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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés

de aula: desarrollo
de las unidades 3 º de Educación
. Secundaria Obligatoria
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades


1. Introducción
2. Recursos, competencias y sugerencias didácticas
3. Criterios de evaluación
4. English: Course presentation
4.1. General objectives
4.2. Skills objectives
4.3. Methodology
5. Course Planning

• Unit 1. What are you doing?

• Unit 2. What’s on TV today?
• Unit 3. Michael’s idea was better
• Unit 4. Nobody has ever climbed that mountain
• Unit 5. May I help you?
• Unit 6. There are many chairs in the dining room
• Unit 7. Will we go to the zoo?
• Unit 8. He has not studied for his exam yet
• Unit 9. Would you like to go to the cinema?
• Unit 10. If you called me, I would come
• Unit 11. My bike was stolen
• Unit 12. Zac visits Ireland in Saint Patrick’s Day
• Unit 13. Final Assessment

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

1. Introducción
aulaPlaneta presenta una propuesta didáctica completa y personalizable que permite
al profesor atender a la diversidad del aula, adaptarla y ampliarla según sus propias
necesidades. Al mismo tiempo, el alumno dispone de herramientas para el estudio y el
aprendizaje individual y colaborativo, pero será el docente quien determinará y guiará
siempre este aprendizaje.

Por eso, el sistema presenta todos los contenidos de forma modular y trata de forma
transversal todas las competencias, pero siempre pueden verse modificados, ampliados o
complementados por todo aquello que el profesorado determine.

Los recursos que se presentan facilitan la explicación, la exploración, la motivación, el

desarrollo del espíritu científico y crítico, la ejercitación individual, grupal y colectiva, la
resolución de problemas o la internalización de conceptos, entre otros. En cada unidad
se ha pensado la solución de cómo conseguir que el alumno sepa ser, conocer, hacer y

La Guía didáctica de la unidad y las sugerencias didácticas de cada ficha del profesor
plantean una multitud de propuestas en relación específica a cómo trabajar los
principales recursos.

Los criterios a los que responden los recursos de la unidad son:

• 100% de cobertura curricular

• Desarrollo de todas las competencias básicas en la unidad (cada recurso tiene

asociada la competencia principal):

Las competencias comunicativas

1 Competencia comunicativa, lingüística y audiovisual.

2 Competencia cultural y artística.

Las competencias metodológicas

3 Tratamiento de la información y competencia digital.

4 Competencia matemática.

5 Competencia para aprender a aprender.

Las competencias personales

6 Competencia de autonomía e iniciativa personal.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Las competencias específicas centradas en convivir y habitar el


7 Competencia en el conocimiento y la interacción con el mundo físico.

8 Competencia social y ciudadana.

• Promueve el aprendizaje significativo a partir del conocimiento de los conceptos

y presenta las oportunidades de ser capaces de aplicar estos conocimientos a
situaciones concretas.

• Propone actividades de exploración del entorno físico, social y cultural más

próximo para asegurar su conocimiento.

• Trabaja en cada unidad los procesos y objetivos cognitivos básicos de cualquier

proceso de aprendizaje (según Taxonomía de Bloom), y se han secuenciado de
los más simples a los más complejos. Se tratan específicamente los procesos
cognitivos relacionados con:

- Conocimiento

- Comprensión

- Aplicación

- Análisis

- Síntesis

- Evaluación

• Las actividades se han clasificado en 3 niveles:

- Refuerzo

- Nivel medio o suficiente

- Ampliación

En este documento, que complementa los Fundamentos pedagógicos de aulaPlaneta,

se presenta de forma organizada un conjunto de recursos digitales secuenciados
pedagógicamente relativos a un tema curricular concreto, destinados a cumplir una
función pedagógica mientras el profesor trata el tema con su clase y que sirve como
herramienta de apoyo para el profesor en la planificación, exposición del tema y
elemento vertebrador de la acción didáctica durante el curso.

Además, este conjunto de recursos servirán también a los estudiantes para facilitarles
el seguimiento del curso, ejercitar y consolidar la adquisición de conocimientos y
competencias relativas al tema, y acompañarlos en el desarrollo de sus actividades
prácticas y de estudio (gracias al Cuaderno de estudio) individuales y grupales según el
profesor considere oportuno.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Sin embargo, como el profesor podrá adecuar, ampliar o reducir, y adaptar cada tema a
sus necesidades para cada grupo y curso, aulaPlaneta presenta características propias de
un sistema modular: se enriquece con la complementariedad con otros recursos, propios
de aulaPlaneta o externos, y a la vez que ofrece una versatilidad inigualable, es una
nueva forma de aproximación a la programación en el aula.

2. Recursos, competencias
y sugerencias didácticas
Para facilitar el trabajo de preparación de las actividades en el aula y fuera de ella,
el profesor dispone de una Ficha del profesor específica para cada cada recurso
expositivo en la que se explica:

- el objetivo del recurso;

- sugerencias de actividades individuales, grupales y colectivas;

- temporalización de cada recurso;

- competencias en la que focaliza la propuesta relacionada con el recurso;

- tipo de formato y recurso que se le propone.

3. Criterios de evaluación
En cada unidad se explicitan los criterios de evaluación de la misma.

aulaPlaneta considera la evaluación en tres dimensiones:

 La evaluación como un proceso continuo: la suma de las evaluaciones parciales

y finales, que incluyen valoraciones cuantitativas (aciertos) y cualitativas
(aspectos importantes que solo el profesor puede valorar, como la actitud, el
esfuerzo, la superación de dificultades, etc.).

 La autoevaluación, propia y personal de cada alumno, herramienta esencial para

el aprendizaje real. Para ello facilita el recurso Evaluación, donde se pregunta
sobre los contenidos básicos de la unidad.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

 La evaluación adaptativa del profesor: se facilita al profesor una herramienta

para generar la evaluación o evaluaciones más adecuadas a cada grupo o
alumno, según los distintos progresos en el aprendizaje de los alumnos que
forman el grupo. El profesor podrá asignar a cada grupo o alumno la evaluación
que considere más adecuada.

Los instrumentos de evaluación que presenta aulaPlaneta responden a cada una de

estas tres dimensiones, sumada a las herramientas de evaluación continua que ofrece el

- Ejercicios autocorregibles con evaluación automática que

simplifican el trabajo de corrección del profesor.

- Herramienta para que el profesor realice una evaluación cualitativa de

los resultados del ejercicio obtenidos por el alumno, con la posibilidad
de modificación por parte del docente según sus propios criterios.

- Prueba de evaluación correspondiente a la unidad.

- Generador de actividades de evaluación personalizable por parte del

profesor según sus necesidades.

Además, claro está, de permitir la inclusión de cualquier recurso propio para la evaluación.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

4. English: Course presentation

• To listen and to understand the global information and specific oral texts
reflecting situations close to the student’s immediate reality.
• To express themselves and interact orally in a comprehensible manner
and displaying a certain degree of autonomy in common communication
• To understand different terms and language resources to improve students’
communication skills in everyday situations within and outside the classroom.
• To review the vocabulary worked in previous courses and to introduce new
words related to the content of the various units (everyday objects, places,
animals, opinions, etc.).
• To deepen the study of the English grammar as a fundamental tool to express
themselves both orally and in writing and to understand its importance to
ensure a fluid and satisfying communication.
• To identify phonetic aspects of language, rhythm, stress and intonation in
order to enhance the oral comprehension and the oral expression and to value
its importance at the time to understand and to be understood in English.
• To read written texts appropriate to the level and interests of the pupils and to
produce written texts of different types depending on the capabilities and the
group’s language level of knowledge.
• To approach to different aspects of culture and society of the English-speaking
countries and to recognize the importance of linguistic and cultural diversity of
the world.
• To value the importance of English and other foreign languages as a mean of
communication and understanding among people from different cultures and
backgrounds, using language as a learning tool in varied contexts.
• To use learning strategies and all the resources at their disposal, including ICT,
in order to obtain, select and present information both orally and in writing.
• To demonstrate a receptive and confident attitude towards using the foreign
language and towards learning itself.


• Competence in communication in foreign languages: developing
communicative skills.
• Competence in learning to learn: reflecting on learning itself which means
making decisions which encourage autonomy and personal initiative.
• Competence in information technology and digital competence: accessing
sources of information and creating real and working communication contexts.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

• Social and civic competence: language as an instrument of communication and

transmission of culture; awareness of cultural features and facts which leads to
the acceptance of other cultures and behaviour and fosters tolerance.
• Cultural and artistic competence: language production with a cultural
• Autonomy and entrepreneurship competence: the use of social skills such as
collaboration and negotiation.leads to the acceptance of other cultures and
behaviour and fosters tolerance.
• Cultural and artistic competence: language production with a cultural


What material do I have access to and how is it presented?

Once you access the course you are interested in, there is a link that shows all the units.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 8
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

They are organized in the following way:

0. Course presentation
1. What are you doing?
2. What's on TV today?
3. Michael's idea was better
4. Nobody has ever climbed that mountain
5. May I help you?
6. There are many chairs in the dining room
7. Will we go to the zoo?
8. He has not studied for his exam yet
9. Would you like to go to the cinema?
10. If you called me, I would come
11. My bike was stolen
12. Zac visits Ireland in Saint Patrick's Day
13. Final assessment

Here the teacher is provided with the opportunity to prepare a class with the resources
made available. To do this, click on the button Prepare (Preparar). Once prepared,
you only have to click on the button Show (Exponer) to put it up on the screen in the

Or, if the teacher prefers it, he can download the unit onto his computer and work
off-line:you just have to click the button Dowload on my computer (Descargar a mi

Moreover, at any time, if you want to find any specific contents, you have a search
button (Buscar materias) which will help you to find what you are looking for

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Likewise, in the Course presentation unit you have the Table of contents of the course so
that you always know what content is included in each unit.

Menu Units: Unit Course presentation

First of all, the unit called Course presentation, gives information and material of a
general nature, ready to use at any moment during the course as reference material
which, both the teacher and student, may need at any time.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

The following is found within the complementary material:

• Course Objectives
• Course Resources
• Table of Contents
• Methodology

Course Objectives

The teacher is presented with the cognitive objectives and general competences of the
course and a list of the objectives given in each unit:
• Cognitive Objectives.
• Skill Objectives or Objectives of competence.
• Cultural objectives.

Course Resources

Here you have all the resources that make up the unit Contents:
• Table of contents and learning sequence
• Glossary and communicative functions
• Grammar and verbs
• Pronunciation
• Culture and society

You can also find different resources going directly into the Units (Temas) menu and
clicking on the item you want to see.

