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City of Alhambra

Sewer Rate Study 2018

Submitted to
111 South First Street
Alhambra, CA 91801

Submitted by
553 Wald
Irvine, California 92618

MAY 2018

1 Executive Summary ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1

2 Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 6

3 Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements, Sewer Master Plan and Rehabilitation and
Replacement Plan .......................................................................................................................................................................... 8

3.1 Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements ..................................................................................... 8

3.2 Sewer Master Plan (SECAP) .................................................................................................................................... 8

3.3 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan ........................................................................................................................ 9

4 2007 Sewer System Financial Evaluation and Rate Study, Prop. 218 Compliance .......................................... 9

4.1 2007 Sewer System Financial Evaluation and Rate Study Prop. 218 Compliance .......................... 9

4.2 Proposition 218 Compliance ................................................................................................................................... 9

5 Superior Court of the State of California: People V. Alhambra: Final Judgement ...........................................10

5.1 Superior Court of the State of California: People V. City of Alhambra Final Judgement .............10

6 2018 Sewer System Financial Evaluation and Rate Study ........................................................................................16

6.1 Background ...................................................................................................................................................................16

6.2 Revenues ........................................................................................................................................................................16

6.3 Expenditures ................................................................................................................................................................17

7 Financial Plan ................................................................................................................................................................................19

7.1 Financial Plan ...............................................................................................................................................................19

7.2 Proposed Sewer Rate Increases ...........................................................................................................................19

7.3 Average Bi-Monthly Sewer Bills ..........................................................................................................................19

8 Nearby Sewer Agency Rate Comparison ...........................................................................................................................26

Table ............................................................................................................................................................................................. Page

1-1 Average Bi-monthly Sewer Bill Single Family Residential with 5/8” Water Meter ....................................... 4
1-2 Proposed Sewer Enterprise Funding Plan ....................................................................................................................... 5

2-1 City of Alhambra Sewer Customers ..................................................................................................................................... 6

4-1 Existing Fixed and Usage Charges for Sewer Service .................................................................................................. 9
5-1 Capacity Sewer Improvement Projects ............................................................................................................................11

5-2 Lift Station Improvement Projects .....................................................................................................................................11

5-3 Severe Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects .........................................................................................12

5-4 Major Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects ..........................................................................................12

6-1 Equivalent Residential Unit Summary Table ................................................................................................................16

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2017/Report

6-2 Capital Improvement Program ............................................................................................................................................18

7-1 Existing Financial Plan ............................................................................................................................................................20

7-2 Proposed Financial Plan .........................................................................................................................................................21

7-3 Existing and Proposed Fixed Rates ....................................................................................................................................22

7-4 Existing and Proposed Bi-Monthly Average Sewer Bills ..........................................................................................23

7-5 Sample Calculations for Estimating Sewer Bill Single Family Residential with 5/8” Water Meter ......25

7-6 Existing and Proposed Bi-Monthly Fixed Charge and Usage Charge Summary ............................................26

8-1 Comparison of Average Bi-Monthly Single Family Residential Sewer Bills ....................................................27

Figure ........................................................................................................................................................................................... Page

1-1 Average Bi-monthly Sewer Bill Single Family Residential w/ 5/8” Water Meter ........................................ 4

2-1 Existing Sewer System ............................................................................................................................................................ 7

7-1 Projected Bi-Monthly Sewer Bills ....................................................................................................................................24

8-1 Comparison of Average Bi-Monthly Single Family Residential (5/8”) Sewer Bills....................................27

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2017/Report
The City of Alhambra
The City of Alhambra (City) provides sewer collection service to all territories within the City’s corporate
boundaries. The City is located approximately eight miles from downtown Los Angeles and encompasses
approximately 7.5 square miles (4,800 acres) of residential, commercial, and industrial lands at the entrance to
the San Gabriel Valley. It is bordered by the City of Monterey Park to the south, the City of San Gabriel to the
east, the City of San Marino and South Pasadena to the north, and the City of Los Angeles to the west.
The Sanitary Sewer System
The City’s existing sanitary sewer system is made up of a network of gravity sewers, pump stations, and force
mains. The gravity system consists of 128.51 miles (678,510 ft) of pipe ranging in size from 6-inch to 30-inch.
8-inch diameter gravity sewer pipes make up 87% of the total system. The sewer system includes 2,800
manholes and cleanouts. The system also includes seven (7) lift stations and 7,800 feet of associated
forcemains. The City provides sewer collection service to 16,757 customers (11,381 single family residential,
3,883 multi-family residential, and 1,493 commercial/industrial).
The general direction of flow is from north to south and west to east. The majority of the local sewers tie directly
into one of the Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD) trunk sewers crossing through the City. The
City of Alhambra contributes sewage flow to the following LACSD trunk lines:
1. Joint Outfall B in Alhambra Road, Garfield Avenue, Chapel Avenue, Almansor Street, and New Avenue
2. Arroyo Seco Trunk in Garfield Avenue
3. Chapel Avenue Trunk in Chapel Avenue
4. San Marino Outfall in Vega Street, Main Street, El Molino Street, Granada Avenue, Almansor Street,
and Mission Road
5. Almansor Street Extension Trunk in Almansor Street and Ross Avenue
The sewage is conveyed south east to LACSD Joint Outfall B sewer at New Avenue and Saxon Avenue. The
sewage is then further conveyed in LACSD system to the Whittier Narrows Water Reclamation Plant in the City
of El Monte for treatment and disposal. The LACSD charges the customers for sewer treatment service on the
property tax rolls.
Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements, Sewer Master Plan and Rehabilitation and
Replacement Plan
Sewer service agencies with a collection system exceeding 1 mile in length must comply with the State of
California General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Sanitary Sewer Systems (Order No. 2006-0003),
adopted in May 2, 2006, and its amendments. The Order prohibits any sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) that
results in a discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater to the waters of the United States. Provision
9 of the Order states: The Enrollee shall allocate adequate resources for the operation, maintenance, and repair
of its sanitary sewer system, by establishing a proper rate structure, accounting mechanisms, and auditing
procedures to ensure an adequate measure of revenues and expenditures. These procedures must be in
compliance with applicable laws and regulations and comply with generally acceptable accounting practices.
Under the Order, each agency must prepare a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) to “facilitate proper
funding and management of sanitary sewer systems”. The SSMPs must address 11 mandatory elements.
Element (iv) is the Operation and Maintenance Program, which includes a “rehabilitation and replacement plan”
based on condition assessment of the system. This element of the SSMP requires closed circuit television
(CCTV) inspection of the gravity system to identify structural and operation and maintenance defects, and
formulation of a capital improvement plan to eliminate the defects. It also requires “a time schedule for
implementing the short- and long-term plans plus a schedule for developing the funds needed for the capital

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

improvement plan”. The City conducted CCTV inspection of the gravity system and prepared its Sewer System
Rehabilitation Plan in 2009 with a prioritized capital improvement plan to eliminate the condition deficiencies.
Element (viii) of the SSMP is the System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan. The City completed its
Sewer Master Plan in June 2007, which evaluated the hydraulic capacity of the entire gravity collection system,
as well as the pump stations. The Sewer Master Plan is the City’s System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance
Plan element of the SSMP. It identified the capacity deficiencies in the gravity system, as well as the pump
stations. It developed a prioritized capital improvement plan to eliminate the capacity deficiencies.
The City of Alhambra prepared the remaining elements of its SSMP in 2009, and has been updating the
document every five (5) years.
The City of Alhambra has been implementing the capital improvement programs following the priorities
recommended by Sewer Master Plan and Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan.
Financial Evaluations and Sewer Rates
The City of Alhambra conducted a financial evaluation of its Sewer Enterprise in 2007 to comply with the WDR
and properly fund the operation and management of its sanitary sewer system. The City developed a rate
structure and adopted new rates for the next five (5) years in compliance with Proposition 218. The financial
evaluation determined the revenue requirements based on historical expenditures, the Master Plan
recommended gravity system and pump station improvement CIP, and an allowance for the rehabilitation and
replacement of the system, which had not been completed at that time. The sewer charges have a fixed
component, and a water consumption (sewer generation) component.
Because the City provides only sewer collection service and conveys the collected flows to the Los Angeles
County Sanitation District facilities for treatment and disposal, the sewer charges were based upon the
estimated sewage generation by the various customer classes. This was reflected in the establishment of an
Equivalent Residential Unit, which represented the sewage generated by a single family residential dwelling
unit with a 5/8-inch water meter. The adopted rate structure included increases through Fiscal Year 2011-2012.
The City could not increase the sewer charges beyond 2012 without going through an updated process,
including public notice, and the public hearing.
Superior Court of the State of California: People v. City of Alhambra: Final Judgment
The Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (RWQCB) filed a lawsuit against the City of
Alhambra, claiming that the City failed to comply with the terms of the SWRCB Order No. 2006-0003-DWG
Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems (WDR). The RWQCB and the
City entered into a Consent Judgment in 2015. The terms of the Consent Judgment included the following
actions by the City:
Gravity System Capital Improvements
The Consent Judgment included the capacity sewer improvement projects that were identified by the City’s
2007 Sewer Master Plan. These improvements need to be completed by December 31, 2020.
Lift Station Replacement and Rehabilitation Projects
The Consent Judgment requires the completion of the lift station replacement and rehabilitation projects by
December 31, 2020.
Projects Rated as Severe
The Consent Judgment requires the completion of the repairs of all the sewer pipes identified to be in severe
condition by City’s 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan within three (3) years of entry of the judgment.
Projects Rated as Major
The Consent Judgment requires “Major” condition gravity sewer improvement projects that were identified in
the City’s 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan to be completed within ten (10) years of the entry of the
judgement (October 1, 2025).

