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Modeling and Analysis

Economic analysis of bioethanol and

electricity production from sugarcane
in South Africa
Abdul M. Petersen, Willem A. Van der Westhuizen, Mohsen A. Mandegari and Johann F. Görgens,
Department of Process Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Matieland, South Africa

Received April 18, 2017; revised September 19, 2017; accepted September 28, 2017
View online at November 24, 2017 Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com);
DOI: 10.1002/bbb.1833; Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018)

Abstract: An economic analysis for ethanol and electricity production in the sugarcane crushing indus-
try in South Africa through first- and second-generation technologies, and integration strategies was
carried out. The analysis included capital allowances to upgrade the energy efficiencies of existing
sugar mills, to allow co-production of electricity, production of second-generation ethanol from hemi-
cellulose, and export of lignocellulose residues from these facilities. Methodologies included mass
and energy balances in Aspen Plus® and economic models in MS Excel to determine the required
selling prices for electricity, sugarcane residues and ethanol, for these investments. The required sell-
ing price for electricity for the sugarcane crushing industry was US$ 97/MWhr, while that of bagasse
residues was US$ 90/ton. A first-generation ethanol plant with electricity co-generation from bagasse
has an ethanol selling price of US$ 0.84/l, which was highly dependent of the cane price, and reduced
significantly when second-generation production from hemicelluloses of bagasse and trash was
incorporated. The selling price of US$ 0.38/l for integrated second-generation ethanol at a sugar mill
was the lowest, but however, was highly dependent on technological efficiency. Standalone second-
generation ethanol was unfeasible due to the costs of the infrastructure needed to provide bagasse as
a feedstock. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd

Keywords: biofuels; renewable electricity; integrated ethanol production; bagasse export; ethanol
selling price

Introduction a biofuel industry would also provide socio-economic

benefits by creating job opportunities or by empower-
he development of a biofuel industry would pro- ing small scale farmers to grow energy crops or creating

T vide an effective solution to the current reliance

on fossil fuels for transportation, and with signifi-
cant electricity co-production, could lessen the effects
income from the agricultural residues. 3,4 Furthermore,
the mechanisms of the Kyoto Protocol provide incen-
tives for developed nations to invest in renewable
of global warming caused by fossil fuels.1,2 With spe- energy schemes in developing nations5 to earn carbon
cific regard to developing nations, the development of credits.6

Correspondence to: Johann F. Görgens, Department of Process Engineering, University of Stellenbosch, Private Bag X1,
Matieland, 7602, South Africa. E-mail: jgorgens@sun.ac.za

224 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa AM Petersen et al.

