in general that “psychiatry” is charlatanry, neither medicine nor science. As I objectivized in paragraph
2.4^18 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, as a pretext and cover-up story for the Crimes against humanity the Romanian
“state” mafia committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in section
I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, the “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen was groundlessly
appointed without legal forms my curator and refused to close the legally required conventional
representancy contract with my mother which of course wouldn’t have consented to my “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration and chemical lobotomization. Although the existence of a curator would make
it appear I was falsely declared lacking discernment, in actuality I wasn’t declared or implied such in the
falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry discharge papers from 8th June 2017 as proven by the fact it’s retained
in it I have full cognitive functions as proven by annex 16 summary of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which instead proves the
“psychiatrist” charlatans are logically incoherent, occupationally dysfunctional and failing to recognize
what’s real, meaning schizophrenic according to these symptoms and DSM-V “psychiatry” charlatanry
manual of diagnosis and statistics, even as criminal charlatans and torturers which immediately classifies
them as sociopaths - persons who pervasively break the law and other person’s rights sacrificing their
lives for achieving their petty illicit interests. This proves that the Crimes against humanity against me
are “part either of a government policy (pervasive law breaking) ... or of a wide practice (totalitarian
doctrine) of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority (to say at least

Page 57 of 501
since a totalitarian regime doesn’t tolerate its regime, it imposes its regime as proven by the
involvement of most of the other Romanian “state” mafia controlled institutions enumerated in
paragraph 0.2, controlled institutions including the “psychiatry” charlatanry to which the mafia gives
accreditation “tolerating and condoning” it just to abuse it as a weapon of state terrorism and wrongful
political repression when needed - similar state of illicit affairs which exist between the foreign illicit
interests who installed the puppet or puppetable Romanian “state” mafia regime in the 1989 coup
d’etat, in other words the Romanian “state” mafia being allowed to do what it wants in Romania as long
as it “privatizes” the national interest or cooperates with the foreign illicit interests that improperly at
best “tolerates and condones” it for illicit profit which are the foregin interest’s policy)”
II.1.2^1.1^4 According to article 29 paragraph 2 from Romanian Law 487/2002 the “psychiatrist”
charlatan can circumvent the patient’s consent regarding “psychiatric” charlatanry “treatment” by
chemical lobotomization, if he can prove the patient’s behavior is a risk of imminent damage to himself
or others. I was falsely accused of deeds that cannot physically exist which therefore cannot possibly
constitute felonies or premises for diagnosis as I objectivized in annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and if that isn’t
enough, the felony of Disturbing the meeting I’ve been falsely accused of cannot be possibly objectivized
to constitute a public danger to myself or others, all arguments which prove the penal dossiers
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 and all “psychiatric” charlatanry documents are falsified
poor pretexts and cover-up stories for Crimes against humanity as objectivized anyway in annex 16, 18-
20 and 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, respectively section I.B.2, I.B.3, I.B.4 and I.B.6. Furthermore, because I was falsely suspected of
an aggravation circumstance and not a felony in 2417/P/2014 because the “prosecutor” is schizophrenic
as proven by his symptoms of logical incoherence, occupational dysfunction and failure to recognize
what’s real according to DSM-V “psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, and clearly I
haven’t been accused in any of these falsified penal dossiers of killing my baby not being a woman to
give birth of a baby to start with, nor am I a minor evidently, therefore the “psychiatric” charlatanry
“examination” procedure according to article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure is
not applicable to me, nor am I a felon for security measures to be applied to me according to articles
107-110 from the Romanian Penal Code as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history.
Because the falsified penal dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 used as
pretexts and cover-up stories for the Crimes against humanity committed against me involve all the
Romanian “state” mafia controlled institutions enumerated in paragraph 0.2, it’s proven that the Crimes
against humanity against me are “part either of a government policy”
II.1.2^1.1^5 As proof that Crimes against humanity are “part either of a government policy
(through unconstitutional laws, illegal norms and law breaking) ... or of a wide practice (totalitarian
doctrine) of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority (to say at least
since a totalitarian regime doesn’t tolerate its regime, it imposes its regime as proven by the following
case, and the involvement of most of the other Romanian “state” mafia controlled institutions
enumerated in paragraph 0.2), I recount the fact that the Romanian “state” mafia to protect some of its
members incarcerated for hundreds of days and chemically lobotomized a member of the Rroma
minority for filing a penal complaint against one of the members of the mafia as reported in this article:
nevoluntara-la-ordinul-procurorului-dreptul-la-viata-privata-si-raspunderea-statului.html, case in which
the superior legal medicine institutions “IML Cluj” and “’Mina Minovici’ Bucharest” sustained the
“psychiatrist” charlatans falsified documents against the Rroma minority member named Ivascu that he
is mentally alienated for exercising his legal rights, then the courthouse “Judecatoria Sighetu Marmatiei”
in dossier 907/307/2010 declared nobody can be subjected in penal matters to the security measure of

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“psychiatric treatment”, proving this judge made a difference between medical treatment and
“psychiatric” charlatanry chemical lobotomization, until it has been established that the accused has
committed a felony and that there is a danger of committing further felonies according to article 109
from the Romanian Penal Code and article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Contitution, which
proves that the entire legal medicine hierarchy is controlled by the mafia who used the “psychiatry”
charlatanry as a weapon of political repression against the Rroma minority member named Ivascu. I
remind in my case the legal medicine hierarchy meaning “IML Iasi” and “’Mina Minovici’ Bucharest”
ignored my petitions because it’s impossible to contradicts my pleads, which I retain as proof of tacit
acknowledgement of the Crimes against humanity committed against me, which is why the mafia
committed 8 Crimes against humanity against me attempting to stop me altogether from investigating
and denouncing its criminal activity

<remained here with work><In conclusion the “psychiatry” charlatanry procedure in penal matters is
applicable only if interpreted in bad faith by liars disregarding the real meaning of juridical terms, the
fundamental rights and the fact the law is only interpretable mandatorily as a whole. The Romanian
“state” mafia corrupted and void of right law text that potentially recidivist convicts can be chemically
lobotomized through a “medical” measure of security is not only a contradiction in terms because
medicine is sworn to “at least do no harm” according to the oath of Hippocrates, but is also ironically
against public safety because the “psychiatric” charlatanry chemical lobotomy induces suicidal and
homicidal ideation as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.1.2.10^1 which proves any reasoning that anyone
can be obligated or consent to lose his physical and psychical integrity results in a legal aberration,
because the right to physical and psychical integrity is a fundamental inalienable right in Romanian
Constitution article 22 as well as in Romanian internal right, articles 2 and 3 from ECHR and articles 3
and 5 from UDHR. I wasn’t even falsely accused of murder to be chemically lobotomized, and even so
the charlatanry which is “psychiatric treatment” or in reality chemical lobotomy, abstracting the
illegalities and human rights infringements which lead to this point in the procedure, can only be
executed with a convict’s consent according to the Romanian mental health Law 487/2002 articles 10,
11, 43 and others as well as Romanian Penal procedure code article 184 paragraph 3 according to which
a “psychiatric” charlatanry interview is impossible without the examinee’s consent therefore the
charlatanry which is “psychiatric treatment” is impossible without diagnosis which is impossible without
examination, as direct observation means nothing because evidently refusal to consent means refusal to
cooperate to be examined thus any observations can only be invalid or false, corroborated with the
proven fact “psychiatry” charlatanry is neither medicine nor science – it’s charlatanry as I proven beyond
any reasonable doubt in section <freud took bribe and other such sections>. I was never convicted of
anything in my life, nor did I ever even display immoral behavior to be “psychiatrically” examined under
the penal procedure – the only reason behind the Crimes against humanity committed against me being
that I am denouncing the Romanian “magistrate” mafia both publicly and to the penal authorities which
to my dismay I discovered are the mafia also, as easily attested by the fact all my penal complaints were
rejected illegally with lies such as they aren’t signed or contain facts, and the 3 years old forum from
2014 containing many published “magistrate” mafia penal dossiers militia.freeforums.net on 8th April
2017 was censored right in the middle of daily arrests by tens of “masked policemen”, “policemen” and
“gendarmes” on 6th and 10th followed by the attempts from 13th, 14th then 27th April 2017 by the secret
“police” with no other reason but to harass me and my family and falsify the appearance of legality
about the forged acts of procedure regarding my “psychiatric” imprisonment “for examination” with no
justification as I’ve demonstrated in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, annex 20
regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017 and annex 23 regarding explanatory notes plead, and attempt to
murder me by putting me in anaphylactic shock like I’ve demonstrated in section <regarding murder> .
In conclusion because the Romanian mafia government meaning masked “policemen”, “policemen”,

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undercover “policemen”, “gendarmes”, “forensic medics”, “psychiatrists” and others executed in bad
will meaning with premeditation falsified juridical acts against me, it is proven this is the “government
policy”, also proven notoriously by the fact I am not the only one persecuted – against many street
protesters the “psychiatry” charlatanry has been used as a weapon of wrongful repression with the false
claim that exercising the right to assemble according to article 39 from the Romanian Constitution and
Law 60/1991, constitutes mental alienation, ergo Romanians are supposed to be idiots by the Romanian
“psychiatric” charlatan’s agenda at least – which is exactly what I’ve been accused of in dossier
15730/231/2014 that I must be put under legal interdiction because I exercise my legal rights, and I’ve
even been told repeatedly by psychiatrists in short that I have no rights except what they decide,
proven in annex 15 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures where at 5th page the
prosecutor made the blunder of declaring "the complainant is free from now on as long as hospitals and
other courthouses permit" because I was never indicted, convicted or diagnosed as proven by annex 17
and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history and my certification that I’m army incorporable and
apt for superior studies, which reveals the real Romanian “state” mafia policy of ruling by state
terrorism and political repression through Crimes against humanity, that I must quit working with
superior studies and be an unqualified worker putting wares on shelves at foreign hypermarkets, that I
must retreat within myself and other such imbecilities which would’ve been funny if the “psychiatric”
torturers didn’t have the power to chemically lobotomize forcefully at the order of any high standing
state mafia member, meaning any criminal occupying a high influence public function in Romania, this
status quo representing the real Romanian “government policy”. In fact I’ve also denounced the
“psychiatric” quackery in Romania for making illegal experiments on people while the judiciary system
condemns innocent to “psychiatric treatment” on 19th April 2016, as proven by this saved post from the
mafia censored forum militia.freeforums.net which I reposted on scribd:
which may have triggered this secret services report published on the general’s prosecutor’s site on 31st
May 2016 which I saved and published at address:
faptul-ca-psihiatrii-fac-din-pacienti-cobai, communiqué not in an effort of the secret services to do their
job but to “throw the dead cat” in another courtyard or make it appear in the 25th hour that they are
doing their job when in fact they have been covering this all along for many years, and they’ve
attempted to murder me by instigating the “magistrate” mafia to sentence me to be indefinitely
imprisoned, tortured and killed by Invega poisoning, as clearly proven for another’s man’s named
Vasilache Daniel’s felonies and diagnosis, while the sentence against me itself is illegal and unjustified
because it’s unmotivated, as proven by annex 19 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures regarding the falsified motivation from 12718/231/2017, and annex 20 from my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017 demonstrating any decision
against me as all the ones before can only be illegal and unfounded thus falsified. This again proves
statistically any “institution” I’ve encountered in the Romanian state mafia menagerie provably
adheres to the “government policy” of committing atrocities against the general population,
instigating or being accomplice, being no coincidence that Romanian has over 3 million “economic”
refugees as if there is a civil war ongoing, which in fact it is, between the aggressor state mafia and the
victimized Romanian people. Furthermore to also corroborate about the “other” institutions, after I
denounced the “magistrate” mafia for drugging innocent people in public, and because I started making
psychiatric profiled dossiers against these “magistrates” myself, they issued a conjoint Ministry of justice
and Superior magistrate council orders to hide all the psychiatrically profiled dossiers from the public

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evidence ECRIS except they didn’t hide the ones they’ve made against me on purpose even when I
demanded it as proven in annex 14 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures regarding
the illegal rejection of the request when it wasn’t the competence of “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana
who stole the administrative petition to falsify the rejection of it judicially, nor was the petition
addressed to any particular dossier not having anything to do judicial matters but the execution of the
Ministry of justice and Supreme council of magistrate’s order non-discriminatorily, fact which I’ve
proven to the antidiscrimination council (ro. CNCD), and to the data protection agency (ro. ANSPDCP)
also corroborating with the supreme’s court (ro. ICCJ) decision no 37 from 7th December 2015
recognizing a person’s name is also personal data meaning not public, “institutions” which again refused
to do their job by falsifying responses to cover up their refusal to solve the petitions, fact which I can
prove on demand by copies of the emails and in CNCD’s case a penal complaint meaning complete with
proofs and investigation, which I’ve published at address:
II.1.2^2 regarding “perpetrators need not identify themselves with this policy”, it is evident as I
proven anyway in chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, that none of the Romanian “state” mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes identify themselves with the Romanian theoretically governing state of right, which is their
only work attribute and obligation - to obey the law according to article 124 paragraph 3 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which proves complementarily of course that at least some of them
must identify themselves with the Romanian “state” mafia policy for the mafia to exist, maintain
cohesiveness and ethos and not dissolve due to infighting or external pressures, and the ones who
identify themselves with the mafia’s policy are most probably the ones who benefit the most from this
social order or have the most to lose if the order changes, meaning the mafia “magistrate” underbosses
or the ones occupying the most important functions and having most influence within the Romanian
“state” mafia and over the mafia controlled Romanian “judiciary system” meaning the ability to call
upon the most public function abuse, which are exemplificatively the supreme court presidents such as
the notorious criminal Livia Stanciu currently destroying justice at the Romanian Constitutional Court as
proven in paragraph I.A.II.1.2^1.2.3 and as I objectivized in section I.B.11, the general prosecutors of
Romania out of which I name Tiberiu Nitu for the fact he was a soldier in term who shot people from
the roof of the national television building during the 1989 coup d’etat meaning he was a mafia
collaborator and a traitor which is why he acceded such an important function so fast, besides being
stupid as hell just like Augustin Lazar the current general prosecutor of Romania which is always an
indicator for a public functionary that he’s merely a tool and has been installed in function and is
controlled illicitly, the notorious criminal Kovesi Laura Codruta chief of the national anti-corruption
direction prosecutor’s office who only engaged in political police inclusively at the instigation of the
Balkans regional CIA chief according to mafia “secret information services” defector Sebastian Ghita, the
notorious criminal Horodniceanu Daniel chief of anti-terrorism and anti-organized crime direction who
cannot not know of the Romanian “state” mafia he works for and who for instance is keeping the
infamous human trafficker Hassan Awid’s penal dossier open doing nothing in it as it has been for the
past 10 years because it describes the mafia takeover of Hassan Awdi’s Lebanese clan illicit business
through an illegal expropriation which is why Hassan Awdi won at ICSID, and even worse it describes the
mafia’s takeover of the Romanian press behind which are clearly foreign interests as the Romanians are
not by far smart enough to concertize politics at this level as proven by the fact the lot of them put
together could not stop me from denouncing their criminal activity - thank God, although have
committed Crimes against humanity 8 times against me, Ban Cristian Mihai who as a general
prosecutor of the prosecutor’s office near the Bucharest Appeal Court covered-up all crimes of the mafia

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“magistrate” caporegimes and mafia “lawyer” associates in Romania’s capital Bucharest with some of
the most stupid ordnances I ever saw again indicative this Romanian mafia “state lawyer” is nothing but
a tool just as Netejoru Lucian chief of Judiciary Inspection is for covering-up the disciplinary
infringements of the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes from all over Romania, or jus as the ministers of
justice are because being responsible constitutionally for the activity of the mafia “prosecutor”
caporegimes they are suppose to do nothing, ministers of justice out of which the most dangerous or
who did the most damage being Pruna Raluca who through Government Ordnance 18/2016 gave back
“the prosecutor republic” their renunciation to penal pursuit instrument of abuse, restricted access to
justice attempting to eliminate the ways of attack against the mafia “prosecutor” caopregimes always
falsified acts of procedure, gave the troglodyte peasant pedofile and murderous Romanian mafia
“policemen” soldiers the ability to write ordnances just like prosecutors and gave more tools to the
Romanian “state” mafia to infringe on the presumption of innocence as typical, Pruna Raluca being a
close friend of the mafia oligarchic inheritor of power Monica Macovei who has falsified reports about
the “justice progress” in Romania for EU for years which is clearly just for show as I’ve proven by
notifying LIBE with my case, the civil rights and liberties subcommittee near the European Parliament,
and inclusively Monica Macovei by her LIBE email address, and all so called European Parliament
members and of LIBE committee I notified did absolutely nothing proving it’s known perfectly well in EU
the dire situation Romania is in which is partly EU’s doing as I keep reminding as background throughout
my case, and so on and so forth. All who abuse these public functions in Romania are “set for life”, and if
the Romanian “state” mafia regime falls in favor of a legitimate government they will get prison for life
just for the complicity and instigation in Crimes against humanity cases alone even according to mafia
destroyed and permissive Romanian legislation, as for the real volume of their crimes it would take for
each one of them an untold number of prosecutors and judges as these criminals are only preoccupied
to commit crimes all day for the entire length of their career, being thus necessary at least one good
prosecutor for the same amount of time to write their indictments, respectively a judge to convict them
for each one, being in conclusion obvious these degenerated animals do identify themselves with the
mafia’s policy because organized crime is their life.
II.1.2^2.1 It is unknown in which quantity the rest of the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes
identify themselves with the mafia policy or just collaborate for various reasons which are known, such
as sacrificing other people’s lives by committing crimes for the mafia for the petty fear of persecution by
the mafia and losing their luxury illegal wages and privileges and intrinsically their social position and
easy life which is a form of sociopathy, or do not really fear of losing anything but collaborate with the
mafia anyway out of the callousness and apathy of real psychopaths and justifying to themselves that
whatever is good for them is ultimate good and whatever is bad for them is ultimately bad which is the
sociopathic perspective, or collaborate out of ambition for power and animal sadistic gratification by
abuse of power which is yet another characteristic of sociopaths to seek excitement by abusing others
since they have no life of their own being fundamentally psychopaths, this latter antisocial personality
being more appropriate to the mafia “policemen” soldiers made judges such as Craciun Constantin
Catalin who falsified the decision in 11224/231/2015 as proven by annex 3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and Paun Ionel Iulian who
falsified the penal dossier 2845/P/2016 through the frame-up from 18th May 2016 as objectivized in
annex 8 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, respectively the “psychiatrist” torturers for which committing Crimes against humanity is a way
of life. The mafia “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen”, “special agents” and
“gendarmes” soldiers are just dumb animals for which they are recruited as these animals otherwise in
life would just make it as unqualified workers and pack animals so working for the mafia is heaven for
them getting to fulfill their animal desires and getting paid for it they’re nothing more than prostitutes,
reason for which there’s no wonder these immoral troglodyte peasants which was also the field of

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recruitment for “communist” torturers, turn out to be pedophiles and murderers as notoriously known
in Romania, therefore clearly the mafia bovine soldiers from the Minister of Interior Affairs identify with
their sadistic animal instincts not the mafia’s policy which should be to conduct illicit business although I
wonder about that since the Romanian “state” mafia gained absolutely nothing apparently for
committing Crimes against humanity against me and would’ve lost nothing so far by leaving me alone,
being clear I’m facing Stalinist paranoid criminals. The other mafia associates such as the “lawyers”,
“registrars”, “archivists” etc., tell themselves they have no choice but to cooperate with the mafia to
earn their measly dishonest wage for their mediocre work at best and thus do not identify with the
mafia’s policy but collaborate with the mafia nevertheless because they are schizophrenic or mentally
labile and unable to fare on their own as real humans. The only mafia members who identify the most
with the mafia’s policy are the Crimes against humanity accomplices and instigators from the mafia’s
various “secret information services” and especially its leaders of course, mafia “secret services”
numbering 7 and having on payroll 85.000 employees, rivaling even U.S.A. as proof that unopposed the
mafia core meaning the “secret services” bosses and underbosses, and “magistrates” underbosses and
caporegimes arrogated themselves huge illegal salaries and privileges, dilapidated the state budget, and
as from the beginning when the analphabet or illiterate immoral peasants did when they were put into
public functions by the stupid soviets wrongfully applying the communist principle of equal opportunity,
hired their whole interloper family “along with their pig and their bitch” as we say in Romania which is
why there’s so many parasites especially in the mafia’s “secret services” which are modeled after
Stalin’s ideea gone awfully wrong, that everyone should rat on everyone to maintain the order,
respectivelly that every apartment block should have a squealer at least, direction towards which the
entirety of the mafia “proximity or sector police” works for and never for maintaining public quietness
and peace which is their only work attribute as I’ve demonstrated as always by petitioning and not only
getting falsified answers in return to cover-up the refusal of the “proximity police” to do their work, but
threats with fines if I petition the “proximity police” and an actual falsified fine against my mother
Raneti Mariana which was annulled in court as proof, and that I should quit being an intellectual and
work as a shelf arranger in French hypermarkets, aberration which I’ve also heard from the
“psychiatrist” charlatans by which is how I know it’s not simply an insult but the mafia’s audacity to
believe I have no right to make demands from the public offices they occupy and behave about as a red-
neck on his turf, and even more the mafia’s audacity to not even pretend they are public functionaries
but arrogantly display their abuse of power which I explicate is all about social status within the criminal
society which dominates Romanian culture today, in which the victims are despised and criminals
praised which is why Romanian “state” mafia members honor crimes are also for achieving this praise
from their sociopathic entourage, this being the Romanian “state” mafia member’s way to display their
savagery and callousness towards human life by which they inspire fear in others, being also notoriously
known that it is the young Romanian “state” mafia members who are the most savage correlating to
their desire to establish themselves in the Romainan “state” mafia criminal society, just like the
“psychiatrist” torturers Puiu <?other name?>, Mircea Dutescu and Barbarosie Carmen who committed
Crimes against humanity against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, or the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut who committed Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder against me as part of
the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
through a covert deadly fluorine neurotoxic injection after being transported at the emergency ward of
“Saint Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani, as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively
I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2.
II.1.2^2.2 According to my observation conducted mainly on mafia “judges”, the statistics
reveals all mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are corrupt and about 86% are disposed to commit Crimes
against humanity when demanded by the mafia which means the remaining 14% are either not

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sociopaths or intelligent enough to weigh their options better. <find scribd link regarding the general
removal request of the criminal “magistrates” from my files, and final conclusion on Vrancea judicial
system, posted just before “militia.freeforums.net” forum was illicitly censored most probably because
of this “last straw”> The fact all Romanian mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are corrupt, and because the
space within which the scientific observation was conducted is anthropic meaning man-made not
natural or random, it means that all Romanian mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are corrupt is the intent
not an event, which means there is no error margin and 100% of the Romanian “magistrates” are
corrupt as proven by the fact this social phenomena seeks to eliminate any potentially honest
magistrates which is why the Romanian “state” mafia in the 2nd session of the 1st year of my law faculty
exams committed against me and my family state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegally
arresting me almost daily before Orthodox Easter 2017 on 6th, 10th attempting on 13th, 14th and later on
27th April 2017 with tens of mafia “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and
“gendarme” soldiers as if I was a dangerous terrorist or MMA fighter not a peaceful intellectual human
rights defender, forcing me to become a temporary refugee from 11th April 2017 until 27th May 2017
when I was arrested from my law faculty exams by 3 mafia “secret policemen” soldiers, incarcerated in
the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag where 5 “psychiatric” torturers were waiting for me as instructed by the
mafia, tied to an operating table and injected with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins daily and
put in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment being expected to die, then after I
survived I was forcefully chemically lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins
until 8th June 2017, which constitute the second committal of Crimes against humanity against me, the
latter deadly fluorine based neurotoxic poison being the same I was covertly injected with in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 which constitutes the first committal of Crimes against humanity
against me, as I objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and
I.A.I.1-2 from my ICC penal dossier, respectively chapter 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Afterwards the Romanian “state” mafia
returned with the falsified “prosecutor” proposal from 1st August 2017 that Crimes against humanity be
committed against me through indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified
Murder through deadly fluorine based neurotoxic poisoning as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 proven by the falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance where the schizophrenic
“judge” Miron Doina used the Romanian term “medicamentos” meaning drugged, while falsifying the
sentence for the crimes and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache Daniel because I was never
indicted, convicted or diagnosed as proven by annex 17, annex 18, annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, regarding my
empty judicial history, the admittal by the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes I have no judicial history and
respectively the family doctor certified evidence that I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies
meaning mentally healthy, corroborated with the fact I also have according to annex 20 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, 4 legal work
medicine certificates declaring I’m mentally sane and apt for work as correspondent to the 4 legal work
years as an IT programmer which stopped when the Romanian “state” mafia destroyed this career
definitively too in Romania as I objectivized in chapter IV of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, being before this licensed in mathematics -
informatics, informatics specialization after my 4 years in college meaning apt for superior studies, and

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army incorporable all along, corroborated with the fact no falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents
were made official as proven by the fact my family doctor would’ve been notified through the Ministry
of Health informatic system, respectively I was never communicated as legally required according to
articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, article 28
paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, any of these falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents with the exception of the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry
incarceration discharge papers from 8th June 2017 attached as annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, respectively I wasn’t even
officially under penal pursuit as proven by the “psychiatrist” torturers who lied I am paranoid and
psychotic for the last 3 years 2015-2017 for knowing I was under penal pursuit in the 4 falsified penal
dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as proven by annex 16 and annex
17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, meaning as retained in the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration discharge papers
form 8th June 2017, and respectively the fact in my empty judicial history there should’ve been inscribed
according to the law the fact I was under penal pursuit at the time I requested it, meaning
simultaneously the Romanian “state” mafia attempted to covertly politically repress me through 6
Crimes against humanity attempts, and 2 Crimes against humanity committals, to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity. In conclusion the Romanian “state” mafia also feared me becoming a
law practitioner in Romania which is why it actively destroyed my second career in law, corroborated
with the fact my mother recounted that while going to the courthouse in my stead in the Spring of 2017
heard someone speaking loudly over the phone behind a door saying ~”...did you catch him yet? He
thinks he can do this forever...”, as becoming meaning earning my living as a law practitioner meant
assuring my life long activity as a human rights defender in Romania, always be able to denounce the
Romanian “state” mafia criminal activity no matter the case I would have been involved in as a lawyer,
prosecutor or judge. This also concludes the argument that the fact all the Romanian mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes are corrupt is the intent not an event, proven by the fact I’ve notified every possible
competent institution responsible for the penal or disciplinary action against these mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes, mafia soldiers and mafia associates, as objectivized in paragraph 0.2 and chapter V.3 from
annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and all refused to do their job proving the leadership of the Romanian “state” mafia is
accomplice and instigator or major determinant factor by assuring their subordinates they won’t be
prosecuted or expelled from public function - the Romanian “state” mafia members only source of
power apparently.
II.1.2^2.3 It cannot be ascertained in which proportion however the cohesiveness of the
Romanian “state” mafia members is owed to a particular psychology or another, being obvious however
that all the Romanian “state” mafia members fear losing their luxury wages, privileges and easy
mediocre life else they would resign for humane reasons which reveals instead they are all at least to
some degree sociopaths, and because they are sociopaths lacking integrity or honor, it means
malcontent members of the mafia can be leveraged to create dissension within the mafia actively and
respectively to obtain testimony from some of the mafia members against the others in exchange for
deals of punishment reduction or oversight of their crimes, as sociopaths are always malcontent or
hungry for power respectively all are egotistical meaning none will have the mafia’s interest at heart but

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his own, nor have I ever found any clue that the Romanian “state” mafia is anything else but a criminal
society of troglodyte peasants acting on their degenerated animal instincts, meaning there is no esotery
that would coerce these sociopaths to put the mafia’s interests or safety of another mafia member over
his own, although the Romanian “state” mafia attempts to insert esotery in their ranks in the form of
masonry of which an unknown number of mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are members of as proven by
the fact the Romanian Superior Magistrate Council declared the public functions of judge or prosecutor
are not incompatible with the membership to a masonry group which is illegal because masonry is
sworn to help other members in need while the judge and prosecutors are sworn to obey the law
exclusively, the conflict of interest being evident, and even more masonry is illegal in Romania according
to article < of the Romanian Constitution which forbids secret associations, which instead proves that
indeed members of the mafia “magistrate “caporegimes are members of secret associations also
although there is no such thing as masonry, only another form of mafia organization as real masonry has
moral rules and does not allow criminals in its ranks, which instead is another way of proving some of
the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes have organized in mafia subgroup equivalents of mutual defense
pacts, which proves the mafia members only think of themselves which is hopeful for the destruction of
the Romanian “state” mafia. Sociopaths can be made malcontent by anything they wrongfully perceive
as iniquity - towards them alone of course since they do not understand the meaning of the term seeing
themselves the source of all right in existence, or any action infringing on what they perceive as their
territory or what they disserve because sociopaths are just degenerated animals acting on primitive
instinct exacerbated by the use of the neocortex which is not in control as in real human beings,
sociopaths thus thinking they disserve everything it’s within their attention span and that everything
they do is good therefore they cannot stand justice or real equity, therefore friction can be aroused by
using their greed and envy actively, or, the circumstances can be actively manipulated so that the
sociopathic nature of the mafia members sensing weakness or victims within the mafia will despise the
other sociopath and perhaps even attack them which will create further friction and dissension between
mafia members, or, putting pressure of enough intensity and duration that the differences between the
mafia members in terms of commitment to a goal such as my political persecution will start to appear,
creating further friction between the differently interested mafia members, or, by destroying even one
mafia “magistrate” caporegime, make it notorious and thus make him an example, a domino effect will
be triggered so that the fear that worked towards mafia cohesiveness will overnight turn in mistrust and
fear of the mafia’s cohesiveness and ability to protect it’s members, and a fear of “falling off the cliff
along with the herd”, and so on and so forth, being thus easily observable the biggest factor for the
mafia’s cohesiveness is the lack of opposition or Romanian cowardice and treacherous spirit instilled by
the various totalitarian regimes that ruled Romania, meaning since 1989 the foreign interest puppetable
Romanian “state” mafia “governed” notoriously by CIA, EU, CoE and the World Bank, between 1945-
1989 the soviets which eradicated the intellectuals, real Christians and any true honest citizen meaning
the true socialists which prove there was no such thing as real communism in Romania or the USSR,
before 1945 since the middle of 18th century or so by the genocidal Hohenzollern family which also
actively destroyed any shred of justice, the Christian Orthodox “Legionary movement”, and persecuted
the “communists” even, and before that Romania or its three major regions were feudal subjects of the
Ottoman Empire for approximately 400 years and the corrupt aristocracy which more often than not
was controlling the monarch, meaning there was never and there is nobody with the authority in

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Romania to prosecute and convict any mafia “magistrate” caporegime which is one of the major
Romanian “state” mafia powers in Romania, as proven by the fact despite the colossal sum paid by
Romania at ECHR for trials lost for the fake trials conducted by the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, no
mafia “magistrate” caporegime was ever prosecuted, convicted or at least made to pay the money back
to my knowledge which just proves the mafia’s arrogance as it faced no repercussions for its Crimes
against humanity yet, which is why it commits Crimes against humanity whenever opportune for the
psychological reasons aforementioned relative to the dynamics of a criminal society of sociopaths. In
conclusion the mafia’s policy is any political doctrine in particular but the natural squirming of egotistical
illicit interests of social parasites and other totalitarian animals, each with its own psychosis as proven
by the fact the mafia’s policy should be profit by any means yet through the Crimes against humanity
committed against me they profited nothing apparently, and would’ve surely lost nothing material by
leaving me in peace, but instead lost their public reputation which was my first target so I call that a
success since nobody believes anymore there is such a thing as a single honest magistrate in Romania,
except the mentally alienated which simply are unable to discern what’s real and what’s not, meaning
it’s not that the mafia members identify or not with a policy but rather are pretty much like a pack of
animals subservient to the authority manifested through the power conferred by public function abuse
of other mafia members with which they can inflict violence upon others, meaning that indeed inducing
fear or state terrorism is the Romanian “state” mafia’s doctrine but since it assassinated its dictator
Nicolae Ceausescu, it gave birth to about as many dictators instead as many mafia members there are
and the mafia’s doctrine got polluted with personal interests and corrupted meaning it doesn’t work
anymore as proven by the fact I am still alive and fighting by the grace of God pretty much alone against
a mafia with millions of members meaning all the Romanians in public service offices and their
interloper families which I do not openly declare but it’s the inconvenient truth of subsistence in
Romanian as a honest citizen without social status or influence of any kind which automatically means
being a “perfect victim” or prey for the illicit interests of any criminal in Romania aware of this “state of
affairs” which is why I’ve been even swindled by apartment administrators and hosts totally unafraid of
the judicial repercussions because none could exist, meaning a decent life is impossible except if being
one of at least the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes as I wouldn’t call anything less a decent life, while
the mafia soldiers and associates settle for less being mediocre, and this is the major factor why 3
million Romanians became economic refugees, not that they were displeased with the remuneration in
Romania but that they couldn’t get a job at all as proven by the fact I struggled immensely to hold on for
4 years to my IT programmer career, been forced to learn the law and appeal to the “authorities”
constantly about the felonies committed against me to no avail, I couldn’t afford even a small one room
apartment through a bank loan and the bank along with the state agency were favoring the Romanian
“state ‘mafia’s clientele for bribe and nepotism, over half my salary went on rent and utilities and so on
and so forth, meaning not only is life misery in Romania as one cannot even sleep in peace and have to
even buy the drinking water, but a honest decent life is impossible and I don’t consider slavery living
meaning life in Romania is unacceptable and the reason I became a human rights defender and fought
against this regime. In Romania on everyone there’s a constant pressure to become a criminal because
it’s as proven quite impossible to have a decent life in this criminal society, and becoming a criminal I
find unacceptable not just because I would lose my identity meaning not only committing spiritual
suicide but becoming mad since I’ve explicated that the only logical way of living for a human being is

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making the world better for all humankind because a human observes he is 99.9% genetically identical
to the others which is easily observable by naked eye or as God put it “love your neighbor as yourself”
because all the others are virtually (as good as) yourself, and also observing that being born in the
humankind continuum is proof one will be born again for being 99.9% identical to the others meaning
the superficial difference is not even a guarantee, a human being can only deduce that to make the
world better for oneself he must make the world better for everyone, and this is how I prove real
egotism is no different than real altruism to my amusement of demonstrating even a perfect antonimic
opposition is an illusion. Furthermore by becoming a criminal one does not simply lose just its identity
and sanity, but because becoming a criminal in Romania it means becoming part of the pyramidal
criminal scheme in which one is constantly blackmailed by bigger criminals into obeying as nothing is
given for free and blackmail is a machination of control in Romania, it means one also loses freedom,
argumentation by which I just proven that being a criminal is madness, and the mafia members are
really subservient to their own inhuman abject mediocrity, love of vice, vanity, illicit profit instead of
honest work, living in fear even of being hated and envied for rising above the immoral slum which is
the Romanian culture and hating culture and intellectuality as proven by the notorious event from the
degenerated “European” Vrancea county where in 1989 coup d’état a bunch of demented illiterate
peasants started burning books of course, amongst which one exited the mayor’s office with an
encyclopedia raised high in his hands, yelled “Death to intellectuals! This is their ideology!”, and threw
the encyclopedia in the fire; an event symbolic to the type of degenerated animal that populates the
Romanian public sector offices which were acceded through “politics” meaning the Romanian parties
also, which in Romania are just identical criminal cliques and sandboxes or training grounds for
ascending petty criminals, with different masks meaning name and emblem, reason for which enough of
these economic felons mostly are often changing parties in search for a better position which means
these groups have nothing to do with politics and have everything to do with organized crime as proven
by the fact they only act for their illicit profit and not to benefit society, and as proven by the staggering
amount of convicted for corruption parliament members still in office which should’ve been put under
interdiction to occupy any public function instead according to the law <seek an article regarding the list
of Romanian convicted parliament members in function and link>, meaning the Romanian “state” mafia
policy is the collection of unspoken rules of the Romanian criminal society risen out of the sociopathic
ambition for power and animal sadistic gratification of the illiterate and immoral peasants found by the
soviet invasion in 1945, who tortured and killed the Romanian intellectuals, and left the torturers and
criminals in power after the retreat of the soviet occupation forces, including former Nazi collaborators
introduced in the “communist” party by the infamous Ana Pauker <link to wikipedia articles where I’ve
picked this information from>, “communist” party which is the origin of the current oligarchy of state-
level organized crime which perpetuated itself through the 1989 coup d’état. It is therefore proven the
malevolent pervasive intent or mafia policy of achieving any criminal goal for personal mafia members
illicit profit and favoritism or the mutual illicit benefit or more mafia members, and the perpetuation of
the mafia lifestyle, and not that any mafia crime is “tolerated or condoned” but praised in Romanian
criminal society and sought to be committed to show one’s worth in the mafia’s ranks and inspire fear in
one’s enemies, respectively the cohesiveness of the mafia and its pervasive criminal policy when
engaging in criminal activity can’t be dismissed as temporary or local in any way as proven by the
cooperation of the entire hierarchy of public offices occupied by the mafia to cover-up any crime no

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matter how down in the mafia social status is the mafia member abuser, which is the red-string
characteristic of the Romanian “state” mafia that pervades the simple practice of criminal favoritism and
proves the mafia by controlling the state engaged in totalitarianism which is why it has the motive and
opportunity to commit state terrorism and wrongful political repression by abusing the judicial system
and “psychiatry” charlantary as weapons against its adversaries or victims. It is easily observed as well
that no Romanian “state” mafia member ever speak against the mafia even when its crimes are obvious
or notorious, and the mafia leaders when confronted try to downplay the crime and appear neutral
when they should at least be outspoken anticrime fighters according to the office they occupy which
proves they aren’t very smart nor involved in any way with the attributes of their work for which they
have no experience but are mounted in public office themselves to be used as mafia tools, and this
practice of silence is called omerta or the ironically notorious but unspoken of law of silence within a
criminal society, speaking of which I’ve noticed a death-inspired-like fear and fanaticism to praise the
other mafia members in most if not all of the mafia members from the degenerated “European”
Vrancea county, attitude worthy no less than North Koreea like culture and blind appraisal of the
dictator, a culture which seems to have survived for decades after the Romanian “state” mafia through a
mock trial foreboding of today’s Romanian “justice” assassinated its leader Nicolae Ceausescu (and
incidentally Elena Ceausescu why not... and judicially harassed their children) who was praised just like
the dictator in North Koreea in his late years in power, after visiting North Koreea no less from where he
picked the personality cult it’s rumored, and because to every rule there are exceptions I also indicate
that the only circumstance when a mafia member speaks strategically and not pervasively against the
mafia, is when the mafia infighting spits one of them out just like the mafia “secret information services”
defector Sebastian Ghita who didn’t “spill the whole beans” but rather selectively revealing certain
subjects against his enemies from the mafia
II.1.2^3 regarding “or a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or
a de facto authority”, I recount the objectivized fact in paragraphs above regarding this criterion in
antithesis with “part either of a government policy” , that the practice of atrocities is improperly spoken
of as “tolerated or condoned” by the “de facto” authority or the Romanian “state” mafia, because ethics
it’s not by far within a criminal society’s policy or concerns which therefore do not regard atrocities in
terms of tolerance or even forgive them because atrocities can bruise no ethical rules within a criminal
society as there are none, but in a criminal society crime is praised accordingly to their gravity meaning
atrocities are all the more praised by other criminals as opposed to petty crimes, as atrocities are usually
committed to instill fear and by it respect, as proven by the old roman saying vae victis. As I’ve also
objectivized before the Romanian “state” mafia is a criminal society enacted by centuries of turmoil
which counter-intuitively did not solidify some sort of evolutionary select elite class but rather drowned
every moral revolution in blood and destroyed intellectuality which is why at the soviet invasion in 1945
60% percent of the immoral peasants were also illiterate, and these are the roots of the contemporary
Romanian “state” mafia, illiterate and immoral peasants raised into public functions by the wrongful
application of the communist principle of equal opportunity by the soviet occupation, which also
persecuted and killed the intellectuals and the Christians leaving no opposition to the new illiterate and
immoral peasant “ruling class” which did what it only knew as the animals they are, they treated public
function as their own turf, and multiplied hiring into public function all their relatives making veritable
clans that eventually united for the common goal or criminal policy and lifestyle forming the Romanian

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“state” mafia, which is why after the 1989 coup d’état there was no lustration of the old “communist
state” mafia from public functions, but the political power oligarchy perpetuated, and this is why the
current mafia “secret services” numbering 7 and having 85.000 employees on state payroll rivaling even
U.S.A., is comprised of the members of the old “communist” regime security, their progeny,
collaborators and other “friends” from before the 1989 coup d’etat when the “communist” regime
security profiting from the fall of the communist block took absolute power under the malevolent
protection of the foreign interests spearheaded by CIA which does the dirty corporatist work for a
number of illicit economical interest, caused by use of its network of traitors the collapse of the
communist block, then the old “communist” regime security never let the power go - who would as
proof, and also as proof there was no revolution since nothing really changed for the better meaning,
then as proof of the new savage mafia “secret services” installing itself in absolute power, it abuses
public office at will currently for foreign illicit interests and its own, where before power was mostly
abused only by dictator Nicolae Ceausescu who was kept in check by the USSR, which proves the old
empirical observation right again, that a multitude of rulers is not a good thing, which I mention because
this is what happened in 1989 coup d’état, the mafia assassinated its dictator leader and gave birth to as
many dictators as there are mafia members, at least not counting the wannabes. In the present this
George Soros and CIA backed murderous totalitarian Romanian “state” mafia regime holds nothing back
in the name of illicit profit, devastating both the country’s resources as well as the people themselves as
proven by the 3 million Romanian economic refugees out of a population of total 19 million, with
approximation. Proof of this is notoriously public – there was a mafia “secret service” defector recently
named Sebastian Ghita who testified publicly that the so called anticorruption prosecutor Kovesi Laura
Codruta met with Balkans regional CIA chief at mafia “secret services” “protocol” villas, as proven by
one of many such articles: https://www.cotidianul.ro/casele-sri-unde-se-intilneau-codruta-kovesi-
sebastian-ghita-si-seful-cia-din-romania/, “protocol” villas which are nothing less of dictator Nicolae
Ceausescu’s old palaces, being obvious a prosecutor having no business to meet with secret services
agents in person ever as public function especially that of a prosecutor is not someone’s personal
business but the institutions must communicate institutionally only be it transparently or not, the only
functionaries that should partake in protocol meetings being diplomats or secret service agents
masquerading as diplomats, then the same prosecutor Kovesi Laura Codruta, the corrupt chief of the
Romanian national anti-corruption direction appears defended by George Soros’s financed “#rezist”
movement as proven by many such articles: https://psnews.ro/ce-nu-ne-spune-miscarea-rezist-soros-
condamnat-definitiv-asemanarea-cu-vintu-197282/, which is diverting from the country’s real problems
by protesting non-stop in favor of a non-existing justice system, covering all the legitimate protests by
sheer numerical superiority and driving away other legitimate protesters through violence even, in short
a “fight fire with fire” tactic. Same Kovesi Laura Codruta appeared on allegedly George Soros’s
sponsored television ARTE to make propaganda for her agency of political police, which is ridiculous in
itself because a prosecutor who does its job does not need propaganda that he’s doing his job when he
clearly does not else his accomplished job would make its own propaganda, all proof that Romania is the
most corrupt country in Europe rivaling even most of the 3rd world countries, or as the infamous human
trafficker and exploiter Hassan Awdi who was notoriously illegally expropriated by the Romanian “state”
mafia in a mafia takeover, and won at ICSID because of it, puts it: ~“Romania is a banana republic (with
no justice) where only the mafia businesses work”. Kovesi Laura Codruta I remind was general

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prosecutor of Romania since 2006, having in 2018 over 10 years of mandate to eradicate any corruption
at all which she didn’t because Kovesi Laura Codruta notoriously protects corruption and all she does is
political police abusing the prosecutor’s powers. There is much more proof about this background which
is not directly the subject of this penal complaint, such as the fact the old “communist” regime torturers
are hidden by this totalitarian murderous Romanian “state” mafia regime because it’s in fact the same
organized crime actors or their descendants in disguise so the old policy is also the new policy carried
out by the mafia oligarchy, as proven by the fact it took a lot of effort to even convict very late one such
old “communist” torturer - the notorious Visinescu, only seldom being convictions in Romania for
Crimes against humanity after decades of the Romanian “state” mafia regime hiding the torturers and
awarding them fat retiring funds, and even then only to save the appearance of a legitimate Romanian
state in the eyes of the world, convictions which only happen anyway under huge public pressure by the
mass-media as proof, except none of the crimes committed during the 1989 coup d’état and afterwards
by the old and new Romanian “communist” “state” mafia led then by Ion Iliescu we condemned, being
notorious that it was Ion Iliescu who called on the radio in actuality as he convened secretly before with
the other members of the mafia, the miners from Jiu Valley infiltrated by the old “communist” mafia
regime security forces in cahoots with the old “communist” mafia “secret services” ever since some
unrest in the area against dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s mafia regime, as proven by the notorious fact
one mafia member, who now became “general Oprea” as stereotypical for mafia run banana republics,
was the miners leader’s bodyguard officially, but unofficially the one who was dropping the mafia’s
orders in the miner leader’s ears who because was a mafia “patsy” or scapegoat went to jail instead of
his obvious instigators for the crimes committed by the miners he also instigated as they were called in
1990 by Ion Iliescu and the mafia to maintain Ion Iliescu’s mafia regime installment by beating and killing
the protesters against the neo-“communist” mafia regime instated by Ion Iliescu, who was also a leader
in the old “communist” public function nomenclature and should’ve been the first lustrated if there was
such as thing as a revolution in 1989, nomenclature which constitutes a veritable terrorist criminal
organization who owns the Romanian state ever since – reminding again as proof the rhetorical
question of who would in fact let go of such power once it has obtained, and even more why if it has no
morals at all(?), all of this being notoriously proven and easily observable with minimum research on the
internet, situation from which arise three more rhetorical questions, first, does anyone think that the
two mandates as president of Romanian were won by Ion Iliescu and the “social democratic party”
through fair elections (?) and second, are the facts presented in the artistic documentary movie about
the Italian mafia “Il capo dei capi” that the mainstream mafia party in Italy after World War II was also
the called the “socialist democratic party” then the “change” in regime the “liberal democrats” as it
happened in 2004 in Romania through the corrupt regime of old “communist” mafia notorious
collaborator Traian Basescu who was made president and created the office of “prosecutor” Kovesi
Laura Codruta for political police, a coincidence or history repeating itself because of the hubris and lack
of imagination of the mafia troglodyte peasants (?), and third, where’s the democracy in all of this? As
proof there’s no such thing as democracy in Romania but only the totalitarian murderous Romanian
“state” mafia, I can provide on demand the petitions accompanied by proofs I’ve notified with every
competent authority in Romania about the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes meaning all the
responsibles for initiating disciplinary action against the magistrates according to article 44 from
Romanian Law 317/2004, meaning the minister of justice, the general prosecutor of Romania, the

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president of the supreme court and the judiciary inspection chief, as I’ve objectivized also in paragraph
0.2 and chapter V.3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier. In fact I am accusing the Romanian “state” mafia leaders in this ICC penal dossier in
section I.B.23, for complicity and instigation to Crimes against humanity based on the fact I’ve notified
them and they refused to fulfill their duty proving themselves accomplices and instigators and assuring
by this the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes they wouldn’t be prosecuted and convicted for committing
Crimes against humanity or any felony for that matter, determining in consequence the perpetration of
the Crimes against humanity according to the text regarding instigation to a felony from the Romanian
Penal Code, and as further proof the mafia leaders continue to protect their mafia subordinates as
concrete or unassailable proof of “part either of a government policy” rather than “a wide practice of
atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority” because as I’ve objectivized
before the mafia doesn’t “tolerate or condone” its own crimes, nor a totalitarian regime regarding the
regime it imposes through state terrorism and wrongful political repression. I’ve also filed penal dossiers
against the mafia “magistrates” caporegimes in which they were never acquitted as proof, and I’ve
lodged complaints against the “prosecutor’s” falsified acts of procedure and for refusing to send the
denounced mafia “magistrate” caporegimes in trial to be convicted, or acquitted if I lied which is the
proof the mafia avoided any public trials to minimize their exposure to public opinion, and my
complaints were rejected with more falsified acts of procedure by mafia “judge” caporegimes. I’ve even
lodged self-denouncements based on the argument that if I lodged falsified penal complaints proven by
the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes that their mafia counterparts felonies do not exist, according to the
universal principle of non-contradiction I must be sent in trial and convicted for the felonies of False
declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error, and Disseminating false information by publishing
the penal dossiers I opened against the mafia “magistrate“ caporegimes, mafia “policemen” and
“gendarmes” soldiers, mafia “lawyers” and “legal medics” associates and so on and so forth, self-
denouncements of which I heard nothing back since because the mafia doesn’t know what to do with
them - if they say the deed doesn’t exist, they contradict themselves, if they say the deed exist they
must prove which they can’t because it’s impossible to justify breaking the law with malice
aforethought. By repeating this algorithm against the Romanian “state” mafia controlled judiciary
system hierarchy all the way to the top I proven all the “magistrates” in Romania from the lowest
courthouse to the highest institutions of justice, are corrupt, out of which 86% are outright criminals
disposed to be accomplices and instigators to Crimes against humanity, and the fact 100% of the
Romanian magistrates are corrupt means it’s the mafia’s intent to only have corrupt or puppetable
magistrates in office, meaning if corruption is not a random chance event but the intent, there’s no
margin of error and my statistic demonstrated that indeed all of the Romanian magistrates are corrupt,
leading to the obvious conclusion every magistrate in Romania is part of the same organized crime
group, as I’ve continuously proven by continuing to investigate and denounce the Romanian “state”
mafia never once being wrong, nor was I ever been even accused of the felonies of False declarations,
Inducing the judiciary bodies into error or Disseminating false information on the internet by publishing
the penal dossiers against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, which I remind were illicitly censored by
the deletion of the forum “militia.freeforums.net” on 8th April 2017 where I posted them, respectively
my facebook.com was partly illicitly censored on 10th April 2017, right when the Romanian “state” mafia
committed state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrests almost daily against me and

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my mother using tens of mafia “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and “gendarmes”
soldiers on 6th, 10th, 13th, 14th and 27th April 2017 as if I was a dangerous terrorist or MMA fighter not a
peaceful intellectual human rights defender, with the obvious intention to falsify the pretext and cover-
up story to commit against me Torture, Bodily harm, and attempted Qualified murder during Orthodox
Easter 2017 in typical “communist” mafia fashion like they’ve assassinated their leader Nicolae
Ceausescu (and his wife Elena Ceausescu because why not - actually to not tell the truth if kept alive) on
Christmas as a mockery of the at least 80% Romanian Orthodox Christians and, as proven by the fact
they committed these felonies against me constituting Crimes against humanity by illegally arresting me
during my faculty exams on 27th May 2017, incarcerating me in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag, tying me
up to an operating table and injecting me with deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins daily
putting me in anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment and expecting me to die, then after I
survived forcefully poisoning me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins until 8th June
2017. Furthermore being forced to acquaint myself with the “psychiatry” charlatanry literature to build
my defense plead, I’ve discovered and proven another aspect of the mafia’s policy, the fact that only
schizophrenic mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are admitted and kept in the judicial system because
they are psychologically labile, that is they lack integrity, thus they are easily manipulated into
committing felonies when ordered to, which corroborates to my other demonstration that 100% of the
mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are corrupt. This is another of the grave facts I’ve proven publicly and
one of the reasons or motives the Romanian “state” mafia perpetrated 2 Crimes against humanity
committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts against me, by which the mafia just strengthened
my credibility by proving I am important enough to be Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly
Murdered to be stopped from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity, and that in reality I’m not a
“public danger” but that the mafia perceives me as a danger to itself by which it proves itself Stalinist
paranoid since I am clearly no danger else I would’ve managed to destroy some mafia member’s power
meaning oust them from public office, not just destroy the Romanian’s “state” mafia fake reputation,
and by abusing the judiciary system and “psychiatry” charlatanry against me as state terrorism and
weapons of wrongful political repression, falsifying 4 penal dossiers against me without indicting and
convicting me of anything proving they are pretexts and cover-up stories for Crimes against humanity
committed through deadly fluorine and chlorine poisoning, the mafia also has proven its existence by
demonstrating it has the opportunity or that it controls the judiciary system, the Public Ministry, the
Ministry of Interior Affairs, the Ministry of Health, the lawyer bars in principal, and other institutions as
enumerated in paragraph 0.2 and chapter V.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The mafia also proven that it wasn’t just
my activity of investigating and denouncing their criminal activity it wanted stopped, but also to
discredit my findings which is why it employed the “psychiatry” charlatanry to commit Crimes against
humanity against me, and make a public display illegally of the multitude of “psychiatry” charlatanry
actions against me although the mafia lost officially 4 out of 6 while the last 2 are identical to the 2
before them meaning ne bis in idem, and I’ve proven them all falsified summarily in chapter I from
annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and fully demonstrated in section I.B.2, I.B.3, I.B.4, I.B.7 and I.B.9 regarding the falsified
proposals and sentences from dossiers 4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017 which I’ve also summarily
proven falsified in annex 12, annex 14, annex 18 and annex 19. This truth that I’ve sought to investigate,

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demonstrate and uncover to public opinion to initiate a revolution starting from public outrage, is the
reason why Romania is the most corrupt and miserable country in Europe and rivaling even most of the
3rd world countries as I’ve suspected to start with, but truth which was so great it was even unbelievable
to me until I obtained the proofs which I also published on the forum “militia.freeforums.net” hoping for
help from other dissidents, but because of its intellectual nature and amount of effort involved in this
endeavor, and because of the cowardly, treacherous and illiterate nature of the Romanian people just as
the mafia wants it entertaining a disastrous education system towards this purpose as even admitted
publicly by the ex-president of Romania Traian Basescu that ~“the education system makes idiots” <seek
article and link>, the public failed to react in an outrage as feared by the Romanian “state” mafia which
in turn proved itself Stalinist paranoid and illicitly censored this forum and partly my facebook.com
account, and simultaneously attempted to silence me by committing Crimes against humanity against
me as described above. The Romanian “magistrate” mafia has proven itself Stalinist paranoid by the
social experiment of perpetrating 2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against
humanity attempts between the years 2014 and 2017, although I clearly represented no danger
whatsoever to the Romanian “state” mafia which existence I couldn’t even suspect until the Crimes
against humanity it committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 when I saw
with my own eyes the concert effort of a multitude of institutions cooperating to commit Crimes against
humanity against me and cover-up the evidence as I demonstrate fully in section I.B.22, meaning it was
the Stalinist paranoia of the Romanian “state” mafia that helped me uncover and prove the truth, as at
that time I was just calling it the “magistrate” mafia. This truth is corroborated with facts I obtained from
analyzing the infamous human trafficker and exploiter Hassan Awdi’s problems with the apparent
“magistrate” mafia who illegally expropriated him in what appeared to be a classic mafia takeover, as
proven already by the notorious fact Hassan Awdi won at ICSID against Romania, and against the
falsified penal dossiers the Romanian “magistrate” mafia put on Hassan Awdi attempting to liquidate
him like they notoriously did to Dan Adamescu, Hassan Awdi won also in court in Lebanon which
consequently refused to extradite Hassan Awdi, but this truth is also wider and that is the Romanian
“state” mafia used the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes as aforementioned to destroy the Romanian
free press and control the rest, and use Hassan Awdi as a scapegoat in the process, level of illicit politics
which is above the troglodyte peasants that make up the Romanian “state” mafia, meaning indicative of
the illicit foreign interests intelligence agencies who control the Romanian “state” mafia. Through the
analysis of Hassan Awdi’s files I’ve concluded that besides the outrageous unconstitutional privileges the
mafia “magistrate” caporegimes arrogated themselves including 10 times over the minimal economy
wage which is also indicative of what mainly comprised the Romanian “state” mafia, these and the mafia
“secret service” leaders who also have outrageous salaries and privileges, the mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes and mafia “secret services” also finance themselves by dilapidating the Romanian economy
most noticeably by bringing into insolvency the Romanian industry which it sold for scrap as instigated
by foreign interests, and the various Romanian private sector businesses which aren’t already under
mafia control. The notorious dilapidation of Oltchim involving the falsification of a penal dossier against
Romanian journalist Dan Diaconescu through which he was illegally imprisoned for 1001 days by his
account and forbidden to practice reporting the truth for 10 years, is another proof of the criminal
activity of the what’s publicly known as “the binomial of the ‘magistrate’ mafia’s in cahoots with the
Romanian neo-“communist” secret services” , “the parallel state”, “the mafia state”, “the prosecutor

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republic” and so on and so forth. Last but not least I indicate the Romanian Constitutional Court Decision
no 25 from 19th January 2017 as I objectivized in section I.B.11, where a sum of notoriously criminal
judges declared that I do not benefit of the presumption of innocence even if it’s not proven a deed
exist, and even it’s not proven that the non-existing deed constitutes a felony, and even if it’s not proven
that the non-existing deed that cannot possibly constitute a felony or premise of a diagnosis for that
matter was committed by me, respetively even if I’m not convicted for that felony, all of which
happened in the 4 penal files falsified against me by the Romanian “state” mafia, which is against the
fundamental principle of justice that any penal action can only be taken against the perpetrator of a
crime, also according to the text of the articles 107-110 of the Romanian Penal Code, where the
Romanian term “faptuitor” in penal matters context means as translated to English mot-a-mot “penal-
deed-doer” or according to article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution an accused
convicted through a definitive decision by an impartial court of law with the respect of all the accused’s
rights and the demonstration beyond all reasonable doubt of the accused’s guilt as also according to
articles 11 and 20 from the Romanian Constitution according to which international Romanian ratified
treaties are internal right, such as article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, the simple
logic proof of the falsification of the Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January
2017 as I objectivized in section I.B.11, and the abolishment of the presumption with it which is
outrageous, being that if the deed is not proven to exist which can only be established legally in a court
of law by a judge or contingent of judges not by a lying or hallucinating “prosecutor”, the “penal-deed-
doer” or convict cannot exist since there is no deed there is no felony, and if there is no felony there is
no felon, which is the exact situation in my mafia falsified 4 penal dossiers as proven by the fact they
were never sent in a court of law to be proven correct meaning I was never indicted and convicted as
proven in short by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier, and in fact not even a falsified administration of proofs was attempted. The
Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 as I objectivized in section I.B.11,
led in consequence to the perpetration of Crimes against humanity against me between 27th May and
8th June 2017, as instigated by these heads of the mafia assuring the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes
that any absurdity can be declared in judicial acts and any atrocity can be committed without the
perpetrators being prosecuted and convicted, just like the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes from the
Romanian Constitutional Court. In closing the argument I eliminate any shred of doubt that there is such
a thing as a Romanian government by the evidence of the fact that for wanting to live as a true Christian
and believer in the rule of law I was nearly killed, if I manage to escape the Romanian “state” mafia hunt
forever that is, therefore the Romanian “state” mafia’s policy is not the state of right and rule of law
evidently and the Romanian “state” mafia is not the Romanian state of right government since no state
of right government commits Crimes against humanity against the people or even against the political
opposition, only totalitarian regimes and the mafia physically eliminates its opposition and is also
extremely paranoid about the opposition, all the more evident since Crimes against humanity were
committed against me for being a human rights defender against which no state of right government is
ever against, by the abuse of the “psychiatry” charlatanry which is only accredited by the Romanian
“state” mafia to be used as a weapon of state terrorism and wrongful political repression as no real
state of right government legalizes the “psychiatry” charlatanry, statement which I make knowing full
well as I declared before that the “psychiatry” charlatanry is in fact accredited by all the totalitarian

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regimes and elite or ruling classes of the world to do their dirty political work against dissidents and
human rights defenders, which is also the only reason the “psychiatry” charlatanry was allowed to exist
so far being not medicine nor science, only politically useful for wrongful repression as I’ve objectivized
in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier and section I.A.II.1.2.1^1 of this ICC penal dossier, all of which proving there is
no such thing as a state of right Romanian government, only the Romanian “state” mafia, as
corroborated by the fact in the Crimes against humanity committed against me there are involved the
mafia controlled Romanian “judiciary system”, mafia soldier “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret
policemen”, “special agents” and “gendarme” soldiers and mafia associated “lawyers” and “legal
medics”, all of which illegally collaborated and abused public function. Furthermore the Romanian
“state” mafia I proven to abuse the “psychiatry” charlatanry not only against the dissidents and human
rights defenders but its victims too who seek justice, for the purpose of “tying any loose knots” that is
preventing the victims from becoming dissidents or human rights defenders and fight against the
totalitarian mafia regime, category in which I also fall naturally because as my life was systematically
destroyed in every manner all I wanted was justice, and a normal, decent life, a job, a home, a family, all
of which were ripped from me along with all of the fundamental rights the mafia could and I was under
the illusion I could avail myself of. In conclusion I’ve proven the existence of the Romanian “state” mafia
by proving the cooperation of all possible and relevant mafia controlled institutions towards the
committal of Crimes against humanity against me and others meaning there is no government to be
spoken of, nor can it be argued that there is such a thing as a state of right government that commits
Crimes against humanity against the people, and thus I’ve proven that the Crimes against humanity
committed against me and others are “part either of a government (“state” mafia) policy” not really “or
a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de facto authority”, because in
a criminal society crime is praised not tolerated or condoned, and in a totalitarian state its regime is
imposed not tolerated or condoned
II.1.2.1. The 2 Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 and between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 meaning Torture, Bodily Harm and
attempted Qualified Murder, I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively
I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 from my ICC penal dossier. The first Crimes against humanity
attempt from 27th October 2015 was meant to be consumed as the Crimes against humanity committed
against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 meaning Bodily Harmed and attempt to be
Qualifiedly Murdered by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut then covertly poisoned at the emergency
ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” Focsani hospital with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone
or paliperidone, and the other 5 Crimes against humanity attempts were meant to be consumed as the
Crimes against humanity committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, except the last attempt
through the falsification of the sentences in 12718/231/2017 for indefinite to life incarceration, Torture,
Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder meaning the mafia’s final solution, as I’ve objectivized in annex 18,
annex 19, annex 20 and annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Both Crimes against humanity committals were far worse than
anything I’ve experienced in my life including the Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder attempt
committed by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut at the mafia’s instigation the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, as I’ve objectivized in chapter I from annex 21 and chapter IV.5 from annex 23 of my

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Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
Chemical lobotomization is far worse than rape and even physical Torture because they only leave
superficial Bodily Harm and psychic trauma which can be healed respectively overcome, but chemical
lobotomy amputates the brain eradicating individuality or a persona’s identity which is capital
punishment and and creates a myriad other health problem throughout the body, and the brain can’t be
healed nor can the destruction of the mind through brain damage be reversed. The “psychiatry”
charlatanry as I will prove next is the most horrific and insidious weapon of state terrorism and wrongful
political repression on Earth, literally committing Crimes against humanity by eradicating the humanity
in people and even worse inducing psychosis, suicidal and homicidal ideation and behavior
II.1.2.1^1. The Romanian “state” mafia committed the Crimes against humanity against me
abusing the charlatanry called “psychiatric medicine” it gives accreditation to for use as state terrorism
and wrongful political repression, charlatanry which as proven by my case and the other cases I present
in parallel chemically lobotomizes innocent people forcefully or without their consent and by inducing
them into error that the “psychiatry” charlatanry is medicine or science and benefits them in any way, in
reality destroying their physical and psychical integrity which is clearly the opposite of what medicine
does according to the oath of Hippocrates to “at least do no harm”, and even opposite of what the
“psychiatric” charlatanry claims to do of course since charlatans do not admit they are charlatans or
what they are really doing else they couldn’t swindle anyone into being chemically lobotomized,
“psychiatric” charlatanry lying claim as quoted: “Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the
diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders” according to:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychiatry, definition which I will punctually prove is false in all its aspects,
individual or put together, and respectively as required I will concomitantly demonstrate the
“psychiatry” charlatanry never cured anyone of anything logically and scientifically as immediately
obvious the “psychiatric” charlatanry poisons meaning mercury, opium, heroine, fluorine and chlorine
can’t cure anything being notorious deadly neurotoxic poisons
II.1.2.1^1.1 The only “evidence” that the “psychiatry” charlatanry ever cured anyone of anything
are the subjective declarations of
II.1.2.1^1.1^1 either the “psychiatrist” charlatans who being interested in succeeding to swindle
people for illicit profit, and taking advantage of the opportunity given by totalitarian states
accreditation, never by states of right accreditation because no real state of right poisons the people
from which the state of right flows meaning the people evidently wouldn’t poison themselves, has the
motive to lie and lies as proven by the fact the “psychiatrist” charlatans subjective declarations are
always illogical (pleonasm intended as declarations are always illogical or logically invalid meaning
lacking at least a premise from which an inference can be made) and unobjectivized scientifically or
experimentally being impossible to prove poison cures anything just as it’s impossible to justify breaking
the law with malice aforethought,
II.1.2.1^1.1^2 or the subjective declarations of mentally alienated or ignorant victims of the
“psychiatrist” charlatans especially picked because they don’t have the mental ability to fight back or
even recognize the danger, nor is there usually anyone to defend them which is another circumstance
actively sought by the “psychiatrist” charlatans as proven by the fact although I had and have the mental
capacity to fight back juridically and more than recognize the danger but actively condemn the
“psychiatry” charlatanry, the “psychiatrist” torturers while committing Crimes against humanity
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 against me amongst breaking all relevant law, regulations,

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norms, deontology and logic, avoided actively to close a contract with the conventional representant
which is my mother as legally required in regard to consent to be “psychiatrically” incarcerated and
chemically lobotomized to which nobody mentally sane would give his consent for himself or another,
even after the “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen was confronted by my mother with the
contract as I sent her and the “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen still refused, being named
curator with no apparent or possible legal forms because at the same time there were no falsified
“psychiatric” charlatans documents lying I had no discernment as proven by annex 16 regarding the
“psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration discharge papers where it’s retained I had full cognitive
functions. The subjective declarations of the mentally alienated meaning people who can’t recognize
what’s real, are also always illogical and unobjectivizable scientifically as proven by the fact they are
contradicted by science and by logic such as the fact the “psychiatric” charlatanry poisons are
scientifically proven to cause the problems they claim to solve as objectivized in chapter 1 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, but these subjective declarations are objectively contradicted by other victims of the
“psychiatry” charlatanry as proven by the public testimonies I quoted in chapter 1.8 from annex 21 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and
as further proof I do not declare I was cured of anything nor was Ill of anything as proven by annex 17
and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier regarding the fact being innocent there is no premise for diagnosis against me, nor was I
ever diagnosed with anything as certified by my family doctor I am army incorporable and apt for
superior studies, meaning there were no possible pretext and cover-up story for the mafia to poison me
with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins but I prove I was the victim of 2 Crimes against humanity
committals through chemical lobomotization as I objectivize in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22,
respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 from my ICC penal dossier, meaning
II.1.2.1^1.1^3 in conclusion not only are the subjective declarations of the “psychiatrist”
charlatans and some of their mentally alienated victims illogical and scientifically unobjectivizable as
proven by the fact they are contradicted by science and logic, but these declarations are in contradiction
with the declaration of other victims of “psychiatric” charlatanry who objectively meaning not knowing
of each other cases declare not only they have been cured of nothing but they suffered brain damage
proven objectively through MRI scan, and a myriad other health problems as I demonstrated
scientifically in chapter 1.8 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the objectivized effects of the deadly fluorine
based neurotoxin risperidone of paliperidone because these declarations correlate with the scientific
evidence from the poison’s “prospect” as evident since fluorine has no biological function, it’s a toxin or
poison, and which correlate logically, being thus proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the
“psychiatrist” charlatans and their mentally alienated victims who declare they have been cured, lie and
hallucinate - making inferences with no premises or no scientific or logical evidence, which instead
proves “psychiatry” is charlatanry because it’s the pervasive practice of the “psychiatrist” charlatans
who never cured anyone as proven here, which contradicts the definition of the “psychiatry” charlatanry
in the underlined terms from this quote: “Psychiatry is the medical specialty devoted to the diagnosis,
prevention, study, and treatment of mental disorders”, because medicine is a scientific practice sworn to
“at least do no harm” according to the oath of Hippocrates, while “psychiatry” charlatanry only using

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poisons such as mercury, opium, heroin, fluorine and chlorine obviously only does harm therefore can’t
be called medicine nor science as proven above there is no evidence it cures anyone of anything
meaning there’s no disease nor a cure, and furthermore the “psychiatrist” charlatans lie and hallucinate
as proven objectively in general by the fact they speak of inexistent cures for inexistent illnesses, and in
particular by my case in annex 4 and annex 16, or as notorious by the fact in Romania recently as in
Canada not long ago the “psychiatrist” charlatans poisoned institutionalized children - like orphans, for
illegal experimentation and illicit profit, as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1
respectivelly 2.4^14 and 2.4^28 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier where I’ve linked the email I’ve notified CCHR and
INTERPOL with. Consequently if there’s no treatment for mental disorders there’s no prevention either,
respectively as I prove in section I.A.II.1.2.1^1 there’s no such thing as “mental disorders”, or “mental
illness”, or “mental disease”, they are all bad metaphors as also objectivized in annex 20 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier where even
some of the “psychiatrist” charlatans admit in the press there are no such things. Logically because the
inference or the result of the “psychiatry” charlatanry is charlatanry or the false diagnosis and chemical
lobotomization not treatment since there is no such thing as “mental disorders” nor treatment for
something that does not exist nor can deadly neurotoxic poisoning can cure anything which is why it’s
called chemical lobotomy or chemically induced brain damage, the premise of the “psychiatric”
charlatanry or “psychiatric” charlatanry study can only be false or part of the charlatanry, as
exemplificatively proven by the fact the definition of schizophrenia is basically synonymous with the
definition of stupidity or really undistinguishable, enabling the “psychiatrist” charlatans to falsely
diagnose exactly their targets which are the ignorant thus perfect victims, being obvious that brain
poisoning stupid people does not make them smart as the only cure for stupidity is education when
possible meaning when no neurological problems exist, being again obvious neurological problems
cannot be fixed by destroying the brain with poisoning, or with electroshocks, unless assuming
education or brainwashing through Torture is legal which is not and which still doesn’t make the
“psychiatry” charlatanry medicine, it makes it a weapon of terrorism and repression as is not the
Torture or even Bodily Harm that prevents a behavior by fear of Torture and Bodily Harm, and even this
doesn’t work as proven by me as being chemically lobotomized meaning being Tortured and Bodily
Harmed not only did not stop me from continuing to investigate and denounce the Romanian “state”
mafia, reminding there have been 2 Crimes against humanity committals against me not one therefore
the mafia’s intent through poisoning clearly was not just chemical lobotomization as it observed once it
doesn’t work against me, but the mafia’s real intent was Qualified Murder in both instances, but being
amputated of the ability to enjoy life I have been left with no other purpose in life than to destroy this
evil that destroyed my life, and that much more time to do it not wasting it by enjoying life. I’ve also
proven that not only Torture and Bodily Harm through chemical lobotomization doesn’t achieve the
sought after result, but even worse it induces suicidal or homicidal behavior, as I demonstrated by a very
recent and relevant Romanian case that suspiciously occurred soon after the last Crimes against
humanity attempt against me, in which a person with real mental problems was Illegally deprived of
liberty through illegal “psychiatric” incarceration in Spain, which is worse than isolation imprisonment,
Tortured and Bodily Harmed by the “psychiatrist” charlatans in Spain, and induced homicidal ideation
through poisoning reason for which it pushed another person into the subway trench later in Romania,

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latter person who was killed as I objectivized in section I.A.II.1.2.10^1, while the person with mental
problems never displayed homicidal ideation before, and this outcome of chemical lobotomization
through “psychiatry” charlatanry poisoning is scientifically documented thus predictable but the
“psychiatrist” charlatan still proceeded to Torture and Bodily Harm this person being thus responsible
for the death of the other person and Crimes against humanity in general. About suicidal ideation proof
there can be found in the Romanian press the case of an Italian who was illegally “psychiatrically”
incarcerated in Romania, illegally poisoned and later committed suicide because of it, and is not the only
case as I’ve noticed reports of persons gone missing after interacting with the “psychiatrist” charlatans,
and later found dead, while other persons were killed by the “psychiatrist” charlatans through poisoning
and the Romanian “state” mafia “legal medicine” falsified the report declaring cardiac arrest and not
that the cardiac arrest was caused by poisoning which of course is missing entirely from the report
which is thus not objectivized, as no cardiac arrest simply just happens according to the law of causality.
Furthermore I’ve often demonstrated the members of the Romanian “state” mafia are schizophrenic
according to the DSM-V “psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, for displaying all
major symptoms of logical and behavioral incoherence and occupational dysfunction both as
functionaries and mafia members, and inherent failure to recognize what’s real, not that the proven fact
they are criminals doesn’t automatically classify them as sociopaths also, meaning persons who
pervasively are breaking the law and other people’s rights, and who are sacrificing the lives of others to
achieve their illicit petty goals, but I never heard in Romania or the world for that matter of the
“psychiatry” charlatanry ever going against especially the factions of the totalitarian states that gives
them accreditation and calling them schizophrenic and sociopaths, meaning against any criminal
magistrate or governing politician which I retain as further notorious proof the “psychiatry” charlatanry
is indeed accredited by totalitarian states for use against the population not the members of the regime
II.1.2.1^1.1^4 Lastly, there can be found ludicrously obvious fake declarations on the internet
paid for by the pharmaceutical mafia, obvious because they either do not report the adverse effects
which I’ve proven are the only effects therefore there can be no benefits of being poisoned as evident,
but these declarations like those of the “psychiatrist” charlatans and their ignorant mental alienated
victims, are not objectivized as they cannot be since they are contradicted by science and logic, and
futhermore encourage the use of the poison which clearly it cannot be simultaneously praised and
claimed as scientifically proven anyway it’s chemical lobotomization. These declarations have the same
worth as the falsified FDA approvals which I’ve objectivized by the notorious acknowledgment of its
corruption in section I.A.II.1.2.7. regarding the truth about “The Worthlessness of FDA Approval” and
any other such accreditations, that they’re bought not true, as was Sigmund Freud by two
pharmaceutical “companies” for declaring heroin and opium as “psychiatric” charlatanry treatments
which notoriously are not
II.1.2.1^1. the key word of the entire “psychiatry” charlatanry is as typical to liars the generic
term “disorder” which is a carte blanche term under which the “psychiatrist” charlatans falsifies the
diagnostics also generically lying declaratively or illogically, meaning with no logical objectivization based
on a factual premise syllogistically verified out of which results this “disorder” as correlated with the
law, regulation, norm, deontology or at least doctrine and correlated with the scientific objectivization
of this “disorder’s” anatomy and immorality mechanics reported to reality meaning the scientific
objectivization must also include an ethical objectivization, none of which exist because the purpose of

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the “psychiatry” charlatanry is charlatanry for which reason of achieving its purpose the “psychiatry”
charlatanry employs these carte blanche “disorders” which can pervade the short scrutiny of ignorant
victims who trust in the totalitarian state accreditation of the “psychiatry” charlatanry and its quackeries
such as faking the credibility of a real medical discipline by recommending brain destroying poisons to
cure the fictive “disorders” which just disables the ignorant victim further from reacting to the horror
that is chemical lobotomization or the destruction of the rest of the life of the “psychiatric” charlatanry
victim, and reason for which the “psychiatrist” charlatans even masquerade as medics wearing white
robes which is just ludicrous but makes sense since evidently impersonating a profession requires to
wear that profession’s insignia. Furthermore the “psychiatrist” charlatans to defend their charlatanry
declare aberrations such as people exercising their right to justice are paranoid, and that borderline
geniuses are schizophrenic because are highly intelligent which is preposterous as I’ve never even heard
of a highly intelligent person who is simultaneously logically incoherent, occupationally dysfunctional
and failing to recognize what’s real, the real reason for these wild aberrations I’ve found in the
“psychiatric” charlatanry literature being that the “psychiatrist” charlatans fear people who are
intelligent enough to discover that they are charlatans, and that simultaneously have the self respect to
claim their rights, which is why the “psychiatrist” charlatans in cahoots with the totalitarian state that
gives them accreditation attempt to discredit them or even worse commit Crimes against humanity
against them, again modeling after my own case which is relevant to other Romanian citizens who have
been abused, but also according to the testimonies quoted I prove it’s the reality all over the world as
there can’t be a single notorious crime committed by a “psychiatric” charlatan who goes unpunished,
about which it doesn’t’ t mean that at least the judicial system of that country is not instigator and
accomplice by its passivity. After falsifying the diagnosis as aforementioned and the victim refuses to be
chemically lobotomized voluntarily for which one has to be truly mentally alienated or unable to
recognize what’s real, although even mentally alienated people have the right to life, physical and
psychical integrity therefore must be actively protected from chemical lobotomization and the
“psychiatry” charlatanry, then the “psychiatrist” charlatans falsifies the obligation to “psychiatric”
incarceration for forceful chemical lobotomization, again generically with no scientific objectivization
based on a veridical factual premise which should have been the diagnosis if “psychiatry” charlatanry
was either medicine or science which is not, and based on the ethical objectivization that chemical
lobotomization is in a person’s interest which cannot ever be objectivized, reminding that there is such a
formal requirement according to article 43 from the Romanian Law 487/2002 which in my case it was
disregarded of course by which the Romanian “state” mafia tacitly admitted it’s murderous intent to
chemically lobotomize me until Qualifiedly Murdering me as I’ve objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. In other words
because the chemical lobotomization inference as a cure for fictive illnesses can only be correlated with
the scientific and ethical objectivization that the treatment benefits the subject, the procedure cannot
ever be legal meaning nobody can be forced or swindled into chemical lobotomization according to the
law and human rights. Because chemical lobotomization is all that the “psychiatry charlatanry” does,
even in the case of prescribing so called anti-depressant drugs which come with plenty adverse health
effects including brain damage meaning chemical lobotomization, and also don’t cure anything as
evident that no chemical is a substitute for a mind, will power and the right psychology and philosophy
as proven by myself, being able to function although I’ve been chemically lobotomized and I should be in

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clinical depression according to science, or by the notorious fact marijuana, which can be considered a
natural anti-depressant although it’s much worse creating a sort of cult-like addiction which as the
“psychiatrist” charlatans the addicts think it should be of global use, never produced a single genius to
my knowledge but on the contrary it has been notoriously proven to produce brain damage being thus
as well chemical lobotomization as all “psychiatric” charlatanry poisons ever were - mercury, opium,
heroin, fluorine and chlorine, and if there’s a chemical imbalance in the brain then that is a
neuroendocrinological problem, not that “psychiatry” charlatanry can solve any problem which only
causes. Furthermore it is also notorious that anti-depressant prescription is also quackery unless a hole
is drilled in the head of the patient and a sample of the cerebrospinal fluid is analyzed and thus
scientifically observed there is a chemical imbalance in the brain which then the neuroendocrinologist
can advise the patient to fix, and the choice lying entirely with the patient about the procedure,
meaning in short that because nobody in his right mind would agree to be chemically lobotomized, or
even have a hole drilled in his head for scientific observation of potential causes of his clinical
depression, the “psychiatry” charlatans falsifies the documentation and forces chemical lobotomization
on patients to justify its existence without any possible scientific and ethical objectivization, under the
protection of totalitarian governments around the word as proven by the totalitarian Romanian “state”
mafia under which no Qualified Murder or Bodily Harm in “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration
through chemical lobotomization is ever criminally investigated, nor have I ever heard of a malpraxis
case against a “psychiatrist” charlatan about which I’m convinced it cannot exist in Romania because of
the mafia’s policy to cover-up all the crimes of its tool the “psychiatry” charlatanry, as I’ve proven by
denouncing myself all the “psychiatrist” charlatans who attempted and committed Crimes against
humanity against me to the local malpraxis committee who ignored my first petition, rejected the
second through a falsified answer refusing to name a random expert or committee of experts from the
Romanian national register of experts to analyze and conclude whether there was a malpraxis or not,
answer falsified of course by one of the “psychiatrist” charlatans in person named Berzvehnii Igor, the
same one involved in all the “psychiatric” charlatanry documents ever falsified against me and all the
intrinsic instigations to Crimes against humanity, then the third ignored again.<research the books
regarding the death industry that the “psychiatry” charlatanry is, and other cases of “psychiatric”
charlatanry abuse such as against members of the yogi MISA group> As demonstrated before, the
reason why the murderous totalitarian Romanian “state” mafia under which no death or bodily harm in
“psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration and chemical lobotomization is ever criminally investigated, is
that this mafia gives accreditation to the “psychiatry” charlatanry in exchange for using it as a weapon of
state terrorism and wrongful political repression against the dissidents of the regime and the human
rights defenders such as me and as it was used to commit Crimes against humanity against me,
meaning the generic carte blanche term “disorder” is also designating metaphorically a conflict between
a totalitarian regime’s ideology or “order” and the ideology of the target of “psychiatric” charlatanry
which calls it “disorder” and attempts to repress the person through chemical lobotomization at the
totalitarian regime’s instigation, being obvious I’m modeling a generalization after my own case which is
valid according to the encyclopedic conclusions I’ve quoted in sections <quotes from wikipedia regarding
the use of the “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of wrongful political repression> including regarding
this totalitarian practice of Crimes against humanity in Romania, and according to recent cases from
Romania objectivized in my notification to CCHR and INTERPOL published at address:

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https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy), meaning the repression of the ideology of an
undesirable person to the totalitarian regime, or the repression of the undesirable altogether
accompanied with the undesirable’s discreditation for avoidance of public opinion outrage, undesirable
which is either a dissident such as a person refusing to adhere to the doctrine of the regime and
passively or actively protests, or a human rights defender such as myself who actively denounces the
totalitarian regime judicially and politically, or simply a religion or philosophy member of which I am also
as a Christian Orthodox, persecuted me for my belief in an absolute honest life by being denied the
conform of my religion during the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017 by the “psychiatrist” charlatans who called that Christian Orthodox people,
honest people and believers in the rule of law suffer from the “mystical delirium” psychosis, as all three
qualities are basically the same thing, respectively persecuted me exactly on and right before Orthodox
Easter 2017 by the mafia attempting to commit Crimes against humanity during Orthodox Easter 2017
against me, respectively persecuted me by the Crimes against humanity attempt through the
falsification of the Crimes against humanity attempts during Christmas 2015 and Orthodox Easter 2016,
respectively persecuted me by the Crimes against humanity committal in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2016 on Saint Nicholas which another popular Christian holiday, respectively the falsified
decisions in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance were taken within a
week of my birthday, reminding targeting meaningful days and holydays is the “psychological wars”
stereotype of the “communist” mafia who even assassinated it’s leader Nicolae Ceausescu on Christmas
1989 to mock the over 80% Romanian Christian Orthodox people. I remind between 27th May 2017 and
8th June 2017 I was “psychiatrically” incarcerated with no justification and other reason than to be put in
anaphylactic shock through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic daily injections for the first 3 days at
least without treatment and expected to die, then for the rest of the days forcefully chemically
lobotomized in the morning and evening with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons as
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6 and I.A.I.1-2. All of these proofs mean “disorders” is a carte
blanche term justifying whoever holds “authority” to stigmatize anyone with a fictive “mental illness”
meaning social ostracization for that person for the purpose of placing that person outside the
protection of the law, discrediting that person to deter public outrage followed by the elimination of
that person through chemical lobotomization which I’ve often objectivized is capital punishment
through the eradication of a person’s individuality or identity, “authority” meaning the control of the
society usually through a monopoly on fear which constitutes the legitimate or not “state” relative to
whether it’s a people mandated state of right or not as it’s not the law or law enforcers that control
society within a state of right for example but the fear of the repercussions of breaking the law which
means no such thing as the “psychiatry” charlatanry can exist in a true state of right, which evidentiates
that in totalitarian regimes the “state” quite often clandestine as the so called democracies of the world
today prove, having thus the opportunity unopposed to legitimize such a thing as the “psychiatric”
charlatanry, effectively controls that society’s reality where that totalitarian “state” operates by
manipulation of what is accepted behavior and what not, being rumor of the existence of such a thing as
“opinion formers” which is not far from the contemporary expression of “manufacturing consent” which
is clearly a totalitarian political expression as in a true state of right consent and conscience is free of
even manipulation, use of the “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of wrongful political repression
which is exactly what the Romanian “state” mafia attempted against me, to discredit me and my work

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or public denouncements of the criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia polluting it with
references to the “psychiatry” charlatanry which to the Romanian troglodyte peasantry means
immediately that any person that had friction with the “psychiatry” charlatanry is crazy, therefore the
credibility of my work was attacked although not only was this a futile effort by the mafia because the
Romanians I also proved are cowardly and treacherous and wouldn’t have helped regardless of my
credibility and what the mafia did, reality to which the mafia is advised now and is more dangerous than
ever believing quite correctly it can engage in any type of Crimes against humanity reason for which it
even attempted a mass obligatory vaccination law which was banished in Germany as a result of a
sinister conspiracy <seek article and link>, evidently of the pharmaceutical mafia and the Romanian
“state” mafia, but perplexingly also the offshoot of the Helsinki Committee’s NGO APADOR-CH who
militated against human rights in this instance <seek article and link>. Instead, the mafia’s failed Crimes
against humanity committals and attempts made me able to fully demonstrate it’s existence and as well
be eligible to address ICC through this penal complaint and any other international committee,
organization or association regarding human rights, as well as be the first that proved EU, CoE and ECHR
are corrupt beyond any reasonable doubt thanks to the complicity of EU’s LIBE committee and of those
in CoE, and the Romanian “state” mafia agents who illegally destroyed my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures 6 times until August 2018 in various ways although being the same petition which
is proof in itself of the illegalities committed, mostly the disregard of the fact that my ECHR urgent
request juridical regime is according to Rule 39 is exempt of the formalities of Rule 47 and Rule 35
according to Rule 47 paragraph 5.1 letter b. I remind however that the attempt to discredit my work
only came after the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 which was suppose to
play out as the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
when the same interloper Herghelegiu Danut as instigated by the mafia hit me violently on the head,
while I was unconscious hit my head against the wall then violently pushed me down a flight of stairs to
make it look like an accident, and after I was transported at the emergency ward of the “Saint
Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani I was injected without my consent with the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite or basically the same thing, in my right
elbow by an unknown person believing I wouldn’t feel it, as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2,
I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, attack of a violence, callousness and hubris which makes absolutely no sense other
than its the result of the Romanian “state” mafia versatility in exactly the same type of Crimes against
humanity also committed before against others, respectively attack which not only shamed the mafia by
not working against me for which I can only thank God for it as there’s a concrete spiritual parallel story
to this, but motivated the mafia to desperately attempt 5 Crimes against humanity and also commit the
Crimes against humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 because of which I’ve been
able to identify the risperidone or paliperidone poison I was covertly injected with in the night between
5th and 6th December 2014 because of its long presence in the blood stream for which it was chosen by
the mafia who knew it could only covertly inject me once or for a short period covertly, but which had
effects for at least 4 months after when I took a blood test of which I still have the result, that showed
symptoms which proved the presence of the poison in my blood stream, respectively I recognized the
physical and psychological symptoms and I have half a dozen other clues that all corroborate thanks to
the stupidity of the troglodyte peasant Romanian “state” mafia members of which I spoke in the
aforementioned sections. The final Crimes against humanity attempt as I’ve objectivized in chapter 1

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from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, was meant to play out as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 to make me
“disappear” by indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder,
discrediting me publicly concomitantly as proven blatantly by the fact the Romanian “state “mafia has
hidden all the psychiatrically profiled dossiers from the public evidence of dossiers ECRIS but mine about
which I’ve also notified the Romanian data protection agency “ANSPDCP” about that has attributions
regarding my personal data in public space, and the Romanian national council for combating
discrimination “CNCD” to which I also proven I’ve been discriminated, institutions who of course being
controlled by the Romanian “state” mafia refused to do their job and falsified answers in return for
which at least I opened a penal dossier against “CNCD” which I published at address:
Pentru-Falsificarea-Raspunsului-in-Scopul-de-a-Solutiona-Petitia-Si-Probe <publish ANSPDCP email
transcript and link proving in short how it broke the data protection law or my right to demand and
obtain the removal of my personal data from public space, or the penal dossier if I included it in one
already>, and putting me in a vulnerable situation through indefinite to life illegal incarceration in the
Focsani “psychiatric” gulag which means the impossibility to raise public awareness by communicating
with the press which is mafia controlled or afraid anyway as are the vast majority of the Romanians, the
impossibility to denounce penally and publicly the mafia criminal activity against me not that is possible
to obtain justice in Romania as proven by my entire case, as the “psychiatrist” torturers even refused to
provide copies of the relevant law and the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag regulations as required by the law
after the “psychiatric” charlatanry illegal incarceration between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, the
impossibility to defend myself or receive the defense of a legal or conventional representant with which
the “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen actively refused to close the contract therefore would
again, and “psychiatrically” incarcerated means not only disallowed to complain but also physically and
psychically abused because of it as I’ve observed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 the other
inmates were, respectively chemically lobotomized through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins
and be unable to dissent against the murderous injustice or even report it eventually because of the
extent of the brain damage as I’ve witnessed it was done to the other inmates between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017 who were “psychiatrically” incarcerated for a longer period, especially a member of
the Rroma minority I befriended, indefinite to life illegal “psychiatric” incarceration which meant I
would’ve been poisoned continuously with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxins I’ve objectivized upon
in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier, until dying from one of the fatal health issues it causes, or be so severely
brain damaged that I wouldn’t have been able to function anymore as the Romanian “state “mafia
already falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents for that I’m irresponsible, lacking discernment,
being violent and a public danger as proven by annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, reminding the fact no Torture, Bodily Harm or
Qualified Murder in “psychiatric” regime incarceration in Romania is ever criminally investigated and
condemned although it’s public knowledge it exists thanks to some brave journalists - unless trickling
horror stories is another state terrorism strategy of the Romanian “state” mafia as the pervasive terror
story I’ve been often threatened or “warned” with by the various mafia “lawyer” associates, even priests
out of which I already can prove some are mafia collaborators, that the mafia will lock me up in the

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Focsani “psychiatric” gulag and “make me a vegetable” for being a dissenter and human rights defender
against the mafia, nor is there ever a malpraxis condemnation of “psychiatrist” charlatans to my
knowledge, as every “psychiatric” charlatanry case in reality is a malpraxis and therefore all
“psychiatrist” charlatans should be out of “business” by they are covered up by the Romanian “state”
mafia which constitutes another proof of “a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a
government or a de facto authority”, again I remind as the mafia only gives accreditation to the
“psychiatry” charlatanry to use it as state terrorism and wrongful political repression which is the
Romanian “state” mafia’s policy, being improper to speak of a government in Romania, or that the mafia
“tolerated or condoned” Crimes against humanity which also are within the Romanian “state” mafia’s
policy against not just dissenters and human rights defenders, but for illicit profit against
institutionalized children, homeless, members of Rroma minority, youngsters, elders, and in short and in
general anyone unable to fight back judicially and undefended by anyone else, meaning perfect victims
for the “psychiatry” charlatanry in cahoots with the Romanian “state” mafia who falsified even the
obligation to chemical lobotomy judicial decisions as I’ve discovered and denounced, followed by a
series of cover-ups by the Romanian “state” mafia as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and
2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier. No complaint I could’ve made however would’ve been of any use anyway as the
Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 were totally
covered up by the Romanian “state” mafia who as proof even avoided mentioning it happened in the
last Crimes against humanity attempt through the falsification of the sentences in dossier
12718/231/2017 where it’s not referenced, as I’ve summarily proven in annex 18 and annex 19 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
respectively sections I.B.2, I.B.3 and I.B.4, and especially in the paragraphs 2.4^8 and 2.4^46 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier. In conclusion by its Crimes against humanity against me the mafia practically declared that my
human rights defender activity, legitimized not just by my fundamental rights but also by the obligation
of any Romanian citizen to defend its country according to article 55 from the Romanian Constitution, is
a “disorder”, respectively the “psychiatrist” charlatans contrary to the “psychiatric” charlatanry
literature indicated in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, regarding the “psychiatry” charlatanry stated fact that assimilating the
law as one’s social command is proof of utmost discernment and civility, and declared that civility and
respecting the law is psychosis meaning false ideation resulting in socially unaccepted behavior, in other
words the “psychiatrist” charlatans declared the state of right a “disorder”, which makes perfect sense
since these are associated with the Romanian “state” mafia “order”, which of course didn’t declare
openly and in writing in the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents attached as annex 4 and annex
16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, but is the only logical conclusion since is the only behavior I’ve displayed, corroborated with the
fact I’ve been illegally arrested during the 2nd session of my law faculty exams also before Orthodox
Easter 2017 with the obvious intent of committing Crimes against humanity against me during
Orthodox Easter 2017, then I’ve been illegally arrested from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017 and
Crimes against humanity have been committed against me until 8th June 2017, then the mafia falsified a
“prosecutor’s” proposal for Crimes against humanity to be committed against me with which I was

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tipped off and became a permanent refugee from 1st September 2017 which is the start of the law
faculty exam recovery session, respectively the “psychiatrist” charlatans lied that I’m paranoid and that I
imagined being under penal pursuit in the falsified penal dossiers against me 2417/P/2014,
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, as proven by annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which means as I thoroughly
prove below beyond any reasonable doubt that there are no such things as “mental disorders”, but just
pretexts and poor cover-up stories for Crimes against humanity just as in my case, as no “disorder” can
be scientifically objectivized being invented by the “psychiatry” charlatanry to fool fools only, first of all
as admitted by some of the very same “psychiatrists” charlatans themselves as proven in annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
secondly as proven by the obvious fact the psychic cannot be “ill” then “cured” through poisoning
evidently because it chemically destroys the support of the psychic meaning the physical brain primarily
and the rest of the central nervous system as well as other vital organs, thirdly because “mental illness”
is a bad metaphor since there is no comparison between physical diseases and psychological complex
thought patterns, nor is there a cure for metaphors or a cure by comparison and analogy evidently - it’s
the absurd sounding exposure of the “psychiatric” charlatanry illogical quackery, fourthly because killing
and any other animal behavior is perfectly normal and natural for animals which humans basically are
except for the mind meaning education and culture, animal behavior is only abnormal in civilized human
society which is a man-made mental construct, social convention or culture which proves the so called
“disorders” are also invented to prey on social convention namely social conformity which is mostly
puppetable by fear of ostracization which of course the totalitarian “state” and the elite class has
monopoly of, totalitarian “state” which of course gives accreditation to the “psychiatry” charlatanry to
control the masses and eliminate dissenters and human rights defenders, and although the “psychiatry”
charlatanry paradigms appear moral to have the aspect of a legitimate discipline that benefits human
society, and fool the bovine simpleton member of the working class who is the most often found victim
of the “psychiatry” charlatanry, being sacrificed as cattle for illegal experimentation for being cattle, in
reality the “mental illnesses” are generalized premises used by the “psychiatrist” charlatans to
stigmatize anyone with their quackery diagnostics which would be easily discovered every time and
there would be no more “psychiatry” charlatanry if everyone would be trained in law and logic, and also
not be cowardly and fight injustice for their own sake at least, and fifthly the “psychiatrist” charlatans
and the old “medical” assistants of mentally impaired people are one and the same thing as the
“psychiatrists” are a self-glorified clique of charlatans who raised their social status based on the wide
spread illiteracy and thus ignorance on which all charlatans prey actually, for illicit profit, when in reality
even today the “psychiatrist” charlatans are a category of medicine college flunkies or drop-outs as
proven by the fact they do not even know to copy-paste from their own quackery and at least formally
attempt to objectivize their falsified documents not that it would’ve worked against me, flunkies who
only graduate college as allowed by the Romanian “state” mafia through lessening the rigors of
academia to the lowest level of mediocrity in Romania which is rock bottom, “medical” assistants who
only became “psychiatrist” charlatans in an effort to glorify themselves as medics to access the
privileges that come from being mafia associated and the respect a medic received just by title as the
peasants of the 18th century notion of medicine was the village priest or the local witch, mentioning that
the “psychiatry” charlatanry in Romania originated from the Hebrew charlatans of 18th century who

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notoriously poisoned the Romanian national poet Mihai Eminescu with mercury because he was
denouncing their criminal activity, then it was ironically (because it was used on Hebrews) adopted by
the totalitarian Nazi and Soviet regimes and other criminal organizations such as even more ironically
(because of the false claim of being a democratic federation which is anything but - it’s an empire
proven by the approximatevely 200 wars it started in the last 200 years) U.S.A’s “intelligence agencies”
which found the “psychiatric” charlatanry useful against the dissenters or the undesirables to U.S.A’s
politics, “psychiatry” charlatanry who was engaged in Crimes against humanity and War crimes during
World War II reason for which to make it look scientific and not be convicted as criminals of war, the
“psychiatrist” charlatans picked up by the allies through operation “Paperclip” wrote quackery lying they
medically treated prisoners in the Nazi concentration camps with fluorine which was really used to quell
dissenters, and of course wrote this to continue masquerading as medics, perpetuate the charlatanry
and have cover to poison people for illicit profit, since whoever heard of a medic with no medicine.
These “psychiatrist” charlatans invented scientific sounding but ludicrous terms for even normal human
behavior which they declared “mental illness” <watch the marketing of madness to provide an example
or two>, behavior of the “psychiatrist” charlatans which ironically by their own “psychiatric” definition
represents the antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy that is the behavior of sacrificing other
people’s lives to achieve their own illicit petty interests, or the behavior of pervasively breaking the law
and other people’s rights, behavior determined by callousness characteristic to psychopaths who lacking
humanity of course would call humans “mentally ill” not just out of antisocial behavior which is
characterized by the belief of the sociopath aggressor that whatever he does is right and whatever the
victim does is wrong and furthermore disserves to be aggressed for it, but for the very reason of
justifying their crimes and getting away without being punished, and this is the red thread of
“psychiatry” in short. I have witnessed by reading various “psychiatry” charlatanry literature also
attempts of actually declaring the adherence to the rule of law paranoia, and the life style of continuous
learning or being an intellectual schizophrenia, because the “psychiatrist” charlatans fear persons
trained in law and logic and intellectuals because they can discover and prove they are charlatans.
Because the “psychiatrists” charlatans are psychopaths who have no scruples, allied themselves with the
pharmaceutical mafia to capitalize on “psychiatric medicine” which is notoriously as appropriately
nicknamed “the industry of death”, which is why the judicial system of “European” Vrancea county in
Romania is convicting innocents to be obligated to chemical lobotomy, because it performs illegal
experiments on them, fact which the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag torturers admitted to the press
claiming as the schizophrenics they are that the Ministry of Health gave them permission to break the
law, and the Romanian “state” mafia is clearly in cahoots with them, as proven by the fact I’ve
denounced this publicly after which immediately the Romanian “state” mafia issued a joint order of the
Superior Council of Magistrates and Ministry of Justice that this information be hidden from the public
by selective censorship of the public dossiers evidence system ECRIS, to stop me from gathering more
proof, except the mafia namely through the Ministry of Justice who operates ECRIS deliberately and
defiantly left public the “psychiatric” charlatanry profiled dossiers they’ve falsified against me, although
at that time in all 4 of them 15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and 14277/231/20135 in
1st and 2nd instance I won in court annulling them and proving them falsified, which just proves the
Romanian mafia is obsessed to discredit me even in the least for the purpose of making my
denouncements of the mafia criminal activity unbelievable by associating my name with “psychiatric”

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charlatanry actions as for the stupefied Romanian proletariat is enough to believe there must be some
truth in “psychiatric” charlatanry actions against me even if they are proven falsified by being annulled
which isn’t deduced by the Romanian simpleton who rather being a coward actually sees the threat
represented by the mafia that falsified these actions to also make an example out of me and instill terror
in the population therefore the Romanian simpleton instead of being outraged by injustice cowardly
backs down as it actually happened. Although the manipulation of the ECRIS system doen’t actually
constitute Crimes against humanity but are acts of state terrorism and a direct proof that the Romanian
“state” mafia controls the Minister of Justice, the Superior Magistrate Council and the Romanian data
protection agency and Romanian national council for combating discrimination which I’ve notified and
refused to do their job as indicated above where I’ve also linked to a penal dossier published about the
latter institution, chemically lobotomizing people for illegal experimentation constitutes Crimes against
humanity. In conclusion and as modeled by the Crimes against humanity committed against me
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, the charlatanry named “psychiatry”, after depriving the
undesirable of his freedom illegally and vitiating his consent not even required through harassment and
violence perpetrated by the “psychiatrist” torturers in cahoots with the totalitarian “state” so-called
order forces, in Romania meaning the mafia “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and
“gendarme” soldiers, concocts one “disorder” or another cover-up story for the purpose of falsely
justifying but hiding from public scrutiny the repression of the undesirable’s individuality through the
eradication of the undesirable’s moral but unwanted behavior by the totalitarian regime through
chemical lobotomization, cover-up for the purpose of being clandestine political repression which will
follow as defined by the “psychiatrist” charlatanry a masquerade of identifying and preventing that
unwanted behavior and fictious “disorder” by “diagnosis, prevention, study, and treatment of mental
disorders”, meaning the eradication of individuality or a person’s identity which is no different from
capital punishment because the destruction of the individuality through chemical lobotomy or a
person’s identity is no different from killing a person or making it to cease to exist – any human being
identity or individuality resides in its brain not its body as proven by the fact that when a person is brain
damaged it loses partly or entirely its individuality or identity, meaning the person’s integrity of
identity or individuality if destroyed means capital punishment, because it’s the equivalent of killing
that person, and I corroborate this with the already proven fact that the “psychiatric” charlatanry only
abused deadly neurotoxic poisons such as mercury, heroin, opium, fluorine and chlorine to chemically
lobotomize people and conveniently make their victims unable to fight back and unable to fully realize
what happened to them as chemical lobotomy not only destroys the person’s integrity of identity
psychologically and physically through the destruction of the physical brain, it also destroys any of the
cognitive functions, and as proof the “psychiatry” charlatanry is murderous the deadly poisons it uses
also kills people and create a myriad other health problems which again as I’ve proven to begin with is
the opposite of medicine does, all of which proves “psychiatry” is charlatanry and a criminal not medical
<remained here with work, spoke of fake proofs of psychiatry curing anyone meaning
contradictory declarations while the ones against psychiatry are backed up by science and logic, spoke
of the fake psychiatry esotery regarding “disorders”, will speak concentrately on comparison between
psychiatry and medicine, then science, giving examples, then finally make a plan, a skeleton of

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II.1.2.1^2. “psychiatry” charlatanry logically and scientifically proven is not medicine as I’ve
objectivized in the paragraphs above, that is demonstrated by referencing Hippocrates’s oath of ~“at
least do no harm” which is required to be taken by all medics, and which is juridically a verbal or written
contract that if broken constitutes the penal category of felonies of service, e.g. abuse, negligence,
usurping, dilapidation etc. The psychiatric quackery is notoriously only doing harm as proven by the host
of testimonies and scientific research I’ve indicated in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, as corroborated with
the fact the “psychiatry” charlatanry historically only ever abused brain damaging poisons meaning
mercury, heroin, opium, fluorine and chlorine. Reciprocally if “psychiatry” isn’t science it can’t be
medicine. Furthermore “psychiatry” charlatanry is proven not medicine logically as to be expected when
scrutinizing a lie’s consistency with reality and the lie itself - given the fact that after the “psychiatric”
charlatanry chemical lobotomization the mind is partly or totally destroyed which is capital
punishment through the eradication of that person’s identity and individuality, the equivalent of killing
a person, lets assume that what remains of the brain compensates by creating another mind with what
it has left meaning usually no functioning mammalian brain meaning no emotions. That new mind will
be then the mind of a psychopath, an inhuman being or an animal, which is why the “psychiatry”
charlatanry chemical lobotomy induces suicidal or homicidal behavior as objectivized in section
I.A.II.1.2.10^1. Even ad absurdum if a mind could be destroyed leaving the brain intact for the
installation of another mind which is capital punishment through the eradication of that person’s
identity and individuality, the process is not random meaning in the same conditions a similar mind will
develop except with another identity, lacking the memories of childhood and love for instance, and
being incarcerated in a “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag creates a deeply traumatized mind which will
either ideatize at suicide, homicide, or both, the homicidal ideation being natural, logical and justified
against the aggressors meaning the “psychiatrist” torturers because of the fundamental subconscious
evolutionary survival mechanisms within the brain perceiving an aggression and threat to the very life of
the person which then it seeks to eliminate, therefore there is no real or ad absurdum scenario that can
unfold and prove “psychiatry” is medicine and not charlatanry. This proves the “psychiatry” charlatanry
is false even from its logical premises not just in practice, and that therefore it’s neither medicine nor
science because it only does harm and is both logically invalid and alienated from reality
II.1.2^3 “Psychiatry” charlatanry logically and objectively proven is not science as I’ve
objectivized in the paragraphs above, because logically proven “psychiatry” is not medicine and because
medicine is science “psychiatry” therefore is not science, and because the “psychiatry” charlatanry
declares it’s medicine and science while it’s obviously not it lies therefore is charlatanry. Because
“psychiatry” charlatanry doesn’t falsify its reports based on scientific observation because it’s impossible
as the scientific method guarantees the extraction of the truth, and scientific method would reveal
there’s no such thing as “mental illness”, therefore there’s no such thing as “mental illness” cure, and
science already revealed the “psychiatric” charlatanry “cures and treatments” are brain damaging
methods meaning either chemical lobotomy through deadly neurotoxic poisons such as mercury, opium,
heroin, fluorine and chlorine, or electroshocks, “psychiatry” charlatanry is again proven not science
therefore not medicine, as the “psychiatric” charlatanry reports are based on the “psychiatrist”
charlatan’s hallucinations as generally proven by the fact there’s no such thing as “mental illnesses” as
even admitted by some of the “psychiatrist” charlatans in the press as I’ve objectivized in annex 20 of

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my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
therefore there’s no such thing as “mental illness” cures and treatments as proven by the fact nobody
was ever cured or treated for “mental illness” as proven by the fact the only proofs for that are
subjective false declarations contradicted by other testimonies who in turn correlate with science and
logic, as evidently the “psychiatry” charlatanry cannot cure anything with deadly neurotoxic poisons
such as mercury, opium, heroin, fluorine and chlorine which only destroy the mind, brain and body of
the “psychiatry” charlatanry victims not coincidentally or randomly but intently, to prevent the victims
from fighting back or even realize the damage done, and the “psychiatrist” charlatans are protected by
all totalitarian states around the world to use as a weapon of state terrorism and wrongful political
repression just as it was abused against me by the Romanian “state” mafia to commit 2 Crimes against
humanity and attempt 6 Crimes against humanity to cover-up my previous denouncements by
discrediting me publicly and to stop me from further denouncing its criminal activity, therefore because
the “psychiatrist” charlatan doesn’t observe and declare the observed reality but invents or falsifies
factual premises or doesn’t mention them altogether and breaks all the relevant laws, regulations,
norms, deontology or logic for that matter for faking the syllogistical inference or the diagnostic, the
“psychiatrist” charlatan is perpetrating a charlatanry, as immediately proven by the fact the
“psychiatrist” charlatan doesn’t immediately declare the logically obvious and scientific notorious fact
poisoning a person doesn’t cure that person of anything, but the “psychiatrist” charlatan just
hallucinates or lies it does “recommending” it by force meaning appealing to the totalitarian state illicit
order forces to carry out the “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration which serves the only purpose of
putting a person in a situation of vulnerability at the discretion of the “psychiatrist” torturers who
physically abuse regularly the incarcerated persons in their gulags, and chemically lobotomize them with
fluorine and chlorine, just as I objectivized it by my case objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22,
respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and testimony regarding the chemical lobotomization
of others I’ve personally witnessed according to paragraph 1.24 from annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and as objectivized by
the press who disclosed many cases of people being brain damaged to the point of committing either
suicide, or committing homicide as I’ve proven in section I.A.II.1.2.10^1. Because logically “psychiatry”
charlatanry falsely claims to be a medical specialty it’s sufficient that I proven it’s not medicine to also
prove it’s not science as I proven vice-versa anyway, in other words the because “psychiatric”
charlatanry doesn’t adhere to the scientific method which means the “psychiatric” charlatans are always
lying about the truth not observing and reporting it according to the physical reality but falsifying the
premises or omitting them and breaking the law, regulations, norms, deontology and logic in order to
conduct the charlatanry, and they achieve this thanks to public ignorance instilled by totalitarian states
around the world who keep the general population ignorant so that the “psychiatrist” charlatans can
either induce their victims into error because of its their own stupidity, or forcefully incarcerating and
chemically lobotomizing the victim without its consent when the victim is unable to defend itself
because of lack of money, social position and influence thus also undefended by others, such as the case
of institutionalized children being chemically lobotomized in Romania and not long ago in Canada where
it has already been proven it has destroyed the rest of their lives, or the case of the Rroma minority in
Romania, or homeless people, Rroma minority members, or ignorant youngsters and elders, or in the
case of dissidents and human rights defenders fighting against the totalitarian state which in turn abuses

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the judiciary system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of state terrorism and wrongful
repression, the totalitarian state places the dissidents and human rights defenders outside the
protection of the law then forcefully chemically lobotomizes them as proven by my case, the notorious
case of the Rroma minority member Ivascu locked up and chemically lobotomized in Romania for
hundreds of days just for demanding his rights, and other cases of uneducated people picked as targets
for being uneducated reason for which they are unheard of because they don’t know how to defend
themselves, but I’ve witnessed they exist in far greater numbers than the known cases, reason for which
a thorough investigation must be undertaken against the Romanian “state” mafia to have all its
ramifications and all its Crimes against humanity unveiled to stop it once and for all from preying on the
unaware public, as victim’s ignorance is the common ground of all forms of charlatanry. Another proof
that “psychiatry” is charlatanry is the fact that the “company” that commercializes poisons as medicine
was many times convicted billions of dollars as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 1.9 of annex 21 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my
proven and thus legitimate reasons to fear and indefinite to life arbitrary incarceration, Torture, Bodily
Harm and Qualified Murder, annex in which I’ve also proven that the prospect of the risperidone or
paliperidone deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I’ve been poisoned with lies that there are no proofs it’s
deadly or that fatalities are not reported because the pharmaceutical mafia refuses to make an
experiment that would demonstrate it’s deadly, and it lies that it cures schizophrenia by causing
schizophrenia, which proves the prospect was not written by scientists but by schizophrenic charlatans
as proven by their logical and behavioral incoherence, occupational dysfunction, and failure to recognize
what’s real according to DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistic, while being
the kind of charlatans that costs people their lives automatically classifies them as sociopaths - persons
who sacrifice other people’s lives for achieving their petty illicit goals, or who are breaking the law and
other person’s rights pervasively. I remind I was never diagnosed even falsely with schizophrenia or
anything else to be chemically lobotomized with the risperidone or paliperidone deadly fluorine
neurotoxin, meaning as obvious I was just chemically lobotomized with the most destructive and deadly
poison the mafia had to Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly Murder me, reminding between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017 I was put in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment with daily
deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections, and expected to die, as I’ve objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6 and I.A.I.1-2 from my ICC penal dossier, poisons which I’ve proven in chapter 1 from
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier that cannot constitute a cure for anything meaning the “psychiatry” charlatanry do not cure
anything but chemically lobotomize people which is neither medicine, or science, or legal for that
matter, it’s charlatanry when it’s not used as state terrorism and wrongful political repression. As
further proof psychiatry hasn’t cured nobody ever of anything, not just obviously because poisons cure
nothing, but because the “mental illnesses” fictive “psychiatric” charlatanry premises for faking
diagnosis with no relation to reality are invalid metaphors not designating real, observable and
measurable phenomena, which therefore can’t be cured because they don’t exist being bad metaphors
meaning even as metaphor being invalid as there is no comparison between physical illnesses and
mental processes, then the notion that metaphors can be cured as if being illnesses is simply ludicrous,
nor can anything be cured obviously by comparison or analogy then poisoning which is simply crazy that
is the “psychiatrist” charlatans are, argument which must be stated in this dissected form to

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demonstrate beyond any reasonable doubt the charlatanry named “psychiatry”. Even worse, the
“psychiatric” charlatanry claims that it “cures” the “symptoms” of the fictive “psychiatry” charlatanry
“mental illnesses”, “symptoms” which are normal human behaviors such as being intelligent, having self
esteem, having libido, laughing, socializing, reading, enjoying music, games, movies, creativity, vividity,
sex, engaging in philosophy and art and more as proven by the fact the “psychiatrist” charlatans
eradicate all these through chemical lobotomization as I’ve proven objectively by my own testimony
from chapter IV.5 from annex 23 correlated with paragraph 1.8 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which is why the
“psychiatric” charlatanry as I’ve as described before was found useful by Nazi, Soviet and other
totalitarian regimes, or other criminal organizations, which then gave “state” accreditation to the
“psychiatry” charlatanry even if obviously is against the fundamental human rights which the world so
called democracies hypocritically declare bur infringe upon at the same time by accrediting the
“psychiatry” charlatanry, to abuse it against the people as a weapon of wrongful political repression,
targeting dissidents and human rights defenders worldwide for Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified
Murder through chemical lobotomization, charlatanry which was been historically acknowledged as
widely used by the Nazi or Soviet regimes against prisoners of wars in concentration camps or gulags,
which is exactly why it was used against me as a dissenter against the mafia controlled “state” of
Romania and as a defender of human rights, with the clear intent to silence me by gravely bodily
harming me and Qualifiedly Murder me to stop me from denouncing the criminal Romanian “state”
mafia regime as proven summarily by my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and in full in this ICC penal dossier
<mention somewhere the logic that there is no such thing as a medical cure for lack of
discernment else everyone would take it as proof, and there would be no more accidents, or reference
the ECHR annex 4 or 16
II.1.2.2. As proof in support of II.1.2^3, that the “psychiatric medicine” charlatanry was abused
historically against dissidents against an totalitarian regime, which is “part either of a government
policy” and not “or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de
facto authority” because obviously a totalitarian regime does not tolerate or condone its own regime it
imposes, I reference the fact the Romanian national poet and dissident against institutionalized
corruption Mihai Eminescu was evidently stigmatized with the false diagnosis of schizophrenia and
syphilis against the clear evidence to the contrary and of course in lack of evidence for the false
diagnosis, and was poisoned with mercury claimed to be “psychiatric” charlatanry treatment although it
was empirically knows even at the time it was a deadly poison, and because Mihai Eminescu had a
strong mind which wasn’t damaged sufficiently by the poisoning even after years of torture, they
cracked his skull with a brick and killed him because he was as of fact the biggest political dissident
against corruption of his time and he had a newspaper meaning a means for propaganda against
corruption, assassination by abuse of the “psychiatric “charlatanry proven by the bias in this article
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mihai_Eminescu#Later_life_and_death where again as typical of liars
generic terms are used as accusations, not facts, because the accusations are false, as concretely proven
by the evident false “deviant behaviors” accusation which are not specified because they don’t exist
II.1.2.3. As proof in support of II.1.2^3 that “psychiatry” is charlatanry is not medicine and not
science, I also reference the scientific documentary “The marketing of madness” of which I couldn’t
stand watching but the first 5 minutes which clearly proves Sigmund Freud or better said “fraud” took

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bribe from 2 pharmaceutical companies to promote opium and heroine as psychiatric medicine – this
documentary is easy to find by name using google.com search engine, and more material can be
consulted from CCHR. This practice correlates with the truth about FDA members who take bribe to
accreditate the “psychiatry” charlatanry, and the fact the “psychiatric” charlatan “medics” are the most
“financed” meaning bribed in actuality, by the pharmaceutical mafia because “psychiatry” is the most
lucrative charlatanry where a wide range of chemically lobotomizing poisons can be marketed illegally
under the cover of “psychiatric medicine” state legitimized charlatanry, while the same pharmaceutical
mafia was repeatedly convicted for commercializing poisons as “psychiatric medicine”, meaning the
pharmaceutical mafia calculates it’s profitable even to get severely fined commercializing poisons as
“psychiatric medicine, as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 1.9 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. I also reference at this the
incoming section II.1.2.8. where I quote the truth about “The Worthlessness of FDA Approval” and any
other such accreditations
II.1.2.4 (old I.A.II.1.2.6 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the references) As
proof “psychiatry” charlatanry is a criminal occupation, neither medicine nor science, I also reference
the fact “psychiatrist” criminals of war were imported by the Allies after World War 2 through Operation
“Paperclip”, criminals of war which to avoid prosecution and capital punishment wrote quackery books
about how poisoning dissidents in Nazi concentration camps with fluorine was medicine and not a crime
of war – president Vladimir Putin of the Russian Federation being one of the most recent personalities
who invoked this truth of which he should know best as a former member of the soviet intelligence who
also used fluorine in its gulags, and used against the criminal NGO network of George Soros who was
banished from Russia as persona non grata along with his NGOs because he was petitioning the Russian
government to put fluorine in the water as I prove by referencing this article amongst many similar:
http://yournewswire.com/putin-bans-fluoride-russia/ from where I quote: “Vladimir Putin has banned
fluoride from Russia, stating that the “toxic poison” that was “force fed to prisoners of war during Soviet
times” should not “under any circumstances, now or in the future, be considered for use on the people of
the Russian Federation.”... Putin responded to questions about the fluoridation campaign by pointing out
who was behind the plot: George Soros’s OSF and the subsidiary offshoots it employs to find ways of
disregarding the laws of sovereign nations” which I quote as proof because I’ve also been poisoned with
the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone for being a dissident against the
George Soros’s backed Romanian “state” mafia, especially by inculpating George Soros’s favorite
Romanian “state” mafia prostitutes Kovesi Laura Codruta, the corrupt chief of the national anti-
corruption direction who only engages in political police, and Pruna Raluca, the ex-minister of justice
who is the tool of the mafia oligarch Monica Macovei, the EU parliament members who has been
falsifying reports that Romania has a judicial system for years, and who was perfectly aware of all 8
Crimes against humanity committals and attempts against me as I’ve notified her as a LIBE member. I
mention I was against the Romanian “state” mafia of which I was only aware as generalized and
institutionalized corruption not that’s it’s actively state-level if not perhaps world-level organized crime
because it does illicit business internationally, before I discovered I’m genetically virtually identical to
everyone else and being egotistical is idiocy therefore because there really isn’t escaping life while
humans are born so everything one builds for humanity builds for himself really, but I only become an
active human rights defender after the Romanian “state” mafia made it personal actively cutting off all
my possibilities to get a job, a home, implicitly a family. The Romanian “state” mafia has been in fact

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doing this since 1989 not wishing to debunk conspiracy theories that it may have been even longer than
that, because the Romanian “state” mafia put the Romanian industry and economy in general in
insolvency since the 1989 coup d’état, privatized the national interest and protected the criminals who
are destroying the Romanian state of right in every conceivable way, its education system in which I’ve
suffered in my youth as fodder for every troglodyte with relations who posed as a “professor”, its health
system from which I escaped thank God for my skepticism and poverty not having money to bribe else I
would’ve been operated tens of times by the Romanian charlatan butchers who open anyone up to get
some illicit profit as proven by the fact even the judicial prostitute Kovesi Laura Codruta admitted over
50% of oncologists put healthy persons on chemotherapy, destroyed the worker rights and syndicalism,
even protected the “communist” mafia regime torturers such as Visinescu who was eventually caught by
huge effort and media coverage, because the actual mafia has oligarchically inherited the power and
even the methods as proven of the old totalitarian regime. I am convinced the Romanian “state” mafia
destroyed my life through the 1989 coup d’état and following “politics” of dilapidation of the
“communist” economic corpse, because even under Nicolae Ceausescu’s “communist” regime, I
would’ve had a home, a job, a wife and family, there would have been order and justice and I would’ve
been happy, a great personality contributing to the welfare of humanity, not having to fight for life with
these animated feces that are the members of the Romanian “state” mafia and its collaborators
II.1.2.4^1 (old I.A.II.1.2.6^1 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the references)
In support of previous proofs that fluorine is not a “psychiatric” charlatanry cure, it’s a chemical used for
totalitarian mass control, I reference the following quote: “In a 1954 letter to the Lee Foundation for
Nutritional Research, Perkins stated:

"The German chemists worked out a very ingenious and far-reaching plan of mass control that was
submitted to and adopted by the German General Staff. This plan was to control the population of
any given area through mass medication of drinking water supplies... In this scheme of mass control,
‘sodium fluoride’ occupied a prominent place...

However, and I want to make this very definite and very positive, the real reason behind water
fluoridation is not to benefit children’s teeth... The real purpose behind water fluoridation is to
reduce the resistance of the masses to domination and control and loss of liberty... Repeated doses of
infinitesimal amounts of fluorine [sic] will in time gradually reduce the individual’s power to resist
domination by slowly poisoning and narcotizing this area of brain tissue, and make him submissive to
the will of those who wish to govern him...

I was told of this entire scheme by a German chemist who was an official of the great Farben chemical
industries and was prominent in the Nazi movement at the time... I say this with all the earnestness
and sincerity of a scientist who has spent nearly 20 years research [sic] into the chemistry,
biochemistry, physiology, and pathology of ‘fluorine [sic].’ ...

Any person who drinks artificially fluoridated water for a period of one year or more will never again
be the same person, mentally or physically.”
“ from the article at address
https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_mindcon52.htm, which is a vast article
– ergo, destruction of a person’s identity or physical integrity aimed even at the destruction of
psychical integrity, is as I’ve proven capital punishment, and beyond, a means of control through the

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eradication of a person’s identity, individuality, self-esteem and thus its liberty, autonomy or self-
determination, and I testify that after being poisoned I’ve been put in what I call “the living death”
forever, a existence devoid of most sentimentality in which state I’m able to function by my power of
will, having foreseen this circumstance if that helped my power of will at all but most important being
trained involuntarily by the miserable life I had in Romania which forced me to carry on by power of will
since ever regardless of how I felt, which didn’t train me at all for having my emotional intelligence
amputated which led me to suicide ideation for months that I had to overcome by brute force but really
just forgetting I had a life which made me unaware of the loss that was the cause of the suffering and
half of the problem, and ultimately aided for the other half by the grace of God or scientifically called
the practice of philosophy of Christianity which helps in wide regard of areas, purpose, atonement,
enlightenment, to which I also adhered because I recognized in it my old ethos and which I knew it
would further my agenda and keep me in line if I would be damaged by the Romanian “state” mafia and
operate if only at a level of belief in what once I understood – Christianity or faith is a means to achieve
a higher plane of moral knowledge, logic and intrinsic moral behavior which is normally
incomprehensible in its entirety by the limited human brain, but of which I understood as much as it was
revealed to me when I still had my full emotional intelligence, that is before being chemically
lobotomized and amputation of the ability to appreciate and enjoy life as I’ve objectivized in chapter
IV.5 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, through Torture and Bodily Harm by deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic
poisoning which constitute the 2 Crime against humanity committals against me as I’ve objectivized in
sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, which have almost
eradicated my natural humanity, that I compensate for by virtue of my humane will with which I’ve
consciously build up an inertial artificial replica of my old self. In short I’ve been dehumanized as
described in the encyclopedic article regarding Crimes against humanity, and this is simple truth about
how the “psychiatry” charlatanry by chemical lobotomization push people into suicide ideation and even
worse homicidal ideation, because “pscyhiatry” charlatanry chemical lobotomization destroys the brain
unraveling the primitive side of people making them dysfunctional even by eliminating their natural
evolutionary inhibition against suicide and homicide, and because the forceful “psychiatric” charlatanry
chemical lobotomization is perceived as an aggression the victims are naturally provoked into homicidal
ideation which unfortuntely doesn’t occur as diserving against the “psychiatrist” charlatans who are
aware of this, but against the general ignorant population, as I’ve objectivized in section II.1.2.10^1
<find more quotes from articles on keywords psychiatry, paperclip, allies, world war 2 etc.
II.1.2.5 (old I.A.II.1.2.7 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the references) I
also reference the fact that the deadly neurotoxic “psychiatric” chartalanry poisons are FDA approved
means nothing, because the FDA clerks that approved it are obviously corrupt and in consequence of
their felonies, criminals:

The Worthlessness of FDA Approval
You are probably wondering how psychiatric drugs get approval from government agencies such as the
U.S.A.'s Food & Drug Admin­istration (FDA) if they are as harmful as indicated here. There are several

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One reason is former drug company executives who seem to have more loyalty to their former
employers than to the public hold high positions within the FDA.
Another reason is FDA officials who have never worked for a drug company acquiesce to drug
company proposals in hopes of gaining favor and being hired at eye-popping salaries by the companies
they (theoretically) regulate during their stint at the FDA. In the words of Princeton University
economics professor Paul Krugman in a book published in 2012—

Consider, for example, the revolving door, in which politicians and officials end up going to work for the
industry they were supposed to oversee. That door has existed for a long time, but the salary you can
get if the industry likes you is vastly higher than it used to be, which has to make the urge to
accommodate the people on the other side of that door, to adopt positions that will make you an
attractive hire in your postpolicy career, much stronger than it was thirty years ago. [End this Depression
Now!, W.W.Norton & Co., p. 87]

In his book Pharmocracy (Praktikos Books 2011, p. 153), Life Extension Foundation Co-Founder William
Faloon cites an Associated Press report saying "a record number of FDA employees are leaving the
agency to go to work for pharmaceutical companies." He says "the FDA functions primarily to protect
the financial interests of the pharmaceutical industry, not the public's health" (p. 152). In an article
published in 2007, Marcia Angell, M.D., a senior lecturer at Harvard Medical School and former editor of
the New England Journal of Medicine, says "The FDA now behaves as though the pharmaceutical
industry is its user, not the public" ("Taking back the FDA", Boston Globe, February 26, 2007). Experts
on FDA advisory panels are often simultaneously paid consultants for drug companies. According to Dr.
Vernon Coleman, a British physician, "Governments say they can't find any doctors without conflict of
interest to sit on committees assessing drugs" (Do Doctors And Nurses Kill More People Than Cancer?,
European Medical Journal 2011, p. 34). Until this incestuous relationship between drug companies and
the FDA is stopped by laws preventing anyone who has been employed by a drug company in recent
years from serving at the FDA, and prohibiting FDA officials from accepting employment at drug
companies for many years after leaving the FDA, and prohibiting experts on FDA advisory panels from
accepting money from drug companies for many years before and after serving as consultants for the
FDA, the FDA will probably continue to foster and protect the best interests of drug companies more
than the best interests of the public.
In her book Side Effects—A Prosecutor, a Whistleblower, and a Bestselling Antidepressant on Trial
(Algonquin Books 2008) Alison Bass shows how drug studies are deliberately falsified for the purpose of
getting useless or harmful drugs approved and sold. She provides facts proving "that doctors who
receive consulting or other personal income from drugmakers are more likely to report positive findings
about a particular drug than researchers who don't receive money from the industry" and "psychiatry
was the specialty with the highest number of doctors receiving payments from drug companies" (p.
In his book Saving Normal—An Insider's Revolt Against Out-of-Control Psychiatric Diagnosis, DSM-5, Big
Pharma, and the Medicalization of Ordinary Life (HarperCollins 2013, p. 212), psychiatrist Allen Frances
says "The legal psychiatric drug industry has thrived through the aggressive spread of misinformation."
“ quote from address http://www.wayneramsay.com/drugs.htm. This proof pertains to any kind of
research corrupted when the interest is any other than the objective public health

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II.1.2.6 (old I.A.II.1.2.8 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the references)
Because I’ve been also poisoned with benzodiazepines (Diazepam and Prazolex), meaning chlorine
based neurotoxins, I also reference the truth about this category of drugs:

"The benzodiazepines have caused infinitely more sorrow and despair than all illegal drugs put together"
(benzo.org.uk, accessed January 15, 2015). Like all psychiatric drugs, the so-called minor tranquilizers
don't cure anything but are merely brain-disabling drugs. In one clinical trial, 70 percent of persons
taking Halcion "developed memory loss, depression and paranoia"
“, quote from address http://www.wayneramsay.com/drugs.htm

In his book Toxic Psychiatry, psychiatrist Peter Breggin, speaking of the minor tranquilizers, says
"As with most psychiatric drugs, the use of the medication eventually causes an increase of the very
symptoms that the drug is supposed to ameliorate" (p. 246).
David Knott, a physician at the University of Tennessee, in 1976 warned: "I am very convinced that
Valium (Diazepam), Librium and other drugs of that class cause damage to the brain. I have seen
damage to the cerebral cortex that I believe is due to the use of these drugs, and I am beginning to
wonder if the damage is permanent" (quoted in Robert Whitaker, Anatomy of an Epidemic, Crown
Publishers 2010, p. 137).
“ quote from address http://www.wayneramsay.com/drugs.htm, corroborated with the research I’ve
shown in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the objectivization of my thus legitimately proven fear of
indefinite imprisonment to life, torture and loss of life, showing that also Diazepam and Prazolex, the
chlorine based neurotoxins I’ve been poisoned with forcefully do cause permanent brain damage, as
well as the other fluorine based deadly neurotoxins Haloperidol and Invega, proving it was an attempt at
Qualified murder as objectivized by the fact i was put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days without
treatment and expected to die, then after I survived I was forcefully chemically lobotomized with other
deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins with which and I was also thus Bodily harmed and
Tortured, felonies which constitute Crimes against humanity. Also, I mention there is no brain damage
that isn’t permanent, because the brain doesn’t heal as of notorious fact – neurogenesis is severely
limited both in extent and to two regions of the brain meaning the subventricular zone (SVZ) of the
lateral ventricles and the subgranular zone (SGZ) of the dentate gyrus within the hippocampus, and
these are interneurons – see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adult_neurogenesis, and clearly synapses or
the mind doesn’t heal meaning lost memory and cognitive function. Once a brain cell is dead it remains
dead, the remaining brain cells only compensating – see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brain_healing
meaning all the billions of cells that have been killed in my brain through chlorine and fluorine poisoning
will never recover, I am condemned to this state I call “the living death” for life by the “psychiatrist”
torturers in cahoots with the Romanian “state” mafia. Also, the word “medication” can’t be used in the
same sentence that describes it worsens symptoms, because by definition “medication” is “A drug or
other form of medicine that is used to treat or prevent disease” not to chemically lobotomize, as quoted
from https://en.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/medication – it’s a pleonastic besides a contradiction
in terms, the proposition thus orthographically resolved shows there is no such thing as “psychiatric
medication”, only “psychiatric” charlatanry chemical lobotomy

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II.1.2.7 (old I.A.II.1.2.9 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the references)
Because I’ve been also poisoned with neuroleptics (Haloperidol and Invega) meaning fluorine based
neurotoxins, I also reference the truth about this category of drugs:

NEUROLEPTICS: Even as harmful as psychiatry's (so-called) antidepressants and lithium and (so-called)
antianxiety agents (or minor tranquilizers) and ADHD drugs are, they are nowhere near as damaging as
the neuroleptics, now most often (although incorrectly) called "antipsychotic" drugs. "Neuroleptic"
means nerve-seizing. At one time these drugs were called "major tranquilizers", but over time the myth
that they are anti-psychosis developed. Included in this category are "older" or "typical" neuroleptics
such as Thorazine (chlorpromazine), Mellaril, Prolixin (fluphenazine), Compazine, Stelazine, and Haldol
(haloperidol) and "newer" or "atypical" or "second generation" neuroleptics such as Abilify, Clozaril,
Geodon, Invega, Latuda, Risperdal, Seroquel, and Zyprexa. Contrary to the often-repeated claim the
newer or so-called atypical or second-generation neuroleptics are less likely than "older" or "typical"
neuroleptics to cause neurological damage manifested by movement disorders, sometimes called
"extrapyramidal side effects", such as tardive dyskinesia, dystonia, and akathisia, the National Institute
of Mental Health (NIMH) Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness (CATIE) study in 2005
found that "Contrary to expectations, movement side effects (rigidity, stiff movements, tremor, and
muscle restlessness [dyskinesia, dystonia, and akathisia]) primarily associated with the older
medications were not seen more frequently with perphenazine than with the newer drugs"
“ quote from address http://www.wayneramsay.com/drugs.htm, mentioning I’ve also proven in annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier that it causes a myriad other permanent health problems such as learning disability, memory
dysfunction, prefrontal cortex damage causing a decision making disability, and death, all of which can
be observed in the Invega deadly poison “prospect” which claims it treats schizophrenia by causing
schizophrenia or killing the “patient”, meaning clearly the criminals who approve (e.g. FDA),
commercialize (the pharmaceutical mafia) and prescribe (the ‘psychiatrist” charlatans) this deadly
poison are schizophrenic by the DSM-V definition itself, exhibiting logical incoherence, occupational
dysfunction and failure to recognize what’s real - that they are part of humanity which they callously as
the psychopaths they are destroy. Lastly I mention again I wasn’t even falsely diagnosed with
schizophrenia or anything else - I was covertly injected with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone
or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite meaning basically the same thing, in the night between 5th
and 6th December 2014 which is the first Crimes against humanity committal against me, and I was
forcefully chemically lobotomized with risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite between
27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which is the second Crimes against humanity committal against me, as
I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2
from my ICC penal dossier

II.1.2.8 (old I.A.II.1.2.10 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the references)
Because I’ve been poisoned by the “psychiatric” charlatan torturers with the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite meaning basically the same thing, I’m
quoting and underlining as necessary what I’ve already noticed in my own biology or is directly relevant
in corroboration to my plead in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures

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attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and where I do not underline it may be that I find the
whole sentence or paragraph relevant:

Scientific Facts on the Biological Effects of

research is also linking fluoride to increased risk of cancer (particularly bone cancer)
gene mutations reproductive problems neurotoxicity (hyper or depressed activity) bone
fluorosis (decreasing density). In fact, in 1999, the EPA’s Headquarters Union of
Scientists took a stand opposing fluoridation of drinking water supplies. Read
more here. The fluoride used for water fluoridation does not have FDA approval and is
considered by the FDA as an “unapproved drug”.
1. Fluoride exposure disrupts the synthesis of collagen and leads to the
breakdown of collagen in bone, tendon, muscle, skin, cartilage, lungs, kidney and
• A.K. Susheela and Mohan Jha, “Effects of Fluoride on Cortical and Cancellous Bone
Composition,” IRCS Medical Sciences: Library Compendium, Vol. 9, No.11, pp. 1021-
1022 (1981);
• Y. D. Sharma, “Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Collagen Cross-Link Precursors,”
Toxicological Letters, Vol. 10, pp. 97-100 (1982);
• A. K. Susheela and D. Mukerjee, “Fluoride poisoning and the Effect of Collagen
Biosynthesis of Osseous and Nonosseous Tissue,” Toxicological European Research,
Vol. 3, No.2, pp. 99-104 (1981);
• Y.D. Sharma, “Variations in the Metabolism and Maturation of Collagen after Fluoride
Ingestion,” Biochemica et Biophysica Acta, Vol. 715, pp. 137-141 (1982);
• Marian Drozdz et al., “Studies on the Influence of Fluoride Compounds upon Connective
Tissue Metabolism in Growing Rats” and “Effect of Sodium Fluoride With and
WithoutSimultaneous Exposure to Hydrogen Fluoride on Collagen Metabolism,” Journal
of Toxicological Medicine, Vol. 4, pp. 151-157 (1984).
2. Fluoride stimulates granule formation and oxygen consumption in white blood
cells, but inhibits these processes when the white blood cell is challenged by a
foreign agent in the blood.
• Robert A. Clark, “Neutrophil Iodintion Reaction Induced by Fluoride: Implications for
Degranulation and Metabolic Activation,” Blood, Vol. 57, pp. 913-921 (1981).
3. Fluoride depletes the energy reserves and the ability of white blood cells to
properly destroy foreign agents by the process of phagocytosis. As little as 0.2
ppm fluoride stimulates superoxide production in resting white blood cells,
virtually abolishing phagocytosis. Even micro-molar amounts of fluoride, below 1
ppm, may seriously depress the ability of white blood cells to destroy pathogenic

Page 100 of 501

• John Curnette, et al, “Fluoride-mediated Activation of the Respiratory Burst in Human
Neutrophils,” Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 63, pp. 637-647 (1979);
• W. L. Gabler and P. A. Leong, ., ” Fluoride Inhibition of Polymorphonumclear
Leukocytes,” Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 48, No. 9, pp. 1933-1939 (1979);
• W. L. Gabler, et al., ” Effect of Fluoride on the Kinetics of Superoxide Generation by
Fluoride,” Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 64, p. 281 (1985);
• A. S. Kozlyuk, et al., ” Immune Status of Children in Chemically Contaminated
Environments,” Zdravookhranenie, Issue 3, pp. 6-9 (1987)
4. Fluoride confuses the immune system and causes it to attack the body’s own
tissues, and increases the tumor growth rate in cancer prone individuals.
• Alfred Taylor and Nell C. Taylor, “Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Tumor Growth,”
Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 119, p. 252
• Shiela Gibson, “Effects of Fluoride on Immune System Function,” Complementary
Medical Research, Vol. 6, pp. 111-113 (1992);
• Peter Wilkinson, ” Inhibition of the Immune System With Low Levels of Fluorides,”
Testimony before the Scottish High Court in Edinburgh in the Case of McColl vs.
Strathclyde Regional Council, pp. 17723-18150, 19328-19492, and Exhibit 636, (1982);
• D. W. Allman and M. Benac, ” Effect of Inorganic Fluoride Salts on Urine and Cyclic
AMP Concentration in Vivo,” Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 55 (Supplement B), p. 523
• S. Jaouni and D. W. Allman, ” Effect of Sodium Fluoride and Aluminum on Adenylate
Cyclase and Phosphodiesterase Activity,” Journal of Dental Research, Vol. 64, p. 201
5. Fluoride inhibits antibody formation in the blood.
• S. K. Jain and A. K. Susheela, ” Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Antibody Formation in
Rabbits,” Environmental Research, Vol. 44, pp. 117-125 (1987)
6. Fluoride depresses thyroid activity.
• Viktor Gorlitzer Von Mundy, “Influence of Fluorine and Iodine on the Metabolism,
Particularly on the Thyroid Gland,” Muenchener Medicische Wochenschrift, Vol. 105, pp.
182-186 (1963);
• A. Benagiano, “The Effect of Sodium Fluoride on Thyroid Enzymes and Basal
Metabolism in the Rat,” Annali Di Stomatologia, Vol. 14, pp. 601-619 (1965);
• Donald Hillman, et al., “Hypothyroidism and Anemia Related to Fluoride in Dairy Cattle,”
Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 62, No.3, pp. .416-423 (1979);
• V. Stole and J. Podoba, “Effect of Fluoride on the Biogenesis of Thyroid Hormones,”
Nature, Vol. 188, No. 4753, pp. 855-856 (1960);
• Pierre Galleti and Gustave Joyet, “Effect of Fluorine on Thyroid Iodine Metabolism and
Hyperthyroidism,” Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol. 18, pp. 1102-
1110 (1958)
7. Fluorides have a disruptive effect on various tissues in the body.
• T. Takamorim “The Heart Changes in Growing Albino Rats Fed on Varied Contents of
Fluorine,” The Toxicology of Fluorine Symposium, Bern, Switzerland, Oct 1962, pp. 125-
• Vilber A. O. Bello and Hillel J. Gitelman, “High Fluoride Exposure in Hemodialysis
Patients,” American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol. 15, pp. 320-324 (1990);

Page 101 of 501

• Y. Yoshisa, “Experimental Studies on Chronic Fluorine Poisoning,” Japanese Journal of
Industrial Health, Vol. 1, pp. 683-690 (1959)
8. Fluoride promotes development of bone cancer.
• J.K. Mauer, et al., “Two-Year Cacinogenicity Study Of Sodium Fluoride In Rats,” Journal
of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 82, pp. 1118-1126 (1990);
• Proctor and Gamble “Carcinogenicity Studies with Sodium Fluoride in Rats” National
Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Presentation, July 27, 1985;
• S. E. Hrudley et al., “Drinking Water Fluoridation and Osteosarcoma,” Canadian Journal
of Public Health, Vol. 81, pp. 415-416 (1990);
• P. D. Cohn, “A Brief Report on the Association of Drinking Water Fluoridation and
Incidence of Osteosarcoma in Young Males,” New Jersey Department of Health, Trenton,
New Jersey, Nov. 1992;
• M. C. Mahoney et al., “Bone Cancer Incidence Rates in New York,” American Journal of
Public Health, Vol. 81, pp. 81, 475 (1991);
• Irwin Herskowitz and Isabel Norton, “Increased Incidence of Melanotic Tumors Following
Treatment with Sodium Fluoride,” Genetics Vol. 48, pp. 307-310 (1963);
• J. A. Disney, et al., “A Case Study in Testing the Conventional Wisdom: School Based
Fluoride Mouth Rinse Programs in the USA,” Community Dentistry and Oral
Epidemiology, Vol. 18, pp. 46-56 (1990);
• D. J. Newell, ” Fluoridation of Water Supplies and Cancer – An Association?,” Applied
Statistics, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 125-135 (1977)
9. Fluorides cause premature aging of the human body.
• Nicholas Leone, et al., ” Medical Aspects of Excessive Fluoride in a Water Supply,”
Public Health Reports, Vol. 69, pp. 925-936 (1954);
• J. David Erikson, ” Mortality of Selected Cities with Fluoridated and Non-Fluoridated
Water Supplies,” New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 298, pp. 1112-1116 (1978);
• ” The Village Where People Are Old Before Their Time,” Stern Magazine, Vol. 30, pp.
107-108, 111-112 (1978)
10. Fluoride ingestion from mouth rinses and dentifrices in children is extremely
hazardous to biological development, life span and general health.
• Yngve Ericsson and Britta Forsman, “Fluoride Retained From Mouth Rinses and
Dentifrices In Preschool Children,” Caries Research, Vol. 3, pp. 290-299 (1969);
• W. L. Augenstein, et al., “Fluoride Ingestion In Children: A Review Of 87 Cases,”
Pediatrics, Vol. 88, pp. 907-912, (1991);
• Charles Wax, ” Field Investigation Report,” State of Maryland Department of Health and
Mental Hygiene, March 19, 1980, 67 pages;
• George Waldbott, ” Mass Intoxication from Over-Fluoridation in Drinking Water,” Clinical
Toxicology, Vol. 18, No.5, pp. 531-541 (1981)
Other Facts
The contents of a family size tube of fluoridated toothpaste is enough to kill a 25
pound child.
In 1991, the Akron (Ohio) Regional Poison Center reported that “death has been reported
following ingestion of 16mg/kg of fluoride. Only 1/10 of an ounce of fluoride could kill a 100
pound adult. According to the Center, “fluoride toothpaste contains up to 1mg/gram of fluoride.”
Even Proctor and Gamble, the makers of Crest, acknowledge that a family-sized tube
“theoretically contains enough fluoride to kill a small child.”

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Fluorides have been used to modify behavior and mood of human beings.
It is a little known fact that fluoride compounds were added to the drinking water of prisoners to
keep them docile and inhibit questioning of authority, both in Nazi prison camps in World War II
and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia.
Fluorides are medically categorized as protoplasmic poisons, which is why they are used
to kill rodents.
The September 18, 1943 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, states,
“fluorides are general protoplasmic poisons, changing the permeability of the cell membrane by
inhibiting certain enzymes. The exact mechanisms of such actions are obscure.”
Fluoride consumption by human beings increases the general cancer death rate.
In 1975 Dr. John Yiamouyiannis published a preliminary survey which showed that people in
fluoridated areas have a higher cancer death rate than those in non-fluoridated areas. The
National Cancer Institute attempted to refute the studies. Later in 1975 Yiamouyiannis joined
with Dr. Dean Burk, chief chemist of the National Cancer Institute (1939-1974) in performing
other studies which were then included in the Congressional Record by Congressman Delaney,
who was the original author of the Delaney Amendment, which prohibited the addition of cancer-
causing substances to food used for human consumption.
“, quote from address: http://all-natural.com/fleffect/. The “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen,
named “curator” without any legal forms, breaking all relevant laws, regulations, norms, deontology and
logic and notably refusing to close the conventional representancy contract with my mother who
would’ve expressed not consenting to my illegal “psychiatric” incarceration and chemical
lobotomization, forcefully meaning with the aid of the muscle in Focsani “psychiatric” gulag meaning
the torturer assistants, poisoned me with deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins to Torture,
severely Bodily harm me and attempting to Qualifiedly murder me, as instigated by the Romanian
“state” mafia, amputating what was left of my emotional intelligence after the Crimes against humanity
from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and whatever compensation I had build over the
years since meaning almost entirely, causing me a permanent learning disability and memory
dysfunction as well as a documented drop of ~25% in IQ correlating to the amount of functional brain
damage done by the deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning done between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017, as proven by annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the falsified “psychiatric” incarceration
discharge papers which show 98 IQ when just by my superior studies alone I have 120 IQ, while
superficially taking internet intelligence tests months after the poisoning I scored 113 and 119
superficially then concentrated over 140 consistently meaning the rest of my brain compensated for the
chemical lobotomization at least to primitively compare shapes logically and perform basic mathematics
which is of no real use in life as computers can do that infinitely better, fact corroborated with my A
score in my army incorporation intelligence test, and the fact I was hired for 4 years as an IT
programmer, and the fact I learned the law, investigated and unconspired the Romanian “state” mafia
as a whole by myself which is no small feat as judged by the fact I’m the only one who achieved this in
Romania, and the Romanian “state” mafia certified my human rights defending activity by perpetrating
against me 2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts as
objetivized in section I.A.II.1.3.1. The covert poisoning with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin
risperidone or paliperidone in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, then the “official”
poisoning with the same and other deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins between 27th May

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2017 and 8th June 2017, constituting the 2 Crimes against humanity committals against me as I
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 from
my ICC penal dossier, changed absolutely nothing in my perfect moral behavior, but it destroyed my
ability to enjoy life by putting me in a state of what I call “the living death” as I’ve objectivized in chapter
IV.5 from annex 23 and paragraph 1.8 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, meaning I do not even have the brain chemical
reward system or psychology anymore because it has been amputated through chemical lobotomy with
deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxin, which means I wasn’t even remotely psychotic as
opposed to the murderous Romanian “state” mafia members who committed Crimes against humanity
against me achieving nothing as it did not profit the mafia anything except perhaps the sadistic
gratification of animals and justifying their sociopathic lust for fake power out of Torturing and Bodily
Harming me, nor did the mafia stop me from denouncing its criminal activity but instead it enabled me
to finally prove the existence of the Romanian “state” mafia, to finally prove the Crimes against
humanity it committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which proves all the
other Qualified Murder attempts were really Crimes against humanity attempts as the Crimes against
humanity from 27th October 2014 was supposed to unfold as in the night between 5th and 6th December
2014, as all the other Crimes against humanity attempts were suppose to unfold as the Crimes against
humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, the mafia’s obsession and
modus operandi pattern to commit Crimes against humanity in the same way until it succeeds being
obvious, Crimes against humanity because of which I’m now able to address every international
institution and organization regarding human rights in the world, not to mention my research has
enabled me to prove “psychiatry” is charlatanry and is a signature for all the totalitarian “state” around
the world who gives it accreditation, and that EU, CoE and ECHR are corrupt as proven by the inactivity
of their committees regarding civil rights and liberties, prevention of torture and anti-corruption. I
mentioned the lack of change in my moral behavior because if I wanted to kill someone, commit suicide
or do whatever else the chemical lobotomization committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 and between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 wouldn’t have stopped me unless also
killing me, putting me in a comma or brain damaging me so severely I would’ve been as the mafia
already falsified papers for meaning irresponsible and without discernment which was the exact
purpose of the Romanian “state” mafia throughout all 8 Crimes against humanity committed against
me between the years 2014 and 2017, and as proven by the fact I wasn’t even recommended an
antidepressant after being chemically lobotomized with Invega as it is customary since it also induces
clinical depression amongst the myriad other health problems, which makes it obvious that my chemical
lobotomization was for the purpose of stopping me from denouncing the Romanian “state” mafia’s
criminal activity. Even worse, I observe that the emotional inhibitions that I might’ve had are gone which
is the documented effect of dezinhibition, meaning if I was homicidal with scruples, the poison
eliminates the scruples leaving the homicidal behavior which corroborate to the scientific proofs I’ve
presented in section I.A.II.1.2.10^1 that the deadly fluorine based poisons cause suicidal and even worse
homicidal behavior, which again proves I was and am perfectly sane even if with my brain and health
damaged from the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 and between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 or 5th December 2014 at the instigation
of the Romanian “magistrate” mafia also objectivized by the particular state of fact that after the Crimes

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against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, seeking a
solution for the suffering I visited “psychiatrist” torturer Mircea Dutescu who said I had nothing
although escaped a peculiar behavior advising me at the same time at the end of the discussion as if I
was injected with something and the “psychiatrist” charlatan Mircea Dutescu was advising me of the
psychological effects then suddenly stopped as if he realized he shouldn’t tell me these things which is
how I found out he knew and I only grew more convinced over the years as I gathered proof, which is
less important than the objective proof that this criminal “psychiatrist” charlatan Mircea Dutescu is also
one of the torturers who committed Crimes against humanity against me between 27th May 2017 to 8th
June 2017 meaning who poisoned me with deadly fluorine and chlorine daily putting and keeping me in
anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment and expecting me to die, then after I’ve
survived convened the committee for ascertaining the legality of my illegal “psychiatric” incarceration
where instead of having a civilized discussion the “psychiatrist” torturer Mircea Dutescu was yelling that
I’m a public danger and must be incarcerated and chemically lobotomized to cover my voice while I was
pleading logically that it’s illegal, and while seeing me trembling all over still being in anaphylactic shock,
sleep deprived and barely able to control my body and voice to defend myself when I should’ve been
legally represented or the “pscyhiatrist” torturers should’ve closed the conventional representancy
contract with my mother which they refused as the broke all relevant law, regulation, norm, deontology
or logic as I’ve summarily enumerated in chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Since the Crimes against humanity
committed against me in the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 were concertized involving the
mafia soldier “police” and “gendarmes” who refused to notify the prosecutor’s office as legally required
about the Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder attempt perpetrated by the Herghelegiu Danut interloper
at the Romanian “state” mafia’s instigation, then the mafia associated “legal medicine” who refused to
send me to the proper medical specializations for cranio-cerebral trauma to falsify the report which they
did, respectively the prosecutor’s office was in cahoots all along as proven it had concomitantly falsified
the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 against me which was kept secret until it was used to commit the
following 3 Crimes against humanity attempts and acts of state terrorism through illegal home breaking
and arrests as objectivized in section I.A.II.1.3.1 and summarily in proven in section E with reference to
the proofs of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, it is quite improbable the “psychiatrist” torturer Mircea Dutescu didn’t know when I
visited him as judging from the odd behavior of even the neurologist Gaman Lucica who asked me as
typical of the mafia members in Vrancea if “I fell on my head when I was little” repeatedly, suggesting
I’m “crazy” for going against the Romanian “state” mafia and should be afraid as she is, slang by which I
found out she also knew what happened and refused to say more, for which it disserves no sympathy
but a conviction for being accomplice and passive instigator to Crimes against humanity as
“psychiatrist” torturer Mircea Dutescu who between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 became an active
instigator and accomplice to Crimes against humanity. Although nothing changed between the
meetings in 2014 and 2017 with the “psychiatrist” torturer Dutescu Mircea, except that I’ve overcome
the suicidal since 2015 through brute force of will and God’s grace, suffering again only since the mafia
associated “psychiatrist” torturer Mircea Dutescu induced upon me again this “living death” state
through deadly fluorine neurotoxic poisoning, eliminating what sentimentality I had left or that my brain
compensated for over the years and further brain damaging me as I’ve objectivized in section IV.5 from

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annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier. This apparent change in the “psychiatric” charlatan Mircea Dutescu’s behavior is proof of fact
he is in cahoots with the “magistrate” mafia, and behaving as a raging criminal maniac proved he was
always a mafia associated “psychiatrist” torturer meaning as relevant in 2014 too, not having a personal
reason to harm me but acting on the mafia’s instigation and also because the “psychiatric” charlatan
gang from the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag the “psychiatrist” charlatan Mircea Dutescu is part of also
fears the legal consequences of their Crimes against humanity which they actually committed against
many more than me, and that I would succeed through my denouncements to get them convicted for
committing Crimes against humanity, reason for which they harmed me in cahoots with the Romanian
“state” mafia, tacitly admitting by this the atrocities they are committing at the Focsani “psychiatric”
gulag, atrocities about which I’ve denounced publicly that the “judiciary system” in the degenerated
“European” Vrancea county is drugging innocent people, as proven by the document published at this
address: https://www.scribd.com/document/344526386/justitia-din-Vrancea-drogheaza-oameni-
nevinovati, which is saved from the Romanian “state” mafia illegal censorship on 8th April 2017 of the
forum “militia.freeforums.net” where I originally made it public. The objective proof my ability to
appreciate and enjoy life has been amputated from me is as I quote the fact the neuronal areas
responsible for this capacity are the first to be affected by poisoning: “In the brain, dopamine functions
as a neurotransmitter—a chemical released by neurons (nerve cells) to send signals to other nerve
cells. The brain includes several distinct dopamine pathways, one of which plays a major role
in reward-motivated behavior” from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopamine, corroborated with
“Paliperidone, sold under the trade name Invega among others, is a dopamine antagonist” from
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paliperidone and “A dopamine antagonist (antidopaminergic) is a type
of drug which blocks dopamine receptors” from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dopamine_antagonist,
which is not the end of the story as I’ve indicated in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, regarding the proven fact in
many way that Invega and any deadly fluorine based neurotoxic poison causes a myriad other
permanent health problems, amongst which them poison’s “prospect” indicated that Invega cures
schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia which just proves the criminal charlatans who market this
poison are schizophrenic, manifesting logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction symptoms of
schizophrenia according to DSM-V diagnosis manual. <copy this proof in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and
I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 from my ICC penal dossier>The proof that I was
covertly injected with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s
metabolite meaning basically the same thing, in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, is the
blood test from 4 months later result attached as annex <3? that correlates with the fact this particular
poison is the only one with the long enough presence in the blood stream to cause hyperprolactinomia 4
months later as proven by the quote: "The death toll among people who have taken the schizophrenia
drug Xeplion has climbed to 21...Xeplion, which is injected, uses paliperidone palmitate to control
symptoms of schizophrenia in adult patients. The chemical remains in the body for at least four months,
it said" from https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2014/04/18/national/21-users-of-schizophrenia-
drug-dead/#.WemQvohx3IU, or the quote: “"Paliperidone, sold under the trade name Invega among
others... In April 2014, it was reported that 21 Japanese people who had received shots of the long-
acting injectable paliperidone to date had died" from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paliperidone, and

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correlates with the results from the blood test showing the hyperprolactinomia symptom of risperidone
or paliperidone poisoning, about which I objectivize by the following quote: “The mechanism by which
conventional neuroleptics cause increased prolactin is a dopamine blockade in the tubero-infundibular
tract of the hypothalamus, which in turn reverses the dopaminergic inhibition of prolactin in the anterior
pituitary” from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010960/ because it is noted
everywhere that hyperprolactinomia is caused by risperidone or paliperidone molecule based on
fluorine, which is the basis of the deadly neurotoxind Haloperidol and Invega with which I was poisoned
also between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, about which I corroborate with this quote “Patients with
haloperidol-induced hyperprolactinemia” from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11048906, and
this quote from same article “PRL (plasma prolactin level) elevations were significantly greater with
risperidone” in corroboration with “Paliperidone is the primary active metabolite of the older
antipsychotic risperidone” from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paliperidone respectively “An active
metabolite results when a drug is metabolized by the body into a modified form which continues to
produce effects in the body” from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_metabolite, and in fact in annex
16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures regarding my falsified discharge papers
from “psychiatric” incarceration on 8th June 2017, it is inscribed as the result of the illegal blood test
that I had high prolactine and as well an allergic reaction as proof of being poisoned with deadly fluorine
and chlorine based neurotoxins and put in anaphylactic shock without treatment for at least 3 days
without treatment and expected to die as proven by the visible obvious fact I was in anaphylactic shock
as I reported almost daily I was feeling very ill and trembling from the whole body and was ignored by
the torturer “psychiatrists” on purpose because the mafia’s purpose who instigated them or intent to an
effect was to Qualifiedly Murder me to stop me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity, not
saving me. Furthermore the sadistic psychopath “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen I remember
telling me during the isolation psychosomatical Torture exacerbated by the benzodiazepine poisoning to
“count the minutes” and other such things beside lying to me constantly when I implored her and the
Focsani “pscyhiatric” gulag chief Florea Gabriela daily to stop chemically lobotomizing me, that I wasn’t
poisoned and I had no adverse effects at all although I was feeling very bad so it wasn’t just lying it was
plain mockery in my face. The mafia also shown it’s spread by instigating other “medics” t falsify the
chronic rhinitis and acute amygdalate diagnostics seen in the same falsified document, to cover-up the
deadly fluorine neurotoxic poisoning symptoms as I had no swollen amygdales or of the nose’s mucous
membrane but had a severe neck-ceiling allergenic irritation with no relation to mucus or the
amygdales, mentioning that I never had such a reaction for decades if ever meaning it’s from the
immune system suppression by deadly fluorine poisoning especially which I also retain as proof of
fluorine intoxication, respectively the mafia associated “psychiatrist” charlatans displayed their
psychopathic and sadistic hubris by writing on annex 16 document proof “to avoid toxins” twice, after
committing Crimes against humanity against me through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic
poisoning or intoxication. Also, it is note-worthy that the purpose of the Romanian “state” mafia to
poison me especially with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone clearly couldn’t
have been to change my behavior because it observably didn’t in the regard of stopping me from
denouncing them since the Crimes against humanity it committed against me through the cover
risperidone or paliperidone injection in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as proven above,
therefore the mafia’s purpose was to Qualifiedly Murder me through an overdose as proven by the fact

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it put me in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment and actively refused to treat me,
respectively it continued to forcefully poison me with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins after I
survived as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2 and I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7 and I.B.6, and
I.A.I.1-2 from my ICC penal dossier. Even more, even if I stopped lodging complaints nationally after the
Crimes against humanity against me from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, I still filed a
further complaint at ECHR about which the mafia found out about from the Romanian agents “D.Lupu”
and “I.Banu” posing as ECHR’s registrars and destroying petitions to cover-up the Crimes against
humanity of the Romanian “state” mafia they are members of, as I proven in a penal complaint I’ve filed
against them and also published at address: https://www.scribd.com/document/365438323/penal-
complaint-against-D-Lupu-and-I-Banu-at-European-Court-of-Human-Rights, which can only mean the
obvious, that the Romanian “state” mafia and its accomplices are very much aware of the deadly effect
of the risperidone or paliperidone fluorine based neurotoxin, and my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier is most probably why the mafia falsified
the final solution in the form of the falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017, to stop me from denouncing
its Crimes against humanity me with 100% certainty especially now after the mafia went all out through
the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 and left so much evidence and
still failed to liquidate me, evidence with which I could prove all 2 Crimes against humanity committals
and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts the mafia perpetrated against me since the beginning in 2014,
100% certainty meaning by indefinitely to life incarcerating me, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly
Murder me as proven by annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and as proven by the mafia’s exasperated obsession to even sentence
me in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I
committed no felony or even an immoral act proven by the fact I wasn’t indicted and convicted of
anything as demonstrated by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history meaning I wasn’t even
officially under penal pursuit in the last 3 falsified penal dossiers against me who were thus proven
clandestine meaning kept from official police record as corroborated with the fact the “psychiatrist”
charlatans called me paranoid for declaring I was under penal pursuit which is proven fact according to
annex 18 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and I wasn’t diagnosed with anything ever nor “examined” by “psychiatrist” charlatans with the
exception of army incorporation and legal work medicine who declared me mentally sane and apt for
work as certified by my family doctor that I’m also apt for superior studies as proven by annex 22 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
respectively as proven by the lack of any references to a diagnosis against me in the 12718/231/2017
falsified sentence in 1st instance or the Crimes against humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017, respectively in 12718/231/2017 falsified sentence in 2nd instance, the falsified in my absence
on 23rd November 2015 “psychiatric” charlatanry documents annulled in 14277/231/2015 were invoked,
containing grounds annulled even before that in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance, being invoked no less
than by the same schizophrenic “judge” Badiu Mandica who annulled them in 14277/231/2015 in 1st
instance knowing they were already annulled in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance, namely the grounds
that lodging a penal complaint against a Romanian “state” mafia “magistrate” caporegime is not proof
of mental alienation but a right as obvious, mentioning last that the 14277/231/2015 is actually in ne bis

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in idem with 12718/231/2017 because I’m identically accused of fictive deeds that cannot physically
exist let alone constitute felonies or premises for diagnosis as proven by annex 6, annex 8 and annex 9
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
regarding the 4 penal falsified dossiers against me 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016. Because even annex 4 and annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing falsified “psychiatric” documents
against me, are evidently as proven falsified being illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and
syllogistically invalid demonstrating logical incoherence, occupational dysfunction and failure to
recognize what’s real, which are proofs that the “psychiatric” charlatans that forged them are
schizophrenic according to DSM-V “psychiatry “charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, it is then
evident why the Romanian “state” mafia and it’s “psychiatrist” charlatan accomplices are keeping
contrary to the the other falsified “psychiatric” documents hidden from me, because the mafia noticed
I’m using them to denounce their forgeries and criminal activity in public, but also to impede my right to
defense reason for which the mafia did arrest me from my mother’s apartment without sending me
subpoena first to prove I refuse to present myself in court as required by the law, and brought me after
illegal detainment and harassment in the last possible moment in the courthouse to make it impossible
for me to study the dossier against me before the trial and build a defense, which is another proof of the
mafia’s schizophrenic behavior because obviously I opened penal dossiers against the mafia for this who
then only achieved getting inculpated for nothing, as the mafia attempted on 2nd October 2015 and
committed on 11th December 2015 in 14277/231/2017, and on 10th April 2014 in 4909/231/2017, then
after I became a temporary refugee from 11th April 2017 I couldn’t consult the dossiers out of fear of
illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder until I was captured on 27th May 2017
and these felonies constituting the Crimes against humanity have been committed against me until 8th
June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6 and I.A.I.1-2, period in which obviously I couldn’t
consult any dossier being illegally incarcerated, put in anaphylactic shock through daily deadly fluorine
and chlorine neurotoxic injections for at least 3 days without treatment and expected to die, then after
I survived poisoned with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins to be chemically lobotomized in
the incoming months reason through the long-acting effect of the risperidone or paliperidone poison,
reason for which afterwards I couldn’t function intellectually nor consult the dossiers at all until the
present out of fear of indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder,
but I mandated my mother to look in them who told me there are no falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry
documents from 8th June 2017, 6th April 2017 or 8th or 9th December 2016 which is why their content
isn’t referenced in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance where I’m sentenced for the crimes and diagnosis of
Vasilache Daniel because I was never convicted and diagnosed as proven above, respectively in
12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance the schizophrenic “judge” Badiu Mandica is referencing the falsified
“psychiatric” documents from 23rd November 2015 attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, that the schizophrenic
“judge” Badiu Mandica annulled in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance knowing their grounds were annulled
in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance meaning that opening a penal dossier against a mafia “magistrate”
caporegime isn’t proof of mental alienation but a right as obvious. The Romanian “state” mafia refused
to acknowledge the Crimes against humanity committed against me as proven by the falsified decision
from 1779/91/2017 as objectivized in section I.B.15 and annex 15 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for

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interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, or even use the proofs it falsified under
Torture against me openly of course as objectivized in annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, because it’s typical criminal behavior to
distance themselves from the Crimes against humanity committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 proven in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, as objectivized in paragraph 2.4^46 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier regarding the fact they aren’t mentioned at all in the falsified sentences from 12718/231/2017
nor the falsified “prosecutor’s” proposal they are based on, respectively distance themselves from the
Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 proven
in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, as objectivized in chapter 2.7 from annex 2 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the
fact one mafia “prosecutor” caporegime attempts to use one of my declarations against me and is
caught admitting but downplaying the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night
between 5th to 6th December 2014, naming it an “aggression”. This objective situation corroborates the
fact my mother who I mandated to look in the dossiers didn’t find any “psychiatric” charlatanry falsified
documents although for mandatory chemical lobotomization, or proposal that Crimes against humanity
be committed against me, those falsified documents are the only fake proof that could’ve at least
formally supported the falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017 regarding obligatory chemical
lobotomization as proven by the schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina who used the Romanian term
“medicamentos” meaning “drugged”, chemical lobotomization being in fact unconstitutional or against
the fundamental right to physical and psychological integrity according to article 22 of the Romanian
Constitution, articles 2 and 3 of ECHR and articles 3 and 5 of UDHR, meaning illegal because ECHR and
UDHR are internal Romanian right according to article 11 and 20 from the Romanian Constitution. The
falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 are leading as I’ve proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, to indefinite to life illegal imprisonment,
Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder by deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxic poisoning
as intended by the mafia to stop me from denouncing their Crimes against humanity, which constitute
Crimes against humanity as demonstrated at large in this document, in the form of murder,
dehumanization, unethical human experimentation, extrajudicial punishments, state terrorism,
kidnappings, unjust imprisonment, enslavement, torture, political repression, religious persecution and
other human rights abuses

II.1.2.8^1 (old I.A.II.1.2.10^1 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the
references). I mentioned “Even worse”, because a person with mental problems named Magdalena
Serban on 12th December 2017 pushed another person on the subway tracks which killed the other
person – see: https://www.digi24.ro/stiri/actualitate/social/crima-de-la-metrou-magdalena-serban-a-
spus-de-ce-a-impins-o-pe-tanara-de-la-dristor-in-fata-metroului-848669 , which occurred suspiciously
soon after the Crimes against humanity committed against me raising the conspiracy theory that it was
a directed event to raise erroneous public awareness about the importance of the “psychiatry”
charlatanry or the danger posed by the mentally deranged persons in liberty, both scenarios being
detrimental to my situation and typical of the kind of scenarios put into motion by the schizophrenic
mafia “secret services” of which I can recount a few and prove them also, but both scenarios being

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counterproductive because as I prove below it was the “psychiatry” charlatanry that is accomplice and
instigator to the Murder committed by Magdalena Serban because she was chemically lobotomized and
thus conditioned by the “psychiatry” charlatanry to Murder which invalidates both scenarios, except the
idiotic Romanian public doesn’t know any of this which is why the conspiracy theory would still work.
Magdalena Serban of age 36 never before displayed homicidal tendencies according to the press which
thoroughly mentioned everything else, like she was Tortured by chemical lobotomization in a
“psychiatry” gulag in Spain just after she was in post-traumatic stress and before the Murder as proven
by this article: https://www.click.ro/news/national/criminala-de-la-metrou-lasata-libera-chiar-de-medici
from where I translate “My girl left from Craiova, in 2008, in Spain and there something horrible
happened to her (a rape I heard from the press and Magdalena Serban’s circulated declarations). Since
then she got ill. She wanted to die, she didn’t want to live. She didn’t want to go to the hospital and then
they took her by force. The girl was interned (involuntarily) for 4 months at the psychiatry hospital in
Madrid. Her father stood 2 years with her there. Her father hoped she would continue her treatment. A
month ago came in Craiova. We notified the police, the ambulance service, nobody wanted to take her,
we were told she is not a danger”, objective situation that proves again “psychiatry” charlatanry cures
nothing but makes things worse through chemical lobotomization which is the only explanation of
Magdalena Serban’s change in behavior from suicidal ideation but no action to homicidal ideation and
action – you just don’t take a post-traumatic stress patient, especially a woman who is more emotional
driven than a man, and make her life hell locking her up in a “psychiatry” charlatanry gulag by force and
chemically lobotomize her by force which is far worse than the rape she suffered, “psychiatric”
charlatanry atrocity which took her deeply wounded psyche and threw it into a bottomless pit of social
ostracization and total loss of control which is what chemical lobotomization does, situation with which I
can relate after being a victim myself, even more so because I had the experience objectively meaning I
observed losing control of my body not my mind being a strong reasoned person, and observed my
mind’s faculties being amputated by chemical lobotomization which I can still observe by attempting to
use them and unable to getting in return a foggy painful sensation instead from the destroyed area of
my brain that hosted that mind faculty. This state of fact correlates perfectly with the “psychiatric”
charlatanry specialty literature that objectivizes the fact “psychiatric” charlatanry chemical
lobotomization induces homicidal ideation and action meaning that the “psychiatric” charlatanry is
beyond fraud or usage as a weapon of wrongful repression, it’s a weapon of Murder, meaning any
action leading to chemical lobotomization is instigation and implicitly complicity to Murder, perpetrated
by the “psychiatrist” charlatans in cahoots with whoever instigated them meaning the “judiciary bodies”
or even that person’s family, respectively aided by “policemen” or “gendarmes” who are also instigators
and accomplices because of their obligation to denounce any crime not only related to their public
function but that they witness according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code at least if its not the case in every country around the world – mentioning
respectively that the Romanian Penal Code article 52 foresees that improper participation to a crime
means aiding in a crime with or without intention, is sanctionable by the same punishment, the logic
being in plain parlance and per example, that because these criminal “psychiatrist” charlatans and their
accomplices and instigators know chemical lobotomization causes homicidal tendencies to materialize,
chemically lobotomizing a person by force, or just swindling a person to poison itself leveraging its
ignorance, or just approve the poison like the racketeers in FDA did, or produce or commercialize the

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poison lying it’s medicine as the pharmaceutical mafia does for which it was many times convicted but
because it hasn’t been convicted to Crimes against humanity and jailed for life at it should but merely
fined it finds in typical sociopathic logic profitable to kill and chemically lobotomize people which is the
same thing or worse, then these criminals forget about it caring or not that a tragedy will occur from
their action, calculating that it couldn’t be traced back to them from the fact it usually isn’t because first
of all the totalitarian “state” that gives accreditation to the “psychiatry” charlatanry also actively
protects the “psychiatrist” charlatans from prosecution, malpraxis and disciplinary investigation which I
retain as proof no “state” that does this is a state of right, then second because the victim is usually
picked to be ignorant then is mentally disabled through chemical lobotomization and cannot fight back
judicially, and third because society is generally comprised of either idiots or bought and paid for felons
who don’t react to the Crimes against humanity committed by the “psychiatry” charlatanry in cahoots
with the totalitarian “state” that gives it accreditation and protects it, and the victim commits Murder,
suicides or is Qualifiedly Murdered because of the chemical lobotomy, then that is Qualified Murder by
improper participation committed by all the participants meaning the “psychiatrist” charlatans, the
charlatans who declared the poison medicine meaning either a public health agency who faked an audit
for public health and safety, or the producer and commercializer even that lie from the start they are
dealing medicine not deadly poisons, the instigating “judiciary bodies” and other instigators, the order
forces and other functionaries if even being aware of this, and of course the totalitarian “state” public
functionaries that gave the “psychiatrist” charlatans accreditation, or are aware of the illicit activity of
the totalitarian state, being obvious then why the Romanian “state” mafia committed against me 2
Crimes against humanity and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts to stop me from denouncing its
criminal activity because I can and did denounce almost the whole totalitarian Romanian “state” mafia
apparatus and I’m able to inculpate almost every public functionary in Romania, and with certitude all
the members of the mafia leadership being aware of national level Crimes against humanity such as the
ones committed by the “psychiatry” charlatanry for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia through
illegal experimentation under the Romanian “state” mafia protection, and of course the abuse of the
“psychiatry” charlatanry for state terrorism and wrongful political repression against dissidents and
human rights defenders such as myself, or the national level “liquidator mafia” which is another
notorious way of the Romanian “state” mafia to finance itself by delapidating the Romanian economy
about which I invoke as proof the notorious illegal expropriation of the infamous human trafficker and
exploiter Hassan Awdi who won at ICSID for this afterwards, and the notorious dilapidation of Oltchim
involving the falsification of a penal dossier against Romanian journalist Dan Diaconescu through which
he was illegally imprisoned for 1001 days by his account and forbidden to practice reporting the truth
for 10 years which is proof in itself Dan Diaconescu is also aware of the Romanian “state” mafia. Back to
the situation of Magdalena Serban’s Murder, in conclusion as demonstrated above it means she must
answer before the law together with the “psychiatrist” charlatans from Spain who incarcerated and
chemically lobotomized her into becoming homicidal, and the “psychiatrist” charlatans from Romania
who knew chemical lobotomization makes a person homicidal and lied Magdalena Serban is no danger,
as well as with all the public functionaries aforementioned to be responsible in this situation, because
it’s inadmissible to claim they didn’t know being “professionals” meaning it’s their job to know, as even I
know but it’s not my job, because it can be easily proven just as I did in this document beyond any
reasonable doubt, that deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning cannot be “medical

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treatment” meaning neither medical nor treatment because it’s plain poisoning which benefits nobody
and which leads to the poisoned person death or as demonstrated by Magdalena Serban’s case or other
cases indicated by the specialty literature below, to homicide, or as notoriously known from other cases
demonstrated by the testimonies I quoted in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures, it leads to suicide. As proof of homicidal tendencies after being drugged I quote that:

Akathisia is strongly associated with depression and dysphoric responses to neuroleptics and has
even been linked to suicidal and homicidal behavior in extreme cases.” from address
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2887552, and I objectivize by this scientific article the
previously stated fact that chemical lobotomization through neuroleptics causes depression, and

Schulte, JL, MD, Homicide and Suicide Associated with Akathisia and
Haloperidol, American Journal of Forensic Psychiatry, Jan 1985, 6(2):
“The following five cases are reported to bring attention to the potential for severe
violence, as a result of akathisia, following such administration of a neuroleptic
for acute psychiatric symptoms. Particular emphasis is directed to an experience
of sensory dissociation associated with the uncomfortable physical reactions,
resulting in extreme acts of physical violence.”
“, quoted from http://behaviorismandmentalhealth.com/2016/11/08/neuroleptic-drugs-akathisia-and-
suicide-and-violence/, noting how the criminals downplay chemical lobotomization, calling this capital
punishment through the eradication of a person’s identity or individuality “unconfortable”, being
evident if they would be convicted to capital punishment instead as they disserve for Crimes against
humanity they wouldn’t call the electric chair “uncomfortable”, or