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Flow and Capacity Study

The Consent Judgment requires the City to complete a System Flow Monitoring and Capacity Analysis, which
will include flow monitoring during one rainy season following completion of the gravity sewer and pump station
capacity improvement projects.
Video Analysis of the Sewer System
Under the Consent Judgment, the City will complete a video analysis of its sanitary sewer system every five (5)
years during the entire length of the judgment starting six (6) months from the entry of the judgment. As part of
this requirement, the City will complete flushing and hydrojetting to clear blockages and roots and remove
grease buildup discovered by the video analysis within 15 days from determination of the need for such
The Judgement included specific requirements regarding the implementation of the various elements of the
SSMP, including the Fats, Oils and Grease Control Program, root control program, hot spot inspection and
cleaning, and staff training.
The Capital Improvement Program and Sewer Enterprise
The City of Alhambra has been implementing its capital improvement program in accordance with the terms of
the Consent Judgment. The sewer rates have not been increased since 2012, which was an inflation adjustment
pursuant to the 2007 rate study, and the significant drop in inside water use resulted in reduction in revenues
from consumption charges. Additionally, the construction costs have increased significantly since the adoption
of the sewer rates in 2007. Therefore, it has become necessary to conduct an evaluation of the Sewer
Enterprise and formulate an updated funding plan to maintain the system, construct the capital improvement
projects, and comply with regulatory requirements.
The City developed a revenue model and a financial model for this evaluation. The revenue model includes all
sewer system customers and their water use information. Utilizing the current rates, this model verified the
current revenues from sewer charges, and was used in determining the future revenues. The City also
developed a financial model which included the revenues from the revenue model, additional revenues as
provided by the City, as well as all expenditures of the sewer fund. Through the use of these models, the City
determined that it would have to incur $8 million in bonded indebtedness, and increase the sewer charges over
the next five years. With the recommended funding mechanism, the City will be able to properly operate and
maintain the system, construct the capital improvement projects required by the Consent Judgment, meet other
regulatory requirements, and maintain a reasonable fund balance.
The existing average bi-monthly sewer bills for the single family residential customers with 5/8-inch water
meters, as well as the bills for the next five (5) years with the proposed rate increases are shown in Table 1-1
and illustrated on Figure 1-1. Table 1-2 illustrates the proposed Sewer Enterprise Funding Plan.
It is recommended that the City of Alhambra follow the Proposition 218 required procedures by initiating a public
notice, holding a public hearing, and if no majority protest is received, adopting this funding plan, as well as the
proposed rate increases for the next five years.

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Table 1-1
Average Bi-monthly Sewer Bill
Single Family Residential
Averagewith 5/8” Water Meter
Bi-Monthly Usage Charge Total Average
Fixed Charge Water Use Bi-monthly
($)1 (CCF)2 ($/CCF) ($)3 Bill4
2017-2018 Existing5 $16.19 19.58 $0.396 $7.75 $23.94
2018-2019 $22.14 19.58 $0.467 $9.15 $31.29
2019-2020 $25.68 19.58 $0.542 $10.61 $36.30
2020-2021 $28.76 19.58 $0.607 $11.89 $40.65
2021-2022 $30.49 19.58 $0.644 $12.60 $43.09
2022-2023 $30.49 19.58 $0.644 $12.60 $43.09
Proposed fixed charges were generated from Equivalent Residential Units based on recent
water billing data.
Based on current average bi-monthly water usage. Actual bi-monthly sewer bill is based on
each customer's actual bi-monthly water usage, which may be higher or lower than the estimated
sewer bills shown above.
Based on average bi-monthly water use and usage rate.
Sum of fixed charge and usage charge.
Existing rates were developed during the 2007 Rate Study, and have not been increased since

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Table 1-2
Proposed Sewer Enterprise Funding Plan
FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27
Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
Sewer Charge Change 0% 18% 16% 12% 6% 0 0% 0% 0% 0%
Operating Revenues 3,440,000 4,059,200 4,708,672 5,273,713 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135
Charges for Service 1,400,000 1,652,000 1,916,320 2,146,278 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055
Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Operating Revenues $4,840,000 $5,711,200 $6,624,992 $7,419,991 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191
Operating Expenses
Personnel Services 1,033,181 1,064,176 1,096,102 1,128,985 1,162,854 1,197,740 1,233,672 1,270,682 1,308,803 1,348,067
Services & Supplies and Costs Applied 1,521,247 1,566,884 1,613,891 1,662,308 1,712,177 1,763,542 1,816,448 1,870,942 1,927,070 1,984,882
Depreciation and Amortization 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Operating Expenses $2,554,428 $2,631,061 $2,709,993 $2,791,292 $2,875,031 $2,961,282 $3,050,121 $3,141,624 $3,235,873 $3,332,949
Operating Income 2,285,572 3,080,139 3,914,999 4,628,699 4,990,159 4,903,908 4,815,070 4,723,566 4,629,318 4,532,241
Add back Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Operating Revenues $2,285,572 $3,080,139 $3,914,999 $4,628,699 $4,990,159 $4,903,908 $4,815,070 $4,723,566 $4,629,318 $4,532,241
Non Operating Revenues
Developer Connection Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest Earnings 86,197 95,556 45,551 13,972 14,802 17,445 19,669 21,460 22,802 23,680
Total Non Operating Revenues $86,197 $95,556 $45,551 $13,972 $14,802 $17,445 $19,669 $21,460 $22,802 $23,680
Net Revenues Available for Debt Service $2,371,769 $3,175,695 $3,960,551 $4,642,670 $5,004,962 $4,921,353 $4,834,739 $4,745,026 $4,652,120 $4,555,922
Series 2018 Bond Debt Service $0 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520
Debt Service Coverage% 666% 831% 974% 1050% 1033% 1015% 996% 976% 956%
Remaining Operating Revenues $2,371,769 $2,699,175 $3,484,031 $4,166,150 $4,528,442 $4,444,833 $4,358,219 $4,268,506 $4,175,600 $4,079,402

Capital Budget
FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27
Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
Beginning Cash Reserves 6/30/17 $17,239,350 $19,111,119 $9,110,293 $2,794,324 $2,960,474 $3,488,916 $3,933,749 $4,291,968 $4,560,474 $4,736,074
Cash from Operations $2,371,769 $2,699,175 $3,484,031 $4,166,150 $4,528,442 $4,444,833 $4,358,219 $4,268,506 $4,175,600 $4,079,402
Additional Bonds $8,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Capital Projects $8,500,000 $12,700,000 $9,800,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000
Ending Cash Reserves $19,111,119 $9,110,293 $2,794,324 $2,960,474 $3,488,916 $3,933,749 $4,291,968 $4,560,474 $4,736,074 $4,815,475

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

The City of Alhambra (City) provides sewer collection service to all territories within the City’s corporate
boundaries. The City encompasses approximately 7.5 square miles (4,800 acres) of residential, commercial,
and industrial lands at the entrance to the San Gabriel Valley. It is bordered by the City of Monterey Park to
the south, the City of San Gabriel to the east, the City of San Marino and South Pasadena to the north, and the
City of Los Angeles to the west.
The Sanitary Sewer System
The City’s existing sanitary sewer system is made up of a network of:
 128.51 miles of pipe ranging in size from 6 inch to 30-inch
 2,800 manholes and cleanouts
 Seven (7) pump (lift) stations, and 7,800 feet of force mains.
 8-inch diameter gravity sewer pipes make up 87% of the total system.
 The general direction of flow is from north to south and west to east. Many local sewers tie directly into
one of the Los Angeles County Sanitation
District (LACSD) trunk sewers crossing Table 2-1
through the City. The City of Alhambra City of Alhambra
contributes sewage flow to the following
LACSD trunk lines:
Sewer Customers
1. Joint Outfall B in Alhambra Road, Garfield Number
Avenue, Chapel Avenue, Almansor Street, Meter Size and Customer Type
of Meters
and New Avenue
2. Arroyo Seco Trunk in Garfield Avenue Residential Single Family
3. Chapel Avenue Trunk in Chapel Avenue 1" 5,148
4. San Marino Outfall in Vega Street, Main 2" 12
Street, El Molino Street, Granada Avenue, 1-1/2" 94
Almansor Street, and Mission Road 5/8" 6,127
5. Almansor Street Extension Trunk in Almansor Total Single Family Residential 11,381
Street and Ross Avenue Residential Multi-Family
The sewage is conveyed south and east to LACSD 1" 1,500
Joint Outfall B sewer at New Avenue and Saxon 2" 389
Avenue. The sewage is then further conveyed in 3" 20
LACSD system to the Whittier Narrows Water
Reclamation Plant in the City of El Monte for treatment
4" 5
and disposal. The LACSD charges the customers for 1-1/2" 960
sewer treatment service on the property bills. 5/8" 1,009
The City’s sanitary sewer system is shown on Figure Total Multi-Family Residential 3,883
2-1. Commercial
Customer Base 1" 618
2" 329
The City provides sewer collection service to 16,757
customers including 11,381 single family residential, 3" 19
3,883 multi-family residential, and 1,493 commercial 4" 11
accounts. Breakdown of the customers by water 6" 2
meter size is listed in Table 2-1. 1-1/2" 240
5/8" 274
Total Commercial 1,493
Total 16,757