The conventional fi rst-generation technologies for bio- The production of second-generation ethanol can be
fuel production are from raw materials such as starch, cost-effective, when integrated into existing facilities such
sugar, and oils derived from existing food crops that are as sugar mills18,20 or autonomous distilleries (i.e., first-
relatively costly7 and may compete with agricultural generation ethanol plant), 21,22 by converting onsite resi-
land for food production.8,9 The technically challenging dues to biofuels, and heat and electricity. This approach is
methods for producing biofuels from lower-value lig- in contrast to the standalone second-generation approach
nocellulose materials, such as agricultural residues, are that is often considered, which implies a centralized facil-
classified as second-generation techniques.8 Substantial ity to where lignocellulosic residues are exported, and
amounts of electricity can be generated together with biofuels and electricity are co-produced.23 Such integra-
fi rst- and second-generation biofuel production methods, tion has been shown to reduce the selling prices of sec-
to improve the economic viability of the process, and ond-generation ethanol, such as in the example reported
further reduce the effects of global warming by substitut- by Dias et al., 21 where the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of
ing electricity that would otherwise have been produced an integrated facility was 6.8% higher than the standalone
from fossil fuels.10,11 The sugarcane crop has been identi- facility.
fied as one of the primary sources for ethanol produc- In integrated strategies, the extent to which the carbo-
tion in sub-Saharan Africa,1 as it provides feedstock for hydrate fractions of the residues are converted to ethanol
both fi rst- and second-generation ethanol and electricity is limited since the overall heat and power demands of
co-producion.12,13 both the host facility and the second-generation ethanol
As the biofuel production industry in South Africa production processes are dependent on these residues
is in its infant stage, governmental policies are geared through combustion.18,23,24 It was previously shown
for subsidizing first-generation production14 in order to that the overall energy demands were only met if lignin
stimulate socio-economic development in rural areas, residuals from fermentation for energy generation were
as the demand for crops would encourage agricultural directly supplemented with fresh residues or with biogas
development in previously disadvantaged communities.7 produced from solubilized hemicellulose fractions;15,23,24
These socio-economics benefits are a key driver for fi nan- or if hemicelluloses were fermented to ethanol alone while
cial support of biofuel production schemes by the South cellulose and lignin residuals were combusted.18,25 These
African government. Subsidizing second-generation fuels, limitations did not exist with standalone strategies, since
however, would vastly improve the potential for biofuels only energy demand is that of the second-generation
in an arid country like South Africa,1 improve the offset processes, and therefore, ethanol yields can be maxi-
of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions,15 and encourage mized from hemicellulose, cellulose and all available
technological advancement through the development and residues.26,27
improvement of second-generation biofuel production Therefore, the sugarcane industry provides various
processes. routes for producing ethanol such as first-generation
To incorporate second-generation ethanol production ethanol (i.e., autonomous distillery), standalone second-
in the existing South African sugarcane industry, the generation ethanol from cellulose and hemicellulose,
industry requires efficiency upgrades to the low efficiency second-generation ethanol integrated with sugar mills,
sugar mills that pre-dominate the industry, to liberate and combined first- and second-generation ethanol by
cane residues for alternative uses.16,17 Currently, sugar converting hemicellulose to ethanol.15 The aim of this
mills in South Africa generally consume 0.58 tonnes of paper was to conduct an economic evaluation in order
steam per tonne of cane (t/tc),16,18,19 due to inefficient to determine, compare, discuss and conduct sensitivity
energy production and utilization process units. If a analysis on the minimum ethanol selling prices (MESP) of
sugar mill were to host an integrated bioenergy pro- these scenarios, Since electricity is co-generated with eth-
duction plant or were to export biomass to meet the anol, a fi xed minimum electricity selling prices (MELSP)
feedstock demands of a centralized standalone second- was applied, as determined for an upgraded sugar mill
generation facility that maximizes ethanol production, with a combined heat and power (CHP) plant optimized
the sugar mill must be modified so that steam consump- for the export of electricity.18,19 The MESP and MELSP
tion is reduced to 0.4 t/tc16 with the electrical demands are determined with economic models based on techni-
at 40 kWhr/tc,17–19 to ensure sufficient energy supply to cal inputs from process simulations in Aspen Plus®28 for
the mill as well as feedstock availability for bioenergy investments in these facilities to generated the required
production. investment returns.

© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 225
AM Petersen et al. Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa

