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Summary of Ages

Submitter Name: Iván Díaz San Millán

Company Name: Consultoria Luga

ICA ID Submitter ID Material Type Pretreatment Conventional Age Calibrated Age

17B/0914 T-28 Bone Col-AAA 325 +/- 30 BP Cal 1479 - 1644 AD

17B/0915 T-28 Bone Col-AAA 935 +/- 30 BP Cal 1026 - 1162 AD

17B/0916 Tumba-60 Bone Col-AAA 905 +/- 30 BP Cal 1037 - 1207 AD

Cal 1449 - 1529 AD
17B/0917 Tumba-173 Bone Col-AAA 365 +/- 30 BP (51.50%)
Cal 1545 - 1634 AD

Calibrated ages are attained using INTCAL13: IntCal13 and Marine13 Radiocarbon Age Calibration Curves 0–50,000 Years cal BP. Paula
J Reimer, Edouard Bard, Alex Bayliss, J Warren Beck, Paul G Blackwell, Christopher Bronk Ramsey, Caitlin E Buck, Hai Cheng, R
Lawrence Edwards, Michael Friedrich, Pieter M Grootes, Thomas P Guilderson, Haflidi Haflidason, Irka Hajdas, Christine Hatté, Timothy J
Heaton, Dirk L Hoffmann, Alan G Hogg, Konrad A Hughen, K Felix Kaiser, Bernd Kromer, Sturt W Manning, Mu Niu, Ron W Reimer,
David A Richards, E Marian Scott, John R Southon, Richard A Staff, Christian S M Turney, Johannes van der Plicht. Radiocarbon 55(4),
Pages 1869-1887.
Unless otherwise stated, 2 sigma calibration (95% probability) is used.
Conventional ages are given in BP (BP=Before Present, 1950 AD), and have been corrected for fractionation using the delta C13.
Sample Report

Submitter Name: Iván Díaz San

n Millán
Company Name: Consultoria Luga

Date Received September 15, 2015 Material Type Bone

Date Reported October 22, 2015 Pre-treatment Col


ICA ID 17B/0914 Conventional Age 325 +/- 30 BP

Submitter ID TB-29
29 Calibrated Age Cal 1479 - 1644 AD
Sample Report

Submitter Name: Iván Díaz San Millán

Company Name: Consultoria Luga

Date Received September 15, 2015 Material Type Bone

Date Reported October 22, 2015 Pre-treatment Col-AAA

ICA ID 17B/0915 Conventional Age 935 +/- 30 BP

935 +/- 30 BP T-28 Calibrated Age Cal 1026 - 1162 AD

Sample Report

Submitter Name: Iván Díaz San Millán

Company Name: Consultoria Luga

Date Received September 15, 2015 Material Type Bone

Date Reported October 22, 2015 Pre-treatment Col-AAA

ICA ID 17B/0916 Conventional Age 905 +/- 30 BP

Submitter ID Tumba-60 Calibrated Age Cal 1037 - 1207 AD

Sample Report

Submitter Name: Iván Díaz San Millán

Company Name: Consultoria Luga

Date Received September 15, 2015 Material Type Bone

Date Reported October 22, 2015 Pre-treatment Col


ICA ID 17B/0917 Conventional Age 370 +/-

+/ 30 BP

Submitter ID Tumba
Tumba-173 Calibrated Age 1449- 1529 AD
Cal 1550 - 1630 AD

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QC Report

Submitter Name: Iván Díaz San Millán

Company Name: Consultoria Luga

Date Submitted September 05, 2017 Date Reported October 09, 2017

QC 1 Sample ID IAEA C7 QC 2 Sample ID NIST OXII

QC Expected Value 49.35 +/- 0.70 pMC QC Expected Value 134.09 +/- 0.70 pMC

QC Measured Value 49.96 +/- 0.20 pMC QC Measured Value 134.15 +/- 0.20 pMC

Pass? YES Pass? YES

pMC = Percent Modern Carbon.

IAEA = International Atomic Energy Agency.

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