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‫الكلمه‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫الكلمه‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫المعنى‬

‫باالنجليزي‬ ‫باالنجليزي‬
give in ‫يقدم استقاله‬/‫استالم‬ stretch out ‫محدد‬ spread
arrested ‫يعتقل‬/‫يوقف‬ Sink ‫يغوص بالماء‬ Dive in
punctual ‫بالضبط‬ On time hired ‫يوظف‬ To employ
Bar baric ‫همجي‬ cruel Slammed on ‫فجأه‬ Put on suddenly
surrender ‫استسالم‬ Give into Gust ‫عاصفه‬ Sudden wind
Earns ‫يكسب‬ Gain compulsory ‫اجباري‬ Required
Resigned ‫مستقيل‬ Leave the jobe Cavity ‫حفره او تجويف باالسنان‬
stuphy ‫غير نقي‬ Not fresh Ruined ‫مخرب‬/‫مهدم‬/‫مفلس‬
Lever ‫ سويتش‬/‫بداله‬ Gripes ‫ألم في المعده‬ Stomach pain
Eager ‫معجب بـ‬ Interest full off Literal ‫حرفي‬ Exact meaning
Constant ‫قلق مستمر‬ Captive ‫قفص الحيوانات المفترسه‬
worry wiled
Thrifty /‫مزدهر‬ economize Itch ‫حكه‬ Scratch or rub
‫ضبط النفقات‬
persistent ‫متابعه‬ Determind Elusive ‫مراوغ‬ Hard to catch
Metal spoon ‫فضه‬ Silver rust for ‫يهتري‬/‫يتحلل‬ deteriorate
That type of Sliding Excentric ‫عجيب‬/‫غريب‬ Strange
Pack rat Aperson who never circulatory Blood
throws any thing
Vicinity Area Eager ‫مخمر‬ Ready to do any
Heir ‫وريث‬ Ervent Strong/enthusiastic
Walked out Left angerely Tage it Choose it/lable
Swap Exchang Over look Pay no attention/
Daze ‫غيبوبه‬/‫دوخه‬ It change often Consent ‫سماح‬ Approval
Raise Sells eggs Revive ‫انعش‬/‫تذكر‬ Correct
Narrates Tells about Riot ‫اضراب‬/‫شغب‬
Arson ‫احراق المباني‬ Burhing hous eventually Sooner or later
Often Frequently/ Some time Occasionally
Pressed Cleaners/ Startled Surprised
Iron clothes
Pensive ‫متأمل‬/‫حزين‬ Sad Pole ‫ساريه‬
Dressing ‫توابل الطعام‬ Vinegar ‫خل‬
Get through Finished Ankle ‫الكاحل‬
Work out Solve Keep up Do your work on
with schedual
protested -- ‫يحتج على‬ Almost nearly
Clerk ‫كاتب‬ Disgusted ‫مقرف‬/‫يغيض‬
‫الكلمه‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫الكلمه‬ ‫المعنى‬ ‫المعنى‬
‫باالنجليزي‬ ‫باالنجليزي‬
Soldered ‫يلحم‬/‫يربط‬ Meant ‫ينوي‬/‫يقصد‬
Out strip ‫يتجاوز‬ Exceed Sustain ‫يستمر‬/‫يبقى‬/‫يحاففظ‬ Maintain/carry on
Dept ‫مدان‬ Owe Adjutant ‫المساعد‬