Feedstock logistics and process termed as the competitive price, and subsequently
description applied in all other scenarios (SM-E).
- Existing sugar mills, upgraded as it was to maximize
Scales, logistics, and process scenarios electricity production, except that 52% of the bagasse
is exported to could be sold to a centralized second-
A typical sugar mill in South Africa (SA) has a design cane generation facility (SM-B).
crushing capacity of 300 tonnes of cane per hour (tc/hr),16 - Greenfields, standalone first-generation ethanol pro-
which has been applied as the average capacity of all exist- duction with CHP fed by bagasse only (1GE-base).
ing sugar mill scenarios investigated in the present paper. - Greenfields, standalone fi rst-generation ethanol
For heat and power generation, the bagasse available at this production with enlarged CHP fed by bagasse and
crushing rate was augmented with a supply of the sugar- trash to maximize the electricity yield form cane
cane harvesting residues, assuming that 50% of these resi- (1GE-MaxE).
dues would be collected and transported to the sugar mill.18 - Greenfields, standalone first-generation ethanol with
For the greenfields first-generation facility, with or with- incorporated second-generation ethanol production to
out integration of first- and second-generation ethanol, maximize ethanol yield from cane (1G-2G)
a processing scale of 493 tc/hr12 was assumed, which is - Standalone second-generation ethanol production
a typical commercial scale for such facilities in Brazil. (2G-StandA) fed by biomass exported by upgraded
Although, this scale (493 tc/hr) is relatively high in SA, the sugar mills.
advantage of economies of scale is taken by this capacity. - Second-generation ethanol production integrated into
This scale equates to an annual demand of 3 million tonnes an existing, upgraded sugar mill (2G-Int-SM).
and according to the South African Sugar Association
(SASA),29 the amount of sugarcane crushed in 2016 was Process descriptions for simulation
15 million tonnes whereas the capacity in 2014 was 20 mil- models
lion tonnes – indicating that the agricultural capacity for
the demand currently exists. Upgrading the existing sugar mills to export
For the standalone second-generation facility, a produc- power and bagasse
tion scale equivalent to a bagasse consumption of 113 dry Improving the exporting potential of existent sugar mills
tonnes per hour, 600MW thermal input, was selected as it entails that (i) the mill itself be modified to require less
previously shown to be an optimum processing size.11,26 process energy and that (ii) the low-efficiency energy
For the standalone second-generation facility, bagasse is generation process (i.e., CHP) be replaced with a high
the only feedstock since the referenced process model is efficiency, high-pressure CHP generation process.16,31
based on experimentally determined conditions and yield The strategies for upgrading the processing technol-
data for bagasse only. If 52% of the bagasse generated at ogy of a sugar mill to reduce energy consumption have
mills with upgraded efficiency could be exported as feed- been discussed in literature and are not simulated in
stock,17,30 the average mill that processes 300 tc/hr will this study.16,31 Thus, the reported capital costs for such
export 23 tonne/hr of bagasse. Therefore, the demand of upgrades to energy efficiency16,31 were added to the total
the standalone plant (113 tonnes/hr) required the excess investment costs of a new CHP energy efficient process.
bagasse yielded by crushing approximately 1500 tc/hr, To maximize the potential to export electricity, it has
which was equivalent to the cane crashing capacity of 5 been reported that a reduction in the steam demand to
average-size sugar mills. 0.4 tonne/tc is sufficient16,18,19 to ensure processes that are
Thus, these logistics are to serve as a basis for the 7 pro- energy self-sufficient. In this scenario (i.e., SM-E), all the
cess scenarios that were studied, and the processes consid- bagasse and 50% of the trash is fed to an upgraded CHP
ered are summarized as: plant, making a combined feed of 65 tonnes per hour.
- Existing sugar mills (producing raw sugar), upgraded Otherwise, the consumption of bagasse for process energy
sugar mills with improvements to energy efficiency production can be limited to export 52% of the bagasse
of raw sugar production, and installation of a new generated 17,30 to a central facility (such as the standalone
high-pressure CHP plant fed with bagasse and 50% of second-generation plant). Thus, in the scenario (i.e., SM-B)
the trash, to maximize the amount of export electric- where biomass is exported, 48% of the bagasse and 50% of
ity that can be generated. The required selling price the trash is combined that results in a combined feed of 44
for electricity, for these investments to be viable, was tonnes per hour to the upgraded CHP plant.

226 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa AM Petersen et al.

In order to produce heat and power from biomass in an and the corresponding specifications for unit operations
upgraded CHP plant (Fig. 1), biomass is fed to a combus- are given in Table 1. The cane is dry-cleaned, in order to
tor to generate steam at 86 bar in a high pressure boiler.18,19 remove about 70% of the particulate impurities, before
Steam is expanded through a condensing extraction steam size reduction.12,32 The crushed sugarcane is then leached
turbine (CEST) till 4 bar, to provide live steam for the sugar to extract the sucrose in a diff user with a 99% extraction
mill, and any remaining steam is expanded to an exhaust efficiency, 32 and the leached cane, or bagasse, goes to a
pressure of 0.2 bar. The simulation of this energy generation dewatering mill to reduce its moisture to 50% for heat and
cycle was adopted from previous models, with the process- power generation;32 bagasse is either fed to the CHP plant
ing details and unit specifications as reported previously.18,19 by itself (1G-base) or combined with trash (1G-MaxE).15
The high efficiency heat and power generating (CHP) pro-
Greenfield, first-generation ethanol production cess21,23 supplies the heat and steam demand of sugar mill
Process description and exports surplus electricity to the grid, and is identical
to the high efficiency process presented in Fig. 1.18,19
The process diagram of ethanol production from sugar The sucrose juice from the dewatering mill and diff user
cane in an autonomous distillery is depicted in Fig. 2 is clarified through cyclones and screens, to remove large
particles, 12 and then the cleaned sucrose juice is treated
with phosphoric acid to precipitate metals and thereafter,
it is neutralized with lime in a neutralization reactor.33
The juice is then de-aerated before entering a clarifier to
remove the mud that is washed with water and fi ltered to
recover the residual sucrose, and the fi ltrate is recycled to
the neutralization reactor.
To optimize evaporation,12 a fraction of the clarified
overflow is split for concentration in a 5-stage multi-effect
evaporator to reach 65% sucrose concentration, and then
combined with the dilute fraction to reconstituted a stream
with a sucrose concentration of 22%.12 This juice is then
sterilized at 130oC 12 before being fermented with a recycled
yeast inoculum. After fermentation, the yeast is separated
from the beer using centrifuges12 and the vent gasses are
Figure 1. Steam and electricity production. scrubbed to recover ethanol vapor.11,26 For the recovery and