Table of contents and learning sequence

A resource that provides information on how each unit is organized, the various types of
interactive and sequential activities for achieving the learning objectives.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 11
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Glossary and communicative functions

An interactive that provides the most important vocabulary and communicative

functions of all units, classified and arranged in grades and topics. This tool allows you to
present or revise and study, the most important terms of the course.

Grammar and verbs

Interactive verbs appendix that includes the main content of the course to be revised,
when the teacher deems necessary, or as reference material, handy when studying or
doing homework.

Also attached is a list of irregular verbs to be used as reference material.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades


Image sequence to revise the alphabet and the phonetic content of the course, as well
as practice pronunciation by contrasting sounds from different words. Thanks to the
interactive, you can consult and contrast the sounds from the units at any time.

Culture and society

Interactive content offered on culture and society of the Anglo-Saxon countries, or

as contrasts with Spanish culture, with which the student achieves a higher degree of
immersion in the English language.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Table of Contents

Presentation of all functional, grammatical, lexical and phonetic content found on the
course and organized by topics. It also provides information on how to extend some of
the content, how to revise it or what other content is related. This nexus of topics allows
the teacher to know the links between resources and enables the student to study better.



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                

Topics menu: the course

As with Course presentation, entering a topic can access a link that contains
supplementary material; in this case the topic in question as well as resources.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Each topic presents the following sequenced material:

• Didactic Guide
• Unit Resources
• Concept map / Glossary
• Summary

Didactic Guide

We present the objectives and cognitive competencies of the topic, the explicit teaching
sequence and we outline in detail the competencies that are worked on in the unit.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit Resources

Enables you to access any resource that composes the topic.

The materials the topic offers are of different types:

• Animations
• Interactives
• Videos
• Activities
• Concept Map and Glossary
• Test

The first resource topic is an animated presentation that shows some of the topics’
communicative contents. These animations show several children participating and
they serve to contextualize the dialogue in which the main communicative contents are
presented and in which oral and written comprehension are practiced.

All resources designed for classroom use are accompanied by a file on the student and
another for the teacher, where the content is presented, suggestions are made on how
to use it and where we propose other tasks and more activities with different levels of

The added material is supplemented with extra activities related to the 4 basic skills.

Each application explains:

• The type of resource offered (interactive, sequence of images, etc.)
• The target competency.
• The estimated time for the task.
• The target didactic funcionality.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

This animation is followed by one or more activities on comprehension.

The interactives, videos and image sequences present the grammar, lexical, phonetic
and communicative contents in a visual and entertaining way or present activities
to do in the classroom in order to work on the basic language skills (oral and written
comprehension, oral and written expression).

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

A wide range of activities is offered which practice the functions, grammar, vocabulary
and pronunciation, while enhancing the four skills.

After that, there is an interactive concept map with the most important and
representative content of the topics covered in the unit, including grammar, vocabulary
and pronunciation. By explaining and presenting its content to the students, they will
have an overarching summary of the unit’s topics.

In the interactive concept map’s phonetics branch we have the possibility of listening to
some sounds that can be used as an example of the studied sounds. To do so we only
have to click on the sound button (with a loudspeaker on it) and the audio function will
be activated. We can hear the sound by clicking on each box that is marked with a play

We may as well hide the text in all boxes by clicking on the text button (with a capital T
on it). When we do so a button Display / Hide appears allowing us to display or hide text.
Please keep in mind to use the little blue arrows to unfold boxes when text or sound
options are activated.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

At the end of each topic a test activity is proposed with which to assess the knowledge
acquired. This test can be used as an assessment tool by the teacher or as a self-
assessment test for students to become aware of their learning.

Concept map / Glossary

The conceptual map in pdf is also provided in order to make it available at all times with
its most important features on the subject, whose function is to outline the information
and present it in a way that facilitates its learning and memorization.

This resource also includes a glossary of the vocabulary on the subject, which lets you
know the vocabulary to be learned, the meaning of the terms or to enable you to prepare
it before starting a new topic.

What are you doing?

© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2012.

photography fotografía
cuisine cocina
sailing navegación
radio radio
cinema cine
travelling viajes
painting pintura
literature literatura
computing informática
music música
videogames videojuegos
theatre teatro
guitar guitarra
martial arts artes marciales
collect stamps coleccionar sellos
play sports hacer deporte
do karate hacer karate
play the piano tocar el piano
play cards jugar a las cartas
gardening jardinería
drawing dibujo
dancing baile
singing canto
reading lectura
crossword crucigrama
swimming natación
puzzles rompecabezas
paragliding parapente

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades


This section offers a summary of the most important content of the topic in order to

know at all times what to learn and be able to refer to it when studying, revising or doing
the homework.

A tailor-made service

The number and variety of materials offered enables the main contents of the topic to be
treated with sufficient resources in order to address the diversity within the classroom:
• Interactive, self-correcting exercises of varying degrees of difficulty.
• Reinforcement and extension activities that complement each resource
• Links to Internet content and the Gran Enciclopedia Planeta that complement
the resources and offer new educational opportunities to exploit.

aulaPlaneta has been designed to meet the needs that arise in school. However, each
teacher, centre or group requires different solutions. So aulaPlaneta allows customized
content and creates new topics, their own or shared with other teachers.

All that thanks to the tool that allows you to:

• Rearrange the teaching sequence
• Include your own content
• Include contents that aulaPlaneta offers in or outside courses (found easily
through the Finder (Buscador))
• Delete resources
• Introduce online resources: videos, websites, applications, etc..


aulaPlaneta servicing the education community.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

5. Course planning

Unit 1

What are you doing?

• To understand basic everyday conversations.

• To review the use of the Present Continuous.

• To learn how to make questions, the negative form and the use of Wh- questions
using the Present Continuous.

• To differentiate Present Continuous and Present Simple.

• To differenciate between sounds like in chair and in shadow.

• To review and increase vocabulary related to interests and hobbies.

• To review the Present Continuous in all its forms including the short forms.

• To identify when to use Present Continuous or Present Simple.

• To understand how to make questions, to use the negative form and the use of
the wh words when using the Present Continuous.

• To reinforce the use of the most common interests and hobbies vocabulary as it
is in their closer environment.

• To distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

The sentence What are you doing? is used to ask what is our interlocutor doing at the
moment of speaking and we distinguish it from What do you do? because this one
insists on what our interlocutor usually does: go to class every day, play football every
Saturday… This is a small distinction, but it is essential to use this structures properly.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

This unit has as main objective showing the difference between the two types of present
and how to build both tenses, as well as, to expand vocabulary and ask questions. To deal
with all this, we suggest the following teaching sequence:

1. Knowing what is and how to use Present Continuous, and understanding the difference
with the Present Simple.

2. Practising verbs like + -ing and love + -ing structure.

3. Distinguishing between the sounds as in the words shadow and chair.

 4. Remembering the wh- words (who, what, when, etc.).

5. Acquiring the vocabulary needed to talk about interests and hobbies.

To start with this unit, is fundamental to check whether students can answer What are
you doing (now)? or not and who is able to see the difference between the actions we
do every day and the ones we do in certain situations, despite being both in the present.
In the animation we show a dialogue in which this difference is perceived as evident. In
addition to listening and working on it, you can work listening comprehension by the
activity proposed in the second resource.

The next resource works specifically on the grammar that students need to ask, affirm
and deny actions that are happening right at the moment of speaking. They will also
review some of the time adverbs and expressions necessary to point out that this is a
particular time or regularity (now, at the moment, everyday, at 12.00, etc...). They will
observe how verbs like love or like, despite referring to common actions, require verbs
ending in -ing. They will also see the formal differences between sentences like I play
football, I love playing football or I’m playing football and see what happens in the
sentence order when we include a wh-word.

As for the pronunciation of consonants this unit distinguishing between two sounds,
taking as an example the words chair and shadow. We recommend that in addition to
work on the words that appear in the interactivity (chain, shark, charity, she…) you can
compare these sounds with respect to Spanish, noting that the chair sound, is also part
of our pronunciation of words like coche or hechizo, while the shadow sound is not in our

The last section of resources covers the vocabulary that students need to explain to
their peers their hobbies and interests: what sports do they practice, what skills do they
have or what do they do in their free time. However, it is possible that students have
already described several times what are their interests or what activities do they do in
their daily life. For this reason, it may be interesting to approach this issue from another
point of view, answering the question: Do they have the same hobbies as young people
in English-speaking countries? From this observation, you can see what influence the
schedule, time or culture has in the adolescents habits.

To reflect on these aspects, there is a section devoted to Hobbies in the English-speaking

countries, where you can work separately UK, United States and Australia’s habits, and
see how important are free time activities, scout groups and surf in these countries. At
this point you could ask them to talk about whether it would be a good idea to adapt
these habits here and what obstacles it might be.

To finish off, before doing the assessment, you could do the initial video once again to
see whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something
they have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

The Concept map will help students to memorize the main information of this unit
and could be used as a tool to structure all the contents: Present Continuous and wh-
questions, interests and hobbies and phonetics.

All the resources (activities and interactivities) allow students to acquire the basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas: (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as the cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the exercises ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

Care has been taken to provide a mix of activities to cater for the range of abilities and
rates of learning which will be encountered in the classroom.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Expressing your interests and hobbies.

• Vocabulary: Interests and hobbies.
• Grammar: Present continuous. Wh questions.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /ʃ/ and /tʃ/. Reading. Writing and
speaking. Culture.
• Review and test yourself.


What are you doing? Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “What are you doing?”? Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Expressing your Linguistic communication skill
interests and hobbies
Present Simple and Continuous Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
The Present Simple Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Present Continuous wh- questions Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Wh questions Linguistic communication skill
Present Continuous negative form Linguistic communication skill
Present Continuous interrogative form Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the sounds as in chair and shadow Linguistic communication skill

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ʃ/ and / Linguistic communication skill
Classify the words according to their sound Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Culture Linguistic communication skill
Hobbies and interests Linguistic communication skill
Crossword: Hobbies and interests Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Vocabulary: Interests and hobbies Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Hobbies and interests Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: Children want to go to the park All skills

Concept map Learning-to-learn skills

Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have reviewed the use of the Present Continuous.

• They know how to make questions, the negative form and the use of Wh-
questions using the Present Continuous.

• They can differentiate Present Continuous and Present Simple.

• They can differenciate between sounds like in chair and in shadow.

• They have reviewed and increased vocabulary related to interests and hobbies.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 24
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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

What are they capable of?

• They can use the Present Continuous in all its forms including the short forms.

• They can identify when to use Present Continuous or Present Simple.