Psychiatric Drugs—Regulatory Warnings on Violence, Mania, Psychosis,
Fact: Despite 27 international drug regulatory warnings on psychiatric drugs citing
effects of mania, hostility, violence and even homicidal ideation, and dozens of high
profile shootings/killings tied to psychiatric drug use, there has yet to be a federal
investigation on the link between psychiatric drugs and acts of senseless violence.
Fact: At least 35 school shootings and/or school-related acts of violence have been
committed by those taking or withdrawing from psychiatric drugs resulting in 169
wounded and 79 killed (in other school shootings, information about their drug use was
never made public—neither confirming or refuting if they were under the influence of
prescribed drugs).
Fact: Between 2004 and 2012, there have been 14,773 reports to the U.S. FDA’s
MedWatch system on psychiatric drugs causing violent side effects including: 1,531
cases of homicidal ideation/homicide, 3,287 cases of mania & 8,219 cases of
aggression. Note: The FDA estimates that less than 1% of all serious events are ever
reported to it, so the actual number of side effects occurring are most certainly higher.
http://www.wnd.com/2007/07/42434/School-related acts of violence aren’t the only cases
commonly found to be under the influence of psychiatric drugs. There are 28 other acts of
senseless violence committed by individuals taking or withdrawing from psychiatric
drugs resulting in an additional 270 dead and 164 wounded.
“ as quoted from address: https://www.cchrint.org/psychiatric-drugs/drug_warnings_on_violence/, the
article continuing with a huge detailed layout of the international regulations meaning it references

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proofs or scientifically observed and established facts, the conclusion being that neuroleptics are not
just deadly neurotoxic poisons, they are homicidal behavior inducing poisons. This is directly relevant to
the circumstances of all Crimes against humanity through chemical lobotomization, especially by the
effect of dehumanization and inducing homicidal psychosis through deadly neurotoxic poisoning, and
other human rights abuses such as the destruction of a person’s physical and psychical integrity which is
a fundamental and inalienable human right as I objectivize invoking article 22 from the Romanian
Constitution, articles 2 and 3 of ECHR and articles 3 and 5 of UDHR, and to dismiss even the stubborner
unbelievers in science which are really madmen, I remind communism wasn’t condemned for its good
intentions but for its notoriously atrocious outcomes, and certainly there can be no reasonable
argument that anyone can claim good intentions while chemically lobotomizing someone else. Last but
not least I mention homicidal ideation after being poisoned is a natural reaction coming directly from
the subconscious after the higher brain functions are disabled, animal or instinctual subconscious who is
attempting to survive what it registers correctly as a deadly attack, responding in kind, fact which is
common sense to any educated person knowing by life experience even that the animal mind reacts not
plans, demonstrating that “psychiatric” charlatanry poisoning constitute Crimes against humanity in the
form of murder, dehumanization, unethical human experimentation, extrajudicial punishments, state
terrorism, kidnappings, unjust imprisonment, enslavement, torture, political repression, religious
persecution and other human rights abuses

II.1.2.8^2 (old II.1.2.10^2 referenced in the ECHR request following that I fix the references).
Lastly being as proven through my plead humanely intelligent as opposed to these psychopathic animals
calling themselves “psychiatrists” as even some charlatans may be found humane, and as I’ve trained
my brain for decades to even instinctively obtain the truth of a situation, I’ve had the distinct impression
these “psychiatrist” animals victimize innocent people as proven in fact, but closing on the point I’m
making, treating them worse than cattle in reality as is one thing to swindle someone and another to
objectivize and inhumanely disrespect everything a person is, which correlates to what I’ve declared
before that I’ve been told to renounce my intellectual life and be an idiotic docile slave with no rights in
short a perfect victim for the “psychiatrist” charlatans and the “state” mafia, meaning as I’ve witnessed
on other and myself, the psychopath “psychiatrist” charlatans and their associated torturer mafia
“muscle” of the illicit operation treat “patients” in “psychiatric” incarceration like some meaningless
pieces of meat and a means to an end - just an illicit justification of the psychopath “psychiatric”
charlatan’s occupation. I objectivize this not just by the experience I’ve had in the Focsani “psychiatric”
gulag where the inmates (calling them such because I couldn’t identify mental problems of any sort with
a good number of them and for good reason because there were plenty of victims who just were
peasants who drank too much at one time, homeless people, members of the Rroma minority,
youngsters, meaning not random victims, but victims with no understanding of the law or means to
defend themselves meaning either having someone else who could not that it would matter much as
only social position and influence with the Romanian “state” mafia is a real deterrence against mafia
abuses against oneself, or money to hire a legal representant not that it would matter much could
because all “lawyers” in Romania are either mafia associated and would not represent a victim of the
mafia, or are at least afraid of the mafia to not represent a victim of the mafia without which they
couldn’t swindle their way into some illicit profit by not informing their clients what they’re up against
and their real chances of success before they pay the fee, meaning in short the “lawyers” are otherwise
basically useless in Romania because the judiciary system is mafia controlled, unless the “lawyers” is a
relative of the “judiciary bodies” meaning having influence, case in which the only outcome is being
temporarily saved from being a mafia victim for which there is no justice to be achieved in Romania),

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weren’t even allowed to speak or behave remotely human and were punished if socializing or behaving
in any other way than docile cattle in a barn and even then abused for fun by the “psychiatrist” torturers
who have to have victims to illicitly justify their occupation which is why everyone incarcerated in one of
the “psychiatrist” charlatans gulags automatically becomes a victim of them and is chemically
lobotomized, which is in violation of the Romanian mental health law 487/2002 which obligates the
“psychiatric” gulag to provide everything necessary to create normal civilized living conditions as close
to the life the person incarcerated had meaning even the incarceration condition cannot exist, obviously
because a real hospital is meant to cure people or in this situation make mentally alienated people
normal through example, not make them homicidal or suicidal zombies through constant terrorism by
physical and psychological abuse, sensory deprivation or overload through stress, poisoning, beatings
and other means of torture, declaration which even if can be called subjective although I’m a man of
science and proven pervasively to say the truth only, I objectivize by referencing a random quote from
the internet regarding what a “psychiatrist” animal regards as a victim, meaning any normal person and
behavior: “ “The patient cannot sit still and paces constantly” “One week later the patient reported that
he was more agitated at night. Since it was not known at the time that akathisia was beginning,
haloperidol treatment was increased to 4 mg at bedtime to decrease the agitation. Four days later, after
his evening dose of 4 mg of haloperidol, he became uncontrollably agitated, could not sit still, and paced
for several hours.” – see http://behaviorismandmentalhealth.com/2016/11/08/neuroleptic-drugs-
akathisia-and-suicide-and-violence/, pacing being normal behavior in detention because in “psychiatric”
imprisonment there is literary isolation, nothing to do and to relieve stress caused by imprisonment and
even worse chemical lobotomization, meaning deprivation of liberty, sensory deprivation and overload
by accumulation of stress, lack of sensory and intellectual stimulation and a plethora of other simple and
complex effects related to imprisonment and chemical lobotomization which exacerbates the mental
problems by inducing the inability of a person to control itself thorough that person’s physical and
functional’s brain destruction meaning the destruction of neurons and synapses, such as being under
observation and other unnatural situations occurring at the psychiatric ward as being physically and
psychologically aggressed constantly by the “psychiatric” or better said psychopathic sadistic personnel,
not to mention the stress of a sane person being not only mentally disabled through chemical
lobotomization but tortured by having to witness and tolerate the suffering of people with real mental
problems, and even worse put in danger amongst people with real mental problems not in the least the
“psychiatric” personnel itself, danger which I objectivize to be real by the fact the Romanian national
poet Mihai Eminescu after being falsely diagnosed, “psychiatrically” imprisoned and poisoned with
mercury because he was a political dissident, and after resisting torture, he was ultimately killed by
being hit on the head with a brick by another “patient” which cracked his skull and led to his death,
which is just the cover-up story of the criminals that assassinated him. The fact a person paces when
deprived of liberty, has nothing to do and is anxious because of it or worried, has nothing to do with
psychiatry, this behavior being in fact notoriously common in prisons where deprivation of liberty is the
obvious common denominator and cause of the behavior – for which I just indicate the famous book
named “Papillon” by Henri Charrière which is describing real prison life, amongst which, pacing as a daily
routine. The “psychiatric” animal legitimized by the “state authority” however finds every opportunity to
declare another person as “ill” for anything, even pacing which he would then call “agitation” as he
would call any activity at all really, to justify the means of attaining his illicit purpose, which again I
objectivize by referencing my own falsified discharge document from “psychiatric” imprisonment where
they lie generically – typical to liars meaning not describing even a single real physical fact, that I had “a

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psychopathological picture dominated by psychomotor agitation (lie - the “psychiatrist” charlatans
always tell this lie before chemically lobotomizing someone although there’s no law, regulation, norm,
deontology or logic to support chemical lobotomization for “psychomotor agitation”, it’s just a
demented “psychiatrist” torturer lie), revendicative behaviour (lie - claiming one’s rights is normal, and
intrinsic proof that they were broken as one’s right need not be claimed if it wasn’t broken, nor need it
be claimed at all but respected ex officio by all since the law is obligatory to all under the rule of law,
retaining this as proof my rights were broken as obvious), hostile, tendency to verbal and physical
heteroaggresivity (lies - the “psychiatrist” charlatan sociopath thinks everything he does is good, and
everything the victim does is bad, which is why the “psychiatrist” charlatan sociopath interprets the fact
its victim claims his rights as hostility and aggressivity, and obviously something that doesn’t exist as a
“tendency” which is immaterial is not proof of something that exist therefore it cannot be logically an
excuse for inferring chemical lobotomization as there’s no law, regulation, norm, deontology or logic
that supports this inference), irascibility (lie - although the “psychiatrist” torturers provoke through
harassment and chemical lobotomization which as described above causes natural and legitimate
violence against the aggressor, but this lie was invoked before I was chemically lobotomized and the
“psychiatrist” charlatan fools didn’t also lie I was irascible after because I was never but always in
control of my mind even while put in anaphylactic shock through deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic daily injections for at least 3 days without treatment and expected to die), low tolerance to
frustration (lie), ~” for which he must be tied up and chemically lobotomized” – mentioning again
exemplificatively that there is nothing wrong with demanding my rights or having “revendicative
behavior” which they didn’t mention what it was about to hide the truth that they broke the law and
disrespected my rights, but by mentioning this lie the “psychiatrist” charlatans proved it anyway by
which they also proved they are schizophrenic meaning logically incoherent, occupationally
dysfunctional and failing to realize what’s real even as charlatans and torturers which automatically
classifies them as oligophrens - mentally retarded, and sociopaths - persons who sacrifice the lives of
others to achieve their petty illicit goals, in this case to ingratiate themselves with the mafia, meaning
another lie by omission about the fact they broke every law relevant and every fundamental right,
regulation, norm, deontology or logic as demonstrated summarily in chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier such as
the law that clearly states the only reason to tie a person up and chemically lobotomize him is if he
proved to be a danger against himself or others, condition which hasn’t been even attempted to be
objectivized in the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration discharge papers because it’s
impossible. In conclusion, the “psychiatrist” charlatan which can described accurately as a psychopath
meaning a degenerated human to the form of a subanimal as even animals build an equilibrium with the
environment not destroy everything they come in contact with, will generically and obsessively lie as a
cover-up of his crimes meaning the psychopath “psychiatrist” charlatan is a mythomaniac, which is a
characteristic of a plethora of underlying psychological problems of which the most obvious result is
fraud, and will pervasively break the law and fundamental human rights of others which is the behavior
that defines the antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy. This prophetically proves to be the case of
the famous short novel of Edgar Allan Poe of “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether” where
the madmen took over the madhouse and locked the caretakers, except reality far exceeds fiction or
Edgar Allan Poe’s imagination, as the “psychiatry” charlatanry and the pharmaceutical mafia form a
global rightfully nicknamed “industry of death” as they are notoriously responsible for the annual death
of at least half a million people, and destruction of the lives of far more <seek articles and link>. This is

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directly relevant to the circumstances of Crimes against humanity regarding human rights abuses such
as arbitrary imprisonment and chemical lobotomization for ~“pacing” in the example given, or similar
normally accepted behavior such as in my case going to take my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017
when I was illegally arrested, tied up to an operating table and put in anaphylactic shock through daily
deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning for at least 3 days without treatment, then after I
survived I was forcefully chemically lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic
poisons until 8th June 2017 which constitute Crimes against humanity as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, which just constitutes an obvious demented illicit justification even for
the “psychiatric” psychopathic charlatanry because the Crimes against humanity were flagrant meaning
the “psychiatric” psychopathic charlatans, besides breaking every law, regulation, norm, deontology and
logic relevant as objectivized in chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, as proven by annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry discharge papers from which I quote translated the lie that I was “involuntarily
interned as demanded by the courthouse (which is not obligatory unless legal, being no obligation for
anyone to respect what the courthouse demands unless legal because the law is obligatory according to
article 1 paragraph 5 of the Romanian Constitutions and according to articles 280-282 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code if any act of procedure is illegal it is void, and the detainee must be
immediately released ex officio according to article 9 paragraph 4 and of common right according to
article 202 paragraph 2, article 209 paragraph 14 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code) regarding
forensic medical expertise and evaluation of current psychical state, being brought by the Police Bodies
(notice how the idiots wrongfully capitalize “Police Bodies” kissing up to the Romanian “state” mafia
soldiers or gangsters, demonstrating that there is a relation of subordination even between the mafia
soldiers and mafia associates)” – meaning there was absolutely no factual or legal justification, not even
formally falsified, to tie me up to an operating table and put me in anaphylactic shock through daily
deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections for at least 3 days without treatment, then after I
survived forcefully poisoning me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins, as for Torture,
assimilated within Crimes against humanity, there can be no justification as even explicitly provided by
article 282 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Penal Code as quoted and translated in chapter 3 from
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, as demonstrated in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and as proof there wasn’t even a
formal justification, on 27th May 2017 not even a falsified diagnosis was communicated to me according
to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, article 28
paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, no committee to evaluate
the legality of my illegal “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration was convened before the “psychiatric”
incarceration as required by the law because “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration is never legal but
arbitrary or unmotivated imprisonment because “psychiatry” is charlatanry as proven in this chapter, no
committee to evaluate the legality of my “psychiatric” charlatanry chemical lobotomization was
convened because chemical lobotomization is never legal according to the guaranteed fundamental
right to life, physical and psychic integrity according to article 22 from the Romanian Constitution, and
articles 2 and 3 of ECHR and articles 3 and 5 of UDHR , no consent of mine was asked or given but I was
forced to sign under threat of violence meaning vice of consent a paper that I consent to be chemically
lobotomized after I was already chemically lobotomized and put in anaphylactic shock, paper on which
the following day after I regained some sense I asked to complete my declaration marking the vice of

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consent by describing that all that was done to me was illegal anyway therefore I was given no choice or
my consent was vitiated, no contract was signed with a legal or conventional representative as the
“psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen named curator with no legal forms actively refused to close
the conventional representant contract with my mother, no “psychiatrist” charlatanry “expertise” was
even formally effectuated although it was the only cover-up story for “psychiatric” charlatanry
incarceration between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as proven by annex 12 and annex 14 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the
falsified decisions from 4909/231/2017 etc., of which I objectivized summarily with a list of the laws,
regulations, norms, deontology broken by the “psychiatrist” charlatans and torturers in chapter I.3 from
annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and respectively objectivize fully in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, meaning callously
and with extreme prejudice every law and regulation relevant was broken on purpose for Crimes
against humanity to be committed against me in the form of Torture, Bodily Harm, attempted Qualified
murder, dehumanization (through chemical lobotomization), unethical human experimentation (the
“psychiatrist” charlatans notoriously perform illegal experiments which they also fake in the Focsani
“psychiatric” gulag according to the mafia “secret service” report with which it “threw the dead cat in
the courtyard” of the general prosecutor’s office as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and
2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, and pervasively perform chemical lobotomizatin without people’s consent as they
inform nobody they are chemically lobotomizing them, that is if they ask for consent at all, as well as
taking biological samples forcefully or under threat of violence, and as typical to schizophrenics and
sociopaths declared in the press the Ministry of Health gave them permission to break the law <seek
article and link>), extrajudicial punishments (to stop me from denouncing the Romanian “state” mafia,
the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes falsified decisions instigating to Crimes against humanity by abuse
of “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of political repression through chemical lobotomization which is
also illegal, and which cannot be judicial since all relevant law, regulation, norm, deontology and logic
was broken and obviously or generically meaning with no objectivization of administration of proofs the
state of fact was falsified), state terrorism (see extrajudicial punishments, and through illegal home
breakings and arrests), kidnappings (see state terrorism), unjust imprisonment (illegal “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration, the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag and Romanian “psychiatric” gulags in general
being worse than Romanian prisons), enslavement (through “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration and
isolation from any aspect of normal life or stimulating activity, placement in contact with real mentally
deranged persons which are mentally disturbing having to suffer emphatically, deranged persons which
constitute living proof “psychiatry” cures nothing ever <mention this more often in other paragraphs>,
exacerbation of suffering through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning, in conclusion
physical and psychic harassment and abuse causing psychological and psychosomatic damage meaning
Torture, and Bodily Harming or dehumanization through chemical lobotomization, often getting
suggestions from “psychiatrist” charlatans or mafia “police” soldiers to be a hypermarket shelf arranger
while the mafia destroyed actively my two intellectual careers in informatics and law as objectivized in
chapter IV from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier), torture (see enslavement), political repression (see extrajudicial punishments,
state terrorism, kidnappings and enslavement), religious persecution (I’ve been denied the possession
of a prayer book during the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017, the “psychiatrist” charlatans declaring the Christian Orthodox religion “mystical

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delirium” meaning false ideation and behavior based on occult esotery - which in reality is no different
than money economics actually with the difference that Christian’s economy is mercy not capitalist
savagery, respectively the “psychiatric” charlatanry justifies its existence amongst other means through
claiming the rule of law and state of right and inherent belief that one has rights is psychosis meaning
false ideation resulting in socially deviant behavior as proven intrinsically by annex 16 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier and the fact I
was arrested at the start of my law faculty exams during my 2nd session of 1st year before Orthodox
Easter 2017 simultaneously with the clear mafia’s intent to commit Crimes against humanity against me
during Orthodox Easter 2017 to mock the Christian Orthodox belief just as they did decapitating their
leader Nicolae Ceausescu by assassination on Christmas 1989 and as they committed Crimes against
humanity against me during Saint Nicholas holiday in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014,
harassed me judicially doing Christmas 2015 and Orthodox Easter 2016 with falsified dossier
14277/231/2015, and even falsified the decisions in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance regarding instigations that Crimes against humanity be committed
against me within a week of my birthday, then I was arrested from my law faculty exams on 27th May
2017 for Crimes against humanity to be committed as they were until 8th June 2017 as objectivized in
sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, then the mafia issued its final solution in the form of the
“prosecutor’s” proposal from 1st August 2017 from the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 that Crimes against humanity be committed against me as between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017 reason for which the “prosecutor” doesn’t even mention anything about
this period as typical of criminals to distance themselves from the evidence of their crimes, which was
communicated on 1st September 2017 which is the beginning of the law faculties session for recovering
the lost exams, date on which I was also tipped off to become a permanent refugee fleeing in fear of
indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder as objectivized in
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, the sociopath behavior of the “psychiatrist” charlatans and torturers being that only what and
whatever they say is right and not the rule of law and state or right regardless that is illogical and
breaking all law, regulation, norm and deontology which is beyond dictatorship and totalitarianism, and
beyond tyrannical, it’s an effort to seize reality by brainwashing people by imposing their sociopathic
will while chemically lobotomizing people pervasively which is the eradication of a person identity or
individuality which means capital punishment) and other human rights abuses, as demonstrated
summarily in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier

II.1.3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder
II.1.3^1 “Murder is the unlawful killing of another human without justification or
valid excuse, especially the unlawful killing of another human being with malice aforethought.”
II.1.3^2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malice_aforethought
II.1.3^3 “Malice aforethought was the "premeditation" or "predetermination" (with malice)
that was required as an element of some crimes in some jurisdictions[1] and a unique element for
first-degree or aggravated murder in a few.”
II.1.3.1. The Romanian “state” mafia perpetrated against me 2 Crimes against humanity
committals in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 meaning Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder as I’ve objectivized in sections

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I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, respectively I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, respectively in the night between 5th
and 6th December 2014 I was also Bodily Harmed during the Qualified Murder attempt perpetrated
against me by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut at the instigation of the mafia, and 6 Crimes against
humanity attempts, all which I will thoroughly objectivize in the following paragraphs. The first Crimes
against humanity attempt from 27th October 2015 was meant to be consumed as the Crimes against
humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 meaning Bodily
Harmed and attempt to be Qualifiedly Murdered by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut then covertly
poisoned at the emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” Focsani hospital with the deadly fluorine
based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. and sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, and the other 5 Crimes against humanity attempts were meant to be
consumed as the Crimes against humanity committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. and sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, except the last
attempt through the falsification of the sentences in 12718/231/2017 for indefinite to life incarceration,
Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder meaning the mafia’s final solution, as I’ve objectivized in
annex 18, annex 19, annex 20 and annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Both Crimes against humanity committals were far worse
than anything I’ve experienced in my life including the Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder attempt
committed by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut at the mafia’s instigation the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, as I’ve objectivized in chapter I from annex 21 and chapter IV.5 from annex 23 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
Chemical lobotomization is far worse than rape and even physical Torture because they only leave
superficial Bodily Harm and psychic trauma which can be healed respectively overcome, but chemical
lobotomy amputates the brain eradicating individuality or a persona’s identity which is capital
punishment and and creates a myriad other health problem throughout the body, and the brain can’t be
healed nor can the destruction of the mind through brain damage be reversed. The “psychiatry”
charlatanry as I will prove next is the most horrific and insidious weapon of state terrorism and wrongful
political repression on Earth, literally committing Crimes against humanity by eradicating the humanity
in people and even worse inducing psychosis, suicidal and homicidal ideation and behavior. Because
since 2009 I investigated and unconspired the Romanian “state” mafia criminal activity as a whole,
eventually in 2014 the mafia started committing and attempting Crimes against humanity against me
exactly after I reached and denounced the mafia bosses and underbosses meaning Livia Stanciu the
former president of the supreme court, Robert Cazanciuc the former prime minister nepotistically
named by Victor Viorel Ponta the prime minister under which corruption the “Colectiv” notorious
holocaust took place and Rica Vasiliu Crevalos the former chief of Judiciary Inspection, all obligated to
initiate disciplinary action against any mafia “magistrate” caporegime according to article 44 from
Romanian Law 317/2004, Crimes against humanity obviously committed against me to stop me from
investigating and denouncing the leadership of the Romanian “state” mafia, corroborated with the fact
that Livia Stanciu as a member of the Romanian Constitutional Court as I objectivized in section I.B.11,
instigated the falsification of the Romanian Constitutional Court in decision from 25th 19 January 2017,
declaring that my presumption of innocence has no legal basis because a penal measure of security
doesn't require that the deed is proven to exist, is proven to constitute a felony, and is proven that I
committed it in a definitive sentence taken in public trial in full respect of the my rights, in direct

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contradiction with article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, and articles 11, 20 from
the Romanian Constitution and article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, which
proves Livia Stanciu’s continual and active instigation to the Crimes against humanity against me for
which Livia Stanciu had both the personal motive, being a criminal sociopath as proven by the notorious
Rarinca case in which Livia Stanciu ordered the mafia to “preventively arrest” Rarinca for 6 months
without motivation because in actuality Livia Stanciu had a money debt to Rarinca which Rarinca
demanded and Livia Stanciu didn’t want to pay and still didn’t as far as I am aware, and the opportunity,
Crimes against humanity of which Livia Stanciu was perfectly aware of and therefore accomplice of as
proven also by my petitions towards Livia Stanciu as president of the supreme court, and the fact I
inculpated Livia Stanciu in the penal dossiers I opened against the falsifiers, instigators and accomplices
to the falsification of penal dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against
me, then published amongst others the aforementioned penal dossier which triggered again the
Romanian “state” mafia to admit their criminal activity and certify it by illicitly censoring my forum
“militia.freeforums.net” on 8th April 2017 and partially my facebook.com account on 10th April 2017,
right in the middle of sudden almost daily acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and
arrests by mafia “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and “gendarmes” committed on
6th, 10th, and attempted on 13th, 14th and 27th April 2017, then again perpetrated on 27th May 2017 to
commit the Crimes against humanity against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, forum where I posted over a hundred penal
dossiers especially against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and other specialized articles written by
me against the Romanian “state” mafia based on my research, logic and notorious knowledge of the
mafia’s criminal activity from the press, respectively I’ve noticed especially the illicit censorship of the
post on my facebook.com account about the criminal “judge” named Ciungan Georgeta who was new in
the degenerated “European” Vrancea county therefore hungry to impose herself in the sociopathic
manner for which I denounced her immediately. The Romanian “state “mafia persecuted me by the
Crimes against humanity attempt through the falsification of the Crimes against humanity attempts
during Christmas 2015 and Orthodox Easter 2016, respectively persecuted me by the Crimes against
humanity committal in the night between 5th and 6th December 2016 on Saint Nicholas which another
popular Christian holiday, respectively the falsified decisions in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance were taken within a week of my birthday, reminding targeting
meaningful days and holydays is the “psychological wars” stereotype of the “communist” mafia who
even assassinated it’s leader Nicolae Ceausescu on Christmas 1989 to mock the over 80% Romanian
Christian Orthodox people. The acts of state terrorism right before Orthodox Easter 2017 were also
meant to aid in the pretext and cover-up story for the instigation to Crimes against humanity through
the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017, such as most notably the illegal home breaking, arrest, physical
and psychic abuse and harassment while recording audio/video by 9 gendarmes who brought me in the
courthouse on 10th April 2017 in the last possible moment to make it impossible for me to even learn
the object of the 4909/231/2017 trial reason for which they haven’t communicated to me the falsified
mandate which would’ve contained this information, and make it impossible to consult the
4909/231/2017 dossier and therefore make it impossible to build my plead, except I immediately
noticed in trial that 4909/231/2017 is in ne bis in idem with 11224/231/2015 in which I was identically
accused of a fictive deed that cannot constitute a felony or premise for diagnosis and which cannot

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constitute the grounds for another trial under a new juridical classification therefore I partially knew
what to plead and submitted a written plead as soon as I was released anyway reason for which the
schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana hurried to falsify the decision in 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance
the same day as I’ve anticipated reason for which I became a temporary refugee since 11th April 2017,
respectively also remembered during the trial the fact the schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana was
incompatible at least for falsifying the decisions in 4791/231/2017 and 1054/231/2017 meaning for
participating in the falsification of acts of procedure in the falsified penal dossiers 2417/P/2014,
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 <remained here, Crimes against humanity which the
mafia intended to commit against me in typical “communist” fashion during Orthodox Easter 2017 as
they’ve premeditated to also destroy my family and religious / spiritual life which is proof of malice
aforethought, and fact certified by the numerous attempts to murder and discredit me simultaneously
since 2014 to stop me from denouncing them and to make my public denouncements incredible
especially about their proven instigation of the interloper to murder me on 5th December 2014. In other
words, the murderous obsession of the Romanian “state” mafia to stop me from denouncing its criminal
activity is certified by the very Romanian “state” mafia attempts to cover their Crimes against humanity
against me through more Crimes against humanity, totaling 8 as enumerated and objectivized in the
following paragraphs
II. I proved logically and scientifically that the intent to an effect is the same between the
first two Crimes against humanity, and in general between any number of crimes attempted and
committed by the same perpetrator. Modeling after the first two Crimes against humanity from 27th
October 2014 and from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 committed against me by the
Romanian “state” mafia by instigating the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and its mafia soldiers and
associates to commit Crimes against humanity against me as I will objectivize thoroughly in
continuation and in the following paragraphs, I logically prove that whatever crimes are committed with
malice aforethought are also evidently intended to an effect, and whatever crimes are attempted by the
same person who commits crimes with malice aforethought before or after the attempt, cannot be
proven logically that weren’t attempted with the same intent to an effect for which they are committed
with malice aforethought before or after the attempt, nor can they be proven logically that the crimes
were attempted with a different intent for an effect than the crimes committed before or after the
attempt in both cases with malice aforethought, because the crimes attempt not being crimes
consumed the intent to an effect is undefined by the crimes attempt and only defined by the crimes
consumed, but because man made consecutive events are not randomness driven but intent to an
effect driven, the intent to an effect between crimes attempts and committals logically remains the
same until the effect is achieved and thus the intent is fulfilled meaning until there is no motive for
committing crimes as all crimes are motive driven by an intent to an effect which is the condition
whether the perpetrator stops or not committing the crimes as compelled or not by the nature of the
criminal’s intent, with the exception that the perpetrator is logically incoherent and thus behaves
incoherently case in which the perpetrator’s intent to an effect is incoherent which is a condition that
needs further logical or factual objectivization, therefore if the perpetrator is coherent in his intent to an
effect it is logically proven the attempted crimes with malice aforethought intent to an effect is the
same as the intent to an effect defined by the crimes committal with malice aforethought. Scientifically
or factually objectivized, the perpetrator I spoke of meaning interloper Herghelegiu Danut is not

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observed, proven or at least declared incoherent in logic and behavior by anyone, at least not in his
consistency to fulfill his intent to an effect alone as not achieving his intent to an effect is another
matter or proof of lack of medical discernment meaning the inability to formulate a successful plan and
successfully execute it meaning in plain parlance he’s a mafia “patsy” (<as far as I know Italian -
American slang for a madman or fool the mafia can instigate to commit a crime and dispose of without
getting itself involved>), respectively committing crimes is proof of lack of juridical discernment and
conscience, facts which also corroborate the fact the interloper Herghelegiu Danut lacking both medical
and juridical discernment and being compelled by sociopathic or antisocial reasons had indeed an
obsessive criminal intent to a criminal effect to repeat until achieved, therefore there is no exception in
this case meaning it’s logically and scientifically proven that the intent to an effect for the Crimes
against humanity from 27th October 2014 and the intent to an effect for the Crimes against humanity
from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 is the same, meaning in other words that the Crimes
against humanity from 27th October 2014 were supposed to unfold as the Crimes against humanity
from the night between 5th and 6th December meaning the interloper Herghelegiu Danut was supposed
to commit Bodily Harm against me and by it attempt Qualified Murder, then if I survive the mafia
would’ve clandestinely injected me with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone at the emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani which is exactly
what happened in the night between 5th and 6th December as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2,
I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2
II. I proved the principal intent to an effect belongs to the mafia and that the mafia’s
soldiers intent to an effect therefore was to commit Crimes against humanity against me again and
cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014. Interloper’s Herghelegiu Danut
motive or intent to an effect for the Crimes against humanity committed against me on 27th October
2014 and in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in the sections I.A.II.1.3.1^1.
and I.A.II.1.3.1^2, is not personal except his sociopathic desire to gain favor and relations by being of
service or ingratiating himself with the Romanian “state” mafia which also corroborates to the fact the
interloper Herghelegiu Danut was successfully as proven instigated by the Romanian “state “mafia who
holds the principal motive or the intent to an effect which is stopping me from denouncing the
Romanian “state” mafia’s criminal activity, and is also the Romanian “state “mafia who holds the
opportunity to put into motion the intent to an effect meaning the power to abuse public function
because it controls the public functionaries as objectivized in paragraph 0.2 and chapter V.3 from annex
23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, power with which the mafia commits the felony of Trafficking influence according to article 291
from the Romanian Penal Code to achieve its illicit goals as the mafia’s involvement in the Crimes
against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 is proven by the fact the interloper was accompanied
by two mafia soldiers who’s defined intent to an effect was at least the attempt to cover up the Crimes
against humanity attempt if not to participate in some other way as physically intervening for the
interloper in case his provocation through hitting my mother’s apartment door violently would’ve led to
a physical fight with me which was the intent to an effect of the provocation, plan which backfired on
the mafia soldiers and the interloper because the neighbours from three floors were alerted and exited
their homes becoming witnesses as proof of the violence of the interloper’s provocation while the mafia
soldiers were hiding in the interloper’s apartment and didn’t take any action, and also backfired because

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my mother exited the apartment before me and she wasn’t the interloper’s target but me, and also
backfired because I’ve also started recording audio / video on my mobile phone the interloper who was
distancing himself from the door at the time I also exited the apartment after my mother, state of fact
for which I opened a penal dossier against the interloper and the two mafia soldiers proven by my
mobile phone audio / video recording, 6 testimonies meaning 4 neighbors’ which at least I observed
were witnesses, my mother’s and my own which are all redundant because of the objective audio /
video recording, and respectively the law which demonstrates the mafia soldiers were supposed to
write a report on the spot and lodge it at the prosecutor’s office according to articles 61, 291 paragraph
2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, taking the testimonies or the refusal to testify of
the persons present not hide in the interloper’s apartment as soon as the interloper’s violent
provocation brought the neighbors from three floors out of their home and put a stop to the Crimes
against humanity attempt since the interloper clearly didn’t want witnesses nor to attack my mother
who exited the apartment before me, but to attack me then lie I attacked him exactly as the
“gendarmes” general Mircea Olaru foolishly lied in an email <obtain transcript and attach as proof> after
the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 because this was the
mafia’s concertized story which became incoherently told at the wrong time and entered in conflict with
the proofs to the contrary. The mafia’s involvement is also proven by the fact it obsessively protected its
soldiers and the interloper during and after the Crimes against humanity it attempted on 27th October
2014, and during and after the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 as I thoroughly objectivize further in sections I.B.22 and I.B.23 and as I summarily
explicate the demonstration here, meaning the principal intent to an effect is proven beyond any
reasonable doubt to belong to the Romanian “state” mafia who Trafficked influence and instigated the
interloper assuring him he won’t be convicted for his participation in the Crimes against humanity by
complicity, Crimes against humanity the interloper also instigated or determined at least meaning by
committing Bodily Harm against me and attempting to Qualifiedly Murder me which is a condition for
the the mafia’s plan B to function by covertly injecting me with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin
risperidone or paliperidone at the emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani so
that the mafia remains clandestine - making it appear it was uninvolved as the blame for my death
would’ve fallen on the mafia “patsy” meaning interloper Herghelegiu Danut, that is if there was a
criminal investigation at all which there wouldn’t have been as proven by the fact the mafia obsessively
protected the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and all its caporegimes, soldiers and associates from
answering before the law incriminating itself because of it. The interloper Herghelegiu Danut knew of
the mafia’s plan therefore is an instigator and accomplice besides author of the Qualified Murder
attempt and incidental Bodily Harm felonies from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014,
because the interloper also supported in his declarations as I remember the mafia’s lies that I’m
“mentally ill” as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^1, which is proof in itself that the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut was instigated by the mafia, namely the principal instigator “Dita Mirela” from where
he picked up this particular lie
II. I prove that the mafia’s intent and automatically the interloper’s not being fulfilled,
caused the mafia to continue to instigate the interloper and repeat the whole plan, this time attempting
to leave no witnesses as last time because of which the crimes were stopped. Because the intent to an
effect for the Crimes against humanity from 27th October 2014 and the intent to an effect for the

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Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 is the same as objectivized
in paragraph II., and
II.^1 because the mafia’s intent to an effect nor the dependant intent to an effect of the
instigated interloper or his personal sociopathic agenda have not been fulfilled as objectivized in
paragraph II., and
II.^2 because the intent to an effect between crimes attempts and committals logically
remains the same until the effect is achieved and thus the intent is fulfilled meaning until there is no
motive for committing crimes as all crimes are motive driven by an intent to an effect which is the
condition whether the perpetrator stops or not committing the crimes as compelled or not by the
nature of the criminal’s intent ,
II.^3 the mafia to fulfill its intent to an effect concertized the committal of the Crimes
against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, and after failing again this pattern
repeated throughout the 5 Crimes against humanity attempts and the Crimes against humanity
committal from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 because the mafia never achieved the effect
of Qualifiedly Murdering me to fulfill its intent to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity as
evident, which is why the 8th Crimes against humanity is ongoing perpetually for which the mafia
instigated the schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina who falsified the sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 1st
instance for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted and
diagnosed meaning the mafia attempting to make it look like I was, then the mafia instigated the
schizophrenic “judge” Badiu Mandica to falsify the sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance who
sustained the same aberrations from 1st instance and who invoked the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry
documents from 23rd November 2015 which the same “judge “Badiun Mandica” annulled in
14277/231/2015 in 1st instance for containing grounds annulled even before they were falsified in
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance, that suing and denouncing penally and disciplinarily the mafia
“magistrate” caporegime Dita Mirela is the right to justice not grounds for “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation
meaning a pretext and cover-up story to put me in a situation of vulnerability and to commit Crimes
against humanity against me as in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, and between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017, which proves until the end that the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela is the
instigator from the beginning to the end as I thoroughly objectivize in paragraph I.A.II. In other
words because the mafia’s intent to an effect as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. is to stop me
from denouncing its criminal activity, stopping me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity would
fulfilled the mafia’s intent to an effect and would’ve stopped the mafia committing Crimes against
humanity against me as objectivized in paragraphs I.A.II. and I.A.II.^2, therefore because
the mafia did not stop me from denouncing its criminal activity through the Crimes against humanity
from 27th October 2014 but on the contrary it backfired and I further denounced the mafia by opening a
penal dossier against the interloper and mafia soldiers that attempted the Crimes against humanity
from 27th October 2014, the mafia was further compelled to fulfill its intent to an effect and concertized
the committal of the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014.
II.^4 It is also proof the fact that this time the mafia instigated that the Crimes against
humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 be committed as started by the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut in a manner that isn’t stopped by witnesses as on 27th October 2014, reason for

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which the interloper Herghelegiu Danut knowing I would come and ask him to stop his scandal as other
times, because the mafia “proximity police” soldiers always refuse to do their job when I called them for
the past one year and a half about the interloper Herghelegiu Danut’s scandal which is another proof
that it was the mafia who sent its soldiers to accompany interloper Herghelegiu Danut on 27th October
2014 Crimes against humanity attempt as they don’t do their job at all or do anything for anyone else
than the mafia, except for bribe but there was no motive for the interloper to bribe the mafia “proximity
police” soldiers to aid in the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 being illogical
even if the interloper is a mythomaniac sociopath (an intentional pleonasm for clarity because as far as I
know all sociopaths are mythomaniacs because they believe lying is good as everything they do), nor
could the Crimes against humanity attempt be out of the interloper’s initiative which is impossible
because the interloper doesn’t have the connections with the “psychiatry” charlatanry meaning there’s
no opportunity, therefore it was not the interloper who bribed the mafia soldiers but the mafia through
“other illicit gains” according to the text of the law such as the mafia soldiers remaining in the mafia’s
graces without which one can hardly hold a job in Romania as proven by the fact the mafia sold out my
work litigation for bribe from the Delhaize group as I objectivized in chapter IV.1 from annex 23 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
II.^4.1 provoked me by making a huge scandal in his aparment which is situated above
my mother’s apartment where I was sleeping at ~10:30 p.m. in the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 to benefit from the quietness of the night and be able to work intellectually because the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut was making a scandal all day every day by either drilling in the walls all day or
bashing things on the floor all day ever since he moved in Spring 2013, hour aforementioned at which I
woke because of the interloper’s scandal, and to be able to start my work in peace I knocked on the
interloper’s door and asked him to be quiet while recording audio / video knowing the interloper is a
mythomaniac sociopath and would probably lie to make trouble for me or try to agress me as on 27th
October 2014, mentioning at that time I was unaware of the mafia’s instigation for Crimes aganist
humanity to be committed against me, as I was unaware obviously the Crimes against humanity
attempt from 27th October 2014 was supposed to unfold as the Crimes against humanity from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 which since I hadn’t experienced the horror I’ve been put through I
couldn’t have possibly anticipated although the felonies from 27th October 2014 I had already opened a
penal dossier and sued the interloper for were clearly mafia instigated, I couldn’t even suspect it was an
attempt at Qualified Murder against me but some random mafia harassment as recently on 4th
September 2014 the mafia “magistrate” caporegime Andreea Jelea from the Focsani courthouse
attempted to dictate to me what to respond in my claimant interogatory procedure delegated from a
trial at Bucharest Tribunal, and when I tried to tell the truth mafia “magistrate” caporegime Andreea
Jelea harassed me making use of the mafia “gendarme” soldiers who falsified a fine against me,
respectively earlier in March 2014 I was harassed by the dean of the local lawyer’s bar inside the Focsani
courthouse instigating with the mafia “gendarme” soldiers to harass and fine me, fines which I never
paid nor were the mafia “gendarme” soldiers were ever acquitted in the penal dossiers I remember I
opened against them, so having no reason I couldn’t even suspect on 27th October 2014 Crimes against
humanity have been attempted against me, mentioning the constitutive felonies of Bodily Harm and
Torture are incidental to the mafia’s real intent to an effect of committing Qualified Murder against me,
because in my mind there was no reason to be Qualifiedly Murdered all of a sudden, clearly

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underestimating the criminal paranoid sociopaths I am against, as at the time I did not recognize I’m up
against the Romanian “state” mafia because not being paranoid as the mafia it felt unbelievable I was
against a whole “state” repression apparatus but rather felt I was up against generalized corruption that
I could hope to defeat someday from Romania, not a real mafia that could suddenly coalesce against me
to commit Crimes against humanity, as at the time I was only naming the organized crime groups I
discovered this or that county’s “magistrate” mafia which I believed it was divided into territorial gangs
according to the jurisdiction of the public functions they abused, and couldn’t believe Crimes against
humanity would be attempted and committed against me because no such thing was committed in my
apartment block since it was constructed and my family moved in it about 34 years before, being a
relatively civilized apartment block meaning with no occurrences of violence until the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut moved in the year 2013 and attempted the Crimes against humanity from 27th
October 2014 then the Crime against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. The
only similar atrocity I ever heard of in Focsani was about a person who got itself in trouble with loan
sharks which is notoriously predictable to get oneself in trouble with, but couldn’t expect Crimes against
humanity from what it seemed a bunch of corrupt judges and other corrupt public functionaries
II.^4.2 After I asked the interloper to be quiet and sarcastically whether he is hiding
anymore mafia soldiers in his apartment, the interloper closed the door and I kept hearing noise from
his apartment meaning he had no intention of stopping the scandal so I knocked again, I received no
response, point at which I gave up and left, but the interloper was waiting until I closed the mobile
phone with which I was recording audio / video and started descending the stairs, then the interloper
quickly exited his apartment and hit me on the back of my head violently with his foot while I was trying
to start recording again, rendered me unconscious, then hit my head against the wall as proven by the
injury on my forehead which couldn’t have happened any other way unless hit on the forehead with
something like a metal box, and pushed me violently down the flight of stairs which I slid on my back
until my right foot got stuck in the stairway railing judging from the marks I had on my elbows and back,
and threw my mobile phone down in between the stairs to break it which it didn’t and with the audio /
video recording I already did I proven the interloper lied at least twice to provide cover-up stories as he
was instigated and taught by the mafia, but as Mircea Olaru was incoherent and contradicted with the
audio / video recording proof and pictures of the other evidence, and he was also seen by my mother
after he hit me on the head, hit my head against the wall, pushed me down the flight of stairs and was
running back in his apartment to avoid being seen, as my mother came after me alerted by the noise
and knowing that I went to the interloper’s apartment as other times. I fully objectivized the interloper’s
attack against me in paragraphs I.A.II.^4.1-5. The interloper was also seen by the apartment
block’s mafia snitch who of course wasn’t heard as a witness on my request because he was the mafia’s
“covert” collaborationist that I surprised one evening soon after the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 while entering the apartment block with my mother, immediately calling and snitching on his
mobile phone colloquially directly to the chief of the order bureau of the police “Alin <?other name?>”
telling him that he has something to report but “to not send the masked police”, chief of the order
bureau of the police who doesn’t even wanted to speak with me in audience as required by the law, but
was receiving tips with familiarity from this snitch personally whereas the typical Romanian civilian
wouldn’t even think of calling the police chief of order bureau or have the number ready let alone
having any chief of police department number ready at all. The full demonstration of the interloper’s

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Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 complicity and instigation
meaning leading into the mafia’s plan B of covertly injecting me in my right elbow with the deadly
fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone in the same night between 5th and 6th December
2014, I’m objectivizing in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, along with the crimes committed for
the cover-up of Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014.
II. After the first two Crimes against humanity failed in their effect intended then the
mafia took over renouncing the interloper who got compromised anyway and proved to be useless to
the mafia since he failed to Qualifiedly Murder me when he had the chance. After the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut failed to Qualifiedly Murder me after he Bodily Harmed me in the night between 5th
and 6th December 2014 by hitting me on the head violently which rendered me unconscious, then
hitting my head against the wall as proven by the injury on my forehead, then pushed me violently down
a flight of stairs to make it look like an accident as proven by the injuries on my elbows and feet that
demonstrate I slid on my back face up rapidly until my right foot got stuck on the stairs railing near the
bottom of the stairway, all three events which could’ve resulted in my death as proven by the statistics
that there’s a 62.67% percent chance of dying if falling on stairs conscious, all the more chances to die if
falling on stairs in an unconscious state, according to the article
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19537451 which also statistically shows that 80.43% of the
causes of death from falling on stairs consciously is head injury, again all the more chances to die if hit
on the head violently on purpose as falling on stairs one cannot hit his head accidentally harder than
being hit with murderous aforethought, then after in the same night between 5th and 6th December
2014 I was transported at the emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani,
II.^1 and after the mafia associates also failed to Qualifiedly Murder me after they Bodily
Harmed me with a covert injection without my consent or even warning me in my right elbow by an
unknown person believing I couldn’t feel it, containing the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone
or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite meaning basically the same thing as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, which also constitutes the felony of Torture because of the deadly
poison’s effects objectivized in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which in conjuncture with the other felonies
constitutes Crimes against humanity,
II.^2 Demonstrated how the mafia stepped in and started committing the 3rd and other
Crimes against humanity against me. The Romanian “state” mafia stepped forward and perpetrated 5
Crimes against humanity attempts and another Crimes against humanity committal between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.1.3.1^3 through I.A.1.3.1^8 using directly its mafia
associates, soldiers, caporegimes, underbosses and bosses even as the notorious criminal Livia Stanciu
who I’ve sued multiple times just before the Crimes against humanity started against me in 2014 and
I’ve inculpated for the complicity and instigation to the Crimes against humanity against me without
ever being acquitted, I’ve also flushed out and caught being accomplice and implicitly instigating to the
falsification of the Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 against me as I
objectivized in section I.B.11, in which the presumption of innocence and juridical logic or the principle
of legality and of finding out the truth are practically abolished just to cover-up for the mafia’s Crimes
against humanity against me as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.1.2^1.2.3, meaning the whole Romanian
“state” mafia hierarchy got involved as I punctually objectivize as I develop this demonstration, starting

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with the principal instigator and coordinator of the mafia’s criminal activity in the “European” Vrancea
county “judge” Dita Mirela who’s involvement I will also punctually objectivize as follows in chapter
I.A.II., as the acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings, illegal arrests, blackmail and
wrongful political repression through abuse of the judiciary system in penal matters in conjuncture with
the abuse of the “psychiatry” charlatanry started after I opened a penal dossier on 11th August 2015
against “judge” Dita Mirela for the instigation of “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul to falsify the penal dossier
2417/P/2014 against me, instigation objectivized by “judge” Dita Mirela falsified penal complaint lodged
on 11th December 2014 with the prosecutor’s office near the Vrancea Tribunal as proven by paragraph
2.2.2 from annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, and the fact “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul had no personal motive but had the
opportunity therefore falsified the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 for “judge” Dita Mirela and in the interest
of the Romanian “state” mafia, instigation objectivized by “judge” Dita Mirela falsified declaration from
Spring 2015 as demonstrated in paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. I concomitantly remember to have
lodged a penal dossier against “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul as well <although I cannot determine the date
at the moment because I actualized the penal complaint and overwritten the old one, and can’t check
my old archive currently>, moment when “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul should’ve abstained as legally
required from falsifying any more acts of procedure in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 and send
it to another prosecutor according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, respectively to
another prosecutor’s office because by being chief of the criminal investigation burreau he couldn’t give
the penal dossier he falsified to any of his subordinates according to article 11 from Government
Ordnance 27/2002 respectively since his direct superior “prime-prosecutor” Tarlea Florin Cristinel
supervised “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul is also proven his accomplice and intrinsic instigator, but instead
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul chose to commit acts of state terrorism against me and my family and
instigated twice that Crimes against humanity be committed against me through personally falsified
acts of procedure and through 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance,
dossiers where he lost as proof he is a criminal as objectivized by annex 3 and annex 5 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. “Judge” Dita
Mirela also lodged the falsified civil action 15730/231/2014 regarding my placement under “psychiatric”
charlatanry interdiction which constitutes the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt against me,
anticipating that his instigation to the 2nd Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 through chemical lobotomization will either kill me or severely
destroy my brain, and after “judge” Dita Mirela learned I survived the 2nd Crimes against humanity
committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as “judge” Dita Mirela had the
opportunity to learn this from the 4 mafia “gendarme” soldiers who came called by my mother’s
phonecall to the national emergency number “112” and who refused to notify the prosecutor’s office
according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Proceudre Code, from the
mafia associates at the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani, from the mafia “police” soldiers who
refused in the same night between 5th and 6th December 2014 to take my declarations against interloper
Herghelegiu Danut, and from the mafia associated “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia
who I legally paid on 8th December 2014 to investigate and create an expertise about the Bodily Harm
the interloper Herghelegiu Danut committed against me for use in the penal dossier I opened later

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against interloper Herghelegiu Danut, “legal medics” who refused to send me to the proper medical
specialties regarding cranio-cerebral trauma and faked the report, then after I returned with 2 MRI
scans, 2 neurologist reports and 2 neurosurgeon reports they refused again lying it’s too late to add
them in any report, then after I addressed the mafia “legal medicine” institution through mafia
associated “lawyer” Corina Dodoiu as I’ve found later he misrepresented me, the “legal medics” faked
the old report again lying that all the other medics falsified the reports and the proofs are falsified,
contradicting themselves demonstrating they lied and attempted to cover-up the evidence of the
Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, “judge” Dita Mirela lodged
a falsified penal complaint lodged on 11th December 2014 as proven by annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, then kept the falsified
penal dossier secret until he lost in the falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014, after which “judge” Dita
Mirela instigated “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul to commit Crimes against humanity against me by falsifying
acts of procedure against me in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 as proven by paragraph 2.3 from
annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, regarding the fact “judge” Dita Mirela was heard and instigated “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul to
abuse the “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of wrongful political repression, just as “judge” Dita
Mirela attempted in person by lodging the falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014 inclusively attempting
to instigate the old “prime-prosecutor” Ion Lefter and his subordinates to falsify acts of procedure to
bring falsified “pscyhiatric” charlatanry documents against me in 15730/231/2014 as proven by an
address to the prosecutor’s office I saw in 15730/231/2014, “prime-prosecutor” who refused because
he was about to retire, or was retired by the mafia because he refused which is less likely, just as
“judge” Dita Mirela instigated the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to commit the Crimes against humanity
against me on the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 by assuring him of the mafia’s promised
protection by stealing from the random distribution system of dossiers the civil dossiers I opened
against interloper Herghelegiu Danut inclusively for 27th October 2014 and falsifying decisions of
rejection as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs 2.2.4 and 2.2.5 from annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, Crimes against humanity
against me on the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which were perpetrated through a covert
injection with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone as proven in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2 meaning involving a deadly “psychiatry” charlatanry poison, just as
“judge” Dita Mirela instigated all the other Crimes against humanity against me in which the other
mafia members had no personal motive to get involved but had the opportunity, continuous acts of
instigation which I’ve traced all the way to the last Crimes against humanity perpetrators such as
“psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen who recounted to my mother but not me “judge” Dita
Mirela’s schizophrenic false accusations against me from 15730/231/2014 and 2417/P/2014 that I’m
mentally alienated for exercising my right to justice, schizophrenic story which could’ve only come from
“judge” Dita Mirela by instigation and was totally unrelated with the pretext and cover-up story for
Crimes against humanity from the other falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 against me, falsified penal dossiers who themselves were falsified as proven in annex 8
and annex 9 in an attempt to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempted through falsified
dossiers 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, which derived from
the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 as proven instigated directly by “judge” Dita Mirela. After 11th

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August 2015 if I remember correctly since I cannot check, I consulted for the first time the falsified penal
dossier 2417/P/2014 at the Focsani courthouse while attached to falsified dossier 11224/231/2015,
because the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul refused to ever let me consult it at the prosecutor’s office as I
legally requested verbally on 17th September 2015 when I was illegally arrested and detained as proven
by annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, and I’ve noticed multiple repeated falsified addresses of “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul to the
sector 3 police in Bucharest near my legal domicile to arrest me and detain me without a motivation,
addresses through which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul was instigating that the act of terrorism of home
breaking, arrest and detainment be perpetrated against me just as “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigated
afterwards that I be arrested and detained on 17th September 2015, also mentioning to commit this act
of terrorism “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul subpoenaed me to come to the prosecutor’s office on 5th May
2015, only he sent the subpoena on the same day to my mother after the hour he proposed, and the
subpoena itself was falsified declaring me a felon and other ommissive aberrations, about which I’ve
sent a memo by email addressed to “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul on 9th May 2015 to send me a legal
subpoena not a threatening “subpoena” if he really wants to talk to me, also mentioning that I’m aware
although I never have heard of the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 nor seen it, that only “judge”
Dita Mirela could’ve instigated the falsification of the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014, deduction
which I’ve made based on the fact all past such instigations against me were perpetrated only by
“judge” Dita Mirela, and “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul refused to subpoena me legally because he only
falsifies acts of procedure all day as I’ve also heard by talking to local lawyers. I’ve also sent an address
to the sector 3 police to denounce the falsified addresses of “prosecutor” Mihailla Paul to his superior
prosecutor’s office in Galati county who is accomplice and intrinsically instigator to all the Crimes
against humanity and other felonies perpetrated by the Vrancea county prosecutor’s office that I ever
reported, because all they ever did in Galati county is falsify acts of procedure to cover-up the crimes
committed in Vrancea county<, situation which I’ll treat on a second pass of this ICC penal dossier in
which I’ll accuse all accomplices and instigators of lesser importance.> <remained here with work>In
conclusion I’ve demonstrated that because the mafia’s effect intended or plan to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity through covert Crimes against humanity as the attempt from 27th
October 2014 and the committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 prove, the
Romanian “state” mafia stepped forward and perpetrated 5 Crimes against humanity attempts and
another Crimes against humanity committal between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized
in sections I.A.1.3.1^3 through I.A.1.3.1^8 using directly its mafia associates, soldiers, caporegimes,
underbosses and bosses even as the notorious criminal Livia Stanciu, starting with the principal
instigator and coordinator of the mafia’s criminal activity in the “European” Vrancea county “judge” Dita
Mirela against who I’ve opened a penal dossier on 11th August 2015 concomitantly with a penal dossier
against the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigated by “judge” Dita Mirela to falsify penal dossier
2417/P/2014 against me since 11th December 2014, penal dossiers for which these mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes had further personal reasons to instigate that 5 Crimes against humanity attempts and the
Crimes against humanity committal from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 be perpetrated
against me with the intent for the effect to stop me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity
against me and in general, which was the original mafia’s intent and instigation to achieve the effect
aforementioned as I will thoroughly prove while I develop this demonstration. In fact I received as I

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remember after the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, a garbled text public threat comment on my facebook account that “I’m the devil and
he/she will fix me”, the only one I ever received in this direct form being no doubt it originated from the
core of the criminal clique that concertized and committed the Crimes against humanity from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 against me, or even from “judge” Dita Mirela himself if making the
same deduction with which I’ve correctly lodged a penal dossier against “judge” Dita Mirela for the
felonies of False declarations and Inducing the judicial bodies into error even before having material
proof he was the author of the falsified penal complaint against me from the falsified penal dossier
2417/P/2014 <make a pdf print of the message with the message’s address, make a summary
explication of the meaning or copy paste this short plead, publish on scribd.com and link back here>
II. The proofs that the mafia’s intent to an effect or committing Crimes against humanity
against me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity against me and in general, are
II.^1 the paranoid fear of the mafia members that they will be convicted as a result of my
public and penal denouncements of their criminal activity as normally should’ve already happened in a
real state of right which is proof in itself of the existence of the Romanian “state” mafia, and which is
also why the mafia member’s fear is intrinsically proven paranoid, as by the fact the mafia members
know the mafia controls the entire Romanian “judicial system” and therefore there’s nobody and
nothing in Romania that can convict a mafia member, and the only exceptions to this rule meaning the
mafia members who do get seldom convicted are according to the unspoken mafia rules the ones who
disobey the mafia and go in “business” on their own meaning without the mafia’s “blessing”, or the ones
who are not paying tribute to the mafia while taking bribe on their own as is the system in the Romanian
exemplificatively proven by the Bucharest Tribunal where the president notoriously gets a share from
the bribe the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes collect to falsify decisions, or the ones who simply disobey
and are made an example by the mafia for the other mafia members such as notoriously the case of
mafia “magistrate” caporegime Mustata from the Bucharest Court of Appeal, who refused to convict
Dan Voiculescu media mogul on ex-president and mafia boss Traian Basescu’s illicit unofficial order,
reminding that ex-president mafia boss Traian Basescu created the political police office of the
notorious criminal chief of national anticorruption direction Kovesi Laura Codruta <seek article and link>
who was also meeting with the regional Balkans CIA chief at the mafia’s “secret services protocol” villas,
see: https://www.cotidianul.ro/casele-sri-unde-se-intilneau-codruta-kovesi-sebastian-ghita-si-seful-cia-
din-romania/, as if the mafia’s “secret services” are diplomats being obviously then they are the
Romanian “state” mafia bosses and underbosses who inherited power in the Romanian banana republic
through the 1989 coup d’état from their counterpart the “communist” security secret police services
with the occasion of the fall of the “communist” block through the effort spearheaded by CIA and its
various traitors from the region, political police office created basically by the oligarchic power inheritor
Monica Macovei when she was minister of justice, and who has been falsifying reports to EU about the
“justice” progress for years in the Romanian “banana republic” meaning “without justice”, and who I’ve
also notified as a member of LIBE EU subcommittee for civil rights and liberties about the Crimes against
humanity committed against me <make emails transcript pdf and attach as proof> and refused to take
any action being thus proven one of the mafia members as well. Dan Voiculescu was convicted because
he refused to cooperate with the mafia and was making propaganda against the ex-president Traian
Basescu mafia boss, revealing another of the mafia’s characteristic operating as a “protection” racket in

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which if the victim doesn’t pay for “protection”, the mafia doesn’t “protect” its victim from itself
meaning it makes trouble for the victim instead as proven by the fact not only did it go against the victim
- Dan Voiculescu, but also against his business, at the time the most influencial televised news bussiness
in Romanian named “Antena 3”. The mafia “magistrate” caporegime Mustata later died in jail why not
<seek article and link> as often the prison conditions in Romania are used by the mafia to clandestinely
convict people to capital punishment which they also make it happen intently but use the prison
conditions or their victim’s health conditions etc. as cover-up stories to appear uninvolved in the mafia’s
victim death, such is that of Dan Adamescu about which the Romanian “state” mafia notoriously is
harassing his son Alexandru Adamescu <seek article and link> to tie up the loose knots of the truth
about the circumstances of the death of Dan Adamescu who’s sentence of 4 years for corruption was
transformed by the mafia in extrajudicial capital punishment. The murderous Romanian “state” mafia
members live constantly in fear of being someday convicted or even target of righteous revenge, being
aware of their atrocities such as chemically lobotomizing people for illegal experimentation in exchange
for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia, but there is also truth to this fear as exposure of one
mafia member’s crimes in public makes that mafia member vulnerable to the other sociopathic mafia
members vying for power, who would leverage their influence and knowledge of other mafia members
crimes to blackmail the denounced mafia members to act for the blackmailer’s illicit interests, not to
mention the exposed mafia member through denouncements just proves he is sloppy meaning weak
and ripe to be preyed on by the other sociopath mafia members, there’s always the chance that one
mafia member being a public black spot of the mafia’s public reputation cheek risks ostracization for the
sake of the mafia as a whole, and there’s always the chance for public unrest caused by exposure of the
total judiciary system collapse in Romania which led to the intentional actual systemic corruption and
automatic poverty and malcontent which so far has been kept in relative check by the pressure valve
offered through the elimination of the need for any kind of visas across the territory of the European
Union, through which over 3 million Romanians escaped and became economic refugees instead of
fighting for their country as if after a civil war which actually exists in Romanian - between the Romanian
“state” mafia and the victimized population, and because this was intentional it is the mechanism
through which simultaneously the Romanian work force was enslaved and the chance for revolt at least
halved while the foreign interests that imposed this situation made Romania a colony stealing it blind of
natural resources and selling their junk to it such as obsolete military equipment, war surplus food and
other junk, while extracting the rich Romanian agricultural products and other quality raw materials
such as notoriously wood, as even proven by the notorious hubris of the perpetrator, the Austrian
company <?name?> who’s representant out of hubris declared publicly that Romania is a cheap country
with cheap politicians meaning easy to bribe, as intended actually. The rest of malcontent in Romania is
dealt with in multiple ways, meaning as the legitimate protests are either covered up by paid fake
protests financed by the infamous George Soros’s through his criminal clique and nation’s sovereignty
undermining network of NGOs banned as proof from the Russian Federation where George Soros was
also declared persona non grata as objectivized in section I.A.II.1.2.4, or the legitimate protesters are
politically repressed through state terrorism perpetrated by abusing the Romanian “state” mafia
monopoly on fear meaning by the mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police”, “special agents” and
“gendarme” soldiers who always falsify fines which even if annulled in court as proof the mafia “state”
never pays damages and never convict its mafia soldiers who also act as false witnesses and even beat

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and kill people in the police stations as notoriously proven by the press <seek article and link>, and by
abusing the “psychiatry” charlatanry to illegally incarcerate and chemically lobotomize the dissenters
and human rights defenders such as myself and as thoroughly proven by my case which at this point
from lack of evidence to the contrary but also lack of specificity of the encyclopedic relevant
knowledge, I ascertain to be also the best documented case in the world of abuse of a “judiciary system”
and the “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of state terrorism and wrongful political repression
through Crimes against humanity, as I’ve pushed my investigation and demonstration up to the point of
gathering irrefutable proofs and respectively objectivizing an impossible to contradict plead which
indicates my plead adheres to the only notion in existence which the same characteristic, the truth.
Regardless of how stupid the corrupt are to attempt to cover the real protests with fake protests in a
futile and worthless attempt to cover-up the truth, they only manage to prove themselves even more
stupid by swelling up the ranks of the protesters in general contributing to a wide spread chaotic
atmosphere of protests about everything and nothing as some have legitimate claims, others do not,
others are just bystanders or weekend superficial protesters as if participating in the gallery of a football
match, others are paid to come on protests while others are under-cover mafia soldiers and mafia
collaborationists who are instigating to violence to create a pretext for the other mafia soldiers to abuse
force against the legitimate protesters, wide spread chaotic atmosphere of protests which just adds to
the fact of the matter that there are constant protests in Romania for years now with no solution in
sight which logically indicates there is no state of right in Romania but the Romanian “state” mafia is
playing divide and conquers against any attempt of a legitimate state in Romania as constitutionally
defined in article 4 from the Romanian Constitution that the state is founded on the unity and solidarity
of its acting citizens, and it’s obvious there is no chance that any protest will result in anything good but
is just wasted effort as protesters appeal to the Romanian “state” mafia conscience who being
sociopaths have no such thing, nor does the Romanian “state” mafia has anything in common with the
state of right, while the protesters prove through this to the mafia they are stupid and weak thus
encourage the sociopaths to victimize them. I conclude the argument and return to the matter at hand
which was to prove none of what happens in Romanian can materialize and represent a reason for the
mafia to fear me and my activity of denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity which proves the mafia
members are paranoid and counterproductive to their goal of stopping me from denouncing its criminal
activity because by committing Crimes against humanity against me not only motivated me to keep
denouncing its criminal activity and freed up my time to do more as they destroyed my ability to enjoy
life through chemical lobotomization, but gave me more and graver crimes to denounce internationally
as well as lead me into discovering the Romanian “state “mafia is committing Crimes against humanity
at a national level through illegal experimentation for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia as
objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, while the mafia ironically
ignored the only best solution which was ignoring me proving again as proof they are paranoid as they
can’t stand having their criminal activity unconspired regardless if it leads to their conviction or not. This
is the only plausible explanation of the mafia member’s psychology which is why it’s proof, as even if the
mafia wanted to make an example of me it only done so motivated by fear as objectivized by the
motivation in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance where the schizophrenic “judge” Craciun Constantin
Catalin wrote that ~”I must be incarcerated so that others don’t take example” without specifying

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example of what because I’ve only given example of civic spirit being therefore proven the mafia fears
civic spirited citizens
II.^2 The mafia associated “psychiatrist” charlatans reproached me verbally about my
facebook.com posts unofficially of course, mainly the worst of them Berzvehnii Igor who personally
instigated the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as proven by annex
12 and annex 14 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, as proven by the illicit partial censorships of my facebook.com account on 10th April
2017 right in the middle of almost daily acts of state terrorism through almost daily illegal home
breakings and illegal arrests committed by tens of mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and
“gendarme” soldiers as if I was a dangerous terrorist or MMA fighter not a peaceful intellectual and
human rights defender, and on February 2018 right after I opened the group “Romanian revolution for
human rights”, facebook.com posts about the Romanian “state” mafia criminal activity or other posts
for attracting visitors to my facebook.com account in which I mainly denounce the Romanian “state”
mafia proving the mafia members are afraid they will get eventually convicted or at least ousted from
office and lose their influence through public exposure of their criminal activity, which is intrinsically
proving the mafia members are of course aware and admit tacitly they are criminals, else they have the
right to sue me for slander except the only slander cases in which the claimant is not right are those
where the truth is not the claimant’s personal information but public information according to article 13
from the Romanian Law 544/2001 regarding public information and the fact all informations regarding
felonies committed by an authority are public domain, therefore denouncing the crimes of a mafia
member abusing public office is not slander and the fact I’ve never been sued for slander nor accused of
Disseminating false information by publishing over a hundred penal dossiers against mainly the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes inferring the whole Romanian “judiciary system” is controlled by the mafia, is
again proof of verity of my pleads and proofs certified tacitly by the mafia itself. I also received a single
or one-of-a-kind facebook.com public threat comment that “you’re the devil and I’ll fix you” after the 2nd
Crimes against humanity failed, message that could only have come from the core of the criminal clique
instigated by the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela, if not from “judge” Dita Mirela himself if using
the same deduction with which I opened a penal dossier against him for False declarations and Inducing
the judiciary bodies into error in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 against me, as I’ve objectivized
in paragraph I.A.II.^2 above.
II.^3 The mafia on 8th April 2017 illicitly censored my forum “militia.freeforums.net”
where I published over a hundred penal dossiers against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, specialty
articles based on notorious proofs from the press, and juridical examples about how to claim the rights
the Romanian “state” mafia infringes upon more often than others aiming to educate the reader in the
taste of being a real citizen. On 10th April 2017 my facebook.com was partly censored, and also in
February 2018 immediately after I started a group named “Romanian revolution for human rights” as
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^2 above, all illicit censorships proving the mafia’s intent to an
effect to stop my denouncements and me from denouncing anymore at the same time as proven by the
fact these illegal censorships were right in the middle of almost daily acts of state terrorism through
home breakings and arrests by tens of mafia “masked policemen”, “policemen”, “secret policemen” and
“gendarmes” soldiers, participating in the falsification of pretext and cover-up acts of procedure for the
Crimes against humanity the mafia intended to commit during Orthodox Easter 2017 against me, which

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is why it started the abuses about a week before for “psychological effect” against my family too making
my mother ill from stress and trauma from Zoster Area as proof. I also mention I deduced correctly from
the Crimes against humanity from 5th to 6th December 2014 committed against me, that the Crimes
against humanity attempted against me through the falsification of the decision in 11224/231/2015
against me, was to put me in a situation of vulnerability through “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration
for an impossible “examination “ without my consent and cooperation revealing its just a pretext and
cover-up story, just as the interloper Herghelegiu Danut’s role was in the first two Crimes against
humanity, to Bodily harm me and attempt Qualified Murder against me leading to the mafia’s plan B of
Bodily Harming me and attempting to Qualifiedly Murder me through a covert deadly fluorine based
neurotoxic injection at the emergency ward of the hospital as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2,
I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, which also constitutes the felony of Torture and in conjuncture with the other
felonies, Crimes against humanity. Once in a situation of vulnerability in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag
the “psychiatrist” torturers would’ve committed Crimes against humanity against me just as they did
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2,
after putting my in anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment and expecting me to die, even
poisoning me forcefully with the same deadly fluorine neurotoxin as in the Crimes against humanity
committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, possibly in conjuncture with one
of the deadly chlorine neurotoxins which as proven in paragraph 1.5^4 from annex 21 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, increase the
odds of killing the “psychiatry” charlatanry victim
II.^4 After I’ve denounced publicly that the Romanian “state “mafia sentences innocents
to chemical lobotomization, the mafia has hidden the public evidence from the ECRIS system and then
the mafia “secret information services” threw the national security dead cat in the courtyard of the
general prosecutor who of course did nothing covering up the Crimes against humanity, as objectivized
in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
II.^5 The mafia committed almost daily acts of state terrorism through illegal home
breakings and illegal arrests with tens of mafia soldiers during my 2nd session of law faculty exams
determining me to become a temporary refugee until the mafia arrested me from my law faculty exams
on 27th May 2017, incarcerated me in the Focsani “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag, where I was tied to an
operating table and injected daily with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons and put in
anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment and expected to die, then after I survived I was
forcefully chemically lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons until 8th
June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 reminding the combination of
deadly fluorine and deadly chlorine neurotoxins increase the odds of fatality as objectivized in
paragraph 1.5^4 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the latter deadly fluorine neurotoxic poison being the same I was
covertly injected with constituting the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, then the mafia came back
with its final solution at the start of the exams recovery session in the form of the “prosecutor’s”
proposal from 1st August 2017 communicated on 1st September 2017 that Crimes against humanity be
committed against me through indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and

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attempted Qualified Murder as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 for the crimes and diagnosis
of Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed, as proven by annex 18 and
annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, objectivized by the fact the schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina even used the Romanian term
“medicamentos” meaning “drugged”. The relevance of this state of fact as proof that the mafia’s intent
to an effect is committing Crimes against humanity against me to stop me from denouncing the mafia’s
criminal activity is multiple actually - the fact that I was being formally trained in the law through the law
faculty it increased my knowledge and ability to denounce the mafia’s crimes, and of course becoming a
licensed law practitioner I would’ve been financing myself to continue being a human rights defender
fighting the mafia as a lawyer, prosecutor or judge, meaning at the same time denouncing the mafia’s
crimes and doing justice as I’ve even included my human rights defender activity and experience in my
essays for the law faculty, which is the last thing the mafia wanted therefore it obsessively committed
acts of state terrorism and Crimes against humanity against me to destroy my second career as a law
practitioner too, as further objectivized in chapter IV.2 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. In fact my mother overheard
while going instead of me to the mock trial in 4909/231/2017, someone behind a doors in the space
reserved for the judges, prosecutors and registrars, asking over the phone whether I’ve been caught and
commenting that I believe i can do this forever, meaning denounce the mafia criminal activity forever.
That person is most probably the ex-mafia soldier made mafia “magistrate” caporegime Craciun
Constantin Catalin who has falsified the most sentences against me from the Focsani courthouse, 10 last
I counted, which proves he steals the dossiers from the random distribution of dossiers system also, and
who as of fact aberrantly motivated in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance constituting the 4th Crimes
against humanity attempt, that I must be locked up so others don’t take example, never explaining
what since i only displayed civic spirit therefore is proven my honesty is bothering the mafia greatly
proving that one can fare in life being perfectly honest as well, which has nothing to do with the object
of 11224/231/20151 in 1st instance which was the “psychiatric” incarceration for an impossible
“examination” without my consent and cooperation, which would’ve surely unfolded in Crimes against
humanity as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 since this was the intent to an effect of the
mafia, to Torture, Bodily Harm and attempt to Qualifiedly Murder me to stop me from denouncing its
criminal activity
II. I’ve spoke in paragraph I.A.II.^3 of the mafia concerting the committal of the
Crimes against humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, on which I’ll elaborate the
demonstration as follows:
II.^1 as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. above, I realized after 27th October
2014 someone from the local mafia was instigating interloper Herghelegiu Danut to harm me because
he was accompanied by two accomplice and instigating mafia soldiers who’s role was the cover-up of
the Crimes against humanity attempted to be started by interloper Herghelegiu Danut and unfold as the
Crimes againt humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 also started by interloper
Herghelegiu Danut, and after Dita Mirela stole ~12 civil dossiers (2800/91/2014, 2801/91/2014,
2725/91/2014, 2775/91/2014, 2799/91/2014, 2787/91/2014, 2752/91/2014, 2925/91/2014,
2917/91/2014, 2916/91/2014, 2915/91/2014, <find out the 12th that I know it exists, and make the ones
about interloper Herghelegiu Danut bold or indicate them> including two regarding the interloper

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Herghelegiu Danut’s scandals for an year and a half since Spring 2013 and the Crimes against humanity
attempt from 27th October 2014, and falsified the decisions, I also realized it was the schizophrenic
“judge” Dita Mirela and his criminal clique that determined the Crimes against humanity from 27th
October 2014 by instigating his criminal clique to cover-up for interloper Herghelegiu Danut in starting
off the Crimes against humanity on 27th October 2014 assuring the interloper of protection from civil
and penal repercussions of his crimes through the actual support of the mafia who sent the 2 mafia
soldiers to accompany interloper on 27th October 2014, through the stealing of interloper’s civil dossiers
and falsification of decisions of rejections in the interloper’s favor, and through “judge” Dita Mirela’s
relations in the “prosecutor’s office” who refused to prosecute and falsified decisions of cover-up in the
penal dossiers against the interloper and the mafia soldiers and associates that attempted to cover-up
the Crimes against humanity from 27th October 2014 and later from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, relations objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^5, concomitantly with the acts of state
terrorism and wrongful political repression through illegal home breakings and arrests from 17th
September 2015 and 11th December 2015, and the Crimes against humanity attempts through
11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance meaning around Autumn 2015,
relations with the mafia associated “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who refused to
send me to the proper medical specialties regarding cranio-cerebral trauma and faked the report, then
after I returned with 2 MRI scans, 2 neurologist reports and 2 neurosurgeon reports they refused again
lying it’s too late to add them in any report, then after I addressed the mafia associated “legal medics”
through mafia associated “lawyer” Corina Dodoiu that I’ve found later he misrepresented me, the “legal
medics” faked the old report again lying that all the other medics falsified the reports and the proofs are
falsified, and relations in the mafia “police” and “gendarmes” soldier institutions who pervasively
refused to gather the proofs after the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and
after the Crimes against humanity committal in the night between 5th and 6th December, write a report
and lodge it with the prosecutor’s office as required by the law according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2
and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as I prove and elaborate as I develop the argument,
however as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4.1 I couldn’t have possibly suspected the mafia
was actually attempting Qualified Murder against me because I’m not paranoid like the Romanian
“state” mafia, or like the mafia lied I am a year later to attempt to cover-up its Crimes against humanity
and falsified penal and “psychiatric” charlatanry dossiers. As further proof the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut was instigated by “judge” Dita Mirela and nobody else, I corroborate with his false testimony not
declaration from 16th November 2015 attached as annex <, in which he utters the aberration that
“Raneti Tudor Andrei ... presents serious psychic afflictions, reason for which he denounces everywhere
deeds imagined by him ...” which is the unique aberration only “judge” Dita Mirela instigates with,
aberration proven not to belong to interloper Herghelegiu Danut as I’ve objectivized in paragraph < that
his principal intent to an effect to commit Crimes against humanity against me is not his but the mafia’s,
because it’s not interloper’s Herghelegiu Danut’s interest that I “denounce everywhere” the mafia, but
the mafia’s interest obviously, and it’s not interloper’s Herghelegiu Danut aberration that I’m mentally
alienated for exercising my right to justice but the aberration of the principal instigator “judge” Dita
Mirela - the only mafia “magistrate” caporegime from all Romanian capable to utter such nonsense,
testimony not declaration given in the penal dossier 246/P/2015 in which I inculpated the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut in February 2015 as I remember, and by inculpated I mean having at least 20 proofs

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against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut before 24th November 2015 when the “prosecutor” Casu Vasile
falsified the ordnance of closing in 246/P/2015, meaning interloper Herghelegiu Danut was illegally
heard as a witness with aforethought by “prosecutor” Castu Vasile who refused to administrate even 1
of the over 20 proofs I managed to gather after I’ve been victim of the Crimes against humanity from
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 meaning not having complete mastery of my intellect at
least for an year after not to mention being affected by the Romanian mafia’s acts of “state” terrorism,
reason for which in time I’m sure I will find more. Interloper’s Herghelegiu Danut false testimony was
taken after almost 10 months since I lodged the penal dossier 246/P/2015 as one of the many proof of
the refusal of the mafia to prosecute the mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut who was
promised and given protection from penal repercussions from Crimes against humanity, no less while
the mafia was committing acts of state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrest
committed on 17th September 2015, attempted on 2nd October 2015, and committed on 11th December
2015, respectively through 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 representing the 4th and 5th Crimes
against humanity attempts believing perhaps it would stop me one way or another from investigating
and denouncing its Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, by
compounding more Crimes against humanity against me which not only it obviously failed but backfired
resulting in more proofs against the Romanian “state” mafia. In summary between the Crimes against
humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and the Crimes against humanity committal from the night
from 5th to 6th December 2014 I already had the proofs of the mafia concertizing it’s efforts against me
as proven by the two mafia soldiers accompanying the interloper on 27th October 2014, and the
schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela stealing ~12 civil dossiers including 2 of the interloper and falsifying
decisions of rejection in the interloper’s favor and the other mafia “magistrate “ caporegimes sued, and
the prosecutor’s office who refused to prosecute the interloper and the two mafia soldiers who
participated in the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014, but not the proof of the
intent to an effect because that was defined through the committal of the Crimes against humanity
from the night from 5th to 6th December 2014, respectively without knowing the mafia’s intent was to
stop me from denouncing its criminal activity by committing Crimes against humanity against me, I
couldn’t suspect the mafia was already actively seeking to achieve the effect of stopping me from
denouncing its criminal activity since committing crimes against me as the Crimes against humanity
attempt from 27th October 2014 were appearing to me being naive as lesser crimes at the time to which
I haven’t given much thought since the pervasively corrupt mafia soldiers are committing such
harassments regularly everywhere as I’ve witnessed against me and others, and the consecutive stealing
and falsification of decisions in the ~12 civil dossiers, was actually helping me prove the criminal activity
and extent of the mafia and not stopping me in the least, as eventually all Crimes against humanity
attempts and committals against me and others helped me to achieve my intent to an effect, to
denounce the criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia and prove its existence as demonstrated
by this ICC penal dossier, of which I’m certain I can prove only the tip of the iceberg of Romanian Crimes
against humanity which explains the Romanian “state” mafia apparent paranoia to stop me before I
unveil the rest which could happen for example by the prosecution of even just one key mafia leader,
and obtaining the testimony regarding the rest of the Romanian Crimes against humanity versus a deal
of his conviction duration halving or elimination according to the law

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II.^2 As I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4 above, because the Crimes against
humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 were stopped by witnesses and the fact I was recording
audio / video, as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4.2 the interloper waited for me in his
apartment to close the phone to not record him audio / video as on 27th October 2014, and leave, then
after I started descending the stairs the interloper quickly exited his apartment and hit me on the back
of my head violently with his foot while I was trying to start recording again, rendered me unconscious,
then hit my head against the wall as proven by the injury on my forehead which couldn’t have happened
any other way unless hit on the forehead with something like a metal box, and pushed me violently
down the flight of stairs which I slid on my back until my right foot got stuck in the stairway fence
judging from the marks I had on my elbows and back, and threw my mobile phone down in between the
stairs to break it which it didn’t and with the audio / video recording I already did I proven the interloper
lied at least twice to provide cover-up stories as he was instigated and taught by the mafia, but
contradicted with the proofs reason for which the mafia’s plan and cover-up stories backfired again,
which constitutes proof of the poor concertizing but concertizing nevertheless of the Crimes against
humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
II.^3 I realized the involvement of more than just the principal instigator “judge” Dita
Mirela. After and even during the Crimes against humanity between 5th and 6th December 2014
immediately after the interloper committed Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder against me
by hitting me violently on the head, rendering me unconscious, hitting my head against the wall the
violently pushing me down the stairs, and after I regained consciousness I realized the involvement of
more than just “judge” Dita Mirela and his local criminal clique because I witnessed the obviously
premeditated way of attack as described above, and I realized the interloper Herghelegiu Danut was
again instigated by the mafia clearly to attempt Qualfied Murder against me and incidentally Bodily
Harm me, as I knew the interloper Herghelegiu Danut was too cowardly to commit Qualified Murder
against me by himself without mafia support, nor had the personal motive, mafia complicity and
instigation demonstrated first by the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 then by
the Crimes against humanity committal from the night of 5th to 6th December 2014, mafia which I
underestimated since there was no real reason to commit Crimes against humanity against me except
its Stalinist-like paranoia of which I also wasn’t aware, and indeed more of the mafia was involved than
just the local organized crime group as proven by the fact the mafia “gendarmes” soldiers general
Mircea Olaru got involved lying that I attacked the interloper Herghelegiu Danut as he was taught to lie
by the mafia only his timing was off and contradicted with the proofs after the mafia plan backfired.
There is one link between the mafia underboss Mircea Olaru, mafia boss Livia Stanciu and mafia
“magistrate” caporegime Dita Mirela, that the first two come from the criminal clique in Galati county
which is the judicial and administrative hierarchical superior of Vrancea county meaning that I was also
right that the local mafia’s is organized hierarchically after the influence of the public offices they abuse
and territorial jurisdiction, then after Mircea Olaru and Livia Stanciu rose in mafia ranks they retained
the old loyalties, and this is why Mircea Olaru got involved although I never denounced him before to
have a personal reason to get involved as mafia “magistrate” boss or supreme court president Livia
Stanciu for getting sued for not initiating disciplinary action against his subordinates for every felony
committed. I mention also that the Superior Magistrate Council leadership was also taken over by a
mafia “magistrate” caporegime from Galati county named Ghena (ironically meaning garbage dumpster

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- representative term for the Supreme Magistrate Council both because Romanian “justice” is garbage
and the Supreme Magistrate Council and Judiciary Inspection is a garbage dumpster for disciplinary
complaints against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes), and the mafia underboss “minister of justice”
Tudorel Toader is also from Vrancea county, not that it makes a difference for these last two if they are
also part of the local Vrancea and Galati counties mafia group or just the Romanian “state” mafia for
which they cover-up crimes at a national level as proof and are accomplice and implicitly instigators to
the Crimes against humanity committed or attempted against me during their mandate or before, but
this rather shows a predominant composition of mafia leaders originating from this local group which
indicates the mafia’s savagery is predominant in these Vrancea and Galati counties as compared to the
other Romanian counties, which is also historically correct thinking of the start of 18th century criminal
activity in Galati which is a port city and Vrancea its backyard county and also a frontier county between
all three Romanian principalities, reminding that robbers preferred crossroads, historical reality which is
rather irrelevant to this ICC penal dossier. There is also a faction that opposed the “communist” mafia
dictator Nicolae Ceausescu out of which I name the ex-chief of the Romanian “state” mafia’s “secret
information services” <?Virgil Magureanu?>, who was banished in the past in Vrancea county as
documented in a “secret information services” book made public <find black book link again and link>
and there’s rumor of a secret archive localized in Vrancea or Galati counties tampered with or
eradicated by the actual mafia regime which is therefore about the current mafia regime <find article
and link>, <?Virgil Magureanu?> who supervised the oligarchic passing of power from the “communist”
mafia after it beheaded its leader Nicolae Ceausescu, to this degenerated Romanian “banana republic”
mafia full of peasant-generals who rose from the ranks of “communist security secret police” agents,
torturers, snitches and other collaborators of which I’m naming to show I’m not just speaking Tiberiu
Nitu the ex-general prosecutor of Romanian who was a soldier in the 1989 coup d’état who shot people
from the roof of the national television, or general Oprea <?other name?> who was the bodyguard of
the miner’s leader from Jiu Valley, miners who were called in 1990 to beat up and kill the antimafia
peaceful protesters as called by dictator Nicolae Ceausescu’s ex-prime minister Ion Iliescu on the radio
officially to cover-up for the real order made through the mafia “communist security secret police”
infiltrated in the Jiu Valley, Ion Iliescu himself being proof of the oligarchic take over of power by the
post 1989 coup d’état mafia from the old “communist security secret police” mafia out of which rose
the Romanian “state” mafia leadership, as respectively the oligarchic descendants of the “communist
security secret police” and mafia underbosses and bosses are the current mafia “secret services” who as
proof entertains meetings between the Balkans CIA chief and chief prosecutor of national anticorruption
direction Kovesi Laura Codruta acting as political police as testified publicly by the mafia “secret
information services” defector Sebastian Ghita as objectivized by this press article and many more like
it: https://www.cotidianul.ro/casele-sri-unde-se-intilneau-codruta-kovesi-sebastian-ghita-si-seful-cia-
din-romania/, in “protocol villas” as if the Romanian “state” mafia’s “secret services” and mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes were diplomats meeting on behalf of the countries they represent which
really just proves who supervises the Romanian colony exploitation and for who, which also explains the
majority of mafia leaders coming from Vrancea and Galati counties or in link with these counties out of
all 40 Romanian counties meaning the organized crime group originating from these counties is at least
involved with the cell of the ex-“communist” mafia that beheaded its leader in 1989 coup d’etat which is
why they rapidly and without any merit rose in power and remain in power despite being publicly

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proven criminals by the press and others not just me, which also attests that these counties are also
amongst the most corrupt and criminal in Romania where no wonder the mafia “policemen” soldiers
make orgies with minors in the police stations without being prosecuted and convicted for it <find
article and link>
II.^4. After the interloper Herghelegiu Danut attempted against me Qualified Murder
and incidentally Bodily Harm in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, proving accomplice and
improper instigator at least because this led to the mafia’s plan B of covertly injecting me at the
emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani with the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone, and instigator because the interloper Herghelegiu Danut knew
of the mafia’s plan because he also supported in his declarations as I remember the mafia’s lies that I’m
“mentally ill” which is proof in itself that the interloper Herghelegiu Danut was instigated by the mafia
from where he picked up its lies, I witnessed the concertized mafia “policemen” and “gendarmes”
soldiers who refused to notify the prosecutor’s office as obligated by the law according to articles 61,
291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, mentioning the mafia “police”
soldiers refused 3 times to notify the prosecutor’s office, first time when expressely notified by the
emergency ward of the”Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani, second time when notified by me in
person in the same night between 5th and 6th December 2014 after I refused to be interned in the
hospital to not allow the mafia more occasions to inject me clandestinely with deadly fluorine based
neurotoxic poisons or harm me in some other way and attempt to Qualifiedly Murder me, when the
mafia “police” soldiers refused to take my declarations, and third time months later when the mafia
“proximity police” soldier <?Manea?> <?second name?> called me for a mock audience to asses the
situation on behalf of the mafia not understanding what are my intentions as I delayed filing a penal
complaint to observe the mafia’s reaction while I was gathering the proofs knowing the mafia will do its
best to cover-up the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 just
like it was already doing about the Crimes against humanity from 27th October 2014, just like
<?Manea?> was doing by refusing to notify the prosecutor’s office as legally required on my declaration
and my mother’s declaration as further proof, mentioning that it was in the morning of 5th December
2014 when I studied the penal dossier for the Crimes against humanity from 27th October 2014 and
gathered more proof against the mafia which most probably urged the mafia to commit the Crimes
against humanity against me on the same night betwen 5th and 6th December 2014. <?Manea?> was
one of the mafia “policemen” soldiers who also committed state terrorism through home breaking on
17th September 2015, meaning he was all along with the mafia as proven by his refusal to denounce the
obvious falsified mandate he had on 17th September 2015 from the mafia namely the mafia “judge”
caporegime Dinu Murgulet Ana who falsified it in 10547/231/2015 as instigated by the mafia
“prosecutor” caporegime Mihaila Paul as instigated by the mafia “judge” Dita Mirela who is the principal
instigator, or as proven by the fact <?Manea?> was already aware since he called me at the police
station to give declarations about the Crimes against humanity from 27th October 2014 and Crimes
against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which he disguised as a mafia
“proximity police” audience which was obvious because as stated before the “proximity police” does not
do its job even when requesting less alone ex officio, respectively <?Manea?> was instigated not to
notify the prosecutor’s office as he was obligated by the law according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2
and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as proven by the fact he didn’t as he also didn’t

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denounce the falsified mandate from 17th September 2015 with which he illegally broke into my mother
home, arrested me with 4 mafia “masked police” soldiers and another mafia “policeman” soldier named
<?Talvar?> if I remember correctly, and committed the felony of Illegal deprivation of liberty for 7 hours.
For the mafia “gendarme” soldiers who also refused to notify the prosecutor’s office as legally obligated
in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, intervened their general Mircea Olaru who being
aware of the mafia’s intent to commit Crimes against humanity against me, mocked me showing the
mafia’s hubris by accusing me of attacking the interloper Herghelegiu Danut against the evident proofs
to the contrary, which no doubt was the mafia’s cover-up story because I also caught the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut lying to cover up his Crimes aganist humanity committed in the night between 5th
and 6th December 2014, that I sprayed with paralisant spray in his apartment then ran, tripped and fell
on the stairs as the mafia taught him, false declarations against which I have the audio / video recording
as proof, and the fact nobody but me made an investigation at the crime scene meaning only I took
pictures at least of the blood on the stairs, my injuries etc. as if it were true I sprayed paralisant spray in
the interloper’s apartment a simple forensic chemical investigation would’ve proven this or not but the
mafia didn’t even bother falsifying an expertize or administering any proofs at all becase as I said before
the interloper Herghelegiu Danut is a disposable mafia “patsy”, and futhermore the interloper’s
declaration is proven false exactly by the picture proofs I’ve taken instead of the mafia members who
refused to conduct any sort of the investigation which is another proof of the mafia’s instigation of the
interloper and involvement in the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, pictures of the injuries I’ve suffered which demonstrate that
II.^4.1 Regarding my forehead injury and the fact I couldn’t have self inflicted it on
purpose or accidentally. my head and forehead was hit against the wall violently by interloper
Herghelegiu Danut by hitting me a at least a second time with his right foot on the right side of the back
of my head as proven by the violence with which the interloper hit my mother’s door on 27th October
2014 to provoke me which brought the neighbors from at least 3 floors out of their homes alarmed by
the noise which put a stop to the Crimes against humanity attempt, proving the interloper hits with his
feet when violent, proven by being futher down the stairs than the interloper meaning I was in range to
be hit by his feet not his hands, proven by having a bruise under the skin of my right eyebrow which
could’ve only been caused by being hit by the interloper with the tip of his right foot, and proven by
having my back to the interloper while trying to start recording audio / video again with my phone just
before I lost consciousness and memory when the interloper hit me on the head with his right foot the
first time, because I don’t remember being hit at all, just the sensation of being hit as if the pain was in
my right brain hemisphere and in between my brain hemispheres. The violence with which my head and
forehead were hit against the wall is proven by the injury on my forehead which had about 4 cm and
which was a violent concussion injury that split the skin not just a cut or stab that easily splits the skin,
as proven by the picture I took after, injury which was not less in length as the “legal medics” Dicu
Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia lied measuring the closed and stitched injury and ignoring the picture
proof I brought with me from which they refused to report as legally required the mechanics that
produced the injury which is another proof in itself that the “legal medics” were instigated by the
Romanian “state” mafia concertizing and covering-up the Crimes against humanity committed against
me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. Regarding the absurd as proven theory that I
might’ve hit my head and forehead premeditatedly to inculpate the interloper or by accident but either

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way consciously, such a hit would’ve rendered me unconscious and I couldn’t have possibly thrown
myself at all let alone with such violence down the stairway only facing up as proven in paragraph
I.A.II.^4.4 meaning being impossible to hit my forehead during the fall on the stairs as
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4.3 meaning the head and forehead injury either happened
before or after the fall on the stairs and as I proven in paragraph I.A.II.^4.4 it could only have
happened before, fall on the stairs if it were premeditated it wouldn’t even make sense as if I lied that
the interloper attacked me also falling down the stairway would’ve enforced an accident not attack
theory, then there’s the proofs it’s impossible for me to do such things as enumerated below. Regarding
the absurd as proven theory that I might’ve thrown myself or accidentally fallen down the stairway
either way consciously, then after stopping from the fall by getting foot stuck in the stairway fence and
injured, I pulled it out of the fence because I couldn’t otherwise twist my body because of my low
mobility to hit my head against the stairway on purpose as otherwise I’ve proven that it was impossible
to hit my head and forehead during or after the fall on the stairway in paragraphs I.A.II.^4.3 and
.A.II.^4.4, or hit my head premeditatedly against the metal fence which doesn’t’ t correspond
with the injury type and I still would’ve had to pull my foot out of the fence first, then put my foot back
in the fence to still make it appear as an accident to my own mother who can testify no such thing
happened nor is it possible for me to do such a thing as I enumerate below the proofs why, it’s just as
absurd again because falling down the stairway would make it look like an accident rather than an attack
and it makes no sense if my intent was to lie the interloper attacked me, corroborating the fact both
scenarios depicted above are all the more absurd especially knowing the mafia supports the interloper it
instigated against me to attempt the Crimes against humanity from 27th October 2014 and because I’m
against the mafia and the mafia is against me and people like me meaning honest citizens without
influence in the mafia or “perfect victims” for the mafia sociopaths not just out to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity but in every way - destroying every career I had or started as I’ve
objectivized in chapter IV from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and other every right it could destroy implicitly, to pick my
profession, to buy even a small one room apartment, to have a family implicitly, to nondiscrimination, to
personal information protection, consumer protection, the simple right to quietness and implicitly sleep
on my premises even which is no small thing as it’s perhaps the worst factor that horribly destroyed my
life consistently over a period of 2 decades, and so on and so forth, I had and thus knew I have no
chance of justice in Romania by appealing to the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, respectivelly I haven’
t even reported the first 2 Crimes against humanity internationally until the mafia started from 17th
September 2015 committing acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and arrests against
me but also Torturing psychosomatically my mother who has fallen ill with Zoster Area from stress and
trauma in 2017 after almost daily such acts of state terrorism perpetrated right before Orthodox Easter
2017, and the mafia abusing the judiciary system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of
wrongful repression to attempt 5 Crimes against humanity and commit the Crimes against humanity
from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017. The proofs aforementioned I couldn’t have
premeditatedly injured myself are, the fact I am unable to injure myself premeditatedly in any way
which is proven by the fact I never injured myself premeditatedly in any way in my life, nor have I ever
physically fought with anyone meaning I’m not a violent person in any way as the mafia lies without any
proof because it can produce none, and I am a strongly reasoned person intrinsically never seeing the

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point in physically fighting reason for which I am also afraid to injure myself as proven by the fact I never
even participated in any activities in my life to put my physical integrity in danger in any way which is
one of the reasons I chose a career in informatics, and being an intellectual I respect my brain first of all
so I wouldn’t have hit my head on purpose or accidentally against the wall therefore there is no possible
theory that I hit my head against the wall purposely or accidentally while conscious, nor produce any
circumstance that would lead to this outcome, as also proven by the fact I never in my life ran, tripped
and fell on stairs, nor ever even accidentally hit my head in such a grave manner as to become
unconscious proving I am more responsible than most about my health and is impossible for me to be
involved in an accident of my own doing leading to my own bodily harm, corroborated with the fact that
not even after I’ve been covertly injected and chemically lobotomized with the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone which induced suicidal ideation that I eventually defeated
months later by the grace of God, I have not taken any action at all to harm myself. All my declarations
are proofs because as proven I never lie as opposed to the mafia members who always lie, as
objectivized by the fact that I was never even suspected of the felonies of False declarations, Inducing
the judicial bodies into error or Disseminating false informations since 2009 when I started substantially
denouncing the mafia’s corruption penally, disciplinarily and publicly. The proof that my head and
forehead was hit against the wall last before being pushed violently down the stairway is that I would’ve
found blood on the stairway I’ve taken pictures of on the stairs I’ve been hit with my head and forehead
against the wall if I was too long there. The picture proofs I will attach and objectivize refencing them in
section I.B.22, and in section IV regarading the inventory of the proofs. It’s impossible that I hit my head
and forehead while sliding down the stairway face up on my elbows and lower back as I’ve objectivized
in paragraph I.A.II.^4.3, or after as I objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4.4. The “judiciary
bodies” only took declarations in the penal dossier I opened against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut
then refused to administer any proof including the declarations because I’ve proven that the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut lied. The first mafia “prosecutor” named <?...?> delayed solving the penal dossier
against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut since the Winter of 2014-2015 until Autumn 2015 when he
moved to the so called Romanian antiterrorism and organized crime office then the mafia placedthe
interloper’s penal dossier at the “prosecutor” Castu Vasile “specialized” in covering-up Qualified Murder
attempts committed by interlopers according to the press which objectivizes I’m not his first, last
“prosecutor” who falsified an ordnance in the interloper’s favor of course without motivation, while
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsified the ordnance in the interloper and the mafia associated “legal
medic’s” favor while committing and instigating the acts of state terrorism through illegal home
breakings and illegal arrests from 17th September 2015 and 11th December 2015, and abusing the
judiciary system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry to attempt Crimes against humanity through
11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, respectively instigating the falsified
appeal anulled in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd then the falsification of 3 more penal dossiers against me
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 and the Crimes against humanity committal from
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 and the mafia’s final solution through the falsified sentences
in 12718/231/2017 constituting the last Crimes against humanity attempt that determined me to
become a permanent refugee as I objectivized in paragraph 2.4^45 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, meaning as obvious
the mafia was attempting desperately through all means at disposal to cover-up the Crimes against

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humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 especially, and the Crimes
against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014, the mafia however simply admitting tacitly exactly
though these Crimes against humanity that it instigated the interloper to commit Crimes against
humanity against me as proven in short by the fact a prosecutor can’t legally refuse to administer the
proofs which demonstrate that the two “prosecutors” from the interloper’s penal dossier, the one that
delayed the interloper’s penal dossier named <?name?> then “prosecutor” Castu Vasile who falsified
the ordnance in the interloper’s favor without administering proofs or motivating it, are both
accomplice and intrinsic instigators to the Crimes against humanity since if even one mafia member
meaning a mafia “magistrate” caporegime would’ve opposed the mafia as legally required by his
magistrate position then the mafia would’ve feared committing Crimes against humanity against me as
it feared committing Crimes against humanity against me through 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance
because I filed a contestation and anulled that decision in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance as proof it
was falsified, so by assuring the mafia of their cooperation, the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are
both accomplice and instigators or determinant factors for the Crimes against humanity according to
the text of the law, and even more a judge can’ t lie those proofs don’t exist as the mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes Comanescu Carmen, Croitoru Sandina Mariana<, possible Popa Mariana too, check - being
last unnattacked decision that I could attack I don’t have evidence in my archive but in email or the
public Vrancea Tribunal’s site respectivelly archive> and Neagu Rodica did at Vrancea Tribunal after I
complained about the falsified act of procedure perpetrated by “prosecutor” Castu Vasile, proving
beyond any reasonable doubt the interloper’s instigation by the mafia then the protection of the mafia
instigated interloper by the mafia which is one of the means through which the mafia determined the
interloper to participate in the first 2 Crimes against humanity, by assuring him protection from civil and
penal repercussions
II.^4.2 regarding the hit(s) that rendered me unconsciousBefore my head and forehead
was hit against the wall by the interloper hitting me with his right foot I was rendered unconscious from
one or more hits by the interloper on the back and right side of my head which is why I mentioned the
interloper hitting me at least a second time with his right foot in paragraph I.A.II.^4.1, as proven
by the fact I had a painful memory after I regained consciousness as if I was hit on the back and right
side of my head, meaning a diffuse pain in my right brain hemisphere and a sharp pain between my
brain hemispheres, pains which don’t correspond with the head and forehead injury which I didn’t even
notice until I saw the blood on my mother’s hand who tried to keep my head up, then I become aware
of the blood on my head by touching my forehead and the back of my head and getting blood on my
hands too, accompanied with a vague memory as if I was hit on all sides which I associate with sliding
rapidly on the stairs on my elbows and lower back as proven in paragraph I.A.II.^4.3, despite
retrograde amnesia which is also proof of the severity or the violence of the hit or hits that rendered me
unconscious, or the hit that injured my head and forehead mentioning according to medical specialty
literature there is a coup-countercoup motion that injures the brain inside the skull at the point of
impact, the opposite side, the middle as the mobile parts rip from the fixed parts and respectively
between the mobile parts and the walls of the skull. I also recall having a pain in my right shoulder which
could’ve been caused by the interloper hitting me with his foot and pushing me violently down the flight
of stairs, and I still have a pain in my neck at the vertebrae at base of the cranium on the back right side,
around where while taking a shower I felt the “electric-pins” distinct sensation of a blood clot being

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ripped apart from living tissue at the base of my brain as I tilted my head with my chin towards my
chest, and my neck still stiffens and makes crackly sounds in that area at the base of my cranium.
According to medical specialty literature any hit to the head sufficient to cause unconsciousness is
sufficient to cause brain damage. My head and forehead were hit against the wall while being
unconscious as proven by the fact I don’t remember that it happened or how it happened and I didn’t
even knew it happened until I regained consciousness after the fall on the stairway and noticed I had
blood flowing around my head and musting in the hair at the back of my head which I also saw on my
mother’s hand when she tried to hold my head up, meaning I deduce how it happened from the existing
proofs, logic and what I can remember, like the diffuse pain in the right side of the back of my head
meaning in my right brain hemisphere and the sharp pain between my brain hemispheres which
corresponds with the internal bleeding I had according to the MRI scans I took and lingering neck pain in
the vertebrae at the base of the cranium which I still have, and that I had an “electric-pins” specific
sensation of a blood clot ripping apart from living tissue at the base of my brain when taking a shower
later and I inclined my head and my chin towards my chest.
II.^4.3 during the fall After being hit on my head and rendered unconscious, and after my
head and forehead was hit against the wall, I was violently pushed down the stairway on which I slid
down on my elbows and lower back always facing up as proven by the injuries on my elbows and lower
back, corroborated with the lack of any injuries on any other sides of the body indicating my body
turned while falling on the stairway, until my right foot got caught in the stairway fence to the right near
the bottom of the stairway which stopped my fall all the way to the bottom of the stairway as proven by
the picture showing the injuries on my right foot which also demonstrate the violence or speed with
which I was sliding on the stairway near the bottom, sufficient to tear my skin. According to statistics
there’s a 62.67% percent chance of dying if falling on stairs conscious, intuitively all the more chances to
die if falling on stairs in an unconscious state, according to the article
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19537451. Because in case of cranio-cerebral trauma, cerebral
edema 56.7% and subdural hematoma 34.43% injuries are most common intra-cranial injuries, about
which the emergency ward should’ve at least recommended me a MRI scan and applied the rest of the
treatment procedures for cranio-cerebral trauma none of which they did except prescribe anti-
inflammatory pills, which is another proof of the mafia concertizing the Crimes against humanity from
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which cannot pass as negligence being in the realm of
criminal behavior meaning negligence that can lead to death of a person as if I can read the hospital’s
procedure regarding cranio-cerebral trauma, understand it and even apply it without formal training,
even if the hospital medics are so retarded that they can’t memorize it, they can at least keep a copy
handy and follow the instructions being evident the medics received some formal training else they
wouldn’t be licensed to practice medicine, scenario which of course is preposterous meaning there was
no negligence but malice aforethought in the refusal to treat my cranio-cerebral trauma, as further
proven by the fact a blood test was also necessary which would’ve revealed the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxic risperidone and paliperidone covert injection or the mafia’s Crimes against humanity,
deadly covert injection which I proven anyway through a blood test I took 4 months later as
corroborated by other evidence as I objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, which is
why no medical investigations were done in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 because I was
expected to die just like after I’ve been put in anaphylactic shock without treatment for 3 days through

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daily deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections during the Crimes against humanity committed
against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, nor any medical investigations for cranio-cerebral
trauma took place as I requested on 8th December 2014 from the mafia associated “legal medics” Dicu
Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who lied in the “expertise” refusing to send me to the proper medical
specialties for being diagnosed, and after I went on my own and returned with 2 MRI scans, 2
neurologist reports and 2 neurosurgeons, first the mafia associated “legal medics” refused to made
another expertise lying it’s illegal, then after I returned with the lawyer Corina Dodoiu they falsified the
old “expertise” again adding that the 2 MRI scans, 2 neurologist reports and 2 neurosurgeons are
falsified, “legal medics” who were of course protected by the mafia from prosecution by no less than the
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul responsible for the acts of state terrorism through home breakings and
arrests on 17th September 2015 and 11th December 2015 and the attempt on 2nd October 2015, and
respectively all 5 Crimes against humanity attempts that followed and the Crimes against humanity
from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, who is also accomplice and instigator for the Crimes
against humanity from 27th October 2014 and from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014.
Falling on the stairway unconscious face up with my arms tense sliding on my elbows and lower back
also means there is no way I could’ve hit my head and forehead during the fall corroborated with the
fact all the blood on my head has flown from the injury towards the back of my head meaning I was face
up all along, and corroborated with the fact there is no blood on the stairs on the pathway on which I’ve
fallen on the stairway. Ad absurdum, the only logical inference that leads back to the premise that the
only rotation motion in which I could’ve slid down rapidly, and hit my head and forehead against a stair
and nothing else, and have my right foot stuck in the fence, is from my left to my right while sliding
down rapidly on the stairway orientated diagonally with my feet slightly to the right and my torso
slightly to the left which is impossible if one can imagine because naturally the rotation would’ve been
from the right to the left and then I couldn’t have possible got my foot stuck in the stairway fence not to
mention I would’ve surely had injuries indicating this motion
II.^4.4 after the fall and regaining consciousness After being hit on my head and rendered
unconscious, and after my head and forehead was hit against the wall, and after I was violently pushed
down the stairway, and after I stopped falling on the stairway because my right foot got caught in the
stairway fence, I regained consciousness face up as my mother was there and can corroborate with her
declaration, and as proven by the picture in which the blood can be seen to have flown from the
forehead injury towards the back of my head which corroborates to the demonstration I was pushed by
the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and fell on the stairway face up only meaning the forehead injury
couldn’t have been produced during the fall on the stairway, and as proof there was no blood from the
point where I’ve had my head and forehead hit against the wall then been pushed down the stairs,
meaning I slid down the stairs face up while the blood has flown around to the back of my head where it
musted in my hair before dripping on the stair where I regained consciousness of which I’ve also taken a
picture of, face up fall also proven by the lack of any specific injuries demonstrating that my body has
turned during the fall, being thus proven there is no circumstance in which I hit my head and forehead
during the fall or even when I stopped falling which would mean the impossible scenario in which my
body twisted after my right foot got caught in the stairway fence to hit my head and forehead against
the stair below, then twisted back as I regained consciousness face up, which is impossible because I
either would’ve regained consciousness facedown or at least sideways else I would’ve had to face up

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again by using muscles voluntarily which I would’ve remembered especially on the inclined surface of
the stairway, and facing up involuntarily couldn’t have happened as my motric memory always predates
even becoming fully conscious just like I have memories of the hit to the right back of my head and
other vague memories as if I was hit on all sides which I associate with sliding rapidly on the stairs on my
elboes and lower back as proven in paragraph I.A.II.^4.3. Proof is also the fact I regained
consciousness with my arms tense and extended slightly laterally and towards the back trying to stand
up on my elbows just like I was pushed down the stairs and slid on my elbows and lower back, which is
why I had my elbows and lower back injured, meaning I couldn’t have possibly twisted left to hit my
head and forehead against a stair because of my tense left arm even while unconscious. Furthermore
my right foot caught in the stairway fence was facing up when I regained consciousness being impossible
for me to twist all the way to the left to hit my head and forehead against a stair because I have very low
mobility from my lack of physical activity throughout my life as I’ve previously declared
II.^4.5 other evidence Because I didn’t have concussions on the back of my head as I
would’ve had if I hit the back of my head with all the stairs while I slid rapidly on the stairway
unconscious, it means my arm muscles were tense as they were slightly extended towards the back and
I was raised on my elbows when I regained consciousness, meaning I slid down the stairway on my
elbows and lower back as proven by the injuries I had on my elbows and lower back. Because my right
foot that got caught in the stairway fence was too high up it means I was either in some sort of semi-
conscious state and involuntarily attempted to regain equilibrium, else if I was conscious I would’ve kept
my leg down and spread apart attempting to stop the fall by friction with the stairway, either the violent
hits on my head caused my muscles to be tense as proven by the fact I slid down on my elbows and
lower back meaning my tense arms, or, I’ve been tazed on the back right side of my head which caused
the retrograde amnesia, the diffuse pain in the back right side of my brain hemisphere and the sharp
pain between my brain hemispheres, and my body perhaps remained tense after I was pushed and slid
down the stairway violently except as I remember and as far as I researched years back the victims of
tazing just fall down without muscle tension and because of it usually suffer brain injury from hitting
their head which is inconsistent with everything I’ve proven as exemplificatively the fact I couldn’t have
fallen down on my face to hit my forehead because it meant falling on the stairway head first because I
was facing away from the interloper, nor are there proofs in this regard. Tazing couldn’t have caused my
head and forehead being hit this violently against the wall, injury which couldn’t have happened any
other way than as I demonstrated, meaning it is however possible I could’ve been tazed on the right side
of the back of my head although there’s no evidence I’ve had my head hit in any other way than
objectivized above, then the interloper hit my head and forehead against the wall by hitting me with his
right foot which is consistent with the mechanical permanent neck injury that has no other explanation
also on the right side of the back of my head from which I still feel pain from in the vertebrae at the base
of the cranium, and the right shoulder pain I had which is only explainable by being pushed down the
stairway violently by being hit with soul of the foot on my right shoulder by the interloper which also
explains the slightly twisted motion that turned my body diagonally with my upper body to the left and
lower to the right that made possible for my right food to get caught in the stairway fence while sliding
rapidly and sideways to the right. The violence with which I was pushed down the stairway that caused
the injuries on my elbows, lower back and right foot with which I got caught in the stairway fence
excludes the theory I was carried down, as no other injury or proof supports this and this theory is

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contradictory to the existing injuries and proofs meaning the psychology of the interloper who was in a
hurry to commit Qualified Murder and run back inside his apartment before someone saw him as his
attitude demonstrated ever since he exited his apartment in a hurry to commit Qualified Murder it
wasn’t the interloper intent to an effect to take the time to carry me down unconsciously, hit my head
against the wall there otherwise I would’ve dripped blood along the pathway down the stairs if I was
caused the forehead injury on top of the stairway then couldn’t have been carried down fast enough,
scenario branch which exist just to avoid this particular proof which the interloper surely wouldn’t have
foreseen because it makes no sense to cover this up in any sense, then the interloper would’ve had to
position my body with the leg in the stairway fence and also grind my leg against the railing injuring it
for which there is no other evidence, and also injure my elbows and lower back which according to this
scenario it meant being dragged down by my legs which doesn’t even make sense why would anyone do
this except to make it look like an accident which does make sense but it’s the only thing that does while
the execution of this scenario is impossible according to the proofs. Because I have no recollection of the
head and forehead injury but I do recall the diffuse pain in the back right side hemisphere of my brain
and the sharp pain between the hemisphere of my brain indicative of a violent hit on the right back side
of my head and not the front of my head or forehead which when I regained consciousness I couldn’t
even feel, I am certain there were at least two violent hits against my head, the one that rendered me
unconscious, and the one that caused my forehead injury. In conclusion all these proofs demonstrate
the interloper lied that I ran, tripped and fell accidentally to cover-up his crimes of Qualified Murder
attempt, Bodily Harm and complicity and instigation to the Crimes against humanity committed by the
mafia through the deadly cover injection from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, as also
objectivized by the audio / video recording I still have which the interloper thought he destroyed by
throwing my mobile phone down in between the stairs after hitting me on the head violently and
rendering me unconscious, hitting my head and forehead against the wall and pushing me down
violently on the stairway, as proven by the fact I was holding the phone facing away from the interloper
and I was positioned near the wall meaning if I dropped the mobile phone from my hand it’s almost
impossible that it has fallen on its own in the space between the stairway and the walkway, even which
the interloper witnessed anyway. Of course the mafia refused afterwards to administer any proof at all
except my declaration and the interloper declaration, although I lodged in the penal dossier all the
relevant pictures and the audio / video recording which the mafia “judiciary bodies” lied they don’t exist
which is proof in its own of the mafia tacitly admitting that it instigated the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut to participate in the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
against me, that the crimes were committed and that the mafia is attempting covering them up,
respectively of course the mafia ignored my penal complaint about the false declarations of the
interloper because it proves the truth.
II.^5 After the interloper Herghelegiu Danut attempted against me Qualified Murder and
incidentally Bodily Harm in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, and after I witnessed the
concertizing of the mafia “gendarme” soldiers called by my mother through a phone call to the national
emergency number “112”, I witnessed the odd behavior of the ambulance workers who were behaving
hostile without a reason but couldn’t make an inference out of this because it could’ve been typical
Romanian public functionary behavior harassing for bribe in exchange for doing their work properly and
signaling by hostile behavior what is the “problem”, then I witnessed the mafia associated “medical”

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assistants odd behavior at the emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani where
either one of the ambulance workers or the first assistant also cut my hair while cutting down my head
bandage, and although knowing what was it about refused to answer me when I asked why my hair was
falling as I was too confused from the cranio-cerebral trauma to fully reason at the time, nor could I
suspect and believe such sociopathic callously mocking behavior from people I saw for the first time not
being any chance of enmity from before between us and no less from medical public functionaries of all,
but I memorized the events which I analyzed later. This first assistant was laughing with no reason that I
was aware of or could’ve possibly been aware of as another’s suffering and even worse imminent victim
of Crimes against humanity is no laughing matter except if the perpetrators, instigators and accomplices
are criminal sadistic psychopaths which they are according to the proofs of committing Crimes against
humanity against me, which then explains why the first mafia assistant was amused while the second
mafia assistant covertly injected me without my consent in my right elbow with the deadly fluorine
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone believing I couldn’t feel it as proven beyond any reasonable
doubt in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, and respectively after I refused to be interned in the
hospital the first assistant got mad again without reason as if I thwarted the mafia plan which according
to the evidence I’m sure I did, while I now notice even the lack of concordance between the attitude of
not treating me for cranio-cerebral trauma but getting mad for refusing to be interned in the hospital
which logically could’ve only meant treatment, only at the same time I wasn’t given treatment to start
with given cranio-cerebral trauma is an emergency which is proof in itself the hospital internment had
another intent to an effect, the mafia’s to commit Crimes against humanity against me. The first
assistant just gave me a prescription for anti-inflammatory medicine instead of following the procedure
for cranio-cerebral trauma such as for example recommending that I take an MRI scan to eliminate the
possibility I had internal bleeding which I had visibly on the MRI scan I took the following week, at the
back of my brain in the occipital lobe, and at the base of my brain which I found out by inclining my head
with my chin towards my chest while I was taking a shower causing an internal “electric-pins” specific
sensation of a blood clot ripping apart from my living tissue. As I’ve also described in paragraph
I.A.II.^4.3 regarding the fact a blood test was necessary but avoided because it would’ve revealed
the covert deadly injection with risperidone or paliperidone as I’ve eventually proven with a blood test I
took 4 months later, the first assistant in short refused to follow the whole cranio-cerebral trauma
procedure just as on 8th December 2014 the mafia associated “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and
Ionescu Natalia refused to send me to the proper medical specialties for cranio-cerebral trauma to
falsify the “expertise” and cover-up the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, as they continued to attempt to as I objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4.3, about
which I demonstrate fully in section I.B.22
II.^6 After the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 I witnessed how more and more mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, mafia soldiers and mafia
associates got involved personally, obsessively protecting the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and the rest
of the mafia’s members involved in the cover-up of the Crimes against humanity attempted on 27th
October 2014 and Crimes against humanity committed in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014,
and attempted 5 Crimes against humanity and the Crimes against humanity committal against me from
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity as I’ve
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, unraveling a vast network which led me to the

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mafia leaders which got eventually flushed out as proven by the Romanian Constitutional Court in
decision from 25th 19 January 2017, declaring that my presumption of innocence has no legal basis
because a penal measure of security doesn't require that the deed is proven to exist, is proven to
constitute a felony, and is proven that I committed it in a definitive sentence taken in public trial in
full respect of the my rights, in direct contradiction with article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian
Constitution, and articles 11, 20 from the Romanian Constitution and article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR
and article 11 from UDHR, mafia leaders against all which I’ve opened penal dossiers and published on
the internet reason for which on 8th April 2017 the Romanian “state” mafia in the midst of almost daily
acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests on 6th, 10th, 13th and 14th April
2017, and later on 27th April 2017 and 27th May 2017 with mafia “secret police” soldiers directly
responsible for the Crimes against humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, to create
the pretext and cover-up story to commit Crimes against humanity against me during Orthodox Easter
2017, concomitantly illicitly censored my forum “militia.freeforums.net” where I published over a
hundred of the penal dossiers mostly against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and specialty articles
against the mafia written by me based on science, logic and notorious evidence from the press, then on
10th April 2017 the mafia partly illicitly censored my facebook.com account, which was also partly illicitly
censored in February 2018 immediately after I opened the group “Romanian revolution for human
II. objectivization regarding the main instigator Dita Mirela The psychology of the criminal
who is obsessed to realize his murderous psychosis as proven by the 8 times repeated modus operandi
of Crimes against humanity involving the “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of state terrorism and
wrongful political repression through Qualified Murder attempts and incidental chemical
lobotomization meaning Torture and Bodily Harm as it was committed against me in the night between
5th and 6th December 2014 which altogether constitute Crimes against humanity, corresponds with the
actions of the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela who has determined all the Crimes against
humanity committed or attempted against me since the first on 27th October 2014 until the last Crimes
against humanity attempt through the falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance for the
crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted and convicted nor diagnosed as
also proven by the invocation in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance of the falsified “psychiatrist”
charlatanry documents from 23rd November 2015 annulled in 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance
having grounds annulled even before in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance as the schizophrenic “judge”
Badiu Mandica who invoked them in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance knows because is the one who
annulled them in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance also knowing the accusations against me are identically
fictive both in the falsified penal dossiers and the falsified “psychiatry” charlatanry documents meaning
ne bis in idem between 12718/231/2017 and 14277/231/2015, all instigated or determined by the
schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela as I will prove in this paragraph in chronological order logically and
scientifically, all Crimes against humanity committed or attempted against me for the mafia’s intent to
an effect as proven in paragraph I.A.II. to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity by
committing Qualified Murder against me as the fact the mafia Tortured and Bodily Harmed me are
incidental as proven by the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
comprised of multiple Qualified Murder attempts and incidentally Bodily Harm and Torture, and as
proven by the Crimes against humanity committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 when I

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was put in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment through daily deadly fluorine and
chlorine neurotoxic injections, and after I survived I was forcefully chemically lobotomized with other
deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and
I.A.I.1-2, while the latter deadly fluorine based neurotoxic poison is the same as the one I’ve been
covertly injected with in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as proven in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, and for the mafia’s intent to an effect to cover-up my existing
denouncements by discrediting my work through abuse of the “psychiatry charlatanry” and abuse of the
public evidence of dossiers ECRIS despite the mafia issuing a joint order of the Ministry of Justice and
Superior Magistrate Council order to the “psychiatric” profiled dossiers from public evidence, the mafia
kept mine public as proven by annex <provide transcript of email to ANSPDCP and CNCD which contains
the proofs>, associating my name with “psychiatric” charlatanry actions about which the uneducated as
intended Romanian population indoctrinated by the “communist” mafia to obey authority without
question, even though I’ve annulled the “psychiatric” charlatanry actions proving they are falsified,
would think there must be some truth about the Romanian “state” mafia actions and I might’ve
annulled the actions technically which is plausible in lack of information as provided by the ECRIS system
meaning by the Romanian state mafia who also hides illegally the decisions to hide the evidence from
the public that they are falsified, being then proven that the mafia destroyed both my personal and
professional image because anyone such as an employer could google my name and see it’s associated
with “psychiatric” charlatanry actions and therefore not hire me. To demonstrate the murderous
psychosis of “judge” Dita Mirela who is as proven schizophrenic - logically incoherent, occupationally
dysfunctional and failing to realize what’s real, and sociopath - who breaks the law and other people’s
right pervasively sacrificing other people’s lives to achieve petty illicit goals, I’m presenting summarized
the evidence as follows
II.^1 The main instigator mafia “magistrate” caporegime Dita Mirela, instigated the
interloper Herghelegiu Danut to perpetrate the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October
2014, which were supposed to unfold as the Crimes against humanity committal from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II., by promising the
interloper favor with the Romanian “state” mafia which is also implied with the promise of protection
against civil and penal repercussions for Crimes against humanity, and support as objectivized in
paragraph I.A.II.^1 regarding the two mafia soldiers who accompanied interloper Herghelegiu
Danut to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014, respectively the “legal
medics” who repeatedly falsified the “expertise” from 8th December 2014 for which I paid for legally to
use as proof for the penal dossier against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut, for covering-up the Crimes
against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. The promise of civil
repercussions protection was fulfilled by “judge” Dita Mirela himself who between 27th October 2014
and 5th December 2014 simultaneously stole ~12 civil dossiers in which I was claimant from the random
distribution of dossiers system as proven in paragraph I.A.II.^2, inclusively the civil dossiers
against interloper Herghelegiu Danut’s for 27th October 2017, one out of which I mention I lodged a
version through email and a version on paper to catch the mafia lying also about the paper signed
version that it isn’t signed which the mafia fell for thinking it found perfect cover-up story by lying my
email petitions aren’t signed, meaning there actually were 3 petitions representing civil actions against
interloper Herghelegiu Danut, then “judge” Dita Mirela falsified decisions of rejection in favor of

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interloper Herghelegiu Danut and the other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes I sued, then concomitantly
with the Crimes against humanity committal from between 5th and 6th December 2014 “judge” Dita
Mirela falsified in secret the civil “psychiatric” action 15730/231/2014 regarding my placement under
“psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my right to justice according to article 21 from the
Romanian Constitution as declared by the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela’s plead in 15730/231/2014,
constituting the instigation for the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt against me supposed to unfold
as the Crimes against humanity committal between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and falsified in
secret the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 which “judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots with “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul who falsified it kept secret until “judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers”
lost in 15730/231/2014, civil dossier which was revealed to me 3 months later as proof it was falsified,
Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” who lodged an accessory request in 15730/231/2014 declaring the same as
“judge” Dita Mirela that I must be put under “psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my right
to justice according to article 21 from the Romanian Constitution, did not specify they lodged the
accesory request although evidently for their mafia “magistrate” caporegime bribing Delhaize Group,
which is proof of the Kinstellar SPARL and Delhaize Group complicity and instigation to the 3rd Crimes
against humanity attempt and implicitly the other Crimes against humanity from before and after as I
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. that the intent to an effect of a criminal remains the same
between consecutive crimes unless the criminal is incoherent which the Kinstellar SPARL and Delhaize
Group clearly are not but consequent versatile recidivist criminals as surely I am not their first victim,
and because since the falsification of acts of procedure in 1118/91/2013 “judge” Dita Mirela and
Delhaize Group’s illicit interest are proven intertwined because “judge” Dita Mirela falsified acts of
procedure in favor of Delhaize Group’s illicit interests clearly not in the interest of seeking to risk going
to jail for nothing assuming the Romanian “state” mafia doesn’t control the judiciary system and that it
is working, which constitutes another proof the mafia does control the Romanian judiciary system and it
does not work in consequence, by the callousness “judge” Dita Mirela falsified decisions without being
bothered but totally supported by the Superior Council of Magistrates and Judiciary Inspection who was
supposed to disciplinarily sanction “judge” Dita Mirela as soon as I lodged the disciplinary complaint
against him, respectively by the Minister of Justice and president of the supreme court who never raised
a finger to exercise disciplinary action against “judge” Dita Mirela, or the Judiciary Inspection felons who
protected “judge” Dita Mirela from disciplinary sanctions, or the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes from
the prosecutor’s office near the Galati Appeal Court who refused to indict “judge” Dita Mirela, or the
mafia “magistrate” caporegimes from the Galati Appeal Court who covered-up both for the
“prosecutors” who refused to indict “judge” Dita Mirela, and for “judge” Dita Mirela’s falsified decisions
in the ~12 civil dossiers against some of which I filed an appeal, or “judge” Dita Mirela’s accomplices and
instigators such as “judge” Viorel Voineag who falsified the decision in 1118/91/2013 in cahoots with
“judge” Dita Mirela. The Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” are the only ones who had the relations to bribe on
behalf of the Delhaize Group the Bucharest Tribunal mafia “judge” caporegimes to refuse to judge, point
from where the entire mafia proved its cohesiveness as an organized crime group by protecting the
bribe-takers from penal or disciplinary repercussions, as proven by the fact the previous Delhaize Group
“lawyers” from the firm “Magda Volonciu si Associatii” lost against me both in 1st and 2nd instance of
dossier43961/3/2009 at Bucharest Tribunal and Bucharest Court of Appeal, although I caught the
“lawyers” from the firm “Magda Volonciu si Associatii” obviously lying in court and they were protected

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from prosecution by the mafia, namely by the “general prosecutor” Luminita Palade. The Bucharest
Tribunal mafia “magistrate” caporegimes refusal to judge and inherent bribery demonstration is simple -
dossier 44139/3/2012 against the Delhaize Group’s falsified disciplinary lay off falsified by the Kinstellar
SPARL “lawyers”, was sent on a “short walk” for years through the country by “judge” Alina - Petruta
Buculei who after refusing to judge for years declined the territorial competence from Bucharest
Tribunal and sending it to Vrancea Tribunal where it arrived under number 861/91/2015 and kept secret
while “judge” Dita Mirela got involved and refused to judge of course as instructed by the mafia
believing I would give up my rights in time, and as half of the civil section did delaying it further as proof,
indicating the connection with the Kinstellar SPARL simultaneous presence in 15730/231/2014
instigating the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt against me could only mean the clandestine
attempt of Delhaize Group and the mafia to stop me from denouncing their criminal activity regarding
dossier 44139/3/2012, which after I eventually found out of is registered as 861/91/2015 I moved from
Vrancea Tribunal to the supreme court raising a lack of territorial competence exception which meant a
negative competence conflict meaning no instance had competence at least according to the Romanian
“state” mafia’s screwed judiciary system which should’ve convicted all the mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes involved instead and solve the 44139/3/2012 altogether if not faster because it’s legally
obligatory to be judged with celerity with no more than 10 days between terms, and the supreme court
declared in dossier <?/1/201(5/6)?> the first declination of territorial competence was falsified for which
the “judge” suffered no penal or disciplinary repercussions from the mafia’s judicial system of course,
then after it was registered as dossier 44914/3/2015 back at the Bucharest Tribunal “judge” Vasile
Cristea Mirela Simona from Bucharest Tribunal lied that the dossier expired and closed it illegally which
is obviously why the mafia delayed it since 2012, then I reopened it and every other “judge” from
Bucharest Tribunal lied its not regular to close the file which is false because I lodged the same old
dossier which was declared regular, and this circus repeated for years until I got as defendants in the
dossier quite a bunch of the bribe-taking mafia “judge” caporegimes from the work litigation section of
the Bucharest Tribunal and Bucharest Appeal Court, and the Supreme Council of Magistrates and
Judiciary Inspection leadership, and the leadership of the national anticorruption direction meaning
“prosecutors” Laura Codruta Kovesi, Popovici Gheorghe respectively their subordinate “prosecutor”
Calarasu Valina and “prosecution research body” Mireal Liviu who falsified an ordnance to protect all
the aforementioned mafia members after hearing me on 15th December 2015 in Bucharest, falsified
ordnance also covering-up for the Crimes against humanity of “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul and “judge”
Dita Mirela instigated through the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 meaning 11224/231/2015 in 1st
instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, point at which I’ve proven the illicit circular connection
between Delhaize Group and the whole hierarchy of the Romanian “state” mafia involved meaning from
Vrancea county, the hierarchically superior Galati county then the mafia’s “judiciary system” leadership
from Bucharest, the capital of Romania, again being evident that the mafia foreseen in 2014 when the
Crimes against humanity were instigated against me as attempted on 27th October 2014 and in the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 that I would very soon prove all and any “judge” in Romania is
corrupt and criminal as in fact I did prove scientifically in the years 2014-2017 that 100% are corrupt and
86% criminal which is why the forum “militia.freeforums.net” was illicitly censored on 8th April 2017
after I published this result of 3 years of mafia investigation amongst others, Crimes against humanity
against me in which thus “judge” Dita Mirela although being the determinant factor or principal

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instigator is not the only factor being itself instigated from above meaning the mafia’s leadership who
eventually got flushed out as I prove along while explicating the full demonstration of the Crimes
against humanity committed or attempted against me, exemplificatively reminding of the Romanian
Constitutional Court in decision from 25th 19 January 2017 objectivized in section I.B.11, declaring that
my presumption of innocence has no legal basis because a penal measure of security doesn't require
that the deed is proven to exist, is proven to constitute a felony, and is proven that I committed it in a
definitive sentence taken in public trial in full respect of the my rights, in direct contradiction with
article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, and articles 11, 20 from the Romanian
Constitution and article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, and there are other older
Romanian Constitutional Court decisions against me meant to infringe on the rights to justice such as
the mentally and physically handicapped “judge” Zegrean <?other name?> Romanian Constitutional
Court decision <it’s on the internet, about the obligation to pay taxes to access justice which is clearly
unconstitutional as I technically proven even>
II.^2 Stealing ~12 civil dossiers simultaneously from the random distribution system of
dossiers is proof in itself of the thief’s intent to an effect is to falsify the decisions, because as I’ve
objectivized before in paragraph I.A.II., human intent isn’t random but constant and motive
driven meaning if a criminal has an intent to commit a felony to an effect, will have the same intent to
commit any number of felonies until the effect is achieved as proven again by this state of fact
scientifically using the statistics consecutive events formula for calculating the probability of this event
occurring meaning 1/6 judges in the civil section that could’ve been distributed a dossier of the ~12, to
the power of 12 consecutive distribution events totals the chances that “judge” Dita Mirela legally
obtained the ~12 civil dossiers legally which looks something like 4.59...e-10 which means for the less
mathematically inclined moving the dot to the left 10 times and padding with zeros, then multiplying
with 100 to obtain a percent if I remember correctly myself, meaning the chance is 0.000000046% or 1:
2,176,782,336 while as reference the chance to win first category in 6/49 is aproximatively
1:14,000,000, meaning one can fairly win about 155.5 6/49 first category lotteries until 1 judge out of 6
gets randomly distributed 12 dossiers consecutively, which corroborated with the fact “judge” Dita
Mirela falsified the decisions in all of them identically is proof beyond any reasonable doubt that “judge”
Dita Mirela stole them to falsify the decisions as it was reciprocally true and guaranteed according to the
logic I’ve used in paragraph I.A.II., that “judge” Dita Mirela stole the 12 dossiers meaning broke
the law to falsify the decisions meaning to break the law again. The ~12 civil dossiers stolen by “judge”
Dita Mirela are public knowledge and can be observed on the Vrancea Tribunal’s site or ECRIS system
looking between 27th October 2014 and 5th December 2014 espectiall on 11th and 14th November 2014.
The proof that it was “judge” Dita Mirela who stolen the ~12 civil dossiers is in paragraphs 2.2.4 adn
2.2.5 from annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, where “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul lies that “judge” Dita Mirela had to solve the ~12
dossiers ommitting that “judge” Dita Mirela stole them from the random distribution of dossiers and
falsified the closings of rejection in favor of the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and the other mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes I sued. Furthermore “judge” Dita Mirela invented an obvious lie that I blocked
Vrancea Tribunal’s activity by suing its mafia “magistrate” caporegimes for the damages they’ve caused
against me through their felonies, obvious lie because it’s impossible to block Vrancea Tribunal’s activity
by suing its mafia “magistrate” caporegimes indifferent of the number of times I sue the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes which can simply ignore my petitions unless paranoid, respectivelly even if I

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sue all of them in the same petition making incident the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest,
the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are legally obligated to send the petition to the hierarchical
superior Court of Appeal under which territorial jurisdiction they are found to sent the petition another
Tribunal under it’s territorial jurisdiction, and even if I sue all the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes in
Romania eventually they can simply ignore my petitions unless paranoid, which instead demonstrates
the psychosis of “judge” Dita Mirela who hallucinated this incoherent with any reality or schizophrenic
lie believing it can cover-up his obvious abuse of stealing the ~12 dossiers and falsify the decisions of
rejection in them which I never heard happen in Romania ever, or motivate the 3rd Crimes against
humanity attempt by declaring exercising the right to justice against mafia “magistrate” caporegimes is
proof of “mental illness” by which logically “judge” Dita Mirela declared the state of right and rule of law
“mental illness” which makes sense being a mafia “magistrate” caporegime, or motivate his falsified
declarations in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014, aberrant acts through which “judge” Dita Mirela
uncovered his schizophrenia - logical incoherence, occupational dysfunction and failure to recognize
what’s real, and sociopathy - pervasively breaking the law and other person’s rights to achieve its illicit
II.^3 After instigating the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to attempt the Crimes against
humanity from 27th October 2014 as proven in paragraph I.A.II.^1, which were suppose to unfold
as the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2016 as proven in
paragraph I.A.II., and after stealing ~12 civil dossiers to falsify the decisions as proven in
paragraph I.A.II.^2, and after instigating the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to commit the Crimes
against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as proven in chapter
I.A.II.^4 which led to the mafia’s plan B of committing Crimes against humanity by injecting me
covertly with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone as objectivized in
sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, and after falsifying the civil dossier 15730/231/2014 and the
penal dossier 2417/P/2014, and after losing in 15730/231/2014 in cahoots with Kinstellar SPARL
“lawyers” on behalf of Delhaize Group, and participating in delaying the dossier 861/91/2015 for the
mafia’s intent to an effect to justify the bribe it took from the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” on behalf of
Delhaize Group by refusing to judge because the mafia knows the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” falsified 3
illegal disciplinary sanctions to falsify the illegal disciplinary layoff contested in 861/91/2015, meaning
the mafia knows that I’m right and it can’t just falsify a decision against me, therefore the mafia
attempted delaying the trial indefinitely hoping that I would give up my worker rights and eventually the
mafia would falsify a cover-up decision lying the dossier expired which the mafia tried in dossier
44914/3/2015 and failed because I reintroduced the dossier and added the mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes that were illegally refusing to judge in the same dossier they rejected as defendants since
they proved accomplices to Delhaize Group it means they must pay the damages solitarily with Delhaize
Group, eliminating at the same time according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest the
chance these “judges” repeatedly steal the dossier from the random distribution system and falsify
decisions of rejections which they also tried as I remember,
II.^3.1 then “judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots with “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigated the
perpetration of the next 4 Crimes against humanity attempts through 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance
and 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance and 2nd instance and the falsified sentences from 12718/231/2017
that determined me to become a permanent refugee from 1st September 2017, and the Crimes against
humanity committal from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 instigated through 4909/231/2017

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and 1779/91/2017, the Harassment, Threatening and Blackmail by phone from 22nd September 2015 as
proven by annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, the acts of state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrest from 17th
September 2015 as proven by annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the attempt from 2nd October 2015 of course 2 days away
from my birthday along with the falsification of the decision in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance
constituting the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt, from 11th December 2015, from 6th, 10th, 13th, 14th
and 27th April 2017 which also caused my mother to fall ill from Zoster Area from stress and trauma,
then my illegal arrest from 27th May 2017 from my law faculty exams by 3 mafia “secret police” soldiers
leading directly to the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017 <describe how each following Crimes against humanity is instigated, like in 11224/231/2015
and 14277/231/2015 clearly through 2417/P/2014, but afterwards I only have motive and opportunity.
<mention the much simpler and technical version of this demonstration from my mobile phone also
II.^4 Promising the interloper Herghelegiu Danut protection from civil and penal
repercussions for his crimes means that “judge” Dita Mirela had the consumed opportunity, which is
true as proven in regard to civil matters by the fact “judge” Dita Mirela after the Crimes against
humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 in stole ~12 dossiers from the random distribution of dossiers
system in which I was claimant as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^2, including at least 2 against
interloper Herghelegiu Danut, and falsified the decisions of rejection in favor of interloper Herghelegiu
Danut and the other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes I sued, which also means that because “judge”
Dita Mirela committed the crimes through which he instigated the interloper to perpetrate the Crimes
against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and the Crimes against humanity committal from the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014, “judge” Dita Mirela is proven to have the motive or intent to
an effect, meaning by the same logic from paragraph I.A.II. with which I demonstrated that the
Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 intent to an effect of the perpetrators is
identical to the intent to an effect of the perpetrators especially in modus operandi with the Crimes
against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, as well as the following
5 Crimes against humanity attempts and the Crimes against humanity commital from between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, that “judge” Dita Mirela always had the personal motive even of revenge -
personal subjective retribution as opposed to justice which is impersonal objective retribution, ever
since I opened penal dossiers against him for falsifying acts of procedur ein relation with civil dossier
1118/91/2013, penal dossiers that I lodged through email presumably on 1st May 2014, 10th May 2014
and 17th June 2014 <judging by the files computer dates> meaning “judge” Dita Mirela already had the
motive for which it took advantage of the opportunity represented by the fact Heghelegiu Danut is also
a criminal sociopath as “judge” Dita Mirela, to therefore instigate the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to
perpetrate the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and Crimes against humanity
commital from the night between 5th to 6th December 2014, penal dossiers with which not only I notified
the Galaty county prosecutor’s office, but every competent institution meaning the national organized
crime direction “DIICOT”, the national anticorruption direction “DNA”, the Judiciary Inspection, the
general prosecutor’s office, the Ministry of Justice, the president of Romanian penally responsible for
the prime-minister activity which is responsible for the activity of Ministry of Justice and Public Ministry
as relevant in this case, and also the press and some NGOs, which gave the Romanian “state” mafia the

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opportunity for which it already had the motive being the mafia who proved itself accomplice by the
simple fact it occupies the Romanian “state” and refused to take any action at all against the crimes of
“judge” Dita Mirela about which it has been thoroughtly and repeatedly notified, mafia complicity and
intrinsic instigation that determined “judge” Dita Mirela to instigate himself the 2 Crimes against
humanity commitals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts against me being assured himself of
protection against civil, disciplinary and penal repercussions, and because “judge” Dita Mirela being a
criminal sociopath observed that there is nobody in Romania to oppose him if he unleashes as many
Crimes against humanity against me as he can and did, which demonstrated the opportunity of “judge”
Dita Mirela to instigate the protection of the interloper Herghelegiu Danut in penal matters as well not
only by his own influence in the local mafia proven by the ability to instigate the falsification of penal
dossier 2417/P/2014 then the falsification of penal acts of procedure 10547/231/2015,
11224/231/2015, 14277/231/2015 and others, but by carrying the Romanian “state” mafia complicity
and intrinsic instigation which assured “judge” Dita Mirela and with which “judge” Dita Mirela assured
it’s criminal clique as well not just the interloper of protection against civil, penal and disciplinary
repercussions, just as it happened as proof meaning the Romainian “state” mafia took absolutely no
penal and disciplinary action against any of the mafia members I’ve caught and denounced penally,
disciplinarily and publicly, and who I’ve also sued and were protected by other mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes through falsified decisions of rejection of my civil actions in favor of the other mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes. This is nothing new as it is said in the Old Testament in the Bible to not judge
the judge as the judge will turn the judgment in his favor, however this is wise only if having something
to lose and since the mafia took everything, not just my social and professional life, but attempted to
take my physical life and took my ability to enjoy life through chemical lobotomy, my endeavor to
destroy organized crime at least in Romania, or at least the criminal group that destroyed my life, is fully
morally endorsed therefore legally sound since the secular state of right is Christianity- inspired,
including Biblically endorsed by God’s own command to do justice unlike the wisdom of some king or
another who is also wrong not specifying that a judge who breaks the law meaning his own authority
ceases on spot to be a judge and becomes a felon which then cannot judge anything and wield no power
unless part of the mafia who is revealed to wield authority not by right but by monopoly on fear and
violence, logic that pertains to all states of right under the rule of law around the world who as I’ve
indicated before are totalitarian for giving accreditation to the “psychiatry” charlatanry to use as state
terrorism and wrongful political repression proven by the fact it is not the members of the ruling class
who ends up chemically lobotomized but the ignorant, the dissidents and the human right defenders
who come from the proletariat or the working class, as even the political opposition that is persecuted
never really been in power which is why it ends up persecuted by thewielder of power whic is the ruling
class, which is the one who accredits state terrorism and wrongful political repression under various
disguises, the “pychiatry” charlatanry, abuse of the “judiciary system”, abuse of the “secret information
services” and blackmail through the “press” etc.
II.^5 The two mafia soldiers from 27th October 2014 were instigated through their
hierarchical superiors. In the Romanian “state” mafia nobody occupies public function of leadership if
not also a proven a mafia collaborator, meaning the instigation through the mafia’s public functionaries
occupying functions of leadership is warranted, reminding that “judge” Dita Mirela occupied the
function of Vrancea Tribunal civil section president if I remember correctly, and “judge” Dita Mirela

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husband Dita <?other name?> occupied the function of Vrancea Tribunal president, meaning the mafia
Dita family has proven its worth to the mafia, respectivelly “judge” Dita Mirela instigated not just
nobody but the “chief prosecutor” of criminal investigation of whole Vrancea county Mihaila Paul who
aslso has proven his worth to the mafia, who has influence over the local mafia soldiers as also
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^5. If “judge” Dita Mirela had the opportunity to instigate the
“prosecutor” caporegime Mihaila Paul who pretends to be the chief prosecutor of criminal investigation
in the degenerated “European” Vrancea county meaning it holds a position of influence within the mafia
just as himself is controlled by his mafia superior “prime-prosecutor” Tarlea Florin Cristinel as
demonstrated in I.A.II.^7, “judge” Dita Mirela also had the opportunity to influence through the
mafia “prosecutor” caporegime Mihaila Paul his subordinates meaning any “prosecutor” from Vrancea
county as proven by the fact at least two “prosecutors” <?named?> covered-up without personal
motive meaning in the mafia’s interest to an intent, the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th
October 2014, through falsified ordnances in at least two penal dossiers 2222/P/2014 and 555/P/2015
in which they and the mafia “police investigation bodies” effectuated no legal acts of procedure such as
administering the proofs proving the power to influence within the mafia descends throughout the
mafia hierarchy to the mafia soldiers and associates as well such as “lawyers”, “legal medics”,
“registrars” etc., meaning “judge” Dita Mirela had the opportunity to instigate “prosecutor” <?> who
delayed the penal dossier against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut for the Crimes against humanity he
committed in the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 about 8 months as if that absolved him of the
responsability for refusing to prosecute, then the penal dossier 246/P/2015 was placed at the
“prosecutor” Castu Vasile who falsified an ordnance of closing without effectuating any act of procedure
or administering any proof as instigated by the mafia, while “prosecutor” Mihaila falsified the ordnance
of closing of the penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) I opened against the “legal medics” Dicu
Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who falsified the expertize regarding the Crimes against humanity from
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, while “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul was falsifying acts of
procedure instigating that Crimes against humanity attempts and acts of state terrorism through illegal
home breakings and illegal arrests were perpetrated at the same time against me meaning thorugh
11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 and the acts of state terrorism committed on 17th September
2015, attempted on 2nd October 2015 and committed on 11th December 2015 which kept me occupied
defending against although I managed to denounce the falsified acts of procedure in 246/P/2015 and
1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) as well as I fully demonstrate in section I.B.22, reminding that “prosecutor”
Castu Vasile also had a personal revenge motive against me since I opened a penal dossier against him
for falsifying an ordnance of closing the penal dossier of Serban Emilia who harassed me for bribe
refusing to release my state relocation in interest of work subventions for which she stole the dossier
from the agent that was administering it, wife of the mafia “secret serviceman” Serban Nicolai who got
personally involved instigating “prosecutor” Castu Vasile to close the penal dossier illegally and then
wihout any relevance instigated “judge” Viorel Voineag to close civil dossier 3408/91/2010 lodging the
falsified “prosecutor’s” ordnance, meaning “judge” Dita Mirela had the opportunity to instigate the
mafia “police” and “gendarme” soldiers who accompanied the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to cover-up
the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014, through their chiefs of public order
bureaus, either Alin <?other name?> who was called by the apartment block snitch for a report as I
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4.2 meaning he is an accomplice and instigator of both the first

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two Crimes against humanity against me, or <?Manea?> <?other name?> who refused to notify the
prosecutor’s office about the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, and who committed personally the act of terrorism through illegal home breaking and
illegal arrest for 7 hours from 17th September 2014 proving again he was a mafia soldier all along also an
accomplice and instigator, and who being aware of the mafia’s criminal activity and of the two mafia
soldiers who accompanied the interloper Herghelegiu Danut on 27th October 2014 is also aware
meaning accomplice and instigator to the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014. In
conclusion ”judge” Dita Mirela used his criminal clique to send the two soldiers to accompany interloper
Herghelegiu Danut on 27th October 2014 for the purpose of covering-up the Crimes aganist humanity
attempt, given the fact interloper Herghelegiu Danut did not have these relations or influence in the
local mafia “police” and “gendarme” soldiers “institutions” else he would’ve used them sooner, but
someone interested himself to get in contact with all my “enemies”, meaning the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut who I’ve denounced since Spring 2013 administratively for making a scandal every single day,
Delhaize Group and Kinstellar SPARL who falsified 4 disciplinary sanctions and fired me disciplinarily
illegally twice, the first time as proven by the fact I annulled it in 43961/3/2009, and the second time
which was only possible because I reinstated myself in the same workplace by court order as proof,
Delhaize Group who bribed the mafia to refuse to judge through the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” who also
falsified the last 3 disciplinary sanctions against me and instigated that Crimes against humanity be
committed against me through 15730/231/2014 which would’ve unfolded as the Crimes against
humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 (noticing an identity in modus operandi with the
mafia who as well at first falsified 1 penal dossier - 2417/P/2014, then falsified 3 penal dossiers -
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, which is a correlation in criminal thinking but otherwise a
coincidence, meaning the criminal thinks that by extensity where it failed once, the criminal will succeed
which is not necessarily true and since the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” bribed the mafia it was also
entirely unnecessary unless it was the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” intent to siphon more money from
their Delhaize Group client which is true while sacrificing my life as typical of sociopaths which the
Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” did), and “judge” Viorel Voineag who falsified the decision in 3408/91/2010
against me in favor of the local mafia “secret service” Serban family, then in 1118/91/2013 in favor of
the bribe-taker mafia members from the Bucharest Tribunal and the mafia members who protect this
operation, as for example ironically the national anticorruption direction itself who’s main purpose is to
prevent and catch bribe, influence trafficking and other corruption felonies, and as every other penally
or disciplinarily competent Romanian “state” mafia occupied “institution”, and that someone who
interested himself to get in touch with all my enemies and instigate more against me as proven is
“judge” Dita Mirela from Vrancea Tribunal every time and in every circumstance. . “Judge” Dita Mirela’s
motive is compounded meaning willing to take revenge against me for inculpating him in at least 3
penal dossiers I’ve lodged against him in May-June 2014, then compelled by his antisocial personality
disorder or sociopathy to advance his position by sacrificing my life to gain favor with the mafia,
meaning both “judge” Dita Mirela mafia “colleagues” who I’ve sued in Vrancea county, and the mafia
from Bucharest bribed by Delhaize group through the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers”, and the mafia factions
protecting the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who take bribe such as ironically the national
anticorruption direction and all other competent mafia occupied “institutions”, reason for which “judge”
Dita Mirela stole ~12 civil dossiers and falsified the decisions in favor of the mafia “magistrate”

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caporegimes and interloper Herghelegiu Danut who he instigated to perpetrate the Crimes against
humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and the Crimes against humanity committal from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014, meaning “judge” Dita Mirela made good on his promises or
instigations, corroborated with the fact “judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL lawyers
perpetrated the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt in 15730/231/2014 which would’ve unfolded as
the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which defines the mafia’s intent
to an effect that remains constant as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II., and as scientifically
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 that demonstrate the
committal of Crimes against humanity involving the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I’ve been
covertly injected first in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, then forcefully chemically
lobotomized between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, as corroborated by the motivation in
12718/231/2017 even where the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela who falsified the sentence for the
crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnoses as
objectivized in section I.B.3, used the Romanian term “medicamentos” meaning “drugged” in English as
proven by annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, revealing the murderous intent of the mafia to indefinitely to life illegally incarcerate
me, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly Murder me through deadly fluorine based neurotoxic
poisoning in conjucture with deadly chlorine based neurotoxic poisoning which increase the odds of
mortality as proven in chapter 1.5 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which is why I’ve been concomitantly poisoned
with fluorine and chlorine between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 <mention this in all central sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2>. By falsifying the decision of rejection of my
request for removal of “judge” Viorel Voineag from the civil dossier 1118/91/2013 based on his proven
lack of impartiality, “judge” Dita Mirela also learned that “judge” Viorel Voineag falsified the decision in
3408/91/2010 in cahoots with “judge” <?Adriana Copaci?> who illegally declined the competence from
the judicial control of public service section of the Vrancea Tribunal where my lawyer Plesa Dan has
lodged it correctly, and in cahoots with Vrancea Tribunal “president” Toni Neacsu who signed himself
instead of the two other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who were supposed to be in the judgement
contingent of 3 as required by the law, in favor of the mafia “secret service” interloper family of Serban
Nicolai and Serban Emilia, but of course “judge” Dita Mirela refused to denounce other mafia members
as required by the law because “judge” Dita Mirela is a member of the same mafia not a real magistrate,
meaning “judge” Dita Mirela became the accomplice of the aforementioned mafia members who
participated in 3408/91/2010, who falsified acts of procedure for the mafia “secret service” interloper
family Serban who wanted bribe from me to give me my state relocation in interest of work subventions
of ~2000$, which Serban Emilia refused because I haven’t given her bribe after stealing my dossier from
the rightful agent administering it and harassing me over the phone during the winter of 2008-2009 at
my place of work at SC ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE SA, a subsidiary of Delhaize Group, abuse through
which Serban Emilia destroyed my life by causing me to pay rent for 3-4 years instead of a bank rate
which is an investment, and not having my home and less money because of paying rent instead of a
bank rate caused me to not have a family, not to mention the times I shared an apartment with the
Romanian savages that caused me trouble that also reflected in my work as the fact I was depressed and
suffering from vicissitudes because of the omnipresent corruption imposed by the Romanian “state”

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mafia, which caused me trouble at work because of appearing as a victim to the sociopath gang or mob
at work who believing it found a weak person without influence meaning calling for no respect in the
criminal Romanian culture, harassed me to make me renounce my place of work to install one of theirs
in my place then eventually even framed me and falsified an illegal disciplinary lay-off which I annulled
as proof in 43961/3/2009 and as proof of the Romanian savages I spoke of. By falsifying the decision of
rejection of my request for removal of “judge” Viorel Voineag from the civil dossier 1118/91/2013 based
on his proven lack of impartiality, “judge” Dita Mirela also is accomplice and instigator to the falsification
of the decision in 1118/91/2013, again stolen from the random distribution system of dossier by
“judge” Viorel Voineag who lied I refused to be interrogated in my own dossier as a claimant meaning in
which I hold all the proofs and the interrogatory was redundant, to counterfeit a fake technical premise
for the mafia “magistrate” caporegime from dossier 31155/3/2011 at Bucharest Tribunal, and because I
formulated a request of his removal from the dossier based on the proven fact he falsified the decision
in 3408/91/2010 and besides was never acquitted in the penal dossier I opened against him as all other
mafia “magistrate” caporegimes I ever opened a penal dossier against. Dossier 31155/3/2011 is about
the fact that even after I won in 43961/3/2009 in 1st and 2nd instance against the Delhaize Group refused
to obey the court order and preferred to pay its corrupt and lying lawyers from firm “Magda Volonciu si
Asociatii” to harass me judicially proving Delhaize Group is a community of sociopaths not hones
working people and not a juridical persona operating in the interest of society, dossier in which the main
event is also the fact Delhaize Group bribed the mafia as proven by the fact that although dossier
31155/3/2011 was registered in Spring 2011 as the code indicates, the trial only began in Autumn 2012
where the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” appeared of course, who already had falsified 2 disciplinary
sanctions and on 2nd November 2012 falsified the 2nd disciplinary lay-off and soon after bribed the
Bucharest Tribunal mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who then refused to judge in all dossiers and
eventually falsified technical but illegal decisions of rejection to favor the bribing Delhaize Group. The
mafia afterwards as evident after selling my work rights and litigation for bribe from the Delhaize Group,
observing it cannot stop me from penally pursuing and denouncing its criminal activity, instigated the
criminal sociopath “judge” Dita Mirela who in turn instigated its criminal clique to commit Crimes
against humanity against me to stop me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity by abusing the
judiciary system and “psychiatry” charlatanry to chemically lobotomize me as it did covertly in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014, and openly between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and at least
6 month after <mention this in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 > each
poisoning because the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone and paliperidone remains
depending on metabolism in the bloodstream up to 300 days and after I’ve been poisoned with it in the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and took a blood test 4 months later the symptoms of
hyperprolactinomia were still present as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, then
after I’ve been poisoned with it between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, I took a blood test on 23rd
February 2018 which was negative meaning 7-8 months later, meaning the poison is eliminated from my
bloodstream at least after 5-7 months and I do not normally have high prolactine even after being
poisoned twice with risperidone and paliperidone being a very healthy person both physically and
inherently mentally which is why in turn I am also physically healthy. There is no possible proof the
poison does not remain longer in the tissues, the bones, the cerebro-spinal fluid or the lymphatic
system, meaning that although the poison has been eliminated from the bloodstream, it is still present

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in other parts of my body causing damage indefinitely as fluorine does not simply vanishes into thin air .
In conclusion the summarized compounded motive of “judge” Dita Mirela is also driven by the fact that
after “judge” Dita Mirela instigated the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to start the Crimes against
humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 that led to the mafia’s plan B as it was
supposed to also unfold in the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 as objectivized
in paragraph I.A.II., mafia’s plan B meaning covertly injecting me with the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone without my consent after being transported to the emergency
ward of “Saint Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani, covert injection performed by an unknown person in my
right elbow believing I wouldn’t feel it as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2,
I’ve started investigating the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th
and 6th December 2014 noticing from the start meaning from the way the mafia instigated interloper
Herghelegiu Danu Bodily Harmed and attempted Qualified Murder against me which started that the
Crimes agianst humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 were concertized by the mafia
as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs I.A.II.^3 and I.A.II., investigation which made “judge” Dita
Mirela fear I would succeed which I did also because of the mafia’s Crimes against humanity committal
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 when I was forcefully chemically lobotomized with the same
deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone with which i was covertly chemically lobotomized
during the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, “judge” Dita
Mirela’s fear or reason for which after the Crimes against humanity in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 I received on my facebook.com account the only public threat message I’ve ever
received that “I’m the devil and he/she will fix me” that judging from the evil character of the message,
the author’s motivation known because it could’ve only be connected with the Crimes against
humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, as well as the consumed opportunity,
could’ve only come from one of the psychopath mafia members who committed the Crimes against
humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, most probably the same “judge” Dita Mirela
who is to be found in every instance of Crimes against humanity instigating against me the mafia no less
than by abusing personally the judiciary system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry against me
concomitantly just after I was covertly injected with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone which is only in use by the “psychiatric” charlatanry who lies it’s medicine but causes as
obvious being a deadly poison a myriad health problems including schizophrenia which it also
schizophrenically claims to cure at the same time as objectivized in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, concomitant
personal abuse of the “psychiatry” charlatanry and judicial system meaning the falsification in secret of
the falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014 and falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 as I’ve objectivized in
paragraph I.A.II.^1 respectively I.A.II.^2, which means that “judge” Dita Mirela was in on
the concertizing of Crimes against humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as already
proven by “judge” Dita Mirela intent to an effect defined by the fact he instigated interloper
Herghelegiu Danut to start the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 by promising
the interloper protection from civil repercussions of his Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th
October 2014, by stealing ~12 civil dossiers, including at least 2 of the interloper Herghelegiu Danut, and
falsifying the decisions of rejection in the interloper’s favor as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^2,
respectively as interloper Herghelegiu Danut was promised protection from penal repercussions of his

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actions by being accompanied by the 2 mafia’s soldiers who’s role was to cover-up the Crimes against
humanity attempt from 27th October 2014, for which the mafia’s “prosecutor’s office” falsified
ordnances of cover-up of penal dossiers 2222/P/2014 and 555/P/2015 in which they administered no
proof in cahoots with the mafia’s “police investigation bodies”, reminding I was investigating in person
at the Vrancea county prosecutor’s office a third penal dossier regarding the Crimes against humanity
attempt from 27th October 2014, on the morning of 5th December 2014 before the Crimes against
humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which urged the mafia to commit the
Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, meaning the penal
protection promise was implied being notoriously known it would happen without even the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut being promised anything verbally or in writing that any penal dossiers I open against
the interloper and the 2 mafia soldiers will be covered-up through falsified ordnances because the mafia
will protect its mafia soldiers and implicitly itself, and any other collaborators it instigated as proven by
the Crimes against humanity attempted on 27th October 2014 beyond any reasonable doubt which I’ll
thoroughly demonstrate in section I.B.23, however the mafia soldier’s presence warrants a plan on
which the mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut was on which proves in itself the fact
Herghelegiu Danut was instigated by the mafia, as I objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^5. As proof
again of “judge” Dita Mirela’s involvement in the criminal activity of the mafia leadership who
concertized the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014,
“judge” Dita Mirela falsified in secret the “psychiatry” charlatanry civil dossier 15730/231/2014 and
penal dossier 2417/P/2014 from which after it lost in 15730/231/2014 perpetrated through the falsified
dossier 2417/P/2014 falsified acts of procedure 3 more Crimes against humanity attempts and other
acts of state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrests on 17th September 2014, the
attempt from 2nd October 2015, 11th December 2015, 6th, 10th, 13th, 14th and 27th April 2017 when the
mafia also made my mother fall ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma breaking into her apartment
with tens of mafia soldiers almost every day right before Orthodox Easter 2017 planning to commit
Crimes against humanity against me during Orthodox Easter 2017 in typical “communist” mafia fashion
targeting religious holydays and other important dates, which the mafia eventually committed arresting
me from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017 with 3 mafia “secret police” soldiers who incarcerated
me in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag where 5 “psychiatrist” charlatans were waiting for me as instructed
by the mafia, who violently tied me to an operating table and injected me daily with deadly fluorine and
chlorine neurotoxins putting me in anaphylactic shock without treatment and expecting me to die, then
after I survived chemically lobotomized me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins as
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, Crimes against humanity attempts meaning
through 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance , 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, and after “judge” Dita
Mirela failed again and again to achieve it’s murderous intent to an effect, it desperately instigated
other mafia members to intervene and falsified 3 more penal dossiers against me to cover-up the 5
Crimes against humanity attempts and Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014, mafia who then committed the Crimes against humanity from
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 against me followed by the final solution Crimes against
humanity attempt through the falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 which I anticipated and became a
permanent refugee from 1st September 2017 as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 2.4^45 from annex 21 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. In

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short “judge” Dita Mirela witnessed how all its Crimes against humanity instigations failed and I’ve
penally and publicly denounced everything which is why the mafia leadership clearly concertized again
the almost daily acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests on 6th, 10th,
13th, 14th and 27th April 2017 with tens of mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and
“gendarme” soldiers for the falsification of pretext and cover-up story in the falsified dossier
4909/231/2017 just before Orthodox Easter 2017, while simultaneously it illicitly censored my forum
“militia.freeforums.net” on 8th April 2017 where I had published over a hundred penal dossiers and
other antimafia specialized articles written by me based on evidence from the press, science and logic
against the Romanian “state” mafia, and on 10th April 2017 my facebook.com account was partially
illicitly censored as it was again in February 2018 just after I opened a group named “Romanian
revolution for human rights”, the mafia’s motivation being obviously the fact I caught all the mafia
bosses and underbosses from the mafia occupied “institutions” enumerated in paragraph 0.2 and
chapter V.3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, mafia concertizing of Crimes against humanity which couldn’t have been possibly
performed by the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela despite his best efforts as already proven by
instigating the 5 Crimes against humanity attempts and Crimes against humanity from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 from where the mafia leadership took over in 2017, and in
corroboration I mention that besides God’s grace I attribute escaping alive meaning sooner from the
Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 to the fact I promised verbally to
the “psychiatrist” torturers to stop denouncing the mafia criminal activity when I entered anaphylactic
shock on the 1st day, message which I’ve asked to transmit to their instigator, and I kept my promise
even through the mafia associated “psychiatrist” charlatans kept torturing me until 8th June 2017
because I knew I had no choice not that I had an agreement with the mafia that destroyed my life and of
others, with the exception of the Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures which I
reintroduced, and the only Romanian “state” mafia members that could’ve reacted to this and instigate
the final solution in the form of the falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 for indefinite to life
incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder as I’ve objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, are the mafia
agents posing as registrars of ECHR who let the mafia “secret services” know I denounced the Romanian
“state” mafia again, who the instigated the falsification of the final solution aforementioned, reason for
which I have no choice but to continue denouncing the Romanian “state” mafia until the regime falls as
a permanent refugee for my own protection. I remind I opened a penal dossier against these mafia
agents at ECHR which I’ve published at address: https://www.scribd.com/document/365438323/penal-
complaint-against-D-Lupu-and-I-Banu-at-European-Court-of-Human-Rights. There is also the possibility
of which I’m sure of because I’ve obtained personally proof that the Romanian “state” mafia tampers
with the post mail, that the Romanian “state” mafia simply noticed the envelope from me to ECHR, and
there is also the possibility of the mafia read my email conversation with the infamous human trafficker
and exploiter Hassan Awdi which was illegally expropriated by the Romanian “state” mafia, and
anticipated I would open another front with a side of the mafia I do not preoccupy myself meaning the
“liquidator” mafia, an army of corrupt syndic judges, prosecutors, lawyers and other associates who I
found out by analyzing Hassan Awdi’s files represent probably the principal means of the mafia
financing itself illicitly through the destruction of the Romanian economy, by bringing its economic

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agents into insolvency then scrapping its actives for nothing in favor of the mafia clientele, meaning as
Hassan Awdi puts it: “Romanian is a banana republic (without justice he means), in which only the mafia
business works”, meaning from the Romanian “state” mafia view I’m already involved as a human rights
defender in 3 major sectors of mafia crimes, the destruction of worker rights and syndicalism in favor of
the patrons and foreign interests who either slave Romanian work force for Romanian minimum wage
or slaves the Romanian work force as unqualified workers abroad for as low as possible wages, the
destruction of the Romanian economy through the privatization of national interest and dilapidation of
its economic agents in favor of the mafia’s clientele who this way also eliminates its competition, and
the 8 Crimes against humanity I’m a victim of reason for which concomitantly I’m denouncing this, and
the fact the Romanian state mafia abuses the judiciary system and “psychiatry” charlatanry for illicit
profit from the pharmaceutical mafia through illegal experimentation on institutionalized children - like
orphans, homeless, members of Rroma minority, ignorant youngsters and elders, and any person in
general unable to defend itself and not defended by anyone else, as well as persons “put outside the
protection of the law” by the murderous Romanian “state “mafia regime such as dissidents and human
rights defenders such as myself, as I discovered during my investigations and as I objectivize in parallel
to my case as I shortly objectivize in paragraphs 2.4^14 and 2.4^28, and 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1
from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier II.^6 While the positive proofs of “judge” Dita Mirela’s motive and opportunity
meaning proven instigation and consequent perpetration of every Crimes against humanity attempt or
commital which intrinsically prove the existence of the motive according to the law of causality as I’ve
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4, demonstrates it was him who is the principal instigator or main
determinant factor for the mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut to perpetrate the Crimes
against humanity attempt from 27th Octoboer 2014 and the Crimes against humanity commital from
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve demonstrated in chapter I.A.II., then the
instigator or determinant of the next 3 Crimes against humanity attempted through falsified acts of
procedure from the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 “judge” Dita Mirela instigated in person through
his falsified declaration lodged on 11th December 2014 with the prosecutor’s office, then his next
falsified declaration from Spring 2015 as objectivized in paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, demonstrates again
“judge” Dita Mirela is in cahoots with “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul at instigating Crimes against humanity,
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who falsified the acts of procedure in 2417/P/2014 because he had the
opportunity personally as “chief prosecutor of criminal investigation” in Vrancea county, and because
he had “judge” Dita Mirela’s motive in conjuncture with his own motive to ingratiate himself with the
mafia and justify his elevated position in the mafia hierarchy by committing honor crimes, and the
sociopathic motive to expand his influence engaging in favoritism with “judge” Dita Mirela by sacrificing
my life in exchange,
II.^6.1 the negative proof is that nobody else had the motive and opportunity at the time
except the actors already enumerated and whoever didn’t use the opportunity and had the motive
means he didn’t have the opportunity, and whoever had the opportunity and didn’t use it means he
didn’t have a sufficient motive by which I mean even if one of the actors against me fostered
resentment it did not act upon it because it wasn’t a strong enough motive meaning to commit Crimes
against humanity, or because he had no opportunity, meaning for example the Delhaize Group who

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couldn’t act directly or had no opportunity to influence the mafia members but bribed the mafia
through the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” and did this at the Bucharest Tribunal first where it was in
litigation with me for the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes to refuse to judge as proven in paragraph
I.A.II.^1, then it had no connections in Vrancea county where the litigation was moved which is
where “judge” Dita Mirela comes in and uses his connections in the mafia’s interest to expand on the
intent to an effect the mafia received the bribe for that is to usurp my rights in the dossiers against
Delhaize Group subsidiary SC ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE SA, first in the dossier from Bucharest Tribunal
1118/91/2013 regarding an act of procedure from 31155/3/2011, then in 861/91/2015 which is really
dossier 44139/3/2012 from the Bucharest Tribunal, meaning in conclusion that Delhaize Group and its
criminal “lawyers” from Kinstellar SPARL firm did not have the opportunity to abuse the judicial system
and “psychiatry” charlatanry as proven by the fact the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” instigated the 3rd
Crimes against humanity attempt through “judge” Dita Mirela’s falsified dossier 15730/231/2014 where
they lodged an accessory request also schizophrenically declaring I must be placed under “psychiatric”
interdiction for exercising my right to justice meaning legally suing their client the Delhaize Group, and
opening penal dossiers against the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” who falsified the 3 disciplinary sanctions
mentioned in 44139/3/2012 and intrinsically lied in court sustaining their falsehoods, meaning the
Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” hoped “judge” Dita Mirela would succeed in instigating the falsification of the
decision in 15730/231/2014 following that Crimes against humanity would unfold against me as
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which define this particular modus operandi intent to an
effect after the mafia renounced instigating interloper Herghelegiu Danut to start the Crimes against
humanity against me to appear uninvolved as the first two Crimes against humanity. It is also proven
that “judge” Viorel Voineag although obeyed the orders of the mafia and falsified decisions in dossiers
3408/91/2010 and 1118/91/2013, did not actively to my knowledge instigate anyone against me except
also through the sociopathic “judge” Dita Mirela just as the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” did, the link
between these two mafia members being that “judge” Dita Mirela directly determined the falsified
decision in 1118/91/2013 by falsifying the rejection of my request of “judge” Viorel Voineag’s removal
for proven lack of impartiality. It is also proven that the “president” of Vrancea Tribunal at the time Toni
Neacsu, a notorious crook as it was even “convicted” by the mafia in Romania to “prison without prison”
as typical of the mafia when it “convicts” one of its members because of internal dissension as there was
no public issue at the time to my knowledge but just the mafia’s need to remove Toni Neacsu from the
Superior Council of Magistrates, who also participated in the falsification of the decision in
3408/91/2010 by either sending the two other mafia “judges” of the judgment contingent on vacation
or simply signing the falsified decision on their behalf while they were really on vacation, quite
irrelevant, also did not actively to my knowledge instigate anyone against me, nor did the many other
mafia members who I caught and denounced penally and publicly to my knowledge, all these being
accomplices and passive instigators meaning determining the Crimes against humanity against me by
refusing to do denounce the mafia penally and publicly which would’ve created dissension instead of
assuring the mafia it has no opposition and is free meaning of consequences to commit Crimes against
humanity against me, reminding of the dissension created through the scruples of certain mafia
members who didn’t want to get involved in Crimes against humanity reason for which I annulled the
falsified decision in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and the “prosecutor’s” falsified proposal that I be
obligated to be chemically lobotomized which constitutes Crimes against humanity, that I annulled in

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14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, as it contained grounds already annulled in 11224/231/2015 in
2nd instance demonstrating the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul obsession to Qualifiedly Murder me to stop
me from denouncing his particular pervasive criminal activity meaning all “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul do
in Vrancea county all day is falsify acts of procedure as I’ve found out discussing with various lawyers
from Vrancea county. Dossier 1118/91/2013 <remained here with work, after this explain what
861/91/2015 is about>regarding the delegation of an interrogatory who was stolen by “judge” Viorel
Voineag who lied I don’t want to respond to the interrogatory because I asked for his removal from the
dossier for the felonies he was never acquitted for committed by falsifying the decision in dossier
3408/91/2010 in favor of the mafia “secret service” family Serban who harassed me for bribe
withholding illicitly my state relocation in interest of work subventions totaling 2000$ by which the
interloper Serban family destroyed my life putting me in the situation to pay rent for 3-4 years instead of
a bank rate given I couldn’t pay the advance on the loan without the 2000$, bank rate which was an
investment and lower than paying rent, and without a home and enough money I couldn’t get a girl to
build a family, and without home, money and a family of my own I was depressed enough to appear as a
victim to the sociopath group hired by the Delhaize Group who harassed me a year between 2008-2009
to quit my job then framed me that I hit the main sociopath instigator Placintaru Madalina and fired me
disciplinarily illegally as proven by the fact I sued and won in 43961/3/2009 which is when the Delhaize
Group with an attitude of being “masters of the world” as my lawyer Mariana Militaru from
43961/3/2009 told me, after losing the appeal in 43961/3/2009, refused to fully obey the judge’s order
in 43961/3/2009 for which I sued Delhaize Group again in 31155/3/2011, allowed the sociopath group it
hired to harass me in continuation instead of firing them demonstrating how worthless are human
resources employees, changed my place of work across the city harassing me by imposing unnecessary,
unpaid and illegal commuting, and ultimately hired the corrupt Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” who falsified
3 illegal disciplinary sanctions to fire me disciplinarily illegally again, then around the time they did on
2nd November 2012 Delhaize Group also bribed the Bucharest Tribunal judges to refuse to judge through
their Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” as proven by the fact the Delhaize Group could’ve done the same if
there was the opportunity with their previous “lawyers” from “Magda Volonciu and Asociatii”, although
I’m not entirely sure they didn’t given the bare minimum rights the “judge” Constanta Pricina gave me in
43961/3/2009 breaking the law and juridical logic in favor of Delhaize Group. The refusal of the
Bucharest Tribunal mafia “magistrate” caporegimes to judge I proven in paragraph I.A.II.^1. The
3408/91/2010 dossier was also illicitly moved form teh judicial control of public service section of
Vrancea Tribunal to “judge” Viorel Voineag’s section to declare illicitly that the defendant Serban Emilia
lacks passive quality which is why 3408/91/2010 was moved from the other section where I legally
lodged it with “lawyer” Dan Plesa who knows better, then “judge “Viorel Voineag also falsified the
decision to cover for the interloper Serban family felonies mentioning that without any legal relevance
Serban Nicolai the mafia “antiterrorist secret service” member from Vrancea county where there’s no
such thing as terrorism except state terrorism, after obtaining the falsification of an ordnance of cover-
up of the penal dossier against his wife Serban Emilia from “prosecutor” Castu Vasile, the same who
falsified the ordnance of cover-up for the interloper Herghelegiu Danut Crimes against humanity from
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 while never being acquitted himself, lodged the falsified
ordnance in favor of his wife in 3408/91/2010 to impress “judge” Viorel Voineag, excess of zeal proven
by the fact the local mafia already was going to falsify the decision in 3408/91/2010 proving that Serban