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

Of courtesy ‫احترام وذوق‬ Put pressure ‫يربط‬/‫يشد‬ Tightened
Emphasized ‫يشدد‬ Stress Quita Apretty
Discipline ‫يتابع‬/‫يدرب‬ Control/ Experiments ‫يختبر‬ test
Echelon ‫طبقه اجتماعيه‬ Figure out ‫استنتج‬ Under stand/
‫تشكيل باصطفاف‬ Work out
Fall off ‫يتساقط(اوراق‬ clown ‫مهرج‬
)‫الشجر بالخريف‬
slop ‫فضالت الطعام‬ Fall down ‫يسقط‬/ ‫يخفق‬
Slope ‫منحدر شديد‬/‫ينحدر‬ steep ‫شديد االنحدار‬
Resume Restart/continue descent ‫انحدار‬/‫هبوط‬
Assume ‫يتوقع‬/‫يعتقد‬ think Thrilled ‫رجفه‬/‫مندهش‬ Excited
Lay off Stop it Stimulate ‫يحفز‬
Have to Must Ought to Should
Permanent ‫مستمر‬/‫دائم‬ Lasting Assemble ‫ضم‬/‫تجميع‬
Innocent ‫بسيط‬/ ْ‫بري‬ Maintain ‫يحمي‬/ ‫يصون‬
Pretends ‫تجرأ على‬ Insists ‫مصُر‬/‫ألح باصرار‬
Wreck ‫حطام‬ Violation ‫مخالفه‬
Rather than ‫يفضل‬ Ambition ‫طموح‬
Lap ‫حضن‬ Wore out ‫متعب‬/‫بالي قديم‬
Worn out
Apt ‫مناسب‬ commandant ‫اآلمر‬
Expert ‫خبير‬/‫مختص‬ Lexical ‫معجمي‬/‫مفردات‬
Get by ‫يدير‬ Manage Get to ‫أحضر‬
Jotted down ‫مذكره موجزه‬ Convenient ‫سهل الوصول‬/ ‫مناسب‬
Condensed ‫مكثف‬ Shorten Aptitude ‫موهبه‬ Tallent
All set ‫جاهز‬ Ready Cultivated ‫مهذب‬
The word The meaning Bring up ‫يناقش‬ Introduce
Cross-check ‫تصحيح متعاكس‬ Vague ‫مبهم‬ Not clear
toe ‫اصبع القدم الكبير‬ Lagged ‫يتبع‬ Follow
Put off ‫يؤجل‬ Post pone/delay Demolition ‫تفجير‬/ ‫تدمير‬ Explosive
Jagged ‫خشن‬/‫ملثم‬ Lease ‫ضمان‬/‫عقد أيجار‬ Rent
Slay ‫قتل‬ Kill Lisle ‫ضبط او رباط‬
Venectian ‫ستاره معدنيه‬ Buff ‫جلد‬/‫اصفر برتقالي‬
blind ‫الجاموس‬
Adjacent ‫قريب حدودي‬ Glee ‫بهجه‬/‫سرور‬ Delight
Hurricane ‫اعصار مع رياح‬ Giant ‫عمالق مارد‬ Very large
Solar ‫سخان شمسي‬ Tornado ‫اعصار بدون رياح او‬
blast ‫كارثه‬/‫انفجار‬ Grins ‫ابتسامه عريضه‬
Yuppies ‫الطبقه المتوسطه‬ Preppies ‫طبقة المجتمع االمريكي‬
Work out Finish Hippies ‫ال يهتمون بشئ‬
Fugitive ‫هارب‬ Buzz ‫دندنه‬/‫اشاره‬
completely ‫دقيق وكامل‬ Intensive ‫مؤكد‬/‫مكثف‬
Diversity ‫التنوع اواالختالف‬ Completely ‫بالتمام والكمال‬
Take out ‫يزيل‬ Decay ‫هبوط‬/‫فساد‬/‫تراجع‬ Decrease
naet pile ‫كومه مرتبه‬ Put in ‫قدم طلب عمل‬/‫اعلن‬/‫ادخل‬