• They can understand how to make questions, use the negative form and the wh-
words when using the Present Continuous.

• They can use the most common interests and hobbies vocabulary as it is in their
closer environment.

• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 25
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 2

What’s on TV today?
• To understand basic everyday conversations.
• To review the use of the common question words.
• To learn how to use the adverbs of degree and frequency.
• To differentiate between definite and indefinite adverbs of frequency.
• To differenciate between sounds like in drank and in drunk.
• To review and increase vocabulary related to television and television

• To review the use of the question words.
• To identify when to use every question word.
• To understand how to use the adverbs of degree and the adverbs of frequency.
• To understand the differences between the definite and the indefinite adverbs of
• To reinforce the use of the most common television and television
programmes vocabulary as it is in their closer environment.
• To distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

Watching TV is one of the most common and popular activities, and involves a lot of
vocabulary related with television and television programmes. Knowing this vocabulary
can help students to hold and understand an everyday conversation, about What’s on

When we talk about television and television programmes, we have to know the
vocabulary related with the topic, for example, the different types of TV programmes or
people who work on television, in order to express our TV preferences. We also have to
know how to ask and answer questions about the subject and how to use degree and
frequency adverbs properly.

So that students can hold simple conversations about TV and TV programmes, and use
correctly question words and degree and frequency adverbs in these situations, the
following teaching sequence is proposed:

1. Acquiring some specific vocabulary related to television.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

2. Knowing the adverbs of degree and frequency and how to use them.

3. Revising question words and how to use them correctly.

4. Differentiating between sounds like in drank and in drunk.

5. Learning about the principal newspapers in English-speaking countries.

To begin with, we suggest presenting the animation between a group of young people.
Students will easily identify a familiar situation and establish a link between the language
and the expressions used to talk about TV and TV programmes and the context in which
the characters find themselves in. In this way, the teacher can present the communicative
functions and the basic vocabulary while the students exercise oral comprehension.
The subtitles that appear in the animation, as well as the dialog transcription included
in the students sheet, allow students identify the pronunciation of each word with its
written form. Some complementary listening and speaking activities to work on oral
comprehension and to reinforce the students’ speaking abilities are included. Besides, an
interactivity is proposed to exercise language and listening comprehension.

After the presentation, there are different activities to check and widen lexical and
grammatical contents related to degree and frequency adverbs. These exercises will also
help you to test your students’ knowledge.

Once the students have learned the basic vocabulary to talk about TV and practised
the use of degree and frequency adverbs, you will find an activity to test your students’
knowledge of question words and how to use them.

Pronunciation and oral distinction activities are also included. An activity and a dictation
have been specifically designed for students learn to distinguish sounds, specifically
sounds in words drank and drunk.

In addition, there are reading and conversation activities through which the students will
increase their oral comprehension and expression and their written comprehension. As
playing is a practical and fun way to learn, we have included a crossword and a hangman
quiz which reinforces the vocabulary related to television.

Finally, you will find a Concept map with the most important and representative content
of the unit. It will help students to gain an overview of the different question words and
adverbs of degree and frequency, just as of vocabulary about TV programmes and general
television. The phonetic section will enable them to remember, using some sample words,
the different sounds in words drank and drunk.

In this case we learn about the principal newspapers and their characteristics, and work
with vocabulary related to printed media which can help students to be informed about
today’s news and to talk about them. Because of that, in this unit we present three major
newspapers in the English-speaking world (The Guardian, The New York Times and The
Sidney Morning Herald) and introduce vocabulary related to media such as “crossword”,
“copies”, “format” or “broadsheet”.

All the resources (activities and interactivities) allow students to acquire the basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas: (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as the cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the activities ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 27
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

Care has been taken to provide a mix of activities to cater for the range of abilities and
rates of learning which will be encountered in the classroom.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Watching TV.

• Vocabulary: TV programms. General terms.
• Grammar: Question words. Adverbs of degree. Adverbs of frequency.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation /ʌ/ and /æ/. Reading. Writing and
speaking. Culture.
• Review and test yourself.

What’s on TV today? Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “What’s on TV today?”? Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Watching TV Linguistic communication skill
Adverbs of degree Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Adverbs of degree Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Adverbs of frequency Linguistic communication skill
Adverbs of frequency Linguistic communication skill
Question words Linguistic communication skill
TV vocabulary Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the vowel sounds as in words drank and drunk Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ʌ/ and Linguistic communication skill
Dictation Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Culture Linguistic communication skill
Crossword: Television Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Television Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: General terms Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Activities generator: What’s on TV today? All skills

Concept map Learning-to-learn skills

Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have reviewed the use of the common question words.
• They know how to use the adverbs of degree and frequency.
• They differentiate between definite and indefinite adverbs of frequency.
• They differenciate between sounds like in drank and in drunk.
• They have reviewed and increased vocabulary related to television and television

What are they capable of?

• They can use question words.

• They can identify when to use every question word.
• They can understand how to use the adverbs of degree and the adverbs of
• They can understand the differences between the definite and the indefinite
adverbs of frequency.
• They can use the most common television and television
programmes vocabulary as it is in their closer environment.
• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 3

Michael’s idea was better

• To understand basic everyday conversations.

• To review the use of the Past Simple tense.

• To review the use of the Past Continuous tense.

• To differentiate between the use of the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

• To know how to use both the Past Simple and the Past Continuous together in
the same sentence.

• To review and increase the expressions to talk about and give our opinions.

• To learn about the sound used as in the word January.

• To review the use of the Past Simple.

• To review the use of the Past Continuous.

• To understand when we need to use the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

• To understand the differences between the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

• To reinforce the use of the most common expressions in English to express and
talk about our opinions.

• To distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

Now, it’s time to start doing things as revising the use of the Past Simple, the Past
Continuous and when to use them separately or together in the same sentence. At the
same time we are going to revise the past simple form of the irregular verbs.

Then we are going to have a look at the most common expressions used in English to
express opinion.

In order to do so we have prepared an animated scene where three characters talk

about the differents things that have happened to one of them before arriving to the

© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2013. Todos los derechos reservados de reproducción, traducción,
adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 30
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

school. Listening ability is vital for this activity. That’s why there are a couple of exercises
related to listening.

To stress the speaking ability it would be a good idea to start a dialog between students
talking about different events and asking and answering questions about them.

After that, there are exercises related to the Past simple form of the irregular verbs. Those
exercises will definitely be very useful as a revision for students and from the point of
view of the teacher it will enable you to check the level of each student.

There are also a crossword and a hangman that can be taken as a quiz or a competition
among students.

After that, the teacher has a conceptual map with the most important and representative
content of the topic. With its explanation and presentation to the students, they will
have an overview of the subject.

To end the unit there is an assessment activity consisting of ten multiple choice
questions in which students must select the correct answer. This activity allows the
teacher to know the level of use of the contents worked.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Opinions.
• Vocabulary: Asking and expressing opinions.
• Grammar: Past simple and past continuous. Past simple vs. past continuous.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation /dʒ/. Reading. Writing and speaking.
• Review and test yourself.

Zac didn’t wake up early enough Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “Zac didn’t wake up early Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Opinions Linguistic communication skill
Past Simple Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Past Continuous Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Past Simple and Past Continuous Linguistic communication skill
Past Simple vs Continuous Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the initial sound as in January Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation /dʒ/. Linguistic communication skill
Write the words you hear Linguistic communication skill

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Reinforcement activities: Culture. Linguistic communication skill

Word-search puzzle: Simple Past forms of irregular verbs Linguistic communication skill
Crossword: Irregular verbs Linguistic communication skill
Opinions Knowledge and interaction with
the physical world skill
Expressing opinions Knowledge and interaction with
the physical world skill
Reinforcement activities: Past simple vs. past continuous. Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill

Activities generator: Michael’s idea was better All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have reviewed the use of the Past Simple tense.

• They have reviewed the use of the Past Continuous tense.

• They differentiate between the use of the Past Simple and the Past Continuous.

• They kown how to use both the Past Simple and the Past Continuous together in
the same sentence.

• They have reviewed and increased the expressions to talk about and give our

• They have learned about the sound used as in the word January.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 32
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

What are they capable of?

• They can use the Past Simple.

• They can use the Past Continuous.

• They can understand when we need to use the Past Simple and the Past

• They can understand the differences between the Past Simple and the Past

• They can use the most common expressions in English to express and talk about
our opinions.

• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 4

Nobody has ever climbed that

• To understand basic everyday conversations.
• To review the use of the Present Perfect Simple tense.
• To review the use of the time expressions used with the Present Perfect Simple.
• To review the regular and irregular verbs.
• To differentiate between the regular and the irregular Past Participle form.
• To learn and differenciate between the sounds as in the words beach and

• To review the use of the Present Perfect Simple.
• To review the use of the affirmative, the negative and the interrogative forms of
the Present Perfect Simple.
• To reinforce the use of the most common time expressions in English when
using the Present Perfect Simple.
• To distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

Things you have done or not done in the past is a common subject to talk about, and
requires a lot of vocabulary related with time expressions, as well as knowing the
different forms of the Present Perfect Simple. Studying this vocabulary and the Present
Perfect Simple tense can help students to express themselves, establish and maintain an
everyday conversation.

When we talk about things we have done or not done, we have to know how to make
affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences using the Present Perfect Simple tense,
and how to employ time expressions generally used with it, such as just, ever, still or

To enable students to hold simple conversations about things that they have done or not
done in the past and use time expressions properly, we suggest the following teaching
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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 34
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

1. Revising the Present Perfect tense and their different forms, as well as the regular and
irregular verbs.

2. Distinguishing sounds as in the words beach and peach.

3. Learning the most common time expressions in English when using the Present Perfect

4. Knowing some of the major Natural Parks in the English-speaking countries and the
vocabulary related with this topic.

As an introduction, you can use an animation in which there is a conversation between

a group of young people. This dialogue will help students to identify a familiar situation
and establish a link between the language, expressions and tenses used to talk about
things you have done or not done and the context in which the characters find
themselves. This way, you can introduce the communicative functions and the basic
vocabulary while the students exercise oral comprehension.

The subtitles and the transcription included in the students sheet, enable them to
identify the pronunciation of each word with its written representation. The animation
is accompanied by some complementary listening and grammar activities that may help
the students to work on oral comprehension and to reinforce their grammar knowledge.
There is also an interactivity proposed to exercise language and listening comprehension.

After the presentation you will find a large number of activities to revise and practise
the Present Perfect uses and the regular and irregular verbs to reinforce your students’
grammar knowledge about these subjects. These exercises will allow you to test their
grammar skills.