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Nicolai knew how corrupt is his wife and took no chances getting himself involved making pressures
using his own mafia influence, also reminding that the falsified decision in dossier 3408/91/2010 was
signed no less than by the president of Vrancea Tribunal the infamous Toni Neacsu who intervened, sent
the other 2 judges of the judgement contingent on vacation if they weren’t already and signed himself
instead of them only the judgement contingent needed 3 judges not 2 mafia crooks, scenario which I
never witnessed or heard of again meaning is also certainly technically illegal. “judge” Dita Mirela knows
of all of this from my request of “judge” Viorel Voineag removal from 1118/91/2013 for proven lack of
impartiality throgh the falsification of the decision in dossier 3408/91/2010, against which “judge” Dita
mirela falsified a decision of rejection in favor of “judge” Viorel Voineag who falsified the sentence in
favor of Delhaize Group showing solidarity with the Bucharest Tribunal “judges” who I proven to take
bribe from the Delhaize Group through the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” to refuse to judge as objectivized
in paragraph I.A.II.^1, meaning “judge” Dita Mirela being a sociopath just like interloper
Herghelegiu Danut and observing the opportunity for getting bribed and getting noted in high circles of
he mafia and establish high relations, appealed to all his relations to eliminate me physically through
Crimes against humanity in favor of Delhaize Group, in favor of the mafia members bribed by Delhaize
Group who had another reason to bribe than just to get rid of the work litigation, given I legally
demanded the closing of Delhaize Group business in Romania for pervasively breaking the law which is
no surprise since the Delhaize Group is run by convicts, and in favor for the rest of the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes from Vrancea Tribunal and Focsani courthouse who I sued for various crimes
in favor of the mafia, creating damages against me as I’ve recounted before about the mafia favoring
corruption in every circumstance like me being swindled constantly by the crooked <commerciants who
also know who runs Romania, then by the consumer protection in cahoots with the crooked
<commerciants, or even the hosts where I rented in Bucharest, legal actions which I promoted in short
simply because I could getting the competence from the years of hard work for becoming an
informatician and because I was as I am outraged for being made a slave in my own country, then
ostracized even in the country where I was born no less than by the magistrates responsible to make
justice not destroy justice, and since i was born a communist and believed the lies I was told that is the
old “communist” mafia cover-up story, I already believed in civilization, social justice, human rights and
the rule of law meaning I was perfectly primed to become a human rights defender even though I had
taken the carrier of an informatician first, activity of human rights defender proven by the fact I never
settled with the mafia which could’ve led to a mediocre subsistence in Romania, meaning I didn’t went
in court to win just for myself but for everybody which is perhaps why the mafia became paranoid about
me and tried to Qualifiedly Murder me 8 times, declaring in 11224/231/2015 implicitly that Crimes
against humanity must be committed against me so that others don’t take my example, of which the
schizophrenic “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin didn’t specify example of what since I only displayed
civilized behavior. In conclusion I’ve noticed the following tiers of involvement in Crimes against
humanity, the mafia leadership who certainly is accomplice and instigator to all the Crimes against
humanity against me but wanted to appear uninvolved which is why it used “judge” Dita Mirela as a
“patsy” which doesn’t diminish the principal instigator role “judge” Dita Mirela played in all the Crimes
against humanity given he could’ve refused, or even denounced the mafia, then the Vrancea county
principal instigators tier on which “judge” Dita Mirela was first, then the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who
falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 against me and who proved of same criminal character going

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beyond just being the tool of “judge” Dita Mirela and taking initiative in instigating Crimes against
humanity against me and committing acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal
arrests through the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014, then the “prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian who
falsified 3 penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016, 4329/P/2016 and who although was instigated by
“prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and “judges” Paun Ionel Iulian and Popa Mariana, clearly
attempted to outdo “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsifying 3 ordnances just to harass me judicially in each
of the 3 falsified penal dossiers making his own final acts of procedure illegal also by this proving he is
schizophrenic, then falsified the “psychiatric” charlatanry procedure, then instigated the almost daily
acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests from before Orthodox Easter
2017 even making my mother ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma, then the Crimes against
humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 reminding that while “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul assured the mafia and interloper Herghelegiu Danut of penal repercussion protection but did not
instigate directly the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014,
“prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian also assured all the actors of penal repercussion protection and
directly instigated all the mafia “masked police” , “police”, “secret police” and “gendarmes” soldiers and
the “psychiatrist” torturers, reminding that even though the mafia leadership is clearly involved
concertizing this huge array of abuses “prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian could’ve refused to get involved
or even denounce the mafia, list to which I add the minor instigators to the last 3 falsified penal dossiers
and intrinsically to the last 2 Crimes against humanty, Dogaru Luminita Georgeta, Paun Ionel Iulian and
Popa Mariana, respectively the direct superiors of the instigating “prosecutors” meaning Tarlea Florin
Cristinel and Petrescu Auras Ionut who replaced Dogaru Luminita Georgeta, and who are also instigators
because they supervised the falsification of all acts of procedure. On this tier also enter all the falsifiers
of decisions against me that led to Crimes against humanity attempts or committals meaning in
chronological order “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin from 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance, “judge”
Dinu Murgulet Ana from 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance, “judge” Neagu Rodica and “judge” Croitoru
Mariana Sandina from 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, “judge” Miron Doina from 12718/231/2018 in 1st
instance and “judge” Badiu Mandica from 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance. On this tier also enter the
passive instigators through decisions of cover-up of the Crimes against humanity which are in relation
of the Crimes against humanity from the night between the 5th and 6th December 2014, “judge”
Comanescu Carmen from 79/91/2015 and “judges” Croitoru Mariana Sandina, Neagu Rodica and <Popa
Mariana? from the extraordinary ways of attack I exerted against 79/91/2015 in penal dossier
246/P/2015 against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut, regarding all the Crimes against humanity
instigated through the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014, “judges” Paun Ionel Iulian and Miron Doina
from 1560/231/2016 regarding my complaint against the falsified acts of procedure in the falsified penal
dossier 2417/P/2014, and the list grows rather large and complicated reason for which I leave the full
list for the I.B sections where all the network of mafia criminal activity will be revealed as the
investigation goes on. On this tier I also add all the mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and
“gendarme” soldiers despite their schizophrenic excuse that “we only obey orders” because there’s no
such thing - the function they occupy require to obey the law only for which they’ve even sworn to
denounce the mafia, because without controlling the mafia soldiers the mafia’s falsified acts of
procedure would be just toilet paper. The last instigators are of course the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut who’s personal involvement caused the first two Crimes against humanity and by it determined

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the existence of the other six meant to cover-up the past criminal activity of the mafia, and the
“psychiatrist” torturer Berzvehnii Igor who was involved at least since 2015 in the falsification of all
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents, who personally impeded the activity of the malpraxis committee
he is a member of to cover-up his malpraxis against my 3 petitions, and who personally instigated in
4909/231/2017 that the Crimes against humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 be
committed against me, clearly to cover-up his own criminal activity. The next tier is that of the mafia
tools which is a very large tier characterized by passive instigation and complicity, reminding only of the
ones who distinguished themselves as the “judge” Adriana Copaci, the same who moved 3408/91/2010
to “judge” Viorel Voinea, a notorious criminal “judge” otherwise who declared against the law this time I
have no right to make copies of documents from the penal dossiers, which is important because in
Romania the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes extract and put back again documents in the dossiers all
the time to mislead, so making a photo shot of the dossier I would’ve blocked this although in my
falsified dossiers they didn’t bother with cosmetics but simply sentenced me to the capital punishment
of chemical lobotomization without even indicting and convicting me as required by the law as I’ve
extensively objectivized in section I.B.4 and summarily in annex 18 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, no less than for the crimes and
diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed as proven in annex
19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier. On this “tools” tier enter the cohort of mafia appointed “lawyers” who “defended” me my
pleading against me and my rights as instructed by the mafia, but had no significance since its the mafia
“magistrate “ caporegimes who falsify the acts of procedure, the lawyers being filler acts required by the
procedure to be present, and the courthouse meeting “prosecutors” which is another name for
Romanian “state” mafia “lawyer” who always lies in favor of the mafia but as the private mafia
associated and appointed “lawyers” are fillers required by the procedure, just as the registrars who also
are accomplice and passive instigators to all of the crimes they witnessed without denouncing them to
the “authorities” because all “authorities” in Romania are part of the “state” mafia and would do no
good just as I denounced penally and proved the existence of the Romanian “state” mafia by it, which
still it’s no excuse to participate in the mafia’s criminal activity, if not denouncing they could’ve resigned
and nobody would’ve bothered them meaning they are sociopaths sacrificing other people’s lives for the
petty reason of a mediocre job and life, then there’s the snitches who play a major role as telling the
mafia when I was at my mother’s apartment so the mafia could commit acts of state terrorism through
illegal home breaking and illegal arrests, major role proven by the fact the Romanian “state” mafia is
psychologically stuck on the premise it must falsify pretexts and cover-up stories before committing
Crimes against humanity against me meaning if I wouldn’t have been able to be a target of acts of state
terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrests no Crimes against humanity would’ve been
perpetrated against me as the last 6, but as the first 2 Crimes against humanity with the aid of
interlopers who after the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and
6th December 2014 I learned to avoid, but snitches who are difficult to spot for me and even harder to
prove, as it can be observed I hardly ever talk of something without proof regardless if I know more than
what I plead, and when I do is often after I’ve proven the plead anyway in another way meaning without
the unproven argument who itself gets proven to have been true and I mention in corroboration. This
last argument on snitches demonstrates how much higher is the importance of the mafia soldiers

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without which no Crimes against humanity even would’ve been committed against me, but it was the
mafia soldiers who accompanied the interloper to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempt from
27th October 2014, then the mafia soldiers who assured the interloper of no penal repercussions after
the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as proven
by the fact early in the morning of 6th December when I exited the apartment building with my mother if
I remember correctly the date, we met the interloper who was returning from a meeting with whoever
he reported his Crimes against humanity to, and who as a result addressed us verbally “to search him
with the police now” practically admitting to us his crimes out of hubris proving he is a criminal
sociopath, meaning he was assured again of no penal repercussions for the Crimes against humanity
committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 by whoever he spoke with in person that
morning. Through polarization of the roles the mafia members played in the Crimes against humanity
becomes evident why the middle tier is the principal instigator’s tier, because I wouldn’t even have
heard of the mafia members on the other tiers if these sociopath murderers didn’t exist. The second in
importance tier is of course the mafia leadership who not only are accomplices and instigators to the 8
Crimes against humanity perpetrated between 2014-2017 against me but are responsible for the
possibility of Crimes against humanity to be perpetrated against me and others. The last tier is the
passive instigators and accomplices tier who aided and encouraged the mafia in committing Crimes
against humanity by passive participation, because if they would’ve denounced the Crimes against
humanity against me they would’ve delayed the committal of Crimes against humanity unless in big
numbers or significant influence as proven by the fact that although I’ve annulled the falsified acts of
procedure leading to Crimes against humanity in 15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and
14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance because of the scruples of the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes
who didn’t want to get involved in Crimes against humanity, even then the dissension created within
the mafia didn’t last or was insufficient in influence and the instigators who weren’t arrested, indicted
and convicted which would’ve put a stop to the Crimes against humanity which is proof again why they
are the principal instigators, found others to instigate to participate in Crimes against humanity as
proven by the last 3 falsified penal dossiers against me and the last 2 Crimes against humanity in which
clearly the mafia leadership was involved and concertized them judging from the huge number of mafia
soldiers involved and the manner in which they committed the acts of state terrorism through illegal
home breakings and illegal arrests meaning recording audio / video while physically abusing me to
provoke me, respectively changed the stance of the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who didn’t want to
get involved in Crimes against humanity as proven by “judge” Badiu Mandica who in 14277/231/2015 in
1st instance annulled the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 23rd November 2015 and the
falsified “prosecutor’s” proposal that I be obligated to chemical lotobotimization which is an instigation
to Crimes against humanity, retaining that it even contains grounds annulled in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd
instance omitted deliberately by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul to induce the courthouse into error, reason
for which I invoked ne bis in idem regarding the anyway obvious aspect that lodging a penal complaint
and suing a mafia “magistrate” caporegime meaning the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela is the
right to justice not the aggravation circumstance of Judiciary Outrage nor grounds for “psychiatric”
charlatanry procedures, but as instigated by the mafia leadership “judge” Badiu Mandica invoked in
12718/231/2017 the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 23rd November 2015 he
annulled in 14277/231/2015 1st instance and which were annulled in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance as

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well, which is no excuse for “judge” Badiu Mandica who is clearly weighing his options as in
14277/231/2015 in 1st instance should’ve closed the obvious falsified dossier immediately not harass me
for 2 months and not commit the act of state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrest
from 11th December 2015 even detaining me 3 hours in the courthouse’s building with no possible legal
back-up but just to harass me meaning “judge” Badiu Mandica being a sociopath was willing to commit
Crimes against humanity against me if I proven weak enough to prey on, as corroborated respectively
by the general mafia attitude who became more bold witnessing how my public denouncements of
Crimes against humanity rose no public reaction at all except the foolish curiosity of simpletons
regarding the tragedy of others as usual. Because I’ve spoke of favoritism often, being here relevant I
complete the arguments that favor with the mafia or widespread Romanian favoritism culture that is
evidently appealing to the interloper for being a sociopath who always seek power or to advance his
position within illicit social circles, is proven by the notorious fact Romania is riddled with the practice
and culture of favoritism, nepotism, and every other illegal way one could obtain illicit profit and
influence as almost no Romanian believes in honesty as notoriously known and even subject of ridicule
internationally meaning its an international Romanian stereotype because most Romanians are indeed
treacherous and thieves, schizophrenics and criminal sociopath because of having no mental or moral
integrity respectively, meaning EU unleashed a horror upon its territory by giving Romanian free
circulation, work and marriage rights, just as it did accepting and believing it naturalizes middle-
easterners, when in reality it’s the Romanians and middle-easterners who will naturalize the local
population to their criminal mentality either culturally or out procreating and replacing the local
population and thus culture in a matter of decades. The favoritism exchange between the mafia and the
interloper is proven by the fact the interloper started the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th
October 2014 and the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 as instigated by the mafia and assured of no civil and penal repercussions as I’ve previously
demonstrated, reason for which as short proof I remind the interloper was accompanied by mafia
soldiers on 27th October 2014 respectively the mafia soldiers refused pervasively to notify the
prosecutor’s office as legally required in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and after, then I
caught the interloper lying repeatedly as the mafia taught him because the interloper is a mythomaniac
sociopath (intended pleonasm, all sociopaths are mythomaniacs to my knowledge, it’s their
characteristic), only the mafia being comprised of troglodyte peasants just as the interloper their lies
mismatched with the proofs and thus the mafia and interloper proved for me the committal of Crimes
against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, which corresponds with the
psychology of the criminal sociopath interloper also as sociopaths only seek power but not working
honestly for it but through illicit means, therefore the mafia’s offer to the interloper was an opportunity
for the interloper to at least ingratiate himself with the mafia regardless of the type of bribe he received,
promises or actual money according to the text of the law. This favoritism culture is not just natural but
was naturalized through centuries of criminality, as before 1989 coup d’état only the ones in favor with
the “communist” party were part of the “nomenclature” meaning the favored ruling class which proves
there was no such thing as communism only a pig farm as in the notorious novel “The animal farm”,
respectively mostly everyone cooperated with the “communist secret police” out of fear of persecution
but also for hope of acceding the “nomenclature” mafia ruling class, and before the corrupt class in
power that always replaced the fabled 2nd class required for democracy served the genocidal pucist

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Hohenzollern family, and before that favoritism was the way of the Ottoman Empire who occupied the
Romanain principalities one way or another for almost 400 years. Furthermore and as maximal proof,
for favor with the mafia even the Christian Orthodox “priest“ named Costica <?other name?> from
Focsani who had a parish at the church popularly and locally called “la capela” in Romanian meaning “at
the small church”, got involved as an snitch and saboteur acting to convince me to renounce my activity
as a human rights defender, which is anti-Christian by the way, as he was very quick to extend a “favor”
to me in the years 2014-2016 - I don’t remember exactly the date as I was playing along being aware,
through a written and signed recommendation by him, and by putting me in touch with his “apprentice”
working for the Romanian Orthodox Patriarchy about getting hired within the Romanian Orthodox
Church and eventually becoming a monk meaning renouncing my fight against the mafia, “apprentice”
who I didn’t visit for years because it wasn’t my plan to renounce the fight against the mafia and retire
as a monk except if unable to continue my fight with the mafia which I didn’t foresee even in my late
years or even as a monk, then in 2017 when I tested this favor meaning 2-3 years after I was suppose to
use it and was thought useful and “good riddance to me” by the mafia, and after the Crimes against
humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 meaning after the mafia leadership took matters
into its own hands to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, and the “priest” Costica <?other
name?> who came with my mother on 27th May 2017 at the Focsani “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag on
“visit”, was rewarded for his services after he retired soon after giving me the recommendation, with a
parish of all the tens of churches in Focsani exactly with “priest” Croitoru, husband of the schizophrenic
“judge” Croitoru Mariana Sandina who’s sentence in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance led directly to my
“psychiatric” incarceration executed by the 3 mafia “secret police” soldiers, and the Crimes against
humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, then of course the recommendation and
favor didn’t work no more because it wasn’t the mafia’s plan no more who thought it had things under
control and the plan was in motion to eliminate me for good as proven by the fact the mafia issued its
final solution in the form of the falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 for my indefinite to life
incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder as supposed to unfold like the Crimes against
humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 only indefinitely until my elimination, Crimes
against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which weren’t even mentioned in the
falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 or the falsified “prosecutor’s” proposal that Crimes against
humanity be committed against me as proven by annex 18 and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier because the mafia attempted
again to cover-up its Crimes against humanity pretending the Crimes against humanity between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017 never happened just as the penal pursuit as it should’ve appeared in my
judicial history I attached as annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, then the 12718/231/2017 sentences were issued no less than for
the crimes and diagnosis of a person named Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted
and diagnoses as prove by annex 17, annex 18, annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and for the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents annulled in 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance starting off from
grounds annulled even before in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance, proving intrinsically even the mafia
admits all it’s “psychiatric” charlatanry documents are falsified, refusing to mention them even although
the falsified sentence such as 12718/231/2017 should’ve contained at least as a cover-up story a

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mention to falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents against me, which in 12718/231/2017 in 1st
instance weren’t referenced at all, and in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry documents already annulled were invoked as aforementioned
II.^7 Regarding the rest of the summarized demonstration of the instigation of the local
mafia against me by the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela, and the mafia leadership who
concertized the perpetration of the 7th Crimes against humanity and the 8th Crimes against humanity
ongoing attempt as proven. Because the interloper was promised protection against civil and penal
repercussions as proven by the fact he was protected by the mafia against civil action as proven in
paragraph II.^1, and penal action as proven in paragraph I.A.II.^5 and even by the mafia
associated “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who were also protected against penal
action by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul as proven in same paragraph, respectivelly by the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes Comanescu Carmen, Croitoru Sandina Mariana, Neagu Rodica and <Popa
Mariana in 79/91/2015 and subsequent extraordinary appeals, as well by “lawyer” Dodoiu Corina who
committed the felony of Unloyal representation or assistance by refusing to perform his duties in the
penal dossier against the interloper for which I hired him, reason for which the first “prosecutor” in the
interloper’s penal dossier 246/P/2015 refused unopposed to effectuate as legally required any act of
procedure for about 8 months before Crimes against humanity and acts of terrorism were perpetrated
against me while the “prosecutors” Mihaila Paul and Castu Vasile were simultaneously attempting to
cover-up penal dossier of the interloper 246/P/2015 and the penal dossier against the “legal medics”
1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) with falsified ordnances of closing, then to fulfill his and the mafia’s intent to
an effect as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. and I.A.II., the interloper Herghelegiu Danut
committed again Crimes against humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 against me
as proven in paragraphs I.A.II.^4.1-5 as instigated by the mafia and assured of protection against
any legal action against him, Crimes against humanity proven by the fact I was covertly injected with
the deadly fluorine poison risperidone and paliperidone as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22
and I.A.I.1-2, and the main instigator “judge” Dita Mirela concomitantly falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry action 15730/231/2014 regarding my placement under “pscyhiatric” charlatanry interdiction
which was supposed to unfold as the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 which revealed both that “judge” Dita Mirela perpetrated the specific instigation of clandestine
abuse of the deadly psychiatric fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone against me, and
the mafia’s intent to an effect for the first time meaning to commit Crimes against humanity against me
to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, dossier 15730/231/2014 in which “judge” Dita Mirela
in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” lost after keeping it secret 3 months attempting to obtain
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents for it by instigating the local prosecutor’s office, and “judge” Dita
Mirela concomitantly falsified the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 which was kept secret until after “judge”
Dita Mirela lost in 15730/231/2014 then “judge” Dita Mirela instigated “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul
through another declaration in 2417/P/2014 in Spring 2015 as proven by paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
then “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who effectively falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 instigated by
falsifying acts of procedure that Crimes against humanity and acts of state terrorism through illegal
home breakings and illegal arrests be perpetrated against me. The proven mafia members group who
committed the Crimes against humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 consists of the

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main instigator “judge” Dita Mirela who instigated the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and other the local
mafia members to commit Crimes against humanity against me in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, assuring the interloper of protection against civil and penal repercussions of the Crimes
against humanity he committed against me as proven before at the start of this paragraph, the
unknown “psychiatrist” charlatan who stole the deadly fluorine based poison risperidone and
paliperidone from the inventory, suspecting a “psychiatrist” charlatan because it was someone who
knew that risperidone and paliperidone is deadly, and not really suspecting because I know through
many proofs such as the one presented about “psychiatrist” torturer Mircea Dutescu in paragraph
I.A.II.1.2.8 that the whole criminal “psychiatrist” charlatan clique knew of the Crimes against humanity
because that’s all they ever do in the Focsani “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag, in cahoots with the
Vrancea county “judges” who convict innocents to be chemically lobotomized as I’ve publicly
denounced and been censored as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, respectively section I.A.II.1.2^1.2, mentioning again at this point the “psychiatrist” charlatans
are the most numerous category of “medics” in the local hospital which aren’t actual medics but
charlatans which answers why and proves the hospital manager is in cahoots with them as is the local
health direction, the medics’ college, the “legal medicine” hierarchy who I’ve notified and can prove are
accomplices, all they way to the Minister of Health, respectively the unknown torturer who committed
the Crimes against humanity effectively as instigated by injecting me in my right elbow believing I
wouldn’t feel it and therefore knew he was injecting me with a deadly fluorine based neurotoxin and
that it was risperidone or paliperidone, which proves the motive and opportunity again of the principal
instigator “judge” Dita Mirela as the “psychiatrist” charlatan criminal and the “medical” assistant who
actually committed Crimes against humanity through the covert injection with deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone had no personal motive nor the opportunity without the
instigated interloper again by the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela, nor did the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut have a sufficient motive without the mafia’s instigation and assurance of protection
against civil and penal repercussions of Crimes against humanity as proven by the fact interloper
Herghelegiu Danut only acted after a year and a half after he was accompanied by two mafia soldiers on
27th October 2014 Crimes against humanity attempt, mafia soldiers who otherwise don’t do anything
unless ordered by the mafia, and after I opened penal dossiers against the principal instigator “judge”
Dita Mirela, and the interloper Herghelegiu Danut only acted after he was assured by the mafia of
protection from civil and penal repercussion for Crimes against humanity as proven by the concertized
effort of the mafia leadership proven by the intervention of the mafia soldiers general or underboss
Mircea Olaru foolishly claiming I aggressed the interloper Herghelegiu Danut which was the mafia story
he was told to utter only his timing was off and contradicted with the proofs demonstrating he was
instigated by other mafia leaders as also proven by the fact the mafia leadership otherwise don’t even
bother responding to my petitions unless its their initiative as are the Crimes against humanity from
between 5th and 6th December 2014, mafia “gendarmes” and “police” soldiers refused 1 time
respectively 3 times to notify the prosecutor’s office as legally obligated according to articles 61, 291
paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and refused to gather any proofs as
they were instructed by the mafia, which I did instead of them proving there were proofs at the crime
scene meaning the blood on the stairs and on me, the lack of blood on the pathway I was pushed

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violently down the stairs and so on and so forth. The principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela’s obvious
plan was to at least brain damage me through chemical lobotomization as proven by the “psychiatric”
charlatanry actions “judge” Dita Mirela’s started concomitantly with the Crimes against humanity from
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which he manipulated to reach his and the mafia’s intent
to an effect defined by the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
of stopping me from denouncing their criminal activity, and as later defined by the lies in the
“pscyhiatric” charlatanry documents that I’m irresponsible, lacking discernment, violent and a public
danger as the chemical lobotomization was supposed to render me, “psychiatric” charlatanry actions
which failed as I survived the repeated Qualified Murder attempts from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, and eventually defeated even the chemically induced suicidal ideation by the grace of
God and forgetting eventually I had a life and the ability to enjoy it, rebuilt artificially my mind and
personality from memory and concentrated on investigating the Crimes against humanity perpetrated
against me by the mafia reason for which I’ve annulled the falsified “psychiatric” action 15730/231/2014
about placing me under “psychiatric” interdiction for exercising my right to justice, which was suppose
to unfold as the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as proven by logic
and science in paragraph I.A.II. that this was the intent to an effect pursued by the mafia between
the years 2014 - 2017 and because the effect was not achieved the Crimes against humanity were
repeated as proof of the mafia’s intent behind the effect sought after of stopping me from denouncing
the mafia’s criminal activity as objectivized in chapter I.A.II.^3, annulling the falsified “psychiatric”
action 15730/231/2014 also because the almost retired “prime-prosecutor” Ion Lefter refused to falsify
acts of procedure against me in the winter between 2014 and 2015, who was replaced by the new
“prime-prosecutor” Tarlea Florin Cristinel who being a new sociopath in power of course sacrificed my
life supervising the falsification of acts of procedure against me that the previous “prime-prosecutor”
refused which demonstrates the “prime-prosecutor” was the key not “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who
effectively falsified the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 meaning the functional public service hierarchy as
I’ve theorized and proved before also works as the mafia’s hierarchy because of power conferred by the
abuse of respective public functions, then the “psychiatrist” charlatans didn’t want to get officially
involved as long as there was no official evidence of their involvement, until they were flushed out by
the act of state terrorism from 17th September 2015 when they falsified “psychiatric” acts of procedure
against me leading to the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt through 11224/231/2015, and after I
further flushed out their network of criminals after I filed a penal dossiers against them and 3 malpraxis
petitions against them which did flushed out the principal mafia associated “psychiatrist” charlatan
meaning Berzvehnii Igor who instigated personally the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017 as proven by the falsified sentences in 4909/231/2017 in which the schizophrenic
“judges” Dinu Murgulet Ana and Croitoru Mariana Sandina retained the evidence of Berzvehnii Igor
instigation, and as proven by the fact Berzvehnii Igor covered-up his own malpraxis by being an
incompatible member of the malpraxis committee, public function which he abused in his own illicit
interest for which he was incompatible and which is proof of tacit recognition of the malpraxis cases.
Because I never met any of the “psychiatrist” charlatans before 17th September 2015 they couldn’t have
had a personal motive therefore were instigated by the only one who had a personal motive which is
the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela through “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul and his instigated mafia
members, “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana who falsified the mandate from 10th September 2015 from

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10547/231/2015, then the mafia “masked police” and “police” soldiers amongst them
<?Manea?><?other name?> and <?Talvar?><?other name?>, reminding <?Manea?> was informed about
the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in
paragraph I.A.II.^4, while the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela revenge motive amongst
others was as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^4 the fact he was inculpated in 3 penal dossiers I
lodged against him in May-June 2014, and in cahoots with the Delhaize Group as proven in
1118/91/2013, 15730/231/2014 and 861/91/2015 as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^6.1, and
because the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 were
obviously as proven in paragraphs I.A.II.^3 and I.A.II. concertized by the mafia leadership
out of which the motive was held by the mafia leaders who I’ve sued just before between 27th October
2014 and 5th December 2014 meaning Livia Stanciu amongst others who I proven to be accomplice to
the crimes of the local Vrancea county mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and their accomplices and
instigators from Galati county prosecutor office and courthouse, it is proven also that the principal
instigator “judge” Dita Mirela saw the opportunity to ingratiate himself with the mafia leadership and
high circle of mafia “magistrate” caporegime bribing international Delhaize Group run by convicts no
less, for which reason “judge” Dita Mirela committed in person mafia honor crimes against me by
stealing every civil dossier I was claimant to a total of ~12, and falsifying decisions of rejection in them as
I objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^1, inclusively at least 2 civil dossiers against interloper
Herghelegiu Danut who “judge” Dita Mirela assured and kept his promise of protection against civil
repercussions for the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014. After the main
instigator “judge” Dita Mirela lost in the obviously falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry action
15730/231/2014 where the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela declared I must be placed under
“psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my right to justice which is preposterous especially
coming from a judge, which proves that “judge” Dita Mirela is a schizophrenic mafia “magistrate”
caporegime against the rule of law and state of right, only then was the falsified penal dossier
2417/P/2014 brought out of secrecy revealing the involvement of mafia “magistrate” caporeime Mihaila
Paul who had no personal motive but the opportunity and therefore was obviously instigated by the
principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela picking up his motive and the motive of being usefull to the mafia
leadership from which he obtained his elevated position of “chief prosecutor of criminal investigation in
Vrancea county”, penal dossier 2417/P/2014 falsified again expressly to “psychiatrically” incarcerate me
and chemically lobotomize me as in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and
I.A.I.1-2, reason for which 3 attempts at Crimes against humanity were made through 11224/231/2015
where the schizophrenic “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin, an ex-mafia “policeman” soldier made
judge by the mafia, falsified the sentence as proven by the fact it was annulled in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd
instance as I objectivize through annex 3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, schizophrenic “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin who also
didn’t have the personal motive but had the opportunity proven he was instigated by the principal
instigator “judge” Dita Mirela in person since the Focsani courthouse and Vrancea tribunal occupy the
exact same building, or through the “prosecutor “ Mihaila Paul just as he instigated the “judge” Dinu
Murgulet Ana to falsify for state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrest the mandate
from 10th September 2015 from 10547/231/2014 attached in annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent

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request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, “prosecutor” who also
instigated the mafia “masked policemen” to detain me illegally 7 hours as proven in the annex
aforementioned, and also instigated the “psychiatrist” charlatans to detain me for the entire 7th hour to
falsify the appearance that a “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” took place which was impossible
without my consent and cooperation, “psychiatric” charlatans all of which of course didn’t have the
motive but the opportunity again as proof they were instigated by the main instigator “judge “Dita
Mirela and coauthor “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul. When “judge” Dita Mirela and “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul
lost in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance they instigated the “psychiatrist” charlatans to falsify the
“expertise” anyway which they did on 23rd November 2015 as proven by annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, based on which
“judge” Dita Mirela and “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigated that Crimes against humanity be
committed against me through 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance where they lost again, point at which
another mafia “magistrate” caporegime named Dogaru Luminita Georgeta was instigated, from another
mafia interloper family as proven being married with the mafia “secret serviceman” Vasile Dogaru, being
relevant I remind the fact that the mafia uses these “secret services” to relay its orders throughout
Romania, also reminding that the mafia “secret servicemen” are the inheritors of the old “communist
security secret police” function within the mafia, and rank as mafia underbosses and bosses in the
Romanian “state” mafia, “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta who falsified an appeal in
14277/231/2015 without even having active quality in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 and lost
on 7th July 2016 as proven by annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, then on 18th May 2016 Dogaru Luminita Georgeta in
cahoots with the schizophrenic “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian who stole from the random distribution system
of dossiers simultaneously dossiers 2220/91/2015 and 1560/231/2016 regarding my complaints against
the falsified prosecutor’s acts of procedure in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 from which
derived the annulled falsified “psychiatric” actions and instigations to Crimes against humanity
11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015, to falsify cover-up decisions, were also instigated to falsify the
penal dossier 2845/P/2016 against me in cahoots with Minister of Interior Affairs “special agent” Crintea
Vasilica - speaking of mafia “secret agents” relaying orders from the mafia leadership, and mafia
“gendarme” soldiers Butuc and Lepadatu, all 3 who being mentally alienated didn’t actually contribute
to the false accusations but to my defense while intending to accuse me of something with generic
declarations and not knowing how or what about, as even the schizophrenic accusers “judge” Paun Ionel
Iulian and “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta admitted intrinsically their accusations are false by
their aberrations as demonstrated in annex 8, also because they are schizophrenic - logically incoherent,
occupationally dysfucntional and failing to recognize what’s real. All these mafia members didn’t have a
personal motive but had the opportunity on 18th May 2016 which is also why perhaps they stole 2 penal
dossiers simultaneously from the random distribution system to provoke me to appear in court so they
perpetrate the frame-up with which they just incriminated themselves, and demonstrated their malice
aforethought at large, meaning they were all instigated by the Romanian “state” mafia and attempted
to cover-up through acts of state terrorism and instigation to more Crimes against humanity, the
Crimes against humanity committed by “judge” Dita Mirela instigated clique of criminals primarily
through the pretext and cover-up falsified dossiers 2417/P/2014, 15730/231/2014 and by assuring the
interloper Herghelegiu Danut of mafia favor and protection against civil and penal repercussions for

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Crimes against humanity as objectivized before in this paragraph, meaning as I sum up the lot of them
the schizophrenic accuser “judges” Paun Ionel Iulian, Popa Mariana and “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta who falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 on 18th May 2016
and 24th June 2016 who were therefore instigated or determined by “judge” Dita Mirela and her clique
of criminals such as “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who already proved by instigating “judges” Dinu Murgulet
Ana in 10547/231/2015 and Craciun Constantin Catalin in 11224/231/2015 that is influential enough to
instigate “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian who as Craciun Constantin Catalin is also an ex-mafia “policeman”
soldier made mafia “magistrate” caporegime being “educated” to obey the mafia orders without
question, respectivelly “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta is a subordinate of “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul and “prime-prosecutor” Tarlea Florin Cristinel, and “judge” Popa Mariana has already proven
accomplice and instigator by abusing his function of penal section president, illegally intercepting and
illegally returning repeatedly my complaints against the prosecutor’s falsified acts of procedure to the
prosecutor’s office, acts of procedure from the penal dossiers regarding the Crimes against humanity
from 27th October 2014 and the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 meaning “judge” Popa Mariana was in cahoots with “judge” Dita Mirela from the start. “judge”
Popa Marana falsified against me on 24th June 2016 the penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as
proven by annex 9, although as aforementioned Popa Mariana had a personal motive because I already
caught her and inculpated for attempting to cover-up the crimes of “judge” Dita Mirela, being in cahoots
no less than with the same “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian to which it directed some of my dossiers expressly
which instead again proves they were already instigated by “judge” Dita Mirela because before they
falsified acts of procedure against me they had no personal motive but had the opportunity, that is
before having a personal reason to attempt to stop me from denouncing their criminal activity by
instigating Crimes against humanity against me. Afterwards the “prosecutors” Petrescu Auras Ionut
brought especially from Bucharest by the mafia to replace Dogaru Luminita Georgeta, Lupu Mihai
Cristain and “policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara were instigated to falsify all acts of procedure in the
falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as proven in annex 18 since I was
denied the right to make copies of any documents although I requested it in writing repeatedly, all of
which couldn’t possibly have a personal motive because I didn’t know them at all, but had the
opportunity being mounted by the mafia leadership for this express purpose in function, to commit
crimes when ordered, as proven by the fact they instigated the Crimes against humanity committal
from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 and the Crimes against humanity attempt through the
falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 beyond all reasonable doubt as proven with the documents with
which they instigated the falsified sentences in 4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017 and the not
communicated as legally required mandates for acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings
and illegal arrests using tens of mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and “gendarme” soldiers
as if I was a dangerous terrorist or MMA fighter not a peaceful human rights defender, as proven by
annex 12, annex 14 and annex 18 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The same actors were involved at the instigation of the principal
instigator “judge” Dita Mirela and “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, meaning the schizophrenic “judge” Dinu
Murgulet Ana “specialized” in falsifying mandates for acts of state terrorism through illegal home
breakings and illegal arrests as proven by 4791/231/2017 in ne bis in idem with 10547/231/2015, who
also falsified the decision in 4909/231/2017 in ne bis in idem with 11224/231/2015 proving “judge” Dinu

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Murgulet Ana also stole or was handed the dossier 4909/231/2017 to falsify the decision as proven by
the fact the schizophrenic “judge “Dinu Murgulet Ana knew he was incompatible and refused to abstain
and even obstinately falsified the rejection of my request of her removal breaking the principle nemo
esse iudex in sua causa potest, all the more evident “judge “Dinu Murgulet Ana was inculpated by me in
penal dossier for the falsification of 10547/231/2015, 4791/231/2015, 3081/231/2016 (regarding my
complaint about the falsified acts of procedure in penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) regarding
the “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who attempted to cover-up the evidence about
the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014) and other dossiers
and never acquitted. Afterwards the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica who participated in the cover-
up of the penal dossier 246/P/2015 against interloper Herghelegiu Danut in the extraordinary appeals
against 79/91/2015 appeared in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance to attempt a ruse demanding that I
prove I’m not mentally alienated as medieval witch trials went demanding to prove that “I’m not the
devil”, ruse evident made to capture me because as soon as I visited a “psychiatrist” charlatan he
could’ve called the mafia soldiers to arrest me, then “judge” Neagu Rodica disappeared placing the
dossier without legal forms at “judge” Croitoru Sandina Marian who falsified the decision in
4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, and then “judge” Neagu Rodica reappeared and instead falsified the
decision in 1779/91/2017 which is the extraordinary appeal against 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance
which makes “judge” Neagu Rodica incompatible for participating in the procedures in 4909/231/2017
ni 2nd intance, where “judge” Neagu Rodica also delayed 1779/91/2017 to allow the Crimes against
humanity ebtween 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 to occur as objectivizedin annex 13 and section
I.B.5, reason for which “judge” Neagu Rodica appeared in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance and delayed
the trial also. These “judges” plus Comanescu Carmen also didn’t have a personal motive to cover-up
the Crimes against humanity committed by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut but had the opportunity,
meaning they were instigated since 2015 at least by “judge” Dita Mirela although I remember I
inculpated in a penal dossier or sued “judge” Croitoru Mariana Sandina even before for being
accomplice to some of “judge” Dita Mirela proving the relation between these two before any Crimes
against humanity were committed or attempted against me. “prosecutor” Castu Vasile who falsified the
ordnance in the penal dossier against the mafia “secret service” interloper family Serban also protected
from civil matter repercussions by “judge” Viorel Voineag, who was protected by “judge” Dita Mirela,
situation for which I opened a penal dossier against “prosecutor” Castu Vasile in which he was never
acquitted, means he had a personal revenge motive to cover-up the Crimes against humanity from the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014, besides mafia honor which is not upheld by the treacherous
Romanian peasants, mentioning “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul also participated in this cover-up twice,
through the Crimes against humanity with which he kept me occupied to defend against, and through
falsifying at the same time the ordnance of cover-up of the involvement of 2 “legal medics” Dicu Serban
Dan and Ionescu Natalia who falsified a forensic report for hiding the evidence of the Crimes against
humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, proven inclusively by the 2 “legal medics”
refusal to send me to the proper medical specialties for cranio-cerebral trauma to be examined and
diagnosed, then after I went and returned with 2 MRI scans, 2 neurologist diagnosis and 2 neurosurgeon
diagnosis the 2 “legal medics” they lied no report can be made, and after I came back through the
“lawyer” Corina Dodoiu the 2 “legal medics” lied my reports are falsified and falsified the old report
again contradicting their own lies demonstrating they lied and attempted to cover-up the evidence of

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the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. In the cover-up of the
penal dossier against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut there was involved another “prosecutor” named
<?> who delayed the penal dossier for about 8 months, and transferred to the organized crime
prosecutor’s office refusing to solve the dossier as if that absolved him of the responsibility for refusing
to prosecute, after which the dossier was placed at “prosecutor” Castu Vasile who falsified the
ordnnance of cover-up without administering any proofs of course, reminding that “prosecutor” Castu
Vasile was never acquitted for the falsified cover-up ordnance in the penal dossier about the crimes of
Serban Emilia wife of Serban Nicolai the mafia “secret serviceman” who instigated “prosecutor” Castu
Vasile to falsify the ordnance in favor of his wife, with which he instigated “judge” Viorel Voineag to also
falsify the civil decision in favor of his wife although a “prosecutor” ordnance is not a proof in civil
matters or any matters, being just the essay of a lawyer at best, in this case a Romanian “state” mafia
“lawyer”. All the lawyers involved in the Crimes against humanity against me were corrupt as proven in
the penal dossier I opened against them in which they were never acquitted and the dossier wasn’t even
addressed by a mafia “prosecutor” with a falsified ordnance of cover-up to my knowledge, respectively a
plethora of other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes from the judicially hierarchical superior county Galati
got involved and I inculpated for the cover-u p of the Crimes against humanity committed by their
counterparts in Vrancea county, respectively the top mafia “magistrate” caporegimes from Bucharest,
the capital city, got involved and I inculpated them or the cover-u p of the Crimes against humanity
committed by their counterparts in Vrancea and Galati counties, all of which demonstrate the reality
that the principal instigator from Vrancea county “judge” Dita Mirela who instigated all these Crimes
against humanity was actually a “patsy” instigated by the mafia leadership, as proven by general
prosecutor of Romania Augustin Lazar who personally falsified the rejection of my request of the
falsified penal dossiers to be moved to another territorial jurisdiction, objectively motivated by the fact
I’ve inculpated the mafia “judicial bodies” who falsified them in the same falsified penal dossiers against
me, just as notoriously the anti organized crime commissar Traian Berbeceanu inculpated and got his
false accusers convicted in the same penal dossiers they falsified against him, bringing the incidence of
principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest. The principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela is traceable all
the way to the Crimes against humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 despite the
obvious involvement of the mafia leadership as well, when “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen
recounted to my mother but not me “judge” Dita Mirela’s schizophrenic false accusations against me
from 15730/231/2014 and 2417/P/2014 that I’m mentally alienated for exercising my right to justice,
schizophrenic story which could’ve only come from “judge” Dita Mirela by instigation and was totally
unrelated with the pretext and cover-up story for Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and
8th June 2017 from the other falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016
against me, falsified penal dossiers who themselves were falsified as proven in annex 8 and annex 9 in
an attempt to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempted through falsified dossiers
11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, which derived from the
falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 as proven already to be instigated directly by “judge” Dita Mirela in
paragraph I.A.II.^6. Finally in the falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance the
schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina who also falsified the decision against my 1560/231/2016 regarding
my complaint against he prosecutor falsified acts in 2417/P/2014 proving he was already instigated ever
since in the cover-up of Crimes against humanity, sentenced me for the crimes and diagnosis of

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Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted or diagnosed as proven by annex 17, annex 18,
annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history, the “judicial bodies” admitted that I was
never indicted and convicted, and the fact I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies as certified
by my family doctor, “judge” Miron Doina of course failing to reference the Crimes against humanity
committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 when the impossible “psychiatric”
charlatanry “expertise“ was suppose to take place instead but was impossible without my consent and
cooperation, not Crimes against humanity be committed against me which proves I was not paranoid
since 2015 when i deduced based on the Crimes against humanity in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 that the mafia was out to kill me and that’s why the mafai perpetrated the next Crimes
against humanity attempts, judge” Miron Dointa even using the Romanian term “medicamentos”
meaning “drugged” when it’s not the “judge’s” job to decide on the “psychiatric treatment” but it
directly instigated it to be chemical lobotomization as proven, and respectively in the falsified sentence
in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance the schizophrenic “judge” Badiu Mandica falsified the decision again
not referencing the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017 when the impossible “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise“ was suppose to be falsified since it
couldn’t take place without my consent and cooperation, not Crimes against humanity, and invoked the
falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 23rd November 2015 that “judge” Badiu Mandica
annulled in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance knowing their grounds were annulled even before in
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance, and which were annulled again in 14277/23/12015 in 2nd instance as
further proof, which in itself constitutes proof that there are no further “psychiatric” charlatanry
falsified documents against me which could’ve only been falsified, falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017
in 2nd instance which constitutes proof of the coercion of the Romanian “state” mafia leadership that
made the schizophrenic “judge” Badiu Mandica contradict his own decision from 14277/231/2015 in 1st
instance, final mafia Crimes against humanity attempt which proves the instigation weight is far greater
than just of the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela at this point, meaning the involvement of the
schizophrenic “judge” Livia Stanciu who passed from president of the supreme court to judge of the
Romanian Constitutional Court where he instigated the falsification of the Romanian Constitutional
Court in decision Romanian Constitutional Court Decision from 25th 19 January 2017 as I objectivized
in section I.B.11, declaring that my presumption of innocence has no legal basis because a penal
measure of security doesn't require that the deed is proven to exist, doesn't require to be proven to
constitute a felony, and doesn't require to be proven that I committed it in a definitive sentence taken
in public trial with full respect of the rights of the accused, in direct contradiction with article 23
paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, and articles 11, 20 from the Romanian Constitution
and article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, mafia instigation weight to which is
added the fact this time I inculpated again the whole mafia leadership including the prime minister
disciplinarily responsible for the minister of justice and of the interior affairs, and the president of
Romanian responsible penally for the prime minister, as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 0.2. and chapter
V.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, point at which I could fully demonstrate the existence of the Romanian “state” mafia
which motivated it also to issue the final solution in the form of the falsified sentences from
12718/231/2017, reason for which I became a permanent refugee from 1st September 2017 fleeing in

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fear of indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder as objectivized
in paragraph 2.4^45 and the rest of annex 21 respectively of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
II.^8 In conclusion, the continuous instigations of “judge” Dita Mirela to Crimes against
humanity against me as I proven objectively in section I.A.II.^1-7, started by using the falsified
acts of procedure committed by stealing ~12 civil dossiers and falsifying the decisions in favor of the
other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to fulfill the promise of civil
matters protection against the repercussions of Crimes against humanity the interloper was instigated
to commit on 27th October 2014 and the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 as I’ve objectivized in
paragraph I.A.II.^1, then the personal falsification of dossier 15730/231/2014 in cahoots with the
Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” as mentioned in section I.A.II.1.3.1^3, then the instigation of the falsification
of dossier 2417/P/2014 through the falsified declaration lodged on 11th December 2014 in 2417/P/2014
by “judge” Dita Mirela, then the falsification of another declaration in Spring 2015 as proven by
paragraph 2.2.2 from annex 1 summary and paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 summary of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and constitutes the
easiest demonstration of instigation or determination of all the Crimes against humanity perpetrated
against me by the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela, because none of the Crimes against humanity
perpetrated against me would’ve been possible without “judge’s” Dita Mirela grave abuses in civil
matters, false penal and civil declarations and illicit relations within the mafia which “judge” Dita Mirela
used to instigate or determine other mafia members to commit Crimes against humanity against me as
proven in section I.A.II.^1-7
II.1.3.1- the chronological enumeration of the Crimes againts humanity demonstrations:
II.1.3.1^1 the (1st) Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 who was supposed
to unfold as the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II., was started by the same mafia instigated interloper named
Herghelegiu Danut started the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 as objectivized in paragraphs I.A.II.^4.1-5, who very violently hit my mother’s
apartment door where I was, attempting to provoke me to come out then Bodily Harm me and attempt
to Qualifiedly Murder me then lie I attacked him as he was taught to lie by the mafia about the Crimes
against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and as the mafia instigated the
mafia “gendarme” soldiers general Mircea Olaru to lie after the night between 5th and 6th December
2014, only they contradicted with my proofs and ended up deconspiring the mafia’s concertizing of the
Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve
objectivized anyway in paragraph I.A.II., then after I would’ve been transported to the emergency
ward of “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani where I would’ve been covertly injected on 27th
October 2014 with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone as in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2. The
interloper Herghelegiu Danut was accompanied by two mafia soldiers, a “policeman” named Simiz
George and a “gendarme” that were hiding in the interloper’s apartment situated above my mother’s,
who’s role was to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempt which failed because the violent hits
of the interloper on my mother’s door as proof of the intensity of the violence brought at least 4
neighbors from 3 floors out of their apartments who became witnesses, all the more proof of the
intensity of the violence of the provocation since the cowardly neighbors don’t usually get involved in

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anything, and because my mother exited the apartment before I reached the door reason for which the
interloper distanced himself from the door because my mother wasn’t his target, as I’ve caught him
while I exited the apartment after my mother recording audio / video, reason for which the policeman
and gendarme remained hidden in the interloper’s apartment from where they refused to come out to
take the my declaration, my mother’s and of the other 4 neighbors and notify the prosecutor’s office
according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code which
proves the mafia instigated the interloper as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. specifically
“judge” Dita Mirela the main instigator as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs I.A.II.^2, I.A.II.^1,
I.A.II.^3 and chapter II. About the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October
2014 who appeared as lesser crimes because the mafia’s intent to an effect was undefined meaning
unknown until the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and I’m
not paranoid like the mafia is or lies about me to assume the worst which I retain as proof, although I
knew the 2 mafia soldiers could only have been mafia instigated since they don’t otherwise do anything
else than obey the mafia’s orders, I lodged a penal complaint which was registered as penal dossier
2222/P/2014, and told my mother to also lodge a penal complaint which was registered as penal dossier
555/P/2015, both which were covered-up with falsified ordinances by two “prosecutors” named <?>
who refused to hear the witnesses to my knowledge, as proof the interloper was assured of protection
against penal repercussions of his Crimes against humanity attempt, as it was notoriously obvious from
the presence of the 2 mafia soldiers that accompanied the interloper to cover-up his Crimes against
humanity that the mafia will protect its members and any present collaborators from civil and penal
repercussions of Crimes against humanity, meaning the interloper didn’t need to be actively assured by
the mafia’s support and protection against civil and penal protection from repercussion of Crimes
against humanity as the two mafia soldiers who accompanied him warrant it, but the interloper’s crimes
were clearly part of a plan as proven by interloper provocation and the mafia soldiers defending the
interloper and refusing to gather the evidence meaning the testimonies, write a report and notify the
prosecutor office according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code, meaning the interloper and the 2 mafia soldiers had a plan they discussed before as evident. The
falsified ordnance of closing from 2222/P/2014 was annulled by “judge” Miron Doina in dossier
14445/231/2015, then falsified again by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul and Tarlea Florin Cristinel, against
which I opened the last penal dossier on 28th June 2016 because I was more preoccupied defending
myself from the more recent Crimes against humanity they’ve instigated against me through the
falsification of penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, being proven again through
this chain of events since 2014 the fact that these mafia criminals first were instigated by “judge” Dita
Mirela to participate in the Crimes against humanity against me since the first on 27th October 2014 by
promising protection from penal repercussions for Crimes against humanity to the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut, the mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and “gendarmes” soldiers, mafia
associated “legal medics”, “lawyers”, “registrars” and others although as I’ve objectivized the protection
offered to the other mafia members is implicit, then after I opene penal dossiers against them they also
had the personal motive to instigate Crimes against humanity against me which and the opportunity as
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^5 which is why more mafia members got involved and falsified 3
more penal files against me in 2016. “prosecutor” Castu Vasile connected another penal dossier
number 1861/P/2015 about the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 which I
didn’t know it exists which is proof no acts of procedures were effectuated in it therefore the closing
ordnance of closing is falsified as already objectively proven by dossier 14445/231/2015 in which I

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annulled an identically falsified ordnance about the same state of fact, with the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut penal dossier 246/P/2015 where “prosecutor” Castu Vasile took interloper Herghelegiu Danut
illegal and false testimony as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^1, then on the same day took
the false testimonies of all 4 witnesses I named from 27th October 2014 who were coerced to not testify
the truth about the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014, although they need not
say anything because I have the objective audio / video recording on which I caught at least one of the
witnesses exiting their apartment and uttering that he heard the violent hits on my mother’s door,
corroborated with my declaration and my mother’s declaration, meaning the 4 witnesses committed the
felony of False testimony because they haven’t told the simple truth why they exited their homes, for
which I opened a penal dossier against them which I do not remember what happened with as it was
either ignored or the “prosecutor” lied they told the truth without any investigation as usual as
“prosecutor” Castu Vasile lied without administering there was no felony committed on 27th October
2014, mentioning taking the testimony of a witness is not administering a proof but is just effectuating
an act of procedure as administering a proof means objectivizing the relevance of the proof to the case
in rapport with the other proofs and the law which obviously is a rather complex process as this ICC
penal dossier demonstrates in itself by its length, according to articles 5, 100, 103, 306 and others from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code which differentiate between gathering proofs and administering
proofs. “prosecutor” Castu Vasile lied without administering proofs there was no felony committed on
27th October 2014 which is proof in itself “prosecutor” Castu Vasile was instigated by the mafia to lie in
favor of the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and the 2 mafia soldiers that accompanied the interloper on
27th October 2014 to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempt as objectivized in paragraph
I.A.II. which at the time believing the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014
was lesser crimes, I demonstrated with proofs the felony of Disturbing the peace and order has been
committed according to article 371 from the Romanian Penal Code by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut,
respectively the felonies of service abuse and falsifying documents have been committed by the mafia
soldiers. Furthermore, because the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes almost always lied in the penal
dossiers I lodged against the mafia members that “the deed does not exist” according to article 16
paragraph 1 letter a from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, I filed a couple of self-denouncements
based on the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime’s lies that “the deed does not exist” meaning that I
committed the felonies of False declarations, Inducing the judicial bodies into error and Disseminating
false informations respectively by demonstrating based on proofs the deed exists and constitute felonies
meaning according to the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime’s lies that I lied therefore committed the
aforementinoed felonies, self-denouncements which the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes of course
ignored which is illegal because according to the principle of non-contradiction if “the deed does not
exist” the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes can prove it and therefore prove that I lied and falsified
proofs that the deeds exists and constitute felonies, and therefore the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes
must indict and convict me for the felonies aforementioned for which not only there is no proof but I got
proof against of course therefore all the mafia could do is falsify a conviction against me which never
tried although it falsified 4 penal dossiers against me in which as proven by annex 17, annex 18 and
annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier I was never indicted and convicted meaning I’m innocent, otherwise according to the principle of
non-contradiction the “prosecutor” must indict and convict the persons I’ve inculpated meaning with
proofs, leading to the situation in which certainly the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes couldn’t falsify an
ordnance about my self-denouncement that “the deed does not exist” because that also according to

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the principle of non-contradiction is proof that I haven’t lied and falsified proofs the deeds exist and
constitute felonies meaning that the other mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes who previously lied that
“the deed does not exist” are proven to have lied to illegally close my penal dossiers against the mafia
members, also by such an ordnance about my self-denouncement that “the deed does not exist”, which
is why I never heard again from the self-denouncements which is another type of proof, tacit admittal
that I’m right in all my penal dossiers against the Romanian “state” mafia that proves its existence
pervasively numbering over a hundred inculpated mafia members, 71 only in the penal dossier I opened
against the falsifiers of the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against me, and
I haven’t updated that penal dossier since 7th April 2017 because of the mafia’s acts of state terrorism
that determined me to become a temporary refugee from 11th April 2017 until I was captured by the
mafia “secret police” soldiers and Crimes against humanity have been committed against me between
27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6 and I.A.I.1-2. All these
facts I can prove to a large extent on demand by attaching the rather voluminous documents of the case
which being large and numerous I haven’t been able to internationalize because I’ve been continuously
attacked with a cascade of Crimes against humanity, falsified penal dossiers and acts of state terrorism
through illegal home breaking and illegal arrests representing the “magistrate” mafia’s attempts to
cover-up their past Crimes against humanity and their criminal activity I’ve denounced before, forcing
me to defend myself in the latter and be unable to pursue justice in the former. The central instigator of
the 2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts is “judge” Dita
Mirela from Vrancea Tribunal as meaning also for the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th
October 2014 as proven in paragraph I.A.II. regarding the fact the intent to an effect for Crimes
against humanity belongs to the mafia not the interloper who is instigated by the mafia, and paragraph
I.A.II.^5 regarding the fact only “judge” Dita Mirela had both the motive and the opportunity to
instigate interloper Herghelegiu Danut and his whole local criminal clicque against me ever since the
first Crimes against humanity attempt on 27th October 2014
<mention that the Crimes against humanity duration is about 6 months in actuality because of
the long presence in the bloodstream of the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone, possibly longer because it remains in the body longer and there is no antidote
II.1.3.1^2 the (2nd) Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 was started by the same mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut that started the
Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2017 which was supposed to unfold like the
Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve
objectivized in paragraphs I.A.II.^4.1-5 and I.A.II. the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut to Bodily Harm and attempt Qualified Murder which if it fails is also a condition for the the
mafia’s plan B to function by covertly injecting me with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone at the emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani so that the mafia
appears unrelated to my death as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II., interloper which was
afterwards obsessively protected by the mafia “prosecutor” and “judge” caporegimes who refused to
administer any one of over 20 proofs I gathered in the penal dossier 246/P/2015 I opened against the
interloper, for almost 10 months until falsifying an ordnance of closing which is proof in itself that the
mafia instigated the interloper promising him protection from the penal repercussions of Crimes against
humanity as I’ve objectivized anyway in paragraph I.A.II. regarding the fact the intent to an effect
for Crimes against humanity belongs to the mafia not the interloper who is instigated by the mafia, and
paragraph I.A.II.^5 regarding the fact only “judge” Dita Mirela had both the motive and the

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opportunity to instigate interloper Herghelegiu Danut and his local criminal clique against me,
reminding that I gathered the proofs in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 because the mafia
soldiers refused as legally required according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 of the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code which is further proof in corroboration of the aforementioned conclusion and of
the mafia concertizing the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
as I’ve objectivized anyway in paragraph I.A.II. Furthermore after the mafia “prosecutor”
caporegimes <?Oprisan?> and Castu Vasile delayed the prosecution almost 10 months in proportions of
8 then 2 months respectively, and refused to administer the proofs then lied without proofs being
schizophrenic that the deeds don’t exist intending cover-up the truth although evidently the proofs
remain in my possession to use against the mafia who then can’t cover-up anything, mafia cover-up who
became even more aberrant when the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes Comanescu Carmen, Croitoru
Sandina Mariana, Neagu Rodic and <Popa Mariana lied not one of these over 20 proofs exist and
consequently refused to administer any of them to cover-up the Crimes against humanity from the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I am demonstrating in section I.B.22, the mafia
“prosecutor” caporegime Mihaila Paul who falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 against me at the
instigation of “judge” Dita Mirela as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^2, to instigate that
Crimes against humanity be committed against me through 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015
personally falsified acts of procedure meaning personally instigated or added his own weight or
influence with the other mafia members, and instigated that acts of state terrorism through illegal home
breaking and illegal arrest be perpetrated against me as committed on 17th September 2015 when
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul also personally falsified the acts of procedure as demonstrated in annex 1 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
attempted on 2nd October 2015 through a falsified mandate by “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin and
committed on 11th December 2015 at the instigation of “judge” Badiu Mandica, also stole the dossier
1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) from the hierarchically inferior prosecutor’s office namely through non other
than “prime-prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta of that hierarchically inferior prosecutor’s office at
the time where I lodged it under number 829/P/2015 and just as the interloper’s penal dossier
246/P/2015 was delayed with no acts of procedure effectuated in it until “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul
started instigating acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests and that
Crimes against humanity be committed against me, then “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul stole the over 40
proofs from the penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) to cover-up the truth about the Crimes
against humanity in the night between 5th and 6th December 20114 and the mafia’s concertizing which
included all the mafia controlled institutions of the mafia “police” and “gendarmes” soldiers, mafia
associated “legal medicine” and mafia “magistrate” caporegimes meaning the prosecutor’s office and
courthouse, and “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul also refused evidently to administer the stolen proofs and
lied there aren’t any proofs falsifying an ordnance of closing, mentioning as I remember that “judge”
Neagu Rodica at least covered-up my complaint about this “prosecutor’s” falsified ordnance of closing
while being notified of the stolen proofs which I added again at the courthouse and they were partly
destroyed meaning printed intentionally with the content text and images mixed up again as proof
because as a licensed informatician with experience I know that an IT employee if he wants to can easily
make it appear the documents were destroyed when printed by informing himself on the internet what
causes this problem and even more easily fix this problem by ticking the “print as picture” option, also
knowing that the proofs were destroyed intentionally because the registrar when printing proofs which I
haven’t requested as the courthouse has the obligation to analyze them in original even having

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regulations thus an obligation in this regard, is obligated to certify the documents that they are copies of
the original not destroyed which the registrar refused as instigated by the mafia, and I’ve filed repeated
requests for these proofs to be analyzed in original or printed correctly which eventually the courthouse
apparently did at least partially then the mafia “magistrate” caporegime <?> as I remember refused to
administer even 1 of these proofs again demonstrating that the mafia was covering-up the Crimes
against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which it instigated, concertized
and committed against me and is therefore accomplice of. This latter dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015)
is against the “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia I legally paid to make a medical
expertise about the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, for attempting to cover-up the evidence by refusing to send me to the proper medical
specialties regarding cranio-cerebral trauma and faking the report, then after I returned with 2 MRI
scans, 2 neurologist reports and 2 neurosurgeon reports they refused again lying it’s too late to add
them in any report, then after I addressed the mafia associated “legal medics” through mafia associated
“lawyer” Corina Dodoiu as I’ve found later he misrepresented me, the “legal medics” faked the old
report again lying that all the other medics falsified the reports and the proofs are falsified, contradicting
themselves demonstrating they lied and attempted to cover-up the evidence of the Crimes against
humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. The mafia stole, destroyed and lied these
over 40 proofs in relation to penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) don’t exist, as the mafia lied the
over 20 proofs in penal dossier 246/P/2015 against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut don’t exist, even
though all the proofs are still in my possession and I’m using them against the lying mafia members who
are proving itself schizophrenic because they are further proving my case by lying, and by continuing to
attempt and commit Crimes against humanity against me to stop me from denouncing their criminal
activity concomitantly as proven by the falsified “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta’s appeal from
February 2016 annulled in 14277/231/2015 on 7th July 2017 constituting the 6th Crimes against
humanity attempt, and “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta’s instigation on 18th May 2016 that
Crimes against humanity be committed against me as they were between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 reminding that instigation means determination and without the falsification of the penal dossier
2845/P/2016 on 18th May 2016, and 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 on 24th June 2016 as I’ve
objectivized in annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the mafia’s obsession to have a falsified cover-up story through the
falsified dossiers 4791/231/2017 and 4909/231/2017 from the aforementioned falsified penal dossier
couldn’t possibly exist therefore the Crimes against humanity be committed against me as they were
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 couldn’t have happened, Crimes against humanity from
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which also were directly instigated by “judges” Dinu Murgulet
Ana, Neagu Rodica and Croitoru Mariana Sandina through the falsified acts of procedure in
4791/231/2017 and 4909/231/2017 as I’ve objectivized in section I.B.7 and I.B.10, and annex 11, annex
12, annex 13 and annex 14 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier, and “judge” Neagu Rodica again through the falsified acts of procedure in
1779/91/2017 as I’ve objectivized in section I.B.5 and annex 15 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, nor could the mafia’s final solution have
been in the form of the falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache
Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed as objectivized in annex 17, annex 18,
annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier representing my empty judicial history, the retaining of the “judiciary bodies” who

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admit I was never indicted and convicted, and the fact I’m army incorporable and apt for superior
studies meaning mentally sane as certified by my family doctor, the last two Crimes against humanity
from 2017 being owed to the obvious involvement of the mafia leadership as objectivized in paragraph
I.A.II.^7, who concertized the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 and the grave almost daily acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and
illegal arrests with tens of mafia “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and “gendarmes” just before
Orthodox Easter 2017 that got my mother ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma as proof of the
intensity of acts of state terrorism perpetrated by the Romanian “state” mafia as I objectivize in sections
I.B.8, I.B.9 and I.B.10, mafia leadership who instigated the “psychiatrist” torturers from the Focsani
“psychiatric” gulag as I found 5 of them waiting for me to be incarcerated by the 3 mafia “secret police”
soldiers that illegally arrested me from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, “psychiatrist” torturers
who violently tied me to an operating table and put me in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without
treatment through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxic injections as I objectivize in
sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and after I survived forcefully chemically lobotomized me with
other deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins, the last deadly fluorine based neurotoxin being
the same poison with which I was covertly injected in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I
objectivize in this paragraph at the end and sections I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2. In the criminal psychology of
the mafia I detect being an important factor of the decision to commit Crimes against humanity against
me not necessarily the paranoid fear that they will one day be convicted for their crimes because firstly
there’s nobody to convict the mafia leadership in Romania because the mafia leadership controls the
“judiciary system” as they very well know, and because secondly it was the Crimes against humanity
they instigated against me that enabled me to notify ICC and other international institutions and
organizations that legally predictable will convict them (else I will publicly condemn any impostor
international institutions and organizations as I’ve already did about ECHR, CoE and EU, along with the
Romanian “state” mafia), but the sadistic gratification of torturers and power hungry murderous
sociopaths out to demonstrate their influence, mafia sociopaths who observing no reaction from the
public opinion as a result of my denouncements during the years 2014-2017 realized it could Qualifiedly
Murder me safely even if leaving blatant evidence and breaking every relevant law as they did and as I
objectivized in section I.B.6 and annex 16 and chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, situation of which being
aware I was forced in consequence to become a permanent refugee as objectivized in paragraph 2.4^45
from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, as the not forgotten anti-“communist” dissidents against this murderous totalitarian
regime that inherited oligarchically from the old “communist” murderous totalitarian regime the power
and totalitarian methods as objectivized in sections I.A.1.4-I.A.1.10, fearing indefinite to life illegal
imprisonment, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder as I’ve objectivized in the rest of annex 21 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
II.1.3.1^2.1 In the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 I was covertly injected with the
deadly fluorine based poison risperidone or paliperidone without my consent in my right elbow by an
unknown person who believed I wouldn’t feel it. Knowing it was a toxic substance meant by the mafia to
severely harm me or kill because it was clandestinely injected and because I’ve witnessed the
concertizing of the Crimes against humanity against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
by the premeditated way the interloper Herghelegiu Danut attacked me as objectivized in paragraph <,
then the premeditated way in which the mafia “police” and “gendarme” soldiers refused to gather the

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evidence, effectuate a report and notify the prosecutor’s office according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2
and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code as objectivized in paragraph <, then the
premeditated way in which the mafia associated “medical” assistants from the emergency ward of
“Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani behaved aberrantly and refused to treat me for cranio-
cerebral trauma and recommend any investigations as a MRI scan and especially blood test which
would’ve revealed the covert injection with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone which is why they didn’t even recommend it as objectivized in paragraph <, then the
premeditated way in which the mafia associated “legal medics” faked the report on 8th December 2014
by refusing to send me to the proper medical specialties for cranio-cerebral trauma, then after I went
myself and returned with 2 MRI scans, 2 neurologist reports and 2 neurosurgeon reports refused to
effectuate a report and lied no new report can be made, then after I addressed them through the mafia
associated “lawyer” Dodoiu Corina which I found later he misrepresented me, the “legal medics” faked
the old report again retaining that the 2 MRI scans, 2 neurologist reports and 2 neurosurgeon reports
are all falsified, contradicting themselves demonstrating they lied and attempted to cover-up the
evidence of the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as
objectivized in section I.B.22, then the premeditated way in which the mafia “gendarme” soldiers
general Mircea Olaru intervened to lie that I attacked the interloper demonstrating the mafia’s cover-up
story instigation of Mircea Olaru who got the timing wrong and being unaware of the real development
of the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 contradicted himself
with the proofs as objectivized in section I.B.22, then the premeditated way in which a chief of
“proximity police” named <Manea><?other name?> subpoenaed me to ascertain my intentions because
I was delaying the lodging of the penal complaint against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut while I was
gathering proof being certain that the mafia will do its best to protect the interloper from civil and penal
repercussions of Crimes against humanity as the mafia did in civil matters through “judge” Dita Mirela
who stolen ~12 civil dossiers and falsified the decisions in favor of the other mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes and the interloper Herghelegiu Danut as objectivized in paragraph <, “judge” Dita Mirela
who also falsified the civil dossier 15730/231/2014 against me concomitantly with the Crimes against
humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL
“lawyers” of the Delhaize Group as ojbectivized in paragraph < which represents the 3rd Crimes against
humanity attempt who was supposed to unfold as the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017, then in penal matters through “judge” Dita Mirela instigated “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul who falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 against me, acts of state terrorism through illegal home
breakings and illegal arrests on 17th September 2015, the attempt from 2nd October 2015 through a
falsified mandate by “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin from 11224/231/2015 and the committal from
11th December 2015 through a falsified mandate by “judge” Badiu Mandica from 14277/231/2015 in 1st
instance, and the 4th and 5th Crimes against humanity attempts through 11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015 personally falsifying the acts of procedure, while “prosecutor” Mihala Paul stole the
penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015), stole over 40 proofs from penal dossier 1863/P/2015
(829/P/2015), then falsified an ordnance of closing aided by the mafia “judge” caporegimes Neagu
Rodica and others in 2219/91/2015 and in 79/91/2015 from the related penal dossier against the
interloper Herghelegiu Danut 246/P/2015 by mafia “judge” caporegimes Comanescu Carmen, Croitoru
Mariana Sandina, Neagu Rodica and <Popa Mariana who also lied the proofs don’t exist, respectivelly
the interloper Herghelegiu Danut was protected by two mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes in his penal
dossier 246/P/2015 for the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December

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2014, named <?Oprisan?> and Castu Vasile, first who delayed the penal dossier 8 months until he was
moved to another prosecutor’s office, then the second who delayed the penal dossier 2 more months
then refusing to administer a single proof from the over 20 regarding interloper Herghelegiu Danut
Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, over 40 regarding the
falsification of the report by the “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia, and the proofs
regarding the Crimes against humanity from the night between 27th October 2014, falsified an ordnance
of closing which was then attempted to be covered-up by the aforementioned mafia “judge”
caporegimes in 79/91/2015, all against which I opened a penal dossier in which they have never been
acquitted as proof, then the rest of the Crimes against humanity attempts and the Crimes against
humanity committal from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 when after being tied to an
operating table and put in anaphylactic shock without treatment for at least 3 days through daily
fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxic injections, after surviving I’ve been forcefully chemically
lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins until 8th June 2017, the latter deadly
fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone commercialized under the name Invega which my
research has led me to demonstrate it was the only deadly toxic substance I could’ve been covertly
injected with during the Crimes against humanity between 5th and 6th December 2014, because of its
long presence in the bloodstream that produced neuroleptic induced symptom of hyperprolactinomia 4
months later in the blood test I took and attached as annex 4, corroborated with the fact I’ve recognized
the symptoms being identical between the Crimes against humanity between 5th and 6th December
2014 and the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which I’ve
enumerated in paragraph IV.5 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, corroborated with the psychology of the troglodyte
peasant Romanian “state” mafia who obsessively repeats it’s modus operandi as proven by the 2 Crimes
against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts all involving the “psychiatry”
charlatanry as a weapon of state terrorism and wrongful political repression through Qualified Murder
attempts and incidental chemical lobotomization meaning Torture and Bodily Harm by poisoning me
with the same deadly substance and helping me demonstrate as follows:
II.1.3.1^2.1^1 The proof that the covert injection from the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 at the emergency ward of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani happened, is that I asked
the hospital what it was as proof I wasn’t even informed what it was let alone asked if I consent when I
was covertly injected in my right elbow to not feel it meaning that was the whole point part of the intent
to an effect of the mafia - to be injected clandestinely and be severely chemically lobotomized or killed
to be stopped from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity. The hospital management lied it was
Tetravax Antitetanos <find and attach the answer of the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani>, for
which I haven’t expressed my consent as proven by the fact there is no written consent as I even refused
to be interned in the hospital, nor anyone even mentioned a verbal consent of mine, nor would I have
consented knowing all I aforementioned in the previous paragraph that the mafia concertized the
committal of Crimes against humanity which in that night between 5th and 6th December 2014 I
perceived as the felonies of Qualified Murder attempt and incidental Bodily Harm and later identified
the incidental felony of Torture through chemical lobotomization given the mafia’s purpose was
Qualified Murder as proven by the fact the clandestine injection was the 4th Qualified murder attempt
in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as being hit in the head violently enough to be rendered
unconscious by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut, having my head and forehead hit against the wall
violently enough to cause the 4 cm skin split injury, and being violently pushed unconsciously on a flight

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of stairs are 3 instances who could’ve resulted in my death as objectivized in the paragraph
I.A.II.^4.3, through which I suffered other effects of the mechanically induced Bodily Harm such
as neurological eyesight disorder also proof of the violence of the hits on my head, which together
constitute Crimes against humanity. Furthermore antitetanos is also a neurotoxic substance that
however does not induce hyperprolactinomia <as far as I know, research more and check cross-
referencing on Google> with which I prove it was risperidone or paliperidone, corroborated with the fact
no injection is supposed to be delivered in my elbow without my consent and even knowledge meaning
clandestinely - to avoid me feeling it and taking knowledge of it. According to the article at address:
https://bucovinaprofunda.wordpress.com/2011/06/14/atentie-la-vaccinul-antitetanos/, Doctor Cristea
Todea-Gross declares that ~”the antitetanos vaccine contains the aluminum hydroxide which is
neurotoxic and can cause alergic, autoimmune and neurological diseases or death, referencing (Viera
Scheibner, 2000)“, and that ~“the aluminum is transported into the nervous system where it provokes
allergic and toxic reactions, referencing (Redhead, 1992)”, then ~”the nervous disorders cauzed by
aluminum are: behavior disorders, somnolence, depression, memory disorders. Aluminum will provoke
neuronal destruction and neuronal conexion destruction, as occuring from intoxications with mercury,
led and alcohol, referencing (Waly, 2004)”, and that ~”the secondary effects of vaccine are locally pain,
inflamation, nodules, chists, limphatic nodules imflamation”. I didn’t notice any of these effects after the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which means I haven’t been covertly injected with Tetravax
Antitetanos which doesn’t even make sense to be covertly injected with Tetravax Antitetanos unless it
was an overdose to correspond with the defined mafia’s intent to an effect to Qualifiedly Murder me or
severely Bodily Harm me and stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, defined meaning by its 2
Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts. The risperidone and
paliperidone effects I’ve suffered I described in chapter IV.5 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, meaning that although I
could’ve been simultaneously poisoned with antitetanos and risperidone or paliperidone in reality it was
only risperidone or paliperidone in the covert injection, effects to which I add experiencing severe
slowness of cognitive functions specific to tranquilizers or neuroleptics meaning I was poisoned with
risperidone or paliperidone which is a neuroleptic as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 1.6 from annex 21 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, as I
noticed in the week after the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 in which I had a European Union
funds assimillation agent course after which I was the last to hand in my exam paper although it was an
easy grill questionnaire in which I performed as good as everyone else eventually but slower, while
before the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 I was always among the first 20% in cognitive
speed, meaning memorization and recognition of what I’ve memorized as I remember from my 4 years
in college studying mathematics - informatics which I graduated graded 97% as proof. Furthermore, I
couldn’t remember a lot of words from my rich vocabulary which I still remembered the meaning of thus
I could be aware of my memory loss in this regard while in other regards I may be still unaware, and lost
fluency of speech at least because of the memory problems, while also noticing inference problems
meaning before I was capturing all the information of a situation and now I was making inferences
expecting that I already captured all the information of a situation when I didn’t, even when reading a
simple bus-stop chart, meaning I was induced a learning and memory disability through risperidone or
paliperidone poisoning which also causes neuron and synapse destruction amongst a myriad other
health problems, which is the cause that determines the effect that is schizophrenia as risperidone or
paliperidone “prospect” admits as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 1.3 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR

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urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, claiming it cures
schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia meaning the producers, commercializers, state agencies that
approve it and “psychiatrist” charlatans that prescribe it are all schizophrenic meaning logically
incoherent, occupationally dysfunctional and failing to recognize what’s real according to DSM-V
“psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, that is to recognize the reality that fluorine is
a substance that is empirically thus scientifically observable but also scientifically and notoriously known
that does not support life, is toxic to life, and therefore cannot be medicine, even more so if claiming to
cure metaphoric “mental illnesses” which do not exist as I’ve objectivized in chapter I.A.II.1.2.1 and
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, therefore cannot be science. If one would argue in contradiction that the producers,
commercializers, state agencies that approve the “psychiatry” charlatanry deadly neurotoxic poisons
and “psychiatrist” charlatans that prescribe the deadly neurotoxic poisons are all criminals guilty of
Crimes against humanity they would be right, except the definition of schizophrenia doesn’t specify if
the logical incoherence, occupational dysfunction and failure to recognize what’s real is behavior with
malice aforethought or not to my knowledge, and I’ve even noticed that some of the “psychiatrist”
charlatans try to stigmatize in “psychiatric” charlatanry articles with schizophrenia intelligent people
who recognize “psychiatry” as charlatanry, and with paranoia people claiming their rights against the
“psychiatric” charlatanry or its criminal associates such as the “states” that accredit “psychiatry”
charlatanry, inferring from this that the “psychiatry” charlatanry schizophrenia definition is generic
enough to constitute a carte blanche for the “psychiatric” charlatanry to swindle anyone out of their
money, health, reputation and dignity, or to be used as a weapon of state terrorism and wrongful
political repression against anyone even if just through coerced social conformity about which I repeat
the fact that there is no such “state” that accredits the “psychiatry” charlatanry and is not totalitarian,
except “psychiatry” charlatnary it has one flaw, being charlatanry it can never hold up against the truth
and the methods of obtaining it such as logic, reason for which it isn’t consistent with medicine and
science which is why it doesn’t hold up against me as I’ve demonstrated in annex 4 and annex 16 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
representing proven “psychiatric” charlatanry falsified documents against me. I explore the possibility
also relevant to the Crimes against humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, that there
is no way for the mafia to prove it did not inject me concomitantly with antitetanos and risperidone or
paliperidone in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 while I can prove it was risperidone or
paliperidone as I am in paragraphs < below, except I had no antitetanos injection symptoms but had
risperidone or paliperidone symptoms while no injection is suppose to be administered without a
person’s consent even more covertly in the elbow so the victim doesn’t acknowledges it meaning the
injection didn’t contain what they lied it did else there was no reason to inject me clandestinely, which is
the whole purpose of the mafia to remain clandestine about the Crimes against humanity it committed
against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, and have its “patsy” interloper Herghelegiu
Danut blamed about it, although the mafia made the mistake of protecting the interloper against civil
and penal repercussions for Crimes against humanity by which the mafia swelled the number of proofs I
have to denounce its criminal activity and with which I proved its instigation of interloper Herghelegiu
Danut, and, there is no way for the mafia to prove it did not inject me concomitantly in the first 3 days
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 with haloperidol, diazepam and risperidone or paliperidone,
while I can prove as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 that I have been injected
with haloperidol according to the mafia’s own evidence meaning the blood test results from annex 16

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of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
and science, mafia who admits I’ve been injected with haloperidol and diazepam while lying about the
number of days and the dosage which again assures me I was overdosed to be Qualifiedly Murdered as
corroborated with the fact the mafia omitted to declare putting me in anaphylactic shock as always
attempting to hide the evidence of its intent to an effect as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.,
anaphylactic shock in which I was visibly in by trembling from my whole body for 3 days and reporting it
almost daily, anaphylactic shock which proves I’ve been overdosed as I remember I was injected with a
huge glass syringe at least in the first day to be Qualifiedly Murdered, and kept in anaphylactic shock for
at least 3 days for this purpose without treatment
II.1.3.1^2.1^2 The proof that risperidone or paliperidone induce hyperprolactinomia is as
follows quoting scientific articles: “The mechanism by which conventional neuroleptics cause increased
prolactin is a dopamine blockade in the tubero-infundibular tract of the hypothalamus, which in turn
reverses the dopaminergic inhibition of prolactin in the anterior pituitary” from
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3010960/, and the proof risperidone or paliperidone
are neuroleptics or antipsychotics, which I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.1.2.7 that the neuroleptic
or more recent antipsychotic advertising is a lie to pass deadly fluorine based neurotoxins as medicine
and in fact the commercializers have been fined billions for these lies, but still find profitable to swindle
people out of their money, health and lives as objectivized in paragraph 1.9 from annex 21 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, is according to
the following quotes “PRL (plasma prolactin level) elevations were significantly greater with risperidone”
in corroboration with “Paliperidone is the primary active metabolite of the older
antipsychotic risperidone” from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paliperidone, respectively “An active
metabolite results when a drug is metabolized by the body into a modified form which continues to
produce effects in the body” from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_metabolite. The fact these
aren’t even neuroleptics or antipsychotics but chemically lobotomizing deadly chemicals is as I logically
objectivize in paragraph 1.5^5 and chapter 1.6 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Hyperprolactinomia is the symptom
observable on the blood test from 10th April 2015 attached as annex 3, which demonstrates the fact I
was injected covertly with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone because
normally I do not have hyperprolactinomia as objectivized by the blood test I’ve took on 23rd February
2018 and the fact in no other blood test I even took was I diagnosed with hyperprolactinomia, not even
after I’ve been chemically lobotomized again through the Crimes against humanity from between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which shows in annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier the symptom of hyperprolactinomia again which
I never have except in the context of deadly poisoning with fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins by the
Romanian “state” mafia. <The counterproof that I do not normally have hyperprolactinomia or any
other endocrinological problem I cannot attach at the moment because it would lead the Romanian
“state” mafia to my location who would illegally arrest and incarcerate me indefinitely to life, Torture,
Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly Murder as I’ve objectivized in section 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. I however declare knowing
the consecuquences of False declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error and Disseminating
false informations that my normal prolactine on 23rd February 2018 is 8.4 as opposed to 17.2 on 10th
April 2015, on a reference of 4.04 - 15.2, meaning I was covertly injected with the deadly fluorine based

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neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, which caused
the symptom of hyperprolactinomia 4 months later.
II.1.3.1^2.1^3 The proof that risperidone or paliperidone deadly fluorine based neurotoxic
covert injection from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 remained in my blood until the 10th
April 2015 blood test is as I quote fromhttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paliperidone “Paliperidone, sold
under the trade name Invega among others... In April 2014, it was reported that 21 Japanese people who
had received shots of the long-acting injectable paliperidone to date had died", respectivelly from
dead/#.WemQvohx3IU "The death toll among people who have taken the schizophrenia drug Xeplion
has climbed to 21...Xeplion, which is injected, uses paliperidone palmitate to control symptoms of
schizophrenia in adult patients. The chemical remains in the body for at least four months, it said",
reminding about the lie that paliperidone controls the symptoms of schizophrenia by causing
schizophrenia as proven by the paliperidone “prospect” as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 1.3 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, which demonstrates the producers, commercializers, state agents who approve it and
“psychiatrist” charlatans who prescribe it are all schizophrenic - logically incoherent, occupationally
dysfunctional and unable to recognize what’s real.
II.1.3.1^2.1^4 The proof that risperidone or paliperidone is a deadly fluorine based neurotoxic
poison that cures nothing as all “psychiatric” charlatanry poisons, is presented in paragraphs 1.1 and 1.2
from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, even more evident since there are no such thing as the metaphoric “mental illnesses” as I
objectivize in chapter 1.2.1 in which I proved “psychiatry” is charlatanry neither medicine nor science
II.1.3.1^2.1^5 The proof that risperidone or paliperidone induce suicidal and homicidal ideation,
I present and objectivize in paragraph I.A.II.1.2.8^1
II.1.3.1^2.1^6 In the demonstration of the chemical lobotomization or Crimes against humanity
committed against me I invoke my own declaration and objectivization from paragraph IV.5 from annex
23, corroborated and objectivized with the testimonies presented in paragraph 1.8 from annex 21 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
II.1.3.1^2.1^7 the poisoning with risperidone or paliperidone, covertly or not, constitutes the
felony of Torture - see chapter I.A.II.1.8, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder attempt through chemical
lobotomization as ojbectivized in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, felonies which constitute Crimes against
humanity, chemical lobotomization which is the gravest felony of Bodily Harm because is the
eradication of identity or individuality which is capital punishment or Qualified Murder, which causes
dehumanization - see chapter I.A.II.1.4, as proven by anhedonia or inability to enjoy life as objectivized
in paragraph I.A.II.1.2.8, and suicidal and homicidal ideation as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.1.2.8^1,
which in the way it was perpetrated constitutes extrajudicial punishment - see chapter I.A.II.1.6, while
the alterior use of the “psychiatry” charlatanry constitutes unethical human experimentation - see
chapter I.A.II.1.5, the incidental effect of the Crimes against humanity through Qualified Murder in
particular for the purpose of political repression - see chapter I.A.II.1.9, constituting state terrorism -
see chapter I.A.II.1.7 and other human rights violations - se chapter I.A.II.1.10
II.1.3.1^2.1^8 I also mention after the Crimes against humanity from between 5th and 6th
December 2014 my investigations started with ophthalmologist <?Bodolan Laurentiu?> from Focsani to

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whom I reported my sight disorder, and who sent me to neurology because according to his analysis my
eyes had no problem, then after going to neurologist Gaman Lucica from Focsani who sent me to take a
MRI scan, I and not neurologist Gaman Lucica or the crooked radiologist Maiorov who lied I had no
problem while I evidently knew I had a sight disorder because I was suffering it, looked after and noticed
the hemorrhage in the occipital lobe responsible for sight with which I confronted neurologist Gaman
Lucica who sent me to the Bagdasar-Arseni hospital in Bucharest who she couldn’t not know they don’t
receive anyone without bribe and certainly wouldn’t go against the mafia helping me as even her
patients waiting in line to enter her cabinet knew and later found out for myself, and confronted
radiologist Maiorov who lied in my face the hemorrhage is an “artifact” and refused to acknowledge it
was hemorrhage and write in the radiologist report, also knowing I had a hemorrhage because one day
when I inclined my head with my chin towards my chest in the shower I felt the distinct “electric-pins”
sensation of a blood clot ripping apart from the living tissue at the base of my brain. Radiologist
Maiorov’s behavior raised further suspicion to say at least and later I found out without even looking
he’s none other than the husband of Maiorov chief of the local malpraxis committee from the local
public health direction who covered-up three times my malpraxis petitions against the local
“psychiatrist” charlatans, starting with the malpraxis they committed on 17th September 2015 by
participating in the instigation of 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt through 11224/231/2015 by
falsifying “psychiatric” charlatanry documents for it as proven by chapter 4 from annex 1 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier and section
I.A.II.1.3.1^3, then participating in the instigation of 4th Crimes against humanity attempt through
14277/231/2015 by falsifying the “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” from 23rd November 2015 as
proven by annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, and section I.A.II.1.3.1^4, in conclusion meaning these mafia members meaning
Maiorov the radiologist, Maiorov the chief of malpraxis committee and the “psychiatrist” charlatans
were in cahoots all along ever since the mafia concertizing of the Crimes against humanity from the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which I’ve objectivized in paragraph <, reminding that the
covert injection with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone had to be stolen
from inventory by one of the “psychiatrist” charlatans who knew it was deadly, or at least one of the
“psychiatrist “charlatans told the thief what to steal, a scenario in which a “psychiatrist” charlatan
prescribed the injectable deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone to one of the
mafia members who delivered to the unknown mafia associate who covertly injected me in my right
elbow evidently without my consent believing I wouldn’t feel it. The malpraxis committee from the
Vrancea county public health direction was instigated to cover-up my petitions for malpraxis through
illegal refusals which constitute Crimes against humanity complicity and intrinsic instigations, by the
principal instigator “psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor who as a member of the malpraxis
committee also signed the illegal refusal of the malpraxis committee to solve my second petition while
ignoring the first and the third which is also illegal, petition in response to which the malpraxis
committee is obligated by the law unconditionally to name randomly an expert or committee of experts
from the National Registry to analyze and ascertain whether my petition regards a malpraxis or not, in
effect “psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor covering-up his own malpraxis because he signed the
falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” from 23rd November 2015 which I proved to be a malpraxis
as objectivized in annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier, reason for which the “psychiatrist” charlatan Bervehnii Igor was incompatible
to address his own malpraxis as a member of the malpraxis committee according to article 11 from

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Romanian Government Ordnance 27/2002 regarding the general application of the principle nemo esse
iudex in sua causa potest, and according to article 8 from the Order 1343 from 6th November 2006
emitted presumably by the Ministry of Health, modified and completed through the Order 1016 from 8th
July 2010, law breaking to cover-up his malpraxis through which the “psychiatrist” charlatan Bervehnii
Igor proved he tacitly admits he repeatedly committed malpraxis with malice aforethought and that he
is both accomplice and instigator to the 3rd and 4th Crimes against humanity attempts against me
through 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015, respectively determining or being accomplice to the 5th
Crimes against humanity attempt perpetrated through the falsified appeal annulled in 14277/231/2015
in 2nd instance by mafia “prime-prosecutor” caporegime Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and two other of his
mafia “prosecutor” caporegime subordinates, which proves beyond any reasonable doubt the
“psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor is the principal instigator to Crimes against humanity out of all
“psychiatrist” charlatans in Vrancea county, because he was involved on 17th September 2015 in the acts
of terrorism through illegal home breaking, illegal arrest, and illegal detainment for 6 hours for
harassment before I was illegally detained with 2 mafia “masked police” soldiers for 1 hour in the local
“legal medicine” building by the committee of “psychiatrist” charlatans amongst which Berzvehnii Igor
to make it appear like a “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” took place, then the “psychiatrist”
charlatan Berzvehnii Igor was involved in the falsification of the “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise”
from 23rd November 2015 which he signed as proof also admitting he was one of the “psychiatrist”
charlatans from the committee from 17th September 2015, then the “psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii
Igor personally instigated the falsification of the sentences in 4909/231/2017 as proven by annex 12 and
annex 14 meaning is accomplice and instigator to the Crimes against humanity committed against me
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, remaining to determine who falsified the not communicated
and hidden falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” from 8th or 9tH December 2016 in my absence
which is mentioned in the falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance but not in the falsified
sentence in 2nd instance, nor in the falsified sentences in 4791/231/2017 and 4909/231/2017 which is
contradictory to the illegal arrest and detainment on 6th April 2017 because if there was a “psychiatric”
charlatanry “expertise” performed on 8th or 9th December 2016 as the falsified sentence in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance proves it was, there was no need for another falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry “expertise” on 6th April 2017 for the issue of a falsified “psychiatric” recommendation for an
illegal and impossible “psychiatric” incarceration for the falsified sentences in 4909/231/2017 in which
the mafia “judge” caporegimes admitted the “psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor demanded not
recommended that I be “psychiatrically” incarcerated on 6th April 2017, falsified sentences who I remind
are attached as annex 11, annex 12, annex 14 and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, also reminding that the demonstration
that the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” from 8th or 9th December 2016 was falsified in my
absence is that a “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” can only take place through direct observation of
the “psychiatrist” charlatan, conditioned by the consent and cooperation of the examinee of course else
no observation can take place, according to articles 10 and 11 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, and
that in the falsified sentence in 4791/231/2017 the schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana declared
that “I couldn’t be found” which is also a lie but irrelevant to this argument. Also in this context I indicate
again the fact the schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina falsified the sentence in 12718/231/2017 for the
crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel, because he was diagnosed with schizophrenia while I was
never diagnosed with anything nor “expertised” by a “psychiatric” charlatan with the exception of army
incorporation perhaps where I was declared mentally sane as proven by annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR

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urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the
proof I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies as certified by my family doctor which
would’ve otherwise be notified through the informatized system of any “psychiatric” charlatanry
diagnosis against me, schizophrenia which the producers of Invega meaning the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone lies it controls by causing schizophrenia as I’ve demonstrated in
paragraph 1.3 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, Invega being the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin with which I was
forcefully chemically lobotomized during the Crimes against humanity committal against me from
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2,
and covertly injected with which constitutes the Crimes against humanity committal against me in the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, and I.A.I.1-2,
which furthermore proves the intent to an effect of the mafia to Qualifiedly Murder me because after
covertly injecting me with it in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, and I.A.I.1-2, and forcefully chemically lobotomizing me with it against between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, clearly chemical lobotomization can’t not stop me from denouncing the
mafia’s criminal activity as the mafia observed remaining the question why it kept trying, the evident
answer being that chemical lobotomization meaning the felonies of Torture and Bodily Harm are
incidental, the intent to an effect of the mafia being to Qualifiedly Murder me while making it appear
accidental or natural, which is why the mafia instigated the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to violently hit
me on the head, hit my head and forehead against the wall and push me down a flight of stairs to make
it appear like an accident during the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.^4.1-5, and which is why
during the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
the mafia put me in anaphylactic shock at least 3 days without treatment through daily deadly fluorine
and chlorine neurotoxic injections as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2. After
being sent to Bucharest for further neurological investigations, I was showing every neurologist and
endocrinologist the neuronal hormones charts asking them how are they related to the symptom of
anhedonia and other neuroendocrinological disorders, which should’ve at least made them theorize I
was chemically lobotomized with a “psychiatric” charlatanry poison as from all my research hardly ever
does a mechanical injury produce anhedonia while the “psychiatry” charlatanry specializes in chemical
lobotomization meaning destroying the brain and inducing psychosis such as suicidal or homicidal
ideation as objectivized in chapter 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier and paragraph I.A.II.1.2.8^1, meaning all neurologists and
endocrinologists I met were either mafia associates knowing and hiding the truth meaning being
accomplices and instigators because of it, or being plain stupid which unlikely after 6 years medicine
college and even more years “practicing medicine” but possible since evidently I could surpass
Romanian academia by just browsing the internet and I’m the only Romanian human rights defender as
far as I know despite Romania rivaling many 3rd world countries in human rights infringements, and I
remind that a stupid public servant is a clear sign of a functionary hired and maintained in function
illicitly, through nepotism, favoritism and other means of bribery and types of corruption felonies, of
which the organized crime vasality system stands out meaning sociopaths who like to suck-up to other
sociopaths in power and be used as tools in exchange for petty illicit gains and a mediocre life. Of these
“neurologists” I exemplify demonstrating the rock-bottom Romanian academia naming the “notorious”
“professor” Constantin Dulcan who published a book named “The intelligence of matter” with which he

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used to brag around obscure televised shows, unfortunate and ironic title for his boulder-like
intelligence as I’ve noticed during the neurological examination in which he performed the same
superficial examination Gaman Lucica did and which really anyone can perform with just a day of
training, refusing to analyze my research and answer my questions supposedly because he didn’t know
how to answer them, and sent me to the “psychiatry” charlatanry instead which I already knew knows
nothing because I posed the same questions already to the “psychiatrist” charlatan Mircea Dutescu from
Focsani of which I spoke in paragraph I.A.II.1.3.1^2.1^8, I.A.II.1.2.8, I.A.1 and others that he knew about
the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014
and was as proof one of the “psychiatrist” torturers who put me in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days
without treatment through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections expecting me to die,
then he was part of the committee who was supposed to declare my “psychiatric” charlatanry
incarceration illegal where the “psychiatrist” torturer Mircea Dutescu was yelling that ~“I’m a public
danger and must be chemically lobotomized”, meaning “professor” Constantin Dulcan either knew my
exact problem or is stupid which is either way unacceptable, and I also remember him getting nervous
when I posed my questions which I can’t really separate meaning he was being nervous for being caught
unprepared or being nervous because I was investigating what the mafia did to me, and I tend to believe
he is really stupid which also means he gets by in Romania based on corruption and not merit which
correlates perfectly with the Romanian reality, therefore he had to suspect something after telling him
everything as I do to everyone, as certainly he has heard a lot in his life, therefore he wasn’t stupid
enough to point me in the right direction but maintained omerta - the law of silence in criminal
societies. Already knowing that “psychiatrists” are charlatans, I refused to visit another one, which is
why I demanded and got my money back from the obscure private clinique hiring this crooked
neurologist “professor” Constantin Dulcan mentioning at least the evidence that no real professional
sends work relevant to his specialty to another professional, because it’s just as good as admitting not
being a professional. I mention I visited “professor” Constantin Dulcan at the suggestion of my mother
because he manages to fool old ladies, and my hunch proved correct that he’s an axe’s handle. I was
also sent by endocrinologist Buruiana from Focsani’s military hospital to the national endocrinology
hospital “Parhon” in the capital city of Bucharest, where another “academician doctor” Badiu Corin
attempted to mislead me that my problems weren’t endocrinological and refused to tell me I was
chemically lobotomized as the evidence was pointing out from my story and symptoms, all the more
stringently evident because I was carrying around those neuronal hormone charts and research and any
medic I believe knows from his general culture how the “psychiatric” charlatanry poisons work. I also
remember visiting concomitantly a private clinique “endocrinologist” named <?> who wrote an article
about hand stiffness and who should’ve known my real problems, and who also refused and advised me
“to watch the grass grow” which come to think of it highly resembles the advice of the mafia associated
“psychiatrist” charlatans who advised me to be a shelf arranger in a hypermarket and an idiot in general.
Before all this I visited “Monza” hospital in Bucharest where I thought from my research on the internet
was a modern hospital and that I would meet a competent neurosurgeon, but instead I was sent to a
particular “psychiatrist” charlatan I never went to for the reasons aforementioned that they aren’ t
medics or scientists, the neurosurgeon named <?> refusing to tell me I was chemically lobotomized
which is now so obvious to me without formal medical studies, respectively the “Monza” hospital in
Bucharest refused to take my money for the consultation, and again while I posed my questions I
noticed the neurosurgeon getting nervous, he made a call and when I exited I noticed two obvious
bodyguards in civil clothes casually waiting outside the room, respectively at Bagdasar-Arseni hospital in

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Bucharest where I was sent by the Gaman Lucica neurologist from Focsani I couldn’t reach anyone
because they wanted bribe and refused any service otherwise, and that’s how deep is the corruption in
Romanian thanks to the Romanian “state” mafia. In fact in Romania we have a movie called “The death
of Mr. Lazarescu” depicting the way in which a patient is callously shoved around by bureaucracy and
incompetence until he dies, but the reality beats the movie by far since the Romanian “medics” are
criminals, as even the ironically corrupt chief of national anticorruption direction Kovesi Laura Codruta
after I denounced that “justice” convicts innocents to chemical lobotomization and illegal
experimentation as I objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20 from annex 21 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, declared
publicly that over 50% of Romanian oncologists - cancer doctors, prescribed chemotherapy to healthy
people for illicit profit <search article and link>.
II.1.3.1^3. the (3rd) Crimes against humanity attempt through the falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry civil action 15730/231/2015 regarding my placement under “psychiatric” charlatanry
interdiction for exercising my right to justice, was personally lodged by the principal instigator “judge”
Dita Mirela as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^2, in which the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” of the
mafia “judge” caporegimes bribing Delhaize Group also declared that I must be placed under
“psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my right to justice as objectivized in paragraph
I.A.II.^1, action which would’ve unfolded like the 7th Crimes against humanity committal against
me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 if the “prime-prosecutor” Ion Lefter who was about to
retire and didn’t want trouble would’ve collaborated with the mafia as proven by the fact the 4th, 5th, 6th
and 8th Crimes against humanity attempts and the 7th Crimes against humanity committal were
perpetrated against me under the new “prime-prosecutors” Tarlea Florin Cristinel, Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta and Petrescu Auras-Ionut brought especially from Bucharest to replace Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta, which practically proves again it was the “magistrate” mafia’s intention all along throughout
all 8 Qualified Murder attempts since 2014 as objectivized in paragraphs I.A.II. and I.A.II.,
corroborated with the fact the chemical lobotomization constituting Torture and the most severe type
of Bodily Harm constituting capital punishment or Qualified Murder in itself, are incidental as the
mafia intent to an effect was to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity <must mention this proof
in paragraph regarding the mafia’s intent to an effect> by Qualifiedly Murdering me one way or another
as proven in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 by instigating the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut to violently hit me on the head, hit my head and forehead against the wall and push me down a
flight of stairs to make it appear like an accident as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.^4.1-5, all 3
instances which could’ve resulted in my death as proven in the scientific article at
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19537451 which statistically shows that 80.43% of the causes of
death from falling on stairs consciously is head injury, while 62.67% of all falls on stairways resulted in
death, thus any hit violent enough to cause unconsciousness is sufficient to cause brain damage and
death since evidently falling on stairs consciously is enough to kill a person, falling on stairs
unconsciously after being hit at least twice violently enough to cause unconsciousness and a skin split of
4 centimeters is all that more likely to cause death because any brain injury that can occur while falling
on stairs is lighter than being violently hit on the head on purpose, then the mafia covertly injected me
with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone and paliperidone constituting the 4th Qualified
Murder attempt from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 alone as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, then during the Crimes against humanity committed against me
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 the mafia attempted to Qualifiedly Murder me by putting me

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in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment through daily deadly fluorine based
neurotoxic injections, and after I survived chemically lobotomized me with other deadly fluorine and
chlorine neurotoxins as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, the latter deadly
fluorine neurotoxin being the same as covertly injected with in the night between 5th and 6th December
2014, risperidone or paliperidone. In 15730/231/2014 I “won” as proven in this public ECRIS evidence
from address:
http://portal.just.ro/231/SitePages/dosar.aspx?id_inst=231&id_dosar=23100000000134725 which
demonstrates shortly and objectively the dossier 15730/231/2014 is obviously falsified because “judge”
Dita Mirela being clearly schizophrenic - logically incoherent, occupationally dysfunctional and failing to
recognize what’s real according to DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics,
claimed I must be put under “psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my legal rights, and for
this intent to an effect, in reality to stop me from denouncing his and the mafia’s criminal activity,
“judge” Dita Mirela addressed the local prosecutor’s office who having competence only in penal
matters has no competence obviously in the civil matter of placement under “psychiatric” charlatanry
interdiction which the totalitarian Romanian “state” mafia also claims is a measure of protection of the
person placed under interdiction which in reality is chemically lobotomized in the Focsani “psychiatric”
gulag as I’ve witnessed, therefore is not regarding as the clearly proven schizophrenic “judge” Dita
Mirela demanded that my legal capacity to exercise my rights be retracted which is legally impossible,
which “judge” Dita Mirela should’ve known as a judge, but didn’t know being a schizophrenic mafia
member. Furthermore, the schizophrenic principal instigator of Crimes against humanity against me
“judge” Dita Mirela, falsified the 15730/231/2014 action regarding placement under “psychiatric”
interdiction without any “psychiatric” document at all, which could’ve only been falsified as I’ve
demonstrated in annex 4 and annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, respectively in section I.A.II.1.2.1 that “psychiatry” is
charlatanry, neither medicine nor science. The falsified as proven dossier 15730/231/2014 was kept
secret from me since 27th November 2014 when it was lodged according to the courthouse public
evidence at the link aforementioned until <date of subpoena?> early March 2015 instead of being
subpoenaed to build a defense, and the falsified dossier 15730/231/2014 was not immediately declared
inadmissible as obviously proven by the schizophrenic request of “judge” Dita Mirela of placing me
under “psychiatric” interdiction for exercising my right to justice against him and the mafia “magistrate”
caporegime bribing Delhaize Group represented in 15730/231/2014 by the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers”,
nor did the “judge” from 15730/231/2014 fine “judge” Dita Mirela for lodging an obviously unfounded
and unjustifiable request according to the law , proving the falsified dossier 15730/231/2014 was
illegally and intentionally delayed for the purpose of “judge” Dita Mirela instigating in secret his criminal
clique against me as proven by the address to the local prosecutor’s office, secrecy which is the constant
illicit practice of the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes as proven pervasively through the acts of state
terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests from 11th December 2015 and 10th April
2017 meant to infringe on my right to defend myself by making it impossible for me to consult the
falsified juridical action dossier with which I was opposed, and to harass me to influence my declarations
and capacity to defend myself by subjection to bad treatment, which was useless because I could plead
anyway beyond sufficiently, “judge” Dita Mirela modus operandi being as the mafia’s modus operandi,
to obtain falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents with which to provide a pretext and cover-up
story for Crimes against humanity against me, “judge” Dita Mirela obsessively using the same obvious
lies between the years 2014 - 2017 that I must be “psychiatrically” incarcerated and chemically

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lobotomized to be stopped from exercising my right to justice, lies with which “judge” Dita Mirela
instigated two years later the torturer “psychiatrist” Barbarosie Carmen who committed Crimes against
humanity against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7,
I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and who uttered the exact lies of “judge” Dita Mirela to my mother not me, as my
mother told me that the “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen told her that ~”I blocked the activity
of the courthouse” meaning in 2014, which is impossible to achieve by suing even every “judge” of the
courthouse, case in which the courthouse is legally obligated to send the dossier to the appeal court to
choose another courthouse in its territorial jurisdiction, respectively suing even one judge from a
courthouse is grounds for moving the dossier to another courthouse which I requested many times and
was illegally denied each time by the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes because it’s each mafia territorial
gang with its own criminal activity as I’ve theorized from the beginning of my human rights defender
activity, and as objectively proven by the fact there’s at least a dossier in the Galati county courthouse
where all mafia “judge” caporegimes refused simultaneously and illegally to judge as proven by the
Galati county tribunal decision which annulled the Galati county courthouse illegal “collective” decision
to refuse to judge which is unheard of to my knowledge, proofs which can be observed by searching the
sites of these courts of law by my name. Furthermore the lies carried on in secret by the “psychiatrist”
torturer Barbarosie Carmen as instigated by the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela, have nothing to do
with the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 out of which the falsified pretext
and cover-up story for Crimes against humanity falsified sentences from 4909/231/2017 were issued,
which regarded my “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration of an impossible “examination” without my
consent and cooperation, not my chemical lobotomization, aforementioned penal dossiers containing
just as ridiculous false accusations of disturbing the quietness of the courthouse meeting by listening on
audio books on earphones waiting for my complaint to be called out for public debate, and no less than
while doing the same thing for an hour and a half in the same courthouse meeting without being falsely
accused as further proof of the schizophrenic mafia frame-up in the falsified penal dossier 2845/P/2016,
or the ridiculous false accusation of saying obscene words and making obscene gestures which the
accusers in their false declaration admit they never heard or saw as not corroborated by their mentally
alienated false witnesses and mafia “gendarme” soldiers Butuc Emanuel and Lepadatu Toni, and mafia
“special Minister of Interior Affairs agent” Crintea Valerica who was in the Focsani courthouse especially
to serve as a false witness, and admitted in his false declaration he is a mafia “special Minister of Interior
Affairs agent”, accusing me as a witness as proof of his mental alienation, of being arrogant because
another mafia “gendarme” soldier called me in another courtroom where I had another dossier in trial
against the prosecutor falsified acts of procedure, which is another proof of his mental alienation just as
the mafia “gendarme” soldiers proved trying to accuse me of things unrelated to the accusations as
witnesses only proving they were instigated by the mafia to lie instead of admitting on 18th May 2016
the mafia attempted to concertize a frame-up and when it failed it falsified penal dossier 2845/P/2016
anyway against me as proof of its supreme confidence which demonstrates the mafia is aware it
controls the “state” in Romania. Respectively I’ve been ridiculously accused on 24th June 2016 that
pleading legally in defense of my rights is disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse meeting for the
mafia to falsify penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against me, as summarily demonstrated in
annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, and fully demonstrated in sections I.B.15 and I.B.16, meaning in conclusion that
the “psychiatrist “torturer Barbarosie Carmen was fully aware of all the falsified penal dossiers against
me thus instigated by the mafia to Qualifiedly Murder me and incidentally Torture and gravely Bodily

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Harm me through chemical lobotomization, felonies which constitute Crimes against humanity. Most
importantly as proof of “judge” Dita Mirela instigation of all the 2 Crimes against humanity committed
and the 6 Crimes against humanity attempted against me, stand the obviously false accusations the
schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela made in the falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014 and repeated in the
falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014, which I remind were falsified concomitantly with the mafia
concertized Crimes against humanity committal against me from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, falsified dossiers which the mafia attempted to cover-up with more obviously false
accusations against me in the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, also
falsified at the instigation of “judge” Dita Mirela as objectivized in chapter I.A.II.^7, objectivized
by the fact that no matter how ridiculously obviously falsified the accusations against me were, they
were obsessively repeated throughout the mafia members involved in the Crimes against humanity
against me, which then demonstrates beyond any reasonable doubt again that “judge” Dita Mirela is the
principal instigator of the 2 Crimes against humanity committals against me, and the 6 Crimes against
humanity attempts against me, because evidently strangers aren’t naturally obliged to pick up
religiously these ridiculous lies and risk being convicted for it for the gravest of crimes, but obviously
only other members of the same organized criminal group are motivated by the honor system meaning
being consistently criminal and faithful to the same organized crime group, to commit honor crimes as
also instigated or determined by the illicit relations between the members of same criminal organized
group, or even between criminal members in cahoots by their nature alone motivated to exchange
favors, as I proven from the start by the fact as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^1 that “judge”
Dita Mirela stole ~12 civil dossiers and falsified the decisions in favor of other mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes and the interloper Herghelegiu Danut “judge” Dita Mirela instigated to commit Crimes
against humanity against me in cahoots with the mafia on 27th October 2014 and in the night between
5th and 6th December 2014, as he promised the interloper civil and penal protection from repercussions
of Crimes against humanity which “judge” Dita Mirela could’ve only achieved with the participation of
other courthouse personnel and the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who has influence over the mafia
“policeman” and “gendarme” soldiers who accompanied the interloper to cover-up the Crimes against
humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 murder attempt, and who refused immediately after the
Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 3 times and 1
time respectively to gather the evidence, make a report and notify the prosecutor’s office according to
articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, just as they refused on
27th October 2014. “Judge” Dita Mirela kept instigating until the last ongoing Crimes against humanity
attempt through the dossier 12718/231/2017 in which the mafia desperately instigated the falsification
of the sentences in 1st instance for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I was never
indicted, convicted or diagnosed as proven by annex 17, annex 18, annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my
empty judicial history, the “judiciary bodies” admittal I was never indicted and convicted, and the
certification of my family doctor that I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies meaning
mentally sane, as my family doctor would’ve been notified of any diagnosis falsified or not through the
informatic system if they existed officially which is another proof the mafia clandestinely and
extrajudiciarily committed Crimes against humanity against me for the purpose of stopping me from
denouncing its criminal activity, continuous instigation of “judge” Dita Mirela which I proven objectively
in section I.A.II. starting by using the falsified acts of procedure committed by stealing ~12 civil
dossiers and falsifying the decisions in favor of the other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and the

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interloper Herghelegiu Danut to fulfill the promise of civil matters protection against the repercussions
of Crimes against humanity the interloper was instigated to commit on 27th October 2014 and the night
between 5th to 6th December 2014 as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.^1, then the personal
falsification of dossier 15730/231/2014 in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” as
aforementioned in this paragraph, then the instigation of the falsification of dossier 2417/P/2014
through the falsified declaration lodged on 11th December 2014 in 2417/P/2014 by “judge” Dita Mirela,
then the falsification of another declaration in Spring 2015 as proven by paragraph 2.2.2 from annex 1
summary and paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 summary of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which constitutes the easiest demonstration of
instigation or determination of all the Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me by the principal
instigator “judge” Dita Mirela, because none of the Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me
would’ve been possible without “judge’s” Dita Mirela grave abuses in civil matters, false penal and civil
declarations and illicit relations within the mafia which “judge” Dita Mirela used to instigate or
determine other mafia members to commit Crimes against humanity against me as proven in section
I.A.II. “judge” Dita Mirela as proven by the parties involved in dossier 15730/231/2014 and as
aforementioned instigated the perpetration of the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt in cahoots with
the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” on behalf of the mafia “magistrate“ caporegime bribing Delhaize Group
and his subsidiary ex-employer from Romania SC ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE SA, “judge” Dita Mirela
clearly instigating Crimes against humanity against me on behalf of the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes
bribed by Delhaize Group as proven by “judge” Dita Mirela’s abuses in the civil dossiers 1118/91/2013
representing an act of procedure from 31155/3/2011 against Delhaize Group for disrespecting the
courthouse order 43961/3/2009 and other worker rights, 43961/3/2009 in which I annulled Delhaize
Group first falsified disciplinary lay-off against me, and 861/91/2015 which is really dossier
44139/3/2012 against Delhaize Group in which the mafia “judge” caporegimes refused to judge for
being bribed by the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” on behalf of Delhaize Group as objectivized in paragraph
I.A.II.^6.1, the mafia “judge” caporegimes refusal to judge being proven in paragraph
I.A.II.^1. With Delhaize Group’s Romanian subsidiary SC ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE SA I was in a
work litigation in 2011 in 2nd instance of 43961/3/2009 in which I annulled its falsified disciplinary lay-
off, and immediately after Delhaize Group lost in 43961/3/2009 in 2nd instance it hired the Kinstellar
SPARL “lawyers” to falsify 3 disciplinary sanctions against me and get me illegally disciplinarily fired
again as obvious revenge I won against it, Delhaize Group having the psychosis of the “masters of the
world” as my lawyer Mariana Militaru from 43961/3/2009 appreciated, meaning falsely ideatizing that
Romanians are slaves with no worker rights (pleonasm intended for clarity) which also qualifies them for
the “psychiatric” charlatanry classification of antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy, recounting in
short that Delhaize Group fired me disciplinarily illegally the first time as a result of harboring a gang of
sociopaths of course - birds of a feather stick together, in cahoots with unrelated to me which is the
whole point the SC ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE directors were dilapidating the company profit for their
own illicit profit by routing it through bribing Romanians, sociopathic gang of dilapidating bribers who
was pervasively harassing any other honest employee to place in the company only members of their
sociopathic gang, status quo supported by the company’s leadership for the purpose of getting
dilapidating accomplices, gang who also controlling the human resources department framed me and
illegally falsified a disciplinary layoff our of sheer sociopathic malice – they could’ve just laid me off and I
would’ve been pursuing my career elsewhere as I’ve tried but these sociopaths didn’t let me by
slandering me to other employers with their fake and illegal disciplinary lay off forcing me to SC

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ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE SA and win as proof of my innocence. In consequence to stop me from suing
Delhaize Group who bribed the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes to refuse to judge, Delhaize Group also
instigated these Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” to file an unfounded accessory request to the “judge” Dita
Mirela’s request in 15730/231/2014 instigating the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt against me
claiming no less than that I must be put under “psychiatric” interdiction for exercising my right to justice,
demented action which they also lost in consequence proving not all mafia “magistrate” caporegimes
are willing to get directly involved in Crimes against humanity, assumption on which I stood firm against
mafia state terrorism and wrongful political repression and won in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance,
14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance constituting the 4th, 5th and 6th mafia Crimes against humanity
attempts. I mention this because it is proof that the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela is himself
instigated by the mafia leadership protecting the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes bribed by Delhaize
Group, and by Delhaize Group through the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” who if they bribed the Bucharest
Tribunal mafia “magistrate” caporegimes it means they also bribed the troglodyte peasant “judge” Dita
Mirela from Vrancea county, who was also assured by the mafia leadership of protection from
disciplinary, civil and penal repercussions of his Crimes against humanity instigations and other grave
abuses, meaning Delhaize Group riding on the Romanian privatization of national interest by the
Romanian “state” mafia, determined or instigated the mafia leadership to support and therefore
determine or instigate the Crimes against humanity against me, for which “judge” Dita Mirela acted like
a local “patsy” which appropriately means in Italian-American mafia slang a madman instigated by the
mafia to commit crimes which is disposable for the purpose of the mafia’s involvement remaining
clandestine, which is where the Romanian “state” mafia differs from the “private sector” classic model
by the fact the mafia leadership incriminated itself being accomplice and instigator in all the Crimes
against humanity against me as I proven by notifying all the competent public service offices occupied
by the mafia bosses or underbosses such as the known criminal ex-supreme’s court president Stanciu
Livia repeatedly denounced by ECHR for fake trials, or the minister of justice Cazanciuc Robert and other
holders of the disciplinary action against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes according to article 44
from the Romanian Law 317/2004, mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who I denounced publicly, penally,
disciplinarily and some of which I’ve sued for refusing to do their duty which is obeying the law
according to article 124 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Constitution, disciplinary action holders against
which I was suing the same civil dossiers against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes they were
protecting by refusing to do their duty meaning for being accomplices and intrinsic instigators of the
mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, proving since 2014 in consequence that the whole Romanian judiciary
system is corrupt and in cahoots with mafia “police” and “gendarmerie” soldiers, mafia “legal medicine”,
“legal bars”, “registrars” associates etc., dossiers against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes in
principal which I’ve made public on the mafia illicitly censored forum “militia.freeforums.net” which I’m
sure triggered the Romanian “state” mafia 2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against
humanity attempts against me that started not coincidentally in 2014 as well, and which constitutes
proof that the Crimes against humanity committed against me are “part either of a government policy”
because the Romanian “state” mafia controls the government, judicial system and the parliament,
therefore is not “or of a wide practice of atrocities tolerated or condoned by a government or a de
facto authority” because the murderous Romanian “state” mafia regime does not tolerate or condone
it’s own Crimes against humanity but commits Crimes against humanity to impose it’s totalitarian
regime meaning it’s the mafia’s policy, as proven by the fact the Crimes against humanity are
committed by government officials or public servant themselves, and that the mafia controls the

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judiciary system is exemplificatively proven by ex-supreme court president Stanciu Livia notorious
criminal who was even denounced repeatedly by ECHR annulling his illegal sentences, corroborated with
the fact the notorious criminal Stanciu Livia instead of being in jail is now a mafia “magistrate”
caporegime in the Romanian Constitutional Court, where he instigated the falsification of the Romanian
Constitutional Court’s Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 against me and everyone in the same
situation – abolishing the presumption of innocence as I objectivized in section I.B.11, which just proves
the whole leadership of the judiciary system in Romania is criminal by protecting and promoting proven
criminals in public function, as well as this proves Stanciu Livia who I’ve sued in 2014 is again playing a
determinant role in the instigation to the Crimes against humanity committed against me by the
Qualified Murder attempts, Torture, Bodily harm and other crimes perpetrated between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017 through 4909/231/2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2,
then being instigator to the Crimes against humanity attempted against me through the mafia’s final
solution of indefinite to life illegal incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder through
the illegal obligation to chemical lobotomization through the falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 as
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^8, I.B.2-4, and I.A.I.1-2
II.1.3.1^4 the (4th) Crimes against humanity attempt through the falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry penal action 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance regarding “psychiatric” charlatanry
incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation, was instigated by
the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela as demonstrated by paragraphs 2.2.2 from annex 1 summary and
2.3 from annex 2 summary of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier representing the fact “judge” Dita Mirela instigated or determined the
falsification of penal dossier 2417/P/2014 through his falsified declaration from 11th December 2014,
and instigated or determined the committal of Crimes against humanity through his falsified declaration
from Spring 2015,
II.1.3.1^4.1 and the incidental acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal
II.1.3.1^4.1^1 from 17th September 2015 by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul and “judge” Dita Mirela
who instigated “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana falsify the mandate from dossier 10547/231/2015 as
objectivized in the aforementioned paragraphs and chapters 1-3 from annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, for the purpose of
falsifying the “psychiatrist” charlatanry documents as objectivized in chapters 4-5 from annex 1 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, for the
purpose of instigating with these falsified acts of procedure the falsification of the decision in
11224/231/2015, which was falsified by “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin for the purpose of placing
me in a situation of vulnerability through an illegal and groundless “pscyhiatric” charlatanry
incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation which proves the
mafia’s intent to an effect to commit the 4th Crimes against humanity which were supposed to unfold
exactly like the 7th Crimes against humanity as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2,
Crimes against humanity which were instigated identically through the falsified “psychiatric” documents
from 6th April 2017 as objectivized in paragraph < from annex < of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier <and reference the I.B.? sections where
“berzvehnii” or “6th april” appear, and summarize back in annex 12 and 14 because it seems I’ve
ommitted that part because the falsified documents weren’t communicated or simply don’t exist>,
when 2 mafia “masked police” and 2 “police” soldiers committed the incidental act of terrorism of illegal

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home breaking and illegal arrest and detainment for 2 hours and only formally carry me to the
“psychiatrist” committee of charlatans which wasn’t even fully formed but consisted of just 3, the
“psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor and 2 other women who also were in the “psychiatrist”
committee of charlatans on 17th September 2015, who as soon as they gathered at 9 a.m. the
“psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor dismissed the hearing making clear who was amongst them the
leading instigator meaning himself, felonies committed on 6th April 2017 as a result of the falsified
mandate from 4791/231/2017 which was faked no less than the same schizophrenic “judge” Dinu
Murgulet Ana who falsified the mandate in 10547/231/2015, “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana who didn’t
even need to instigate the falsification of 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance because he stole the dossier
from the random distribution of dossiers and stubbornly although incompatible for many reasons as
objectivized in annex 12 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, falsified the decision in the identical action 4909/231/2017 meaning which is in
ne bis in idem relation with 11224/231/2015 for being accused identically of fictive deeds - idem factum
and groundlessly declared irresponsible, lacking discernment, being violent and a public danger against
my proofs which easily demonstrate the opposite to be true, fictive deeds which cannot even physically
exist let alone constitute felonies or grounds for diagnosis as further proof , which practically proves
again it was the “magistrate” mafia’s intention all along throughout all 8 Qualified Murder attempts
since 2014 as objectivized in paragraphs I.A.II. and I.A.II., corroborated with the fact the
chemical lobotomization constituting Torture and the most severe type of Bodily Harm constituting
capital punishment or Qualified Murder in itself, are incidental as the mafia intent to an effect was to
stop me from denouncing its criminal activityby Qualifiedly Murdering me one way or another as
proven in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 by instigating the interloper Herghelegiu Danut
to violently hit me on the head, hit my head and forehead against the wall and push me down a flight of
stairs to make it appear like an accident as I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.^4.1-5, all 3 instances
which could’ve resulted in my death as proven in the scientific article at
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19537451 which statistically shows that 80.43% of the causes of
death from falling on stairs consciously is head injury, while 62.67% of all falls on stairways resulted in
death, thus any hit violent enough to cause unconsciousness is sufficient to cause brain damage and
death since evidently falling on stairs consciously is enough to kill a person, falling on stairs
unconsciously after being hit at least twice violently enough to cause unconsciousness and a skin split of
4 centimeters is all that more likely to cause death because any brain injury that can occur while falling
on stairs is lighter than being violently hit on the head on purpose, then the mafia covertly injected me
with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone and paliperidone constituting the 4th Qualified
Murder attempt from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 alone as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, then during the Crimes against humanity committed against me
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 the mafia attempted to Qualifiedly Murder me by putting me
in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days without treatment through daily deadly fluorine based
neurotoxic injections, and after I survived chemically lobotomized me with other deadly fluorine and
chlorine neurotoxins as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, the latter deadly
fluorine neurotoxin being the same as covertly injected with in the night between 5th and 6th December
2014, risperidone or paliperidone,
II.1.3.1^4.1^2 from 11th December 2015 through the falsification of a mandate from
14277/231/2015 by “judge” Badiu Mandica who also ordered the mafia “gendarme” soldiers to illegally
deprive me of liberty inside the Focsani courthouse for 3 hours in total as objectivized in section I.B.18,

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mandate who was never communicated to me to infringe the right to defend my self by making it
impossible for me to consult the dossier and build a defense by preventing me from even learning the
existence and object of the falsified dossier 14277/231/2015, reminding the relevant fact that on 11th
Decmeber 2015 I had already annulled the falsified decision from 11224/231/2015 from 1st instance
constituting the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt against me, in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance,
meaning the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry action 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance was the difference
5th Crimes against humanity attempt therefore it made sense for the mafia to make it impossible for me
to build my defense knowing how I won in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance, however this is the typical
Romanian “state” mafia modus operandi as proven by
II.1.3.1^4.1^3 the attempt from 2nd October 2015 through a mandate falsified by “judge”
Craciun Constantin Catalin who also falsified the decision in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance as
objectivized through annex 3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, constituting the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt against me
II.1.3.1^4.2 and instigated the 4th, 5th and 6th Crimes against humanity attempts through
11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, falsified dossiers in
which if I didn’t annull by the grace of God the falsified decision on “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin
and the falsified “prosecutor’s” instigations that Crimes gainst humanity be committed against me, I
would’ve been Tortured, gravely Bodily Harmed and Qualified Murder attempts would’ve been
committed against me as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 constituting the 7th Crimes against
humanity againt me as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and as objectivized in
paragraph I.A.II. regarding the demonstration of the mafia’s intent to an effect, and as
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. regarding the fact the mafia will continue to commit Crimes
against humanity against me as long as its intent to an effect of stopping me from denouncing its
criminal activity is not reached, proofs which corroborate to the demonstrated murderous obsession of
the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela’s in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” representing the
illicit interest of the mafia “magistrate” carepogimes bribing Delhaize Group, to place me under
“psychiatric” interdiction for exercising my right to justice against him and the Delhaize Group’s abuses
through the falsified dossier 15730/231/2014 then instigate the mafia “secret police” soldiers to
incarcerate me in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag and the “psychiatric” torturers to Torture, gravely
Bodily Harm and attempt to Qualifiedly Murder me as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017. The
falsified dossier 15730/231/2014 was lodged in person by “judge” Dita Mirela, then the Kinstellar SPARL
“lawyers” introduced an accesory request sustaining the exact schizophrenic request of “judge” Dita
Mirela of my placement under “psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my right to justice,
reminding that “judge” Dita Mirela also instigated the 15730/231/2014 “judge” to not subpoena me nor
reject the falsified dossier 15730/231/2014 right away as inadmissible as obvious because of the
schizophrenic request of “judge” Dita Mirela to place me under “psychiatric” interdiction for exercising
my right to justice, nor did the “judge” from 15730/231/2014 fine “judge” Dita Mirela for registering an
obvious unfounded and unjustifiable action as legally required, proving the falsified dossier
15730/231/2014 was illegally and intentionally delayed while “judge” Dita Mirela was instigating its
criminal clique to falsify acts of procedure against me to prove its schizophrenic request. The falsified
penal dossier 2417/P/2014 from which the falsified action 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance constituting
the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt, contains evidence falsified by “judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots
with “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul knew was false as proof of his
instigation by “judge” Dita Mirela at the time “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsified the ordnance in rem or

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of beginning the penal pursuit I remind for an aggravation circumstance and not for an actual crime, and
as further proof of “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigation by “judge” Dita Mirela, “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul invented a false quote lying that it’s my words with which I threatened to kill “judge” Dita Mirela,
audacity of the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes Mihaila Paul and Dita Mirela to falsify proofs meaning
it’s proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the instigation is motivated by far more than favoritism,
it’s motivated by the appartenance of these “magistrates” to the same organized crime group and not
just any organized crime group by the Romanian “state” mafia who controls the institutions responsible
to take penal and disciplinary action against these two criminals and never did as proof but the mafia
incriminated itself and unconspired its existence by pervasively protecting the principal instigator
“judge” Dita Mirela, being in the honor system of the mafia members to commit crimes for each other
as the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul has nothing to gain personally if he weren’t a member of the Romanian
“state” mafia but on the contrary he could lose his illicit priviledges as a mafia “magistrate” caporegime
by not collaborating with the mafia, a general state of fact in Romanian that is fueled by the reality that
every public functionary is put in function through illicit relations not meritocratically and the logic of
this state of fact is that even the courthouse’s archivist could be a whistleblower if he weren’t already a
mafia collaborator which is the sole reason that archivist was hired and not a honest one as proven by
the fact even the courthouse’s archivists are aware of the mafia’s criminal activity, therefore it’s prove
that in Romania that public functionary is hired as a mafia collaborator and to be used by his
“godfather” in the exact movie fashion meaning being expected to return the favor by committing
crimes for the mafia, and when that clerk is not being used, being under the protection of the
“magistrate” mafia he abuses the public function for his own profit which also constitutes the
instigation to commit crimes as basically every Romanian public functionary literarily barely contains
himself waiting to indebt others by offering favors through abuse of function, meaning the Romanian
state became a mafia “state” because the intellectual elite was eradicated by Torture, Bodily Harm and
Qualified Murder in repeated pogroms in places like the notorious Pitești Phenomenon, and replaced
with the immoral and functionally analphabet peasants who also notoriously constituted the recruiting
ground of the torturers used in the intellectuality eradication pogroms by the “communist” mafia that
oligarchically became the present mafia after the 1989 coup d’etat, and ultimately in time through the
perpetuation of intellectual eradication and human rights repression the mafia affairs became the state
affairs in Romania, especially after 1989 coup d’etat when the so-called communist “magistrate“ and
“secret services” nomenclature took power and obviously never let it go since – and as proof, I as
rhetorically ask who obtains power and willingly lets it go when not even clergy do, then why would
immoral and uncultured peasants whose only reasoning is “power is a means in itself”? I also
corroborate on the proofs of the falsification of dossier 2417/P/2014 with the fact its object was
Judiciary outrage according to article 279 from the new Romanian Penal Code, which isn’t a stand-alone
felony, it’s an aggravated circumstance of other felonies committed against a magistrate, and since I
wasn’t prosecuted for any real felony factually or legally, the accusation itself against me was legally
aberrant – and in fact at every procedural step all relevant law was broken proving the “magistrate”
mafia is really made up as all mafias from immoral uneducated peasants, unconcerned with the law or
juridical logic.
II.1.3.1^4.3 The falsified dossier 2417/P/2014 was kept secret until 5th May 2015 meaning after
“judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” lost in 15730/231/2014, and after
“judge” Dita Mirela went in person to “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul to instigate him sometime in Spring
2015 as proven in paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures

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attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, 5th May 2015 which is when I received a falsified subpoena
lacking almost all legal requirements meaning being illegal and constituting the felonies of Harassment,
Threatening and Blackmail committed by the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul calling me illegally a felon in it
by which he clearly transmitted the unspoken message to me to succomb to state terrorism and stop
denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity else “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul will falsify acts of procedure
against me instigating to be Qualifiedly Murdered, and incidentally Tortured and Bodily Harmed which
constitute Crimes against humanity, mentioning at the time because I was suspecting a false conviction
leading to illegal imprisonment and Qualified Murder attempts which “occurs” in Romanian prisons all
the time at the instigation of the mafia reminding that the mafia even kills their own to silence them
such as thenotorious cases of “judge” Mustata who recently died in prison and who was denouncing
that the dossier against him was falsified by the mafia <find article and link>, or Dan Adamescu who was
denied medical treatment especially to die in prison then the mafia even internationally illegally pursued
his son Alexandru Adamescu <find article and link>, false conviction which I had no reason to fear
because I was far from it, having to go in trial and be falsely convicted by two instances meaning I
could’ve gotten falsely convicted in 1st instance, lodge the appeal and at the same time become a
refugee until justice is done as I’ve anticipated as proof the falsification of the sentences in
12718/231/2017 and became a permanent refugee as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 2.4^45 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, while I didn’t suspect at the time the “psychiatry” charlatanry would or was used against me as
a weapon of wrongful repression because of the mafia’s fiasco in the 3rd Crimes against humanity
attempt through the falsified dossier 15730/231/2014 where the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela
in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” couldn’t even come up with falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry documents, but as I’ve deduced since the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt through
11224/231/2015 instigated by “judge” Dita Mirela, “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, the 5 charlatan members
of the “psychiatric” committee from 17th September 2015, and “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin who
falsified the decision in 11224/231/2015 as I’ve objectivized in annex 1, annex 2 and annex 3 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and as proof
I’ve continuously inculpated these criminals for Qualified Murder attempts through 11224/231/2015,
14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance and 4909/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd
instance constituting in actuality the 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Qualified Murder attempts as I’ve deduced the
mafia’s intent to put me in a situation of vulnerability through “pscyhiatric” charlatanry incarceration
then gravely Bodily Harm or attempt to Qualifiedly Murder me through deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic injections to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity and especially attempt to cover-
up the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and 2nd Crimes against humanity
committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, attempted Qualified Murder and
incidental Torture and Bodily Harm felonies which the mafia committed exactly as I’ve deduced,
constituting the 7th Crimes against humanity committal against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 when I was put in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic injections without treatment expecting me to die, then after I survived I was forcefully
poisoned with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons, mentioning the latter deadly
fluorine neurotoxic poison risperidone or paliperidone is the same I was covertly injected with without
my consent in my right elbow by an unknown person believing I wouldn’t feel it constituting the 2nd
Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and respectivelly I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, and I.A.I.1-2. The 5th May 2017 falsified

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subpoena most importantly was sent after the date and time I was summoned intently to make it
appear I’m avoiding giving declarations so the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul could falsify based on this fake
premise a bunch of falsified mandates to the police from sector 3 Bucharest in which circumscription I
am legally domiciliated, although “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul knew I don’t live there as proven by his
instigation for the falsification of the the illegal and groundless mandate from 10th September 2017 in
10547/231/2015 then the falsified ordnance from 11th September 2015 for the mafia “masked police”
and “police” soldiers to execute illegally on 17th September 2015 as proven by chapters 1 and 2 from
annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, fact also proven by the fact “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul ignored my memo I sent on 9th May 2015
containing amongst many judicial declarations the proven fact the subpoena from 5th May 2015 was
sent late after which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul not only refused to subpoena me until demonstrating he
could’ve again on 10th and 11th September 2015 but refused to ever subpoena me legally after, even
Harassing, Threatening and Blackmailing my mother on 22nd September 2015 on her telephone under
the pretext of subpoenaeing me - procedure which doesn’t exist in the Romanian Penal Procedure Code
as further proof, and as I’ve objectivized in chapter 1 from annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Finally I mention the “prosecutor”
Mihaila Paul never even used the pretext he invented to motivate his falsified acts of procedure to
instigate the police from sector 3 of Bucharest, or “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana to falsify the mandate
from 10th September 2015 from 10547/231/2017, nor did “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul motivate the
ordnance of delegation for the mafia “masked police” and “police” soldiers he falsified on 11th
September 2015 based on the falsified mandate from 10th September 2015 from 10547/231/2014 as
I’ve objectivized the legal obligations infringed by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul and “judge” Dinu Murgulet
Ana in chapters 1 and 2 from annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which attract the nulity of their falsified acts of procedure and all
subsequent acts of procedure in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 which is ground in itself of
nulity of all its subsequent acts of procedure. The fact “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana, the mafia “masked
police” and “police” soldiers from Focsani and even the mafia “police” soldiers from sector 3 of
Bucharest didn’t immediately penally denounce “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul according to articles 61, 291
paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, is proof of the mafia members
cooperation throughout the country, although is worthy to mention that only after I’ve denounced
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul to the sector 3 police from Bucharest they sent the falsified mandates as I’ve
requested to the prosecutor’s office near the Galati Appeal Court as they should’ve, where of course the
denouncement was covered-up as all the Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me, reminding
as relevant the fact the mafia bosses and underbosses that instigated and concertized the 2nd Crimes
against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 meaning the mafia
“gendarme” general Mircea Olaru, and the mafia “magistrate” boss Stanciu Livia who I’ve proven
accomplice and instigator to all 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against humanity
committals as especially evident through the instigation for the falsification of the Romanian
Constitutional Court decision no 25/19th January 2017 - see section I.B.11, originate from the mafia
from Galati county and retain their old loyalties as evident. I remind that the mandate from 10th
September 2015 from 10547/231/2017 and the ordnance from 11th September 2015 aforementioned
were falsified by the Romanian “state” mafia “magistrate” caporegimes Mihaila Paul and Dinu Murgulet
Ana to commit the incidental act of state terrorism through illegal home breaking, my illegal arrest and
illegal detainment from my mother’s apartment where I was asleep on 17th September 2015 6 a.m., with

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4 mafia “masked police” and 2 “police” soldiers as if I were a dangerous terrorist or MMA fighter not a
peaceful intellectual human rights defender, incidental act of state terrorism meant to harass me for 6
hours before bringing me by force illegally and detaining me illegally for the 7th hour at the “psychiatric”
charlatans committee at the local forensic medical service for nothing because the mafia expected me
to behave abnormally as a result the Harassment through irrational and illegal behavior, Subjection to
bad treatment through sleep and nourishment deprivation, and other felonies committed against me
that day, illegal amongst all possible reasons because I didn’t consent to be ‘examined” by the
“psychiatric” charlatans to justify their need to falsify the apparent legality of the paperwork against me
and their obvious abuse against me, by which I demonstrate what I mean by incidental - that the act of
terrorism was not intended to the effect of creating terror as an end in itself, but to destabilize me
psychically illicit abnormal behavior in front of the “psychaitrist” charltans to give them reason to falsify
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents against me which as proof they falsified anyway on 23rd November
2015 after I’ve annulled all their previous falsified “psychiatric” charltanry documents on 28th October
2015 in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance as I demonstrated in annex 3 and annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, only the mafia’s plan
backfired and I denounced all its members involved penally, disciplinarily, civilly and publicly again the
“abnormal behavior” of the Romanian “state” mafia criminals impersonating public servants, such as the
“psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor falsifying acts of procedure on behalf of the local malpraxis
committee from the local health direction, to cover-up his own malpraxis being incompatible evidently
according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest and concretely according to article 11
from Romanian Government Ordnance 27/2002. The 17th September 2015 incidental act of state
terrorism was probably also motivated by the fact I didn’t waste time in the over 4 months since the
falsified subpoena from 5th May 2015 during which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul was hiding dossier
2417/P/2014 from me, but I opened a penal dossier against “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul because knowing
I am innocent in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 it meant according to the principle of non-
contradiction it could only be falsified, and I knew “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsified it because he
falsified the subpoena from 5th May 2015 and refused to emmit a legal subpoena since after I’ve sent
him the memo from 9th May 2015, and becuase if “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul didn’t falsify the penal
dossier 2417/P/2014 then according to the principle of non-contradiction again he would’ve
immediately accuse the lying accuser of the felonies of False declarations and Inducing the judiciary
bodies into error according to articles 326 and 268 from the Romanian Penal code which also revealed
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul has falsified the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 as instigated by the lying accuser,
reason for which I’ve also opened a penal dossier against the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela
without having other proof it’s him the lying accuser in the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 except
the fact “judge” Dita Mirela is the only one who has the audacity, the motive demontrated through the
falsification of the civil dossier 15730/231/2014 in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers”
constituting the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt, and the fact I’ve denounced him penally,
disciplinarily and publicly for stealing ~12 civil dossiers from the random distribution of dossiers and
falsifying the decisions in them in favor of the other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut, and the opportunity through the influenced exerted in the Romanian “state” mafia
as a mafia “magistrate” caporegimem to falsify a penal dossier against me without getting convicted
immediately, and I was right - well, the logic to demonstrate what I intuitively knew then I learned after
actually which just shows my sanity even after being chemically lobotomized in the night between 5th
and 6th December 2014, all at the instigation of “judge” Dita Mirela as I’ve punctually demonstrated in

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section I.A.II. The falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 was not even based on a physical deed but
I was aberrantly suspected, not even accused of the aggravation circumstance of Judiciary outrage
which just demontrates the falsification of the penal dossier was itself incidental meaning a pretext and
cover-up story for the instigation of Crimes against humanity through abuse of the judiciary system and
the “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of wrongful political repression, and therefore I based my initial
accusations against the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul on the procedural law he carelessly broke to falsify
the penal dossier and commit procedural abuses, but also on his complicity to the felonies of the lying
accuser “judge” Dita Mirela which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul refused to denounce to the superior
prosecutor’s office competent for the prosecution of magistrates for the felonies of False accusations
and Inducing the judiciary bodies into error, and after the 17th September 2015 incidental act of state
terrorism I’ve lodged several more penal dossiers against “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul for committing
felonies of public service abuse, of corruption, for felonies against the liberty of persons falsifying
documents and many more, in which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul was never acquitted by the
“prosecutor’s office” near the Galati county Appeal court, about which I mention again as proof that I
also notified the Bucharest sector 3 police to stop the illegal pursuit put in motion by the falsified
mandates of “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, and the Bucharest sector 3 police as I requested forwarded the
falsified mandates to the “prosecutor’s office” near the Galati county Appeal court although they
should’ve forwarded the falsified mandates as a denouncement meaning along with a report of their
own according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which
only proves even if different subgroups of the same Romanian “state” mafia cartel appear neutral, they
are in reality supporting the mafia cartel instead of denouncing it according to their job obligations, and
in particular proves that the prosecutors from the “prosecutor’s office” near the Galati county Appeal
court also covered-up these particular felonies of the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, being accomplice and
instigators or determinants to to the Crimes against humanity instigated by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul
himself determined by the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela but also the mafia leadership who
concertized the 2nd Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve
objectivized in section I.A.II. of which “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul was fully aware as he
demonstrated by stealing dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) from the inferior prosecutor’s office, no
less with the complicity of “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta who falsified the appeal in
14277/231/2015 and the penal dossier 2845/P/2016 personally, then stole the proofs from the dossier,
then falsified an ordnance of closing for the cover-up of the 2nd Crimes against humanity from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 without administering a single proof as I demonstrate in section
I.B.22, or as objectivized in chapter 2.7 from annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul’s interest in
the Bodily Harm committed against me in the 2nd Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th
and 6th December 2014 which he did not deny was a result of a Qualified Murder attempt but
simultaneously attempted to downplay it calling it an “aggression”, and attempted to use against me in
his own instigations to Crimes aganist humanity attempts from 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015,
or as objectivized by the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul’s attempt to cover-up the 1st Crimes against
humanity through a falsified ordnance of closing from penal dossier 2222/P/2014, ordnance annulled as
short proof in dossier 14445/231/2015 which can be seen in the Focsani courthosue site’s ECRIS public
evidence , then in 2222/P/2014 the same ordnance was falsified again by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul in
cahoots with “prime-prosecutor” Tarlea Florin Cristinel. Real magistrates or policemen always gather the
evidence and denounce the criminals and their crimes as soon as they observe them as obligated by the

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law, and are not covering for other criminal members of the same organized crime group which only
organized crime group member do as proof. The falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 was obviously kept
secret intently until after “judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” lost in the
falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014 in April 2015 as I remember, and after the principal instigator
“judge” Dita Mirela went in person to “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigating him in Spring 2015 as proven
in paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, recurring mafia practice of secrecy corroborated by the pervasive
identical modus operandi meaning other identically falsified acts of procedure perpetrated by the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes through public office abuse which constitute their opportunity - such as the
recurring incidental acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests and
detainments perpetrated to infringe my right to defend myself as on 11th December 2015 and 10th April
2017, or as attempted on 2nd October 2015, or <should mention this if didn’t already as a conclusion
somewhere in annex 21 of my ECHR request> the recurring 8 Crimes against humanity which stopped
because the 8th is ongoing meaning there is no need for another until the 8th ends, which reveal the
mafia’s intent to an effect of Qualifiedly Murdering and incidentally Bodily Harming and Torturing me
to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, because each of the 7 Crimes against humanity
recurrence after the 1st is motivated by the fact he mafia didn’t fulfill its intent by achieving the effect
sought after as I’ve also objectivized in section I.A.II., meaning the mafia will continue the 8th
Crimes aganist humanity attempt against me, or if I annul it’s falsified acts of procedure which are the
mafia’s psychosis they constitute a valid pretext and cover-up story for the Crimes against humanity the
mafia intends to commit against me as the 7th Crimes against humanity committal between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017, and as the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th
and 6th December 2017, the mafia will falsify other acts of procedure as pretext and cover-up stories as
it already did for the 7th Crimes against humanity committal, and as for the last 4 Crimes against
humanity attempts as proof, or simply falsifiy the acts of procedure for cover-up as in the case of the 1st
Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and the 2nd Crimes against humanity
committal, for the purpose of stopping me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity which
constitutes the motive or the mafia’s intent to an effect, which means that <mention this in chpater 1 of
annex 2 of my ECHR request> the Harassment, Threatening and Blackmail felonies committed against
my mother were meant to intimidate and cause my mother to either convince me to voluntarily
incarcerate me in the Focsani “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag or even request the “psychiatrist”
charlatans to “psychiatrically” incarcerate me which if it’s unthinkable in my normal human family, then
it’s plausible in the psychopathic / sociopathic mentality of the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, which is not
far fetched in the degenerated “European” Vrancea county where the human animals are selling their
parent’s house leaving them homeless and leaving to live abroad, and the mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes are convicting innocents to chemical lobotomy for illegal experimentation in cahoots with
the “psychiatrist” charlatans as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier because this constitutes Crimes against humanity at a national level actually, degeneration to a
state of sub-animals of the immoral Romanian peasants I’ve often spoke of to be the recruiting grounds
of the mafia, of which me and my mother were left out because being poor honest working Christians
three generations removed from working the land, as there’s no other way we could’ve ended up in the
midsts of the Romanian mafia degenerates as I see now, we are not involved in anything immoral, not
even in the gossip circles that only exist because of people who have no lives of their own

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II.1.3.1^4.4 The 11224/231/2015 action would’ve resulted in the Crimes against humanity
committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 againt me as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. regarding the
demonstration of the mafia’s intent to an effect, and as objectivized in paragraph I.A.II. regarding
the fact the mafia will continue to commit Crimes against humanity against me as long as its intent to
an effect of stopping me from denouncing its criminal activity is not reached as practically proven by the
2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts since 2014, the 8th
Crimes against humanity attempt being ongoing because the mafia did not stop me from denouncing its
criminal activity therefore it did not fulfill its intent and achieve the effect it sought, especially evident
because there is ne bis in idem between 11224/231/2015 and 4909/231/2017 for the identically fictive
accusations of being irresponsible, lacking discernment, being violent and a public danger without a
shred of proof, based on deeds that do not physically exist because they cannot physically exist let alone
constitute felonies or premises for diagnostics, which in conclusion reveals that all the falsified acts of
procedure against me are superficial pretexts and poor cover-up stories for the Crimes against
humanity, as each act of procedure was meant to cover-up the truth and contribute in some way as a
cover-up story for each Crime against humanity, such as the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry
documents for which acts of state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrests and
detainment were perpetrated on 17th September 2015 and 6th April 2017 for these falsified dossiers in
ne bis in idem 11224/231/2015 and 4909/231/2017, through the falsified mandates from the dossier
10547/231/2015 in ne bis in idem with 4791/231/2017, no less than the latter 3 being falsified by the
same schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana is worthy of mention as another reason for the identity
between them and identical modus operandi, or such as the falsified acts of state terrorism through
illegal home breaking and illegal arrests and detainment were perpetrated on 11th December 2015 and
10th April 2017 to impede me from building a defense in falsified dossiers 14277/231/2015 and
4909/231/2017. In corroboration to this conclusion aforementioned and the fact the mafia’s intent to an
effect was always to Qualifiedly Murder me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity and failing
it incidentally Tortured and Bodily Harmed me, there wasn’t even falsified paperwork against me for
chemical lobotomization to cover-up the Crimes against humanity committed against me during
“psychiatric” incarceration in the Focsani gulag and chemical lobotomization during 27th May 2017 and
8th June 2017 as it could’ve been as is the case with the falsified sentences from 12718/231/2017 as I
objectivize in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, but only the falsified sentences from 4909/231/2017 having the obviously illegal
and groundless object of being “psychiatrically” incarcerated for being innocent, for an impossible
“examination” without my consent and cooperation, which is exactly the case in 11224/231/2015,
falsified dossiers which are clearly pretexts to put me in a situation of vulnerability and attempt to
Qualifiedly Murder me as in the 7th Crimes against humanity commital proves since being put in
anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning
without treatment wasn’t even meant to chemically lobotomize me but Qualifiedly Murder me. In
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance I won annulling the falsified decision in 1st instance because the
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents, the “prosecutor’s” proposal, and 1st instance mafia instigated
decision were all obviously illegal and unfounded meaning falsified as proven by chapter 4 from annex
1, chapter 2 from annex 2, annex 3 and chapter 1 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures, obvious meaning simply evident by the fact the juridical acts are not motivated legally
and factually, not even having to go into the great number of law and human rights infringements they

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represent. The only logical motivation in the falsified decision from 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance
although also illegal and unjustified, is the schizophrenic “judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin mention
that I must be ~“locked up so others don’t take my example” of civic spirit, meaning only logical
according to the mafia’s mentality reason for which this mention shouldn’t exist even in a falsified
judicial decision because it has nothing to do with the object of the trial nor is it in the mafia’s interest,
proving “judge” Craciun COnstantin Catalin is schizophrenic both as a “judge” for breaking the law
pervasively and as a mafia member for revealing the mafia’s intentions, as the trial’s object in
11224/231/2015 was whether I should be illegally and groundlessly incarcerated in the Focsani
“psychiatric” gulag for being innocent and subjected to an impossible “psychiatry” charlatanry
“expertise” without my consent and cooperation which proves by default the illegality of
11224/231/2015 because nobody can be incarcerated arbitrarily meaning without reason or for
aberrated reasons, and also the fact it’s a pretext for Crimes against humanity to be committed against
me as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, instigated no less than through the identically illegal
and unjustified decisions from 4909/232/2017. What “example” others must not take from me, it’s not
specified in the falsified motivation from 11224/231/2015 but is obvious that the Romanian “state”
mafai fears and is referring to my only real behavior which is defending human rights by denouncing the
criminal activity of the mafia penally, civilly, disciplinarily and publicly, a paranoid fear since nobody took
my example of human rights defending, although I suspect I may have encouraged a few to have a spine
which the mafia also fears. The Romanian “state” mafia is thus proven more paranoid than Stalin was,
because in all the years I denounced the criminal activity of the mafia I haven’t achieved neither getting
a single mafia “magistrate” caporegime convicted or at least sanctioned disciplinarily, because there is
nobody to convict the Romanian “state” mafia members, the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes are all
“cosa nostra” – same thing or the mafia which I did prove statistically that all mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes are 100% corrupt and about 86% are disposed to commit Crimes against humanity, nor did
I achieve significant public outrage meaning that I could notice despite what I did succeed and I’m
confident of my role in it, is to destroy the fake image of legitimacy of the Romanian “state” mafia
meaning nobody really believes anymore there is even one honest magistrate in Romania which reveals
the fact that despite it’s notoriously known Romanians do nothing about it because they are either
cowardly or idiots - unskilled and desinterested in public affairs, not to mention the treacherous ones
who are mafia collaborationists and is understood by default they are not going to fight the mafia. The
reason not even one other person took example after me as far as I know is because what I do is
intellectual and requires hard passionate voluntary work, meaning as I concluded that I represent no
threat whatsoever to the Romanian “state” mafia who being Stalinist paranoid by attempting to cover
up its Crimes aganist humanity through more Crimes against humanity since 2014 to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity, gave me more proofs of its teritorial, hierarchical and gravity of crimes
II.1.3.1^5. the (5th) Crimes against humanity attempt through the falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry penal action 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance regarding “psychiatric” charlatanry obligation to
be chemically lobotomized which constitute Crimes against humanity, which is proven falsified by annex
5 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
was instigated by the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela as demonstrated by paragraphs 2.2.2 from
annex 1 summary and 2.3 from annex 2 summary of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the fact “judge” Dita Mirela
instigated or determined the falsification of penal dossier 2417/P/2014 through his falsified declaration

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from 11th December 2014, and instigated or determined the committal of Crimes against humanity
through his falsified declaration from Spring 2015,
II.1.3.1^5.1 and the incidental acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal
arrests as demonstrated in paragraphs I.A.II.1.3.1^4.1^1-3, the 4th, 5th and 6th Crimes against humanity
attempts as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.1.3.1^4.2, and other acts of procedure falsifications as
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.1.3.1^4.3
II.1.3.1^5.2 The 14277/231/2015 action would’ve resulted in the Crimes against humanity
committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as I’ve objectivized in paragraph
I.A.II.1.3.1^4.4 about 11224/231/2015, in the case of 14277/231/2015 especially because there is ne bis
in idem between 14277/231/2015 and 12718/231/2017 for the identically fictive accusations of being
irresponsible, lacking discernment, being violent and a public danger without a shred of proof. In
14277/231/2015 1st instance I won because the “prosecutor’s” proposal was both illegal and unfounded
and the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul even hid the fact he lost in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance which he
was obligated to mention as legally required according to article 286 paragraph 1 letter e from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code meaning falsified as proven in short by annex 5 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, while the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents weren’t even lodged in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance but I found
them hidden in another dossier, and were illegal, unfounded, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid
as proven by annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier. In the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 I was never indicted and convicted as proven by
annex 6 and annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, meaning it was falsified
from the start and throughout its existence as proven
II. 1.3.1^6. the (6th) Crimes against humanity attempt through the falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry penal action 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance regarding “psychiatric” charlatanry obligation
to be chemically lobotomized which constitute Crimes against humanity, which was already proven
falsified according to annex 5 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the decision from 1st instance, I prove it falsified in 2nd
instance also by annex 7 and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the falsified appeal of “prosecutor” Dogaru
Luminita Georgeta and its rejection on 7th July 2016 as unfounded meaning falsified as the judicial
system is not a lottery but in theory as well as in practice a science therefore logical and predictable
meaning “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta knew he lodged a falsified appeal and that the
“prosecutor’s” proposal that was annulled in 1st instance “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta
sustained was falsified.
II. 1.3.1^6.1 “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta was instigated by the schizophrenic
“judge” Dita Mirela as demonstrated by paragraphs 2.2.2 from annex 1 summary and 2.3 from annex 2
summary of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier representing the fact “judge” Dita Mirela instigated or determined the falsification of penal
dossier 2417/P/2014 through his falsified declaration from 11th December 2014, and instigated or
determined the committal of Crimes against humanity through his falsified declaration from Spring
2015, the incidental acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests as
demonstrated in paragraphs I.A.II.1.3.1^4.1^1-3, the 4th, 5th and 6th Crimes against humanity attempts
as I’ve objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.1.3.1^4.2, and other acts of procedure falsifications as objectivized
in paragraph I.A.II.1.3.1^4.3.