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

Reserve ‫يحجز‬ Preserve ‫يحفظ الطعام‬
Tricks ‫خدع‬ Mishap ‫حظ‬/‫واقعه‬/‫شده‬
Broth ‫مرقه‬/‫حساء‬ Worm ‫دوده‬
Berth ‫مهجع‬/ ‫سرير‬ Amenity ‫لطافه‬
Pent-up ‫مكبوت‬/ ‫محبوس‬ personnel ‫دائرة الموظفين‬
Glimmer ‫بصيص من الضوء‬ Abundance ‫كثره‬/‫غزاره‬
Post ‫بعد الظهر‬ p.m Fancy ‫هوى‬/ ‫ميل‬
Post flight ‫تقرير ما بعد‬ After ‫قبل الظهر‬ a.m
‫الطيران‬ meridian
Primary Most important Pre flight ‫تمهيد قبل الطيران‬ Preparatory
Anemo ‫مقياس شدة الرياح‬ Ran out Spent
By the time ‫بالمناسبه‬ Meteoric ‫شهاب‬/‫نيزك‬ Aero lite
Resume ‫يبدأ من جيد‬ Restart Plough ‫محراث‬
Decline ‫يتراجع‬/‫ينحرف‬/‫يذبل‬ Limp ‫يعرج‬
Now and Occasionally Alteration Changes
Anticipated ‫توقع‬/ ‫عجل‬ Habital ‫موطن‬
Crawled ‫يزحف‬ Participated ‫شارك‬
Tort ‫ضرر‬ Broad ‫بذئ‬/‫واضح‬/‫عريض‬
Out number ‫يفوقه عددا‬ Attract ‫يجذب نحو‬/‫ينجذب‬
Chase ‫ الفريسه‬/‫يطارد‬ Turn over ‫ينقلب‬ Cap size
Put up with ‫يتحمل‬ To tolerate with out Put out ‫يطفئ‬ To extinguish
Talk back ‫يجيب بوقاحه‬ Molehill
Head lines ‫عناوين‬ remedies ‫ادويه‬/‫عالجات‬
straddle ‫من‬ Bestride/over skirts ‫الضواحي‬
‫يتخطى‬/‫امتداد‬/‫خالل‬ lap/span/through
vicinty ‫جوار‬/‫قريب من‬ Area/neighborhood barbaric ‫بدائي‬ Rude
flood ‫فيضان‬ Over flow/torrent faucet ‫حنفيه‬ Tap/spigot/spout
suburbs ‫الضواحي‬ Out skirts Motto ‫شعار‬/‫رمز‬ Stimulating/slogan
Take off ‫يغادر‬ depart Kindergarten ‫روضة اطفال‬ Pre school
Flammable ‫سريع االشتعال‬ Easy to burn Just ‫فقط‬ Only
Dynamic energetic Corn ‫يزرع حنطه‬ Hard
Drastic ‫قاسي‬/‫متطرف‬/‫عنيف‬ extreme Turn out ‫تجهيزات‬/‫اجتماع‬/‫اضراب‬ make
Garbled ‫تشويش‬ Not clear Over pass bridge
Eccentric ‫غريب‬ Under ground Stock ‫أبره‬ shot
indispensable ‫جوهري‬/‫اساسي‬ essential Play it by ‫بسرعه‬ Hurry
Eliminate remove Expelled ‫يطرد‬ Send out
Infant baby