Pronunciation and oral distinction are two of the most important aspects of learning
English. To achieve this, we have included a specific activity in order to students learn to
distinguish sounds as in words in words beach and peach.

Once the students have learned the basic expressions to talk about things they have
done or not done and practised the use of the Present Perfect tense and pronunciation,
you will find an activity to test and widen your students’ knowledge about time
expressions in English when using the Present Perfect Simple. We have included a
hangman quiz and a crossword which, while playing and having fun, reinforces the
vocabulary that involves time expressions.

Finally, you will find a concept map with the most important and representative content
of the unit. This map will help students have an overview of the Present Perfect forms,
including regular and irregular verbs, as well as of time expressions used with the Present
Perfect Simple. In addition, the phonetic section will enable them to remember, using
some sample words, the different sounds in words beach and peach.

To know some curious and useful aspects of the English-speaking countries, this unit
includes content about the most important Natural Parks, such as the Dartmoor National
Park in southern England, the Yellowstone National Park in the United States or the
Great Barrier Reef Marine Park in Australia. This content helps the students to know the
natural heritage from theses countries and to learn specific vocabulary related to nature.
We also introduce, through an entertaining text some new words, such as landscape,
archaeological, geyser, reef barrier or marine species.

All the resources (activities and interactivities) allow students to acquire the basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother

© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2013. Todos los derechos reservados de reproducción, traducción,
adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 35
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

tongue and in foreign languages in all areas: (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as the cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the exercises ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

Care has been taken to provide a mix of activities to cater for the range of abilities and
rates of learning which will be encountered in the classroom.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Discovering the present perfect.

• Vocabulary: Time expressions. Position in the sentence.
• Grammar: Present perfect. Irregular verbs.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /b/ and /p/. Reading. Writing and
speaking. Culture.
• Review and test yourself.

Nobody has ever climbed that mountain Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “Nobody has ever climbed Linguistic communication skill
that mountain”?
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Discovering the Linguistic communication skill
present perfect
Discovering the Present Perfect affirmative and negative Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Present Perfect affirmative Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Present Perfect negative Linguistic communication skill
Discovering the Present Perfect interrogative Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Irregular verbs Linguistic communication skill

Present Perfect questions Linguistic communication skill

Present Perfect, regular or irregular? Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the sounds as in the words beach and peach Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /b/ and Linguistic communication skill

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Vocabulary: Time expressions for Present Perfect Linguistic communication skill

Hangman: Time expressions Knowledge and interaction with
the physical world skill
Reinforcement activities: Nobody has ever climbed that Knowledge and interaction with
mountain the physical world skill
Crossword: Time expressions Knowledge and interaction with
the physical world skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: Nobody has ever climbed that mountain All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have reviewed the use of the Present Perfect Simple tense.
• They have reviewed the use of the time expressions used with the Present
Perfect Simple.
• They have reviewed the regular and irregular verbs.
• They differentiate between the regular and the irregular Past Participle form.
• They have learned and can differenciate between the sounds as in the words
beach and peach.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 37
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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

What are they capable of?

• They can use the Present Perfect Simple.

• They can use the affirmative, the negative and the interrogative forms of the
Present Perfect Simple.
• They can use the most common time expressions in English when using the
Present Perfect Simple.
• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 5

May I help you?

• To understand basic everyday conversations.
• To review the use of the Command form.
• To review the use of the modal verbs expressing obligation.
• To ask for and to offer help.
• To learn how to give opinion and advice.
• To learn and differenciate between the sounds as in the words dad and tea.

• To review the use of the Command form.

• To review the use of the affirmative and the negative forms of modal verbs
expressing obligation.

• To reinforce the use of the most common expressions in English when giving
opinions and advice.

• To distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

Asking for or offering help, opinion or advice, as in May I help you? is a basic skill in
practical English, as well as fundamental social abilities. Develop them involves to know
some specific vocabulary and expressions. Students must know this vocabulary in order
to ask for and offer help, opinion or advice in a polite way.

When we ask for or offer help, we have to know how to make questions and answer
politely and in the correct way, which are the best expressions to do it and how to
access and accept that help when offered. In order to give advice and opinion is also very
important to know some expressions and how to use the different forms of some modal

To teach students how to ask for or offer help, advice and opinion, we propose the
following teaching sequence:

1. Learning expressions and vocabulary related to asking for and offering help, opinion or

2. Knowing the different forms of modal verbs to express obligation and how to use them

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 39
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

3. Revising the use of the command form.

4. Distinguishing the sound as in the words dad and tag.

5. Knowing the importance of community work in the English-speaking countries and the
vocabulary related to it.

To start, you will find an animation in which a group of young people appears talking
about a school project. This video is a useful tool for students to identify the most
common expressions to ask for help and offer it and to relate them to the context
and the situation. This way, you can introduce the communicative functions and revise
the basic vocabulary while the students practise listening comprehension. The English
subtitles on the animation and the transcription will help the students to identify
each word pronunciation. The animation is accompanied by some complementary
comprehension activities that may help the students to work on grammar and oral
comprehension. In the second resource, an interactivity is proposed to exercise listening

After the presentation, you will find a wide range of activities to revise and practise the
different obligation modal verbs forms, such as must or have to, in order to reinforce
your students’ grammar knowledge. You will also find an exercise to revise the use of the
command form. These activities will allow you to check their grammar skills.

To work the oral distinction and pronunciation, the unit also includes some activities
to identify the differences between the sounds as in words dad and tag, and to practise
listening comprehension and writing compositions related to them. We have also
included a hangman quiz and a word-search puzzle so that your students could revise
basic expressions to ask for and offer help modal verbs in an entertaining way.

Finally, you will find a concept map that includes the most important and representative
content in the unit. With its explanation and presentation, students will have an overview
of the different forms of modal verbs expressing obligation, as well as, of the command
form. It includes the most familiar expressions related to giving opinions too. In addition,
the phonetic section will help them to remember, using some sample words, the sounds
as in words dad and tag.

To introduce some different cultural aspects of the English-speaking world to your

students, we’ll highlight the importance of community work and the organizations
that develop it in the United Kingdom, the United States and Australia. Working
with vocabulary related to this unit is necessary to understand certain social habits
and traditions and integrate into these countries’ society. Because of that, trough an
informative text we present distinct community work organizations, as well as specific
vocabulary about the topic, which includes words such as “volunteers”, “assist” or

All the resources (activities and interactivities) allow students to acquire the basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas: (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as the cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the exercises ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the

© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2013. Todos los derechos reservados de reproducción, traducción,
adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 40
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

Care has been taken to provide a mix of activities to cater for the range of abilities and
rates of learning which will be encountered in the classroom.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Offering your help.

• Vocabulary: Ask for and offer help. Opinion and advice.
• Grammar: Have and must. Have to / Don’t have to. Must / Mustn’t. Command
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /t/ and /d/. Reading. Writing and speaking.
• Review and test yourself.

May I help you? Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “May I help you”? Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Offering your help Linguistic communication skill

Must / mustn’t and have to / don’t have to Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Must / mustn’t / have to / don’t have to Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Have to / don’t have to / must / mustn’t Linguistic communication skill
Command form Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Have to / Don’t have to. Must / Linguistic communication skill
Mustn’t. Command form
Vocabulary: Ask for and offer help Linguistic communication skill
Fill in the blanks Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the sounds as in words dad and tag Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation:/t/ and Linguistic communication skill
Dictation Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Ask for and offer help Autonomy and personal initiative
Reinforcement activities: Opinion and advice Autonomy and personal initiative
Word-search puzzle: Modal verbs Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 41
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Activities generator: May I help you? All skills

Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have reviewed the use of the Command form.
• They have reviewed the use of the modal verbs expressing obligation.
• They can ask for and offer help.
• They have learned how to give opinion and advice.
• They have learned and can differenciate between the sounds as in the words dad
and tea.

What are they capable of?

• They can use the Command form.

• They can use the affirmative and the negative forms of modal verbs expressing

• They can use the most common expressions in English when giving opinions and

• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 42
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 6

There are many chairs in the

dining room
• To understand basic everyday conversations.

• To review the use of Quantifiers.

• To review the use of Relative pronouns.

• To learn how to paraphrase using Relative pronouns.

• To learn how to talk about quantities.

• To learn how to pronounce correctly the diphtong used as in the word ear.

• To review the use of the Relative pronouns.

• To review the use of the quantifiers: much, many, a lot of, few, little, plenty,
enough and not enough.

• To reinforce the use of the most common vocabulary related to household


• To learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.

Organizing a party is a usual activity when you want to have a good time with your
friends or celebrate something. Usually, when we organize a party we talk about
quantities and household goods, which involve knowing quantifiers and some specific
vocabulary. It’s very important for students to know quantifiers and how to use them in a
correct way to hold a basic conversation.

In order for students to be able to talk about quantities and household goods, as well as
using quantifiers in the correct way, the following teaching sequence is proposed:

1. Revising the quantifiers and learn new ones, and study how to use them.

2. Revising the use of relative pronouns and learn how to paraphrase using them.

3. Reinforcing and acquire new vocabulary related to household goods.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

4. Distinguishing the diphthong sound in the word ear.

5. Knowing the different inventions created thanks to electricity and the vocabulary
related to this unit.

To begin, you will find an animation in which a group of young people appear talking as
they complete the preparations for a party. This resource, that shows a familiar situation,
will help students to identify the most used quantifiers and to relate them to the context
and the situation. In this way, you can introduce the communicative functions and revise
the basic vocabulary while the students exercise listening comprehension. 

The English subtitles on the animation and the dialogue transcription can help the
students to identify the pronunciation of each word with its written representation. The
animation is accompanied by some complementary comprehension activities that may
help the students to work on lexical and oral comprehension. In the second resource, an
interactivity is proposed to exercise listening comprehension.

After the presentation you will find a wide range of activities to learn how to use
quantifiers and relative pronouns, in order to reinforce your students’ grammar
knowledge about them. These activities will allow you to check their grammar skills.

Besides, you will also have two activities that will help you to revise and increase your
student’s vocabulary related to household goods.

With the aim of working the oral distinction and pronunciation, both essential aspects
of the learning of English, the unit also includes some activities specifically created for
the students differentiate the diphthong as in the word ear, and to practise listening
comprehension related to it. 

As playing is a practical and funny way to learn, we have included also a hangman
quiz and a word-search puzzle so that your students could revise vocabulary related to
household goods and relative pronouns in an entertaining way.