Seed training

Sugar cane
Seed in
Seed out Ethanol

Cleaning and
Treatment Concentration Fermentaion
extraction M Juice H Juice F Juice CO2


MPS returne
Co- Generation Water
Bagasse LPS Returne Dehyadration H2O

Blow Down

Figure 2. Base case first-generation ethanol production from cane.

© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 227
AM Petersen et al. Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa

Table 1. Unit specification for first-generation ethanol production.

Unit Operating Specification and Parameters
Diffuser Sucrose extraction = 99%, imbibition water = 360.8 kg/tonne cane32
Acidification Temperature = 70oC, Phosphoric Acid use = 0.07 kg/tc33
Neutralization Temperature = 70oC, Lime use = 1.59 kg/tc33
Sucrose recovery form mud Wash water = 31.5 kg/tc.33
5-Effect evaporator12 Pressure range = 0.2–17 bar. Vapor bleeds used for heat integration.12
Sterilization Temperature = 130oC, time =30 min12
Fermentation Temperature = 32oC; Sugars -> ethanol =90.5%; Sugars -> biomass = 1.37%12
Purification and recovery >99.5% Ethanol at 99.7% recovery11,26

purification of ethanol from the fermentation product, a pro- Second-generation ethanol production
cess flow scheme as described previously 11,26 was adopted. integrated into an existing, upgraded sugar
mill (2G-Int-SM)
Energy demand calculations
The flowsheet (Fig. 4) and technical data for this scenario
The amount of steam needed by the first-generation was taken from a previous study18 based on the flowsheet
ethanol plant is calculated with the IChemE Pinch Point analysis of integrating ethanol production into sugar
Analysis34 spreadsheet, which requires thermal stream mills in SA. The integrated second-generation scenario
data recorded from the Aspen Plus® simulations. Using differs from the standalone second-generation scenario,
a minimum approach temperature of 15oC,11,35 the mini- in that the former considers conversion to ethanol of the
mum quantity of heat was determined in the spreadsheet, hemicellulose-portion of lignocelluloses only, while the
and this amount was quantified as saturated steam at latter combined the conversion to ethanol of all carbohy-
4 bar. This steam (4 bar) was extracted from the CEST drates in lignocelluloses. Thus, a combined feed of bagasse
and the simulation was iterated. Regarding the electric- and trash (1 kg bagasse: 0.58 kg trash18,21) was pre-treated
ity consumption of the ethanol production process, an with steam explosion to form a hemicellulose hydrolysate,
overall electricity demand of 22kWh/tc was assumed which is separated from the cellulose-lignin solid residue,
and extracted from the gross amount of the generated and then treated by alkaline detoxification. The treated
electricity. This was based on reported values of 28kWh/ hydrolysate is then fermented with a recombinant pentose
tc for a distillery using a mill for sugar juice extraction yeast,41 and the beer is purified via distillation columns
from cane,12 with a reduction of 6kWh/tc, when a mill is and molecular sieves. The cultivation of the yeasts was
replaced with diff user.36 done similar to what was previously described.11
The solid residues resulting from pre-treatment are
Second-generation ethanol production from burnt through a high efficiency heat and power generation
sugarcane lignocelluloses section that is identical to the CHP process previously
described.18,19 As with the installation of high efficiency
Standalone scenario (2G-StandA)
electricity production at sugar mills, the integration of
The technical data for second-generation ethanol produc- ethanol production to an existing sugar mill requires that
tion in a standalone scenario (Fig. 3) were taken from the steam consumption of the mill be no more than 0.4
previous reports,11,26,30 where process flowsheets had been tonne/tc,16 and therefore, the capital costs for upgrading
optimized with pinch point analysis.11 From an overall the mill to achieve this energy efficiency are to be taken
perspective, this model was based on the design elements into account as well.
of both the NREL model 37 (for pre-treatment, hydrolysis,
fermentation, cell propagation, water recycle, combustion
Combined first- and second-generation
and electricity production) and Macloon et al. 38 (distilla-
ethanol production
tion and purification). Published experimental data was
used as a basis for the process conditions and conversions, The combined first- and second-generation process consid-
which were adopted for the pre-treatment,39 hydrolysis, ers integration of second-generation ethanol production
and fermentation 40 of the bagasse substrate. into the standalone first-generation distillery, in particular