Vague ‫مبهم‬ Jagged Not shrap

toe ‫اصبع القدم‬ Cross ‫يتأكد‬ Check

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

Lease Punny ‫مهر‬
Consent Approval Letters Correspondence
Held up Delay Date It changes often
revive Correct Went off Failed
Vague ‫مبهم‬/ ‫غامض‬ Lease ‫ضمان‬/‫عقد ايجار‬
Check ‫فحص‬ Jagged ‫ملثم‬/‫خشن‬
demolition ‫يدمر‬ Explosive Put off ‫يؤجل‬ Post pone
adjacent ‫حدود‬/‫قريب‬ Lisle ‫ضبط‬
Gaint ‫عمالق‬/‫مارد‬ Huge Glee ‫طرب‬/‫مرح‬ Delight
concealed ‫اخفى‬ Piles ‫اكوام‬
Ought to should Pre fere ‫تفضيل‬/‫فضل‬ Would rather
Assume ‫يقدر‬ belive Have to must
habitet ‫مسكن‬/‫موطن‬ Some part Frequently Often
hasno people
pretend ‫يتجرأ‬ Consent Approval
inflate ‫ينفخ‬ Accustomed ‫مألوف‬
Assemble ‫يركب‬ Appointed ‫حدد‬/‫وظف‬/‫سمى‬ Named
Commandant ‫قائد‬ Ambition ‫طموح‬
Disturbed ‫منزعج‬ Lounge ‫تكاسل‬
Pound ‫حضيره‬ influenced ‫أثر في‬
bond ‫رابطه‬/‫قيد‬/‫سند‬ Pond ‫بركه‬
Conespondenee ‫مراسالت‬ Deducted ‫اقتطع‬
Attached ‫معلق على‬ Distraction ‫يزعج‬/‫يلهي‬
Ashaved ‫حالقه‬ Laid ‫مد‬/‫طرح على‬
laces ‫رباط احذيه‬ Deposit ‫يودع‬
Recreation ‫خلق من‬/‫بعث‬ Creation ‫احداث‬/‫ابداع‬
absolve ‫يعفي‬/ ‫يغفر‬ Ouking ‫عالي المنزله‬
Beneath Under Design Plane
instruct ‫يرشد‬ Estimate ‫يقدر‬ Judge
Furnished ‫زود بـ‬ Typical ‫نموذجي‬ Ordinary
Encountered ‫القى‬/‫واجه‬ Barrer ‫ارض قاحله‬
Trapped ‫اوقع في‬ Parade ‫استعراض‬/‫موكب‬
‫الشرك‬ ‫عسكري‬
nehlected ‫استخف‬/‫اهمل‬ Rigid ‫صلب‬/ ‫قاسي‬
concealed ‫اخفى‬ Figure out
Non informist ‫ غير ملتزم‬Not aware of Adjutant ‫ضابط مساعد‬
arrange Talent Dessent
Sowed ‫اثلجت السماء‬ Dissnissed
jotted ‫كتابه‬/‫ تدوين‬Write down Approximatuy ‫تقريبا‬ About
reyurn ‫يحاول‬ argue Occasionally ‫احيانا‬ Some time
Property ‫ملكيه‬ Convinced ‫مقنع‬
Embraced ‫عائق‬/‫طوق‬ Crawled ‫وبخ‬/‫زحف‬
dime ‫عشرسنتات‬ Rather ‫الى حد ما‬ Some what
nourish ‫يغذي‬ feeding Nickel ‫خمسة سنتات‬
Lise ‫قمل‬ Nude ‫عاري‬ Naked
Pensive ‫كئيب‬/‫تركيز‬

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

To conclude To bring to an end To star with The first reason is
hin ‫العلبه‬ Ametallrc element To begun with The first reason is
There by ‫لذا‬ By that means Think up ‫يخترع‬ To invent or create
ension ‫التوتر‬ Stress terminal ‫محطه‬ A station/as in
Take on To agree to do/ to Talk back (to) Answer with out
hire respect
Take off Leave Take over Begin controlling
Take it out on To express one’s Take leave To take a vacation
feelings by making
some one else suffer
Take To make a list of I Take in To understand
inventory tens or goods
verify ‫حقن‬ To make sure Take effect To be come
something is true or operative/to be
accurate effective
valve ‫الصمام‬ Adevice used to Variable ‫متغير‬ changeable
control the flow of
liquids or gases
Undergo Experience Up side down In a position with the
undergone top turned to the
Turn over To transfer power/ Tunnel ‫النفق‬ A passage
possession underground
Turn down To refuse / to Turn up To increase
decrease volume
trim ‫الحاله‬ To cut off excess Turn on/of To star/slop the flow
of electricity
Tremendous ‫كبير‬ Very large on great Trench ‫الخندق‬ A long/ narrow hole
cut in the ground
Transmitter A device for Trash ‫النفايه‬ Something work less
sending radio waves or of low quality
tragic ‫مأساوي‬ Terrible Trait ‫المميزه‬ A distinguishing
characteristic/ quality
toxic ‫سام‬ Poisonous Trace ‫األثر‬ To follow
torpedo ‫طوربيد‬ An under water Tower ‫البرج‬ A tall structure
explosive missile sometimes used for
Work on To repair Torch ‫المصباح‬ A device used to weld
Wrap To cover Work out To solve
Wrench Toll used for wreck To destroy
Wind up To finally arrive at a Wrist Joint between hand
place and the lower pant of
the arm
With stand ‫قاوم‬ To endure Wipe To remove dint/liquid
Wilderness A place of rough Wild Not domesticated
land where people
don’t live
Wedding ‫الزفاف‬ Marriage ceremony Willing ‫راغب‬ Agreeable to doing
Wave ‫الموجه‬ Undulating Wax ‫الشمع‬ To polish on shine