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report
o n
gt 3
n tin

Atlantic Blvd
Arroyo Seco Hu t To City of

SP #8

Trunk n S San Marino
l ea





Electric Ave




CITY OF Huntington Dr


Pine St




Marguerita Ave



Primrose Ave

Fremont Ave



Palm Ave





Alhambra Road




Outfall B
Alhambra Rd #
e Story * 4
Av Park
Alhambra Road nd


Relief Trunk ve


Grand Ave rd



Main St
Wo Rd

i on

ll B

ll B

New Ave
Cedar St #
To City
9 Vine St SP #5
of LA St
Main St Ma Alhambra

Allen Ave Trunk

5 e Golf Course



Joint Outfall B

oy run
Poplar Blvd o n

o k

Almansor St
Chapel Ave


Garfield Ave
Atlantic Blvd

Li bra
Lemon St

"A ham

d 2nd St
4th St
Marguerita Ave


M i s
6th St

Ad ams Ave
Winchestor Ave

Marengo Ave

Raymond Ave
Meridian Ave

San Marino Ave

Westminster Ave

Fremont Ave

Joint Outfall B
8th St
Date Ave

Shorb St
6 Shorb St

Mission Rd Valley Blvd

Front St
Valley Blvd
Westmont Dr

Norwood Pl
Norwood Pl
le yB
Val Glendon Way
Glendon Way
SP #4
To City
of LA
* Ross Ave
Ross Ave
Ramona Rd
Interstate 10 8 Almansor St
Ramona Rd Extension Trunk
Hellman Ave Hellman Ave
To City 0
of LA t e1
Almansor St
8th St

6th St

Chapel Ave

New Ave

4th St

Garfield Ave

Atlantic Blvd

e 71

10 d SP #2





* n aR

SP #3 mo #
* Legend
Ra Garvey Ave
Garvey SP #7 City Boundary
A ve
Sewer Manhole
* City Sewage Lift Station
City Sewer
City Forcemain
CITY OF Los Angeles County Sanitation District Sewer
Pump Station Tributary Area Boundary
Sewershed ID Description
1 Tributary to Joint Outfall B in Alhambra Rd & Garfield Ave
2 Tributary to Chapel Ave Trunk and Joint Outfall B in Chapel Ave
3 Tributary to City of San Marino
4 Tributary to San Marino Outfall
5 Tributary to Joint Outfall B in New Ave at Glendon Wy
6 Tributary to Alhambra "A" Line
7 Tributary to Joint Outfall B in New Ave at Shorb St

8 Tributary to Almansor St Extension Trunk
9 10 Tributary to City of Los Angeles


Feet PROJECT NO: 0931379.00

Existing Sewer System
0 900 1,800 3,600
DATE: April 2018 Figure 2-1


3.1 Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements
The State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) oversees all wastewater permitting and enforcement in
California. Concerned with the increasing number and volume of sanitary sewer overflows and their impact on
human health and the environment, the SWRCB adopted Resolution 2004-80 requiring staff to work with
stakeholders in developing a regulatory program that will provide a consistent approach for reducing Sanitary
Sewer Overflows (SSOs). To assist in the development of the regulatory program, a statewide SSO Guidance
Committee composed of representatives from the Regional Water Quality Control Boards, County
environmental health departments, environmental groups, U.S. EPA, local public collection system owners and
other collection system experts was formed. SWRCB staff and the SSO Guidance Committee drafted Statewide
General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for Sewage Collection System Agencies.
The SWRCB adopted the Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) for sanitary sewer
systems and the associated monitoring and reporting program by issuing Order No. 2006-0003 on May 2, 2006.
The WDR addresses Sanitary Sewer Overflow (SSO) reporting and proper collection system management and
operation necessary to protect the public health, water quality, the environment, and the public’s investment in
the sewer system infrastructure. The Order prohibits any sanitary sewer overflow (SSO) that results in a
discharge of untreated or partially treated wastewater to the waters of the United States.
Provision 9 of the Order states: The Enrollee shall allocate adequate resources for the operation, maintenance,
and repair of its sanitary sewer system, by establishing a proper rate structure, accounting mechanisms,
and auditing procedures to ensure an adequate measure of revenues and expenditures. These procedures
must be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations and comply with generally acceptable accounting
Under the Order, each agency must prepare a Sewer System Management Plan (SSMP) to “facilitate proper
funding and management of sanitary sewer systems”. The SSMPs must address 11 mandatory elements.
Element (iv) is the Operation and Maintenance Program, which includes a “rehabilitation and replacement plan”
based on condition assessment of the system. This element of the SSMP requires closed circuit television
(CCTV) inspection of the gravity system to identify structural and operation and maintenance defects, and
formulation of a capital improvement plan to eliminate the defects. It also requires “a time schedule for
implementing the short- and long-term plans plus a schedule for developing the funds needed for the capital
improvement plan”. The City conducted CCTV inspection of its gravity system and prepared its Sewer System
Rehabilitation Plan in 2009 with a prioritized capital improvement plan to eliminate the condition deficiencies.
Element (viii) of the SSMP is the System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan. The City completed its
Sewer Master Plan in June 2007, which evaluated the hydraulic capacity of the entire gravity collection system,
as well as the pump stations. The Sewer Master Plan is the City’s System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance
Plan element of the SSMP. It identified the capacity deficiencies in the gravity system, as well as the pump
stations. It developed a prioritized capital improvement plan to eliminate the capacity deficiencies.
The City of Alhambra prepared the remaining elements of its SSMP in 2009, and has been updating the
document every five (5) years.
The City of Alhambra has been implementing the capital improvement programs following the priorities
recommended by Sewer Master Plan and Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan.
3.2 Sewer Master Plan (System Evaluation and Capacity Assurance Plan)
The City of Alhambra’s Sewer Master Plan was completed in 2007 by AKM Consulting Engineers. It developed
service criteria, created a hydraulic model of the system, calibrated the model based upon flow monitoring
results, and evaluated the capacity of the then existing system with the use of the hydraulic model. The model
identified existing capacity deficiencies. A hydraulic model of the future system was then created to evaluate
the collection system with the ultimate development of the service area. Based upon the results of the two
analyses, a recommended capital improvement program was formulated to relieve the existing and future
capacity deficiencies. Additionally, the 2007 Master Plan evaluated the condition and capacity of the City’s
seven (7) sewer lift stations. The Sewer Master Plan identified $24.4 million in gravity collection system capacity
improvement projects.

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

3.3 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan

The City of Alhambra’s Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan was completed in 2009 by AKM Consulting
Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) inspections of 665,798 feet gravity sewer pipes (98.13% of the total) were
conducted to evaluate the condition of the City’s gravity sewer system. This evaluation determined that 48,200
feet of the system’s condition was in “Severe” and “Major” defect condition, and was recommended for
rehabilitation and/or replacement. The estimated cost of the recommended projects was $23.4 million.
The rehabilitation plan included a summary of the Sewer Manhole Inspection and Assessment completed by
Jacobson Helgoth Consultants in 2007. Manhole rehabilitation was recommended for 265 manholes that were
categorized as Level 1 or Level 2. The estimated cost for manhole rehabilitation was $4.9 million.
The condition of the lift stations was based on the evaluation conducted in 2007. The lift station
replacement/rehabilitation costs were updated as part of this study and estimated at $17.8 million.
4.1 2007 Sewer System Financial Evaluation and Rate Study’ Proposition 218 Compliance
The City of Alhambra’s most recent Sewer System Financial Evaluation and Rate Study was prepared in 2007.
It was conducted following the completion of the Sewer Master Plan. The purpose of the study was to assess
the adequacy of the revenues to support the operation and maintenance program, regulatory compliance, and
the capital improvement plan recommended by the Sewer Master Plan. The evaluation included estimated
funding for sewer system rehabilitation, which had not been completed at the time.
Prior to the rate increase in 2007, rates had not been increased since 2004. The revenues, based on the rates
adopted in 2004 totaled approximately $1.2 million. The total expenditures, based on the 2006-2007 budget,
was $2.2 million. Because of the significant revenue shortfall, it was necessary to increase the rates.
The 2007 study utilized $4 million per year in capital improvement projects (capacity, lift station, and condition
projects) and recommended new rates with four (4) subsequent increases to comply with Proposition 218. The
charges adopted had a fixed component based on average daily sewage generation, and a usage charge based
on water use. The current charges are shown in Table 4-1.
Table 4-1
Existing Fixed and Usage Charges for Sewer Service
Fixed Rate per Meter Size and Customer Type
5/8" 1" 1-1/2" 2" 3" 4" 6" $/CCF
Single Family Residential $16.19 $18.71 $23.95 $43.55
Multi-Family Residential $30.18 $45.11 $90.76 $221.31 $575.83 $952.06
Commercial $17.00 $32.03 $107.46 $138.56 $932.40 $832.99 $1,240.79
Usage Rate $ 0.396
With the revenues generated from the rates adopted on 2007, the City constructed many of the capital
improvement projects recommended by the Sewer Master Plan and the Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan.
4.2 Proposition 218 Compliance
Proposition 218, (California Constitution Article XIII D), was enacted in 1996 for the purpose of setting rates
and fees which are reasonable and proportional to the cost of providing service. The requirements for fairness
1. Revenues derived from fees and charges (such as water and sewer rates) shall not exceed the funds
required to provide the property related service.
2. Fees and charges shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which they were imposed.
3. Fees and charges imposed shall not exceed the proportional cost of service attributable to the parcel
upon which it is being imposed.

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4. Service for which a fee is being imposed must actually be used by, or be immediately available to , the
owner of the property in question.
5. A written notice of the proposed fees and charges shall be mailed to the record owner of each parcel
at least 45 days prior to the public hearing, when the agency considers all written protests against the
A public agency cannot adopt increases in fees and charges above those included in the Proposition 218 notice.
The 2007 study established the reasonableness of the rates and proportionality to the cost of providing service
by basing the charges on sewage generation by each property connected to the City’s sanitary sewer system.
Sewage generated by each property directly impacts the size of the collection system pipes and lift stations, as
well as their operation and maintenance costs. The fixed charges were generally based on Equivalent
Residential Unit (ERU), which represented the average sewage generated by a single family residential dwelling
unit with a 5/8-inch water meter. Other customer categories were assigned ERUs reflecting the ratio of their
average sewage generation to that of the single family residential unit with a 5/8” meter.
The usage charge was based upon the water used, and reflects the usage of the system by each property.
The City’s sewer revenues fund expenditures of the City’s sewer collection system to the point of connection
with the Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD) conveyance facilities only. From the connection with
the City’s sewer system, LACSD provides conveyance, treatment, and disposal service, which is funded by
revenues collected from LACSD charges to the customers on the property tax rolls. The charges of the two
agencies do not overlap.