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II. 1.3.1^6.2 Because “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta had no connection with the
falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 as proof reminding it was falsified by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who
commits crimes in cahoots with “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta as proven by the fact when
Dogaru Luminita Georgeta was “prime-prosecutor” in 2015, “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul stole with Dogaru
Luminita Georgeta’s illicit aid penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) I made against the “legal medics”
Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia for falsifying the report I paid for, to cover-up the 2nd Crimes
against humanity committal against me from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 about which
I objectivize fully in section I.B.22, then “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul stole the proofs from this dossier and
falsified an ordnance of closing without administering a single proof of course of the over 40 I attached
and used to prove that the inculpated must be convicted, meaning in conclusion “prosecutor” Dogaru
Luminita Georgeta had no personal motive but being in the criminal entourage of “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul and a mafia member like “judge” Dita Mirela and even wife of the neo-“communist” mafia “secret
serviceman” Vasile Dogaru who as his wife obviously practices omerta - the mafia’s law of silecen
instead of doing their job and denouncing “judge” Dita Mirela and “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul for
instigating Crimes against humanity,
II. 1.3.1^6.2^1 it is proven “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta was instigated by “judge”
Dita Mirela who instigated “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, and was also instigated by “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul, and as proof beyond any reasonable doubt, if the acts of procedure of “judge” Dita Mirela meaning
his falsified declaration from 11th December 2014 and his other declaration from Spring 2015 didn’t
exist, the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 didn’t exist which is why “judge” Dita Mirela is the
principal instigator, then if the falsfied “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul proposal annulled in 14277/231/2015
in 1st instance didn’t exist, the “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta couldn’t have possibly falsified
the appeal against the decision in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance meaning it was determined by the
very existance of the aforementioned falsified acts of procedure and not by the illogical desire to seek to
be convicted and go to prison, nor by the illogical desire to harm me when we didn’t even know
eachother before for enmity to exist and a desire for revenge, but “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta profitted from its illicit position of “prime-prosecutor” to falsify an appeal without active
quality since he didn’t have any legal forms to take over the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 which
was closed at the time of the falsified appeal as second proof of lack of active quality as proven by annex
6 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
fact about which was even falsely pleaded against in the falsified appeal meaning it was retained as valid
in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta falsified appeal being illegal
and unfounded from all possible perspectives it can be hardly said he had the opportunity, which
instead by being allowed to pursue this illegal and unfounded appeal by “judges” Comanescu Carmen,
Croitoru Mariana Sandina and Popa Mariana who changed this dossier between them 4 times without
legal forms, proves the mafia network consisting of the aforementioned mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes who were obligated to denounce penally and disciplinarily all the other mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes which because they didn’t demonstrate their apartenence to the same mafia or organized
criminal group.
II. 1.3.1^6.3 “prime-prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta instigated using his influence in
cahoots with that of “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul and “judge” Dita Mirela, two other “prosecutors” named
Batranu Iuliana and Dragovici Anca Dorican who actually falsified or partaken in the falsification of the
motivation of the illegal and unfounded “prosecutor’s” appeal against 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance,
“prosecutors” named respectivelly Batranu Iuliana and Dragovici Anca Dorina who participated

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respectivelly as meeting “prosecutors” in the instigation of the falsification of 11224/231/2015 in 1st
instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance meaning being incompatible according to article 64
paragraph 1 letter f and article 65 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes who also considered as proof it’s their mafia honor to instigate the
perpetration of Crimes against humanity against me again as in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance and
14277/231/2015 in 1st instance where they’ve already lost, to prove their worth to the mafia by
pervasively and mindlessly breaking all law and logic – when as prosecutors they were in fact obligated
to denounce the criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia against me, or had the option to resign
if having an ounce of humanity left in their subanimal being, meaning these mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes pervasively broke the law and my fundamental rights with malice aforethought sacrificing
my life to achieve their illicit and petty interest of ingratiating themselves with the mafia, which is
worthy of mention that by “psychiatric” charlatanry definition even it demontrates they are criminal
II. 1.3.1^6.4 The 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance psychiatric action would’ve resulted in the
Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as I’ve
objectivized in paragraph I.A.II.1.3.1^4.4 about 11224/231/2015, in the case of 14277/231/2015
especially because there is ne bis in idem between 14277/231/2015 and 12718/231/2017 for the
identically fictive accusations of being irresponsible, lacking discernment, being violent and a public
danger without a shred of proof. In 14277/231/2015 2nd instance I won because the “prosecutor’s”
proposal was both illegal and unfounded just as it was in 1st instance when the “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul even hid the fact he lost in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance which he was obligated to mention as
legally required according to article 286 paragraph 1 letter e from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
meaning the “prosecutor’s” appeal was falsified as proven in short by annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, while the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents weren’t even lodged in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance but I found
them hidden in another dossier, and were illegal, unfounded, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid
as proven by annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier. In the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 I was never indicted and convicted as proven by
annex 6 and annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, meaning it was falsified
from the start and throughout its existence as proven
<remained here with work 10.09.2018>
<mention that the Crimes against humanity duration is about 6 months in actuality because of
the long presence in the bloodstream of the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone, possibly longer because it remains in the body longer and there is no antidote
II.1.3.1^7 the (7th) Crimes against humanity committal through the falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry penal action 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance and 2nd instance regarding “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation,
perpetrated through daily Qualified Murder attempts and incidental Torture and grave Bodily Harm by
being put in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine injections
with which I was simultaneously chemically lobotomized and having my whole body damaged with this
“chemotheraphy” as I objectivize in section I.A.II.1.2.8 fluorine causes, without treatment and being
expected to die, as I’ve objectivized scientifically in section I.A.II.1.8^1.4, and perpetrated after I
survived through twice daily forced chemical lobotomization and “chemotheraphy” with other deadly
fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons until 8th June 2017, mentioning the latter deadly fluorine based

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neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite meaning basically the same thing, was
the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I was covertly injected with during the 2nd Crimes against
humanity committed against me during the night between 5th and 6th December 2014,
II.1.3.1^7.1 were instigated by the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela to cover-up the previous 5
Crimes against humanity attempts and the Crimes against humanity comittal from the night between
5th and 6th December 2014 “judge” Dita Mirela instigated as objectivized in section I.A.II., and as
directly proven by the fact that
II.1.3.1^7.1.1 the mafia’s intent to an effect of Qualifiedly Murdering me to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity is tied with the mafia’s obsession to falsify pretexts and cover-up stories
in the form of incidental falsified penal dossiers and incidental acts of state terrorism through illegal
home breaking and illegal arrests and detainments to falsify “psychiatric “charlatanry actions as proven
by 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, the incidental acts of state terrorism
committals from 17th September 2015 with a falsified mandate from 10547/231/2017, the attempt from
2nd October 2015 with a falsified mandate from 11224/231/2015, from 11th December 2015 with a
falsified mandate from 14277/231/2015, from 6th April 2017 with a falsified mandate from
4791/231/2017, from 10th April 2017 with a falsified mandate from 4909/231/2017, the attempts from
13th, 14th and 27th April 2017, and the illegal arrest from my law faculty exams that led directly to this 7th
Crimes against humanity committal, and the falsified “psychiatric” actions 15730/231/2014,
11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 against me which I annulled proving they are falsified, and the
falsified “psychiatric” actions 4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017 which are identical with the two
before them 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 meaning ne bis in idem based on identically fictive
accusations and lies that I’m irresponsible, lacking discernment, violent and a public danger, without
proofs, indictment, conviction and diagnosis as proven by annex 17, annex 18, annex 19 and annex 22 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
regarding my empty judicial history and the admittal of the mafia “judiciary bodies” I was never indicted
and convicted, and the family doctor certified fact I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies
meaning mentally sane as my family doctor would’ve been notified through the informatized system of
any falsified diagnostics,
II.1.3.1^7.1.2 the “psychiatric” charlatanry penal action 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance and 2nd
instance couldn’t exist if the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 didn’t
exist, based on the aforementioned mafia’s obsession to falsify pretexts and cover-up stories,
II.1.3.1^7.1.3 the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 couldn’t
exist if the falsified incidental penal dossier 2417/P/2014, the incidental acts of state terrorism through
illegal home breaking and illegal arrests and detainments from 17th September 2015, 11th December
2015 and 2nd October 2015 attempt to falsify “psychiatric “charlatanry actions 11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015 didn’t exist, because I wouldn’t have filed the 2220/91/2015 and 1560/231/2016
complaints against the falfied “prosecutor’s” acts of procedure and therefore they wouldn’t have been
stolen by the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and Paun Ionel Iulian to falsify
decisions of rejection in them, respectivelly if 14277/231/2015 didn’t exist the mafia “prosecutor”
caporegime Dogaru Luminita Georgeta couldn’t have possibly filed a falsified appeal without active
quality, therefore I couldn’t have been possibly framed on 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016 in
14277/231/2015 by the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes to falsify the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 because I wouldn’t have had a reason to appear in court, penal dossiers
who were clearly falsified again indidentally by the mafia in its intent to an effect of also perpetrating

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incidental acts of state terrorism for falsifying the pretext and cover-up stories through the falsified
decisions in 4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017 for committing Qualified Murder against me to stop
me from denouncing its criminal activity as proven by the 7th Crimes againt humanity committal
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 itself, when in this period and 6 months after I could’ve died
from the deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins I was forcefully poisoned with, especially in the first 3
days when I was put in anaphylactic shock without treatment and expected to die, then after I survived
chemically lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins, then after the 7th Crimes
againt humanity committal failed as I’ve lodged the 3rd time my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures at ECHR where it was again destroyed by the Romanian “state” mafia posing as registrars as
proven in my penal dossier against them that I published at address:
European-Court-of-Human-Rights, mafia agents who of course notified the mafia who came up with the
final solution in the form of the falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 leading to indefinite to life illegal
incarceration, incidental Torture and grave Bodily Harm through chemical lobotomization, and
ultimately Qualified Murder, constituting the 8th Crimes against humanity ongoing attempt as I’ve
objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier
II.1.3.1^7.1.4 respectivelly the incidentally falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014, the incidental
acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests and detainment from 17th
September 2015, 11th December 2015 and the attempt from 2nd October 2015 for the falsification of the
“psychiatric” actions 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015, nor 15730/231/2014, nor the 2nd Crimes
against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, nor the 1st Crimes
against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 wouldn’t exist if they weren’t instigated by “judge”
Dita Mirela as proven in section I.A.II. in cahoots with Delhaize Group’s “lawyers” from Kinstellar
SPARL firm in the proven case of 15730/231/2014 which constitutes “judge” Dita Mirela’s instigation
with was working for the bribing Delhaize Group already as proven by dossiers 1118/231/2013 and
861/91/2015 as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.^1, respectivelly by instigating “prosecutor”
Mihaila Paul in the other cases to use his influence and instigate the mafia “gendarmes” and “police”
soldiers and mafia associated “legal medics” to refuse to do their job by promising them favor with the
mafia as proven by the mafia leadership involvement and concertizing of the 2nd Crimes against
humanity committal as objectivized in section I.A.II., and protection from the penal repercussions
of Crimes against humanity as proven by the fact “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul stole and falsified the
ordnances of closing in penal dossiers 2222/P/2014 and 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) against the mafia
soldiers who accompanied the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to cover-up the 1st Crimes against
humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.^1, respectivelly
against the “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who since 8th December 2014 falsified
the forensic report to hide the evidence of the 2nd Crimes aganist humanity commital from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in sections II.^2, I.B.22 and others
II.1.3.1^7.2 The decisions in 4909/231/2017 1st and 2nd instance regarding “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation, were
falsfied as proven by annex 12, annex 13, annex 14 and annex 20,
II.1.3.1^7.2.1 representing the falsified 4909/231/2017 decision in 1st instance,
II.1.3.1^7.2.2 respectivelly representing a falsified address from the schizophrenic “judge”
Neagu Rodica delaying the dossier and creating a ruse to permit the mafia associated “pscyhiatrist”

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charltans and mafia soldiers to capture me and commit Crimes against humanity against me by
demanding from me illegally meaning contrary to my presumption of innocence and burden of proof
that lies with the mafia “judiciary bodies” and mafia associated “psychaitrist” charlatans, to prove that
I’m mentally sane as medieval witch trials went to “prove I’m not the devil”, although I actually already
proved through annex 20 and 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding 4 legal work medicine certificates that I’m mentally sane and
apt for work with superior studies respectivelly the family doctor certified fact I was all along army
incorporable and apt for superior studies, of which I objectivized in detail in section I.B.5,
II.1.3.1^7.2.3 respectivelly representing the falsified 4909/231/2017 decision in 2nd instance,
II.1.3.1^7.2.4 and respectivelly annex 20 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measure representing my plead in 12718/231/2017 which proves all the “psychiatric” charlatanry
actions ever proposed against me are falsified.
II.1.3.1^7.3 Although the falsified dossier 4909/231/2017 was regarding “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation, I was
put in an situation of vulnerability as I predicted since 2015 after the 1st falsified penal “psychiatric”
charlatanry action from 11224/231/2015 judging based on the first 4 obvious Qualified Murder
attempts during the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, by being illegally arrested and detained on 27th May 2017 by the 3 mafia “secret
policemen” soldiers from my law faculty exams who illegally incarcerated me in the Focsani
“psychiatric” gulag where 5 “psychiatrist” torturers were waiting for me obvioiusly as instructed by the
mafia, who tied me up to an operating table violently and put me in anaphylactic shock for at least 3
days through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxic injections without treatment expecting
me to die, then after I survived I was forcefully chemically lobotomized until 8th June 2017 with other
deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons, the latter deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone being the same one with which I was covertly injected in the 2nd Crimes against humanity
committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2,
I.B.22, and I.A.I.1-2, all as proof this was the Romanian “state” mafia obsessive criminal intent to an
effect to Qualifiedly Murder me and stop me from denouncing its criminal activity ever since the 1st
Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.,
mentioning there is even ne bis in idem between 4909/231/2017 and 11224/231/2015 because of the
identically fictive accusations of being irresponsible, lacking discernment, being violent and a public
danger, demonstrating the repeated mafia modus operandi and intent to an effect of committing
Crimes against humanity against me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, using the
“psychiatric “ charlatanry as a weapon of wrongful repression openly by falsifying “psychiatric “
charlatanry actions as pretexts and cover-up stories since the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt
through the falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014, and coverly during the 1st Crimes against humanity
attempt from 27th October 2014 which was supposed to unfold as the 2nd Crimes against humanity
committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in section I.A.II. I
lodged penal dossiers with the Romanian “state” mafia “penal authorities” constantly after the
falsification of dossier 11224/231/2015 constituting the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt, about the
obvious fact logically deduced especially from the 4 Qualified murder attempts from the night between
5th and 6th December 2014 constituting the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal, and about the
ensuing Crimes against humanity intended to cover it up such as the falsification of civil dossier
15730/231/2014 constituting the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt, concomittantly with the

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falsification of penal dossier 2417/P/2014 for the instigation of the 4th, 5th and 6th Crimes against
humanity through 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance as objectivized in
section I.A.II.^2, that the mafia was obsessively as proven attempting to put me in a situation of
vulnerability by abusing the judiciary system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of wrongful
political repression to Qualifiedly Murder me by injecting me with deadly substances in “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration - as the mafia perpetrated openly during the 7th Crimes against humanity
committal between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as proof, or as the mafia covertly injected me with
the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone during the 2nd Crimes against
humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, and I.A.I.1-2 to stop me from penally pursuing the mafia members to be convicted
for their crimes against me,or to Qualifiedly Murder me and achieve the same intent to an effect in
other ways such as instigating some interloper such as the criminal sociopath Herghelegiu Danut to
commit Qualified murder against me.
II.1.3.1^7.4 The “psychiatric” charlatanry decision from 10th April 2017 from 4909/231/2017 in
1st instance and the falsified mandate from 5th April 2017 from 4791/231/2017 that led to it through the
incidental act of state terrorism of illegal home breaking and my illegal arrest and detainment for the
instigation of the “psychiatrist” charlatan Berzvehnii Igor in cahoots with others to participate in the
falsification of secret “psychiatric” charlatanry documents on 6th April 2017,
II.1.3.1^7.4^1 also reminding as relevant to prove the mafia’s intent to an effect of Qualifiedly
Murder me to stop me from denouncing its criminal acvity, that on 8th April 2017 the mafia illicitly
censored my forum at “militia.freeforums.net” where I’ve published over a hundred penal dossiers
against the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes mostly and other specialty articles I wrote based on public
evidence of the mafia’s criminal activity, and on 10th April 2017 my facebook.com account was partly
censored as it was in February 2018 after opening the group named “Romanian revolution for human
rights” and triggering the mafia’s paranoia again and proving both that the Romanian “state” mafia has
nothing better to do than hang from every word of my internet activity about it and censoring it if it can
to fulfill its intent of stopping me from denouncing its criminal activity, and respectivelly they have
support from the U.S.A. because I’ve denounced facebook.com for illicit censorship, discrimination and
complicity to the Romanian “state” mafia’s criminal activity and implicit determination of the 7th Crimes
against humanity committal and the ongoing 8th Crimes again humanity attempt proven by the refusal
of all competent U.S.A. authorities I’ve notified to even reject my petitions which were ignored
II.1.3.1^7.4.1 were both falsified by the schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana who I remind
also falsified the mandate from 10547/231/2015 in ne bis in idem with 4791/231/2017 to determine the
4th Crimes against humanity attempt through the falsification of 11224/231/2015 in ne bis in idem with
4909/231/2017, schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana who was determined or instigated by same
“judge” Dita Mirela as objectivized in sections I.A.II. and I.A.II.1.3.1^7.1, of which I remind as
relevant through the proposal falsified by “prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian in cahoots with “prime-
prosecutor” Petrescu Auras Ionut who falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 in cahoots
with “policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara which “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana instead of denouncing as
legally required he proved its mafia appartenence by falsifying the decisions in 4791/231/2017 and
4909/231/2017 as instigated by the mafia as proven by the fact “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana couldn’t
possibly have had a personal motive to falsify the identical mandate from 10547/231/2015 as in
4791/231/2017 to determine or instigate the 4th Crimes against humanity attempt through

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11224/231/2015 and the 7th Crimes against humanity commital respectivelly through 4909/231/2017
where he falsified the decision in 1st instance personally as objectivized in section I.B.9 and annex 12 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, but
“judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana had the opportunity and falsified decisions at the mafia’s instigation for the
mafia’s motive or intent to an effect, demonstration just as evident regarding the motive of
“prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian, “prime-prosecutor” Petrescu Auras Ionut and “policewoman” Popescu
Lacramioara and its superiors who falsified respectivelly “supervized” the falsification of all acts of
procedure in the aforementioned falsified penal dossiers meaning the ordinances in rem, in personam,
of putting into motion the penal action and the proposal for an impossible “psychiatric” charlatanry
“examination” without my consent and cooperation, and the illegal refusal to communicate to me on
my explicit request the copies of these falsified documents, and the secret instigation for the
falsification of the secret “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 8th or 9th December 2016, couldn’t
possibly have had a personal motive because I didn’t know any of them from before nor did they knew
me so there was no possibility of personal enmity and revenge, but these mafia members committed a
huge number of felonies against me instigated to do so at the obvious by the Romaniani “state” mafia
who concertized again the perpetration of the 7th Crimes against humanity committal and 8th Crimes
against humanity attempt as objectivized in section I.A.II.^7 meaning in short
II.1.3.1^7.4.1^1 through the falsification of the Romanian Constitutional Court decision no 25
from 19th January 2017 through which the Romanian “state” mafia abolished the presumption of
innocence and fundamental principles of legality and truth finding practically declaring that anyone
can be chemically lobotomized in Romania without being proven that a felony was committed and the
chemically lobotomized person committed it just as I’ve objectivized in section I.B.11 and in short
throughout this ICC penal dossier,
II.1.3.1^7.4.1^2 through the almost daily incidental acts of state terrorism through illegal home
breakings and illegal arrests and detainments meaning for the mafia’s intent to an effect obsession of
falsifying pretexts and cover-up stories such as the falsified mandate from 5th April 2017 from
4791/231/2017 which was a pretext and cover-up story for the falsification of the secret “pscyhiatry”
charlatanry documents regarding the inexistant and impossible “examination” from 6th April 2017
without my consent and cooperation, and the falsified decisions from 4909/231/2017 that led directly
to the 7th Crimes against humanity committal, reminding that on 10th April 2017 9 mafia “gendarme”
soldiers dragged me out of my mother apartment in sleeping clothes and abused me physically to
provoke me while recording audio / video which the mafia kept secret because it proves its criminal
activity, then illegally detained me for hours to bring me in the last possible moment in the courthouse
for the purpose of impeding me from building a defense in dossier 4909/231/2017 which I never seen,
reason for which the 9 mafia “gendarme” soldiers never communicated their falsified mandate as legally
required, mandate through which I would’ve been notified of the object of the falsified dossier
4909/231/2017 and at least mentally build a defense in the hours I’ve been illegally detained and
harassed by the mafia soldiers, just as I was illegally arrested and detained on 11th Decembeer 2015 and
14277/231/2015 by 2 mafia “gendarme” soldiers who refused to communicate to me the mandate
bringing me in the Focsani courthouse where I was illegally detained for 3 hours to impede me building a
defense at the order of “judge” Badiu Mandica who falsified the mandate, then the decision in
14277/231/2015 in 1st instance even if in my favor more intimidated by my knowledge of the law and
that I stopped the previous 4th Crimes against humanity attempt through 11224/231/2015 in 1st
instance by annulling it in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance than the mafia, but who harassed me anyway

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for 2 months instead of closing the dossier as inadmissible before even falsifying the mandate from 11th
December 2015 which “judge” Badiu Mandica eventually did on 2nd February 2016 as proven by annex 5
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
II.1.3.1^7.4.1^3 and through the coercion of “judge” Badiu Mandica by the mafia leadership
influence weight to falsify the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance invoking the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 23rd November 2015 “judge” Badiu Mandica annulled in
14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, containing grounds annulled even before they were falsified from
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance meaning exercising my right to justice against the principal instigator of
Crimes against humanity “judge” Dita Mirela is a fundamental right through which all the other
fundamental rights are made possible, not grounds for chemical lobotomization through the use of the
judiciary sysmte and “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of wrongful political repression, falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry also annulled through the decision in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance as well,
falsified decision from 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance through which “judge” Badiu Mandica proved
schizophrenic by perfectly contradicting himself and intrinsically proving himself occupationally
disfunctional, as well as failing to recognize what’s real by sustaining as the schizophrenic “judge” Miron
Doina in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance that I must be chemically lobotomized for the crimes and
diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed as proven by annex
17, annex 18, annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, regarding my empty judicial history, the admittal by the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes I have no judicial history and respectively the family doctor certified evidence
that I’m army incorporable and apt for superior studies meaning mentally healthy, reminding that
“judge” Miron Doina even used the Romanian term “medicamentos” meaning in English “drugged” as if
a judge has the competence to decide that instead of the “psychiatrist” charlatan according to the fake
accreditation given to the “psychiatry” charlatanry and existing law, regulations, norms deontology and
II.1.3.1^7.5 Besides the proven instigation or determination of the 7th Crimes against humanity
through sections I.A.II. and I.A.II.1.3.1^7.1 by “judge” Dita Mirela who had the original first
proven motive to gravely Bodily Harm or Qualifiedly Murder me to ingratiate himself with the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes bribed by the Delhaize Group to refuse to judge as shortly proven in section
I.A.II.^1, and to cover-up his crimes he had the opportunity to commit both by abusing his illicitly
occupied office of magistrate, and through his proven illicit relations with the “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul
and his illicit relations from the degenerated “European” Vrancea county, reminding the evidence that
“judge” Dita Mirela did not have personal illicit relations or opportunity with the local mafia “legal
medicine” associates as proven by the fact when “judge” Dita Mirela falsified the civil dossier
15730/231/2014 in cahoots with the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” who prove the instigation of their
“client” Delhaize Group for which the Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” intermediated the bribe with the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes as proved in section I.A.II.^6.1, neither “judge” Dita Mirela or the
Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” did not lodge even falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents in
15730/231/2014, but it was “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who had influence with the mafia “legal
medicine” associates or opportunity to effectively instigate the Crimes against humanity against me
and promise the interloper Herghelegiu Danut protection from penal repercussions of committing
Crimes against humanity, just as “judge” Dita Mirela promised interloper Herghelegiu Danut protection
from civil repercussions of Crimes against humanity and delivered his promise by stealing ~12 civil
dossiers as objectivized in section I.A.II.^1, meaning all he found and falsifying identical decisions

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in favor of the other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes I sued and the interloper Herghelegiu Danut I sued
for the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 which as the moment I couldn’t
prove his and the mafia’s intent to an effect until it was defined by the 2nd Crimes against humanity
committal, which I couldn’t prove with what I was covertly poisoned until after the 7th Crimes against
humanity committal when I was openly and forcefully chemically lobotomized with the same deadly
fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone, as objectivized in sections I.A.II.,
I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2 and chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
II.1.3.1^7.5^1 as proven by the fact the “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia
falsified the forensic report I paid for on 8th December 2014 to cover-up the 2nd Crimes against
humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 clearly for having the
opportunity but not for having the personal motive but being instigated by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul
who promised them penal protection from the repercussions of perpetrating Crimes against humanity,
as proven by the fact “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul stole the penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) from
the inferior prosecutor’s office with the complicity of “prime-prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta,
then stole the over 40 proofs from it as if I couldn’t lodge them again as I did in the complaint against
the falsified prosecutor’s acts of procedure in 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) or rather lack of, and the
courthouse also repeatedly attempted to cover-up the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 by destroying the content of the proofs making them
unreadable on purpose, then “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsified an ordnance of closing not
administering any of the over 40 proofs as if they didn’t even exist as I objectivize in section I.B.22, and
II.1.3.1^7.5^2 as proven it was “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who falfied in secret the in rem
ordnance of beginning penal pursuit on <?30th January 2015 in the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 he
falsified in secret in cahoots with “judge” Dita Mirela starting from “judge” Dita Mirela’s false
declaration from 11th December 2014 as proven by paragraph 2.2.2 from annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which “prosecutor”
Mihaila Paul refused as legally required to denounce to the superior prosecutor’s office as the felonies
of False declarations and Inducing the judicial bodies into error, as “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul should’ve
also denounced the 2nd false declaration of “judge” Dita Mirela given in Spring 2015 in 2417/P/2014 as
proven by paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier in which “judge” Dita Mirela demonstrated openly its
murderous intent to an effect of stopping me from denouncing his and the mafia’s criminal activity by
committing Crimes against humanity against me, as consequently proven that “juged” Dita Mirela’s
instigation that ~“Raneti Tudor Andrei must be psychiatrically examined” which is legally, logically and
physicall impossible without my consent and cooperation, was a pretext and cover-up story for the 4th,
5th, 6th 7th and 8th Crimes against humanity thorugh Qualified Murder attempts and incidental Torture
and grave Bodily Harm through chemical lobotomization through deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic poisoning as proven in the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night between
5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, and I.A.I.1-2 and the 7th
Crimes against humanity committal from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in
sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, meaning the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt through the
falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014 were perpetrated with the same intent to an effect as all the
subsequent, murderous intent to an effect already defined through the the 2nd Crimes against humanity

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committal as which the 1st Crimes against humanity were supposed to unfold as objectivized in sections
II.1.3.1^7.5^3 as proven it was “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who instigated the “psychiatrist”
charlatans on 17th September 2015 to pretend an impossible “examination” without my consent and
cooperation took place, and to falsify on 18th September 2015 “psychiatric” charlatanry documents as
objectivized in annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier meaning it was “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who used his opportunity all along with
the local mafia “legal medicine” associates as instigated by “judge” Dita Mirela, as it was “prosecutor”
Mihaila Paul who used his opportunity or influence with the local mafia “police” soldiers to accompany
the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to cover-up the Crimes against humanity from 27th October 2014 as
objectivized in sections II.1.3.1^2.1, II.^3, II.^4, II.^5, II.^7 regarding the
criminal activity of Manea <?other name?> and as proven by the fact “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul in
cahoots with his superior Tarlea Florin Cristinel falsified the ordnance of closing in 2222/P/2014
regarding the 2 mafia soldiers from 27th October 2014, who was annulled as proof in 14445/231/2015,
then “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul in cahoots with his superior Tarlea Florin Cristinel falsified it again
refusing to administer any proof, as proof, and it also was “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who had the
opportunity to promise the interloper Herghelegiu Danut protection from penal repercussions for
Crimes against humanity as proven by the fact “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul put his henchman Manea
<?other name?> to inquire why I was delaying lodging the penal complaint against interloper
Herghelegiu Danut for the 2nd Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th December
2014, henchman who of course refused to gather the evidence as legally required and notify the
prosecutor’s office himself and who appeared being one of the 2 mafia “policemen” and 4 “masked
policemen” soldiers who illegally broke into my mother’s home and illegally arrested and detained me
on 17th September 2014 meaning being accomplices and intrinsic instigators both the the Crimes against
humanity before and after of which they proved to not only have knowledge but actively participate in
the determination of, not for any personal motive which they couldn’t have possibly had as I never
knew these Manea <?other name?> and Talvar <?other name?> mafia “police” soldiers, nor did they
believed to have had the opportunity which is why they only acted as instigated by “prosecutor” Mihaila
Paul with the falsified mandate from 10th September 2015 from 10547/231/2015 and the falsified
ordnance for their delegation from 11th September 2015 as proven by chapter 1 and 2 from annex 1 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
II.1.3.1^7.5^4 and as proven it was “prime-prosecutor” Tarlea Florin Cristinel who openly
“supervised” meaning being accomplice and instigator to the 4th Crimes against humanity and all that
followed, because in 15730/231/2014 “judge” Dita Mirela made an address to the prosecutor’s office
where the old “prime-prosecutor” Ion Lefter refused to falsify acts of procedure because he was about
to retire and didn’t want trouble to follow him into retirement as there isn’t any other possible reason
or motive Ion Lefter refrained from falsifying acts of procedure as his successor Tarlea Florin Cristinel
did, although Ion Lefter knew of the existing falsified in secret as opposed to me penal dossier
2417/P/2014 against me
II.1.3.1^7.5.1 it was always “judge” Dita Mirela who attempted repeatedly to use the judicial
system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of wrongful repression against me instigating that I
be Qualifiedly Murdered, reminding I was only incidentally Tortured and gravely Bodily Harmed
through chemical lobotomization as objectivized in section I.A.II., felonies constituting Crimes
against humanity against me, although as proven about especially the 2nd and 7th Crimes against

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humanity committals and 8th Crimes against humanity ongoing attempt “judge” Dita Mirela wasn’t the
only instigator as these were concertized by the mafia leadership as objectivized in sections I.A.II.
and I.A.II.^7.
II.1.3.1^7.6 The other accomplices and active instigators meaning who determined the Crimes
against humanity by falsifying acts of procedure to futher the mafia’s intent to an effect and obsession
to have pretext and cover-up stories for the Crimes against humanity, were as proven by their falsified
acts of procedure
II.1.3.1^7.6^1 in principal “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul in cahoots with his superior “prime-
prosecutor” Tarlea Florin Cristinel as objectivized in section I.A.II.1.3.1^7.5^1-4,
II.1.3.1^7.6^2 then “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta who falsified the appeal in
14277/231/2015 without active quality meaning neither participating in the falsified penal dossier
2417/P/2014 and lodging the appeal after the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 was closed meaning that I
technically had no passive quality, and meaning “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta should’ve
reopened it first to be in accordance with article 287 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
II.1.3.1^7.6^3 then “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta again who attempted to frame me
up on 18th May 2016 and incriminated himself by falsifying the penal dossier 2845/P/2016 beginning of
penal pursuit against me as I’ve objectivized in annex 8 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, in cahoots with “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian who
had stolen my complaints against “prosecutor’s” falsified acts of procedure in penal dossier
2417/P/2014 to falsify decisions of cover-up as he did before reason for which he was incompatible
according to article 64 paragraph 1 letter f of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier especially because I opened several penal dossiers against
him in which he was never acquitted inclusively for falsifying responses to my request for public
information, because in those complaints against the falsified “prosecutor’s” acts of procedure I proven
all the acts of procedure originating from 2417/P/2014, in 10547/231/2015, 11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015, were falsified by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul at the instigation of “judge” Dita Mirela’s
false declarations as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.^2, “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian who also set
the stage for the 18th May 2016 frame-up by stealing dossiers 2220/91/2015 and 1560/231/2016
concomitantly meaning withouth which I wouldn’t have had a reason to come to the courthouse to
thwart as well as I could the falsification of the decisions of cover-up or at least observe the details of
the process of falsification of the decisions, such as the falsfier’s verbal and nonverbal behavior, and use
it as inspiration for the investigation direction against the mafia’s criminal activity,
II.1.3.1^7.6^4 then “judge” Popa Mariana who before also in cahoots with “judge” Paun Ionel
Iulian acted for the cover-up of the Crimes against humanity against me, this time just as “judge” Paun
Ionel Iulian got involved actively and instigated the 7th Crimes against humanity committal and 8th
Crimes against humanity ongoing attempt by falsifying the penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 as I’ve objectivized in annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, then “judge” Popa Mariana falsified the decision in
14277/231/2015 2nd instance for the cover-up the 5th and 6th Crimes against humanity attempts even if
rejecting Dogaru Luminita Georgeta’s falsified appeal as well which is admitting not only the appeal is
falsified but also the proposal it supports that I be obligated to chemical lobotomization which
constitutes the actual Crimes against humanity attempt, the mafia clearly planning to make a new
“clean” pretext and cover-up story for Crimes against humanity as the falsified penal dossier

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2417/P/2014 was tainted by the fact I annulled the falsified acts of procedure instigating to Crimes
against humanity in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance already, not to
mention the closing of the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 was unconstitutional as a prosecutor
cannot declare anyone is a felon according to the presumption of innocence according to article 23
paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, and articles 11 and 20 from the Romanian Constitution
according to which the Romanian international ratified treaties constitute internal right meaning article
6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, as article 318 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code was indeed declared unconstitutional the following year, not to mention no judiciary body can
make a declaration in any judiciary act as every juridical act must be syllogistically proven using a
particular factual premise correlated with an universal law premise else it’s null. “judge” Popa Mariana
also illegally rejected my appeal against 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance in which I’ve proven the
“prosecutor’s” proposal that I be obligated to chemical lobotomization in 14277/231/2015 was falsified
as obvious that nobody can be obligated to chemical lobotomization according to article 22 from the
Romanian Constitution regarding the guaranteed right to life, body and psychic integrity, and in
consequence I demanded that all the Romanian “state” mafia falsified documents be recognized as
falsified and the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes Mihaila Paul, Tarlea Florin Cristinel and their mafia
“psychiatrist” charlatans associates be denounced, to be indicted and convicted as required by the law.
“judge” Popa Mariana during the courthouse meeting from 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance on 24th June
2016 harassed me for hours attempting to provoke me to commit audience felonies, then after he didn’t
succeed he falsified anyway 2 penal dossiers against me 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, and 2 judicial
fines at the same time proving “judge” Popa Mariana was hysterical, then “judge” Popa Mariana also
falsified 4 answers of rejection of my requests for the communication of the audio recording of the
Vrancea Tribunal from 24th June 2016 that prove “judge” Popa Mariana felonies also, 4 falsified answers
of rejections attached in annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier who prove the felonies of “judge” Popa Mariana anyway, corroborated
with the fact my request is legitimate because I’ve requested and obtained the audio recording from
18th May 2016 from the Focsani courthouse according to the law proving the false accusations of
“prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian who incriminated themselves
anyway by denouncing deeds that can’t physically exist that they admit they didn’t hear or see as they
couldn’t possibly have heard or seen words and deeds that cannot physically exist as I’ve objectivized in
annex 8 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and as corroborated with the mafia schizohrenic witness testimonies who accuse me of
anything generically but of what the lying accusers did while not describing the proven truth about 18th
May 2016 which is why these are mafia false witnesses and more, Butuc Manuel and Toni Lepadatu
being mafia “gendarme” soldiers, and Crintea Valerica being a mafia “special agent” from the Ministry of
Interior Affairs, they were obligated according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code to make a report and notify the prosecutor’s office near the Galati
county Appeal court to indict “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian with
the proposal to be convicted, mentioning at this point as relevant that on 24th June 2016 Toni Lepadatu
was called in the courthouse room from 8:30 a.m. and made to wait until around 12 when “judge” Popa
Mariana was provoking me to commit audience felonies with irrational and illegal behavior perhaps to
again act as a false witness although I’ve never heard of Toni Lepadatu’s false witnesses in the falsified
penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4239/P/2016 by those of the Murder convicts “judge” Popa Mariana
illegally allowed to stay in their stand during the meeting to intimidate me by giving them my personal

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data and even conversing with them during my trial insinuating already that they would be used
somehow against me, mentioning that I’ve found out of these Murder convicts’ false testimonies from
my mother who I mandated to look in the dossier as I couldn’t since I became a temporary refugee on
11th April 2017 under the threat of 7th Crimes against humanity which were eventually committed
against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, then I couldn’t study the dossiers from fear of
determining the mafia to commit Crimes against humanity against as the mafia attempted the 8th time
and ongoing through the falsification of the sentences in 12718/231/2017 about which I’ve been tipped
off through the communication of the falsified “prosecutor’s” proposal from 1st August 2017 from
2845/P/2015 (united with 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) that I be obligated to chemical
lobotomization and became a permanent refugee on 1st September 2017 deducing the sentences from
12718/231/2017 will be falsified as they were, and as I’ve objectivized in paragraph 2.4^45 from annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier. Logically and beyond any reasonable doubt proof of instigation is the plain fact neither of these
mafia“magistrates” caporegimes had any motive to perpetrate Crimes against humanity against me and
risk being convicted for it, unless they were instigated and assured they weren’t going to be convicted
for it as they were protected by the other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes from the penal, civil and
disciplinary repercussions of their crimes, and as proof of who the principal instigator is they all have in
common the fact they are all committing as instigated Crimes against humanity to cover-up the Crimes
against humanity instigated by “judge” Dita Mirela through the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 and
the instigation of the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and the 2nd Crimes
against humanity committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. In the falsified penal
dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 I was never indicted and convicted as proven by
annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
II.1.3.1^7.7 In corroboration to my previous remark about the “magistrates” who had scruples
meaning they didn’t want to get involved in Crimes against humanity such as “judge” Harabor Dorel
who annulled the falsified decision from 11224/231/2015 1st instance constituting the 4th Crimes
against humanity attempt and “judge” Badiu Mandica who annulled the falsified “prosecutor’s”
proposal that I be obligated to chemical lobotomization in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance which
constitutes the 5th Crimes against humanity attempt, although both attempted to cover-up the intent to
an effect of the mafia to commit Crimes against humanity to stop me from denouncing its criminal
activity at the same time as proven by their refusal to administer my proofs and solve all my requests
demonstrating the criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia, I point out that “judge” Popa
Mariana is not one of them as proven by his falsification of the penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 which constitutes the “judge” Popa Mariana’s instigation or determination for the 7th
Crimes aganist humanity committal and the 8th Crimes against humanity ongoing attempt, in cahoots
with “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian as usual who falsified penal
dossier 2845/P/2016 with which these two were united, as proven by the fact if these 3 falsified penal
dossiers didn’t exist, the penal dossiers 4791/231/2017, 4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017 wouldn’t
exist, and if the pretext and cover-up stories couldn’t be forged, the mafia wouldn’t have committed the
7th Crimes against humanity against me and wouldn’t have attempted the ongoing 8th Crimes against
humanity against me because of its obsession to remain clandestine as proven by
II.1.3.1^7.7.1 the fact in the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and
2nd Crimes against humanity commital from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 the mafia hid

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its intent to an effect behind interloper Herghelegiu Danut’s Qualified Murder attempts but clearly
participated through its mafia soldiers and associates who accompanied the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 as objectivized in
section <, then in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 refused pervasively to gather the proofs,
make a report and notify the prosecutor’s office as they were instructed by the mafia as objectivized in
section <, and one of the mafia associates covertly injected me with the deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone in the same night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which
constitutes the actual 2nd Crimes against humanity committal through which the mafia’s intent to an
effect was defines as objectivized in sectino I.A.II., and afterwards on 8th December 2014 and
following dates the mafia associated “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia falsified the
forensic report to cover-up the evidence of the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal starting with
refusing to send me to the relevant medical specialties for cranio-cerebral trauma, then lied that it’s to
late to make another forensic report with the 2 neurologists diagnostics, 2 neurosurgeon diagnostics
and 2 MRI proofs I gathered, then after I addressed them through mafia “lawyer” Corina Dodoiu as I’ve
found later he missrepresented me exactly in the penal dossier 246/P/2015 against the interloper
Herghelegiu Danut for the committal of 1st Crimes gainst humanity attempt and 2nd Crimes against
humanity committal, the mafia associated “legal medics” falsified the old forensic report adding that the
2 neurologists diagnostics, 2 neurosurgeon diagnostics and 2 MRI proofs are falsified,
II.1.3.1^7.7.2 then the mafia or its principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela in cahoots with the
Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” representing the mafia “magistrate” caporegime bribing Delhaize Group hid
behind the falsified civil dossier 15730/231/2014, and penal dossier 2417/P/2014 falsified concomitantly
with the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal, falsified dossiers who were kept secret until Spring
2015 because the mafia was ascertaining the outcome of its concertized 2nd Crimes against humanity as
I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II., then after I annulled the falsified dossier 15730/231/2014
constituting the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt the mafia brought out of secrecy its other pretext
and cover-up story for Crimes against humanity in the form of the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014,
when the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela went again in person and instigated “prosecutor”
Mihaila Paul falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 since 11th December 2014, to commit Crimes against
humanity against me as proven by paragraph 2.2.2 from annex 1 and paragraph 2.3 from annex 2 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who as proof instigated the 4th, 5th and 6th Crimes against humanity even
after closing it on 10th December 2015 by instigating “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta to falsify
the appeal in 14277/231/2015 in cahoots with the other two “prosecutors” who instigated the
committal of 4th and 5th Crimes against humanity in 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 meaning
Dragovici Anca Dorina and Batranu Iuliana,
II.1.3.1^7.7.3 then the mafia hid behind the pretexts and cover-up stories in the form of the new
penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 it falsified through the frame-up attempts
that backfired on the mafia on 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016, although the mafia continued
unhindered to falsifiy acts of procedure in them as pretexts and cover-up stories for Crimes against
humanity even if its lies are obvious as I’ve objectivized in annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and the tremendous
effort the mafia put into falsifying these dossiers and acts of procedure is clearly disproportionate to the
pettiest crime the mafia chose as the object of the falsified dossiers, the disturbing of meetings,
revealing again the fact the falsified penal dossiers are all about pretexts and cover-up stories for Crimes

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against humanity to stop me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity which is the mafia’s intent to
an effect as objectivized in section I.A.II. While the intrinsically illegal falsification of ordnances in
rem, in personam and putting into motion the penal action coercing me to give the same declaration 3
times under threat of acts of state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests and
detainments appears to be judicial harassment, in reality it’s incidental as all the acts of state terrorism
and even the felonies of Torture and grave Bodily Harm perpetrated by the mafia in its intent to
Qualifiedly Murder me to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, meaning the mafia through its
obsesivelly falsified ordnances in the aforementioned falsified penal dossiers attempted to provoke me
to make a mistake to accuse me of a real felony believing I am an degenerated animal as they are as
proven clearly by the fact they really don’t know any better, while attempting to make it appear like the
penal dossiers are legitimate to the untrained eye or in the troglodyte vision of the immoral and
functionally analphabet peasants that constitute the Romanian “state” mafia, but didn’t administer even
one proof, not even for the mafia’s interest which is not only proof of the falsification of the
aforementioned penal dossiers, but proof the Romanian “state” mafia really is comprised of
schizophrenic and sociopathic peasants who have no ideea what they’re doing, ruling Romania by sheer
numbers or as they say stupid, but many, and occupying every public function which is their only other
source of power besides violence as usual.
II.1.3.1^7.7.4 then the mafia hid after behind the pretexts and cover-up stories in the form of
the dossiers derived from the last aforementioned 3 falsified penal dossiers, meaning 4791/231/2017,
4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017 through which the mafia falsely believes it covered-up its 7th
Crimes against humanity committal and the 8th Crimes against humanity attempt
II.1.3.1^7.7.5 being then proven the mafia’s obsession of falsifying pretext and cover-up story
acts of procedure for its Crimes against humanity, when in reality because the Romanian “state” mafia
controls the “state”, and there’s no such thing as Romanian public opinion in reality as even the street
protests are covered up by other street protests pathetically financed by the nation sovereignty
undermining George Soros and his network of NGOs which were banned in the Russian Federation as
proof and George Soros declared persona non grata notoriously, the mafia could’ve just went ahead and
committed the Crimes against humanity with no pretexts and cover-up stories at all as the mafia really
didn’t have any cover-up story for the 7th Crimes against humanity committal as the falsified sentences
in 12718/231/2017 for obligation to chemical lobotomization constituting the 8th Crimes against
humanity ongoing attempt at least logically appear as cover-up stories while being just as blatantly
illegal and groundless, while as relevant here demonstrating the perpetration of the 7th Crimes against
humanity commital the mafia broke every relevant law, regulation, norm, deontology or logic as
objectivized in section I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
II.1.3.1^7.8 “judge” Popa Mariana knew that the penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016
he falsified were instigations to Crimes against humanity, because “judge” Popa Mariana knew the
falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 is a determinant factor in the 6th Crimes against humanity attempt
which is dossier 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance regarding “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul sustained by
“prosecutors” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta, Dragovici Anca Dorina and Batranu Iuliana proposal that I be
obligated to chemical lobotomization which is a direct infringement to the guaranteed right to life, body
and psychic integrity according to article 22 from the Romanian Constitution, and also the infringement
of the presumption of innocence as I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed as proven by annex
17 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this

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ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history and the fact I was all along army incorporable and
apt for superior studies as certified by my family doctor who would’ve been notified otherwise by the
informatized health system of any diagnostics meaning the Romanian “state” mafia attempts
schizophrenically to make abuse of the judiciary system and “psychiatry” charlatanry clandestine, being
clearly and evidently impossible to show evidence of “psychiatric” charlatanry actions on my name in
the public evidence of dossiers ECRIS to discredit me, then hide the proofs because they the
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents when they exist they are always falsified because “psychiatry” is
charlatanry, neither medicine nor science as I proven in section I.A.II.1.2.1. “judge” Popa Mariana
rejected in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance both my appeal demonstrating and requesting the
acknowledgement of the criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia in the falsified penal dossier
2417/P/2014 from which 14277/231/2015 originates, and the falsified appeal of “prosecutor” Dogaru
Luminita Georgeta, who’s motivation was falsified later by the incompatible “prosecutors” Dragovici
Anca Dorina and Batranu Iuliana who instigated the 4th and 5th Crimes against humanity attempts
through 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015,
II.1.3.1^7.8.1 meaning “judge” Popa Mariana criminal behavior is consistently active instigation
of Crimes against humanity not just in covering-up actively the mafia’s past Crimes against humanity as
proven by the rejection of my appeal in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance after joggling this dossier 4
times with two other “judges” between themselves namely Croitoru Mariana Sandina who instigated
directly the 7th Crimes against humanity against me through the falsification of the decision in
4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance by copy-pasting the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance,
and “judge” Comanescu Carmen who declared in 79/91/2015 none of the over 20 proofs exist regarding
the start off by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut of the 2nd Crimes against humanity through 3 distinct
Qualified Murder attempts and the felony of Bodily Harm as a result of it, and none of the over 40
proofs exist that demonstrate both interloper’s Herghelegiu Danut perpetration of 2nd Crimes against
humanity as well as the attempt of mafia associated “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia
to cover-up the evidence of the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal, also mentioning in 79/91/2015
the schizophrenic “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana got involved twice in falsifying the rejection of my
requests of “judge” Comanescu Carmen’s removal for breaking the law and thus proving lack of
impartiality according to article 64 paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and
article 124 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Constitution regarding the obligation of the judge to obey
exlusively the lawm, then “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana falsified the decision of rejection of my
extraordinary appeal against the falsified decision of “judge” Comanescu Carmen based on the evidence
he falsified the decision in 79/91/2015 meaning exemplificatively the lies that none of the proofs exist to
refuse implicitly to adminiter any, which is tacitly admitting I am right and the mafia did concertize the
2nd Crimes against humanity against me as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.,
II.1.3.1^7.8.2 but actively instigating new pretexts and cover-up stories for the mafia to commit
Crimes against humanity with as all the other mafia members who instigated or authored these falsified
penal dossiers and the redundant falsified ordnances in rem, in personam and putting into motion the
penal action, falsified ordnances because of which I was called to give the same declaration 3 times by
the mafia “policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara illegally because if these dossiers were actually flagrant
as the mafia falsely claimed, it was mandatory for the mafia to put into motion the penal action directly
on 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016, then indict me meaning gathering and administering the proofs
and send me in trial to be convicted within the next 30 days as obligated by Law 304/2004 regarding

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judiciary organization article 64 paragraph 4 letter c and Government Ordinance 27/2002 regarding
petition solving procedure article 8, proving beyond any doubt that
II.1.3.1^7.8.2^1 the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 are
incidental meaning pretexts and cover-up stories to be used for the 7th Crimes against humanity
committal and 8th Crimes against humanity attempt, and
II.1.3.1^7.8.2^2 as I stated before these other mafia member did have scruples and were
warming up to the role of Qualified Murder instigators, as I remind the felonies of Torture and Bodily
Harm were incidental to the attempt of Qualifiedly Murdering me to stop me from denouncing the
mafia’s criminal activity as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II., because otherwise they could’ve
committed the 7th Crimes against humanity against me on 18th May 2016 or 24th June 2016 directly, role
to which the falsifiers of the aforementioned penal dossiers did warm up eventually one year later but
not by themselves but at the instigation of the mafia leadership who concertized both the 7th Crimes
against humanity committal and the 8th Crimes against humanity ongoing attempt as objectivized in
section I.A.II.^7.
II.1.3.1^7.9 Furthermore in support of this line of thought and regarding another illegal state of
facts, according to “psychiatric” charlatanry regulations as already demonstrated in annex 20 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the
“psychiatric” charlatanry “examination”, abstracting the fact it’s impossible without my given in writing
informed and documented consent which didn’t exist, and without my cooperation, is only relevant to
the day it is performed according to article 14 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, meaning
the mafia should’ve falsified a “psychiatric” charlatanry examination on the dates of 18th May 2016 and
24th June 2016 to lie I was lacking discernment on those days, not on 6th April 2017 through an act of
state terrorism through illegal home breaking and illegal arrest and detainment with a falsified mandate
from dossier 4791/231/2017 by the same “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana who falsified the identical decision
in dossier 10547/231/2015 to participate in the falsification of the pretexts and cover-up story for the 4th
Crimes against humanity attempt through 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance which is in a relation of ne bis
in idem with 4909/231/2017 actually because I’m identically accused of fictive facts and of being
irresponsible, lacking discenrment, violent and a public danger not only without evidence but in
contradictory with the evidence to the contrary, except this time “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana also
falsified the decision in dossier 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance after stealing the dossier from the random
system of distribution in which he knew he was incompatible for 11 reasons I counted as objectivized in
sections I.B.4.22.1^1-11.Previous diagnosis are not relevant to any future examinations according to
“psychiatric” charlatanry regulations aforementioned, diagnosis which in my case I proved in many ways
not only that didn’t exist such as the fact the 7th Crimes against humanity committal between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017 when I was supposed to be “examined” by the “psychiatrist” torturers not being
put in anaphylactic shock without treatment and expected to die, and chemically lobotomized
constituting the felonies of Torture and grave Bodily Harm, was ommitted entirely from the falsified
sentences from 12718/231/2017 in which I am condemned to chemical lobotomization for the crimes
and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel, because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed, and in which
are referenced the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 8th or 9th December 2016 in my
absence who are kept secret, and the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 23rd November
2015 annulled in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance by the same “judge” Badiu Mandica who invoked them
in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance for containing falsified grounds annulled even before in
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance that the right to justice is a right not grounds for “psychiatric”

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incarceration and chemical lobotomization evidently, “examination” which was impossible as I’ve
objectivized above meaning the “psychiatric” incarceration in the Focsani gulag through the falsified
decisions from 4909/231/2017 was a pretext and a cover-up story for Crimes against humanity.
Furthermore I proved all the “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from 23rd November and 18th
September 2015 falsified, and demonstrated that any “psychiatric” charlatanry documents aganist me
can only be falsified in annex 1, annex 4, annex 20 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the fact the all “psychiatrist”
charlatanry documents against me are illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid
which is why they are kept secret as proven by my family doctor certification that I’m army incorporable
and apt for superior studies meaning mentally sane as my family doctor would’ve been notified
otherwise if any diagnosis would’ve been inserted in the informatized Romanian health system,
corroborated with the fact I couldn’t obtain any other falsified documents although the “pscyhiatrist”
charlatans are obligated to communicate all according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61
paragraph 5 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of
the Romanian Law 487/2002. Even more, in the case of the “psychiatric” charlatanry there’s not only the
legality issue but the report need be correlated with medical and “psychiatric” charlatanry law,
regulations, norms, deontology and logic, scientifically objectivized, and correlated with DSM-V
international “psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics.
II.1.3.1^7.10 At the time of the falsification of the acts of procedure in dossiers 4791/231/2017,
4909/231/2017 and 1779/91/2017 that led or could’ve prevented if solved lawfully and truthfully the 7th
Crimes aganist humanity committal agains me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, against every
mafia “magistrate” caporegime who participated in them I had a penal dossier opened after I’ve proven
them all to be criminals because they’ve falsified acts of procedure
II.1.3.1^7.10^1 to cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempted through the falsified penal
dossier 2417/P/2014 and “psychiatric” charlatanry actinos derived from it meaning 11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015, and
II.1.3.1^7.10^2 to the cover-up the penal dossier 246/P/2015 against the mafia instigated
interloper Herghelegiu Danut to start off the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October
2014 who was supposed to unfold like the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014, and
II.1.3.1^7.10^3 to the cover-up the penal dossier 2222/P/2014 regarding the 2 mafia soldiers
who accompanied the mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut on 27th October 2014 to cover-up
the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt, and
II.1.3.1^7.10^4 to cover-up the penal dossier 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015) regarding the “legal
medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who falsified an expertise attempting to hide the evidence
of the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal in favor of the mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu
Danut, “legal medics” who I accused in dossier 1863/P/2015(829/P/2015) which was stolen from the
inferior prosecutor’s office in cahoots with “prime-prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta by the same
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul who falsified the penal dossier 2417/P/2014 against me to instigate the 4th,
5th and 6th Crimes against humanity attempts, then “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul stolen the over 40 proofs
from it which he refused to administer of course and falsified an ordnance of closing against which I filed
a complaint against the prosecutor’s acts with the courhouse where again the over 40 proofs’ content
was destroyed on purpose while printed although I sent the originals in digital form especially to be
analysed as such by the courthouse

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II.1.3.1^7.10^5 meaning all who participated in the falsified penal dossiers originating from
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 were incompatible to address them.
II.1.3.1^7.10.1 The ordnances of closing were falsified by “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul in penal
dossiers 2222/P/2014 and 1863/P/2015 (829/P/2015), respectivelly in 246/P/2015 by “prosecutor”
Castu Vasile against which I already had a penal dossier open in which he was never acquitted, at the
same time “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul was instigating the 4th and 5th Crimes against humanity against me
for the purpose of stopping me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity penally and publicly,
through the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry actions 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 originating
from 2417/P/2014 the penal dossier “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsified at the instigation of the principal
instigator “judge” Dita Mirela as objectivized in section I.A.II.
<need to come back and attach “prosecutor general of Romania” Augustin Lazar actual refusal,
althout for the time being proving the 7th Crimes against humanity and the fact all the legaly competent
mafia leaders knew and were accomplice and instigators to the 7th Crimes against humanity, is
II.1.3.1^7.10.2 Furthermore I’ve inculpated all who participated in the falsification of the penal
dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 who were then incompatible to falsify acts of
procedure in them anymore since these falsified penal dossiers became about their felonies according
to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, as I’ve made them according to Romanian law
according to which as I point out the relevant jurisprudence, the commissar against organized crime
Traian Berbeceanu from DIICOT notoriously accused and got convicted his lying accusers who were
actually his “prosecutor” colleagues, in the same forged penal dossier against him. In effect as obvious I
sought by rightfully accusing the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and their accomplices in the same
penal dossiers they’ve falsified against me, to also move the falsified penal dossiers to “impartial
magistrates” meaning in reality at least mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who had scruples about getting
involved in Crimes against humanity against me, who as proof if were not mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes not only would’ve closed the penal pursuit against me as illegal and unfounded but
would’ve indicted and sent to be convicted the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes who falsified the
dossiers which didn’t happen but the mafia “general prosecutor of Romania” Augustin Lazar personally
falsified a rejection of my request of the falsified penal dossiers to be moved to another prosecutor’s
office especially because I’ve inculpated the mafia “judiciary bodies” who falsified them in the same
penal dossiers they’ve falsified. The rejection of my request for the moving of the penal dossiers falsified
against me although obligatory ex officio or without my express request, proves the involvement of the
mafia leadership and the fact that holding public office is an important factor in dealing with the
Romanian “state” mafia because all the public offices in Romanian are occupied through favoritism,
nepotism and bribery by relations of the Romanian “state” mafia, meaning although one’s illicit interests
will not pertain to the entire Romanian “state” mafia, the other organized crime group members respect
other mafia members simply because whoever holds public office in Romanian is in cahoots with one or
another mafia group of illicit interests as the Romanian “state” mafia presents itself as a cartel of the
local criminal groups organized by their public offices jurisdiction and territoriality.In Romania being a
simple citizen meant nothing to the Romanian “state” mafia criminal regime who simply discriminated
against me based on social position to say the least as opposed to commissar Traian Berbeceanu’s case
who is “part of the system”, in actuality the mafia’s intent to an effect being proven that of committing
Crimes against humanity against me for the purpose of stopping me from denouncing its criminal
activity, which is why the “general prosecutor of Romania” Augustin Lazar rejected my request of

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moving the falsified penal dossiers to another prosecutor’s office, because Augustin Lazar is part of the
mafia leadership that concertized the 7th Crimes against humanity committal against me, and the 8th
Crimes against humanity ongoing attempt, his falsified refusal meaning illegal and in contradiction with
the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest especially because I’ve also inculpated Augustin Lazar
in these 3 falsified penal dossiers making him actually incompatible to address any petition of mine
along with all the Public Ministry meaning any of his mafia “prosecutor” caporegime subordinates
according to Romanian Government Ordnance 27/2002 article 11, proving his complicity and instigation
to Crimes against humanity against me all the more Augustin Lazar took an active role, reminding
Augustin Lazar is also obligated to initiate disciplinary action against the mafia “prosecutor”
caporegimes who falsified the aforementioned penal dossiers against me according to article 44 from
Romanian Law 317/2004. It is then as proven obvious again that the body of “magistrates” in Romania
constitutes an organized crime group because they don’t denounce each other’s crimes which is what a
real body of magistrate does, fight crime and corruption and do justice.
II.1.3.1^7.11 The Romanian “state” mafia through the falsification of the decisions in
4909/231/2017 directly instigated again“prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian as proven by article 184
paragraph 23 from the Romanian Penal procedure code regarding the prosecutor’s obligation to execute
the judge’s decision by ordering the mafia “police”, “gendarmes” and “secret police” to illegally arrest,
detain and “psychiatrically” incarcerate me,
II.1.3.1^7.11^1 however the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 not being a legal and founded
decision therefore not a judge’s decision as I proved in annex 12, annex 13, annex 14 and chapter I from
annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier regarding the summary demonstration of the falsification of the decisions in 4909/231/2017,
and a short demonstration of how all penal dossiers, “psychiatric” charlatanry profiled dossiers and
other acts of procedure against me can only be falsified as I also demonstrated in annex 20 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my
plead in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance where I proved all the ‘psychiatric” charlatanry actions against
me ever filed against me or that can ever be filed against me can only be falsified.
II.1.3.1^7.11^2 and because according to articles 9 paragraphs 2 and 9 regarding the right to
liberty, article 209 paragraph 1, article 202 paragraph 2 and article 280 paragraphs 1 and 2 from the
Romanian Penal procedure code regarding the facts that any illegal judicial act is null and the judiciary
body meaning the prosecutor is obligated to set me free immediately,
II.1.3.1^7.11^3 is meaning the prosecutor was obligated to denounce the falsified decisions
from 4909/231/2017 to the superior prosecutor’s office near the Galati county Appeal court according
to articles 61 and 291 from the Romanian Penal code of procedure else be sanctioned penally for
committing the felony of Omission to denounce according to article 267 from the Romanian Penal code,
but because “prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian was already instigated by and in cahoots with the
Romanian “state” mafia for which he falsified actually the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016, and for which he instigated the falsification of the decisions in 4791/231/2017 and
4909/231/2017 as a result of his direct falsified proposals, the “prosecutor” Lupu Mihai Cristian instead
<make also sections punctually referencing the falsification of 4791/231 4909/231 1779/91, and
all the acts of state terrorism from 6th 10th 13th 14th 27th April 2017
<remained here with work, mention article 9 paragraph 4 from the ROmaian Penal Procedure
Code as at page regarding the fact the mafia soldiesr were supposed to set me free and denounce the

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mafia, which jsut proves they’re mafai soldiers instigated by the mafia to perpetrate Crimes gainat
II.1.3.1^7.11^3.1 instigated 3 mafia “secret policemen” soldiers to arrest me illegally when
attempting to take my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, illegally as I prove quoting from the
Romanian Penal procedure code article 209 paragraph 1, article 202 paragraph 2 and article 280 in
Romanian: “Organul de cercetare penala sau procurorul poate dispune retinerea, daca sunt indeplinite
conditiile prevazute la art. 202. / Nicio masura preventiva nu poate fi dispusa, confirmata, prelungita sau
mentinuta daca exista o cauza care impiedica punerea in miscare sau exercitarea actiunii penale. /
Incalcarea dispozitiilor legale care reglementeaza desfasurarea procesului penal atrage nulitatea actului
in conditiile prevazute expres de prezentul cod” and translated objectively using Google to English: “The
criminal investigation body or the prosecutor may order the detention, if the conditions stipulated in art.
202. / No preventive measure may be ordered, confirmed, prolonged or maintained if there is a cause
that prevents the motion or the prosecution. / The violation of the legal provisions regulating the conduct
of the criminal proceeding shall result in the nullity of the act under the conditions expressly provided by
this Code” , indicating that the “the conditions expressly provided by this Code” are articles 280-282 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code regarding the nulity of acts of procedure that break the law,
respectively the conditions of illegality of all the falsified acts of procedure being known meaning the
law being broken as I’ve proven in annex 12, annex 13, annex 14 and chapter I.1 from annex 23 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
regarding the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 which accompanied or constituted the falsified
mandates of illegal arrest and detainment from the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime Lupu Mihai Cristian
to the mafia “secret police” soldiers on 27th May 2017, respectively section I.3 <remained here with
work> regarding a short categorical demonstration of the illegality of all psychiatrically profiled dossiers
falsified against me, and annex 20 Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures regarding my
plead in 12718/231/2017 where I proved all the psychiatric actions ever filed against me are falsified,
which I corroborate by Romanian Penal procedure code article 9 paragraphs 2 and 9 regarding the right
to liberty, and paragraph 2 of article 280 again, as quoted in ro. “Atunci cand se constata ca o masura
privativa sau restrictiva de libertate a fost dispusa in mod nelegal, organele judiciare competente au
obligatia de a dispune revocarea masurii si, dupa caz, punerea in libertate a celui retinut sau arestat.
Actele indeplinite ulterior actului care a fost declarat nul sunt la randul lor lovite de nulitate, atunci cand
exista o legatura directa intre acestea si actul declarat nul”, which translated objectivized using Google
translate means: “When it is found that a deprivation or restrictive measure of liberty has been
unlawfully disposed, the competent judicial bodies have the obligation to order the revocation of the
measure and, as the case may be, the release of the arrested or arrested person. The acts performed
after the act that was declared null are also null and void when there is a direct link between them and
the act declared null” meaning the “policemen” had the obligation to know the law, and they had the
“judge’s” falsified decision and the prosecutor’s illegal order according to article 184 paragraph 23 of the
Romanian Penal procedure code, illegal acts which they are obligated to denounce to the penal
authorities not execute, as in Romania the law is obligatory according to article 1 paragraph 5 of the
Romanian Constitution, not the mafia orders which as proof I also quote from the text regarding the
felony of Torture or article 282 from the Romanian Penal Code which is part of the Crimes against
humanity committed against me, that orders can’t be invoked to justify committing , aiding, instigating
or being accomplice to Torture or Crimes against humanity, ro.: “nu poate fi invocat ordinul superiorului
ori al unei autorităţi publice” or as translated objectively using Google translate: “the order of the
superior or of a public authority cannot be invoked” which correlates with the obvious logic that there is
no such law or order that permits anyone to invoke being ordered to commit a felony which absolves
from penal responsibility, as proven exemplificatively by the universal and juridical principle of non-
contradiction and the fact the failure by a public functionary to notify the penal authorities of a felony in

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connection with the service in which he performs his duties constitutes the felony of Omission of the
complaint according to article 267 of the Romanian Penal code to which there are no exceptions, while
there isn’t a derogation from the Romanian Penal code for committing felonies “under orders”
therefore any felony committed in any participation mode and not reported by any public functionary is
punishable according to the Romanian Penal code, corroborated with the fact there is article 287
paragraph 1 letter b regarding the refusal by the body of execution to execute a judge’s decision ,which
is easily derogated from by ascertaining whether a legal judge’s decision can be illegal – test the
principle of legality of the juridical or judicial act, and because obviously there can be no legal judge’s
decisions that are illegal, an illegal judge’s decision is clearly not legal according to the principle of non-
contradiction, nor a judge’s decision because they can only be legal, nor that judge is anything else than
a felon caught red-handed at the very moment of realizing he falsified the decision, therefore not a
judge. Because this juridical knowledge is 1st year in law faculty knowledge and common sense really,
there is no excuse for the criminal “policemen” who in fact stuck around taking turns sadistically to
watch me being tied up and poisoned in the psychiatric ward saloon where they had no business being,
and they waited also to play psychological wars with my mother which means they were accomplices to
the premeditation of illegal Torture and Crimes against humanity as there is a provision for legal torture
coming from legal sanctions which doesn’t apply because as I prove here this mafia broke every relevant
law as if in defiance of the rule of law and me who uphold it, and the measure of safety which is
involuntary psychiatric internment for an impossible examination meaning illegal to even propose after
not having the examinee’s consent, is a measure of safety according to article 108 letter b) from the
Penal Code not a sanction which as of fact can’t be applied to anyone before indictment and conviction,
neither of which existed in my case, therefore this provision to the Torture Penal article doesn’t even
start to apply in my case even before evaluating the legality, or as I said, every relevant law was broken
under every aspect
II.1.3.1^7.2. in cahoots with the “psychiatrist” criminal charlatans, guards and janitors who
violently tied me up illegally causing me pain on purpose in the process, while afterwards the
psychopath “policemen” were taking turns visiting the saloon to witness sadistically what have they
done with psychopathic satisfaction well after their “job” was done and they were supposed to leave,
but who in fact waited for my mother to come with a corrupt priest named “Costica” my mother was in
touch with and which as I suspected was in cahoots with the neo-“communist” mafia in the area, who
notified the psychopath “policemen” to wait and who brought my mother by car to witness the harm
they did to me, and the psychopath “policemen” waited for my mother especially to tell her ~”if I was so
mentally ill why didn’t she psychiatrically commit me earlier” as my mother told me, as all the
“magistrate” mafia members attempted in the courthouse to impose their will and lies believing my
mother is one of their psychologically labile schizophrenic mafia members, meaning they also target my
family members with harassment for which reason I also mention they got my mother ill with Zoster
area from stress and trauma during my daily arrests during Orthodox Easter with tens of masked
“policemen”, “policemen” and “gendarmes” as if I were a MMA fighter or killer as indicated by the
procedure falsified against me, not an intellectual human rights defender. The fact the “psychiatrist”
criminal charlatans tied me up illegally is proven by the fact there wasn’t even a falsified reference to
the real legal motivation to be tied up let alone a factual justification as proven in annex 16 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, as required by the Romanian Law 487/2002 article 39
from which I quote in ro. “Persoanelor internate li se poate restrictiona libertatea de miscare, prin
folosirea unor mijloace adecvate, pentru a salva de la un pericol real si concret viata, integritatea
corporala ori sanatatea lor ori a altei persoane” and translate objectivized using Google translate:
“Interns can be restricted from freedom of movement by using appropriate means to save from real and

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real life threats, body integrity or their health or other person”, therefore I was illegally or without
reason tied up, or as I proven in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measure, then
II.1.3.1^7.3. the “psychiatrist” criminal charlatans poisoned me illegally at the psychiatric ward
with chlorine neurotoxins Diazepam and Prazolex, and fluorine neurotoxins Haloperidol and Invega,
again as I proven in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures in the document
regarding the demonstration of the falsification of the discharge from “psychiatric” imprisonment
document attached as annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, and proven in
general in annex 21 of the same Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measure
<mention no indictment as in annex 21, mention article 43 and others from 487/2002
II.1.3.1^7.4. without any diagnosis whatsoever as proven by the fact in annex 16 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures there isn’t any mentioned before 8th May 2017, while this
document representing my discharge from “psychiatric” imprisonment is obviously falsified by the lack
of factual backup for the self-contradictory generic jumble of terms put together as a cover-up story by
the inept “psychiatric” charlatans, meaning consequently I was never diagnosed before, during or after
my illegal “psychiatric” imprisonment, not even falsely which I corroborate with the falsified sentence in
12718/231/2017 attached as annex 19, in which it is motivated that I was condemned for another man’s
named Vasilache Daniel crimes and diagnosis, falsified motivation which exists because I was never
indicted, convicted or diagnosed myself, nor the dossier 12718/231/2017 shown otherwise when it was
consulted by my mother who I mandated for this purpose because I risked indefinite to life
imprisonment, torture and loss of life attempting to consult the dossier myself at the courthouse’s
archive. The detailed falsification demonstration of the discharge papers from 8th May 2017 is also
contained in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, as well as the
anticipated illegality of the sentence in 12718/231/2017, demonstration continued as anticipated in
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures regarding any Romanian juridical
documents because the Romanian “magistrate” mafia and its accomplices never respect juridical logic
because it’s impossible to justify breaking the law which in consequence proves the Romanian
“magistrate” mafia doesn’t obey the law;
II.1.3.1^7.5. while the “psychiatrist” criminal charlatans were handed by the “policemen”
criminals the falsified sentence in 4909/231/2017 regarding involuntary internment for psychiatric
examination, not treatment, proven by annex 13 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures, therefore they knew also through this that any “psychiatric” attempt to poison me was illegal,
as poisoning me was not covered up by the falsified sentence 4909/231/2017 expressly forged as
proven by evidence to put me in a situation of vulnerability where the “magistrate” mafia evidently
instigated the criminal charlatanic “psychiatrists” to poison me with the most deadly of the neurotoxins
they had, illegally and unfoundedly in every possible way as described here, instigation further proven
by the logical evidence of the fact the “psychiatrists” who poisoned me I met for the first time in my life
therefore it can’t be argued that they were taking revenge for denouncing their illegal activity before as
I’ve did about the “charlatan” psychiatrists to name a few, Lucasievici Silviu, Berzvehnii Igor or Gabriela
Florea who falsified documents in connection with the abuses in dossiers 11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015 against me, therefore through their own stupidity it is proven that the “psychiatrist”
charlatans who poisoned me forcefully did so at the instigation of others, not possible of their own
volition as proven by the very documents who illegally set up into motion this vitiated procedure in any
regard, and these others, the instigators, are proven flagrantly by the documents they falsified in
dossiers 4909/231/2017, 4791/231/2017 and underlying penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and

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4329/P/2016, and underlying motive for the falsification of named dossiers meaning the cover-up of the
grave abuses in dossier 2417/P/2014, 11224/231/2015, 14277/231/2015 and 15730/231/2015 all
instigated by the same “judge” Dita Mirela practically proven again by the documents signed by her
II.1.3.1^7.6. being innocent meaning not even accused of an immoral act as proven by annex 17
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measure representing my empty judicial history which is
proof I wasn’t even officially prosecuted in the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016, nor was I indicted and convicted in 2417/P/2014 meaning it was also falsified
II.1.3.1^7.7. without my consent as required by the law, article 184 paragraph 3 from the
Romanian Penal procedure code “Expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica se efectueaza dupa obtinerea
consimtamantului scris al persoanei ce urmeaza a fi supusa expertizei, exprimat, in prezenta unui avocat
ales sau din oficiu, in fata organului judiciar, iar in cazul minorului, si in prezenta ocrotitorului legal.“ ,
which I objectively translate in English using Google translate: “The psycho-legal forensic expertise is
performed after obtaining the written consent of the person to be subjected to the expertise, expressed
in the presence of a lawyer elected or ex officio in front of the judicial body, and in the case of the
juvenile, and in the presence of the legal guardian.”, mentioning I had never given my consent, and I had
no legal chosen or ex officio representative, nor a conventional representative, nor was I underage
obviously but 34-36 years old during these grave abuses committed against me, article of the penal
procedure law which I corroborate with article 11 from Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding mental
health “Evaluarea sanatatii mintale se face cu consimtamantul liber, informat si documentat al
persoanei, cu exceptia situatiilor specifice, stabilite de lege, cand persoana evaluata are dificultati in a
aprecia implicatiile unei decizii asupra ei insesi, situatii in care persoana evaluata trebuie sa beneficieze
de asistenta reprezentantului legal sau conventional.”, which I objectively translate to English using
Google translate: “The assessment of mental health is done with the free, informed and documented
consent of the person, except for the specific situations established by the law, when the assessed person
has difficulty in assessing the implications of a decision on himself, in which case the assessed person
must be assisted by the representative legal or conventional”, article which also provides that only with
my consent can an assessment of mental health be done, consent that can only be given after I’ve been
informed and documented about the implications which I wasn’t – of course they wouldn’t inform me of
my rights nor warn me before committing Crimes against humanity against me which they’ve
premeditated, consent that can only be given in the presence of my legal or conventional representative
which I hadn’t. In conclusion any legal psychiatric examination can only be performed with the
examinee’s consent logically because the examinee can refuse to cooperate, fake behavior or lie making
any valid examination impossible –I even had to make an essay about judicial use of psychology for the
law faculty before I had to freeze it going into permanent hiding from the murderous Romanian regime,
essay in which I demonstrated logically psychology isn’t of any judiciary use except as a creative
approach to an investigation which means nothing in court of law, and the professor scored this essay
80% which academically validates my research and logic not that it needs to as it’s logically sound which
is enough. Because none of the legal conditions have been ever fulfilled in any of the psychiatric abuses
committed against me, it’s proven beyond any reasonable doubt that all the psychiatric acts were illegal
in every possible way or abuses, while “psychiatric medical treatment” or in reality poisoning that cured
nobody ever as notoriously known, is unconstitutional according to articles 11, 20 and 22 from the
Romanian Constitution, article 8 from ECHR and article 5 from UDHR, which constitute Crimes against
humanity because the destruction of a person’s identity through torture, bodily harm and
dehumanization is capital punishment or murder

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II.1.3.1^7.8. without consulting the committee for evaluating the legality and foundedness of
my psychiatric imprisonment according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from Romanian Law
487/2002 regarding mental health, quote in ro. “Propunerea de internare nevoluntara, intocmita potrivit
prevederilor art. 58, este analizata de catre o comisie special constituita in acest sens, in termen de cel
mult 48 de ore de la primirea propunerii, dupa examinarea persoanei respective, daca aceasta este
posibila”, which I objectively translate in en. using Google translate: “The proposal for involuntary
admission, drafted according to the provisions of art. 58, shall be analyzed by a special commission
established within 48 hours of receipt of the proposal, after examination of the person concerned, if this
is possible”. There were 3 persons who I met on the 3rd day of my imprisonment, meaning beyond the
48 hour limit, who did nothing but harass me by accusing me “I’m a public danger” unfoundedly, which
clearly couldn’t have constituted legally this commission in any manner of the law’s provisions.
Furthermore, the law doesn’t provide that I’m first “psychiatrically” imprisoned then the committee
convenes because obviously the “psychiatric” imprisonment depends on the “committee’s” decision
therefore because this committee didn’ t convene before, I was illegally imprisoned “psychiatricly” in
this regard too, not just as demonstrated in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures. Furthermore, the “psychiatrist” charlatans are supposed to communicate to me immediately
any decision about psychiatric treatment, and no such documents were communicated to me ever –
proven by articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 of the Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding
mental health, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, as
quoted in ro. “Medicul psihiatru, dupa evaluarea starii de sanatate mintala a persoanei aduse si dupa
aprecierea oportunitatii internarii nevoluntare, are obligatia de a informa imediat persoana respectiva si
reprezentantul legal al acesteia cu privire la hotararea de a o supune unui tratament psihiatric, precum si
cu privire la propunerea de a o supune internarii nevoluntare. Totodata, in termen de cel mult 24 de ore
de la evaluare, medicul psihiatru trimite documentatia necesara propunerii de internare nevoluntara
comisiei prevazute la art. 61 alin. (1), prin conducerea unitatii medicale respective, si informeaza
persoana ca va fi examinata de catre aceasta comisie, aducand aceasta la cunostinta reprezentantului
legal sau conventional al pacientului.” which I objectively translate using Google translate: “The
psychiatrist, after evaluating the mental health status of the person brought and after assessing the
opportunity of involuntary admission, has the obligation to immediately inform the person and his / her
legal representative of the decision to subject him to a psychiatric treatment, as well as on the proposal
to submit it to the involuntary admissions. At the same time, within 24 hours of the evaluation, the
psychiatrist sends the necessary documentation for the voluntary admission proposal to the commission
stipulated in art. 61 par. (1) through the management of the respective medical unit, and informs the
person that it will be examined by that commission, bringing it to the attention of the legal or
conventional representative of the patient.”. Because I wasn’t psychiatrically evaluated at all, ever, not
just because it was impossible as demonstrated before in the previous paragraph but because it never
happened even remotely not just because it can only happen directly according to article 10 of the
Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding mental health, but because from no deed of mine can it be inferred
any mental alienation nor was such an inference ever really attempted as I remind that in annex 4 from
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures it was inferred that : “I’m most probably paranoid
(lie) ... having no discernment (lie) ... because I have superior studies, fast thinking and general culture (?)
... and judicial history (lie) ... and I’m violent (lie)” , nor was “the opportunity of involuntary admission”
assessed meaning legally and factually motivated which was never communicated because nobody
motivated it ever meaning neither judge, prosecutor, police or psychiatrist, nor was I informed about
such a document’s existence, nor had I any representative even if required by the law either way ex
officio therefore it is proven again that I wasn’t diagnosed to be subjected to poisoning or “psychiatric
treatment” which can’t happen without my consent or that of my representative according to article 43
of the Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding mental health, as I quote in ro. articles 67 and 43 “Pacientul

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internat nevoluntar este tratat in conditii similare celor in care sunt ingrijiti ceilalti pacienti din unitatea
de psihiatrie respectiva, cu respectarea prevederilor art. 43. Studiile clinice si tratamentele
experimentale, psihochirurgia sau alte tratamente susceptibile sa provoace vatamari integritatii
pacientului, cu consecinte ireversibile, nu se aplica unei persoane cu tulburari psihice decat cu
consimtamantul acesteia, in cunostinta de cauza, si cu conditia aprobarii de catre comitetul de etica din
cadrul unitatii de psihiatrie, care trebuie sa se declare convins ca pacientul si-a dat consimtamantul, in
cunostinta de cauza, si ca acesta raspunde interesului pacientului.” or as I translate objectivized using
Google translate to en. “The non-voluntary patient is treated in conditions similar to those in which the
other patients in the respective psychiatric unit are treated, in compliance with the provisions of art. 43.
Clinical trials and experimental treatments, psychosurgery or other treatments likely to cause harm to
the integrity of the patient, with irreversible consequences, shall not apply to a person with psychiatric
disorders except with his informed consent and subject to the approval of the ethics committee of the
psychiatric unit, who must declare himself convinced that the patient has given his informed consent,
and that he is in the patient's interest. " – there was no ethic committee ever convened.
II.1.3.1^7.9 without consulting the ethics committee for evaluating the legality and
foundedness of my poisoning without my consent, poisoning which is in thus legally impossible and
therefore wouldn’t have happened in legal conditions according to article 43 from Romanian Law
487/2002 regarding mental health, quoted above
II.1.3.1^7.10 without closing a contract with my legal or conventional representative as
required by the law, to cover-up the fact they had no consent from me or my representative which of
course if it was my mother she wouldn’t had given her consent either, while the fact they had no
contract with my legal representative proves there wasn’t a consent expressed either way by anyone,
and for that matter not having a legal or conventional representative as required by the Romanian
mental health Law 487/2002 article 11 when giving my consent which I didn’t, is illegal. <plead about my
vitiated consent here
<walk all over the aarticles broken from law 487/2002 as indicated in paragraph 1.6 from annex
18, such as articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 regarding the revision committee
<without being informed of my rights, nor respecting my rights
<walk over the laws I indicated in paragraph 1.6 frmo annex 18 summary
<walk over the law list broken as indicated in chapter I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
<vice of consent through threat of violence, <I have a pulled text somewhere explaining in detail
the vice of consent>a day after some of the effect of the injected poisons wore off I asked about and in
writing under my signature I proven that it was all illegal, thus noting my vitiated consent meaning I was
unable to defend myself from being poisoned even worse through injections instead of oral
administration of Invega which I understood it was even more harmful even if I didn’t understand at the
time what it was, I knew from my research years back in the psychiatric actions I’ve won there is no such
thing as psychiatric medical treatment, only poisoning>
< deprived 3 days from sleep by being placed in a saloon with 7-8 other real patients who were
II. 1.3.1^8. <find the paragraph where I recounted that the “psychiatric” charlatanry
“expertises” aren’t invoked when they should, but the one falsified in my absence on 8th or 9th
December 2016 is even mentioned by number where “judge” Miron Doina contradicts in 1st instance
“judge” Badiu Mandica as I remember, so search by that number to find at least that argument fast -
apparently paragraph 2.4^46 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as

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annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier> the (8th) Crimes against humanity attempt committed by the
“magistrate” mafia through the falsified ordinance on 31st August 2017 in dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, communicated on 1st September 2017 and consummated through the
anticipated falsification of the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance as proven by annex 20 from
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, representing amongst others my plead in dossier
12718/231/2017 which proves all the psychiatric actions ever proposed against me are falsified, so the
decisions in 12718/231/2017 1st instance, 2nd instance or any of the following extraordinary ways of
appeal if are anything else than the annulation of the illegal and unfounded “prosecutor’s” ordinance
and consequent acts of procedure, they can only be also illegal and unfounded. The “magistrate” mafia
however went beyond falsifying the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance and even condemned
me for another man’s named Vasilache Daniel crimes and diagnosis to cover up the fact I was never
indicted, convicted or diagnosed as shown in annex 17 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures regarding my empty judicial history meaning I wasn’t even officially under penal pursuit –
meaning at least the last 3 falsified penal dossiers against me were “secret” meaning kept from official
record, and I wasn’t diagnosed with anything as proven by the lack of any referenced diagnosis against
me in the 12718/231/2017 which would’ve been obviously falsified as from no existing penal or immoral
deed no psychiatric diagnosis can be inferred else it’s logically invalid before it’s illegal, as I’ve already
declared judicially without being accused of false declarations as proof of verity but also proven through
annex 20 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures regarding the demonstration of
the falsification of my discharge from “psychiatric” imprisonment. I also mention the falsified motivation
of the illegal decision in 12718/231/2017 which I will attach as annex 19 to my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures. I have thoroughly demonstrated my legitimate motive to fear indefinite
imprisonment to life, torture and murder through poisoning with the deadly neurotoxin Invega in annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, which I will update however with further
proof. In short, the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 were meant as all the numerous very similar attempts before to cover up the Qualified murder
attempt from 5th December 2014 especially, then the “magistrate” mafia issued the final solution
through the falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017 where they’ve convicted me for another man’s
named Vasilache Daniel’s crimes and diagnosis because the “magistrate” mafia knew I was never
indicted, convicted or diagnosed as proven, and even more proven innocent as I demonstrated in annex
20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017
through which I proven all the psychiatric actions ever attempted against me falsified. While I
demonstrated here particularly the illegality of the acts and the criminal intent and versatility of the
perpetrators demonstrated by pervasively breaking the law in any regard as if defying the rule of law
itself, I corroborate regarding the proof of physical perpetration of different aspects of Crimes against
humanity that I’ve suffered such as dehumanization, unethical human experimentation, extrajudicial
punishments, state terrorism, kidnappings, unjust imprisonment, enslavement, political repression,
religious persecution and other human rights abuses, and especially regarding the felonies of Torture,
Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified murder by treating these aspects punctually throughout this
plead which I complete by referencing especially annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures where I demonstrated through proofs of notoriety or the press regarding psychiatric
killings, encyclopedia references of scientific observation about psychiatric poisons permanent damage
which are corroborate throughout this plead with quotes from scientific literature regarding the harmful
and deadly effects of the fluorine based neurotoxic poisons Invega and Haloperidol, many objective

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testimonies regarding suffering induced by psychiatric poisoning, the Invega’s poison own “prospect”
claiming it treats schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia which again I remind I was never diagnosed
with, from which <TODO>I will compile a list of the myriad of permanent health problems it causes, and
proof of even the fact the company that commercialized these poisons was repeatedly convicted and
fined although really the criminal charlatans who invented, accredited and forced the poisons on people
without their informed consent must be convicted to life in prison as required by the law to stop this
world-wise atrocity

II.1.4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization
II.1.4^1 “Dehumanization or an act thereof can describe a behavior or process that
undermines individuality of and in others. “
II.1.4.1 The “magistrate” mafia not only sought to undermine my individuality by extreme
psychological pressure exerted by using the judiciary system, the order forces and psychiatry as
weapons of terrorism against me and my family as it could’ve arrested me off the street but insisted of
breaking into my mother’s home repeatedly, but intended to gravely Bodily Harm me like it did on 5th
December 2014 instigating an interloper to hit me on the head and through me on a flight of stairs to
murder me and make it look like an accident, and committed Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted
Qualified murder through poisoning me with fluorine and chlorine simultaneously and putting me in
anaphylactic shock in the period between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, the fluorine poisons
especially being of nature to destroy individuality as they’ve been identified to do and accordingly
administered to prisoners of nazi concentration camps and soviet gulags to eradicate dissent and
murder, fluorine not having any biological function whatsoever being plainly a deadly neurotoxin used
by the modern “psychiatry” charlatanry to promote its profit agenda at the expense of people’s lives,
and perpetuate its existence institutionally by collaborating with totalitarian regimes for which the
“psychiatrist” charlatans act as torturers using “psychiatry” as a weapon of political repression <describe
copying from above that destruction of a person’s identity or individuality is capital punishment, as I've
experienced Torture by poisoning with Invega deadly neurotoxin, which is what I call the living death
because it destroys any pleasure in living leading to suicide ideation even from me who I have strong
logical, scientific and philosophical convictions against suicide, I immediately recognized the process of
"dehumanization" by chemically lobotomizing my emotional intelligence through poisoning, which also
in this instance being fluorine poisoning acts as an agent of destroying individuality and the capacity to
fight back aggression, as it is once used against prisoners of war in nazi camps and gulags, which stands
behind the decision of president Vladimir Putin to ban fluorine from the water supply as he made it
public notoriously, that Russia doesn't need a mentally deficient population by fluorine poisoning.
Furthermore this heinous act of chemically lobotomization is far worse than physical rape or torture,
because one may recover from such with psychological scars or none, while from chemical
lobotomisation your brain is damaged thus your actual persona and being, the act being worse than an
execution because it forces the victim to live this white hell or living death, which I'm surviving by power
of will and the fact some primitive feelings survived, not being subject long enough to the poison, such
as anger and fear related to the primitive part of the brain which if too heavily damages results in death,
and compassion related to the highest functions of the brain. Nothing in between survived meaning my
physical emotional intelligence, which I compensated with regular intelligence, projecting by power of

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will my old personality from my memory, defying the very intent of my poisoning of what they
threatened me with repeatedly, to make me "a vegetable" and destroy my dissent against their criminal
activity, which I can pursue as this complaint proves regardlessly of the criminal attempts to stop me
II.1.4.2 “Behaviorally, dehumanization describes a disposition towards others that debases
the others' individuality as either an "individual" species or an "individual" object, e.g. someone who
acts inhumanely towards humans. As a process, it may be understood as the opposite of
personification, a figure of speech in which inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed with
human qualities; dehumanization then is the disendowment of these same qualities or a reduction to
abstraction, e.g. Technology revolutions cause the dehumanization of labor markets to the point of
antiquation.” In fact I’ve witnessed personally that the “psychiatrist” charlatans victimize innocent
people as proven in fact by my case, but closing on the point I’m making, treating them worse than
cattle. The psychopath “psychiatrists” and their accomplices meaning “the muscle” of the illicit
operation treat “patients” in “psychiatric” detainment like some meaningless pieces of meat and a
means to an end - just justification of the “psychiatric” psychopath’s occupation. I objectivize this not
just by the experience I’ve had in the criminal “psychiatric” imprisonment where the inmates (calling
them such because I couldn’t identify mental problems of any sort with a good number of them and for
good reason because there were plenty of victims who just were peasants who drank too much at one
time, gypsies, youngsters or street people meaning not random victims but victims with no
understanding of the law and means to defend themselves), weren’t even allowed to speak or behave
remotely human and were punished if socializing for instance or behaving in any other way than docile
cattle in a barn which I have to mention is in violation of the Romanian mental health law 487/2002
which obligates the “psychiatric” hospital to provide everything necessary to create normal civilized
living conditions as close to the life the person interned had, obviously because a hospital is meant to
cure people and in this situation make mentally alienated people normal through example, not make
them homicidal or suicidal zombies through constant terrorism by physical and psychological abuse,
sensory deprivation or overload through stress, poisoning, beatings and other means of torture,
declaration which even if can be called subjective although I’m a man of science and proven pervasively
to say the truth only, I objectivize by referencing as quoted what the “psychiatrist” animal regards as a
victim: “ “The patient cannot sit still and paces constantly” “One week later the patient reported that he
was more agitated at night. Since it was not known at the time that akathisia was beginning,
haloperidol treatment was increased to 4 mg at bedtime to decrease the agitation. Four days later, after
his evening dose of 4 mg of haloperidol, he became uncontrollably agitated, could not sit still, and paced
for several hours.” – see http://behaviorismandmentalhealth.com/2016/11/08/neuroleptic-drugs-
akathisia-and-suicide-and-violence/, pacing meaning normal behavior in detention because in
“psychiatric” imprisonment there is literary isolation, nothing to do and to relieve stress caused by
imprisonment meaning deprivation of liberty, sensory deprivation and overload by accumulation of
stress, lack of sensory and intellectual stimulation and a plethora of other simple and complex effects
related to imprisonment, being under observation and other unnatural situations occurring at the
psychiatric ward such as being physically and psychologically aggressed constantly by the “psychiatric”
or better said psychopathic personnel, not to mention the stress of a sane person being not only
mentally disabled through poisoning but in danger amongst people with real mental problems not in the
least the “psychiatric” personnel itself, danger which I objectivize to be real by the fact the Romanian
national poet Mihai Eminescu after being falsely diagnosed, imprisoned and poisoned because he was a
political dissident also, and after resisting torture, he was ultimately killed by being hit on the head with
a brick by another “patient” which cracked his skull and led to his death. The fact a person paces when

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deprived of liberty has nothing to do with psychiatry, this behavior being in fact notoriously common in
prisons where deprivation of liberty is the obvious common denominator and cause of the behavior –
for which I just indicate the famous book named “Papillon” by Henri Charrière which is describing real
prison life, amongst which, pacing as a daily routine. The “psychiatric” animal legitimized by the “state
authority” however finds every opportunity to declare another person as “ill” for anything, even pacing
which he would then call “agitation” as he would call any activity at all really, to justify the means of
attaining his illicit purpose, which again I objectivize by referencing my own falsified discharge document
from “psychiatric” imprisonment where they lie generically – typical to liars meaning not describing
even a single real physical fact, that I had “a psychopathological picture dominated by psychomotor
agitation (lie), revendicative behaviour (lie), hostile (lie), tendency to verbal and physical
heteroaggresivity (lie), irascibility (lie), low tolerance to frustration (lie) ~ for which he must be tied up
and poisoned” – mentioning exemplificative that there is nothing wrong with demanding my rights or
“revendicative behaviour” which they didn’t mention what it was about to hide the truth, meaning
another lie by omission, and they did in fact broke every law relevant and every fundamental right, as
demonstrated thoroughly in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, especially in annex
20 – where I proved the only reason to tie a person up and poison him is if he proved to be a danger
against himself or others, text of the law which as clearly seen in the translated quote, is missing as can
be observed on the proof itself in original. In conclusion, the “psychiatrist” charlatan used me as an
object, a means of achieving favor with the “magistrate” mafia by committing Crimes against humanity
against me, behavior which can only be described accurately as psychopathic meaning a degenerated
human to the form of subanimal as healthy animals actually build an equilibrium with the environment,
will generically but obsessively lie meaning is a mythomaniac which is a characteristic of a plethora of
underlying psychological problems of which the most obvious result is fraud, and will pervasively break
the law and fundamental human rights of others which is the behavior that defines the antisocial
personality disorder or sociopathy. This prophetically proves to be the case of the famous short novel of
Edgar Allan Poe of “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether” where the madmen took over the
madhouse, except reality far exceeds fiction or Edgar Allan Poe’s imagination
II.1.4.3 “In political science and jurisprudence, the act of dehumanization is the inferential
alienation of human rights or denaturalization of natural rights” respectively according to
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natural_and_legal_rights “The 1948 United Nations Universal
Declaration of Human Rights is an important legal instrument enshrining one conception of natural
rights into international soft law”. As I demonstrated in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures, I’ve been deprived of every right they could, legal or natural. This can’t even be compared to
the notorious behavior of an wolf who if enters a herd kills every sheep analogical to the “magistrate”
mafia depriving me of any right it could, which the wolf may eat later to complete the analogy, whereas
the “magistrate” mafia benefits nothing from liquidating my very existence in every way because I had
nothing to start with but my rights which are not strippable from me to benefit the “magistrate” mafia
who deprived me of the most basic rights starting with putting me in the impossibility to procure by
myself shelter meaning a home though a housing loan and sustenance by honest work, though
deprivation of justice, which also happened because in Vrancea county thanks to the “magistrate”
mafia, every job is given through nepotisticly not meritocraticly, meaning colloquially through bribe and
relations of either nepotism or favoritism – reason for which “European” Vrancea county has one with
the biggest percentage of economic emigrants, roughly half the population. There rights weren’t in
conflict with the “magistrate” mafia illicit material interests as I wanted to work as an IT programmer
and have a house and family of my own, life which they didn’t let me have through an obsessive
irrational effort from their part as I’ve witnessed, and then when I demanded my rights judicially the

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“magistrate” mafia moved to murder me to silence me about their criminal psychopathic activity.
Judging by the over 3 million Romanian economic refugees as if after a civil war, my case which is not
the only one of its kind, and the psychopathic criminal activity of the “magistrate” mafia, I would tend to
give belief to the conspiracy theory that there is indeed a plot to destroy the Romanian people, as the
similar illicit intent already proven exists and is not entirely materialistically explainable, leaving room
then to an occult esoteric agenda, or the theory that I’ve formulated that only schizophrenics – logically
incoherent and inherently occupationally dysfunctional people - are hired into the magistrate
professional body and other public offices with determinant role in society, because they are labile and
easily commit felonies when ordered to by the notorious so-called ex-“communist” “secret service”
nomenclature, which I observed in person leaving illegal notes in the middle of courthouse meetings to
the “judges”, and for which existence there are many blatant proofs – such as the existence of an
archive named SIPA regarding “magistrate” errors and other private life data, which is obviously a
blackmail archive through which the magistrate “mafia” is controlled, as “magistrate” errors are not
legally to be made secret but sanctioned disciplinarily or penally, and private life data is of no
democratic use for the state, unless the state is totalitarian, enforced through political police as again
notoriously is what the Romanian National Direction against Corruption (ro.DNA) does instead of its job,
falsifying political dossiers in cahoots with the Romanian Secret Information Services (ro.SRI). This fact is
corroborated by an innumerable amount of uncontested evidence SRI falsified proofs, even dictated the
acts of procedure in DNA penal dossiers who were used at the instigation of SRI for political police. DNA
and SRI of course are fully aware of everything I written here which I’ve notified them first as I’ve did
publicly to anyone concerned, reason for which they in fact managed to censor my forum
militia.freeforums.net on 8th April 2017 right in middle of daily arrests against me by tens of masked
policemen, policemen, gendarmes, attempting to falsify the legal appearance of a procedure for killers
actually, forum where I published the penal dossiers against the “magistrate” mafia, and attempting at
the same time attempted to murder me during Orthodox Easter by putting me in anaphylactic shock
through fluorine poisoning, which they didn’t succeed because I left my mother apartment from where
they were arresting me repeatedly. They arrested me afterwards illegally during my law faculty exams
on 27th May 2017, tied me and poisoned me illegally at the psychiatric ward as I’ve demonstrated in my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures. DNA is fully aware as I’ve been given a mock hearing
as a witness on 15th of December 2015 when I brought in person to their attention the falsified dossier
2417/P/2014, the murder attempt form 5th December 2014 as well as the corrupt judges of Bucharest
Tribunal and more, and in response DNA gave me proof of instigation and complicity by refusing to
prosecute motivating that the judicial system and the law is a product of my ~“psychic processes”,
insinuating obviously I was mentally alienated. SRI refused to acknowledge my proven denouncement
the “magistrate” mafia is in fact drugging innocents by obligating them to “psychiatric treatment”
illegally and unjustified, and gave me an answer by email that my denouncement revolves around a
single “judge” as a false response to the proven fact the “magistrate” mafia in Romania is a threat to
national security, which SRI of course is fully aware of. I can prove on demand the DNA falsified
ordinances in response to my proven testimony, disregarding that legally I could only constitute myself
as the victim in the penal dossier, the complainant, not make declarations as a witness, through the
copies of the ordinances, subpoenas and at least one already made penal dossier against the DNA
“prosecutors” who falsified the ordinances, some of which evidence I indicate should be in the relative
path “_drept\_DNA” of the archive I gave <?entity>. The SRI’s email response evidence I have to attach
as to this document as annex <, and I indicate the public evidence of the other declarations I’ve made,
meaning: Proof #1: http://stiri.tvr.ro/pacienti-pe-post-de-cobai--perchezitii-in-cabinete-medicale-si-spitale--in-
legatura-cu-studii-clinice-ilegale_74769.html#view, article which you can google translate using the Chrome
browser facility or pasting the link in Google translate online application https://translate.google.com/

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Proof #2: I’ve denounced the “psychiatric” quackery in Romania for making illegal experiments on
people while the judiciary system condemns innocent to “psychiatric treatment” on 19th April 2016, as
proven by this saved post from the mafia censored forum militia.freeforums.net which I reposted on
scribd: https://www.scribd.com/document/344526386/justitia-din-Vrancea-drogheaza-oameni-
nevinovati\, and Proof #3: the "secret services" made a communique to the prosecutor general which was
published on 31st May 2016: https://www.scribd.com/document/331592730/comunicat-de-presa-SRI-
PICCJ-din-31-05-2016-privind-faptul-ca-psihiatrii-fac-din-pacienti-cobai. Around the same time, the
"magistrate" mafia issued a joint decision by Ministry of justice and Superior council of magistrate for
hiding the public dossiers regarding obligatory "psychiatric" medical treatment of innocents, except
mine in which I won anyway proving they are falsified, because the "judges" had scruples being involved
in Crimes against humanity, at least until 2017 when they issued their final solution against me as
proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures. I remind also that I've been declared a
"public danger" with no justification, other than my obvious legitimate and public and penal
denouncements of the criminal Romanian regime. In conclusion I’ve been dehumanized not just directly
by Torture and Bodily harm, but also over time through pervasive deprivation of each and every right,
dehumanization which was impermanent manifesting as suffering only when clinging to material life
which nobody really can stay away from other than in short disconnecting escapades for relaxing, but
which became permanent with the grave Bodily harm and attempted Qualified murder from 5th
December 2015, when is the first time I experienced severely the loss of my quality of living driving me
into suicide ideation for month for losing the purpose of living which I realize and remember all other
people don’t realize how closely interwoven it is, the pleasure to live and will to live, about which I built
an equilibrium until 27th May 2017 when through poisoning the “magistrate” mafia put me again in what
I call “the living death”, an existence devoid of pleasure of living through the amputation of emotional
intelligence, coupled with the terror I experienced from being Tortured and deprived of even the most
basic liberties which keeps giving me recurring chase, capture and torture nightmares, and which again
put me in a struggle with natural depression from fluorine intoxication as the Invega deadly neurotoxic
drug which persists in the bloodstream up to 300 days, in a struggle to survive especially with the
learning disability it gave me which is the worst as learning as a way of life is my principal means of
survival not just as a professional intellectual
II.1.4.4 According to the encyclopedia at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dehumanization “State-
organized dehumanization has historically been directed against perceived political, racial, ethnic,
national, or religious minority groups.”. Because I identify with the human rights defender because It has
always been natural to me because it's been always part of my ideal world with which I identified, and
objectively proven by definition and factually correlated: “...a human rights defender is anyone working
for the promotion and protection of human rights. This broad definition encompasses professional as
well as non-professional human rights workers, volunteers, journalists, lawyers and anyone else carrying
out, even on an occasional basis, a human rights activity.”, I fall into the political criteria category
because a human rights defender is a believer in the state of right and rule of law which is the
constitutional order in Romania totally undermined by the very body of Romanian “magistrates” who
form the mafia executing falsified sentences militarily at the order of the neo-“communist” secret
services who privatized national interest for themselves profiting from the 1989 coup d’état led by
foreign secret services working to destroy the communist block, therefore upholding human rights is
upholding the rule of the law which is politics by definition which is “the activities associated with the
governance of a country or area” according to google.com dictionary, which objectivizes the motive

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behind the political repression of the opposing party in power to human rights, that of repressing the
opposition to remain in power by eliminating the opposition regardless whether the opposition is
effective or not as the party opposing human rights is often paranoid, reminding that the law itself is not
just a convention, is a manifestation of will which is confounded with human rights activism if the law
itself upholds human rights, therefore repression of human right activism is political repression, which I
objectivize by its definition: "Political repression is sometimes used synonymously with the term political
discrimination (also known as politicism). It often is manifested through discriminatory policies, such as
human rights violations, surveillance abuse, police brutality, imprisonment, involuntary settlement,
stripping of citizen's rights, lustration and violent action or terror such as the murder (attempted 8
times), summary executions (attempted extrajudiciary), torture, forced disappearance and other
extrajudicial punishment of political activists, dissidents, or general population. [3] Political repression
can also be reinforced by means outside of written policy, such as by public and private media ownership
and by self-censorship within the public” quoted from article:
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression, correlating it at the same time with the scientifically
objectivized proof human rights defenders are often victims of “judicial” harassment meaning all the
above underlined “policies” of wrongful repression: “Four years on, both human rights defenders (HRDs)
and journalists complain of judicial harassment, with some of Europe's harshest libel laws allegedly
abused to silence dissent” from this address:
mentioning no libel law was used to accuse me of anything, because I’ve only spoken the truth in public,
and according to Romanian Law 544/2001, article 13, public functionaries felonies are public
information and not libel, which is why the mafia attempted to discredit me and murder me at the same
time using “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of wrongful repression, in effect admitting tacitly the
veracity of my claims, proofs and conclusions which were never contested because it’s impossible to
justify crime by breaking the law and juridical logic, obviously. I corroborate this proof with the list of
human rights defenders victims of judicial harassment list at address:
https://www.frontlinedefenders.org/en/violation/judicial-harassment, and another quote from
http://www.ohchr.org/EN/Issues/SRHRDefenders/Pages/Challenges.aspx "A great many human rights
defenders, in every region of the world, have been subject to violations of their human rights. They have
been the target of executions, torture, beatings, arbitrary arrest and detention, death threats,
harassment and defamation, as well as restrictions on their freedoms of movement, expression,
association and assembly. Defenders have been the victims of false accusations and unfair trial and
conviction." – where I’ve underlined as relevant to me. I’m sure that if I chosen to exercise my right to
association and assembly it would’ve been infringed upon too, which I avoided because they are
ineffective towards my agenda of social justice. In Romania syndicalism has been destroyed and worker
rights are minimal to non-existing
II.1.4.5 My proof that I am a human rights defender, title unbenounced to me because my
activism was national only, is as objectivized by the 21 GB digital archive I’ve left with <?entity> which
proves that I’ve promoted human rights part time for the past 9 years using my own investigation to
discover and denounce the extent of the “magistrate” mafia in Romania since 2009 to 2012 part-time or
“occasional”, and full time since 2012, also proven by the fact I have not settled with the mafia
demanding full justice being aware of its global effect, which eventually because I discovered the
“magistrate” mafia extent is 100% led to them concluding I’m too dangerous to live, for which they
committed the 2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts I’ve

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proven in this plead. For this purpose, I started “non-professional” although I can’t call myself a
“volunteer” because I don’t do this out of charity, human rights is my personal agenda which
surprisingly even the “psychiatry” charlatanry regards as the highest form of discernment where the
citizen has assimilated law as his own social command, and I’ve acted as my own lawyer affirming
without reserve that I surpassed at least Romanian lawyers in practice because while I was working to
get better they were busy being crooked, and I’ve acted as a journalist by making my penal dossiers
against the Romanian “magistrate” mafia public, which didn’t sit well with them reason for which
they’ve illegally censored militia.freeforums.net on 8th April 2017 right in the middle of almost daily
arrests from my mother’s home by tens of “masked policemen”, “policemen” and “gendarmes” with the
only purpose to cover-up the falsification of the procedure to “psychiatrically” imprison and torture me
during Orthodox Easter, obviously psychologically attacking my family meaning my mother who has
provably fallen ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma.
II.1.4.6 Because I am a Christian orthodox which can be easily confounded with a human rights
defender as I am religiously demanded to protect “the widow and the orphan” that is the dispriviledged,
I consider the religious criteria relevant, noting that the “minority” classification is irrelevant as proven
by the fact totalitarianism is a political regime where a minority infringes on the rights of the majority by
definition therefore it doesn’t matter if the religious group is majoritary or minoritary, it only matters if
it’s in opposition with the totalitarian regime for which there is historic proof in Romania of
dehumanization through torture, murder and other means of Christians orthodox believers, during the
“communist” regime between 1945 – 1989, but also before against the Christian nationalist movement
“Miscarea legionara” under the totalitarian monarchy of pucist (22 February 1866) genocidal (Romania
1907 hunger revolt, 1933 Grivita strike etc.) Hohenzollern family
II.1.4.7 I must declare at this point from my experience that most of the human rights defending
and advocacy is fake, as I’ve notified for naught entire lists already of probono lawyers, litigation
funding, various institutions and organizations. For most of them the agenda is not human rights politics
but immediate profit or setting up the arena for profit by undermining national authority, which is the
role of most NGOs really on behalf of the elitist class under the guise of a humanitarian cause or
another, a scenario which notoriously unfolds in plain sight in Romania backed by George Soros so it’s
proven conspiracy. This is thus relevant to the objectivization of Romanian government policy of
condoning and tolerating Crimes against humanity and other felonies, because it upholds foreign illicit
interests that for profit are undermining the rule of law system and implicitly human rights because the
population is literally as intended being sacrificed for profit, children, innocents elders, youngsters,
peasants, gypsies and any category who can defend itself or is placed outside of the protection of the
law by the “magistrate” mafia as dissidents, as I was, are drugged by the “psychiatry” charlatanry as I
proven in annex <. Right as I conceive this plead, a law for obligatory vaccination with a carcinogen and
logically unneeded substance is being drafted in Romania as proven by this link:
http://www.cdep.ro/pls/proiecte/upl_pck2015.proiect?idp=16586, although the same law was repealed
in Germany by the supreme court who declared as I quote: “The German Federal Supreme Court has
confirmed that the measles virus does not exist, ruling that no study has ever proven its existence. ... of
the virus. According to the judgement by the Supreme Court, the measles vaccination may have been
injected into millions of unsuspecting German citizens for sinister reasons.” from address
http://yournewswire.com/german-supreme-court-measles/, and this vaccine also causes many health
problems notoriously, and is contagious to non-vaccinated people which is why required to be
obligatory in reality, being logically evident that otherwise the vaccinated have nothing to fear from the

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unvaccinated if the vaccine works. The Romanian press and public functionaries, even the notoriously
children selling and house stealing president Klaus Iohannis of Romania, of course made public
statements that there is a measles epidemic, because they are corrupt, being then no wonder the
Romanian mafia state “condones and tolerates” Crimes against humanity and other felonies because
it’s the state of affairs in Romania
II.1.4.8 “Other minoritized and marginalized individuals and groups (based on sexual
orientation, gender, disability, class, or some other organizing principle) are also susceptible to
various forms of dehumanization.” – the majority in a totalitarian state is deprived of rights by default,
as it’s the very definition of totalitarianism – a system in which a minority deprives the majority of
their rights. Not being part of some “professional” cast vassal to the “magistrate” mafia, like a lawyer
or notary, I was immediately dismissed as a person of no consequence if deprived of rights and even
disposed of, and in effect I was dehumanized or not treated as holding any human right whatsoever,
or literally objectified. The “marginalized individuals “ syntagm applies to the over 3 million Romanian
economic refugees who also counter intuitively makes up the majority of Romanian because their poor
status which motivated their migration also catalyzed by the deprival of their rights by the “magistrate”
mafia in Romania because of their social status. I also fit in this category except I refused to be run out
of my country for economic reasons
II.1.4.9 “The concept of dehumanization has received empirical attention in
the psychological literature.[2][3] It is conceptually related
to infrahumanization,[4] delegitimization,[5] moral exclusion,[6] and objectification.[7] Dehumanization
occurs across several domains; is facilitated by status, power, and social connection; and results in
behaviors like exclusion, violence, and support for violence against others.”
II. ”Infrahumanisation (or infrahumanization) is the tacitly held belief that
one's ingroup is more human than an outgroup, which is less human” -
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infrahumanisation - as described above, being poor, with no social
status, no social connections, results in exclusion and violence, as empirically observed and
documented, and to which the behavior of the “magistrate” mafia perfectly correlates. In conclusion
the Crimes against humanity committed against me have been motivated and facilitated by these
criteria of me being poor, with no social status, no social connections
II.”Delegitimisation (also spelled delegitimation) is literally the withdrawal of
legitimacy, usually from some institution such as a state, cultural practice, etc. which may have
acquired it explicitly or implicitly, by statute or accepted practice.
A sociopsychological[1] process which undermines or marginalizes an entity by presenting facts
and/or value judgments which are construed to withdraw legitimacy is generally observed.[2] “-
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Delegitimisation - which can be simply explained by the legitimization of
criminal behavior as a result of the state condonement of criminality as normalcy, resulting in
elimination of law and logic from the judicial act in favor of defiant criminal acts motivated by the
animalistic gratification of the abusers, who dehumanized themselves by letting themselves prey to
basic instinct and apathy. In conclusion the Crimes against humanity committed against me have been
motivated and facilitated by state condonement of criminality as normalcy by withdrawal of moral
values through the criminal activity of the “magistrate” mafia
II. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_exclusion - ”Moral exclusion is a psychological
process where members of a dominant group view their own group and its norms as superior to
others, belittling, marginalizing, excluding, even dehumanizing targeted groups.” – see
Infrahumanisation comments
II. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Objectification - ”In social philosophy, objectification is
the act of treating a person, or sometimes an animal,[1] as an object or a thing

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According to the philosopher Martha Nussbaum, a person is objectified if one or more of the
following properties are applied to them:[2]
II.^1 Instrumentality – treating the person as a tool for another's purposes”
II.^1.1 I’ve been used by the torturer “psychiatrist” charlatans as a means to gain favor
with the “magistrate” mafia at least, not existing any other motivation for the Crimes against humanity
committed against me than this, with the exception of the fact “psychiatrist” charlatans by their very
occupation must continuously justify themselves by falsifying paperwork, stigmatizing others with fake
diagnostics and poisoning them
II.^2 “Denial of autonomy – treating the person as lacking in autonomy or self-
II.^2.1 I’ve been illegally and unjustified imprisoned, as demonstrated in section <. I’ve
been deprived of any juridical capacity, meaning any manifestation of will, both through poisoning with
literal “nerve seizing” drugs or neuroleptics, who are actually neurotoxic drugs who kill neurons and
destroy synapses, and through acts of terrorism consisting of abuse of violence and ensuing threat, as
proven by annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures in which they retain I was
tied to a bed through abuse of violence, both illegal and unjustified which I proven in annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, in the document regarding the demonstration of the
falsification of the discharge papers from “psychiatric” imprisonment from 8th July 2017, and the
falsification of the acts of procedure since 27th May 2017. They called the fact I demanded my rights be
respective psychosis and the symptom the attribute of being “revendicative” which is obvious non-sense
even according to “psychiatric” charlatanry regulations, reason for which I remark the psychosis of the
charlatans reacting violently when confronted assertively with the rule of law which they clearly and
obsessively despise and defy, which is again by definition the antisocial personality disorder or
sociopathy – the behavior to pervasively break laws and infringe on other people’s rights. The only
manifestation of will I managed to exert is fooling the “psychiatrist” torturers on 4th day about giving me
back the paper to complete my declaration which they dictated me to write on 3rd day that ~”I agree to
the “treatment” threatening that else they will Torture me anyway, and I was already aware of that
after 3 days of sleep deprivation and being poisoned with Haloperidol and Diazepam daily into
anaphylactic shock as I’ve found out recently, proven by the blood test also retained in the annex 16 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, at the time shacking uncontrollably and losing
sensation from all over my body barely being able to maintain control and appear somewhat normal by
sheer power of will. On 4th day I wrote on the same declaration that it was all illegal anyway marking the
vitiation of my consent which was therefore meaningless under the circumstance as I’ve objectively
indicated. The full recount of this event I described at section < . The “psychiatric” imprisonment in what
can only be called a Romanian gulag complete with bars, abusive guards, torturers and misery, is design
to destroy one’s individuality through all means simultaneously, physical poisoning and psychological
II.^3 “Violability – treating the person as lacking in boundary integrity and violable, "as
something that it is permissible to break up, smash, break into."
II.^4 “Denial of subjectivity – treating the person as though there is no need for
concern for their experiences or feelings”
II.^4.1 I have been forcefully, illegally and unjustified “psychiatrically” imprisoned, tied
and poisoned without my consent, without a diagnosis or any factual justification, or the obligatory
assessment of the legality committee or ethics committee, although I daily implored them and each
time to stop forcing me to take poison, and instead the sadist “psychiatrist” Florea Gabriela and various
assistants or guards around grinned at me assuring me that I wouldn’t suffer the damage I already was
suffering and describing to them, and they falsified in cahoots with other “medics” diagnostics of
amygdalitis and rhinitis when I complained about the dry throat and eyes and eye crusts, to hide the

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symptoms of fluorine poisoning when in fact I had no amygdalitis and rhinitis symptoms. They totally
ignored the fact I was in anaphylactic shock although the proof is in the blood test and the technician
marked the evidence, although I was visibly showing the symptom of shacking uncontrollably from the
whole body, and my voice was affected by the tremor, meaning they deliberately put me in anaphylactic
shock and expected me to die, and continued poisoning me with fluorine after surviving the first 3 days.
Later they wanted to inject me with antibiotics although I refused, marking me with a ballpoint pencil
like I was cattle, wanting to put a permanent needle in my vain which has the highest risk of infection in
hospital internment environment until the torturer “psychiatrist” Florea Carmen played “good cop”
telling them to stop bothering me, this “psychiatrist” charlatan being the chief of the “psychiatric” ward
knowing of all the atrocities occurring as proof, as well as the one who at one time vexedly addressed
me whether I’ll take my “treatment” after release from imprisonment, which assured me she was
faking, poorly, being sociable, to divert my attention from her in the incoming penal complaint she knew
I would most probably make as she knew the crimes committed under her administration for which she
is responsible. I also mention there is no way to prove they didn’t poison me with bigger doses than they
claim or other substances as the claim, proven instead by the fact they pervasively lied about everything
else and broke every relevant law, regulation and national or natural right. The torturer “psychiatrist”
Barbarosie Carmen named curator by I don’t know who, but provably illegally and unfounded meaning
without me being diagnosed first which in consequence also proves again as I demonstrated and
declared before I was never “psychiatrically” examined, before, during or after as they knew it, was
mocking me telling me to “count the minutes” during the “psychiatric” imprisonment because she was
aware there was nothing to do in the “psychiatric” imprisonment and the passage of time was torturous
especially under the constant terror of the daily poisoning and being amongst other persons suffering,
as well as other incoherent garbage inconsistent with the professional behavior of a supposed medic.
Needless to say not even one day of “psychiatric” imprisonment was justified because I was never
examined – there was a daily meaningless morning visit as proven by the fact I told them every time to
stop poisoning me because I was feeling ill from it and they ignored me, and the fact I suffered a severe
allergy proof I repeat is in the blood test, and I’ve been given the same psychological tests I’ve been
given in the army recruitment and incorporation, as well by the work medicine, where because I give the
same answers and wasn’t diagnosed, it can’t be logically inferred that after being declared repeatedly
sane and apt for work, for the same reasons I’m insane, obviously, logical incoherence and occupational
dysfunction which instead proves that the “psychiatrist” charlatans Florea Gabriela and Barbarosie
Carmen that falsified the diagnosis of psychosis for no factual reason that is they inferred the diagnosis
out of no premise, nothing, are by DSM-V definition schizophrenic. I mention at this point I
acknowledged reading that only psychopaths don’t have a sense of another person’s space and
inviolability, which even predator animals have.
II. ”The role of nations and governments ... Governments sometimes represent
"enemy" civilians or soldiers as less than human... Dictatorships use the same process to prevent
opposition by citizens”. The proven Romanian “magistrate” mafia behaves totalitarian and it provedly
attempted to discredit me by falsifying numerous psychiatric actions against me, which it kept public
even after losing in them where I proved them falsified, and even after a regulation was issued that
psychiatric actions should not be public, mine were kept public. The “magistrate” mafia did declare me
“a public danger”, and the government meaning order forces of “police”, “gendarmerie” and “legal
medicine” literarily acting as the “magistrate” mafia gangsters, executed its orders instead of obeying
the law as obligatory, meaning as proved the Romanian state is only mimicking democracy, having no
rule of law, and no separation of the powers in state, the “magistrate” mafia in cahoots or mostly ruled
by the neo-“communist” secret services obviously own the judiciary system, and they control the
government and parliament through political police

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II. To further objectivization of this section, I’m indicating section < regarding political
abuse of “psychiatry” as described by the encyclopedia, which is an understatement because
“psychiatry” being proven charlatanry, neither medicine or science, it can’t be abused as if charlatanry
being in the least legitimate

II.1.5. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unethical_human_experimentation
Unethical human experimentation is human experimentation that violates the principles of medical
ethics, such as the Nuremberg Code and the Declaration of Helsinki. It has been performed by countries
including Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, North Korea, People's Republic of China, Baathist Iraq, United
States, and the Soviet Union. Examples include Project MKUltra, Unit 731, and the experiments of Josef
II.1.5.1 <mention first the evidence the “psychiatrist” charlatans are drugging institutionalized
children in Romania, besides homeless, the Rroma minority, youngsters, elders etc. >the "magistrate"
mafia in cahoots with the "psychiatrists" charlatans are making experiments by drugging innocent
people, proven by both admitting in the press but lying it isn't illegal to experiments on fake patients
meaning either fictive patients or sane people obviously with faked “psychiatric” charlatanry
documentation diagnosis, consent etc. – me being one of these latter cases, and by a secret service
report to the general prosecutor's office, made public to the press by the general prosecutor's office and
removed afterwards, but of which I retained a copy which I published at the address: <. The fact the
“psychiatrist” charlatans admit they are making experiments is the article at address: < and the fact the
experiments are illegal is the report to the other proofs that their “ministry of health approval” excuse
means nothing because it’s not a mandate to break the law and cannot be for poisoning people
forcefully against their consent, or misinforming people as all charlatans do. The fact they are doing
experiments I know personally overhearing they are doing statistics at the psychiatry, for which there is
only one explanation: experimentation, fact obviously correlated with the fact that the international
manual for diagnostics DSM-V is in fact based on statistics and probability, not fact but insinuation,
subjectivity and invalid inference. Furthermore the “psychiatrist” charlatans in cahoots with the local
direction of health and child care under the protection of the “magistrate” mafia is drugging
institutionalized children, as it is drugging elders, youngsters, peasants, gypsies or anyone deemed
unable to defend himself judicially meaning with no education, and no social statute, or, placed outside
the protection of the law by the “magistrate” mafia meaning the dissidents such as me, about which I
indicate a number of other usages of “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of repression: <get the links
and plead from the email>. This has happened before because psychiatry wasn’t abolished as
charlatanry and criminal occupation: "The Duplessis Orphans ... were children victimized in a mid-20th
century scheme in which approximately 20,000 orphaned children ... were falsely certified as mentally ill
... and confined to psychiatric institutions ... About 78% reported difficulty functioning socially or
emotionally in their adult life ... many of these children were subjected to ... a variety of drug testing and
used in other medical experiments" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duplessis_Orphans
II.1.5.2 Furthermore, the German supreme court notoriously rejected the law for obligatory
vaccination for a non-existing measles virus, claiming it was a sinister conspiracy. The same law is being
passed in Romania: http://www.cdep.ro/pls/proiecte/upl_pck2015.proiect?idp=16586, pushed by the

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Helsinki Committee who is supposed to be against it but even claimed the fundamental rights can be
wavered, bribed as an immense number of NGOs by George Soros obviously, the same who was
declared persona non grata in Russian Federation for his state authority subversions, also proven by
sustaining poisoning of people through fluorine in the water supply after being banned in Russian
Federation. In Romania the Helsinki Committee is represented by APADOR-CH NGO
II.1.5.3 I’ve witnessed the fact they are doing statistics at the psychiatric ward which can only
mean research, which instead means experimentation and observation according to the scientific
method which obviously mean they are using experimental drugs which although are notoriously deadly
and damaging to all the vital internal organs, they are clearly using the charlatanry named “psychiatry”
as a cover up to commit Crimes against humanity against the general population, fact which I’m also
objectivizing by a press communique form the Romania secret services to the general prosecutor’s
office, describing illegal experimentation done by the charlatans named “psychiatrists” as always for
money from the pharmaceutical mafia, communique which was pulled off but I managed to keep a copy
and publish it again at address: <. The reality is far worse, the general prosecutor’s office did nothing as
usual because it’s part of the Romanian “magistrate” mafia who is covering up the crimes in Romania –
and I’ve submitted them my case of which I heard nothing since, as typical of a cover up criminal activity
of the Romanian “magistrate” mafia, as opposed to the fact legally they are obligated to execute at least
1 act of procedure every 30 days according to Romanian Law <?304/2004, article <5,29,30?
II.1.5.4 I was experimented on against my will by being threatened me with violence if I don't
cooperate. They took urine and blood samples without ever accusing me of taking drugs nor did I ever or
was there any suspicion even invented, meaning this wasn’t the motive, but illegal experimentation,
after instating against me the procedure for killers because penal "obligatory" examination is for killers
according to Romanian Penal procedure code article 184 paragraph 1, which is also impossible because
the actual examination according to articles 10 and 11 from the Romanian law of mental health
487/2002, it can only be done directly through an interview with the examinee who can refuse to take
the interview as well refuse to cooperate, and forced urine and blood samples mean nothing when
taken by criminals who obviously do so to falsify proofs - as proof against me they found nothing but
they lied without even bothering to invent a story to support their lies on, that I'm psychotic and
paranoid which I’m not in the least and can prove it, because they lied before without proof that I'm
totally irresponsible, lacking discernment and violent without any proof thus they can't possibly cover up
their lies and wanted to silence me from denouncing them further. This is covered up by the Romanian
secret services who know of this widespread criminal activity constituting a veritable threat against the
security of the Romanian state and rule of law
II.1.5.5 Furthermore, there isn't any proof that the poisons they forced upon me is actually
Haloperidol, Diazepam, Invega and Prazolex and not something else, substances who are actually
fluorine and chlorine deadly neurotoxins. The blood tests as proved above shows they put me in
anaphylactic shock with what they injected me with, and the data correlates with “Haloperidol” fluorine
poisoning, while other symptoms correlate with “Invega” fluorine poisoning. The fact they are
experimenting on innocent people I also proven by an immense number of evidence regarding
innocents being convicted to "medical treatment" just at Vrancea Tribunal, which I made public which
determined them to issue a falsified a joint Ministry of justice and Superior council of magistrates order
to hide this from public evidence because it was happening all over the country, followed by a secret
services report to the general prosecutor which was made public and I kept as indicated in the email
forwarded as an attachment to this to which this document is attached, except the “magistrate” mafia

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refused on purpose to hide mine meaning they discriminated me. The Romanian council against
discrimination CNCD also refused to address this problem lying I didn't sign my petition as stupid corrupt
Romanian clerks usually do at the order of the mafia. The Romanian personal data protection agency
ANSPDCP also refused to solve my petition about this, and as I remember the secret services report
wasn't coincidental but coinciding my public denunciation of these crimes. I've also witnessed personally
that they are doing statistics on patient that can only mean experimentation as part of research. If they
knew exactly what they were doing no experimentation was needed, and furthermore not even an
aspirin can be forced on anyone without his consent, let alone neurotoxic and deadly poisons

II.1.6 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrajudicial_punishment
II.1.6^1 "
Extrajudicial punishment is punishment for an alleged crime or offense carried out without legal process
or supervision from a court or tribunal through a legal proceeding
Politically motivated
Extrajudicial punishment is often a feature of politically repressive regimes
individuals or groups deemed threatening—or even simply "undesirable"—to a government may
nevertheless be targeted for punishment by a regime or its representatives. Such actions typically happen
quickly, with security forces acting on a covert basis, performed in such a way as to avoid a massive
public outcry and/or international criticism that would reflect badly on the state. Sometimes, the killers
are agents outside the government. Criminal organizations, such as La Cosa Nostra, have reportedly
been employed for such a purpose
<mention the summary of broken laws frmo anne 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier>
II.1.6.1 This is exactly what happened to me, through use of an interloper to kill me, then
repeated use of “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon of wrongful repression and murder <mention the
sections demonstrating the 1st and 2nd Crimes against humanity in link>
II.1.6.2 I was convicted without trial for a crime I proven it doesn't exist physically, not even
penally, meaning they physical deeds I've been accused of don't exist physically or are even impossible
physically, such as disturbing the quietness of the courthouse meeting by listening to audiobooks on
earphones which I did many times without being accused of such an aberration - meaning it's a pretext
invoked by criminal psychopaths or schizophrenics who aren't logical that this may turn against them, or
accusing me that the plea in my defense also constitutes the disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse,
which I did many times in the same way without being accused of such an aberration. Before I’ve been
accused of judiciary outrage which is an aggravating circumstance of a crime committed against a
magistrate, and I’ve not been accused of an actual crime which is the equivalent of being accused of
premeditation which isn’t a crime – the crime perpetrated with premeditation is a crime with an
aggravated circumstance
II.1.6.3 My presumption of innocence has been gravely infringed upon meaning totally, meaning
by my fundamental right being totally disregarded, my defense right severely and aggressively attacked

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like being brought by force with dozens of “masked policemen”, “policemen” and “gendarmes” in court
at the last moment, without being subpoenaed so I'm put in a situation of impossibility of learning about
the content of the dossier against me and I'm unable to build a defense
II.1.6.4 I've proven this many times in my Rule 39 ECHR request for interim measures
II.1.6^2 "
uniformed security forces to punish a victim, but under circumstances that make it appear as self-defense
or suicide
II.1.6^2.1 The interloper who gravely harmed me on 5th December 2014 committing a
Qualified murder attempt, tried to also make it look like an accident as he was taught by the instigators
from the "magistrate" mafia, and how I caught him lying using an audio-video recording which of course
the “magistrate” mafia didn’t administer because I made it impossible to contradict, which in turn
proves their illicit relation with the interloper who they are defending because it’s their man. The fact he
was instigated doesn't rule this out as the instigators and accomplices are to be penally punished exactly
as the author of the crime, the "authorities" being also accomplice afterwards attempting to cover up
this crime not only through falsification of documents and subtraction of proofs, but also through using
the judiciary system and psychiatry as weapons of wrongful repression
II.1.6^3 "
A forced disappearance (or enforced disappearance) occurs when a person is secretly abducted or
imprisoned by a state or political organization or by a third party with the authorization, support, or
acquiescence of a state or political organization, followed by a refusal to acknowledge the person's fate
and whereabouts, with the intent of placing the victim outside the protection of the law
II.1.6^3.1 I mention that it should’ve appeared in my judiciary history attached as annex 17 as
being under penal pursuit, and the fact I wasn’t proves the endeavor to criminally silence me was covert
and the falsified penal dossiers weren’t admitted in the official records
II.1.6^3.2 The usage of psychiatry against me as a weapon of wrongful repression is not
coincidental but because of the fact no murder in psychiatric incarceration in Romania is ever
investigated, the psychiatrists being veritable torturers as I've witnessed myself and been a victim of.
The "authorities" refused to give any relations even to my mother, who I fortunately kept in touch with
and was concerned for me and found me when I was abducted from my law faculty exams, tied up and
poisoned at the psychiatric ward. Obviously because of my mother incapacity to act in my defense
judicially, and lack of any other relations and because of the Romanian people's indifference to state
mafia crimes against them, behaving like cattle, the state mafia acted accordingly attempting to force
my disappearance and make it look like an accident again by placing me outside the protection of the
law by ignoring every relevant law in the matter and poisoning me with the neurotoxin Invega to silence
me, which is deadly as proven in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR request for interim measures to which
I’ve added the corroborations quoted above from my plead I’m working on to file to ICC
II.1.6^4 "Extrajudicial punishment may be planned and carried out by a particular branch of a
state, without informing other branches, or even without having been ordered to commit such acts.
Other branches sometimes tacitly approve of the punishment after the fact"
II.1.6^4.1 I've spoken to <?entity> about this exact fact, deducing it before I even read about it
from my experience with the Romanian state mafia, that is the local organized crime groups of
"magistrates" acts as mafia gangs, and the overall Romanian state mafia acts as a cartel of mafia gangs.

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The upper echelons of the mafia or certain institutions under the mafia control tacitly approve of the
illicit punishment after the fact - proof: the titularies of disciplinary action against the "magistrates"
refused to disciplinarily lay off the criminal "judges", meaning Superior council of magistrates, Ministry
of justice, president of supreme court and general prosecutor. Furthermore the Romanian
Constitutional Court (CCR) declared in decision 25 from 19 January 2017 that my presumption of
innocence has no legal basis because a penal measure of security doesn't require that the deed is
proven to exist and that I committed it as I objectivized in section I.B.11, through a legal public trial,
contradicting themselves with both Romanian law article 4 from Romanian Penal procedure code,
article 23 paragraph 11 from Romanian Constitution, articles 11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution
who makes treaties internal right meaning article 11 from the Universal declaration of human rights and
article 6 paragraph 2 from the European convention of human rights
II.1.6^4.2 In short mafia gangs are protecting each other, and the upper echelon organized
crime groups acting as the government, are tolerating the crimes of the mafia gangs under their power
being of their own ethos, meaning they let them do what they want with the condition that the local
crime groups of "magistrates" commit crimes when ordered to

II.1.6^5 History
Other Soviet Bloc secret police organizations like the East German Stasi, Romanian Securitate have also
used it from time to time.
" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrajudicial_punishment

II.1.6^6 Historic proof

It has been discussed that the use of psychiatric treatments to reduce unwanted behaviors can be seen
as extrajudical punishments, due to many side-effects associated to these treatments.
" - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Extrajudicial_punishment
II.1.6^6.1 This part of the article is wrong, death and chemical lobotomisation is not a side effect
because there is no such thing as “psychiatric” treatment which I’ve proven cured nobody ever because
even the “mental illness’ is a metaphor and metaphors are not actual diseases and can’t thus be cured,
this being the exact method charlatans have been using from before history, using the victims ignorance
and warped logic to profit from the confusion created by false claims, when these effects represent the
actual intent of the criminal organized group using them, as assassinations are acts of extra judiciary
punishment as in reality none of these acts are having anything to do with the rule of law, the
expression "extrajudiciary punishment" being nice wording to cover up acts of murder and torture or
Crimes against humanity, by hiding through the syntagm the illegal and immoral aspect as well as
punishment insinuating justice not revenge like it actually is, and wrongful repression

II.1.7 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_terrorism
II.1.7^1 "
State terrorism refers to acts of terrorism conducted by a state against foreign targets or against its own

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II.1.7^1.1 I've been since 2014 subjected to state terrorism, by physical attacks by an interloper
instigated by the "magistrate" mafia and neo-"communist" secret services,
II.1.7^1.2 by the terrorist state using judiciary system and psychiatry as a weapon of wrongful
repression over a dozen times, through 4 falsified penal dossiers in which I was never convicted and 6
psychiatric actions 4 of which I annulled as falsified, and the last 2 being identical as two of the first 4,
meaning in which the "magistrate" mafia ignored all relevant law
II.1.7^1.3 This has ultimately forced me to flee into permanent hiding from the murderous
Romanian regime
II.1.7^2 <mention this everywhere as objective proof why I’m speaking of incarceration instead
of internment, besides the proof there is no such thing as “pscyhiatric” medicine, science, hospitals
therefore no internment> Internment = imprisonment
Internment is the imprisonment or confinement[1] of people, commonly in large groups, without trial.
The term is especially used for the confinement "of enemy citizens in wartime or of terrorism
suspects".[2] Thus, while it can simply mean imprisonment, it tends to refer to preventive confinement,
rather than confinement after having been convicted of some crime.
II.1.7^2.1 I have never been indicted and convicted of any crime at all, and I’ve been
“psychiatrically” imprisoned illegally, unfounded and immoral in every possible way, without a trial
because the mock trial that was held in total disregard of law and logic can’t be called such, it was a
mockery in total contempt of any notion of justice
II.1.7^2.2 I was psychiatrically interned illegally, unjustified, poisoned without a faked court
order even, with procedure for killers applied although I wasn’t even falsely accused of such, been
declared a public danger with no legal or factual justification of any kind, without diagnosis, innocent,
without meeting the committee for evaluating the legality of interment, without meeting the committee
for evaluating the legality of me being poisoned, been poisoned without my consent, been continuously
poisoned against my imploring for them to stop, without closing a contract with a legal or conventional
representative even when asked as legally was required, and so on and so forth
II.1.7^2.3 I was held by force in front of a "psychiatric committee" for nothing, 2 times for the
mafia to cover up their falsification of papers by my mere presence there, on 17th September 2015 and
6th April 2017. Many other times they claimed I was at a "psychiatric committee" when I wasn't, proven
by the fact they falsified documents in my absence when is legally required to only have psychiatric
examination directly through interview obviously, which of course is impossible without my consent
which I didn’t give because I knew the mafia needs it to falsify documents as they did anyway, but like
this I have an extra proof they are criminals. For the purpose of covering up their crimes, they lied I am
totally irresponsible, lacking discernment and violent, even if proven to the contrary in many ways, as
this document itself does. This is of course illegal in any rule of law state - "The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights restricts the use of internment. Article 9 states that "No one shall be subjected to arbitrary
arrest, detention or exile."'
<reference terrorism wiki objectivize how the Romanian state is using every means as weapons
of terrorism, not in the least governing by legitimacy but by fear. Remember, research, distill, execute

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II.1.8 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture
II.1.8^1 "
Torture (from the Latin tortus, "twisted") is the act of deliberately inflicting physical or psychological pain
in order to fulfill some desire of the torturer or compel some action from the victim. Torture, by
definition, is a knowing and intentional act; deeds which unknowingly or negligently inflict pain without a
specific intent to do so are not typically considered torture.

Torture has been carried out or sanctioned by individuals, groups, and states throughout history from
ancient times to modern day, and forms of torture can vary greatly in duration from only a few minutes
to several days or longer. Reasons for torture can include punishment, revenge, political re-education,
deterrence, coercion of the victim or a third party, interrogation to extract information or a confession
irrespective of whether it is false, or simply the sadistic gratification of those carrying out or observing
the torture.
<demonstarte the torture form the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 through the
covert injection with risperidone or paliperidone mostly, and reference dehumanization type torture
II.1.8^1.1 I've been tortured 12 days between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 by being
arrested from my law faculty exams, tied up and poisoned at a psychiatric ward illegally, unjustified,
without diagnosis, without meeting the committee for evaluating the legality of interment, without
meeting the committee for evaluating the legality of me being poisoned, without my consent, without
closing a contract with a legal or conventional representative even when asked as legally was required
II.1.8^1.2 See section < regarding the objectivation of the torture as an “knowing and
intentional act”, as proven pervasively illegal, unfounded and immoral. <Tying me to an operating table
and putting me in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine based
neurotoxic injections without treatment as objectivized below, then after I survived poisoning me with
other deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins, cannot be anything but a ”knowing and
intentional act”, as even the fluorine and chlorine combination was intentional to increase the odds of
fatality as objectivized in paragraph 1.5 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
II.1.8^1.3 See paragraph 1.8 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the objectivation of the suffering and
damaged caused by poisoning torture through testimonies to which I relate, without being able to
influence the testimonies which constitutes the objectivation proof, corroborated with scientific in this
plead and annexes which objectivize my declarations constituting my proof of verity
II.1.8^1.4 I corroborate my reasons to fear Torture, grave Bodily Harm through chemical
lobotomization / “chemotheraphy” and Qualified Murder by the totalitarian Romanian “state” mafia
regime I fled from becoming a permanent refugee from 1st September 2017 as objectivized in annex 1 in
general and paragraph 2.4^45 from annex 1 respectivelly of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, with the facts that I learned by studying annex
16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier representing the falsified discharge papers from "psychiatric" imprisonment and Torture, that
the uncontrolled shivering I've experienced after the first 3 days of sleep deprivation and fluorine and
chlorine daily poisoning was actually anaphylactic shock, which the torturer "psychiatrist" charlatans

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refused to document and treat me for because putting me in anaphylactic shock was the purpose, to
murder me – as it was clearly visible to them I was shacking from the whole body and couldn't control
my voice enough to hide it out of the usual sense of dignity and self-control, facts which they hid in the
documents as they hid the fact I was overdosed daily with fluorine and chlorine injections for the first 3
days, and hid the fact not only I didn’t give my consent but I implored them to stop poisoning every day
during their useless daily “visits” meaning as obvious there was no “psychiatric” charlatanry
“examination’ or observation going on whatsoever for everyone not just me, just imprisonment,
Torture, Bodily Harming and chemical lobotomization or in actuality “chemotherapy” because the
“psychiatric” charlatanry deadly poisons destroy the whole body not just the brain, and the
“psychiatrist” torturers can't prove it was neither the quantity they claim nor the substance type with
which they chemically lobotomized me by force because the mafia members pervasively lied about
everything in all their falsified acts of procedure and I only told the truth which actually demonstrates
the opposite of what they are lying about according to the principle of non-contradiction, corroborated
with my demonstrations which prove the truth anyway. I experienced the symptoms of anaphylactic
shock from the first day, and I've reported it 3 times at least during these 3 days. For objectivizing my
declaration I quote the specialty literature about haloperidol or deadly fluorine poisoning from address:
https://www.rxlist.com/haldol-side-effects-drug-center.htm "Call your doctor at once if you have a
serious side effect such as, only quoted as relevant: "dizziness, fainting, fast or pounding heartbeat,
tremor (uncontrolled shaking)...”. The “psychiatrist” torturer fools left the proof of anaphylactic shock in
the blood test results, meaning the high number of basophiles (0.2*10^3/uL%, 2.6%) that indicate an
allergic reaction according to medical specialty literature which I quote as proof from address in
Romanian: https://www.pcfarm.ro/analize_medicale/269/Numarul-de-bazofile- in romanian:
“Crestterea numarului de bazofile peste 200/µLse numeste bazofilie si este caracteristica in:
Boli alergice: rinita alergica, polipoza nazala, sinuzita cronica, astm, dermatita atopica, alergii
medicamentoase” objectively translated to English by Google translate: “
Increasing the number of basophils over 200 / μL is called basophilia and is characteristic in:
Allergic diseases: allergic rhinitis, nasal polyps, chronic sinusitis, asthma, atopic dermatitis, drug
allergies” meaning I’m at higher risk of death from the “psychiatric” deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic poisons that caused the allergic reaction, never having an allergic reaction before to anything
else except to penicillin meaning another injected foreign body, and I kept imploring them daily to stop
chemically lobotomizing me because I knew I’m extra allergic to foreign bodies and toxins, and I was
feeling ill which I believe is a psychosomatic response to my sane personality profile of instinctively
rejecting everything malignant by acknowledging it at a subconscious level, exemplificatively but
relevant mentioning I always use toothpaste with no fluorine, and I only drink bottled water with low
chlorine to perform well intellectually. Also for objectivizing my declaration I quote the specialty
literature regarding deadly fluorine poisoning with haloperidol from address:
"Call your doctor at once if you have a serious side effect such as:" only quoted as relevant: "dizziness,
fainting, fast or pounding heartbeat, tremor (uncontrolled shaking), sweating, confusion, fast or uneven
heartbeats, tremors, feeling like you might pass out, feeling short of breath, headache, dizziness,
spinning sensation, drowsiness, sleep problems (insomnia), dry mouth" all of these symptoms which I
had, and I mention the dry mouth was so severe I had developed red reaction or infection on the back of
my neck, also due to suppression of my immune system by the deadly fluorine poisoning - see section
I.A.II.1.2.8. The sadist “psychiatrist” torturer Florea Gabriela and various assistants or guards around

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grinned at me assuring me that I wouldn’t suffer the brain damage I already was suffering and describing
to them, and they falsified in cahoots with other “medics” diagnostics of amygdalitis and rhinitis when I
complained about the dry throat and eyes and eye crusts, to hide the symptoms of deadly fluorine
poisoning when in fact I had no amygdalitis and rhinitis symptoms, meaning no swollen amygdals or
runny nose, falsificatino of other diagnosis meant to hide the symptoms caused by this type of fluorine
poisoning meaning risperidone or paliperidone, according to its “prospect” which is really the poison’s
scientific documented health damage caused. The torturer “psychiatrist” charlatans ignored the fact I
was in anaphylactic shock although the proof is in the blood test and the technician marked the
evidence, although I was visibly showing the symptom of shacking uncontrollably from the whole body,
and my voice was affected by the tremor, although I was reporting daily feeling ill meaning the torturer
“psychiatrist” charlatans deliberately put me in anaphylactic shock without treatment and expected me
to die and cover everything up like it is usually done in Romania where no Qualified Murder or Bodily
Harm is ever investigated regarindg “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration, not even when the
“psychiatrist” charlatans are “caught” for the eyes of the worlds performing illegal experiments and
tainting the data with their own fecies as I’ve objectivized in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1
from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, and as many testify that the Romanian “state” mafia associated “legal medicine” is faking
the certificates of death for example claiming a heart attack as the cause and not that the heat attack
was caused by the “psychiatric” charlatanry chemical lobotomization which destroys all areas of the
brain including the region responsible for regulating the heatbeats, as I’ve even proven in the attached
email to CCHR indicated in the aforementioned paragraphs a concrete case from another Romanian
county where such atrocities occur to this day, and then the “psychiatrist” torturers continued poisoning
me under threat of violence after surviving the first 3 days, obligating me to swallow deadly fluorine and
chlorine pills fearing as I was threatened that if I would refuse they would inject me with them which I
knew it has a higher absorption rate and therefore a higher Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder rate, and
I’ve proven afterwards that the injectable deadly fluorine poison risperidone or paliperidone causes the
kind of death rate the “psychiatrist” charlatans and pharmaceutical mafia couldn’t hide although they
continue to lie in the poisons “prospect” that the ~“death rate is not reported” as in every other regard
for which they have already been fined billions instead of being incarcerated for Crimes against
humanity, also given the “psychiatric” charlatanry drugs not only don’t cure anyone of anything but
induce suicidal and homicidal ideation as I’ve demonstrated scientifically in section I.A.II.1.2.8^1
meaning not only is it true that “antipsychotic” drugs cover-up stories are a myth as objectivized in
section I.A.II.1.2.7, but it’s a lie as “psychiatric” charlatanry drugs cause psychosis meaning false ideation
leading to behavior of self harm and harm to others, and in fact it was never proven as obvious from the
beginning the deadly poisons “psychiatry” charlatanry employs to destroy its victims cure anything,
meanign mercury, opium, heroine, fluorine and chlorine. In short the “psychiatrist” torturers were
ordered to Qualifiedly Murder me, and only incidentally Tortured and gravely Bodily Harmed me
through chemical lobotomization / “chemotheraphy”, and make it look “innocent” although it’s really
impossible because they broke every law and morality doing it revealing the mafia also controls the
“judiciary system” and does not investigate the illegal murderous activity of the “psychiatry” charlatanry
for illicit profit through illegal experimentation or general activity, or political repression at the
instigation of the Romanian “state” mafia, not that anyone cares in Romania at the same time meaning
there is no such thing as real public opinion and civic spirit which is why the standard dropped to Crimes
against humanity level and the mafia culture spread like wildfire amongst the immoral and functionally

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analphabet peasants that contitute the great bulk of Romanian population even in the cities where live
the “communist” mafia clientelle peasants and the mafia peasants themselves who obtained from the
illegitimate “communist” regime apartments and retained their countryside lands and houses as well
meaning there is almost no such thing as cityfolk these days in Romania after the intellectuality was
tortured and killed by the Romanian “communist” mafia especially between 1945 - 1964, as opposed to
my family who has not worked the land for 3 generations which is why I’ve been ostracized in Romania
as a honest cityfolk progressist intellectual to which naturally is opposed to the immoral and functionally
analphabet omnipresent peasant mafia who “succeeds” in life by numbers, immorality, violence and a
feudal organization, not by personal merit, as evident only filthy peasants can call the misery in Romania
a “success”, where for instance people go to treat themselves for a twisted anckle then leave and die
from an intrahospital acquired infection <search article and link>, and where they aren’t actually treated
for anything because the peasants who bribed themselves into positions of medics also don’t know their
profession as I’ve realized myself simply investigating and treating myself using the internet and
realizing the Romanian “medics” don’t even know elementary medicine on which one can document
himself upon from the encyclopedia. I objectivize the rest of my declarations about anaphylaxis from
this address: https://www.medicinenet.com/anaphylaxis/article.htm "Anaphylaxis is a rapidly
developing and serious allergic reaction that can affect multiple body systems at the same time. Severe
anaphylactic reactions can be fatal. Anaphylaxis is often triggered by substances that are injected". Also
as proof of allergy from drugs as proven in my particular case, I quote in Romanian:
MA%2FIkozieuX7iYNcnychrzF%2F7vlnSF6AEX%2F09M8%3D ro."Crestterea numarului de bazofile peste
200/µLse numeste bazofilie si este caracteristica in:
Boli alergice: ... alergii medicamentoase" and translate objectively to English using Google translate:
"Increasing the number of basophils over 200 / μL is called basophilia and is characteristic in: Allergic
diseases: ... drug allergies" and I emphasize DRUG ALLERGIES again as opposed to the fact I do not have
any other allergies, quote which I correlate with the values of my blood test eosinophiles "0.2*10^3/uL,
2.6%", corroborated with as quoted in Romanian again "Valori normale: ...* Eozinofile (EO): 1-6 % ...
Numarul scazut de eozinofile (eozinopenia) se intilneste in ... Boli alergice: ... reactii de hipersensibilitate
(inclusiv cele la medicamente)" and objectively translating to English using Google translate: "
Normal Eosinophils (EO): 1-6% ... Low Eosinophilia (eosinopenia) occurs in ... Allergic diseases: ...
hypersensitivity reactions (including those at drugs)" from address: https://www.ziaruldeiasi.ro/ghidul-
generalizate~ni4um3, proofs to which I declare knowing the consequences of giving false declarations,
that I've never had any other allergic reaction other than penicillin as my mother told me from where I
was a child, which is another injected foreign substance, nor did ever these abnormal values appear in
my previous blood tests, nor am I allergic in any other way. Furthermore I came across even this article
that confirms my declarations about penicillin, from which I quote in Romanian "Cel mai frecvent sunt
acuzate ca produc soc anafilactic antibioticele din familia penicilinelor” or as objectively translated to
English by Google translate: “Most commonly they are accused of producing anaphylactic shock
antibiotics from the penicillin family”, from article at address: http://jurnalul.ro/viata-
sanatoasa/medicul-de-familie/s-o-s-socul-anafilactic-289195.html, reminding in this context that the
“psychiatrist” charlatans also attempted to inject me with antibiotics without my consent based on the
falsified diagnosis of rhinitis and amygdalitis as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.^4.1 which I

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protested and stopped the abuse, which could’ve also caused me anaphylactic shock. The fact I stopped
the abuse is not owed as much by my protest but to the torturer “psychiatrist” charlatan Florea
Gabriela’s typical criminal avoidance of the crime scene to which he was not a direct accomplice and
intrinsic instigator being present, proven by the fact the torturer “psychiatrist” charlatan Florea Gabriela
being chief of the Focsani “psychiatrist” gulag where not only dissidents and human rights defenders
against the mafia are politically repressed through chemical lobotomization and “chemotheraphy”, but
illegal experiments are performed as the schizophrenic “psychiatrist” charlatans even admitted in the
press that the Ministry of Health gave them permission to break the law which is evidently impossible
because in a state of right logically everyone is obligated to respect the law, not to break it, or, there
isn’t law for the ruled and no law for the ruling class which is by definition is totalitarianism where the
ruling minority is infringing on the rights of the majority, “authorized” me being put in anaphylactic
shock for at least 3 days through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxic poisoning without
treatment and expected to die, then after surviving “authorized” me being chemically lobotomized and
put in “chemotheraphy” through other deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins breaking all
relevant law, regulation, norm, deontology and logic, and naming “curator” the other torturer
“psychiatrist” charlatan named Barbarosie Carmen who cosigned the falsified “pscyhiatric” charlatanry
incarceration discharge papers for conformity meaning who are accomplice and instigators to the whole
7th Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
II.1.8^1.5 Besides being tortured through deadly poisoning with fluorine based neurotoxins and
chlorine neurotoxin, I was tortured psychosomatically by imprisonment in close quarters with other
“psychiatric” inmates, having to support both my own suffering as well as psychosomatic exposure to
the suffering of others, which I objectivize by relating to the experiences of others proving it is real
ja " “You're held in a department of closed type psychiatric clinic with a bathroom in a terrible condition.
You constantly contact with people who are really mentally ill, who have been staying here for a long
time, for years. This is a method to influence a normal person. It's an execution to spend three weeks in
such conditions and it can be called one big torture. One must have a sufficiently strong will power to
stand it. Besides, I gave up on food at the clinic, eating only what I was brought from home, and did not
take any medicines the staff gave me,” Ilmi Umerov said. – I was forcefully injected with deadly fluorine
and chlorine neurotoxins to be put in anaphylactic shock and killed for the first 3 days, then after I
survived forcefully chemically lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins,
forcefully meaning by threat of violence to take the Invega and Prazolex poisons, else be injected which I
knew it had a higher absorption rate evidently from the fact it was getting directly into the bloodstream.
I’ve also been tortured through sleep deprivation because of the conditions I’ve been incarcerated with
8 other real mentally afflicted persons who not only were suffering, yelling and not being treated for it
but being Tortured, gravely Bodily Harmed through chemical lobotomization, beaten by the guards and
yelling louder because of it, as I’ve witnessed. I ‘ve also been forced to eat their swill they fed the
inmates to not give them a reason to abuse me, which was insufficient and luckily my mother brought
me food from home, and still I lost weight from my normal 72 Kg in sedentary mode, to 66 Kg, because
of the chemical lobotomizatin / “chemotheraphy”. The toilet as I’ve described before, had no lid, no
toilet paper, feces and urine on the floor and I had to climb on the high toilet rim and maintain my
equilibrium to defecate as on a Turkish toilet to not touch as much as possible the filth. No shower was
working on the ground floor and the inmates were lined up like in a gulag which the Focsani
“psychiatric” prison is, and given a little water in the palms of their hands to wash their armpits. The

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criminal forceful poisoning I was subjected to clearly projected in my sane mind the observed not even
logically inferred categorical conclusion that all the intellectual work I built in myself as in a garden for
30 years was being destroyed callously and trampled upon as I was made meaningless meat cattle at the
disposal of the torturer “psychiatrists” Barbarosie Carmen and Gabriela Florea to sacrifice me for
achieving their petty illicit goals of being in favor with the mafia that instigated them to commit Crimes
gainst humanity against me. It truly takes strong will to withstand and not succumb to the terror and be
abused even more as a “mentally ill” person if cracking up from the pressure which could only lead to
more chemical lobotomization / “chemotheraphy”, state of fact which I understood which is why I
survived being already trained by decades of misery living in Romania through which I learned to ignore
my feelings and more, and think logically through techniques like something I call the power of the void,
to exist without purpose as a reflection of life itself using survival instinct in raw form which meant
therefore no mindful purpose can be taken from you or turned against you, not even the conscious will
to survive which defeated and under torture transforms in suicide ideation, tehnique which I prove valid
by the fact animals do not suicide, however it takes being tortured like living poor for decades or in
misery amongst Romanians while striving to live a decent life to build this power, not mere
acknowledgement of the tehnique. The mental state is to acknowledge that things are happening
without cause and effect and you are powerless therefore no real loss is perceived while the hardest
part is also remaining human and intelligently manage the situation to survive. Just strong will erode
itself like a rock hit by incessant ocean waves, like mine did in the first 3 days being sleep deprived, in
constant proximity with persons with mental problems who were constantly screaming day and night,
while being put in anaphylactic shock an experiencing all its symptoms for days, when I realized to
survive it takes more than strong will, it will take guile – fake docility to diminish the damage they were
doing to me and it worked, I was moved “for good behavior” and after promising that I would write no
more penal dossiers against the mafia, at floor number one where there was my own bed in a shared
room with toilet and a working shower in common with 3 other inmates. Instinct does not think and
cannot be coerced no more than you can threaten a cow to give more milk with a knife; an animal only
has the instinctual purpose to survive. Put reasoning on top of that natural paradigm to increase its
intelligence and ignore your feelings that would otherwise overcome your reason, let them flow through
you and reason regardless, the relevance of this exposure being that I’m demonstrating I had the
experience by describing it not just declaring it, and this is how I survived keeping calm. This
“psychiatric” torture is a method to dehumanize a normal person in a many-fold way, through lack of
intellectual stimulation, traumatization through exposure to an abnormal environment, and through the
normal process of environment imprinting, which due to the natural evolution process it left in humans
the adaptation inclination to mimic the social environment, that is the brain will involuntarily get
imprinted with the behavioral patterns of the social environment through the natural process of
understanding the natural environment as well as the process of conformity which destroys a person
identity, mostly creativity, assertiveness and critical/analytical thinking, which is as I’ve objectivized
before, capital punishment. It is beyond any reasonable doubt that such an environment is not meant in
any way to change anyone’s mind for the better, but destroy it both psychologically and physically,
raising then the rhetorical question if “psychiatrist” charlatans are sane, which obviously are not, they
are all sadist criminals
II.1.8^1.6 See chapter IV from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier for a more recent and relevant background in the
context of damage claims. In fact, the troubles I had at work in the year between 2008 and 2009 were all

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started by a sociopath misandrist girl named Placintaru Madalina who harassed me for a whole year,
then ultimately lied that I hit her causing my disciplinary lay off which I annulled in dossier
43961/3/2009 proving it was all falsified. That was the first time I proved there is something seriously
wrong with the Romanian institutions, after petitioning all the competent ones meaning penal
authorities, ministry of labor and nondiscrimination council, all of which refused to do their job. While
the quote demonstrates the damaging effect of normal persons psyche by being in places in proximity of
mentally ill persons, caused by the brains ability to assimilate the information from the environment to
adapt, my situation corroborated by specialty literature regarding harassment of “mobbing” type as I’ve
objectivized back in 2009 because the sociopath Placintaru Madalina co-opted her gang to help in the
harassment, proved that also being in the proximity of aggressive mentally ill people has a damaging
effect, objectivized by the fact being constantly professionally undermined, slandered, verbally harassed
and so on and so forth, puts any normal being in a very stressful situation proven by the very existence
of the specialty literature regarding harassment of “mobbing” type which constitutes scientific
recognition of this social phenomena, which I corroborate again with the fact around a sociopath always
adheres to a gang or is forming a gang around him because a sociopath seeks power
II.1.8^1.6 Since 2014 I was psychologically tortured through constant attacks against my physical
and psychical wellbeing, through an interloper attacking me on 5th December 2014 and damaging my
brain leaving me with sight and endocrine disorders, then the instigators meaning the "magistrate"
mafia, to cover-up the murder attempt invented 4 penal dossiers and 6 psychiatric actions against me
since 2014 to the present keeping me in constant stress and fear of my life, wellbeing and liberty, being
forced to defend myself constantly as proven by the fact I’ve won against the first 4 psychiatric actions
proving them falsified, the last 2 being identical to the last 2 and thus also proven falsified as well as
being proven murder attempts. This is proven in my Rule 39 ECHR request for interim measures
published at address: https://www.scribd.com/document/352597506/Raneti-vs-Romania-at-ECHR,
except the murder attempts from 27th October 2014 and 5th December 2014 who I have to build a
separate plead exposing the demonstration of how the “magistrate” mafia protected the interloper who
they instigated to murder me, and the multitude of proofs that the same instigators were before and
after this murder attempt involved personally and pervasively in covering up this murder attempt
through other murder attempts meaning the 4 penal dossiers and 6 psychiatric actions who are falsified
as demonstrated above
<research, distill and execute more pleading regarding torture, by reading the article and other

II.1.9 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression
II.1.9^1 "
Political repression is the persecution of an individual or group within society for political reasons,
particularly for the purpose of restricting or preventing their ability to take part in the political life of a
society thereby reducing their standing among their fellow citizens
II.1.9^2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry

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II.1.9^3 Political abuse of psychiatry is the misuse of psychiatry, including diagnosis,
detention, and treatment, for the purposes of obstructing the human rights of individuals and/or
groups in a society.[1][2]:491 In other words, abuse of psychiatry (including that for political purposes) is
the deliberate action of having citizens psychiatrically diagnosed who need neither psychiatric
restraint nor psychiatric treatment.[3] Psychiatrists have been involved in human rights abuses in
states across the world when the definitions of mental disease were expanded to include political
disobedience.[4]:6 As scholars have long argued, governmental and medical institutions code
menaces to authority as mental diseases during political disturbances.[5]:14 Nowadays, in many
countries, political prisoners are sometimes confined and abused in psychiatric hospitals.[6]:3[7]

II.1.9^3.1 I mention Romanian “magistrate” mafia can’t even claim political disobedience
because the judicial system is democratically separate from the legislative, and the politics of the mafia
is outright crime therefore it can’t be justified in any moral sense. I find it is wrong as I proven, that
“psychiatry” is mentioned without “charlatanry”, and juxtaposed to the word “hospital” as if
“psychiatry” charlatanry is medicine or science, in fact doing only harm as proven by its entire history, of
which one can find out about visiting CCHR’s site amongst others
II.1.9^4 “
Psychiatry possesses a built-in capacity for abuse that is greater than in other areas
of medicine.[8]:65 The diagnosis of mental disease allows the state to hold persons against their will
and insist upon therapy in their interest and in the broader interests of society.[8]:65 Psychiatry can be
used to bypass standard legal procedures for establishing guilt or innocence and allow political
incarceration without the ordinary odium attaching to such political trials.[8]:65 The use of hospitals
instead of jails also prevents the victims from receiving legal aid before the courts in some countries,
makes indefinite incarceration possible, and discredits the individuals and their ideas.[9]:29 In that
manner, whenever open trials are undesirable, they are avoided.[9]:29

II.1.9^4.1 I’ve deduced all of this by my exact experience being politically victimized through
usage of psychiatry as a weapon of wrongful repression. There is no such thing as a diagnose of mental
disease because there is no such thing as a mental disease, it’s a metaphor and charlatanry esotery,
nothing to do with science and medicine. There can’t be claimed “broader interest of society” because
in all totalitarian regimes by definition a minority infringes on the rights of the majority, therefore usage
of the authority of the totalitarian minority can’t be justified as the interest of society because
dictatorships don’t represent the society but themselves, or as notoriously and artistically put, dictators
free themselves by enslaving the people. Psychiatry can’t bypass the law as proven in my case the
“psychiatrist” charlatans broke the law. The article author is right but not less documented than me
II.1.9^5 “
The political abuse of the power entrusted to physicians, and particularly psychiatrists, has a long
and abundant history, for example during the Nazi era and the Soviet rule when political dissenters
were labeled as "mentally ill" and subjected to inhumane "treatments".[10] In the period from the
1960s up to 1986, abuse of psychiatry for political purposes was reported to be systematic in
the Soviet Union, and occasional in other Eastern European countries such as Romania...

In Romania, there have been allegations of some particular cases of psychiatric abuse during over a
decade.[8]:73 In addition to particular cases, there is evidence that mental hospitals were utilized as

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short-term detainment centers.[8]:73 For instance, before the 1982 International University Sports
'Olympiad', over 600 dissidents were detained and kept out of public view in mental
hospitals.[8]:73 Like in the Soviet Union, on the eve of Communist holidays, potential "troublemakers"
were sent to mental hospitals by busloads and discharged when the holidays had passed.[1]
“ - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_abuse_of_psychiatry
II.1.9^5.1 Me being hunted by the “magistrate” mafia to kill me using fluorine and chlorine is no
allegation, is proven fact even in this sketchy plead, as I proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures. I remind, they wanted to incarcerate and murder me at the “psychiatry” ward during
2017 Orthodox Easter evidently on purpose, being a period where public interest in public affairs is low.
Clearly as we say in Romania, the old “communist” mafia reinvented itself and “privatized” the state
dilapidating and abuse the public office to whatever illicit purposes they have
II.1.9^5.2 The article branches in a number of relevant articles:
II.1.9^5.2.1 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Involuntary_commitment - about which I mention
there are no such thing as mental health professionals as proven by my case and many others, only
torturers and charlatans. Mental health is a matter of morality and logic according to the “psychiatric”
charlatanry literature, by which definitions it results that all “magistrates” and “psychiatrists” are
schizophrenic and sociopathic, which is true as I’ve proven statistically on the ones I caught falsifying
juridical acts, using their symptoms of logical incoherence, occupational dysfunction and pervasive
infringement of laws and other people’s rights
II.1.9^5.2.2 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-psychiatry - this movement is wrong,
“psychiatry” charlatanry is of absolutely no help to “patients” who are often innocents and dissidents,
both categories psychologically and morally sane, as proven by their very classification, people who have
done nothing wrong and want freedom, dignity and justice
II.1.9^5.2.3 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Medical_torture - this article is wrong from the start,
because it should start with the fact medicine is defined by the oath to “at least do no harm”, therefore
anything that does harm, all the more torture, can’t be called medicine or medical. It should be called
poisoning or intoxicating torture to be clear. The perversion of medical expertise doesn’t make torture
medical – “relating to the science or practice of medicine”
II.1.9^5.2.4 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pharmacological_torture - “Pharmacological
torture is the use of psychotropic or other drugs to punish or extract information from a
person.[1] The aim is to force compliance by causing distress, which could be in the form of pain,
anxiety, psychological disturbance, immobilization, or disorientation”
II.1.9^5.2.5 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Patient_abuse
II.1.9^5.2.5^1 “Patient abuse or neglect is any action or failure to act which causes
unreasonable suffering, misery or harm to the patient.[1]
II.1.9^5.2.5^2 Abuse includes physically striking or sexually assaulting a patient. It also
includes the intentional withholding of necessary food, physical care, and medical attention.

II.1.9^5.2.5^3 Neglect includes the failure to properly attend to the needs and care of a
patient, or the unintentional causing of injury to a patient, whether by act or omission.[2]

II.1.9^5.2.5^3.1 Mentioning I was never an interned patient in any circumstance, ever. I was
politically repressed through usage of judicial system and psychiatric "legal-medicine" as weapons of
wrongful repression against me, and furthermore “reducing my standing” not only by public
discrediting, but by pervasive infringement of any human right they could, as exemplificatively I point

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out, by selling my work litigation for bribe impeding me from working as a licensed informatician,
arresting me from my law faculty exams to impede me to be licensed and work as a law practitioner,
and I’ve been even told by the mafia to quit work as a superior studies graduate and be a hypermarket
shelf organizer
II.1.9^4.2 <move up?or down?>The "magistrate" mafia used psychiatry both to discredit me
because my political activity consisted of raising public awareness of its crimes through publishing them
on facebook.com and the forum militia.freeforums.net which was censored as proof without reason,
warning or reply from the owners to give a motive, exactly on 8th April 2017 when dozens of “masked
policemen”, “policemen” and “gendarmes” were breaking into my apartment arresting me daily to
falsify acts of procedure to imprison me psychiatrically during Orthodox Easter, when public awareness
was low regarding public affairs, and to use this as terrorism against my family meaning my mother who
actually has fallen ill with Zoster Area from trauma and stress
II.1.9^4.3 <move up?or down?> I remind that in the falsified motivation of 11224/231/2015 the
corrupt ex-policeman made "judge" Craciun Constantin Catalin said that I must be committed
psychiatrically so others don't take example, and political activity being exclusively about leadership it is
thus proven and recognized by the very members of the "magistrate" mafia that I am a human rights
II.1.9^6 "Political repression is sometimes used synonymously with the term political
discrimination (also known as politicism). It often is manifested through discriminatory policies, such as
human rights violations, surveillance abuse, police brutality, imprisonment, involuntary settlement,
stripping of citizen's rights, lustration and violent action or terror such as the murder (attempted 8
times), summary executions (attempted extrajudiciarily), torture, forced disappearance and other
extrajudicial punishment of political activists, dissidents, or general population. [3] Political repression
can also be reinforced by means outside of written policy, such as by public and private media ownership
and by self-censorship within the public.
Where political repression is sanctioned and organised by the state, it may constitute state
terrorism, genocide, politicide or Crimes against humanity. Systemic and violent political repression is a
typical feature of dictatorships, totalitarian states and similar regimes.
" quote from address: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_repression
II.1.9^6.1 I mention that after I publicized the fact that, in my own words "justice is drugging
innocent people", and proven it in many ways as indicated in the attached email regarding the use of
“psychiatry” charlatanry on children and as a weapon against dissidents, the "magistrate" mafia has
hidden the public ECRIS evidence I used to prove this to the public. The discrimination consisted in the
fact the mafia has falsified 6 public psychiatric actions against me, and didn't hid them as all the others.
I've notified the antidiscrimination council CNCD and personal data agency ANSPDCP who refused to
solve the petition, meaning they refused even to give a refusal because they can't justify breaking the
law by refusing to solve the petition
II.1.9^6.2 Besides discrimination I've proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures the infringements of the human rights described by ECHR articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13,
14 and 17 <mention UDHR equivalents from chapter I.3 from annex 23?>
II.1.9^6.3 I've also proven I've been incarcerated at a psychiatric ward, which is more brutal than
a prison, having the same, bars, guards, however in prison you are not tied up and poisoned with
fluorine and chlorine, not to mention unsanitary conditions which makes that “psychiatric” ward really a

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II.1.9^6.4 I've been stripped of my citizen's rights as proven in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures the infringements of the human rights described by ECHR articles 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8,
9, 10, 13, 14 and 17 <mention UDHR equivalents from chapter I.3 from annex 23?>
II.1.9^6.5 I've been put under constant terror for years since 2014 murder attempts against me
II.1.9^6.6 I've been tortured especially during 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, but also
psychologically during the years since 2014 by repeated murder attempts and constant usage of judicial
system and psychiatry as weapons of wrongful repression <mention the night between 5th and 6th
december 2014 and the proven covert injection with risperidone or paliperidone>
II.1.9^6.7 I've been forced to go into permanent hiding out of fear of indefinite to life
imprisonment, torture and loss of life, which of course would mean my "disappearance" in the most
physical meaning
II.1.9^6.8 I've been subject of extrajudicial punishment because I'm a dissident against the mafia
state, that is a political activists for the rule of law and ethical state of affairs, by being framed in 4 penal
dossiers without ever being convicted as proof, for the purpose of the mafia falsifying 6 psychiatric
actions, 4 of which they lost in court proving they are falsified, then the other 2 identical to 2 of the
other 4 as proof of being also falsified, they managed to gather the necessary criminal functionaries and
falsified the decisions in total disregard of the law subjecting me consequently to torture, Crimes
against humanity, bodily harm, attempted qualified murder and others

II.1.10 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_rights#Violations
II.1.10^1 "
Human rights violations occur when actions by state (or non-state) actors abuse, ignore, or deny basic
human rights (including civil, political, cultural, social, and economic rights). Furthermore, violations of
human rights can occur when any state or non-state actor breaches any part of the UDHR treaty or other
international human rights or humanitarian law.
II.1.10^1.1. I’ve already objectivized this aspect in my documents submitted to <?entity>
<refer to the sketch regarding UDHR infringement I’ve given <?entity <actually refer to chapter
I.3 from annex 23 and link with the ECHR proofs>

II.1^11-14 Following I’m enumerating a number of improper Crimes against humanity criteria
concomitantly relevant to Romanian mafia state policy
II.1.11 ethnic cleansing – improperly by cultural eradication of the active citizens living in the
spirit of honest life, rule of law and civic duty, through deprivation of all possible human rights as they
did to me, stealing my money for my home, selling my work litigation for bribe and leaving me jobless,
arresting me from my law faculty exams to impede me acceding a law practitioner profession and
attempting to murder me repeatedly for denouncing them. See that by definition ethnic means an
disjunctive enumeration of grouping of people by a number of criteria, cultural being one of them.
“living together or enjoying life in communities or organized groups / denoting or deriving from or
distinctive of the ways of living built up by a group of people” -

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https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/ethnical, corroborated with “Culture is the social behavior and
norms found in human societies. Culture is considered a central concept in anthropology, encompassing
the range of phenomena that are transmitted through social learning in human societies. Some aspects
of human behavior, social practices such as culture” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culture by which
very definition and fact that they forced me into permanent hiding from fear of premeditated indefinite
deprivation of freedom, torture and murder, situation from which clearly I can’t raise a family nor hold a
legal job which would deconspire my location and attract persecution as feared. Also: “An ethnic group,
or an ethnicity, is a category of people who identify with each other based on similarities such as
common ancestry, language, society, culture or nation.” – I mention there are many others who face
persecution by use of psychiatry as a weapon of wrongful repression because they exert their civil rights
or simply are simple honest people which in the eyes of the mafia means they are perfect victims –the
stupid kind that doesn’t complain or fight back, and the fact my case is the worst correlates with the fact
I was the most efficient human rights activist and public denouncer at the time, and probably still am,
proven by the censorship of my forum militia.freeforums.net containing hundreds of penal files on the
”magistrate” mafia and its accomplices, at the same time with daily arrests followed by illegal
imprisonment, torture and murder attempt. The motive behind the “magistrate” mafia and its cronies is
that they are psychopaths, people who take advantage of other people thinking they are fools and
deserve it and feeling good about it or superior – I should know, my boss is one, or by a different
definition sociopaths, people who sacrifice the lives of other people to achieve their illicit interests, and
who pervasively break the law and other person’s rights, and this also pertains to a different “way of
living” where the “magistrates” and new-“communist” secret services forming a cartel of organized
crime groups, or a mafia, they instituted totalitarianism in Romania by imposing their immoral way of
life through abuse of public function, while their social dynamic closely follows that of sociopaths such
as in street gangs... or any criminal organized group for that matter, in conclusion being evident as per
definition of totalitarianism that this sociopathic aggressive minority is imposing its way of life by
depriving the majority of its rights, as notoriously proven by the over 3 million Romanian economic
refugees as after a civil war, which in actuality is real, a cold civil war of subjugation between the elitist
class and the proletariat where for the purpose of eliminating the opposition the “magistrate” mafia is
effectively committing ethnic cleansing
II.1.12 deportations - improperly by determining me to leave public life for hiding under fear of
indefinite imprisonment, torture and loss of life. “Deportation is the expulsion of a person or group of
people from a place or country.” - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deportation. <?entity>recognizes even
the notion of displacement within the same country, which is curious why <?entity> didn’ t recognize it
when I talked to them even as a theoretical regulation in Romania, although I already have the
explanation by the fact all the Romanian clerks being too occupied with corruption and being apathetic,
they don’t bother to learn their job’s requirements which just proves how they managed to occupy that
function in the first place –through corruption and not meritocratic. Displacement in Romania wouldn’t
have helped me regardless I believe, being in range of a secret national mandate of arrest in a country
where the law has no value but the mafia orders who the order enforcers militarily execute breaking the
II.1.13 enslavement – improperly by impeding me of following an IT career, then a law
practitioner career <see chapter IV from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

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II.1.13.1 by selling my work litigation for bribe and putting me under the impossibility to be
rehired due to a falsified disciplinary layoff and its repercussions – see my dossiers publicly displayed at
the Bucharest Tribunal, and one that “was sent from Ana to Caiaphas” first to Vrancea Tribunal then to
the Romanian supreme court (ro.ICCJ) and lastly back to Bucharest Tribunal, to impede it being judged
for years by the “magistrate” mafia who hoped I would give up eventually. This dossier to this day the
“magistrate” mafia refuses to judge at Bucharest Tribunal, and has almost half the work litigation
“judges” in the courthouse as defendants in it now who I caught refusing to judge and breaking the law;
II.1.13.2 by impeding me finishing law faculty by arresting me during my exams, poisoning and
causing me learning disability and other neurological damage, then attempting to indefinitely imprison
me in a psychiatric ward, torture and murder me exactly from the start of the exam recovery session
from 1st September 2017, forcing me to go in permanent hiding in fear of indefinite imprisonment,
torture and murder. I’ve filed a faculty freeze request about which I haven’t received a response
however it has a time limit of two years in which I don’t think I can overthrow the mafia in Romania
because I have no leverage or effective power to oust them from public office thus ending their power –
nobody is fighting against it but me meaning condemning the mafia as a whole by lustration of its
leadership – proving they are protecting the criminal subordinates which in any rule of law country
should remove them from office but Romania being a mafia state that is precisely what put them in
office, being criminals. Naturally by pressuring the judicial leaders to do their job the local criminal
groups abusing judicial power would be eliminated, method which would work also against the
“psychiatric” charlatanry and other criminals abusing the medical profession. There are only a few other
local activists throughout the country, out of which of course they suffered judicial harassment including
by use of “psychiatry” charlatanry as political repression;
II.1.13.3 by pervasively verbally directing me to quit trying to work with superior studies, which
I’ve been told by “policemen”, by “psychiatrists” that also told me I should work as an unqualified
worker at the supermarket putting wares on shelves, and that I have no right to exercise any of my
rights and that I should retreat within myself psychologically, while an endocrinologist I’ve went to
diagnose and cure my morning hands stiffness told me to watch the grass growing while another
“university professor” from Parhon endocrynological hospital contradicted me about my research
causing me to seek the other endocrinologist’s advice and lied to me about the facts that eventually I
corroborated with blood tests that indicate that most probably in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 I was also poisoned with an Invega injection, because the fluorine in the Invega poison
causes an autoimmune response which actually the endocrinologist with the growing grass theories also
guessed. See: http://all-natural.com/fleffect/ ” Fluoride confuses the immune system and causes it to
attack the body’s own tissues”, “Fluorides have a disruptive effect on various tissues in the body” – I’ve
noticed my facial hair especially growing differently and chaotically, “Fluorides have been used to modify
behavior and mood of human beings. It is a little known fact that fluoride compounds were added to the
drinking water of prisoners to keep them docile and inhibit questioning of authority, both in Nazi prison
camps in World War II and in the Soviet gulags in Siberia.” and so on and so forth. <insert link from
article with numerous quotes that fluorine causes the white cells to stop working and also stops the
immune system, while after causes the immune system to attack healthy tissue
II.1.13.4 In effect by denying me all the human rights that were possible to deny, I was directed
obligatorily to a slave-like existence by the “magistrate” mafia
II.1.14 religious persecution – I am denied the right to live a honest life in Romania, denouncing
crime and aiding “the orphan and the widow” meaning the unfavored class of society being an iudeo-

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christian moral obligation. I was even denied a prayer book during my illegal imprisonment during 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and my mother who brought it says they motivated the refusal that they
deny “mystical delirium” meaning they consider all religion a “mental illness”, clearly because it’s
against them, the mafia’s immoral way of life, fact which corroborates to the ethnic cleansing plead
above <remained here with work, develop this argument logically and scientifically> - if one cannot have
material conditions one cannot procreate and perpetuate culturally. Through total deprivation of justice
and intrinsic material means of existance ethnic cleansing can be achieved - scientifically proven by the
fact the emergence of culture appeared with agriculture and other technologies which freed up man for
intellectual and community based occupations. Through deprivation of material means of existance
thorugh pervasive injustice man is obligated to return to occupy all his time with subsistence and be
enslaved to the material dialectic involved in subsistence living, and although one can dedicate his life to
spirituality nevertheless that is a dead-end as one cannot propagate his culture through family and
community, as practical culture evidently is not theoretical - real Iudeo-Christianity faith is in the deeds
without which the Holy Scripture sais that the “faith is dead”, as obviously analogical to a “judge” who
breaks the law is not a judge but a law breaker, a felon, as one is what it does not what it sais he is or is
said to be. Furthermore Christianity is not a culture of martyrdom but of peace, peace which even UDHR
admits can only exist through justice, and therefore by constant Crimes against humanity against
Christians it’s achieved a culture of totalitarianism - where the ruling minority infringe on the rights of
the majority, and not a Iudeo-Christian culture who is dedicated to social justice, and if Christian culture
cannot achieve social justice because of totalitarian repression, then Christian culture is erradicated and
is proven to contitute ethnic cleansing. The insidiousness of covert religious persecution does not excuse
the fact it exist and very much alive in Romania, regardless if its bundled up with the repression of
human rights defender occupation which is the secular counterpart of a Christian or Jew, and the
insidiousness of covert intellectual and religious persecution replaced the 70 year old “communist”
repression through Qualified Murder and incidental Torture and Bodily Harm perpetrated by the
Romanian immoral and illiterate peasant mafia mounted by the soviets in Romania in power after 1945,
because of the present guize of the mafia as a “democratic state”, just as it desguised itself as a
“socialist state” before the 1989 coup d’etat when the mafia assasinated its dictator Ceausescu Nicolae
(and Elena Ceausescu ... because why not) through a mock trial and reorganized itself oligarchicaly
transferring political power but also the modus operandi of political repression

<II.2... cross reference other sources refering to Crimes against humanity as necessary, mayb
Rome statute

I.B.1. See penal dossier against “D.Lupu” and “I.Banu” from ECHR <massively updated in August
2018> which I published at address: https://www.scribd.com/document/365438323/penal-complaint-
against-D-Lupu-and-I-Banu-at-European-Court-of-Human-Rights and attached as annex 2 to this ICC
penal dossier, and preliminary section of this ICC penal dossier
<”I.Banu” and another ECHR “registrar” named “C.Vezan” destroyed my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures 6th and 5th time respectively meanwhile, about which I’m yet to add the
plead against them.

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I.B.2. The Romanian "magistrate" mafia destroyed my second career as a law practitioner
fearing I would use it against the mafia which of course I would've being a honest citizen and implicitly a
human rights defender, after destroying my first career as an informatician by selling my work litigation
for bribe and refusing to judge continuously to this day, after I forced juridically the corrupt judges to
recognize my worker rights in 43961/3/2009 barely, by abducting me from my law faculty exams on
27th May 2017 and Torturing, Bodily Harming and committing attempted Qualified murder against me
through fluorine and chlorine poisoning until 8th June 2017 by putting me in anaphylactic shock for 3
days then continuing to poison me forcefully after I've survived without any treatment as proven in
section A.II. 1.3.1^7.1., then returning with the final solution in the form of falsified dossier
12718/231/2017 for the purpose of finishing me off and stopping my human rights defender activity
through indefinite to life imprisonment, torture and murder with fluorine and chlorine poisoning,
putting me in anaphylactic shock and chemically lobotomizing me through which the Romanian
"magistrate" mafia destroyed again my ability to feel pleasure in life, such as laughing, listening to
classical music or watching a movie, exercising my profession as IT programmer, relaxing with a video
game, socializing, self-esteem, creativity, vividity etc., all things unrelated to my human rights defending
ability but through their destruction meant to induce suicidal ideation which happened and I defeated
and built mental immunity against the first time I was covertly poisoned as I can fully and objectively
demonstrate now as proven in section A.I.1. which I’ll objectivize with the blood test taken 4 months
later attached as annex < to this ICC penal dossier, that during the night of 5th and 6th December 2014
when the interloper Herghelegiu Danut committed the Qualified Murder attempt gravely Bodily
Harming me at the instigation of the Romanian "magistrate" mafia namely the central instigator "judge"
Dita Mirela as proven in section A.II.1.3.1^7, then after I was transported to the emergency ward of "Sf.
Pantelimon" hospital I was injected without my consent as obvious and as always coming from the
Romanian "state" mafia, by an unknown person believing I wouldn't feel it because he injected me in my
right elbow, with an unknown substance which the "hospital" "Sf. Pantelimon" then lied responding to
my information request it was Tetravax Antitetanos for which there was no need nor default obligation
to be injected with as further proof, but I was covertly injected with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin
paliperidone or risperisone as I demonstrated in section A.I.1., paliperidone or risperisone being the only
poison I could've been injected with because of its long half life which caused symptoms even 4 months
later in the blood test, which was the exact deadly neurotoxin I was poisoned with illegally and
unjustified between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, because of which I was able to complete my
research and identify the poison as objectivized by the blood tests and scientific articles I referenced in
section A, as well as convince myself inclusively by the symptoms I’m suffering from, and complete my
objective demonstration that I've been poisoned with paliperidone or risperidone- paliperidone being
risperidone's active metabolite meaning there is no meaningful difference, both deadly as I proven in
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 of this ICC penal
dossier. The fact the Romanian "state" mafia repeats its crimes or has a stereotypical modus operandi is
no surprise because its the inheritor of the totalitarian "communist" political power through the 1989
coup d'etat when the new illicit Romanian "state" order took power as a result of the planned fall of the
"communist" block, and obviously never let it go as nobody ever does as proof in itself, this new order

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being comprised in fact of the old "communist" nomenclature meaning the same functionaries and their
interloper families as no lustration ever took place meaning no revolution as it was advertised to fool
the people while only the Romanian "state" mafia's political image changed not itself, reason for which
the Romanian "state" mafia still uses the soviet era methods of state terrorism and wrongful political
repression because it's the same organized crime group. The "magistrate" mafia even repeated all its
falsified acts of procedure against me, first the falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 and the falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry action 15730/231/2014 regarding placement under "psychiatric" interdiction,
both lodged personally by the main instigator of the Crimes against humanity "judge" Dita Mirela who
also instigated the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to commit the Qualified Murder attempts on 27th
October 2014 and 5th December 2014 proven by the fact "judge" Dita Mirela also personally intervened
by stealing the civil dossiers from the random distribution system, that I filed against interloper
Herghelegiu Danut, and breaking the law in every relevant way she falsified cover-up sentences as
"judge" Dita Mirela promised to protect interloper Herghelegiu Danut, then when the "magistrate"
mafia failed in the "psychiatric" charlatanry dossiers started from 2417/P/2014 meaning
11224/231/2015 regarding involuntary "psychiatric" incarceration for being an example of civility or
more precisely denouncing the Romanian "magistrate" mafia as the motivation was actually given that
~”I must be “psychiatrically” incarcerated to not be an example of civility for others”, mentioning the
object of the dossier was an impossible “psychiatric” charlatanry examination without my consent which
the Romanian “magistrate” mafia abused, “motivation” and “prosecutor” falsified proposal which were
annulled as unfounded in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance as proven by annex 3 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which proves dossier
11224/231/2015 was a pure act of state terrorism and wrongful political repression in "communist"
mafia fashion as it happened many times before me to dissidents against "communist" totalitarianism of
which I refer as example to ECHR case <from my CCHR notification get the case number of the soviet
repressed dissident, and also tell of the case from which I'm quoting the similar experience within a
"psychiatric” gulag of another dissident, and objectivize linking to the psychiatry as political repression
wikipedia.com quotes within section A (and B.1)>, as was 14277/231/2015 regarding obligatory
"psychiatric" charlatanry chemical lobotomization by poisoning, which was declared inadmissible and
unfounded in 14277/231/2015 1st and 2nd instance, dossier which is in ne bis in idem relation with
dossier 12718/231/2017 about the identical object and obvious falsified accusations that I'm totally
irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public danger, even more so as in 12718/231/2017 in
2nd instance same "judge" Badiu Mandica who declared the action inadmissible in 14277/231/2017 in
1st instance, declared the action admissible and founded in 12718/231/2017 invoking even the same
falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents declared unfounded in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance
and inadmissible in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance, "psychiatric" charlantary documents attached as
annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier which I also demonstrated illegal in 12718/231/2017 where I invoked the content of the ne bis in
idem dossier 14277/231/2015 in my defense, groundless and also demonstrated them self-contradictory
which proves the "psychiatrist" charlatans are schizophrenic according to DSM-V "psychiatry"
charlatanry manual because of their symptoms of logical incoherence and intrinsic occupational
dysfunction, and with the same proof of perfect self-contradiction and contradiction with juridical logic I
prove "judge" Badiu Mandica is schizophrenic displaying pervasive symptoms of logical incoherence and

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occupational dysfunction which in no way can be excused by malice aforethought rationalization which
is a characteristic of another psychiatric disorder called sociopathy or antisocial personality disorder,
caused by “judge” Badiu Mandica psychopathy meaning lack of or inhibition of one or more human
psychic processes leading to sociopathy which manifests causally from psychopathy due to the inability
to realize the reality of the human condition and inherent self condition which can only result in the
automatic realization of the only healthy logic to live by which is to contribute to the betterment of
humankind continuum in which one is involuntarily born repeatedly and part of as scientifically proven
by the notorious fact all people are 99.9% genetically identical meaning virtually identical, and not make
life worse for petty selfish reasoning of degenerated animal power gratification resulted from sadism or
pleasure to destroy which is inhuman, dysfunctional, and the real cause or mental alienation behind the
Crimes against humanity instigated by "judge" Badiu Mandica, as there isn't any other reason for
committing Crimes against humanity against me beside the ironically Stalinist-like paranoia of this ex-
"communist" mafia of which is often heard on public talk shows such as Mihai Gadea's and Mircea
Badea's meaning is notoriously known and thus proven, paranoia also proven by the proven fact I
cannot single handedly destroy the Romanian “state” mafia because there is no authority within in
Romania that has the power to lustrate the mafia from public office and therefore that I could leverage,
yet the Romanian “state” mafia resorted to state terrorism and wrongful political repression the more it
realized there is no public opinion or outrage I can really appeal to, nor other form of help or means to
defend myself, totalitarian course of action or Crimes against humanity committed against me which
proves the mental alienation and collective characteristic of the Romanian "state" mafia since the
Crimes against humanity committed against me doesn't help it cover up their criminal activity but
abilitates me to address the International Criminal Court for instance, as it abilitated me before to prove
step by step the entire Romanian judicial system is controlled by the same "magistrate" mafia because
of their organized crime manifestation of will to defend their members as opposed to a real body of
magistrates who are required by the law to denounce and condemn all crime committed in their midst.
Speaking of manifestation of will, I annulled the "magistrate" mafia falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry
actions by sheer power of will or authority or juridical act because the mafia "judges" had scruples and
didn't want to be involved directly in Crimes against humanity seeing how well I can prove them wrong,
Crimes against humanity they knew better than me they were instigated to commit than I who despite
the evidence I believed until they were committed against me that it couldn't happened especially after
annulling 4 such "psychiatric" charlatanry actions, in an European country and after 27 years of
democracy pretense.