228 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa AM Petersen et al.

Cellulase EtOH Prod.
A portion of liquid (8%)

SSCF (EtOH) EtOH puri. & reco.
Pre-treatment broth Residue

Fresh water
Stem Biorefinery demand Power and HHPS
Biorefinery demand Boiler
Steam gen. Waste
Electtricity Waste water

To grid

Figure 3. Standalone second-generation ethanol production.

Table 2. Basic parameters and assumption for economic evaluation.

Parameter Description
Financial Period 20 years
Depreciation Straight line over an operational life of 25 years30 to salvage value of 20%. The plant value after
20 years was regarded as the terminal value.
Operational Hours 6470 h per annum (communication with experts)
Working Capital 5%30
Other Indices42 Company tax of 28% was charged on the net income, positive bank balances accrued interest at
8.7%, and dividends are paid at 25% of net cash income. therefore, the economic model mimics the
finance models previously constructed for ethanol production in South Africa.42
Capital Payment To simplify the analysis, it was assumed that the total investment costs would be fully paid after the
construction period of two years.
ZAR/US$ Exchange Average of 9.33 ZAR/US$ from 2007 till 2016 was assumed, in order to preserve the historical behavior
of commodity prices in SA.

through conversion to ethanol of only the hemicellulose the case of the first-generation scenarios, energy demands
portion of the combined lignocellulosic residues (field are determined through Pinch Point Analysis.
trash + bagasse from dewatering mill), which would oth-
erwise only be used for heat and power generation. Thus,
as for the integrated second-generation scenario described Economic evaluation
earlier (and in previous literature18,25), the combined resi-
dues undergo hemicellulose extraction through steam
Overall approach for evaluation
explosion to produce a hemicellulose hydrolysate that is For all scenarios, detailed financial statements that cal-
treated and fermented with a pentose fermenting yeast. culates IRR based on the firm value (i.e., discounted cash
The pentose fermentation broth is then returned to the values and discounted salvaging value)42 were constructed
first-generation process and combined with the broth of based on simulated flows from Aspen Plus® and the associ-
the cane juice fermentation (i.e., first-generation broth), ated capital and operating costs, estimated from literature
prior to distillation and purification. (Tables 3 and 4) . The parameters/assumptions which con-
The solid cellu-lignin residue that results from pre- textualize the economic analysis are reported in Table 2.
treatment is used for heat and power production in a CHP The economic model constructed for the SM-E was
similar to that used in first-generation production. As with used to calculate the MELSP, which was used in all other

© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 229
AM Petersen et al. Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa

Figure 4. Integrated second-generation ethanol production.