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

movement through
a medium
Waste (v) ‫التبذير‬ Use wrongly Waste(n) ‫النفايه‬ scrap
warm Moderately hot Warship ‫سفينه‬ A combat ship
warfare ‫الحرب‬ Operation against Warm(up)v To make ready for
an enemy performance
vital ‫حيوي‬ Extremely Wait on ‫أخدم‬ To serve
submarine ‫الغواصه‬ An under water boat Visual ‫بصري‬ Relating to seeing
Subordinate Lower in rank Submerge ‫غطس‬ To go under water
stock Goods on hand Strip ‫الشريط‬ A long/narrow piece
of land
Stick out To protrude/to be Stick to To adhere/continue
Stick around To remaining /to a Stick by To remain
steer To guide Stern ‫مؤخرة‬ The rear end of a ship
static ‫الخشخشه‬ A noise produced Stay over To remain for an
by electricity additional period of
stack ‫الكومه‬ To arrange in to a Star board The right side of a
neat pile ship
Spin ‫الدوره‬ To turn around Spray ‫الرذاذ‬ To discharge liquid a
mass of small drops
Speak up To speak louder Spine ‫العمود‬ Back bone/the row of
‫الفقري‬ bones located in the
center of the bact
skeleton ‫الهياكل‬ The bony frame of Sonar A detection device
‫العظمي‬ the body
Since then From a past time Site ‫الموقع‬ location
until now
Simulate ‫قلد‬ To give the Simultaneous Occurring at the same
appearance of on time
shield ‫الدرع‬ A protective device Shocking ‫الصدمه‬ Surprising
Set about To begin a task Setting ‫الوضع‬ Time and place
Primitive Simple/not Seep ‫تسرب‬ To move on pass
developed through slowly
Practically Almost Practical useful
boost ‫التعزيز‬ Ro rise Pork ‫لحم‬ Meat of pig used as
‫خنزير‬ food
pole ‫القطب‬ Non thern on Pollute To make dirty or
southern ends of the impure
pink Light/red colon Plot To chart on plan a
Pant with ‫أترك‬ To relinquish Pepper ‫الفلفل‬ Hot/ground seasoning
Out put ‫الناتج‬ A quantity Over come ‫الهزيمه‬/ To defeat
produced/power on ‫تغلب‬
eneryy delivered ‫على‬
orderly Neat/in order Pack ‫الرزقه‬ A box (of crgarettes)