In order for your students to know some different cultural aspects of the English-speaking
world, in this unit we’ll highlight the domestic appliances created since the electricity
arrived to houses. Working with vocabulary related to domestic appliances is necessary
so that students can hold simple conversations about common kitchen instruments and
technological progress in the 20th century. So, in this unit we present some interesting
facts, as well as new words related to the topic such as plug-in, microwave or washing-

Before doing the assessment, you could do the initial animation once again to see
whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something they
have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

Finally, you will find a Concept map that includes the most important and representative
content in the unit. This will help students gaining an overview of the different uses of
the quantifiers and relative pronouns, as well as of common words related to household
goods. In addition, the phonetic section will help them to remember, using some sample
words, the diphthong sound in the word ear.

All the resources (activities and interactivities) allow students to acquire the basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the activities ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.
© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2013. Todos los derechos reservados de reproducción, traducción,
adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 44
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

The activities proposed will help the students to understand communicative situations
and to exchange information and establish a dialogue naturally and with the appropriate
vocabulary, while at the same time being aware of the context and the cultural

The wide variety of activities and the multiple uses of the interactive activities provided
will help you to respond to the large diversity of levels found among the students in the

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Preparing a party.

• Vocabulary: House hold goods. Opinion and advice.
• Grammar: Quantifiers and relative pronouns.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /ɪə/. Reading. Writing and speaking.
• Review and test yourself.


There are many chairs in the dining room Linguistic communication skill

Did you understand the animation “There are many chairs in Linguistic communication skill
the dining room”?
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Preparing a party Linguistic communication skill

Relative pronouns and quantifiers Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Dictation Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
which/who/where/whose Linguistic communication skill
Much/many/a lot of/few/little/plenty of Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Grammar: Quantifiers and relative Linguistic communication skill

Enough / not enough Linguistic communication skill
Household goods Knowledge and interaction with
the physical world skill
Household goods Social and civic skills
Reinforcement activities: Opinion and advice Linguistic communication skill

© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2013. Todos los derechos reservados de reproducción, traducción,
adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 45
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Distinguishing the sound as in word ear Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ɪə/ Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Household goods Knowledge and interaction with
the physical world skill
Crossword: Relative pronouns Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: There are many chairs in the dining room All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have reviewed the use of Quantifiers.

• They have reviewed the use of Relative pronouns.

• They have learned how to paraphrase using Relative pronouns.

• They have learned how to talk about quantities.

• They have learned how to pronounce correctly the diphtong used as in the word

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 46
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

What are they capable of?

• They can use Relative pronouns.

• They can use the quantifiers: much, many, a lot of, few, little, plenty, enough and
not enough.

• They can use the most common vocabulary related to household goods.

• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

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adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 47
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 7

Will we go to the zoo?

• To understand basic everyday conversations.

• To study the use of will and might.

• To review the use of will vs going to.

• To study the use of the first conditional.

• To learn how to talk about wishes and plans.

• To learn about the the short vowel sound used as in the word foot.

• To learn different vocabulary about wishes and plans.

• To practise the use of the will and might.
• To review the use of will vs going to.
• To review the first conditional.
• To learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.
• To revise the vocabulary about wishes and plans.

Talking about wishes and plans is a common thing when you hold a conversation about
the future. It involves a lot of specific vocabulary and the use of the modal auxiliary verbs
will and might. Knowing this words and expressions related to wishes and plans, and how
to use the proper auxiliary verbs can help your students to mantain and understand a
simple conversation about future.

When we talk about wishes and plans we have to use certain vocabulary and know how
to use some tenses and modal auxiliary verbs in order to express certainty, confidence or
a proper level of probability in reference to a particular situation.

In order for students to be able to hold simple conversations about wishes and plans
in the present or in the future, and use the modal auxiliary verbs will and might in the
correct way, the following teaching sequence is proposed:

1. Acquiring specific vocabulary related to plans and wishes.

2. Revisising the use of the first conditional.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

3. Knowing and differentiating the distinct uses of will and going to.

4. Learning to use the modal auxiliary verbs will and might.

5. Knowing how to use the different forms of the verb wish in the correct way.

6. Distinguishing the short vowel sound used in the word foot.

7. Knowing the most important facts about Charles Darwin’s life and the vocabulary
related to this topic.

In the first place, you will have an animation in which there is a group of young people
talking about plans and wishes. This conversation will help students to identify a familiar
situation and establish a link between the language and the expressions used and the
context in which the characters find themselves. In this way, you can introduce the
communicative functions and the basic vocabulary and grammar while the students
exercise oral comprehension. 

The subtitles that appear in the animation, as well as the dialogue transcription included
in the students sheet, enable them to identify the pronunciation of each word with its
written representation. The animation is accompanied by some complementary listening
and speaking activities that may help the students to work on oral comprehension and to
reinforce their speaking abilities. Besides, a interactivity is proposed to exercise language
and listening comprehension.

After the presentation, there are some activities to revise and practise the first
conditional and the structure going to, commonly used to talk about intentions and plans
for the future. You will also find some activities to practise the use of the modal auxiliary
verbs will and might, as well as to form sentences with the verb wish. These activities will
help you to test your students’ knowledge about this grammar issue.

As playing is a practical and funny way to learn, we have included a word-search puzzle, a
hangman quiz which reinforces the vocabulary about plans and wishes; and a crossword
in order to practise phonetics. 

Pronunciation and oral distinction are two of the most important aspects of learning
English. To achieve this, together with the crossword, you will find an activity specifically
included in order to learn to distinguish the vowel sound as in the word foot.

In addition, there are reading and conversation activities through which the students will
increase their oral comprehension and expression and their writing comprehension. 

In order for your students to know some cultural aspects of the English-speaking world, in
this unit we’ll talk about the British Charles Darwin, one of the most important scientists
from the 19th century. Working with specific vocabulary related to science is necessary
so that students acquire general culture and can talk about different things. Because of
that, in this unit we present an interesting text about Charles Darwin’s life and travels to
introduce specific vocabulary such as “evolution”, “adapt”, “environment” or “process”.

Before doing the assessment, you could do the initial animation once again to see
whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something they
have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

Finally, you will find a Concept map with the most important and representative content
of the unit. This map will help students to gain an overview of the modal auxiliary verbs
will and might, the structure going to, and the verb wish used to talk about plans and
wishes, as well as of the first conditional. In the conceptual map they will also be able

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

to find a vocabulary section with some of the most common words and expressions to
talk about plans and wishes. And, in addition, the phonetic section will enable them to
remember, using some sample words, the short vowel sound in the word foot.

All the resources (activities and interactivities) allow students to acquire the basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the activitys ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

This unit offers you a wide variety of activities and interactive activities created to help
you to solve student’s different needs in the classroom, and respond to a large diversity
of levels.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Wishes and plans.

• Vocabulary: Expressing wishes. Making plans.
• Grammar: First conditional. Will and going to. Might. Wish.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /ʊ/. Reading. Writing and speaking.
• Review and test yourself.


Will we go to the zoo? Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “Will we go to the zoo”? Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Wishes and plans Linguistic communication skill

1st conditional Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
First conditional Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Plans Linguistic communication skill
Will vs going to Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Will and going to. Might. Wish Linguistic communication skill

Will and might Linguistic communication skill

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Wish Linguistic communication skill

Word-search puzzle: Plans Social and civic skills
Reinforcement activities: Making plans Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the vowel sound as in word foot Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ʊ/ Linguistic communication skill
Crossword: Vowel sound as in word foot Knowledge and interaction with
the physical world skill
Hangman: Wishes Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: Will we go to the zoo? All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have studied the use of will and might.

• They have reviewed the use of will vs going to.

• They have studied the use of the first conditional.

• They know how to talk about wishes and plans.

• They have learned about the production of the short vowel sound used as in the
word foot.

• They have learned different vocabulary about wishes and plans.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

What are they capable of?

• They can use will and might.

• They can use correctly will vs going to.
• They can use the first conditional.
• They can learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.
• They can revise the vocabulary about wishes and plans.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 8

He has not studied

for his exam yet
• To understand basic everyday conversations.
• To study the use of the Present Perfect.
• To study the comparison between Present Perfect and Past Simple.
• To study the use of just, still, yet, already.
• To study the use of since and for.
• To learn about the production of the sounds as in the words what and how.
• To learn different words and expressions about apologizing and explaining

• To practise the use of the Present Perfect.
• To study the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple.
• To study the use of just, still, yet, already.
• To study the different use of since and for.
• To learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.
• To revise the vocabulary about apologizing and explaining situations.

Knowing how to apologize and how to explain a situation are fundamental
communication skills and necessary social abilities that help us to interact with people.
Learning how to apologize and explain situations involves knowing a lot of vocabulary,
common phrases and expressions. Students must know this vocabulary in order to say
sorry and explain any kind of situation in a proper way.

When we apologize and explain a situation we have to know how to express our
thoughts and feelings clearly, how to put in order and link our ideas, and how to use verb
tenses, as the Present Perfect, in the correct way.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

In order for students to be able to apologize and explain a situation, and use Present
Perfect tense in a practical way, the following teaching sequence is proposed:

1. Revising the Present Perfect and Past Simple tenses and their different uses, as well as
all the Present Perfect forms.

2. Learning how to use the words just, still, yet and already.

3. Differentiating the uses of the words since and for.

4. Distinguishing the sound in the words what and how.

5. Learning different words and expressions for apologizing and explaining situations.

6. Knowing the International English Language Testing System and other exams that
evaluate your language level.

To begin, you will find an animation in which a group of young people appears talking
about an exam. This video, that shows a familiar situation, will help students to revise and
learn the Present Perfect and distinguish it from the Past Simple, as well as relate it to
the context and the situation. This way, you can introduce the communicative functions
and revise the basic grammar and vocabulary while the students practise listening

The English subtitles on the animation and the transcription can help the students to
identify the pronunciation of each word with its written representation. The animation
is accompanied by some complementary comprehension activities that may help the
students to work on grammar and oral comprehension. In the second resource, an
interactivity is proposed to practise listening comprehension.

After the presentation you will find a wide range of activities to revise and help to
differentiate the use of the Present Perfect and the Past Simple tenses, as well as to
practise all the Present Perfect forms in order to reinforce your students’ grammar
knowledge. These activities will allow you to check each student’s grammar level.

Once the students have practised grammar, you will find two activities to help them
to learn, on one hand, the different uses for the words just, still, yet and already and
differentiate the uses for words since and for, on the other hand.

In order to work the oral distinction and pronunciation, the unit also includes some
activities specifically created for the students to identify the differences between the
initial sounds in the words what and how, and to practise listening comprehension
related to them.

After the phonetic activities, you will also find and activity designed in order to help your
students to get familiar with words and expressions used to connect sentences and also
useful to explain situations.