I.B.2.1 To conclude the argument of "communist" modus operandi of the Romanian “state”
mafia, after it lost in 15730/231/2014, 2417/P/2014, 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015, it started
repeating itself falsifying 3 more penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as if
numbers of falsified acts of procedure would make them legal, clearly the mafia believing numbers of
falsified acts through which it also reassured or instigated itself, is a substitute for legal juridical acts, as
credibility means absolutely nothing to the rule of law judicial system which is not intuitive but scientific,
logical and ethical, and can't be spoken of as existing when it's not as proven by the notoriously known
fact in Romania that "there's no justice" evidently because although the law is in order, the body of
functionaries who are suppose to apply the law is not - not even one functionary is honest because

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when one is it is ostracized from the mafia controlled Romanian "state business", as the system
pervasively ostracized me from every right for lack of social position, social relations, and for not
cooperating with the mafia or for being a moral, law abiding citizen. The repeated dossiers meaning in
ne bis in idem relation regarding the same false accusations I'm totally ~"irresponsible ... irrational ...
lacking discernment ... violent ... having a judicial history etc." because ~"I have superior studies ... fast
thinking ... general culture" according to annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, as motivated by the schizophrenic meaning
logically incoherent and occupationally dysfunctional "psychiatrist" charlatans mafia associates and
"magistrate" criminals mafia capo regimes, are as relevant:

I.B.2.1.1 10547/231/2015 in ne bis in idem with 4791/231/2017 state terrorism home breaking
mandates from 10th September 2015 and 5th April 2017 respectively falsified by same "judge" Dinu
Murgulet Ana who also the stole the dossier

I.B.2.1.2 4909/231/2017 in ne bis in idem with 11224/231/2015 regarding an impossible

“psychiatric” charlatanry without my consent, and falsified the decision although against “judge” Dinu
Murgulet Ana I opened a penal dossier against and she was never acquitted thus is incompatible to
address my dossiers, then

I.B. 12718/231/2017 in ne bis in idem with 14277/231/2015 regarding state terrorism

and wrongful political repression through an inadmissible and unfounded "psychiatric" charlatanry
action regarding an obvious illegal ~”mandatory chemical lobotomisation” through deadly fluorine and
chlorine poisoning as proven by the Romanian “state” mafia Crimes against humanity committed
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 that it was the mafia’s intention throughout all the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry action it falsified. “Psychiatric” charlatanry action 14277/231/2015 was
declared inadmissible and unfounded by the Romanian "magistrate" mafia itself namely same "judge"
Badiu Mandica who perfectly contradicted herself invoking in 12718/231/2017 the same documents
herself rejected as inadmissible in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance who were also rejected as unfounded
in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance as proof - and because the action 14277/231/2015 is unfounded
meaning groundless, although supported according to the falsified "prosecutor's" proposal by the
falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents, it means the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents
constitute the lack of grounds because they are falsified that is are themselves groundless, inherently
illegal and syllogistically invalid or lacking juridical logic meaning they are void of right from any possible
perspective, and also self-contradictory like I've quoted approximatively from the many contradictions
this document contains that prove by the symptoms of logical incoherence and intrinsic occupational
dysfunction according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis manual, that the "psychiatrist" and
"magistrates" who falsified and used this documents are schizophrenic

I.B.2.2 In 14277/231/2015 where I "won", "judge" Badiu Mandica pampered the "magistrate"
mafia attempting to cover up as much as she hallucinated possible of the entire falsified procedure
which "judge" Badiu Mandica should've declared falsified and denounce it to the penal authorities as
legally required before the 1st dossier term. As proof of malice aforethought stands the fact "judge"

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Badiu Mandica saw the dossier first and knew it was falsified, but instead of denouncing the falsified
dossier to the penal authorities as I did, "judge" Badiu Mandica falsified a mandate of arrest against me
as proven by the fact legally it can only be motivated that I refused to present myself when subpoenaed
which I couldn’t because I was never subpoenaed, and there was no urgency objectivized to be brought
by force, falsified mandated attached as proof as annex 6 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, with which I was detained for hours within the
courthouse as judicial harassment, mentioning this is a typical "magistrate" mafia procedure to infringe
on the right to defend oneself, as the mafia even instigate the gendarmes who detained me illegally to
lie about the object of the dossier I was brought for by force to not even allow me the time to think my
defense, and to create an atmosphere of intimidation and terror by the audacity of the criminal acts
perpetrated right in the courthouse in public, crimes for which I opened a penal dossier against "judge"
Badiu Mandica for Illegally depriving me of freedom, felonies of public service, felonies of falsifying
public procedure, felonies of corruption and others, reason for which "judge" Badiu Mandica was
incompatible to administer dossier 12718/231/2017 because she was never acquitted, as well
incompatible in 14277/231/2015 for breaking the law and harassing me verbally and through falsified
acts of procedure for which I filed a request for "judge" Badiu Mandica to be removed from
14277/231/2015 as I remember, for proven lack of objectivity given the only warrant of a judge's
objectivity is exclusive obedience to the law as dictated by Romanian Constitution article 124. In
conclusion "judge" Badiu Mandica only compatibility is with prison time as proven by her instigation to
Crimes against humanity and other felonies against me. This status quo of "magistrates" being accused
in penal dossiers against me or related penal dossiers, never acquitted but continuing to falsify acts of
procedure against me, pertains to all my dossiers because as Romanian notorious anti-organized crime
commissar Traian Berbeceanu, I've incriminated my false accusators in the same or related penal
dossiers they falsified against me which meant they couldn't continue to falsify acts of procedure in
them by the judicial principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest

I.B.2.3 "judge" Badiu Mandica falsified the sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance without
motivating the falsified decision in fact and by the law because it's impossible to justify breaking the law,
convicting me for another man's called Vasilache Daniel felonies and diagnosis as proven by the falsified
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance - see annex 19 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures, because I committed no felonies nor was I diagnosed by a "psychiatric" charlatan ever
which I declare knowing the consequences of the felony of False declarations of which I was never even
accused in 9 years of making demonstrations of the Romanian “state “mafia criminal activity, nor does a
penal or psychiatric document exists in this regard, proven by the falsified sentence in 12718/231/2017
in 1st instance attached as annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures where no
such document was even invoked but instead the schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina invoked the crimes
and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache Daniel which is illegal, and proven by the falsified
sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance where "judge" Badiu Mandica invoked a falsified
"psychiatric" document which I annulled as falsified in 14277/231/2015 where the same "judge" Badiu
Mandica annulled the action as inadmissible contradicting herself with the sentence she falsified in
12718/231/2017 based on same proven falsified “psychiatric” document which in 14277/231/2015 was
annulled as unfounded also in 2nd instance, “psychiatric” document which is obviously illegal,

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groundless, self- contradictory and syllogistically invalid, as can be observed in annex 4 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, as well as
proven my innocence or annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history which doesn’t even contain I was
under penal pursuit because it was a covert operation, and as my mental sanity is proven by annex 20
and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, by all the documents I've
invoked from my previous pleads in previous dossiers falsified by the Romanian “state” mafia, regarding
the fact I’m incorporable in army, apt for work, for superior studies also mentioning I’m already a
licensed informatician and have work experience etc., innocence which I needn't prove according to the
law because I’m benefiting from the presumption of innocence until proven guilty according to articles 4
from the Romanian Penal procedure code, article 23 (11) from the Romanian Constitution and articles
11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution who makes Romania's ratified treaties internal right meaning
article 11 from the Universal declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the European
convention of human rights, and where the fictious and ridiculous deeds I was falsely accused of can not
even be proven to physically exist which I prove again in section B regarding the entire criminal activity
of the Romanian “state” mafia for the purpose of state terrorism and wrongful political repression,
described in the inverse chronological ordered summary of the Romanian "state" mafia criminal activity
against me from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1, which
proves the "magistrates" and "psychiatrist" are schizophrenic according to DSM-V symptoms of logical
incoherence and implicit occupational dysfunction, even as mafia members which by default places the
diagnosis of antisocial disorder or sociopathy on them.
<mention somewhere that everything else aside the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry
documents from 23rd November 2014 cannot refer to 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016, because not
only past falsified diagnosis are not relevant in the future according to article < from Law 487/2002, and
cannot be causally or physically possibly relevant to the future

I.B.2.4 Because "judge" Badiu Mandica used against me the false argument or aberrant
accusation of "determination and irrational perseverence" from 14277/231/2015 according to the
falsified sentence from 12718/2331/2017 in 2nd instance attached as annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1, it is also worthy to mention that the
"psychiatrist" charlatans that accused me of "determination and irrational perseverence" according to
the falsified document attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, failed to ground in facts the meaningless "accusation"
what am I determined and perseverant about, that is the reality I'm perseverant in investigating and
denouncing the Romanian “state” mafia to which the charlatan "psychiatrists" are mafia associates or
collaborationists, and to which the "magistrates" are mafia caporegimes as proven by the fact they are
able to instigate the mafia "soldiers" meaning the "masked police", "secret police", "police" and
"gendarmes" to participate in their crimes unquestionably as proven and as corroborated by the fact all
these also as public functionaries are obligated to denounce the crimes they were instigated to commit
by the Romanian "state" mafia, or had the option to resign. Both "psychiatrist" charlatans and criminal
"magistrates" failed to objectivize this lie because it's impossible to justify breaking all juridical logic,
laws and regulations, and of course they wouldn't openly admit that I'm investigating and denouncing

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their crimes thus admitting they are part of the Romanian "state" mafia, and according to their
schizophrenic mind as objectivized by their symptoms of incoherent and dysfunctional behavior
according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis manual, are oligophrens or mentally
underdeveloped as proven by their kindergarten-like belief that saying so makes it so as they really
believe they are fooling anyone by just omitting the grounds for their false declarations which are then
obvious lies because are evidently unfounded as well as aberrant, determination and perseverance
being notorious virtues not vices, even more supported as such by all motivational psychology I found
on youtube.com, and there is no such thing as irrational in reality because there is a reason or cause for
everything in this universe, therefore if by the wrong term "irrational" the charlatan "psychiatrist" mean
abnormal, they are wrong again, because beyond personal interest to restore through justice my life
destroyed by the Romanian “state” mafia, justice to which I have the right according especially to article
21 from the Romanian Constitution, I am also obligated by the law to defend my country thus my way of
life from the mafia according to article 55 of the Romanian Constitution, legal paradigm which is actually
supported by the "psychiatry" charlatanry which declares it is of utmost discernment to assimilate the
law as your own social command, proof which I quoted also in my plead attached as annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1, which also proves that these
"psychiatrist" charlatans are not charlatans only because "psychiatry" is a charlatanry when it is not used
as state terrorism and wrongful political repression, being globally an outright atrocity against humanity
literarily as demonstrated in section A, but also because the "psychiatrist" charlatans contradict their
own doctrine, regulations and the law. The "determination and irrational perseverance" lie is from one
the old falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry document from 2417/P/2014 falsified dossier against me in
which I was never indicted and convicted because the "prosecutor" Mihaila Paul, no less than the chief
of the "European" Vrancea county penal prosecutor's office, is also schizophrenic according to DSM-V
symptoms of logical incoherence and inherent occupational dysfunction, as proven by the fact
"prosecutor" Mihaila Paul accused me of an aggravation circumstance that is Judiciary outrage regarding
a deed which doesn't exist physically therefore doesn't constitute a penal offence, which is the same as
accusing someone of premeditation which isn't a crime - the crime with premeditation is a crime and
premeditation of the committed crime is its aggravation circumstance, that is I've been a harassed
judicially as a penal suspect aberrantly as it sounds - for suing members of the "magistrate" mafia that I
caught committing felonies in civil matters against me, and for opening penal dossiers against them
before they, meaning “judge” Dita Mirela in principal who is the lying claimant in 2417/P/2014 also,
instigated the Qualified murder attempts from 27th October 2014 and 5th December 2014 to stop me
from denouncing their criminal activity, investigating, penally and publicly denouncing and legally suing
a corrupt "judge" being a right even if the mafia in Romania is the "state" as falsified dossier
2417/P/2014 against me proves by itself, given “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul and “judge” Dita Mirela was
fiercely defended by the Supreme Council of Magistrates, supreme court president, minister of justice
and general prosecutor meaning the disciplinary action titularies, as well as various “prosecutors”, which
just proved the entire Romanian judiciary system is controlled by the Romanian “magistrate” mafia. The
"determination and irrational perseverance" falsified document as final proof was annulled in
14277/231/2015 as inadmissible and unfounded meaning falsified also obviously because nobody fakes
a juridical act with grave consequences out of accident, involving state terrorism and wrongful political
repression with repercussion in the entire judicial system procedure for the destruction of someone's

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life by putting into motion the mafia soldiers from the "police" and "gendarmerie" and the mafia
associates meaning the "psychiatrist" charlatans and "lawyers", which is corroborated by the fact the
only factual premise behind dossier 14277/231/2015 is this falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry document
which is intrinsically declared groundless or unfounded because the entire action 14277/231/2015 in
2nd instance was declared unfounded, even if the "judge" Popa Mariana who declared it was also
pampering the "magistrate" mafia proven by the fact she omitted to respond explicitly to my request
and denounce the falsifiers to the penal authorities as she was legally required without even my explicit
request, but just declared the entire action unfounded to not be involved directly in Crimes against
humanity but also to not go against the Romanian "magistrate" mafia, reminding that the penal dossiers
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 leading to the Crimes against humanity committed against me between
27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 and further instigated through 12718/231/2017, "judge" Popa
Mariana instigated on 24th June 2016 as proven by annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Lastly I remind that the proofs that the
same "judge" Badiu Mandica rejected this exact “psychiatric” charlatanry document declaring the entire
14277/231/2015 inadmissible in 1st instance, are as proven annex 5 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 of this ICC penal dossier, and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 of this ICC penal dossier regarding the fact this
“psychiatric” charlatanry document was also declared unfounded in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance

I.B.2.5 The "psychiatrist" charlatans in the same falsified document from 14277/231/2015
aberrated that I have no discernment because I have superior studies, fast thinking and general culture
as proven by annex 4 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, evidently because notoriously nobody without discernment also has superior
studies, fast thinking and general culture, lack of discernment being synonymous with logical
incoherence which is the main symptom of schizophrenia which didn't occur to the "psychiatrist"
charlatans to lie about diagnosing me with because they are in fact schizophrenic as corroborated by
their occupation dysfunction, even as charlatans and mafia associates, not that they could’ve gotten
away with it which they didn’t as long as I’m alive, which is why they attempted to murder me
desperately but covertly in 2017 between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 when they put me in
anaphylactic shock for 3 days then poisoned me forcefully with another deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin, as proven by section A and annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The "psychiatrist" charlatans also lied I have
a judicial history in the last page, which is untrue as proven by annex 17 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing my empty
judicial history, despite the Romanian "magistrate" mafia who falsified 4 penal dossiers against me;
2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 in which I was never indicted and convicted
as proven. Annex 4 from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier is proof that the 5 "psychiatrist"/"psychologist" charlatans are schizophrenic
according to their own diagnostic manual DSM-V, proven by the symptoms of perfect logical
incoherence and inherent occupational dysfunction which I objectivize by the factual contradictions that
they first lied I agreed to cooperate after refused to give my consent, which is an obvious lie, then they
contradicted themselves declaring I'm not cooperant, then contradicted themselves again declaring I'm

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cooperant, as can be observed patiently reading the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry document.
Furthermore the whole "report" which should adhere to the syllogistical structure of all juridical acts,
even more because this is a juridical act of forensic "psychiatric" charlatanry or "legal medicine", that is
every generic declaration they gave which is typical to liars as immediately evident to any investigator
worth his salt, must be an inference out of a particular factual premise, correlated with an universal law
or regulation premise, which is missing entirely throughout the falsified report which is thus invalid and
void of right before proven falsified with lies and by breaking the law as I've indicated above and
objectivized in dossier 14277/231/2015 in detail, plead which I also invoked in my plead against
12718/231/2017 attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Lastly, according to "psychiatric" charlatanry regulations
nobody can be meaningfully examined for immoral deeds they committed in another day than that of
the examination, as I befriended another "psychiatrist" charlatan who revealed this to me from their
regulations, fact which I objectivize by quoting the fact not even past diagnosis are meaningful in new
diagnosis of the "psychiatrist" charlatanry, from the interior regulations of "Socola" institute of
charlatans in "European" Iasi county, Romania, which pertains to any "psychiatric" gulag in Romania
because such regulations extract their juridical force from the same law, namely article 14 paragraph 2
from the Romanian Law 487/2002 - in Romanian: "Articolul 122. Faptul ca o persoana a fost ingrijita sau
spitalizata in trecut nu justifica un diagnostic prezent sau viitor de tulburare psihica", as translated into
English: "Article 122. The fact a person was treated or hospitalized in the past does not justify a present
or future diagnostic of psychic disorder", which logically means if a person committed an immoral deed
from which could have be inferred that the person had no discernment at that time, that can only be
established when the person committed the deed not after, being obvious that a person can lose or
regain discernment meanwhile meaning a psychological / psychiatrical examination is not only
impossible without a person's consent because the person can simply refuse to cooperate, but a person
can also lie, thus the examination itself is supposedly relevant if performed when the person committed
the immoral deed about which the examination is called for, such as determining whether the person
takes drugs which can be determined objectively abstracting the fact the "psychiatrist" charlatans and
other accomplices can also fake the results. Lastly, never someone’s (subjective) opinion such as that of
a “psychiatric” charlatan can constitute an objective or scientific proof in a criminal investigation, as I’ve
demonstrated in section A psychiatry is neither medicine nor science, is charlatanry. I declare was never
diagnosed by a “psychiatrist” charlatan, only been diagnosed psychologically sane and apt for work,
superior studies and army as annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier proves mentioning I couldn't attend law faculty if I had
been psychologically diagnosed insane therefore this proof is the most recent and the period to which it
pertains meaning since ever until 2016 overlaps the period in which the "psychiatrist" charlatans
falsified their document in 2015 without even a formal examination I remind, I was never hospitalized in
any circumstance, I have proven in 12718/231/2017 I am mentally sane through documents, witnesses
and logic, and I have proven in 12718/231/2017 that all the "magistrates", "policemen", "gendarmes",
"psychiatrists", "lawyers" are schizophrenic because they are logically incoherent manifesting total lack
of juridical discernment and are inherently occupationally dysfunctional according to DSM-V
"psychiatry" charlatanry international diagnosis manual, and sociopathic according to the notorious
definition of persons who pervasively are breaking the law and other people's rights, and are sacrificing

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other people's lives to achieve their illicit petty interests, paranoic for living in fear of me alone
destroying the whole Romanian "state" mafia which controls inclusively the judicial system reason for
which the Romanian "state" mafia cannot be convicted or destroyed from within, proven by the fact
they've committed numerous acts of state terrorism and wrongful political repression against me
without any of the perpetrators being convicted or any investigation at all other than mine performed
from any of all the competent institutions I've notified, as well as oligophrens as obvious by their puerile
attempts to cover up their crimes making evident they are mentally underdeveloped, really believing
something is true and will be realized just because they say it as in kindergarden, then, I have proven all
the penal dossiers and psychiatric actions were falsified against me, as exemplified from the many
proofs I've given by the simple fact I was never indicted and convicted nor diagnosed and I've annulled
the first 4 psychiatric "charlatanry" actions proving they are falsified in the very "magistrate" mafia's
courthouse, because some of the mafia's "judges" had scruples and didn't want to involve themselves
directly in Crimes against humanity against me, meaning Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder as
proven it was always the Romanian "state" mafia murderous intent materialized between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017, manifested since the first Qualified murder attempts by their instigated
interloper named Herghelegiu Danut on 27th October 2014 and 5th December 2014 when they also
attempted me to Qualifiedly Murder me injecting me without my consent with the same deadly fluorine
based poison Invega they forcefully chemically lobotomized me if not also injected me between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, fact which I demonstrated recently in section A after gaining the
knowledge form researching the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017, which means these "magistrates" were instigated to falsify their decisions since
the first falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry action 15730/231/2014, and one even cooperated meaning
ex-corrupt policeman made "judge" Craciun Constantin Catalin who falsified the decision in
11224/231/2015 1st instance who was annulled as proof in 11224/231/2015 2nd instance as unfounded
meaning falsified, as proven by annex 3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Some of these "judges" were always with the mafia while
others were eventually coerced by the Romanian "state" mafia to directly instigate or determine the
Crimes against humanity through the falsification of decisions in dossiers 4909/231/2017 and
12718/231/2017, meaning "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana who always falsified decisions for the mafia
without scruples meaning 10547/231/2015 and 4791/231/2017 state terrorism falsified mandates for
home breaking and arrest, then also 4909/231/2017 "psychiatric" incarceration for an impossible
examination without my consent who wasn't of course carried out but the mafia proceeded directly to
Torture, Bodily harm and attempt Qualified Murder by putting me in anaphylactic shock 3 days without
treatment then chemically lobotomizing me with another deadly fluorine neurotoxin, without any
justification and by breaking every law and regulation possible as I've demonstrated in section A. II.
1.3.1^7. "judge" Miron Doina who falsified the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance for another
man named Vasilache Daniel indiction, conviction and diagnosis because I have none, is another
schizophrenic who beyond incoherence and dysfunction, manifests the particular symptom of hearing
voices, objectivized by a press article from 10 years ago when "judge" Miron Doina made a scandal
about the voices she hears in the halls of the courthouse for which she called on the "gendarmes" and
complained to the leadership of the courthouse, neither of which confirmed, fact which I read about
after 10 years after recently I personally wittnessed the same event where "judge" Miron Doina called

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on "gendarmes" to quiet the inexistent voices she from the courthouse halls, that she claims are
malcontent of her activity, events corroborated with the evidence no other "judge" from these
courthouses ever complained of this although they all work in the same place for at least these 10 years.
"judge" Miron Doina was easily coerced by the mafia to commit crimes against me because all
schizophrenics are psychologically labile meaning lacking integrity and are easily manipulated into
committing crimes, which is no coincidence as an interview was introduced at the Superior Council of
Magistrates for hiring precisely these genotypes into the magistrature, and certainly for determining and
hiring people through corrupt or non-meritocratic ways. "judge" Badiu Mandica who falsified the
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance was not also coerced but also wanted revenge against me
for opening a penal dossier against her for the felonies she committed against me in 14277/231/2017,
revenge which is an aggravation circumstance for the Crimes against humanity she instigated against
me, reminding "judge" Badiu Mandica knowing there is a ne bis in idem relation between falsified
"psychiatric" actions 14277/231/2015 and 12718/231/2017, because herself annulled action
14277/231/2015 as inadmissible in 1st instance, who was also annulled as unfounded meaning falsified
in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance, thus “judge” Badiu Mandica with proven malice aforethought
contradicted herself directly declaring same documents and false accusations that I'm totally
irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public danger, are no longer inadmissible and
unfounded as the "psychiatrist's" charlatans document which is the only possible ground in
14277/231/2015 which means the "psychiatric" charlatans falsified "expertise" is inadmissible and
unfounded or falsified, that is “judge” Badiu Mandica declared the same situation at the same time and
in the same report in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance admissible and founded, without any veridical
factual particular premise invoked as no proofs were administered, without any lawful universal premise
correlation to any facts as all relevant law and regulation was broken, and without a logical inference
demonstration of course, like I already demonstrated in the above paragraphs and as I punctually
objectivize as follows

I.B.2.6 As a side fact related however to the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry used as state
terrorism and wrongful political repression against me, the mafia "motivated" in 11224/231/2015
regarding an impossible "psychiatric" charlatanry examination during "psychiatric" incarceration without
my consent, totally in parallel to any legal and factual justification or doctrinary proceedings, that is the
"judge" Craciun Constantin Catalin, an corrupt ex-policeman from Vaslui county Romania, hallucinated
in the 11224/231/2015 decision he falsified that I must be "psychiatrically" incarcerated in the Focsani
gulag so as others don't take my example but didn't specify what to take example of as in reality and as
proven I only give example of civility and non-cooperation with the Romanian “state” mafia "judge"
Craciun Constantin Catalin works for as I've proven annulling his falsified decision from 11224/231/2015
in 1st instance, in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance as unfounded, as proven by annex 2 and annex 3 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and
denounced him penally and publicly. I remind "judge" Craciun Constantin Catalin is the biggest falsifier
of dossiers in the penal section of the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse, with aproximatively 10 dossiers
falsified, more than twice than any other "judge" of this courthouse which I've also investigated, caught
and denounced establishing a full frame of reference on which I based my scientific facts about the
statistical truth that 100% of the Romanian judicial system public functionaries form the "magistrate"

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mafia, making a parenthesis about the fact the term "magistrate" is an obsolete non-egalitarian term
inapplicable in any true rule of law state and I can provide documented proof that these "magistrates"
actually declared themselves sovereigns totally in contradiction with the Romanian Constitution article 2
which clearly states nobody by himself or a group can declare sovereignty in Romania, and "judge"
Craciun Constantin Catalin also falsified or aided in the falsification of judicial fines against me by
rejecting my appeals illegally and unfoundedly, which means he is pervasively stealing dossiers from the
random distribution of dossiers system otherwise the number of falsified decisions would have been
distributed aproximatively even throughout the "judges" in this penal section, meaning with a 10%
deviation not 100% like in my scientific observation, meaning "judge" Craciun Constantin Catalin
certainly is in cahoots with other criminals that aided him in stealing the dossiers, clearly to falsify the
decisions as proven, and with other criminals who instigated him, and with other criminal "prosecutors"
and "judges" who attempted to cover up his crimes only to get incriminated themselves in the same
penal dossiers. As obvious because the object of 11224/231/2015 was an impossible "psychiatric"
charlatanry examination without my consent, during illegal "psychiatric" incarceration, it cannot be
motivated at the same time that I must be "psychiatrically" incarcerated so others don't take example of
civility, aberration which deconspires outright the wrongful political repression perpetrated against me
through 11224/231/2015 falsified decision in 1st instance which as proof I remind that I annulled it in
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance as unfounded or falsified. This proves in Romania the "state" mafia
uses the judiciary system, order forces and legal medicine as state terrorism and wrongful political
repression, as I've objectivized in section A

I.B.2.7 Finally when everything else failed meaning the Romanian "state" mafia committing
Torture, Bodily harm and attempted Qualified Murder against me both through physical violence and
poisoning me with fluorine in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, then attempting at the
same time to silence me abusing public function for the purpose of state terrorism and wrongful
political repression through 15730/231/2014 falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry interdiction annulled as
proven by annex <given to ?entity> as also public knowledge according to Romanian public evidence of
dossiers named ECRIS searchable on courthouse’s sites, 2417/P/2014 falsified penal dossier in which I
was never indicted and convicted to the present as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, 10547/231/2015 regarding a
falsified mandate of home breaking and arrest state terrorism executed on 17th September 2015 with 4
"masked policemen" and 2 "policemen", 11224/231/2015 falsified obligatory "psychiatric" charlatanry
incarceration for an impossible examination without my consent but abberantly motivated as obviously
contrary to the mafia's interest to keep their motives covert, that the real reason is wrongful political
repression and state terrorism as enunciated by the ex-corrupt "policeman" made "judge" by the mafia
Craciun Constantin Catalin ~"so that others don't take example of civility", annulled in 11224/231/2015
in 2nd instance as unfounded meaning falsified as proven by annex 3 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, 14277/231/2015 falsified obligation
to be forcefully chemically lobotomized with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins as between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, annulled as inadmissible and unfounded meaning falsified as proven by
annex 5 and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, the Romanian "state" mafia falsified 3 more penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,

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3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, then they've broken into my mother's home again with falsified
mandates by the same "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana from 5th April 2017 from 4791/231/2017 on 6th April
2017 and from 4909/231/2017 on 10th April 2017, “judge” who also falsified the mandate in
10547/231/2015, falsified mandates executed by tens of mafia soldiers meaning "masked policemen",
"policemen" and "gendarmes", on 6th, 10th when 9 "gendarmes" pulled me illegally out of the
apartment filming me on private property illegally at the same time and abusing me physically to
provoke me, 13th and 14th April 2017 attempting while falsifying acts of procedure to incarcerate me
during the Orthodox Easter in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag and Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly
Murder me for the purpose of stopping me from denouncing their criminal activity, which I temporarily
averted by leaving my mother’s home after 10th April 2017 and before 13th April 2017. I also mention
my mother has fallen ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma from all the illegal home breakings, and
was also accosted by the mafia soldiers "secret police" on 27th April 2017, who arrested me illegally from
my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017 as proven in section A. II. 1.3.1^7, being accomplice and
instigators or playing a determinant role with proven malice aforethought in the Crimes against
humanity committed against me until 8th June 2017 through Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted
Qualifiedly Murder, as after they arrested me illegally I was tied up to an operation table inside the
Focsani "psychiatric" gulag and put into anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment for it through
chlorine and fluorine poisoning as proven by section A. II. 1.3.1^7, then forcefully chemically
lobotomized with other chlorine and fluorine deadly neurotoxic poisons as proven in section A. II.

I.B.2.8 I deduced and denounced publicly and penally the murderous Romanian "state" mafia
intent over two years in a row between 2015-2017, relying on public opinion which proved non-existent,
and on the penal authorities which to my dismay proven to be part of the Romanian "magistrate" mafia
which effectively controls the entire judiciary system, after I demonstrated the Qualified murder
attempt committed by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut in the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 when I was also poisoned with the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I’ve been forcefully
chemically lobotomized between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, which establishes as proven the
murderous intent of the Romanian “state” mafia as well as its motive of silencing me from denouncing
its criminal activity, for which I opened penal dossier 246/P/2015 against the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut and accused "judge" Dita Mirela of instigating him as I also proven it according to section A. II.
1.3.1 which then motivated the Romanian "state" mafia to commit state terrorism against me using the
penal dossier 2417/P/2014 falsified by "judge" Dita Mirela, by falsifying a mandate in 10547/231/2015
by "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana as instigated by "prosecutor" Mihaila Paul which falsified the acts of
procedure in dossier 2417/P/2014, falsified mandate with which 4 "masked policemen" and 2
“policemen” mafia soldiers broke into my mother's home illegally on 17th September 2015 detaining
and harassing me 7 hours without effectuating a single act of procedure as legally required, as proven
by annex 1 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, then after that failed to stop me denouncing the mafia as if I could be coerced by state
terrorism after being hit on the head, thrown unconsciously on a flight of stairs and injected with a
deadly fluorine neurotoxin in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, which chemically
lobotomized my ability to appreciate life and put into a state which I call the living death which drove

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me into suicidal ideation for months before defeating it, "prosecutor" Mihaila Paul harassed, threatened
and blackmailed my mother telephonically as proven by annex 2 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, saying to her that if she doesn't convince
me to commit myself psychiatrically he will falsify the acts of procedure to commit me psychiatrically
involuntarily, which proves “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul is schizophrenic because of course I wouldn’t
incarcerate myself “psychiatrically” under the threat of being forcefully “psychiatrically” incarcerated,
not only because I know I am sane which I can prove, but because it makes no logical sense, and after
that blackmail failed "prosecutor" Mihaila Paul fulfilled his blackmail using the judiciary system as a
weapon of wrongful political repression by falsifying the proposal then ordering "judge" Craciun
Constantin Catalin to falsify the decision in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance for the purpose of
"psychiatrically" incarcerating me under the motivation that ~"others don't take example of civility from
me and start denouncing the mafia", and to Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly Murder me by
injecting me with a fluorine based deadly neurotoxin and putting me into anaphylactic shock, and if I
survive chemically lobotomize me with another deadly fluorine neurotoxin, exactly like the Romanian
"state" mafia did proving it was its murderous intention all along ever since the first falsified psychiatric
interdiction action 15730/231/2014 that I annulled, after arresting me illegally from my law faculty
exams on 27th May 2017, tying me up to an operating table in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag and
poisoning me with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins, put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days
without treatment then chemically lobotomized me until 8th June 2017 with other deadly fluorine and
chlorine neurotoxins, illegally and unjustified in every possible way like I've objectivized in section A. II.
1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, as I was injected in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 covertly which I
could only fully demonstrate after being Tortured with the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxin as
I've demonstrated in section A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, taking note ever since 2015 that the mafia
obviously doesn't suddenly change its nature and therefore its closely tied murderous intent which then
persists as already proven by the fact the same mafia members attempted to cover up their Crimes
against humanity not just by falsifying acts of procedure to protect interloper Herghelegiu Danut they
instigated to commit Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder against me, but also tried to stop me from
denouncing their continuous criminal activity through Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder
attempts against me as proven by the fact I was arrested illegally with the mafia "secret police" from my
law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied to an operating table in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag and
put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days, then chemically lobotomized with another deadly fluorine based
poison until 8th June 2017 as proven by section A. II. 1.3.1^7, then after I survived, they issued their
final solution 12718/231/2017 that I be "psychiatrically" incarcerated indefinitely to life, tortured and
murdered as demonstrated by the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017, reason for which I was forced to go into permanent hiding from fear of
indefinite to life "psychiatric" incarceration, torture and murder, fear objectivized by the obsessively
repetitive "psychiatric" charlatanry falsified actions since the Qualified Murder attempt from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 meaning 15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015
in 1st and 2nd instance which I've annulled and thus proven falsified, then 4909/231/2017 which is in ne
bis in idem relation with 11224/231/2015, and the final solution 12718/231/2017 which is in ne bis in
idem relation with 14277/231/2015, mentioning again that by "judge" Badiu Mandica falsified the
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance using the same inadmissible and unfounded or falsified

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"psychiatric" charlatanry documents which the same "judge" Badiu Mandica rejected in 1st instance in
14277/231/2015, not coincidentally I believe about the same date of the year 5th February reported to
2nd February when she falsified the decision in 12718/231/2017, which is part of the mentally alienated
felony of Revenge for the aid I gave justice by denouncing "judge" Badiu Mandica for committing the
felony of Illegally depriving me of liberty on 11th December 2015 with a falsified mandate, and other
felonies "judge" Badiu Mandica committed as harassment for 2 months within 14277/231/2015 which
was obviously inadmissible and unnecessary for me to even know it exists, mentally alienated felony I
mention it has no effect on me, it's only real in the sadistic gratification psychosis of "judge" Badiu
Mandica's sociopathic mind who was legally obligated to judge the appeal in 12718/231/2017 in an
urgency regime in October 2017 when I filed it, and its real effect is that it constitutes an aggravation
circumstance that raises the punishment for the felonies "judge" Badiu Mandica committed by falsifying
the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance. My decision to go into permanent hiding out of fear of
indefinite to life incarceration, torture and murder as I've objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, is the only logical
conclusion based on all these facts as it is the only logical outcome considering the Romanian "state"
mafia has the motive and the opportunity also as it abused obviously since 2017 all the necessary
functions to commit Crimes against humanity against me which initially it couldn't, fact on which I
counted on to win and be safe in the process believing "communist"-like Crimes against humanity
couldn't occur in "European" country Romania, even 27 years after the so called revolution and fall of
the "communist" block, but it happened just as the facts were easily predicting it that it was the mafia's
murderous intention based on the evidence I gathered and the constant threatening coming from
everyone I spoke to, that I will be "made a vegetable" in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag, but which I
thought I could avert based on the mafia's own intent to simultaneously appear legitimate, reason for
which some of its members didn't break every law outright as they did in their 12718/231/2017 final
solution against me, and in falsified dossiers 4791/231/2017, 4909/231/2017 and 1779/91/2017 which
constituted the reason I correctly estimated 12718/231/2017 will be falsified regardlessly of how clearly
I prove the proposal is falsified just as the one in falsified dossier 14277/231/2015 with which
12718/231/2017 is in ne bis in idem relation, as I am proving it all in this ICC penal dossier. Because the
Romanian "state" mafia failed again to silence me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, they've
issued their final solution that I be indefinitely "psychiatrically" incarcerated and poisoned until I no
longer represent a "public danger" (in reality as obvious title I've been awarded by the mafia for
denouncing them not for being any public danger, fact which they failed to mention of course but is
obvious, as they've failed to objectivize how I represent a "public danger" by denouncing the Romanian
"state" mafia thus doing a public service), using chlorine and deadly fluorine neurotoxins especially to
Torture, Bodily harm and Qualifiedly Murder me, felonies which constitute Crimes against humanity
and have forced me to go in permanent hiding to continue the fight against the Romanian "state" mafia.
I am not the only "psychiatric" charlatanry victim in Romania as I prove in this complaint, only the single
victim who has a voice, that is I'm fighting back juridically against the mafia that for profit in fact as
presented in the Romanian press is drugging institutionalized children, youngsters, elders, gypsies and
anyone without social standing and the capacity to defend themselves, such as the dissidents as myself
put outside of the protection of the law by the Romanian "magistrate" mafia, facts which I've witnessed
in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag where I saw street people, gypsies, youngsters and elders, all sane as I

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spoke to them except a middle aged homeless man who was rendered catatonic from poisoning
evidently because if he was already brain dead on the street he would've been dead long ago, all being
poisoned illegally and unfoundedly to justify the criminal activity within the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag,
as the "psychiatry" charlatanry provedly never cured anyone of anything as I've demonstrated in section
A. Some inmates I witnessed in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag were clearly mentally debilitated by the
poisoning while being violently physically abused and wrongfully tied up periodically, while complaining
they have been beaten which I didn't see but heard and saw the guards stand for no reason in close
proximity of a tied up person who could not fight obviously nor move any part of its body, while the
body hits sounded in the dark and the victim complained meaning the guards were hitting him. Lastly I
mention psychiatry charlatanry is used in cahoots with the prosecutor's office to coerce bribe out of
felons who would choose this route to escape prosecution, as I've witnessed sharing the room with a
rather violent and vulgar individual who was inventorying his bribes out loud for the "psychiatrist"
charlatans, and who was allowed to smuggle coffee even into the section which could only happen with
the guard room "psychiatrist's" consent. All this corroborates to the other proofs I present in this ICC
penal dossier the "psychiatry" charlatanry is part an established mafia operation involving the Romanian
ministries of justice, interior and health, all of which I've notified and refused to respond proving they
are accomplices all the way to the top

I.B.2.9 The punctual demonstration of the falsification of the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd
instance using the lies retained in it, is as follows, walking the falsehoods in the "judge's" motivation
from 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance attached as annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier:

I.B.2.9.1 The appeal in 12718/231/2017 was registered on 23rd November 2017. I filed it on 13th
October 2017 which I can prove with an email print on demand because is not important enough to
bother beyond declaring this, and the courthouse was obligated to register it within 24 hours, with a 24
hours motivated delay only, corroborated with the fact the object of the dossier is to be judged in a
urgency regime, all the more the Romanian "magistrate" mafia claimed an unmotivated emergency in
4909/231/2017 that I be "psychiatrically" incarcerated during Orthodox Easter while tens of mafia
soldiers "masked police", "police", "secret police" and "gendarmes" broke into my mother's home
almost every day causing her to fall ill with Zoster Area from the stress and trauma, and that I be
Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered like it happened after I've been illegally arrested
from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied to an operation table by 5 psychiatric assistants who
were waiting meaning they were instigated and had no other motive, and who poisoned me with
chlorine and a deadly fluorine neurotoxin putting me in anaphylactic shock for 3 days as proven in
section A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, then after surviving they continued to poison me with other deadly
fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins until 8th June 2017. The delay as I know the crooked logic of the
"magistrate" mafia psychopaths, is that they hoped to liquidate me without even having to falsify the
decision in 12718/231/2017 which is why it took so long when the trial should've ended altogether in
October 2017 according to law and regulations
<add from the separate first plead against 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance, as necessary

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I.B.2.9.2 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied about the falsified ordinances from mafia invented dossiers
2845/P/2016 from 18th May 2016 and 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 from 24th June 2016, as proven by
the fact in reality "judge" Badiu Mandica knew that the ordinances are all falsified because the deeds
obviously do not exist physically as proven by the punctually described facts that its impossible to
disturb the quietness or solemnity of a courthouse meeting by listening to audio books on earphones
which is the first false accusation in 2845/P/2016, proven false by the fact I not only did this before and
after without being accused before or after, but I did it from 9 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. in the same
courthouse meeting, time in which I could’ve been accused but wasn’t which proves the accusation is a
lie if it’s not obvious by its ridiculousity, and the second false accusation in 2845/P/2016 is that I
proferated obscene words and committed obscene gestures is contradicted by the declaration of the
schizophrenic accusers "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian and "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta who
without active quality in 2417/P/2014 falsified penal dossier falsified the appeal in 14277/231/2015
"psychiatric" charlatanry action against me the mafia lost in 1st instance as inadmissible, then in 2nd
instance as unfounded, then repeated the entire dossier in 12718/231/2017 in ne bis in idem relation
with 14277/231/2015 therefore, as their final solution to chemically lobotomize or murder me to stop
me from denouncing their criminal activity, accusers who declared they didn't hear obscene words or
see obscene gestures but just accused me generically anyway without any description of the facts
typical to liars, as corroborated by all the witnesses who also didn't hear obscene words and see
obscene gestures, as corroborated with the courthouse audio recording from 18th May 2016 on which
not only one cannot hear any obscene words but proves the accusers are lying in other matters, and as
corroborated with other proofs which the "magistrate" mafia of course refused to administer. Despite
the ridiculousness of the false accusations proving the accusers are schizophrenic by the symptoms of
logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis
manual, I've thus easily demonstrated the accusation thus all the acts of procedure in 2845/P/2016 are
falsified because if the deed obviously doesn't exist physically, no in rem ordinance can exist because
legally an ordinance for closing the dossier is imposed instead, and if no in rem ordinance can exist, then
no in personam investigation and ordinance can exist as a deed that doesn't exist and doesn't constitute
a felony even if it did exist, can't be inferred that it was supposedly committed by a suspect, and further
more following the same juridical logic the penal action can't be legally put into action against anyone
accusing him of committing a deed that doesn't exist and doesn't constitute a felony even if it did, which
proves the 3rd ordinance is also falsified then intrinsically the proposal that I be "psychiatrically"
Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered through forceful poisoning with deadly fluorine
based neurotoxins as proven by the Crimes against humanity which these felonies constitute,
committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, as the falsified decision in
4909/231/2017 about an impossible "psychiatric" examination without my consent was just a pretext
for state terrorism against my family through home breaking almost every day on Orthodox Easter with
tens of "masked policemen", "policemen", "secret policemen" and "gendarmes", since I was never
examined after arrested illegally from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied to an operating table
in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag and put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment through
deadly fluorine and chlorine poisoning, then after I survived they've forcefully chemically lobotomized
me with another deadly fluorine and chlorine poisons as proven by section A.II. 1.3.1^7. On 24th June
2014 "judge" Popa Mariana had a severe psychotic episode and instigated by the mafia posted one of

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"gendarmes" who were false witnesses on 18th May 2016 inside the courthouse since 8:30 a.m., named
Lepadatu Toni, or to also double as a false witness no doubt, then refused to clear the courhouse
meeting of third persons as obligated by the law in the context of the object of the trial but instead kept
the full box of convicts for murder throughout my audience and conversed with them revealing my
personal information, while interrupting me to harass me and not let me expose my plead which "judge"
Popa Mariana did for hours and constitutes the felony of Influencing declarations, then at the same time
falsified two judicial tickets then on the same falsified accusations that pleading in my defense disturbs
the solemnity of the courthouse "judge" Popa Mariana falsified dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016
which were connexed later with 2845/P/2016 into one fasified dossier. The false accusation if not
ridiculous enough is proven falsified by the facts that although I pleaded in many courthouses the same
and even the same ones I was falsely accussed in, I was never accused before or after of committing a
felony by it except by the mentally alienated "judge" Popa Mariana on 24th June 2016, mentioning I
pleaded in front of "judge" Popa Mariana before without being falsely accused, because before the
"magistrate" mafia didn't have this psychosis - false ideation that an obvious false accusation can stop
me from denouncing their criminal activity and not actually help me denounce their criminal activity. It
is worthy to mention "judges" Paun Ionel Iulian and Popa Mariana often collaborated before in the
falsification of judicial acts against me, where the latter placed illicitly dossiers to the former to falsify
decisions as I've proven in this ICC penal dossier section B, meaning "judge" Popa Mariana who acts
administratively as the chief of the courthouse penal section is directly involved and a determinand
factor in the theft of dossiers from the random distribution system. Furthermore, all the proofs in the
dossiers demonstrate my innocence which is why no proof is administered by the Romanian
"magistrate" mafia because it's futile and impossible to build an succesful false accusation against my
defense because its impossible to justify crimes and breaking the law, which would instead just pile up
the amount of felonies committed against me, so "judge" Badiu Mandica lied in 12718/231/2017 that
the ordinances weren't falsified knowing no proof was administered which is proof in itself as all juridical
acts are legally required to be syllogistically inferred from a factual particular premise and an universal
law premise, but the ordinances were falsified just by the "judiciary bodies" lying the deeds exist and I
committed them, without any objectivizing how the inexistant deeds exists physically, constitutes
felonie and were committed by me which is also proven by the fact I was never indicted or convicted
and I legally benefit from the presumtion of innocence, and generic declarations typical to liars were
made in support in these ordinances like ~"the proves prove that the deeds were committed by the
suspect" without any proof administration, factual correlation with the proofs and avoiding any logic
since this inference would appear obviously false when juxtaposed with the actual proof significance
such as the witness depositions which don't incriminate me, or the audio recordings of the courthouse
which prove straight away the "magistrates" lied to invent penal dossiers againt me because I
investigated, discovered, demonstrated and denounced they constitute a criminal organized group as
the entire Romanian so called magistrature as I statistically proven, most importantly incriminating the
minister of justice, supreme court president, general prosecutor and other “magistrates” responsible for
disciplinary and penal action against criminal “magistrates”. Lastly although legally required, I was
explicitly refused the right to consult the dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 in the
form of making copies of the falsified ordinances and witness depositions which prove my innocence,
reason for which I even sued and civil "judge" Copaci <? declared in dossier number <?> I don't have the

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fundamental right to defense in penal matters, although my request was the communication of
documents from a penal dossier which is an administrative matter as anyone really with a just cause can
demand these documents according to the law, for instance for the purpose of journalism, research etc.,
so for this reason I can't annex to this ICC penal dossier copies of the ordinances or any other
documents, also corroborated with the fact that I couldn't personally make copies from the dossier
12718/231/2017 since I fled into permanent hiding out of fear of indefinite to life imprisonment, torture
and murder because evidently as proven before the Romanian "state" mafia just needed to catch me
this one last time and silence me forever. I mandated my mother to make copies but she has no judicial
formal or otherwise studies as all Romanians in general, as intended by the Romanian mafia "state"
totalitarianism - where a few infringe the rights of the many, who told me she found no "psychiatric"
charlatanry documents in 12718/231/2017 at all which explains why I was convicted in 12718/231/2017
in 1st instance for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I am not indicted, convicted or
diagnosed, then sentenced again as proof in the same manner in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance with
the falsified or proven inadmissible and unfounded documents from 14277/231/2015 which is in ne bis
idem relation with 12718/231/2017 by the same "judge" Badiu Mandica, ne bis in idem because of the
fictional accusations that I'm totally irresponsible, lacking discernment and violent or a public danger
and having a judicial history which as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier I clearly don't, and as my pleads, aptitude
for army incorporation, superior studies and employment prove I'm neither irresponsible or with no
discernment but on the contrary I'm probably the most responsible Romanian alive, and my mother also
told me she saw the convicts for murder depositions against me meaning they also made deals with the
"magistrate" mafia to falsely testify against me which is why "judge" Popa Mariana broke the law and
didn't clear the convict box during my audience, depositions which didn't exist when I studied the
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 dossiers at the police station, but was refused illegally to make copies of
existing documents for which I made explicit electronically signed email requests after being refused
verbally so I have the proofs with which I sued the "prosecutor's office" and the "police" to be obligated
to communicate to me the content of the dossier as they are legally required ex officio in part, and as it
is my right for the rest, depositions which as all before don't accuse me of anything as far as my mother
told me, thus coroborate to my demonstration the accusations against me are false as obviously
ridiculous. Finally I mention "judge" Popa Mariana refused 4 times to communicate to me as legally
required the audio recording of the courhouse from 24th June 2016, for the obvious purpose of proving
her felonies against me, when as proof I've been communicated on demand the audio recording of the
courthouse from 18th May 2016 meaning there is no justification for the refusals to communicate me
the audio recording of the courhouse from 24th June 2016, refusals which I prove by the documents
attached as annex < mentioning I've been even mocked once in between out of the 4 refussals, with a
request admissal just to be refused in reality, fact which demonstrates the "magistrate" mafia's hubris or
arrogance being assured that no matter how clearly are the crimes they commit in plain sight the
"magistrates" that commit them will never be convicted. I contested all the falsified ordinances and
most were illegally turned back to the prosecutor's office to impede judgement, some declared illegally
inadmissible without a motivation or with a proven falsified motivation to impede judgement, and one
of them was even declared inadmissible by the "prime prosecutor" in "European" Vrancea county Tarlea
Florin Cristinel, which is exclusively a judge's job and otherwise constitutes the felonies of Usurpation of

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official functions meaning arrogating the official atributes of a judge in this case, and emmitting
documents as if legally holding that office, and usurpation of the function of prosecutor since obviously
falsifying a judge's decision is not within a prosecutor's attributes, as proven by <seek the proof
ordnance although it's just proving the complicity to the falsified penal dossiers leading to the Crimes
against humanity committed against me>.

I.B.2.9.3 As proof "judge" Badiu Mandica proferated the lies that the ordinances exist and are
legal and founded without proving it as legally required meaning without any administration of proofs
and objectivization, I quote from the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance attached as
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, first in Romanian: "Prin Ordonanta din 21.07.2016 s-a dispus inceperea urmaririi penale pentru
incalcarea solemnitatii sedintei infractiunea prevazuta de art. 278 Cod penal, constand in acea ca in
sedinta Camerei de Consiliu din 24.06.2016 contestatorul a folosit in mod repetat in fata completului de
judecata cuvinte jignitoare si acuze, incalcand astfel solemnitatea sedintei de judecata" and translated to
English: "Through the Ordnance from 21st July 2016 the in rem penal pursuit began for the violation of
meeting solemnity felony foreseen by article 278 from the Penal Code, consisting in that during the
meeting of the Council Chamber from 24th June 2016 the contester used repeatedly in front of the
judgement contingent insulting words and accuses, disturbing therefore the solemnity of the judgement
meeting". The first proof this is a lie is that the deed was never proved to exist through my indiction and
conviction as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing my empty judicial history which should've contained the
mention I am under penal pursuit in dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 and doesn't
contain it because these falsified dossiers and falsified acts of procedure are covert state terrorism and
wrongful political repression of course off the official records being blatanly falsified. Until proven guilty
definitively, by a legally constituted judgement contingent, with full benefit of my trial rights, I benefit
from the presumption of innocence according to article 4 of the Romanian Penal procedure code, article
23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, articles 11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution that
makes Romanian ratified international treaties internal right meaning article 11 from the Universal
declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the European convention of human rights. In
fact as proven I was never indicted and convicted, I never met or heard of even of a legal judgement
contingent in Romania as I proven statistically and logically the entire magistrature is comprised of
about 100% corrupt functionaries, out of which 86% are downright criminals <refer to the scribd link
where I published the general request for removal of incompatible judges from the dossier>, no
objectivization of felonies was ever effectuated against me because it's impossible to build one on
proofs that demonstrate my innocence so one has not even been attempted which why no proofs were
administered, and last but not least I have not even benefited of my rights such as that to defense
during the falsified covert prosecution against me. As proof the whole mafia apparatus of wrongful
repression is against me, The Romanian Constitutional Court ("CCR" in Romanian) declared in decision
25 from 19 January 2017 as I objectivized in section I.B.11, that my presumption of innocence has no
legal basis because a penal measure of security doesn't require that the deed is proven to exist and
proven that I committed it, through a legal public trial, contradicting themselves with the immediately
above mentioned law articles especially in the context of this being a penal matter because I was penally

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declared a public danger and the security measures are penal measures about which the law is explicit
that I benefit from the presumption of innocence. In fact, all juridical acts in the world under the rule of
law states are required to be syllogistically inferred from a factual particular premise and an universal
law premise, otherwise being invalid as this so called Constitutional Court falsified decision which
contradicts itself with the Romanian law, Romanian Constitution, ECHR, UDHR and juridical logic. The
second proof is that it is legal to demonstrate and demand the removal of an obvious incompatible
judge meaning "judge" Popa Mariana from the dossier, who illicitly obtained dossier 14277/231/2015
after it changed hands between judges about 5 times in total which constituted the infringement of the
independence of the judge and noninterference with a magistrate's activity principle to which especially
"judge" Popa Mariana in the role of penal section chief should've notified the penal authorities about,
has proven lacking objectivity in many ways, the most obvious being the fact "judge" Popa Mariana
pervasively breaks the law which is the only warrant of a judge's objectivity or its obligation to
exclusively obbey the law according to article 124 paragraph 3 of the Romanian Constitution. One
relevant example is the quotes I use as proof lie there was a "meeting of the Council Chamber from 24th
June 2016", as there wasn't because during a Council Chamber meeting is legally required that all
persons leave the room but the persons in the dossier be present, but "judge" Popa Mariana on purpose
kept all the future false witnesses in the room, convicts for murder which were informed of my personal
information in the process, "lawyers" and "gendarmes", none of which in the end contributed to the
accusation as proven by the absolute lack in the falsified decisions from 12718/231/2017 of even a
single reference to witness X or Y correlated at least with typical lie that their deposition constitutes
proof for the accusation without objectivization of how, or witness X or Y's quoted depositions in that
regard, reminding that these depositions exist and prove my innocence as my mother who I judicially
mandated saw at least one deposition of a convict for murder in the dossiers 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 and I saw the depositions of the "gendarmes" Butuc, Lepadatu and minister of interior
"special agent" Crintea Vasilica who was brought in especially to be a false witness as the "gendarmes",
only they are false witnesses for not declaring they witnessed false accusations, not because they
contributed to the accusation which they didn't unless they changed depositions which would be futile
because I keep reminding that the accusations contradict themselves being ridiculous not needing
further proof, and all the depositions are irrelevant anyway since the objective audio recordings of the
courthouse prove the accusations are false, and this objective proof should've been the second one
administered as corroboration to the fact the accusations are proof against themselves of being false, as
the witness proof is the weakest being the most unreliable in general, and the fact the witnesses
contradict eachother, amongst eachother and with the other evidence just demonstrates that indeed
the entire collective involved in thefalsification of the last 3 penal dossiers against me is made up of
schizophrenics as proven by their pervasive incoherence and occupational dysfunction regardless of
what they attempt to be, magistrates or criminals, the latter actually meriting the diagnosis of sociopath
too, according to DSM-V "psychiatric" charlantanry diagnosis manual, the mentally alienated
composition of the mafia being owed clearly to every member being mentally labile meaning lacking of
integrity and being easily persuaded to commit crimes for any petty reason which is also the reason of
the incoherence and proves the depth of mental decay of Romanian society where every public
functionary is corrupt or criminal and brought into the "nomenclature" as we Romanians refer to this ex-
"communist" system, exclusively though non-meritocratic means like bribe and nepotism which is why

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naming this organized crime cangrenated state cartel comprised of mafia groups localized by
territoriality and jurisdiction is not farfetched called so, corresponding thrice to the mafia structure,
composition and occupation, reminding that I prove the Romanian "state" mafia is drugging even
institutionalized children and really anyone without defense or put outside the protection of the law,
elders, youngsters, gipsies, dissidents, is conducting orgies with minors within the police stations, killing
people within the police stations, crimes committed by the mafia soldiers the "policemen" who of
course are not convicted as I've gathered from the press

I.B.2.9.4 I quote another proof from the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance
attached as annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, first in Romanian: "Prin Ordonanta din 05.08.2016 ..." and translated to English:
"Through the Ordnance from 5th August 2016 ...". This proof declaration is a lie in the same manner as
the other one I objectivized above.

I.B.2.9.5 I quote another proof from the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance
attached as annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, first in Romanian: "Prin Ordonanta din 07.09.2016 s-a dispus efectuarea in
continuarea urmaririi penale fata de contestator, Ordonanta confirmata de Parchetul de pe langa
Judecatoria Focsani la data de 08.09.2016" and translated in English: "Through the Ordonance from 7th
September 2016 it was issued the continuation of penal pursuit against the contester, Ordnance
confirmed by the Prosecutor's office near the Focsani courthouse on 8th September 2016". The Ordnance
supposedly from 7th September 2016 was falsified by police woman Popescu Lacramioara, and the
legally required confirmation meaning coauthorate of the falsification of the ordnance was perpetrated
by "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian. Continuation of penal pursuit means they've attributed me the title
of suspect which is judicially abberant since the falsifiers of the penal dossiers claimed from the start I've
perpetrated the felonies in flagrant therefore the penal pursuit should've been put directly into action
and me being attributed the title of accused, be indicted and convicted which I wasn't as proven by
annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, where even the fact I was under penal pursuit was hidden because the penal dossiers were
obviously falsified and against my falsifided accusation there is no penal pursuit to be had, it's either
indiction and conviction or aquittal case in which the "magistrates" who made the false accusation must
be indicted and convicted for the felonies of False declarations and Inducing into error the judicial
bodies. The purpose of the falsification of this particular kind of ordnance was judicial harassment as I've
been called to give the same declaration 3 times in total although 1 time was too much given the
accusations are self-contradictory and thus proven false, implicitly the accusers are proven
schizophrenic or logically incoherent and occupationally dysfunctional. I've demonstrated summarily
how these ordnances were falsified above using the proof the deed does not exist because it cannot
exist, therefore is not a penal offence, and I demonstrated at length in the penal dossier I opened
against all the felons involved in the Crimes against humanity instigated through the falsification of
penal dossiers against me 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, which I can attach to this ICC
penal dossier on ICC's demand in the original Romanian form because I have not the time to translate it
nor is it necessary since I am proving as necessary and sufficient the incrimination regarding the Crimes

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against humanity committed, and not every crime the Romanian "state" mafia committed which is not
directly relevant to this ICC penal complailnt, crimes although through which I traced most of the
branches of this criminal "state" in committing the Crimes against humanity, about which I will refer to
as I punctually incriminate the mafia instigators and accomplice involved.

I.B.2.9.6 I point out at the schizophrenia symptom of incoherence of the judgement contingent
members, who notes 3 times that, I quote in Romanian: "Prin Ordonanta din 07.09.2016 s-a dispus
efectuarea in continuare a urmariri penale" and as translated into English: "Through the Ordonance from
7th September 2016 it was issued the continuation of penal pursuit", for the same fictive accusations
about the inexistant deeds not committed physically and not constituting penal offences even reducing
the argument to the absurd idea the generic and groundless accusations referred to real deeds, on the
date of 24th June 2016. Furthermore the ordnance of in rem penal pursuit or beginning of penal pursuit
is mentioned after the in personam ordnance or continuation of penal pursuit which is not in the
juridical and chronological order in which they should've been objectivized and weren’t, mentioning that
as the ordinances themselves were falsified though breaking the syllogistical form of juridical acts of
grounding the accusation on facts by administering proofs and correlating not breaking every relevant
law in the process, also the decision in 12718/231/2017 is devoid of any juridical logic and legal act of
procedure to support thus the obvious falsified sentence
<ataseaza toate plangerile impotriva actelor procurorului in care am demonstrat detaliat cum au
fost falsificate ordonantele, cu mentiunea ca au fost deturnate la parchet ilegal pentru a se impiedica
judecata acestora, sau asimileaza continutul in aceasta pledoarie

I.B.2.9.7 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied outright that, I quote in Romanian: "Prin Ordonanta din
08.09.2016, s-au reunit dosarele nr. 3992/P/2016 si 4329/P/2016 la dosarul nr. 2845/P/2016", as
translated to English: "Through the Ordnance from 8th September 2016, there were reunited the dossiers
no 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 with dossier no 2845/P/2016", omitting the fact the ordnance
through which the dossiers were "reunited" must be motivated according to article 286 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, that the deeds exists by proof administration correlated in at least a
legal in rem ordnance, because if they don't as is obvious they weren’t, they cannot fulfill the conditions
according to articles 43 and 301 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code regarding the procedure of
“reuniting” dossiers, motivation which doesn't exist physically because it was never formulated by the
"prosecutor", being impossible because the deeds don't exist physically and were never proven to exist
not just because it's impossible to prove given the false accusations of the schizophrenic "magistrates"
can't even constitute penal offences if the deeds by reduction to the absurd existed physically, but
because the proofs demonstrate by themselves the deeds don't physically exist as admitted by the
accusers themselves, meaning the schizophrenic accusers contradicted themselves declaring they never
saw or heard the obscene gesture or words they accused me of, nor described any in consequence, then
were contradicted by the witnesses who also contradicted themselves and amongst themselves, then
they all contradicted of course with the objective proof of the audio recording of the courthouse which
demonstrates by itself the deeds don't exist physically, as "judge" Badiu Mandica knows by studying the
dossiers, and as proof of criminal aforethought, issued the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd
instance without a shred of proof administration and contradicting judicial logic and law alike, perfectly

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groundless and illegal. Furthermore according to same article 43 and 301 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code there couldn't have been a reason for these dossiers to be "reunited" because there is
no continuated felony involved, no person committed two or more felonies before being convicted
definitively or in second instance, and there aren't multiple felonies to constitute a single felony as
proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history in conjucture with the principle of the
presumption of innocence. The Romanian Penal Procedure Code itself is incoherent because the text
uses mentions of proven felonies, which according to the principle of the presumption of innocence are
proven definitively meaning relatively in 1st or 2nd instance, according to article 23 paragraph 11 of the
Romanian Constitution which means nothing obviously to the "magistrate" mafia who just applies the
orders of the schizophrenic "prosecutors" who actually wrote the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and
who introduced the unconstitutional article 301 from the the Romanian Penal Procedure Code that
prosecutors can also "reunite" dossiers, case in which the "prosecutor" committed the felony of
Usurpation of official functions meaning arrogating the official atributes of a judge in this case, and
emmitting documents as if legally holding that office, and usurpation of the function of prosecutor since
obviously falsifying a judge's decision is not within a prosecutor's attributes, which isn't a first but is
actually customary in the "European" Vrancea county as proven by my dossiers for the "judges" to
illegally turn away complaints against the "prosecutor's" falsified acts of procedure back to the
prosecutor's office where the "prosecutor" is judging its own falsified acts of procedure, infringing on
the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, and on article 11 from OUG 27/2002 regarding the
regime of petition solving, article regarding the fact no functionary is allowed to address any complaint
regarding his own activity. This is easily proved by auditing the Romanian public dossiers evidence ECRIS
or the courthouse's site in which many such falsified decisions are given in my complaints against the
"prosecutor's" falsified acts of procedure. This is why in Romania the "magistrate" mafia is also called
"the prosecutor republic", because "judges" just execute the "prosecutor's" falsified ordnances like in
the Romanian "communist" era, which again is proof that the so called 1989 Romanian revolution was a
coup d'etat executed by the old "communist" nomenclature aided by the foreign interests agents
working for the destruction of the so-called communist block, and after the "communist" nomenclature
functioning like the mafia as shortly proven by Ceausescu's assasination by an obvious mock trial with no
proof administartion and no appeal by an illegal court at the falsified two page proposal written on his
knees by one of these mafia "prosecutors" while flying to the trial in a helicopter, continued to abuse
public power which it never let go evidently since no regime ever renounced totalitarian power, and
reinstated the even worse Romanian "state" mafia totalitarian regime of today, proven beyond any
reasonable doubt by my investigation and case alone and the fact it used the same soviet methods of
state terrorism and wrongful political repression against me constituting Crimes against humanity,
which is why the public sector should've been lustrated as it was demanded by the real Romanian
revolutionaries in 1989 who were beaten and killed for this by the mafia soldiers in the street in the
event documented as "mineriada" in Romanian or as translated in English "The miner saga", miners led
and instigated by Ion Iliescu in 1989 using public radio to cover the illicit secret order issued through the
mafia secret services infiltrated in Valea Jiului where the miner mafia soldiers were brought from.
Therefore, the dossier "reunion" ordnance is inherently invalid because it lacks the syllogistical structure
of a juridical act meaning a particular factual premise, a universal lawful premise and a logical inference

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or the founded and lawful decision, and also illegal since it isn't within a prosecutor's powers to
"reunite" causes

I.B.2.9.8 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Prin Ordonanta din 02.11.2016
s-a pus in miscare actiunea penala fata de contestator pentru cele 3 infractiuni prev. la art. 278 Cod
penal", as translated in English: "Through the Ordnance from 2nd November 2016 it was put into action
the penal pursuit regarding the contestator for the 3 felonies foreseent by article 278 from the Penal
Code", ommitting that the ordnance is evidently falsified as the in rem and in personam ordnances,
because they contain no proof administration because the proofs demonstrate by themselves my
innocence which I also did although not required to according to the presumption of innocence, but
demonstration of my innocence through which I accused the same "judiciary bodies" of falsifying the
penal dossier, in the same dossier, like the notorious anticorruption commissar Traian Berbeceanu who
accussed his lying acusators in the same penal dossier they framed him with, meaning not only is legally
possible but from that point on the accused "judiciary bodies" are forbidden from addressing that
dossier according to the princiiple nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, or article 11 from Romanian
Government Ordinance regarding petition solving regime no 27 from 2002 who forbids any functionary
to solve the complaints about his own abuse or negligence. "judge" Badiu Mandica also lied by omission
regarding the fact none of these ordinance present a juridical or syllogistical motivation meaning a
particular factual premise correlated with an universal law premise from which there is a logical
inference representing the ordinance's thus founded and legal disposition, which otherwise is invalid
and void of right <perhaps make a short summary of each way the ordinances were falsified, from the
complaint against the falsified prosecutor's acts><insert the general plead regarding the fact that there
was no motivation according to the law, and mention again I can't attach documents from these falsified
dossiers because the mafia "judiciary bodies" refused to communicate copies when I requested it
according to the law <cite law here >

I.B.2.9.9 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "In timpul urmaririi penale
contestatorului i sa cerut consimtamantul pentru expertizarea medico legala psihiatrica, acesta nefiind
de acord. La data de 08.12.1016 s-a dispus efectuarea unei expertize medico legale psihiatrice fata de
contestator, prin Incheierae din 05.04.2017 a Judecatorului de Drepturi si Libertati de la judceatoria
Focsani, s-a dispus emiterea mandatului de aducere in scopul prezentarii contestatorului la comisia
medico - legala psihiatrica, mandat executat la data de 06.04.2017", as translated in English: "During the
penal pursuit the contestator was requested to give his consent for the psychiatric legal medicine
expertise, the contetator not giving his consent. On 8th December 2016 it was disposed the effectuation
of an psychiatric legal medicine expertise on the contestator, through the decision from 5th April 2017 of
the Judge of Rights and Liberties from the Focsani courthouse, it was disposed the emission of the
mandate of detainment for the presentation of the contestator to the psychiatric legal medicine
committee, mandate executed on 6th April 2017”, omitting to retain that the proposal for a psychiatric
examination is absolutely unfounded and illegal as all the other falsified acts of procedure in all the 4
penal dossiers the "magistrate" mafia falsified against me as shortly proven by the fact I was never
indicted and convicted by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and all the psychiatric actions out of which I annulled as proof the first

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four 15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, while the last two
are identical to the two before them meaning ne bis in idem between 4909/231/2017 and
11224/231/2015, and between 12718/231/2017 and 14277/231/2017 because same false accusations
of being irresponsible, lackingn discernment, being violent and a public danger were used without a
shred of proof or attempt to adminiter a single proof from the "magistrate" mafia who even used the
same falsified documents annulled as inadmisibile and unfounded in 14277/231/2015, in
12718/231/2017, and no less the same “judge” Badiu Mandica did this contradicting herself. As proof
there is no factual motivation the procedure itself can only be initiated by the judiciary bodies in case of
homicide acording to article 183 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and I'm not
even falsely accussed of homicide <bring the other arguments I made in the penal complaints and other
documents>. The real reason for the abuse is that I demonstrated in my 3 virtually identical consecutive
declarations in 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 I was called to give as harassment by police
woman Popescu Lacramioara, how these "judiciary bodies" falsified the acts of procedure at the
instigation of the "magistrates" Paun Ionel Iulian, Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and Popa Mariana with
which in cahoots with falsified the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, to
commit acts of state terrorism and wrongful political repression against me for the purpose of stopping
me from denouncing their criminal activity. "Police woman" Popescu Lacramioara should've put into
action the penal pursuit from May 2016 and June or July 2016 respectively because the "magistrate"
mafia falsified a flagrant penal dossier claiming proofs which of course don't exist, but urge as required
by the law the "judiciary bodies" to execute at least one act of procedure every 30 days according to
Romanian Law 304/2004 regarding judiciary organisation, corroborated with the principle of performing
justice within reasonable time meaning as soon as possible, and since there were no impediments and
all the conditions were met for putting into action the penal pursuit without an in personam or even in
rem ordinances because the schizophrenic accusers claimed a flagrant felony perpetration, it's proven
the "judiciary bodies" with malice aforethought delayed the procedure and made a mockery of justice to
harass me judicially. Furthermore, there was no expertise on 8th December 2016 proven by the lack of
evidence in this regard, objectivized by the fact this fictive expertise was never invoked in
12718/231/2017, and corroborated with the positive proof of the the falsified motivation in
4791/231/2017 attached as annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, that I "wasn't found" to be expertised, when in fact I could've
subpoenaed through my email as I chosen in the dossiers the "magistrate" mafia falsified against me,
which in turn proves the decision in 4791/231/2017 is falsified because a mandate of detainment can
only be issued if I refused to come when summoned, and no emergency was ever objectivized otherwise
to arrest me with tens of "masked policemen", "policemen", "gendarmes" and "secret police" almost
daily, making my mother ill from Zoster Area by breaking into her apartment to falsify the "psychiatric"
charlatanry procedure to provide a typical "communist" mafia coverup story by state terrorism and
wrongful political represion through public function abuse, and imprison, torture and attempts to
murder me on Orthodox Easter in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag as they perpetrated these Crimes
against humanity against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as proof, putting me in
anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment then poisoning me with another fluorine based
neurotoxin to murder me, which is notorious for being deadly as I've objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, without a

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diagnosis, illegally, unjustified etc. like I've objectivized in section A.II. 1.3.1. Obviously no expertise took
place either as it was impossible without my consent, and the "psychiatric" incarceration discharge
papers were falsified obviously as before as proven by the fact they are illegal, groundless, sillogistically
invalid lacking any premises and logical inference, and self-contradictory as proven by annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, or
incoherent proving according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis manual, the "psychiatrist"
and users of their falsified papers are schizophrenic as proven occupationally dysfunctional even as
charlatans and criminals who not only failed but got caught too, which qualifies them for the diagnosis
of antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy. As proof, no actual "expertise" documents from 8th June
2017 exist, when they faked that the expertise took place which it couldn't obviously because it's
impossible without my consent, and none were invoked in the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in
either 1st or 2nd intance <check again>, corroborated with the fact the falsified "psychiatry" incarceration
discharge papers were invoked although obviously illegal, groundless, syllogistically invalid and self-
contradictory also even it its generic concocted form typical to the "psychiatrist" charlatan liars who just
threw in generic terms not checking if they are contradicting themselves. I remind that legally according
to article 184 (3-4) from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, the "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise"
is effectuated only after the consent is given by the suspect or accused, because obviously the
"expertise" meaning the interview with the "psychiatrist" charlatan is impossible without cooperation,
or even worse when the examinee lies as the mentally alienated always do, represented in my case by
the very "judiciary bodies" and "psychiatrist" psychopaths themselves, and not in the least no
"psychiatrist" charlatan opinion as any opinion can constitute ever an objective or scientific proof,
because it is subjective and has nothing to do with the scientific method, not to mention again the
"psychiatry" I proven to be charlatanry in any regard in section A, not medicine, not science.
Respectively, according to the same article, the obligation to be "psychiatrically" incarcerated can only
be disposed if the suspect or accused gave his consent and then failed to present itself to be
"psychiatrically" incarcerated and "examined" by the "psychiatrist" charlatans, meaning as proven every
relevant law and regulation was broken with malice aforethought, proving these criminals are also
sociopaths. The "psychiatric" regulation broken is that the examination again cannot take place without
the examinee's consent, obviously because it's an interview and the examinee otherwise can either shut
up or lie which proves "psychiatry" is charlatanry againt because such an examination where the
"psychiatrist" charlatan simply hallucinates, falsifying papers under the coverup of state accreditation,
has no medical or scientific value to be an objective proof in a criminal investigation, anf furthermore,
the regulations state that the examination is relevant when the immoral deed was committed, obviously
as least after on the same day not a year after, because obviouslyu the mental state of a person changes
as proven by the fact a person can take a drug on one day and be perfectly fine on another, but
regardless nobody accussed me of taking drugs which I never took in my life, but I was covertly drugged
and chemically lobotomized with a deadly fluorine neurotoxin based injection in the night of 5th to 6th
December 2014 after the interloper named Herghelegiu Danut committed attempted Qualified Murder
and Bodily Harm against me hitting me on the head and throwing me uncounsciously on a flight of stairs
to make it look like an accident, and after I was at the hospital "Sf. Pantelimon" from Focsani emergency
ward, injection done in my right elbow by an unknown person believing I would not feel it, about which
the hospital later claimed on my information request it was Tetravax Antitetanos, however it wasn't

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mandatory nor did I express my consent therefore it’s a lie. The only other situation when I could've
been injected was while I was unconscious after the interloper hit me on the head. The deadly fluorine
based neurotoxin is the same risperidone or paliperidone poison I was forcefully drugged with between
27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 when I also recognised the symptoms of the poisoning from the night
between 5th to 6th December 2014, and can prove now after I discovered exactly what it was and its
symptoms in the blood, using a blood test I took 4 months later in 2015 who showed I had high prolactin
which could only have been caused by this specific deadly poison who is present in the body a long time,
even up to 300 days, facts which I demonstrated in my objectivization of the Crimes against humanity
committed against me in section A.I. Proof of the "psychiatrist / psychologist" schizophrenia
demonstrated by their symptoms of incoherence and occupational dysfunction according to DSM-V
"psychiatric" charlatanry diagnosis manual, is that in the same falsified document regarding the
"psychiatric" incarceration discharged attached as annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, is that they recommended to avoid the
consumption of toxing although they forcefully chemically lobotomized me to torture and murder me,
while the schizophrenic psychologist Sapunaru recommended "pharmacological support" for no reason
at all, although she knew I am perfectly mentally saneand physically clean of drugs at least from the fact
I was not diagnosed even falsely and behaving normally even under drug torture, while the blood tests
proved only the chemical lobotomy drugs were present, by which I also proved I was put in anaphylactic
shock for 3 days without treatment as demonstrated in my objectivization of the Crimes against
humanity committed against me in section A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2. I mention I was so clean of toxins
because I even drank only bottled water with low chlorine and used non fluoride toothpaste, just to
have my intellect and life be destroyed forcefully by the "psychiatrist" tortionary beast of the murderous
Romanian "state" mafia regime. Lastly, I declare responsibly knowing the consequences of committing
the felony of giving false declarations, that there were no "psychiatric" charlatanry "examinations" on
17th September 2015 when I was brought by force to a "psychiatric" charlatanry committee with the
falsified mandate from 10th September 2015 from 10547/231/2015 by same "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana
who falsified the mandate from 5th April 2017 from 4791/231/2017 to be brought by force to a
"psychiatric" charlatanry committee on 6th April 2017, nor was "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination"
on 8th June 2017 when I was also brought by force by one of the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag guards,
making note again that the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 was that I be "psychiatrically" examined
not put for 3 days in anaphylactic shock to be murdered, then after I survived poisoned forcefully with
the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I was injected with in the night of 5th to 6th December 2014
to be murdered, as proven in section A.I., and obviously the "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination",
which I repeat didn't take place but it was a mock meeting as usual, should've taken place on 1st day not
after being tortured and chemically lobotomized. Proof there was no "psychiatric" charlantary
"examination" ever, is my lack of consent and cooperation making it impossible for the mafia to falsify
"psychiatric" charlatanry documents against me with the any form of legality to use as cover up, fact
which I am using againt the mafia because they broke the law in this regard also, being legally
impossible to incarcerate anyone "psychiatrically" without his consent, according to articles 184
paragraphs 1, 3 and 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, or article 11 from Romanian Law
487/2002 regarding mental sanity, because of the presumption of innocence first of all, then because I
wasn't accused or suspect of homicide, then because the obligation to be "psychiatrically" incarcerated

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is applicable only on those who (foolishly) gave their consent then failed to come when summoned to
the "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" presumably due to their mental alienation, which is the only
mental state anyone can give their consent to be "examined" by a "psychiatrist" charlatan who
obviously needs no consent to falsify documents as proven, therefore aquiring the consent is a pretext
to obtain a form of abuse coverup, because the mafia knows without my consent they would be
breaking the law to use "psychiatry" charlatanry against me as state terrorism and wrongful political
repression, which I would and am using against the mafia to prove my case. Further proof is that I
demonstrated the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents as such, meaning inadmissible and
unfounded in the mafia's courthouse n less in 14277/231/2015 1st and 2nd instance, documents used as
valid in 12718/231/2017 by the same "judge" Badiu Mandica in 2nd instance who declared them
inadmissible in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance knowing they were declared unfounded in 2nd instance.
As proof I also indicate that the "psychiatrist" schizophrenic charlatans declared that taking my exams
for my law faculty is psychosis, because I was arrested from my law faculty exams illegally, tied up to an
operating table in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag with no other justification, and injected with deadly
fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins which as demonstrated based on the same document containing a
blood test results, they've put me to murder me in anaphylactic shock for 3 days, then after I survived
they poisoned me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine poisons, and because according to the
"psychiatric" charlatanry regulations the "emergency" the "psychiatrist" charlatans claimed it exists
without justification or grounds, just that I was taking exams at my law faculty, pertains to the day when
the "psychiatric" incarceration is executed, corroborated with the fact I was also declared a public
danger or put under article 109 of the Penal Code with no justification meaning no objectivization based
on proven grounds correlated with the law and regulations, being at the same time clear the mafia is
also fearing me perfecting my juridical knowledge and even acceding the profession of a law practitioner
and destroy the mafia by myself which is of course ludicrous and proved this ex-"communist" mafia is
indeed as notoriously known Stalinist paranoic. As proof of being declared a public danger beyond being
accused groundlessly of it, obviously for denouncing the criminal activity of the mafia in actuality, is
being falsely placed under article 109 of the Romanian Penal Code for security measures for being a
public danger by being a proven (by me) law abiding citizen, ironically since I also proven the existance
of the Romanian "state" mafia which confounds obviously itself with a mandated legitimate government
that could hold the accreditation to call someone a public danger, a meaningless accusation without a
conviction for any felony at all such as is my case proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history.
I've demonstrated in detail how even the "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration papers form the
Focsani "psychiatric" gulag were falsified in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and I remind that in the old falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry documents proven as such in 14277/231/2015 and attached as annex 4 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the
schizophrenic “psychiatrist” charlatans declared I have greatly diminished discernment because I have
superior studies, fast thinking and general culture, all of which they sought to destroy to make their
"diagnosis" match in the end and to cover up their felonies by stopping me from denouncing their
crimes. They also lied I have a judicial history which I don't, proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Again I remind as

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proven, there isn't a single logical argument in the mafia's falsified documents, and they broke all
relevant laws and regulations proving by it they are criminal sociopaths who believe whatever they do is
right and who are pervasively breaking the law and rights of other people, even without a material
reason as expected by for animal gratification or sadism reasons, to justify a fictive power with the
pleasure to do harm which any simple criminal at all can as proof of pettyness typical to sociopaths, the
only difference being that of these "magistrate" criminals committing crimes without suffering the
consequences, which in itself without my extensive demonstration leads the to the conclusion the
Romanian "state" mafia is run by schizophrenic and sociopathic criminals, which exists obviously
because the only functionary category able to maintain the rule of law meaning the magistrates body of
public functionaries, doesn't do its job. Even if 1 criminal "magistrate" is tolerated publicly in function I
found, it proves the entire magistrate body of functionaries is an organized crime group because that
criminal "magistrate" is maintained there intentionally by the "magistrates" responsible for disciplinary
action, penal action, as the others are accomplice at least for not denouncing it, or even worse are
attempting to cover up the crimes by falsifying judicial decisions for mafia honor or favoritism, and
ultimately use the judiciary system for state terrorism and wrongful political repression like this
"magistrate" mafia committed Crimes against humanity against me. I've proven statistically that all
Romanian "magistrates" are corrupt and about 86% of them are downright criminals, investigating and
cathing entire courthouse sections and prosecutor's offices of "magistrate" criminals in the counties of
Vrancea, Galati and Bucharest, which obviously triggered the "magistrate" mafia to commit againt me 8
Qualified Murder attempts and Crimes against humanity against me in 2 instances of these since 2014,
but not before I accused two of the heads of this "magistrate" organized crime namely Victor Viorel
Ponta, Livia Stanciu and others, which coincides with the start of the Crimes against humanity
committed against me, all of which I've proven and I reproduce in this ICC penal dossier section A as I've
summarily demonstrated in my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier.

I.B.2.9.10 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied as I reproduce in Romanian: "In urma examinarii medico-
legale comisia de expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica din cadrul SJML Vrancea a recomandat internarea
inculpatului intr-o instituie medico legala de specialitate in vederea examinarii psihiatrice", and as
translated to English: "Following the legal medicine examination by the psychiatric legal medicine
committe from within SJML Vrancea it recommended the internment of the accused in a specialized legal
medicine institution for the psychiatric examination", proven by the fact there was no "psychiatric"
charlatanry examination ever performed on me, meaning on 17th September 2015, 8th December 2016,
6th April 2017 or 8th May 2017 as the Romanian “state” mafia claims, which I've demonstrated by the
lack of the documents existing or invoked even in the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd
instance, and mentioning again the procedure was falsified because according to article 184 paragraph 1
form the Romanian Penal Procedure Code I must be a suspect or accused of homicide, article which is an
abberation since the suspect and accused are legally innocent according ot the principle of the
presumption of innocence and article 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and article 23
paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution as well as articles 11 and 20 from the Romanian
Constitution regarding the international treaties ratified by Romania constituting internal right such as
article 6 paragraph 2 from the European Convention of Human Rights and article 11 from the Universal

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declaration of human rights, then according to article 184 paragraphs 3 and 4 form the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, such an examination can only be obligatory after the existance of consent, and the
examinee can only be brought by force if he consented but then failed to come when summoned,
therefore as obvious a "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" cannot physically take place because the
examinee can refuse to talk or lie, and there is no way a "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" can
even be objectivized or constitute a scientific proof in a criminal investigation, because the "psychiatry"
charlatanry like I've demonstrated extensively in section A regarding my Objectivization of the Crimes
against humanity committed against me, is neither medicine nor science, is charlatanry, so it's legally
impossible to issue a recommendation or court order that I be "psychiatrically" incarcerated as
demonstrated because no subjective declaration can constitute an objective expertise proof in a trial,
even more so a proven falsified document even recognised as such in the mafia’s own courthouses in
14277/231/2015, and for multiple legal and factual reasons. "judge" Badiu Mandica knew no
examination took place from the fact there is no motivation objectivizing even that the "psychiatric"
charlatanry "examination" took place, let alone what happened in it and most importantly how the
"psychiatrist" charlatans motivated the "recommendation", which they didn't even attempt to falsify,
making their recomendation invalid and void of right from the start for lacking any syllogistical form
meaning premises and a logical inference. In other words the "psychiatric" charlatanry
"recommendation" for an extensive "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" cannot exist without a prior
"psychiatric" charlatanry "normal examination", neither of which can take place without the examinee's
consent as demonstrated, and the examinee is truly mentally alienated if he consents to participate in
the "psychiatric" charlatanry which is obvious just by its lack of logic

I.B.2.9.11 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Prin Incherea din 10.04.2017,
Judecatorul de Drepturi si Libertati de la Judecatoria Focsani a dispus internarea medicala nevoluntara a
contestatorului pentru efectuarea expertizei psihiatrice", as translated in English: "Through the decision
form 10th April 2017, the Judge of Rights and Liberties from the Focsani courthouse disposed the
involuntary medical internment of the contester for effectuating the psychiatric examination", as proven
by the fact the "psychiatrist" charlatans and "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana in the falsified decision from
10th April 2017 from 4909/231/2017 when she also falsified a mandate to be arrested with 9 (nine)
gendarmes who physically abused me while filming me inclusively on private property to provoke me
and who stole from me even two pencils accusing me that I would hurt myself with them writing my
defence, but didn't steal them from me until I asked for a piece of paper too to write my defence on as
they searched me before, and who of course brought me in the last possible moment in the courthouse
to impede me building a defence or consult the dossier 4909/231/2017 which because it was in ne bis in
idem with 11224/231/2015 I've easily pleaded in my defense anyway. I've demonstrated summarily how
the "psychiatrist" charlatans and "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana broke the law, regulations and juridical
logic falsifying their respective decisions without even using a factual premise meaning groundless, and
I've demonstrated at length in my plead in 12718/231/2017 attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, how all the penal
dossiers and psychiatric actions against me were falsified by the Romanian "state" mafia, also
demonstrating using my biography, documents and witnesses that it's ridiculous even to suspect me I
would contitute a public danger or a felon, making it painfully obvious the only danger I pose is that

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raised by the Stalinist-like paranoia of the Romanian "state" mafia, who then claimed I must be
"psychiatrically" incarcerated for an impossible examination without my consent, and afterwards as I've
predicted and accused since 2015, the Romanian "state" mafia put my in anaphylactic shock for 3 days
attempting to murder me through deadly fluorine and chlorine injections, then after failing they
chemically lobotomized me with the same deadly fluorine based poison they injected me covertly on the
night of 5th to 6th December 2014 Crimes against humanity committal, both cases proven objectively by
blood tests in my ICC penal dossier objectivization of the Crimes against humanity committed against
me, attached as annex 4 to the ICC penal dossier and annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. "judge" Badiu Mandica is fully aware of
my demonstration from my plead in 12718/231/2017 therefore "judge" Badiu Mandica lied knowing
perfectly the illegalities committed in 4909/231/2017 which are obvious anyway to a professional

I.B.2.9.12 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied outright that, I quote in Romanian: "Potrivit concluziile
raportului intocmit contestatorul prezinta tulburare psihotica acuta predominant deliranta, tulburare de
personalitate de tip paranoid. Comisia a apreciat discernamantul contestatorului absent la momentul si
in raport de faptele pentru care a fost cercetat si a recomandat instituirea masurii de siguranta la
tratament medical", as translated in English: "According to the conclusions of the raport made the
contester presents acute psychotic disorder predominantly delirant, personality disorder of paranoid
type. The committee appreciated the discernment of the contester absent in the moment and reported to
the deeds for which he was under examined and recommended the security measure of medical
treatment", because first of all, a conclusion is an inference out of a premise in case of logical
proposition, and in case of a juridical act, a logical inference out of a particular factual premise
correlated with an universal law or regulations premise, but the falsified "psychiatric" incarceration
discharge documents from 8th June 2017 which are not the "psychiatric" charlatanry examination which
was also faked on 8th June 2017 formally but no documents appeared or were invoked, contains no
premises, inherently no correlation between them, and no logical inference meaning it's an obvious
falsified document demonstrating only the "psychiatrist" charlatans and "judge" Badiu Mandica are
schizophrenic by their symptoms of logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction, according to
DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis manual. The "psychiatric" charlatanry "raport" is thus proven
falsified, being illegal, unfounded, self contradictory and syllogistically invalid lacking any premises, the
correlation between them and the logical inference, as I've mostly proven already in annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017 and demonstration that all the penal dossiers and psychiatric
actions against me were falsified and can only be ever falsified according to my biography objectivized
with documents and witnesses. Furthermore, I remind I've been convicted in 12718/231/2017 1st
instance for Vasilache Daniel's crimes and diagnosis, because I have none given I was never indicted and
convicted as demonstrated by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, or examined psychiatrically or psychologically because I
haven't consented or cooperated, thus never diagnosed as I've demonstrated in the above paragraphs,
which is why the proven falsified documents from 14277/231/2015 and obviously as proven falsified
“psychiatric” incarceration papers not constituting an expertise were also invoked but only in
12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance, because "judges" Miron Doina and Badiu Mandica respectively are

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schizophrenic and obsessively believed that magically they can build a legally logical decision motivation
sentencing me for another man’s crimes and diagnosis because I was never indicted, convicted or
diagnosed, respectively using proven and obvious falsified documents, to ingratiate themselves at any
cost with the Romanian "state" mafia. I also remind the judicial doctrine regarding that in a 2nd instance
decision no "new" documents can be invoked as in more than invoked in 1st instance where none were
invoked, as proof "judge" Badiu Mandica broke yet another law only to prove herself schizophrenic yet
in another manner, fact which I don't really need since I rather as I did prove the "psychiatric"
charlatanry documents falsified and catch the "psychiatrist" criminals in the process as well, not just the
"judge" who invoked obviously falsified documents which is a felony in itself. I mention I reported the
“psychiatrist” tortionaries for (intentional) malpraxis, and the "authority" meaning the local health
direction just refused to examine the documents because they are part of the mafia, as the
"psychiatrist" charlatans Igor Berzvehnii was ilegally part of the committee of malpraxis where he
covered up for his own malpraxis instigating the other members of the malpraxis committee to be his
accomplices and authoring himself the refusal of the committee to perform its duty illegally. I also
repeat the argument proof that deeds that proven do not exist physically cannot lead to a diagnosis of
them being committed without discernment, proving all the self-contradictory charlatanries proferated
in the falsified "psychiatric" imprisonment discharge papers are falsified even before going into further
analysis. Being a penal procedure, that the deeds don't exist is proven by the fact I was never been
indicated or convicted, ever, proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier who should've contained at least the mention of
the penal pursuit which was covert being obviously falsified in its entirety. Last, the recommendation for
medical treatment for lack of discernment is ludicrous especially because the so called treatment is
chemical lobotomization and torture with deadly flurine based neurotoxins never treat anything but
destroy the brain and kill as I've demontrated in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. If there was a treatment for lack of discernment
everyone would be obligated to take it especially and exemplificatively those with a driver's license, so
there would be no more car accident deaths, and there is no such thing as a perfect discernment so
indeed anyone would take this medical treatment which can never exist for reasons I rather not going to
for the sake of brevity and relevance, as only the fact no such medical treatment exist at the moment,
notoriously, is sufficient as proof. Discernment is aquired only through education, not Torture, Bodily
Harm and Qualified Murder by deadly fluorine poisoning, obviously or notoriously, which proves at the
same time "judge" Badiu Mandica lied by retaining these abberations in the falsified decision from
12718/231/2017 from 2nd instance

I.B.2.9.13 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Fata de aceste conditii s-a
dispus clasarea cauzei in temeiul art. 16. alin 1 lit d Cod procedura penala si sesizarea Judecatorului de
Camera preliminara pentru a dispune masura de siguranta a obligarii la tratament medical", as
translated in English: "Facing these conditions it was disposed the classation of the cause according to
article 16 alignment 1 letter d from the Penal Procedure Code and the notification of the Preliminary
Room Judge to dispose the security measure of obligation to medical treatment", omitting to administer
my demonstration the "prosecutor's" falsified ordnance is illegal and unfounded as proven in annex 20
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,

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ordnance that should've been legally confirmed first by a courthouse who should've convicted me first
before declaring a clause of non punishment and imposing a security measure, as proven by articles 107-
109 regarding security measures who refer to a deed-doer or felony-doer or convict, not a suspect or
accused as I've been wrongfully entitled through falsified ordnances I remind by the schizophrenic
"prosecutor" who thinking he is a judge declared me convicted without indiction and conviction in a
legal trial where my rights are respected. I also remind I was sentenced in 12718/231/2017 in 1st
instance without being indicted and convicted, to be chemically lobotomized which constitutes capital
punishment like I’ve demonstrated in sectino A, for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because
I am not indicted, convicted or diagnosed, and it makes sense to the schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina
that one man can be sentenced to capital punishment for the crimes and diagnosis of another

I.B.2.9.14 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Prin Incheierea Judecatorului
de Camera preliminara din 11.10.2017 a fost respinsa ca inadmisibila cererea contestatoturului
formulata in timpul judecarii cauzei de sesizarea a Curtii Constitutionale cu exceptia de
neconstittuionalitate a disp. art. 315 Cod Penal, a fost admisa sesizarea Parchetului si a fost obligat
contestatorul la tratament medicamentos pana la insanatosire sau pana la ameliorarea starii de
sanatate care sa inlature starea de pericol a acestora", as translated in English: "Through the decision of
the Preliminary Room Judge from 11th October 2017 it was rejected as inadmissible the request of the
contester formulated during the judgment of the cause of notification of the Constitutional Court with
the exception of unconstitutionality of dispositions of article 315 Penal Code, it was admitted the
proposalt of the prosecutor's office and the contester was obligated to treatment by poisoning
("medicamentos" means drugging, drugging means poisoning) until made healthy or until the
amelioration of the health situation which would alleviate the danger situation of these", because there
is no motivation for the declaration of my request as inadmissible, not even for the rejection of my
demonstration that my request is admissible because it's impossible to contradict the law, and the
falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance is absolutely unmotivated as well in all regards as
anticipated and proven in my plead in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which "judge" Badiu Mandica ignored knowing I proven all
the penal dossiers and psychiatric actions against me falsified. Proof is also the fact the lack of
discernment cannot be physically or logically be treated by poisoning or drugging like the term used by
the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina in the sentence against me, “judge” Miron Doina who above
being incoherent and occupationally dysfunctional as proven by the plain fact "judge" Miron Doina
sentenced me for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I'm not indicted, convicted and
diagnosed, "judge" Miron Doina also has been hearing voices in her head for at least 10 years according
to the press and my own witness declaration, which "judge" Miron Doina constantly tries to quiet by
appealing to the “gendarmes”. Reciprocically because everybody suffers to a degree from lack of
discernment as there is no such thing as perfect discernment, everyone would undergo a treatment for
lack of discernment and for example there would be no more car crashes, but the fact lack of
discernment can be treated with poisons or neurotoxic drugs is absurd, and proves in itself the decision
in 12718/231/2017 is absurd,although I proven it falsified in every way it could've been possibly falsified,
also proving the mafia is sociopathic and defies the rule of law like this, showing contempt for it. I
remind, no public danger was ever even grounded on real ennounced even facts, nor objectivized, and

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therefore no illnes can be inferred to exist as a cause for nonexistant deeds which inherently makes the
presumed lack of discernment inexistant, therefore no treatment can exist as is also obvioius lack of
discernment cannot be treated with poisons. Lack of dicernment can only be treated through logic
relevant education and mind training leading to an accreditation that the person has a certain degree of
discernment, and that should be the basis for giving driving licenses or other potentially dangerous
licenses to people, even the right to have children, so the system is clearly thought by idiots, in this case,
the "prosecutor" mafia caporegimes who wrote the penal law, and the "psychiatrist" charlatans mafia
associates, who are attempting to control reality through social conformity and state terrorism.
Regardless, I have superior discernment still, proven by my superior studies and the fact I identified,
investigated and denounced the whole Romanian "state" mafia which if it had any sort of sanity it
would've left me alone when 2 weeks before the night of 5th to 6th December 2014 I decided to leave
Romania where my IT career and social life was destroyed, to start anew, but instead the mafia
committed the murder attempt poisoning me also and chemically lobotomizing me in a way I lost all the
motivation to start anew and seek building a family and career elsewhere, and instead gained the only
motivation to destroy the mafia who destroyed my life in every way, even taking from me the ability to
feel pleasure from music, games, movies, libido, socialization, laughter, my creativity and vividity in
experiencing the beauty of life etc. which was actually keeping me away from my activity as a human
rights defender, which proves this mafia is not only Stalinist paranoic, it is self defeating by creating
without reason enemies and gaining nothing from it even as proof of further incoherence and
occupational disorder of any sort, even criminal. Again, the mafia after promicing not to denounce it
penally which I believe led to my early release from the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag on 8th June 2017,
attempted to finish me off through 12718/231/2017 despite keeping my word, well, with the exception
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures which technically is against Romania not any
mafia member directly, and is not a penal complaint, ECHR request which the mafia considers so
dangerous that they destroyed it illegally 4 times using their agents who I also caught and opened a
penal dossier against which I also published at address:
European-Court-of-Human-Rights. Furthermore nobody can prove I pose any danger to the Romanian
"state" mafia, therefore they are proven Stalinist paranoic, and only made it worse by attempting to
murder me, having no common sense or discenrment for that matter. This cancer cannot be allowed to
exist, as it doesn't even serve itself, but must be helped to end once and for all. The Romanian "state"
mafia must be dismantled down to the last criminal, and put in special camps of reeducation through
labor to repair if only some of the damage they caused, and be made example so nothing like this ever
happens again

I.B.2.9.15 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "In motivarea Incheierii s-a
retinut ca, in cauza sunt indeplinite conditiile prev. la art. 109 alin 1 Cod Penal pentru dispunerea masurii
de siguranta, avand in vedere concluziile expertizei medico legale, masura fiind neesar pentru inlaturarea
starii de pericol", as translated into English: "In the motivation of the decision it was retained that, in the
cause there are fulfilled the conditions of article 109 alignment 1 Penal Code for the disposition of the
security measure, with regards to the conclusions of the legal medicine expertize, the measure being
necessary for the alleviation of the state of peril", because as I've demonstrated before and even in

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anticipation, there isn't a syllogistical motivation in 12718/231/2017 falsified decision in 1st instance
which is invalid even before inheriting the illegalities from the proposal, and being obviously groundless
and abberant for sentencing me for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I am not
indicted, convicted or diagnosed, ever. Furthermore, no conditions of article 109 from Romanian Penal
Code are met, starting with the fact it refers to a convict not a suspect or accused, qualities which I've
been attributed thorugh falsified ordonances like I've demonstrated above, then it wasn't proved I was
on drugs, other than the deadly fluorine neurotoxins thorugh which I was put in anaphylactic shock for 3
days without treatment, and after I survived I was chemically lobotomised with the same poison I was
injected in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, then I wasn't proven alcohoolic or anything
else including a public danger because there are no deeds that can lead to such a conclusion, except
those hallucinated by the schizophrenic "judiciary bodies". As demonstrated before, the accusation of
being a public danger is both groundless and illegal since I was never indicted or convicted as proven by
annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, benefiting from the presumption of innocence, about which I've gone beyond proving both my
innocence and my sanity with documents and witnesses which of course the mafia "judges" refused to
administer. Only convicts can be placed under article 109 from Romanian Penal Code according to the
law text, which I've even objectivized with jurisprudence in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The schizophrenic "judge" Badiu
Mandica I remind, invoked the anulled as inadmissible and unfounded psychiatric documents from
14277/231/2015 where the same "judge" Badiu Mandica rejected them, proving by perfect logical
incoherence and occupational dysfunction "judge" Badiu Mandica is schizophrenic. "judges" Badiu
Mandica and Miron Doina also used the crimes and diagnosis of a person named Vasilache Daniel
because I have neither been ever convicted or psychiatrically or even psychologically diagnosed with
anything because I am not only sane, I proved it with army incorporation elligibility, work experience
aptitude, superior studies, logic, witnesses, being licensed and having work experience etc.

I.B.2.9.16 judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Solutia este legala si
temeinica", as translated in English: "The solution is legal and founded", because this declaration is
neither a syllogistical conclusion or inference, nor a logical proposition meaning is a groundless
declaration and given all the proofs to the contrary I've given that the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st
instance is illegal and unfounded, the declaration is really a deliration or hallucination that it can
constitute a cover up because this declaration in itself is proof 12718/231/2017 is falsified, and "judge"
Badiu Mandica is schizophrenic. I remind I thoroughly demonstrated in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier all the acts of
procedure against me are criminal abuses, not just the falsified as anticipatedly demonstrated decision
in 12718/231/2017, therefore absolutely no act of procedure falsified by the "magistrate" mafia is legal
and founded

I.B.2.9.17 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "In ce priveste cererea de
sesizare a Curtii Constitutionale, cu exceptia privind neconstitutionalitatea art. 315 Cod procedura
penala, in mod temeinic Judecatorul de Camera Preliminara de la fond a respins-o ca inadmisibila
intrucat nu are legatura cu aceasta cauza, esenta cauzei fiind concret conditiile in care se dispune o

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masura de siguranta", as translated into English: "In what regards the request of notification of the
Constitutional Court, with the exception of unconstitutionality of article 315 Penal procedure code, in a
founded way the Preliminary Room Judge from the 1st instance has rejected it as inadmissible because it
has no link to this cause, the essence of the cause being in concrete the conditions in which a measure of
security is disposed", because "judge" Badiu Mandica in 2nd instance of 12718/231/2017 or "judge"
Miron Doina in 1st instance never demonstrated that my request of notifying the Constitutional Court
has no link to the cause because it has, like I've demonstrated it does and these schizophrenic "judges"
never attempted to contradict me because it's impossible to contradict the law or obtain a legal decision
motivated illegally. Their motive of rejecting my request illegally is that I proven the article
unconstitutional which would've led to the annulment of the whole abuse starting with the
"prosecutor's" falsified proposal, which is void of right as it is being syllogistically invalid, illegal and
groundless, proposal from which 12718/231/2017 also inherited being illegal and groundless, and in the
maladive obsession of the mafia "judges" to falsify the decisions in it, it could only be syllogistically
invalid, which is what I've anticipated in my plead attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. There's nothing more direct
to the cause than the article the falsified proposal from 12718/231/2017 is based upon, and
furthermore, before the Contitutional Court declared in Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 that I
don't benefit from the presumption of innocence if I'm not convicted contradicting itself with the law,
constitution and international treaties, so I don't understand the Romanian "state" mafia reluctance to
defiantly falsify one more decision since it's so eager in everything else for nothing, all the more proof of
its incoherence in all possible regards. The mentally alienated "judge" Badiu Mandica even hallucinated
the motivation that a condition of inadmissibility is that the unconstitutionality of the attacked article
has to be linked precisely to some unspecified condition of the cause, which not only contradicts the law
but makes no sense because of the unspecificity or generic halluciination typical to liars

I.B.2.9.18 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Referitor la solutia dispusa, si
anume, luarea masurii de siguranta a tratamentului medical aceasta este de asemena legala si
temeinica", as translated in English: "Referring to the disposed solution, and namely, the undertaking of
the security measure of medical treatment it's also legal and founded", because a falsified decision is not
a judicial solution, is just a falsified document, nor the issuer is a judge from the moment it falsified that
document, or even caught attempting as it was obvious the "judge" didn't notify the penal authorities
right away the "prosecutor's" proposal is falsified since as a professional it should've spotted that it's
illegal and unfounded immediately, all the more "judge" Miron Doina knew that the mafia has been
using the judicial system against me and not only me as state terrorism and wrongful political repression
for years, just like I've proven in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017. The declaration
that the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance is legal and founded is a lie because this
declaration is neither a syllogistical conclusion or inference, nor a logical proposition meaning is a
groundless declaration and given all the proofs to the contrary I've given that the decision in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance is illegal and unfounded, as I thoroughly demonstrated in annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier all the
acts of procedure against me are criminal abuses

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I.B.2.9.19 judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Contestatorul a fost cercetat
pentru mai multe infractiuni dispunandu-se clasarea pentru lipsa discernamantului", as translated in
English: "The contester has been under penal pursuit for more felonies being disposed after the
classation for the lack of discernment", because I was never under penal pursuit as proven by annex 17
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
who should've contained mention of the penal pursuit which was covert because it was obviously
falsified, as I've demonstrated it punctually but summarily above regarding in each type of falsified
ordinance, each illegal, groundless and syllogistically invalid. Regardless, the falsehood here is also
proven through the fact the penal pursuit is irrelevant, as only the indiction and conviction can remove
my presumption of innocence, and only if any felonies are proven to exist and be committed by me, and
only if all my procesual rights are respected, about which I mention all my rights were infringed upon as
demonstrated in this ICC penal dossier, and I wasn't indicted or convicted which is the only way to be
put under a measure of security according to the law, fact which proves again "judge" Badiu Mandica
committed another falsehood believing that somehow magically it will cover up its criminal activity just
by telling lie after lie like in kindergarden, which leads to the conclusion "judge" Badiu Mandica is
mentally underdeveloped

I.B.2.9.20 judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Expertiza medico legala
efectuata in cauza a relevat o afectiune psihica a contestatorului care necesita tratament medical sub
supraveghere, pentru inlaturarea starii de pericol in care insusi contestatorul s-ar putea plasa sau iar
putea pune pe cei din jur, fiind indeplinite astfel, conditiile prevazute la art. 109 Cod Penal", as translated
in English: "The legal medicine expertise in this cause has shown a psychic affection of the contester that
necessitates medical treatment under surveillance, for the alleviation of the danger situation the
contester himself could place himself under or put the ones near him, being fullfilled thus, the conditions
foreseen by article 109 Penal Code", because as I've demonstrated, there is no legal medicine expertise
in dossier 12718/231/2017, as none was invoked with the exception of the falsified "psychiatric"
documents from 14277/231/2015 where they've been declared inadmissible and unfounded no less by
the same "judge" Badiu Mandica who proved itself schizophrenic by perfect logical incoherence and
occupational dysfunction, and the falsified "psychiatric" incarceration discharge papers who aren't just
illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid, they don't constitute a legal medicine
expertise which should've been the falsified documents from the formally faked expertise from the
same day of 8th June 2017, documents which they refused to communicate as legally required, if they
exist at all as proven in 12718/231/2017 where they don't exist as my mother who I mandated to look in
the dossiers didn't see, and in the falsified decision they aren't indicated by number or quoted, meaning
they don't exist, making the falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017 unfounded not just because of the
groundless accusations against me, but because the required "psychiatric" charlatanry documents are
missing, documents which also can only be falsified since no expertize ever took place and the
procedure has been vitiated through the breaking of all relevant laws and regulations, and no
“psychiatric” charlatanry inference can be made against me because the deeds that would constitute
the particular factual premise do not exist physically therefore any “psychiatric” charlatanry document
about me is invalid even before proven illegal and unfounded, because I commit no felonies, as I proven

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I am a law abiding citizen. I remind as I've already demonstrated in the above paragraphs, only a convict
can be placed under article 109 from Romanian Penal Code, and I was illegally named an accused
benefiting nevertheless from the presumption of innocence, respectively it was never proven I took
drugs, drank alcoohol or have any mental problem which if I had is very easy to prove just like I proven
these "judges" are schizophrenic using their logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction symptoms
according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis manual, so the mafia's failure to prove even one
logical fallacy about me although it maniacly falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents in this regard,
proves I am beyong mentally healthy as I proven it through documents, witnesses and logic. "judge"
Badiu Mandica again refers to non existant logic from the falsified "psychiatric" documents, not refering
to which by number, date, or quoting from them because the logic that these documents demonstrate
anything against me doesn't exist. As I've demonstrated, these falsified documents prove both the
"psychiatrist" charlatanic mafia associates and the "magistrate" mafia caporegimes are schizophrenic,
because it proves their incoherence and occupational dysfunction. As proof, nowhere there is a
demonstration that I pose a danger to myself, and nowhere there is a demonstration I pose a danger to
anyone else, and in fact given my entire biography and empty judicial history it is proven beyond any
reasonable doubt I have the utmost discernment of a law abiding citizen, which by grace of the principle
of non-contradiction and principle of excluded third, is proof "judge" Badiu Mandica lied again,
generically typical to liars, as "judge" Badiu Mandica lied omitting that the first condition to be met in
article 109 from Romanian Penal Code is that there is a definitive conviction according to the law text
refering to the convict or perpetrator, not suspect or accused which according to the law benefit from
the presumption of innocence

I.B.2.9.21 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Din expertiza medico legala
psihiatrica rezulta ca, in urma examinarii repetat a contestatorului s-a constatat ca acesta este
imprevizibl in relatiile sociale, prezinta determinare si perseverenta irationala, percum si un risc de
escaladare rapida de la violenta virtuala si de limbaj la violenta fizica", as translated in English: "From
the psychiatric legal medicine expertise it results that, following the repeated examination of the
contester it was found that he is impredictible in social relations, presents determination and irational
perseverence, and also a risc of rapid escalation from virtual violence and of language to physical
violence", because "judge" Badiu Mandica again refers to non existant logic from the falsified
"psychiatric" documents annulled as inadmissible and unfounded in 14277/231/2015 proven by annex
4, annex 5 and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, reminding the same "judge" Badiu Mandica is proving herself schizophrenic by
invoking documents herself annulled. The lie that I'm "imprevisible in social relations" is proven a lie by
the fact I am a law abiding citizen therefore I'm predictable to respect the law in society. The lie that I'm
"irationally determined and perseverent" I already proven false in the paragraphs above, wheren I've
shown there is no such thing as irrational since there is a cause for everything, and determination and
perseverence are virtues according to all motivational psychology of success videos on youtube.com
being thus a nonsense to be accused of such a thing form all points of view, being obvious the
"psychiatrist" mafia associates have a doleance with me denouncing their crimes, denouncements which
they consider irrational since the Romanian "state" mafia members think of themselves the masters of
the world thus infalable, like my lawyer Mariana Militaru told me once in 2009. The lie that I'm "virtually

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violent", whatever that means, is inherently false because there is no such thing as a "virtually violent"
accusation in penal matter, nor are there proofs or any objectivization as proof in itself. That I'm verbally
violent is a lie proven by the fact there isn't a single proof of me threatening verbally with violence, or
being verbally threatening other than justified meaning proving eloquently these "magistrates" are all
corrupt and criminals, for which the schizophrenic "magistrate" mafia halucinates it can accuse me of,
using the judiciary system logic and appear legitimate at the same time as breaking the law. All these
accusations are coming from the falsified dossier 2417/P/2014 from which 14277/231/2015 originated
which proves beyond any reasonable doubt again the schizophrenic "judge" Badiu Mandica is invoking
documents proven in court inadmissible and unfounded meaning falsified since nobody counterfeits
numerous acts of procedure by accident, and the action itself has as grounds the falsified "psychiatric"
charlatanry documents, which if declared unfounded automatically it refers to its only grounds, the
“psychiatric” charlatanry documents which are also then unfounded as in nonexisting juridically or void
of right for all the reasons possible at once in actuality, of illegallity, unfoundedness and being
syllogistically invalid or juridically illogical all the more they are self-contradictory. There are no other
falsified "expertise reports" that exist physically that I'm aware of, and since the mafia itself doesn't
invoke any I deduce in agreement with the mafia's stupidity that there are no more, except the
hallucinated ones in schizophrenic "judge" Badiu Mandica's mind, since they weren't even invoked in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance as proof and can't be invoked therefore even fictively in 2nd instance
where only the illegal, groundless and incoherent logic of the 1st instance was contested

I.B.2.9.22 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied that, I quote in Romanian: "Aceste imprejurari
indreptatesc concluzia ca pentru inlaturarea starii de pericol, apreciata in functie de constatarile de mai
sus se impune obligarea contestatorului la tratament medical de specialitate, masura benefica in primul
rand contestatorului din prezenta cauza, care poate oricand sa conteste tratamentul recomandat de
medicii specialisti, in mod intemeiat, sa ceara tratament alternativ, etc.", as translated to English: "This
circumstances make right the conclusion that for alleviating the state of danger, appreciated according
to the aforementioned retainings, it's imposed that the contested be obligated to specialized medical
treatment, measure beneficial to the contester in the present cause, who can anytime to contest the
treatment recommended by the specialist medics, in a founded way, to ask for alternative treatment,
etc.", because "judge" Badiu Mandica attempts to falsify a syllogistical inference using false factual
premises, meaning the proven inexistant public danger, invoking that she administered proofs when she
didn't administer any, as I proven although needlesly that "judge" Badiu Mandica declared the action
founded and legal without proving anything and objectivizing by correlating with the law, which proves
in itself the decision in 12718/231/2017 is falsified, all the more I proven it falsified before I even saw it
because it's in ne bis in idem relation with 14277/231/2015 from where the schizophrenic "judge" Badiu
Mandica is invoking documents declared inadmissible and unfounded including by herself in 1st instance
of 14277/231/2015 as proven by annex 5 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. "judge" Badiu Mandica abberates as directed by the mafia
for all its members to constitute a chorus that it's "beneficial for me" to be Tortured, Bodily Harmed and
Qualifiedly Murdered, the mafia delirating that this lie somehow helps at covering up the Crimes
against humanity committed by their reckoning against me for my benefit, chorus which helped me
identify the mafia members all the more easily, including a priest who participated in the crimes from

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27th May 2017 by complicity. "Judge" Badiu Mandica then abberates even more contradicting herself by
declaring that if its not beneficial I have the right to contest the abuse, as if the judicial system is
supposed to callously chemically lobotomise and murder people as state terrorism and wrongful
political repression, abberation all the more defiant because I know the trial in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd
instance was delayed for months because the mafia expected to catch and liquidate me therefore
making it impossible for me to contest anything, or in other words "judge" Badiu Mandica attempted to
wait for me to be siilenced before falsifying the decision so I don't have the chance to prove and
denounce it as false. This is a mockery, as "judge" Badiu Mandica knows that if I'm caught by the mafia I
will be indefinitely to life "psychiatrically" incarcerated, tortured and murdered, not just because
"judge" Badiu Mandica was instigated thus informed, but also because like I mentioned is involved in the
coverup of other murders so it knows what the mafia it's part of is capable of, and of course knows of
the Crimes against humanity committed against me as "judge" Badiu Mandica was instigated to be
directly involved in since 14277/231/2015 when it had scruples, and of course had as proof annex 16 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

I.B.2.9.23 "judge" Badiu Mandica lied outright that, I quote in Romanian: "In prezenta
contestatie, nu a fost expus nici un argument care sa inlature argumentele si considerentele pe care
Judecatorul de Camera preliminara de la instanta de fond si-a intemeiat solutia", as translated in English:
"In the present contestation, no argument was exposed to eliminate the arguments and considerents on
which the Preliminary Room Judge from the 1st instance has founded the solution". The first proof that
"judge" Badiu Mandica lied as quoted, is of course annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier containing the quote in the falsified
decision from 2nd February 2018 from 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance, then the proof I did "expose an
argument", in fact 78 pages of many arguments against the falsified decision from 11th October 2017
from 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, is the plead attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier through which I anticipated
the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance would be falsified deducing from the fact that as in the
past the "judge" will copy without judging all the abberations in the falsified "prosecutor's" proposal
which is in fact to my knowledge the "state" organized crime system in Romania at least since the ex-
"communist" era, and from the fact there was no possible argument to justify breaking the law against
me obviously, nor any grounds, therefore in the contestation of the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017
in 1st instance I just made a summary of the plead against the falsified "prosecutor's" proposal and
inherently falsified the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance because there was no need to plead
different since I foreseen every contingency and intrinsicly demonstrated even before seeing the
falsified "motivation" of the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, that it could only be
falsified as the "prosecutor's" proposal was, and at the same time syllogistically invalid or lacking any
juridical logic thus inadmissible, and illegal by pervasively breaking the law, and unfounded or
groundless as no real facts were objectivized through any administration of proofs, and indeed "judge"
Miron Doina did not only not motivate the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance in any way exactly
because its impossible to justify breaking the law and fundamental rights and issue a sentence without
any grounds, or even juridical logic, in corroboration and to objectivize that it's exactly the case, "judge"
Miron Doina condemned me for this person Vasilache Daniel's crimes and diagnosis, person with which I

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have no connection, because it makes sense to the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina since I am not
indicted, convicted or diagnosed as proven by the the same falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st
instance attached also as annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which invokes no indiction, conviction or diagnosis against me as
negative proof corroborated with the positive proof of annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history, and
the fact I proven the documents falsified by the "psychiatrist" charlatans in 2015 in 14277/231/2015,
which were invoked with malice aforethought in 12718/231/2017 2nd instance although there were
annulled by the same "judge" Badiu Mandica 14277/231/2017 in 1st instance as inadmissible then
declared unfounded in 14277/231/2017 in 2nd instance evidently because they are syllogistically invalid,
groundless, self-contradictory and illegal, documents attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, respectively the falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration discharge papers are falsified as proven in the annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, being
also syllogistically invalid, groundless, self-contradictory and illegal, proving according to their own
diagnosis manual DSM-V, that the "psychiatrist" charlatans from the Focsani gulag as well as their
"magistrate" mafia instigators who used their falsified documents which is a stand alone felony also, are
schizophrenic as demonstrated by their logical incoherence and inherent occupational dysfunction
<conclude translating my universal plead that the falsified decision contains no motivation, and
the judge is obligated to motivate by administering the proofs and objectivizing the facts, and correlate
the demonstration with the law to infer judicially a correct decision,

I.B.2.9.24 "judge" Badiu Mandica was obligated to correct ex officio the 1st instance falsified
decision about the fact there is no "psychiatric" diagnosis or indiction and conviction against me, reason
for which the sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance is issued on another person named Vasilache
Daniel's crimes and diagnosis, fact which is also subsummed to my argument that there was no
argument against me to support the falsified condemnation in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance that was
obviously unfounded as expected since there were no grounds to found such a sentence which is also
illegal about every relevant law that could've been broken, even the "judge" Miron Doina being
incompatible for being accused in a penal dossier I opened, in which "judge" Miron Doina was never
aquitted because it's impossible as I've demonstrated the case thoroughly enough to put it in jail as is
the case of any of the penal dossiers I opened against the "magistrate" mafia members primarely but
also their mafia soldiers from the "police" and "gendarmes" and mafia associates from the "lawyer's
bar" and "legal medicine", which then makes consequently the condemnation in 12718/231/2017 2nd
instance unfounded and illegal or falsified as well for upholding the falsehoods within 12718/231/2017
in 1st instance, proven by the fact "judge" Badiu Mandica deliberately ommitted to objectivize on the
fact I can't be condemned for another man's felonies and diagnosis while I am not indicted, convicted or
diagnosed, nor did "judge" Badiu Mandica objectivize on the fact there is no diagnosis against me, or
that there is when invoking the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents from 14277/231/2015
where same "judge" Badiu Mandica declared the action inadmissible in 1st instance because it was
unfounded as it was declared in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance, meaning "judge" Badiu Mandica
contradicted herself perfectly proving is schizophrenic by perfect logical incoherence and occupational

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dysfunction. The falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents invoked in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd
instance that are groundless as declared in 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance mean there is also an ne bis
in idem relation with 12718/231/2017 obviously since the same falsified “psychiatric” documents are
invoked in both dossiers, documents I also proven self-contradictory and illegal thus proving in the
process both the charlatan "psychiatrist" and "magistrates" who used the falsified documents are
schizophrenic using the "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis manual DSM-V, based on the evident
symptoms of their logical incoherence and intrinsic occupational dysfunction, even as felons which
would immediately qualify these mental alienated as sociopaths - persons who pervasively are breaking
the law and other people's rights, sacrificing others lives to achieve their own ilicit interests

I.B.2.9.25 "judge" Badiu Mandica according to declarations of a person from Vrancea county is
the wife of a policeman who witheld the evidence regarding the murder of that person's son in a bar,
meaning an audio-video recording. "judge" Badiu Mandica or her accomplices from within the
courthouse in fact witheld audio evidence from me regarding her harassing me verbally in a courthouse
meeting in 2016 <seek the proof request for the audio evidence and illegal response, and the exact date
of the audio evidence>, and I caught her provoking an old convict into protesting her courtroom
injustice and verbal agression, only to convict him wrongfully for "audience felonies" of which "judge"
Badiu Mandica is actually guilty, doing so from animalic or psychopathic sadism, taking pleasure in the
power to harm others obviously by abusing the magistrate function. The Badiu family is then evidently
another of the interloper crime families operating within the Vrancea "state" mafia, obviously directly in
cahoots with its soldiers through family relations making the mafia denomination even more
appropriate. Last but not least, Badiu Mandica I accused in a penal dossier I opened against her for
harassing me by commiting against me the felony of Illegal deprivation of liberty by detaining me for
hours illegally and unfounded with the "gendarmes" within the Focsani courthouse, who also knew they
had no mandate as prooof of the cooperation between the "magistrate" mafia caporegimes and their
soldiers from the "gendarmerie", and for falsifying the acts of procedure of dossier 14277/231/2015 for
two months when it was clearly inadmissible from the first day, clearly to harass me to prove her mafia
honor. Because "judge" Badiu Mandica was never aquitted, her only compatibility is with predictable
indiction, conviction and prison according to the principle of non-contradiction, not with falsifying acts
of procedure and decisions in my cases and in 12718/231/2017 instigating that Crimes against humanity
be committed against me clearly out of Revenge for the help I given justice by denouncing her felonies
in 14277/231/2015 which is in ne bis idem with 12718/231/2017 meaning "judge" Badiu Mandica also
contradicted herself about the same provedly falsified “psychiatric” documents from 14277/231/2017
and 12718/231/2017, annulled as inadmisibile and unfounded in 14277/231/2017, which is an
aggravation circumstance felony raising the punishment for Crimes against humanity according to
Romanian Penal Code. The principle of non-contradiction proof I invoked is based on the fact I wasn't
ever accused of False declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error (giving false proofs) or
Disseminating false information (publishing the penal dossier against "judge" Badiu Mandica) which
means the Romanian "magistrate" mafia tacitly recognizes the veridicity of my demonstration of "judge"
Badiu Mandica's felonies, because my demonstration is impossible to contradict which means
predictably "judge" Badiu Mandica's dossier only possible solution is a prison sentence and the
interdiction to ever occupy a public function. Proof is the quote from the falsified decision in

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12718/231/2017 in 1st instance which was upheld by the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd
instance by "judge" Badiu Mandica by lying that ~"I haven't contradicted that I must be chemically
lobotomized for another man's crimes and diagnosis because I am not convicted and diagnosed myself"
as I've objectivized in the paragraphs above, where in fact by universal judicial principle, no man can be
sentenced for another man's crimes, and no man can be convicted without demonstrating the existance
of the immoral deed and his guilt or the demonstration that the man committed that deed, and that the
deed constitutes a felony, none of which can be demonstrated because at the same time the deed does
not physically exist, and the hallucinated accusation against me is not an immoral deed or penal deed as
relevant to the matter of penal prosecution, as I remind I've been accused of distubing the solemnity by
pleading in my defense as always without ever being accused of this as obvious proof the accuser lies as
materially proven in annex 9 of my of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, disturbing the quietness by listening to audiobooks on earphones
which I can prove with the audio recordnig of the courthouse by the fact I did the same thing for an hour
and a half without disturbing anyone and being falsely accused as thus proven, making obscene gestures
and speaking obscene words that the accusers and witnesses admit they never heard thus the
"magistrate" accusers admit they lied therefore proven the entire prosecution and house breakings is
state terrorism and my arrest during law faculty exams, being put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days
without treatment, then being poisoned with another deadly fluorine based neurotoxin for chemical
lobotomisation were intentional Crimes against humanity, committed with aforethought by the entire
group involved and accused in this ICC penal complaing, as proven in section A

<to be assimilated>
I.B.2.9.26 Furthermore "judge" Badiu Mandica sentenced me to be Tortured, Bodily Harmed
and Qualifiedly Murdered because according to the falsified decision in 1st instance in 12718/231/2017
another person named Vasilache Daniel with no connection to me whatsoever, commited other felonies
than the ones I'm falsely accused of as proven, and because Vasilache Daniel is diagnosed with
"undiferentiated schizophrenia" unlike me who I am not diagnosed with anything as I judicially declare
under penalty of committing the felonies of giving False declarations and Inducing the judiciary bodies
into error of which I was never even falsely accused of as proof of verity of my declarations and proven
demonstrations, that I was never psychiatrically examined and diagnosed according to article 184
paragraph 1 and 3 from Romanian penal procedure code and articles 10 and 11 from Romanian Law
487/2002 regarding the fact a psychiatric examination can only be initiated against murder suspects or
accused, and can only occur directly through interview with a "psychiatrist" charlatan with my informed
consent given in the presence of a legal or conventional representant, consent which was never given as
proven by “judge” Badiu Mandica’s retainings and various other proofs of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, nor there is a legal or
conventional representant who can testify otherwise as proof, because as I proven no “psychiatric”
charlatanry examination ever took place so that “psychiatric” documents regarding me can legally exist
before they were falsified as I've proven in 14277/231/2015 anulled action as inadmissible and
unfounded for being falsified, because the "magistrates" Badiu Mandica and Popa Mariana from
Vrancea Tribunal had scruples being involved directly in committing Crimes against humanity which
now they are instigating. Furthermore, no "psychiatric" charlatanry inference about me can be

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grounded because I haven't committed any penal deed or immoral act even as proven, therefore any
such “psychiatric” charlantanry documents who don't even actually exist physically in 12718/231/2017
again as proof, even if they are kept secret can only be falsified both legally and factually because I've
proven they can't be any other way in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

<to be assimilated>
I.B.2.9.27 As proof I'm sentenced explicitly in writing for the penal deeds and diagnosis of this
person named Vasilache Daniel with whom I have no connection, with aforethought by the "magistrate"
mafia as obvious because I denounced its criminal activity and for the purpose of discrediting me and
silencing me from denouncing it further by committing against me Illegal deprivation of liberty, Torture,
Bodily Harm and ultimately Qualified murder through putting me in anaphylactic shock and chemically
lobotomizing me which is constituting Crimes against humanity, I attach to this ICC penal dossier the
falsified motivation of the "judge" Miron Doina's decision in 12718/231/2017 1st instance as annex 19 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the
demonstration of the falsification of "judge" Miron Doina decision in 12718/231/2017 as annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, falsified
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance which "judge" Badiu Mandica upholds through the falsified
sentence in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance which is thus inherently proven falsified by my plead
attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier regarding the falsified “prosecutor's” proposal on which dossier 12718/231/2017
was founded, through which I demonstrated that any of the penal dossiers or psychiatric actions against
me can only be falsified as I've proved otherwise by not ever being indicted and convicted as proven by
annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and anulling even in instance the first 4 falsified psychiatric actions against me as proven by
annex 1, annex 3 and annex 5 of my Rule39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and because the last 2 are identical to the 2 before them I've also
proven them falsified intrinsicly but also explicitly as in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The inventory which I've made in my
general removal request of all "judges" who falsified any decision against me, which in time grew against
all of the "judges" of the penal section of "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse, demonstrates that all
falsified sentences against me if correlated with the "judges" brings up the fact "judges" steal dossiers
consecutively which is the statistical proof, from the random distribution system to falsify acts of
procedure in them, and refuse to abstain from falsifying acts of procedure in my dossiers although
against all I opened penal dossiers before without them ever being aquitted nor me accused of the
felonies of False declarations, Inducing into error the judiciary bodies (for false proofs) or Disseminating
false informations (for publishing the penal dossiers against the "magistrates") which according to the
principle of non-contradicton constitutes the proof of verity of my penal dossiers against these
"magistrates" which should've been indicted and convicted if the entire Romanian "magistrature" wasn't
actually part of the Romanian "state" mafia, as proven by the fact "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana falsified
mandates of arrest in 4791/231/2017 which is in ne bis in idem with 10547/231/2015 regarding the
identical false accusations that I'm a public danger, totally irresponsible, lacking discernment and

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violent, and because the condition for the existance of a mandate of arrest is my refusal to present
myself when subpoenaed however I was never subpoenaed, nor is there an emergency declared or
objectivized in any way, therefore the mandates are falsified as acts of state terrorism to be brought
with the mafia soldiers meaning the "masked police", "police" and "gendarmes" to the mafia associates
meaning the "psychiatrist" charlatans pretending to be forensic medics, while facing same groundless
and false accusations that I'm irresponsible, without discernment, violent, a public danger etc., then
"judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana also stole dossier 4909/231/2017 and falsified the decision, while
4909/231/2017 is in ne bis in idem with 11224/231/2015 which "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana knew when
it falsified the decision with malice aforethought, and "judge" Miron Doina falsified the decision in
12718/231/2017 which is in ne bis in idem with 14277/231/2015 which "judge" Miron Doina knew when
it falsified the decision with malice aforethought, and even more obvious "judge" Badiu Mandica
falsified the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance which is ne bis in idem with 14277/231/2015
which "judge" Badiu Mandica knew herlself annulled in 1st instance as inadmissible and who were
annulled as unfounded in 2nd instance, but invoked the documents annulled in 14277/231/2015 as
admissible and founded in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance evidently contradicting herself proving her
schizophrenia objectivized according to DSM-V diagnosis manual through perfect logical incoherence
and inherent occupational dysfunction

<to be assimilated>
I.B.2.9.28 In fact I demonstrated in my plead attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the first decision in
12718/231/2017 is falsified as I anticipated before I even saw the motivation in first instance, meaning
that "judge" Miron Doina wouldn't and didn't motivate the sentence in any logical way as all Romanian
"magistrates" I've ever encountered during my investigations, because it's impossible to justify the
flagrant breaking of the law which I also proven knowing it would be broken because the "prosecutor's"
proposal is instigating the law be broken as before in 14277/231/2015, and I know the "judges" "obbey"
the proposals of the "prosecutors" exactly as they did in the "communist" era under the direction of the
"secret services" mafia which in fact took power in 1989 coup d'etat and never let it go since, and who
control the "magistrates" through dossiers of blackmail as notoriously proven by the SIPA archive who
has no democratic use whatsoever, through blackmail by control of the penal and disciplinary
institutions threatening with falsified dossiers which isn't even necessary as all the Romanian
"magistrates" as I've proven are corrupt and criminals, that is the mafia is blackmailing the "magistrates"
with their own mafia commanded crimes, and beyond terrorism control, the mafia system promotes
sociopaths who commit crimes to further their social position within the mafia, perhaps so called honor
crimes. Furthermore it is impossible to invoke the verity of documents that don't even exist as proposed
by the "prosecutor", use contradictory logic within the same falsified documents against themselves as
proven by the "psychiatrist" charlatans who lied obviously I am irresponsible, lacking discernemnt,
violent and a public danger not only without proof, but claiming it's because I have superior studies, fast
thinking and general culture, and lied I have judicial history meaning penal history as proven by annex 4
from my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, which is a falsified document they refused to communicate to me as legally required because it
is obviously falsified in every possible way meaning syllogistically invalid, groundless and illegal, and

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which I managed to find hidden in a dossier and obtained a photocopy, and annex 17 from my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing my
empty judicial history, in which if the illegal judicial harassment against me wasn't covert, it should've at
least contained that I'm under penal pursuit as an accussed, and if the prosecution wasn't covert and
illegal, I would've been indicted and convicted as required by the law, after I obtained the judicial history
from the authorities. As notorious proof I invoke the Romanian public penal dossier evidence called
ECRIS that contains no such indiction and conviction still to my knowledge with which you can check
upon with the Romanian "authorities", fact which for convenience I also declare knowing the
consequences of False declarations, my judicial declaration when unnoposed being proof, or prove that
facts that don't exist don't constitute penal deeds when not even the fictional accusations the
schizophrenic "magistrate" mafia made against me don't constitute penal deeds such as I exemplify they
claimed the quietness of a courthouse meeting can be disturbed by listening to audiobooks on
earphones which I did before and after without being accused of this, and even one hour and a half
within the same meeting proving the accusation's ridiculousness beyond any reasonable doubt, but also
the mental alienatino of the accusers, the "magistrate" mafia caporegimes, "policemen" and
"gendarmes" mafia soldiers and "psychiatrist" and "lawyer" mafia associates. Furthermore the
accusation's proofs who were just invoked generically that "they exist" but they were never inventoried
and objectivized how they even prove the existance of the physical accusation, were made by a witness
working for the minister of interior affairs actually as a "special" operative, meaning a "professional"
false witness mafia soldier, halucinating about things like I was arrogant for being called to another
courthouse meeting by a gendarme as called by the judge in the other room, and other abberations like
this one proferated all over in the depositions by the other witnesses instead of telling the truth that this
was a (badly) arranged frameup to falsify penal dossiers against me, meaning they do not prove in
consequence as they logically can't the obvious fictive event lacking any proof and contradicted by all
proofs even the deposition of the accusers who admit they never saw the obscene gestures that also
nobody else saw as proof, and never heard the obscene words they accuse me of nobody else heard as
proof corroborated with the audio reording of the courthouse from 18th May 2016, that would
constitutes a penal offence - in short I was never even indicted and convicted benefitting fully from the
presumption of innocence and furthermore the prosecution didn't administer the proofs for me, proofs
through which I demonstrated my innocence in many ways although not legally required to prove my
innocence according to the principle presumption of innocence, and the mafia didn't even administer
the proofs of their false accusation against me because all proofs demonstrate my innocence and it
would've been a futile effort, the whole process against me consisting of 3 falsified penal dossiers and
lots of falsified acts of procedure being not just a mockery but a defiance of the act of justice and every
fundamental human right. In fact dossier 12718/231/2017 is identical to dossier 14277/231/2015 where
I annulled as inadmisibile and unfounded the identical proposal that I be poisoned "medically", being
accused identically of fictive facts and of being totally irresponsabile, lacking discernment, being violent
and a public danger, of course all of which unproven even through a framing attempt, and furthermore,
the same "judge" Badiu Mandica is the one who annulled it in 142772/231/2015 in 1st instance meaning
"judge" Badiu Mandica is contradicting herself in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance at the instigation of
the mafia she is member of

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<to be assimilated>
I.B.2.9.29 I corroborate my declaration that the mafia is pervasively breaking every relevant law,
with the fact in 12718/231/2017, the urgency regime of judgement was broken because they were
expecting to incarcerate me indefinitely, Torture, Bodily Harm and eventually Qualifiedly Murder me
and thus make it impossible for me to fight back judicially, and also judicial expenses were falsified
which is the mafia's habbit in general to attract illicit funds to justify the activity and administration of
their "justice" brothel where they pervasively prostitute the judicial act, but in fact falsifying judicial
expenses is also the first line of mafia's modus operandi used to detter their victims from seeking justice,
scaring them away not only with the bad reputation they've given the judicial system meaning it's a
waste of time to seek justice in Romania, but also the unfounded judiciary expenses with which given
the Romanian poverty caused by their very corruption and delapidation of Romania economy, they
intimidate the justice seekers, threatening with execution of their property as obvious, which is another
branch of the mafia where goods are undervalued of course by "executors" at something similar to 5%
of their value, and distributed to their mafia friends. This tactic didn't work against me because they
didn't allow me to have property by sellling me out and robbing me of my rights before I could gain any
or in the process of earning my existance. If one insists on pursuing justice such as I, the mafia second
intimidation tactics is falsifying judicial tickets just as they did against me, for which I opened other
penal dossiers against them meaning again for having no finances I annulled their tactic and used it
against them. The third mafia tactic of reprisal is when they start making deals with felons to harm the
justitiables like they instigated the interloper named Herghelegiu Danut to attempt to Qualifiedly
Murder me by hitting me on the head and throwing me on a flight of stairs to make it look like an
accident like the mafia taught him to lie and like I proven him a liar using his declarations against audio-
video, photo and logical evidence, inherently proving who his instigators are meaning "judge" Dita
Mirela and her accomplices, then if someone still fights back like I did investigating, proving and
denouncing who were the instigators of Herghelegiu Danut interloper who were actually the same who
attempted to cover up his attempted Qualified Murder and the fact he Bodily Harmed me, the mafia
instigates the order forces or better said the mafia soldiers to break into your home and drag you to
their mafia associates, the "psychiatrist" charlatans to falsify documents against you, by which they are
discrediting you and placing you outside the law, point from which they can make you dissapear by
abduction using their soldiers or order forces, incarcerate and poison you in one of their gulags until
they make you "a vegetable" through fluorine and chlorine poisoning just like in nazi or soviet
concentration camps or gulags respectively which is the term they use to threaten pervasively and which
I've heard from lawyeres and even priests as deterrent "advice", that is if you don't die in the process by
being put in anaphylactic shock or simply having a heart stop from the chemical lobotomisation, all of
which they did against me as proven in this ICC penal dossier.

I.B.2.9.30 Because of falsified sentences in 12718/231/2017 I can be as intended by the

Romanian "state" mafia illegally and unjustified imprisoned indefinitely to life, for the purpose of being
tortured by being permanently bodily damaged or murdered with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin
Invega, even without an (impossible) medical and lawful justification or a corresponding fake diagnosis
as annex 16 proves since Invega is prescribed for schizophrenia which it doesn't cure but cause
according to its own prospect, and causes a myriad of health problems and death as I've objectivized in

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annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, reminding that I also objectivized that the "psychiatry" charlantanry never cured anybody of the
metaphoric inexistant "mental illnesses", my chemical lobotomy and death being as the "judges"
falsified the decision in 12718/231/2017 for all duration, intents and purposes, that I be poisoned until I
no longer "represent a public danger" (by being innocent as annex 17 representing my judiciary history
proves) meaning until I can no longer denounce the mafia’s crimes in public, by being mentally
debilitated or murdered. To discredit me they already declared me since 2014 irresponsible, without
discernment, violent and a public danger (although never indicted and convicted of anything as annex
17 proves, and proven inoffensive by my entire biography as presented in 12718/231/2017, meaning all
the pleads and proofs I've used and invoked from the falsified dossiers against me 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016, 4329/P/2016, 2417/P/2014 and the falsified actions from these against me
10547/231/2015 (-4791/231/2017), 11224/231/2015 (-4909/231/2017),
14277/231/2017 (-12718/231/2017) as proven by the last page of my plead attached as annex 20 to my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1). See annex 19 regarding the
falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017

I.B.2.10 "prosecutor" Peicu Daniela instigated that the sentence in 12718/231/2017 be falsified
without motivating in fact and by the law its falsified plead, nor invoking any kind of proof. I already
have a penal dossier opened against Peicu Daniela who was never acquitted therefore her only
compatibility is with prison time for her felonies and collaboration with the mafia as I've demonstrated,
not falsifying acts of procedure in falsified dossiers against me, which just proves the Romanian "state"
mafia carelessness brought by self assuredness nobody can convict them for this

I.B.2.11 "prosecutor" Peicu Daniela lied that my designated defender meaning my mother
renounced to come to the terms in the dossier. In reality "judge" Badiu Mandica lied to my mother that
my judicial powers mandate that I gave her at the notary who knows better, is not valid, and refused to
hear my mother in my defense, which is a direct infringement of the my right to my defense. Because of
this I told my mother to stop going to the tribunal so the psychopathic "judge" Badiu Mandica make a
mockery of her time and justice as always, because "judge" Badiu Mandica proved she wasn't going to
allow my mother to talk in my defense. Proof of the lie is in the annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1, as I quote in Romanian: "Reprezentantul Ministerului
Public ... la cererea aparatorului care a renuntat sa vina sa il mai reprezinte" and as translated into
English: "The Representant of the Public Ministry (the prosecutor) ... at the demand of the defender who
renounced to come and represent him". Regardless, no defender is needed as I formulated my plead in
1st instance in 12718/231/2018, and invoked it in the contestation along with a summarized version of
it, all of which was with malice aforethought ignored because it demonstrates how the Romanian
"state" mafia falsified 4 penal dossiers against me, 6 psychiatric actions out of which I even annulled 4 in
the mafia's own courthouses because the "judges" had scruples in face of my overwhelming evidence
which would've led to the "judges" being directly involved in Crimes against humanity against me, while
the last two are identical to the two before them being inherently proven falsified as well as I
demonstrate anyway in this ICC penal dossier

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I.B.2.12 my Romanian “state” mafia appointed "lawyer" Miron Adrian pleaded against my plead,
against the law, against my fundamental rights, against juridical logic, against facts and invoked proofs
and facts that don't exist but never presented them obviously because they don't exist, as he was
instigated by the "magistrate" mafia to do. I mention I already have a penal dossier against half a dozen
of these crooked lawyers which proves statistically the whole lawyer bar association is corrupt because
it has a disciplinary committee which I've notified and refused to do its job, instigated by the very
president of the bar association. The union of Romanian bar association is also corrupt, proven in exactly
the same way, as I've proven every branch of the Romanian state is the Romanian mafia

I.B.3. "judge" Miron Doina lied outright that, I quote in Romanian from the document from 11th
October 2017 from 12718/231/2017 attached as annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier: "Dezbaterile au avut loc in sedinta
publica din data de 02.10.2017 si au fost consemnate in incheierea de sedinta de la termenul respectiv
care face parte integranta din prezenta hotarare, cand, instanta, avand nevoie de timp pentru a delibera,
a amanat pronuntarea la data de 11.10.2017, cand a hotarat urmatoarele:", as translated to English:
"The debates have taken place in the public meeting from 2nd October 2017 and were consigned in the
closing document of the meeting from the respective term which is integral part of this present decision,
when, the instance, needing time to deliberate, has delayed the pronunciation to the date of 11th
October 2017, when it decided the following:", because the debates have not taken place as proven by
the fact not a single argument was invoked and debated according to articles 349 and 351 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, from my plead attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, nor such a debate was
consigned in the closing document of the meeting from 2nd or 11th October 2017, except the retention
that I did lodge a plead in my defense and a request for the notification of the Romanian Constitutional
Court which was also unjustifiedly rejected because it's impossible to debate against the law, because
the law is not debatable in a trial, it is only applicable unless unconstitutional when it has no force of
right. In conclusion "judge" Miron Doina refused to administer the proofs and objectivize their
relevance, for the accusation as well as for the defense, breaking the law according to article 403
paragraph 1 letters c and d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, by refusing to administer proofs
and motivate factually and lawfully the falsified decision from 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance according
to the juridical syllogism laws because it's impossible to justify the instigation to Crimes against
humanity using the law, or justify the obvious falsification of the 3 penal dossiers where the deeds
obviously do not even physically exist because they cannot physically exist to be appreciated to
constitute felonies, and the accusers and witnesses admit they haven't even witnessed they deeds they
generically speak of, evidently because they don't exist like objectivized by the material proofs of the
audio recordings of the courthouse

I.B.3.1 "judge" Miron Doina lied outright in cahoots with the schizophrenic "prosecutor" Lupu
Mihai Cristian and his superior "prosecutor" Petrescu Ionut Auras brought especially from the capital
Bucharest to supervise the Romanian "state" mafia criminal activity, that, I quote in Romanian from the

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document from 11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani, a
solicitat obligarea suspectului RANETI TUDOR ANDREI ... fara antecedente penale ... la tratament
medical pana la insanatosire sau pana la obtinerea unei ameliorari care sa inlature starea de pericol, in
conformitate cu dispozitiile art.315 C.p.p., art. 109 alin.1 C.P. si art.566 C.p.p.", as translated to English:
"The prosecutor's office near the courthouse "Judecatoria Focsani", has solicited the obligation of the
suspect RANETI TUDOR ANDREI ... without a penal history ... to medical treatment until made healthy or
obtaining an amelioration to aleviate the danger situation, in conformity with dispositions of article 315
and 566 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and article 109 paragraph 1 from the Romanian
Penal Code", because evidently from the start a person "without a penal history" does not pose a
"danger situation”, which if the schizophrenic retention of the court is not enough, I punctually prove by
the facts that I demonstrated in this section regarding the falsification of the decision in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, corroborated with the demonstration of the falsification of the decision
in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance attempting to cover up the falsification of the decision in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, that I cannot be subjected to any "psychiatric" charlatanry action first
of all according to the law because I am not a suspect or accused of homicide according to article 184
paragraph 1 of the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, I never gave my consent without which any
"pscyhiatric" charlatanry examination is impossible according to article 184 paragraph 3 of the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code and article 11 of the Romanian Law 487/2002, I was never expertised
for a diagnosis to exist against me as I declared and demonstrated and was never accused of the felonies
of giving False declarations or Inducing into error the judicial bodies as proof of verity of my declarations
and proofs recognized by the Romanian "magistrate" mafia itself, the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry
documents who were hidden but I managed to obtain in 2015 although it's legally obligatory for them to
be communicated to me explicitly according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from
the Romanian Law 487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law
487/2002, and article 566 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, are identically illegal,
unfounded, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid as the "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration
discharge papers from 8th June 2017 who were communicated explicitly to me as all should, as proven
in annex 4, annex 16 and annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the falsified "psychiatric" documents being obviously illegal,
unfounded, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid because they break all relevant laws and
regulations, they present not even one factual premise from which any logical inference could be made
about my mental sanity, reminding that I proven myself mentally sane with documents regarding I'm
army incorporable, apt for work and superior studies, other documents, logic, witnesses etc. in annex 20
and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, they contradict themselves by nonsense such as that because I have superior studies, fast
thinking, general culture, I am irresponsible, with severely reduced or without discernment, violent and
a public danger, and finally because all law and regulations were broken there is no universal law
premise, nor is there a correlated factual particular premise from which according to juridical logic any
syllogistical inference can be made, meaning these falsified "psychiatric" documents are obviously
invalid or inadmissible in any juridical procedure. Above all these proofs of falsification of the
"prosecutor's proposal", "judge" Miron Doina lied by omission refusing to denounce the "prosecutor"
and his falsified proposal, hiding the fact it is required for me to be indicted and convicted according to

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article 109 from Romanian Penal Code which refers to deed-doers or convicts, not to suspects or
accused, obviously according to the principle of the presumption of innocence according to the articles 4
from the Romanian Penal procedure code, article 23 (11) from the Romanian Constitution and articles
11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution who makes Romania's ratified treaties internal right meaning
article 11 from the Universal declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the European
convention of human rights, who state I must be definitively convicted meaning usually in 2nd instance
or by an unattacked penal decision in 1st instance, in which my deeds are proven felonies and in which
my fundamental rights are respected of which paramount are my right to defense and of course the
principle of legality which is the sole warrant of impartiality, but the fact remains that I was never
indicted and convicted as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, corroborated as I quote from the same paragraph of the
falsified 12718/231/2017 decision in Romanian: "fara antecedente penale", meaning in English: "without
a penal history" or in other words, never indicted or convicted, therefore I never committed a penal
deed from which any "psychiatric" charlatanry diagnosis can be inferred, therefore all "psychiatric"
charlatanry documents and all penal dossiers against me ever concocted by the Romanian "magistrate"
mafia are falsified as proven just by the principle of the presumption of innocence, although I've went
beyond and proven my innocence by demonstrating the deeds I'm accused of do not exist physically
because they cannot exist physically, and even if they could through the reduction to the absurd, they
cannot be objectivized that they constitute penal offences, which proves actually the "judiciary bodies"
and "psychiatrists" are schizophrenic according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry international manual
of diagnosis and statistics, by the symptoms of perfect incoherence and occupational dysfunction, even
as criminals which automatically places the diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder on them, and the
symptom of failure to recognize what's real inherently, or in practice failure to recognize that fictive
deeds they hallucinated are not real except to their alienated from reality mind, as they cannot be
proven to exist even. To conclude in short, all the laws and regulations disallowed any penal or
psychiatric "charlatanry" action to even start against me, and as a result all penal and psychiatric
"charlatanry" procedures ended up being against the law and regulations, unfounded, self-contradictory
and syllogistically invalid, all of which "judge" Miron Doina omitted to denounce although legally
obligated, reason for which "judge" Miron Doina committed the felony of Omission to notify the
judiciary bodies according to article 267 of the Romanian Penal Code which proves beyond any
reasonable doubt her complicity to the Crimes against humanity she helped the Romanian “magistrate”
mafia instigate through the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance

I.B.3.2 "judge" Miron Doina lied outright that, I quote in Romanian from the document from
11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "domiciliat ... fara forme legale in Focsani, B-dul Unirii, nr. 28,
bl. 28, ap.5, jud,Vrancea" meaning in English: "domiciled ... without legal forms in Focsani, B-dul Unirii,
nr. 28, bl. 28, ap.5, jud,Vrancea", which is a lie proven by the fact I do not live at that address as
objectivized by the falsified decision in 4791/231/2017 regarding state terrorism through illegal home
breaking, where the "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana declared that ~"I couldn't be found for the expertise on
8th December 2016", and although I'm unaware if I was searched for by the mafia "secret police"
soldiers at my mother's address which I’m certain my mother would’ve told me, it can certainly mean
my mother's apartment is under surveillance, as is her phone, as is the phone of one of my friend’s

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mother who also denounced the “magistrate” mafia in the region and proved it with an document he
found and also published, facts regarding illegal surveillance supported by numerous evidence in which
is irrelevant to go into in this plead. This lie is also irrelevant except regarding the fact only the
Romanian "magistrate" mafia member ever used it, being mentally alienated because it has no other
significance other than harassing my mother in the process of persecuting me, which is my only family. I
remind that during the home breakings with tens of "masked policemen", "policemen", "secret
policemen" and "gendarmes" during Orthodox Easter, my mother has fallen ill with Zoster Area from
stress and trauma. The other newer lie in the same register is the fact the whole Romanian "state" mafia
started muttering publicly in a chorus recently that they were committing Crimes against humanity for
my benefit, another proof of their mental alienation which actually helped me identify some of the
other members of this criminal organized group

I.B.3.3 "judge" Miron Doina lied by ommission that, I quote in Romanian from the document
from 11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "In motivarea sesizarii, se arata ca, impotriva
suspectului Raneti Tudor Andrei s-au inregistrat la Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani, trei
plangeri penale pentru savarsirea in datele de 18.05.2016, 14.07.2016 si 28.07.2016 a trei infractiuni de
incalcare a solemnitatii sedintelor de judecata prezidate de judecatorul Paun Ionel Iulian din cadrul
Judecatoriei Focsani si Popa Mariana, din cadrul Tribunalului Vrancea", as translated into English: "In the
motivation of the notification, it is shown that, against the suspect Raneti Tudor Andrei there was
registered at the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse, three penal complaints
for the committal on the dats of 18th May 2016, 14th July 2016 and 28th July 2016 of three felonies of
Disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse meetings presided by the judge Paun Ionel Iulian from
"Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse and judge Popa Mariana from Vrancea Tribunal", because "it's not
shown" nor proved anywhere that I committed any felony, or that even a physical deed exists that could
be appreciated to constitute a felony on the dates of 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016 (the quoted
dates are wrong), as proven by this very falsified decision where "judge" Miron Doina lies generically as
typical to liars or according to the Romanian proverb "lies have short legs" meaning they don't
withstand scrutiny as these lies don't even try to hide the truth, but "judge" Miron Doina never
administers any proofs or objectivizes the meaning of proofs according to articles 349 and 351 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code because they demonstrate my innocence by themselves, and does not
correlate the meaning of the proofs with the law to prove or disprove my guilt, procedure of tying a
felony to the felon which cannot even be undertaken before proving a deed even physically exist, and
inherently the "judge" Miron Doina never infers a legal and founded judicial decision, but falsifies one as
proven by my positive demonstration I already made in my plead attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier that the
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance can only be falsified if it's against me and upholds the
falsified "prosecutor's proposal" and is against even any of my arguments when it is in fact against all as
it’s falsified in all possible manners as I objectivize in this ICC penal dossier, corroborated with the
demonstration I already made regarding the falsification of the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd
instance, as well as the demonstration I will make regarding the falsification of the "prosecutor's
proposal", as I summarily remind no deed physically existed as the accusers themselves and witnesses
admitted no obscene words were uttered and no obscene gestures were committed on 18th May 2016,

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and obviously the quietness of the courthouse meeting couldn't have been disturbed by listening to
audio books on earphones evidently because I did the same thing for one hour and a half in the same
meeting without being accused, and in the same courthouse in other meeting and other courthouses as
well if the ridiculousness of the accusation is not proof enough, all corroborated with the audio
recording of the courthouse which proves directly the lying accusers "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta and "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian committed the felonies of False declarations and Inducing the
judicial bodies into error, which is why of course the "magistrate" mafia refused to administer the audio
recording of the courthouse because it proves the accusers are liars and felons for it, and I am in fact in
possession of this proof which I published at address < and can email on demand as an mp3 file, and
based on which I pleaded in the penal complaint against these lying "magistrates" which were never
consequently acquitted. These false accusations formed the falsified dossier 2845/P/2016. Respectively,
on 24th June 2016 I pleaded in my defense as always before the same "judge" Popa Mariana as on other
occasions, and as before other judges, without being accused falsely because obviously pleading is not
the felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the court, else everyone would commit it obviously. This is
proven directly also with the audio recording of the courthouse which "judge" Popa Mariana refused 4
times to communicate it to me abusing her function as section president, withholding evidence
obviously to hide her crimes against me, which is proof in itself of "judge" Popa Mariana admitting she
committed the felonies of False declarations and Inducing the judicial bodies into error. These false
accusations formed the falsified dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016. Together, these falsified
dossier prove the extent of the organized criminal group which extends in every courthouse and
prosecutor office in Vrancea county, the administratively and judicially hierarchically superior Galati
county courthouse and prosecutor office and the Romanian General Prosecutor's Office or Public
Ministry, and Superior Council of Magistrates, as well as the other disciplinary action titularies meaning
the minister of justice and supreme court president, as well as the Ministry of interior affairs and
Interior control committee of this ministry, regarding the felonies of the "policemen" and "gendarmes"
involved, including the "special agent" from the Ministry of interior affairs Crintea Valerica who in
2845/P/2016 acted as a false witness although not accusing me of anything but also not denouncing
that on 18th May 2016 it was committed an obvious frame-up against me, ministers for which the prime
minister is responsible, for which the president of Romania is responsible of opening a penal file against,
all of which I notified and refused to do their job as proof of their affiliation with the organized crime
cartel I conveniently call the Romanian "state" mafia, which I often objectivized came from the ex-
"communist" nomenclature or "ruling class" who evidently can't exist under true communism, mafia
who took power in 1989 coup d'etat and never let it go, and has been dilapidating the national interest
of Romania ever since just like it sold out my life entirely destroying it in the process, two careers in
informatics and law, no house, no job, no family, and for wanting justice and investigating and
denouncing the Romanian "state" mafia, 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against
humanity committals, as objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1. I remind as demonstrated before in the
section regarding the falsification of the decision in 12718/231/2017, I formulated a complaint against
the falsified "prosecutor's" acts for each falsified ordinance in 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016, meaning at least 9 complaints for each falsified in rem, in personam and putting into
action of penal pursuit ordinances, all of which were either turned away to the prosecutor's office
illegally where one was even "solved" by the "prime prosecutor" instead of the judge, committing the

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felonies of Usurpation of official functions meaning arrogating the official attributes of a judge in this
case, and emitting documents as if legally holding that office, and Usurpation of the function of
prosecutor since obviously falsifying a judge's decision is not within a prosecutor's attributes, while
others were declared inadmissible at the courthouse illegally and unfounded meaning by breaking the
law and with no motivation, while of the rest I lost track meaning they could've not been registered at
all and destroyed also, not that turning them back to the prosecutor's office is not the same thing,
constituting the felonies of Turning away or destroying proofs or other documents according to articles
259 and 275 from the Romanian Penal Code. Finally, because the 3 penal complaints were declared
flagrant meaning there is no doubt I committed the felonies according to the false accusations about
which I already demonstrated the deeds that constitute the false accusations not only do not exist
physically because they cannot, but they cannot be demonstrated to constitute felonies, so if they are
flagrant felonies I cannot be declared a suspect because flagrant means the felony and my guilt that I
committed it is certain, meaning the penal pursuit should've been put into action immediately, and I
should've been indicted and convicted within 30 days according to Romanian Law 304/2004, being no
reason for delay, but because the falsified 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 were
premeditated, no indiction and conviction exists because the Romanian "magistrate" mafia knows it
cannot prove my guilt when it cannot even prove the deed that constitute the false accusation exists or
can be correlated with a felony, all the more the proofs demonstrate by themselves my innocence that
is the accusers lie even contradicting themselves with their schizophrenic meaning incoherent
declarations that I committed obscene gestures they didn't see, and uttered obscene words they did not
hear, and disturbed the quietness of the courthouse by listening to audio books on earphones but only
after one hour and a half of doing the same thing on 18th May 2016 as demonstrated by the audio
recording of the courthouse it disturbed nobody, or that I disturbed the solemnity of the courthouse by
pleading as always but never been accused of before or after as proof, not even by the same "judge"
Popa Mariana who is withholding evidence of its crimes committed against me on 24th June 2016,
meaning the audio recording of the courthouse from 24th June 2016. As I've shown about the falsified
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance, each time a falsified ordinance was falsified, meaning in
rem, in personam and putting into action the penal pursuit, I was harassed to give the same declaration,
up to 3 times in total, declarations in which I accused the "judiciary bodies" who falsified dossiers
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 demonstrating how and why they falsified these dossiers,
which also constitutes the reason they committed the Crimes against humanity attempting to
Qualifiedly murder me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 like I've proven in section A. II.
1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, by putting me into anaphylactic shock for 3 days through deadly fluorine and
chlorine poisoning without treatment, then after I survived they poisoned me forcefully with the same
deadly fluorine based neurotoxin they've injected me in the night of 5th to 6th December 2014 as
proven by a blood test I took 4 months later, according to the demonstration in section A.I.1-2, which
has shown the symptoms that only paliperidone or risperidone could've caused, and proven by the fact I
recognized the same symptoms after the Torture between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, as after
the night of 5th to 6th December 2014. Finally I remind that precisely because I accused and
demonstrated the felonies of the "judiciary bodies" in the same dossiers they falsified against me, which
is legal and has a precedent that I read about where anticorruption commissar Traian Berbeceanu
accused his own lying accusers of falsifying the dossier against him, in the same dossier, these "judiciary

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bodies" were incompatible of administering the dossiers according to the principle nemo esse iudex in
sua cause potest, and according to article 11 from Romanian Government Ordinance 27 from 2002
regarding the fact no functionary can address any complaint regarding his own deeds, obviously based
on the same principle. Because I've demonstrated all of this in the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, as well as in the plead in 12718/231/2017 attached as annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, it is
proven that "judge" Miron Doina lied by omission about the falsification of the "prosecutor's" proposal
registered as 12718/231/2017, and falsified the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance by breaking
every relevant law and regulation, without any grounds, self-contradictory because being based on self-
contradictory falsified documents, and invalidating the syllogistical juridical inference or decision
because is unrelated to a factual particular premise meaning my fictive felonies, or to a universal law
premise which is uncorrelated with my fictive felonies because the deeds I’ve been falsely accused of do
not exist physically can not even ad absurdum can constitute felonies, as proven anyway by the fact I've
never been indicted and convicted as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history meaning I
benefit from the presumption of innocence, and because I am not indicted, convicted or diagnosed
which is another condition for this particular judiciary procedure, I've been sentenced illegally and
groundlessly for the crimes and diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel because I have none, in an attempt of the
schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina to fool readers of the sentence perhaps, reminding that by breaking
the law "judge" Miron Doina is displaying logical juridical incoherence and occupational dysfunction,
symptoms which according to the DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis and statistics manual,
means "judge" Miron Doina is schizophrenic, all the more according to the definition of failing to
recognize what's real, meaning the notorious fact nobody can be logically accused of another person's
deeds, even more prosecuted for another person's crimes, to which I also declare knowing the
consequences of False declarations and Inducing the judiciary bodies into error that I do not know this
Vasilache Daniel person meaning I'm also not his accomplice, instigator, nor is such a connection even
insinuated anywhere. The only logical connection is that to be poisoned with paliperidone or risperidone
I should've been falsely diagnosed with schizophrenia with which Vasilache Daniel is diagnosed, falsely
or not, fact about which I also demonstrated that "pscyhiatry" is charlatanry in section A, and in annex
21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier I've demonstrated that the charlatans who commercialize these poisons as medicine have been
convicted before and repeatedly for charlatanry, and the paliperidone and risperidone is not only
notoriously proven a deadly neurotoxin, it also claims it treats schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia
which proves according to the "psychiatric" charlatanry definition, that ironically the "psychiatrist"
charlatans who use this poison are schizophrenic, by their logical incoherence and occupational
dysfunction, fact which I've corroborated with many other proofs regarding the myriad of health
problem this poison causes besides death, according to science and countless testimonies, facts which
unveil the global reality of what can be called the pharmaceutical mafia literarily committing Crimes
against humanity by destroying people's humanity by chemically lobotomizing them, pharmaceutical
mafia which has been caught in Romania drugging institutionalized children, homeless, elders,
youngsters, members of Rroma minority and other persons unable to defend themselves, or put outside
of the protection of the law meaning dissidents and human rights defenders against this murderous

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mafia regime such as myself, facts corroborated with a report of the Romanian "state" mafia "secret
services" who attempted of disculping themselves of knowing of these threats to national security by
notifying the General Prosecutor's Office who of course also being part of the Romanian "state" mafia
covered the report up, including my report who I've attached to theirs, all of which I've either witnessed
or discovered thanks to other brave journalists, and objectivized in an exemplificative rather that
exhaustive document I've forwarded to CCHR and other organizations, and published to the address
https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy, and of which I’ve spoke in paragraphs 1.1^6,
2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

I.B.3.4 "judge" Miron Doina lied by omission that, I quote in Romanian from the document from
11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Deoarece au existat indoieli cu privire la discernamantul
suspectului, prin expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica efectuata sub nr.1447/A1/P/333/09.12.2016 de SML
Vrancea s-a concluzionat ca acesta prezinta "tulburare psihotica, acuta predominant deliranta, tulburare
de personalitate de tip paranoid", apreciindu-se ca la momentul comiterii faptei discernamantul a fost
absent", as translated to English: "Because there were doubts regardnig the discernemnt of the suspect,
through the legal medicine expertise effectuated under no 1447/A1/P/333/09.12.2016 by SML Vrancea it
was concluded that the suspect presents "psychotic disorder, acute predominantly delirant, paranoid
personality disorder", being appreciated that at the moment of the deed committal the discernment was
I.B.3.4.1 because no "doubts" were enounced and according to article 286 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code all acts of procedure must be motivated in fact and by the law, so no "doubts"
could be even objectivized, even less inferred from that a "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" must
be performed, which also according to the law is illegal in my case because I'm not suspect accused of
homicide, according to article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, I haven't
given my consent for the mafia to use as a legal cover-up thus an "expertise" is impossible according to
article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and article 11 from the Romanian Law
487/2002 regarding mental health, and last but not least, all doubts are to be interpreted in favor of the
suspect or accused according to the principle presumption of innocence as enounced by article 4 and
article 99 of the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and
I.B.3.4.2 because the mentioned "psychiatry" charlatanry legal medicine expertise was falsified
in my absence meaning illegally because according to article 10 from Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding
mental health any "psychiatric" charlatanry examination can only occur directly meaning in my presence
and if I cooperate. Evidently the delirium of a "psychiatrist" charlatan can never constitute an objective
proof in any criminal investigation, all the more because I've proven in section A "psychiatry" is
charlatanry, neither medicine or science, the hallucinations of the "psychiatrist" charlatans being
evidently subjective, not to mention always false and illicit as proven by the simple fact they don't
diagnose themselves as schizophrenics when they emit these self-contradictory falsified documents,
which correlates with the notorious facts it's always the crazy people who are not aware of their mental
illness, as these "psychiatrist" charlatans or the "magistrates" who use their obviously falsified
documents and incriminate themselves by it. Furthermore this falsified expertise was never
communicated to me as legally required according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5

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of the Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding mental health, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of
application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, and article 566 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, and most importantly it was never present in dossier 12718/231/2017 because my
mother who I mandated to look in the dossier in my stead so I am not illegally arrested, indefinitely
detained to life, Tortured, Bodily Harmed or Qualifiedly Murdered, did not find any "psychiatric"
charlatanry falsified documents at all, meaning the Romanian "state" mafia hid them from me for all
time knowing I publish and prove them falsified and through them the criminal activity of the Romanian
"state" mafia, just as I published the "psychiatric" charlatanry falsified documents from 2015 attached as
annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and proved them falsified in the mafia's own courthouses meaning inadmissible and unfounded
in dossier 14277/231/2015 according to annex 5 and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Because the falsified as proven
"psychiatric" charlatanry “expertise” invoked by the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina was never in the
12718/231/2017 in 1st dossier as proven by the fact in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance the other
schizophrenic "judge" Badiu Mandica invoked the proven falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents
from 2015, which herself rejected in 14277/231/2015 in 1st instance as proven by annex 5 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which
demonstrates by perfect logical incoherence and inherent occupational dysfunction that "judge" Badiu
Mandica is schizophrenic according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and
statistics, and instead of invoking the falsified "psychiatry" charlatanry "expertise" from 9th December
2016, invoked the falsified "psychiatry" charlatanry incarceration discharge papers which do not
constitute a legal medicine expertise and can't be used in the judicial object of 12718/231/2017, all the
more I proven them illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid in this ICC penal
dossier and in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, it is then inadmissible to invoke proofs that not only were never administered by
objectivization of their legality, foundedness and juridical logical correctness, and most importantly
were never opposed to me according to the principle of contradictoriality according to articles 349 and
351 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code by which my right to my defense was infringed upon by
not being given the chance to analyze and prove using the falsified documents themselves, that they are
falsified by being illegal, unfounded, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid, but I was forced
according to annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier representing my plead in 12718/231/2017, to accomplish the task of proving all
penal dossiers and "psychiatric" charlatanry actions against me are falsified which is why my plead is so
large, and any penal dossiers and "psychiatric" charlatanry actions against me can only be falsified using
my entire biography and documents declaring my aptitude for army incorporation, work and superior
studies, other proof documents of my mental sanity and innocence including being licensed in
informatics and having work experience, being a student in law for which mental sanity is also required
theoretically speaking since all these "magistrate" criminals obviously graduated superior law studies
and are all schizophrenic statistically proven from the bottom to the top of the judiciary system
hierarchy, logical proofs, witnesses etc. Obviously as proven by the falsified decisions in
12718/231/2017 the Romanian "state" mafia avoided administering my plead arguments which are
proofs according to article 97 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code all the more its evidently

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grounded in proofs, because it demonstrates everything, the Romanian "state" existence and criminal
activity regarding me and in general, and even that "psychiatry" is charlatanry because according to the
"psychiatrists" public declarations there are no such things as mental illnesses, which is evidently a
metaphoric denomination attempting to steal legitimacy or accreditation from real medicine and real
physical diseases to hide using the public's ignorance as in any charlatanry ever, the fact "psychiatry" is
charlatanry, not medicine, not science. Finally, no "psychiatry" charlatanry "expertise" is relevant
regarding any moment of the past according to its own “psychiatric” charlatanry regulations but logic
also as revealed to me by a "psychiatrist" charlatan who I befriended, after which I found the regulation
myself, meaning not even past diagnostics are relevant to future ones according exemplificative to
article 122 from Socola Iasi "psychiatry" gulag regulations which must be same in Romania because
regulations extract their juridical force from the law, namely article 14 paragraph 2 from the Romanian
Law 487/2002, which is unique that is not ambiguous or contradictory, because obviously a person can
be on drugs one day and off drugs the other, and that the person took drugs cannot be proven after the
drugs cannot be detected, example which has nothing to do with me because I never took any drugs nor
was I ever even suspected or accused of taking drugs meaning the blood drug test I was given between
27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 was also abusive, analysis by which I demonstrate the falsification of
the "psychiatric" charlatanry inference that I committed a felony without discernment has no grounds
not only because the deed does not physically exist because it cannot physically exist, and cannot be
constituted into a felony except ad absurdum which intrinsically proves by logical incoherence and
occupational dysfunction that the "psychiatrist" charlatans and "magistrate" criminals who falsely
accused me are schizophrenic, the inference from this "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise", meaning
the diagnostic, cannot be made according to the “psychiatric” charlatanry regulations because it cannot
be objectively proven I committed a felony with discernment or without half a year or a year ago from
the "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise", all the more this "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" was
falsified in my absence which is not only illegal according to article 10 of the Romanian Law 487/2002
regarding mental health which states any "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" is done directly with the
"psychiatric" charlatan meaning in an interview, but the inference is syllogistically invalid since not only
I've not given my consent to participate in an “psychiatry“ charlatanry interview according to article 11
of Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding mental health and article 184 paragraph 3 from Romanian Penal
Procedure Code which then makes it impossible without my cooperation, I haven't even been physically
in an interview on 8th or 9th December 2016 for someone to lie the interview took place, as proven by
the falsified motivation in 4791/231/2017 attached as annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, where it states that ~"I couldn't be
found". Regardless, I declared knowing the consequences of committing the felonies of False
declarations and Inducing the judiciary bodies into error, that no "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise"
ever took place regardless whether I wasn't present or brought by force with the "masked policemen",
"policemen" and "gendarmes" Romanian "state" mafia soldiers, as if my consent could be coerced by
intimidation after the attempted Qualified Murder and Bodily Harm committed against me in the night
between 5th to 6th December 2014 when I was violently hit on the head and thrown on a flight of stairs
to make it looks like an accident, then poisoned with paliperidone or risperidone at the emergency
ward, as objectivized in this ICC penal dossier section A.I.1-2 and A.<?, and section B.<?regarding the

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penal dossier against interloper Herghelegiu Danut and his instigators and accomplices from the mafia
“magistrates”, “police”, “gendarmes”, “legal medicine” etc. to Qualifiedly Murder me>
I.B.3.5 "judge" Miron Doina lied by omission that, I quote in Romanian from the document from
11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "In consecinta, prin ordonanta data in dosarul penal nr.
2845/P/2016 din 01.08.2017 al Parchetului de pe langa Tribunalul Vrancea s-a dispus clasarea cauzei
privind savarsirea infractiunii de incalcarea solemnitatii, prev. de art.278 alin.1 C.p. cu aplic.38 alin.1 C.p.
deoarece exista o cauza de neimputabilitate, respectiv iresponsabilitatea si sa solicitat sesizarea
judecatorului de camera preliminara din cadrul Judecatoriei Focsani cu propunearea de luare fata de
acesta a masurii de siguranta a obligarii la tratament medical", as translated to English: "In
consequence, through the ordnance given in penal dossier no 2845/P/2016 from 1st August 2017 of the
prosecutor's office near the Vrancea Tribunal it was disposed the closing of the cause regarding the
committal of the felony of solemnity infringement, foreseen by article 278 alignment 1 Penal Code with
the application of 38 alignment 1 Penal Code because there is a cause of non-punishment, respectively
irresponsibility and it was solicited the notification of the judge of the preliminary room from the
"Judecatoriei Focsani" courthouse with the proposal of taking against him the measure of security of
obligation to medical treatment"
I.B.3.5.1 because there can be no "consequence", or inference, out of no particular factual
premise meaning no deed has been proven to exist physically, because it cannot exist physically, and
cannot be objectivized even ad absurdum to constitute a felony, therefore no particular factual premise
can be correlated with an universal law premise for a juridically logical inference to be made, or to
invoke a logical "consequence", out of literarily nothing;
I.B.3.5.2 because the falsified "prosecutor" ordinance from 1st August 2017 I proven falsified in
annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, which the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina refused to administer because it proves not just
2845/P/2016 but all the 4 penal dossiers and all 6 psychiatric actions against me are falsified, as the first
4 I annulled in the mafia's own courthouses meaning 15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015 1st and 2nd instance, while the last two 4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017 are in ne
bis in idem relation with the two before them, being based on the same false accusations and that I'm
irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public danger, all of it groundless, unproven in any
way of course, while all the acts of procedure are breaking every law or regulation, and the falsified
documents attempting to cover up the falsified procedure are self-contradictory as are the witnesses
which as all proofs demonstrated my innocence by not even contributing to the accusation, and all the
acts of procedure against me are syllogistically invalid for having no premises at all. Obviously because
there is no deed, there is no accusation, and there can be no cause of non-punishment, and no reason
for a security measure, all the more I was never indicted and convicted for a punishment to be
established which can only be established if guilt is proven in a trial where all my procedural rights were
respected, when in the falsified dossiers against me my rights were not respected at all even in the
prosecution phase which can't legally exist to start with as proof of all the ordinances being falsified, and
the security measure proposal in 12718/231/2017 inherently, because there is no deed on which the
prosecution could be grounded on. Lastly, it's obviously ridiculous to claim irresponsibility which is
equated here with lack of discernment, can be treated by poisoning, because obviously if lack of
discernment of which everyone suffers to a degree were treatable, everyone would be treated and

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there would be exemplificatively no car crashes, but the claim lack of discernment can be treated with
poisons or neurotoxic drugs is absurd because lack of discernment is caused by lack of thought, and the
function of thought can only be destroyed by destroying the underlying physical brain through
neurotoxic poisoning, which is why I've been numerous times threatened that I will be made "a
vegetable" by poisoning in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag like the Romanian "state" mafia instilled
terror in the population and word reached me through mostly everyone I know in Romania, meaning
Crimes against humanity were committed against others before me in this manner meaning this isn't
just a threat, it's the notorious proof of the criminal activity of the Romanian "state" mafia
I.B.3.5.3 because no felony was committed therefore no closing of the dossier can legally occur
with the conclusion the felony was commited, because no deed that could constitute a felony was
physically proven to exist, because it cannot physically exist as I remind the lying accusers admitted they
never saw the obscene gestures they accuse me of, and never heard the obscene words they accuse me
of, and never heard how I disturb the quietness of the courthouse meeting by listening on audio books
on earphones because it's impossible, as proven by the fact nobody else did like the false witnesses who
did not contribute to the accusation but neither did they accuse the lying accusers, and of course the
objective proof of the audio recordings of the courthouse prove that on 18th May 2016 I did nothing and
it is the lying accusers "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian who
Disturbed the solemnity of the courthouse meeting with their foolish attempt to frame me, and on 24th
June 2016 it is also the lying accuser "judge" Popa Mariana who Disturbed the solemnity of the
courthouse by attempting for hours to provoke me by verbally harassing me, even keeping illegally the
convicts for murder in the courthouse room and conversing with them during my trial revealing to them
my full name and address even. Furthermore, no cause of non-punishment because of irresponsibility
was proven because as I've demonstrated before, I was never "expertized" by a "psychiatrist" charlatan
in my life, except perhaps for the army where I’ve been declared apt for incorporation, therefore I
couldn't have been diagnosed with anything because of this reason alone according to article 10 from
Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding mental health stating that a "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination"
can only occur directly with the "psychiatrist" charlatan, and according to article 10 from Romanian Law
487/2002 regarding mental health it can obviously only occur with the consent of the examinee given in
the presence of his legal or conventional representative, and who has been fully informed meaning of
all the relevant legislation, rights and of course the repercussions of dealing with the "psyhiatrist"
charlatans. Furthermore because no immoral or penal deed physically exists and can be proven to
physically exist because it is impossible as demonstrated before, and therefore not even ad absurdum
can the inexistent deed constitute a felony, no particular factual premise can exist therefore no
inference that a deed was committed irresponsibly or not, therefore again no diagnosis can exist.
Because the case is a penal matter, I corroborate with article 184 paragraph 1 from Romanian Penal
Procedure Code who states only the suspect of accused of homicide can be proposed to be "examined"
using the "psychiatric" charlatanry, and this however cannot infringe on the right of the examinee to not
give his consent and therefore make the examination impossible according to article 184 paragraph 3
from Romanian Penal Procedure Code, mentioning that these articles are unconstitutional and void of
right because the suspect and accused benefit from the presumption of innocence according to article 4
from the Romanian Penal procedure code, article 23 (11) from the Romanian Constitution and articles
11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution who makes Romania's ratified treaties internal right meaning

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article 11 from the Universal declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the European
convention of human rights. In conclusion there is no case of irresponsibility, as there isn't even a case
at all, meaning all the penal and "psychiatric" charlatanry actions are falsified in all possible relevant
manners, groundlessly, breaking every law and regulation, while the falsified documents are self-
contradictory being concocted by schizophrenics, which are intrinsically sillogistically invalid;
I.B.3.5.4 because the "prosecutor's proposal" is falsified like I will demonstrate in detail in the
proper following section, and like I prove in short invoking the above given demonstration that because
there are no physical deeds that can constitute a felony because the deeds cannot exist physically, they
can't constitute a premise either for inferring a "psychiatric" charlatanry diagnosis therefore all the
"prosecutor" ordnances and "psychiatric" charlatanry documents are falsified, again shortly
demonstrated by the fact I was never indicted and convicted as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my
nonexistent penal history, therefore no measure of security can be issued against me, corroborated
again with the legal fact no measure of security can be issued except against a proven penal deed-doer
or felon, proven in a definitive trial where all the procedural rights of the accused were respected, which
is the only way to alleviate the principle of the presumption of innocence established according to
article 4 from the Romanian Penal procedure code, article 23 (11) from the Romanian Constitution and
articles 11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution who makes Romania's ratified treaties internal right
meaning article 11 from the Universal declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the
European convention of human rights. I remind the “psychiatrist” charlatans mafia associates lied I have
a penal history as instigated by the “magistrate” mafia caporegimes, as proven by annex 4 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, being obvious
in consequence that there would be no reason to lie if the penal dossiers and “psychiatric” charlatanry
actions against me were not falsified;
I.B.3.5.5 because irresponsibility can't be treated medically, and even more irresponsibility can't
be treated with deadly fluorine neurotoxins who cause irresponsibility as proven by the schizophrenic
producers of the poison who admit in the prospect that their poison treats schizophrenia by causing
schizophrenia, amongst producing a myriad of health problems being really rat poison, as I've
demonstrated in section A and annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Obviously and exemplificatively since there are car
crashes, all who take a driver's license should undergo this impossible irresponsibility removal treatment
which really if it existed everyone would take it, but the fact of the matter is that it's true as I've
demonstrated, "psychiatry" when it isn't charlatanry for the use of the "psychiatrist" charlatans, it is
used as state terrorism and wrongful political repression like it was used in nazi camps and soviet gulags
notoriously, meaning these labor concentration camps expanded in the context of the "psychiatry"
charlatanry to the nation state, where as I proven using the case of Romania, the "psychiatrist"
charlatans for the pharmaceutical mafia meaning at least for illicit profit, are drugging institutionalized
children, elders, youngsters, gypsies and anyone without education or a means to defend himself, and of
course it is used against outlaws meaning people put outside the protection of the law such as
dissidents against "state" organized crime or human rights defenders such as myself, as I've shortly
proven with my address towards CCHR published at address
https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy, of which I spoke in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5

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and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier
I.B.3.5.6 In conclusion as demonstrated above, the whole phrase of the schizophrenic "judge"
Miron Doina is falsified, which is proof in itself by logical incoherence between the purpose of covertly
falsifying the decision and the means that obviously deconspire and prove by themselves the
falsification of the decision because of the falsification of the particular factual premises and breaking of
the universal law premises, and of course by the juridical logical incoherence between the obligation of
a judge to obey the law and the fact the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina breaks all relevant law and
regulation with demonstrates also occupational dysfunction, that demonstrates that "judge" Miron
Doina is schizophrenic according to the DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and
I.B.3.6 "judge" Miron Doina lied that, I quote in Romanian from the document from 11th
October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Analizand actele si lucrarile dosarului, instanta constata
urmatoarele", as translated to English: "Analizing the acts and works in the dossier, the instance finds
the following", because "judge" Miron Doina didn't administer any of my 78 pages plead attached as
annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and didn't administer even the proofs because they demonstrate by themselves my innocence
and that the accusers are liars

I.B.3.7 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina abberated that, I quote in Romanian from the
document from 11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Prin ordonanta data in dosarul penal
nr.377/P/2017 al Parchetului de pe langa Tribunalul Vrancea s-a dispus clasarea cauzei fata de suspectul
Vasilache Daniel, pentru savarsirea infractiunii de ultraj, prev. d art.257 alin.1 si 4 C.p. pe motiv de
iresponsabilitate, conform art.28 C.p.", as translated in English: "Through the ordnance given in penal
dossier nr.377/P/2017 of the prosecutor's office near Vrancea Tribunal it was disposed the classation of
the cause regarding suspect Vasilache Daniel, for the committal of the felony of outrage, foreseen by
article 257 alignment 1 and 4 Penal Code for the reason of iresponsability, according to article 28 Penal
Code", because obviously no person can be sentenced to chemical lobotomisation which is capital
punishment like I've proven in section A, for the crimes and diagnosis of another person, declaring
responsibly knowing the consequences of the felonies of False declarations and Inducing the judiciary
bodies into error, that I do not know this person Vasilache Daniel, meaning I am not even his accomplice
or instigator, nor as proof is there such a connection made in any of the penal and "psychiatric"
charlatanry documents falsified against me

I.B.3.8 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina abberated that, I quote in Romanian from the
document from 11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "In expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica
nr.565/A1-P/131/12.06.2017 s-a concluzionat ca suspectul prezinta "schizofrenie nediferentiata"
apreciindu-se ca la momentul comiterii faptei avea discernamantul absent", as translated to English: "In
the legal medicine psychiatric expertise no 565/A1-P/131/12.06.2017 it was concluded that the suspect
presents "undifferentiated schizophrenia" being appreciated that at the moment of the deed committal
it had no discernment", because the named "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" does not refer to me
but this Vasilache Daniel person, being obvious that nobody can be subjected to these abberating

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security measures of curing lack of discernment through brain destruction with deadly fluorine based
neurotoxins for the falsified diagnosis regarding another person, mentioning falsified because again
obviously a suspect who benefits from the presumption of innocence is abused with the so called
security measures according to article 109 of the Romanian Penal Code which can only be issued against
convicts proven to have committed a felony, expressing myself pleonastically deliberately for clarity,
conviction that can ony be issued through a definitive trial in which all the procedural guarantees are
offered to the accused, according to the law. The fact this "psychiatric" charlatanry “expertise” does not
refer to me but this Vasilache Daniel person is also proven with the fact no diagnosis of "undiferentiated
schizophrenia" was ever falsified against me before, corroborated with the fact I was never "expertized"
by a "psychiatrist" charlatan although several documents were falsified in my absence breaking article
10 from Romanian Law 487/2002, without my consent absence breaking article 11 from Romanian Law
487/2002, initiated from the penal procedure regarding homicide according to article 184 paragraph 1
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as demonstrated in the above paragraphs <, so in actuality
no diagnosis against me exists at all, corroborated with the fact I proven I'm mentally sane through
documents showing I’m army incorporable, apt for work, apt for superior studies, I'm licensed in
mathematics-informatics and have work experience, have other document proofs in this regard, I have
logically proven my mental sanity and have witnesses etc., and furthermore, because the deeds I'm
accused of, not suspect of which is another proof this "expertise" doesn't refer to me, do not exist
physically because they can't exist physically as proven in the above paragraphs <, and not even ad
absurdum they can constitute felonies, therefore in any matter, civil or penal, there can't be made a
"psychiatric" charlatanry inference that I committed an immoral or penal deed without discernment,
because there is no physical deed, proving by this logical incoherence and inherent occupational
dysfunction, that the "psychiatrist" charlatan mafia associates and "magistrate" mafia capo regimes are
schizophrenic according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, even as
criminals which actually also places the diagnosis of sociopaths - persons who pervasively break the law
and rights of other people sacrificing their lives to achieve their illicit interests, in a perpetual psychosis
that everything they do is good and everything their victims do is bad, which is ultimate proof of lack of
discernment, both juridical and medical

I.B.3.9 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina abberated that, I quote in Romanian from the
document from 11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Pentru suspect s-au depus inscrisuri, acesta
neputand fi audiat", as translated to English: "For the suspect there were lodged documents, the suspect
couldn't be audiated", because first of all this doesn't refer to me who I am falsely accused not
suspected in the falsified 3 penal dossiers against me, then there's no administration and objectivization
that the "lodged documents" are and represent my plead, nor is there an objectivization why the
suspect can't be audiated, which regardless if it's not about me it proves "judge" Miron Doina
incoherence and occupational dysfunction by not motivating any of its generic arguments typical to liars
and proven false even in this form when compared with the law, and incompatible with any juridical act
which must adhere to a syllogistical form according to juridical logic, of consisting of particular factual
premises, correlated universal law or regulations premises, and logical inferences, which constitute the
mandatory motivation of a judicial decision according to article 403 paragraph 1 letters c and d from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code

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I.B.3.10 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina abberated that, I quote in Romanian from the
document from 11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Potrivit art.109 alin.1 C.p. daca faptuitorul,
din cauza unei boli, inclusiv cea provocata de consumul cronic de alcool sau de alte substante
psihoactive, prezinta pericol pentru societate, poate fi obligat sa urmeze un tratament medical pana la
insanatosire sau pana la obtinerea unei ameliorari care sa inlature starea de pericol", as translated in
English: "According to article 109 alignment 1 Penal Code if the deed-doer, because of a disease,
inclusively the one provoked by cronic consumption of alcohol or other psychoactive substances, presents
a danger to society, it can be obligated to follow a medical treatment until made healthy or until achieval
of an amelioration which would alleviate the danger situation", because "judge" Miron Doina being
schizophrenic meaning incoherent and occupationally dysfunctional, first retains that the falsified
decisions refer to a suspect, then falsely attempts to correlate this particular factual premise with the
universal law premise regarding the deed-doer or convict, because according to the principle of the
presumption of innocence nobody is guilty of committing a felony until proven guilty through a
definitive sentence meaning in 2nd instance or 1st instance which is not attacked, in which all the
procedural guarantees for the accused were respected, which means the schizophrenic "judge" Miron
Doina is breaking the presumption of innocence and all other laws relevant such as the obligation to
motivate in fact and by the law the decision, not falsify the facts lying the suspect is a convict, therefore
falsifying the syllogistic inference of the judicial decision. Furthermore the schizophrenic "judge" Miron
Doina does not objectivize how Vasilache Daniel presents a danger to society for committing no crime
by being a mere innocent suspect, let alone how by reduction ad absurdum Vasilache's Daniel crimes
and diagnosis convict me Raneti Tudor-Andrei who I have no connection with Vasilache Daniel, even
more without being indicted and convicted, situation proving again "judge" Miron Doina is incoherent,
occupationally dysfunctional thus schizophrenic according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnosis
and statistics manual. Even more, there are no such thing as mental diseases which therefore cannot
have ever been possibly cured medically or otherwise because you can't cure metaphorical diseases or
lies, because they don't represent reality, they don't exist, mental illnesses and antipsychotics being a
myth invented by the self glorified medical assistantants who invented the "psychiatry" charlatanry lying
they are medics to raise their social status and illicit undeserved remuneration swindling uneducated
people (like in Romania where after World War 2 60% of the population was analphabet and intrinsically
illiterate thanks to monarchy) with false so called diagnostics, because in the mind of the idiots you can't
be a medic if you don't prescribe something, and the "psychiatrist" charlatans of course are prescribing
poisons instead of medicine in cahoots with the pharmaceutical mafia who invented the “antipsychotic“
brain poisons who actually besides destroying the brain induce suicidal and homicidal ideation as I
objectivized in section A.II.1.2.10^1, just like the notorious facts Sigmund Freud or better said Fraud
took bribe from two pharmaceutical mafia "companies" to declare heroin and opium "psychiatric"
charlatanry treatments, causing an epidemic of drug addicts at the time, and before the national
Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu was poisoned with the "psychiatric" treatment of mercury neurotoxin
because he was the biggest dissident against corruption in the country, then after the "psychiatrist"
criminals instigated by the organized crime of their time didn't manage to damage him enough or kill
him, after putting him in a situation of vulnerability by incarcerating him "psychiatrically" for obviously
no reason, they killed him by hitting him on the head with a brick proving their murderous ultimate
purpose, my point being there can never be invented a medical treatment for metaphors of real

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diseases which are obvious fictive mental illnesses in reality, obviously because the cure for real diseases
is working on the cause of the disease not the symptoms, and the "psychiatry" charlatanry is fooling
public opinion getting state accreditation for destroying the brain and changing the symptoms for other
worse ones then claimed they cured the disease by destroying the brain of their victim and their overall
health or killing their victim which then they blame on the victim faking the legal medicine report, which
is exactly what has been happening in Romania where deaths in "psychiatric" incarceration are never
investigated making the "psychiatric" charlatanry a very convenient way for the Romanian "state" mafia
to murder and dispose of their victims covertly, such as declaring the victim had a heart attack but not
mentioning the heart attack was caused by brain poisoning, the victim therefore being in no way a
patient for not having been treated but poisoned, as further proof the "psychiatry" is either charlatanry
or state terrorism which has nothing to do with medicine or science, like I've proven in section A, but is
an attempt to control reality through wrongful political repression by committing Crimes against
humanity, literally destroying humanity in people though chemical lobotomisation which as I've
demonstrated in section A regarding the fact that destruction of a person's identity is capital
punishment or murder.

