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HR planning model

A recent discussion in a social media group asked to provide one word describing the
best quality of a leader. Over 100 people responded providing over 40 separate words.
Some of these words had similar meanings and were grouped together. However, these
groupings still could have disagreement because of how each responding person viewed a
particular word.

In the book, Fail-Safe Leadership by Linda Martin and Dr. David Mutcher, the authors
make a strong case against developing a competency based approach to leadership
development because of this very reason. What one person views as an important
competency another views something else having far greater meaning or impact.

The authors asked this simple question and the same one I have been asking my
executive coaching, sales coaching, organizational development and business consulting
clients for the last ten years: What are the results you are seeking?

This very simple question truly helps to separate the oil from the water and to provide me
with a better insight as to how the organization or individual is currently working. When
there is trouble in providing a clear and succinct answer, I immediately know "Houston
we have a problem."

When a results approach is taken regardless of the problem be it customer service, sales,
management, productivity, quality or training, then it becomes far easier to both align and
integrate the solution to the desired result. In this way, everyone is rowing toward exactly
the same target. Now the organization should provide everyone with the same oars so
everyone is digging deep into the water moving the boat closer to the predetermined

A great example the authors provide in this book and one that has been experienced by
many is a CEO who wants to be number one in the industry. The HR Director sets up
additional training on existing equipment, the Vice President of Operations looks to
purchase new equipment and Chief Financial Officer looks to cutting budgets in training
and new equipment and redirect those funds to acquiring a new facility. Change the titles
and the actions, but many of use have experienced just that. Everyone thinking they are
doing what the boss wants and their actions are actually counter productive to the entire

Leadership development continues to be one of the most demanded skills because

business is all about people working with people and meeting goals through those
individuals. To have an effective leadership training and development program, consider
first what results you want and then build the skill sets necessary to achieve those results.
What will end up happening is that you may actually create a dynamic self-leadership
developmental program where individuals talents are recognized because winning
companies succeed due to the talents and strengths of their employees not their

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