As playing is a practical and fun way to learn, we have also included a hangman quiz and
a crossword so that your students could revise irregular past participles in an entertaining

In order to know some different cultural aspects of the English-speaking world, in this
unit we’ll highlight the International English Language Testing System and other exams
used to evaluate your students’ language level. Knowing these exams is important so that
students can take them up in order to enter to some prestigious university in the English-
speaking countries or even to find a good job in the future.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Before doing the assessment, you could do the initial animation once again to see
whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something they
have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

Finally, you will find a Concept map that includes the most important and representative
content in the unit. With its explanation and presentation, students will learn the
different forms of the Present Perfect tense and certain time particles, as well as some of
the most familiar expressions related to apologizing and explaining situations. In addition,
the phonetic section will help them to remember, using some sample words, the sounds
as in words what and how.

Throughout the unit, we propose reinforcement and extension activities that you
can do in class with students. The aim of these activities is the development of basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the activities ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

The wide variety of activities and the multiple uses of the interactive activities provided
will help you to respond to the large diversity of levels found among the students in the

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Apologize and explain a situation.

• Vocabulary: Apologies and explanations.
• Grammar: Present perfect simple.Time particles.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /w/ and /h/. Reading. Writing and
speaking. Culture.
• Review and test yourself.

He has not studied for his exam yet Linguistic communication skill

Did you understand the animation “He has not studied for his Linguistic communication skill
exam yet”?
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Apologize and Linguistic communication skill
explain a situation
Present Perfect / Past Simple Linguistic communication skill

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill

Just, still, yet, already Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
For and since Linguistic communication skill
Past Participle irregular verbs Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Time particles Linguistic communication skill

Present Perfect or Past Simple Linguistic communication skill

Distinguishing the sounds as in words what and who Linguistic communication skill
Sounds as in the words what and who Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /w/ and Linguistic communication skill
Explaining situations Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Vocabulary: Apologies and Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Past Participle Linguistic communication skill
Crossword: Past Participle irregular verbs Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: He has not studied for his exam yet All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have studied the use of the Present Perfect.
• They have studied the comparison between Present Perfect and Past Simple.
• They have studied the use of just, still, yet, already.
• They have studied the use of since and for.
• They have learned about the production of the sounds as in the words what
and how.
• They have learned different words and expressions about apologizing and
explaining situations.

What are they capable of?

• They can use the Present Perfect.

• They can understand the differences between Present Perfect and Past Simple.
• They can correctly use just, still, yet, already.
• They can understand the difference between since and for.
• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.
• They can use vocabulary about apologizing and explaining situations.

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de las unidades

Unit 9

Would you like to go to the

• To understand basic everyday conversations.
• To study like vs would like.
• To revise the conditional.
• To learn the use of can, could and will be able to.
• To learn about the production of the sounds as in the words clock and phone.
• To learn different words about films and books, basically genres.

• To practise the use of like and would like.
• To study the differences between like and would like.
• To study the use of can, could and will be able to.
• To learn how to express preferences and recommendations.
• To learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.
• To revise the vocabulary about film and book genres.

In the last decades the film industry has experienced a revolution and this is why going
to the cinema is today one of the favourite activities for youth and adults. Most films
are produced in English-speaking countries, but are students able to invite an English-
speaking person to the cinema? The aim of this unit is that students know how to
distinguish and use sentences like Do you like going the cinema? or Would you like to go
to the cinema?

In order for students to be able to use the first and the second conditional and talk
about literature and cinema, the following teaching sequence is proposed:

1. Extending the vocabulary of literary genres (fiction and non fiction) and film genres.

2. Learning how to use the verb like and would like.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

3. Using the first and second conditional.

4. Knowing the meaning and use of the verbs could, can, will and be able to.

5. Distinguishing the pronunciation of letter o as in the words clock and phone.

6. Increasing the knowledge about the cinema in the English-speaking countries.

To introduce the topic we include an animation which reproduces the dialogue between
three characters. With this resource, students can practice their listening skills and get
used to the syntactic expressions which are also explained throughout the unit. In case
of difficulties with the listening or if you want to keep practising, students can do the
following oral comprenhension activity, where they can listen some snippets of the audio
or do some dictations.

After having practiced with the listening and before diving into the grammar section,
we present several resources designed to learn the vocabulary, in this case, the different
literary (biographies, dramas, essays, humour, fairy tales, etc.) and film genres (adventure,
comedy, western, etc.). Apart from identifying each genre or subgenre through images,
you can also take advantage of the animation to work the written expression. To do this,
ask the students to choose one of the genres appearing in the images and make them
write about which they think is the best. On the other hand, if you want them to learn
the vocabulary of every genre you can do the review activities, raised as games.

After working with the oral and written comprehension and the vocabulary, students
will be able to do the grammatical section, in this case: the use of the first and second
conditional, the meaning and use of verbs could, can, will and be able to, and the choice
between -ing and to after the verb.

Finally, we suggest practising the oral expression with the interactivity designed to
improve the pronunciation of the vowel o as in the words clock and phone.

In addition, there are reading and conversation activities through which the students will
increase their oral comprehension and expression and their writing comprehension.

In order to know some different cultural aspects of the English-speaking world, in this
unit we’ll find out about cinema in English-speaking world. Students will be able to
view and talk about which countries are producing more films per year, discover some
important film industries like Hollywood or talk about the awards that are granted and
their relationship with the audience. We recommend you to ask them how they think
these productions affect their reality and ask them for examples demonstrating how
cinema can be a good way to spread other customs and traditions.

Before doing the assessment, you could do the initial animation once again to see
whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something they
have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

The theory presented in the animations and reflected in the activities can be found
summarized in the Concept map, along with examples that illustrate each of the
theoretical concepts. Students can use this tool to review the knowledge acquired and
to get an overview of the topic. This map will help students to gain an overview of use
of verbs like and would like; could, can, will and be able to; and the formation and use
of conditional. In the conceptual map they will also be able to find a vocabulary section
with some of the most common words related to films and books preferences and
recommendations. And, in addition, the phonetic section will enable them to distinguish,

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

using some sample words, the vowel sound in the words clock and phone.

Throughout the unit, we propose reinforcement and extension activities that you
can do in class with students. The aim of these activities is the development of basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the activities ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

The interactivities and the activities have been created taking into account the students
future needs and abilities. For this reason, the resources stimulate their organization and
their analytical capacity to make them aware of their learning process and learn how
to face their problems, with an appropriate language according to the communicative
situation, taking into account the cultural and social factors of other English-speaking

The development of these competences will be achieved by all students, as there are
resources to expand and review so the teacher can control the different rates of learning
and ensure the management of diversity in the classroom.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Films and books.

• Vocabulary: Cinema and literature genres.
• Grammar: Conditional. Like vs. would like. Could / Can / Be able to. Will.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /ɒ/ and /əʊ/. Reading. Writing and
speaking. Culture.
• Review and test yourself.

Would you like to go to the cinema? Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “Would you like to go Linguistic communication skill
to the cinema?”
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Films and books Linguistic communication skill

Book genres Knowledge and interaction with the

physical world skill
Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill

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de las unidades

Film genres Knowledge and interaction with the

physical world skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Dictation: Preferences Linguistic communication skill
Verbs + ing / to Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Vocabulary: Cinema and literature Linguistic communication skill

How do we form the conditional? Linguistic communication skill
Could, can, will be able to Linguistic communication skill
Conditional Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the sounds as in words clock and phone Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ɒ/ Linguistic communication skill
and /əʊ/
Hangman: Film genres Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Like vs. would like. Could / Can / Linguistic communication skill
Be able to. Will.
Crossword: film and literature genres Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: Would you like to go to the cinema? All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have studied like vs would like.
• They have revised the conditional.
• They have learned the use of can, could and will be able to.
• They have learned about the production of the sounds as in the words clock
and phone.
• They have learned different words about films and books, basically genres.

What are they capable of?

• They can practise the use of like and would like.

• They can distinguish the differences between like and would like.
• They can practices the use of can, could and will be able to.
• They can express preferences and recommendations.
• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.
• They can use vocabulary about film and book genres.

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de las unidades

Unit 10

If you called me, I would come

• To understand basic everyday conversations.
• To study the second conditional.
• To revise there was / there were.
• To learn the use of was / were in the second conditional.
• To learn about the production of the sound schwa.
• To learn different phrasal verbs.

• To practise the use of the second conditional sentences.
• To study the differences between there was and there were.
• To study the use of was / were in the second conditional.
• To revise different phrasal verbs.
• To learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.

When we negotiate in any field we need structures which enable us to establish
conditions or ask for something. For this reason, it is essential to know the conditional
and be able to make sentences like If you called me, I would come.

In order for students to be able to understand and use the structures and vocabulary
appropriate to each situation, we propose the following teaching sequence:

1. Understanding the difference between there was and there were and use it in different

2. Understanding expressions such as If I was / were you... and the difference between
was and were in these structures.

3. Reflecting on the pronunciation of the schwa- and its place in the word.

4. Understanding the meaning of some phrasal verbs and use them.

5. Practicing with the second conditional.

6. Find out about Alexander Graham Bell and his revolutionary invention: the telephone.

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de las unidades

To introduce the unit, students can practice their listening skills with an animation that
reproduces a dialogue between three characters. With this resource, and assisted by the
transcript, students will get used to hear sentences as if you got up early, you wouldn’t be
late to school. They can keep practicing on this resource in the next activity, where they
can listen to some snippets of the audio and answer comprehension questions.

It is also important that before going into the use of second conditional, they known the
different uses of the verb to be, in its forms was and were, to avoid possible confusions.
To achieve this goal, we propose activities that focus on the differences between there
was and there were, with explanations and examples, or with dictations that can help
students to get used to listen this verbs. Here your students will also learn the use of was
and were in sentences introduced by if, so as to know what is the best option and why
the structure If I were... is used.

To improve pronunciation we propose several resources to work with the schwa- sound.
The activities not only show how to pronounce this vowel, but also help to identify it in
the word.

After these, we suggest that you start the explanation of the phrasal verbs and practice
with the second conditional. With the resources of this unit you can work on the concept
of phrasal verb and its comprehension with images and review activities, as well as the
reflection about the ways to use conditionals.

In order for your students to know some cultural aspects of the English-speaking world,
in this unit we’ll talk about the inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell. You
can ask students to research on Graham Bell and reflect on the revolution that the
appearance of the phone was. To limit the topic we include a text where students can
read about Graham Bell’s life and his connection with the invention of the telephone.