I.B.3.11 Furthermore, the only two "psychiatric" charlatanry documents I managed to obtain
despite the legal obligation of the "psychiatrist" charlatans to communicate them to me according to
articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from Romanian Law 487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2
from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002 and article 566 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, as well as the according to the principle of contradictoriality according to articles 349
and 351 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, are the falsified in my absence "psychiatric"
charlatanry "expertise" from 2015 mentioned in 14277/231/2015 where it was annulled as inadmissible
and unfounded in 1st and 2nd instance, as proven by annex 4, annex 5 and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and which even
contains not a diagnosis but a presumption that "I'm probably paranoid" that the Romanian "state"
mafia falsified dossiers 15730/231/2014, 2417/P/2014, 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 against
me as i’ve proven in the penal dossiers against the falsifiers, dossiers in all of which I "won" annulling
and proving them falsified, but the fact the "magistrate" mafia protected its members, soldiers and
associates unlike a real body of magistrates, proving the existence of the Romanian "state" mafia, then
the falsified in my absence "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration discharge papers from 8th June 2017
that do not constitute an "expertise" and thus cannot support a decision of obligation to medical
treatment all the more is obviously illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid, even
if they mention an "expertise" from 8th June 2017 meaning the same day which didn't take place as all
and any of the others mentioned or not yet mentioned by the falsifying mob of "psychiatrist" charlatans
and "magistrate" criminals, because as I declared they are impossible without my informed given
consent and cooperation, because they are interviews, according to articles 11 from Romanian Law
287/2002 and article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and this last
"expertise" was also falsified in my absence in conclusion given the fact it did not take place and if the
document exists at all it can only contain the "psychiatrist's" charlatan hallucinations, mentioning at this
point an "expertise" can only take place directly with the "psychiatrist" charlatan, according to article 10
of the Romanian Law 487/2002. I also mention the obvious fact the falsified "diagnosis" from 8th June

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2017 evidently cannot justify the "psychiatrist" torturers putting me in anaphylactic shock for 3 days
through deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxin poisoning since 27th May 2017, then after I survived
they forcefully chemically lobotomized me with other fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins until 8th June
2017. Finally, the falsified "diagnosis" refer to no "mental illness" but to "psychosis" which is not a
"mental illness" but a false ideation or ideology, and even that was called “acute” and “predominantly
delirant” meaning in the “psychiatric” charlatanry jargon, they claim the false ideation is not really false
but “predominantly” false or “delirant” which means behavior as a result of false ideation, which
complementarily is meaning the “psychosis” and “delirium” are also partially true which contradicts the
terms of “psychosis” and “delirium” of course, and refering to a “psychosis” as “delirant” is of course
pleonastic as expected from a bunch of troglodyte peasants raised into function by the ex-“communist”
mafia, “diagnostic” which is thus just another “psychiatric” charlatanry nonsense. According to the
“treatment” by chemical lobotomy with deadly fluorine neurotoxins, “psychosis” is the false ideation or
ideology (as abberantly as it sounds, it’s true according to the results of the scientific observations) of
having pleasure in life from listening to music, watching movies, playing games, practicing one’s
profession, socializing, creating, laughing, having sex etc., all of which have been amputated from me
when I was covertly injected with the paliperidone or risperidone deadly fluorine based neurotoxin in
the night between 5th to 6th December 2014, then what remained again between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017, which was meant to induce suicidal ideation because of this state of being I call “the living
death”, which it did and I defeated in the months following the Crimes against humanity committal
from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which is why I was “prepared” for the Torture,
Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder attempt constituting Crimes against humanity from between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017. The schizophrenia of the mafia torturers is thus proven also by the logical
incoherence of madmen who believe that doing the same thing the result would differ, given I have not
stopped investigating and denouncing the mafia after the Crimes against humanity committal from the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014, but on the contrary, losing pleasure in living I gained all the
time I was spending taking pleasure in living and spent it investigating and denouncing the Romanian
“state” mafia, meaning by failing to Qualifiedly Murder me, and by Torturing and Bodily Harming me in
this manner, the mafia achieved the opposite of its goal, also as expected from the logical incoherence
of a schizophrenic. The "psychiatrist" charlatans of course failed to provide the grounds of accussing me
of “psychosis” meaning explicitate in what consists this false ideation because of course they wouldn’t
declare “psychosis” is the ideation of a law abiding citizen and human rights defender which is an
obvious contradiction, failing thus to factually motivate and objectivize correlating the false diagnosis
with regulations, laws and the international diagnosis and statistics manual DSM-V accusing me of one
of their metaphoric “mental illnesses” because I am not mentally ill in any regard as I proven, like I’ve
proven and used the same DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics against
them, documenting their symptoms of logical incoherence, occupational dysfunction and pervasive
breaking of laws and people's rights to diagnose them with schizophrenia and antisocial personality
disorder, and the last "diagnosis" against me refers to "premorbid paranoia" which semantically means
being "mentally ill" before being "mentally ill" meaning not "mentally ill" which is another obvious
"psychiatric" charlatanry nonsense and in any sense if can be appreciated at all, it doesn't correlate with
article 109 form Romanian Penal Code which is applicable on convicts which are diagnosed with a
"mental illness", or consumers of drugs, neither of which I am as proven, being falsely accused and

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falsely diagnosed with things that are as proven not even mental illnesses, and not being indicted and
convicted of anything, meaning these mentally alienated mafia members are occupationally
dysfunctional even as charlatans and criminals, as to be expected of schizophrenics. I remind as relevant
that "judge" Miron Doina, obviously schizophrenic, to fix the lack of my indiction, conviction and a
diagnosis, attempted to sentence me for the crimes and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache
Daniel with which I have no connection, breaking the principle that nobody can be held responsible for
another man's deeds

I.B.3.12 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina lied that, I quote in Romanian from the
document from 11th October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Fata de dispozitiile legale mentionate, de
motivele clasarii cauzei penale in care suspectul a fost cercetat cat si de concluziile expertizei medico-
legale psihiatrice mentionate mai sus, se constata ca prezenta sesizare este intemeiata, urmand a fi
admisa astfel si pe cale de consecinta va obliga pe suspectul Raneti Tudor Andrei la tratament
medicamentos, pana la insanatosire sau pana la ameliorarea starii de sanatate care sa inlature starea de
pericol a acestuia", as translated to English: "According to the legal dispositions mentioned, the motives
of classation of the penal cause in which the suspect was prosecuted and the conclusions of the legal
medicine psychiatric expertise mentioned above, it is concluded that the present proposal is founded,
following to be admitted and in consequence obligate the suspect Raneti Tudor Andrei to poisoning (or
drugging according to the Romanian term "medicamentos"), until made healthy or until the amelioration
of health status that would alleviate the state of danger he poses",
I.B.3.12.1 because the legal dispositions mentioned meaning article 109 from the Romanian
Penal Code refers to convicts, not suspects, and not the falsely accused as I am and as I've proven in the
above paragraphs <, meaning as obvious an innocent does not pose a “state of danger”, logical
incoherence which again proves “judge” Miron Doina is schizophrenic, and
I.B.3.12.2 because the closing ordinance of the falsified 3 penal dossier against me is also
falsified like I've demonstrated in the above paragraphs <, and as I will punctually demonstrate, as I've
punctually proven regarding this falsified 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance falsified decision which in
general picks up the lies of the "prosecutor's proposal" which I already proven false as anticipated in
annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and
I.B.3.12.3 because I was never "expertized" by a "psychiatrist" charlatan like I've demonstrated
in the above paragraphs <, all the more evident because the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina
attempted because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed, to sentence me for the crimes and
diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel breaking one of the fundamental principles of justice that nobody can be
convicted for another man's crimes, and
I.B.3.12.4 because like I proven in the above paragraphs < nobody can be treated for
irresponsibility through chemical lobotomisation of his humanity constituting capital punishment by the
eradication of his humanity as I've demonstrated in section A, meaning as I've also proven in section A
and also annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier, that this falsified 12718/231/2017 dossier is the Romanian "state" mafia's final
solution for stopping me from denouncing its criminal activity, through indefinite to life "psychiatric"
incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder

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I.B.3.13 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina also falsified the rejection of my request of
notification of the Romanian Contitutional Court about the unconstitutionality of article 315 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as proven by this quote in Romanian from the document from 11th
October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Respinge ca inadmisibila cererea inculpatului RANETI TUDOR
ANDREI, privind exceptia de neconstitutionalitate a dispozitiilor art.315 C.p. si sesizarea Curtii
Constitutionale", as translatedd to English: "Rejects as inadmissible the request of the accused RANETI
TUDOR ANDREI, regarding the exception of unconstitutionality of dispositions of article 315 from Penal
Code and the notification of the Constitutional Court", because the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina
never demonstrated that my request is inadmissible, nor demonstrate my arguments that the request is
admissible are false

I.B.3.14 Regarding the previous document from 2nd October 2017 from 12718/231/2017, I prove
the following falsehoods were perpetrated, meaning that
I.B.3.14.1 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina lied that, I quote in Romanian from the
document from 2nd October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Nefiind cereri de formulat sau probe de
administrat, instanta constata terminata cercetarea judecatoreasca si acorda cuvantul in cadrul
dezbaterilor asupra fondului cauzei", as translated into English: "Because there are no more request sand
proofs to administer, the instance concludes finished the judge's dossier research and starts the debates
on the cause", because the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina ignored entirely my plead attached as
annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, comprised of 78 pages of proofs regarding the breaking of 12 articles from ECHR, demonstration
of my innocence and mental sanity and more such as the fact "psychiatry" is charlatanry and the
existence of the Romanian "state" mafia and its criminal activity, and most relevant not only I proven all
4 penal dossiers and all 6 psychiatric actions against me falsified, as evidently I am not ever been
indicted, convicted or diagnosed and I've annulled 4 of the 6 psychiatric actions in the mafia's own
courthouses proving them falsified, while the last 2 12718/231/2017 included are identical or in ne bis in
idem relation with the 2 before them regarding the same fictional accusations that I'm irresponsible,
without discernment, violent and a public danger, but I've proven positively using my entire biography,
that I'm army incorporable, apt for work, apt for superior studies, licensed in superior studies and having
work experience, and through other documents, logic and witnesses, that there can't be even a shadow
of a doubt I'm anything else than a law abiding citizen and human rights defender, and not a sociopath
criminal like I've proven in contrast according to the principle of non-contradiction and principle of
excluded third, that the members of the Romanian "magistrate" mafia are, specifically 100% of the
Romanian “magistrates” being corrupt, and about 86% percent of them are criminals and can be
instigated into committing Crimes against humanity, or don't need to, committing Crimes against
humanity out of sociopathic motivation of advancing in rank in the Romanian "state" mafia by
committing mafia honor crimes and thus showing their worth to the mafia. Even more, the
schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina did not even administer the mafia's proofs objectivizing their legality,
veridity and relevance because it's impossible like I've demonstrated in the paragraphs above, because
I'm not indicted, convicted and diagnosed, the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina sentenced me for the
crimes and diagnosis of a person named Vasilache Daniel with which I have no connection, and falsifies
the judicial syllogism by declaring a suspect is a convict to match the universal law premise of article 109

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from the Romanian Penal Code. I also mention the existence of the hundreds of pages representing the
penal complaints I filed in the same falsified dossiers and to the "penal authorities" in Romania at the
same time, reason for which the "judiciary bodies" that falsified the dossiers were incompatible to
address these dossiers since they regarded their own felonies afterwards, according to the principle
nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest. I also mention that eventually I proved and accused accordingly the
whole judicial hierarchy in these penal dossiers, because the whole "magistrate" mafia hierarchy in
Romania is involved in Crimes against humanity against me and others like I’ve objectivized in section A,
which is why they got desperate to liquidate me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, breaking
every relevant law and engaging all the elements of their mafia soldiers and associates, meaning
"masked policemen", "policemen", "secret policemen", "gendarmes", "legal medics", "lawyers" and
other convicts and interloper public functionaries from various ministries such as Crintea Valerica
"special agent" of Ministry of Interior Affairs acting as a false witness, or the various accomplices from
the Ministry of health local institutions
I.B.3.14.2 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina lied that, I quote in Romanian from the
document from 2nd October 2017 from 12718/231/2017: "Reprezentantul conventional al
suspectului...", as translated to English: "The conventinoal representant of the suspect...", because my
mother is not my conventional representant, I wasn’t a suspect in the 3 falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 but before they were closed through the falsified “prosecutor
ordinance” from 1st August 2017 I was falsely accused, and obviously my mother is not the representant
of this other Vasilache Daniel person which has no connection with my family. A conventional
representant is named only in case when the one who is represented meaning me in this situation, is
without discernment, and as proof my mother isn't my conventional representant, in annex 16 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier my
mother is not mentioned as conventional representant although according to the law she should've
been named a conventional representant in which case she wouldn’t have given her consent for me
being put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days to be murdered then chemically lobotomized with another
deadly fluorine based neurotoxin during 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, consent which of course the
Romanian "state" mafia didn't ask my mother to not give. In fact I instructed my mother to photocopy
the forms for being my conventional representant and not give her consent afterwards, which of course
the mafia associated "psychiatric" torturers refused to proceed with according to the law, meaning
“psychiatrist“ torturer Barbarosie Carmen. My mother in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, before going
into permanent hiding out of fear of indefinite incarceration to life, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified
Murder, constituting Crimes against humanity, I've mandated my mother through the notary with full
judicial powers in my stead. I remind at this point that my mother's mandate is recognized in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, but the other schizophrenic "jugde" Badiu Mandica in 12718/231/2017
in 2nd instance lied to my mother her mandate is inadmissible as if the notary doesn't know better as
further proof. Furthermore the torturer "psychiatrist" Barbarosie Carmen named herself illegally
curator, making herself responsible for the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm, attempted Qualified
Murder committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, refusing to conclude the
conventional representant contract with my mother as legally required and as I even directed my
mother to print the contract and go with it to the torturer "psychiatrist" Barbarosie Carmen to put a
stop to the torture, all which proves the torturer "psychiatrist" Barbarosie Carmen has broken all

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relevant fundamental human rights, law and regulation, like the most relevant convocation of the ethics
committee for evaluating the legality of my torture with deadly fluorine based neurotoxins and other
chlorine poisons, according to article 43 from Romanian Law 487/2002, being obvious as I haven't given
my consent before, and I wouldn't have never given my consent to be put in anaphylactic shock at the
mafia's attempt to Qualifiedly Murder me, and to chemically lobotomize me after I've survived, all this
without having a diagnostic as none as proof was brought to my knowledge before the falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration discharge papers from 8th June 2017, which don't even justify
falsifiedly the poisoning with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxins, and other chlorine neurotoxins,
which stands in corroboration to my demonstration that the Crimes against humanity perpetrated
against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 were meant to Qualifiedly Murder me covertly
and be made look "accidental" or "natural" like I've mentioned before the mafia operates by using
"psychiatry" charlatanry to poison its victims, cause a stop cardiac, and then falsify the legal medicine
report omitting to say that the stop cardiac occurred because of deadly fluorine based neurotoxic
poisoning causing anaphylactic shock or other health problems such as directly destroying the brain
which controls the heart, given no death in the Romanian "psychiatric" gulags is ever investigated by the
"authorities" although plenty of "suspicious" deaths are reported in the press, and when one such as I
denounces that the "magistrate" mafia drugs innocents, the "psychiatry" charlatanry is used again as
state terrorism and wrongful political repression, when as I fact I did denounce and publish all these
truth and more, as prove in this document I published at address:
https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy, of which I spoke in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5
and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier

I.B.3.15 the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina is under penal pursuit and was never acquitted,
at least for the falsification of the decision in dossier 1560/231/2016 regarding my complaint against the
falsification of the "prosecutor's" acts in the falsified dossier 2417/P/2014, meaning the schizophrenic
"judge" Miron Doina was no stranger in the cover-up of state terrorism and wrongful political repression
perpetrated against me by the Romanian "state" mafia, and most relevantly meaning "judge" Miron
Doina is incompatible to address any of my dossiers according to article 64 paragraph 1 letter f from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, her only compatibility being with jail time. In dossier 1560/231/2016 I
demonstrated the falsification of dossier 2417/P/2014 against me, which is why it was at first stolen
from the random distribution system along with dossier 2220/91/2015, and on 18th May 2016 "judge"
Paun Ionel Iulian and "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta instead of proceeding to judge these
dossiers, framed me with the false accusations that made up the falsified dossier 2845/P/2016 through
which the Romanian "state" mafia committed the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and
8th June 2017 to cover up the Crimes against humanity it committed against me in the night between
5th to 6th December 2014 through which the mafia attempted to stop me from denouncing its criminal
activity from before, because exactly before that I linked the criminal activity in Vrancea county, with
the criminal activity in the hierarchical superior county Galati, and the head of justice in the capital city
of Bucharest, meaning the disciplinary action titularies for the magistrate body of functionaries, the
minister of justice directly responsible for the activity of the “prosecutor republic”, the supreme court
president and the general prosecutor, which triggered the Romanian "state" mafia to commit 8

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Qualified murder attempts against me falsifying in the process 4 penal dossiers and 6 psychiatric
actions, all of which I've proven falsified as demonstrated in this ICC penal dossier and the attached Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures

I.B.3.16 In continuation I translate the demonstration of the different proofs of the falsification
of the decision in 12718/231/2017 according to the sketch I lodged at various institutions before, which
I'm expanding to explicitate the logic
I.B.3.16.1 "1." the object of 12718/231/2017 regarding obligation to medical treatment
according to article 566 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code is not the same thing as the object of
provisory obligation to medical treatment according to article 315 paragraph 2 letter e and article 246
paragraph 13 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, corroborated with article 572 from Romanian
Penal Procedure Code which proves the object of provisory obligatory medical treatment is not the
same as the object of obligatory medical treatment in the law. The term "correspondently" within the
text of the article 315 paragraph 2 letter e indicates is to be applied to the corresponding procedure,
meaning article 315 paragraph 2 letter e is the article to start any article 109 from Romanian Penal Code
security measure, and article 246 paragraph 13 is to be used only in the case of provisory obligatory
medical treatment object. The falsified "prosecutor's proposal" is for obligatory medical treatment not
provisory obligatory medical treatment, according to article 315 paragraph 2 letter e from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code, and article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code, and the naming of the object in
writing both in the falsified proposal in 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 and the falsified
decision from 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, proven by annex 18 and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, therefore the falsified
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance aberrantly legally motivated based on article 246 paragraph
13 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code, is self-
contradictory within the same falsified decision where elsewhere it declares is based on article 566 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and has thus exceeded the limits of judicial power which is to judge
what was demanded according to the syllogistical laws of juridical logic, fact corroborated with the
evidence the word "provisory" is missing from the entire falsified 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance
decision exactly because it's legally based on article 566 not article 246 paragraph 13 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code. The falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance by not objectivizing its
motivation within the law, is void of right according to articles 280 - 282 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code. Regardless, I've already proven that the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina attempted
to falsify the law premise by declaring that the suspect or accused who benefit from the presumption of
innocence, are the same as a convict according to article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code, which is
the central article regarding all the so called penal security measures which are only applicable on
convicts who obviously do not benefit from the presumption of innocence, and because I was never
indicted and convicted as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier obviously article 109 from Romanian Penal Code cannot be
invoked against me, corroborated with the fact according to article 318 paragraph 12 the presecutor's
ordinance must be confirmed by a judge, since it is not constitutionally a prosecutor's work attribution
to condemn or acquit. Furthermore, the unconstitutional provisory security measures which break the
presumption of innocence making the law void of right and inapplicable I mention, are supposed to be

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applied during the penal pursuit given in my case given I was never indicted and convicted, and I was not
even penally pursuited after the falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 were
closed through the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017, without the ordinance being sent to be
confirmed by a judge meaning even ad absurdum if the ordinance wasn't falsified, which because it
wasn't confirmed it is still void of right, falsified or not, therefore again there is no speak of provisory
obligation to medical treatment according to articles 245 and 246 during prosecution or trial, which
indicates the relevant article is 566 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which also refers in its
texts to convicts or persons who committed crimes, not suspects or the accused, being in accordance
with article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code who also refers to convicts evidently since there is no
logic in declaring the innocent a public danger and subjecting them to security measures. Article 246
also foresees separately the situation where the suspect or accused refuses in so-called bad will to be
poisoned, in paragraph 12 and articled 247 and 248, as article 566 foresees separately the situation
where the convict refuses to be poisoned in article 567 paragraph 1 letter 1, article 568 paragraph 1 and
article 570 paragraph 2, amongst other relevant articles from the same group in the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code. Final proof is the recognition of the object of 12718/231/2017 being obligatory medical
treatment not provisory, by "judge" Miron Doina itself, as I quote from the document from 11th
October 2017 from 12718/231/2017, in Romanian: "in conformitate cu dispozitiile art.315 C.p.p., art.
109 alin.1 C.P. si art.566 C.p.p.", as translated to English: "in conformity with the dispositions of article
315 from the Penal Procedure Code, article 109 alignment 1 from the Penal Code and article 566 from
the Penal Procedure Code"
I.B.3.17 I objectivize the "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian's schizophrenic incoherence to
demand groundlessly security measures against me, meaning accusing me with 3 falsified ordinances of
I.B.3.17.1 "1.1." deeds from 18th May 2016 that cannot physically exist such as disturbing the
quietness of the courthouse by listening on earphones to audio books about which I've been accused
only after and hour and a half of doing the same thing although I never been accused ever before or
after of doing the same thing if the accusation is not aberrant enough as proof,
I.B.3.17.2 "1.2." deeds from 24th June 2016 that cannot constitute felonies even ad absurdum as
pleading in my defense is not a felony, as proven by the material proof of the audio recording of the
courthouse, or
I.B.3.17.3 "1.3." deeds from 18th May 2016 that are proven inexistent by the very accusers who
admit they never saw or hear me commit obscene gestures respectively words, corroborated by the
witnesses and material proof of the audio recording of the courthouse,
I.B.3.17.3^1 as proven in part through annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the closing documents
of the meetings from 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016, accuses which I've also proven falsified in annex
20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, and based on a "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" falsified in my absence as proof in itself,
I.B.3.17.3^2 demonstrates the murderous intent of the Romanian "magistrate" mafia that
instigated "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian to instigate my placing in a situation of vulnerability by
"psychiatrically" incarcerating me indefinitely to life, Torture and gravely Bodily Harming me and
attempting to Qualifiedly murder me with toxic substance injections or forcefully poisoning me under
threat of physically abusing me and injecting me with the same toxic substance injections, exactly like

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I've deduced and accused the "magistrate" mafia members who participated in the falsified dossiers
2417/P/2014, 11224/231/2015, 14277/231/2015, meaning since the year 2015, deduction which
became materially proven or consumed when I was illegally arrested from my law faculty exams by the
Romanian "state" mafia "secret police" soldiers on 27th May 2017, tied to an operating table in the
Focsani "psychiatric" gulag, put into anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment with deadly
fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections at an attempt to murder me, then I was forcefully chemically
lobotomized until 8th June 2017 with the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I was covertly injected
during the murder attempt in the night of 5th to 6th December 2014, as I've proven in section A.II.1.3.1
and A.I.1-2, and also forced to take another chlorine neurotoxic poison.

I.B.3.18 According to article 566 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and
articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, article 28
paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, I should've been
communicated the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" which I declare knowing the
consequences of committing the felonies of False declarations and Inducing the judicial bodies into
error, that I haven't been communicated it meaning neither the one from 9th or 8th December 2016
falsified in my absence, nor the one from 8th June 2017 falsified without an actual “expertise” because I
didn't give my consent and cooperate as I've not given my consent and cooperate before or after which
proves again the "psychiatry" charlatanry "expertise" through an interview is indeed impossible without
my consent, which I haven't given especially not to give the mafia the legal cover-up it needed but force
it to break the law in this regard too to commit Crimes against humanity afterwards, reminding that
regardless of the "psychiatrist" charlatans falsified documents, I've proven my mental sanity through
documents regarding the fact I'm army incorporable, apt for work, apt for superior studies, licensed with
superior studies and having work experience with superior studies, having other documents in this
regard, proven my sanity logically, have witnesses etc. The mafia is withholding evidence so I don't use it
against it further proving its existence and criminal activity, which I already did as proven in my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Also regardless,
I've proven the mafia used the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" in 12718/231/2017
in 2nd instance, which was annulled as inadmissible and unfounded in 14277/231/2015, and proven the
falsified "psychiatric" incarceration discharge papers from 8th June 2017 do not constitute a "psychiatric"
charlatanry "expertise report", and I've also proven these falsified incarceration discharge papers illegal,
groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, just like I've proven the ones
mentioned in 14277/231/2015 attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, who were also falsified in my absence and never
communicated to me but I found them hidden in another dossier at the courthouse archive, and the
proven falsified "psychiatric" incarceration discharge papers did not even reference the falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" from 9th December 2016 on which is supposedly based on
but do not justify the Crimes against humanity I've been subjected during 27th May 2017 to 8th June
2017 based on the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 regarding an impossible "psychiatric" charlatanry
"examination" not "treatment" by putting me on anaphylactic shock for 3 days expecting me to die then
chemically lobotomizing me with the same deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I was injected covertly in

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the night between 5thand 6th December 2014 as proven in section A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2. I remind, the
falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" from 9th December 2016 was falsified in my absence as
proven by the falsified motivation in 4791/231/2017 which states "I couldn't be found" as objectivized
by annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, thus proven falsified by this alone according to article 10 of Romanian Law 487/2002
regarding the fact all "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertises" are only held directly with a "psychiatrist"
charlatan through an interview. The falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration discharge papers
however mentions the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" from 8th June 2017 which
should exist and be communicated according to article 566 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code and articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Law
487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, but is
falsified since I was brought by force in front of the "psychiatric" committee of charlantans who couldn't
hold the "expertise" as usual because they didn't have my consent and I didn't cooperate, but the mafia
hides it if it exists at all so I don't use it against the mafia as the one attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Finally and
most relevant as it proves all the above arguments, the mafia in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance having
no real indiction, conviction or diagnosis against me, sentenced me for another man's crimes and
diagnosis, named Vasilache Daniel, breaking the fundamental juridical principle that nobody can be held
responsible for another man's acts, except if being accomplice or instigator, which again I declare
judicially I'm not either one, not knowing who Vasilache Daniel is even. Because I haven't been
confronted with the falsified accusation's evidence which the accusation does not even administer and
objectivize because the proofs they invoke such as the witnesses prove my innocence, and because the
falsified accusation's evidence was not even to be found in the 12718/231/2017 dossier as my mother
who I mandated to look told me, and as proven by the same falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017 in 1st
and 2nd instance who reference "psychiatrist" charlatanry "expertize reports" obviously falsified in my
absence which proves by itself they are falsified or made of the "psychiatrist" charlatans hallucinations if
they exist at all, it means that these evidences, abstracting they are falsified, also are inadmissible
according to the principle of contradictoriality by which all evidence must be brought into discussion and
to the scrutiny of all sides according to articles 349 and 351 of the Romanian Penal Procedure Code. I
also remind that according to the law "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian was obligated to administer
proofs both for the accusation and for my defense according to article 5 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, neither of which he did being schizophrenic as proven by his occupational dysfunction
and incoherence symptoms of accusing me of logically impossible deeds which not even ad absurdum
constitute felonies, according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics. The
falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance by not objectivizing its motivation within the law, is
void of right according to articles 280 - 282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code.

I.B.3.19 Because the Romanian "state" mafia learned that I went into permanent hiding out of
fear of indefinite to life "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified
Murder, which is another proof my mother’s apartment is under surveillance as was the place where I
took exams for my law faculty where I was illegally arrested from on 27th May 2017, although legally
required, it didn't falsify as obligated by the law until the present another decision that I be

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"psychiatrically" incarcerated to be "psychiatrically" poisoned with deadly fluorine neurotoxins, being
obvious that I refused to be tortured and victim to the mafia's attempted murders using deadly fluorine
based neurotoxins. If I refuse to be poisoned with deadly fluorine neurotoxins as proven by the Crimes
against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014, which I did (refuse) as notoriously proven by this ICC penal dossier
otherwise I wouldn't have been able to formulate it after being chemically lobotomized, according to
article 567 paragraph 1 letter a from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code the so called sanitary unit is
obligated to notify the courthouse which according to the article 568 paragraph 1 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code, issues a judicial decision of "psychiatric" incarceration, which at the present
doesn't exist although half a year has passed since 11th October 2017 when the decision that I be
"psychiatrically" poisoned was falsified, mentioning that the fact I contested the decision doesn't
suspend its execution which is one of the newer Romanian "state" mafia judicial aberrations. In
conclusion the Romanian “state” mafia’s schizophrenic attempt to downplay the Crimes against
humanity it committed against me by breaking the law and not issuing the order that I be
“psychiatrically” incarcerated before sending the mafia “police”, “secret police”, “masked police” and
“gendarmes” soldiers, mentioning that I have no way to prove the existence of a falsified mandate or
arrest because even the law in that case it requires confidentiality, just proves the contrary, that the
Romanian “state” mafia is attempting as before to covertly capture me, “psychiatrically” incarcerate me
indefinitely to life, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualifiedly Murder me, felonies which constitute Crimes
against humanity as I’ve objectivized in section A

I.B.3.20 Both the "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian falsified proposal and "judge" Miron Doina
falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance are falsified in the same manner because they are
based on article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding so called penal security measures, who in
reality don't work as notoriously known and proven but that's not the subject of this plead, but the fact
this article refers to convicts not the suspect or accused, reminding that during the trial in
12718/231/2017 in 1st instance I was not in penal pursuit because of the schizophrenic abberations
within the Romanian Penal Procedure Code written by the schizophrenic Romanian “prosecutors”,
losing even the falsified quality of accused because of the falsified closing ordnance from 1st August
2017, meaning I had no passive quality. In 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance I was an innocent person not
a procedural subject meaning not under penal pursuit, with no penal history, benefiting from the
presumption of innocence and proven innocent and mentally sane through annex 20 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my
plead in 12718/231/2017. The presumption of innocence I remind is instated through article 4 from the
Romanian Penal procedure code, article 23 (11) from the Romanian Constitution and articles 11 and 20
from Romanian Constitution who makes Romania's ratified treaties internal right meaning article 11
from the Universal declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the European convention
of human rights. Because the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance does not retain that
the falsified "prosecutor" ordnance is not confirmed by a court of law regarding the existence of the
felonies who I proven do not physically exist because they can't physically exist, or ad absurdm those
false accusations or fictive deeds cannot even constitute felonies, as the false accusations are simply
contradicted no less by the accusers themselves, then the witnesses, then the material proof of the

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audio recordings of the courthouse, it breaks the legal obligation to motivate the decision according to
article 403 paragraph 1 letters c and d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and by breaking the
law, is void of right according to articles 280 - 282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code.

I.B.3.21 The prosecutor as obvious is not legally allowed to declare the felonies were committed
or not, which proves the lack of impartiality of "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian, not just by breaking the
law which in itself proves the lack of impartiality, but by instigating that Crimes against humanity be
committed against me, through which "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian proves malice aforethought
therefore lack of impartiality. The prosecutor is just a state lawyer with the obligation to be impartial,
while the judge has the exclusive judiciary capacity to condemn or acquit according to Decision no 23 of
the Romanian Constitutional Court regarding the unconstitutionality of article 318 before it was
reinstated unconstitutionally by the "prosecutor republic" mafia spearheaded by George Soros's puppet
and close friend of ex-"communist" mafia so called European parliamentary Monica Macovei, ex-
"minister of justice" Pruna Raluca, also responsible for the Crimes against humanity perpetrated in
Romania, for introducing facilities for the pharmaceutical mafia in cahoots with the "magistrate" mafia
who committed against me and others the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm, attempted Qualified
Murder, Illegal deprivation of liberty and other felonies. I'm speaking of the same pharmaceutical mafia
who bribed the Romanian "state" mafia for the introduction of obligatory vaccination in Romania, where
it is involved even the so-called NGO "for human rights" APADOR-CH, a branch of the Helsinki
Committee, who for the first time to my knowledge and surprise since I even subvented them one time,
in actuality militated against human rights declaring they are not guaranteed and can be restricted,
whilst the same law was rejected in Germany where the judge demonstrated that the obligatory
vaccination law is pushed by sinister motives and there is no virus in actuality

I.B.3.22 "2.1." I remind in accordance to annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017,
that the entire "psychiatric" charlatanry action meaning the proposal in 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 followed by falsified dossiers 4791/231/2017, 4909/231/2017, the daily arrests before
Orthodox Easter with tens of mafia soldiers as if I were a MMA fighter or terrorist not an intellectual
human rights defender, the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
obviously, 1791/91/2017 and 12718/231/2017 are legally vitiated because is illegal from the start point
which is article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Code who states only if I was suspected or
accused of homicide could the proposal that I be "examined" by a "psychiatric" charlatan be made, and
therefore whatever else that followed be legal. In support I'm mentioning the legal text makes a
conjunction not a disjunction condition referring to the prosecutor's doubt, which means is a
conjuncture of conditions, corroborated with the fact the prosecutor's doubt is always to be interpreted
in favor of the suspect or accused according to article 4 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code regarding the presumption of innocence

I.B.3.23 "2.2" I remind in accordance to annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my plead in 12718/231/2017 and
according to other evidence invoked in it, that there is no medical treatment for "mental illnesses" in
conformity with the public testimony of the "psychiatrist" charlatans themselves who declared there is

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no such thing as a mental illness, and according to section A where I prove "psychiatry" is charlatanry, as
I proven in the mafia's own courthouses too in dossiers 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 where
the "magistrate" mafia lost because its members weren't prepared to get their hands dirty in public with
the felonies of instigation to Torture, Bodily Harm, attempted Qualified Murder constituting Crimes
against humanity, through putting me in a situation of vulnerability by "psychiatrically" incarcerating me
then by physical abuse poisoning me with deadly fluorine neurotoxins as proven in annex 21 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, where I
objectivized that the deadly fluorine neurotoxin I was poisoned with in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, then between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, caused at least tens of notorious
deaths, and causes a myriad of permanent health problems according to the testimonies and even the
Invega prospect which states it treats schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia, proving by this logical
incoherence that the producer and "psychiatrist" charlatans who use this poison are schizophrenic, and
I've also objectivized how the producing companies have been convicted repeatedly for commercializing
poisons as medicine, and I've proven that fluorine on which the poison I was intoxicated with is based
on, was used in the nazi concentration camps and soviet gulags against the inmates to destroy dissent.
By usage of state terrorism and wrongful political repression methods of nazis and communists, it is
proven beyond any reasonable doubt that the "judiciary bodies" manifest the symptoms of
schizophrenia meaning logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction as proven by the fact they
falsified 4 penal dossiers and 6 psychiatric actions against me, as proven by the fact I was never indicted,
convicted or diagnosed as proven by annex 17, annex 20 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing my empty
judicial history and my proofs that I'm army incorporable, apt for work, superior studies, I am licensed in
informatics and have work experience, I'm logically mentally sane, have witnesses etc. As demonstrated
by the pervasive breakings of the law and work attributes by these “magistrates” also demonstrate are
criminals sociopaths besides being proven schizophrenic, “mental illness” with which I remind I was
never diagnosed to be poisoned with the deadly neurotoxin Invega, as proven by the content of falsified
dossiers 15730/231/2014, 2417/P/2014 and 14277/231/2015, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016, 4329/P/2016
and 12718/231/2017, meaning as proven by the fact no such falsified diagnosis was ever referenced
related to me as objectivized by my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which is why the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina because I was
never diagnosed attempted to falsify the decision in 12718/231/2017 sentencing me for the crimes and
diagnosis of Vasilache Daniel with who I don't even have a connection. It is worthy to mention that the
schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina hears voices since no less than 10 years ago according to a press
article I read who can probably still be found on the internet, according to which "judge" Miron Doina
accuses the leadership of the courthouse that she hears voices from the halls of the courthouse, reason
for which she called the "gendarmes" and made a scandal. 1 to 2 years ago I also witnessed at least one
identical event in which "judge" Miron Doina called the "gendarmes" to quell the voices from the
courthouse halls, making the mention I have heard nothing, and none of the other "judges" ever
complained either although they obviously work in the same courthouses, and about the situation the
ex-president of the Vrancea Tribunal named Toni Neacsu declared that the voices on the courthouse
halls doesn't exist, obviously. Also in corroboration to the argument about the schizophrenic members
of the "magistrate" mafia, I also objectivize that the decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance with

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which I was illegally arrested from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied to an operating table at
the Focsani "psychiatry" gulag, poisoned with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins and placed in
anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment, then poisoned with another deadly fluorine neurotoxin
with which I was also poisoned in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, until 8th June 2017, as
proven in section A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, without diagnostic, without consent, illegally, unjustified,
without convening the committee for evaluating the legality of my "psychiatric" incarceration which
would've freed me, without convening the ethics committee for evaluating the legality of my poisoning
against my consent and without diagnosis which should've put a stop to the torture, without naming a
legal or convetional representant etc., was falsified by schizophrenic "judge" Croitoru Mariana Sandina
who broke the same laws as the schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina according to my plead attached as
annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, because the Romanian "magistrate" mafia repeated it's criminal abuses as proven by
12718/231/2017 who is in ne bis in idem relation with 14277/231/2015 in which I annulled as
inadmissible and unfounded the same falsified documents invoked in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance as
proof, and by dossier 4909/231/2017 who is in ne bis in idem relation with 11224/231/2015 where I also
annulled the falsified decision in 1st instance as unfounded in 2nd instance, which was falsified by a
corrupt ex-"poliman" mafia soldier named Craciun Constantin Catalin, made "judge" or mafia
caporegime for his many honor felonies committed, who as proof has stolen from the random
distribution system of dossiers and falsified 10 dossiers, at least twice as many as any other "judge" in
his courthouse penal section which constitutes statistical proof all the more he did so consecutively. The
schizophrenic "judge" Croitoru Sandina Mariana is actually also the wife of a local priest, reason for
which logically it has that much more reasons to display a moral conduit, not just for being a magistrate,
but being schizophrenic of genetic pathogenesis as proven by the fact she has a brother declared
schizophrenic, "judge" Croitoru Sandina Mariana was identified by the mafia as one of it mentally labile
tools meaning easily instigated to commit Crimes against humanity

I.B.3.24 "3." The Romanian quote from the document from 2nd October 2017 from
12718/231/2017 that: "Procedura de citare nu este legal indeplinita", meaning as traslated to English:
"The procedure of citation is not legally fulfilled", proves yet another instance of incoherence of the
judgment contingent members, since in the above paragraph they claimed the legal representant is
present, meaning the Romanian "state" mafia appointed "lawyer" who committed the felony of Unloyal
assistance and representacy against me, and they claimed by conventional representant is present,
meaning my mother Mariana Raneti, which in actuality is not my conventional representant as I've
demonstrated before by the fact there is no evidence or reason in this regard, my mother I gave full
judicial powers through the notary. That my mother pleaded for me is my mother's idea about which I
told her to not waster her time because she would be mocked by the “magistrate” criminals who do not
care about the truth, I just wanted her to look in the falsified dossier to have an idea of the Romanian's
"state" mafia other mistakes, since in debate my plead which I had already lodged in 12718/231/2017,
and attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier, is already unbeatable in any regard, as proven by the fact the "magistrate"
criminals avoided administering it and bringing into discussion even one proof from it, admitting tacitly I
am right in every regard, and according to the principle of non-contradiction and principle of excluded

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third, they are wrong in every regard, as I've proven anyway punctually in this plead. There are many
more mistakes in the falsified decision documents since the mafia as always is comprised of troglodytes
who cannot conceive the human notions of truth and justice, nor succeed on their own in society, which
is why they band together into a gang of sociopaths to gain power in society illicitly

I.B.3.25 "4." The schizophrenic "judge" Miron Doina as proof of her incoherence confuses
throughout the falsified decision the quality of suspect, accused, and in my case that of lacking passive
quality or not being under penal pursuit because the 3 falsified penal dossiers were closed without me
being indicted and convicted, and not even the "prosecutor's" falsified ordinance confirmed by a judge,
reason for which I also benefit as any law abiding citizen from the presumption of innocence. According
to article 314 paragraph 2 and article 318 paragraph 12 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, the
prosecutor's ordnance of proposal of not sending the suspect or accused to be judged, must be
confirmed by a judge because justice is the judge's exclusive function according to article 1 from
Romanian Law 303/2004 regarding the statute of judges and prosecutors, not the prosecutor's who is
just a state lawyer, or in my case a criminal as I've accused him in the same penal dossiers he falsified, to
which he didn't have the right to address them from that point on according to the principle nemo esse
iudex in sua causa potest, which is another reason for his falsified ordnance to be declared inadmissible.
Legally, the falsified proposal in 12718/231/2017 should've thus been rejected as inadmissible from the
start, motivated by my lack of passive quality or not being a prosecution subject, corroborated with the
fact the closing ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 is not
confirmed in 12718/231/2017 or other dossier, being not even a single falsified mention of the
confirmation of the falsified ordinance of closing the penal dossiers in regard meaning to the committal
of the felonies, which is necessary because the schizophrenic "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian lied that I
committed penal felonies out of which he falsely inferred I am a public danger, which he has no quality
to declare because he is no judge obviously, abstracting he obviously lies as proven, all the more he
never administered any proofs for the accusation or defense in these dossiers, let alone objectivize the
relevance of the proofs, because the proofs demonstrate by themselves my innocence and mental
sanity as opposed to the schizophrenia of the "magistrates" and "psychiatrist" charlatans who displayed
symptoms of logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction pervasively, symptoms which prove they
are schizophrenic according to DSM-V "psychiatric" charlatanry diagnosis and statistics manual

I.B.3.26 "6." I do make this separated mention regarding the fact my judiciary declarations,
meaning declarations that are lodged either at the prosecutor's office or in the courthouse in the
dossiers, are proofs according to article 97 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, given I was never
accused of committing the felonies of False declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error (by
falsifying proofs) or Disseminating false informations (by publishing over a hundred perhaps penal
dossiers I've made against the "magistrate" mafia members), which constitutes the proof of verity of my
declarations and proofs, all the more it wasn't even insinuated that I made false declarations, or been
ever contradicted at least, all which proves the Romanian "state" mafia admits the verity of my
declarations and according to the principle of non-contradiction and principle of excluded third it admits
if falsified all 4 penal dossiers against me, all 6 psychiatric actions against me and perpetrated 6 Crimes
against humanity attempts, and 2 Crimes against humanity committals against me

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I.B.3.27 Beyond the falsified "expertise report" not being communicated to me as legally
required which makes it inadmissible as proof in the dossier where it also doesn't appear as proven by
the fact in 12718/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance it is not administered and objectivized, but instead I'm
sentenced for the crimes and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache Daniel because I was never
indicted, convicted or diagnosed, as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier and the fact in annex 20 and annex 22 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier I've proven
myself mentally sane meaning army incorporable, apt for work, apt for superior studies, licensed in
mathematics-informatics, having work experience, having other document proofs in this regard, having
witnesses etc., I proven it illegal and unfounded without even seeing it because I hold the absolute proof
that I am innocent and mentally sane, therefore I proven that any penal or "psychiatric" charlatanry
documents against me can only be falsified using my entire biography which demonstrated I can't even
be suspected of being a criminal sociopath as the members of the Romanian "state" mafia are, as I've
even exemplified by the documents attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier that I managed to find hidden in the courthouse
archive in another dossier because of the Romanian "state" mafia is withholding evidence of its criminal
activity, which is why is refusing to communicate its falsified documents so I don't prove them falsified
and publish the demonstration and the existence of the mafia and its criminal activity in the process,
which is already redundant since I already achieved this through my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures, after my forum "militia.freeforums.net" where I published hundreds of penal dossiers
proving the crimes of the Romanian "magistrates" was illicitly and unmotivatedly censored as instigated
by the mafia, on 8th April 2017 meaning at the same time as the daily arrests right before Orthodox
Easter with tens of mafia soldiers meaning "masked policemen", "policemen", "secret policemen" and
"gendarmes" as if I was a MMA fighter or terrorism not an intellectual human rights defender, when
they were falsifying the procedure for "psychiatrically" incarcerating me, Torturing, Bodily Harming and
attempting to Qualifiedly Murder me on holydays, which they did as proof of their murderous intent
arresting my from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, until 8th June 2017. Even my facebook
account was severely censored immediately after I opened a group named Romanian revolution for
human rights, again unmotivatedly as obvious, and although I've notified all relevant USA authorities on
the matter I've been "handled" and ignored meaning USA government is tolerating this because it's their
illicit policy, as both these "internet public services" are being staged in USA just furthers the proofs
mountain about the CIA activity supporting the Romanian "state" mafia Crimes against humanity
because it does business with it, such as providing free natural resource rip-offs in favor of their public
sector or associates, financing justification for the military sector in the form of military bases, missile
shield and even a rumored secret CIA concentration camp according to wikileaks, even more so evident
regarding the USA private sector mafia because the deadly fluorine neurotoxins are also produced or
patented by the multi bilionaire pharmaceutical mafia based in USA, who was ironically also fined
billions for commercializing poisons as medicine, meaning J&J for instance, who of course continues
unhindered since it can afford paying say 1%-10% of its income in fines, when according to the law the
whole lot should be thrown in jail for life meaning the USA judicial system also tolerates Crimes against
humanity. Because the "expertise report" is illegal and groundless or unmotivated, according to juridical
logic it is invalid because no logical inference can be made out of no premises. Lastly because the

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"psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" presents the schizophrenic hallucinations of the
"psychiatrist" charlatans as I proven using annex 4 and annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, such as inferring I have greatly reduced
discernment because I have fast thinking, superior studies and general culture, I objectivize accordingly
their schizophrenia using DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry diagnostics and statistics manual definition,
and using their proven symptoms of logical incoherence and thus occupational dysfunction, being their
occupation even that of a charlatan and torturer which by default puts the diagnosis of sociopaths on
these mentally alienated "psychiatrist" charlatans and "magistrate" criminals who use their obviously
falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry documents incriminating themselves foolishly, that the "psychiatric"
charlatanry "expertise report" can't be called anything but an illegal, invalid and factually falsified
document, which implicitly is also unregulamentary because it also infringes on medicine and even the
"psychiatry" charlatanry laws and regulations, meaning these "psychiatrist" charlatans are so even
because they break their own laws and regulations they use to achieve accreditation by fooling public
opinion that it's a legitimate business, mentioning I've proven in section A that psychiatry is not
medicine nor science, it is charlatanry, and it also infringes on psychiatric rules which are a moral cover
up for the "psychiatric" charlatans to be awarded state accreditation, rules which because they are truly
mentally alienated being crooks, apply first of all on themselves, and some of them admit this as I've
proven and quoted their public declarations or books in section A and annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. Last but not least of
the proofs stands out the oath of Hippocrates that "at least do no harm" which proves "psychiatry" is
charlatanry because it never cured anyone of anything as notoriously proven in section A, especially
through chemical lobotomy or brain and identity destruction which I've objectivized in section A it
constitutes capital punishment, but instead it causes a myriad of health problems as I've demonstrated
in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier where the prospect of the Invega poison even claims it treats schizophrenia by causing
schizophrenia, proving both the producers of the poison and the "psychiatrist" charlatans who use this
deadly poison are incoherent, occupationally dysfunctional thus schizophrenic according to DSM-V
"psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics. Evidently the disproportionate so called
security measure of "psychiatrically" incarcerating me indefinitely to life, torturing me with deadly
fluorine neurotoxins for the purpose of murdering me, is no security measure but meant to stop me
from denouncing in public the existence of the "parallel state" or the Romanian "state" mafia,
comprised of the "magistrate" mafia or all Romanian "magistrates" mafia caporegimes, the "secret
services" mafia cartel leadership and their soldiers the "police", “masked police”, “secret police” and
"gendarmes", and their associates meaning "legal-medicine", "lawyers", "puppetable convicts and
interlopers" etc.

I.B.3.28 "prosecutor" Anca Dorina Rasca instigated that the sentence in 12718/231/2017 be
falsified without motivating in fact and by the law according to article 286 of the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, nor invoking any kind of proof, let alone administering or objectivizing any's relevance.

I.B.3.29 "9." In the same manner "prosecutor" Anca Dorina Rasca instigates without any
syllogistical demonstration according to juridical logic, lying intrinsically as she should've objectivized

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otherwise, that the proportionality of the so called security measure of me being incarcerated
indefinitely to life, tortured and murdered through deadly poisoning with fluorine based neurotoxins as
I've objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier, corresponds to the least possible gravity in the Romanian Penal Code of
these so called felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse punishable with between 1 to 3
months in jail or fine, which were introduced recently by the Romanian "state" mafia in the Penal Code
for the purpose of abusing it against their outraged victims against the crimes of the "magistrate" mafia,
which do not work against me as I’ve used the mafia’s crimes to condemn it publicly considering outrage
and protests being useless, mentioning as I've proven however by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the fact I was never
indicted or convicted for any crimes at all ever, that I haven't committed such deeds which according to
the false accusations which cannot exist physically let alone constitute or be appreciated to constitute
penal offences, and the accusers and the witnesses admit the deeds don't exist by declaring that they
haven't witnessed the deeds which is why there’s no objectivization of their declarations because they
prove my innocence, which at least for the accusers it means they hallucinated the deeds and have
severe mental problems, and for the "judicial bodies" who used these aberrations to falsify the last 3
penal dossiers and commit Crimes against humanity against me, it means they are downright
schizophrenic by displaying the symptoms of logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction,
according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, and criminal sociopaths
who break pervasively the law and people’s rights sacrificing their lives to achieve their petty illicit
purposes, such as sadistic animal gratification to destroy others and justify their borrowed power with
which they’ve declared themselves even sovereigns in some ordnances. In other words "prosecutor"
Anca Dorina Rasca declared intrinsically by omitting to objectivize her instigation to Crimes against
humanity constitute a legal solution because it's obviously impossible to justify crimes, that I must be
indefinitely be "psychiatrically" incarcerated, as proven by article 569 paragraph 3 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code and the fact I would obviously refuse to be tortured and murdered, corroborated
with the proof that if it were up to the "magistrate" mafia I would be "psychiatrically" incarcerated for
life, that is Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered in the meantime though deadly fluorine
based neurotoxic poisoning exactly as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017.

I.B.3.30 "5." Furthermore "prosecutor" Anca Dorina Rasca lied that my Constitutional Court
request is inadmissible without any factual or lawful motivation, contradicting my obvious
demonstration that article 315 from Romanian Penal Procedure Code is linked with the cause and
unconstitutional therefore my request is admissible. I’ve attached as proof my request regarding the
unconstitutionality of article 315 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code annex 20 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, not that it
matters because I already filed penal dossiers against some of the members of the Romanian
Constitutional Court, following that I open this most important penal dossier at ICC against the members
of the Romanian Constitutional Court for breaking the presumption of innocence by declaring in
Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 that anyone can be committed Crimes against humanity against
by being incarcerated by the "psychiatric" charlatans and be chemically lobotomised without
committing any deed penal or immoral as I objectivized in section I.B.11, automatically implied as

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proven by my case, for the purpose of wrongful political repression and state terrorism, meaning the
members of the Romanian Constitutional Court not only broke the Romanian Constitution, but in plain
writing basically admit the existence of the totalitarian Romanian murderous "state" mafia regime which
they support, and its criminal activity in which they participate

I.B.3.31 "my" Romanian "state" mafia assigned "lawyer" Arginteanu Dan pleaded against my
plead by lying the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" just "contains inadvertencies" meaning
is self-contradictory like I've demonstrated in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, mentioning it was already annulled in
14277/231/2015 as inadmissible and unfounded meaning falsified, and he didn't plead that it's also
illegal, groundless and syllogistically invalid like a lawyer should know all the more I wrote the plead in
my defense which he just needed to follow, the one attached as annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, meaning "my" Romanian
"state" mafia assigned "lawyer" Arginteanu Dan committed the felony of Unloyal assistance and
representacy, corroborated with the fact he didn't uphold any of my fundamental rights given he didn't
plead for them as I've pleaded, and he pleaded against juridical logic given he didn't use any juridical
logic at all making his defense worthless in favor of the Romanian "state" mafia who put him up to it,
and pleaded against facts which prove my innocence and mental sanity as this "lawyer" omitted on
purpose to prove my innocence and mental sanity like I've pleaded, and invoked proofs and facts that
don't exist meaning the obviously falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" who is just a falsified
document like I often demonstrated being illegal, groundless, self-contradictory, syllogistically invalid
and even more falsified in my absence, without my consent and breaking the law that states the
procedure is applied on homicide cases only. "my" Romanian "state" mafia assigned "lawyer"
Arginteanu Dan refused to plead that the deeds I'm falsely accused of can't physically exist let alone be
constituted into felonies, and never presented these facts as I've pleaded, but pleaded worthlessly as he
was instigated or intimidated by the Romanian "magistrate" mafia to do. The "psychiatric expertise
report" this "lawyer" mafia associate invoked is obviously not a an "expertise report" but a falsified
document like I've demonstrated it being illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid
in this ICC penal dossier, even to the untrained eye because it's groundless and self-contradictory, and
obviously falsified to a professional because all juridical acts in any state of law in the world must be
motivated syllogistically using a factual particular premise, a correlated legal universal premise, and a
logical meaning consistent with the syllogism laws inference. Not only the "expertise report" does not
exist in the dossier 12718/231/2017 as proven by the fact my mother who I mandated to look in my
stead in the dossier to not be arrested by the mafia “secret police” or just by the courthouse
“gendarmes”, did not find any, but the falsified "psychiatric" charlatans "expertise report" I already
annulled in 14277/231/2015 both in 1st and 2nd instance as inadmissible and unfounded, meaning who
was also falsified in secret and who I managed to find hidden in another dossier, and which was invoked
although falsified in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance by one of the very schizophrenic "judge" who
annulled it in 14277/231/2015 meaning Badiu Mandica. According to the law and principle of
contradictoriality if a proof is not opposed to all the parties it is not admissible, and if it's not in the
dossier it cannot exist as a premise in the judicial syllogism, all the more I declared and proved all the
penal dossiers and "psychiatric" charlantary actions falsified without ever being accused of the felonies

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of False declarations and Inducing the judiciary bodies into error as verity proof of my declarations and
proofs regardless if the Romanian "state" mafia refused to take act and convict it's members, obviously
as a criminal organized group would, and not a body of functionaries obligated to denounce all crimes
related to their public service, but in my plead attached as annex 20 from my Rule 39 ECHR request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier I proven beyond any reasonable doubt
that any penal or psychiatric action against me can only be falsified, and the 4 penal dossiers and 6
psychiatric actions against me out of which I've annulled the first 4 in the mafia's own courthouses, the
last 2 being identical or in ne bis in idem relation with the 2 before them meaning they are also proven
falsified, which demonstrates in itself the existence and criminal activity of the Romanian "magistrate"
mafia and its soldiers and associates from the order forces and legal medicine and lawyer's bar
respectively, as well as the controlling ex-"communist" nomenclature mafia who took power in 1989
coup d'etat and never let it go since, who is controlling the Romanian "state" mafia through blackmail
using archives such as SIPA who has no democratic use whatsoever, or political police like what the
Romanian Anticorruption Direction (ro. "DNA") does all the time, and is worthy of mentioning its chief
Kovesy Laura Codruta is meeting regularly in secret police or Romanian "secret information services"
protocol villas with regional CIA chief for the Balkans, as deconspired by a defector from these "secret
information services" called Sebastian Ghita, which proves the Romanian murderous "state" mafia
regime is backed up by the CIA at least, which makes sense since it's CIA on behalf of USA who
undermined the Romanian sovereignty starting with 1989 when it ousted the "communist" regime and
replaced it with it own puppetable regime. The reasoning of the Romanian "state" mafia for
perpetrating since 2014 as proven 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against humanity
committals against me out of which in two instances I've been Tortured and Bodily Harmed by being
violently hit on the head, then hit my head against the wall, then thrown on a flight of stairs
unconscious, then covertly chemically lobotomized with a deadly fluorine neurotoxin injection in the
night between 5th to 6th December 2014, and the other time being illegally arrested from my law faculty
exams, tied to an operating table in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag and put in anaphylactic shock for at
least 3 days without a treatment with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic injections, then after
surviving I was chemically lobotomized again with the same deadly fluorine neurotoxin from the Crimes
against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I've proven
in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, the Romanian "state" mafia thus
provedly using the judiciary system, order forces and legal medicine as state terrorism and wrongful
political repression, to silence me from denouncing its criminal activity which destroyed my life
pervasively meaning my informatics career in which I'm licensed, a law practitioner career, any chance
of getting a home and family, no matter what I tried, Romanian "state" mafia policy which is also the
cause for the over 3 million Romanian economical refugees which is a notorious disaster as if Romanian
was in a civil war, which it is, a cold civil war between the Romanian "state" mafia and the cowardly
Romanian people

I.B.4. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" falsified the closing ordnance and

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of proposing the obligation to medical treatment from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers
2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) in one ordnance invoking erroneously article
314 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code because this article refers to one ordnance
containing both the closing and penal pursuit renunciation motivation, not both closing and obligation
to medical treatment penal matter. In the case of penal pursuit continuation according to article 305
paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal procedure Code or putting into motion the penal pursuit
according to article 309 from the Romanian Penal procedure Code, article 16 paragraph 1 motivations of
the Romanian Penal procedure Code cannot be invoked according to previously mentioned articles, case
in which only the renunciation of penal pursuit can be invoked, reminding that against me there were
falsified both the ordnance of continuation of penal pursuit and the ordnance of putting into motion the
penal action, meaning the only two courses of action the “prosecutors” could take were either notifying
the courthouse through an indictment according to articles 327-331 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, or closing the falsified penal dossiers with renunciation of penal pursuit according to
article 314 paragraph 1 letter b and paragraph 2 and article 327 letter b, as any penal pursuit ending
ordnance must be confirmed in court of law because it must either end in conviction or acquittal which
is the exclusive prerogative of a judge according to article 1 from the Romanian Law 303/2004 regarding
the statute of magistrates, meaning according to article 318 paragraph 12 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code the courthouse must be notified to confirm the ordnance of closing and penal pursuit
renunciation, fact to which I corroborate with my own jurisprudence from the falsified dossier
2417/P/2014 against me that ended through a falsified ordnance of closing and penal pursuit
renunciation according to article 314 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code where the
schizophrenic “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, occupying illegitimately the public office of chief of criminal
investigation in “European” Vrancea county, lied that I committed the felony of Judiciary outrage
according to article 279 from the Romanian Penal Code with no evidence nor administration of
evidence, inventing a quote that I threatened to kill “judge” Dita Mirela who is the central instigator in
all the 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes againt humanity committals against me in the
years 2014-2017 as I prove in sections A.II.1.3.1^1-8, for which I should’ve been indicted and convicted
for Threatening according to article 206 from the Romanian Penal Code if it were true, but I was under
penal pursuit just for Judiciary outrage which isn’t a felony but an aggravation circumstance of a felony,
just like premeditation isn’t a felony, the crime with premeditation is a felony and its aggravation
circumstance, which demonstrates the symptoms of logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction
of “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul that prove he is schizophrenic according to DSM-V “psychiatry “charlatanry
diagnosis and statistics manual. The penal pursuit renunciation ordnance from 2417/P/2014 is also
illegal amongst all other possible reasons, because is only disposed where there is no declared public
interest, being thus in contradiction with the fact of me being illegally and falsely declared a public
danger according to article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code simultaneously, without being indicted
and convicted ever as proof of the falsification of the proposal that I be obligated to medical treatment
security measure from 2417/P/2014 registered in 14277/231/2015 which is in ne bis in idem with
12718/231/2017 from 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 because is identically referring to
fictive deeds and false groundless even accusations that I ‘m irresponsible, without discernment, violent
and a public danger, as even the content of the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents from
14277/231/2017 declared inadmissible and unfounded were invoked in 12718/231/2017. In the case of

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the proposal for obligation to medical treatment security measure the courthouse must be notified
concomitantly with an indictment against the accused according to article 331 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code regarding the obligation of the prosecution to formulate an indictment meaning a
document containing the administration of proofs and demonstration that the deeds exist, they
constitute felonies and they were committed by the accused according to article 328 paragraph 1 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and only after the accused is convicted the proposal for a medical
type security measure can be judged obviously since innocents pose no danger for security measures to
be opposed them, corroborated as relevant to the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017 from
2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) with articles 38 and 109 from the Romanian
Penal Code regarding the non-punishment clause of irresponsibility and respectively the obligation to
medical treatment where both articles refer to felons meaning convicts not suspects or the accused who
benefit from the presumption of innocence according to article 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code, article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, article 20 and article 11 from the
Romanian Constitution regarding the Romanian international ratified treaties that constitute internal
right, meaning article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, all arguments above proving
the falsification of the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016) and implicitly its nullity according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code because the “prosecutors” committed the felonies of Usurpation of official functions by arrogating
themselves the function of a judge and emitting acts as if legally holding that official function namely
lying that a felonies exists based on deeds that do not physically exist and I committed them, and
Usurpation of the function of prosecutor since obviously falsifying a judge's decision or a prosecutor's
ordnance for that matter is not within a prosecutor's work attributes, as the prosecutor doesn't have the
ability to convict anyone, only indict, being obligated regardless to respect the presumption of
innocence according to article 4 the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and administer proofs for both
accusation and defense impartially according to article 5 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and
the conviction can't be based solely on the prosecutor's hallucinations according to article 103
paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code anyway, as the prosecutor is just a state lawyer.
The falsification of the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016) is all the more the "prosecutors" didn't invoke the provisory obligation to medical
treatment procedure according to articles 245-248 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which
unconstitutionally refer to the suspect and the accused as I've already objectivized in the notification of
the Romanian Constitutional Court from 14277/231/2015 where I've annulled the falsified "psychiatric"
charlatanry action against me as inadmissible and unfounded in 1st and 2nd instance as proven by annex
5 and annex 10 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, but referred to convicts invoking articles 38 and 109 from the Romanian Penal Code and
the obligation to medical treatment according to article 566 and following articles from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code, which I demonstrated in paragraph < within the section regarding the
falsification of the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance by the schizophrenic “judge” Miron Doina,
that provisory obligation to medical treatment and obligation to medical treatment are not the same
legal matter, and although articles 566-568 aberrantly mostly refers to persons who have no passive
quality within penal matters, it escapes a reference in article 567 that is only applicable against felons or
the convicts which correlates with articles 38 and 109 from the Romanian Penal Code in this regard,

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again corroborating with the obvious fact innocents pose no danger to be opposed security measures. I
corroborate this legal argument with the fact article 331 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code
states that the prosecutor can only proposing a security measure with medical character through an
indictment with which he is obligated to notify the courthouse according to article 329 paragraph 1 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which in my case does not exist as proven by annex 17, annex 18
and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier representing my empty judicial history and the fact no such indictment and conviction is
ever invoked in the falsified decisions from 12718/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance in which the
falsified closing ordinance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016) is also never objectivized to be founded and legal, that the fictious deeds I was falsely
accused of committing exist physically, that they constitute penal offences, and that I committed them,
as this falsified ordnance of closing itself does not demonstrate anything itself, as well as the previous
falsified ordinances in rem, in personam and of putting into motion the penal action, where no proof
whatsoever is administered for the accusation or defense, respectively, the Romanian public dossier
evidence ECRIS does not show any dossier in which I was ever indicted which verifies my document
proofs invoked and annexed. Because no proofs were administered meaning mine which means all
because I made use of all to prove my innocence, even the obviously falsified accuser depositions, I also
corroborate this legal argument with the fact the essential right to defense was totally disrespected as
not even my request of communication of all the proofs who I haven’t lodged in the falsified dossiers,
and all the acts of procedure from the falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016,
be communicated to me by scanning and through email according to article 94 paragraphs 2 and 8 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, but none were communicated to me so I can’t annex any to this
ICC penal dossier, not even the ordnance of putting into motion the penal action explicitly foreseen by
the law again to be obligatorily communicated on the accused’s request according to article 309
paragraph 3 from the Romania Penal Procedure Code which I made, and not even the indictment was
ever communicated to me which is obligatorily communicated ex officio as a certified copy according to
article 329 paragraph 2 from the Romania Penal Procedure Code, because no indictment document
exists in the falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 proven by the fact it is never
mentioned anywhere and nowhere is there an act that belongs in an indictment even, as in the
indictment document the existence of deeds must be proven by administration of proofs which in my
case they can’t be proven to exist because they can’t exist physically even, and that’s why no
demonstration of the existence of deeds is even attempted by the “prosecutors”, then that the
nonexistent deeds constitute by legal objectivization felonies which they can’t, not even ad absurdum if
the deeds existed physically, and that’s why no demonstration of the existence of felonies is even
attempted by the “prosecutors”, then that I committed nonexistent deeds that cannot constitute
felonies by administration of proofs and legal objectivization which evidently can’t be logically proven,
and that’s why no demonstration of the committal of felonies by me is even attempted by the
“prosecutors”, false premises out of which the indictment conclusion is inferred syllogistically according
to the judicial principles of legality and finding the truth that I must be sent in trial and convicted for
nonexistent felonies that I obviously haven’t committed, and that’s why no indictment document is
even attempted by the “prosecutors”, indictment which because it doesn’t exist it demonstrates
unequivocally the nullity of the proposal that I be obligated to medical treatment security measure and

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therefore the nullity of the falsified decision in 12718/231/2017, because as I’ve demonstrated before,
the obligation to medical treatment security measure is only applicable on convicts which I am not being
innocent and mentally sane as proven. In corroboration of this argument I invoke the jurisprudence
entitled according to the principle of the unitary application of the law according to article 124 from the
Romanian Constitution, from dossier 907/307/2010 decision quoted in the article at address:
nevoluntara-la-ordinul-procurorului-dreptul-la-viata-privata-si-raspunderea-statului.html from where I
quote in Romanian: “...un ordin pentru a urma un tratament psihiatric nu poate fi impus reclamantului
până când nu se va stabili că acesta a comis o infracțiune, dar și că există pericolul de a comite alte
infracțiuni pe viitor”, as translate into English: “... an order to undergo a psychiatric treatment cannot be
imposed on the claimant until it will be established that he committed a felony, but also that there exists
the danger of committing felonies in the future”, mentioning as relevant as demonstrated in section A
that the “psychiatry” charlatanry does not prevent felonies in any other way than chemically
lobotomizing people which is the destruction of a person’s identity through its brain destruction which
constitutes capital punishment which is of course unconstitutional and against human rights therefore
no “psychiatric” charlatanry “treatment” can be forced on anyone unless introducing the capital
punishment in legislation and automatically abolishing the right to life, physical and psychological
integrity. Not only an indictment does not exist in any of the falsified penal dossiers against me, no
report of the judiciary investigation body exists either in 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016,
which “policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara was obligated to write, according to articles 321 and 286
from the Penal Procedure Code. Also in corroboration regarding the lack of any grounds for the proven
false accusations against me, I indicate that according to article 103 paragraph 3 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code, the conviction decision cannot only be based solely the prosecutor's
hallucinations, his collaborators or that of protected witnesses, mentioning there are no protected
witnesses and the sole collaborator is the schizophrenic “policewoman” Popescu Lacramioara, so the
indictment document which doesn’t exist in any of the falsified penal dossiers against me therefore I
couldn’t even be sent to be judged to be convicted to start with according to article 329 paragraph 1
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, if ad absurdum would exist, according to the falsified
ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016), and
according to the falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017, it would be based solely on the hallucinations of
the “judiciary bodies” which do not constitute proofs according to article 97 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, nor a juridical syllogistic motivation according to article 286 paragraph 2 letter d from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, therefore not even ad absurdum meaning disregarding the
inexistent indictment, the hallucinations of the “judiciary bodies” cannot support the falsified decisions
in 12718/231/2017 because there’s no actual legal proof invoked, as the falsified in my absence
according to article 10 from the Romanian Law 487/2002 “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise report” is
inadmissible as proof according to article 102 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
not that it could constitute proof for breaking every relevant law and regulation and being groundless,
self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid as I demonstrated in the following paragraphs regarding the
falsification of the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016). Article 103 paragraph 2 also states that in establishing the guilt of the accused, the
instance administers all the proofs and the conviction is made only beyond any reasonable doubt, but

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since in any of the falsified dossiers against me no proofs were inventoried, administered and
objectivized, because the proofs meaning even the schizophrenic accusers declarations demonstrate my
innocence as I will objectivize in the following paragraphs, and because proving my innocence evidently
is not what the Romanian "state" mafia pursued by falsifying these penal dossiers against me, obviously,
the falsified proposal from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016) and the falsified decisions from 12718/231/2017 cannot therefore even formulate a
suspicion against me, argument which is pertinent regarding the missing indictment document. I also
point out expressly that article 103 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code states as
obvious that the conviction can only be decided by the courthouse not the lying “prosecutors” who
declared without right that I am a felon by invoking article 38 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding
the non-punishment clause of irresponsibility which refers to felons as if I were convicted, and invoking
article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding the obligation to medical treatment security
measure which again refers to felons as if I were convicted when the lying “prosecutor’s” accusation is
not even supported by any proofs inventoried, administered and objectivized regarding their relevance
meaning how do they prove the deeds constitute felonies when the deeds not only do not exist, but
cannot physically exist and even more even ad absurdum cannot constitute felonies, which should’ve
been part of the missing indictment document which is missing exactly because no objectivization of the
false accusation can be built, and indictment document without which the courthouse cannot be
notified according to article 329 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code as proof, as no indictment
document is mentioned nor does the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017 does not constitute an
indictment document because disregarding the formal differences started with the fact it would’ve been
entitled “indictment”, it doesn’t contain according to article 328 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code the proofs administration as legally required, nor does it contain according to article 286
paragraph 2 letter d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code the particular factual premises
correlated with the universal legal premises out of which the judicial inference of the conviction can be
made with which the courthouse can be notified and the obligation to medical treatment security
measure be proposed, it’s just an illegal and groundless lying “ordnance” containing an illegal and
groundless lying “prosecutor’s proposal for obligation to medical treatment security measure”, like I will
demonstrate in continuation quoting the paragraphs from the falsified ordnance and demonstrating
how they constitute lies. In conclusion for the breaking of all relevant law and regulation the
"prosecutor's ordinances" regardless of which in my case because all break the law and are groundless,
are void of right according to articles 280 - 282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code.

I.B.4.1 "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian from
the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016): "Examinand actele de urmarire penala efectuate in dosarul cu numarul de mai sus...",
as translated in English: "Examining the acts of penal pursuit effectuated in the dossier with the number
from above...", because all the procedure acts were falsified by "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian in
cahoots with "policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara", evidently both instigated to do so by the Romanian
“state” mafia since we didn’t know each other therefore there was no personal reason, falsified acts of
procedure proven thus by the fact I’ve been judicially harassed with no proof whatsoever inventoried,

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administered and objectivized on how non-existent deeds constituted felonies when the non-existent
deeds cannot physically exist and cannot constitute felonies even ad absurdum, even more evident as
no proofs were administered for either the accusation or the defense in any of the falsified ordnances in
the falsified dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, reality also proven
true by the missing indictment document who isn’t even mentioned anywhere as proof, and the fact the
falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016)
does not constitute an indictment as I’ve demonstrated in the previous paragraph, and as further proof
these "judiciary bodies" hallucinating they can cover-up their falsified acts of procedure refused to
communicate on my request according to article 94 paragraph 2 and 8 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, which is proof in itself, the falsified ordnances in rem, in personam and putting into
motion the penal action even if the last is again explicitly foreseen to be communicated on demand
according to article 309 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, the “judiciary bodies”
falsely believing they are preventing me from using their falsified acts of procedure as proofs and
publishing them to raise public awareness about the criminal activity of the Romanian "magistrate"
mafia, which obviously they are not because my judicial declarations are proofs according to article 97
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and by the fact I am not accused of the felonies of False
declarations and Inducing the judicial bodies into error by these ICC penal dossier declarations as all the
ones before in the over one hundred penal dossiers against the Romanian “state” mafia, I make the
proof of verity of my declarations and meaning of the proofs I present. Furthermore the "prosecutors"
Lupu Mihai Cristian, Petrescu Auras Ionut and "policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara prove being
schizophrenic as demonstrated by their symptoms of logical incoherence and inherent occupational
dysfunction according to DSM-V "psychiatric" charlatanry diagnostics and statistics manual, by accusing
me in 3 falsified ordinances of
I.B.4.1.1. "1.1." (2845/P/2016) deeds from 18th May 2016 that cannot physically exist such as
disturbing the quietness of the courthouse by listening on earphones to audio books about which I've
been accused only after and hour and a half of doing the same thing although I never been accused ever
before or after of doing the same thing if the accusation is not aberrant enough as proof,
I.B.4.1.2. "1.2." (3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) deeds from 24th June 2016 that cannot
constitute felonies even ad absurdum as pleading is a right not a felony, as proven by the material proof
of the audio recording of the courthouse, or
I.B.4.1.3. "1.3." (2845/P/2016) deeds from 18th May 2016 that are proven inexistent by the very
accusers who admit they never saw me commit obscene gestures or hear me utter obscene words,
corroborated by the witnesses and material proof of the audio recording of the courthouse which prove
no such reality exists, because obscene gestures that nobody can see cannot physically exist, and
obscene words that nobody can hear cannot physically exist
I.B.4.1^1 accuses which I've also proven falsified in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and proven them falsified in greater
detail in the falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 by lodging a penal complaint
against the "judiciary bodies" who falsified these dossiers, which also made these "judiciary bodies"
incompatible from addressing these falsified dossiers according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua
causa potest, course of action jurisprudentially meaning legally sound and therefore based on the
principle of unitary application of the law according to article 124 from the Romanian Contitution,

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according to the notorious fact anticorruption commissar Traian Berbeceanu accused and got convicted
his lying accusers in the same penal dossier they falsified against him, and also proven them falsified by
lodging complaints against the falsified prosecutor's acts, all either turned back illegally to the
prosecutor’s office, illegally rejected or simply ignored by the “Judecatoria Focsani” courthouse, and also
proven them falsified in this ICC penal dossier as follows

I.B.4.2.Furthermore as I mentioned before in paragraph <regarding being coerced to give 3

identical declarations when 1 was enough>, the falsified ordnances in rem and in personam were just
judicial harassment because the Romanian "state" mafia who committed the obvious frame-up declared
the felonies to be flagrant meaning the mafia lied there was no doubt that the felonies existed and I
committed them according to article 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code which meant the
ordnance for putting into motion the penal action should've been also falsified first and I should've been
indicted and convicted within a month at the longest. Instead through the falsified ordnances in rem and
in personam, and of putting into motion the penal action, I was illegally subpoenaed and coerced to give
3 declarations instead of 1 in which I proven how and why the “judiciary bodies” falsified the penal
dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against me, coerced through the fact that if I
refused to go to the police stations and be judicially harassed to give repeated declarations when
summoned, the Romanian "state" mafia would've sent it's soldiers "masked policemen", "policemen",
"secret policemen" and "gendarmes" to repeatedly break into my mother's home to arrest and detain
me to give these repeated declarations instead, only for the purpose of state terrorism and wrongful
political repression as it did before and after as proof on 17th September 2015, 11th December 2015, 6th,
10th, 13th, 14th, 27th April 2017, mentioning that because of the daily home breakings and my arrests
before Orthodox Easter 2017 from my mother’s apartment, my mother has fallen ill with Zoster Area
from stress and trauma. I was thus coerced to give 3 identical judicial declarations to "policewoman"
Popescu Lacramioara, judicial harassment used as blackmail through which the Romanian "state" mafia
was using the judicial system as state terrorism to determine me to stop denouncing its criminal activity,
which is exactly what I've denounced in each of the 3 identical judicial declarations I made in the
falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 besides demonstrating in short how and
why were these dossiers falsified, which is the reason the Romanian "state" mafia also used psychiatry
as state terrorism and wrongful political repression, attempting to stop me physically from denouncing
their criminal activity by committing Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
through Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder by putting me in anaphylactic shock 3
days without treatment then after I survived poisoning me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxins like I've objectivized in section A and throughout this ICC penal dossier, deadly fluorine
based neurotoxin named risperidone or paliperidone with which they've also injected me covertly in the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014 which constitutes the first instance of Crimes against
humanity committed against me, covert poisoning proven by a blood test I took 4 months later that
showed symptoms I could only have from this particular poison who has a long presence in the
bloodstream as I’ve objectivized in sections A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, night when I was severely Bodily
Harmed by this deadly injection, and by the violent physical attack of mafia instigated interloper
Herghelegiu Danut to hit me on the back of the head and throw me on a flight of stairs unconsciously to
make it look like an accident, after which I was transported at the emergency ward of the “Saint

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Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani where I injected with the deadly fluorine based poison in my right elbow
by an unknown person believing I wouldn’t feel it, and about which the hospital later lied to my
information request that it was Tetravax Antitetanos. I mentio I've caught the interloper Herghelegiu
Danut lying using an audio-video recording as he was taught by his mafia instigators who I also identified
and denounced, which led the Romanian “state” mafia to falsify 4 penal dossiers and 6 psychiatric
actions against me, primarily by the same mafia members who instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut,
such as the central instigator "judge" Dita Mirela of all 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2
Crimes against humanity committals as objectivized by section A.II. 1.3.1 who also personally
intervened to protect the interloper Herghelegiu Danut from also being convicted in civil actions for the
attempted 1st Crimes against humanity attempt he was instigated to perpetrate on 27th October 2014 in
cahoots with a "policeman" and "gendarme" when they were stopped by neighbors who exited their
homes from 3 floors after the interloper Herghelegiu Danut hit my mother's door violently to provoke
me while the "policeman" and "gendarme" were in hiding, facts which I also penally complained about
and was actively pursuing the conviction of interloper Herghelegiu Danut and his mafia soldiers helpers,
consulting the penal dossier I opened against them on the very morning of 5th December 2014 as I
remember, before the Crimes against humanity commmittal in the evening of same day, evidently
instigated for the cover-up of the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 besides the
original reason which is me denouncing the criminal activity of the Romanian "state" mafia in Vrancea
county and especially in the superior hierarchical structures of the judicial system in Bucharest meaning
the disciplinary action titularies for the magistrates, supreme court president and Stanciu Livia,
repeatedly “convicted” at ECHR for falsifying decisions meaning a notorious “magistrate” caporegime
criminal, minister of justice Victor-Viorel Ponta who was also prime-minister then he nepotisticly
appointed his relative Robert Cazanciuc as minister of justice, and judiciary inspection chief Rica Vasiliu
Crevalos. Afterwards I've caught being accomplice and inherently instigators as I've denounced them
publicly and penally, the general prosecutor of Romania and others chiefs of the judiciary system such as
the notorious corrupt "anticorruption" chief Laura Codruta Kovesi, who notoriously meets in the
"protocol villas" of the Romanian "state" mafia "secret information services" from the CIA chief in
Balkans area to take directives from according to the mafia defector Sebastian Ghita. I make the short
proof of verity of my declarations and proofs in this regard with the fact not even the illicitly interested
Romanian "state" mafia in falsifying penal dossiers against me has not ever accused me of the felonies
of giving False declarations, Inducing into error the judicial bodies meaning falsifying proofs, or
Disseminating false information by publishing the penal dossiers I opened against the "magistrate" mafia
members especially, of which I should've been accused ex officio if the "magistrate" mafia members
were real magistrates and if I was a felon in these regard which also implicitly demonstrates the verity of
my denunciation of the Romanian “state” mafia’s criminal activity, however the Romanian "state" mafia
thus tacitly admits the verity of the penal dossiers I investigated and made against it, recognizing the
impossibility of arguing against my demonstration of their criminal activity for which they attempted to
Qualifiedly Murder me 8 times as objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1, and in 2 instances of these I've been
Tortured and permanently Bodily Harmed, for the purpose of physically stopping me from denouncing
their criminal activity, which is thus proven to be the ultimate purpose of the falsified acts of procedure
in the falsified penal dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 in which I was
never indicted and convicted as proven by annex 17, annex 18 and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent

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request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, regarding my empty judicial
history, the falsified proposal for obligation to medical treatment and the falsified decisions in
12718/231/2017, as is the purpose of the falsified "psychiatric" actions against me 15730/231/2014,
11224/231/2015, 14277/231/2015, 4909/231/2017 (in ne bis idem with 11224/231/2015) and
12718/231/2017 (in ne bis id idem with 14277/231/2015), regarding the same fictive accusations that
I'm irresponsible, lacking discernment, violent and a public danger groundlessly, accusations that are not
only groundless but illegal proving the accusers are schizophrenic by the symptoms of logical
incoherence and occupational dysfunction, according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry statistics and
diagnosis manual, of which I annulled and thus demonstrated falsified the first 4, while the last 2 being
identical to the 2 before them are also proven falsified, like I punctually demonstrate in this ICC penal
dossier. In conclusion "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu
Auras Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" knowing all this as
proven by the fact they've falsified the procedure acts in 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016
meaning they knew why they falsified them too as they were instigated to do so, lied that "they
examined" anything and that there were "acts of procedure effectuated" and not falsified when in fact
they were the ones who falsified all of them, therefore all the arguments in this particular act of
procedure will be falsified because they regard the consumed reality of these falsified dossiers, like I will
demonstrate punctually in continuation, and because the Romanian "state" mafia arguments cannot be
anything but falsified else it would have to admit it exists and its criminal activity intrinsically, which just
proves the mental alienation and occupational dysfunction of this particular mafia organization even in
crime, to attempt its object of activity by abusing public office of the judicial system no less which is
regulated by law more than any other and the perpetrators are known and also document their crimes
through the very falsified documents issued, as opposed to the original mafia whose members were
unknown, as the smart ones weren't even members of the interloper world, and they left no material
proof to be traced to them, as notoriously known in the case of Al Capone who was convicted not for his
crimes that got him his wealth, but for tax evasion. The Romanian "state" mafia is the result of the false
"communist" or egalitarianism implementation in an unmeritocratic or corrupt fashion through which
troglodyte peasants were propulsated into public office where they transformed the institutions of the
state in their business, or as called in the context of the mafia, "cosa nostra" as in the original Italian or
as translated in English "our thing", these peasants hiring then all their troglodyte relatives, which then
also correlates to the composition of the mafia meaning crimes families, and these peasants being
illiterate, they were also immoral as intellectuals progressing towards idealism and being perfectionist
become inherently at least partly moral or socialist, while these peasant not having any aspirations they
submit to their idols meaning animal power gratification and territoriality achieved through the only
means at their disposal meaning intimidation, violence and murder. This situation in Romania was
exacerbated by the largely peasant population, where today not even the cities population can be called
city people as most really are from the country side, and the persecution of religion, meaning the
Orthodox Church primarily as these illiterate Romanian peasants not only did not have a source of moral
education from home, but the institutions that could've instilled morals into the population were
ostracized from society for generations, causing what today can be legitimately called the Romanian
"state" mafia, a criminal organization comprised of peasants, reality which I corroborate with the

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immortal observation of Maxim Gorki, a writer contemporary of communism, that the peasant does not
love truth and justice

I.B.4.3. “prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian from
the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016): "La data de 18.05.2016 a fost inregistrata la Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria
Focsani incheierea de sedinta din data de 18.05.2016 a Judecatoriei Focsani spre a fi efectuate cercetari
fata de Raneti Tudor Andrei pentru infractiunea de incalcare a solemnitatii sedintei, prev. si ped. de art.
278 Cp., cauza fiind inregistrata sub nr. 2845/P/2016", as translated in English: "On the date of 18th May
2016 it was registered at the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse the
"Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse meeting closing document from the date of 18th May 2016 to be
effectuated investigations against Raneti Tudor Andrei for the felony of disturbing the solemnity of the
courthouse meeting, foreseen by article 278 from the Romanian Penal Code, the cause being registered
under number 2845/P/2016",
I.B.4.2.1. because the meeting closing document from 18th May 2016 from dossier
2220/91/2015 attached as annex 8 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, is a falsified document comprised obvious not just by the generic
groundless accusations against me as typical to liars, but by the fact the lying accusers contradict
themselves from the start accusing me of visually witnessing deeds they claim at the same time they
didn't see, proven by not describing them, and audibly witnessing deeds they claim they didn't hear,
proven by not describing them, deeds who are physically impossible such as disturbing the quietness of
the courthouse meeting by listening to audio books on earphones as objectivized I was doing the same
thing for an hour and a half without being accused, as I've did in courthouse before without being
accused if the accusation is not ridiculous enough in itself as proof the accusers are liars, deeds to which
the other named witnesses of the accusation do not corroborate, deeds who do not exist as objectivized
by the audio recording of the courthouse which I've also published at address < and used to plead
against the accusation in the penal complaint I filed to the “penal authorities” and as a judicial
declaration in my defense against the "judiciary bodies" in the very falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 these "judiciary bodies" falsified, making the accused "judiciary bodies"
incompatible according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, meaning all the falsified
acts of procedure in these falsified dossiers are not just void of right and null according to articles 280-
282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code for being illegal and groundless, but they were also made
by incompatible functionaries who as of fact falsified as proven in this ICC penal dossier all the
procedure acts, which also means inherently that the procedure acts are syllogistically invalid having no
particular factual premises or correlated universal law premises for inferences or judicial decisions to be
drawn from, as the deeds do not physically exist and cannot constitute felonies. In conclusion the
meeting closing document from 18th May 2016 from dossier 2220/91/2015 is a document proof against
the lying accusers, of which the "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor"
Petrescu Auras Ionut knew, meaning they lied by omission refusing to prove my innocence from the
start, and refusing to denounce the lying "magistrate" accusers to the “competent penal authorities",
and refusing to retain accordingly in this thus falsified ordnance;

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I.B.4.2.2. because the "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor"
Petrescu Auras Ionut infringed on my presumption of innocence as proven by their own declaration that
the ex officio denouncement meaning the meeting closing document from 18th May 2016 from dossier
2220/91/2015, means I should be directly put under penal pursuit for committing a felony without
objetivizing that the deeds exist through an in rem ordnance which they falsified afterwards never
demonstrating the existence of the deeds which obviously not only cannot physically exist but thus they
can’t be proven to physically exist, constitute felonies or be committed by anyone, reason for which the
“prosecutors” were legally obligated to denounce ex officio the lying accusers to the superior
“competent prosecutor’s office” to be indicted and convicted for the felonies of False declarations and
attempting to Induce into error the judicial bodies, felonies of public service, felonies corruption and
other felonies, and by not denouncing the “prosecutors” committed the felony of Omission to denounce
according to article 267 from Romanian Penal Code, as well the complicity to all the felonies of the
“magistrates” they refused to denounce, proving by their attempt to frame me up with malice
aforethought that they were Constituted into an organized crime group which is also a felony according
to article 367 from the Romanian Penal Code. According to the presumption of innocence principle and
penal procedure specified in articles 4, 305, first the prosecutor must objectivize through an in rem
ordnance that the deed physically exist by administering proofs, which I already demonstrated that as
obvious they do not exist because the deeds can't physically exist such as disturbing the quietness of
the courthouse meeting by listening on audio books on earphones, or committing obscene gestures
nobody can see, or uttering obscene gestures nobody can hear, or pleading which is a right not a felony,
which are the obvious false accusations in the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 against me, therefore the physically inexistent deeds cannot be objectivized legally to
constitute penal offenses not even by reduction ad absurdum, thus secondly the prosecutors can’t
declare that deeds that don’t exist and can’t exist physically constitute felonies and someone committed
them through an in personam ordnance or putting into motion the penal action ordnance, which leads
to only one course of action, that if the deeds do not exist as they don’t in my case as I’ve shortly but
clearly proven, the prosecutor is obligated ex officio according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code to denounce the lying accuser for the felonies of False
declarations and attempting to Induce into error the judicial bodies, all of which "prosecutor" Lupu
Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut didn't do therefore they are lying
knowing they should've. In fact these “prosecutors” did falsify the in rem and in personam ordnances as
I remember looking in the falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, which were 1-
2 pages long obviously falsified documents in which no inventorying, administration and objectivization
of the proofs meaning was done either for the accusation or defense, falsified ordnances which the
"judicial bodies" illegally refused to communicate to me to use as proof in the penal dossier against
them which I was also publishing before the Romanian “state” mafia illicitly censored my forum
“militia.freeforums.net”, falsified ordnances in which the falsifying “judiciary bodies” hallucinated
generically as typical to liars that the deeds exist, they constitute felonies and I committed them
irresponsibly, without discernment and violently thus also lying I represent a public danger without even
being indicted and convicted for anything, falsified ordnances through which the falsifying “judiciary
bodies” broke every relevant law and regulation, accusing groundlessly, self-contradicting and
syllogistically invalidating therefore every act of procedure they falsified against me, proving they are

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schizophrenic and sociopathic criminals, meaning logically incoherent, occupationally dysfunctional
persons who pervasively break the law and people's rights sacrificing their lives to achieve their petty
illicit purposes of sadist animal power gratification, for illicit profit and committing mafia honor crimes
for recognition and ascension within the organized criminal group they are part of, and so on and so
I.B.4.2.3. because the "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor"
Petrescu Auras Ionut without proof administration meaning objectivization of proof significance and
legality, declared groundlessly from the start as instigated by the Romanian "state" mafia the frame-up
felonies exists, which demonstrates obvious lack of impartiality and malice aforethought because the
deeds I'm falsely accused of obviously do not exits physically because they cannot physically exist so
they cannot be considered to constitute felonies even by reduction ad absurdum, inexistent deeds
proven by the fact the lying accusers contradict themselves from the start accusing me of visually
witnessing deeds they claim at the same time they didn't see, proven by not describing them in annex 8
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
and audibly witnessing deeds they claim they didn't hear, proven by not describing them in annex 8 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
deeds who are physically impossible evidently, such as disturbing the quietness of the courthouse
meeting by listening to audio books on earphones as objectivized I was doing the same thing for an hour
and a half without being accused, as I've did in courthouse before and after without being accused as
jurisprudential proof if the accusation is not ridiculous enough in itself as proof the accusers are liars, or
pleading which is a right not a felony, deeds to which the other named witnesses of the accusation do
not corroborate, and deeds who do not exist as objectivized by the audio recording of the courthouse,
therefore it can’t be concluded before and especially after the investigation that I committed obviously
inexistent felonies which is why an indictment document does not exist, nor can a “psychiatric”
charlatanry diagnosis can be inferred from inexistent deeds also proving the “psychiatric” charlatanry
documents are falsified against me as they demonstrate that themselves by being obviously illegal,
groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid, as I demonstrate anyway repeatedly in this ICC
penal dossier where most appropriate such as paragraphs in which I quote direct references to them by
the lying “prosecutors”. If the false accusations are not ridiculous enough proving my innocence as
described above, I corroborate with the fact I’ve demonstrated my innocence using all the possible
proofs of the false accusation no less, meaning starting with the false and self-contradictory accusations
themselves, and false and self-contradictory testimonies of the false witnesses who don’t corroborate to
the accusation by which they corroborate to my defense according to the principle of non-contradiction,
using the false witnesses named by the accusation only because the witnesses I named of course
weren't subpoenaed to testify because it was not part of the mafia's frame-up plan, schizophrenic
accusation witnesses however who not only do not contribute to the false accusations but also
contradict themselves and amongst themselves as I've objectivized in the penal complaint I also lodged
in the falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against them and against the
"judiciary bodies" making them incompatible to address the dossiers they falsified according to the
principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest. To remove the danger of the Romanian "state" mafia
switching the false testimonies in my favor by which I mean that the testimonies do not accuse me but
neither the obvious lying accusers which proves the testimonies are false, or producing in secret other

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false evidence which I don't actually need to attack to prove my innocence as the accuser’s depositions
and the material proof of the audio recording of the courthouse prove my innocence objectively and
inherently proves all contrary evidence falsified not that there is even contrary evidence to my
innocence, danger consisting thus in making me to plead again against the new falsified evidence in my
defense, I requested according to article 94 paragraph 2 and 8 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code copies of all the falsified proofs in the falsified dossiers meaning all the uncommunicated acts of
procedure that were falsified, which are all of them as proven in this ICC penal dossier exemplificatively
reminding I’ve used the fact the deeds I’m falsely accused of don’t physically exist because they can’t
physically and exist and therefore can’t constitute felonies nor can there be a judicial or “psychiatric”
charlatanry inference out of non-existent deeds, and the 3 false testimonies I saw, of "special agent"
Crintea Valerica from the Ministry of Interior Affairs who was in the courthouse meeting in civilian
clothes to act as a false witness afterwards, and of two "gendarmes" named Butuc and Lepadatu who
also answer disciplinarily and hierarchically to the Ministry of Interior Affairs, but this request through
which I also aimed to obtain any possible hidden falsified evidence or prove otherwise later that any
evidence falsified outside my knowledge was also hidden from me purposely to impede my right to
defend myself and falsify the reality of the dossier for the purpose of Inducing into error the "judiciary
bodies" which is a felony according to article 268 from the Penal Code, or rather in actuality aiding the
“judiciary bodies” to commit the felony of Abusive investigations according to article 280 from the
Romanian Penal Code by the falsification of acts of procedure by the “judiciary bodies” since there's no
“judiciary body” in Romania who is not a also a member of the Romanian "state" mafia as obvious since
no "judiciary body" in Romania obeys the law as I proven statistically, and the sample “judiciary bodies”
break the law pervasively defying the rule of law meaning they know there’s no disciplinary or penal
responsibility against these “judiciary bodies” as I’ve also proven, nor do the “judiciary bodies”
denounce their mafia “colleagues” and the mafia itself and its criminal activity as I am, although they are
legally obligated according to articles 61 and 291 from the Romanian Penal Procedure code as required
from a real body of public functionaries, nor do these “judicial bodies” at least resign if instigated or
“coerced” to take part in the Romanian “state” mafia’s crimes, coercion which I mark vitiated since in
actually the Romanian “magistrate” criminals are only coerced by their fear of losing their luxury salary
and gratuity privileges, their unconstitutional and undeserved wage being 10 times bigger than the
minimum wage and the biggest public office professional category wage except perhaps that of the
mafia bosses from the so called Romanian “state” mafia “secret information services” who took power
in 1989 by coup d’etat and became CIA’s puppet shadow government as proven by the mafia secret
service information services Sebastian Ghita who revealed that chief anticorruption “prosecutor” Kovesi
Laura Codruta meets at mafia “secret information services” protocol villas with Balkans regional CIA
chief to take orders for political police through falsifying penal dossiers against politicians and even
magistrates, as notoriously known, with the aid of these “secret information services” who are falsifying
proofs who then magistrate mafia even ordered their parliamentary puppets to declare that can be
hidden for the penal dossier parties contrary to the principle of contradictoriality which requires that all
proofs are subject to debate, and in direct infringement of the right to defense which requires that a
party has the right to oppose any evidence or accusation opposing it and provably declare it falsified. By
the amount of professional undeserved remuneration it is also made clear which are the most powerful
public service professional classes that constitute the Romanian “state” mafia cartel leadership, the

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“magistrate” mafia and the “secret information services” mafia, who of course arrogated themselves
luxury wages and gratuities since they not just control the Romanian “state”, they are the Romanian
“state” and are unopposed as proven by the fact not a single mafia “magistrate” was ever made to pay
for falsifying judiciary decisions as proved by ECHR, and Romania paid at least 149.439.699,89 RON for
the crimes of the magistrates as I objectivized using public resources in the illicitly mafia censored post
at address http://militia.freeforums.net/thread/112/149-cedo-pentru-crimele-magistratilor, assuming
one dollar is 4 RON meaning 37,359,924.75 $, not including of course the undeserved remuneration
these “magistrates” took for falsifying judiciary decisions, reality which I did prove by denouncing
penally and publicly the “magistrate” mafia especially and its criminal activity, for which the Romanian
"state" mafia obsessively perpetrated the 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against
humanity committals against me as objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1. The falsified hidden evidence
scenarios didn't materialize as proven by the falsified ordinance from 1st August 2017 from falsified
dossier 2845/P/2016 (united with falsified dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) meaning the only
remaining reason the Romanian “state” mafia has hidden the evidence of its criminal activity is to
prevent me from making it public and using it against the Romanian “state” mafia by raising public
awareness. Because I mentioned I don't actually need the false testimonies who favor me as well as the
self-contradictory and inherently self-incriminating false declarations of the accusers attached as annex
8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, I mention the reason why I don't need them, which is the fact that I obtained the audio
recording of the meeting from 18th May 2016 from the courthouse, and the fact the schizophrenic
“judge” Popa Mariana who falsified on 24th June 2016 the penal complaints from which the falsified
dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 were formed, falsified 4 responses of rejection of
communication of the audio recording from 24th June 2016, both audio recordings about which the
Romanian "state" mafia maintains a cemetery-like silence throughout all the falsified acts of procedure
admitting tacitly they prove my innocence, though mentioning again, the obviously aberrant accusations
are proof in themselves of my innocence, and last but not least the fact I remind that I was never
indicted and convicted benefiting still from the presumption of innocence and even more I proven my
mental sanity through annex 20 and 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding the fact I'm army incorporable, apt for work, apt
for superior studies, licensed in informatics and have work experience in informatics, or using logic as
this very ICC penal dossier is proof, invoking other documents and witnesses etc. In conclusion no
falsified evidence or any of the falsified ordnances were communicated to me on my request as legally
required according to article 83 letters b, d, e and h, article 92 paragraph 2 and 8 and article 309
paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code to prevent me from using them against the
Romanian "state" mafia further proving its criminal activity about which I do not need further proof in
actuality given that firstly, regardless of the fact I have or not the false deposition of "special agent"
Crintea Valerica from the Minister of Interior Affairs acting as a false witness in these falsified dossiers
which is a lead of its own incriminating the leadership of the Ministry of Interior Affairs, I’ve notified the
Ministry of Interior Affairs and their interior control committee and they refused to investigate and put
into motion the disciplinary action and denounce them to the penal authorities as legally required
according to articles 61 and 291 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code for which I accused them for
complicity in these penal dossiers against me, and given that secondly, I opened a penal dossier against

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the "judiciary bodies" that falsified the dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against
me, and lodged it in these falsified dossiers as a judicial declaration in my defense making in the process
these accused "judicial bodies" incompatible to address their own falsified dossiers according to the
principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, reason for which these “judiciary bodies” should’ve
forwarded their falsified judiciary dossiers to the competent hierarchically superior prosecutor’s office
which they didn’t, lack of procedure and further falsified acts of procedure under the “judiciary bodies”
state of incompatibility which again proves the nullity of their falsified acts of procedure according to
articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and given that thirdly, I also incriminated
the heads of the judiciary system meaning the disciplinary action titularies according to article 44 from
Romanian Law 317/2004 simply by notifying them and then accusing them of complicity for their refusal
to do their job as legally required, over a period of 3 years actually since the falsified dossiers
15730/231/2014, 2417/P/2014, 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015, and because I've accused from
this disciplinary titularies group the minister of justice and general prosecutor who I’ve also caught
falsifying the rejection of my request of the falsified dossiers be moved to another prosecutor’s office
because the “judiciary bodies” who falsified them are proven lacking impartiality intrinsically and are
incompatible for being accused in them, because the general prosecutor of Romania is personally
implicated in the falsified dossiers against me in which I accused him instead, no prosecutor in Romania
is competent anymore to address these falsified dossiers according to article 11 from Romanian
Government Ordnance 27/2002 stating no complaint about a functionary's activity can be solved by that
functionary or subordinates of that functionary, article obviously based on the principle nemo esse iudex
in sua causa potest and implications of it. Furthermore, I incriminated the minister of interior affairs and
the control committee chief from within the Minister of Interior Affairs in the penal dossiers against me,
for being responsible for putting into motion the disciplinary action and denounce them to the penal
authorities as legally required according to articles 61 and 291 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code, legally required actions which they refused to take against the ministry employees who were
acting as false witnesses in these falsified dossiers, meaning not just the ministry’s “special agent”
Crintea Valerica, but especially the "gendarmes" Butuc and Lepadatu false witnesses and more, who
harassed me on 4th September 2014 in cahoots with “judge” Andreea Jelea from the “Judecatoria
Focsani” courthouse who was aberrantly attempting to dictate me what to respond to my own
interrogatory, “gendarmes” who were obligated to report the frame-ups against me according to
articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code. The Ministry of Interior
Affairs also refused to take disciplinary and penal action against and the “masked policemen”,
“policemen”, “secret policemen” and “gendarmes” who broke into my mother’s home with illegal and
obviously factually falsified mandates against me on 17th September 2015 10547/231/2015), 11th
December 2015 (14277/231/2015), 6th (4791/231/2107), 10th (4909/231/2017) 13th, 14th and 27th April
2017 (prosecutor’s falsified ordnance according to article 184 paragraph 23, instigated or determined by
the falsified decision from 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance), and through the home breakings for state
terrorism during the 2017 Orthodox Easter they’ve also made my mother ill from Zoster Area from
stress and trauma. Ministry of Interior Affairs also refused to take disciplinary and penal action against
"policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara who falsified the in rem and in personam ordnances from
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, judicially harassed me to give 3 declarations in the same
dossier under threat of home breaking like before, and harassed me with irrational behavior attempting

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to influence my declarations which is a felony, and falsified acts of procedure in cahoots with the
“prosecutors” who falsified the ordnance of putting into motion of the penal action illegally and
groundlessly against me proposing the “psychiatric” charlatanry procedure for killers no less according
to article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, then instigated the falsifying of
“psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise report” in my absence on 8th or 9th December 2016 as proven by
annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier in which it’s stated that “I couldn’t be found”, document unknown it was illegally hidden instead
of being communicated as legally required according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph
5 from Romanian Law 287/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian
Law 487/2002, and article 566 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as my mother who I
mandated to look in these falsified penal dossiers plus 12718/231/2017 didn’t see them and not even
the schizophrenic “judges” from 12718/231/2017 didn’t quote from them but in 1st instance sentenced
me for the crimes and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache Daniel with which I have no
connection, and in 2nd instance they quoted from the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise
report” falsified in my abscence between 30th October 2015 and 3rd December 2015 and annulled as
inadmissible and unfounded in 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, who is actually in ne bis in idem
relation with 12718/231/2017 about the same fictive accusations that I’m irresponsible, without
discernment, violent and a public danger, also mentioning the same schizophrenic “judge” Badiu
Mandica invoked them in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance although it annulled the same action in
14277/231/2015 in 1st instance as inadmissible. The Ministry of Interior Affairs and Public Ministry led by
the general prosecutor of Romania also refused to take disciplinary and penal action against the “judicial
bodies” who knew that the “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise reports” from 8th or 9th December 2016
were falsified in my absence and without my consent being illegal according to articles 10 and 11 from
the Romanian Law 487/2002 and article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
meaning the “judicial bodies” also knew “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise reports” is inadmissible
according to article 102 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code for being illegal and void
of right according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code also for being illegal.
Ministry of Interior Affairs employees furthermore refused as legally required to denounce the obvious
falsified mandates and their falsifiers meaning “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana on 17th September 2015
(10547/231/2015), 6th (4791/231/2015), 10th, 13th, 14th April 2017 (4909/231/2017 in 1st instance),
“judge” Badiu Mandica on 11th December 2015 (14277/231/2015) and Croitoru Sandina Mariana
(4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, also directly linked with the Crimes against humanity that were
committed by the execution of the falsified mandate of arrest and detainment executed on 27th May
2017 during my law faculty exams like I’ve objectivized in section A.II. 1.3.1^7.1.), falsified mandates
with which they broken into my mother’s apartment on the date aforementioned, and refused to
denounce the obvious frame-ups who I've also demonstrated to the "policewoman" Popescu
Lacramioara 3 times due to the judicial harassment she subjected me to by coercing me by subpoenaing
me to come to the police station to give the same judicial declaration 3 times under the threat of state
terrorism by home breakings into my mother’s apartment, judicial declarations I also made in the penal
complaint I’ve also lodged to the penal authorities who refused to prosecute by which they are thus
being proven accomplices and I’ve also incorporated them as accused in the same penal complaint who I
eventually lodged at the general prosecutor of Romania’s office who as before refused to prosecute,

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proof with which I again got the general prosecutor of Romania accused in this penal complaint for the
falsification of dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against me. In parallel I’ve also
incriminated the anticorruption direction chief Laura Codruta Kovesi in this penal complaint,
“prosecutor” who had knowledge of the Crimes against humanity against me since before 15th
December 2015 when I was heard judicially by her subordinate “prosecutor” Calarasu Valina who in
cahoots with her superior “prosecutor” Popovici Gheorghe mocked me declaring in the falsified closing
ordnance against my penal complaints instead of a motivation that the law and judicial system are a
~"product of my mental processes" hinting at the grave abuses who were committed against me by use
of the judicial system and psychiatry as state terrorism and wrongful political repression, which of
course just got these "anticorruption prosecutors" accused in the same penal dossiers they uselessly
attempted to close through a falsified ordnance which is proof of their schizophrenia since I couldn't
have possibly accused them otherwise if they haven’t uselessly meddled for me to learn who actually
refused to prosecute from within the Romanian National Anticorruption Direction, and for me to learn
that these “prosecutors” are arrogantly declaring through their attitude they are amongst the most
corrupt in the Romanian “state” mafia. The audience at the national anticorruption direction, meaning
"Directia Nationala Anticoruptie" in Romanian, was mainly in regard to the Romanian "state" mafia
destroying my informatician career by refusing until the present even to judge my work litigation at the
Bucharest Tribunal which they sold for bribery beyond any reasonable doubt as I've proven in favor of
the Delhaise Group's Cora Hypermarchet registered as SC ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE SA in Romania
where I worked for years as an IT Programmer between 2008-2012, and from where I was illegally and
unjustly disciplinarily fired before and barely managed to win my minimum worker's rights in
43961/3/2009 as proof of my innocence, after which these "masters of the world" as my lawyer Mariana
Military put it at the time, falsified 3 more disciplinary sanctions to get me disciplinarily fired again using
these time a bunch of corporate lawyers from the international KINSTELLAR SPARL firm against which
I've also opened penal dossiers in which they were never acquitted but protected by the Romanian
"state" mafia by not being indicted and convicted, namely by the “prosecutor” Ban Cristian Mihai who
for years was covering up for all the felonies committed by the “magistrates” in the Romanian capital
Bucharest, mentioning these KINSTELLAR SPARL lawyers also appeared in the falsified “psychiatric”
charlatanry action 15730/231/2014 from "European" Vrancea county where they lost, being thus
proven beyond any reasonable doubt the Romanian "state" mafia started its chain of Crimes against
humanity against me especially for the penal dossiers I opened against its "magistrate" members from
Bucharest who prostituted the judicial system for the Delhaise Group and their KINSTELLAR SPARL bribe
carrying "lawyers", as I objectivize in this ICC penal dossier through the falsified penal dossier
2417/P/2014 against me concomitantly with 15730/231/2014 to cover-up the Crimes against humanity
committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, and as short proof of my
innocence I annulled 15730/231/2014 according to the Romanian public evidence of dossiers ECRIS, and
in penal dossier 2417/P/2014 I was never indicted and convicted to the present as proven by annex 17
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
representing my empty judicial history, then as I objectivize in this ICC penal dossier about the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry actions 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 which I annulled as inadmissible
and unfounded meaning falsified in all possible manners, by breaking the law, regulations and falsifying
the facts, meaning being inherently syllogistically invalid. Because in the penal dossier I opened for the

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falsification of dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against me I incriminated the
Romanian "state" mafia bosses and underbosses as I judicially declared before, using the simple method
of legally petitioning the “competent” institutions and accusing their leadership for refusing to do its
job, my point has been made that although I do not actually need further proofs to demonstrate the
existence of the Romanian "state" mafia and its criminal activity, exactly because the Romanian "state"
mafia members and especially the mafia bosses are being Stalinist-like paranoid, and because each of
the mafia members is believing they need to demonstrate their mafia honor and usefulness, or simply
commit honor crimes for being sociopaths vying for a greater social position where these particular
psychopaths are always found hunting for power, they still believe they're achieving anything by their
logically incoherent crimes for covering up their past crimes, which inherently helped me further
demonstrate the Romanian "state" mafia existence, extent and criminal activity as well as its members
schizophrenia using their symptoms of logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction according to
DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, even as criminals which automatically
places he diagnosis of sociopaths on them or persons who pervasively are breaking the law and people's
rights sacrificing other person's lives for achieving their petty illicit interests

I.B.4.4.Article 309 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code regarding the putting
into motion the penal action which was illegally disposed against me, also demonstrates the falsification
of the ordnance of closing from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016), because as I quote the law text in Romanian: "Actiunea penala se pune in miscare de
procuror, prin ordonanta, in cursul urmaririi penale, cand acesta constata ca exista probe din care
rezulta ca o persoana a savarsit o infractiune si nu exista vreunul dintre cazurile de impiedicare
prevazute la art. 16 (1)", as translated in English: "The penal action is put into motion by the prosecutor,
through an ordnance, during the penal pursuit, when he finds that proofs exist that a person has
committed a felony and any of the cases of impediment foreseen by article 16 paragraph 1 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code do not exist", because no security measure based on article 16
paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code can be issued against the accused who gained
the penal quality according to article 309 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, or the
suspect who was attributed the penal quality according to article 305 paragraphs 1 and 3 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, according to the text of the law which states these penal qualities can
only be attributed if there’s no article 16 paragraph 1 case from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code.
Against me there were falsified both the in personam ordnance and the putting into motion the penal
action ordnance as judiciary harassment to be called at the police station repeatedly to give the same
declaration for nothing three times even, ordnances which are according to articles 305 paragraphs 1
and 3 and 309 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code therefore meaning article 16
paragraph 1 letter d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code can’t be invoked in conjuncture with
article 38 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding the non-punishment clause of irresponsibility,
corroborated with the fact article 38 from the Romanian Penal Code refers to convicts not the suspect
or accused therefore it can only be impartially proposed after the definitive decision of conviction
according to the presumption of innocence. As proof the ordnance from 1st August 2017 is falsified in
this regard, meaning the "prosecutor" refers to me as the accused and invokes illegally article 16
paragraph 1 letter d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code instigating to Crimes against humanity

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through the falsified proposal for the obligation to medical treatment as if I were a convict, I quote from
annex 18 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, representing the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017, in Romanian: "Fata de cele constatate,
in temeiul art. 314 alin. 1 lit.a C.p.p. si art.315 alin.1 lit.b C.p.p. rap. la art.16 alin.1 lit.d C.p.p. in ref. la
art.28 C.p.", as translated into English: "In regard to the findings, according to article 314 alignment 1
letter a from the Penal Procedure Code and article 315 alignment 1 letter b from the Penal Procedure
Code reported to article 16 alignment 1 letter d from the Penal Procedure Code referencing article 28
Penal Code", proposition found just before the closing statements who should represent the valid
universal law premise of the ordnance's juridical syllogism but doesn't, the premise being illegal or false
which makes by juridical inference of the ordnance illegal or falsified because article 16 paragraph 1
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code was also invoked through article 314 paragraph 1 letter a who
references it, article 315 paragraph 1 letter b who references it, and is referenced directly as quoted, not
just article 305 paragraphs 1 and 3 and article 309 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code. Given that nobody can invoke not knowing the law to absolve himself from the legal
consequences of committing felonies, by principle of law, let alone a magistrate who graduated a faculty
of law passing exams, was admitted into the profession passing exams, presumably advanced in rank
passing exams, and has experience as each case solved is a veritable exam, and last but not least the
magistrate has the law book under his nose which he can consult at any time, it is proven beyond any
reasonable doubt the "prosecutors" Lupu Mihai Cristian and Petrescu Auras Ionut have broken the law
on purpose and with murderous aforethought, instigating to Crimes against humanity as proven by the
fact they knew perfectly well about the Crimes against humanity they've instigated between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017 because the mafia "secret police" soldiers were instigated directly by
"prosecutors" Lupu Mihai Cristian and Petrescu Auras Ionut through a secret mandated according to
article 184 paragraph 23 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code which wasn’t communicated to me
as usual although legally required by article 266 paragraph 1 2nd proposition from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, the mandate being falsified because the decisions in 4909/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd
instance were falsified and the mandate is based on the obviously factually and legally falsified decisions
again directly instigated by the falsified proposal of these "prosecutors" with the breaking of the law
regarding the fact the proposal for “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” can only be effectuated
against the suspect or accused of homicide which is unconstitutional again for infringing the
presumption of innocence, my presumption of innocence, and against my not given consent abusing
violence, and anyway the falsified decisions from 4909/231/2017 were regarding an illegal and
impossible "psychiatric" charlatanry “examination” without my consent and cooperation, not for
arresting me during my law faculty exams illegally, abusing violence and tying me to an operating table
in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag, injecting me with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins and
putting me into anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment, then after I survived poisoning me
with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins breaking every law and regulation, without my
consent evidently, without justification as no justification for Crimes against humanity can exist,
poisoning me without even a falsified diagnosis as obvious because if the falsified in my absence
“psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise report” from 8th or 9th December were ad absurdum valid there was
no need for the “psychiatric” incarceration for the impossible “examination” without my consent and
cooperation therefore the decisions in 4909/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance were falsified with

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murderous aforethought especially to commit Crimes against humanity against me through the felonies
of Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder, without convening the committee for ascertaining the
legality of my illegal "psychiatric" incarceration as legally required by articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and
293 from Romanian Law 487/2002 which would've normally set me free immediately, without
convening the ethics committee for evaluating the legality of torturing me through deadly poisoning
without a diagnostic or my consent as legally required which normally would've not allowed the Torture,
Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder to be committed against me according to article 43 from
Romanian Law 487/2002, without closing the legally required contract with the conventional
representant as required by article 29 paragraph 3 from Romanian Law 487/2002 and other articles in
this regard given my mother was visiting me almost daily, but the "psychiatrist" torturer Barbarosie
Carmen falsifying the quality of curator on herself surely in cahoots with others who falsified the
necessary papers or were accomplice as the “psychiatry” charlatanry ward director Florea Gabriela, and
refused simultaneously as legally required ex officio to conclude the conventional representant contract
with my mother even after I directed my mother to go with the printed contract to "psychiatrist"
torturer Barbarosie Carmen, and refused to stop committing the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm and
Qualified Murder against me although I have not given my consent, I daily implored the torturers to
stop poisoning me and my mother also objected against my poisoning but there was no way to the the
mind of the obsessed torturer animal Barbarosie Carmen etc., felonies constituting Crimes against
humanity which I demonstrated in detail in section A.II.1.3.1^7. I also mention "prosecutors" Lupu Mihai
Cristian and Petrescu Auras Ionut made my mother ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma by
instigating directly the almost daily illegal home breakings mostly immediately before Orthodox Easter
with tens of mafia soldier "policemen", "masked policemen", "gendarmes" and "secret policemen" as if I
were a MMA fighter or dangerous terrorist not an intellectual human rights defender, meaning on 6th,
10th, 13th, 14th and 27th April, being thus proven beyond any reasonable doubt the murderous
aforethought of "prosecutors" Lupu Mihai Cristian and Petrescu Auras Ionut who went all out not just to
destroy me but my mother who is my only family, mentioning as being relevant that the mafia
caporegime “magistrate” Petrescu Auras Ionut was brought from Bucharest to oversee the criminal
activity of the mafia in the "European" Vrancea county, replacing "prime prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta, wife of mafia "secret police" soldier Dogaru Vasile, who falsified the appeal in
14277/231/2015 without even having an active quality in falsified dossier 2417/P/2014 which was
falsified by the chief of “European” Vrancea county criminal investigation “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul in
person, appeal which she lost as proof it was falsified because “judge” Popa Mariana who rejected her
appeal as unfounded had scruples being directly involved in the instigation of Crimes against humanity,
facts through which I point out there's no such thing as judicial independence and magistrate's
obedience to the law in the Romanian "democracy" but pervasive law breaking and obedience to the
mafia orders which are relayed though mafia agents such as Ministry of Interior Affairs mafia "special
agent" Crintea Valerica acting as a false witness in dossier 2845/P/2016, his quality being inscribed as
proof in his false incoherent testimony which didn't even contribute to the accusation but neither did he
denounce the frame-up he witnessed on 18th May 2016 nor the mafia’s criminal activity of which he
surely knows as a member of the Romanian “state” mafia, facts which I will all punctually objectivize as I
demonstrate in reverse chronological order the unfolding of mafia's criminal activity.

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I.B.4.5. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian from
the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016): "Prin ordonanta din data de 18.05.2016 s-a dispus inceperea urmaririi penale pentru
infractiunea de incalcarea solemnitatii sedintei prevazuta de art. 278 Cp. constand in aceea ca in data de
18.05.2016, Raneti Tudor Andrei fiind prezent in sala de judecata nr.2 din incinta Judecatoriei Focsani, in
fata completului prezidat de judecator Paun Ionel Iulian, fara acordul presedintelui de complet, a
desfasurat activitati cu dispozitive electronice ce nu se aflau la vedere...", as translated to English:
"Through the ordnance from 18th May 2016 it was disposed the beginning of the penal pursuit for the
felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the meeting foreseen by article 278 from the Romanian Penal Code
constituted by that on the day of 18th May 2016, Raneti Tudor Andrei being present in the trial room no
2 from inside "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse, in front of the judgment contingent presided by judge
Paun Ionel Iulian, without the permission of the judgment contingent president, has effectuated
activities with electronic devices who weren't in sight...",
I.B.4.5.1. because the felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the meeting refers as I quote from
the text of the law from the Romanian Penal Code to, as directly translated into English: "Using words or
gestures that are offensive or obscene, of nature to disturb the activity of the instance, committed by a
person who participates or assists to a procedure that takes places before the instance, is punishable
with jail from a month to three months or a fine", and since obviously listening to audio books on
earphones or rehearsing my plead on my tablet is neither offensive or obscene, proven if the false
accusation is not ridiculous enough by the fact I was falsely accused after one hour and a half of doing
the same thing which I've done in other courthouse meetings in the same courthouse and other
courthouses where and when I wasn't falsely accused as jurisprudential proof extracting power from the
principle of unitary application of the law, therefore "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior
"first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut falsified the in rem ordnance, in cahoots with the lying "judge"
Paun Ionel Iulian and "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta who signed the falsified closing document
of the meeting from 18th May 2016 from 2220/91/2015, attached as annex 8 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. As proof of the
schizophrenia of these "prosecutors" according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis
and statistics, I mention their redundant declaration from the quote that I was present in the
courthouse room when I committed a deed that doesn’t even exist and cannot physically exist therefore
it can’t possible constitute a felony not even ad absurdum as shown above, as if I could've not been
present in the courthouse room but still commit a deed as if I was, pleonastic language which I retain as
proof of logical incoherence along with the "prosecutors" failure to match the generically described
fictive deed with the simple text of the felony law quoted above, which demonstrates the symptoms of
occupational dysfunction and failure to recognize what's real. Also, the declaration of performing
activities in front of the judgment contingent with electronic devices who weren't in sight is a
contradiction and self proof of false declarations since by this the lying accusers declared they saw
something they couldn't see, again proof they are schizophrenic by this logical incoherence symptom,
reminding that in the same courthouse meeting closing they also accused me of gestures and words
who they also didn't see or hear, being entirely possible these schizophrenics hallucinate visually and
auditory. Furthermore, nobody requires permission from the judgment contingent president to be

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present in the courthouse public meeting else everyone would have to have permission which they
don’t, nor to listen to audio books on earphones, nor to consult his plead on his tablet, mentioning that
over half of the audience at the time was playing on their mobile phones which didn't disturb evidently
the lying accusers "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian and "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta, who evidently
singled me out from the public crowd for being an anti-mafia human rights defender and being
especially against them who I previously penally and publicly denounced for falsifying acts of procedure
against me, and who knew exactly what I was doing because for a long time I did the same thing inside
the same courthouse in front or not of other judgment contingents and in other public meetings, even
reading my plead from the tablet during the contradictory debates in my trials which some of the other
schizophrenic "judges" thought they could use as a legitimate reason to interdict me to read my plead,
which I then used in the penal dossiers against them as proof of the felony of Public service abuse by
infringing on my right to defend myself reading a plead I written before, being thus evident these
schizophrenic troglodyte peasants have mental issues with modern technology delirating it’s inherently
illicit as some sort of religious fanatics who being no coincidence are always also troglodyte peasants. I
also mention as relevant that if there is a doubt I was recording the courthouse meeting without the
president's permission, I wasn't and I never do that because there is no reason as proven by the fact I
have the absolute right to request the audio recording of the courthouse meeting which I never need as
proof why I never recorded the meeting, because the mafia peasants give me the proofs of their crimes
in writing under their private signature in the form of the falsified courthouse meeting closings or
decisions which I’ve annexed as proof, audio recording of the courthouse meeting from 18th May 2016
which again as proof I did request and obtained afterwards to objectively prove the accusation lies, but I
didn’t actually need it because the accusers incriminate themselves by self-contradictory declarations
that I committed physically impossible deeds of committing generic obscene gestures who nobody saw,
and uttered generic obscene words nobody heard. Even more, if I really wanted to record the
courthouse meeting audio-video I would've bought a hidden camera and microphone which wouldn't
have occurred to anyone to inquire about or suspect since I never do this because I don't need to as
proven, because the peasant "magistrate" mafia is giving me all the proof in need of their criminal
activity in writing under their private signature, and I point out again at the typical to liars extra hair-
pulled generic accusation of the lying accusation avoiding to mention what were these "electronic
devices", meaning my phone from which I listened on audio books on earphones, and my tablet from
which I consulted my plead, being thus proven beyond any reasonable doubt there was nothing obscene
or insulting going on of nature to disturb the solemnity of the courthouse meeting, except the false
accusations I was subjected to and harassed with in the courthouse meeting, which weren't insulting or
obscene words either but the deed of calling the "gendarmes" without justification to harass me during
other people's trial is also an insulting gesture of nature to disturb the solemnity of the courthouse
meeting, through which the lying accusers committed the felony of Disturbing the courthouse meeting
solemnity. Last but not least, according to the text of the law and the accusation I needed to be in front
of the judgment contingent meaning the deed needed be committed during my audience as according
to the text of the law regarding participating and assisting in a procedure, which I wasn't, I was minding
my own business way in the back of the courthouse room right corner in the row before the last, waiting
for my dossiers to be called out to plead in front of the judgment contingent, so that part of the
declaration is also a lie made up to correlate with the text of the law because in reality it doesn’t

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I.B.4.6. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian from
the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016): "...iar in momentul in care lucratorul de jandarmi a fost chemat sa verifice activitatile
desfasurate, acesta a adus acuze, a gesticulat si a proferat cuvinte de ocara care au fost de natura sa
declanseze accese de ilaritate din partea justitiabililor, rumoare si scandal intre participantii la judecata,
determinand o trecere in derizoriu a sedintei de judecata, contribuind astfel la incalcarea solemnitatii
sedintei", as translated into English: “... and in the moment that the gendarmes worker was called to
verify the activities unfolding, this one brought accuses, has gesticulated and uttered obscene words
which were of nature to trigger hilarity accesses from the parties, hearsay and scandal between the
participants at the trial, determining thus the passing of the judgment meeting into the trivial,
contributing like this to the infringement of the meeting solemnity”,
I.B.4.6.1. because obviously the schizophrenic “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian and “prosecutor”
Dogaru Luminita Georgeta, being zealous to frame me up with malice aforethought, accused me with
every possible reference to the text of the law referring to every possible situation simultaneously but
generically as typical to liars, and also claimed every outcome they could think of occurred
simultaneously making their self-contradictory false accusations even more ridiculous and obviously
falsified and as easily proven;
I.B.4.6.2. because "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu
Auras Ionut lied that I uttered accusations as the lying accusers lied that I did, as proven by both the
audio recordings of the courthouse and the false testimonies of the "gendarmes" Butuc and Lepadatu,
and Ministry of Interior "special agent" Crintea Valerica, false in the sense that these schizophrenics who
contradicted themselves and between themselves without contributing to the accusation, didn't as
legally required during their public service make a report and denounce the frame-up committed by
"judge" Paun Ionel Iulian and "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta in flagrant as they were legally
obligated according to articles 61 and 291 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, because the lying
accusers are mafia caporegimes, and the “gendarmes” are just obeying mafia soldiers as proven by this
very situation. There is no other explanation why these false witnesses didn't contribute to the
accusation against me other than they are schizophrenic, thus being incoherent they aren't reliable to
commit or not commit felonies on the mafia's command despite the fact they are maintained in function
because being schizophrenic they are psychologically labile meaning lacking integrity and prone to
commit felonies on command as these "gendarmes" committed against me as of fact before by
participating in harassment against me in the courthouse and falsifying a fine against me to cover-up the
fact "judge" Andreea Jelea from the same courthouse on 4th September 2014 as I remember attempted
to dictate what to answer to my own interrogatory then used the "gendarmes" to harass me to
intimidate me towards this purpose. I've theorized and statistically proven in fact as well as publicly
denounced that the Romanian "state" mafia recruits especially schizophrenics in the magistrate body of
public functionaries because they are psychologically labile meaning lacking integrity, and they falsify
judicial decisions on command, also being easily controllable through blackmail because each of these
"magistrates" who first of all has a plagiarized license which has been notoriously used as political police
and mediated for years, then hurries to prostitute the public function for his own illicit gain, which of

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course the mafia "secret information services" records and uses as blackmail later against these judges
coercing them to instigate even Crimes against humanity as they did against me as proof for petty
reasons such as material ones when opposed to the life of a person. As proof of the existence of these
blackmail archives I only need remind the notorious SIPA archive regarding especially the judicial
system, who has no democratic use whatsoever regardless if the mafia "desecretizes" it or not after
giving it a cosmetic make over to make it appear as a quasi-legitimate cover-up story for the fact in
reality the worst of crimes are being perpetrated behind the scenes, such as the mafia "policemen"
having orgies with minors in the police stations, no less in the "European" Vrancea county itself, or
murdering people in the police stations in the capital city Bucharest, notorious facts presented in all the
mass media about which nobody does anything because it means going up against the state-controlling
mafia which then would destroy their lives as it did mine although the mafia destroyed mine before
really starting to fight back so I had nothing to lose thanks to the mafia's stupidity who not only gained
nothing by it but made a permanent enemy, being surprised there are still courageous journalists in
Romania who would report the crimes of the mafia members, reports although about which I theorize
they are really another form of mass control through fear or state terrorism or part of the terrorism
mechanics employed by the Romanian “state” mafia because the mass media seems all controlled as
well by the Romanian "state" mafia, proven by the fact I've notified for years the mass media in
Romania with my penal dossiers against the particular "magistrate" mafia branch and the mass media
published absolutely nothing, having to publish the penal dossiers I made myself, and after publishing I
remind I've been illicitly censored on "militia.freeforums.net" forum on 8th April 2017, and partly on my
facebook.com account on 10th April 2017, in the middle of almost daily arrests with tens of mafia soldier
"masked policemen", "policemen", "secret policemen" and "gendarmes" on 6th, 10th, 13th, 14th, 27th April
2017 and ultimately 27th May 2017 as if I was a MMA fighter or dangerous terrorist not an anti-mafia
intellectual human rights defender, grave abuses committed for harassing my mother who's home they
broke into repeatedly and unjustified, and who has fallen ill with Zoster Area from stress and trauma,
and for the main purpose of falsifying the "psychiatric" charlatanry procedure and Torture, Bodily Harm
and Qualifiedly Murder me as they committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as
I've objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7. It is worthy of mention the only other time my facebook.com
account was severely censored is when I opened in February 2018 a group named "Romanian revolution
for human rights", despite I even filed this time as I warned facebook.com, penal complaints with all the
competent authorities in the U.S.A. territorial circumscription of facebook.com juridical persona, and
notified other institutions such as regarding consumers right or BBB, institutions which of course did
nothing because U.S.A. and it's C.I.A. organization covers-up the Romanian "state" mafia Crimes against
humanity through illicit internet censorship, and there is an objective demonstration about the at least
1989-2017 link between C.I.A. and the Romanian “state” mafia, the notorious fact the Romanian "state"
mafia so-called anticorruption chief “prosecutor” Laura Codruta Kovesi of the Romanian National
Anticorruption Direction meets to take orders to commit political police against public functionaries for
the purpose of “state” manipulation and control, from the Balkans region CIA chief, at Romanian "state"
mafia "information secret services" protocol villas, according to mafia defector Sebastian Ghita from the
Romanian "state" mafia "information secret services", corroborated with the conspiracy theory that
facebook.com social networking doubles as a database for CIA from where the rule craze about posting
real pictures and real personal data started on facebook.com, personal data strangely enough I remind

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facebook.com started selling illicitly also for which it was notoriously convicted which I retain as proof of
facebook.com illicit activity and character, corroborated with the fact the other illicitly censored forum
"militia.freeforums.net" was also hosted on U.S.A. servers and administered by Americans which is why
it was easily censored but most important to retain, without any licit reason as there can be none after
the forum existed for 3 years, and exactly during the home breakings before Orthodox Easter when the
Romanian "state" mafia attempted to physically stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, reason
for which the synchronized illicit censorships are no coincidence given I used to publish on these media
at least from 2014 and could've been censored anytime if I was doing anything immoral, which is why no
reason was given either for the illicit censorship because there is no moral reason, and the time it took
for the Romanian “state” mafia to react in this manner was the time it took for their master’s Stalinism
to overflow with paranoia, the incoherent and stupid manner in which they committed Crimes against
humanity against me and failed again to Qualifiedly Murder me as they tried twice in the night between
5th and 6th December 2014, by instigating the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to violently hit me on the
head and throw me uncousciously on a flight of stairs, then after being transported at the emergency
ward of “Saint Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani I was covertly injected with the deadly fluorine
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone, proven by a blood test I took 4 months after and shown the
symptoms that only this particular poison could produce because of its long presence in the blood
stream, as objectivized in sections A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2. Secondly, it makes perfect sense CIA is
backing up the Romanian "state" mafia since it was CIA who spearheaded the fall of the "communist"
block, and the 1989 coup d'etat in Romania where it installed its puppetable regime with the help of
various traitor "secret information services" in the area, fact again notoriously known and corroborated
by this contemporary notorious evidence, and also the notorious evidence U.S.A. financed the break-up
of former Yugoslavia and Cehoslovakia, playing divide and conquer to gain a strategic foothold between
Europe, the Russian Federation / Asia, Middle East and Africa, besides "freeing-up" the rich mineral
resources in the area for its corporate sector to plunder as it did;
I.B.4.6.3. because "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu
Auras Ionut lied that I committed obscene or insulting gestures and words, proven that the accusation
regarding obscene or insulting words is a lie by the audio recording of the courthouse, proof which of
course the "prosecutors" refused to mention even although I rubbed it in their face at every occasion as
most importantly I build a penal dossier against them with it which I also lodged as a judicial declaration
in the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 making the "judicial bodies"
who falsified them incompatible to continue falsifying acts of procedure in them according to the
principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, because the law forbids any functionary to attempt to
cover-up any complaint about his activity or that of his subordinates by addressing anything related to
the complaint as my judicial declarations accuses them demonstrating they lie, falsify acts of procedure
and even more, demonstrates the conspiracy involving a large number of mafia "magistrate"
caporegimes, mafia "police", “special agents” and "gendarmes" soldiers, and other mafia associates
such as "lawyers", "legal medics" and other interlopers from various public functions or convicts for
murder from prisons even which were used as false witnesses regarding the falsified dossiers
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as I heard from my mother, but who also didn't contribute to the false
accusations against me including regarding the obscene or insulting gestures which according to the self-
contradictory declarations of the lying accusers did not exist physically because they admit they haven’t

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seen the obscene or insulting gestures by not describing them, nor did any of the accusation’s false
witnesses which did not contribute to the accusation nor did they denounce the lying accusers as legally
required both as witnesses and as public servants, because they are schizophrenic as proven by the fact
they also contradicted themselves and amongst themselves;
I.B.4.6.4. because "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu
Auras Ionut lied that there existed hilarity, hearsay and scandal in the courthouse audience as proven by
the audio recording of the courthouse meeting, to which the false testimonies didn't corroborate either
as it would be useless since the objective material proof is the audio recording of the courthouse
meeting, nor was I ever accused of the felonies of False declarations for declaring and demonstrating
the "judicial bodies" lied, Inducing the judicial bodies into error for invoking false proofs, because I didn't
as the audio recording of the courthouse meeting couldn't have been falsified by me because it's in the
custody of the Romanian "state" mafia, nor was I accused of Disseminating false information for
publishing the penal dossier against the falsifiers of dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 while the falsified penal pursuit was ongoing no less

I.B.4.7. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian from
the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016): "Prin ordonanta din data de 07.09.2016 emisa de organele de cercetare penala din
cadrul Politiei Municipiului Focsani s-a dispus efectuarea in continuare a urmaririi penale fata de Raneti
Tudor Andrei sub aspectul savarsirii infractiunii de incalcare a solemnitatii sedintei prev. de art. 278 Cp.,
iar prin ordonanta din data de 08.09.2016 a Parchetului de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani s-a dispus
confirmarea ordonantei de efectuare in continuare a urmaririi penale", as translated into English:
"Through the ordnance from the date of 7th September 2016 emitted by the penal investigation bodies
from within the Focsani City Police it was disposed the effectuation in continuation of the penal pursuit
regarding Raneti Tudor Andrei under the aspect of the committal of the felony of meeting solemnity
breaking foreseen by article 278 from the Penal Code, and through the ordnance from the date of 8th
September 2016 of the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse it was disposed
the confirmation of the ordnance of continuation of penal pursuit",
I.B.4.7.1. because there are no such thing as "penal investigation bodies" within the city of
Focsani "police" institution, only mafia soldiers, felons, which I prove by the fact they've investigated
Crimes against humanity against me by participating in the falsification of the "psychiatric" charlatanry
procedure in a futile attempt to cover-up the illegality and groundlessness of their accusations that I'm
irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public danger, then these mafia "police" and "secret
police" soldiers also arrested me illegally using falsified mandates from the mafia "magistrate"
caporegimes on 6th April 2017 and 27th May 2017 especially from my law faculty exams, and handed me
to the "psychiatrist" torturers and their accomplices who tied me up to an operating table in Focsani
"psychiatric" gulag and injected me with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins putting me in
anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment, then after I survived they poisoned me forcefully with
other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins until 8th June 2017, in fact with the same deadly fluorine
neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone's metabolite, with which the Romanian "state"
mafia covertly injected me with in my right elbow in the emergency ward of the "Saint Pantelimon"

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Focsani Hospital after I've been hit in the head violently and thrown on a flight of stairs by the mafia
instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut, as proven by a blood test taken 4 months after that shown the
symptoms that could only be left by this particular poison's long presence in the bloodstream, as I'm
objectivizing in sections A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2. These "penal investigation bodies", namely
"policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara, falsified the in rem and in personam ordnances as I saw them in
the falsified dossiers aganist me, but the "judicial bodies" refused to communicate them to me on my
request as required by the law, article 84 letters b, d, e, h, article 94 paragraphs 2 and 8 and article 309
paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, to prevent me from using the falsified document
against them by publishing them also as I’ve did with all the others, "policewoman" Popescu
Lacramioara never inventorying, administering and objectivizing the relevance of any proof because
they prove my innocence as I've demonstrated based even on the false accusations declarations and
accusation’s false witness’s testimonies in the falsified dossiers, because they are self-contradictory,
self-incriminating and contradictory amongst them not to mention ridiculous like I've objectivized in this
ICC penal dossier, and "policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara never motivating according to article 286
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code using a particular factual premise correlated with an universal
law premise from which a judicial conclusion can be inferred, but "policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara
and "prosecutors" Lupu Mihai Cristian and Petrescu Auras Ionut lied without demonstrating anything
that I committed a felony, worthy of reminding that if there was a felony which was declared flagrant by
the lying "magistrate" accusers, I should've been indicted and convicted within a month meaning in June
2016, but my right to have this falsified case processed in a reasonable amount of time according to
article 21 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Constitution was broken for the purpose of state terrorism
and wrongful political repression through judicial harassment and ultimately Crimes against humanity
involving the "psychiatric" charlatanry Romanian "state" mafia torturer associates, without being ever
indicted and convicted as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, because the Romanian "state" mafia's purpose was to stop
me from denouncing its criminal activity which can't be done by putting me as innocent in jail from
where I would've continued to fight back juridically as I am now from hiding out of fear of indefinite to
life imprisonment, Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified Murder, acknowledging I will never stop being
hunted until I get the Romanian “state” mafia members convicted and imprisoned. Finally, I again
remind that the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2016 illegally referenced article 16 paragraph 1 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code 3 times as its universal law premise motivation, through article 314
paragraph 1 letter a, article 315 paragraph 1 letter b, and directly, but the previously falsified ordnance
of putting into motion the penal action according to article 309 paragraph 1, and previously falsified
ordnance of penal pursuit continuation according to article 305 paragraphs 1 and 3 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code made it legally impossible to invoke any of the article 16 paragraph 1 clauses. The
"judicial bodies" who falsified 4 penal dossiers against me, needless to conclude as I've demonstrated
anyway, haven't fulfilled any of the "judicial bodies" relevant obligations according to article 306 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, because they aren't judicial bodies, they are the Romanian "state"
mafia members who being mentally alienated with corruption all their lives or never learning how to do
honest work in their entire life, do not know how to even pretend to be the public functionaries they
falsely claim to be. In conclusion because the in rem ordnance was falsified like I demonstrated before
that no deed physically exist that can constitute a felony even ad absurdum, no ordnance that I

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committed an inexistent deed that cannot even constitute a felony ad absurdum can exist, therefore the
in personam ordnance is also falsified, all the more because I've demonstrated in this paragraph the
"judicial bodies" haven't motivated it as all the other falsified acts of procedure, and refused to
communicate the falsified document on my request to prevent me from using it against them, infringing
on my right to self defense, reason for which the falsified in personam ordnance is void of right
according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code

I.B.4.8. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian from
the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016): "2) La data de 14.07.2016 a fost inregistrata la Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria
Focsani incheierea din data de 24.06.2016 pronuntata in dosarul 14277/231/2015 a Tribunalului
Vrancea, spre a fi efectuate cercetari fata de Raneti Tudor Andrei pentru infractiunea de incalcarea
solemnitatii sedintei, prev. si ped. de art. 278 Cp., cauza fiind inregistrata sub nr. 3992/P/2016", as
translated to English: "2) On the date of 14th July 2016 it was registered at the prosecutor's office near
the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse the meeting closing document from the date of 24th June 2016
pronounced in the dossier 14277/231/2015 by Vrancea Tribunal, for effectuating investigations
regarding Raneti Tudor Andrei for the felony of the disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse, foreseen
by article 278 from the Romanian Penal Code, the cause being registered under number 3992/P/2016",
I.B.4.8.1. because the courthouse meeting closing document form 24th June 2016, attached as
annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, is obviously falsified by accusing me that pleading constitutes the felony of Disturbing the
solemnity of the courthouse according to article 278 from Romanian Penal Code, therefore the
"prosecutors" should've ex-officio denounce "judge" Popa Mariana who falsified the meeting closing
document form 24th June 2016, to the superior prosecutor's office competent to prosecute magistrates,
just like I opened a penal dossier against "judge" Popa Mariana who was never acquitted as proof, and
as corroboration I was never accused of the felonies of False declarations (for false judicial declarations
such as in a false penal complaint), Inducing into error the judicial bodies (for false proofs) or
Disseminating false information (for publishing the penal dossier against "judge" Popa Mariana, and
legally advertising she is a criminal on the internet, as I did against perhaps with over a hundred penal
dossiers on the illicitly mafia censored forum “militia.freeforums.net”), through which I make the proof
of verity of my declarations and proofs, certified by the very Romanian "state" mafia who has
demonstrated every interest in its 8 attempts to Qualifiedly Murdering me, Torturing and gravely
Bodily Harming me in two instances as I've objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1. As analytic proof the
accusation is false, according to the text of the felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the courthosue
meeting, the words used must be insults or obscene, not that the plead in my defense of my rights in
which I demonstrated "judge" Popa Mariana is incompatible for breaking the law by being thus proven
partial, and by implicitly revealing Popa Mariana is not a judge but a felon, fact which "judge" Popa
Mariana admits by falsely accusing me of using insulting words not that my plead is insulting which is
not, as proven by "judge" Popa Mariana failing to specify the insulting or obscene words and accusing
me generically typical to liars that the phrases of my plead in defense of my rights are insulting or
obscene, again with no objectivization as none can be formulated, as proven by annex 9 of my Rule 39

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ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. That I proved
objectively "judge" Popa Mariana has broken the law and is therefore proven to be partial is not an
insult nor an accusation, is the objective truth necessary as the particular factual premise for the legal
request for "judge" Popa Mariana to be removed from dossier 14277/231/2015 according to article 64
paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code regarding lack of the "magistrate's"
impartiality, given the only warrant of a judge's impartiality is his obligation to obey the law exclusively
according to article 124 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Constitution, legal request for removal that I
formulated for protecting my fundamental right to a fair trial according to article 21 from the Romanian
Constitution, where fair means according to the principle of legality which "judge" Popa Mariana has
broken to begin with, which is the positive proof there is no deed that I uttered insulting or obscene
words, and therefore pleading in my defense of my rights cannot even ad absurdum constitute the
felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the meeting, all the more I pleaded in the same manner before in
front and against many "magistrates" without being falsely accused of Disturbing the solemnity of the
meeting, including in front and against "judge" Popa Mariana who was incompatible for other reasons
also to be the judge in dossiers 14277/231/2015 and 1053/91/2016, such as because "judge" Popa
Mariana participated before in this cause, at least in dossier 623/91/2016 who is in relation with both
14277/231/2015 and 1053/91/2016 dossiers, and is thus legally disallowed to participate again in the
main cause 14277/231/2015 especially, or dossier 1053/91/2016 through which I attacked her own
falsified decision in 623/91/2016 and her presence in 1053/91/2016 constitutes a flagrant breaking of
the principle nemo esse iudex in sua cause potest, whether she broke the law before or not which she
did by falsifying the decision in 623/91/2016, not to mention dossier 14277/231/2015 before remaining
at "judge" Popa Mariana changed hands as a "hot potato" at least 4 times that I observed with no
apparent legal forms between the "judges" at Vrancea Tribunal which constitute a grave infringement of
the principle of the independence of the magistrate and of non-interference with the work of a
magistrate inherently, and for which "judge" Popa Mariana is responsible as the president of the penal
section, obligated to denounce this to the Superior Magistrate Council for disciplinary action, and to the
prosecutor's office for penal action against her criminal "magistrate" colleagues which "judge" Popa
Mariana protects because she's not a magistrate but a member of the same mafia as the other
"magistrates" she's in cahoots with. The negative proof pleading does not constitute the felony of
Disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse meeting, is the obvious fact anyone who would demonstrate
an accused has committed a felony, would commit the felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the
courthouse meeting by "insulting" the accused regardless whether the plead is true or false, but the text
of the felony refers to insulting or obscene words, not a plead by which a truth is revealed about a
person that may make that person feel injured in its fake or real reputation or in its crooked or honest
ego, finding the truth being the fundamental principle of justice as notoriously depicted in the very
sculpture of the woman representing justice, who has one of her breasts revealed naked which signifies
that uncomfortable and ugly truths will be revealed through justice, even about the judicial bodies
themselves. The principle of finding the truth is not just a roman right derived principle but is engraved
in the Romanian Penal Procedure Code article 97 regarding the proofs and many other such articles in
which the expression as translated in English is: "finding out the truth" from the Romanian "aflarea
adevarului" is to be found, where "finding out the truth” turns out to be the part of conclusion of the
judicial process, preceding the just reparation or in accordance with the truth reparation through an

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executory judicial decision that restores the order of right equitably between parties and in society in
general, process which constitutes justice. Finally the proof that I uttered no insulting or obscene words,
is the audio recording of the courthouse which "judge" Popa Mariana refused to communicate falsifying
4 responses to my requests herself, by which "judge" Popa Mariana is withholding evidence because she
harassed me judicially during the proceedings of audience in 14277/231/2015 and 1053/91/2016
attempting to provoke me to utter insulting and obscene words for hours by constantly interrupting me
and through irrational behavior such as even if it was legally required to clear the courthouse room of
other parties in other dossiers, and especially the convict's box of the murderers I was trialed in parallel
with as proof again the "psychiatric" charlatanry procedure as I indicated through article 184 paragraph
1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, refers although unconstitutionally only to suspects or the
accused of homicide which obviously I am not, convicts for homicide to which "judge" Popa Mariana
revealed my personal data creating a threatening atmosphere as she also conversed during the
procedures in my trial with these convicts for murder implying to me that the organized crime "judge"
Popa Mariana belongs to can negotiate with these convicts to harm me or be false witnesses against me,
which in fact they were as my mother who I mandated to look in dossier 12718/231/2017 told me,
testimonies who were never brought to my attention and are therefore inadmissible, although I made
the written request that all the proofs in the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 be communicated to me, testimonies however which do not contribute to the accusation
as all the others as my mother also told me, reason for which they are not invoked in any of the
documents I've managed to obtain as proof, testimonies who as the others would've been useless if
accusing me uttering insulting or obscene words because of the audio recording of the courthouse,
material proof who should've been the first invoked but was avoided by the Romanian "state" mafia.
Finally the obvious false accusations of "judge" Popa Mariana prove that dossiers 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 based on her false depositions are falsified, which in turn would prove any testimony who
differs that is false, reason for which I don't even need the audio recording of the courthouse, which
"judge" Popa Mariana refused to communicate illegally to hide her felonies against me from 24th June
2016 such as the felony of attempting to Influence my declaration to prove my innocence and
inherently the Romanian “state” mafia’s criminal activity, which according to the presumption of
innocence I need not demonstrate like I did above, but I do need to demonstrate my accusation of the
improper or not but punishable regardless instigation or determination of Crimes against humanity
committed against me, which wouldn't have happened without the determining participation of "judge"
Popa Mariana, “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian and “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta to start with, and
all the other mafia members I accuse in this ICC penal dossier, and given that I proven in section A that
the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 were the
Romanian's "state" mafia intention all along as proven by the Crimes against humanity committed
against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, and the other in between Crimes against
humanity attempts, 8 in total including the Crimes against humanity mentioned as I've objectivized in
section A.II.1.3.1, demonstration by which I proven beyond any reasonable doubt that "judge" Popa
Mariana knew exactly what would happen by falsifying penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016
against me, all the more aware as I've proven many more were innocently drugged by the "European"
Vrance county "justice", in the document I’ve spoke of in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal

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dossier, with which I've also notified CCHR about the "psychiatry" charlatanry atrocities in Romania in
general through the email I made available to other institutions that I’ve also uploaded to the internet
address: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy

I.B.4.9. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut
from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian from
the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016): "Prin ordonanta din data de 21.07.2016 s-a dispus inceperea urmaririi penale pentru
infractiunea de incalcarea solemnitatii sedintei prevazuta de art. 278 Cp., constand in aceea ca in sedinta
camerei de consiliu din data de 24.06.2016, in care s-au judecat contestatiile promovate de Parchetul de
pe langa Judecatoria Focsani si de contestatorul Raneti Tudor Andrei impotriva incheierii din data de
05.02.2016, pronuntata de Judecatoria Focsani in dosar nr. 14277/231/2015, Raneti Tudor Andrei fiind
prezent in fata completului de judecata prezidat de judecator de drepturi si libertati Popa Mariana , a
folosit in mod repetat cuvinte jignitoare si acuze contribuind astfel la incalcarea solemnitatii sedintei de
judecata.", as translated to English: "Through the ordnance from the date of 21st July 2016 it was
disposed the beginning of the penal pursuit for the felony of disturbing the solemnity of the meeting
foreseen by article 278 from the Romanian Penal Code, consisting in that in the council meeting room
from the date of 24th June 2016, in which there were judged the contestations promoted by the
prosecutor's office from near the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse and by the contester Raneti Tudor
Andrei against the closing decision from the date of 5th February 2016, pronounced by the "Judecatoria
Focsani" courthouse in dossier no 14277/231/2015, Raneti Tudor Andrei being present in front of the
judgment contingent presided by rights and liberties judge Popa Mariana , used repeatedly insulting
words and accusations contributing like this to the disturbing the meeting solemnity",
I.B.4.9.1. because on 24th June 2016 there was no council meeting but an illegal public meeting
meaning as legally required there was supposed to be a council meeting with only with me and the
judge present, and my mafia appointed useless and barely worth mentioning "state lawyer", but "judge"
Popa Mariana on purpose broke article 352 paragraph 6 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
allowing other parties and their lawyers in the room, the false witness "gendarme" Lepadatu from 18th
May 2016 who was posted in the courthouse room at the mafia's orders abnormally since 8:30 a.m. and
kept there for hours until I left, and the convicts for murder who were also on trial that day, and
I.B.4.9.2. because the felony of Disturbing the meeting solemnity refers as I quote from the text
of the law from the Romanian Penal Code as translated in English directly: "Using words or gestures that
are offensive or obscene, of nature to disturb the activity of the instance, committed by a person who
participates or assists to a procedure that takes places before the instance, is punishable with jail from a
month to three months or a fine", and since I have not uttered insulting or obscene words, and pleading
in my defense of my rights doesn't constitute the felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the meeting as
falsely accused on 24th June 2016, as proven by annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, given no such insulting or obscene words are
specified but generic typical to liars accusations are made against me, not to mention falsified fines
based on these false accusations, it is proven beyond any reasonable doubt I am innocent also in
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 thus proven falsified dossiers, therefore "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai
Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut falsified the in rem ordnance in cahoots

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with "judge" Popa Mariana who lied with malice aforethought committing the felonies of False
declarations and Inducing into error the judicial bodies. As further proof of the schizophrenia of these
"prosecutors" according to DSM-V "psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, I mention
their redundant declaration from the quote that I was present in the courthouse room when I
committed the inexistent deeds that don’t constitute felonies because pleading in the defense of my
rights is a right, as if I could've not been present in the courthouse room but still commit the inexistent
deeds as if I was, pleonastic language which I retain as proof of logical incoherence along with the
"prosecutors" failure to match the generically described fictive deed with the simple text of the felony
law quoted above, which demonstrates the symptoms of occupational dysfunction and failure to
recognize what's real;
I.B.4.9.3. because "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu
Auras Ionut lied that I uttered obscene or insulting words as proven by the audio recording of the
courthouse from 24th June 2016, proof which “judge” Popa Mariana the lying accuser is withholding
issuing 4 falsified answers of illegal rejection abusing her function as cheif of the penal section of
Vrancea Tribunal, illegal rejections proven by the fact I requested and obtained the audio recording of
the “Judecatoria Focsani” courthouse from 18th May 2016. “judge” Popa Mariana withholds the
evidence not just because it proves she lies which annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier proves anyway but of course the audio
recording of the courthouse is complete and accurate unlike the always falsified meeting closing
document, but because it proves she tried to provoke me to utter obscene or insulting words for hours
interrupting my plead all the time and behaving irrationally, as if I could be provoked into such a
children’s mistake, which just demonstrates the mental immaturity of the Romanian “state” mafia
members who attempted to frame me up like this on 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016, mafia members
who are just like I’ve described them, troglodyte peasants propulsated into public offices for generations
of “communist” corruption. This proof of course the "prosecutors" refused to mention although I
rubbed it in their face at every occasion and most importantly I built a penal dossier against them using
this proof and others, which I filed as a judicial declaration in the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, making the "judicial bodies" who falsified them incompatible to
continue falsifying acts of procedure in them according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa
potest, because the law forbids any functionary to attempt to cover-up any complaint about his activity
or that of his subordinates by addressing anything related to the complaint as my judicial declarations
accuses them demonstrating they lie, falsify acts of procedure and even more, demonstrates the
conspiracy involving a large number of mafia "magistrate" caporegimes, mafia "police" and "gendarmes"
soldiers, and other mafia associates such as "lawyers", "legal medics" and other interlopers from various
public functions or convicts for murder from prisons even which were used as false witnesses regarding
the falsified dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as I heard from my mother, but who also didn't
contribute to the false accusations against me;
I.B.4.9.4. because "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu
Auras Ionut lied that I brought accuses as I demonstrated above, from where I repeat the most relevant
passage - as analytic proof the accusation is false, according to the text of the felony of Disturbing the
solemnity of the meeting, the incriminating words used in front of a judgment contingent must be
insults or obscene, not that I plead in my defense of my rights which is a right, plead through which I

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demonstrated "judge" Popa Mariana is incompatible to address any act of procedure in which I’m
involved for breaking the law against me thus being proven partial and usurping my rights intently, fact
which "judge" Popa Mariana admits outwardly by falsely and obviously accusing me of using insulting
and obscene words not that my plead is insulting and obscene which obviously is not, as proven by
“judge” Popa Mariana’s failing to specify the insulting or obscene words and accusing me generically
typical to liars that the phrases of my plead in defense of my rights are insulting or obscene, again with
no objectivization as none can be formulated, as proven by annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. That I proved objectively "judge"
Popa Mariana has broken the law and is therefore she has proven to be partial is not an insult nor an
accusation, is the objective truth necessary as the particular factual premise for the legal request for
"judge" Popa Mariana to be removed from dossier 14277/231/2015 according to article 64 paragraph 1
letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code regarding lack of the "magistrate's" impartiality, given
the only warrant of a judge's impartiality is his obligation to obey the law exclusively according to article
124 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Constitution, legal request for removal that I formulated for
protecting my fundamental right to a fair trial according to article 21 from the Romanian Constitution,
where fair means according to the principle of legality which "judge" Popa Mariana has broken to begin
with, which is the positive proof there is no deed that I uttered insulting or obscene words, and
therefore pleading in my defense cannot even ad absurdum constitute the felony of Disturbing the
solemnity of the meeting, all the more I pleaded in the same manner before in front and against many
"magistrates" without being falsely accused of Disturbing the solemnity of the meeting, including in
front and against "judge" Popa Mariana who was incompatible for other reasons also to be the judge in
dossiers 14277/231/2015 and 1053/91/2016, such as because "judge" Popa Mariana participated before
in this cause, at least in dossier 623/91/2016 who is in relation with both 14277/231/2015 and
1053/91/2016 dossiers, and is thus legally disallowed to participate again in the main cause
14277/231/2015 especially, or dossier 1053/91/2016 through which I attacked her own falsified decision
in 623/91/2016 and her presence in 1053/91/2016 constitutes a flagrant breaking of the principle nemo
esse iudex in sua cause potest, whether she broke the law before or not which she did by falsifying the
decision in 623/91/2016, not to mention dossier 14277/231/2015 before remaining at "judge" Popa
Mariana changed hands as "hot potato" at least 4 times that I observed with no apparent legal forms
between the "judges" at Vrancea Tribunal which constitute a grave infringement of the principle of the
independence of the magistrate and of non-interference with the work of a magistrate inherently, and
for which "judge" Popa Mariana is responsible as the president of the penal section of Vrancea Tribunal,
obligated to denounce this to the Superior Magistrate Council for disciplinary action, and to the
prosecutor's office for penal action against her criminal "magistrate" colleagues which "judge" Popa
Mariana protects because she's not a magistrate but a member of the same mafia as the other
"magistrates" she's in cahoots with.

I.B.4.10. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Prin ordonanta din data de 07.09.2016 emisa de organele de cercetare
penala din cadrul Politiei Municipiului Focsani s-a dispus efectuarea in continuare a urmaririi penale fata

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de Raneti Tudor Andrei sub aspectul savarsirii infractiunii de incalcare a solemnitatii sedintei prev. de art.
278 Cp., iar prin ordonanta din data de 08.09.2016 a Parchetului de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani s-a
dispus confirmarea ordonantei de efectuare in continuare a urmaririi penale", as translated into English:
"Through the ordnance from the date of 7th September 2016 emitted by the penal investigation bodies
from within the Focsani City Police it was disposed the effectuation in continuation of the penal pursuit
regarding Raneti Tudor Andrei under the aspect of the committal of the felony of meeting solemnity
breaking foreseen by article 278 from the Romanian Penal Code, and through the ordnance from the
date of 8th September 2016 of the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse it was
disposed the confirmation of the ordnance of continuation of penal pursuit",
I.B.4.10.1. as proven by the same reasoning I pleaded with before in this ICC penal dossier
paragraph < regarding the falsification of the penal pursuit continuation or in personam ordnance in
2845/P/2016, given this paragraph from the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017 is identical to the
last one, and the falsification of the penal pursuit continuation ordnance in 3992/P/2016 is identical,
meaning the ordnance is illegal - with no proof administration being therefore groundless and
intrinsically syllogistically invalid, and void of right according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code

I.B.4.11. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "La data de 28.07.2016 a fost inregistrata la Parchetul de pe langa
Judecatoria Focsani decizia penala nr. 113/91/2016 din data de 24.06.2016 a Tribunalului Vrancea
pronuntata in dosarul nr. 1053/91/2015, spre a fi efectuate cercetari fata de Raneti Tudor Andrei pentru
infractiunea de incalcare a solemnitatii sedintei, prev. si ped. de art. 278 Cp., cauza fiind inregistrata sub
nr. 4329/P/2016", as translated into English: "On the date of 28th July 2016 it was registered at the
prosecutor’s office near the courthouse "Judecatoria Focsani the penal decision from dossier number
1053/91/2015, for effectuating investigations regarding Raneti Tudor Andrei for the felony of the
disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse, foreseen by article 278 from the Romanian Penal Code, the
cause being registered under number 4329/P/2016",
I.B.4.11.1. as proven by the same reasoning I pleaded with before in this ICC penal dossier
paragraph < regarding the falsification of the penal complaint in 3992/P/2016, given this paragraph from
the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017 is identical to the last one, and the falsification of the penal
complaint is identical meaning containing the same lies since in corroboration I mention my plead in 24th
June 2016 was identical about "judge's" Popa Mariana incompatibility to address any dossier regarding
me, as also proven by her severe psychotic episode from 24th June 2016 of gathering false witnesses and
incriminating herself for the felony of Influencing my declarations through judicial harassment meaning
abusing the function of a judge and breaking the law, then committing the felonies of False declarations
and Inducing into error the judicial bodies, and determining thus instigating in cahoots with the other
"magistrates" the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June

Page 395 of 501

I.B.4.12. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Prin ordonanta din data de 05.08.2016 s-a dispus inceperea urmaririi
penale pentru infractiunea de incalcarea solemnitatii sedintei prevazuta de art. 278 Cp., constand in
aceea ca in sedinta camerei de consiliu din data de 24.06.2016, in care s-a judecat contestatia in anulare
formulata de contestatorul Raneti Tudor Andrei impotriva deciziei penale nr. 72/18.04.2016, pronuntata
de Judecatoria Focsani in dosar nr. 871/91/2016, Raneti Tudor Andrei fiind prezent in fata completului de
judecata prezidat de judecator de drepturi si libertati Popa Mariana ,in dosarul 1053/91/2015 aflat pe
rolul Tribunalului Vrancea, a folosit in mod repetat cuvinte jignitoare si acuze, perturband activitatea
instantei, ducand in derizoriu solemnitatea sedintei de judecata", as translated to English: "Through the
ordnance from the date of 5th August 2016 it was disposed the beginning of the penal pursuit for the
felony of disturbing the solemnity of the meeting foreseen by article 278 from the Romanian Penal
Code, consisting in that in the council meeting room from the date of 24th June 2016, in which there
were judged the annulment contestation formulated by the contester Raneti Tudor Andrei against the
penal decision number 72/18th April 2016, pronounced by the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse in
dossier no 871/91/2015, Raneti Tudor Andrei being present in front of the judgment contingent
presided by rights and liberties judge Popa Mariana ,in dossier 1053/91/2015 found on the role of
Vrancea Tribunal, used repeatedly insulting words and accusations, perturbing the activity of the
instance, bringing into trivia the courthouse meeting solemnity",
I.B.4.12.1. as proven by the same reasoning I pleaded with before in this ICC penal dossier
paragraph < regarding the falsification of the beginning of the penal pursuit ordnance in 3992/P/2016,
given this paragraph from the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017 is semantically identical to the last
one, and the falsification of the beginning of the penal pursuit or in rem ordnance in 4329/P/2016 is
identical, meaning the ordnance is illegal - with no proof administration being therefore groundless and
intrinsically syllogistically invalid, and void of right according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code, and
I.B.4.12.2. because, the fact at least 3 judges changed dossier 14277/231/2015 between them 4
times unofficially meaning without a declared legal reason as can be observed on the Romanian public
evidence of dossiers ECRIS, could’ve been motivated although it was not by the fact "judges" Croitoru
Sandina Mariana, Comanescu Carmen and Popa Mariana participated before in the judgment of dossier
14277/231/2015 being legally incompatible to participate again according to article 64 paragraph 3 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code. This aspect is hidden in the lie by omission that the dossier
1053/91/2015 is against the falsified decision in 871/91/2015, in reality dossier 1053/91/2015 being in
an unavoidable chained fashion against the falsified decision in 871/91/2015 which is against the
falsified decision in 795/91/2015 which is against the falsified decision in 623/91/2015 which is against
the falsified decision in 603/91/2015 which is against the falsified decision in 479/91/2015 which is
against the falsified decision in 295/91/2015 which is against the falsified decision in
14277/231/2015/a1 which is against a falsified meeting closing decision from 14277/231/2015
regarding the illegal rejection of my notification of the Romanian Constitutional Court by invocation of
an abrogated law amongst other bungles of the mafia “judge” Badiu Mandica, meaning annulling the
decision in 871/91/2015 through the decision in 1053/91/2015 meant annulling in a chain fashion the

Page 396 of 501

decisions in all the other mentioned dossiers tracing back to 14277/231/2015, chain of falsified
decisions through which at least the mentioned "judges" who changed dossier 14277/231/2015
unofficially are incompatible to judge dossier 14277/231/2015 according to article 64 paragraph 3 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, but also according to paragraph 1 letter f from the same article for
being accused in penal dossiers I opened against them for breaking the law and falsifying decisions
against me, penal dossiers in which they were never acquitted. This chain of dossiers as others like it
also served me to demonstrate how many mafia “judges” are in the penal section of the local
courthouses, in actuality 100% being corrupt, and as I also observed scientifically especially how many
and which “judges” were disposed to falsify decisions to instigate or determine that Crimes against
humanity be committed against me, and found out about 86% of the “judges” are also criminal at least,
and indeed, the same “judges” who were joggling with dossier 14277/231/2015 in 2nd instance illegally
for unknown reasons are exactly the schizophrenic “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana, sister of a declare
schizophrenic and wife of a local corrupt priest, is the one who falsified the decision in 4909/231/2017
in 2nd instance leading to the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^6 and A.II.1.3.1^7, the schizophrenic “judge”
Croitoru Sandina Mariana actually being involved from the start in cahoots with the central instigator
“judge” Dita Mirela in many falsified acts of procedure against me, and the schizophrenic “judge”
Comanescu Carmen, a hideous dead horse-faced woman from which it’s clear where her psychological
problems come from, the one who falsified the first judicial decision of cover-up of the Qualified
Murder attempt of interloper Herghelegiu Danut from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I
will prove near the end of this ICC penal dossier translating and transposing the penal dossier I opened
against her years back without her ever being ackquitted, mentioning that at the same time in the same
dossier <number89?/91/2015?> “judge” Comanescu Carmen was obviously attempting to falsify the
decision of cover-up, the other schizophrenic “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana intervened repeatedly
falsifying the decisions of rejection of my requests for the removal of the schizophrenic “judge”
Comanescu Carmen from the dossier for breaking the law and proving her incompatibility for flagrant
lack of impartiality, then clearly illegally stolen my appeal I made against the falsified decision by “judge”
Comanescu Carmen who lied even that over 20 proofs I presented don’t exists in the dossier, eluding
the random distribution system of dossiers and being in a state of incompatibility at the same time for
the participation in 1st instance in the same dossier by falsifying the decisions of rejection of my requests
for “judge” Comanescu Carmen’s removal, meaning being incompatible either way, falsified also the
decision of rejection. About the schizophrenic “judge” Popa Mariana I already demonstrated being an
instigator to Crimes against humanity against me on 24th June 2016, while being involved in the
Romanian “state” mafia Crimes against humanity against me from the beginning by falsifying acts of
procedure through which she illegally turned back my complaints about the prosecutor’s falsified acts in
various dossiers back to the prosecutor’s office, of which I will surely speak in the appropriate sections
as they are linked to this cause and relevant, as most interestingly some of my petitions she placed to be
rejected through falsified decisions exactly at the other “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian, theinstigator to
Crimes against humanity against me on 18th May 2016, with which “judge” Popa Mariana clearly is in
cahoots for the falsification of united dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 since they
both hallucinated in a close window of time they could frame me up no less for the same felony, which
gives one of the possible explanations to the question of why the joggling with dossier 14277/231/2015

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illegally between 3 judges 4 times - they were also surely deciding who would attempt the frame-up
from 24th June 2016 since the felonies committed against me on this date are clearly with malice
aforethought as the ones from 18th May 2016 therefore all the “judges” aforementioned who were
involved in crimes against me from the beginning surely knew about the first frame-up, therefore surely
knew about the instigation to frame me up again therefore were instigated as proven by the fact at least
“judge” Popa Mariana actually committed the frame-up attempt from 24th June 2016, then perhaps
decided while joggling the dossier 14277/231/2015 amongst themselves about who and how to commit
the frame-up, mentioning last that dossier 14277/231/2015 passed twice by “judge” Popa Mariana as if
telling that the other “judges” either refused or were indecisive, moment at which “judge” Popa
Mariana decided to commit the frame-up attempt from 24th June 2016 herself. The scruples or lack of
commitment these “judges” manifested as described above also reveals to me the instigation is also
coming from the upper hierarchical echelons of the Romanian “state” mafia, because when a crime is
instigated meaning is not the instigated’s criminal idea, that criminal is a bungler at committing the
crime either because the instigated criminal is not in sync with the underlying logic because it’s not his
modus operandi therefore he didn’t even came up with the crime idea and is bad at committing it as he
didn’t think it through, or because the perpetrator holds back because he’s the instigated and not the
instigator(-s) who wants the crime committed in anonymity and safety for himself, which is why they
instigated someone else to commit the crime, which is not the case of the instigated who feels unsafe as
he doesn’t want to incriminate himself, lacks motivation and has other scruples or social inhibitions,
which explains why the schizophrenic self-contradictory and self-incriminating accusations against me
from 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016. Of course this is theory and another proof criminal
psychology is only useful at creatively following a lead and filling a list of suspects, finding the inspiration
to locate proofs by understanding the criminal mind, but it doesn’t constitute an objective means to
build an indictment, which is why psychology isn’t medicine because it isn’t science, which is why the
“psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise report” which is based on psychology can never constitute an
objective proof in a criminal investigation because the hallucinations of a “psychiatrist” charlatan are
always subjective as they can’t be objectivized meaning they are based on literarily nothing since the
“psychiatric” charlatanry examinee can lie, and sociopaths being mythomaniacs and versed in social
manipulation can fake behavior appearing to the untrained eye even more normal than normal people
who aren’t concerned by learning how to appear normal in stressful situations. As I’ve already
demonstrated in section A, “psychiatry” is neither medicine nor science, is charlatanry. In fact within the
“psychiatry” charlatanry ring in Romania the diagnosis of sociopathy is unheard of exactly because the
“psychiatrist” charlatans are the sociopaths as are the Romanian “state” mafia members, and obviously
unconcerned with diagnosing themselves or the Romanian “state” mafia that gives them “state”
accreditation, reason for which they are downplaying this civil society destroying personality disorder.
Lastly as I also demonstrated in section A, the other half of “psychiatry” as I’ve objectivized, is chemical
lobotomy as it was practiced historically in nazi concentration camps or soviet gulags, and before that
against denouncers or corruptions and dissidents against organized crime such as Romanian national
poet Mihai Eminescu, having clearly nothing to do with medicine or science, as the metaphoric “mental
illnesses” who do not exist, evidently have no treatment are then pretexts and charlatanry fanfare,
meaning as notoriously known “psychiatry “charlatanry really is a very profitable industry of death and
one of the weapons at the disposal of worldwide organized crime, as I’ve objectivized party in annex 21

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of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
regarding the fact the “psychiatric” charlatanry poisons producers have been fined billions of dollars for
commercializing chemical lobotomy drugs, which is viable since they make tens or hundreds of billions,
reality of which the Romanian “state” mafia is very much aware because in “European” Vrancea county
I’ve caught and denounced the judicial system being used to provide victims for the “psychiatrist”
charlatans who perform illegal experiments on them and they admitted it claiming the ministry of health
gave them permission to drug people without their consent which is preposterous, fact I’ve objectivized
in the document I’ve addressed CCHR and published at the internet address <, same “psychiatrist”
charlatan torturers that committed against me the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted
Qualified Murder in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 and between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017, felonies which constitute Crimes against humanity

I.B.4.13. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Prin ordonanta din data de 07.09.2016 emisa de organele de cercetare
penala din cadrul Politiei Municipiului Focsani s-a dispus efectuarea in continuare a urmaririi penale fata
de Raneti Tudor Andrei sub aspectul savarsirii infractiunii de incalcare a solemnitatii sedintei prev. de art.
278 Cp., iar prin ordonanta din data de 08.09.2016 a Parchetului de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani s-a
dispus confirmarea ordonantei de efectuare in continuare a urmaririi penale", as translated into English:
"Through the ordnance from the date of 7th September 2016 emitted by the penal investigation bodies
from within the Focsani City Police it was disposed the effectuation in continuation of the penal pursuit
regarding Raneti Tudor Andrei under the aspect of the committal of the felony of meeting solemnity
breaking foreseen by article 278 from the Penal Code, and through the ordnance from the date of 8th
September 2016 of the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse it was disposed
the confirmation of the ordnance of continuation of penal pursuit",
I.B.4.13.1. as proven by the same reasoning I pleaded with before in this ICC penal dossier
paragraph < regarding the falsification of the penal pursuit continuation or in personam ordnance in
2845/P/2016, given this paragraph from the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017 is identical to the
last one, and the falsification of the penal pursuit continuation ordnance in 4329/P/2016 is identical,
meaning the ordnance is illegal - with no proof administration being therefore groundless and
intrinsically syllogistically invalid, and void of right according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code

I.B.4.14. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "La data de 08.09.2016 prin ordonanta emisa de Parchetul de pe langa
Judecatoria Focsani s-a dispus reunirea dosarelor 3992/P/2016 si 4329/P/2016 la dosarul penal nr.
2845/P/2016", as translated into English: "On the date of 8th September 2016 through the ordnance
emitted by the prosecutor's office near the courthouse "Judecatoria Focsani" it was disposed the
reunification of the dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 to penal dossier no 2845/P/2016",

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I.B.4.14.1. because as I've demonstrated in paragraph < regarding the vitiated "reunification" of
these falsified dossiers in the plead about the falsification of the decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd
instance where this was mentioned, this "reunification" of falsified penal dossiers ordnance is falsified
because it breaks the legal conditions, and because the previous ordnances are falsified meaning there
are no actual penal dossiers but a pile of falsified documents on which no legal penal procedure can be
applied, meaning both the universal law premise and the particular factual premise are falsified in all
acts of procedure of these “penal dossiers”, as most important being in logical order the in rem falsified
ordnance where no deed is proven even to physically exist because none can physically exist, nor
constitute felonies even ad absurdum, and no deed is even attempted to be objectivized about
constituting a felony through administration of the proofs and juridical logic because it's impossible to
justify breaking the law, therefore the in personam ordnance is intrinsically falsified because obviously
nobody can commit a felony that doesn't exist physically and logically, therefore the putting into motion
the penal action ordnance is intrinsically falsified because obviously nobody can commit a felony that
doesn't exist physically and logically, therefore the ordnance of closing and proposal that I be obligated
to medical treatment from 1st August 2017 from the falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) for committing no immoral deed nor the deeds I’m falsely accused of
physically, which then constitute no felony even ad absurdum, being innocent and mentally sane as
proven by the fact I was never indicted and convicted according to annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and I’ve demonstrated ,my
mental health through annex 20 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier through the attested facts that I’m army incorporable, apt
for work, apt for superior studies meaning the second career I started in law and the Romanian “state”
mafia destroyed beginning with my illegal arrest from my exams on 27th May 2017 for Torturing, Bodily
Harming and attempting to Qualifiedly Murder me as objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7, licensed in
informatics and having work experience between 2008-2012 which is the first career I started and the
Romanian “state” mafia destroyed by not upholding the law then selling my work litigation for bribe to
the Delhaise Group which is led by convicts of course, as I proven logically as exemplificatively this very
ICC penal dossier demonstrated my medical and juridical discernment, as I proven through other
documents and witnesses.