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

objective Fair Once and for all For the last time
nap A short sleep No matter It is of no importance
Be up on To be well informed Be up for To be eligible for
bear To endure Beacon Guiding or warning
Run for To compaign for Scarcely ‫نادر‬ Almost never/almost
elected office not
rotor ‫الدوار‬ Rotating part of Rod ‫العصا‬ A long/narrow bar
rivet ‫المسمار‬ A metal pin used for Rotary Turning around on an
fastening axis
resign ‫أستقل‬ To leave a Respiratony ‫تنفسي‬ Relating to respiration
resident ‫مقيم‬ One who resides Residue ‫البقيه‬ That which remains
or is left over
Repeatedly Again and again Repel ‫صد‬ To drive back
regardless Despite/the fact that Relieve ‫أرح‬ To lessen or reduce
recover regain Relate To tell/to see or show
connection between
radioactive ‫اشعاعي‬ Giving off atomic rare Not common
Provided that On condition quite a many
that few
proper Night/suitable Proportion ‫النسبه‬ Comparative relation
Priority ‫االولويه‬ Preferential order or Propel ‫ادفع‬ Move for wand
Moshen Movement Beverage ‫الشراب‬
novel ‫الروايه‬ Put out choose
delighted ‫مرور‬ ruined ‫مخرب‬
poem ‫القصيده‬ District ‫منطقه‬
avenue ‫الدرب‬ Promotion ‫الترقيه‬
Calibrated ‫يعاين‬ Side walk ‫الرصيف‬
Inoculated ‫ملقح‬ Insulated ‫معزول‬
Sir name ‫عائله‬/‫لقب‬ Coiled wire ‫سلك‬
Run in Meet Artist Paint picture
booth Seating area Mightly Very
quatient ‫حاصل بقسمه‬ Roast ‫الشواء‬
Praise ‫المدح‬ rifle ‫بثالثيه‬
compelled ‫مرغم‬ Fare ‫االجره‬
throat ‫الحنجره‬ Hart bat ‫نبض‬ pulls
tale Story Tie ‫بربطه‬
Finer ‫أدق‬ Muld
pertend ‫أدع‬ Leisure ‫توفب‬ Free time
Handicap ‫معوق‬ rub ‫تدليك او‬
Amber ‫أصفر‬ Bunny ‫ارنب‬
Ameliorate ‫يتحسن‬ Peak Sammite

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

rift /‫صدع‬ Plateu ‫السهل‬
‫شق‬ ‫الواسع‬
Walnut ‫حبة جوز‬ Rash ‫طفح‬
Turned down Not accepted Aggravate ‫يعج‬/‫يتفاقم‬
Consent ‫التبول‬ Shoved ‫مدفوع‬
wakily ‫باحتراس‬ Daunting ‫مروع‬
remote ‫قليل‬ launch ‫اصدار‬
debate ‫مناقشه‬ Commentary ‫تعليق‬
invasion ‫الغزوه‬ Incursion ‫الغزوه‬
spree ‫المرح‬ decline ‫يتجنب‬
mercena ‫مرتزقه‬/ ‫جشع‬ Sentiment ‫مشاعر‬
snapshot ‫فوتوغرافيه‬ Reciprocal
era ‫عهد‬/‫عصر‬ outlays ‫نفقات‬
Pentg ram ‫الشكل‬ Etecutives ‫موظقين‬
Punched her ‫ضربها على‬ Slapped her ‫صفعها‬
acros ‫على‬
blitz ‫يتغلب على‬ Credibility ‫مصداقيه‬
Purportedly ‫يفهم منه‬ Black out ‫عدم رؤيه‬
Play ball ‫يلعب كره‬ Shaking ‫الهز‬
conceals ‫يخفي‬ Angle ‫زاويه‬
pair ‫زوج‬ To similar thing Drink up ‫اكرع‬ Finish your drink
Find out ‫يتعلم‬ Learn envelope
Rdivation Changes Operate Run
Cluster Perjury ‫الخنث‬
Put away ‫يضع الشئ في‬ Affidavit ‫الشهاده‬
‫مكانه الصحيح‬
Jamming crowded benefit ‫يفيد‬
Barbaric ‫قاسي‬ Crvel Point out ‫يشرح‬
Fervet ‫قوي‬ strong Supervise ‫يشرف‬
affiliete ‫ينتسب‬/‫مؤسسه‬ Get the point ‫يفهم‬
Malleable ‫مطاوع‬ Neglect ‫يتجاهل‬
Over cross ‫جسر‬ regret ‫يندم على‬
Strict ‫شديد‬ Seek ‫أطلب‬
drastic ‫متطرف‬/‫عنيف‬ Inquire ‫استفسر‬
bounce ‫يرشد‬ Reply ‫رد‬/‫جواب‬
soak ‫يبلل‬ Appropriate ‫مالئم‬
Soak up ‫يمتص‬ Evolve ‫تطور‬
squeeze ‫يعصر‬ Procurement ‫االقتناء‬
stretch ‫يشد‬ Harsh ‫بيئه قاسيه‬
fauset ‫حنفيه‬ tap ambushes ‫كمائن‬
straddle ‫يفصل بين‬ Booby traps ‫مصائد‬
‫القدمين‬ ‫مغفلين‬
Pending ‫معلق‬/ ‫منتظر‬ Survivability ‫قابلية‬
Premature ‫غير ناضج‬ Qudit ‫التدقيق‬
Con sum ‫يستهلك‬ Lecture ‫محاضره‬

