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Before reading the text, answer the following questions.

1. How do you know that your beloved friend is getting fatter?

2. How do you that the apples you bought weigh exactly 1 kilogram?

Answer :

1. If we look at her/ his clothes are too tight and by measure her/ his weight.
2. By looking the size of the apples
By measuring the weight of the apples.


Measure is numbers that give us information about the world around us. They help us buy and
sell things, build roads, design machines, cook meals, get to school on time, do experiments and plan
what we do each day. Length, weight, temperature, and time are different kinds of measure.

Sometimes we need only a rough measure, such as ‘a pich of salt’ or ‘a few minutes time’.
But other measurement must be very accurate, for axample the width of railway track.

The first measure was probably rough and ready ones: a hand’s width, a pace, a bowlful.
Approximately measure like these are still useful when you are doing jobs.

But builders working together soon realized that they needed a standard measure. With a
measure that did no change, they could make everthing fit. The foreman probably carried a measuring
stick to set the standard.

Today, two main systems of weights and measure are used throughout the world. For many
years the imperial system was used in the USA, the UK, and some other countries. Its measure of
length was based on the ........................................................................ parts of the world. The basic
measure in length is the meter (m). Mass is measured in kilograms (kg). All other measures og length
and mass are found by multiplying or dividing these basic measures by tens, hundreds, and thousands.
This make calculation with the metric system much easier that with the imperial system.

Metric system Prefix

Measure Unit symbol

prefix Factor Symbol
Length Meter mega-
M 1.000.000 M
Mass Kilogram Kg kilo- 1.000 k
Electric current Ampere A hekto- 100 h
Temperature Kelvin K deka- 10 da
Amount of substance Mole mol desi- 1/10 d
Luminous intensity Candela cad centi- 1/100 c
mili- 1/1.000 m
time second S
mikro- 1/1.000.000 p
In the system you can make a unit of measure smaller or larger by adding a diffrent word,
called prefix, to the fornt of a unit. For example, a milimeter (mm) is one thousand of a meter, a
centimeter (cm0 is one hundred of a meter, and a kilometer (km) is 1000 meters.
Since the first measuring sticks, scientist and engineers have invented instruments to measure
lengths, weights, and times more accurately. Lengths are measured with rulers and tapes, building
surveyors use a tape which gives the measurement on a digital read out. Masses and weights are
measured with balances and scales. In addition, digital stopwatches and watches are used to measure
time. They can show hours, minutes and seconds. Some watches even can measure tenths or even
hundredth of a second.


Pengukuran adalah angka-angka yang diberikan untuk memberikan kita informasi tentang
dunia sekitar kita. Pengukuran membantu kita dalam membeli dan menjual sesuatu, membangun
jalan, mendesign mesin, memasak makanan, pergi ke sekolah tepat waktu, melakukan percobaan dan
merencanakan apa yang kita lakukan setiap hari. Panjang, berat, suhu, dan waktu adalah jenis-jenis
pengukuran yang berbeda.

Terkadang kita hanya membutuhkan sebuah pengukuran kasar, seperti “ sedikit garam” atau
“beberapa menit”. Tetapi pengukuran lain harus sangat akurat, misalnya lebar jalur kereta api.
Pengukuran pertama mungkin yang kasar dan siap pakai: lebar tangan, kecepatan, busur. Kira-kira
pengukuran seperti ini masih berguna ketika melakukan pekerjaan.

Tetapi para pembangun yang bekerja sama menyadari bahwa mereka membutuhkan ukuran
standar. Dengan pengukuran yang tidak berubah mereka bisa membuat semuanya sesuai. Mandor
mungkin membawa tongkat pengukur untuk menetapkan standar.

Saat ini, ada dua sistem utama dari menimbang dan mengukur yang digunakan di seluruh
dunia. Selama bertahun-tahun sistem imperial digunakan di Amerika Serikat, Inggris, dan beberapa
negara lainnya.Pengukuran panjangnya didasarkan pada .............................................. bagian-bagian
dunia. Pengukuran dasar dalam panjang adalah meter. Massa diukur dalam kilogram. Semua
pengukuran lainnya dari panjang dan massa ditemukan dengan mengalikan atau membagi ukuran
dasar ini dengan puluhan, ratusan, dan ribuan. Ini membuat perhitungan dengan sistem metrik jauh
lebih mudah dibandingkan dengan sistem imperial.

Sistem Matrik Awalan

Ukuran Unit Simbol Awalan Faktor Simbol

Panjang Meter M mega- 1.000.000 M
Massa Kilogram Kg kilo- 1.000 k
Kuat Arus Listrik Ampere A hekto- 100 h
Suhu Kelvin K deka- 10 da
Jumlah Zat Mol mol desi- 1/10 d
Intensitas Cahaya Candela cad centi- 1/100 c
mili- 1/1.000 m
Waktu Detik S
mikro- 1/1.000.000 p

Dalam sistem ini anda dapat membuat unit pengukuran lebih kecil atau besar dengan
menambahkan kata yang berbeda, yang disebut awalan, kebagian depan unit. Contohnya, satu
milimeter adalah seperseribu meter, satu centimeter adalah seratus meter, dan satu kilometer adalah
seribu meter.