scenarios as the applicable electricity selling price. The 3. Also, the total investment costs for the upgrading of
price of bagasse was then calculated with an economic existing sugar mills, installation of a new CHP plant (heat
model for the SM-B scenario, which provides bagasse as and power process) and integration of ethanol production
feedstock for the standalone second-generation scenario. into sugar mills, are given in Table 3. The cost of auxilia-
The MELSP and bagasse price was determined for the ries (piping, instrumentation, warehouse, etc.) were esti-
standard IRR of 17% (nominal), as set by the National mated as the Balance of Plant (BOP), as a function of the
Energy Regulatory of SA (NERSA) for a reference facility combined installation costs of all processing equipment
for Independent Power Producers (IPP). Thus, the meth- considered.46 Finally, factors for contingency, engineering,
odology set by NERSA to determine the price of electricity overheads, etc. were extracted from Aden et al.37 to calcu-
generated from renewable sources was followed,43 with the late the Total Investment Costs (TIC), or CAPEX.
Sugarcane Crushing Industry functioning as an IPP and
the CHP annexed to a sugar mill as the reference facility. Operating costs
For the calculating the MESPs from the ethanol eco-
The basic operating and maintenance costs for ethanol
nomic models, communications with experts in the South
production are listed in Table 4, based on estimates in
African economy have advised that a required IRR of
Richardson et al.42 The cost of operational chemicals is
15.4% be considered. Thus, the economy assists in produc-
given in Table 4 based on a liter of ethanol produced for
ing ethanol through the subsidization of exported elec-
the first-generation, standalone second-generation, and
tricity43 and direct subsidization of the ethanol produc-
integrated second-generation scenarios. The enzyme cost
tion.44 The required subsidies are defi ned as the difference
is determined by Humbird et al.27 by annualized the cost
between the MESP and MELSP, and the existing market
of producing enzymes on-site. These costs were inflated
prices for the energy products to be replaced by bio-energy.
using the Producers Purchases Index (PPI) that is fore-
The fossil prices are 0.52 US$/l for ethanol (HHV equiva-
casted with historical data.47 Costs for cane were fore-
lent of average basic fuel price (BFP) from 2007 to 2016, in
casted from historical data from the latest SASA report, 29
2016 real values44) and 77 US$/MWh for electricity.45
with an initial (2016) cost of US$ 50.5 per tonne.

Estimation of equipment and total

investment costs Results
Estimation of equipment costs was carried out using For clarity, Table 5 shows a qualitative summary of all pro-
Aspen Icarus®28 to size the generic equipment (column, cess scenarios simulated, in terms of the product types, and
pumps, exchanger, etc.), while more specialized equip- whether the products were simulated in this study, or if it
ment (cane-crushers, fermentation tanks, etc.) were scaled were not simulated, due to being outside the scope consid-
from vendor-based costs or literature, as shown in Table ered in this study. Thus, Table 5 indicates that the actual

230 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa AM Petersen et al.

Table 3. Estimates for capital costs (2016 US$).

Unit Scale Parameter Base Value Base Price USD Scale Factor Installation Source
Costs for units and processing sections
Steam explosion tonne/h wet biomass 83 65567000 0.60 1.50 Leibbrandt30
Detoxification reactor kg/hr Hydrolysate 268762 142041 0.71 1.40 Aden et al.37
Neutralization reactor kg/hr Hydrolysate 268762 142041 0.71 1.40 Aden et al.37
Filter press t/h solids 21 1823646 0.60 2.40 Aden et al.37
Seed fermenters’ coil Heat Duty 245 6692 0.83 1.20 Aden et al.37
Seed fermenters Volume m3 727 211826 0.51 1.20 Leibbrandt30
Seed holding tank Volume m3 872 249103 0.51 1.20 Leibbrandt30
Fermentation cooler Heat Duty 2800 4388 0.78 2.10 Aden et al.37
Fermentation tank Volume m3 3596 765702 0.51 1.20 Leibbrandt30
Water scrubber kg/h total feed 25325 181336 0.78 2.75 Leibbrandt30
Distillation columns t/h ethanol 29 3304143 0.60 2.40 Humbird et al.27
Molecular sieve t/h ethanol 22 2899142 0.60 1.80 Humbird et al.27
Boiler t/h steam 100 31026786 0.73 1.00 A
Heat exchangers Area m2 167 43884 0.68 2.86 Al-Riyami et al.54
Bag-house tonne/hr steam 187 2530729 0.58 1.50 Aden et al.37
Cane milling, extraction, and tonne/hr biomass 300 17321757 0.6 1.00 B
Surface condenser Heat Duty MW 498 46077944 0.68 1.00 Bailey55
Cooling water pump Flow kg/hr 12300000 478031 0.79 2.80 Aden et al.37
Cooling tower system Heat Duty 619000 2368174 0.78 1.20 Aden et al.37
Capital costs previously determined for sugar mill upgrades and annexed facilities (million US$)
Steam reduction at 0.4 Flow of cane tonne/hr 300 16.84 0.6 1 Wienese and
tonne/tc Purchase16
Advanced steam reduction Flow of cane tonne/hr 300 22.26 0.6 1 Wienese and
at 0.28 tonne/tc Purchase16;
Ogden et al.31
High efficiency heat and Flow of biomass dry 65 220.18 0.6 1 Petersen et al.18
power process tonne/hr
Integrated ethanol Flow of biomass dry 65 229.26 0.6 1 Petersen et al.18
production from tonne/hr
hemicellulose and heat
and power co-generation
A. Cost provided by industry. Price includes the boiler and associated units and piping.
B. Cost provided by Industry.