5.1 Superior Court of the State of California: People v. City of Alhambra: Final Judgment
The Regional Water Quality Control Board, Los Angeles Region (RWQCB) filed a lawsuit against the City of
Alhambra, claiming that the City failed to comply with the terms of the SWRCB Order No. 2006-0003-DWG,
Statewide General Waste Discharge Requirements for Sanitary Sewer Systems (WDR) by discharging
pollutants into the waters of the United States and/or waters of the state. The RWQCB and the City engaged
in extensive settlement negotiations prior to initiation of litigation. They agreed to settle the matter pursuant to
the terms of a Consent Judgment in 2015, which include the following actions by the City:
Gravity System Capital Improvements
The Consent Judgment included capacity sewer improvement projects that need to be upgraded by December
31, 2020. These capacity improvement projects were identified in the City’s 2007 Sewer Master Plan, and are
summarized in Table 5-1.
The City of Alhambra completed Projects No. 1 and 2. Project No.3 has been awarded and is scheduled to be
completed by the due date of December 31, 2018. The remaining projects (No. 4 through 7) are scheduled to
be completed by their due dates.

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Table 5-1
Capacity Sewer Improvement Projects

Lift Station Replacement and Rehabilitation Projects

The Consent Judgment included lift station improvement projects that were identified in the City’s 2007 Sewer
Master Plan and 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan. The deadline for the lift station improvement projects
is December 31, 2020. The lift station improvement projects are listed in Table 5-2.
The City of Alhambra completed Project No.1 (Lift Station No.3). Lift Station No.2, which is Project No.2, is
under construction. Lift Station No.7 (Project No.3) has been awarded, and is expected to be completed in the
second quarter of 2019. Lift Station No.4 (Project No.4) is under design. Projects No.5 and 6 are scheduled
to be completed by December 31, 2020.
Table 5-2
Lift Station Improvement Projects

No. Facility Description Due Date Status

Replace with submersible lift station,

1 Sewer Plant No. 3 December 31, 2020
replace force main Completed
Replace with new wet well-dry well
2 Sewer Plant No. 2 December 31, 2020
station, replace force main In Construction
Replace with new wet well-dry well
3 Sewer Plant No. 7 December 31, 2020
station, replace force main In Construction
Replace with new wet well-dry well
4 Sewer Plant No. 4 December 31, 2020
station, replace force main In Design
Story Park Lift Replace with new submersible lift station,
5 December 31, 2020
Station replace force main To be completed by 2020
Upgrade electrical and control system,
6 Sewer Plant No. 8 December 31, 2020
replace force main To be completed by 2020

Severe Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects

The Consent Judgment included 20 “Severe” condition gravity sewer improvement projects that were identified
in the City’s 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan. The list of these improvement projects are detailed in
Table 5-3, and are required to be completed within three (3) years of the judgement (October 1, 2018). The City
of Alhambra has completed all the projects under this category, well within the schedule required by the Consent
Major Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects
The Consent Judgment included 117 “Major” condition gravity sewer improvement projects that were identified
in the City’s 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan. These condition improvements, listed in Table 5-4 are
required to be completed within ten (10) years of the Judgement (October 1, 2025).

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Table 5-3
Severe Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects
Numb Street Name Pipe Priority Due Date Status
39 Fremont Ave D4160 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
47 Raymond Ave C4178 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
49 Glenaven Ave C3190 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
50 Essexfells Dr D4083 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
52 Ross Ave C4188 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
54 Ross Ave C4201 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
56 Ross Ave C4150 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
58 Ross Ave C4176 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
37 Marengo Ave C4005 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
41 Valencia St C6071 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
42 Easement D3119 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
53 Cypress Ave B4213 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
55 Cypress Ave B4147 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
36 Commonwealth Ave B6252 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
60 Ross Ave C4163 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
31 Hampden Ter C3087 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
43 Almansor St B6163 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
44 Hampden Ter B3124 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
51 Vega St C7032 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete
38 Almansor St C6193 Severe 3 Years from entry of Judgment Complete

Table 5-4
Major Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects
Street Name Pipe Priority Due Date
61 Meridian Ave C3069 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
62 Birch St B4123 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
63 Alley B3075 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
64 Winchester Ave B3100 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
65 Monterey St C6154 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
66 Dos Robles Pl B4011 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
67 Sixth St B5238 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
68 Westmont Dr B3080 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
69 Ramona Rd C4227 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
70 Granada Ave C6254 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

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Table 5-4 (Continued)

Major Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects
Street Name Pipe Priority Due Date
71 Norwood Pl C5123 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
72 Almansor St B6076 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
73 Glen View Dr C3150 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
74 Olive Ave B5188 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
75 Electric Ave B4160 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
76 Palatine Dr B3156 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
77 Midwickhill Dr D4020 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
78 Poplar Blvd B3119 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
79 Second St B5018 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
80 Stoneman Ave A5027 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
81 Atlantic Blvd B5166 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

82 Montezuma Ave D4141 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

83 Palm Ave B4105 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

84 First St B5230 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
85 Cherry Ln C4046 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
86 Park Acres Rd C4309 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
87 Palatine Dr B3148 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
88 Whitney Dr D4082 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
89 San Pasqual Dr B6105 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
90 Waverly Dr B3189 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
91 Norwood Pl C6218 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
92 Mission Rd C4006 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
93 Palatine Dr B3147 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

94 Westminster Ave C3058 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

95 Stoneman Ave C6143 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

96 Hampden Ter B3085 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
97 Midwickhill Dr D4012 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
98 Elm St B4014 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
99 Raymond Ave B4219 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

100 Fremont Ave C3075A Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

101 Hitchcock Dr D4035 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

102 Olive Ave C5277 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
103 Edgewood Dr C4147 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
104 Almansor St C6012 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
105 Almansor St B6166 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
106 Palm Ave B4233 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
107 San Marino Ave C6047 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

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Table 5-4 (Continued)

Major Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects
Street Name Pipe Priority Due Date
108 Ross Ave C3238 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
109 Glenridge Ave B3140 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
110 Hellman Ave C5151 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
111 Third St C5242 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
112 Curtis Ave C5100 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

113 Sierra Vista Ave C6166 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

114 Bushnell Ave B4049 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

115 Hellman Ave C4237 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
116 Adams Ave C5010 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
117 Almansor St B6165 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

118 Westminster Ave C3060 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

119 Shorb St C6074 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

120 Grand View Dr C3172 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
121 Ethel Ave C4189 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
122 Almansor St C6130 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
123 Mission Rd B6102 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
124 Date Ave C4151 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
125 Sarazen Dr D4166 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
126 Almansor St A5079 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
127 Easement B6032 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
128 Roark Dr D4026 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
129 Whitney Dr D4101 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
130 Whitney Dr D4100 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
131 Westboro Ave C3025 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
132 Alley D3102 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
133 Main St B4134 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
134 Hathaway Ave D5005 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
135 Jurich Pl D3039 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
136 Balzac St D3063 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
137 Easement C3165 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
138 Ninth St C5149 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

139 Second St C6116A Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

140 Azalea Dr C7069 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

141 Hellman Ave C4234 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
142 Hellman Ave C4242 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
143 Olive Ave C5279 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
144 Edgewood Dr C4143 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

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Table 5-4 (Continued)

Major Condition Gravity Sewer Improvement Projects
Street Name Pipe Priority Due Date
145 Campbell Ave C4091 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
146 Sierra Vista Ave C6163 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
147 Stoneman Ave C6139 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
148 Marengo Ave C4080 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
149 Marengo Ave C4081 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
150 Marengo Ave C4082 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
151 Campbell Ave C4090 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
152 Campbell Ave C4092 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
153 Marengo Ave C4079 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
154 Campbell Ave C4249 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
155 Hellman Ave C4238 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
156 Hellman Ave C4240 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
157 Seventh St C5181 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
158 Balzac St D3064 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
159 Stoneman Ave C6144 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
160 Waverly Dr B3191 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
161 Ethel Ave C4193 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
162 Seventh St C5180 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
163 Ross Ave C4259 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
164 Glendon Way C5137 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
165 Westmont Dr D3040 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
166 Glendon Wy C4257 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
167 Winthrop Dr C3011 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
168 Front St C3053 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
169 Fifth St C5212 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
170 Fifth St C5213 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
171 Fourth St C5226 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
172 Sixth St C5197 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
173 Sherwood Ave B3205 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
174 Norwood Ave C5126 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
175 Hellman Ave C3258 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
176 Seventh St C5179 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment
177 Olive Ave C5281 Major 10 Years from entry of Judgment

Flow and Capacity Study

The Consent Judgment requires the City to complete a System Flow Monitoring and Capacity Analysis, which
will include flow monitoring during one rainy season following completion of the gravity sewer and pump station
capacity improvement projects.

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Video Analysis of the Sewer System

Under the Consent Judgment, the City will complete a video analysis of its sanitary sewer system every five (5)
years during the entire length of the judgment starting six (6) months from the entry of the judgment. As part of
this requirement, the City will complete flushing and hydrojetting to clear blockages and roots and remove
grease buildup discovered by the video analysis within 15 days from determination of the need for such
maintenance. The video analysis of the sewer system will show if any other portions of the system that have
deteriorated and fall into the severe and major categories. Updated sewer system replacement and
rehabilitation projects will be formulated and included in the future capital improvement programs.
The Judgement included specific requirements regarding the implementation of the various other elements of
the SSMP, including the Fats, Oils and Grease Control Program, root control program, hot spot inspection and
cleaning, and staff training.