Sejak tongkat pengukur pertama, para ilmuan dan insiyur telah menciptakan alat untuk
mengukur panjang, berat, dan waktu secara lebih akurat. Panjang diukur dengan penggaris dan pita,
survey bagunan menggunakan pita yang memberikan pengukuran pada pembacaan digital. Massa dan
berat diukur dengan keseimbangan dan skala. Selain itu, stopwacth digital dan jam tangan digunakan
untuk mengukur waktu. Mereka dapat menampilkan jam, menit, dan detik. Beberapa jam tangan
bahkan dapat mengukur sepersepuluh atau bahkan seperseratus detik.

Task 1
Please answer the following questions.

1. Why is measurement important?

2. Why should you use standard measurement?
3. What are the diffrences between imperial system and metric system?
4. The standard measurement for lenghth is meter. Mention the units between 0,1 meter and
1000 meter.
5. Please order these following units from the highest to the lowest: hectometer,
centimeter,decameter, millimeter, kilometer, micrometer, and decimeter.

Answer :

1. Measurement is important because :

- It gives us information about the world around us
- It help us buy and sell things, build roads, design machines, cook meals, get to school on
time, do experiments and plan what we do each day.
2. Whe should use a standard measurement because with this measure we make everything fit

Imperial System Metric System

 Used in USA, UK and some  Used in 48 nations in the world.
other countries.
 Foot is the unit of lenght.  Meter is the basic unit of lenght.
 Pound is the unit of weights.  Kilogram as the basic unit of
 Second is the unit of time.  Second as the basic unit of time
4. The units between 0,1 meter and 1.000 meter
0,1 meter = decimeter
10 meter = decameter
100 meter = hectometer
1000 meter = kilometer
5. Kilometer
Task 2
In which paragraph can you find these statements?

Statements Number of paragraph

Raw measurement still exists until today. 3
In many cases the accurate measurement is necessary. 2
The imperial system is used in particular countries. 5
The metric measurement is more widely used in the 5

Measurement is important for people’s daily activies. 1

Task 3
The first sentence.

1. The builder informs us to move away from the area.

The ............ should be obeyed.
a. Information c. Informative
b. Informant d. Informer
2. My body weighs 47 kg. It is my ideal weight.
To keep my body ideal is a ........... matters for me
a. Weight c. Weighty
b. Weigh d. Weightless
3. Donal Trump develops his buisness from zero.
The ........ of his buisness is so fast that he now owns an astonishing business empire.
a. Developed c. Development
b. Developing d. Developer
4. Calculation with metric system is easier that with imperial system.
I ............. that using metric system is easier than imperial system.
a. Calculator c. Calculating
b. Calculate d. Calculated
5. The workers measure the lenght of the steel.
They use a ............ tape to measure it.
a. Measurement c. Measured
b. Measures d. Measuring

Task 4
12ȼ each 10ȼ for 100 g 12ȼ each
15ȼ for 100 g 15ȼ for 100 g 30ȼ for a litre
Note : 100 ȼ = $ 1
$ ȼ
4 eggs 48
800 g of tomatoes 80
500 g of fish 75
Total 203
The above shopping bills can be writen into math story like this:

Mother goes to the grocery stores. She buys 4 eggs. The eggs cost 12 ȼ each. She buys
800 g of tomatoes. 100 g tomatoes cost 10 ȼ. She also buys 500 g og fish that cost 15
ȼ for every 100 g. Therefore, the money mother has to pay is $ 2,03
Complete these following shopping bills using the table of price above and change it into math
in story.

1. The shopping bills can be

written as math story in here.
$ ȼ Mother goes to the grocery stores. She buys 150 g of
150 g of chillies 22,5 chillies that cost 15 ȼ for every 100 g. She buys 4
4 cabbages 48 cabbages. The cabbages cost 12 ȼ each. She also buys
1 egg 12 1 egg that cost 12 ȼ. Therefore, the money mother has
Total 82,5 to pay is ȼ 82,5

2. The shopping bills can be

written as math story in here.
$ ȼ Mary goes to the grocery stores. She buys 1 kg of
1 kg of tomatoes 100 tomatoes. 100 g tomatoes cost 10 ȼ. She buys 1
1 cabbage 12 cabbage. It cost 12 ȼ each. She buys 300 g of fish that
300 g of fish 45 cost 15 ȼ for every 100 g . She also buys 5 litres of
5 litres of milk 150 milk. It cost 30 ȼ for every litres. Therfore, the total
Total 3. 07 that Mary has to pay is $ 3.07