I.B.4.15. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "In fapt, la data de 18.06.2016 respectiv 24.06.2016, aflandu-se in fata
completelor de judecata prezidate de judecatorii Paun Ionel Iulian din cadrul Judecatoriei Focsani si Popa
Mariana din cadrul Tribunalului Vrancea, inculpatul Raneti Tudor Andrei a proferat in mod repetat
cuvinte jignitoare si acuze care au determinat trecerea in derizoriua a sedintelor de judecata, contribuind
astfel la incalcarea solemnitatii sedintelor", as translated into English: "In fact, on the date of 18th June
2016 respectively 24th June 2016, being found in front of the judgment contingents presided by judges
Paun Ionel Iulian from "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse and Popa Mariana from Vrancea Tribunal, the
accused Raneti Tudor Andrei uttered repeatedly insulting words and accusations that determined the

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passing into the trivial of the judgment meetings, contributing like this to the disturbing of the meetings
I.B.4.15.1. because this is the exact manner the "judiciary bodies" falsified all the ordnances in
the falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, declaring illogically meaning without
any premise that I committed a felony, with no proof or objectivization at all, while the proofs
demonstrate my innocence as I've objectivized in this ICC penal dossier, even the accuser’s false
declarations by being obviously self-contradictory. I repeat the proven fact from paragraph < that on
18th May 2016 I wasn't in audience with "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian who disturbed the solemnity of the
meeting himself by making a circus with the "gendarmes" namely Butuc “gendarme” who blocked the
exist from the courthouse room, and Lepadatu “gendarme” who was aberrantly ordered to “find out”
what I was doing as if it wasn’t obvious that I was minding my own business disturbing nobody in the
back right corner of the trial room behind many persons who weren’t disturbed by me for an hour and a
half as further proof of the false declarations of the accusers. Lepadatu “gendarme” refused to
acknowledge I was listening on audio books from my mobile phone using earphones, and that I also had
my tablet with me from which I rehearse and read my plead in the courthouse so as not to print it and
make waste, both “electronic devices” which I’ve shown Lepadatu “gendarme”. After being cooperant
but realizing the schizophrenic “gendarmes” and sociopathic lying accusers, “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian
and “prosecutor” Dogaru Luminita Georgeta, were following a rehearsed frame-up scenario attempting
to provoke me and frame me up, I attempted to leave the trial room saying nothing as “judge” Paun
Ionel Iulian actually proposed, time at which Butuc “gendarme” blocked the exit, which was another
attempt to provoke me by harassment through irrational behavior and deprivation of my rights such as
the right to dispose of myself and freely circulate in public space according to article < from the
Romanian Constitution. Although I told Butuc “gendarme” he is committing the felony of Illegal
deprivation of liberty he refused to move although he heard “judge” Paun Ionel Iulian propose to me
that I leave the room, demonstrates that the frame-up and provocation was premeditated and not
spontaneous, Butuc “gendarme” preventing me from leaving the courthouse room immediately after I
noticed "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian's intention to provoke me so as to avoid the frame-up "judge" Paun
Ionel Iulian's and "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta attempted incriminating themselves and their
mafia "gendarme" soldiers, being obvious that if I left the room the schizophrenic mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes and their mafia “gendarme” soldiers I would frustrate the mafia of its rehearsed
provocation and frame-up scenario which failed anyway, and as further proof in this regard, despite
they failed to provoke me, they uttered their self-incriminating aberrant accusations against me
regardless to the “prosecutor’s office”, and the other mafia “judiciary bodies” falsified the penal dossier
2845/P/2016, then because perhaps the provocation attempt and frame-up from 18th May 2016 failed
meaning it’s unclear whether if they planned to falsify one penal dossier or three from the beginning,
“judge” Popa Mariana had a severe psychotic episode trying very hard and being obvious at her
obsessive attempts to provoke me by harassing me verbally and judicially for hours on 24th June 2016,
interrupting my plead all the time, behaving irrationally, refusing to clear the room according to the law
and conversing with the convicts for homicide during my trial, insinuating the mafia she belongs to can
make use of them to harm me or use them as false witnesses along with the parties and their lawyers
she also allowed to stay in the room, and indeed at least one convict for murder was used as a false
witness as my mother who I mandated to look in the dossiers told me, although this false testimony as

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all before it did not contribute to the accusation either, then “judge” Popa Mariana falsified at least 2
judicial tickets, then falsified the penal accusations out of which the “prosecutor’s office” falsified
dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, mentioning that administrative punishment is mutually
exclusive with penal punishment meaning “judge” Popa Mariana could only falsify fines or make penal
accusations, not both, which just demonstrates her severe psychotic episode I mentioned she had on
24th June 2016, and that she is behaviorally incoherent and occupationally dysfunctional which are the
symptoms of schizophrenia according to DSM-V “psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and
statistics. I mention I intended to leave as I also verbally declared I intended to do asking permission
politely to leave the room, as if I needed someone’s permission to be free but I was fully aware I was
provoked to make any mistake for them to accuse me with so I played along making their frame-up all
the more evident as much as I could, then as I intended, to make a penal complaint at the local
“prosecutor’s office” and a disciplinary complaint at the "gendarmes" institution in person for harassing
me and being accomplice to the frame-up against me and refusing to denounce the mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes, as I did afterwards against "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian and "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita
Georgeta but through email to the competent prosecutor’s office which is in Galati county not Vrancea
county where it would’ve arrived anyway if I lodged it locally in Vrancea county but later, for the felonies
of False declarations, Inducing into error the judicial bodies and other felonies after noticing they've
accused me by lying in public meeting of committing a felony which they couldn't retract having the
meeting closing document, witnesses and the audio recording evidence against them, and then I filed a
penal complaint against "gendarmes" Butuc and Lepadatu, and against the Ministry of Interior Affairs
"special agent" Crintea Valerica after I found out of his involvement from the falsified penal dossiers, all
3 who I caught making false testimonies but not contributing to the accusation, but neither denouncing
the frame-up either as the "gendarmes" at least were legally obligated to make a report to the
“prosecutor’s office” according to articles 61, 291 paragraph 2 and 293 paragraph 3 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code which Lepadatu actually falsified and contradicted himself between this report
and his testimony, as well contradicted himself with Crintea Valerica proving himself schizophrenic
through his behavioral incoherence and occupational dysfunction symptoms according to DSM-V
“psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics. In conclusion the "prosecutors" bundled or
better said bungled up the false accusation from dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 with the false
accusation from dossier 2845/P/2016 in this paragraph, false accusations that I've demonstrated false in
this ICC penal dossier. I mention the penal dossier I made against the Romanian "state" mafia for the
falsification of dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 grew from 2016 to 2017 to a
whopping 50 or so accused Romanian "state" mafia members, after I kept catching members of the
mafia getting involved from all "competent" institutions who refused to do their job, meaning the
"competent" prosecutor's office and courthouse for the felonies of magistrates in “European” Galati
county, the "military prosecutor's office" and courthouse for the felonies of “gendarmes” in “European”
capital of Bucharest, the Judiciary Inspection, the Supreme Magistrate Council, the Ministry of Justice,
the Ministry of Interior Affairs, the prime-minister responsible for the disciplinary action against the
other ministers, the president of Romania obligated to suspend and make open a penal dossier against
the prime-minister who he named in fact into office knowing he is corrupt of course, the control
committees from within the ministries responsible for investigating my complaints and initiating
disciplinary action, the chief “prosecutors” of anticorruption and organized crime directions, together

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with accomplices and instigators, and so on and so forth, being thus proven the Romanian "state"
mafia's desperation to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity as I did since 2009 part-time until
2012 when they fully destroyed my IT career, then full-time, mafia desperation driven however by its
Stalinist paranoia since obviously because the Romanian "state" mafia entirely controls the judicial
system there is nobody from within Romania who can convict any of them, nor is there a chance of a
revolution as proven by the unfolding of the Romanian social life and response to public abuses of the
Romanian "state" mafia against the Romanian people, and also the response of the public opinion to my
denunciations which demonstrate that the Crimes against humanity committed against me were
motivated by animal sadism gratification and taking pleasure for power justification through destroying
lives, and not motivated by usual mafia rationalization of conducting it illicit business and making profit,
since my activity was irrelevant to the mafia's business to the point the mafia committed Crimes against
humanity against me on the night of 5th to 6th December 2014, right after I decided to leave Romania to
rebuild my life they destroyed elsewhere, the Romanian “state” mafia making me thus stay and fight
them instead, understanding the mafia would follow me no matter where I go after it decided to
Qualifiedly Murder me because I knew too much, and indeed the mafia committed Crimes against
humanity against me, and simultaneously with the Qualified Murder attempt from the night between
5th and 6th December 2014 it falsified the “psychiatric” charlatanry action 15730/231/2014 for
placement under interdiction which I annulled proving it was falsified by central instigator “judge” Dita
Mirela, and penal dossier 2417/P/2014 also lodged by central instigator “judge” Dita Mirela, in which I
was never indicted and convicted as proof of my innocence, and from which state terrorism through
home breaking was committed, and wrongful political repression attempts through abuse of the
“psychiatry” charlatanry and the judicial system in “psychiatric” charlatanry actions 11224/231/2015 (in
ne bis in idem with 4909/231/2017) and 14277/231/2015 (in ne bis in idem with 12718/231/2017),
which I also annulled proving falsified again, counting 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes
against humanity committals in total as objectivized in sections A.II.1.3.1^1-8., the Crimes against
humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 even helping me prove the
exact manner in which the committed the last in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 by
covertly injecting me with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone in my right elbow,
and enabling me to make this penal complaint to the International Criminal Court where I hope I will not
meet the "business" partners of the Romanian "state" mafia, as I caught Romanian "state" mafia agents
posing as ECHR's registrars and destroying my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures 4 times
to prevent it from reaching the judges, and as I caught at the same time CoE and the European
Parliament committees for human rights to be corrupt, by notifying them for years about this situation
about which they did nothing meaning they tolerate the murderous regime in Romania through which a
notorious work force migration of over 3 million Romanians was created in favor of the western
"civilized" European states, as if Romania were in a civil war, which it is, the cold civil war between the
Romanian "state" mafia which took over everything making life a misery at best or impossible, as my
notorious human trafficker and exploiter facebook.com "friend" Hassan Awdi who was expropriated by
this mafia in what it looks like a mafia takeover of his Lebanese interloper clan's properties, and who
won at ICSID against Romania regarding part of this illegal expropriation, is saying that "Romania is a
banana country (without justice) where only the mafia bussiness works". In conclusion the Romanian
“state” mafia is made up of schizophrenics as objectivized by their symptoms of logical incoherence and

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occupational dysfunction not just as public functionaries but as criminals also which places by default
the diagnosis of sociopaths on them also, and the symptom of failing to realize what is real, as the
mafia’s members and especially their instigating bosses should’ve known before me they control of the
Romanian “state” which makes it impossible for me to get any of them convicted in Romania at least,
and the crimes they committed against me for absolutely no reason or desired effect achieved exactly
the opposite of what they sought - of stopping me from denouncing their criminal activity, as the
obvious and judicially documented crimes they committed by abusing public function helped me achieve
my goal of demonstrating the existence of the Romanian “state” mafia which pervasively destroyed my
life in all possible manners which motivated my goal of taking apart the Romanian “state” mafia
member by member if necessary and instigating in this regard which is why the publishing of the penal
dossiers against the “magistrate” mafia in principal on the illicitly mafia censored forum
“militia.freeforums.net”, then the judicially documented Crimes against humanity against me and
soviet-style abuse of the judiciary system and “psychiatry” charlatanry as weapons of wrongful political
repression allowed me to address the international courts and other institutions and organizations
instead as in my investigations I’ve came across the national-level Crimes against humanity perpetrated
by the “psychiatrist” charlatanic mafia in general under the protection of the “magistrate” mafia, as I’ve
objectivized in the email I’ve addressed CCHR and uploaded as a document transcript at internet
address: https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy, of which I spoke in paragraphs 1.1^6,
2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, then I’ve proven agents of the Romanian “state” mafia are
operating as registrars of ECHR while the public EU and CoE functionaries are accomplice, as I’ve notified
all members of the European Parliament from the committee for civil liberties and rights LIBE, and
various CoE committees regarding anticorruption and prevention of torture, and realized they are all
corrupt because they all refused to do their job

I.B.4.16. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "La data de 02.11.2016 prin ordonanta nr. 2845/P/2016 emisa de
Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani s-a pus in miscare actiunea penala impotriva inculpatului
Raneti Tudor Andrei pentru infractiunile de incalcarea solemnitatii sedintei prev. de art.278 Cp., art.278
Cp. si art.278 Cp. cu aplicarea artr. 38 alin.1 Cp.", as translated into English: "On the date of 2nd
November 2016 through ordnance number 2845/P/2016 emitted by the prosecutor's office near the
"Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse it was put into motion the penal action against the acussed Raneti
Tudor Andrei for the felonies of disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse meeting foreseen by article
278 from the Romanian Penal Code, article 278 from the Romanian Penal Code and article 278 from the
Romanian Penal Code, with the application of article 38 alignment 1 from the Romanian Penal Code",
I.B.4.16.1. because the falsified ordnance of putting into motion the penal action is proven
falsified by the previous falsification of in rem and in personam ordnances that demonstrate no deed
even exist physically to be appreciated to constitute a felony even ad absurdum and therefore I can't be
suspected or accused of committing a felony that doesn't exist, mentioning that through the ordinance
of penal pursuit continuation or in personam ordinance a person gains the penal quality of suspect,

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which in these penal dossiers is proof of judicial harassment because the fictive felonies were declared
flagrant from the start meaning the ordnance of putting into motion the penal action should've been
falsified first, then I should've been indicted and convicted according to the law in a month at most,
which I wasn't because this was never the intention of the Romanian "state" mafia, but to blackmail me
for stopping me to denounce its criminal activity as if it could after committing without warning the
Crimes against humanity against me on the night of 5th to 6th December 2014, and the fact there was no
warning nor logic as the crimes were out of proportion to which the only explanation remains the same
that the Romanian “state” mafia is comprised of schizophrenics and sociopath criminals, tells me the
Romanian “state” mafia hoped to Qualifiedly Murder me right there and then, then if it failed to
blackmail me, to commit Crimes against humanity against me again as the Romanian “state” mafia did
arresting me from my law faculty exams illegally on 27th May 2017, tying me to an operating table in the
Focsani "psychiatric" gulag, injecting me with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins and putting me in
anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment, then after I survived they've forcefully chemically
lobotomized me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins until 8th June 2017 as I've
objectivized in section A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, discovering that the latter deadly fluorine neurotoxin is
the same one I've been injected with covertly in the night of 5th to 6th December 2014, using both my
experience of the same symptoms but most importantly objectively proven through a blood test I took 4
months later that could only show symptoms from this particular deadly fluorine neurotoxin named
risperidone or paliperidone - which is risperidone's metabolite, who has a long presence in the
I.B.4.16.2. because, I again remind that the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2016 illegally
referenced article 16 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code 3 times as its universal law premise
motivation, through article 314 paragraph 1 letter a, article 315 paragraph 1 letter b, and directly, but
the previously falsified ordnance of putting into motion the penal action according to article 309
paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code made it legally impossible to invoke any of the
article 16 paragraph 1 clauses like I've objectivized at large in paragraph <2nd in this particular plead>,
just like the previous in personam or continuation of penal pursuit falsified ordnance did as it falsely
attributed the quality of suspect of committing an inexistent deed that can’t constitute a felony even ad
absurdum according to article 305 paragraphs 1 and 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code.
Furthermore, according to article 288 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, in the
case of the felony according to article 278 from Romanian Penal Code, the ordnance of putting into
motion the penal action is only legal when made in the presence of the authors of the denunciation,
meaning "judge" Paun Ionel Iulian, "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta and "judge" Popa Mariana
have to declare they wish the penal action be put into motion, declaration which most probably doesn't
exist as it isn't mentioned anywhere, corroborated with the fact these mafia troglodytes don't care
about such detail as proven by the fact they break every relevant law and regulation maintaining only
the most superficial legal appearance because the Romanian population is even more juridically
ignorant than the Romanian “state” mafia, fact rather irrelevant and technical who I can't prove
positively with the content of the falsified dossiers nor do I need to as the “judiciary bodies” are
supposed to demonstrate abiding by the law, because the "judiciary bodies" to hinder my denunciation
of their criminal activity refused to communicate to me the proofs and ordnances on my request
according to article 94 paragraphs 2 and 8 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as even legally

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required regarding the falsified ordnance of putting into motion the penal action, according to article
309 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code. Finally as proof of the murderous intent of
the "prosecutors" as I've objectivized before in paragraph <first?>, they lied I was irresponsible by
invoking the Penal Code article for it without this being objectivized through a "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise report" although of course many were falsified since 2015 as I remind they are illegal anyway
for being falsified in my absence and without my consent breaking Romanian Law 487/2002 articles 10
and 11 or article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and because I wasn't a
suspect or accused of homicide according to article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, being evident that if I haven't given my consent it’s impossible for a "psychiatric"
charlatanry "expertise" to take place without my cooperation, knowing the Romanian "state" mafia
needs my consent to use as a legal cover-up for the falsification of the "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise report" which they forged in my absence anyway as further proof of being falsified. As proof
of the “prosecutors” schizophrenic obsession through which the Romanian "state" mafia incriminated
itself, by attempting to "psychiatrically" incarcerate me indefinitely to life, Torture, Bodily Harm and
Qualifiedly Murder me by instigating the falsification of the decisions in 12718/231/2017, stands the
fact they declared me intrinsically indefinitely irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public
danger, because the falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017 are indefinite, which constitutes further
notorious proof of the Romanian "state" mafia schizophrenic murderous intent to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity, by the ridiculousness of the claim that I’m irresponsible and without
discernment when opposed with this very plead which in itself proves my juridical and medical
discernment, responsibility, pacifism and civility, besides the evidence through which I proven my
mental sanity, that I'm army incorporable, apt for work, apt for superior studies, licensed in informatics,
with work experience with superior studies, both in informatics in which I'm licensed and in law as this
plead proves although I don't have formal studies beyond the 1st year in law faculty when the Romanian
"mafia" stopped me by arresting me illegally from my exams on 27th May 2017, tied me up on an
operating table in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag, poisoned me with deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic injections putting me into anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment, then after I
survived poisoned me forcefully with other deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins until 8th June
2017, discovering according to the repeated symptoms and a blood test that I was covertly poisoned
with the same deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - which is risperidone's
metabolite, during the night of 5th to 6th December 2014, like I'm objectivizing in section A.II.1.3.1^7 and

I.B.4.17. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Numitul Raneti Tudor Andrei a fost audiat in calitate de suspect si
ulterior in calitate de inculpat (in prezenta unui aparator din oficiu), ocazie cu care i s-a cerut
consimtamantul scris pentru expertizarea medico-legala psihiatrica, insa aceasta a declarat ca nu este
de acord", as translated into English: "The named Raneti Tudor Andrei was audiated as a suspect and
later in quality of acussed (in the presence of an ex officio defender), ocassioni in which he was

Page 406 of 501

requested to give his written consent for the legal medicine psychiatric expertise, but he declared that
he is not of accord",
I.B.4.17.1. because as I remind I was judicially harassed by being heard 3 times in the penal
dossiers and forced to give 3 times the identical declaration and demonstration how and why the
"judicial bodies" falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 in cahoots with
the other "magistrates" who falsely accused me, instigated by other "magistrates" who falsified dossiers
2417/P/2014, 15730/231/2014, 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015, the central instigator being
"judge" Dita Mirela I remind against as I objectivized in section A.II. 1.3.1., as "prosecutor" Dogaru
Luminita Georgeta is a central instigator in 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as proven by
the fact she falsified the appeal in 14277/231/2015 no less without passive quality as she wasn’t the one
who falsified dossier 2417/P/2014 from which 14277/231/2015 falsified proposal was issued, appeal
which she lost as proof, and as "prosecutor" Dogaru Luminita Georgeta is one of the lying accusers from
18th May 2016 that led to the falsification of penal dossier 2845/P/2016. Without her falsified appeal in
14277/231/2015 the attempted frame-up from 24th June 2016 leading to the falsified dossiers
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 couldn’t have physically occurred therefore "prosecutor" Dogaru
Luminita Georgeta is clearly a determinant factor in the Crimes against humanity committed against
me, being purposely implicated in both frame-up attempts against me, directly and indirectly;
I.B.4.17.2. because the “judicial bodies” omitted the fact I cannot be proposed to give my
consent to be "examined" by a "psychiatrist" charlatan legally except if I were a suspect or accused of
homicide according to article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which is
unconstitutional because according to article 4 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
any "prosecutor doubt" is to be interpreted always in favor of the suspect or accused which benefit from
the presumption of innocence, which has nothing to do with irresponsibility which is a clause of non-
punishment that can only be proposed through an indictment which doesn’t exist in any of the falsified
penal dossiers against me as required by article 331 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and can
only be judged following the establishment of guilt by syllogistic demonstration through a trial where
the fundamental rights of the accused are respected, and only after the decision becomes definitive
meaning not attacked for a while or a decision in 2nd instance, and because I was never indicted and
convicted therefore any "psychiatry" charlatanry “legal” cover-up attempt of the Crimes against
humanity committed against me is impossible to start with, and any "psychiatric" charlatanry
"examination" is impossible without my consent according to article 184 paragraph 3 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, reminding that since there was a falsified “psychiatry” charlatanry
expertise report” on 8th or 9th December 2016, the proposal that I be “psychiatrically” incarcerated for
another “psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise report” through the falsification of the decisions in
4909/231/2017 makes no sense as it leads to the logical conclusion the Romanian “state” mafia itself
admits through this it falsified the “psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise report” from 8th or 9th December
2016 and that it has no juridical value which is not the answer because the Romanian “state” mafia
invokes it as if it was legal, except that the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 were a superficial public
opinion and useless “legal” cover-ups not for an impossible “psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise” to be
conducted without my consent and cooperation, but a pretext for the Romanian “state” mafia to
commit Crimes against humanity against me through Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified
Murder as the Romanian “State” mafia perpetrated against me as I’ve objectivized in section II.1.3.1^7.

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Finally I declare judicially knowing the consequences of the felonies of False declarations and Inducing
the judicial bodies into error for falsifying proofs, as well that of Disseminating false information given I
will publish this plead, that I opened a penal dossier against that ex officio state defender in which he
was never acquitted, a mafia "lawyer" associate appointed to commit the felony of Unloyal
representacy or assistance according to article 284 form the Romanian Penal Code against me and in
favor of the mafia's murderous interests, even attempting to mislead me regarding the state of the
falsified dossiers to a greater extent than "policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara even by which I could tell
clearly he’s corrupt, appearing in this instance for the purpose of fulfilling the condition in article 184
paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code that a legal representant must be present when
asking my consent in the “psychiatry” charlatanry procedure regarding the suspects or accused of
homicide. Most importantly neither "policewoman" Popescu Lacramioara nor "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai
Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras Ionut ever objectivized their reasoning for
illegally initiating the impossible without my consent and cooperation "psychiatric" charlatanry
procedure, because it's impossible also given I've proven my mental health, reasons for which the entire
ordnance of putting into motion the penal action and this particular procedural act of initiating the
“psychiatry” charlatanry procedure regarding the suspects or accused of homicide, are void of right
according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and all acts that logically follow

I.B.4.18. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "La data de 08.12.2016, prin ordonanta nr. 2845/P/2016 emisa de
Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani s-a dispus efectuarea unei expertize medico-legale psihiatrice
fata de inculpatul Raneti Tudor Andrei", as translated to English: "On the date of 8th December 2016,
through ordnance number 2845/P/2016 emitted by the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria
Focsani" courthouse, it was disposed the effectuation of a legal medicine psychiatric expertise against
the accused Raneti Tudor Andrei",
I.B.4.18.1. because the ordnance from 8th December 2016 from 2845/P/2016 is illegal by
breaking article 184 paragraphs 1 and 3 regarding the psychiatric examination procedure, and breaking
article 4 paragraph 2 regarding the presumption of innocence, and along with that article 23 paragraph
11 from the Romanian Contitution, and articles 20 and 11 from the Romanian Constitutions declaring
Romanian ratified international treaties internal right meaning article 6 paragraph 2 from ECHR and
article 11 from UDHR. This ordnance although uncomunicated as all the others can only be unmotivated
because there are no grounds in any of the penal dossiers ever falsified against me by the Romanian
"state" mafia, as shortly proven by the fact I was never indicted and convicted by annex 17 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, therefore
breaking article 286 paragraph 2 letter d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code regarding the
obligation of the "judicial bodies" to motivate any procedure act through a particular factual premise
and a correlated universal law premise, only valid and legal method from which a logical juridical
decision can be inferred. Because this ordnance breaks every relevant law and regulation, it is void of
right according to article 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and all subsequent acts of
procedure logically derived from it, and

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I.B.4.18.2. because I remind from the pleads demonstrating the falsification of the decisions in
12718/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance, a "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" has been falsified in my
absence on 8th or 9th December 2016 which is illegal according to article 10 from the Romanian Law
487/2002, falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" which was never communicated as legally
required according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Law
487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, and
article 566 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, corroborated with the falsified decision in
4791/91/2017 attached as annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, in which the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana from
"Judecatoria Focsani" retains that ~"I couldn't be found" proving it was falsified in my absence. The
proposal that I be “psychiatrically” incarcerated for another “psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise report”
through the falsification of the decisions in 4909/231/2017 makes no sense then as it leads to the logical
conclusion the Romanian “state” mafia itself admits through this it falsified the “psychiatry” charlatanry
“expertise report” from 8th or 9th December 2016 and that it has no juridical value which is not the
answer because the Romanian “state” mafia invokes it as if it was legal, except that the falsified
decisions in 4909/231/2017 were a superficial public opinion and useless “legal” cover-ups not for an
impossible “psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise” to be conducted without my consent and cooperation,
but a pretext for the Romanian “state” mafia to commit Crimes against humanity against me through
Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder as the Romanian “State” mafia perpetrated
against me as I’ve objectivized in section II.1.3.1^7

I.B.4.19. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Prin incheierea din data de 05.04.2017 judecatorul de drepturi si
libertati de la Judecatoria Focsani a admis propunerea formulata de Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria
Focsani si a dispus emiterea mandatului de aducere in scopul prezentarii inculpatului Raneti Tudor Andrei
la comisia medico-legala psihiatrica", as translated into English: "Through the courthouse meeting
closing decision from 5th April 2017 the judge of rights and liberties from the "Judecatoria Focsani"
courthouse admitted the proposal formulated by the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria Focsani"
courthouse and disposed the release of the mandate of bringing for the purpose of presenting the
accused Raneti Tudor Andrei to the psychiatric legal medicine committee",
I.B.4.19.1. because the "prosecutors" deconspire their illicit intent by declaring the mandate
was emitted so I be "presented" to the "psychiatric" charlatanry committee not that I be "examined" by
the "psychiatric" charlatanry committee, through which it is admitted that a "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise" is impossible without my consent and cooperation, meaning my illegal arrest and
detainment in front of the "psychiatric" charlatanry committee is obviously illegal according to common
logic as proven by the law itself, article 184 paragraph 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code
which states that only after the suspect of accused of homicide according to article 184 paragraph 1
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, has given his consent according to article 184 paragraph 3
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, but didn't present itself to the "psychiatric" charlatanry
committee, can a mandate of arrest and detainment be issued according to article 184 paragraph 4 from

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the Romanian Penal Procedure Code meaning this alone proves the decision in 4791/231/2017 is illegal
thus falsified, being the principal article of this particular judicial object;
I.B.4.19.2. because the decision in 4791/231/2017 is also falsified through the breaking of the
universal law premises of the underlying penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 in
which I had the falsified quality of accused through the falsified ordnance of putting into motion the
penal action, for the fictive felony of Disturbing the solemnity of the meeting like I've proven, and not
suspect or accused of homicide, article 184 paragraph 1 and article 4 paragraph 2 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code being broken because any prosecutor's doubt is to be interpreted in favor of the
suspect or accused not to mention it can’t constitute proof according to articles 97 and 103 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, making the decision in 4791/231/2017 and all subsequent procedure
acts void of right according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, meaning the
mafia "police" and "masked police" soldiers who arrested and detained me with this falsified mandate
should've not even attempted to execute it since they took knowledge of it being illegal and groundless
before executing it, according to 9 paragraph 2 and 9, article 209 paragraph 1, article 202 paragraph 2
and article 280 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, given according to article 1 paragraph 5 from
the Romanian Constitution the law is obligatory not the mafia's falsified documents, like I've ojectivized
in section A.II.1.3.1^7.1;
I.B.4.19.3. because the decision in 4791/231/2017 is also falsified through the breaking of the
universal law premises of the underlying penal dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 in
which not only was I not a suspect or accused of homicide according to article 184 paragraph 1 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code reason for which the "psychiatric" examination can't be proposed to
me, and benefited from the presumption of innocence according to article 4 paragraph 2 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code according to which any "prosecutor's doubt" is to be interpreted in
favor of the suspect or the accused, but I haven't given my consent which was documented in these
falsified dossiers, making any "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" physically impossible, and as proof
of where this is logically going, I can't be brought to a "psychiatric" charlatanry committee for an
"examination", because the "examination" is impossible without my consent, as corroborated by the law
which states in article 184 paragraph 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code that only if the
suspect or accused has given its consent but failed to present himself to the "psychiatry" charlatanry
committee, can he be brought by force, making the note at this point that a "psychiatry" charlatanry
"expertise" can't be objective proof in any criminal investigation because they depend solely on the
subjective and clearly mentally alienated opinions of the "psychiatrist" charlatans, and on the behavior
and declarations of the examinee who can simply lie which is actually what sociopaths will do as their
main characteristic being mythomania, and it's impossible to catch one in an interview even if subjecting
him to a polygraph test which they pass because they think it's good to lie and are relaxed about it,
"psychiatry" being charlatanry in every aspect and relation with other disciplines like I've objectivized in
section A, and I've even wrote an essay about the uselessness of judicial psychology for my law faculty,
being graded 80% from what I remember just because I wrote it without being able to do research on
the internet properly or have time for it because I was hunted by the Romanian "state" mafia at the
same time in the period between just before the almost daily arrests before Orthodox Easter 2017 and
27th May 2017 when I was arrested from my law faculty exams illegally, tied to an operating table in the
Focsani "psychiatric" gulag, injected with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins and put into

Page 410 of 501

anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment, and after I survived I was forcefully chemically
lobotomized with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins until 8th June 2017, discovering
according to the repeated symptoms and a blood test that I was covertly poisoned with the same deadly
fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - which is risperidone's metabolite, during the night of
5th to 6th December 2014, like I'm objectivizing in section A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2;
I.B.4.19.4. because the falsified decision in 4791/231/2017, being illegal and groundless, is
furthermore breaking articles 22 paragraphs 1-2, 23 paragraphs 1-2, 26 paragraph 2, 27 and 29 from the
Romanian Constitution, respectively articles 20 and 11 from the Romanian Constitution regarding the
fact Romanian ratified international treaties are internal right such as articles 12 and implicitly 9 from
UDHR, and article 5 and 8 from ECHR. "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana beyond demonstrating her
schizophrenia through symptoms of juridical logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction, displays
the symptom of common logical incoherence contradicting herself that I live without legal forms at my
mother's address where I couldn't be found, and that that I must be subjected to “psychiatric”
charlatanry expertise because I declared in writing that I don't give my consent to be subjected to
“psychiatric” charlatanry expertise, as proven by annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. According to DSM-V "psychiatric"
charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics, I quote: "Schizophrenia is characterized by delusions,
hallucinations, disorganized speech and behavior, and other symptoms that cause social or occupational
dysfunction.", through which I objectivize my affirmation that as all other "judicial bodies" and mafia
associates who falsified penal dossiers and psychiatric actions against me, "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana is
schizophrenic. Because the falsified decision in 4791/231/2017 is void of right according to articles 280-
282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, all logical subsequent acts of procedure are too

I.B.4.20. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "La data de 06.04.2017, ora 9, in baza mandatului de aducere emis de
judecatorul de drepturi si libertati, inculpatul Raneti Tudor Andrei a fost prezentat la S.J.M.L. Vrancea",
as translated to English: "On the date of 6th April 2017, 9 o'clock, on the base of the bringing mandate
emittted by the rights and liberties judge, the acussed Raneti Tudor Andrei was presented to S.J.M.L.
I.B.4.20.1. because the "prosecutors" lie by omission about the fact I was arrested from my
mother's home at about 7 a.m. on 6th April 2017 with 2 mafia "masked policemen" and 2 "policemen"
soldiers for the purpose of conducting state terrorism by breaking into my home while I was sleeping, as
usual and as they did for decades during the ex-"communist" Romanian era at least, and detained me
without a reason as proof of this at the Focsani city police station for nothing, before being brought by
force to the "psychiatric" charlatanry "committee" at "S.J.M.L. Vrancea" where I found the "psychiatrist"
charlatan Berzvehnii Igor presiding over a "committee" consisting of just himself at about 8:45 a.m.
perhaps and refused to tell the "policemen" mafia soldiers to release me until 9 a.m. when he called two
more woman "psychiatrist" charlatans, still not up to the usual 5 member "psychiatric" charlatans
committee, and only after I was released, mentioning Berzvehnii Igor is the "psychiatrist" charlatan who
is also member of the local malpraxis committee within the local sanity direction from where he falsified

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the response against my complaints about the malpraxis with malice aforethought he and others
committed in 2015 by detaining me illegally for an hour on 17th September 2015 and then falsifying an
expertise report in my absence between 30th October 2015 and 3rd December 2015 which they refused
to communicate and I fond hidden in another dossier and attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, Bervehnii Igor being
obviously incompatible to handle his own malpraxis according to the principle nemo esse iudex in sua
causa potest, and according to article 11 from the Romanian Government Ordnance 27/2002 based on
the same principle, and furthermore incompatible to address any juridical acts regarding me because I
opened a penal dossier against him in which he was never acquitted;
I.B.4.20.2. because the "prosecutors" lie by omission that the mandate wasn't falsified like I
proven in paragraph <just before the plead on this quote>;
I.B.4.20.3. because the "prosecutors" admit as before I was "presented" but also lie by omission
because I was abused through an illegal arrest, that I wasn't "examined" by the "psychiatrist" charlatans
because it was impossible as I haven't given my consent according to article 184 paragraph 3 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code and therefore I wasn't cooperating, and it was legally impossible
because I wasn't accused or suspect or homicide according to article 184 paragraph 1 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and I was and still am benefiting from the presumption of innocence,
never being indicted and convicted like I proven in this ICC penal dossier paragraph <2nd paragraph ?
regarding the procedure that should've been followed according to the law for indictment, conviction
then security measure proposal in conjuncture with the non-punishment clause of irresponsibility, all
procedure referring to convicts>, and in short by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial history not
even mentioning the fact I was covertly abused by a falsified penal pursuit

I.B.4.21. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "In urma examinarii medico-legale psihiatrice, avand in vedere si
complexitatea cazului, comisia de expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica din cadrul S.J.M.L. Vrancea a
recomandat internarea inculpatului intr-o institutie medico-legala de specialitate respectiv sectia de
Psihiatrie a Spitalului Judetean de Urgenta "Sf. Pantelimon" Focsani in vederea efectuarii psihiatrice si a
emis biletul de trimitere nr. 1447/A1-P/333/06.04.2017", as translated into English: "Following the
examination of the psychiatric legal medicine, and having in regard the complexity of the case, the
committee of psychiatric legal medicine examination from S.J.M.L. Vrancea has recommended the
internment of the accused in a specialty legal medicine institution respectively the Psychiatry section
from Emergency Hospital "Saint Pantelimon" from Focsani regarding the effectuation of the psychiatric
examination and it has emitted the ticked for sending number 1447/A1-P/333/6th April 2017",
I.B.4.21.1. because as I've proven before twice, even the lying "prosecutors" admit I wasn't
"examined" by the "psychiatric" charlatanry committee but just "presented, as obvious by the fact i
haven't given my consent making a "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" impossible, and
I.B.4.21.2. because there is no such thing as "preliminary legal medicine psychiatric
examination" given no "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" at all could take place without my

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consent and cooperation as any other "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination", reason for which the
"psychiatrist" charlatans always falsified the documents in my absence and refused to communicate
them to me according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Law
487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002, and
article 566 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code in the case of the falsified proposal in
12718/231/2017, to prevent me from using them against them, and
I.B.4.21.3. because there is no such thing as declaring there is a "complexity of the case"
without any motivation and objectivization in accordance to the law and regulations because all juridical
acts are only valid if inferred logically from a particular factual premise meaning the reasons, correlated
with an universal law or regulations premise meaning the morals, which in this case is even more
complex, the "psychiatrist" charlatans being obligated to respect penal law, their own mental health
law, fundamental rights, and medical and "psychiatry" charlatanry regulation all at once, and objectivize
at the same time scientifically or according to the scientific method all their reports, this "complexity of
the case" being a condition from article 184 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code
which the "psychiatrist" charlatans and "judicial bodies" mindlessly copy-pasted without fullfilling,
condition which is still depending on article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code
regarding my consent not given which makes article 184 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code inapplicable, meaning it's irrelevant whether I'm brought by force in front of a
"psychiatric" charlatanry "committee" which does not constitute an "examination", and it's irrelevant
whether I'm "psychiatrically" incarcerated which again does not constitute an "examination", and it's
not only irrelevant but illegal according to articles 10 and 11 too from the Romanian Law 287/2002 for a
"psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" to be falsified in my absence, all the more without my consent
which is just as well in my "absence" meaning non-cooperation, in conclusion meaning the "psychiatrist"
charlatans can't infer a valid juridical act from a non-existing "examination" or non-existing particular
factual premise from 6th April 2017 or any other date, which of course they haven't correlated with the
law and regulations and objectivized scientifically as legally required meaning their "recommendation"
for my "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration is groundless, implicitly illegal and syllogistically invalid
making their juridical act void of right and consequently all subsequent acts of procedure which depend
on it according to penal matter law but also common law regarding any falsified juridical act, meaning as
relevant the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance were illegal and unjustified
because the proposal for my "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration was illegal and unjustified, and void
of right according to articles 280-282 form the Romanian Penal Procedure Code. Even more in
corroboration to the demonstration of the illegality of the proposal that I be "psychiatrically"
incarcerated for an impossible "examination" without my consent and cooperation, where in actuality
Crimes against humanity were committed against me as proven in section A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, the
falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd for “psychiatric” incarceration for “examination” being
just pretexts to put me in a situation of vulnerability by “psychiatric” incarceration in the Focsani
“psychiatric” gulag where I can be Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered as I’ve deduced
ever since 2015 using the Crimes against humanity committal from the night between 5th to 6th
December 2014 and the falsified dossiers that followed through which the committal of Crimes against
humanity was obviously pursued. According to article 184 paragraph 5 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code the "psychiatrist" charlatans must propose to me after I give my consent to be

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"examined" by a "psychiatrist" charlatan, consent which I haven't given, to be "psychiatrically"
incarcerated to be "examined", which obviously as I've objectivized in section A, one should be truly
mentally alienated to be fooled into being "psychiatrically" incarcerated and chemically lobotomized by
the "psychiatrist" charlatans to justify their illicit occupation as they really do all the time at least in the
Focsani "psychiatric" gulag as I've witnessed personally, not just deduced or proven logically using the
law and observing the "magistrate" mafia is in cahoots with them sentencing innocents to be drugged,
which I've made public at address < just before the Romanian "state" mafia has hidden the evidence,
then further investigated for a notification I’ve sent to CCHR and published at address < about
institutionalized children and other disadvantaged social classes without the ability to defend
themselves juridically being drugged for illegal experimentation by the “psychiatrist” charlatans.
Because I haven't been even proposed to be "psychiatrically" incarcerated for an impossible
"examination" without my consent to refuse it, nor was this sending ticket 447/A1-P/333/06.04.2017 to
be "psychiatrically" incarcerated communicated to me as proof, nor had the "psychiatrist" charlatan
Berzvehnii Igor the right to even attempt to falsify one against me being under penal pursuit and
denounced for malpraxis against me with malice aforethought, the law was broken in this regards too
making the proposal that I be "psychiatrically" incarcerated void of right according to articles 280-282
from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and all subsequent acts meaning exemplificatively the
falsified and void of right by themselves decisions from 4909/231/2017, being not even any other
evidence of this proposal towards me to contradict this judicial declaration of mine which constitutes
proof according to article 97 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, reminding again I was never
accused of the felonies of False declarations, Inducing the judicial bodies into error or Disseminating
false informations, as proof of verity of my declarations, proofs and demonstration of the Romanian
"state" mafia criminal activity. Of course - because I’m speaking of the same mafia in which the
members are in cahoots at committing crimes, the "psychiatrist" charlatan mafia associates proposed
the "psychiatric" involuntary incarceration to the "prosecutors", who of course also have not motivated
factually and legally why is it valid according to article 184 paragraphs 6 and 7 and article 286 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which again constitutes a reason of nullity of the proposal that I be
"psychiatrically" involuntarily incarcerated, according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code

I.B.4.22. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Prin incheierea din data de 10.04.2017 judecatorul de drepturi si
libertati de la Judecatoria Focsani a admis propunerea formulata de Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria
Focsani si a dispus internarea medicala nevoluntara in vederea efectuarii expertizei psihiatrice a
inculpatului Raneti Tudor Andrei", as translated to English: "Through the closing meeting document from
10th April 2017 the judge of rights and liberties from the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse admitted the
proposal formulated by the prosecutor's office near the "Judecatoria Focsani" courthouse and disposed
the involuntary medical internment regarding the effectuation of the psychiatric expertise of acussed
Raneti Tudor Andrei",

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I.B.4.22.1. because the "prosecutors" of course omit to declare the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu
Murgulet Ana who also falsified the decision in 4791/231/2017 on 5th April 2017 for an illegal mandate
of arrest and detainment executed on 6th April 2017 with the mafia soldiers, eluded the random
distribution of dossiers system stealing dossier 4909/231/2017 and falsifying the decision on 10th April
2017 in a state of multiple incompatibilities -
<copy or reference these in the I.B.? section regarding “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana> I.B.4.22.1^1
first, for being proven lacking impartiality for falsifying the decision in 4791/231/2017 like I
demonstrated shortly in paragraph < according to article 64 paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code,
I.B.4.22.1^2 second, for being proven lacking impartiality for falsifying the decision in
10547/231/2015 on 10th September 2015 for an illegal mandated of arrest and detainment executed on
17th September 2015,
I.B.4.22.1^3 dossier who is in ne bis in idem relation with 4791/231/2017 meaning based on
same accusations of being irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public danger, and which
"judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana falsified breaking the same laws, and for which she is accused in a penal
dossier where she was never acquitted, which is the third reason for her incompatibility based on article
64 paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
I.B.4.22.1^4 then fourth for falsifying the decisions of rejection of my requests for her removal
from 4909/231/2017 on proven beyond any reasonable doubts grounds of lacking impartiality through
which the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana broke the juridical principle nemo esse iudex in sua
causa potest opening of course the grounds for an infinite number of chained requests of her removal
from dossier 4909/231/2017 based on proven lack of impartiality according to article 64 paragraph 1
letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
I.B.4.22.1^5 then fifth, for disallowing me to consult the dossier 4909/231/2017 on 10th April
2017 when I was arrested with 9 (nine) "gendarmes" two hours before the mock trial as if I was a MMA
fighter or dangerous terrorist not an anti-mafia intellectual human rights defender, "gendarmes" who
pulled me out of my mother's home in sleeping clothes provoking me with physical abuse while filming
me, then detained me for hours for the only purpose of harassing me physically and psychologically
while I was suffering from the cold, filming all the time for the sadistic animal gratification of the judicial
prostitute who instigated them to commit abuses against me for two hours, which is the habit of the ex-
"communist" mafia "secret police" dating back to the 1989 executed Elena Ceausescu who was
notoriously even coupling her mafia "secret police" members to have sex in office while being recorded
and had a fetish listening afterwards and commenting on the records. This particular habit of abusing
people while filming them I only met personally at the Romanian National Direction for Anticorruption
led by "prosecutor" Laura Codruta Kovesi who is accused in all my penal dossiers against the
"magistrate" mafia for being notified about their criminal activity, inclusively her subordinates in her
own prosecutor's office and direct command, and refusing to take any action according to the law,
which is also obvious given "prosecutor" Laura Codruta Kovesi is notorious for only doing political police
from the prosecutor's office she prostitutes for a number of foreign interests amongst which is CIA,
taking orders from Balkans CIA chief who she meets at the mafia "secret information services" protocol
villas according to mafia defector Sebastian Ghita. I objectivize the level of mockery Laura Codruta
Kovesi commits against the Romanian people through the notorious story of an old woman being

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arrested and detained by the mafia's soldiers from one corner of the country for the pretext of being
heard for giving chicken eggs for bribe, and driven all the way in the capital although she could've been
heard locally through a delegation for interrogation, then the old woman was left in front of the
Romanian National Direction for Anticorruption with no money to return home having to beg,
mentioning I was subjected to the same "treatment" of refusal to pay my transport and daily expenses
in full for being called to be mockingly heard on 15th December 2015, despite my repeated petitions to
give me back my money, date since when I assured myself this institution is fully corrupt and occupied
by mentally alienated mafia members who are fully aware of the grave abuses against me. The hearing
from 15th December 2015 at the Romanian National Direction for Anticorruption regarded the refusal of
the capital "magistrates" to judge my work litigation they sold for bribe in favor of Delhaise Group's Cora
Hypermarchet registered as SC ROMANIA HYPERMARCHE SA, the "magistrate" mafia refusing to indict
and convict the "magistrates" I caught protecting the felons in this concern, then the murder attempt
against me from the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 preceded by the one from 27th October
2014 with aid from the mafia soldiers from the "police" and "gendarmerie", followed by the falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry action 15730/231/2014 and falsified penal dossier 2417/P/2014 at nearly the
same time from which two more falsified "psychiatric" actions were issued namely 11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015, all of which I annulled as inadmissible and unfounded in the mafia's own courthouses
proving they are falsified. The "gendarmes" who illegally arrested me on 10th April 2017 refused to
communicate to me the audio-video recording so I couldn't publish it and use it against them although I
can judicially declare what happened and invoke the audio-video recording anyway then accuse the
mafia for withholding evidence too as proof it tacitly admits its crimes, and although I invoked it as proof
it was never administered by the "magistrate" mafia as all the other proofs I even invoked proving the
“magistrate” mafia has nothing in common with a real body of magistrates but identify perfectly with all
the characteristics of organized crime, which they are thus proven to constitute. The "gendarmes" also
stole two pencils from me accusing that I will hurt myself writing my defense and report of the abuse I
was subjected to, through which the "gendarmes" also demonstrated they are schizophrenic since they
could've stolen the pencils since they searched me for no reason in the morning of the arrest but it
didn't occur to them being brain dead mafia soldiers that their order to harass me and prevent me from
working on my defense is linked with any instruments I may use for that purpose while I was illegally
detained before being brought in the last moment in the courthouse for the obvious purpose of being
prevented to learn of the content of dossier 4909/231/2017, purpose for which of course I wasn't
communicated the illegal mandate of arrest and detainment issued from 4909/231/2017 by the same
schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana before issuing a subpoena or objectivizing the necessity,
breaking article 184 paragraph 8 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, useless mafia endeavor
since the falsified dossier 4909/231/2017 is in ne bis in idem relation with dossier 11224/231/2015
based on the same fictive accusations that I'm irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public
danger, which I annulled in 11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and therefore knew how to plead against
even if two years passed in between since I repeated the same arguments many times over against the
repeated crimes of the Romanian “state” mafia such as the falsified dossier 14277/231/2017 who I
annulled on 7th of July 2016 and unfounded, as well as I knew who the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu
Murgulet Ana was since I opened a penal dossier against her for falsifying the decisions 10547/231/2015

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and 4791/231/2017 for the committal of state terrorism through home breakings with falsified
I.B.4.22.1^6 The falsified mandate of arrest and detainment from 4909/231/2017 represents
the sixth motive for the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana's incompatibility based on article 64
paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
I.B.4.22.1^7 while the seventh is the illegal and unmotivated rejection of my exception of ne bis
in idem relation between 4909/231/2017 and 11224/231/2015 objectivized by the fact the underlying
falsified penal dossiers were based the same of fictive accusations therefore changing the penal dossier
number and lies in it didn't matter because I was already judged against the groundless accusations that
I'm irresponsible, without discernment, violent and a public danger in 11224/231/2015, “psychiatry”
charlatanry “action” and “prosecutor’s proposal” which were declared of course unfounded in 2nd
instance, which means ne bis in idem in all identical dossiers.
I.B.4.22.1^8 The eight reason of the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana incompatibility in
4909/231/2017 1st instance, based this time on article 64 paragraph 3 not just paragraph 1 letter f from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, is that not only she broke articles 184 paragraphs 1 and 3 and
paragraph 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code meaning the "psychiatric" charlatanry penal
matter procedure and the presumption of innocence, as well as articles 22 paragraphs 1-2, 23
paragraphs 1-2, 26 paragraph 2, 27 and 29 from the Romanian Constitution, respectively articles 20 and
11 from the Romanian Constitution regarding the fact Romanian ratified international treaties are
internal right such as articles 12 and implicitly 9 from UDHR, and article 5 and 8 from ECHR, but she
falsified the mandate of arrest and detainment from 4791/231/2017 from the same penal dossiers
2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 from which 4909/231/2017 was proposed, therefore the
schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana was incompatible in other words for already participating in
the cause according to the text of the law that disallows further interventions in the cause. At this point I
find it useful to remind again of the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana's logical incoherence from
falsified decision in 4791/231/2017 in which she "motivated" that ~"I must be psychiatrically expertised
because I declared in writing that I don't give my consent to be psychiatrically expertised", and that ~"I
live at the address of my mother with no legal forms where I couldn't be actually found on 3 separate
occasions" as proven by annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
I.B.4.22.1^9 The ninth ground of the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana's incompatibility
according to article 64 paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code is the fact she
falsified the decision in dossier 3081/231/2016 for the cover-up of the penal acts of procedure falsified
by same chief of criminal investigation in “European” Vrancea county “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, for the
cover-up of the Qualified Murder attempt committed against me by the interloper Herghelegiu Danut in
the night of 5th to 6th December 2014, and the fact in particular the interloper was helped by at two
“legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia from the same legal medicine institution as the
"psychiatrist" charlatans, who refused repeatedly to effectuate a legal medicine expertise on my
requests even through a lawyer, and falsified instead a legal medicine report when I requested it
through a lawyer, lying that all the medicine specialties expertise reports I obtained in first and second
opinions for corroboration are falsified, after refusing themselves to send me to these medical
specialties as required in the first place, "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana rejecting as usual on her own, the

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request for her removal from the dossier by breaking the principle nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest,
and in fact I formulated a chain of requests of her removal from the 3081/231/2016 dossier verbally and
"judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana declared them all inadmissible without any factual and lawful motivation
making a mockery of justice, eventually suspending the courthouse meeting because obviously I could
formulate such requests of her removal indefinitely, then "failed" to call me through the radio and
closed the courthouse room to prevent me to participate in the 3081/231/2016 dossier debates in
contradictory as legally required according to articles 349 and 351 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code, and falsified the decision in 3081/231/2016 in my absence, proving there is no bottom to the level
of abuse the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana is willing to commit, but also admitting tacitly in
this manner all my requests for her removal for incompatibility for pervasively breaking the law and
people's rights by falsifying decisions are correct, which is actually the definition for the antisocial
personality disorder or sociopathy.
I.B.4.22.1^10 The tenth ground of the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana's
incompatibility according to article 64 paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code is
the fact during 4909/231/2017 in her original schizophrenic manner declared she restricts my
fundamental right to defend myself.
I.B.4.22.1^11 The eleventh ground of the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana's
incompatibility according to article 64 paragraph 1 letter f from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code is
of course the fact she had the obligation according to articles 61 and 291 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code to denounce the "judicial bodies" to the "penal authorities" for falsifying penal dossiers
2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, and falsifying the proposals registered in
1057/231/2015, 4791/231/2017 and 4909/231/2017, proposals which she admitted by breaking the law
and falsifying the motivation by aberrating or omitting it entirely as proven above regarding
4791/231/2017 exemplificatively, demonstrating she is a member of the "magistrate" mafia, not a
magistrate, refusal through which she committed the felony of Ommitting to denounce according to
article 267 from the Romanian Penal Code;
I.B.4.22.2 <also reference this in the I.B.? section regarding “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana>
because the "prosecutors" of course omit to declare the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana
falsified the decision in 4909/231/2017 breaking articles 184 paragraph 11 and article 403 paragraph 1
letters c and d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code by not motivating the decision because it's
impossible to justify breaking the law using the law, is void of right for breaking the law and being
groundless according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code but also common
law. I remind the “psychiatrist” charlatan’s recommendation itself is as demonstrated above falsified, on
which the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance is based on factually. The laws broken
through the falsification of the decision in 4909/231/2017 I remind are article 184 paragraphs 1, 3, 4 and
11, article 349, article 351, article 403 letters c and d and article 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code regarding the "psychiatric" charlatanry procedure in penal matters, the obligation of the instance
to respect the rights of the parties, administer the proofs and fully respect the law, the obligation of the
instance to give course to all parties requests, the obligation of the instance to motivate the decision
and respect the presumption of innocence which forbids any penal measures or acts based on
"prosecutor doubts" to be executed against the suspect or accused. Furthermore in 4909/231/2017 it
was broken article 54 from Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding the fact a person can only be

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involuntarily “psychiatrically” incarcerated if a “psychiatrist” charlatan decides a person suffers from a
psychical disorder, which the “psychiatrist” charlatan can only decide through direct examination
through an interview which the examinee can refuse making it legally impossible for a “psychiatric”
charlatanry “expertise” to be falsified against him, and article 54 also foresees in letters a and b
paragraphs that the “psychiatrist” charlatan must also objectivize that not “psychiatrically” incarcerating
a person, that person could pose a danger to himself or others, and also objectivize that not
“psychiatrically” incarcerating that person who suffers from a grave psychical disorder, making a note
again on the generic “psychical disorder” vs “mental illness” “psychiatry” charlatanry nonsense as I
objectivized in section A.II.1.2.1^1, could result in a grave deterioration of that person’s condition or be
an impediment to the administration to that person of the adequate treatment, none of the conditions
which are fulfilled in my case and consequently not even an attempt at objectivizing the proposal that I
be “psychiatrically” incarcerated is made in the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 or the falsified
“prosecutor’s proposal”. Of course the "prosecutors" omitted to mention they falsified the proposal on
which the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 is based, by breaking the same articles of the law, as
relevant to prosecutors meaning article 286 instead of 403 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
regarding the obligation of the judicial bodies to motivate factually and legally any act of procedure. This
proposal is also not communicated to me from falsified dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016, because as I’ve demonstrated before, it was the Romanian’s “state” mafia intent that I do
not consult dossier 4909/231/2017 reason for which they arrested me with 9 gendarmes on 10th April
2017 instead of subpoenaing me, and afterwards I had to leave my mother’s apartment in the hope they
would stop breaking into it for state terrorism against my family too, getting my mother ill with Zoster
Area as proof, and clearly could not go to the courthouse’s archive to consult the dossiers because I
would’ve been arrested, Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered as the Romanian “state”
mafia perpetrated these Crimes against humanity against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
as proof, then after this period I could not consult the dossiers because I promised the Romanian “state”
mafia through its associates, the “psychiatrist” torturers, that I would stop denouncing it penally and
publicly, and believed foolishly disregarding my previous conclusions that I would be left alone but
indeed, the universal rule is mafia always eliminates its opponents as proven by 12718/231/2017
through which the Romanian “state” mafia attempted to indefinitely imprison me, Torture, Bodily Harm
and Qualifiedly Murder me through deadly fluorine poisoning as it did between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017 and in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. This proves that there was never a real
intent of just blackmailing me as some mafia “magistrate” members may have believed and behaved
accordingly, but the original instigation and ultimate purpose as proven by the Crimes against humanity
committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 was that I be Qualifiedly

I.B.4.23. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Potrivit concluziilor raportului de expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica
nr.1447/A1-P/333/09.12.2016 inculpatul Raneti Tudor Andrei prezinta tulburare psihotica acuta
predominant deliranta, tulburare de personalitate de tip paranoid", as translated to English: "According

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to the conclusions of the legal medicine psychiatric expertise raport number 1447/A1-P/333/9th
December 2016 the acussed Raneti Tudor Andrei presents acute psychotic disorder predominantly
delirant, paranoid personality disorder",
I.B.4.23.1. because the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" nr.1447/A1-
P/333/09.12.2016 is proven falsified according to article 10 from the Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding
the obvious fact any "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" can only be performed directly with the
"psychiatrist" charlatan through an interview, meaning any "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" report
is illegal and impossible in my absence and inherently void of right in penal matters according to articles
280-282 from the Romananian Penal Procedure Code but also according to common law regarding any
juridical act, and any "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" is illegal and impossible without my
consent and cooperation according to article 11 from the Romanian Law 487/2002 and article 184
paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as I've also often objectivized in this ICC penal
dossier. I prove the fact the "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise" nr.1447/A1-P/333/09.12.2016 was
falsified in my absence invoking the schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana's falsified decision from
4791/231/2017 attached as annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier in which she declares I couldn't be found to be "expertized" by the
"psychiatric" charlatans, contradicting herself by declaring I live without legal forms at my mother's
address where I couldn't be found on 3 occasions even, corroborating with the obvious fact that being
brought by force with the mafia's soldiers from the "police" and "gendarmes" in front of the
"psychiatrist" charlatans mafia associates like on 17th September 2015 based on a falsified mandate by
the same schizophrenic "judge" Dinu Murgulet Ana, wouldn't constitute an "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise" either but reveals the mafia troglodytes have a kindergarten level mental retardation
hallucinating an obvious abuse can't be demonstrated as such and used against them as I've did,
corroborated with the fact the subjective and obvious mentally alienated hallucinations of a
"psychiatrist" charlatan can never constitute an objective or scientific proof in any real criminal
investigation, all the more the examinee can lie as sociopaths do as mythomania is one of their major
characteristics, and a sociopath can't be caught even using a polygraph test because they believe it's
good to lie and aren't stressed about it, and because as I've objectivized in section A, "psychiatry" is
neither medicine nor science, is charlatanry also used as state terrorism and as a weapon of wrongful
political repression, charlatanry notoriously proven by the fact Sigmund Freud or better said "fraud",
took bribe from two pharmaceutical companies to declare opium and heroin psychiatric treatments, or
state terrorism and wrongful political repression proven by the fact the Romanian national poet Mihai
Eminescu was "psychiatrically" poisoned with mercury as “psychiatric treatment” for being the biggest
dissident of his time against corruption, then was killed in "psychiatric" incarceration after the poisoning
failed to stop him, by being hit in the head with a brick, and there are many notorious examples of
dissidents against immoral government being tortured by using "psychiatry" charlatanry as a weapon of
wrongful repression as it was used in the nazi concentration camps and soviet gulags, examples which
I've also used in section A regarding the objectivization of Crimes against humanity committed against
me and others by the murderous Romanian "state" mafia regime;
I.B.4.23.2. <split this paragraph into more because it’s too dense, and rework the phrases length
because it’s difficult to read by an unaccustomed reader>because the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise report" nr.1447/A1-P/333/09.12.2016 contains the obviously falsified diagnosis "acute

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psychotic disorder predominantly delirant" meaning in layman’s terms “minor false ideology
predominantly false” which reveals then the “psychiatric” charlatanry nonsense as I’ve objectivized in
section A.II.1.2.1^1 regarding the fact “disorder” designates a carte-blanche term representing the
totalitarian’s regime means of eliminating or repressing undesirables due to their ideology obviously,
and "paranoid personality disorder" which in layman’s terms means acting out of an unjustified fear,
diagnosis by which the “psychiatrist” charlatans are denying that the Romanian “state” mafia falsified 4
penal dossiers against me and 6 psychiatric actions as state terrorism and wrongful political repression,
diagnosis which is false because it is obviously not fear that motivates me to denounce the Romanian
“state” mafia, as fear would be the reason to not denounce the Romanian “state” mafia, which just
shows another symptom of logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction of the “psychiatrist”
charlatans, which corroborates to the demonstration of their schizophrenia according to DSM-V
“psychiatry” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics. Furthermore these false diagnosis are not
"mental illnesses" reason for which these falsified diagnosis from an obviously as proven falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report", do not correlate with article 109 from the Romanian Penal
Code regarding the obligation to medical treatment for “mentally ill” or mentally deranged by drugs
convicts, because mental illnesses do not exist as I objectivized in section A.II.1.2.1^1 and A.II.1.2^3, and
in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier representing my plead against the falsified "prosecutor's proposal" registered as
12718/231/2017 in which I also invoked the content of 14277/231/2015 because it's in ne bis in idem
relation with 12718/231/2017, regarding the fact some of the "psychiatrist" charlatans themselves
admit there is no such thing as a mental illness. Furthermore as obvious I’m not a convict for article 109
from the Romanian Penal Code to be applicable against me, because I was never indicted even nor
convicted, mentioning there is no such thing as medical treatment for “mental illnesses” proven not just
by the fact metaphors can’t be treated medically, this being one of the “psychiatry” charlatanry
nonsense, but as proof no “mentally ill” person was ever “cured” but brain damaged or chemically
lobotomized with fluorine, chlorine or mercury poisoning, or because of Sigmund Freud taking bribe
from two pharmaceutical “companies” which I just call the pharmaceutical mafia as notoriously called
by others, to promote opium and heroine as “psychiatric” treatment, they were made drug addicts and
certainly not cured of anything but also chemically lobotomized in time because drugs also are known to
provoke brain damage. Because there is no such thing as a mental disease, therefore a mental disease
cannot have ever been possibly cured medically or otherwise because you can't cure metaphorical
diseases or lies, because they don't exist in reality, mental illnesses being a myth invented by the self
glorified medical assistantants who counterfeited the "psychiatry" charlatanry pseudoscience lying they
are medics to raise their social status and illicit undeserved remuneration swindling uneducated people
(like in Romania where after World War 2 60% of the population was analphabet and intrinsically
illiterate thanks to monarchy, proving what it really takes to be a king - a majority of fools) with false so
called diagnostics and treatments, because in the mind of the idiots you can't be a medic if you don't
prescribe something as it happens even today everywhere as I observe from testimonies, where not just
the "psychiatrist" charlatans but legitimate medics prescribe medicine without correlating the
prescription with a real condition but just so they take the money of the idiot and inherently unaware
"patient". Some "medics" even have the nerve to talk back after I discover they are incompetent such as
the neurologist Gaman Lucica from Focsani who complained that ~"patients just come, take their

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medicine and go", after I questioned her about the MRI scan which I was able to read better than her
with minimum research, and after 4 months of research prove the radiologists were either incompetent
or lied to cover-up the mafia’s crimes and secure their employment as mafia associates, MRI which
demonstrated that the physical lesions in my occipital lobe correlated with my eyesight disorder caused
by being hit on the head violently by interloper Herghelegiu Danut at the instigation of the Romanian
"state" mafia who protected him afterwards as I will demonstrate in this ICC penal dossier, and
correlated with the mechanics of coup-countercoup of such a head trauma and with another lesion in
the frontal cortex, and after I questioned her about anhedonia for instance amongst other symptoms
caused by being covertly chemically lobotomized with a risperidone or paliperidone injection which I
couldn't prove objectively at that time as I now could prove in sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2 it was the
cause, but was investigating at the time my damaged health because the "medics" were not, partly
because they don't know their profession being installed in corrupt ways in their office and corruption
not hard honest work is their way of life, and mostly because they didn't want to, fearing losing their
status of being mafia associates as I caught the notorious Romanian "neurologist" Constantin Dulcan to
be crooked, attempting to send me to a “psychiatry” charlatanry consultation for confronting him with
my own research during the neurologic consultation asking what it meant or whether I drew the correct
conclusions so far, moment in which he became visibly nervously unstable, reason for which I requested
and got my money back for this particular “neurologic” consultation, and as I caught an university
professor named Badiu Corin from neuroendocrinological institute "Parhon" from Bucharest who said
my endocrinological problems are not mechanically induced but refused to draw the conclusion himself
that I objectivized later after I found out that they were chemically induced as I was chemically
lobotomized with risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite, about which I spoke in section
A.I.1. The "psychiatrist" charlatans of course are prescribing neurotoxic poisons instead of medicine in
cahoots with the pharmaceutical mafia because they can’t just prescribe chalk as medicine to which
people would easily catch on that they are swindled, but are counting on the fact the neurotoxic poisons
are creating an effect which is desirable for a charlatan - it destroys the brain of the victim who is
generally unable to realize afterwards what has be done to him because of the brain damage but also
lacking the capacity in general which is why the charlatans also victimize ignorant people lacking the
ability to defend themselves logically and juridically, or people placed outside the protection of the law
by the “magistrate” mafia such as in my case and cases of other dissidents against corruption and
organized crime controlled government, only in my case the poisoning also failed because I am strongly
reasoned and observant of the state of my general health and functionality as well as physical and
intellectual output, and had a long intellectual life time in which my bran, the foundation for my mind
got strong, reason for which the Romanian “state” mafia issued the final solution in the form of the
falsified dossier 12718/231/2017 through which it intended to incarcerate me indefinitely to insure itself
of stopping me from denouncing its criminal activity by Torturing, Bodily Harming and Qualifiedly
Murdering me through deadly fluorine poisoning in the same manner it did between 27th May 2017 and
8th June 2017 as I’ve objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7, but long enough to destroy my brain through
chemical lobotomy or kill me and then fake the legal report that I died of natural causes. Lastly, the
“psychiatry” charlatanry needs to fake the existence of reason for poisoning people, which is where the
fictive or metaphoric mental illness come in to play the role of logical cover-up in the charlatanry that is
"psychiatry", just like in the notorious fact and proof Sigmund Freud or better said "fraud" took bribe

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from two pharmaceutical mafia "companies" to declare heroin and opium "psychiatric" charlatanry
“treatments” for “mental illnesses” by using his fame as accreditation and the people’s ignorance,
causing an epidemic of drug addicts at the time who of course were all too happy to receive another
dose of the drug they were addicted to instead of fighting the charlatan criminals that were drugging
them, and just like in the notorious fact the national Romanian poet Mihai Eminescu was poisoned with
the "psychiatric" treatment of mercury because he was the biggest dissident against corruption in the
country, then after the "psychiatrist" criminals instigated by the organized crime of that time didn't
manage to damage him enough or kill him, after putting him in a situation of vulnerability by
incarcerating him "psychiatrically" for obviously no reason than to stop him from publishing articles
against corruption and poison him with mercury, they killed him by hitting him on the head with a brick,
their accreditation being that they were amongst the few literate people of their time when justice in
Romania was even more corrupt again thanks to monarchy who took over by coup d’etat the Romanian
principalities then just like the contemporary Romanian “state” mafia took over Romanian through the
coup d’etat from 1989, reason for which it was easy for them to pose as medics to the general peasant
Romanian analphabet population who’s only “medical” treatment at the time was calling the priest or
village’s witch to perform a ritual proving as much they knew of anything. My point is there can never be
invented a medical treatment for metaphors of real diseases who obviously don't relate to reality but
are analogies who relate to nothing, which are obviously then fictive mental illnesses, obviously because
the treatment can't address something that can't exist but also obviously logical because the cure for
real diseases is working on the cause of the disease not the symptoms, while the "psychiatry"
charlatanry is fooling public opinion getting state accreditation for destroying the brain not the
metaphoric or non-existent mental illness because it has always cooperated with the totalitarian
regimes which are all established regimes really who find the “psychiatry” charlatanry a useful weapon
of wrongful repression against their opponents usually from the proletariat and the socially ostracised
which usually are in the least one of the crooked politicians who’s preoccupation throughout life is to
accrue human capital to him, and changing the symptoms meaning the behavior of their victim by
poisoning for other worse symptoms then claim they cured the disease by destroying the brain of their
victim and their overall health, or killing their victim which then they blame on the victim faking the legal
medicine report in cahoots with legal medicine which is why they are also conveniently part of legal
medicine institutions although "psychiatry" charlatanry I proven in section A to not be medicine or
science, which is exactly what has been happening in Romania where deaths in "psychiatric"
incarceration are never investigated by the "penal authorities" making the "psychiatric" charlatanry a
very convenient way for the Romanian "state" mafia to murder and dispose of their victims covertly
discrediting them at the same time, such as declaring the victim was “mentally ill” which in public
opinion is a subject of ridicule against the victim of “psychiatric” charlatanry because in Romania the
troglodyte peasant population forms the public opinion, and that the victim had a heart attack because
of being “mentally ill” which doesn't even make sense except the ignorant public being comprised of
idiots, doesn't realize the truth nor does it care as I proven through my public denunciations and
observations afterwards that the entire Romanian economy has been destroyed by the Romanian
“state” mafia who since 1989 literarily privatized the national interest of Romania to reap illicit profits
by scrapping Romania’s resources themselves. The "psychiatric" charlatans and other legal medics mafia
associates are not mentioning of course the heart attack was caused by brain poisoning, the victim

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therefore being in no way a patient for not having been treated medically, but a psychological and
physical integrity destruction and murder victim for being poisoned and killed, as further proof the
"psychiatry" is either charlatanry or state terrorism which has nothing to do with medicine or science
like I've proven in section A, but when "psychiatrist" charlatans don't just simply swindle people of their
money destroying their health for their illicit profit by literarily sacrificing the lives of others which they
need to do continuously to falsely justify publicly they have a legitimate occupation, the "psychiatrist"
charlatans engage in an pervasive occupation to control reality through wrongful political repression by
committing Crimes against humanity against the dissidents against the established immoral regime,
literally destroying humanity in people though chemical lobotomisation as I've demonstrated in section
A regarding the fact that destruction of a person's identity is capital punishment or murder. As I pointed
out before in this ICC penal dossier, "psychosis" is not a "mental illness" but a behavior generated by so
called false ideation which the "psychiatrist" charlatans of course failed to provide grounds for meaning
demonstrate the existence of deeds which they failed to prove that they are a result of so-called false
ideation, and “psychosis” I demonstrated in section A.II.1.2.1^1 that it's part of their charlatanry
“dialectic” to fool the public and for the fake objectivization of wrongful political repression or to just
simply hide their charlatanry, and of course in my case they failed to correlate the inexistent particular
factual premise with an universal premise consisting of medical and "psychiatric" charlatanry regulations
and laws, which the "psychiatrist" charlatans also need to logically and scientifically objectivize
according to the international diagnosis and statistics manual DSM-V and other medical scientific
literature, like I used against them retaining their symptoms of logical incoherence, occupational
dysfunction and pervasive breaking of laws and people's rights to diagnose them with schizophrenia and
antisocial personality disorder or sociopathy. The other false "diagnosis" refers to "premorbid paranoia"
according to the "psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration discharge papers attached as annex 16 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, which I
invoke because it's a direct proof unlike the reference to the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise report" from 8th or 9th December 2016 made by the "prosecutors" which are proven to
mythomaniacs in this ICC penal dossier, "diagnosis" which semantically means being "mentally ill"
before being "mentall ill" meaning not "mentally ill", which is another obvious "psychiatric" charlatanry
nonsense and in any sense if there is any at all it doesn't correlate with article 109 form Romanian Penal
Code which is applicable on convicts which are diagnosed with a "mental illness", or consumers of drugs,
neither of which I am as proven, being falsely accused since no deeds that can constitute a felony or at
least an immoral behavior were proven to physically exist because they cannot physically exist as I’ve
proven, and do not constitute felonies even ad absurdum, and been falsely diagnosed with things that
are as proven not even fictive "mental illnesses" but nonsense, meaning these mentally alienated mafia
members are occupationally dysfunctional even as charlatans and criminals, as is to be expected of
schizophrenics. Furthermore if a person is irresponsible which any other normal person can tell meaning
it's common knowledge, irresponsibility does not occur just "in the moment of the deed doing" like the
"psychiatrist" charlatans delirated, but irresponsibility is a permanent state in which a person cannot
look after its interests at any time, which proves certainly that any of the "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise reports" that claim I am irresponsible, with no discernment, violent and a public danger are
falsified as opposed to my proofs in annex 20 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier that I'm army incorporable, apt for work,

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apt for superior studies, licensed in informatics, with work experience in informatics, proven logically
mentally sane as this very ICC penal dossier demonstrates juridical and medical discernment, having
other document proofs, having witnesses etc., being no instance of irresponsibility ever proven about
me, nor are these false and generic "diagnosis" factually grounded and therefore able to be objectivized
in what does the false ideation or "psychosis" consists of and in what does the paranoia or constant fear
of consists of. If I were to guess what would be the aberrations uttered by the schizophrenic
"psychiatrist" charlatans this time in the falsified in my absence "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise
report" from 8th or 9th December 2016 not communicated to me so I don't use it against them, I would
refer to my existing experience with the "psychiatrist" charlatans who aberrated in their falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" from between 30th October 2015 and 3rd December 2015
from 14277/231/2015 in ne bis in idem with 12718/231/2017 where it was invoked again although
rejected as inadmissible and unfounded in 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance, that ~"I am most
probably paranoid and having severely lowered discernment because I have superior studies, general
culture and fast thinking" which is obviously the elucubration of schizophrenics, all the more a
presumptive or probable (and falsified but its beside the point) diagnosis has no place in a scientific
expertise report on which the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry proposal 14277/231/2015 was
grounded, obviously because the action could not also de decided upon that I probably have to be
obligated to medical treatment (meaning subjected to the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm and
attempted Qualified Murder as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2), meaning these medical faculty dropouts "psychiatrist" charlatans are
really declaring that is false ideation or being psychotic to be self-taught, live a lifestyle of continuous
learning or frequenting a law faculty like I was on 27th May 2017 when I was arrested illegally by the
mafia "secret police" soldiers, tied to an operating table at the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag and injected
with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins 3 days through which I was put in anaphylactic shock
without treatment, then after I survived I was forced to take other deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxins until 8th June 2017 as I've objectivized in sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, and because the
deadly fluorine neurotoxins they used to chemically lobotomize me destroys learning ability, memory
and the ability to take pleasure in living, inducing suicide ideation like I experienced when they first
covertly injected me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 Crimes against humanity
committal, consequently they inherently declare that to learn, memorize, enjoy music, video games,
movies, socialize, having creativity and vividity in living, loving or having sex or laughing are all psychosis
or false ideations as proven by the "psychiatric" charlatans’ actions and falsified documents and given
they've even verbally addressed me to renounce being an intellectual and belief I have rights and
become an idiot in short. Because it's obvious these "psychiatric" charlatans and torturers couldn't
declare that me investigating and denouncing the Romanian "state" mafia is false ideation or psychosis
because they would just as well declare "psychiatry" is charlatanry and is used by the Romanian "state"
mafia as state terrorism and wrongful political repression besides doing illegal experiments on
institutionalized children, elders, youngsters, gypsies, street people, or dissidents put outside the
protection of the law by the "magistrate" mafia, for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical mafia like I've
demonstrated in this report to CCHR https://1drv.ms/b/s!Av_pxCea0UPwkWoBrEVB_efSpXDy, of which I
spoke in paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, fact which is notorious since I picked all

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the evidence from the mass media and other public resources, it's clear that this schizophrenic behavior
is all that these mentally retarded "psychiatric" charlatans could come up with to cover-up being
instigated by the Romanian "state" mafia they are part of, to commit Crimes against humanity against
me. I remind as declared in the "psychiatry" charlatanry specialty literature that assimilating the law as
one's social command and obligation demonstrates the utmost medical and juridical discernment not
psychosis, as I've quoted in annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal complain, as it's the obligation of any law abiding citizen to defend his
country, and furthermore I didn't even undertake this task out of heroism or patriotism which then the
"psychiatric" charlatans are also declaring psychosis, but out of self interest because I had a life or at
least a normal life blueprint to fulfill, have a career in IT, a house, a family etc., that the Romanian
"state" mafia destroyed and therefore to have any chance at a normal life I had to attempt to restore
my life using the judicial system against the injustices perpetrated against me, given that when I
appealed in 2009 to the judiciary system I wasn't aware of the extent of the organized crime I was
against nor of the existence and audacity of the "magistrate" mafia to break every law pervasively as if
in defiance of the rule of law and as if the courthouse was the courtyard of these troglodyte peasants
who occupy the public functions illegally, and hoped for a quick judicial victory that would've repair
what was destroyed of my life then I would've continued carrying on as before as an IT Programmer,
then I suppose buy a cheap one room apartment and pay rates at the bank for 30 years like many other
Romanian idiots, get a mediocre wife and live a mediocre life, but instead the Romanian "state" mafia
though a mediocre mafia-parasitized life in Romania was too good for me, and considering themselves
masters of the world as my lawyer Mariana Militaru in 2009 appreciated about the magistrate bribing
Delhaise Group I sued and won barely against in 43961/3/2009, which pertains to the mentality of the
Romanian "magistrates" who are even declaring themselves sovereigns in their decisions in
contradiction with article 2 of the Romanian Constitution, especially the ones from the National
Direction of Anticorruption who are the most corrupt and who notoriously only do political police
abusing their public function, also thought that me barely winning and being able to keep my job against
their organized crime, and denouncing their corruption, are crimes of lese majeste - since they consider
anyone who addresses their judicial brothel can't get justice for free but must pay bribe for winning
which is either money or favors in nature or influence trafficking, and certainly it's an insult for the
"magistrate" mafia to be denounced of its own corruption in its own judicial brothel, and even more by
what they consider a slave since I was born a proletarian with no relations within the Romanian "state"
mafia or ex-"communist" nomenclature filled to the brim with peasantry and their kin who took over the
"state" in the 45 years of "communism" since World War II when the liberating U.R.S.S. found 60% of
the populace analphabet in Romania. The Romanian "state" mafia members involved hence perhaps
thought to make an example of me, and consequently instead of doing the right thing and let me live my
mediocre life in peace at no real expense for the mafia than its involved mafia peasant's alienated and
blown out of all proportion ego, had the false ideation or psychosis of going against me, a man who had
nothing more to lose for being left with nothing and bitter from a life of toil to make it in life through
honest hard work just to be shoved aside on a bunch of Mafioso peasants whim for petty interests
involving bribes and ego who do not equal a life by far, then the Romanian "state" mafia made the
mistake and kept making the mistake of attacking me on my terrain as an intellectual, thinking it can use
"psychiatry" charlatanry against me to discredit, terrorize, incarcerate, Torture, Bodily Harm and

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Qualifiedly Murder me, and even then making the mistake of simultaneously attempting to Qualifiedly
Murder me by instigating the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to hit me violently on the head and throw
me on a flight of stairs to make it look like an accident, then covertly chemically lobotomizing with
risperidone or paliperidone deadly fluorine neurotoxin me after surviving and making it to the
emergency ward of "Sf. Pantelimon" hospital, and afterwards still attempting to blackmail and terrorize
me as if threats could still have an effect on me after a near death experience and having my body and
brain desecrated and being put in an anhedonia state I call “the living death”, the Romanian "state"
mafia proving itself schizophrenic meaning being logically incoherent in its criminal activities, gaining
nothing but a chain of piric victories consisting so far of 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2
Crimes against humanity committals over a period of 3 years between 2014 and 2017 which I am
denouncing through this ICC penal dossier, in reality furthering my goal of publicly denouncing the
Romanian "state" mafia for which the objective demonstration of its existence and criminal activity was
paramount, and my goal of pursuing the members of this mafia to be convicted for the Crimes against
humanity they committed against me foremost. By going against the Romanian "state" mafia for having
nothing really to lose after it destroyed my life materially making it miserable, then for even taking my
ability to take pleasure in living away through the covert chemical lobotomy injection with the deadly
fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, I
didn't falsely ideatize at all as in going against my interests since having nothing to lose as having the
ability to enjoy misery is nothing much to live with, is what the "psychiatrist" charlatans are avoiding of
bringing into discussion, as I've gained a hero's soul and the social status I only dreamed of having, for
simply refusing to live in fear and fighting back judicially leveraging the mafia's own paranoia about the
inexistent public opinion importance in Romania at least until 2017 when the mafia caught on I had
nothing against it but its own weaknesses of which the troglodyte peasants that comprise the mafia are
unaware meaning they are still driven as obvious by their paranoia, and as proof again I have not falsely
ideatized, I survived 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against humanity committals
with the grace of God of course without which nothing is possible, and am pursuing the only logical
course in life I discovered even before my struggles which ironically came as a test of my conviction after
finding this highest possible truth, that of changing the environment I was born in, to better my life by
bettering the life of the human race we are all inexorably born and reborn in the same given we are all
virtually identical, or 99.9% genetically identical - in layman's terms regarding the implications of this
scientific truth, if someone else would've destroyed this mafia clearly none of this would've happened to
me and I wouldn't have had to fight it, but if I don't fight, fate will bring me in the same hellish situation
again until I or someone else solves this problem, or even worse since I regard the existence of my
troglodyte conational as a curse - to be born and live a life as if chemically lobotomized from birth, living
a miserable life in Romania without knowing why nor be able to emancipate, so its perfectly logical what
I do - I have no choice but to fight knowing the reality, but I am also not the kind who runs away like the
3 million Romanian economic refugees, just to live a life of misery renting to make someone else rich,
working and being robbed from their salary or of their entire salary to make someone else rich, with
barely any rights, exactly as I was living in Bucharest in 2009, so there isn't even really a difference
between being an “European Mexican” and having a career with superior studies in Romania or not
because of the Romanian “state” mafia who destroyed the economy, except that running away is
cowardly and shameful, and as I've already said I will not live in fear or shame which ironically contrasts

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with the false diagnosis of "probable paranoia" or "premorbid paranoia" "psychiatric" nonsense about
me, false diagnosis from which I deduce the "psychiatrist" charlatans are attempting to cover up the
usage of the judiciary system and "psychiatry" charlatanry as state terrorism and wrongful political
repression, by saying that it’s not true the Romanian “state” mafia falsified 4 penal dossiers and 6
“psychiatric” charlatanry actions against me which are intrinsically proven falsified by the fact I was
never indicted let alone convicted, and I annulled the first 4 “psychiatric” charlatanry actions in the
mafia’s own courthouses based on their member’s scruples of being involved in Crimes against
humanity against me, while the last 2 “psychiatric” charlatanry actions are identical to the 2 before
them being proven inherently false as well just like I demonstrated in this ICC penal dossier, and by
saying the Romanian "state" mafia is committing Crimes against humanity against me for my benefit as
I've proven the schizophrenic "judge" Badiu Mandica and my mafia appointed "state" lawyer declared in
12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance, this being the extent of what I could understand and prove is the
incoherent logic of the schizophrenic Romanian "state" mafia which is taking its own delirium serious
meaning its members are truly mentally alienated and believe that whatever they are doing is good, and
whatever their victims are doing is bad, which is what sociopaths think;
I.B.4.23.3. because the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" nr.1447/A1-
P/333/09.12.2016 contains obviously falsified diagnosis because "acute psychotic disorder
predominantly delirant" and "paranoid personality disorder" have no objectivized connection with the
pathogenesis of irresponsibility nor constitute irresponsibility themselves and therefore do not correlate
with article 38 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding the non-punishment clause of irresponsibility,
and have no objectivized connection with the physical non-existing deeds from 18th May 2017 and 24th
June 2017 because they cannot physically exist let alone constitute felonies even ad absurdum and
deeds who because they can't constitute a particular factual premise, cannot be correlated with an
universal law, medical or "psychiatric" charlatanry regulation and a scientific objectivization premise,
and out of no premises no juridical or judicial logical inference can be made meaning no diagnosis for
the committal of deeds that don't exist can exist, as no indictment and conviction for the committal of
deeds that don't exist could exist as proven by annex 17, annex 18 and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the falsified
"psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" being syllogistically invalid before being proven illegal,
groundless and self-contradictory as always coming from these schizophrenic "psychiatrist" charlatans
who are proven schizophrenic by their logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction symptoms
according to DSM-V manual of statistics and diagnosis;
I.B.4.23.4. because this and any other falsified in my absence according to article 10 from the
Romanian Law 487/2002 “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise report” is inadmissible as proof according
to article 102 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code. Furthermore the “psychiatric”
charlatanry “expertise report” is inadmissible as proof for the breaking of article 11 from the Romanian
Law 487/2002 regarding the fact the “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise report” can’t take place
without my consent and cooperation, corroborated with article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code, bur first of all for breaking 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code regarding the fact in penal matters the “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” can only be proposed
to the suspect or accused of homicide of which I was neither. Even more no “psychiatric” charlatanry
“expertise report” ever falsified against me in my absence as all were, meaning the one falsified

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between 30th October 2015 and 3rd December 2015 attached as annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, the one falsified on 8th or 9th
December 2016 and the one falsified on 8th June 2017, was ever motivated factually and legally, and
objectivized scientifically according to medical and “psychiatric” charlatanry regulations and specialty
literature, as legally required amongst many articles according to 184 paragraph 6 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code regarding the fact the “psychiatry” charlatanry committee’s proposal can only be
founded or motivated factually and legally, and objectivized scientifically according to medical and
“psychiatric” charlatanry regulations and specialty literature according to article 3 from the
Methodological norms regarding the activity of the forensic medic in quality of expert named by the
judicial bodies at the parties request, and according to article 1, 5, 8, 22 letter f and 40 from the Medical
deontology code from 30th March 2012, corroborated with an annex to this code regarding the forensic
medic’s deontological particularities out of which I point out articles 1, 4 and 5;
I.B.4.23.5. because the proposal that I be “psychiatrically” incarcerated for another “psychiatry”
charlatanry “expertise report” through the falsification of the decisions in 4909/231/2017 makes no
sense then as it leads to the logical conclusion the Romanian “state” mafia itself admits through this it
falsified the “psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise report” from 8th or 9th December 2016 and that it has no
juridical value which is not the answer because the Romanian “state” mafia invokes it as if it was legal,
except that the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 were a superficial public opinion and useless “legal”
cover-ups not for an impossible “psychiatry” charlatanry “expertise” to be conducted without my
consent and cooperation, but a pretext for the Romanian “state” mafia to commit Crimes against
humanity against me through Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder as the Romanian
“State” mafia perpetrated against me as I’ve objectivized in section II.1.3.1^7.
I.B.4.23.6. Furthermore as I've objectivized in paragraph < from the plead against the falsified
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 1st instance, or in paragraph < from the plead against the falsified
decision in 12718/231/2017 in 2nd instance, according to "psychiatric" charlatanry regulations nobody
can be meaningfully examined for deeds they committed in another day than that of the examination,
as I befriended another "psychiatrist" charlatan who revealed this to me from their regulations, fact
which I objectivize by quoting the fact not even past diagnosis are meaningful in new diagnosis of the
"psychiatrist" charlatanry, from the interior regulations of "Socola" institute of charlatans in "European"
Iasi county, Romania, which pertains to any "psychiatric" gulag in Romania because such regulations
extract their juridical force from the same law, namely article 14 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Law
487/2002 - in Romanian: "Articolul 122. Faptul ca o persoana a fost ingrijita sau spitalizata in trecut nu
justifica un diagnostic prezent sau viitor de tulburare psihica", as translated into English: "Article 122.
The fact a person was treated or hospitalized in the past does not justify a present or future diagnostic of
psychic disorder", which logically means if a person committed a deed from which could be inferred that
the person had no discernment, that can only be established when the person committed the deed not
after and certainly not before, being obvious that a person can lose or regain discernment meanwhile
meaning a psychological / psychiatric examination is not only impossible without a person's consent
because the person can simply refuse to cooperate, but a person can also lie, thus the examination itself
is supposedly relevant if performed when the person committed the deed about which the examination
is called for, such as determining whether the person takes drugs which can be determined objectively
abstracting the fact the "psychiatrist" charlatans can also fake the results. In conclusion no "psychiatric"

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charlatanry "examination report" is scientifically possible outside the relevant time frame in which the
presumably existing deeds constituting the particular factual premise, were committed as a result of
perhaps drug consumption which can be objectively established if the examined person also admits it
because the results of the blood test can be faked and in Romania there is no such thing as counter-
examination of the results at an attempt to verify their veridicity, which means not even during
laboratory analysis is the "psychiatry" charlatanry or even forensic medicine useful in a criminal
investigation, as the subjective hallucinations of a "psychiatrist" charlatan have no scientific foundation
obviously and cannot constitute proof, and the examinee can also lie and fake his behavior as sociopaths
always do, meaning that from all perspectives but especially according to objective reality and
"psychiatric" charlatanry regulations who reflect it, the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise
report" is also falsified for being falsified (in my absence I remind) half a year after the deeds that do not
exist because they cannot physically exist nor constitute felonies even ad absurdum, as I've objectivized
in this ICC penal dossier, and therefore cannot constitute a particular factual premise that can be
correlated with an universal law, regulation and scientific objectivization premise for inferring a
diagnosis, or for appreciating they constitute felonies, reminding that not only was I not ever accused or
even suspected of taking drugs, the abusive or uncalled for blood and urine tests attached as annex 16
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
proved I don't take drugs as I never did, therefore no psychological, genetic or chemically induced
psychotropic pathogenesis for irresponsibility, lack of discernment, violence and inherent public danger
could be established because I have neither of these traits as I've already proven in annex 20 and 22 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
representing my plead in 12718/231/2017 through which I invoked the content of 14277/231/2015, that
I am army incorporable, apt for work, apt for superior studies, licensed in informatics, having work
experience in informatics, proven logically mentally sane, having witnesses in this regard, other
document proofs etc.

I.B.4.24. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Comisia de expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica a apreciat
discernamantul absent la momentul si in raport de faptele comise si a recomandat instituirea masurii de
siguranta cu caracter medical prev. de art.109 C.p. respectiv obligarea la tratament medical", as
translated in English: "The psychiatric legal medicine expertise committee has appreciated the
discernment absent at the moment and in raport with the deeds committed and has recommended the
establishment of the security measure with medical character foreseen by article 109 from the
Romanian Penal Code respectively the obligation to medical treatment",
I.B.4.24.1. because the "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" nr.1447/A1-
P/333/09.12.2016 was falsified half a year after in my absence and without my consent which makes it
impossible regardless, breaking articles 10 and 11 from the Romanian Law 487/2002 regarding the fact
all "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" can only occur directly with a "psychiatrist" charlatan
meaning through a direct interview and only if the examinee gives his consent and cooperates since
obviously an interview cannot take place without the examinees consent and cooperation, and the

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examinee can also lie and fake his behavior like sociopaths always do being mythomaniacs, one of their
characteristics, and breaking and articles 184 paragraph 1 and 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code regarding the fact an "psychiatric" charlatanry "examination" can only be proposed in penal
matters against the suspects or accused of homicide, neither of which I was, and I repeat it can only take
place with my consent and cooperation else it cannot take place physically, as objectivized by the text of
the law in article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code where it sais the
“psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” can only take place after the examinee gives his consent. In
conclusion "The psychiatric legal medicine expertise committee" is comprised entirely of schizophrenic
felons who hallucinated that I committed deeds that I both proven in this ICC penal dossier to not exist
because they cannot physically exist, and who logically cannot constitute felonies even ad absurdum,
and therefore lied that these non-existing deeds were committed without discernment without any
objectivization because none is possible which proves they outright lied committing the felonies of
falsehood in official documents and other felonies regarding public service, corruption, organized crime
and complicity to the crimes of the Romanian "state" mafia as most important and relevant, the
complicity and instigation (determination) of Crimes against humanity meaning Torture, Bodily Harm
and Qualified Murder;
I.B.4.24.2. because nobody obviously has no discernment, is irresponsible, violent and a public
danger suddenly just on a day or two, even more aberrantly particular days someone else establishes
which makes no sense unless this someone else is the cause, this declaration of the "psychiatrist"
charlatans and the retention of the "prosecutors" being proof of their schizophrenia but also that they
constituted themselves in an organized crime group, schizophrenia objectivized by their symptoms of
logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction according to DSM-V manual of diagnosis and statistics,
symptoms factually objectivized by their attempt to formulate a logical juridical act out of no premises -
given there is no such thing as a legal juridical act without logic under the rule of law in which the
principle of legality is paramount and always constitutes one of the premises, and because there is no
such thing as a logical declaration even without a premise, juridical acts being by nature obligatorily
syllogisms. Logical means consistent, and consistent can only occur only across one premise and its
conclusion such as in categorical propositions which are juridical acts of totalitarianism and divine right
coupled with the principle that the authority cannot be wrong which proves by the notorious
recognition of this principle alone it absolutely can and will because the principle is also illogical, while in
rule of law juridical acts have to have two or more premises, who do not contradict each other and lead
together beyond any reasonable doubt to the same valid juridical or judicial inference meaning legal and
factually truthful juridical act, the inference being valid only if both premises and true and the inference
is logical in respect to its premises according to syllogism laws which are universal. The universal law
premise can be false I mention because for example in Romanian the Penal Procedure Code is written by
schizophrenic "prosecutors" and voted upon by the Romanian "state" mafia political puppets meaning
the Romanian parliamentarians, and this law with minimal juridical force is often unconstitutional
because of it, while the Romanian Constitution is the obligatory supreme law according to its article 1
paragraph 5 regarding the claim of constitutional supremacy above all other law, reminding as example
the breaking of the presumption of innocence often by suspects and accused being referred to in the
law text of the Romanian Penal Procedure Code as subjects of orphaned unconstitutional security
measures such as in articles 245-248 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, who contradict with

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articles such as 38 and 109 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding the clause of non-punishing for
irresponsibility and the obligation to medical treatment security measure meaning the "psychiatric" (not
medical) charlatanry poisoning (not treatment unless it doesn’t involve chemicals, reminding though
that “psychiatric” charlatanry historically employed beatings including with a wet rope over the shaved
head of the victim, and it still employs electroshocks who just fries biological matter) through
"psychiatric" charlatanry incarceration for forcing the "treatment" of chemical lobotomization which as
I've objectivized in section A constitutes capital punishment by destruction of a person’s identity, both
articles who refers to convicts not suspects or the accused, to which I referred because it's relevant to
my cause in which I was sentenced to capital punishment without being indicted and convicted, no less
for deeds that cannot physically exist aberrantly correlated with a felony for which the legal punishment
is a maximum of 3 months in prison or a fine. It is therefore also proven that the Romanian "state" mafia
behaves in totalitarian fashion according to its use of logic and its criminal activity, attempting to extract
"authority" from use of illegitimate use of terrorism and (deadly) violence which categorizes it as a
dangerous terrorist organization, using quotes on the mafia's authority because of its failure to achieve
power to govern by use of terrorism and (deadly) violence, proof of which I am and the Romanian
"state" mafia's 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against humanity committals I've
objectivized in sections A.II.1.3.1^1-8;
<remind in this paragraph that “psychiatry not only is not a security measure, it is against public
safety because the “psychiatric” poisons called “antipsychotics” in reality induce sucidal ideation and
even worse homicidal ideation just like it happened in Romania recently and as I objectivized in sections
<remind in the very long paragraph that psychiatry is accredited by all corrupt and totalitarian
states around the world - only a true rule of law state abolishes the “psychiatry” charlantanry, all the
other are fascist in favor of the ruling corrupt class>
I.B.4.24.3. because as I've objectivized in section A, "psychiatry" charlatanry is not a "security
measure with medical character" because "psychiatry" is neither medicine or science, is charlatanry
which can as was used against me as state terrorism and wrongful political repression, and being
charlatanry or illegitimate, it cannot be correlated with legitimate security measures, even more in
regard to public safety which doesn't refer to the safety of the Romanian "state" mafia criminal minority
who infringes on the rights of the majority by definition of totalitarianism, and constitutes to say at least
a threat to national security because in reality this mafia "privatized" the national interest since the
1989 coup d'etat when they took power and never let it go since, that is both the totalitarian Romanian
“state” mafia regime and its weapon and means for illicit profit the “psychiatry” charlatanry are major
national security threats. The “psychiatry” charlatanry not only is not a security measure, it is against
public safety because the “psychiatric” charlatanry deadly poisons called “antipsychotics” in reality
induce suicidal ideation and even worse homicidal ideation just like it “happened” in Romania on 12th
December 2017 as I objectivized in sections A.II.1.2.10^1. The Romanian's "state" mafia's concern for its
safety doesn't even make sense because this mafia controls the judicial system in Romanian and
therefore there is nobody who has the legal authority of convicting it and ousting it from public office, or
using one word for it, lustration, which proves the Romanian "state" mafia is Stalinist-like paranoid
which contributes to the definition of their schizophrenia by the meaning of the word para-noic,
meaning parallel with knowledge or reality, one of schizophrenia's definition being that of failure to

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recognize what's real. To objectivize the fact The Romanian's "state" mafia is paranoid or afraid of me, I
refer to the aberrant motivation in 11224/231/2015 meaning having nothing to do with the judicial
object of "psychiatric" imprisonment for an impossible "examination" without my consent and
cooperation, but having everything to do with the murderous intent of the Romanian "state" mafia, as
"judge" Craciun Constantin Catalin declared in the falsified decision in 11224/231/2015 that ~"I must be
incarcerated in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag so others don't take example", being obvious that the
"psychiatric" incarceration wouldn't have stopped me alone denouncing the criminal activity of the
mafia unless the incarceration duration was forever and my right to communicate with the outside
world would be totally repressed, which was impossible according to the evidence or the mafia
member's scruples, which only meant one course of action for the mafia's paranoia, that of
incarcerating me to put me in a situation of vulnerability, then commit against me the felonies of
Torture, Bodily harm and Qualified Murder as it did as proof by arresting me illegally from my law
faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tying me up to an operating table in the Focsani "psychiatric" gulag,
injecting me with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins and putting me in anaphylactic shock for 3
days without treatment, then after I survived poisoned me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxins until 8th June 2017, as I've objectivized in sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, proving it was the
mafia's murderous intent all along ever since the Crimes against humanity it committed against me in
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 when I was also covertly poisoned with the same deadly
fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - which is risperidone's metabolite, demonstrated by a
blood test I took 4 months later which showed the symptoms only this particular deadly fluorine based
poison produces because of its long presence in the blood stream, long presence which motivated the
mafia to use it against me covertly in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 knowing then it
could only use it once, and afterwards between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 because of the mafia’s
own made rules and member’s scruples given otherwise the mafia broke every law and regulation, had
no justification to “psychiatrically” incarcerate me even for one day, even less to Torture, Bodily Harm
and attempt to Qualifiedly Murder me, reason for which the mafia could’ve “psychiatrically” incarcerate
me indefinitely until Qualifiedly Murdering me or gravely Bodily Harming me and nobody could’ve done
anything about it, meaning again the mafia believed can't get a hold of me for long enough to severely
Bodily Harm me or Qualifiedly Murder me as it failed twice between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017,
first putting me in anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment expecting me to die then falsify the
legal medicine report making it appear I died of natural causes, then they forcefully chemically
lobotomized me with the other deadly fluorine neurotoxin they covertly injected me with in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve objectivized in sections A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, mentioning
there is no proof I wasn’t injected with it from the start on 27th May 2017 which makes sense because of
the mafia attempting to minimize the duration of its contact with me while committing Crimes against
humanity against me using the judiciary system and the “state” accredited “psychiatry” charlatanry as
weapons of wrongful political repression and legitimacy cover-up of their crimes, believing it would help
make it appear that they had nothing to do with it if I die, and if I don’t, they gravely Bodily Harm me
anyway to become severely mentally disabled by chemical lobotomy since after all they did falsify
documents already that I’m irresponsible and without discernment since 2015. I point out as relevant
that the Romanian’s state mafia chain of Crimes against humanity attempts and Crimes against
humanity committals through which the mafia did not achieve its intent to an effect of stopping me

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from denouncing its criminal activity, determined the mafia to obstinately invent lait-motifs in the fictive
accusations against me believing it can justify the Crimes gainst humanity it perpetrated agains me,
meaning the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 through my provocation by
the interloper Herghelegiu Danut who violently hit my mother’s door while a mafia “policeman” and
“gendarme” were hidden, was meant to make me look violent, which because they couldn’t prove the
mafia accused me of being verbally violent which is both false and preposterous, then ultimately the
mafia as proof of it’s original intent accused me of being “virtually” violent or “as good as” violent
without a shred of proof I was ever violent in my entire life even because I am not, and falsified a quote
in falsified closing ordnance of 2417/P/2014 that I threatened to murder the central instigator “judge”
Dita Mirela of all the Crimes against humanity attempts and Crimes against humanity committals
against me as objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1. To cover up the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt
from 27th October 2014 the mafia committed the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night
of 5th to 6th December 2014 by both instigating interloper Herghelegiu Danut to hit me violently on the
head and throw me unconsciously on a flight of stairs to make it look like an accident, and after I
survived and was transported at the emergency ward of “Saint Pantelimon” hospital from Focsani, I was
injected in my right elbow with risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite, by an unknown
person believing I wouldn’t feel it, proven by the symptoms I experienced as after the Crimes against
humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and objectively by a blood
test I took 4 months later given the long presence of this poison in the blood stream. Simultaneously
with the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal from the night of 5th to 6th December 2014 the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry action 15730/231/2014 regarding my placement under interdiction, and the
penal dossier 2417/P/2014 was falsified by the central instigator “judge” Dita Mirela, at this time no
“psychiatrist” charlatan being involved in falsifying documents as far as I know, except the ones who
smuggled the risperidone or paliperidone injection for the mafia to use against me, except at least two
were aware that I was poisoned, the “psychiatrist” charlatan Mircea Dutescu who immediately after the
2nd Crimes against humanity committal I asked for help because of the suffering caused by the
poisoning, and Mircea Dutescu not only refused to offer the help which would’ve been the same as
admitting as I was poisoned, but also escaped a discourse towards the end of our meeting telling me
how would I feel as if I was poisoned, then realized what he was doing and stopped in the middle of it
and left, then when my mother’s home was broken into for the first time with 4 “masked policemen”
and 2 “policemen” at 6 a.m. on 17th September 2015, after which I was detained illegally 6 hours and
harassed judicially, I was forcefully brought with 2 “masked policemen” to the “psychiatric” charlatanry
committee consisting of 5 members, out of which one woman “psychiatrist” charlatan or just
psychologist, as one of them was just a psychologist as I found out when I denounced them disciplinarily
to the medic’s college, escaped an out of place vexed attitude that I claimed to have brain damage as
objectivized by the MRI scans I took, attitude which was clear to me to result out of that person’s belief
that the poison I was injected with couldn’t have caused the brain damage I was describing, when in fact
it causes the exact brain damage I experienced, meaning neuroendocrinological disorder resulting in
anhedonia and other symptoms associated with the pituitary gland and suprarenal glands, decision
taking, memory and learning disorders which I experienced clearly because the next week after this 2nd
Crimes against humanity committal I took an European nerambursable funds assimilation agent course
and not only I had difficult attending which I normally shouldn’t, I was the last to hand over the grill

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exam which although I passed, I am not normally slow but I am without any effort at the level of about
20% of the fastest intellectuals in the world as judging by my overall intellectual production, which
means I was under this poison’s effects which can last up to 300 days, poison which is documented to
create brain swelling and cause the visual disorder in my right eye by compressing the visual nerve, and
notably the symptom of my sperm becoming watery meaning that poison is also a powerful chemical
sterilizer which is also one of risperidone or paliperidone (risperidone’s metabolite) documented main
effect (not side effects) as this poison does not treat schizophrenia as claimed in the prospect which
admits it causes schizophrenia, meaning it causes mental incoherence and failure to recognize what’s
real by destroying neurons, synapses and other and any internal organs destroying the hormonal
balance and the metabolism, causing the different areas of the brain to not function or communicate
properly with eachother, which doesn’t work against strong reasoned people such as me (or as was the
Romanian national poet Mihai Eminescu who was also murdered by the “psychiatric” charlatans at the
instigation of the criminal regime of that time, who because couldn’t be destroyed as planned with
mercury poisoned was ultimately hit in the head with a brick during “psychiatric” incarceration), being
trained by decades of misery living in Romania through which I learned to ignore my feelings and more,
developed an “on purpose” logical thinking designed by the need to overcome the noise pollution I
suffered for decades also, which is why the weakening of my brain’s different areas neuronal broadcasts
by poisoning only brought down my intellectual capacity or IQ, destroyed my capacity to enjoy life such
as listening to music, watching movies, playing videogames, reading, libido, socializing, laughing etc. but
didn’t manage to disable me nor stop me from denouncing the Romanian “state” mafia which is really
simple and the mafia made it easier by amputating my ability to enjoy life leaving me just one thing to
do to have any hope of having a life still, which is why the mafia decided to abandon its previous plans
of acting covertly since Orthodox Easter 2017 when it sent tens of mafia soldiers to break into my
mother’s home, falsified the “psychiatric” charlatanry procedure and attempted to commit Crimes
against humanity against me during Orthodox Easter 2017 by “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration
then poisoning as they which the mafia eventually did between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
arresting me from my law faculty exams as I’ve objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7, and after they failed,
and observing I kept notifying ECHR despite of their agent “D.Lupu” destroying my petitions 2 times, the
Romanian “state” mafia issued the final solution in the form of the falsified dossier 12718/231/2017,
planning to indefinitely incarcerate me, Torture, Bodily Harm and attempt to Qualifiedly Murder me as
I’ve objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier. I mention I wasn’t aware of any of this until I researched the “psychiatry
“charlatanry for 14277/231/2015 meaning I was ignorant as everyone else, and although I knew I was
poisoned with something I failed to cross-reference my symptoms with heavy metal poisoning
symptoms and I was starting to believe the symptoms could’ve been caused just from being hit on the
head then suffering brain injury which could explain the symptom of anhedonia, the visual disorder in
my right eye which is manifests in regard to spacial perception - I see smaller, manifests in regard to
luminosity as I see light different with the right eye, and manifests in perception of the object as I see it
shaped more defined as if having a thicker border which is most obvious when reading or as I see shapes
on the computer screen. I wasn’t aware of the psychiatric poisons even after the superficial research I
done for my plead in 14277/231/2015 aimed at the “psychiatry” charlatanry logic not the poisons it
employs although I did reference a n advised testimony according to which over 500,000 people

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annually die from “psychiatric” charlatanry poisons which they call “overdose”, which is preposterous as
clearly any dose of neurotoxic poison is “overdose” since it’s not medicine but chemical lobotomy and
lobotomy was never medicine but butchery since medicine is a science sworn to at least do no harm as
all medics are sworn according to the oath of Hippocrates, category in which falls the falsely called
chemotherapy against cancer, about which I mention it’s notorious by the public communiqué of the
Romanian National Anticorruption Direction, that over 50% of the oncologists have prescribed
chemotherapy to healthy persons for illicit profit as proven by this press article <not having internet at
the moment I can’t reference the address>. My lack of awareness as everyone else’s about the level of
atrocity the “psychiatry” charlatanry commits comes from the fact it’s outrageous that a “state”
accredited “profession” would be capable of literarily committing Crimes against humanity on a regular
basis in the 21st century no less, reason for which everyone is biased to think that just because “state”
accreditation exist, and universities release licenses for it, it must be a science and not charlatanry as it
is and as I’ve proven in section A based on other people’s recognized research as proof of objectivity
that my conclusions on this matter aren’t even my own as I was fooled even as a victim for a long time,
although unlike other people I don’t remain a fool forever, as for example when searching for a cure or
reversal for my chemically induced anhedonia, I was looking for an anti-depressive treatment, and in
fact it is required according to “psychiatry” charlatanry “specialty” literature or better say fiction, that
the “pacient” or better said victim, be put on anti-depressive treatment because risperidone or
paliperidone poisoning is scientifically documented to cause depression by inhibiting dopamine and
serotonin amongst the capacity of decision making, memory, learning and other things as I’ve
objectivized in section A.II.1.2.10. After researching anti-depressive treatments I’ve realized I would
cause myself more undesirable negative effects meaning even these “psychiatric” charlatanry drugs are
neurotoxic as all the rest, and that I’m better off without reason for which I haven’t attempted to get a
prescription, but I attempted to understand my neuroendocrinological condition, and while confronting
neurologists, endrocrinologists and “psychiatrist” charlatans with my research and the data on my
condition, realized statistically no “medic” in Romania prescribes medicine based on scientific
observation meaning the “patient’s” real condition, but emits prescriptions on complaisance just like the
neurologist Gaman Lucica put it as I’ve described earlier by quoting what she said that: ~“patients come,
take their medicine and go” meaning without questioning whether is necessary or proper for their
condition. This level of ignorance that almost borders schizophrenia if it can’t already be called such, is
also the reason “psychiatry” charlatanry gets away with it, besides the fact is in cahoots with the
Romanian “state” mafia who accredits it illicitly and uses it as state terrorism and wrongful political
repression reason for which although many know it is abused against dissidents at least as I’ve received
plenty of “warnings” that “I will be locked up at the psychiatry and be rendered a vegetable”, they are
too cowardly to stand up against, not even questioning whether it’s legitimate to make anyone “a
vegetable” which of course it isn’t as everyone has the right to physical and psychical integrity according
to article 22 from the Romanian Constitution. As I’ve described however in my address towards CCHR
published at <, it is also used against institutionalized children in Romania according to mass media, and
as I’ve witnessed myself the “judiciary system” also convicts innocents to obligatory drugging as victims
of the “psychiatry” charlatanry illegal experimentation going on throughout the country, for which even
the mafia “secret information services” or SRI - Romania Information Services, after I made public that
“justice drugs innocents” through the illicitly censored mafia post that I reposted at address <,

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denounced this too for absolving itself of responsibility although it really can’t because it has been going
on for years if not decades or longer, through an official communiqué to the general prosecutor’s office
who of course covered this up to this day, situation which perhaps contributes to the Romanian “state”
mafia paranoia and obsession to Qualifiedly Murder me and stop me from denouncing its criminal
activity, generated by the fact the mafia’s criminal activity is much worse in reality than I could prove
describing just the tip of the iceberg of Romanian atrocities which the mafia fears that in time I will
discover and denounce and ultimately obtain an uprising and lustration of the mafia from public office
somehow. Coming back to the main thread through which I’m pointing out that the mafia is obstinately
repeating its modus operandi for the purpose of making its murderous intent and lies become real to
justify itself otherwise not only its who lied would immediately be revealed as liars but also powerless,
and therefore this has become the underlying psychological motive the mafia repeats in the false
accusations against me, meaning the very effects the mafia hoped to achieve, meaning as through the
1st Crimes against humanity attempt scenario, the mafia attempted to make me look violent by
provoking me to get in a fight with the interloper Herghelegiu Danut, then after failing it accused me of
being verbally violent which is preposterous and false, then the mafia forgot all about this nonsense and
declared me virtually violent meaning “as good as” violent, then as through the 2nd Crimes against
humanity committal scenario the mafia attempted to make me irresponsible and lacking discernment
by both instigating the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to hit me on the head, then the mafia injected me
with risperidone or paliperidone in the same night between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in
sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, then of course the same central instigator “judge” Dita Mirela
lodged the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry action 15730/231/2014 regarding my placement under
interdiction which I annulled thus proving it falsified but also “judge” Dita Mirela schizophrenic for
declaring I should be put under “psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my legal rights which
is of course preposterous especially coming from a judge, and it would seem that “judge” Dita Mirela is
just acting on her own to cover-up the fact I caught her stealing 11 or 12 civil actions simultaneously
from the random distribution system of dossiers, and falsified the decisions of rejection in all the
possible illegal ways meaning after falsifying the preliminary procedure after which the action would’ve
been simply rejected administratively, it went on and declared she judged the action and found it
unfounded by which she contradicted her own administrative rejection of the cause because no cause
can go intro trial if rejected administratively, an declared it unfounded without administering any proof
or giving any motivation of course, but the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela didn’t stop here, she
contradicted herself again by declaring the civil actions “obviously unfounded” without objectivizing
how it’s obvious according to the obligation of the magistrate and any public functionary really to
motivate its decisions according to the universal juridical principle actor incumbit probatio, and she did
this to falsify a fine in each and every of the 11 or 12 falsified decisions of rejections of the civil actions,
including 2 against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut which lacking any further proof in the Autumn of
2014 I sued for Disturbing the order and public peace which is a felony also according to article 371
from the Romanian Penal Code for which I simultaneously opened a penal file against him, civil action
based on a civil law regarding the disturbing the order and peace of the community claiming non-
pecuniary damages which are guaranteed by the law, and this is the first link that proves the illicit
relationship and instigation of interloper Herghelegiu Danut by central instigator “judge” Dita Mirela
who proved it determined and assured interloper Herghelegiu Danut that if he would harm me the

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“magistrate” mafia would protect him which it did and I retained this as proof, just as the fact interloper
Herghelegiu Danut perpetrated the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt in cahoots with the mafia
soldiers from “police” and “gendarmes” institutions which don’t respond to interloper Herghelegiu
Danut nor me but only the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes and their bosses demonstrates the
involvement of the Romanian “state” mafia, in corroboration with the fact the 1st Crimes against
humanity is objectivized to be the motive the 2nd Crimes against humanity was committed by the same
interloper again in cahoots with other mafia soldiers such as the mafia “gendarmes” and “police”
soldiers who refused to do their job that night, and mafia associate from the hospital who injected me
with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone smuggled out of inventory no doubt by
one of the psychiatrists perhaps falsifying documents in secret as always, in corrroboration with then
the other 5 Crimes against humanity attempts and Crimes against humanity committed between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017 by the Romanian “state” mafia to cover-up the first two and its crimes
before that. The falsified 15730/231/2014 clearly is the follow-up of the mafia’s obsession to use
“psychiatry” charlatanry and the judiciary system simultaneously against me as weapons of wrongful
political repression, after injecting me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 with the deadly
fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone which constitutes the first instance of covert usage of
the “psychiatry” charlatanry against me to my knowledge, for attacking me in court also even before the
2nd Crimes against humanity committal, concertized and instigated by the mafia bosses or underbosses
meaning the president of the supreme court Livia Stanciu, “convicted” at ECHR multiple times through
the annulment of her falsified penal decisions as proof of her corruption abusing the judiciary system for
political police, and prime-minister Victor Viorel Ponta in cahoots with his relative Robert Cazanciuc who
he named minister of justice committing conflict of interest, who I’ve just attacked in court based on the
~12 civil dossiers stole by the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela and the decisions he falsified in
favor of the interloper Herghelegiu Danut and the other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, and the fact
the president of the supreme court , minister of justice and chief of judiciary inspection are disciplinary
action titularies and refused to do their job, while the prime-minister is responsible for the activity of all
the ministers. It is remarkable how only after the central instigator “Dita Mirela” and Kinstellar SPARL
“lawyers” of Delhaize Group lost in 15730/231/2014 for having no official “psychiatric” charlatanry
falsified documents even against me, nor a justification as nobody can be placed under “psychiatric”
charlatanry interdiction for exercising his right to justice, the central instigator “Dita Mirela” told the
chief of criminal investigation in the “European” Vrancea county Mihaila Paul to start committing acts of
state terrorism through illegal home breakings and illegal arrests, and instigate that Crimes against
humanity be committed against me using the falsified dossier 2417/P/2014 “judge” Dita Mirela
instigated by her false penal complaint that I threatened to kill her which if it were so I would’ve been
surely indicted and convicted as short proof, which I was not as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. I also retain the
constant weight ratio and outrageous number of falsified “psychiatric” actions that followed the 2nd
Crimes against humanity committal in the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 including being
covertly injected with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone promoted by the
“psychiatric” charlatanry as medicine which is not as I demonstrated in section A and annex 21 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
meaning only falsified “psychiatric” actions were filed against me and never an indiction and conviction

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or any other type of penal measure in the 4 penal dossiers falsified against me until now, is being proof
that this is ever since the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^2 and
section B.<? of this ICC penal dossier, the constant mafia’s obsession to use “psychiatry” charlatanry
primarily through the judiciary system against me as a weapon of wrongful political repression, namely
to Qualifiedly Murder me or gravely Bodily Harm me for the Romanian “state” mafia to cover-up all its
crimes I’ve denounced by discrediting me by usage of the “psychiatry” charlatanry actions against me
which is stubbornly kept public although the Superior Council of Magistrates and Ministry of Justice
issued an order that this nature of actions be kept confidential, and although I’ve complained to the
Romanian data protection agency “ANSPDCP” and Romanian national nondiscrimination council
“CNCD”, order issued because I’ve started myself filing “psychiatric” charlatanry actions against the
mafia “magistrate” caporegimes who I could prove are schizophrenic by their incoherent decisions
revealing their occupational dysfunction according to DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanry manual of
diagnosis and statistics, and simultaneously stopping me from denouncing any more of its crimes such
as the Crimes against humanity committed against me by Torturing, Bodily Harming me and attempting
to Qualifiedly Murder me as it did between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, which it meant to commit
during Orthodox Easter 2017 as proven by the daily arrests before Orthodox Easter 2017 with tens of
mafia soldier “masked policemen”, “policemen”, ”secret policemen” and “gendarmes” on 6th, 10th, 13th
and 14th April 2017, when it also as proof the Romanian “state” mafia simultaneously illicitly censored by
forum “militia.freeforums.net” where I published over a hundred of the Romanian “state” mafia’s penal
dossiers, evidently to erase any trace of my past denouncements as it even tried to censor my
facebook.com account and managed to convince its staff to illicitly delete some posts, and forum where
I’ve posted other articles describing the reality of the Romanian “state” mafia, EU, and giving examples
of how to properly lodge exactly the type of actions the Romanian “state” mafia is desperately
discouraging proving in the process it controls the judiciary system, actions such as the contestation in
annulment according to articles 426-432 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, motivated by the
falsification of the attacked decision by the mafia “judge”, meaning article 426 letter d regarding the
“judges” incompatibility created by the “judge” breaking the law meaning in conjuncture with article 64
paragraph 1 letter f and the fact obeying the law is a judge only warranty of being impartial as objective
proof according to article 124 from the Romanian Constitution. Further following the thread of this
discussion regarding the modus operandi of the Romanian “state” mafia objectivized by the fact it tried
to cover-up its 1st Crimes against humanity attempt provoking me to make it appear I am violent, then
lied anyway I was violent when it failed, then to cover-up it’s 1st Crimes against humanity it perpetrated
a 2nd Crimes against humanity committal started by the same mafia instigated as proven interloper
Herghelegiu Danut, again involving the mafia soldiers from the mafia “police” and “gendarmes” soldiers
who refused again to do their job and this time I’ve caught the “gendarmes” general Mircea Olaru
falsifying a response that the interloper called the emergency number 112 for the gendarmes not my
mother which I easily proven false then and prove false here because if it were so a penal or
administrative action would’ve been started against me but was in fact avoided by all means by the
“authorities” who of course knew what was going on, this time however also being covertly injected
with the deadly fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone like I’ve ojbectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2 which constitutes the first instance of the use of “psychiatry”
charlatanry against me, followed of course when the Crimes against humanity failed, by a plethora of

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falsified “psychiatry” charlatanry actions against me to cover-up the first instance of the use of
“psychiatry” charlatanry against me which I was investigating and succeeding in demonstrating who
were the instigators and perpetrators gradually, and to justify the mafia’s fixation of fulfilling its original
plan as before, as proven by the falsified dossiers 15730/231/2014 annulled in 1st instance, then
11224/231/2015 regarding a falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration for an impossible
“examination” without my consent and cooperation which would’ve resulted in Crimes against
humanity as between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 if I hadn’t annulled it in 2nd instance as
unfounded, then 14277/231/2015 regarding a falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry obligation to be
chemically lobotomized which would’ve resulted in Crimes against humanity as between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017 if I hadn’t annulled it in 1st and 2nd instance. I’m corroborating this argument regarding
this mafia fixation that resulted in its pervasive modus operandi of attempting to constantly realize its
failed intents to an effect of stopping me from denouncing its criminal activity then justify its failed
motives regardless how ridiculous or alienated from reality and logic they became, also through the fact
after the Romanian “state” mafia lost in its own courthouses due to the scruples of its “magistrate”
caporegimes, it repeated the exact methods it used before meaning the falsified dossier 4791/231/2017
(in ne bis in idem with 10547/231/2015) regarding a falsified mandate for state terrorism through home
breaking, the falsified dossier 4909/231/2017 (in ne bis in idem with 11224/231/2015 which was
annulled in 2nd instance as unfounded) and the falsified dossier 12718/231/2017 (in ne bis in idem with
14277/231/2015 which was annulled as inadmissible and unfounded in 1st and 2nd instance), mentioning
that I base the ne bis in idem relation on the fact the accusations against me are groundless therefore
they are identical, and the inferred false accusations against me that I’m irresponsible, without
discernment, violent and a public danger also identical, corroborated with the doctrine of rule of right
that the ne bis in idem relation exists not just when the material fact that doesn’t physically exist
constitutes the accusation which therefore is the same, a fictive accusation regardless how many
material facts the mafia “judiciary bodies” hallucinate, cannot gain a new penal qualification meaning
objectivization that it constitutes another felony, objectivization which cannot exist and wasn’t ever
attempted because of it, objectivization which cannot constitute the object of a new penal pursuit, but
the authority of a judged fact having effect even if the material fact it was given another juridical
classification, reminding again that because the material fact in my case doesn’t exist physically the
discussion is within the realm of fiction where there’s no space or time, meaning no difference according
to the Romanian Penal Law dimensions of applicability. This was the original murderous mindset of the
Romanian "state" mafia from the 1st Crimes against humanity attempt on 27th October 2014 until the 7th
Crimes against humanity committal between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, change which is really
marked by when the 7th Crimes against humanity committal really started originally, just before
Orthodox Easter 2017 when tens of mafia soldiers were sent to break into my mother’s home arresting
me almost daily to falsify the “psychiatric” charlatanry procedure they thought is necessary to commit
Crimes against humanity against me by “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration then poisoning me with
deadly fluorine neurotoxins as they eventually did between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as I’ve
objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7. The mafia’s original mindset is why I was winning in the mafia’s own
courthouses and being safe by only circulating in public areas, while the change in the mafia’s mindset
by dropping its modus operandi of attacking me while inhibiting itself attempting to commit crimes
covertly, is why I was unprepared and unbelieving even the Romanian “state” mafia would commit the

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Crimes against humanity from between 27th May 2017 to 8th June 2017 despite my instinct which told
me so, which proves again I am not paranoid by far but a strong reasoned person like aforementioned,
while the 8th Crimes against humanity attempt through the final solution represented by the falsified
decisions in 12718/231/2017 corroborates this change in the mafia's mindset of stopping me from
denouncing the mafia criminal activity even at the risk of the mafia raising public awareness itself, given
the mafia observed I had no public or mass media support during the Crimes against humanity it
committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 nor before or after, sentencing me
even for the crimes and diagnosis of this other person Vasilache Daniel with which I have no connection
except that I was never indicted, convicted or diagnosed and Vasilache Daniel apparently was which is
irrelevant since no person can be held accountable or be opposed with the deeds of another person,
final solution represented by the falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017 through which the mafia can
indefinitely to life incarcerate me and committ against me the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm and
Qualified Murder by deadly fluorine neurotoxins forceful poisoning as I’ve objectivized in annex 21 of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier.
Finally, the change in the mafia's mindset was also motivated by the fact that at the same time they
started the daily arrests with tens of mafia soldiers right before Orthodox Easter on 6th, 10th, 13th and
14th April 2017, when clearly the mafia hoped to “psychiatrically” incarcerate me and commit the Crimes
against humanity it committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 during the Orthodox Easter
when public interest in public affairs is at an all time low, in “communist” totalitarian fashion meaning as
expected from the ex-“communist” organized crime nomenclature that took power in 1989 coup d’etat
and represents today the Romanian “state” mafia, they wanted to make me completely disappear by
simultaneously illicitly censoring my forum “militia.freeforums.net” on 8th April 2017, and partly
censoring my facebook.com account on 10th April 2017, mentioning the only other time my
facebook.com account was censored, severely this time, was in February 2017 immediately after I
started a group named “Romanian revolution for human rights” which means taking the power out of
the hands of the Romanian “state” mafia dictatorship in favor of installing a rule of law dictatorship
based on human rights not criminal totalitarianism, after which I’ve even filed this time as I warned
facebook.com, penal complaints with all the competent authorities in the U.S.A. territorial
circumscription of facebook.com juridical persona, and notified other institutions such as regarding
consumers right or BBB, institutions which of course did nothing because U.S.A. and it's C.I.A.
organization covers-up the Romanian "state" mafia Crimes against humanity through illicit internet
censorship, and there is an objective demonstration about the at least 1989-2017 link between C.I.A.
and the Romanian “state” mafia, the notorious fact the Romanian "state" mafia so-called anticorruption
chief “prosecutor” Laura Codruta Kovesi of the Romanian National Anticorruption Direction meets to
take orders to commit political police against public functionaries for the purpose of “state”
manipulation and control, from the Balkans region CIA chief, at Romanian "state" mafia "information
secret services" protocol villas, according to mafia defector Sebastian Ghita from the Romanian "state"
mafia "information secret services", corroborated with the conspiracy theory that facebook.com social
networking doubles as a database for CIA from where the rule craze about posting real pictures and real
personal data started on facebook.com, personal data strangely enough I remind facebook.com started
selling illicitly also for which it was notoriously convicted which I retain as proof of facebook.com illicit
activity and character, corroborated with the fact the other illicitly censored forum

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"militia.freeforums.net" was also hosted on U.S.A. servers and administered by Americans which is why
it was easily censored but most important to retain, without any licit reason as there can be none after
the forum existed for 3 years, and exactly during the home breakings before Orthodox Easter when the
Romanian "state" mafia attempted to physically stop me from denouncing its criminal activity, reason
for which the synchronized illicit censorships are no coincidence given I used to publish on these media
at least from 2014 and could've been censored anytime if I was doing anything immoral, which is why no
reason was given either for the illicit censorship because there is no moral reason, and finally it makes
perfect sense CIA is backing up the Romanian "state" mafia since it was CIA who spearheaded the fall of
the "communist" block, and the 1989 coup d'etat in Romania where it installed its puppetable regime
with the help of various traitor "secret information services" in the area, fact again notoriously known
and corroborated by this contemporary notorious evidence, and also the notorious evidence U.S.A.
financed the break-up of former Yugoslavia and Cehoslovakia, playing divide and conquer to gain a
strategic foothold between Europe, the Russian Federation / Asia, Middle East and Africa, besides
"freeing-up" the rich mineral resources in the area for its corporate sector to plunder as it did;
I.B.4.24.4. because as I've objectivized in paragraphs <, irresponsibility is not treatable medically
else everyone would undergo treatment and exemplificatively there would be no more car crashes.
Irresponsibility is fixable only through education if the pathogenesis is not physical and severe enough to
prevent education, reality which in turn reveals the murderous intent of the Romanian "state" mafia by
its uttered aberration that irresponsibility can be treated with drugs, the Romanian “state” mafia
practically declaring its intent to drug me forcefully committing the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm and
Qualifiedly Murder me as it did between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objective proof through
forceful poisoning with deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins, felonies objectivized to constitute the
Crimes against humanity as the mafia committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017
in a perfect state of illegality without a shred of justification as I demonstrated in sections A.II.1.3.1^7
and A.I.1-2
I.B.4.24.5. because as I've objectivized in paragraph <, article 109 from the Romanian Penal
Code refers to convicts not the suspect or accused like I've been falsely attributed the quality of in the
last 3 falsified penal dossiers against me 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, reminding that
after the falsified ordnance of closing the penal pursuit from 1st August 2017 from aforementioned
falsified penal dossiers, I had no penal quality at all and benefitted of the presumption of innocence as
any law abiding citizen and as I did anyway being falsely attributed the penal qualities of suspect then
accused, therefore no security measure can be proposed let alone executed against me. Article 38 from
the Romanian Penal Code refers to convicts too I remind, and suspects and the accused benefit from the
presumption of innocence as well according to article 4 of the Romanian Penal procedure code, article
23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, articles 11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution that
makes Romanian ratified international treaties internal right meaning article 11 from the Universal
declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the European convention of human rights

I.B.4.25. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1s August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Intrucat inculpatul Raneti Tudor Andrei, potrivit raportului de expertiza

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medico-legala, avea discernamantul absent la momentul si in raport cu faptele comise se va dispune
clasarea cauzei fata de acesta sub aspectul infractiunilor incalcarea solemnitatii sedintei prev. de
art.278, art.278 Cp. si art.278 Cp. cu aplicarea artr. 38 alin.1 Cp. intrucat infractiunile nu sunt imputabile
inculpatului iresponsabil", as translated in English: "As accused Raneti Tudor Andrei, according to the
legal medicine expertise report, had absent discernment in the moment and in report with the
committed deeds it will be disposed the closing of the cause regarding him under the aspect of the
felonies of disturbing the solemnity of the meeting foreseen by article 278, article 278 Penal Code and
article 278 Penal Code with the application of article 38 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Code as
the felonies are not imputable to the irresponsible accused",
I.B.4.25.1. because as I've described in paragraphs above, the "psychiatric" charlatanry
"expertise report" is falsified as proven by the fact it breaks every relevant law and regulation, the
falsified diagnostics referenced from it are not scientifically objectivized meaning are not linked with me
because they cannot be grounded on the non-existing deeds from 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016
who cannot physically exist and cannot be appreciated to constitute felonies not even ad absurdum, nor
are they objectivized in accordance with "psychiatric" regulations and the international DSM-V
"psychiatry" charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics as required by the law, meaning the falsified
diagnostics are not inferences so the "expertise report" therefore is not a valid juridical act being
syllogistically invalid, mentioning least but not last it was falsified in my absence and without my consent
in the context of penal matters regarding the suspects or the accused of homicide of which I have not
been even falsely suspected of accused. The "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" is also
ridiculously obvious to be falsified as to be expected from schizophrenics, who as evidence of their
logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction claim according to the falsified "prosecutor" ordnance
from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016), that I was
irresponsible, without discernment and a public danger only on 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016 as if
anyone ever is only irresponsible, without discernment and a public danger on two particular days
chosen by someone else (unless that someone else is the cause which they are - the cause of the frame-
up and falsified acts of procedure) which is not the case because I wasn't irresponsible, without
discernment and a public danger in all the other courthouse meetings I pleaded in person or listened to
audio books on earphones or consulted and even read my plead from my tablet which obviously do not
constitute felonies not even ad absurdum, all the more ridiculously obvious to be falsified because the
"psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report" contradicts itself by omitting this reality that proves by itself
the schizophrenia of the "psychiatrist" charlatans and "magistrates" who invoked their falsified
documents, even more so for claiming the contradiction that I was irresponsible, without discernment
and a public danger on the particular days of 18th May 2017 and 24th June 2017 but I need to be
"medically treated" for it through indefinite incarceration after more than a year later, Tortured, Bodily
Harmed and Qualified Murdered through deadly fluorine poisoning as proven by the fact I was arrested
illegally from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied up to an operating table in the Focsani
"psychiatric" gulag, injected with deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins and put in anaphylactic
shock for 3 days without treatment, then after I survived I was forcefully chemically lobotomized with
other deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins until 8th June 2017 as I've objectivized in sections
A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, including the fact I was poisoned with the same deadly fluorine based
neurotoxin covertly through an injection in my right elbow at the emergency ward of "Saint Pantelimon"

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hospital in Focsani, after I was hit on the head and thrown unconsciously on a flight of stairs to make the
Qualified Murder attempt look like an accident, by interloper Herghelegiu Danut instigated by the
Romanian "state" mafia as he was aided before on 27th October 2014 by two mafia soldiers from the
“police” and “gendarmerie” , and protected afterwards from indiction and conviction by the same
"magistrate" caporegimes that have instigated him, namely the central instigator “judge” Dita Mirela
and chief of criminal investigation in “European” Vrancea county “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul, given
“judge” Dita Mirela had to have a relationship amongst the leadership of the prosecutor’s office and
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul is it proven by the fact he falsified personally the penal dossier 2417/P/2014
against me, and involved himself personally in the cover-up of the penal dossier against the “legal
medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia that falsified documents to aid the interloper, clearly
themselves instigated by a mafia caporegime meaning a “magistrate” since they are just mafia
associates, and to commit Crimes against humanity against me simultaneously to stop me from
investigating the Romanian “state” mafia and proving it instigated the Crimes against humanity
committal from the night between 5th to 6th December 2014 and 27th October 2014, started by the same
mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut, “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul falsified a subpoena in
2417/P/2014 he sent after I was summoned to go to the prosecutor’s office, then ignoring my memo to
subpoena me again legally and before the date I am summoned, he falsified several addresses to the
police in Bucharest where my ID card address is, although he knew I don’t live there as I’ve already
communicated in several documents sent to the “European” Vrancea county “prosecutor’s office”, all
falsified acts of procedure with the purpose of making it appear I don’t present myself when summoned
for falsifying the proposal of issuing the mandate of arrest and detainment from 10th September 2015
from 10547/231/2015 falsified by the schizophrenic “judge” Dinu Murgulet Ana who I remind falsified
the identical decision in 4791/231/2017 then the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 for “psychiatric”
incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation, then on 17th
September 2015 he send 4 “masked policemen” and 2 “policemen” to break into my mother’s home at
6 a.m. arresting me and detaining and harassing me 6 hours without effectuating any act of procedure
as legally required, and afterwards holding me by force 1 hour in from of a “psychiatric” charlatarny
committee for nothing. on 22nd September “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul threatened my mother on the
phone that if she doesn’t convince me to commit myself psychiatrically he will falsify an involuntary
“psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration court order which he did instigating the schizophrenic “judge”
Craciun Constantin Catalin to falsify such a decision in 11224/231/2015 in 1st instance which I annulled
as unfounded in 2nd instance as proof, the decision 11224/231/2015 being identical to 4909/231/2017
which led to the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 which demonstrate the falsified decision in 11224/231/2015 would’ve also led to Crimes against
humanity committed against me as proven that it was the Romanian “state” mafia all along since made
evident especially by the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and
6th December 2014. Afterwards „prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigated the „psychiatry” charlantanry
committee between 30th October 2015 and 3rd December 2015 to falsify a „psychiatric” charlatanry
„expertise report” in my absence, which they did, never communicated to me as legally required and I
managed to find hidden in a dossier at the courthouse’s archive, and I attached it as annex 4 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and with this
falsified psychiatric” charlatanry „expertise report” which contains a falsified presumption, not even a

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falsified diagnosis, „prosecutor” Mihaila Paul proposed that I be obligated to be „psychiatrically”
drugged in dossier 14277/231/2015 which I annuled as inadmissibleand unfounded in 1st and 2nd
instance, action which would’ve resulted in the Crimes against humanity committed against me
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 which practically prove it was the “magistrate” mafia’s
intention all along throughout all the murder attempts since 2014, and during the state terrorism and
wrongful political repression through the 4th and 5th Crimes against humanity attempts as objectivized
in sections A.II. 1.3.1^4 and A.II. 1.3.1^5, “prosecutor” Mihaila Paul instigated or falsified personally
ordnances of closing the penal dossiers I opened a year before against the interloper Herghelegiu Danut
and the other mafia members who helped him or attempted to cover-up his crimes, which he failed
because I simply made him or make him an accused in those same penal dossiers he attempted to
cover-up in cahoots with other mafia “magistrate” caporegime “prosecutor’s office” subordinates. I
mentioned I proved all these events and more punctually in chronological order in section E.56.
statements of facts of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this
ICC penal dossier.
I.B.4.25.2. Finally the ridiculousness of the falsified "psychiatric" charlatanry "expertise report"
and falsified "prosecutor" ordnance from 1st August 2017 from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016
and 4329/P/2016) reaches paroxysm by claiming irresponsibility and lack of discernment can be treated
medically which notoriously and obviously can't else as short proof everyone would undergo stupidity
treatment and exemplificatively there would be no more car crashes, then this claim goes beyond
ridiculousness as only absurd claims can, pretending even that irresponsability and lack of discernment
can be treated by destroying the brain with deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins and
therefore causing irresponsability and lack of discernment, as I remind the prospect of the deadly
fluorine based neurotoxin Invega claims to treat schizophrenia by inflicting schizophrenia as I proven in
annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, reminding in this context I have not been even falsely diagnosed with schizophrenia to be
poisoned with this, contradiction which just demonstrates that first the producers of this poison are
schizophrenic, then the "medics" who approved it as medicine, then the "psychiatrist" charlatans who
are poisoning innocents without their informed consent, then the schizophrenic "magistrates" who are
protecting and even collaborating with this branch of international organized crime called the
pharmaceutical mafia, by sentencing innocents to be poisoned as I've observed and denounced publicly
myself this criminal activity in "European" Vrancea county, producers who have also been fined billions
for commercializing poisons as medicine but who find it a viable business since they are making tens or
hundred of billions in profit anyway sacrificing other people's lives literally which by definition is what
sociopaths do, as I proven in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier
I.B.4.25.3. because the cause cannot be closed by the prosecutor under the clause of non-
punishment for irresponsibility and the proposal that I be obligated to medical treatment, but only by
the courthouse following an indictment according to articles 329 and 331 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code which doesn’t exist in any of the penal dossiers falsified against me as I've
demonstrated in paragraph <the one with article 103, 331 and 907/307/2010>, because only by an
indictment can the courthouse be notified to judge the guilt of an accused and convict or acquit him,
and only after a definitive conviction in a courthouse meaning a 2nd instance judge's decision or in 1st

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instance judge's decision not attacked according to article 551 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code, meaning after a legal trial in which the accused’s guilt was demonstrated scientifically and
syllogistically and all procedural guarantees for the accused were respected, can the presumption of
innocence of the accused can be removed, and only then can the clause of irresponsibility proposal be
judged evidently and be appreciated whether the convict is punishable or not, as proven in short in the
article 38 from the Romanian Penal Code text regarding irresponsibility which refers to the convicts not
the accused, as does article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding the obligation to medical
treatment, therefore the "prosecutors" lies outright committing the felonies of Usurpation of official
functions meaning arrogating the official attributes of a judge in this case by lying a felony exist, has
been committed by me and I’m a felon, and committing acts as if legally holding that office, and
Usurpation of the function of prosecutor since obviously falsifying a judge's decision or a prosecutor's
ordnance for that matter is not within a prosecutor's attributes, as the prosecutor doesn't have the
ability to convict anyone, only indict, and the conviction can't be based solely on the prosecutor's
opinions according to the law anyway, as the prosecutor is just a state lawyer or in case of the Romanian
"state" mafia, a mafia caporegime as objectivized by the notorious Romanian designation for them of
"the prosecutor republic";
I.B.4.25.4. because the prosecutor legally is not allowed to declare felonies exist even if the
prosecutor demonstrates they exist beyond any reasonable doubt, as the prosecutor is obligated to act
according to the presumption of innocence which is only invalidated by a definitive legal decision of a
judgment contingent meaning the prosecutor and even the judge are obligated to address the suspect
and the accused accordingly as innocents until the judicial decision of conviction becomes definitive. The
outright lie that the felonies exist when the evidence demonstrates that obviously because the deeds
don’t exist because they can’t physically exist the felonies can’t exist either, which proves the
"prosecutor's" murderous intent instigating to Crimes against humanity as proven by the fact the
falsified all ordnances, proposals and mandates of arrest and detainment leading directly to Crimes
against humanity being committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized
in section A.II.1.3.1^7, given "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor"
Petrescu Auras Ionut have the legal obligation to administer proofs for the accusation and for the
defense simultaneously according to article 5 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, of which they
did neither, nor did they denounce the obvious lying accusers proving they are in cahoots with
Constituting an organized crime group according to article 367 from the Romanian Penal Code, nor did
they abstain from falsifying acts of procedure after I accused them through my judicial declarations in
the same penal dossiers they falsified against me making them incompatible according to the principle
nemo esse iudex in sua causa potest, nor did they resign which would’ve meant they were instigated but
refused to cooperate with the mafia which according to the principle of non-contradiction by not
resigning it means they were instigated and cooperated with the mafia, nor did they denounce being
coerced through terrorism by the Romanian "state" mafia to commit Crimes against humanity against
me in the form of instigation and complicity, but they committed the Crimes against humanity of their
own accord as members of this mafia and for material gain since they knew they didn't face persecution
if they simply resigned as I've never heard of any, meaning they committed the crimes both for being
instigated and for wanting to commit honor crimes to remain part of the mafia, advance in its ranks, and

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reap illicit material rewards which constitute petty reasons when opposed to destroying people's lives in

I.B.4.26. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Avand in vedere ca urmeaza a se dispune clasarea cauzei, pentru
luarea masurii de siguranta a obligarii inculpatului Raneti Tudor Andrei la tratament medical, se impune
sesizarea judecatorului de camera preliminara, intrucat inculpatul in contextul afectiunilor medicale
constatate in cuprinsul raportului de expertiza medico-legala psihiatrica si al savarsirii, in mod repetat,
de fapte penale, prezinta pericol pentru societate", as translated in English: "Having in regard that it
follows to be disposed the closing of the cause, for the taking of the security measure of obligation of
the acussed Raneti Tudor Andrei to medical treatment, it is imposed the notification of the preliminary
room judge, as the acussed in the context of the medical aflications observed in the content of the
psychiatric legal medicine expertize report and of committal, in a repeated mode, of penal deeds,
presents a danger to society"
I.B.4.26.1. because as I demonstrated in paragraph <2nd?the one with 103, 331 and
907/307/2010>, the "prosecutors" never notified the courthouse even with a falsified indictment for a
definitive conviction to be falsified against me and my presumption of innocence to be at least falsely
invalidated, which is the only situation in which the “judicial bodies” could declare I committed felonies,
and the only legal way to dispose a security measure and invoke the irresponsibility clause of non-
punishment according to the law text of articles 38 and 109 from the Romanian Penal Code who refer to
convicts not to the suspects or accused. No penal deeds are ever objectivized in an indictment or
anywhere else, nor an indictment exists because the deeds that I'm falsely accused of do not even exist
physically because they cannot physically exist let alone constitute felonies even ad absurdum as
demonstrated in this ICC penal dossier. Missing an indictment, no public danger is ever objectivized to
exist being impossible to be inferred out of felonies that do not exist because they are illogically
declared to be constituted out of deeds that physically cannot exist, as I explicitate a couple of
paragraphs down, and demonstrated before in this ICC penal dossier. In even invoke the Romanian
jurisprudence from dossier 907/307/2010 where the instance declared that a security measure can’t be
disposed except against a convict against which also there’s objectivized the danger that he will commit
felonies in the future;
I.B.4.26.2. because article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding security measures
refers to convicts not the suspect or accused like I've been falsely attributed the quality of in the last 3
falsified penal dossiers against me, reminding that after the falsified ordnance of closing the penal
pursuit on 1st August 2017, I had no penal quality at all and benefitted of the presumption of innocence
as any law abiding citizen, therefore no security measure can be executed against me. Article 38 from
the Romanian Penal Code refers to convicts too I remind, and suspects and the accused benefit from the
presumption of innocence as well according to article 4 of the Romanian Penal procedure code, article
23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, articles 11 and 20 from Romanian Constitution that
makes Romanian ratified international treaties internal right meaning article 11 from the Universal
declaration of human rights and article 6 paragraph 2 from the European convention of human rights

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I.B.4.26.3. because there are no such thing as "psychiatric" charlatanry "medical afflictions"
because "psychiatry" is neither medicine or science as I've objectivized in section A. Furthermore there
were no "medical afflictions observed" because they were falsified with no link to me or any deeds as
the frame-ups from 18th May 2016 and 24th June 2016 refer to deeds that do not physically exist because
cannot physically exist and cannot be appreciated to constitute felonies even ad absurdum, therefore
cannot constitute a particular factual premise which cannot be correlated with an universal law,
regulation or scientific objectivization premise meaning out of no premise no juridical or judicial
inference can't be made or no diagnostic or indictment and conviction can be formulated, in layman's
terms nobody can be diagnosed for not committing a non-existing deed because of a metaphoric
“mental illness” which also doesn't exist (which is also ironic in the context of fictious accusations), nor
can anybody be indicted and convicted as if non-existing deeds constitute felonies, which I never was as
proven by annex 17, 18, 19, 20 and 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached
as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing my empty judicial history, the fact the Romanian
“state” mafia admit in writing under their signature I was never indicted and convicted ever, and my
demonstration I’m mentally sane being army incorporable meaning psychiatrically declared mentally
healthy, apt for work, apt for superior studies, licensed in informatics, with work experience in
informatics, proven logically, having other document proofs, witnesses etc.;
I.B.4.26.4. because no court of law established through a definitive conviction following an
indictment that I committed penal felonies repeatedly, the "prosecutor's" are lying that I committed
penal felonies repeatedly beyond any reasonable doubt since they are obligated to administer proofs
and plead both for the accusation and the defense respecting the presumption of innocence according
to articles 4, 5 and 306 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, meaning they are legally required to
be impartial and not draw false conclusions, all the more illogical or groundless ones with malice
aforethought instigating directly the committal of Crimes against humanity;
I.B.4.26.5. because no objectivization that I represent a danger to society by being innocent has
been made because evidently it’s illogical but first of all because I haven't been indicted and convicted
and only felons can possible represent a danger to society, and only if objectivized that there is a danger
they will commit felonies again, which in my case being innocent as the proofs obviously demonstrate
by themselves even constituted the explanation why an indictment and conviction doesn't exist,
corroborated with the obvious fact the Romanian “state” mafia’s purpose was to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity which wouldn’t be achieved by incarcerating me in a prison regardless if
innocent through a falsified indictment and a falsified conviction, meaning it was always the Romanian
“state” mafia’s purpose to Qualifiedly Murder me but covertly, attempting to make it appear as it
doesn’t exist and is uninvolved, which is why instead executing me extrajudiciarily directly, it first
instigated the interloper Herghelegiu Danut to provoke me on 27th October 2014 to make it appear I am
violent and Herghelegiu Danut Qualifiedly Murdered me in self defense, for which the mafia also sent
two of its soldiers a “policeman” and “gendarme” who laid in hiding on 27th October 2014, attempt
which failed because immediately after the interloper Herghelegiu Danut hit my mother’s door violently
neighbors from 3 floors exited their apartment becoming witnesses, then the mafia instigated the same
interloper in the night between 5th to 6th December to hit me on the head and throw me unconsciously
on a flight of stairs to make it appear an accident, then secondly and after I survived and was
transported to the emergency ward of “Saint Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani I was also injected with

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the risperidone or paliperidone (risperidone’s metabolite) deadly fluorine neurotoxin in my right elbow
by an unknown person as I objectivize in sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, to make it appear I am
irresponsible and without discernment which are the effects of this brain destroying poison as
objectivized in section A regarding the effects of fluorine based neurotoxins, which marks the beginning
of the Romanian “state” mafia using “psychiatry “charlatanry as a weapon of wrongful political
repression against me reason for which the central instigator “judge” Dita Mirela falsified the psychiatric
action 15730/231/2014 which I annulled proving it falsified, simultaneously with the Crimes against
humanity commital from the night between 5thto 6th December 2014, and with falsified penal dossier
2417/P/2014 which in cahoots with chief of criminal investigation of “European” Vrancea county
“prosecutor” Mihaila Paul “judge” Dita Mirela kept secret until she lost in 15730/231/2014, then they
began to commit acts of state terrorism and wrongful political repression from 2417/P/2014 using again
the “psychiatry” charlatanry as a weapon and pretext, namely breaking into my mother home arresting
and detaining me 7 hours on 17th September 2015 inclusively in front of a “psychiatric” charlatanry
committee, by instigating the falsification of the decision in dossier 10547/23/2017 by “judge” Dinu
Murgulet Ana, harassing, threatening and blackmailing my mother over the phone on 22nd September
2015, falsifying the “psychiatry” charlatanry action 11224/231/2015 by instigating “judge” Craciun
Constantin Catalin, which I annulled in 2nd instance proving it falsified, falsifying between 30th October
2015 and 3rd December 2015 a nonsensical and self-contradictory “psychiatric” charlatanry probable
“expertise report”, falsifying the “psychiatry” charlatanry action 14277/231/2015 which I annulled in 1st
and 2nd instance proving it falsified, then the mafia attempted to frame me up on 18th May 2016 and 24th
June 2016 during the trials of dossiers regarding actions from the falsified dossier 2417/P/2014, making
the blackmail against me to stop denouncing the mafia for falsifying dossier 2417/P/2014 to cover-up
the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014 and the Crimes against humanity
committal from the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 through other Crimes against humanity
attempts painfully obvious, then after failing to provoke me to commit the felony of disturbing the
solemnity of the meeting falsified anyway dossiers 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016
meaning again as painfully obvious these are pretexts, falsified all acts of procedure within them also
judiciarily harassing me to give the same declaration 3 times, then started repeating its exact
“communist” stereotypical modus operandi of using “psychiatry” charlatanry against me as a weapon of
wrongful repression like in the falsified dossier 2417/P/2014, effectively infringing on the principle ne
bid in idem existing between 4791/231/2017 and 10547/231/2015, 4909/231/2017 and
11224/231/2015 and 12718/231/2017 and 14277/231/2015, and eventually the committed Crimes
against humanity against me again between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as objectivized in section
A.II.1.3.1^7, then issued the final solution constituted by the falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017 for
the purpose of indefinitely imprisoning me, Torturing me, Bodily Harming me and attempting to
Qualifiedly Murder me through deadly fluorine neurotoxic poisoning as objectivized in section
A.II.1.3.1^8 and annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier. Why the innocents don't represent a danger to society if not obvious, I point
out the obvious, that it's impossible to prove I'm dangerous for not committing deeds that obviously
cannot even physically exist let alone constitute felonies even ad absurdum which by any form of logic,
classical or common sense, prove my innocence as I’ve proven in this ICC penal dossier anyway,
respectively I cannot for the same reasons be declared a public danger out of a falsified "psychiatric"

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charlatanry "expertise report" that is proven illegal in every relevant way, groundless, self-contradictory
and syllogistically invalid, being falsified in my absence and without my consent using the
unconstitutional penal matter procedure regarding the suspects or accused of homicide according to
article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, of which I am neither, referring to
metaphoric “mental illnesses” that do not exist, attempting to infer false diagnostics from deeds that do
not physically exist because cannot physically exist let alone constitute felonies even ad absurdum,
aberrating that I'm irresponsible on only two particular days of the mafia’s choice no less when the
frame-ups were perpetrated, and not in all the other days also in which I behaved identically in the
courthouse meaning listening to audio books on earphones, reading my plead from my tablet and
pleading, but haven't been accused of anything as jurisprudential proof meaning according to the
principle of unitary application of the law, the mafia thus aberrating that for being irresponsible, without
discernment and a public danger on two particular days the mafia picked by attempting to provoke me
into committing felonies and when it failed they framed me up anyway, I must be indefinitely
incarcerated, Tortured, Bodily Harmed and Qualifiedly Murdered more than a year after as objectivized
in sections A. II. 1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, aberrating that irresponsibility and lack of discernment can be
treated medically when "psychiatry" charlatanry is neither medicine nor science like I've objectivized in
section A, and aberrating that irresponsibility and lack of discernment can be treated through brain
destruction by deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisoning which causes obviously irresponsibility
and lack of discernment, all the more obvious there is not such thing as a medical treatment for
irresponsibility and lack of discernment else everyone would take it and there would be no more
accidents, facts which simply unveil the obsessive murderous intent of the Romanian "state" mafia to
stop me from denouncing its criminal activity by committing Crimes against humanity against me

I.B.4.27. "prosecutor" Lupu Mihai Cristian and his superior "first prosecutor" Petrescu Auras
Ionut from prosecutor's office "Parchetul de pe langa Judecatoria Focsani" lied that, I quote in Romanian
from the ordnance from 1st August 2017 from falsified penal dossiers 2845/P/2016 (united with
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016): "Fata de cele constatate, in temeiul art. 314 alin. 1 lit.a C.p.p. si art.315
alin.1 lit.b C.p.p. rap. la art.16 alin.1 lit.d C.p.p. in ref. la art.28 C.p.", as translated into English: "In regard
to the findings, according to article 314 alignment 1 letter a from the Penal Procedure Code and article
315 alignment 1 letter b from the Penal Procedure Code reported to article 16 alignment 1 letter d from
the Penal Procedure Code referencing article 28 Penal Code",
I.B.4.27.1. because as I demonstrated in paragraphs <, article 16 paragraph 1 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code cannot be invoked in the falsified closing ordnance from 1st august
2017 after the falsification of the ordnances in personam or continuation of penal pursuit according to
article 305 paragraph 1 and 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, and of putting into motion the
penal action according to article 309 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code who explicitly exclude all
subsequent article 16 paragraph 1 invocations, meaning the falsified ordnance from 1st August 2017
from 2845/P/2016 (united with 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) is illegal thus void of right according to
articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code
I.B.4.27.2. because as I demonstrated in paragraph <, article 38 from the Romanian Penal Code
regarding the non-punishment clause of irresponsibility cannot be invoked according to this article's text
except against the convicted that is following an indictment according to article 331 from the Romanian

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Penal Procedure Code when correlated with a security measure, as is the case with article 109 from the
Romanian Penal Code regarding security measures, not against the suspect or the accused, and I was
never indicted and convicted as proven by annex 17, annex 18 and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier regarding my empty judicial
history, and the Romanian “state” mafia’s admitting in writing that I was never indicted and convicted
I.B.4.27.3. Finally but irrelevant to the committal of Crimes against humanity, only proving the
pervasive law breaking occurring in Romania's judicial system, the judiciary expenses are falsified as
usual because they aren't objectivized as I've demonstrated I didn't even have a lawyer's assistance and
representance during the penal pursuit for one to merit his fee, as are as always the other expenses. The
pervasive falsification of judiciary expenses is "normal" in the Romanian "state" mafia "judicial system"
menagerie, and constitutes the first line of mafia's intimidation tactics against the parties because of the
economic misery that the Romanian "state" mafia also imposed on the populace, again one of Stalin's
policies to keep the public poor, stupid thus easily governable, and let's not forget a prolific ground for
mafia members recruitment, since poverty plus stupidity results in the creation of monsters, torturers
and other felons, reminding in Romania's police stations people are killed through bestial beatings and
orgies with minors are committed without the mafia "police" soldiers being sent to jail for it, exactly
because they are part of the Romanian "state" mafia who protects its members as also obvious no mafia
"magistrate" caporegime was ever convicted for the falsification of decisions according to ECHR record
who annulled many such Romanian decisions, including a couple from Stanciu Livia, one of the most
notoriously dangerous Romanian "magistrate" caporegimes who unhindered for her past crimes falsifies
decisions within the Romanian Constitutional Court, mentioning as relevant the 6 Crimes against
humanity attempts and 2 Crimes against humanity committals against me started immediately after I
sued this Stanciu Livia mafia "magistrate" caporegime when she was as supreme court president
disciplinary action titulary, along with Victor Viorel Ponta who was provisory minister of justice then
prime-minister and mounted his relative Robert Cazanciuc nepotistically as the minister of justice to
execute his orders, for covering-up the criminal activity of the Romanian "state" mafia by refusing to do
their job

I.B.5. "judge" Neagu Rodica from Vrancea Tribunal falsified the sentence in 1779/91/2017
instead of stopping the Crimes against humanity committed by the Romania “state” mafia against me
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, by annulling the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 through
1779/91/2017, falsified decisions which aren’t even covering up for the Crimes against humanity, but
the Romanian “state” mafia used them for putting me into a situation of vulnerability by issuing a
falsified mandate and arresting me using its “secret police” from my law faculty exams on 27th May
2017, then tying me up at the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag to an operating table and puting me in
anaphylactic shock for 3 days through fluorine and chlorine injected poisoning without treatment
expecting me do die then falsify the paperwork making it appear it happened out of natural causes, then
after I survived they forcefully chemically lobotomized me until 8th June 2017 under threat of violence
with other deadly fluorine and chlorine poisons of the same kind they covertly injected me in the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 as I’ve demonstrated in sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2. If through
the decision 1779/91/2017 the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 would’ve been annulled as legally

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predictable to have been, no falsified mandate would’ve been illegally executed against me on 27th May
2017 and therefore no Crimes against humanity would’ve been perpetrated against me consequently
until 8th June 2017 as I’ve demonstrated in section A.II.1.3.1^7. Furthermore, if the decision in
1779/91/2017 wouldn’t have been falsified and the falsified decisions from 4909/231/2017 would’ve
been annulled even after the Crimes against humanity have been committed, it would’ve created
enough dissension within the Romanian “state” mafia for the falsified decisions in 12718/231/2017 to
not occur for the purpose of indefinitely imprisoning me, torturing and murdering me, forcing me to
become a refugee fleeing for my liberty, sanity and life, therefore “judge” Neagu Rodica is not only
responsible for the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 but also for the
instigation or determination of the Crimes against humanity through 12718/231/2017. "judge" Neagu
Rodica was legally obligated to judge dossier 1779/91/2017 before 27th May 2017 given I lodged dossier
1779/91/2017 on 22nd May 2017 according to the date I put on the file in my archive, then the
courthouse is obligated to register the petition within 24 hours, with a motivated 24 hours delay which
doesn’t exist, thus the limit term for the dossier 1779/91/2017 to be judged was 3 days later at most or
on 26th May 2017 the latest according to article 184 paragraphs 8 and 15 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, given the emergency regime of an action pertains to all ways of attack against the
decision inherently, and given the regime of judgment of the appeal in annulment extraordinary way of
attack is regardless according to doctrine that of emergency meaning to be judged as soon as possible
and taking precedence before the actions who are not to be judged in an emergency regime,
corroborated with the fact there is no objectivization of the delay of judgment of 1779/91/2017 all the
way on 21st June 2017 therefore the trial could’ve occurred immediately or on the same day it was
registered according to the principle of justice within a reasonable term meaning as soon as possible and
only delayed for justified reasons which in this case don’t exist because they have not been invoked as
proof, and furthermore recent regulation changes in the Romanian theoretical judiciary system impose
predictability of trials, a further reason for judges to objectivize delays in trials under disciplinary and
penal sanctions, which is not applied because the changes are only to maintain a fake image of justice
when in reality there is no such thing in Romania and the out of all proportion delays in trials in Romania
is one of the Romanian “magistrate” mafia’s psychological weapons to discourage justice seekers as I’ve
observed there is no reason at all for the delays but the “magistrates” are creating the delays and
judiciary chaos on purpose pervasively breaking the law as if defying the rule of law, state of corruption
I’ve traced all the way into ECHR who practices the same psychological war, maintaining a court of only
a few judges for 80 million Europeans with no respect to the principle of justice in a reasonable term,
creating unjustifiable delays of 4 years in emergency cases which makes the use of emergency term
risible, and 10 years in normal cases, and I remember in fact that a cancer patient who was denied
medicine for supposed lack of funds by the Romanian “state” mafia, died of course before winning at
ECHR. The Romanian “state” mafia instead finances the “psychiatrist” charlatans to poison people often
innocents illegally sentenced without indictment and conviction as I’ve noticed and publicized followed
by a joint decision by the Romanian Ministry of justice and Superior Council of Magistrates to hide all
these falsified sentences from public evidence but mine of course who they maintained in order to
discredit me. The “psychiatrist” charlatans is worthy of mentioning that they outnumber each of all
other categories of medics at least in the “Saint Pantelimon” hospital in Focsani meaning the hospital’s
administration is responsible and involved in illegal experimentation, dilapidation for the support of this
“psychiatry” charlatanry racket, state terrorism and political repression, as I know and can prove the
entire legal medicine hierarchy is health ministry is because I’ve notified the entire hierarchy and every
legally competent institution like the health direction containing the malpraxis committee, the medic’s
college, the superior legal medicine institutions and the health ministry. “Psychiatry” charlatanry in
Romania is a national security problem as the “magistrate” mafia is, proven through my case alone,
“magistrate” mafia who I learned studying the case of the infamous Hassan Awdi expropriation or mafia

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takeover of his properties in Romania, is also responsible for the destruction of the Romanian economy
through what is known as the “liquidator mafia”, meaning an organized group of magistrates, lawyers,
evaluators and judiciary administrators who are deliberately bankrupting then devalidating juridical
personas in order to scavenge them for themselves making illicit profit through various methods, such
as awarding themselves ludicrously large commissions for disastrously administering the juridical
persona, or selling the actives of the juridical personas at something like 5% of their actual value, or
stealing them altogether. Coming back to the argument at hand, I mention it isn’t the first time “judge”
Neagu Rodica delayed a trial for this purpose of locating me, capturing me and subjecting me to Crimes
against humanity as the Romanian “state” mafia did between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as I
objectivized in section A as proof, being obvious that “judge” Neagu Rodica malice aforethought
reasoning for breaking the law was that silencing me first was paramount to stop me from denouncing
the Romanian “state” mafia’s grave abuses against me by attacking its falsified actions in court and
publishing its abuses while seeking help, which I did and further motivated this Stalinist paranoic mafia’s
desperation to hunt me continuously with its “secret police” then commit Crimes against humanity
against me, although unnecessarily since I never managed to obtain any help within Romania and by
failing to liquidate me the Romanian “state” mafia turned its 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and 2
Crimes against humanity committals against me since 2014 a huge reputation compromising fiasco for
itself, which was my first goal all along, to expose it publicly. “judge” Neagu Rodica for this purpose of
locating, capturing and silencing me, contrary to the presumption of innocence and as medieval witch
trials went that I “prove I’m not the devil”, imposed on my mother that she transmits to me that I must
prove I’m mentally sane by undergoing an examination with a psychiatrist for which is only possible if I
given my consent which I have never because it was what the Romanian “state” mafia sought since 2015
to use as a legal cover up for the falsified in my absence “psychiatric” charlatanry documents against me
, a request which is aberrant because first of all according to the presumption of innocence I have no
judicial need or obligation to prove anything but according to the principle actor incumbit probatio the
accusation is obligated to prove everything which it didn’t but break every relevant law and judicial logic
in the process which is proof in itself of the mafia’s criminal activity, then the request is secondly
aberrant since I already proven in dossier 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance that I’m mentally sane by the
fact I’m army incorporable, having ~5 years legal work experience meaning the ~5 legal medicine
certificates that I’m apt for work psychologically, having superior studies with which I was hired ~5 years
legally, I proven I am mentally sane logically as this ICC penal dossier demonstrates my medical and
juridical discernment and by the principle of non-contradiction I proven at the same time that the
members of the Romanian “magistrate” mafia are schizophrenic using their pervasive symptoms of
logical incoherence and intrinsic occupational dysfunction, and I also have witnesses that I’m mentally
sane including the mafia’s own “psychiatrist” charlatans who failed to falsify documents against me
when it was logically in the mafia’s illicit interest, lacking initiative because these “psychiatrist”
charlatans in Romania are always under the mafia’s orders and do not act otherwise unless they are
perpetrating a charlatanry for their own interest, as well as having other proofs as there isn’t a single
instance of psychological history in my family which is of intellectual and military background, etc.
Hypothetically if I went for this ruse and undergo an “examination” with a “psychiatrist” charlatan, a
couple of things would’ve happened - first, of course the “psychiatrist” charlatan would’ve notified the
mafia’s soldier “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” or “gendarmes” to capture me given every
“psychiatrist” charlatan not only unofficially reports to the Romanian “state” mafia cartel who controls
at least all Romanian “legal medicine” to cover up the crimes of its other segment of this tandem, the
“magistrate” mafia, but I’ve heard that all “psychiatric” charlatanry information is bureaucratized and
centralized in a database which can be easily kept under observation and issue an alert triggering my
immediate location following my capture, that is if I didn’t tell the “psychiatrist” charlatan of the real
situation I was under which would’ve triggered him to notify the mafia of his own initiative. The

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statistical fact that in Romania all “psychiatrist” charlatans are controlled by the Romanian “state”
mafia, is proven by the fact all “psychiatrist” charlatans in all penal cases I heard of falsified documents,
therefore not having a personal and private interest, acted so in the interest of the public sector entirely
occupied by the Romanian “state” mafia cartel, particularly given the circumstance for the “magistrate”
mafia caporegimes. Secondly it is obvious as proven that if the “psychiatrist” charlatan is mafia
controlled, regardless of having my consent or not would’ve falsified documents against me as the other
did, making any attempt to produce a honest document that I’m mentally sane from the “psychiatrist”
charlatans a true proof of mental insanity or inability to realize what’s real or lacking medical and
juridical discernment. For this purpose “judge” Neagu Rodica broke the 3 days maximum term of
judgment according to article 184 paragraph 15 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, delaying the
trial for the purpose his ruse that I “prove I’m not the devil” to take effect , and allowing the mafia’s
secret police and “psychiatrist” charlatan torturers to capture and silence me from denouncing the
mafia’s criminal activity proven and blown of all proportions through the grave abuses it perpetrated
just before Orthodox Easter 2017 with the purpose of committing Crimes against humanity against me
in Romanian totalitarian fashion during the Orthodox Easter 2017, as I’ve objectivized in section E of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and
section A of this ICC penal dossier. The very fact the object of dossier 4909/231/2017 is “psychiatric”
incarceration for an impossible “examination” without my consent, proves there was never an
“examination” if one is needed, therefore a diagnosis against me didn’t exist for even the aberrant
assumption that I need to prove I’m mentally sane, because there were never grounds for even a
suspicion against me but all evidence to the contrary, as no such documents even falsified were even
presented or referenced in 4909/231/2017, 1779/91/2017 and 12718/231/2017 dossiers where I’ve
lastly even been sentenced without being indicted and convicted to a security measure for the crimes
and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache Daniel, as proof I’m not indicted, convicted or
“psychiatrically” charlatanry diagnosed, nor documents in this regard exist, or are kept secret because
the Romanian “state” mafia knows I would publish them as soon as I obtain them as I did before, to use
them against the Romanian “state “mafia as proof of its criminal activity, because the mafia being
comprised as always of illiterate and immoral peasants does not know how to cover up its crimes and
therefore any person with common sense can then observe the falsified documents I present publicly
and deduce the existence and extent of the Romanian “state” mafia, which I mention in any real state of
right country such grave abuses would’ve caught the public opinion’s eye like wildfire, but in Romania I
haven’t even managed to get the press to present one of any of the hundreds of penal dossiers I opened
against the “magistrate” mafia which proves as all other sectors in Romania, the press is controlled by
the Romanian “state” mafia, which is rather ironic because I came to work with for a while with the
infamous Hassan Awdi against the Romanian “state” mafia which illegally expropriated him of hundreds
of millions of dollars worth of property, Hassan Awdi being presented in the mafia controlled press as
the so called destroyer of the Romanian press when he is actually just a scape-goat for an operation to
get the free press under the control of the Romanian “state” mafia by selectively eliminating the
distribution of the free press in favor of maintaining the distribution of the controlled press, controlled
press which not coincidentally is often in bankruptcy meaning operating on subventions from the
Romanian “state” mafia and refusing to disclose the source of their financing, while because of the
typical Romanian social chaos motivated by conflicting interests within the same theater of operations,
often lists of undercover agents of the mafia acting as journalists escape into the public domain which is
easily observable on the internet coming from televised press such as Digi24 or Antena3. The evidence
“judge” Neagu Rodica proposed that I “prove I am not the devil” is annex 13 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The proof the action
4909/231/2017 in 2nd intstance meaning the contestation against 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance
could’ve been performed in less than 1 hour is the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance

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that was performed in less than 1 hour, and its judgment could only taken less given I clearly
demonstrated how it was falsified and any of the many arguments I’ve used could’ve lead to its
annulment, and even more, because the mafia caporegime “judge” Neagu Rodica knew the decision in
4909/231/2017 in 1st instance was falsified as proven by “judge” Neagu Rodica malice aforethought
demonstrated through annex 13 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, it would’ve only took under a minute to declare the decision in
4909/231/2017 in 1st instance falsified decision void of right because “judge” Neagu Rodica knew the
dossier intimately before even seeing it, just as “judge” Neagu Rodica knew the dossier 4909/231/2017
in 2nd instance before even seeing the appeal in annulment 1779/91/2017 and could’ve annuled it again
in under a minute, but delayed the trial on purpose for ~4 weeks illegally as I’ve demonstrated above,
becoming thus determinant or instigator and accomplice to the Crimes against humanity between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, which “judge” Neagu Rodica attempted to produce ever since
4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance where “judge” Neagu Rodica without any observable legal form gave the
dossier to the other mafia “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana to falsify the decision, latter judge who was
involved since the beginning in the Crimes against humanity cover-ups against me and even the abuses
before them, infringing by this the principle of judicial independence and non-interference with a
magistrate’s work. Furthermore “judge” Neagu Rodica was then incompatible to address dossier
1779/91/2017 because it participated in the acts of procedure of attacked dossier 4909/231/2017 in 2nd
instance, according to article 64 paragraphs 3 and 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure, fact which
“judge” Neagu Rodica of course knew and was obligated to abstain ex officio according to article 66
from the Romanian Penal Procedure as soon as she actually stole the 1779/91/2017 dossier from the
random distribution system with the aid of other courthouse public functionaries - and the fact “judge”
Neagu Rodica didn’t abstain because is part of the Romanian “state” mafia which premeditated the
Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 has no other
relevance except as proof in corroboration of my demonstration above.