6.1 Background
The most recent increase in sewer charges was in 2012, pursuant to a scheduled increase adopted in 2007.
The City has generated sufficient revenues to maintain a healthy sewer fund. However, several factors require
that the cost of service and the existing revenues be re-evaluated. These include:
 The accelerated schedule for the Table 6-1
implementation of the capital improvement
Equivalent Residential Unit Summary Table
plan required by the Consent Judgment. Minimum
Meter Size Number
 Increases in project implementation costs due Period Total
and Customer of ERU1
to inflation and several natural disasters and Water Use ERU1
Type Meters
fires, which created un-anticipated projects for
Residential Single Family
a limited pool of utility infrastructure
1" 5,148 231 1.02 5,256
contractors, resulting in higher construction
2" 12 604 2.66 32
1-1/2" 94 277 1.22 115
 Significant reduction in water use/sewage 5/8" (Definition)2 6,127 226 1.00 6,127
generation, which decreased the revenues Subtotal 11,381
from usage charges
Residential Multi-Family
The City conducted a new financial study to evaluate 1" 1,500 556 2.45 3,682
the cost of service (expenditures), assess the 2" 389 2,441 10.78 4,193
adequacy of the existing revenues, and formulate a 3" 20 7,345 32.43 649
financial plan for the sewer fund. 4" 5 13,974 61.70 309
6.2 Revenues 1-1/2" 960 1,025 4.53 4,346
5/8" 1,009 383 1.69 1,706
The Sewer Fund’s revenues consists of the following: Subtotal 3,883
 Fixed charges were updated based on ERUs Commercial
per customer type and water meter size. The 1" 618 288 1.27 787
ERU represents the average sewage 2" 329 1,781 7.87 2,588
generated by a single family residential 3" 19 5,367 23.70 450
dwelling unit with a 5/8-inch water meter. Other 4" 11 8,019 35.41 389
customer categories were assigned ERUs 6" 2 49,901 220.33 441
reflecting the ratio of their average sewage 1-1/2" 240 1,150 5.08 1,219
generation to that of the single family 5/8" 274 233 1.03 281
residential unit with a 5/8” meter. Table 6-1 1,493
summarizes the proposed ERUs. The sewage
Total 16,757 32,569
generation was estimated from the minimum 1
Equivalent Residential Units (ERU) were based on the
usage period from the City’s 2014 water billing
minimum water use period from Calendar Year 2014.
ERUs are the estimated sewage generation for single family
residential dwelling units with 5/8" water meter.

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 Usage charge: Usage charge is based on water consumption by each customer on a bi-monthly basis.
 Interest earning based on 0.5% on the average fund balance
Connection fees are currently not accounted for in the City’s revenue, since it is not a dependable source of
funding for the upcoming capital improvement program driven by the requirements of the Consent Judgement.
The financial analysis evaluated both pay-as-you-go method of funding, as well as bonded indebtedness
varying from $4 million to $16 million.
6.3 Expenditures
The City’s sewer expenditures include the following:
 Personnel costs
 Services and supply costs and costs applied
 Capital improvement costs
 Debt service costs.
The personnel costs, services and supply, and cost applied expenditures were based on data collected for
Fiscal Year 2017-2018 adopted budget. The projected expenditures were adjusted by 3% annually for inflation.
Debt service costs were estimated by C.M. de Crinis & Co., Inc. for the various debt levels.
The capital improvement program was formulated based upon the requirements of the Consent Judgment and
the schedule of the existing and future City projects. The City has been active in the implementation of these
improvement projects. Many capacity deficiency projects and lift station improvement projects have been
designed and/or constructed. All “Severe” gravity sewer condition deficiencies have been rehabilitated. The
City is on track to implement all system improvements per the schedule detailed in the Consent Judgment. The
current Capital Improvement Program is detailed in Table 6-2. It includes expenditures of $59.0 million by the
end of Fiscal Year 2026-2027, of which $44.1M is designated to scheduled improvement projects required to
be completed per the Consent Judgment. The remaining $14.9M are projected improvement costs for condition
deficiencies that may be identified through future CCTV inspections, which are required by the Consent
The remaining capacity improvement projects and lift station improvement projects required by the Consent
Judgement are scheduled to be completed before the December 31, 2020 deadline.
The condition improvement projects currently identified with “Major” deficiency condition are estimated to cost
the City approximately $11.6 million. The “Major” condition improvement projects are scheduled to be
implemented once the remaining capacity improvement projects and lift station improvement projects are
completed. As detailed in Table 6-1, the City will begin rehabilitating these deficiencies in Fiscal Year 2020-
2021, and will complete the program by Fiscal Year 2023-2024, which satisfies the October 1, 2025 deadline,
included in the Consent Judgment.
As the City complies with the requirements of the Consent Judgment by continuing to conduct CCTV inspection
of its sewers and assesses the condition of its gravity sewer system, new condition improvements projects are
anticipated. From Fiscal Year 2023-2024 on, $4 million was allocated for future condition improvement projects,
annually. This is because the CCTV inspection conducted for the 2009 Sewer System Rehabilitation Plan,
showed a significant amount of moderate condition pipes, which have the potential to degrade as they age.
These future condition improvement projects are budgeted in a similar manner to the “Major” condition
improvement projects at $4M, annually. As more CCTV inspections are conducted in the future, the City will
reevaluate the projected capital improvement program. At that time the City should reevaluate the financial
plan and sewer rates.

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Table 6-2
Capital Improvement Program

Fiscal Year Total

17-18 18-19 19-20 20-21 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 25-26 26-27 Cost
Capacity Improvement Projects
Valley Boulevard (Completed) $2,500,000 $2,500,000
Glendon/5th/Norwood/Garfield $3,500,000 $3,500,000
Chapel Avenue Phase 2- Main to
Commonwealth $800,000 $800,000
Main Street and 4th Street $900,000 $900,000
Marguerita Avenue $1,300,000 $1,300,000
Almansor Street $300,000 $300,000
Total Capacity Costs $6,000,000 $1,700,000 $1,600,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $9,300,000
Lift Station Improvement Projects
Sewer Plant No.3 $0
Sewer Plant No.2 $2,500,000 $6,500,000 $9,000,000
Sewer Plant No.7 $4,000,000 $2,200,000 $6,200,000
Sewer Plant No.4 $500,000 $5,400,000 $5,900,000
Story Park Lift Station $200,000 $1,200,000 $1,400,000
Sewer Plant No.8 $400,000 $300,000 $700,000
Total Lift Station Costs $2,500,000 $11,000,000 $8,200,000 $1,500,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $23,200,000
Condition Improvement Projects
Major Condition Improvements $2,500,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $1,100,000 $11,600,000
Total Major Condition
Condition Costs $0 $0 $0 $2,500,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $1,100,000 $0 $0 $0 $11,600,000
Projected Condition Improvement Projects
Future Condition Improvements $2,900,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $14,900,000
Total Condition Costs $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,900,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $14,900,000
Total Cost $8,500,000 $12,700,000 $9,800,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $59,000,000

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7.1 Financial Plan
The financial plan was developed with the projected expenditures and evaluation of various revenue generation
alternatives. Pay-as-you go method of funding, with various levels of rate increases as well as bonded
indebtedness varying from $4 million to $16 million were evaluated with the goal of maintaining a minimum fund
balance of 50% of annual expenditures. Based upon the results of these evaluations, it is recommended that
the City issue $8 million in bonds. Although the fund balance falls below the desired level from 2020 to 2022,
this only occurs during periods of very high capital improvement project costs, and the fund balances more than
adequately cover the debt service on the bond during this period.
The financial plan with the City’s existing rates is detailed in Table 7-1. It clearly indicates the need for increased
revenues, as the fund balances will be depleted in Fiscal Year 2019-2020.
The proposed financial plan, including sewer rate adjustments and issuance of an $8.0 million bond is included
in Table 7-2. Both the existing and proposed financial plans extend from the present FY2017-2018 to FY 2026-
7.2 Proposed Sewer Rate Increases
As discussed in Section 6-2, the existing fixed charges were updated with ERUs developed from water billing
data from 2014. In addition, the proposed funding plan includes the following increases in the fixed charge and
usage charge:
 18% in FY 18-19
 16% in FY 19-20
 12% in FY 20-21
 6% in FY 21-22
The existing and proposed fixed charges are detailed in Table 7-3.
The proposed charges will generate sufficient revenues to implement the capital improvement projects per the
schedule required by the Judgment, fund the operating and maintenance expenses, make debt service
payments for the recommended bond issuance, and maintain sufficient reserves for the sewer fund. Based on
the existing information, rate increases are not anticipated beyond Fiscal Year 2021-2022. The fund balance
will remain at approximately 50% of the annual expenditures, and cover the debt service.
As required by Proposition 218, which is detailed in Section 4-2, the proposed sewer rates establish a funding
mechanism to implement the capital improvement projects per the schedule included in the Consent
Judgement. The fixed charge and usage charge are based on sewage generation by each property, which
impacts the size of the collection system pipes and lift stations, as well as their operation and maintenance
costs. The fixed charges are based on ERUs developed from historical water use data, and the usage charge
is based on actual water consumption during the billing period. Both charges are rooted in sewage generation,
which approximates sewage generation.