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

accommodate ‫يالئم‬ duration ‫االحد‬
Ambiguous Not clear in allergic Sensitive to
meaning foods/pollens
Ample More than enough amusement entertainment
Anniversary The yearly return of anesthetic Substance causing
the date of some hoss of senation
Application Written request Appliance Household or office
usually for job equipment operated
/position by gas or dectricity
Approval consent appropriate Suitable/fit/or proper
Ascend (v) To move up ward art Expression of
(n) beauty/truth
Assemble To put parts to get ashtray Container for
her to make some cigarette butts and ash
attitude Disposition/physical Astonishing Surprising
backyard Area behind the Author A person who writes
house books
bevy A sudden loud noise band A belt or strap
Barber/s/ A person who cuts barbecue Party where the food
men/boys hain is cooked over a fire
barricade Something that Barbershop ‫صالون‬
blocks passage ‫حالقه‬
perjury Pedestrian A person who is
Entropy slope
Inter synergy
Scarf A piece of cloth Inter related
worn around head
or nect
Distinguish(v) To recognize Napkin Cloth used while
differences eating to protect
dizzy Feeling un steady/ Distinguished(s) Famous/important
drapes Heavy curtains drain Draw off/empty
Drop in To pay a visit in Draw/drew To cause to move/
formally To extract
Drop of Take/deliver/doze Drop by or drop To visit un expectedly
over or in formally
drug Medicine Drop out of Quit
Yield Allow to pass Edge(n) Part along the out side
of something
Compel observance dominate Remove/get rid of

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

pull over ‫يقف‬ To stop at side of road Pull apart ‫ يفصل‬To separate with
‫بجانب‬ ‫ بالقوه‬force
Punch To make holes in Pull through Recover
Put aside ‫يوفر‬ To save/ keep for later Put on ‫ينطبق‬ To cover the body
‫على‬ with clothes
Put across ‫يوضح‬ To make clear or Put away ‫يضع‬ To put in proper
understandable ‫في‬ place
Put out ‫يطفيء‬ To extinguish Put off postpone
Put up with Tolerate without Put together To assemble parts
Bring up introduce Blinking Going on and off
Alteration changes Eager Like
Look up Visit Occasionally Now and then
Slip out Leave Worn out Exhausted
Blue Sad Stalled Stopped
Pop Get Fought off Repelled
Tiny Small Put out Choose
Synthetic Man – made Irritated Annoyed /angry
Very neat Very clean Dreated Fear
Must Has to Try out Test – check – turnin
Accustomed ‫تعودت‬ Used acoin Atuarter
80% humidity Damp Try on Put on
Ought to Should Took up Discuss
Decay Spoil Call on Visit
Glow ‫وهج‬ Came on Watch out Be careful
Imitate Repeat Put aside ‫يوفر‬ Save
Eventually Sooner or later Drittle Light
Hail Ice

Collected By: Tariq Ahmad Alhalyel Email: tariqdyab@hotmail.com

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