3. The shopping bills can be

written as math story in here.
$ ȼ Rudy goes to the grocery stores. He buys 1 egg that
1 egg 12 cost 12 ȼ. He buys 4 litres of milk that cost 30 ȼ for
4 litres of milk 120 every litres. Then he buys 1 kg of fish. The fish cost 15
1 kg of fish 150 ȼ for 100 g. He also buys 800 g of chillies. 100 g of
800 g of chillies 120 chillies cost 15 ȼ. Therefore, the money Rudy has to
Total 4. 02 pay is $ 4.02
4. The shopping bills can be
written as math story in here.
$ ȼ Rika goes to the grocery stores. She buys 6 eggs. The
6 eggs 72 eggs cost 12 ȼ each. She buys 4 cabbages that cost 12 ȼ
4 cabbages 48 each. She also buys ½ kg of tomatoes. 100 g of
½ kg of tomatoes 50 tomatoes cost 10 ȼ. Therfore, Rika has to pay is $ 1,70
Total 1. 70

Now make your own shopping bills based on the prices above and change them into math story.

5. The shopping bills can be

written as math story in here.
$ ȼ John goes to the grocery stores to buy 5 litres of milk.
5 litres of milk 150 The milk cost 30 ȼ for every litre. He buys 2 eggs that
2 eggs 24 cost 12 ȼ each. He also buys 200 g of chillies. The
200 g chillies 30 chillies cost 15 ȼ for every 100 g. Therefore, the money
Total 2. 04 John has pay is $ 2.04

6. The shopping bills can be

written as math story in here.
$ ȼ Edo goes to the grocery stores to buy 8 cabbages that
8 cabbages 96 cost 12 ȼ each. He buys ½ kg of fish. The fish cost 15 ȼ
½ kg of fish 75 for every 100 g. He also buys 250 g of tomatoes. 100 g
250 g of tomatoes 25 tomatoes cost 10 ȼ. Therefore, Edo has to pay $ 1.96
Total 1. 96 for them.

7. The shopping bills can be

written as math story in here.
$ ȼ Metri goes to the grocery stores. She wants to buy 400
400 chillies 60 g of chillies. The chillies cost 15 ȼ for every 100 g.
1 kg of tomatoes 100 She buys 1 kg of tomatoes that cost 10 ȼ for every 100
5 cabbages 60 g. She also buys 5 cabbages. The cabbages cost 12 ȼ
Total 2. 20 each. Therfore, Metri has to pay $ 2.20.

Task 5
Measure cannot be avoided in human life. They use the measurement for diffrent purposes.
Discuss with your friends why they need to do the measure. Then fill in the chart.


To know the right

To know the dose of
amount of ingridients To know the time to do medicine needed to
needed in cooking the the household jobs cure her sick children


To know the time To know the right To help the amount

needed to go from time to do their of money to be save
their house to school activity


To know the right To know the right

amount of time To know the right
amount of ingridients
needed to make size of the meals
needed in making
delicious meals delicious meals

To count the exact

To know the right To know the time
amount of good they
amount of profil needed of making
have to give to their
they get in trade goods

Task 6
Present the result of your discussion in front of the class. Below is an example for you.

A housewife uses measurement for several things. The first, she might scale the cooking
ingridients. Without doing this, the meals might taste horrible.
Furthermore, she needs to plan the household jobs. She should know time for cooking meals.
She needs to clean the house. She also needs to pick her children from their schools. You can imagine
if the housewife does not anything about time. The life of the family will be chaotic. Her children
willl be starving for waiting so long to be picked up.
Another thing that makes measurement so important for a housewife is because she needs to
know the right doze of medicine which should be given to her children when they are ill. She must not
do any mistake in taking care of her sick children. If she gives the wrong doze, the consequence will
be fatal.

Children use measurement for several things. First, they must to know the time for doing to
school. She must know how long that they get their school. Without doing this they night come late to
Another thing that make measurement so important for children is because they needs manage
their time. They should know the time for learning, doing homework, and doing sport.
Furthermore, the importance of measurement for children is helping them to know the price of
things they needed. They must not spent a lot of money just for food and clothes but they can decide
how much money that have to be saved.

A chef usually uses measurement for several things. Firstly, she/he might scale the cooking
ingredients in making delicious meal.
More, she/he needs to manage the best time in cooking. She/he must know how long the meal
cooked or buked. If it takes too long, the meal will be overcook and it might taste horrible.
Another thing that makes measurement so important for a chef is because she/he needs to know
the size of the cooking utensils. You can imagine if the portion of the meal does not suitable with the
size of the pan. It can be fully or less and it can .......... of the perfomance of the meals.
A businessman uses measurement for several things. The first, they must know the right
amount of profit they can get in their business. They must get big profit so they can increase their
Second, the business needs measurement to plan the time in produce their goods. So the
production does not take too much time. Because it takes too long time, it needs too much money.
Finally, the importance for businessman is counting the exact amount of goods they have to
give to their costumer. You can imagine if the amount of goods is more than the demand. The goods
can be uselles.

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