7.3 Average Bi-monthly Sewer Bills

As stated in Section 6-2, the bi-monthly sewer bill has the fixed component and the usage component. The
base cost is the fixed component, which varies by customer type and meter size. The variable cost is the usage
component, which is determined by the water usage during the billing period.
The projected average bi-monthly sewer bills are shown in Table 7-4. Over 66% of the sewer system customers
are single family residential units with 5/8-inch and 1-inch meters, Residential Single Family type, with 6,127
customers and 5,148 customers, respectively. The total average sewer rates for the 5/8-inch Residential Single
Family and 1-inch Residential Single Family Type are illustrated on Figure 7-1.
A sample calculation for estimating bi-monthly a sewage bill for a single family residential customer with a 5/8”
water meter is included in Table 7-5. For this example, the bi-monthly water use is assumed to be equal to the
current average bi-monthly water usage. Since actual bi-monthly sewer bills are based on each customer’s
actual bi-monthly water usage, the usage charge may be higher or lower than the estimates included in Table

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Table 7-1
Existing Financial Plan
FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27
Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
Sewer Charge Change 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0%
Operating Revenues 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000 3,440,000
Charges for Service 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000 1,400,000
Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Operating Revenues $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000 $4,840,000
Operating Expenses
Personnel Services 1,033,181 1,064,176 1,096,102 1,128,985 1,162,854 1,197,740 1,233,672 1,270,682 1,308,803 1,348,067
Services & Supplies and Costs Applied 1,521,247 1,566,884 1,613,891 1,662,308 1,712,177 1,763,542 1,816,448 1,870,942 1,927,070 1,984,882
Depreciation and Amortization 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Operating Expenses $2,554,428 $2,631,061 $2,709,993 $2,791,292 $2,875,031 $2,961,282 $3,050,121 $3,141,624 $3,235,873 $3,332,949
Operating Income 2,285,572 2,208,939 2,130,007 2,048,708 1,964,969 1,878,718 1,789,879 1,698,376 1,604,127 1,507,051
Add back Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Operating Revenues $2,285,572 $2,208,939 $2,130,007 $2,048,708 $1,964,969 $1,878,718 $1,789,879 $1,698,376 $1,604,127 $1,507,051
Non Operating Revenues
Developer Connection Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest Earnings 86,197 55,556 3,378 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Non Operating Revenues $86,197 $55,556 $3,378 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Net Revenues Available for Debt Service $2,371,769 $2,264,495 $2,133,385 $2,048,708 $1,964,969 $1,878,718 $1,789,879 $1,698,376 $1,604,127 $1,507,051
Series 2018 Bond Debt Service $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Debt Service Coverage%
Remaining Operating Revenues $2,371,769 $2,264,495 $2,133,385 $2,048,708 $1,964,969 $1,878,718 $1,789,879 $1,698,376 $1,604,127 $1,507,051

Capital Budget
FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27
Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
Beginning Cash Reserves $17,239,350 $11,111,119 $675,614 -$6,991,001 -$8,942,294 -$10,977,325 -$13,098,607 -$15,308,728 -$17,610,352 -$20,006,225
Cash from Operations $2,371,769 $2,264,495 $2,133,385 $2,048,708 $1,964,969 $1,878,718 $1,789,879 $1,698,376 $1,604,127 $1,507,051
Additional Bonds $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Capital Projects $8,500,000 $12,700,000 $9,800,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000
Ending Cash Reserves $11,111,119 $675,614 -$6,991,001 -$8,942,294 -$10,977,325 -$13,098,607 -$15,308,728 -$17,610,352 -$20,006,225 -$22,499,174

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Table 7-2
Proposed Financial Plan
Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
Sewer Charge Change 0% 18% 16% 12% 6% 0 0% 0% 0% 0%
Operating Revenues 3,440,000 4,059,200 4,708,672 5,273,713 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135 5,590,135
Charges for Service 1,400,000 1,652,000 1,916,320 2,146,278 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055 2,275,055
Other Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Operating Revenues $4,840,000 $5,711,200 $6,624,992 $7,419,991 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191 $7,865,191
Operating Expenses
Personnel Services 1,033,181 1,064,176 1,096,102 1,128,985 1,162,854 1,197,740 1,233,672 1,270,682 1,308,803 1,348,067
Services & Supplies and Costs Applied 1,521,247 1,566,884 1,613,891 1,662,308 1,712,177 1,763,542 1,816,448 1,870,942 1,927,070 1,984,882
Depreciation and Amortization 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total Operating Expenses $2,554,428 $2,631,061 $2,709,993 $2,791,292 $2,875,031 $2,961,282 $3,050,121 $3,141,624 $3,235,873 $3,332,949
Operating Income 2,285,572 3,080,139 3,914,999 4,628,699 4,990,159 4,903,908 4,815,070 4,723,566 4,629,318 4,532,241
Add back Depreciation 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Net Operating Revenues $2,285,572 $3,080,139 $3,914,999 $4,628,699 $4,990,159 $4,903,908 $4,815,070 $4,723,566 $4,629,318 $4,532,241
Non Operating Revenues
Developer Connection Fees 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Other Revenue 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Interest Earnings 86,197 95,556 45,551 13,972 14,802 17,445 19,669 21,460 22,802 23,680
Total Non Operating Revenues $86,197 $95,556 $45,551 $13,972 $14,802 $17,445 $19,669 $21,460 $22,802 $23,680
Net Revenues Available for Debt Service $2,371,769 $3,175,695 $3,960,551 $4,642,670 $5,004,962 $4,921,353 $4,834,739 $4,745,026 $4,652,120 $4,555,922
Series 2018 Bond Debt Service $0 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520 $476,520
Debt Service Coverage% 666% 831% 974% 1050% 1033% 1015% 996% 976% 956%
Remaining Operating Revenues $2,371,769 $2,699,175 $3,484,031 $4,166,150 $4,528,442 $4,444,833 $4,358,219 $4,268,506 $4,175,600 $4,079,402

Capital Budget
FY 17-18 FY 18-19 FY 19-20 FY 20-21 FY 21-22 FY 22-23 FY 23-24 FY 24-25 FY 25-26 FY 26-27
Budgeted Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected Projected
Beginning Cash Reserves 6/30/17 $17,239,350 $19,111,119 $9,110,293 $2,794,324 $2,960,474 $3,488,916 $3,933,749 $4,291,968 $4,560,474 $4,736,074
Cash from Operations $2,371,769 $2,699,175 $3,484,031 $4,166,150 $4,528,442 $4,444,833 $4,358,219 $4,268,506 $4,175,600 $4,079,402
Additional Bonds $8,000,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0
Capital Projects $8,500,000 $12,700,000 $9,800,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000 $4,000,000
Ending Cash Reserves $19,111,119 $9,110,293 $2,794,324 $2,960,474 $3,488,916 $3,933,749 $4,291,968 $4,560,474 $4,736,074 $4,815,475

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Table 7-3
Existing and Proposed Fixed Charges
Updated Fixed
Existing FY
Charge based on 2014 Proposed Fixed Charge 3
2017/2018 Fixed
Number Daily Average Minimum Minimum/ Billing Data and (Including System-wide Increases)
Meter Size and Total Charge
of Water Water Average ERU1 ERUs2
Customer Type ERU1
Meters (GPD/Meter) (GPD/Meter) Ratio Fixed Fixed Bi- Fixed Fixed Bi-
2018/ 2019/ 2020/ 2021/ 2022/ 2023/ 2024/ 2025/ 2026/
Charge Monthly Charge Monthly
($/Meter) Revenue ($/Meter) Revenue 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027
Residential Single Family
1" 5,148 283 231 82% 1.02 5,256 $18.71 $96,319 $ 19.16 $98,625 $ 22.61 $ 26.22 $ 29.37 $ 31.13 $ 31.13 $ 31.13 $ 31.13 $ 31.13 $ 31.13
2" 12 848 604 71% 2.66 32 $43.55 $523 $ 50.00 $600 $ 59.00 $ 68.44 $ 76.66 $ 81.26 $ 81.26 $ 81.26 $ 81.26 $ 81.26 $ 81.26
1-1/2" 94 385 277 72% 1.22 115 $23.95 $2,251 $ 22.91 $2,154 $ 27.03 $ 31.36 $ 35.12 $ 37.23 $ 37.23 $ 37.23 $ 37.23 $ 37.23 $ 37.23
5/8" (ERU definition)4 6,127 279 226 81% 1.00 6,127 $16.19 $99,196 $ 18.76 $114,960 $ 22.14 $ 25.68 $ 28.76 $ 30.49 $ 30.49 $ 30.49 $ 30.49 $ 30.49 $ 30.49
Subtotal 11,381
Residential Multi-Family
1" 1,500 619 556 90% 2.45 3,682 $45.11 $67,665 $ 46.06 $69,086 $ 54.35 $ 63.04 $ 70.61 $ 74.84 $ 74.84 $ 74.84 $ 74.84 $ 74.84 $ 74.84
2" 389 2,664 2,441 92% 10.78 4,193 $221.31 $86,090 $ 202.25 $78,676 $ 238.66 $ 276.84 $ 310.06 $ 328.67 $ 328.67 $ 328.67 $ 328.67 $ 328.67 $ 328.67
3" 20 8,095 7,345 91% 32.43 649 $575.83 $11,517 $ 608.48 $12,170 $ 718.01 $ 832.89 $ 932.84 $ 988.81 $ 988.81 $ 988.81 $ 988.81 $ 988.81 $ 988.81
4" 5 14,479 13,974 97% 61.70 309 $952.06 $4,760 $ 1,157.68 $5,788 $1,366.06 $1,584.63 $1,774.78 $1,881.27 $1,881.27 $1,881.27 $1,881.27 $1,881.27 $1,881.27
1-1/2" 960 1,115 1,025 92% 4.53 4,346 $90.76 $87,130 $ 84.94 $81,539 $ 100.22 $ 116.26 $ 130.21 $ 138.02 $ 138.02 $ 138.02 $ 138.02 $ 138.02 $ 138.02
5/8" 1,009 439 383 87% 1.69 1,706 $30.18 $30,452 $ 31.72 $32,006 $ 37.43 $ 43.42 $ 48.63 $ 51.55 $ 51.55 $ 51.55 $ 51.55 $ 51.55 $ 51.55
Subtotal 3,883
1" 618 322 288 89% 1.27 787 $32.03 $19,795 $ 23.89 $14,765 $ 28.19 $ 32.70 $ 36.63 $ 38.82 $ 38.82 $ 38.82 $ 38.82 $ 38.82 $ 38.82
2" 329 2,000 1,781 89% 7.87 2,588 $138.56 $45,586 $ 147.59 $48,556 $ 174.15 $ 202.02 $ 226.26 $ 239.84 $ 239.84 $ 239.84 $ 239.84 $ 239.84 $ 239.84
3" 19 6,793 5,367 79% 23.70 450 $932.40 $17,716 $ 444.60 $8,447 $ 524.63 $ 608.57 $ 681.60 $ 722.50 $ 722.50 $ 722.50 $ 722.50 $ 722.50 $ 722.50
4" 11 10,423 8,019 77% 35.41 389 $832.99 $9,163 $ 664.32 $7,307 $ 783.89 $ 909.31 $1,018.43 $1,079.54 $1,079.54 $1,079.54 $1,079.54 $1,079.54 $1,079.54
6" 2 64,703 49,901 77% 220.33 441 $1,240.79 $2,482 $ 4,134.07 $8,268 $4,878.21 $5,658.72 $6,337.76 $6,718.03 $6,718.03 $6,718.03 $6,718.03 $6,718.03 $6,718.03
1-1/2" 240 1,255 1,150 92% 5.08 1,219 $107.46 $25,790 $ 95.27 $22,864 $ 112.42 $ 130.40 $ 146.05 $ 154.82 $ 154.82 $ 154.82 $ 154.82 $ 154.82 $ 154.82
5/8" 274 248 233 94% 1.03 281 $17.00 $4,658 $ 19.27 $5,279 $ 22.73 $ 26.37 $ 29.54 $ 31.31 $ 31.31 $ 31.31 $ 31.31 $ 31.31 $ 31.31
Subtotal 1,493
Total 16,757 32,569 $611,091 $611,091
Sewer Charge Change 18.0% 16.0% 12.0% 6.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Equivalent Residential units were based on Minimum Water use data from 2014.
Updated fixed charge were developed with the updated ERUs and the estimated bi-monthly collected revenue.
City-wide increases were applied to all fixed charges and usage charges, starting in FY 2018-2019.
ERUs are based on the minimum water usage per customer for 5/8" Residential Single Family Land Use