I.B.5.1. “judge” Neagu Rodica also knew that if he falsified the decision in 1779/91/2017
immediately after receiving the dossier I would’ve filed another appeal in annulment against it as I did
before tens of times against the falsified decisions of the mafia becoming especially predictable in this
regard, procedure of appeal in annulment motivated exclusively on the fact each and every decision
attacked was falsified therefore the mafia “judge” was proven lacking impartiality to say the least,
through which I proved the extend of the magistrate mafia hierarchically and laterally reaching a
statistic truth that 100% of the Romanian magistrates are corrupt and about 86% criminals, especially
true for the upper tiers of the Romanian judicial bodies where this scientific truth is based on the fact all
of the heads of the Romanian inexistent judiciary system are corrupt and criminals, which is not a
statistic with a presumable small margin of error. “judge” Neagu Rodica however didn’t know as before
in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance when and whether I would’ve been silenced by the Romanian “state”
mafia he belongs to, therefore it also delayed the judgment in 1779/91/2017 as it did in 4909/231/2017
in 2nd instance making sure that me attacking his falsified decision would’ve been purposeless in regard
of stopping the Crimes against humanity from being committed which although I predicted it was the
murderous intent of the Romanian “state” mafia since 2014, I didn’t also think the mafia was committed
to perpetrate based on the fact not being paranoid as the Romanian “state” mafia I knew it had no real
reason to commit Crimes against humanity against me, and this being the supposed motivation of some
of the mafia members and based on the fact before I profited from these scruples of these various mafia
members who didn’t want to get directly involved in committing Torture, Bodily Harm and Qualified
Murder against me, I proved the 4 falsified penal dossiers and 4 psychiatric actions against me are
falsified achieving this within no less than the Romanian “state” mafia’s own courthouses, and there
were plenty of laws and procedures I could’ve invoked before the Crimes against humanity could’ve

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been committed even if I were captured as I demonstrated however that the Romanian “state” mafia
broke entirely in a pervasive and concertized attempt to silence me involving the mafia “judge” and
prosecutor caporegimes, the mafia soldier “masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and “gendarmes”
and the mafia associate “lawyers” and torturer “psychiatrist” charlatans along with various other rather
inconsequential mafia collaborators such as the registrars. ”judge” Neagu Rodica is implicated in the
cover-up of the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014, as before in cahoots with the same “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana for which he is
covering up again, about which I will demonstrate at large in the proper section. Because “judge” Neagu
Rodica participated in the judgment of the attacked decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance and
therefore was incompatible to address dossier 1779/231/2017 according to article 64 paragraphs 3 and
4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code but refused to abstain according to article 66 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, it is proven his continuous consumed motive and opportunity to
participate in the instigation and cover-up of the Crimes against humanity against me in cahoots with
other courthouse functionaries, as is the case in his before implication in the cover-up of the Crimes
against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014. The
falsification of the decision in 1779/91/2017 I thoroughly demonstrated in this section and section I.B.5.
In conclusion, for the purpose of allowing the Crimes against humanity to be committed and to cover-
up the Crimes against humanity after being perpetrated against me, “judge” Neagu Rodica intently
delayed the trial unjustifiedly from 23rd May 2017 until 21st June 2017 which is well after the Crimes
against humanity have been committed against me, the text of the falsified sentence in 1779/91/2017
being full of the mafia’s hubris for the Crimes against humanity it committed against me, hubris existent
in the peasant mafia member’s psychology because the mafia tried a very long time to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity meaning since 2014 - or for 2 years and a half at the time, while my
activity against the Romanian “state” mafia dates back to 2009, for which the Romanian “state” mafia
falsified as demonstrated in this ICC penal dossier, 4 penal dossiers (2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016) and 6 psychiatric actions against me (15730/231/2014 in 1st instance,
11224/231/2015 in 2nd instance and 14277/231/2015 in 1st and 2nd instance), penal dossiers in which I
was never indicted or convicted as proven by annex 17, 18 and 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier which thus prove they are falsified,
and I’ve annulled the first 4 psychiatric actions proving they are also falsified while the last 2
(4909/231/2017 and 12718/231/2017) are identical to the 2 before them (11224/231/2015 and
14277/231/2015) meaning being in a ne bis in idem state and thus also proven falsified as I’ve
thoroughly demonstrated anyway in sections I.B.2-I.B.4 of this ICC penal dossier and annex 20 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, point at
which however the Romanian “state” mafia stopped attempting to cover-up their murderous intent and
directly committed the Crimes against humanity against me breaking all relevant law and possible
juridical or conventional logic, as I’ve objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7, then it went beyond that
attempting to illegally indefinitely incarcerate me, torture me and murder me as before between 27th
May 2017 and 8th June 2017, for the crimes and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache Daniel
with which I haven’t any connection, because I was never indicted, convicted or diagnosed as proven in
section I.B.3. of this ICC penal dossier. "judge" Neagu Rodica and his accomplices practically declared
delayed the trial and falsified the decision from 1779/91/2017 on purpose, which I call a display of
hubris signifying these Romanian “state” mafia’s members supreme assurance that they cannot be
convicted for the Crimes against humanity they instigated and poorly attempted to cover-up, as I quote
in Romanian from 5th page of annex 15 of of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the falsified decision in 1779/91/2017:
“...petentul este liber de acum inainte cat va permite unitatile spitalicesti sau alte instante" meaning as
translated in English "the complainant is free from now on as long as hospitals and other courthouses

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permit" despite the fact there is no such legal provision nor even a falsified sentence in this regard at the
time of the falsification of the decision in 1779/91/2017, but this prematurely and partly unveils out of
these stupid “judiciary bodies” arrogance the Romanian “state” mafia’s intent which was made manifest
in the falsification of the proposal from 1st August 2017 and dossier 12718/231/2017 as I’ve
demonstrated in sections I.B.2-I.B.4, which together with the Crimes against humanity committed
against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as I’ve objectivized in section A.II.1.3.1^7 ,
determined me to become a refugee in fear of indefinite imprisonment, Torture, Bodily Harm and
Qualified Murder as I objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. The quote I invoked as proof above is all that more
aberrant because I was never psychiatrically examined, indicted and convicted thus I am legally
presumed innocent and sane as factually proven anyway, and this is for the mafia is, I quote again from
the falsified decision in 1779/91/2017 in Romanian that "Scopul a fost atins..." meaning in translation in
English that "The purpose has been reached...", which was a also lie since the Romanian “state” mafia
came back with the “final solution” decision 12718/231/2017 aiming to indefinitely imprison me, torture
and murder me as demonstrated in section I.B.2- I.B.4. Regardless, this last quote proves the
premeditation of the “judiciary bodies” to permit the Crimes against humanity be committed against
me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 through delaying the trial in 1779/91/2017 which makes
them instigators according to the text of the law which defines it as determining a crime, then to cover-
up the Crimes against humanity by falsifying the decision in 1779/91/2017 which makes them
accomplices. As further proof "judge" Neagu Rodica both instigated and then covered-up the Crimes
against humanity from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 through delaying the trial illegally as
before in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, then respectively through the falsification of the decision in
1779/91/2017, I quote from the decision in 1779/91/2017 his declared malice aforethought in
Romanian: “Petentul a fost obiectul unei proceduri speciale...” meaning as translated into English: “The
claimant was object to a special procedure”, which is a lie because “judge” Neagu Rodica knows of
course that Crimes against humanity were committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June
2017 as further proven by the fact Crimes against humanity are no “special procedure” but the gravest
of felonies consisting of Torture, Bodily Harm and attempted Qualified Murder, and “judge” Neagu
Rodica participated in the instigation of the Crimes against humanity since the beginning, attempting to
cover-up the Crimes against humanity committed against me in the night between 5th and 6th December
2014 when the same “special procedure” was committed against me meaning being covertly been
poisoned with the same poison risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite, as proven by a
blood test I took 4 month later which shown the symptoms only this poison leaves because of it long
presence in the blood stream which is also the reason mafia used against me because it’s deadly for a
long time and it could only use it against me once at that time, as I’ve proven in sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and
A.I.1-2, then “judge” Neagu Rodica participated in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance creating a ruse to
capture me and cause the Crimes against humanity be committed against me by aberrantly demanding
that I “prove I’m not the devil”, then placed the dossier to his partner in crime “judge” Croitoru Sandina
Mariana with no apparent legal form infringing on the principle of judicial independence, and although
being incompatible according to article 64 paragraphs 3 and 4 frm the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
stole the dossier from the random distribution system with the aid of other courthouse clerks, delayed
the trial in 1779/91/2017 then falsified the decision, all of which proven in this ICC penal dossier, all of
which proving “judge” Neagu Rodica is an active instigator and accomplice to the Crimes against
humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017. Because “judge” Neagu
Rodica used the wording “special procedure” which has no legal coverage in the Romanian legislature
and not “involuntary internment” which is the object of the attacked falsified decision in 4909/231/2017
in 2nd instance which surely “judge” Neagu Rodica knew about since as I repeatedly indicated he delayed
the trial in that dossier also, and “involuntary internment” is no special procedure either but refers to an

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impossible “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” without my consent after being incarcerated in a
“psychiatric” charlatanry gulag, examination which didn’t even formally take place between 27th May
2017 and 8th June 2017 exactly because of lack of my consent and cooperation, also mentioning that this
procedure is only unconstitutionally applicable against the suspects or the accused of homicide
according to article 184 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code which is actually written
by schizophrenics - the mafia’s “prosecutor” caporegimes, as proven by the incoherent juridical logic
present even in the same code that states in article 4 paragraph 2 regarding the presumption of
innocence that any doubt is to be interpreted in favor of the suspect and the accused, not to mention
my consent didn’t exist according to article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
the expertise can only be effectuated by force only if the suspect or accused has given his consent then
failed to present himself to the “psychiatric” charlatanry committee for “examination” according to
article 184 paragraph 4 from Romanian Penal Procedure Code, there was no legal and factual motivation
for the falsified mandated according to article 265 paragraphs 4-9 from the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code, there is no objectivization of the need of a complex examination which is impossible anyway
without the examinee’s consent and cooperation according to article 184 paragraph 5 from Romanian
Penal Procedure Code nor was the procedure respected meaning I was never formally asked whether I
refuse or not to be “psychiatrically” incarcerated as proven by the fact there is no such report that the
procedure was carried out when in fact it was skipped, which constitutes proof not giving my consent is
no to be interpreted that I refuse to be “psychiatrically” incarcerated since the law doesn’t make this
assumption which wouldn’t have existed otherwise, there is no objectivization of the so called legal
medicine or “psychiatric” charlatanry committee for “psychiatric” incarceration for an impossible
“examination” without my consent or cooperation, nor the “prosecutor’s” objectivization that the
“psychiatric” charlatanry committee’s proposal is legal and founded, nor were these documents ever
communicated to me according to the right to defend myself and principle of contradictoriality because
these documents are falsified, surely unmotivated factually and legally and clearly falsified, according to
article 184 paragraph 6 and 7 from Romanian Penal Procedure Code, nor was I subpoenaed before the
trial in 4909/231/2017 in 1st instance especially to prevent me from defending myself judicially and I was
illegally arrested instead by 9 mafia soldier “gendarmes” on 10th April 2017 and the decision
4909/231/2017 was falsified in the same day as I proven anyway in the contestation I’ve written
regardless of the mafia’s abuses because I learned how since I annulled the identical action
11224/231/2015 with which 4909/231/2017 is actually in a ne bis in idem relation because of being
accused in the same way - fictively, meaning no new accusations can be raised against me but the false
accusers should’ve been in jail which just proves they are part of the “magistrate” mafia which is in
control of the whole Romanian judiciary system, as I’ve notified all the legally competent institutions
regarding penal and disciplinary action and the mafia within them covered-up the reality of my petitions
through falsified responses or ignoring them. Finally no objectivization of the falsified decision in
4909/231/2017 existed according to article 184 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
nor were the motives for my “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration in the Focsani gulag was ever
communicated to me on 27th May 2017 because no such motives exist or could exist legally as I proven
in section A.II.1.3.1^7 according to article 184 paragraph 12 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code,
nor was the 3 days contestation judgment term respected as “judge” Neagu Rodica knows as he is the
one who broke this term in person in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, and so on and so forth, this entire
enumeration proving one thing, the huge amount of legal arguments that demonstrate the decision in
4909/231/2017 is null according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, of which
“judge” Neagu Rodica undoubtedly knew about therefore because "judge" Neagu Rodica knew the law,
knew the facts by being instigated by the mafia not just the content of the dossier meaning my plead in
which I proven how every relevant law was broken in 4909/231/2017, "judge" Neagu Rodica didn’t just
illegally delayed the trial in 1779/91/2017 as in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, but falsified the decision

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in 1779/91/2017 to cover up for the Crimes against humanity committed concertized by the Romanian
“state” mafia between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as I proven in section A.II.1.3.1^7, being thus
proven to know about the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and
8th June 2017 as proof of her murderous aforethought to support these “special procedures” that took
place exactly as how by breaking every relevant law, regulation and juridical logic, and absolutely
unjustified I've demonstrated punctually in section A. II. 1.3.1^7.(1-10) regarding the 7th Qualified
Murder attempt, Torture and Bodily Harm, when I've been illegally arrested by the mafia's secret police
from my law faculty exams on 27th May 2017, tied up at the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag to an operating
table and put in anaphylactic shock for 3 days through fluorine and chlorine injected poisoning without
treatment, then after I survived they forcefully chemically lobotomized me until 8th June 2017 under
threat of violence with other deadly fluorine and chlorine poisons. Furthermore in demonstration of
“judge” Neagu Rodica’s premeditation to illegally delay the trial in 1779/91/2017 which I’ve already
proven, I quote his hubris in Romanian from the falsified decision in 1779/91/2017: “... care procedura
speciala este de imediata aplicabilitate, chiar daca a promovat aceasta contestatie...”, meaning as
translated in English: “...special procedure which is of immediate applicability, even if has lodged this
contestation...”, through which in other words “judge” Neagu Rodica declares that against all relevant
law, regulations, juridical logic that groundlessly, being proven innocent meaning never indicted and
convicted of anything thus benefiting of the presumption of innocence, I must be an “object” of “special
procedures” consisting in being Illegally deprived of liberty then Tortured, Bodily Harmed and
Qualifiedly Murdered by being incarcerated in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag although being proven
mentally sane as in army incorporable, apt for work and superior studies, having work experience with
superior studies, as proven logically, having witnesses etc., then put in anaphylactic shock and
chemically lobotomized with deadly fluorine based neurotoxins for the purpose of state terrorism and
wrongful political repression in the Romanian “state” mafia’s interest to stop me from denouncing its
criminal activity, "judge" Neagu Rodica knowing as proof of her murderous aforethought exactly how by
breaking every relevant law, regulation and juridical logic, and absolutely unjustified as I've
demonstrated punctually in section A. II. 1.3.1^7.(1-10) regarding the 7th Qualified Murder attempt,
Torture and Bodily Harm, I've been arrested by the mafia's secret police from my law faculty exams on
27th May 2017, tied up at the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag to an operating table and put in anaphylactic
shock for 3 days through fluorine and chlorine injected poisoning without treatment, then after I
survived they forcefully chemically lobotomized me until 8th June 2017 under threat of violence with
other deadly fluorine and chlorine poisons. Furthermore, I thoroughly objectivized in my written plead
also attached as annex < to this ICC penal dossier, at section B^5 from page 21 through 11
demonstrations of how “judge” Croitoru Sandina Mariana falsified the decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd
instance, 11 demonstrations that the “judiciary bodies” and even the mafia appointed “lawyer” or mafia
associate who was supposed to defend my case in 1779/91/2017 of course lied they don’t exist . For
proving the hubris of the mafia member “judge” Neagu Rodica, I quote the particular passages uttered
by “judge” Neagu Rodica in Romanian: “...urmeaza a fi discutat decursul acestor proceduri ... petentul a
fost obiectul unei proceduri speciale ... ar fi fost interesant ca petentul sa vina in fata instantei pentru a fi
intrebat ce doreste in acest moment cand deja masura impotriva caruia dumnealui a declansat acest
demers a fost realizata” meaning as translated into English: “...it follows that the (special) procedures be
discussed (which are irrelevant to 1779/91/2017 who is about finding the falsified decisions in
4909/231/2017 are null, thus it’s proven to be entirely “judge” Neagu Rodica’s hubris to sadistically
delight in hearing the details in the Crimes against humanity he determined or instigated by
participating in 4909/231/2017 no less and demanding that I “prove I’m not the devil”) ... the claimant
has been the object of a special procedure (irrelevant to 1779/91/2017 and false, I’ve been Tortured,
Bodily Harmed and Qualified Murder has been attempted against me repeatedly and continuously)... it
would’ve been interesting (a real judge never acts of his own interest but only for justice’s interest which

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is the order of right) that the claimant comes before the instance to be asked what he wishes in this
moment when the measure against which he lodged this procedure was realized (irrelevant to
1779/91/2017 because it’s about finding 4909/231/2017 falsified decisions null and has nothing to do
with the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 who
obviously I couldn’t even know they would occur on 22nd may 2017 when I introduced the appeal in
annulment 1779/91/2017, therefore I couldn’t have complained about what happened in 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017 which proves the logical incoherence and occupational dysfunction of the thus proven
schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica according to DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanry manual of diagnosis
and statistics)”, meaning in conclusion all these passages demonstrate its entirely the proven
schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica’s hubris demonstrated by the fact these passages are irrelevant to
the judiciary process as there is no reason for me to claim in person that the falsified decisions in
4909/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance be annulled, after I claimed the same in writing under private
signature, therefore this means my presence was only required in order to fulfill a condition of the
schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica’s sadistic gratification, as directly demonstrated by this quote that:
“...it follows that the (special) procedures be discussed” although that Crimes against humanity have
been committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 has no relevance to the
1779/91/2017 dossier which refers and can only refer as proof to the falsified decisions from
4909/231/2017 that I requested to be found null according to articles 280-282 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code, as obviously I couldn’t have contested the Crimes against humanity that started on
27th May 2017 from 22nd May 2017 when I lodged 1779/91/2017, nor are Crimes against humanity
contestable, which proves the schizophrenia symptoms of logical incoherence and implicit occupational
dysfunction of “judge” Neagu Rodica. I mention at the time of the falsification of acts of procedure in
1779/91/2017 as “judge” Neagu Rodica knew and wanted to sadistically gratify himself in observing my
suffering, and animalistically justify and take pleasure in the absolute power to harm others by public
function abuse without repercussions, I was indeed suffering far worse than just from psychological
post-traumatic shock but foremost from physiological trauma caused by being put deliberately by the
“psychiatrist” torturers 3 days in continuous anaphylactic shock without treatment through daily deadly
neurotoxic fluorine and chlorine injections, and because afterwards up to 12 days of unjustified
“psychiatric” incarceration, from the 3rd day onwards I was forced under threat of violence to take other
deadly neurotoxic fluorine and chlorine poisons, and because I’ve been subjected to sleep deprivation
through both physical suffering caused by poisoning and placed in the same room with real
neurologically afflicted persons who were constantly yelling, day and night, physical Torture and Bodily
Harm coupled with the psychological trauma or torture of being constantly under the terror of being
locked up for a long time with mentally deranged persons and worst, at the disposal of the psychopathic
“psychiatrist” criminals and their animal assistants to harm me daily, “psychiatric” animals who were
daily physically abusing, poisoning and beating the inmates after immobilizing them and rendering them
mentally disabled from poisoning and suffering as I’ve witnessed personally speaking with a person of
rroma ethnicity who was perfectly logical until without reason the “psychiatrist” animal assistants
jumped him one evening, forcefully tied him up, poisoned him until he was foaming at the mouth and
was incoherent as I observed after the “psychiatric” animals left him tied up all night in agony mumbling
gibberish, and afterwards he became incoherent in the days that followed as expected from a
chemically lobotomized person. 5 of these “psychiatric” animals were waiting for me on 27th May 2017
as they were instigated by the Romanian “state” mafia, Tortured, Bodily Harmed and attempted to
Qualifiedly Murder me also by tying me up to an operating table, injecting me with deadly neurotoxic
fluorine and chlorine poisons and putting me in anaphylactic shock for 3 days without treatment
expecting me to die as I proven in sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2, “psychiatric” animals who had no
other reason to tie me up, poison me with injections, or to force me to take deadly fluorine and chlorine
neurotoxic poisons under threat of violence as proven by the fact I was never diagnosed, nor examined

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by a “psychiatrist” charlatan for a diagnosis to exist, nor the falsified “psychiatrist” charlatanry
documents against me contain diagnosis as proven by the simple fact all diagnosis must be correlated
and objectivized accordingly with the diagnosis from within the international manual of statistics and
diagnosis DSM-V, besides the fact all the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents against me who
are as of fact uncomunicated illegally so I don’t publish them and further prove the criminal activity of
the Romanian “state” mafia, are illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid as I’ve
demonstrated especially in section I.B.4. and section A of this ICC penal dossier primarely. At the time of
the falsification of acts of procedure in 1779/91/2017 I was barely able to perform intellectually and
today as I’m sure for the rest of my life I horrifically feel the amputated parts of my brain or being put in
a state what I call “the living death”, as I felt since the Crimes against humanity committed against me
in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 when I was covertly injected with the same deadly
fluorine neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone - risperidone’s metabolite, in my right elbow by an
unknown person who though I wouldn’t feel it, as I’ve proven it eventually as I’ve objectivized in
sections A.II.1.3.1^7 and A.I.1-2 using a blood test and the Romanian “state” mafia’s stupidity to indicate
to me which poison it used against me specifically aiding my research in this matter to conclude
objectively. From 2014 to 2017 my brain compensated by regaining a form of sensation instead of
where my feeling should be, making life bearable without the exercise of my will with which I defeated
the initial suicidal ideation forced upon me by amputation of all quality of life, then the Romanian
“state” mafia without a reason since the years that passed by have proven I represent no threat,
demonstrating instead the Romanian “state” mafia is Stalinist-paranoid, sent tens of mafia soldier
“masked police”, “police”, “secret police” and “gendarmes” to almost daily arrest me right before
Orthodox Easter 2017 falsifying all the acts of procedure psychotically believing it would constitute a
cover-up for the Crimes against humanity they planned to commit during Orthodox Easter 2017 in
Romanian totalitarian fashion, also mentioning they made my mother ill from Zoster Area through this
huge display of state terrorism of daily home breakings, even threatening my mother they will break
into her home until they capture me, abuse of force of the Romanian “state” mafia clearly
disproportionate and with no connection to the fictional accusations of disturbing the solemnity of the
courthouse meeting a year before meaning they contradicted themselves even by claiming there is an
emergency to commit such huge abuses one year later. After being chemically lobotomized again
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 for 12 days as opposed to one shock deadly poisoning in the
night between 5th and 6th December 2014, when I should be laughing I am not as before, and when I do
manage to actually laugh I am not feeling actually anything which is a sinister sensation, reality which
pertains whenever I attempt to enjoy music, watch a film, enjoy a video game, read a book, concentrate
on a task, be creative, be intellectual performant as before such as speed reading, speed memorizing,
speed decision making etc., and my mind and memory is severely disabled from the neurons and
synapses destroyed, taking a lot more time to perform anything of any nature, being able to survive on
brute logical will power with which I hold together what remains of the functional part of my brain. I
suffer from several biological dysfunctions, such as my right eye since the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014 is seeing smaller with aberrations in shape and luminosity as opposed to my left eye, my
parasympathetic system overreacts causing me to feel ill, and I manifest a lot of the symptoms reported
from fluorine poisoning such as anhedonia, sexually related dysfunction and notably a 6 Kg loss in
weight without any significant change in died meaning my metabolism was severely damaged, and a 2
cm loss in height meaning the stress caused by trauma, Torture and Bodily Harm through poisoning has
caused my body to self destruct through overexposure to cortisol - the stress hormone, but also because
of the effects of the deadly fluorine poison. There are a lot of side effects I do not journalize as I never
received any assistance from anyone until the present, not even counseling, such as a severe decrease in
my vocabulary, fluency of speech, I do not dream abstract at all anymore meaning my natural
intelligence has been destroyed as was my emotional intelligence entirely, I cannot engage in philosophy

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and art anymore and my ability to empathize has been severely reduced, in short being dehumanized, of
which I objectivized in section A is the status quo practice of government level terrorism organizations
such as the Romanian “state “mafia which commits on a regular basis political repression against the
general population. To this recount I add the fact that there is no way to prove I was even poisoned just
with the deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxins the “psychiatrist” torturers admit in the “psychiatric”
incarceration discharge papers, nor in the quantity they claim to have poisoned me with, because as I’ve
objectively proven they pervasively lie, withhold the evidence and callously commit needless crimes for
just sadistic gratification as typical to criminal psychopaths. I conclude on this large parenthesis
relevantly with the thus proven fact only a criminal psychopath such as “judge” Neagu Rodica could take
interest in “discussing” judicially irrelevant events to 1779/91/2017, meaning taking sadistic gratification
in observing the result of his instigated Crimes against humanity, and I take note that it is true, criminals
do “return” to the scene of their crimes one way or another. I also conclude on the parenthesis I made
with the fact that I was severely disabled from chemical lobotomization and suffering from constant
panic attacks even up to 1st September 2017 and for month to follow, date at which I learned the
Romanian “state” mafia issued it’s final solution of proposing that I be indefinitely to life incarcerated,
tortured and murdered as I’ve objectivized in annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, meaning as before it wasn’t enough for the
Romanian “state” mafia to needlessly commit Crimes against humanity against me in the night between
5th and 6th December 2014 to stop me from denouncing to no effect its criminal activity, then between
27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 committing again Crimes against humanity for the purpose of covering
up its previous Crimes against humanity against me, its Stalinist paranoia has driven the Romanian
“state” mafia to degenerate and lose all human inhibition and logic of maintaining the appearance of
legality and plausible deniability to operate in secret, and sentenced me without indiction and
conviction for the crimes and diagnosis of another person named Vasilache Daniel even, proving in the
process I was never indicted, convicted or diagnosed as I proven anyway I am innocent through annex
17, annex 18 and annex 19 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier regarding the proven fact I was never indicted or convicted for any penal
measure to be taken against me, and I proven myself mentally sane by demonstrating I am army
incorporable, superior studies in informatics, apt for work with superior studies and with ~5 years legal
experience in work with superior studies, undergoing further superior studies in law at the time I was
arrested from my law faculty, demonstrating medical and juridical discernment through use of logic as
this ICC penal dossier proves, having witnesses including from the Romanian “state” mafia’s
“psychiatrist” charlatans who failed to act in certain situations when they could’ve also falsified
documents but they didn’t because the Romanian “state” mafia didn’t order them to, etc. In conclusion
by demonstrating “judge” Neagu Rodica is also schizophrenic - logically incoherent and occupationally
dysfunctional, and sociopathic - a person who pervasively breaks the law and rights of other people,
justifying its existence by maintaining a sense of animal superiority through sacrificing the lives of others
for also achieving its illicit goals such as ingratiating himself with the Romanian “state” mafia, delayed
the trial without any juridical or conventional logic whatsoever which I hold in demonstration of proof
beyond any reasonable doubt in corroboration to the already made demonstration “judge” Neagu
Rodica delayed the trial in 1779/91/2017 illegally with proven aforethought as in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd
instance to allow my capture by the mafia soldiers to occur and Crimes against humanity be committed
against me by the mafia’s torturer associates, by which “judge” Neagu Rodica proved himself a
determinant factor or instigator for the Crimes against humanity committed against me. I mention as
proof that even the mentally alienated arguments of “judge” Neagu Rodica that the appeal in
annulment 1779/91/2017 through which I attacked the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 cannot be
judged because Crimes against humanity have been committed against me after I lodged dossier
1779/91/2017 with no connection to 4909/231/2017 whatsoever which is totally disconnected from any

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logic as to be expected from a schizophrenic such as “judge” Neagu Rodica, the fact that according to
articles 538-542 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, after the legally predictable annulment of
the falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance, I would’ve been entitled according to the
Romanian legislation to demand reparations, which is a further reason for “judge” Neagu Rodica to
falsify the decision in 1779/91/2017 to cover-up the crimes of the Romanian “state” mafia. “judge”
Neagu Rodica also lies in the falsified decision in 1779/91/2017 there is a diagnostic which is also
irrelevant and which as before I declare knowing the consequences of committing the felony of giving
False declarations, that not only there isn’t a “psychiatric” charlatanry diagnosis against me in my entire
life, but I was never “examined” by a “psychiatrist” charlatan in my entire life to be diagnosed, except
perhaps during the army testing after which I’ve been declared army incorporable meaning
psychiatrically sane which I also proven through annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. I hold this lie as evidence of “judge” Neagu
Rodica schizophrenia. “judge” Neagu Rodica also lies hallucinating I claimed in the penal matter
1779/91/2017 the civil matter request of re-establishing the order of right through reverting the legal
matters to the previous situation, which I haven’t reminding I demanded the finding of the falsified
decisions in 4909/231/2017 null only, and the judge obviously is not able to address that which has not
been demanded by the parties involved in the trial, which is established not only through the laws of the
judicial syllogism, but through judicial logic as well where nobody can manifest will instead of another
except if mandated to do so, and obviously the judge can’t be mandated by me because he is either
impartial else he is not a judge. This lie I also hold as evidence of “judge” Neagu Rodica schizophrenia.
“judge” Neagu Rodica’s schizophrenia reaches it’s apogee of delirium as I quote from the falsified
decision in 1779/91/2017 in Romanian: “...in situatia in care este o persoana care necesita internare si
tratament si supraveghere, care ar fi consecintele admiterii unei contestatii in anulare. Cum poate fi pus
in situatia anterioara pe un bolnav psihic” meaning as translated in English along with the orthographic
errors as well demonstrating these as all mafia members are troglodyte peasants: “...in the situation in
which is a person that necessitates internment and treatment and surveillance, which would be the
consequences of admissal of an appeal in annulment. How can a mentally ill be put in a previous
situation”, because I remind the object of the attacked falsified decisions in 4909/231/2017 is
“interment for examination”, which in actuality had nothing to do with treatment and surveillance but
with “psychiatric” incarceration since I wasn’t interned in a hospital but a prison or better said gulag
with bars where I was Tortured, Bodily Harmed and attempts at Qualified Murder have been made
against me, as in a gulag and not in a hospital Crimes against humanity are perpetrated. Furthermore I
wasn’t “examined” by a “psychiatrist” charlatan being impossible since I haven’t given my consent nor
cooperated. In conclusion it’s futile to further analyze and demonstrate the logical incoherence and
occupational dysfunction of “judge” Neagu Rodica who clearly demonstrated that hallucinates reaching
again an illogical conclusion that is hubris, as sociopaths despise and mock their victims as proven by the
last part of the quote which represents the conclusion of the antisocial schizophrenic delirium of “judge”
Neagu Rodica: “How can a mentally ill be put in a previous situation”, and the logical incoherence
although obvious, by judicial obligation of the actor incumbit probatio principle I need to indicate being
the fact that if I was mentally ill, even more described by the Romanian “state” mafia as irresponsible,
without discernment, violent and a public danger, I wouldn’t have been as proven army incorporable, a
bachelor of informatics with ~5 years experience in legal work and ~5 legal medicine certificates of
mental sanity, a student in law again certified for mental sanity, proven logically mentally sane, having
witnesses including from the Romanian “state “mafia members that I’m mentally sane etc., and
furthermore I would’ve been diagnosed as mentally ill which I was never.

I.B.5.2. Finally, I am proving the exact, necessarily and sufficient manner in which the decision in
1779/91/2017 was falsified meaning declared inadmissible illegally, that proves the complicity of

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“judge” Neagu Rodica to the Crimes against humanity committed against me between 27th May 2017
and 8th June 2017. First I’m mentioning that for the rejection of my appeal in contestation as
inadmissible in principle only the legality of my request was to be analyzed and not whether is founded
or not but just if I presented a plead and proofs, point at which I also declare in short knowing the
consequences of giving False declarations that my plead was correct as always and since the Romanian
“state” mafia occupies the whole judiciary system nobody convicts the criminal “magistrates” therefore
there wasn’t even a need for the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica to make up further lies which I will
later use against him, or re-enumerate the lies made up by other “judicial bodies” in the penal dossiers
and psychiatric actions they falsified against me proven by the fact I was never indicted, convicted and
diagnosed as proven by annex 17, annex 18, annex 19 and annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request
for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing the proofs I was never
indicted and convicted being therefore innocent as I proven myself anyway as starting from this
presumption and demonstration of innocence I proven all the psychiatric charlatanry documents against
me groundless and falsified then went beyond and proven them illegal, self-contradictory and
syllogistically invalid proving in the process the “magistrates” and “psychiatrist” charlatans who invented
them are in fact schizophrenic using their displayed symptoms of logical incoherence and occupational
dysfunction according to DSM-V manual of diagnosis and statistics.

I.B.5.3.For the purpose of proving the decision in 1779/91/2017 is falsified I’m quoting in
Romanian the fact the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica lied making a falsehood the reasoning
standing behind the falsified decision that my appeal in annulment is inadmissible: “...potrivit
dispozitiilor art.426 C.p.p. se poate face “contestatie in anulare” numai impotriva hotararilor penale si
care au ramas definitive, adica la finalizarea unui parcurs judiciar reglementat prin dispozitiile art. 3 pct.
1 lit.a-d C.p.p.” meaning as translated into English: “...according to the dispositions of article 426 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code it can be made an “appeal in annullment” only against penal
decisions which remained definitive, meaning at the finalization of a judiciary process reglemented by
dispositions of article 3 point 1 letters a-d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code”, the lies consisting
in that firstly, the falsified attacked decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance is a penal decision
according to article 370 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code as I’ve indicated in my appeal in
annulment 1779/91/2017 so that any schizophrenic judge could have not even the judicial inadmissible
excuse he didn’t know the law, then secondly the penal decisions that remain definitive have nothing to
do with article 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code but with article 551 from the Romanian
Penal Procedure Code. The irrelevant invocation of article 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code is
another proof by the Romanian “state” mafia member “judge” Neagu Rodica that I was never indicted
or convicted; therefore articles 38 and 109 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding the non-
punishment clause of irresponsibility and so called security measure of medical treatment which is
ridiculous since there is no such thing as medical treatment for irresponsibility as I’ve explicitly
demonstrated in section I.B.4, can’t be invoked against me because they refer to convicts. Furthermore
I’ve presented no less than 10 jurisprudential proofs in my appeal in annulment that any definitive penal
decision is attackable through contestation in annulment, which I demonstrate by attaching my appeal
in annulment against the falsified decision in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance as annex <.

I.B.5.4. For the purpose of proving the decision in 1779/91/2017 is falsified I’m quoting in
Romanian the fact the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica lied making a falsehood the reasoning
standing behind the falsified decision that my appeal in annulment is inadmissible: “Textul insusi al
articolului 426 alin.1 lit. a-i C.p.p. conditioneaza promovarea “Contestatiei in anulare” de stadiul cauzei -
dupa judecarea in apel si nicidecum intr-o faza pentru care Judecatorul de drepturi si libertati se
pronunta prin “Incheiere””, meaning as translated into English: “The text itself of article 426 alignment 1

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letters a-i from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code conditions the promotion of “appeal in annulment”
from the stage of the cause - after the judgment in appeal and not in a faze for which the Judge of rights
and liberties pronounces himself through “Closing””, because according to article 426 paragraph 1 letter
d, the appeal in annulment is allowed for any case of a judge’s incompatibility regardless of the type of
decision attacked, as proven anyway through the judicial doctrine and actual jurisprudence invoked on
the basis of the principle of unitary application of law according to the article 124 from the Romanian
Constitution, as proven by the very text of the law in Romanian which provides two conditions
separated by the disjunction “OR” not the conjunction “AND” as it was before the crooked ex-minister
of justice Pruna Raluca for the illicit interests of the Romanian “state” mafia attempted to create
confusion: “când instanţa de apel nu a fost compusă potrivit legii ori a existat un caz de
incompatibilitate” meaning as translated in English: “when the appeal instance was not composed
according to the law, or existed a case of incompatibility”, correct and only interpretation which not
only is supported by doctrine and jurisprudence, but according to article 4 paragraph 2 from
Romanian Law 303/2004 regarding the statute of magistrates, when the law doesn’t provide, the
judge is obligated to judge not to refuse to judge, and there isn’t an interdiction against making a
contestation in annulment in the law against any definitive penal decision but in fact there is a
provision allowing it as I demonstrated, therefore even if the law doesn’t provide which it does, the
judge is obligated to judge either way not to refuse to judge, therefore “judge” Neagu Rodica by
lying and refusing to judge is accomplice to Crimes against humanity which she also instigated by
delaying the trial 1779/91/2017 illegally. The Romanian “state” mafia made huge efforts starting
with a falsified supreme court order to destroy all ways of attack against the most often abused
penal acts by the mafia’s “judicial bodies” so they easily thwart any attempt of the victims to obtain
justice only it doesn’t work against me because I know the law and juridical logic also, and the
reason I’m using the appeal in contestation all the time ad infinitum is exactly the fact all Romanian
“judges” falsify the decisions every time, allowing me to invoke the incompatibility case regarding
lack of impartiality according to article 426 paragraph 1 letter d and article 64 paragraph 1 letter f
proven objectively through the fact any judge to breaks the law is partial because the only warrant
of any judge’s impartiality is his exclusive obedience to the law according to article 124 paragraph 3
from the Romanian Constitution. The fact all “judges” falsify all decisions is the red string through
which I trace the mafia’s corruption all the way to the top and throughout the country, hierarchically
and laterally. I also make a side note about the crooked ex-minister of justice Pruna Raluca, who is a
close friend of Monica Macovei, who is controlled notoriously by the billionaire George Soros who
has been declared persona non grata in the Russian Federation for his pervasive illicit activity for
undermining the sovereignty of nations, including poisoning the Russian people by water
fluoridization, and this is just one of the illicit foreign interests that destroys Romanian justice and
with it the Romanian life style, sovereignty and people - over 3 million Romanian economic
refugees because of the cold war between the Romanian “state” mafia descended from the
“communist” nomenclature raised from the analphabet and immoral peasants raised by U.S.S.R.
after W.W.II in public function, and the Romanian working class. Another foreign interest is that of
the U.S.A. made manifest through C.I.A., proven notoriously by the mafia defector Sebastian Ghita
who declared the regional CIA chief in the Balkans meets regularly at Romanian “state” mafia’s
“secret information services” protocol villas with the national anticorruption chief Laura Codruta
Kovesi who has no business to ever meet with secret servicemen national or foreign, and for who
reputation propaganda was even made from the notoriously George Soros’s television ARTE, no
prosecutor needing any publicity for honesty evidently because it’s not as notoriously known, and
so on and so forth.

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I.B.5.5. For the purpose of proving the decision in 1779/91/2017 is falsified I’m quoting in
Romanian the fact the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica lied making a falsehood the reasoning
standing behind the falsified decision that my appeal in annulment is inadmissible: “indiferent de
motivatia petentului ... motivatia indicata nu se poate circumscrie in concret niciuneia dintre conditiile
imperative prevazute de art.426 C.p.p. iar instanta nu poate avea alta optiune decat cea conditionata de
dispozitiile art.426 C.p.p.”, meaning as translated into English: “indifferently of the motivation of the
claimant ... the indicated motivation does not belong to neither of the imperative conditions foreseen by
article 426 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and the instance cannot have other option than
that conditioned by the dispositions of article 426 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code”, because
the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica declares foolishly it ignores my motivation - “indifferently of the
motivation of the claimant”, then lies I have invoked none of the conditions foreseen by article 426 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, which is the second condition contained in article 426 paragraph 1
letter d, when there was a case of incompatibility, then lies again that the instance can only obey article
426 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code which is untrue because as I’ve demonstrated even when
the law doesn’t provide, the judge is not allowed to refuse to judge but is obligated to judge as justice is
not about denial of justice evidently, according to article 4 paragraph 2 from Romanian Law 303/2004
regarding the statute of magistrates

I.B.5.6. In conclusion as shown in the last 3 paragraphs the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica
falsified the decision in 1779/91/2017, then goes on attempting again to cover-up the fact he delayed
the trial in 1779/91/2017 on purpose to allow the Romanian “state” mafia to capture me and commit
Crimes against humanity against me, as it tried in 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance before, reason for
which he was incompatible according to article 64 paragraph 3 and 4 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code to address dossier 1779/91/2017 anyway, being evident from the public history of
dossier 1779/91/2017 that it was stolen from the random distribution system of dossier, assigned to the
schizophrenic “judge” Croitoru Mariana Sandina who was obviously incompatible for falsifying the
attacked decision from 4909/231/2017 in 2nd instance, then by abusing and breaking regulations
hallucinating that any number of illegal convolutions can hide their crimes, the Romanian “state” mafia
assigned the dossier to the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica. The concrete proof that the
schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica goes on attempting again to cover-up the fact he delayed the trial
in 1779/91/2017 on purpose to allow the Romanian “state” mafia to capture me and commit Crimes
against humanity against me, is as I quote in Romanian his own words: “Mai observa tribunalul ca pana
la solutionarea “Contestatiei” s-a realizat expertizarea medico-legala a contestatorului ori tocmai
aceasta a facut obiectul nemultumirii contestatorului care a solicitat infirmarea masurii”, meaning as
translated in English: “Furthermore the tribunal observes that until the solving of the “Contestation” it
was realized the legal medicine expertise of the contester or this is the reason of the object of the
malcontent of the contester that solicited the annulment of the measure”, which is a lie because first of
all no legal medicine expertise was performed on me since the Crimes against humanity committed
against me in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, legal medicine expertise which I demanded
and was refused on 8th December 2014 being offered a superficial falsified expertise instead of being
sent to the proper medical specialties to which eventually I went guided by my suffering and after I
obtained a number of diagnostics, as proof the “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia
refused to make a real expertise report declaring the MRI reports and all the diagnostics from

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radiologists, neurologists and neurosurgeons falsified although I have second opinions for each kind, for
which I opened a penal dossier also against the “legal medics” which of course was covered up through
falsified ordnances by the Romanian “state” mafia while simultaneously committing state terrorism
against me and my family and falsifying the proposals in 11224/231/2015 and 14277/231/2015 that I be
“psychiatrically” incarcerated and chemically lobotomized meaning that Crimes against humanity be
committed against me as were committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 as I’ve objectivized
in section A. Second of all I have not contested any legal medicine expertize because no legal medicine
expertize was performed as I declared before fully aware of the consequences of committing the felony
of False declarations, and as proof no expertise report was ever communicated to me or in dossier
12718/231/2017 where my mother who I delegated to look in my stead could find, although my mother
even went to the legal medicine service institutions and was refused the communication of this fictive
expertise report because it is falsified, clandestine and was ordered by the clandestine Romanian “state”
mafia who controls there “state services”, although the communication of this expertise report if it
exists is obligatory according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from the Romanian
Law 487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law 487/2002,
and article 566 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, but the problem is not that the expertise
report doesn’t exist, but the fact it cannot exist because it can’t be legally made in my absence according
to article 10 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, without my consent according to article 10 from the
Romanian Law 487/2002, breaking the law regarding the fact it can only be made although
unconstitutionally in penal matters against the suspect or accused of homicide according to article 184
paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and so on and so forth as demonstrated fully in
section I.B.4. no “psychiatric” charlatanry document against me can be legal and as a matter of fact they
are all illegal, groundless, self-contradictory and syllogistically invalid as I concretely demonstrated using
annex 4, annex 16 and annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, therefore I prove beyond any reasonable doubt the schizophrenic
“judge” Neagu Rodica lied in this too. Behind these lies however stands the fact the schizophrenic
“judge” Neagu Rodica illegally and groundlessly delayed the trial to allow Crimes against humanity to be
committed against me, and this is the reason behind the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica’s foolish
lies who feels compelled to cover exactly this fact up

I.B.5.7. "prosecutor" Barsan Victoria instigated that the sentence in 1779/91/2017 be falsified
without motivating in fact and by the law its falsified plead, nor invoking any kind of proof. I already
have many penal dossiers opened against Barsan Victoria who was never acquitted in any of them
therefore her only compatibility is with prison time for her felonies and collaboration with the mafia as
I've demonstrated, not falsifying acts of procedure in falsified dossiers against me, which just proves the
Romanian "state" mafia carelessness brought by self assuredness nobody can convict them for this
I.B.5.7.1. Because the aberrations “prosecutor” Barsan Victoria are the same as those retained
by the schizophrenic “judge” Neagu Rodica, I also indicate the same plead above demonstrating thus
that prosecutor” Barsan Victoria is also schizophrenic as using the same symptoms of incoherence and
intrinsically occupational dysfunction. Furthermore “prosecutor” Barsan Victoria is clearly at enmity with
me since the year 2008 or so when instigated by a corrupt policeman's relatives because I was
repeatedly denouncing them for making scandal in the apartment building for years, “prosecutor”

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Barsan Victoria picked the false denounciation claim the corrupt policeman’s relative made illegally
because false denounciation claims can only be made when making false penal denounciations, not
complaining for them to be fined, and I mention the corrupt policeman's relatives were sanctioned for
making a scandal with at laest one fine to my knowledge, about which their attitude was that ~“they will
make an even bigger scandal”. Obviously "prosecutor" Barsan Victoria clearly being schizophrenic as
proven in this ICC penal dossier regarding the instigation for cover-up of Crimes against humanity in
1779/91/2017, falsified that penal dossier against me obviously because was instigated and hoping to
ingratiate herself within the organized criminal group she is part of by committing mafia honor crimes,
as proven by the other felonies she committed basically selling all my rights out for mafia honor and
favor, for which she is pervasively abusing public function which by definition constitutes sociopathy -
when a person pervasively breaks the law and rights of other people sacrificing their lives to achieve an
illicit purpose. In that penal dossier I wasn’t indicted and convicted obviously as in any the Romanian
“state” mafia ever falsified against me

I.B.5.8. My mafia appointed state "lawyer" Lupu Cosmin pleaded against my plead, against the
law, against my fundamental rights, against juridical logic, against facts and invoked proofs and facts
that don't exist but never presented them obviously because they don't exist, as he was instigated by
the "magistrate" mafia to do. I mention I already have a penal dossier against half a dozen of these
crooked lawyers which proves statistically the whole lawyer bar association is corrupt because it has a
disciplinary committee which I've notified and refused to do its job, instigated by the very president of
the bar association. The union of Romanian bar association is also corrupt, proven in exactly the same
way, as I've proven every branch of the Romanian state is the Romanian mafia
I.B.5.8.1. My mafia appointed state "lawyer" Lupu Cosmin lied that ~“the motives (of the appeal
in annulment) cannot be identified easily” and that ~”he cannot solicit the admissal of the appeal in
annulment because the judge wasn’t clarified regarding the reasons of the appeal in annulment, nor was
he”, unless he is severely retarded case in which he has no business representing other people nor
himself and he shouldn’t have been able to graduate 4th grade which is implausible he made it in front of
the instance pleading against me as my mafia appointed “state” lawyer, therefore Lupu Cosmin lies. As
proof “the motives” of the appeal in annulment can be easily identified I indicate my appeal in
annulment itself attached as annex <, from which I indicate that “the motives” are on the first page,
namely the law, quoted even - nothing is easier to identify for a professional law practitioner than the
law itself, therefore my mafia appointed state "lawyer" Lupu Cosmin lied and committed the felony of
Unloyal assistance or representancy. Besides I’ve filed perhaps over a hundred of these appeals in
annulment always based on the same reason, the fact all Romanian “judges” break the law pervasively
and falsify all decisions, and I don’t remember anyone else lying that he doesn’t understand “the
I.B.5.8.2. My mafia appointed state "lawyer" Lupu Cosmin lied that ~”because the claimant is
missing and the claim is not really sustained and the claimant refuses to sustain the claim and motivate
the claim, will leave to the instance the appreciation of its legality”. This lawyer is clearly an idiot
declaring he refuses to represent his client because the client is missing, because that’s the whole point
of a contract of representancy, that the client doesn’t go to court but the lawyers go instead, through
which he admits he commits the felony of Unloyal assistance and representancy. Of course working for

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the Romanian “state” mafia to usurp my rights "lawyer" Lupu Cosmin lies that the petition is not
“sustained” which is his job to do by at least reading my claim if he does not know how to perform as a
lawyer, for which I really didn’t need him since the instance is obligated to read my petition regardless,
and my petition attached as annex < to this ICC penal dossier is motivated as proven by its section I.B^5,
section which is in discussion only after the admissal in principle, being irrelevant to be mentioned
<add more proofs of the corruption of this mafia appointed “state” lawyer if time permits

<I.B.6 see annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier
<see paragraph I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier about the borken laws by the “psychiatrist” torturers
<see paragraph IV.5 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier about my suffering as a result of “psychiatric” torture
Barbarosie Carmen, uttered to my mother the same abberations instigated by Dita Mirela,

tried to convince me there is nothing on my MRI contradicting herself with 2 neurologists and 2
neurosurgeons as well as with the 2 MRIs themselves

committed Crimes against humanity against me through deadly fluorine and chlorine poisoning using
exactly risperidone or paliperidone as I was covertly injected with in the night betwen 5th and 6th
December 2014

deliberately refused to also prescribe an antidepressant which the “psychaitry” charlatnary recommends
as the chemical lobotomy through deadly fluorine poisoning causes, as well as the chlorine poisoning
exacerbates the symptoms of chemical lobotomy

broke every law possible, norms, regulations, deontology and logic

named herself curator and refused to close the conventional representant contract with my mother

<see plead from plead.txt, adapt

<lies with which “judge” Dita Mirela instigated two years later the torturer “psychiatrist”
Barbarosie Carmen who committed Crimes against humanity against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th
June 2017 as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, and who uttered the exact lies
of”judge” Dita Mirela to my mother not me, as my mother told me that the “psychiatrist” torturer
Barbarosie Carmen told her that ~”I blocked the activity of the courthouse” meaning in 2014, which is
impossible to achieve by suing even every “judge” of the courthouse, case in which the courthosue is

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legally obligated to send the dossier to the appeal court to choose another courthouse in its territorial
jurisdiction, respectivelly suing even one judge from a courthouse is grounds for moving the dossier to
another courthouse which I requested many times and was illegally denied each time by the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes because it’s each mafia territorial gang with its own criminal activity as I’ve
theorized from the beginning of my human rights defender activity, and as objectively proven by the fact
there’s at least a dossier in the Galati county courthouse where all mafia “judge” caporegimes refused
simultaneously and illegaly to judge as proven by the Galati county tribunal decision which annulled the
Galati county courthouse illegal “collective” decision to refuse to judge which is unheaerd of to my
knowledge, proofs which can be observed by searching the sites of these courts of law by my name.
Furthermore the lies carried on in secret by the “psychiatrist” torturer Barbarosie Carmen as instigated
by the schizophrenic “judge” Dita Mirela, have nothing to do with the penal dossiers 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 out of which the falsified pretext and cover-up story for Crimes against
humanity falsified sentences from 4909/231/2017 were issued, which regarded my “psychiatric”
charlatanry incarceration of an impossible “examination” without my consent and cooperation, not my
chemical lobotomization, aforementioned penal dossiers containing just as ridiculous false accusations
of disturbing the quietness of the courthouse meeting by listening on audiobooks on earphones waiting
for my complaint to be called out for public debate, and no less than while doing the same thing for an
hour and a half in the same courthouse meeting without being falsely accused as further proof of the
schizophrenic mafia frame-up in the falsified penal dossier 2845/P/2016, or the ridiculous false
accusation of saying obscene words and making obscene gestures which the accusers in their false
declaration admit they never heard or saw as not corroborated by their mentally alienated false
witnesses and mafia “gendarme” soldiers Butuc Emanuel and Lepadatu Toni, and mafia “special
Minister of Interior Affairs agent” Crintea Valerica who was in the Focsani courthouse especially to serve
as a false witness, and admitted in his false declaration he is a mafia “special Minister of Interior Affairs
agent”, accusing me as a witness as proof of his mental alienation, of being arrogant because another
mafia “gendarme” soldier called me in another courtroom where I had another dossier in trial against
the prosecutor falsified acts of procedure, which is another proof of his mental alienation just as the
mafia “gendarme” soldiers proved trying to accuse me of things unrelated to the accusations as
witnesses only proving they were instigated by the mafia to lie instead of admitting on 18th May 2016
the mafia attempted to concertize a frame-up and when it failed it falsified penal dossier 2845/P/2016
anyway against me as proof of its supreme confidence which demonstrates the mafia is aware it
controls the “state” in Romania. Respectivelly I’ve been ridiculously accussed on 24th June 2016 that
pleading legally in defense of my rights is disturbing the solemnity of the courthouse meeting for the
mafia to falsify penal dossiers 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 against me, as summarily demonstrated in
annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, and fully demontrated in sections I.B.15 and I.B.16, meaning in conclusion that
the “psychiatrist “torturer Barbarosie Carmen was fully aware of all the falsified penal dossiers against
me thus instigated by the mafia to Qualifiedly Murder me and incidentally Torture and gravely Bodily
Harm me through chemical lobotomization, felonies which constitute Crimes against humanity>

<The fact I stopped the abuse is not owed as much by my protest but to the torturer
“psychiatrist” charlatan Florea Gabriela’s typical criminal avoidance of the crime scene to which he was

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not a direct accomplice and intrinsic instigator being present, proven by the fact the torturer
“psychiatrist” charlatan Florea Gabriela being chief of the Focsani “psychiatrist” gulag where not only
dissidents and human rights defenders against the mafia are politically repressed through chemical
lobotomization and “chemotheraphy”, but illegal experiments are performed as the schizophrenic
“psychiatrist” charlatans even admitted in the press that the Ministry of Health gave them permission to
break the law which is evidently impossible because in a state of right logically everyone is obligated to
respect the law, not to break it, or, there isn’t law for the ruled and no law for the ruling class which is
by definition is totalitarianism where the ruling minority is infringing on the rights of the majority,
“authorized” me being put in anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days through daily deadly fluorine and
chlorine based neurotoxic poisoning without treatment and expected to die, then after surviving
“authorized” me being chemically lobotomized and put in “chemotheraphy” through other deadly
fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxins breaking all relevant law, regulation, norm, deontology and
logic, and naming “curator” the other torturer “psychiatrist” charlatan named Barbarosie Carmen who
cosigned the falsified “pscyhiatric” charlatanry incarceration discharge papers for conformity meaning
who are accomplice and instigators to the whole 7th Crimes against humanity committed against me
between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017

<I.B.7 see annex 12 annex 13 and annex 14 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

<I.B.8 refused to give mandate, names, report the falsified mandate, threatened my mother
who fell ill of Zoster Area

<I.B.9 see annex 12 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier

<see sections I.B.4.22.1^1-11 which I should repeat here and summarize in annex 12 of my Rule
39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier if I didn’t
cover them all already

<I.B.10 see annex 11 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex
1 to this ICC penal dossier

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<I.B.11 See annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, regarding the Romanian Constitutional Court notification from
12718/231/2017 plead which is similar to the one the Romanian Constitutional Court decided against
from 14277/231/2015 abolishing the presumption of innocence also reminding the dossier
12718/231/2017 in which I invoked again the unconstitutionality of security measures, especially
chemical lobotomization of innocents, is in ne bis in idem with 14277/231/2015 for the indentically
fictive accusations against me from which the mafia falsely infered or hallucinated that I’m irresponsible,
lacking discernment, violent and a public danger, while in the actual notification I just invoked the
infringement of the presumption of innocence and in the motivation the infringement of the
fundamental right to life, body and psychic integrity.
The mafia “jucial bodies” from the Romanian Constitutional Court, the mafia controlled
Romananian Government and the Romanian mafia controlled “people’s lawyer”, in order to cover-up
the Romanian “state” mafia criminal activity of conducting illegal human experiments for illicit profit
from the pharmaceutical mafia including by sentencing to chemical lobotomization innocents, and
otherwise protecting the “psychiatry” charlatanry while it chemically lobotomizes institutionalized
children, homeless, members of Rroma minority, youngsters, elders, peasants etc. meaning anyone
mentally alienated from reality enough to not recognize “psychiatry” is charlatanry, and anyone unable
to defend himself, lacking the means or the influence to be defended by others, or put outside the
protection of the law by the Romanian “state” mafia such as dissidents and human rights defenders,
broke the judicial syllogism laws and addressed issues that have not been requested by me <its
possible the court its still abilitated, I don’t have time and internet to research, however I remember
clearly the judicial logic has been respected before by the court meaning it only addressed the requests
and nothing else> such as whether penal security measures taken against innocents infringe on the right
to an equitable trial and the principle of legality which are interdependant and which they do, but the
mafia lied they don’t, not demonstrating of course because it’s impossible to justify breaking the law
and logic, just lying poorly as I demonstrate below demonstrating they are schizophrenics and
sociopaths - logically incoherent, occupationally disfunctional, failing to recorgnize what’s real,
respectivelly breaking the law and other people’s right and sacrificing their lives to fulfill their petty illicit
interests. Furthermore the Romanian Constitutional Court is obligated to analyse the constitutionality of
all laws about to be passed, and the Romanian Penal Procedure Code is very recently passed a few years
ago, and because the Romanian Constitutional Court did not invoke its previous reasoning for allowing
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code to be passed, it doesn’t just mean the Romanian Constitutional
Court did not do its duty but did so with malice aforethought protecting the unconstitutional articles I
reported regarding security measures being opposed innocents which is not just unconstitutional but
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code contradicts with itself and the Romanian Penal Code, while the
mafia’s desperation to cover-up this reality demontrate the falsification of the Romanian Penal
Procedure code is a result of the conspiracy within the mafia originating especially from what
notoriously is known in Romanian as “the prosecutor republic” who wrote these aberrations to serve
themselves as a superficial (lies always are superficial) pretext and cover-up story to commit Crimes
against humanity incidentally as illegal human experimentation for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical
mafia, or purposely for eliminating dissidents and human rights defenders opposing the mafia

Page 472 of 501

<demonstration of the falsification of the decision in short: paragraph 23 from annex 4 of this
ICC penal complaint is in contradiction with paragraph 22 as shortest demonstratino, meangin the mafia
“magistrate” caporegimes first in paragraph 22 declare that the “psychiatry” charlatanry security
measure is a penal measure that can only be applied on a person proved to have committed a felony,
then in paragraph 23 infer aberrantly that the “psychiatry” charlatanry security measure disposed as a
penal measure is not a penal measure and can be applied on any person regardless whether there is a
deed from which it can be inferred a diagnosis or conviction, and especially regardless whether a deed is
proven judicially to exist and that it constitutes a felony and that a person committed it which absolutely
contradicts the presumption of innocence. The fact the Romanian “state” mafia doesn’t respect the
presumption of innocence is nothing new as the mafia respects no law but the mafia’s unspoken rules
such as omerta - the law of silence, however not even that always as proven by the notorious mafia
defector Sebastian Ghita who unconspired the fact CIA is directing the political police in Romania
through Kovesi at least, meaning the mafia didn’t in practice abolish the presumption of innocence
because it never respected it as all law, but only in theory “interpreted” the law to its opposite meaning
demonstrating the mafia members are schizophrenic for believing they could pass such a thing
unobserved especially by me

< (Beyond illegallity and groundlessness of the falsified decision demonstrated, I’m also proving
the syllogistical invalidity) in other words the universal syllogism laws that state the inferrence space
must coincide with the premise space meaning if a term in the inferrence doesn’t exist in the premises,
the syllogism in invalid. In other words the universal syllogism laws protects the logical consistency as
where there is no inferrence which by its definition meaning a conclusion drawn from one or two
premises, there is no logic, and where there’s no logic, there’s no science because all science is verified
by the fundamental principle of logic or consistency, meaning the continuous observation that an event
in identical circumstances remains the same even which is the logical universal principle of identity and
the basis of the scientific method - where an experiment always yields the same result, that is called an
objective fact and the scientific truth. In juridical logic, a person cannot be declared guilty, or mentally
ill, because that’s not a logical or scientific inferrence, is a proposition without proof which is why in
divine right there’s the rule that the absolute monarch can say no wrong which exists exactly because
the monarch is often wrong and that constitutes an acknowledgement of the fact therefore in real
ethical justice, the universal syllogism structure of the juridical act is the fundamental law above the
principles of legality and of finding out the truth which simply state every juridical act is an infference
from a particular factual premise correlated with an universal law premise

<I remind that the judicial logic I’m aware of that nobody can be obligated to a security measure
if it has not been proven to have committed a felony, and that it has not been proven to be a recidivist,
has been exactly used already in decision 907/307/2010 of which I spoke in annex 20 of my Rule 39
ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier representing my
plead in 12718/231/2017, 907/307/2010 being about the notorious Ivascu case wheren a member of
the Rroma minority has been incarcerated and chemically lobotomized for hundreds of days with
falsified documents based on an obviously false charge that lodging a penal complaint is threatening to
the felons, just as in my case the principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela declared in 15730/231/2014

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that suing, loding penal and discimplinary complaints against him is grounds for incarceration and
chemical lobotomization

<In short the mafia declared it can incarcerate and chemically lobotomize anyone it wants

<Furthermore this falsified constitutional court decision contradicts with article 14 paragraph 2
from the Romanian Mental Health Law 487/2002 that no past diagnosis can be grounds for a future or
past diagnosis, because the law doesn’t include this condition requiring the law practitioner to know of
its existance when the law must be explicit and not require the people to have formal juridical studies
which the mafia “state” doesn’t conduct ex officio to keep the population ignorant of their rights and
concomittantly hide the fact it controls the judicial system which becomes clear when anyone as I did
petitions it and is made a mockery of all his rights and furthermore committed Crimes against humanity
against for denouncing the mafia. Finally I’ve proven that “psychaitric” charlatanry documents have
been falsified in my absence on 23rd November 2015 as proven in annex 4 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, and on 8th or 9th December
2014, and on 6th April 2017, and on 8th June 2017, which don’t appear in any dossier because they are
hidden the mafia believing it can thwart my investigation when in actuality it helped it just like the
Crimes agianst humanity it committed twice and attempted six times against me alone abilitated me to
demand their conviction at ICC. As proof the criminals are distancing themselves instinctivelly as typical
from the 7th Crimes against humanity they committed between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, in
12718/231/2017 in 1st and 2nd instance it’s not referenced the inexistand “psychiatric” charlatanry
documents from 8th June 2017 which was the whole point of the falsified dossier 4909/231/2017 which
the mafia believed it served as a cover-up story but more as an actual pretext in which also the falsified
“psychaitric” documents from 6th April 2017 don’t appear, and for which this constitutional court
decision has been falsified at the instigation of Livia Stanciu because I’ve sued her and lodged penal
complainst against her since the Crimes against humanity began in 2014, at first just for refusing to
initiate disciplinary action against the criminal mafia “magistrate” caporegimes, then for being
accomplice and instigator to Crimes against humanity

<search for 19th January 2017 throughout this ICC penal dossier about short demonstrations

<the authors of the falsified Romanian Constitutional Court decision no 25 from 19th January
2017 are

Valer Dorneanu

Marian Enache

Petre Lazaroiu

Mircea Stefan Minea

Daniel Marius Morar

Mona-Maria Pivniceru

Page 474 of 501

Livia Doina Stanciu - who I’ve sued in 2014, ex-president of supreme court and accomplice and
instigator according to article 44 from Romanian Law 317/2004, who refused to initiate disciplinary
action aganist the principal instigator from the degenerated “European” Vrancea county “judge” Dita
Mirela, then proven penally and disciplinarily accomplice and instigator to the Crimes against
humanity against me (and others)

Simona-Maya Teodoroiu

Varga Attila

Afrodita Laura Tutunaru

in cahoots with

Victor Ciorbea - “people’s lawyer” who pleaded against the presumption of innocence

Sorin Gringeanu - “prime-minister” who pleaded against the presumption of innocence

and others

<paths to sources:


D:\me\_propaganda\impotriva autorilor DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017\textul de propaganda - de

completat in postarea facebook.txt

<art. 394 tradarea savarsita de kovesi facand politie politica pentru CIA, intalnindu-se sa ia
ordine la vilele de protocol desi un procuror n-are nici o legatura cu astfel de intalniri

savarsita sub forma de inalta tradare de handicapatul ciorbea si altii prin instigarea la eliminarea
prezumtiei de nevinovatie

402, atacul impotriva unei colectivitati prin obligarea la vaccinare obligatorie care infecteaza de
fapt cu virusul

art 182 e, mi-au luat singe prin constrangere in mod ilegal

art 203 lasarea fara ajutor a unei persoane aflate in dificultate

nedenuntarea tentativelor de omor calificat>

<demonstration of the falsification of the argumentation of “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea

and “prime-minister” Sorin Grindeanu.

The Romanian “state” mafia bosses and underbosses who personally perpetrated against me
and others by complicity and instigation or determination of the felonies of Crimes against humanity
through Qualified Murder attempts and incidentally Tortura, grave Bodily Harm through chemical

Page 475 of 501

lobotomization and other felonies are: mafia’s “prime-minister” Sorin Grindeanu underboss, mafia’s
“people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea underboss, then the mafia “magistrate” underbosses and bosses from
the Romanian Constitutional Court who actually falsified personally or instigated the falsification of the
Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 through which were instigated the 7th Crimes against humanity
committal against me from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and the 8th Crimes against
humanity ongoing attempt against me as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7-8, mafia ex-“supreme
court president” Livia Stanciu boss, mafia “secret services” Daniel Marius Morar underboss, mafia ex-
“minister of justice” Mona-Maria Pivniceru underboss, mafia “magistrate” Marian Enache underboss,
mafia “magistrate” Petre Lăzăroiu underboss, mafia “magistrate” Mircea Ştefan Minea underboss,
mafia “magistrate” Simona-Maya Teodoroiu underboss, mafia “magistrate” Varga Attila underboss,
mafia “magistrate” Afrodita Laura Tutunaru underboss, mafia “magistrate” Marinela Mincă underboss,
Sorin Grindeanu and Livia Stanciu being inculpated in the falsified penal dosssiers against me as
jurisprudentially proven I can modelling after anti-organized crime commissar Traian Berbeceanu who
inculpated his lying accusers in the same penal dossier (-s) they falsified against me meaning the mafia
“prosecutor” caporegimes who falsified them, as I demonstrated the flagrant quoting the felonies of
falsehood in declarations and documents committed by these schizophrenic neo-“communist” mafia

First I link to the original Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017:

<update the above link to point to the Romanian Official Monitor newspaper which legally publishes it,
from which I’m actually quoting althought they’re the same the original source elliminates any
credibility issues

Then I link to the summary demonstration of the criminal activity of the Romanian “state” mafia in the
form of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier Link descrierea activitatii criminale a statului mafiot roman:

Then I link to the full demontration which this ICC penal dossier represents, published at address:

Then I link to the European Union Directive, representing internal right according to article 11 and 20
from the Romanian Constitution (<presumably regarding the presumption of innocence or other related
right since I can’t check being w/o internet http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-

1. the mafia “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea lied in the Romanian Constitutional Court Decizion
no 25 from 19th January 2017 lied that, I quote in Romanian: "12...critica autorului excepţiei potrivit
căreia una din premisele obligării la tratament medical rezidă în existenţa unei condamnări, nu are
suport legal, Codul de procedură penală nereglementând o asemenea condiţie", and I translate to
English: “12 ... the critique of the author of the exception according to which one of the premises of the

Page 476 of 501

obligation to medical treatment rezides in the existance of a conviction, has no legal support, the Code of
penal procedure having no such condition”, because:

1.1 the mafia “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea speaks of the universal law premise of the judicial
syllogism, and lies that the penal security measure of obligation to medical treatment doesn’t legally
require that

1.1.1. a deed needs to be proven to exist, which is untrue, because the prosecutor is obligated
to prove the deed exist legally and facutlayy first through the ordnance in rem according to articles 305-
306 and 286 paragraphs 2 letters c and d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, then he is obligated
to transpose the demontration in an indictment according to article 331 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code with which the prosecutor is obligated to notify the courthouse in the case of the penal
security measure of obligation to medical treatment which doesn’t exist except for drug addicts and
even that doesn’t guarantee anything, every other “medical treatment” being illegal chemical
lobotomization constituting Crimes aganist humanity against me and others as my entire ICC case
proves, which causes suicidal and homicidal behavior therefore is the opposite of a penal security
measure and a national security issue as I demonstrated in section I.A.II.1.2.8^1, and
1.1.1^1. that the existing deeds constitutes a felony as evidently if a deed does not exist
because it can’t even physically exist as in my mafia falsifeid penal dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016,
3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as objectivized in annex 6, annex 8 and annex 9 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, it’s impossible to
demonstrate it constitutes a felony and a factual particular premise for “psychiatric” charlatanry
diagnosis, which again is the prosecutor’s obligation to demonstrate as described in the previous
paragraph, therefore according to the principles of non-contradiction and excluded third, and
1.1.2. that the existing deeds constituting felonies were committed by a person, which is
untrue because the prosecutor is obligated to demonstrate according to articles 309, 306 and 286
paragraph 2 letters c and d from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code
1.1.2^1 mentioning that if the person is irresponsible cannot be established during the
prosecution phase if a person does not consent to be “examined” by “psychiatrist” charlatans because
one has to be truly mentally alienated to not understand the “psychiatrists” are charlatans which is
obvious to anyone with a shred of reasoning, which is the exception as obvious that only a person
without discernment can legally end up chemically lobotomized in a “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag
which is illegal anyway but another logical matter as I aforementioned. The presumption of innocence
cannot be legally eliminated or disregarded meaning the legal obligation of a person to be indicted and
convicted then declared irresponsible or not and subjected to security measures or not because it’s
been known that mentally alienated persons confessed to crimes they didn’t commit, or sane persons
coerced confessed to crimes they didn’ t commit, or drugged persons such as with scopolamine
nichnamed “the devil’s breath” have been coerced into confessing crimes they didn’t commit, according
to articles 4, 99 and 184 paragraphs 3 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, therefore there’s no
possible ethical logic to support the disrespect for the law and presumption of innocence meaning
according to the principles of non-contradiction and excluded third a “judiciary body” who disregards
the presumption of innocence does so from malice aforethought as can be proven in many other ways

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such as the inadmisibility of claming ignorance of the law and the existence of the presumption of
innocence which is not legally obvious but logically obvious as well not to mention inadmissible for a
“judiciary body” who has formal studies in law, and
1.1.3. that the prosecutor is obligated to notify the courthouse through an indictment to
propose the security measure of obligation to medical treatment according to article 331 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code, meaning a document in which all the other conditions
aforementioned are transposed - the demontration that a deed exists, it constitutes a felony and the
indicted person committed that felony, based on proofs gathered and administered meaning
objectivized to be relevant to the case and legal by the prosecutor for all parties, conditions none of
which exist in the falsified penal dossiers against me 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and
4329/P/2016 which is blatant demonstration not just of my innocence wich is trivial to prove, but
blatant demonstration of the existance of the Romanian “state” mafia controlled “judiciary system”

1.1.4 and that all the conditions from the indictment document in which all the prosecution is
gathered, needs to be judged meaning the prosecution is validated or invalidated by a judge depending
on whether the judge finds the prosecution legal or not, time at which the judge is obligated to
denounce the prosecutor if he refused to administer all proofs as in my case which proves the existance
of the organized crimes that exists between any “judge” and “prosecutor” in Romania as I’ve
demonstrated and publicly denounced which is why the Romanian “state” mafia perpetrated 2 Crimes
against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts for the intent to an effect of
stopping me from denouncing its criminal activity as objectivized in section I.A.II.^2, and

1.1.4^1 any other proofs the courthouse judge or the other courthouse meeting prosecutor
discovers are to be obligatorily judged, mentioning in Romanian the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime
who falsified the penal dossier and the courthouse mafia “prosecutor” caporegime is not one and the
same meaning the courthouse mafia “prosecutor” caporegime never understands the mafia falsified
penal dossier but mindlessly supports it even adding further lies to the accusation without an indictment
as my case proves, although the courthouse prosecutor as everyone in Romanian is obligated to respect
the law especially by having the statute of a public serband and prosecutor. The judge and the
courthouse proseutor have the obligation of observing that the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime falsified
the penal dossier as for instance in my case never administering a single proof regardless whether I’m
the claimang or the falsely suspect or accused in the mafia falsified penal dossiers against me, not even
the mafia’s falsified proofs because it’s impossible to justify breaking the law, which proves the criminal
organization constituted by this actos, criminal organization which I’ve proved to exist throughout the
entirey judicial hierarchy and other competent ministers as objectivized in paragraph 0.2 and section V.3
from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC
penal dossier, which is why the Romanian “state” mafia perpetrated 2 Crimes against humanity
committals and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts for the intent to an effect of stopping me from
denouncing its criminal activity as objectivized in section I.A.II.^2, and

1.1.4^2 and by legally eliminating any proofs proposed by the person prosecuted, accused and
indicted leading to that person’s conviction, only after which the clause of irresponsability and non-
punishment can be invoked based on “psychiatric” chalratanry documents or other evidence such as

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being drugged in some way and therefore irresponsible, given in reality the subjective illogical-
aberrations of a “psychaitrist” charlatan can never constitute objective proof in a real criminal
investigation, nor is chemical lobotomization which is the “pscyhaitric” charlatanry “medical treatment”
not only never cured anyone ever of anything as mercury, opium, heroine, fluorine and chlorine which
constitute the “pychiatry” charlatanry “medical treatment”, cannot cure anyone of anything, as I’ve
proven in sectino I.A.II.1.2.1 that the “psychiatry” charlatnary is neither medicine nor science as shortly
proven it breaks the Hippocratic oath of “at least do no harm” by always doing only harm, and the
scientific method of faking the observation results instead of reporting them, as proven by the particular
prospect of the risperidone or paliperidone deadly fluorine based neurotoxin I was covertly and
forcefully poisoned with during both Crimes against humanity committals against me, that it cures
schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia, or controlling schizophrenia sysmptoms by causing
schizophrenia and schizophrenia symptoms, which proves the deadly poison’s producers, totalitarian
state agencies approvers, commercializers and “psychiatrist” charlatans who prescribe it are all
schizophrenic meaning logically incoherent, occupationally dysfuncitonal even as criminals which
automaitcally catalogues them as sociopaths, and failing to recognize what’s real. The trial’s role
therefore is to also ascertain whether a deed exists, it constitutes a felony, the accused indicted person
committed it and therefore is the factual premise of a diagnosis which I repeat cannot be obtained
without a person’s consent and cooperation meaning it’s at a person’s disposal to plead insanity and
assisted suicide which chemical lobotomization is is illegal anyway but that’s another logical matter, and
then and only then after the trial results in a legal syllogistically correct decision of conviction, based on
that decision the person convicted can be obligated to medical treatment and not “psychiatric
“charlatanry treatment because there’s no such thing as I proven in section I.A.II.1.2.1, regardless that is
absurd as impossible to medically treat felons to not be felons with the exception of drug addicts, and
even those return to drugs meaning there’s no guarantees, as I repeat that medicine cannot engage in
Torture or any type of Bodily Harm according to the right to life, bodyand psychic integrity accoridng to
article 22 from the Romanian Contitution, meaning even a contagious person if it refuses medical
treatment which does that person harm at the same time, must be obligated to quarantine to medical
treatment, under the logic that person cannot constitute a life, body and psychic integrity threat to
others, mentioning that I’ve been declared a psychic threat in 11224/231/2015 where the schizophrenic
“judge” Craciun Constantin Catalin expressed the mafia’s paranoia that I must be “pscyhaitrically”
incarcerated so that, I quote ~”others don’t take example” without specifying of what as I’ve only
displayed civic spirit which clearly then the mafia fears.

1.2. in short the mafia’s “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea lies that there are no legal conditions
in the “Penal procedure code” by which he means the Romanian one, that I be convicted before I can be
obligated meaning coerced with the state order bodies to penal security measures.

1.2^1 The logical fallacy through which the schizophrenic "people's lawyer" Victor Ciorbea lied,
is that he to contradict my proven syllogistical conclusion, declared my syllogism universal premise as I
quote in romanian"nu are suport legal" meaning in English "has no legal support", by which the mafia
“people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea declare that I lie, which is false and the mafia “people’s lawyer” Victor
Ciorbea lies as I’ve proven above. Then, the mafia “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea knowing his

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declaration is false he corroborated it with a particular premise by which he intended to taint the false
universal premise he used, as I quote that he said in Romanian "Codul de procedure penala
nereglementand o asemenea conditie" meaning in English “The Penal procedure code foresees no such
condition” meaning attacking my universal premise with a particularized premise although I’ve used the
Romanian Constitution article 23 paragraph 11 premise not needing the Romanian Penal Procedure
Code which I’ve proven above contains articles in the same respect, meaning even the continuation of
the mafia “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea is false because according to articles 4 and 99 from the
Romanian Penal Procedure Code the suspect and inculpated benefit from the presumption of innocence
that is they are obligatorily considered innocent by the mafia "judicial bodies" who of course
disregarded the law because justice is not the mafia's bussiness, but the schizophrenic "people's lawyer"
Victor Ciorbea lied anyway in this way to induce into error rightfully believing an untrained in law reader
will only look at the articles attacked for unconstitutionality which refer to the suspect and the accused
or inculpated which an untrained in law reader would not know of the presumption of innocence and
base his reasoning on lack of logic and the authority projected by the social position of the mafia
members who falsifeid the Romanian Constitutional Court decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 which
is true, the Romanian vast majority of immoral and illiterate peasant population who is otherwise
cowardly, treacherous and idiotic will not even realise the national threat constituted by this falsified
decision and the reality behind it because the Romanian population doesn’t care which is why I called
them idiotic - persons without skill and unpreocuppied with public affairs, or is cowardly and
treacherous meaning is afraid of going against the mafia while the majority of Romanians dream of
becoming part of the upper ties of the Romanian criminal culture - where criminals and not the
righteous are praised, being obvious that I have not based my argument on the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code although I’ve invoked it exemplificatively, because I invoked the unconstitutionality of
its articles not the contradiction between its articles which is incidental and where the poor falacy of the
Romanian “staet” maifa “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea lies attempting uselessly to misslead.
Furthermore I found the articles I attacked unconstitutional as they are unconstitutional according to
the Romanian Constitution with or without the falsifed Romanian Constitutional Court decision 25/19th
January 2017 whcih is a mere formality as the law is obligatory above the Romanian Constitutional Court
Decision because the law is integer while this court’s decision breaks the law and abolishes the
presumption of innocence, which has no repercussions to the Romanian "state" mafia owned "judicial
system" because it disregarded the presumption of innocence anyway and it breaks the law and
contradicts itself whenever it deems fit to falsify penal dossiers, preventive arrests for 6 months (google
Rarinca vs Livia Stanciu case so that Livia Stanciu doesn't pay a money debt illicitly) or security measures
for committing Crimes against humanity against me and stopping me from denouncing the ROmanian
"state" mafia criminal activity

2. Following I quote the summarized logical argument I’ve made invoking the unconstitutionality
of basically all articles regarding security measures against the suspect and the accused because the
Romanian Constitutional Court emmits generally obligatory decisions which pertain to the entire judicial
logic and interpretation of the law, although the law doesn’t require interpretation because it’s
obligatorily formulated clear not in parables like the Bible which is clear to me also although one has to
read it to know that, meaning the Romanian Constitutional Court itself is another mafia instrument used

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to twist the meaning of the law in the perception of fools, or as we say in Romania to fool the fools -
which require no fooling actually as the mafia in Romania can really do what it wants, even kill the
population and there would be no uprising - I guarantee that based on the fact the Romanian
population beyond beying cowardly, treacherous and idiotic is ultradivided between families, members
of families and even the individuals are not individuals anymore but schizophrenics, mentally corrupted,
psychically and psychologically labile and inherently incoherent, and if its eliminated in divisions it will
not sufficiently react to stop whatever crimes are committed against it, as nobody reacted in outrage for
the 2 Crimes against humanity committals and 6 Crimes against humanity against me, or
institutionalized children being drugged which although was publicized it was rather an opportunity not
outrage from the press for just another “interesting” press article, while the mafia’s institutions denied
responsability as if that were possible... so it’s really as Marthin Luther King said, that injustice
everywhere is the enemy of justice everywhere - I’ve been deluded by the mafia’s propaganda for
covering its existance into thinking I could have a honest worker’s life in Romania as if the mafia would
allow that, as it’s not even a matter of time until one injustice becomes two and so on until it hunts us
all as it does me, but all of us being 99.9% genetically identical, logically all of us are affected by any of
us being treated unjust <remained here with work, translate the below points> which ironically in this
universe also became reality as if to teach us this lesson,

2^1 as I quote from the law a different summarized logical demonstration based on the
law, of the unconstitutionality request I’ve lodged as proof acording to annex 20 summary of
my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal

14 pages, my original notification in Romanian to the Romanian Constitutional Court against articles
315 paragraph 2 in rapport with article 16 paragraph 1 letter d in rapport with articles 566 - 572 from
the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and other similar ones regarding the obligation to medical
treatment such as articles 245-246, based on the presumption of innocence, right to life, physiological
and psychological integrity, the supremacy of the Romanian Constitution to the law which is
unconstitutional, or, the principle of legality, infringement of the right to fair (legal) trial, infringement
of the right to freedom of conscience and religion, infringement of the right of free expression (of
conscience), infringement of the right to an effective national (justice) remedy, discrimination and
interpretation of the law contrary to human rights with murderous aforethought

2.1. article 245 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code sais in Romanian "dispune obligarea
provizorie la tratament medical a suspectului sau inculpatului, daca se afla in situatia prevazuta de art.
109 alin. (1) din Codul penal" meaning in English “disposes the provisory obligation to medical treatment
of the suspect or the accused, if he is in the situation foreseen by article 109 paragraph 1 from the
Romanian Penal Code”, mentioning that “medical treatment” is not “psychiatric” treatment as I
demontrated in section I.A.II.1.2.1 that the “psychiatry” charlatanry is not medicine nor science , neither
are mercury, opium, heroine, fluorine and chlorine medicaments but deadly poisons, meaning
“psychiatry” charlatanry only does harm while medicine is sword according to the Hippocratic oath to

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“at least do no harm”, while the “psychiatrist” charlatan to swindle people out of their money and
health hides the fact it chemically lobotomizes them which is perfect for charlatanry which preys on the
victim’s ignorance or lack of discernment which the “psychiatric” chalrlatanry induce, while it falsifies
diagnosis contrary to the scientific method of observing and reporting objectively which clearly the
“psychiatric” charlatans are not, lying as I proven in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier that the risperidone or
paliperidone fluorine based neurotoxin cures schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia according to the
poisons’ “prospect” or controls the schizophrenia symptoms by causing schizophrenia and therefore the
schizophrenia symptoms, the reality being much simpler than that and requiring no demonstration,
meaning the fact fluorine being a deadly chemical that does not sustain life in any way cannot be
medicine in any way, and the fact it’s put in the water supply or the salt for healthy teeth is
preposterous because fluorine causes bone fluorosis and meaning lessens the bone density obviously
destroying the teeth “health”, and the other bones in the body’s “health” since there is no chemical
lobotomy who isn’t at the same time “chemotherapy” meaning is nocive for the body as a whole not
just the brain, reminding in this context that chemical lobotomization is capital punishment through
erradication of a person’s identity or individuality meaning psychic Qualified Murder through grave
Bodily Harm as the brain does not regenerate, nor does the mind if it doesn’t have the neuronal
physical substrate

2.2. article 109 from the Romanian Penal Code foresees in Romanian "daca faptuitorul ...
prezinta pericol pentru societate" meaning in English: “if the felon ... presente a danger to society”,
making note that the mot-a-mot translation of “faptuitorul” means “deed-doer” which in penal matters
means felon because

2.2.1 a “deed-doer” is a felon because “it presents a danger to society” by being a felon,
otherwise it would make no legal and logical sense to institute a penal security measure as it is stated
from the beginning in the penal code, article 2 paragraph 1 from the Romanian Penal Code that ~”the
security measures that can be taken against the persons who committed deeds foreseen by penal law”,
meaning of course a “deed-doer” means a felon as by a “deed” the Penal Code refers to “deeds
foreseen by penal law” therefore “deed-doer” means “felony-doer” or felon for short, and that a person
is a felon can only be established through a definitive sentence following an indictment, in a trial in
which it is proven that a deed exist, that it constitutes a felony and that the person indicted or accused is
guilty of committing that felony, and only after according to the law, judicial logic and presumption of
innocence principle can a security measure be taken against that person according to the
aforementioned quote and article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution

2.2.2 a “deed-doer” is refered as such and not a suspect or accused because a suspect or
accused is not a “deed-doer” else article 109 would refer to the suspect or accused which is not because
the meaning of suspect or accused is a person about which there’s insuficient respectively suficient
proof to be believed by the prosecutor to have had committed a felony according to the law, while a
“deed-doer” which is meaningless in penal terms unless it refers to a felon meaning a felony-committer
according to article 2 from the Romanian Penal Code, is a person proven to have committed a felony
which can only be achieved according to article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution

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through a definitive sentence following an indictment, and trial in which all the procedural rights of the
accused are respected, which is why a suspect or accused is considered an innocent according to the
presumption of innocence foreseen by article 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code and article 23
paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, and according to articles 11 and 20 from the Romanain
Constitution that all Romanian ratified international treaties are internal right, meaning article 6
paragraph 2 from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, because it has not been proven according to the law
to be a felon, mentioning I’m not required to prove writing a thesis on the logic, ethics and morality of
why this state of fact exists as the law is not on trial here but the Romanian “state” mafia members who
broke it with malice aforethought and murderous intent to an effect, of covering-up the mafia’s Crimes
against humanity committed to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity and to attempt to
legitimize further Crimes against humanity in this intent to an effect meaning in practice the 8th Crimes
against humanity ongoing against me which determined me to become a permanent refugee as I
demonstrated in paragraph 2.4^45 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim
measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. I’m also making note that the presumption of
innocence doesn’ t mean that anyone can’t prove a felon is a felon as one is what one does, it just
means that the “judiciary bodies” are forbidden to be subjective during judicial the proceedings and be
objective and ethical as the law is, because really any person being any public functionary is lawfully
obligated to cease to function in personal interest for the interest of the public function that person
represents, because it’s ethical as the denomination implies public function, not personal function,
otherwise that function wouldn’ t be public but particular

2.3. according to article 107 from the Romanian Penal Code the “deed-doer” is in Romanian
"persoana care a comis o fapta prevazuta de legea penala, nejustificata" meaning in English: “the person
who committed a deed foreseen by the penal law, unjustified”, which I’ve already proven in the above
paragraph 2.2. In conclusion again: the “deed-doer” refered to by the law is the convict or the felon
meaning the perpetrator of felonies, not the suspect or accused which are subjects of the penal process
about which there is insufficient respectivelly sufficient proof for thejudicial bodies to believe they
committed a felony, which can be only established scientifically by the scientific method through
gathering and administering proofs meaning objectivizing scientifically the legality and relevance of
proof to the case, with which the courthouse is notified through a document named the indictment who
validates or not its logic and performs futher judicial research according to the judge’s obligations and
the accused sent in trial’s rights. The Romanian Penal Procedure Code has been intentionally destroyed
by what we Romanians call “the prosecutor republic” meaning a notorious pervasive acknowledgement
of the existance of the mafia as the “state” in Romania, as the Romanian Penal Procedure Code has
been actually written by the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes, a sector of the mafia that even destroyed
the law to reflect its occupation in cahoots with the mafia’s “political” puppets from the Romanian
Parliament who passed these abominations who as proven here are protected by the Romanian
Constitutional Court also controlled by the Romanian “state” mafia

2.4. according to article 4 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code regarding the presumption
of innocence according to the Romanian text of the law "Orice persoană este considerată nevinovată
până la stabilirea vinovăţiei sale printr-o hotărâre penală definitivă" meaning in English: “Any person is

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considered innocent until its guilt has been established through a definitive penal decision”, which is the
exact sense of article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code. This article is one of
those the mafia “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea lied it doesn’t exist as I proved above

2.5. according to article 11 from the Universal declaration of human rights and according to
articles 11 and 22 from the Romanian Constitution, the international treaties ratified by Romania are
internal Romanian law, meaning the international or universal convention on the presumption of
innocence according to the Romanian text: "Orice persoana acuzata de comiterea unui act cu caracter
penal are dreptul sa fie presupusa nevinovata pina cind vinovatia sa va fi stabilita in mod legal in cursul
unui proces public in care i-au fost asigurate toate garantiile necesare apararii sale" meaning in English:
“Any person accused of committing an act of penal character has the right to be presumed innocent until
its guilt has been established legally through the course of a public trial in which all the guarantees
necessary to its defense have been assured”, reminding in my case I was never indicted, convicted, and
not even the right to defense was respected during the illegal prosecution as even today the content of
the fasely penal dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 are hidden from
me and the public by the Romanian “state” mafia who even hid the illegal prosecution from the last 3
falsfied penal dossiers in my judiciary history in which it should’ve been inscribed at the time I requested
it, as proven by annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier

2.6. according to article 6 paragraph 2 from the European convention on human rights and
according to articles 11 and 22 from the Romanian Constitution, the international treaties ratified by
Romania are internal Romanian law, meaning the international or universal convention on the
presumption of innocence according to the Romanian text: "Orice persoană acuzată de o infracţiune
este prezumată nevinovată pînă ce vinovăţia sa va fi legal stabilită" meaning in English: “Any person
accused by a felony is presumed innocent until its guilt will be legally established”

2.7. according to article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution, according to the
Romanian text "Până la rămânerea definitivă a hotărârii judecătoreşti de condamnare, persoana este
considerată nevinovată", as translated in English: “Until the judicial decision of conviction becomes
definitive, a person is considered innocent”

2.8. according to article 331 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, the courthouse is
notified by the prosecutor with the proposal of taking the security measure of medical treatment only
through the indictment document in which all the prosecution is gathered meaning the proofs and the
objectivization of their legality and relevance to the cause along with the judicial syllogism through
which the accused guilt or innocence is proven, and while the guilt is proven the innocence must be
proven impossible concomittantly to eliminate any reasonable doubt else the conviction cannot take
place according to article 103 paragraph 2 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, in other words
there mustn’t be any circumstance in which a person could be innocent when pronounced guilty as
proven else a person is not scientifically proven guilty unless considered probably guilty which is not
contrary to the presumption of innocence, which is why the gathering and administering of proofs is so
important in a real judicial system, and this is why the mafia didn’t administer a single proof because

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even the few it gathered prove my innocence and not my guilt further demontrating the schizophrenia
of the mafia members, in other words as I’ve said being impossible to justify breaking the law by which I
mean both the human law and the physical law of causality accusing me of deeds that cannot physically
exist let alone constitute felonies then factual particular premises for diagnosis as further proof of the
mafia members schizophrenia

2.9. Furthermor ethere is no such thing as “medical treatment” for felons with the exception of
drug addicts who can recieve treatment for the forced withdrawal symptoms, withdrawal which if
untreated can be deadly and is bodily harming, and

2.9.1. there is no such thing as “pscyhiatric” charlatanry “treatment” as I’ve proven in section
I.A.II.1.2.1 “psychiatry” is neither medicine nor science, it’s charlatanry, it never cured anyone of
anything anytime but only employed deadly brain damaging poisons to disable its victims to swindle
them out of their body and psychic health for illicit profit, meaning the “psychiatry” charlatanry actually
causes what it claims to cure as proven by the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or
paliperidone “prospect” which claims to treat schizophrenia by causing schizophrenia, or control
schizophrenia symptoms by causing schizophrenia and therefore schizophrenia symptoms, as I’ve
objectivized in chapter 1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

2.9.2. In short medicine is sworn accoding to the Hippocratic oath “to at least do no harm”,
while the “psychiatry” charlatanry only does harm and is accredited by totalitarian “states” accross the
world, meaning where a minority infringes on the right of the majority meaning there is no accepted but
imposed “state”, for use as state terrorism and wrongful politicla repression. Furthermore the
“psychiatrist” charlatans do not base their “diagnostics” on the scientific method observing that they
only do harm, but only lie declaring not proving they’ve ever cured anyone anytime, being obvious they
can’t cure anyone with mercury, opium, heroin, fluorine and chlorine, deadly neurotoxic chemicals
employed by the “pscyhiatrist” charlatans to damage their victims

I.B.11.3. In conclusion there is no perspective from which the Romanian Constitutional Court
Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017 can be considered legal and logical, as it contradicts itself
between paragraphs 22 and 23 as proven by annex 4 to this ICC penal dossier where I’ve attached a
copy of the officially publicated Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January 2017,
as I demonstrate even a third time by quoting each paragraph from it to demontrate punctually both its
falsification and the guilt or complicity and instigation to Crimes against humanity of the mafia “prime-
minister” Sorin Grindeanu, the mafia “people’s lawyer” Victor Ciorbea and the rest of the Romanian
“state” mafia “magistrate” caporegimes enumerated above and inculpated in this ICC penal dossier:>

I.B.11.3.1. The schizophrenic mafia member Marinela Minca, representant on behalf of the
mafia controlled Public Ministry meaning the ministry of the mafia “prosecutor” caporegimes
demonstrated his schizophrenia through its logically and legally incoherent declarations, intrinsically
demonstrating his occupational dysfunction and failure to recognize what’s real as I demonstrate
quoting in Romanian from annex 4 to this ICC penal dossier: “Cauza fiind in stare de judecata,

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presedintele Curtii acorda cuvantul reprezentantului Ministerului Public, care arata ca textele
reglementeaza conditiile de aplicare a masurii obligarii provizorii la tratament medical, continutul
acestei masuri, si, respectiv, procedura de aplicare si de ridicare a masurii, / sens in care se impun
anumite obligatii pentru organele indreptatite sa propuna si sa dispuna o astfel de masura / si, respectiv
drepturi si garantii pentru suspectul sau inculpatul fata de care se procedeaza la luarea masurii obligarii
provizorii la tratament medical. / Obligarea provizorie la tratament este o masure de siguranta cu
caracter medical, care nu poate fi luata decat pe parcursul procesului penal, / suspectul sau inculpatul
beneficiind de o serie de garantii, cum ar fi efectuarea unei expertize, obligativitatea de a fi asistat de
catre un avocat ales sau din oficiu, posibilitatea sa fie asistat de un medic curant sau de un medic
specialist. / Asadar textele criticate nu afecteaza dreptul la un proces echitabil sau prezumptia de
nevinovatie, motiv pentru care apreciaza ca exceptia de neconstitutionalitate este neintemeiata”,

I.B.11.3.1^1 meaning as translated to English: “The cause being in a state of being judged, the
president of the Court awards the representative of the Public ministry the possibility to plead, who
shows that the texts reglement the conditions of application of the obligatory provisory measure to
medical treatment, and, respectivelly, the procedure of application and dismissal of this measure, / sense
in which there are imposed obligations for the bodies justified to propose and dispose such a measure, /
and, respectively rights and guarantees for teh suspect or accused against which it is proceeded to be
undertaken the measure of provisory obligation to medical treatment. / The provisory obligation to
treatment is a security measure of medical character, which can only be taken during the penal process,
/ the suspect or the accused benefiting from a series of warranties, such as the effectuation of an
expertise, the obligativity to be assisted by a chosen lawyer or ex officio, the possibility of being assisted
by a curant medic or by a specialized medic. / Therefore the criticised texts do not affect the right to an
equitable proces or the presumption of innocence, reason for which he appreciates that the exception of
unconstitutionality is unfounded”

I.B. because “shows that the texts reglement the conditions of application of the
obligatory provisory measure to medical treatment, the content of this measure, and, respectivelly, the
procedure of application and dismissal of this measure” is logically incoherent with the debates in
contradictory because I haven’t proven unconstitutional that the law has conditions, content and
conditions of applications or dismissal, but that the law conditions are unconstitutional namely that the
suspect or the accused cannot be opposed with any security measures as if being convicted according to
article 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution regarding the presumption of innocence,
because the suspect and the accused are obvious not proven guilty and are not convicts or felons,
therefore the factual particular premise for a diagnosis cannot even exist meaning the “prosecutor’s”
proposal to obligation to chemical lobotomization which is unconstitutional anyway being contrary to
the right to life, body and psychic integrity according to article 22 from the Romanian Constitution, and
the “psychiatric” charlatanry documents which accompany it can only be falsified meaning illegal,
groundless and intrinsically syllogistically invalid, as in particular I proven in my case to be not just that
but also self-contradictory demontrating the falsifiers are schizophrenic and sociopathic, as I’ve
objectively proven in annex 4 and annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, meaning logically incoherent persons who are

Page 486 of 501

occupationally dysfunctional and failing to recognize what’s real, pervasively breaking the law and other
people’s rights sacrificing their lives to achieve their petty illicit interests according to DSM-V
“psychatric” charlatanry manual of diagnosis and statistics and other “psychiatric” charlatanry
“specialty” literature. In corroboration I invoked articles 2, 107 and 109 from the Romanian Penal Code
that state security measures can only be opposed to convicts, as article 4 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code specifies the suspect and accused are innocent until proven guilty according to article
23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Contitution, through a definitive decision remained definitive
following a public trial in which the guilt of the accused has been proven and all procedural guarantees
for the accused’s defense have been assured according to articles 11 and 20 from the Romanian
Constitution that declare Romanian ratified treaties being internal right meaning article 6 paragraph 2
from ECHR and article 11 from UDHR, mentioning in particular regarding the security measure of
medical treatment it’s imposed explicitly that the courthouse is obligatorily notified through an
indictment according to article 331 from the Romanian Penal Procedure Code, as if anyone could be
convicted without proofs without which no judicial syllogism can exist and therefore it cannot be infered
even that someone is a suspect or accused which can only be inferred if there are insuficient
respectively sufficient proofs that a person is believed to be a suspect respectively accused, and the only
document with which the coruthouse can be notified in penal matters in Romania is the indictment or
the proposal for conviction which must contain the inventory of proofs and their administration
meaning the objectivization of their legality and relevance to the cause and the syllogistical conclusion
or inference which is the proposal for conviction or acquittal, while the indictment must contain proofs
concomitantly administered for the accusation and for the defense, meaning in conclusion no penal
measure at all can be proposed against anyone until it is proven the person committed a felony, with
the exception of preventive measures which in Romania are also abused as a method of wrongful
political repression, as notoriously Stanciu LIvia instigated that Rarinca Mariana stay in 6 month
preventive arrest just to intimidate Rarinca Mariana to not demand a money debt, which at the same
times proves the fact the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes Livia Stanciu is a mafia boss judging from the
versatility and influence within the Romanian “state” mafia to instigate such an obvious and grave
abuse, reminding that Stanciu Livia is the same which I sued in 2014 for not initiating disciplinary action
against the principal instigator of Crimes against humanity against me “judge” Dita Mirela and against
other mafia “magistrate” caporegimes according to article 44 from Romanian Law 317/2004, and the
same which I inculpated in the penal dossiers I opened against the Romanian “state” mafia for the
Crimes against humanity and other crimes it committed against me, for the same reason, being proven
that Stanciu Livia through the falsification of Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th
January 2017 is accomplice and instigator to all 8 Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me, and
through this falsified decision accomplice and instigator especially for the 7th Crimes against humanity
committed against me between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017,and the ongoing 8th Crimes against
humanity attempt against me which determined me to become a permanent refugee according to
paragraph 2.4^45 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, Crimes against humanity objectivized in sections I.A.1.3.1^7-8. The
fact the mafia did not falsify preventive measures against me but went straight to commit Crimes
against humanity against me proves that my denouncements about the Romanian “state” mafia are so
accurate, in fact perfectly accurate because I make no wild accusations but only proven accusations as a

Page 487 of 501

true prosecutor must, that the mafia decided to simultaneously Qualifiedly Murder me to stop me from
denouncing its criminal activity, abusing both the judicial system and the “psychiatry” charlatanry as
weapons of wrongful political repression against me to discredit my work, reminding that the mafia
attempted to hide its Crimes against humanity behind the Qualified Murder attempts of interloper
Herghelegiu Danut the mafia instigated against me as proven in sections I.A.II., meaning the
mafia threw at me all the weapons it could dispose of to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity

I.B. because “sense in which there are imposed obligations for the bodies justified to
propose and dispose such a measure” is logically incoherent with the debates in contradictory because I
haven’t contested that is unconstitutional that the bodies have obligations but that the bodies aren’t
justified to propose and dispose such a measure which the schizophrenic “prosecutor“Marinela Minca
didn’t demontrate they are but just declared they are while in judicial procedures a declaration of a
judicial body is equivalent to a hallucination because the judicial bodies are obligated to express
themselves logically, formulate syllogistical inferences, meaning the schizophrenic “prosecutor“Marinela
Minca is logically incoherent with the law he is suppose to uphold, because according to article 23
paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution the judiciary bodies are not “justified” to propose
security measures against the suspect and the accused because if they “propose and dispose such a
measure” the judicial bodies are not judicial bodies anymore for breaking the supreme law, according to
articles 1 paragrahp 5 and 23 paragraph 11 from the Romanian Constitution regarding the principle of
legality, the constitutional supremacy over the law and the presumption of innocence, and the law
meaning the articles 2, 38, 107 and 109 from the Romanian Penal Code regarding the fact security
measures and the clause of irresponsability for non-punishment can only be opposed to convicts not the
suspect or the accused, and articles 4, 286 paragraph 2 letters c and d and 306 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code regarding the presumption of innocence and the obligation to motivate all acts of
procedure factually and legally which is impossible because breaking the law is impossible to justify, as
it’s impossible to demonstrate someone’s guilt based on falsified evidence, as one can fool most for
most off the time but not all for all time, being no perfect crime in existance because beyond the will of
humanity that its enemies are caught and punished, the law of causality cannot be broken and
repercussions are guaranteed by God, and I exemplify through the fact that in Romania because of the
system collapse caused by the Romanian “state” mafia or the immoral and illiterate criminal Romanian
peasantry, the quality of life is worse than medieval as everything that created and supposed to provide
confort is turned into a weapon or some sort of suffering for deprivation of, such as medicine where all
medics are how we say in Romania “axe’s handles”, perhaps the equivalent of the English metaphoric
terms “saps”, as the real medics if any migrated for economic and desire for a civilized life reasons,
meaning most of the mafia members themselves cannot access proper medicine, nor education, nor be
in peace amongst the chaotic criminal society in which one is constantly undermined by the other
criminals around, and the mafia’s “good life” is just a peasant’s illusion of being priviledged which is why
some of the sadistic psychopaths that comprise the Romanian “state” mafia are gratifying themselves by
victimizing others to justify their illusion of power, illusion broken by me through the grace of God as I’m
still very much alive and fighting this mafia wich with all its resources could not silence me as this ICC
penal dossier proves;

Page 488 of 501

I.B. because” and, respectively rights and guarantees for the suspect or accused against
which it is proceeded to be undertaken the measure of provisory obligation to medical treatment” is
logically incoherent given the suspect and accused already have the lawful guarantee to the
presumption of innocence and cannot be legally be opposed a security measure according to the
Romanian Constitution, Penal Code and Penal procedure code, and given the prosecutor is obligated to
uphold the law not break it, regardless if the law is contradictory because the Romanian “state” mafia
“prosecutors” caporegimes wrote it in contradictory to support their abuses superficially meaning the
mafia does fear public opinion which is why it attempts to maintain an image of legitimacy which I’ve
destroyed, reason for which the mafia perpetrated against me 2 Crimes against humanity committal
and 6 Crimes against humanity attempts to stop me from denouncing its criminal activity,
schizophrenically because it only helped me prove the mafia’s existance and its criminal activity, and the
gravity of its criminal activity, and proving Stalinist-paranoid as if I could’ve destroyed the Romanian
“state” mafia by myself meaning I denounced a sufficient number if not all the mafia leadership to cause
it to fear being overthrown, giving me the tools to overthrow it thorugh a legally predictable ICC and / or
other international courts decisions of conviction for Crimes against humanity and other crimes. The
declaration itself that the rights and guarantees of the suspect or accused are respected is contradictory
because clearly the presumption of innocenc as well as the right to life, body and psychic integrity are
infringed upon, as well as other fundamental principles such as the legality and of finding the truth ones;

I.B. because “The provisory obligation to treatment is a security measure of medical

character, which can only be taken during the penal process,” is logically incoherent because no security
measure can be taken before the accused is indicted and convicted according to the law, about which
the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime lies by ommission. I remark the pleonastic troglodyte expression of
the peasant mafia “prosecutor” caporegime that “The provisory obligation to treatment is a security
measure of medical character”, being no other security measures of obligation to treatment with other
character other than medical. This mafia “prosecutor” caporegime plead is also logically incoherent
because medical treatment has nothing to do with “psychiatric” charlatanry which not only is not
medicine nor science as objectivized in section I.A.II.1.2.1, but it employs mercury, opium, heroin,
fluorine and chlorine as “medicines”, which is not random but the “psychaitrist” charlatan’s intention of
destroying their victim’s discernment in order to swindle them out of their health and money especially,
reminding that Sigmund Freud took bribe from 2 pharmaceutical “companies” meaning the
pharmaceutical mafia to declare opium and heroin “psychiatric” charlatanry “medicine”, that is when
the “psychiatrist” charlatans are not also torturers for the criminal totalitarian regimes that accredits
them accross the world to do their dirty work against political dissidents and human rights defenders,
practice which is notoriously known as political repression as I’ve objectivized enciclopedically in section

I.B. because “the suspect or the accused benefiting from a series of warranties, such as
the effectuation of an expertise, the obligativity to be assisted by a chosen lawyer or ex officio, the
possibility of being assisted by a curant medic or by a specialized medic” is logically incoherent because
“psychiatrist” charlatans are not even experts in the “psychiatry” charltanry which I turned against them
demonstrating they are schizophrenic according to the DSM-V “psychiatric” charlatanary manual of

Page 489 of 501

diagnosis and statistics because the “psychiatrist” charlatans are logically incoherent, occupationally
dysfunctional even as charlatans which immediately classifies them as sociopaths also, and failing to
recognize what’s real intrinsically as the basis of reality is logic or consistency, and there is no such thing
as a warranty of an expertise as no “psychiatric” charlatanry “expertise” can physically take place
without the “psychiatry“ charltanry victim’s mentally alienated from the reality “psychiatry“ is
charlatanry consent and cooperation, according to article 184 paragraph 3 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code and according to paragraph 10 and 11 from the Romanian Law 487/2002, and the
prosecutor is obligated to uphold the law meaning the presumption of innocence, the principle of
legality and of finding the truth, not hallucinate which is proof in itself of the “prosecutor’s”
schizophrenia, meaning logical incoherence, occupational dysfunction and failure to recognize what’s
real. Furthermore, only the mentally alienated are required by the state, not “obligated” to be assisted
by a chosen lawyer or ex officio one, and nobody can be presumed mentally ill according to the
presumption of innocence because in penal matters if someone is not proven to have committed a
felony is also not proven to have committed that felony because of mental alienation, thus a person can
only be declared mentally alienated if it committed a deed which is immoral at least meaning not
according to society’s convention of what’s acceptable or not, and out of which can be inferred that a
person is mentally allienated, but being in penal matters context a person can only be declared mentally
alienated if it first been first proven to have committed a felony through the decision remained
definitive following a public trial of an impartial tribunal in which all the rights of the accused were
respected, from which it can be infered the diagnosis that the felon committed the felony without
discernment based on the “psychiatrist” charlatan hallucinations can only be falsified with malice
aforethought because nobody falsifies documents by mistake - errors can be made but not intentionally
which is proof of malice aforethought and intent is demonstrated thorugh logical or consistent failure to
correct one’s “mistakes” such as pervasively breaking the law while presumed to have discernment and
falsifying facts which is lying which is again notoriously known to be intentional while presumed to have
discernment. Furthermore because the mental state of a person is impossible to determine objectively
because a person can simply lie and forge its behavior when examined which obviously doesn’t even
occur at the same time as the felony committal, therefore a “psychiatric” charlatanry “examination” has
no objective value in a criminal investigation as I’ve even written an essay without much possibility to
document myself but just based on logic and been graded 70% for not being able to reach all aspects of
judicial psychology because I was hunted by the mafia between 11th April 2017 when I had to leave
home and not spend Orthodox Easter 2017 in family because the mafia committed almost daily acts of
state terrorism illegally breaking into my mother’s apartment and illegally arresting me and detaining
me to falsify acts of procedure as pretexts and cover-up stories to Qualifiedly Murder me during
Orthodox Easter 2017, and as proof on 27th May 2017 I’ve been illegally arrested by the mafia “secret
police” and incarcerated in the Focsani “psychiatric” gulag where 5 “psychiatrist” torturers were wairing
for me as instructed by the mafia who with no justification tied me to an operating table and put me in
anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days through daily deadly fluorine and chlorine based neurotoxic
injections without treatment and expecting me to die, then after I survived forcefully chemically
lobotomized me with other deadly fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons until 8th June 2017 as
objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, namely the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin
risperidone or paliperidone being the same one with which I was covertly injected in my right elbow in

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the hospital emergency ward after being attacked by the mafia instigated interloper Herghelegiu Danut
constituting the 2nd Crimes against humanity committal against me, as objectivized in sections
I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22, and I.A.I.1-2. I was never assisted by a lawyer during the “psychiatric” charlatanry
abuses, the mafia appointed its “lawyers” during the falsification of judicial documents, however the
contradictory debates being about the unconstitutionality of security measures against the suspect and
accused and not the right to be represented prove again the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime is
schizophrenic. Finally there is no such law regarding “the possibility of being assisted by a curant medic
or by a specialized medic”, the curator being assigned to a person lacking discernment regardless if the
determination is falsified as in my case, only after the family members cannot be reached because first
there’s the legal obligation to close a conventional representative contract with a family member which
the mafia associated “psychiatrist” charlatans avoided even after I expressely sent my mother to the
contract to the mafia appointed “psychiatrist curator” charlatan and torturer Barbarosie Carmen during
the 7th Crimes against humanity committal, time in which the mafia schizophrenic “psychiatrist” and
“psychologist” torturers admit I didn’t need no curator by declaring having full cognitive function on 8th
June 2017, as proven by annex 16 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, mention which although is incoherent with the proceedings raises the
suspicion that the mafia “prosecutor” caporegime Marinela Minca knew in detail my case or how the
mafia generally commits Crimes against humanity abusing of the “psychiatric” charlatanry to gravely
Bodily Harm through chemical lobotomization or Qualifiedly Murder people given no Bodily Harm and
Torture felonies are even investigated in Romania and no “psychiatrist” charlatan is even condemned at
least for malpraxis because the Romanian “state” mafia protects its weapon of wrongful political
repression, as the “psychiatry” charlatanry has a history of wrongful repression in Romania being abused
to Qualifiedly Murder the national poet Mihai Eminescu using mercury poisoning declared “medical
treatment” although it was known empirically to be a poison, and although it was notoriously know the
national poet Mihai Eminescu was a genius and the biggest dissident against corruption at his time,
disposing of means a propaganda meaning a newspaper even, and it has been documented that
Romania has used throughout the past century in many abuses involving the “psychiatric” charlatanry as
political repression as I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.1.9

I.B. because “Therefore the criticised texts does not affect the right to an equitable
proces or the presumption of innocence, reason for which he appreciates that the exception of
unconstitutionality is unfounded” is logically incoherent because without contradicting my plead the
schizophrenic “prosecutor” Marinela Mincu infers he contradicts my plead, or in other words the
schizophrenic “prosecutor” Marinela Mincu did not demonstrate its declaration that security measures
are legally undertaken against suspects or accused and thus not infringing on the presumption of
innocence, demontration which if it were possible would’ve naturally been in contradiction with my
plead and demonstration that security measures can’t be legally undertaken against suspects or accused
and not infringing on the presumption of innocence. Furthermore an equitable proces means a legal
proces, or in accordance with the principle of legality, which because I’ve proven that security measures
can’t be legally and most importantly constitutionally undertaken against suspects or accused because
are infringing on the presumption of innocence, the principle of legality is also broken intrinsically
therefore the schizophrenic “prosecutor” Marinela Mincu lies that my “the criticised texts does not

Page 491 of 501

affect the right to an equitable proces” because they do as proven above, and furthermore I do not
criticise anything, I proved it’s unconstitutional meaning against the presumption of innocence and the
principle of legality to undertake security measures against suspects and accused, as I proved
intrinsically the Romanian “state” mafia “prosecutor” regimes wrote the unconstitutional articles I
attacked at the Romanian Constitutional Court, and passed them through the Romanian “state” mafia
controlled Romanian Parliament with the complicity of the Romanian Constitutional Court who is
obligated to determine the unconstitutionality of laws before they are passed, all of which is public or
notorious knowledge. In conclusion the schizophrenic “prosecutor” Marinela Mincu lies as
demonstrated above that “the exception of unconstitutionality is unfounded” being intrinsic accomplice
and instigator not just to the 8 Crimes against humanity perpetrated against me, but to the Crimes
against humanity perpetrated by the Romanian “state” mafia against the Romanian population in
general reminding I observed and publicly denounced “justice” is drugging innocents in Romania as I’ve
objectivized in paragraphs paragraphs 1.1^6, 2.4^13.5 and 2.4^20.1 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR
urgent request for interim measures linked above, which of course triggered the Romanian “state”
mafia to hide the evidence from the public evidence of dossiers ECRIS through a joint order of the
Ministry of justice and Superior council of magistrates, while the Ministry of justice left the evidence
just regarding my cases public to discredit my work by associating my name with the “psychiatry”
charlatanry even though I’ve annulled the falsified actions of the mafia against me, because the
Romanian simpleton coward thinks like ~“there must be some truth to the action” and that “I better not
associate myself with mafia victims”, and the mafia “secret information services” through a superficial
public report “threw the national security dead cat in the courtyard” of the general prosecutor of
Romania revealing that indeed nationally the “psychiatrist” charlatans was conducting illegal human
experiments for bribe from the pharmaceutical mafia while the schizophrenic “psychiatrist” charlatans
from Vrancea county even declared publicly the Ministry of health gave them permisssion to break the
law as if that was possible, then the general prosecutor of Romania of course covered-up the penal
dossier to which I attached my case expressely meaning mine wouldn’t been addressed in some way if
the main one was, as legally I am supposed to be notified with copies of the prosecution’s ordnances to
exert my procedural rights against or not according to the principle of contradictoriality and right to
defend my rights or right to justice in other words which means I have the right to be informed and
oppose any official document that affects my rights, which is why in actuality the mafia hid the content
of the falsified penal dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016, noticing I
prove falsified and publish the Romanian “state” mafia falsified documents as objetivized by the
annexes to my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal

I.B.11.3.2 Regarding paragraph 5 from the falsified Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no
25 from 19th January 2017, I infer that if Romania was a real state of right under the rule of law there
would be no such article as “obligation to medical treatment” because felons can’t be cured of criminal
ideation through chemical lobotomization which induces suicidal and even worse homicidal behavior as
I’ve objectivized in section I.A.II.1.2.8^1 constituting a national security threat not a security measure
because it creates public insecurity by creating deadly threats, nor can felons be tortured if that were
legal as proven by the existance of recidivists. The only exception is drug consumption in which medicine

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can aid relieve the symptoms of withdrawal, which has nothing to do with the fact security measures
can’t be undertaken against suspects or the accused legally without infringing on the presumption of
innocence, and the right to an equitable trial, and the principle of legality as all these judicial conditions
are interlinked. In conclusion because in Romania there is no such thing as the presumption of
innocence in practice, as reflected in Romanian Constitutional Court Decision no 25 from 19th January
2017, nor respect for human life and human rights as demonstrated by my case and the cases I
presented of innocents, institutionalized children, homeless, members of Rroma minority and others
being chemically lobotomized by the Romanian “state” mafia for illicit profit from the pharmaceutical
mafia. Furthermore if Romania was a real state of right under the rule of law it wouldn’t have given the
“psychiatry” charlatanry accreditation but it would’ve denounced it as charlatanry and proved it as I did
in section I.A.II.1.2.1, situation which proves every “state” around the world that accredits the
“psychiatry” charlatanry is totalitarian or at least corrupt because it gives the “psychiatry” charlatanry
accreditation for illicit profit meaning bribe which I remind means money or other favors of any kind,
but in fact I never heard of a country where the “psychiatry” charlatanry did not without the victim’s
consent chemically lobotomize someone who is simply demanding his rights, but the more corrupt or
downright totalitarian a “state” is, the more grave the “psychiatrist” torturer’s activity is because of that
“state’s” contempt for human life and human rights, meaning the ruling totalitarian class of which I
never heard ever being victimized by the “psychiatry” charlatanry as further proof it only targets people
without the power to defend themselves including money or influence meaning powert to be defended
by others

I also remark the fact that if the Romanian Constitutional Court public functionaries involved
were real magistrates, they would’ve denounced penally and disciplinarily the other mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes involved in the falsification of penal dossier 2417/P/2014 and penal “psychiatric”
charlatanry action 14277/231/2015

I.B.11.3.3 <remained here with work, continue punctually to demonstrate the falsification of the
decision and the schizophrenia and sociopathy of the falsifiers

wrote my<... lied that, I quote in Romanian: “<...”, meaning in English: “<...”

<I.B.12 8th or 9th Decemb er 2016 SML Vrancea falsified acts by committee in secret, never
communicated - copy plead from section B.4.

<I.B.13 copy of ppp paun ionel iulian at _drept\_vrancea\_judecatoria\penal\_Paun Ionel

Iulian\ppp paun ionel iulian pentru 18.05.2016

<copy from plead.txt, and other references in this document

Page 493 of 501

<I.B.14 <see annex 10 and annex 7

<I.B.15 <see annex 9

<I.B.16 <see annex 8

<I.B.17 <see annex 5

<I.B.18 <see annex 6

<I.B.19 <see annex 4

<I.B.20 <see annex 1, 2, 3

<I.B.21 <refer to plead in section A about dita mirela kinstellar sparl and delhaize group

< I.A.II.^6.1 - proof that Delhaize Group bribed the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes through the
Kinstellar SPARL lawyers
I.A.II.^1 the mafia “judge” caporegimes refusal to judge demonstration

<I.B.22 <

< 1.1^2. "The death toll among people who have taken the schizophrenia drug Xeplion has climbed
to 21...Xeplion, which is injected, uses paliperidone palmitate to control symptoms of schizophrenia in
adult patients. The chemical remains in the body for at least four months, it said"

1.1^3. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paliperidone
1.1^4. "Paliperidone, sold under the trade name Invega among others... In April 2014, it was
reported that 21 Japanese people who had received shots of the long-acting injectable paliperidone to
date had died"

Page 494 of 501

<i.b.22 heavily related with II.^4 (II.^4.1-5) and I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2

<loof for “proof in itself or attently re-read the passages containing references because I left plenty
proofs I should reference here to not escape any, even if referencing those sections back

<in documentul D:\_drept\_vrancea\medico-legal\1863 829 P 2015\probe #1\ probe privind

mortalitatea cazaturii pe scari DAI etc.pdf am dovedit ca “medicii legisti” mint sa protejeze pe
interlopul herghelgiu danut, ca 25% din populatia globului are presiune intracraniana. In realitate
0,00641% sau 6,41 la 100.000 de persoane au aceasta conditie a presiunii intracraniene, si acea
statistica se refera la persoane obeze ori eu sunt astenic deci probabilitatea este redusa la jumatate
iarasi adica 0,003

<look for all references to sectino I.B.22 and prove in full and reference proofs as necessary, such as the
involvement of mafia “magistrate” caporegimes Comanescu Carmen, Croitoru Sandina Mariana, Neagu
Rodic and <Popa Mariana who lied lied not one of over 20 proofs exist and consequently refused to
administer any of them to cover-up the Crimes against humanity from the night between 5th and 6th
December 2014

<I.B.22 after the order of paragraphs referenced in II.1.3.1^2.1, order and expand the plead here

<I.B.23 <refer to pleads in section A

<I.B.24 <copy from _drept\_vrancea\_judecatoria\penal\_Paun Ionel Iulian\ppp paun ionel

iulian pentru 18.05.2016 and similar
<see paragraph 0.2 and chapter V.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier

II. Of right,
<copy paste from the preliminary section actually>formulate according to article 15 of the Rome
Statute “<quote

B. I declare under private signature knowing the dispositions of judiciary false declarations
felony, that the declarations contained within this document represent the truth, as well as those
contained in my Rules 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures, reminding I made the same
declarations to all competent Romanian institutions, and a number of international institutions and

Page 495 of 501

organizations without ever being accused of False declarations, Inducing the judiciary bodies into error
or Disseminating false informations according to articles 326, 268, <?404 from the Romanian Penal
Procedure Code

C. I make the proof of verity of my declarations by the facts:

- I was never accused of false declaration meaning the proof of verity of my declarations is
- I was never accused of inducing into error the judiciary bodies meaning the proof of verity of
my proofs is accomplished
- I was never accused of disseminating false information publicly meaning the proof of verity of
my declarations and proofs published on the internet is accomplished

III. Damage claims. Other requests

III.1 See chapter IV from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures
attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier. I also objectivize the fact that I also invoke the damages
not directly linked to the Crimes against humanity meaning the deliberate destruction of my two
careers in IT and law by the Romanian “state” mafia, because the Crimes against humanity were
perpetrated to deliberately destroy my two careers, more precisely to stop me from denouncing the
mafia’s criminal activity such as taking bribe from the Delhaize Group to refuze to judge as I’ve
objectivized in paragraph <, respectivelly to stop me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity while
simultaneously getting licensed and professing as a law practitioner, as I’ve demonstrated the
involvement of the bribing Delhaize Group and it’s Kinstellar SPARL “lawyers” in paragraph <, who even
personally instigated the 3rd Crimes against humanity attempt against me declaring in civil dossier
15730/231/2014 that I must be chemically lobotomized for exercising my right to justice just as the
principal instigator “judge” Dita Mirela who invented civil dossier 15730/231/2014 regarding my
placement under “psychiatric” charlatanry interdiction for exercising my right to justice which would’ve
unfolded as the Crimes against humanity between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017. In other words if
the 6 Crimes against humanity attempts and especially the 2 Crimes against humanity committals
weren’t perpetrated against me I would’ve continued at least one of the two careers if not both,
meaning its the Crimes against humanity that also caused those damages
III.2 I constitute myself into a civil party under which quality I demand compensation for the
pecuniary and inherent non-pecuniary damages I've incurred from the 6 Crimes against humanity
attempts and especially the 2 Crimes against humanity and its effects, including my 2 careers in IT and
law destroyed as well as the opportunity to build a family which is another reason I’ll suffer solitude for
the rest of my days unless I can repair this situation with the damages compensation, not just from the
Romanian “authorities” inculpated in the preliminary section in reverse chronological order of the
Crimes against humanity committed or attempted, but also from the international accomplices and
intrinsic instigators, the EU LIBE members and other European Parliament members who I inculpate in
preliminary section -1 for being notified for years and taking no action, and the CoE and ECHR members
starting with the Romanian “state” mafia agents posing as ECHR registrars and covering-up Romanian
Crimes against humanity by destroying the petitions against them, who I inculpate in section 1,

Page 496 of 501

III.2.1 because ECHR having direct competence to stop the Romanain Crimes against humanity
through urgent interim measures, instead covered-up the Romanian Crimes against humanity as proven
by the fact mafia agents posing as ECHR registrars already illegally destroyed the Rule 39 EHCR urgent
request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier 6 times since I filed it the first
time on 18th April 2017 and was destroyed on 26th April 2017, which could've prevented the Crimes
against humanity committed against me from between 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017, and could've
prevented me becoming a permanent refugee since 1st September 2017 as I’ve objectivized in paragraph
2.4^45 from annex 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, for which I opened a penal dossier against them which I also published and keep
updated at address: https://www.scribd.com/document/365438323/penal-complaint-against-D-Lupu-
and-I-Banu-at-European-Court-of-Human-Rights, to which I also refer as annex 2 proof. Also see
preliminary section 1 and section B.1 for full demonstration. Furthermore after I’ve notified the
<anticorruption and prevention of torture committees> of ECHR, and every member of CoE from these
committees and other relevant groups, all of them did nothing demonstrating that ECHR and CoE are
corrupt, accomplice and therefore instigators or determinant factors in the Romanian Crimes against
<plead about the complicity and intrinsic instigation of EU LIBE subcommittee members and the
rest of the EU Parliament members notified

<remained here with work> to undermine the act of justice, awards which naturally ECHR should regress
for recovering from the Romanian mafia "state" and its agents which being against the rule of law have
notoriously called upon the derogatory designations about the Romanian state from the people such as
in Romanian “statul paralel” meaning as translated in English "the parallel state", the Romanian
“binomul” meaning as translated in English together with the "the binomial of the “magistrate” mafia
and neo-“communist” security “secret services”", the Romanian "republica procurorilor" meaning as
translated in English “the prosecutor republic”, “the mafia state” and so on and so forth as it can be
objectivized by searching google.com being notorious, which depict clearly the fact the so-called
Romanian magistrates and secret servicemen have instituted totalitarianism back again – where a
minority infringes on the rights of the majority, because no lustration of the state was applied after the
1989 “revolution” which was in fact Ceausescu’s security forces “revolution” meaning coup d’état
carried by the wave of western pressure for fall of the communist block, for which they massacred the
population to make it look like a revolution and when the populace took to the streets they called upon
the security infiltrated body of miners to beat up and kill the protesters in 1990 as notorious proof, time
in which of course the army under the control of the neo-“communist security” mafia didn’t intervene,
after which the same mafia in control of the judiciary system covered up no less than 23 times the
“revolution” dossier, even dementedly claiming recently that the people were tired and shot and killed
I evaluate the total of the pecuniary and non-pecuniary damages as described in chapter IV from
annex 23 the Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier, objectivizing that as long as ECHR illegally refuses to judge the Rule 39 ECHR request for interim
measures it tacitly admits my rights were gravely infringed upon therefore it justifies the damages
claimed against ECHR in full by refusing to award them, damages which ECHR must pay in solidarity with
the murderous totalitarian Romanian “state” mafia regime and its agents it covers for. Even if ECHR will
judge the Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures fairly, it must still be held to pay in
solidarity with the Romanian criminal regime and its agents because if it would’ve judged before 27th
May 2017 it would’ve prevented my illegal arrest from my law faculty exams by 3 mafia “secret police”

Page 497 of 501

soldiers, who incarcerated in the “Focsani” “psychiatric” charlatanry gulag where 5 “psychiatric”
torturers were waiting as instructed by the mafia, who tied to an operating table and put into
anaphylactic shock for at least 3 days through daily deadly fluorinne and chlorine neurotoxic injections
without treatment, and after I survived I’ve been forcefully chemically lobotomized with other deadly
fluorine and chlorine neurotoxic poisons until 8th June 2017, Crimes against humanity committed
against me which I’ve objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2, the last deadly fluorine
neurotoxic risperidone or paliperidone poison being the same one with which I was clandestinely
injected in my right elbow in the night between 5th and 6th December 2014 mafia concertized Crimes
against humanity as objectivized in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^2, I.B.22 and I.A.I.1-2, mentioning in short that
the mafia committed these Crimes against humanity by breaking every relevant law, regulation, norm,
deontology code as enumerated in chapted I.3 from annex 23 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for
interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, out of which I exemplify reminding the
fact I was never indicted, convicted or diagnosed nor was the Ethics committee convened to analyze the
legality of my chemical lobotomizatin without my consent, nor was the committee for evaluating my
“pscyhiatric” charlatanry incarceration in the Focsani gulag convened where I was incarcerated by the 3
mafia soldiers as legally required etc., meaning the felonies of Torture, Bodily Harm, attempted
Qualified murder, Illegal deprivation of liberty, Subjection to bad treatment and many other would’ve
never been committed against me if ECHR would’ve issued interim measures on my Rule 39 urgent
request, nor would been forced to go into permanent hiding as the recent and not forgotten anti-
“communism” partisans, after the Romanian “state” mafia criminal regime returned in September 2017
to finish me off using the falsified sentence from 12718/231/2017 for the crimes and diagnosis of
Vasilache Daniel because I was never indicted, convicted and diagnosed as proven by annex 17, annex
18, annex 19 and annex 22 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier, regarding my empty judicial history, the admittal by the mafia “magistrate”
caporegimes I have no judicial history and respectively the family doctor certified evidence that I’m
army incorporable and apt for superior studies meaning mentally healthy, corroborated with the fact I
also have according to annex 20 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as
annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier, 4 legal work medicine certificates declaring I’m mentally sane and apt
for work as correspondent to the 4 legal work years as an IT programmer which stopped when the
Romanian “state” mafia destroyed this career definitively too in Romania as I objectivized in chapter IV
of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
being before this licensed in mathematics - informatics, informatics specialization after my 4 years in
college meaning apt for superior studies, and army incorporable all along, corroborated with the fact no
falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents were made official as proven by the fact my family doctor
would’ve been notified through the Ministry of Health informatic system, respectively I was never
communicated as legally required according to articles 32, 33 paragraph 5, 58 and 61 paragraph 5 from
the Romanian Law 487/2002, article 28 paragraph 2 from the norms of application of the Romanian Law
487/2002, any of these falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry documents with the exception of the falsified
“psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration discharge papers from 8th June 2017 attached as annex 16 of my
Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal dossier,
respectively I wasn’t even officially under penal pursuit as proven by the “psychiatrist” torturers who
lied I am paranoid and psychotic for the last 3 years 2015-2017 for knowing I was under penal pursuit in

Page 498 of 501

the 4 falsified penal dossiers 2417/P/2014, 2845/P/2016, 3992/P/2016 and 4329/P/2016 as proven by
annex 16 and annex 17 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to
this ICC penal dossier, meaning as retained in the falsified “psychiatric” charlatanry incarceration
discharge papers form 8th June 2017, and respectively the fact in my empty judicial history there
should’ve been inscribed according to the law the fact I was under penal pursuit at the time I requested
it, meaning simultaneously the Romanian “state” mafia attempted to covertly politically repress me
through 6 Crimes against humanity attempts, and 2 Crimes against humanity committals, to stop me
from denouncing its criminal activity. Furthermore in the falsified sentences from 12718/231/2017 the
mafia didn’t reference with the period 27th May 2017 and 8th June 2017 in which the Crimes against
humanity were committed against me which constitutes another proof the mafia tacitly admits it
instigated them as I’ve proven anyway in sections I.A.II.1.3.1^7, I.B.6, and I.A.I.1-2<, about which I speak
more in paragraph < from

IV. Proofs inventory

<annex 1, Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1 to this ICC penal
dossier - because it’s cumbersome and error prone to handle emailing this document along with very
large annex through multiple consecutive emails, I’m just indicating where I published them on the
internet where I also keep the document updated as I investigate further and report the results:

<annex 2, the penal dossier against d.lupu and i.banu, reference the internet

<annex 3, the blood proof from 2015. The counterproof that I do not normally have hyperprolactinomia
I cannot attach at the moment becaue it would lead the mafia to my location and the situation I’ve
objectivized in section 21 of my Rule 39 ECHR urgent request for interim measures attached as annex 1
to this ICC penal dossier. Perhaps after getting legal protection somewhere else than Romania or if ICC
explicitly requests it and I’m positive it leads to the conviction of the mafia members and not my
Qualified Murder
I however declare knowing the consecuquences of False declarations that my normal prolactine
on 23 February 2018 is 8.4 as opposed to 17.2 on 10th April 2015, on a reference of 4.04 - 15.2,

meaning I was covertly injected with the deadly fluorine based neurotoxin risperidone or paliperidone in
the night between 5th and 6th December 2014, which caused the symptom of hyperprolactinomia

<annex 4, a copy of the constitutional court decision, or link to its publicatino on the internet, updating
all the references to it that it’s annexed as proof: http://www.monitoruljuridic.ro/act/decizia-nr-25-din-

Page 499 of 501


<annex 5, the falsified communique from 4th April 2019, as proven in preliminary section -1^3 of this ICC
penal dossier

<annex ? the false testimony of the interloper Herghelegiu Danut referenced in I.A.II.^1. I will
annex these in the order displayed here but after the numbered annexes, until I establish a number for
these too

13th April 2019

To the prosecutor of International Criminal Court

<remove or hide these notes

other candidates for summary and useful paragraph references

I.A.II.^6.1 - proof that Delhaize Group bribed the mafia “magistrate” caporegimes through the
Kinstellar SPARL lawyers
I.A.II.^1 the mafia “judge” caporegimes refusal to judge demonstration

<TODO: spread this reference wherever the word “incidental” appears> I.A.II. the mafia felonies
of Torture and Bodily Harm are incidental to the principal felony and intent to an effect of Qualifiedly
Murdering me to stop me from denouncing the mafia’s criminal activity

I.A.II., I.A.II.^7 the mafia leadership concertized the perpetration of the 7th Crimes against
humanity committal and the 8th Crimes against humanity ongoing attempt as proven

1989 coup d’état of which I spoke more in paragraphs I.A.II.1.2^3, I.A.II.^3 and others from my
ICC penal dossier linked above

I.A.II.^1 regarding the two mafia soldiers who accompanied interloper Herghelegiu Danut to
cover-up the Crimes against humanity attempt from 27th October 2014

Page 500 of 501

the “legal medics” Dicu Serban Dan and Ionescu Natalia who since 8th December 2014 falsified the
forensic report to hide the evidence of the 2nd Crimes aganist humanity commital from the night
between 5th and 6th December 2014 as objectivized in sections II.^2, I.B.22 and others

Page 501 of 501

acreditat pentru
Clinica OncoFort Focsani
Str. Bucegi nr. 28, Focsani
Tel: 0311-000.201
Fax: SR EN ISO 15189:2007
nr. LM 195

Nume pacient: RANETI TUDOR ANDREI Varsta: 34 ani, 6 luni Sex: M

CNP pacient: 1801010394508 Adresa:
Loc recoltare: Clinica OncoFort Focsani Telefon:
Data recoltare: 10-04-2015 07:47 Cod pacient: 1304706
Solicitant: OPSNAJ (BTIAJ 5195118) Cod proba: 53018612
Medic trimitator: BURUIANA OANA Observatii: Buletin de analize tiparit on-line.
User creare cerere: IONITA Carmen Angelica Nr. reg.: 706
Data validare / tiparire: 14-04-2015 18:18 / 18-04-2015 23:16

Parametru Valoare obtinuta Valori biologice de referinta U.M.

AB005 Calciu seric ionic* (R1,L2,A3) 4.29 3.80 - 5.60 mg/dL
AB004 Calciu seric total* (R1,L2,A3) 9.75 8.60 - 10.20 mg/dL
AB003 Creatinina serica* (R1,L2,A3) 0.70 0.70 - 1.20 mg/dL
AB008 Glicemie * (R1,L2,A3,D1) 87.33 65.00 - 115.00 mg/dL
AB018 TGP* (R1,L2,A3,D2) 31.67 10.00 - 41.00 UI/L
AB001 Uree serica* (R1,L2,A3) 20.47 10.00 - 50.00 mg/dL

AU001 Sumar urina + sediment* (R1,L2,A1)

Glucoza (GLU) 50 0 - 50 mg/dL

Proteina (PRO) NEGATIV 0 - 20 mg/dL
Bilirubina (BIL) NEGATIV 0 - 0.5 mg/dL
Urobilinogen (URO) NORMAL 0 - 1.0 mg/dL
PH 5.50 4,80 - 7,50
Densitate (SG) 1015.00 1.010,00 - 1.030,00
Corpi cetonici (KET) NEGATIV NEGATIV mg/dL
Sediment - epitelii plate RARE
Sediment - leucocite RARE

AH001 Hemoleucograma completa* (R1,L2,A2)

WBC (Numar leucocite) 9.83 4.00 - 11.00 *1000/uL

NEU# (Numar neutrofile) 6.304 2.00 - 8.00 *1000/uL
LYM# (Numar limfocite) 2.444 1.50 - 4.50 *1000/uL
MONO# (Numar monocite) 0.884 0.20 - 1.00 *1000/uL
EOS# (Numar eozinofile) 0.18 00.00 - 0.70 *1000/uL
BAS# (Numar bazofile) 0.03 00.00 - 0.20 *1000/uL
NEU% (Neutrofile procentual) 64.14 50.00 - 75.00 %
LYM% (Limfocite procentual) 24.84 20.00 - 45.00 %
MONO% (Monocite procentual) 9.04 2.00 - 10.00 %
EOS% (Eozinofile procentual) 1.80 00.00 - 5.00 %
BAS% (Bazofile procentual) 0.30 00.00 - 2.00 %
RBC (Numar hematii) 5.37 4.50 - 6.20 *10^6/uL
HGB (Hemoglobina) 15.40 12.30 - 17.00 g/dL
HCT (Hematocrit) 45.00 37.00 - 52.00 %
MCV (Volum mediu al hematiei) 83.82 80.00 - 100.00 fL
MCH (Hemoglobina eritrocitara medie) 28.70 27.00 - 32.00 pg
MCHC (Conc. medie de hbg eritrocitara) 34.20 32.00 - 36.00 g/dL
RDW (Distributia hematiilor dupa volum) 13.40 10.00 - 15.00 %
PLT (Numar trombocite) 315.00 150.00 - 450.00 *1000/uL
MPV (Volum mediu plachetar) 11.70 7.40 - 10.40 fL
PCT (Plachetocrit) 0.371 0.10 - 0.50 %
PDW (Distributia plachetelor dupa volum) 14.60 11.50 - 16.50 fL
AH005 VSH* (R1,L2,A4,D3) 2.00 1,00 - 10,00 mm/1h

(R2,L1,A5) RECOLTARE AM = 6.2 - 19.4
AE014 Cortisol seric 19.60 RECOLTARE PM = 2.3 - 11.9

AE004 Free T4 (R2,L1,A5,D4) 1.31 0.93 - 1.70 ng/dl

AE009 LH (R2,L1,A5,D7) 3.32 1.70 - 8.60 mUI/ml
AE007 Prolactina (R2,L1,A5,D6) 17.20 4.04 - 15.20 ng/mL
AE012 Testosteron (R2,L1,A5) 4.17 2.49 - 8.36 ng/ml
AE005 TSH* (R2,L1,A5,D5) 4.02 0.27 - 4.20 uUI/ml

Buletin verificat si validat de DOBRIN Diana.

Buletin de analize tiparit on-line. Varianta semnata si parafata de medicul sef de laborator care a validat buletinul se poate
obtine de la punctul de lucru al Gral Medical unde s-a efectuat recoltarea probelor. Va multumim.

Nota: Valori in afara limitelor normale pentru varsta si sexul

Rezultatele analizelor se interpreteaza de catre medicul curant in contextul datelor clinice si/sau paraclinice. Analizele marcate cu * SUNT acreditate RENAR. Pentru detalii
suplimentare, va rugam sa solicitati certificatul de acreditare la office@gralmedical.ro. Opiniile si interpretarile continute de prezentul raport medical nu sunt acoperite de acreditarea

Responsabili de analiza: R1 - DOBRIN Diana; R2 - GROSU Liliana
Laboratoare de executie: L1 - Laboratorul Gral Colentina; L2 - Clinica OncoFort Focsani
Analizoare: A1 - Pocket Chem; A2 - Sysmex XS1000i; A3 - Cobas Integra 400; A4 - SEDI TAINER; A5 - Cobas 6000 (E601-1)
Denumiri alternative ale analizelor: D1 - glucoza serica; D2 - ALT, GPT, glutamic-piruvat transferaza, alanil aminotransferaza; D3 - viteza de sedimentare a hematiilor; D4 - tiroxina libera; D5 -
tirotropina, hormon stimulator al tiroidei; D6 - PRL; D7 - hormonul luteinizant

Pacient: RANETI TUDOR ANDREI, cod proba 53018612

Tiparit la 18-04-2015 23:16
9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală

adresa de email Ma abonez


2018 Juristi!
2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009
Conflictele de munca pot fi
Cititi intreaga legislatie cu
privire la neintelegerile si Comunica experienta
conflictele de munca! MonitorulJuridic.ro

Descarcati GRATUIT
Raportul Special "Litigiileadresa
de£600 de e-mail
£35 £150 £495 £900 £400
munca: legislatie comentata
si exemple practice"
DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate
Cautare document
a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
adresa de email
vreau informatii despre produsele Rentrop&Straton. Sunt de acord ca datele personale sa fie prelucrate Termen:
EMITENT: Curtea Constituţională
UE 679/2016acum Raportul Gratuit
PUBLICAT: Monitorul Oficial nr. 294 din 26 aprilie 2017
cuvant cheie
Da, vreau sa primesc newsletterul zilnic cu stiri,
noutati, articole, dezbateri pe teme juridice
Comenteaza legea Tipul actului:

Tipul actului
│Valer Dorneanu │- preşedinte │
├───────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ Anul publicarii actului:
│Marian Enache │- judecător │
├───────────────────────┼────────────────────┤ Anul Cauta
│Petre Lăzăroiu │- judecător │
│Mircea Ştefan Minea │- judecător │
│Daniel Marius Morar │- judecător │
│Mona-Maria Pivniceru │- judecător │
│Livia Doina Stanciu │- judecător │
│Simona-Maya Teodoroiu │- judecător │
│Varga Attila │- judecător │
│Afrodita Laura Tutunaru│- magistrat-asistent│
│ │

Cu participarea reprezentantului Ministerului Public, £150 £600 £450

procuror Marinela Mincă.
1. Pe rol se află soluţionarea excepţiei de
neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din
Codul de procedură penală, excepţie ridicată de Andrei Tudor
Raneti în Dosarul nr. 14.277/231/2015 al Judecătoriei Focşani şi
care formează obiectul Dosarului Curţii Constituţionale nr.
£1,000 £550
2. La apelul nominal lipsesc părţile, faţă de care procedura
de citare este legal îndeplinită.
3. Magistratul-asistent referă asupra faptului că autorul
Anul publicarii in Monitorul Oficial
excepţiei a depus o completare a sesizării Curţii
Constituţionale referitoare la abuzurile organelor judiciare.
4. Cauza fiind în stare de judecată, preşedintele Curţii 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
acordă cuvântul reprezentantului Ministerului Public, care arată 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
că textele contestate reglementează condiţiile de aplicare a

file:///C:/Documents%20and%20Settings/Admin/My%20Documents/Downloads/_%20DECIZIA%20nr.%2025%20din%2019%20ianuarie%202017%20referitoare… 1/8
9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
măsurii obligării provizorii la tratament medical, conţinutul
acestei măsuri şi, respectiv, procedura de aplicare şi de Click aici pentru lista completa
ridicare a măsurii, sens în care impun anumite obligaţii pentru
organele îndreptăţite să propună şi să dispună o astfel de
măsură şi, respectiv, drepturi şi garanţii pentru suspectul sau
inculpatul faţă de care se procedează la luarea măsurii Categorie Act
obligării provizorii la tratament medical. Obligarea provizorie
la tratament este o măsură de siguranţă cu caracter medical,
Acord Act Aditional
care nu poate fi luată decât pe parcursul procesului penal,
suspectul sau inculpatul beneficiind de o serie de garanţii, cum Addendum Altele
ar fi efectuarea unei expertize, obligativitatea de a fi asistat Amendament Anexa
de către un avocat ales sau din oficiu, posibilitatea să fie Apel Aranjament Comercial
asistat de un medic curant sau de un medic specialist. Aşadar, Calculator Cerinte
textele criticate nu afectează dreptul la un proces echitabil Circulara Cod Aerian
sau prezumţia de nevinovăţie, motiv pentru care apreciază că
Cod Comercial Cod Procedura Penala
excepţia de neconstituţionalitate este neîntemeiată.
CURTEA, Cod Vamal Codul Fiscal
având în vedere actele şi lucrările dosarului, constată Codul Muncii Completare
următoarele: Comunicat Conditii
5. Prin Încheierea din 11 ianuarie 2016, pronunţată în Constitutie Contract
Dosarul nr. 14.277/231/2015, Judecătoria Focşani a sesizat
Contract de Finantare Contract de Munca
Curtea Constituţională cu excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a
Conventie Criterii
dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură
penală, excepţie ridicată de Andrei Tudor Raneti într-o cauză Criterii si Proceduri Cuantum Total
având ca obiect soluţionarea propunerii formulate de către Decizie Declaratie
Parchetul de pe lângă Tribunalul Vrancea de obligare provizorie Declaratie solemna Decret
la tratament medical. Decret Lege Dispozitie
6. În motivarea excepţiei de neconstituţionalitate se
Document Ghid Operational
susţine că prevederile legale menţionate afectează prezumţia de
nevinovăţie, întrucât numai condamnaţii pot fi obligaţi la Hotarare Incheiere
tratament medical ambulatoriu. Mai arată că, în preambulul Indrumar Instructiuni
ordonanţei de renunţare la urmărirea penală, procurorul desemnat Intelegere Lege
în cauză a inventat o infracţiune de ultraj şi l-a instigat pe Lista Masuri
medicul legist să redacteze în fals un raport de expertiză Memorandum Metodologie
medico-legală psihiatrică.
Motiune Normativ
7. Judecătoria Focşani opinează că excepţia de
neconstituţionalitate este neîntemeiată, deoarece măsura de Norme Norme Metodologice
siguranţă a obligării la tratament medical reglementată de art. Ordin Ordonanta
245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală, cu referire la Ordonanta de Urgenta Plan
art. 109 alin. (1) din Codul penal, nu reprezintă o veritabilă Pozitie Comuna Precizare
sancţiune de drept penal, care are legătură directă cu vinovăţia
Precizari Prescriptii
sau nevinovăţia suspectului/inculpatului cercetat într-o cauză
Procedura Proces Verbal
8. Măsura de siguranţă are drept scop protejarea Program Propunere de metodologie
suspectului/inculpatului, precum şi a celorlalte persoane în Protocol Protocol Aditional
situaţiile în care se constată că suspectul sau inculpatul are Raport Rectificare
nevoie de tratament medical pentru o afecţiune constatată Reglementari Regulament
medico-legal. Această măsură nu impietează în niciun fel asupra
Reguli Reguli Uniforme
răspunderii penale a persoanei faţă de care se solicită a se lua
măsura şi în situaţia în care se dispune o soluţie de clasare, Rezolutie Schema
renunţare la urmărirea penală ori achitare urmează a fi sesizată Sentinta Sinteza
instanţa civilă care va dispune asupra internării nevoluntare a Sistem Situatie
persoanei în cauză. Aşadar, măsura de siguranţă a obligării la Standard Statut
tratament medical, privită din perspectiva scopului său, nu Strategie Transe Venit Impozabil
apare ca fiind o măsură esenţialmente cu caracter penal, iar ea
este reglementată în Codul de procedură penală graţie situaţiei
procesuale la care se află la un moment dat persoana faţă de
care se solicită a se dispune măsura.
9. Potrivit prevederilor art. 30 alin. (1) din Legea nr.
47/1992, încheierea de sesizare a fost comunicată preşedinţilor
celor două Camere ale Parlamentului, Guvernului şi Avocatului
Poporului, pentru a-şi exprima punctele de vedere asupra Skoda fabia se tsi auto 1.2
excepţiei de neconstituţionalitate ridicate. 2012 12 moths mot 5 doors
hpi clear
Skoda fabia Se Tsi S A
10. Guvernul apreciază că excepţia de neconstituţionalitate Aut…
este neîntemeiată. Astfel, dispoziţiile legale criticate
reglementează aspecte ce ţin de aplicarea provizorie a măsurilor
de siguranţă cu caracter medical, respectiv a unor aspecte
legate de obligarea provizorie la tratament medical a
Reg 61 volkswagen polo 1.2 s
suspectului/inculpatului. Din coroborarea acestor prevederi cu petrol, f/s/h,long mot, 2 keys,
ex…CAT, HPI Clear, full
cele ale art. 107 din Codul penal rezultă că acestea nu conţin No
norme care ar permite stabilirea vinovăţiei unei persoane
acuzate de comiterea unei infracţiuni ori considerarea acesteia £2,800
ca fiind vinovată la un moment anterior pronunţării unei
hotărâri definitive de condamnare, fiind deci conforme cu
dispoziţiile art. 23 alin. (11) din Legea fundamentală.
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9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
11. Avocatul Poporului apreciază că dispoziţiile legale
criticate sunt constituţionale. Astfel, măsura de siguranţă a Monitoare Oficiale
obligării la tratament medical are ca scop înlăturarea unei
stări de pericol şi preîntâmpinarea săvârşirii faptelor
prevăzute de legea penală, motiv pentru care se prevede expres Monitorul Oficial 775 din 10 Septembrie 2018
că măsura va putea fi dispusă până la însănătoşire sau până la Monitorul Oficial 772 din 07 Septembrie 2018
obţinerea unei ameliorări care să înlăture starea de pericol. Monitorul Oficial 773 din 07 Septembrie 2018
12. În acest context, critica autorului excepţiei potrivit Monitorul Oficial 774 din 07 Septembrie 2018
căreia una din premisele obligării la tratament medical rezidă
Monitorul Oficial 768 din 06 Septembrie 2018
în existenţa unei condamnări, nu are suport legal, Codul de
procedură penală nereglementând o asemenea condiţie. În Monitorul Oficial 769 din 06 Septembrie 2018
literatura de specialitate se arată expres că o primă condiţie Monitorul Oficial 770 din 06 Septembrie 2018
pentru luarea măsurii este ca făptuitorul să fi săvârşit o faptă Monitorul Oficial 771 din 06 Septembrie 2018
prevăzută de legea penală, indiferent dacă fapta este sau nu Monitorul Oficial 764 din 05 Septembrie 2018
infracţiune. Monitorul Oficial 765 din 05 Septembrie 2018
13. Prin urmare, nu se poate reţine încălcarea prezumţiei de
nevinovăţie, întrucât art. 23 alin. (11) din Legea
Click aici pentru lista completa
fundamentală consacră această prezumţie exclusiv pentru ipoteza
răspunderii penale. Această concluzie rezultă nu numai din
termenii reglementării constituţionale, făcându-se referire
explicită la „hotărârea judecătorească de condamnare“, dar şi
din economia reglementărilor, prevederile fiind înscrise în MonitorulJuridic.ro este un proiect:
cuprinsul dispoziţiilor cu privire la „libertatea individuală“.
În acest sens se invocă Decizia Curţii Constituţionale nr. 16
din 20 ianuarie 2005.
14. Referitor la încălcarea art. 6 paragraful 2 din
Convenţia pentru apărarea drepturilor omului şi a libertăţilor
fundamentale, Avocatul Poporului arată că textele criticate
stabilesc detaliat procedura de aplicare şi de ridicare a
măsurii, precum şi controlul legalităţii luării acesteia,
instituind suficiente garanţii ale asigurării dreptului la un
proces echitabil şi ale respectării prezumţiei de nevinovăţie.
15. Preşedinţii celor două Camere ale Parlamentului nu au
comunicat punctele lor de vedere asupra excepţiei de
examinând încheierea de sesizare, punctele de vedere ale
Guvernului şi Avocatului Poporului, raportul întocmit de
judecătorul-raportor, notele depuse de autor, concluziile
procurorului, dispoziţiile legale criticate, raportate la
prevederile Constituţiei, precum şi Legea nr. 47/1992, reţine
16. Curtea Constituţională a fost legal sesizată şi este
competentă, potrivit dispoziţiilor art. 146 lit. d) din
Constituţie, precum şi ale art. 1 alin. (2), ale art. 2, 3,
10 şi 29 din Legea nr. 47/1992, să soluţioneze excepţia de
17. Obiectul excepţiei de neconstituţionalitate îl
constituie dispoziţiile art. 245 cu denumirea marginală
Condiţiile de aplicare şi conţinutul măsurii şi art. 246 cu
denumirea marginală Procedura de aplicare şi de ridicare a
măsurii, ambele din Codul de procedură penală. Ulterior
sesizării Curţii, dispoziţiile art. 246 din Codul de procedură
penală au fost completate prin art. II pct. 60 din Ordonanţa de
urgenţă a Guvernului nr. 18/2016 pentru modificarea şi
completarea Legii nr. 286/2009 privind Codul penal, Legii nr.
135/2010 privind Codul de procedură penală, precum şi pentru
completarea art. 31 alin. (1) din Legea nr. 304/2004 privind
organizarea judiciară, publicată în Monitorul Oficial al
României, Partea I, nr. 389 din 23 mai 2016, în sensul că, după
alin. (12), se introduce un nou alineat, alin. (13). Având în
vedere că, în cauză, a produs efecte norma de procedură
prevăzută de art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală în forma în
vigoare la data sesizării, Curtea se va pronunţa asupra
dispoziţiilor art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală în
redactarea anterioară modificării lor prin Ordonanţa de urgenţă
a Guvernului nr. 18/2016. Prin urmare, prevederile de lege
criticate au următorul conţinut:
- Art. 245:
"(1) Judecătorul de drepturi şi libertăţi, pe durata
urmăririi penale, judecătorul de cameră preliminară, în cursul
procedurii de cameră preliminară, sau instanţa, în cursul
judecăţii, poate dispune obligarea provizorie la tratament
medical a suspectului sau inculpatului, dacă se află în situaţia
prevăzută de art. 109 alin. (1) din Codul penal.
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9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
(2) Măsura prevăzută la alin. (1) constă în obligarea
suspectului sau inculpatului să urmeze în mod regulat
tratamentul medical prescris de un medic de specialitate, până
la însănătoşire sau până la obţinerea unei ameliorări care să
înlăture starea de pericol.
(3) Judecătorul de drepturi şi libertăţi şi judecătorul de
cameră preliminară se pronunţă asupra măsurii prevăzute la alin.
(1) în camera de consiliu, prin încheiere motivată. Instanţa se
pronunţă asupra măsurii prin încheiere motivată.“; "
– Art. 246:
"(1) În cursul urmăririi penale sau al procedurii de cameră
preliminară, dacă apreciază că sunt întrunite condiţiile
prevăzute de lege, procurorul înaintează judecătorului de
drepturi şi libertăţi sau judecătorului de cameră preliminară de
la instanţa căreia i-ar reveni competenţa să judece cauza în
primă instanţă o propunere motivată de luare faţă de inculpat a
măsurii obligării provizorii la tratament medical.
(2) Propunerea prevăzută la alin. (1) va fi însoţită de
expertiza medico-legală din care să rezulte necesitatea
aplicării măsurii obligării la tratament medical.
(3) Judecătorul sesizat conform alin. (1) fixează termen de
soluţionare a propunerii în cel mult 5 zile de la data
înregistrării acesteia şi dispune citarea suspectului sau
(4) Când suspectul sau inculpatul este prezent, soluţionarea
propunerii se face numai după audierea acestuia, în prezenţa
unui avocat, ales sau numit din oficiu. Propunerea se
soluţionează şi în lipsa suspectului sau inculpatului, atunci
când acesta nu se prezintă, deşi a fost legal citat, dar numai
în prezenţa avocatului, ales sau numit din oficiu, căruia i se
dă cuvântul pentru a pune concluzii.
(5) Participarea procurorului este obligatorie.
(6) Suspectul sau inculpatul are dreptul ca la soluţionarea
propunerii de luare a măsurii obligării provizorii la tratament
medical să fie asistat şi de către un medic desemnat de acesta,
care poate prezenta concluzii judecătorului de drepturi şi
libertăţi. Suspectul sau inculpatul are dreptul să fie asistat
de medicul specialist desemnat de acesta şi la alcătuirea
planului terapeutic.
(7) Judecătorul se pronunţă asupra propunerii printr-o
încheiere, care poate fi contestată în 5 zile de la pronunţare.
Contestarea nu suspendă punerea în aplicare a măsurii de
(8) Dacă admite propunerea, judecătorul dispune obligarea
provizorie la tratament medical a suspectului sau inculpatului
şi efectuarea unei expertize medico-legale, în cazul în care
aceasta nu a fost depusă potrivit alin. (2).
(9) În cazul când după dispunerea măsurii s-a produs
însănătoşirea suspectului sau inculpatului ori a intervenit o
ameliorare a stării sale de sănătate care înlătură starea de
pericol pentru siguranţa publică, judecătorul de drepturi şi
libertăţi sau judecătorul de cameră preliminară care a luat
măsura dispune, la sesizarea procurorului ori a medicului de
specialitate sau la cererea suspectului ori inculpatului sau a
unui membru de familie al acestuia, ridicarea măsurii luate.
Dispoziţiile alin. (2)-(7) se aplică în mod corespunzător.
(10) Dacă după dispunerea măsurii a fost sesizată instanţa prin
rechizitoriu, ridicarea acesteia, potrivit alin. (9), se dispune
de către judecătorul de cameră preliminară sau, după caz, de
către instanţa de judecată în faţa căreia se află cauza.
(11) În cursul judecăţii în primă instanţă şi în apel, la
propunerea procurorului ori din oficiu, inculpatul poate fi
obligat provizoriu la tratament medical de către instanţa de
judecată în faţa căreia se află cauza, care solicită acte
medicale concludente sau efectuarea unei expertize medico-
legale. Dispoziţiile alin. (4)-(9) se aplică în mod
(12) Dacă suspectul sau inculpatul încalcă cu rea-credinţă
măsura obligării provizorii la tratament medical, judecătorul de
drepturi şi libertăţi, judecătorul de cameră preliminară sau
instanţa care a luat măsura ori în faţa căreia se află cauza
dispune, la sesizarea procurorului sau a medicului de
specialitate ori din oficiu, internarea medicală provizorie a
suspectului sau inculpatului, în condiţiile prevăzute la art.

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9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
247.“ "

18. Autorul excepţiei de neconstituţionalitate susţine că

dispoziţiile legale criticate încalcă prevederile
constituţionale ale art. 23 alin. (11) referitor la prezumţia de
nevinovăţie, precum şi dispoziţiile art. 6 paragraful
2 referitor la dreptul oricărei persoane acuzate de o
infracţiune de a fi prezumată nevinovată până ce vinovăţia sa va
fi legal stabilită din Convenţia pentru apărarea drepturilor
omului şi a libertăţilor fundamentale şi dispoziţiile art.
11 referitor la prezumţia de nevinovăţie din Declaraţia
Universală a Drepturilor Omului.
19. Examinând excepţia de neconstituţionalitate, Curtea
constată că dispoziţiile legale criticate reglementează
procedura referitoare la condiţiile de aplicare şi conţinutul
măsurii de siguranţă a obligării provizorii la tratament medical
a suspectului sau inculpatului, precum şi procedura de aplicare
şi de ridicare a acesteia, fiind condiţionată de situaţia
prevăzută de art. 109 alin. (1) din Codul penal, potrivit
căruia, dacă făptuitorul, din cauza unei boli, inclusiv cea
provocată de consumul cronic de alcool sau de alte substanţe
psihoactive, prezintă pericol pentru societate, poate fi obligat
să urmeze un tratament medical până la însănătoşire sau până la
obţinerea unei ameliorări care să înlăture starea de pericol.
Aşa fiind, legiuitorul a condiţionat posibilitatea dispunerii
măsurii de siguranţă de existenţa pericolului pentru societate.
Potrivit dispoziţiilor art. 23 alin. (1) din Constituţie,
libertatea individuală şi siguranţa persoanei sunt inviolabile.
Totodată, în acord cu art. 22 alin. (1) şi art. 26 alin. (2) din
aceeaşi Lege fundamentală, dreptul la integritate fizică şi
psihică este garantat, motiv pentru care orice persoană fizică
are dreptul să dispună de ea însăşi dacă nu încalcă drepturile
şi libertăţile altora, ordinea publică sau bunele moravuri. Cât
priveşte situaţia persoanelor care din cauza unei boli, inclusiv
cea provocată de consumul cronic de alcool sau de alte substanţe
psihoactive, prezintă pericol pentru societate, Curtea constată
că acestea pot prezenta o suită de afecţiuni ale căror simptome
pot genera un comportament de natură a afecta atât propria
viaţă, precum şi pe cea a altora, cât şi aspecte ce ţin de
ordinea publică sau bunele moravuri. Prin urmare, prin forţa
împrejurărilor, situaţia acestor persoane care nu sunt în stare
să înţeleagă semnificaţia şi consecinţele comportamentului lor
impune cu stringenţă luarea măsurilor legale referitoare la
aplicarea unui tratament medical adecvat în aşa fel încât să fie
înlăturate orice riscuri iminente ce implică posibile vătămări
fizice pentru sine ori pentru alte persoane, precum şi
distrugeri de bunuri materiale importante.
20. De asemenea, potrivit dispoziţiilor art. 53-55 din Codul
penal, pedepsele sunt de trei categorii, respectiv pedepse
principale (detenţiunea pe viaţă, închisoarea şi amenda),
pedepse accesorii şi pedepse complementare (interzicerea
exercitării unor drepturi, degradarea militară şi publicarea
hotărârii de condamnare). Aşa fiind, obligarea provizorie la
tratament medical nu este o pedeapsă în sensul legii penale,
motiv pentru care nu poate fi primită critica potrivit căreia
prin dispunerea ei este afectat principiul referitor la
prezumţia de nevinovăţie, deoarece instituirea măsurilor de
siguranţă cu caracter medical nu echivalează cu o pronunţare
asupra vinovăţiei suspectului sau inculpatului. Măsura obligării
la tratament medical este reclamată de existenţa unei stări de
pericol pentru societate care nu ar putea fi înlăturată altfel
decât prin obligarea suspectului/inculpatului de a urma, în mod
regulat, tratamentul medical prescris de un medic de
specialitate, până la însănătoşire sau până la obţinerea unei
ameliorări. În plus, art. 23 alin. (11) din Constituţie consacră
prezumţia de nevinovăţie, dar exclusiv pentru ipoteza
răspunderii penale. Această concluzie rezultă nu numai din
termenii reglementării constituţionale, făcându-se referire
explicită la „hotărârea judecătorească de condamnare“, dar şi
din economia reglementărilor, prevederile art. 23 alin.
(11) fiind înscrise în cuprinsul dispoziţiilor cu privire la
„libertatea individuală“ (a se vedea Decizia nr. 45 din 24
aprilie 1996, publicată în Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea
I, nr. 129 din 21 iunie 1996). De altfel, principiul prezumţiei

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9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
de nevinovăţie tinde a proteja o persoană învinuită de
săvârşirea unei fapte penale împotriva unui verdict de
culpabilitate ce nu a fost stabilit în mod legal şi priveşte
ansamblul procedurii penale litigioase, fiind inclus şi modul de
administrare a probelor (a se vedea Hotărârea Curţii Europene a
Drepturilor Omului din 25 august 1987, pronunţată în Cauza
Nolkenbockhoff împotriva Germaniei, paragraful 33).
21. Analizând condiţiile de aplicare şi conţinutul măsurii
provizorii la tratament medical, precum şi procedura de aplicare
şi ridicare a unei astfel de măsuri, Curtea constată că aceasta
poate fi dispusă pe toată durata procesului de către judecătorul
de drepturi şi libertăţi, judecătorul de cameră preliminară ori
instanţa de judecată şi constă în obligarea provizorie a
suspectului/inculpatului să urmeze în mod regulat tratamentul
medical prescris de către un medic de specialitate. Caracterul
provizoriu al unei astfel de măsuri se deduce din faptul că
aceasta este dispusă pe parcursul procedurilor judiciare (în
cursul urmăririi penale, al procedurii de cameră preliminară
şi/sau în cursul judecăţii) prin convertirea măsurii de
siguranţă reglementată de art. 108 lit. a) din Codul penal într-
o măsură procesuală a cărei subzistenţă sub o astfel de
identitate se încheie odată cu pronunţarea unei hotărâri
judecătoreşti - potrivit art. 404 alin. (4) lit. d) din Codul de
procedură penală dispozitivul hotărârii trebuie să cuprindă şi
cele hotărâte cu privire la măsurile de siguranţă. Aceasta nu
înseamnă că, în mod automat, dispunerea obligării la tratament
medical se întinde până la finalizarea procesului, întrucât
menţinerea ei este indisolubil legată de însănătoşire ori de
obţinerea unei ameliorări care să înlăture starea de pericol.
Totodată, măsura obligării provizorii la tratament medical va fi
dispusă după ce, în prealabil, a fost efectuată o expertiză
medico-legală, cu citarea suspectului/inculpatului şi numai în
prezenţa avocatului ales sau numit din oficiu. Persoana supusă
măsurii are dreptul ca, la soluţionarea unei astfel de
propuneri, să fie asistată şi de către un medic desemnat de
aceasta care poate prezenta concluzii şi care poate participa la
alcătuirea planului terapeutic. În cazul în care a intervenit
însănătoşirea ori o ameliorare a stării de sănătate care
înlătură starea de pericol, măsura provizorie a obligării la
tratament medical poate fi ridicată la sesizarea procurorului
ori a medicului de specialitate sau la cererea
suspectului/inculpatului ori a unui membru de familie al
22. Aşa fiind, Curtea constată că măsura obligării la
tratament medical este o măsură procesuală provizorie, iar nu o
sancţiune penală, care poate fi dispusă împotriva persoanelor
care au săvârşit fapte prevăzute de legea penală, dar nu ca o
consecinţă a răspunderii penale, neavând aşadar caracter
punitiv, ci eminamente preventiv. Aşadar, legiuitorul, prin
edictarea normelor legale criticate, şi-a exercitat tocmai
competenţa constituţională consacrată de art. 61 din Legea
fundamentală, ţinând cont de specificul măsurilor cu caracter
medical instituite în procesul penal - măsuri procesuale cu
caracter provizoriu - şi de scopul pentru care acestea sunt
dispuse, respectiv de a înlătura pericolul pentru societate.
23. În concluzie, persoana supusă măsurii provizorii
beneficiază de garanţii specifice dreptului la un proces
echitabil şi în concordanţă cu prezumţia de nevinovăţie, câtă
vreme necesitatea dispunerii măsurii obligării la tratament
medical este evaluată de către o instanţă în cadrul unei
proceduri judiciare, ce include o audiere publică în care
apărarea are acces la dosarul cauzei şi în care prezumţiile pe
care acuzarea se bazează nu sunt absolute, astfel încât ele pot
fi răsturnate de persoana interesată. Mai mult, din
interpretarea dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de
procedură penală nu rezultă că suspectului/inculpatului i se
impută săvârşirea unei infracţiuni, fapt care nu poate fi
stabilit decât prin hotărâre judecătorească de condamnare rămasă
definitivă, ci că, din cauza unei boli preexistente, prezintă
pericol pentru societate. De altfel, pe baza prevederilor legale
contestate, suspectul/inculpatul supus măsurii provizorii a
obligării la tratament medical nu este considerat vinovat de
săvârşirea unei fapte penale, întrucât această măsură se poate
dispune faţă de o persoană care a comis o faptă prevăzută de
legea penală, chiar şi în situaţia în care acesteia nu i se
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9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
aplică o pedeapsă. De aceea, nu se poate susţine că dispoziţiile
legale examinate ar fi contrare prevederilor art. 23 alin. (11)
din Constituţie privitoare la prezumţia de nevinovăţie.
24. Pentru considerentele expuse, Curtea constată că
dispoziţiile art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură
penală nu afectează principiul prezumţiei de nevinovăţie
consacrat de art. 23 alin. (11) din Constituţie, art. 6
paragraful 2 din Convenţia pentru apărarea drepturilor omului şi
a libertăţilor fundamentale şi art. 11 din Declaraţia Universală
a Drepturilor Omului.
25. Pentru considerentele expuse mai sus, în temeiul art.
146 lit. d) şi al art. 147 alin. (4) din Constituţie, al art. 1-
3, al art. 11 alin. (1) lit. A.d) şi al art. 29 din Legea nr.
47/1992, cu unanimitate de voturi,
În numele legii
Respinge, ca neîntemeiată, excepţia de neconstituţionalitate
ridicată de Andrei Tudor Raneti în Dosarul nr. 14.277/231/2015
al Judecătoriei Focşani şi constată că dispoziţiile art. 245 şi
art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală sunt constituţionale în
raport cu criticile formulate.
Definitivă şi general obligatorie.
Decizia se comunică Judecătoriei Focşani şi se publică în
Monitorul Oficial al României, Partea I.
Pronunţată în şedinţa din data de 19 ianuarie 2017.


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9/17/2018 DECIZIA nr. 25 din 19 ianuarie 2017 referitoare la excepţia de neconstituţionalitate a dispoziţiilor art. 245 şi art. 246 din Codul de procedură penală
Fii primul care comenteaza.


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Our Reference: OTP-CR-424/18

The Hague, Thursday, 04 April 2019

Dear Sir, Madam

On behalf of the Prosecutor, I thank you for your communication received 21/09/2018, as well as any
subsequent related information.

As you may know, the International Criminal Court (“the ICC” or “the Court”) is governed by the Rome
Statute, which entrusts the Court with a very specific and carefully defined jurisdiction and mandate. A
fundamental feature of the Rome Statute is that the Court may only exercise jurisdiction over persons for the
most serious crimes of concern to the international community as a whole, namely genocide, crimes against
humanity and war crimes, as defined in the Rome Statute (Articles 6 to 8). The Court may only exercise
jurisdiction over crimes committed on or after 1 July 2002 (Article 11). In addition, the Court may only exercise
jurisdiction over crimes committed on the territory of a State that has accepted the jurisdiction of the Court or
by a national of such a State (Article 12), or where the Security Council refers the situation to the Court (Article

Accordingly, I regret to advise you that your communication appears to relate to matters outside the
jurisdiction of the Court. The Prosecutor has therefore confirmed that there is not a basis at this time to proceed
with further analysis. The information you have submitted will be maintained in our archives, and the decision
not to proceed may be reconsidered if new facts or evidence provide a reasonable basis to believe that a crime
within the jurisdiction of the Court has been committed.

I hope you will appreciate that with the defined jurisdiction of the Court, many serious allegations will be
beyond the reach of this institution to address. I note in this regard that the ICC is designed to complement, not
replace national jurisdictions. Thus, if you wish to pursue this matter further, you may consider raising it with
other appropriate national or international authorities.

I am grateful for your interest in the ICC. If you would like to learn more about the work of the ICC, I
invite you to visit our website at www.icc-cpi.int.
Yours sincerely,

Tudor Andrei Raneti


Mark .P. Dillon

Head of the Information & Evidence Unit
Office of the Prosecutor

Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands

Boîte postale 19519, 2500 CM La Haye, Pays Bas
Telephone / Téléphone: + 31 70 5158515 • Facsimile / Télécopie: + 31 70 5158555 • http://www.icc-cpi.int
Notre référence: OTP-CR-424/18

La Haye, jeudi 4 avril 2019

Madame, Monsieur,

Au nom du Procureur, je vous remercie de votre communication, reçue le 21/09/2018, ainsi que de tout
autre renseignement connexe envoyé subséquemment.

Comme vous le savez peut-être, la Cour pénale internationale (ci-après nommée la ”CPI” ou la ”Cour”)
est régie par le Statut de Rome, lequel confère à la Cour une compétence et un mandat particuliers et bien
définis. L’un des aspects fondamentaux du Statut de Rome (article 11) est la stipulation que la Cour peut
seulement avoir compétence sur les personnes accusées des crimes les plus graves qui touchent l’ensemble de la
communauté internationale, notamment le génocide, les crimes contre l’humanité et les crimes de guerre, tels
qu’ils sont définis dans le Statut de Rome (articles 6 à 8). La Cour a uniquement compétence à l’égard des
crimes commis à partir du 1er juillet 2002 (article 11). De plus, la Cour peut seulement exercer sa compétence à
l’égard de crimes commis sur le territoire d’un État qui a accepté la compétence de la Cour ou de crimes commis
par un ressortissant d’un État qui a accepté la compétence de la Cour (article 12), ou lorsque le Conseil de
sécurité défère la situation à la Cour (article 13).

Par conséquent, je regrette de vous informer que votre communication semble porter sur une affaire sur
laquelle la Cour n’a aucune compétence. Le Procureur a donc confirmé qu’il n’existe actuellement aucune base
justifiant une analyse plus poussée. Les renseignements que vous avez soumis seront versés dans nos archives,
et la décision de ne pas poursuivre l’analyse pourra être revue si de nouveaux faits ou éléments de preuve
fournissent une base raisonnable de croire qu’un crime relevant de la compétence de la Cour a été commis.

J’espère que vous comprenez que compte tenu de sa compétence, telle qu’elle est définie, la Cour ne
pourra instruire bon nombre d’allégations graves. À ce sujet, je vous fais remarquer que la CPI a été conçue
pour être le complément des juridictions nationales, et non pour les remplacer. Ainsi, si vous souhaitez
poursuivre cette affaire, vous pourrez peut-être songer à la soumettre aux autorités nationales ou
internationales compétentes.

Si vous désirez en apprendre davantage sur le travail de la CPI, vous pouvez consulter notre site Web, au
www.icc-cpi.int. Je vous remercie de l’intérêt porté à la CPI et vous prie, Madame, Monsieur, de recevoir mes
salutations cordiales.

Tudor Andrei Raneti


Mark .P. Dillon

Chef de l’unité des informations
et des éléments de preuve
Bureau du Procureur

Post Office Box 19519, 2500 CM The Hague, The Netherlands

Boîte postale 19519, 2500 CM La Haye, Pays Bas
Telephone / Téléphone: + 31 70 5158515 • Facsimile / Télécopie: + 31 70 5158555 • http://www.icc-cpi.int

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