Before doing the assessment, you could do the initial animation once again to see
whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something they
have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

The theory presented in the unit resources and reflected in the activities can be found
summarized in the Concept map, along with examples that illustrate each of the
theoretical concepts. Students can use this tool to review the knowledge acquired and
to get an overview of the topic. This map will help students to gain an overview of
the second conditional and the uses of was / were and there was / there were. In the
conceptual map they will also be able to find about phrasal verbs and the pronunciation
of the sound schwa-.

Throughout the unit, we propose reinforcement and extension activities that you
can do in class with students. The aim of these activities is the development of basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, activities are planned to develop other competences such as cultural and
artistic competence. In these cases the activities ensure the approach of other cultures to
the students.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Furthermore, this will be within the grasp of all the students because everything has
been designed to cater for the range of abilities and rates of learning which will be
encountered in the classroom.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Hypothetical future.

• Vocabulary: Phrasal verbs. Unsplittable verbs. Splittable verbs.
• Grammar: Second Conditional. Was / were. There was / There were.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /ə/. Reading. Writing and speaking.
• Review and test yourself.


If you called me, I would come Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “If you called me, I would Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Hypothetical future Linguistic communication skill

There was/there were Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Was / were Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Dictation: There was / there were Linguistic communication skill
Phonetics: The schwa Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Was / were. There was / There were Linguistic communication skill

Phonetics: the schwa Linguistic communication skill

Phrasal verbs Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ə/ Linguistic communication skill
2nd conditional Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Unsplittable verbs. Splittable verbs Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Film genres Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Like vs. would like. Could / Can / Be Linguistic communication skill
able to. Will.
Hangman: Phrasal verbs Linguistic communication skill
Word-search puzzle: Phrasal verbs Linguistic communication skill
Crossword: Phrasal verbs Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
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de las unidades

Activities generator: If you called me, I would come All skills

Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have learned about the second conditional.
• They have revised there was / there were.
• They know how to use was / were in the second conditional.
• They have learned about the production of the sound schwa.
• They have learned different phrasal verbs.

What are they capable of?

• They can use the second conditional in sentences.

• They can understand the differences between there was and there were.
• They can use was / were in the second conditional.
• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.
• They can use different phrasal verbs.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 11

My bike was stolen

• To understand basic everyday conversations.
• To study the present and the past passive affirmative.
• To transform active sentences into passive.
• To use is/are + past participle and was/were + past participle.
• To learn about the production of the sounds as in the words fish and bike.
• To learn vocabulary related to jobs and studies.

• To practise the use of the present and past passive affirmative sentences.
• To study the differences between is/are +past participle and was/were + past
• To transform active sentences into passive.
• To revise vocabulary related to jobs and studies.
• To learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.

The use of the passive is a differentiating factor between the syntactic structures of
Spanish and English, as in the Germanic languages its use is much more common.
Whereas in Spanish we say sentences as Me han robado la bici, the structure used in
English is My bike was stolen.

In order to learn how to transform active sentences into passive and integrate them
naturally in the speech, we propose the following teaching sequence:

1. Learning how to build passive structures in the Present and the Past tenses.

2. Transforming active sentences into passive.

3. Extending the vocabulary to talk about jobs and studies.

4. Distinguishing between the sounds of i, as in the words fish and bike.

5. Learning about one of the most famous writers of the English-speaking world: Agatha

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de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

In the first place, you will have an animation in which there is a group of young people
talking about the hypothetical stealing of Tom’s bike. This conversation will help students
to identify a familiar situation and establish a link between the language and the
expressions used and the context in which the characters find themselves. In this way,
you can introduce the communicative functions and the basic vocabulary and grammar
while the students exercise oral comprehension.

After reflecting on the sentences that have appeared in the animation, it’s a good
moment to explain the theory related to the passive’s construction. To do this, there are
resources that show the construction of the present tense: verb to be in Present + Past
participle and others that teach the formation of sentences in the Past tense of the verb
to be + Past participle. Besides these theoretical animations, which also show several
examples, the unit integrates other resources in order to put in practice the theory:
choosing the appropriate verb form, putting sentences in the correct order, etc.

In addition, students will have the opportunity to practice the transformation of active
sentences into passive, both Present and Past.

Once they have assimilated the grammatical section, you can encourage them to
incorporate the structures learned in their regular talks and expositions. It would be
helpful to review the resources that enable them to reflect on the pronunciation. To
achieve this, you will find an activity specifically included in order to learn to distinguish
the i sound, as in the words fish and bike.

Students can try the vocabulary extension section of the resources that deal with jobs
and studies. Viewing the images will help students to memorise easily some professions
like “firefighter”, “mechanic” or “politician”, and studies such as “economics” or “biology”.
This memory activity may be accompanied by review activities, formulated as games,
which help to assimilate the vocabulary. You can even encourage them to improve their
writing, presenting essays on their professional projects or future work. With this type of
activity you will make sure that students acquire the necessary vocabulary according to
their personal interests.

In addition, there are reading and conversation activities through which the students will
increase their oral comprehension and expression and their writing comprehension.

In order for your students to know some cultural aspects of the English-speaking world,
in this unit we’ll talk about the British writer Agatha Christie. Probably, many students
have not heard of this writer of mystery novels. Organize the class into groups so that
each team needs to explore a novel and ask at home specifically what did they mean
to them and what did they feel while reading them. To facilitate the work of organizing
and finding information, the issue presents a text which talks about of her most famous
novels like Death on the Nile or Murder on the Orient Express and about some of her
characters such as Hercule Poirot, so famous that he even jumped to the big screen.

Before doing the assessment, you could do the initial animation once again to see
whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something they
have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

Finally, you will find a Concept map with the most important and representative content
of the unit. This map will help students to gain an overview of Present and Past passive
affirmative, as well as the vocabulary related to jobs and studies. The phonetic section
will enable them to distinguish, using some sample words, the sound of i as in the words
fish and bike.

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de las unidades

All the resources (activities and interactivities) allow students to acquire the basic
competences they need. They are always working on communication in the mother
tongue and in foreign languages in all areas (speaking, listening, reading and writing).
However, students will learn to appreciate English culture and try to understand the
current reality of other countries, so they will develop other competences such as
cultural and artistic competence.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve three of the basic
competences laid down for ESO: the information technology and digital competence, the
learning to learn competence and the autonomy and entrepreneurship.

Along with the acquisition of skills, the subject has another objective: the assimilation
of the concepts by all students, regardless of their learning rates. All resources and other
learning tools are designed to meet the management of diversity in the classroom.

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Missing objects.

• Vocabulary: Jobs and studies.
• Grammar: Passive voice. Present passive affirmative. Past passive affirmative.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /ɪ/ and /aɪ/. Reading. Writing and
speaking. Culture.
• Review and test yourself.

My bike was stolen Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “My bike was stolen”? Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Films and books Linguistic communication skill

Present passive affirmative Knowledge and interaction with the

physical world skill
Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Present passive affirmative Knowledge and interaction with the
physical world skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Active to passive Linguistic communication skill
Past passive affirmative Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Present passive affirmative. Past Linguistic communication skill

passive affirmative.
Past passive affirmative Linguistic communication skill
Present or Past passive affirmative Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the sounds as in fish and bike Linguistic communication skill

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de las unidades

Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ɪ/ Linguistic communication skill

and /aɪ/
Vocabulary: Jobs and studies Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Jobs Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Vocabulary: Jobs and studies Linguistic communication skill

Crossword: Jobs and proffesions Social and civic skills

Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: My bike was stolen All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in two
weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed knowledge
and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking into account
the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have learned about the present and the past passive affirmative.
• They have learned to transform active sentences into passive.
• They have learned the use of is/are + past participle and was/were + past
• They have learned about the production of the sounds as in the words fish and
• They have learned vocabulary related to jobs and studies.

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de las unidades

What are they capable of?

• They can use the present and past passive affirmative sentences.

• The can distinguish the differences between is/are +past participle and was/
were + past participle.
• They can transform active sentences into passive.
• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

• They can use vocabulary related to jobs and studies.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
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de las unidades

Unit 12

Zac visits Ireland in Saint

Patrick’s Day
• To understand basic everyday conversations.

• To study the present and the past passive negative and interrogative.

• To learn about the use of isn’t/aren’t + past participle, and wasn’t/weren’t + past

• To learn about the production of the sounds as in the words nun and pupil.

• To learn vocabulary related to the Irish traditions, food and drinks.

• To practise the use of the present and past passive negative and interrogative

• To study the differences between isn’t/aren’t +past participle and wasn’t/weren’t

+ past participle.

• To learn vocabulary related to the Irish traditions, Irish food and Irish drinks.

• To learn sounds to pronounce words correctly.

In this unit Zac visits Ireland in Saint Patrick’s Day and he learns the worldwide known
typical traditions and customs of this celebration. Every year in Ireland the colour green
takes more presence than usual and the three-leaf shamrocks can be seen around.

In order for students to practise the use of the present and past passive negative and
interrogative sentences, we suggest the following teaching sequence:

1. Knowing the traditions and the Irish typical food and drinks.

2. Distinguishing the sounds of the letter u, as in the words nun and pupil.

3. Using the affirmative, the negative and the interrogative passive form.

4. Learning about Saint Patrick’s Day, its origin and traditions.

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de las unidades

As an introduction, we suggest starting with an animation in which one of the main

characters transmits his desire to go on a holiday to Ireland to celebrate there Saint
Patrick’s Day. While watching it, students can revise what people do this day. With the
animation and the transcript you can work on the oral comprehension. After having
checked if the students have understood the dialogue and before doing the next activity,
you can talk about Saint Patrick’s Day and revise their speaking.

You can ask the students whether they can situate Ireland on a map and explain what
they have seen or heard of the country. After this brief contact, you can use the images
that provide the animations to deal with some of the interesting aspects about the
country, its traditions (Irish dance, Saint Patrick’s Day or Leprechauns), typical food
(Irish stew, Irish broth, colcannon, boxty, etc.) or drinks (brewery, Irish coffee, etc.). We
recommend for a cultural view, you can work on written comprehension with texts that
talk about Saint Patrick’s Day. They explain the relationship with the green colour or the
origin of the celebration, among other curiosities. It may be a good way to help students
understand this holiday and find equivalents: what would a Leprechaun be in our culture?
In which parties do we make parades? Do we have a dish similar to bacon with cabbage?

As playing is a practical and funny way to learn, we have included a word-search puzzle, a
hangman quiz which reinforces the vocabulary about Irish traditions; and a crossword in
order to know about Irish foods and drinks.

If you want to assimilate these concepts, students can do review activities or search
for the recipe of one of the dishes they have seen in the interactivity. It can be a good
opportunity to encourage them to write passive sentences as in this recipe flour has been
added. This will be a good way to practice converting active sentences into passive.