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Existing and Proposed Bi-monthly Average Sewer Bills
2017-2018 (Existing) 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total
Meter No. of Water Use 1
2 Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill
Type Size Meters (CCF) ERU
1" 5,148 19.86 1.02 $ 18.71 $ 7.86 $ 26.57 $ 22.61 $ 9.28 $ 31.89 $ 26.22 $ 10.76 $ 36.99 $ 29.37 $ 12.06 $ 41.43 $ 31.13 $ 12.78 $ 43.91

2" 12 59.51 2.66 $ 43.55 $ 23.57 $ 67.12 $ 59.00 $ 27.81 $ 86.81 $ 68.44 $ 32.26 $ 100.70 $ 76.66 $ 36.13 $ 112.78 $ 81.26 $ 38.30 $ 119.55

1-1/2" 94 27.01 1.22 $ 23.95 $ 10.70 $ 34.65 $ 27.03 $ 12.62 $ 39.66 $ 31.36 $ 14.64 $ 46.00 $ 35.12 $ 16.40 $ 51.52 $ 37.23 $ 17.38 $ 54.61
5/8" 6,127 19.58 1.00 $ 16.19 $ 7.75 $ 23.94 $ 22.14 $ 9.15 $ 31.29 $ 25.68 $ 10.61 $ 36.30 $ 28.76 $ 11.89 $ 40.65 $ 30.49 $ 12.60 $ 43.09
1" 1,500 43.41 2.45 $ 45.11 $ 17.19 $ 62.30 $ 54.35 $ 20.29 $ 74.63 $ 63.04 $ 23.53 $ 86.57 $ 70.61 $ 26.36 $ 96.96 $ 74.84 $ 27.94 $ 102.78
2" 389 186.85 10.78 $ 221.31 $ 73.99 $ 295.30 $ 238.66 $ 87.31 $ 325.97 $ 276.84 $ 101.28 $ 378.12 $ 310.06 $ 113.44 $ 423.50 $ 328.67 $ 120.24 $ 448.91
Multi Family

3" 20 567.91 32.43 $ 575.83 $ 224.89 $ 800.72 $ 718.01 $ 265.37 $ 983.38 $ 832.89 $ 307.83 $ 1,140.73 $ 932.84 $ 344.77 $ 1,277.61 $ 988.81 $ 365.46 $ 1,354.27
4" 5 1,015.76 61.70 $ 952.06 $ 402.24 $ 1,354.30 $ 1,366.06 $ 474.64 $ 1,840.70 $ 1,584.63 $ 550.59 $ 2,135.22 $ 1,774.78 $ 616.66 $ 2,391.44 $ 1,881.27 $ 653.66 $ 2,534.93
1-1/2" 960 78.25 4.53 $ 90.76 $ 30.99 $ 121.75 $ 100.22 $ 36.57 $ 136.79 $ 116.26 $ 42.42 $ 158.68 $ 130.21 $ 47.51 $ 177.72 $ 138.02 $ 50.36 $ 188.38
5/8" 1,009 30.80 1.69 $ 30.18 $ 12.20 $ 42.38 $ 37.43 $ 14.39 $ 51.82 $ 43.42 $ 16.69 $ 60.11 $ 48.63 $ 18.70 $ 67.33 $ 51.55 $ 19.82 $ 71.37
1" 618 22.62 1.27 $ 32.03 $ 8.96 $ 40.99 $ 28.19 $ 10.57 $ 38.76 $ 32.70 $ 12.26 $ 44.96 $ 36.63 $ 13.73 $ 50.36 $ 38.82 $ 14.55 $ 53.38
2" 329 140.30 7.87 $ 138.56 $ 55.56 $ 194.12 $ 174.15 $ 65.56 $ 239.71 $ 202.02 $ 76.05 $ 278.07 $ 226.26 $ 85.17 $ 311.44 $ 239.84 $ 90.28 $ 330.12
3" 19 197.75 23.70 $ 932.40 $ 78.31 $ 1,010.71 $ 524.63 $ 92.40 $ 617.03 $ 608.57 $ 107.19 $ 715.76 $ 681.60 $ 120.05 $ 801.65 $ 722.50 $ 127.25 $ 849.75

4" 11 621.85 35.41 $ 832.99 $ 246.25 $ 1,079.24 $ 783.89 $ 290.58 $ 1,074.47 $ 909.31 $ 337.07 $ 1,246.39 $ 1,018.43 $ 377.52 $ 1,395.95 $ 1,079.54 $ 400.17 $ 1,479.71
6" 2 4,539.07 220.33 $ 1,240.79 $ 1,797.47 $ 3,038.26 $ 4,878.21 $ 2,121.01 $ 6,999.22 $ 5,658.72 $ 2,460.38 $ 8,119.09 $ 6,337.76 $ 2,755.62 $ 9,093.39 $ 6,718.03 $ 2,920.96 $ 9,638.99
1-1/2" 240 88.05 5.08 $ 107.46 $ 34.87 $ 142.33 $ 112.42 $ 41.15 $ 153.56 $ 130.40 $ 47.73 $ 178.13 $ 146.05 $ 53.46 $ 199.51 $ 154.82 $ 56.66 $ 211.48
5/8" 274 17.41 1.03 $ 17.00 $ 6.89 $ 23.89 $ 22.73 $ 8.13 $ 30.87 $ 26.37 $ 9.44 $ 35.81 $ 29.54 $ 10.57 $ 40.11 $ 31.31 $ 11.20 $ 42.51
Usage Rate $ 0.396 $ 0.467 $ 0.542 $ 0.607 $ 0.644


2022-2023 2023-2024 2024-2025 2025-2026 2026-2027

Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total Fixed Usage Total
Meter No. of Water Use 1
2 Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill Charge Charge Average Bill
Type Size Meters (CCF) ERU
1" 5,148 19.86 1.02 $ 31.13 $ 12.78 $ 43.91 $ 31.13 $ 12.78 $ 43.91 $ 31.13 $ 12.78 $ 43.91 $ 31.13 $ 12.78 $ 43.91 $ 31.13 $ 12.78 $ 43.91

2" 12 59.51 2.66 $ 81.26 $ 38.30 $ 119.55 $ 81.26 $ 38.30 $ 119.55 $ 81.26 $ 38.30 $ 119.55 $ 81.26 $ 38.30 $ 119.55 $ 81.26 $ 38.30 $ 119.55

1-1/2" 94 27.01 1.22 $ 37.23 $ 17.38 $ 54.61 $ 37.23 $ 17.38 $ 54.61 $ 37.23 $ 17.38 $ 54.61 $ 37.23 $ 17.38 $ 54.61 $ 37.23 $ 17.38 $ 54.61
5/8" 6,127 19.58 1.00 $ 30.49 $ 12.60 $ 43.09 $ 30.49 $ 12.60 $ 43.09 $ 30.49 $ 12.60 $ 43.09 $ 30.49 $ 12.60 $ 43.09 $ 30.49 $ 12.60 $ 43.09
1" 1,500 43.41 2.45 $ 74.84 $ 27.94 $ 102.78 $ 74.84 $ 27.94 $ 102.78 $ 74.84 $ 27.94 $ 102.78 $ 74.84 $ 27.94 $ 102.78 $ 74.84 $ 27.94 $ 102.78
2" 389 186.85 10.78 $ 328.67 $ 120.24 $ 448.91 $ 328.67 $ 120.24 $ 448.91 $ 328.67 $ 120.24 $ 448.91 $ 328.67 $ 120.24 $ 448.91 $ 328.67 $ 120.24 $ 448.91
Multi Family