To deepen their understanding on the formation of passive negative and interrogative,

students will have theorical resources and practical activities where students will see the
differences between the sounds as in the words nun and pupil.

In order for your students to know some cultural aspects of the English-speaking world,
in this unit we’ll talk about Saint Patrick’s Day, the most important celebration in Ireland.

Before doing the assessment, you could do the initial animation once again to see
whether your students have made any progress. To justify returning to something they
have already seen, you can do the Audio review and comprehension activity.

All these aspects are included in the Concept map of the subject, this is a useful tool
for studying the basic concepts of the unit. Along with this training, the resources, will
develop the capacities necessary to acquire basic skills, including basic competences as
the comunnication in the mother tongue and in foreign languages (speaking, reading,
listening and reading) and the cultural and artistic competence, so at the end of the unit
students will have learnt cultural aspects relevant to other countries, in this case from
Ireland, contrasting with the reality they know and encouraging their critical opinion.

It is also important for students to become aware of their own learning process and
be able to solve problems as they arise using the tools available to them (electronic
dictionaries, webpages with irregular verbs…) so that they can achieve the information
technology and digital competence, the learning to learn competence and the autonomy
and entrepreneurship.

These resources are designed and structured to meet the educational needs of students,
considering the different rates of learning and ensuring the management of diversity in
the classroom.

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de las unidades

Concepts, procedures, and attitudes

• Communication: Irish traditions.

• Vocabulary: Irish food and drinks. Related places.
• Grammar: Passive voice. Present passive negative and interrogative. Past passive
negative and interrogative.
• Skills corner. Listening and pronunciation: /ju:/ and /ʌ/. Reading. Writing and
speaking. Culture.
• Review and test yourself.

Zac visits Ireland in Saint Patrick’s Day Linguistic communication skill
Did you understand the animation “Zac visits Ireland in Saint Linguistic communication skill
Patrick’s Day”?
Reinforcement activities: Communication: Irish traditions Linguistic communication skill

 Irish traditions, food and drinks Social and civic skills

Reinforcement activities: Writing and speaking Linguistic communication skill
Hangman: Irish traditional food Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Reading Linguistic communication skill
Word-search puzzle: Irish traditions and food Linguistic communication skill
Distinguishing the sounds as in words nun and pupil Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Listening and pronunciation: /ju:/ and Linguistic communication skill
Words and sound matching Linguistic communication skill
Phonetics: Sounds as in nun and pupil Linguistic communication skill
Present and Past passive negative and questions Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Present passive negative and Linguistic communication skill
interrogative. Past passive negative and interrogative
Dictation: Present / Past passive negative and questions Linguistic communication skill
Present passive negative and questions Linguistic communication skill
Reinforcement activities: Related places Linguistic communication skill

Past passive negative and questions Linguistic communication skill

Reinforcement activities: Review and test yourself Linguistic communication skill
Activities generator: Zac visits Ireland in Saint Patrick’s Day All skills
Concept map Learning-to-learn skills
Evaluation Linguistic communication skill

There is a work proposal for each resource that the teacher can apply inside and outside
the classroom.

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de las unidades

In the Table of Contents of each subject the connection between resources, skills, and
sub-skills is explained in detail.

The given resources have been designed to supplement the explanation of a topic in
two weeks. During this period of time, students will be able to acquire the needed
knowledge and skills to keep making progress in their learning process, always taking
into account the flexibility offered by aulaPlaneta to adapt to the uniqueness of a
specific group.

What have the students learned?

• They understand basic everyday conversations.

• They have learned about the present and the past passive negative and

• They have learned the use of isn’t/aren’t + past participle, and wasn’t/weren’t
+ past participle.

• They have learned about the production of the sounds as in the words nun and

• They have learned vocabulary related to the Irish traditions, food and drinks.

What are they capable of?

• They can use the present and past passive negative and interrogative

• They can distinguish the differences between isn’t/aren’t +past participle and
wasn’t/weren’t + past participle.

• They can use vocabulary related to the Irish traditions, Irish food and Irish

• They can distinguish sounds to pronounce words correctly.

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Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

Unit 13

Final Assessment
A final test helps us to assess the acquisition of knowledge and find out if the objectives
of the course have been accomplished: listening, reading, writing, pronunciation.

The assessment
What is the aim of the English subject area?

The aim of English as a foreign language is to produce pupils who can use English to
express themselves both orally and in writing, who can understand, converse, read and
write. The objective is to achieve effective linguistic competence, both spoken and
written, which is appropriate to all possible situations.

The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages establishes the stages in

the development of communicative competence in a given language, taking into account
pupils’ ability to perform different communicative tasks.

A communicative task requires the use of written or spoken language and resources and
strategies, both linguistic and otherwise, in accordance with the context in which it takes
place. For this reason, the objective of English as a foreign language is for the pupils to
learn the discourse skills applicable to different scenarios; they should be able to take part
in different types of communicative acts which are appropriate to their age group, for
example, in connection with family or social relationships.

How do we go about it?

In order to achieve these goals, the syllabus is built around procedures designed to
promote effective oral and written communicative skills in meaningful social contexts
which will allow students to express themselves progressively more effectively and
correctly in all registers, including the literary register. To this end, the language skills
to be developed are productive? speaking and writing? and receptive? listening and
understanding and reading and understanding?, always bearing in mind that language
learning is an on-going process and does not finish at this level.

Furthermore, learning a foreign language involves more than merely acquiring linguistic
knowledge and goes beyond learning to use it in communicative contexts. Knowledge
of a foreign language contributes to the integral training of young people insofar as it
encourages respect for others, fosters interest in and communication with speakers of
other languages and is a vehicle for the understanding of global issues and problems and
for the acquisition of a range of learning strategies. The process of teaching and learning
a foreign language at this stage of a young person’s education has obvious consequences
as far as attitudes are concerned: it helps to instil a positive, receptive attitude towards
other languages and cultures and at the same time understanding and an appreciation of
their own language or languages. 

What should a pupil be able to do by the end of the 3rd ESO?

Here is a checklist which may be used to assess each pupil’s learning; it provides a
detailed description of what has been learnt and how well.

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de las unidades

What is assessed? / The pupils
Assessment criteria Mark
should be able to ...
    A B C D
Here we assess the students’ capacity
Understanding the general and to understand instructions, advices,
concrete information, the main idea etc. We want to measure they ability
and some details from oral texts to understand both the main idea and
about known and specific topics and specific information from oral text
simple messages clearly emitted by emitted by the media with a standard
media. pronunciation. Pupils have to be able
- follow instructions, understand
advices, dialogues or short expositions
and face to face among known
  issues related to free time an leisure,        
personal experiences, opinions, class
organisation, and those which they
identify the speaker intention.
Here we assess whether the student
Participating in brief conversations can interact. There will be two types
and simulations related to normal of communicative situations: the
situations or with personal interest usual in class and others with native
and with different communication speakers aware of speaking with foreign        
purposes using appropriate strategies students. There may be grammatical,
to solve the possible difficulties during lexical or phonological errors so long
the interaction. as the message is understandable. We
want to know if they are able to:
- act in conversations using the
appropriate strategies in order to
understand and being understood
talking about tastes, needs, feelings,
give or request information, expressing
opinions and describe experiences.
Understanding general information
and all the important facts from Here we assess the ability to
written texts, both adapted and understand different written texts and
original, and with varied extension, the capacity of reading autonomously.
distinguishing facts and opinions and The student should be able to:
identifying the speaker intention.
- understand narrative, argumentative
and descriptive texts concerning
topics of general interest or those
related to other subjects from the
curriculum, using known and new
reading structures such us the subject
identification by means of textual an
non textual elements.
- reading books, news, instructions or
explications autonomously either on
paper or electronically with a certain
  extension and various purposes: collect        
or report information for a specific task,
learn other subject contents and read
for pleasure or entertainment.

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Here we assess the ability to write in

Writing different texts with guidance, an understandable way for the reader.
both on paper and electronically, using Texts must contain at minimum
appropriate structures, functions and a simple syntax in order to make
vocabulary and also basic cohesion them understandable, a limited but        
techniques, to note the relation appropriate vocabulary, and a good
between ideas and to make them punctuation and spelling. Clean neat
understandable for the reader. and typed work is positively valued. The
student should be able to:
- have a good writing expression to
  elaborate and revise drafts in the        
appropriate register.
Using consciously the acquired
knowledge of the foreign language
Here we asses the ability to apply
linguistic system, in different
knowledge of the language and reflect
communicative contexts as a means        
on the formal correction need. The
of self-learning and self-correcting of
student should be able to:
their own language production and as
a way of understanding that of others.
- use in a progressive autonomous way
his or her knowledge of the language
and reflect on the formal correction
need in order to make their writings
understandable and also as a way of
understanding that of others.
Here we assess whether the student
Identifying, using and explaining
uses the strategies to improve the
orally some of the basic strategies to        
learning process. The student should
progress in learning.
be able:
- evaluate progress made and reflect on
his or her own learning;
- employ different ways of revising and
memorizing vocabulary;
- know how to use a dictionary books,
  electronic resources and the Internet to        
get information autonomously;
- reflect on the use and meaning of
different grammatical aspects from
comparisons with other languages
spoken, build on work done in class and
outside and use some self-correcting
Here we assess the ability to use IT. The
Using IT autonomously to search speaking will focus on topics previously
for information, produce texts from prepared in class. We also take into
models, send and receive e-mail and account attitude towards the foreign
establish personal relationships both language, the student’s attempts to
oral and written and showing an use it and whether he or she values
interest in them. linguistic diversity as a positive asset.
The student should be able to:
- use IT as a tool for communication
and learning, in activities in class and to
establish both oral and written personal

© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2013. Todos los derechos reservados de reproducción, traducción,
adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 78
Programación Lengua extranjera: inglés
de aula: desarrollo 3.º de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria
de las unidades

- value linguistic diversity as a positive

  asset, attempt to use the foreign        
language and attitude towards it.
Identifying the most important
cultural aspects of the countries
Here we assess the student’s ability to
where the foreign language is spoken,
distinguish the typical elements from
pointing out the main characteristics,
the English-speaking countries culture        
traditions, rules, attitudes and values
and society. The student should be able
from this society and a positive
attitude towards different cultural
patterns showing interest in them.
- identify in oral and written texts
some significant characteristics from
the English-speaking countries culture,
  whether they can describe them show        
respect for the values and customs of
other peoples and countries forgetting


A Very good
B Good
C Fair
D Poor

© Editorial Planeta S.A.U., 2013. Todos los derechos reservados de reproducción, traducción,
adaptación y ejecución reservados para todos los países. 79

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