3" 20 567.91 32.43 $ 988.81 $ 365.46 $ 1,354.27 $ 988.81 $ 365.46 $ 1,354.27 $ 988.81 $ 365.46 $ 1,354.27 $ 988.81 $ 365.46 $ 1,354.27 $ 988.81 $ 365.46 $ 1,354.27
4" 5 1,015.76 61.70 $ 1,881.27 $ 653.66 $ 2,534.93 $ 1,881.27 $ 653.66 $ 2,534.93 $ 1,881.27 $ 653.66 $ 2,534.93 $ 1,881.27 $ 653.66 $ 2,534.93 $ 1,881.27 $ 653.66 $ 2,534.93
1-1/2" 960 78.25 4.53 $ 138.02 $ 50.36 $ 188.38 $ 138.02 $ 50.36 $ 188.38 $ 138.02 $ 50.36 $ 188.38 $ 138.02 $ 50.36 $ 188.38 $ 138.02 $ 50.36 $ 188.38
5/8" 1,009 30.80 1.69 $ 51.55 $ 19.82 $ 71.37 $ 51.55 $ 19.82 $ 71.37 $ 51.55 $ 19.82 $ 71.37 $ 51.55 $ 19.82 $ 71.37 $ 51.55 $ 19.82 $ 71.37
1" 618 22.62 1.27 $ 38.82 $ 14.55 $ 53.38 $ 38.82 $ 14.55 $ 53.38 $ 38.82 $ 14.55 $ 53.38 $ 38.82 $ 14.55 $ 53.38 $ 38.82 $ 14.55 $ 53.38
2" 329 140.30 7.87 $ 239.84 $ 90.28 $ 330.12 $ 239.84 $ 90.28 $ 330.12 $ 239.84 $ 90.28 $ 330.12 $ 239.84 $ 90.28 $ 330.12 $ 239.84 $ 90.28 $ 330.12
3" 19 197.75 23.70 $ 722.50 $ 127.25 $ 849.75 $ 722.50 $ 127.25 $ 849.75 $ 722.50 $ 127.25 $ 849.75 $ 722.50 $ 127.25 $ 849.75 $ 722.50 $ 127.25 $ 849.75

4" 11 621.85 35.41 $ 1,079.54 $ 400.17 $ 1,479.71 $ 1,079.54 $ 400.17 $ 1,479.71 $ 1,079.54 $ 400.17 $ 1,479.71 $ 1,079.54 $ 400.17 $ 1,479.71 $ 1,079.54 $ 400.17 $ 1,479.71
6" 2 4,539.07 220.33 $ 6,718.03 $ 2,920.96 $ 9,638.99 $ 6,718.03 $ 2,920.96 $ 9,638.99 $ 6,718.03 $ 2,920.96 $ 9,638.99 $ 6,718.03 $ 2,920.96 $ 9,638.99 $ 6,718.03 $ 2,920.96 $ 9,638.99
1-1/2" 240 88.05 5.08 $ 154.82 $ 56.66 $ 211.48 $ 154.82 $ 56.66 $ 211.48 $ 154.82 $ 56.66 $ 211.48 $ 154.82 $ 56.66 $ 211.48 $ 154.82 $ 56.66 $ 211.48
5/8" 274 17.41 1.03 $ 31.31 $ 11.20 $ 42.51 $ 31.31 $ 11.20 $ 42.51 $ 31.31 $ 11.20 $ 42.51 $ 31.31 $ 11.20 $ 42.51 $ 31.31 $ 11.20 $ 42.51
Usage Rate $ 0.644 $ 0.644 $ 0.644 $ 0.644 $ 0.644
Bi-monthly average water usages are based on current average bi-monthly water usage. Actual bi-monthly sewer bill is based on each customer's actual bi-monthly water usage, which may be higher or lower than the estimated sewer bills shown above.
Equivalent Residential Units were developed from water billing data to update all proposed fixed charges.
Existing rates were developed during the 2007 Rate Study.

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Figure 7-1
Projected Bi-Monthly Sewer Bills

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Table 7-5
Sample Calculation for Estimating Sewer Bill
Single Family Residential with 5/8” Water Meter
Fixed Average Usage Charge
Charge Bi-Monthly Water Total Average
1 2 3
($) Use (CCF) ($/CCF) ($) Bi-monthly Bill 4
2017-2018 Existing5 $16.19 19.58 $0.396 $7.75 $23.94
2018-2019 $22.14 19.58 $0.467 $9.15 $31.29
2019-2020 $25.68 19.58 $0.542 $10.61 $36.30
2020-2021 $28.76 19.58 $0.607 $11.89 $40.65
2021-2022 $30.49 19.58 $0.644 $12.60 $43.09
2022-2023 $30.49 19.58 $0.644 $12.60 $43.09
Proposed fixed charges were generated from Equivalent Residential Units based on recent
water billing data.
Based on current average bi-monthly water usage. Actual bi-monthly sewer bill is based on
each customer's actual bi-monthly water usage, which may be higher or lower than the
estimated sewer bills shown above.
Based on average bi-monthly water use and usage charge.
Sum of fixed charge and usage charge.
Existing rates were developed during the 2007 Rate Study, and have not been increased since

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Figure 7-1, shows the average bi-monthly sewer bill for Single Family Residential customers with 5/8” meters
increasing from $23.94 in 2018 to $43.09 in 2021, an increase of $19.15 every other month. For Single Family
Residential Customers with 1” meters, the average bi-monthly sewer bills increase from $26.57 in 2018 to
$43.91 in 2021, an increase of $17.34 every other month.
The existing and proposed bi-monthly fixed charge and usage charge are summarized on Table 7-6.
Existing and Proposed Bi-Monthly Fixed Charge and Usage Charge Summary
Existing 2017-2018 2018-2019 2019-2020 2020-2021 2021-2022
Usage Usage Usage Usage Usage
Meter Fixed Charge Fixed Charge Fixed Charge Fixed Charge Fixed Charge
Size Charge ($/CCF) Charge ($/CCF) Charge ($/CCF) Charge ($/CCF) Charge ($/CCF)
Single Family Residential
1" $ 18.71 $ 0.396 $ 22.61 $ 0.467 $ 26.22 $ 0.542 $ 29.37 $ 0.607 $ 31.13 $ 0.644
2" $ 43.55 $ 0.396 $ 59.00 $ 0.467 $ 68.44 $ 0.542 $ 76.66 $ 0.607 $ 81.26 $ 0.644
1-1/2" $ 23.95 $ 0.396 $ 27.03 $ 0.467 $ 31.36 $ 0.542 $ 35.12 $ 0.607 $ 37.23 $ 0.644
5/8" $ 16.19 $ 0.396 $ 22.14 $ 0.467 $ 25.68 $ 0.542 $ 28.76 $ 0.607 $ 30.49 $ 0.644
Multiple Family Residential
1" $ 45.11 $ 0.396 $ 54.35 $ 0.467 $ 63.04 $ 0.542 $ 70.61 $ 0.607 $ 74.84 $ 0.644
2" $ 221.31 $ 0.396 $ 238.66 $ 0.467 $ 276.84 $ 0.542 $ 310.06 $ 0.607 $ 328.67 $ 0.644
3" $ 575.83 $ 0.396 $ 718.01 $ 0.467 $ 832.89 $ 0.542 $ 932.84 $ 0.607 $ 988.81 $ 0.644
4" $ 952.06 $ 0.396 $ 1,366.06 $ 0.467 $ 1,584.63 $ 0.542 $ 1,774.78 $ 0.607 $ 1,881.27 $ 0.644
1-1/2" $ 90.76 $ 0.396 $ 100.22 $ 0.467 $ 116.26 $ 0.542 $ 130.21 $ 0.607 $ 138.02 $ 0.644
5/8" $ 30.18 $ 0.396 $ 37.43 $ 0.467 $ 43.42 $ 0.542 $ 48.63 $ 0.607 $ 51.55 $ 0.644
1" $ 32.03 $ 0.396 $ 28.19 $ 0.467 $ 32.70 $ 0.542 $ 36.63 $ 0.607 $ 38.82 $ 0.644
2" $ 138.56 $ 0.396 $ 174.15 $ 0.467 $ 202.02 $ 0.542 $ 226.26 $ 0.607 $ 239.84 $ 0.644
3" $ 932.40 $ 0.396 $ 524.63 $ 0.467 $ 608.57 $ 0.542 $ 681.60 $ 0.607 $ 722.50 $ 0.644
4" $ 832.99 $ 0.396 $ 783.89 $ 0.467 $ 909.31 $ 0.542 $ 1,018.43 $ 0.607 $ 1,079.54 $ 0.644
6" $ 1,240.79 $ 0.396 $ 4,878.21 $ 0.467 $ 5,658.72 $ 0.542 $ 6,337.76 $ 0.607 $ 6,718.03 $ 0.644
1-1/2" $ 107.46 $ 0.396 $ 112.42 $ 0.467 $ 130.40 $ 0.542 $ 146.05 $ 0.607 $ 154.82 $ 0.644
5/8" $ 17.00 $ 0.396 $ 22.73 $ 0.467 $ 26.37 $ 0.542 $ 29.54 $ 0.607 $ 31.31 $ 0.644


Table 8-1 and Figure 8-1 show the existing average bi-monthly sewer bills for single family residential customers
with 5/8” water meters for the City of Alhambra and five (5) Los Angeles County agencies, as well as the
proposed first year average bi-monthly bill for Alhambra. While no two systems are exactly alike due to facility
age, material, construction practices, soil conditions, and maintenance practices, the City of Alhambra’s bills
are similar to these of the nearby agency bills.

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2018/Report

Table 8-1
Comparison of Average Bi-Monthly
Single Family Residential (5/8” Meter) Sewer Bills
Municipal Water Purveyor/ Bi-Monthly
Sewer Service Provider Sewer Charge
Alhambra (Present) $23.94
Alhambra (Proposed) $31.29
Monterey Park $24.11
Sierra Madre $32.24
South Pasadena $26.03
Azusa $28.28
El Monte $27.76

Figure 8-1
Comparison of Average Bi-Monthly
Single Family Residential (5/8” Meter) Sewer Bills

K:Alhambra/Sewer Rate Study/2017/Report

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