sugar mills producing raw sugar was not simulated, and had a yield of electricity that was 63% lower. However,
only the steam and power demands were considered as bur- comparing the SM-B and the SM-E shows that the fuel
dens for the annexed facilities (SM-E, SM-B, 2G-Int-SM). to the CHP plant in the SM-B scenario was decreased by
33% when 52% of the bagasse was diverted for export, and
consequently, the yield of export electricity decreased by
Analysis of Process Yields
38%. This is because trash is a better combustible fuel than
Table 6 shows the specific production rates of ethanol, bagasse, considering the lower intrinsic moisture content
power and biomass exports for all scenarios considered in of 15%,48 as compared to that of bagasse of 50%. Although
this study. In a previous study,19 it was shown that a CHP bagasse could be dehydrated to improve its calorific value,
in a sugar mill, which did not consider sugarcane trash it had previously been shown that the capital cost of a
as additional fuel, had a biomass feed that was 37% lower biomass dryer was not justified at the scale considered;18
than the SM-E scenario in this study and consequently given that safety limit for bagasse drying is 35%.49 Thus,

© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 231
AM Petersen et al. Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa

bagasse is more suitable for exporting as lignocellulosic fraction for ethanol production, and due to the additional
feedstock to a standalone second-generation ethanol pro- demand of the second-generation process for electrical
cess, which in any way, requires processing water to dilute requirements. Comparing the second-generation ethanol
the feedstock for further for biological processing.11,26 yields of integrated and standalone strategies, that of
Integration of second-generation ethanol production 2G-Int-SM scenario is 48% less because only the hemi-
with sugar mills decreased the yield of electricity by 57% cellulose fraction was converted to ethanol, while both
when compared to SM-E, due to the use of hemicellulose cellulose and hemicellulose fractions were converted in
the case of 2G-StandA. However, the yield of electric-
ity for the 2G-Int-SM scenario is also 20% less than that
Table 4. Operating costs.
of 2G-StandA because the yield of electricity from the
Quoted Cost
integrated scenario accounts for the demand of the host
  Unit Price (US$ - 2016) sugar mill, which amounted to 0.18MW/ton of residue.
General operating Regarding the first-generation scenarios, combining
costs for ethanol
second-generation with first- generation ethanol increased
the ethanol yield per ton of cane by 39% when compared
First-generation $/liter 0.054
to the first-generation BASE scenario. The yield of electric-
ethanol (1G)
ity with the second-generation/first-generation integration
2G - Integrated $/liter 0.061
also improved by 43%, because the calorific flow of residue
2G – standalone $/liter 0.067
from second-generation ethanol production as fuel for the
Chemical costs for 1GB $/liter 0.044
CHP is about 19% higher than untreated bagasse, since the
Chemical costs for $/liter 0.055
solid residue that resulted from the hemicellulose extrac-
Integrated 2G.B
tion had an enrichment in lignin content. It also had a
Chemical costs for $/liter 0.137
standalone 2GB
lower moisture content (i.e., 8% less), which then improved
the boiler efficiency. On the other hand, supplementing
Enzyme costs for $/liter 0.149
standalone 2G27 bagasse with the trash as fuel to the CHP (i.e., 1GE-MaxE)
Power plant $/kg dry biomass =36.7*B-1
improved the yield of electricity by 170%, owing to the
maintenance and dryness of the trash. Compared to sugarcane in Brazil,
operation56C that in South Africa has a reducing sugar content that is
Sugarcane post- $/dry ton 25.5 about 16% lower (12.9429 to 15.321), and hence, the yield
harvesting field of ethanol of the first-generation base was about 16% less
residue18 what it would be with Brazilian sugarcane.
A. General costs exclude chemical, raw material and power
operational and maintenance costs. The general costs for inte-
grated 2G is slightly more than 1G even though both plants have Standard Prices of electricity and
the four major processing sections. 2G has a level complexity residues
imposed by the specialized micro-organisms used. Standalone
2G has five major processing sections, therefore, these general Table 7 shows the competitive prices (i.e., for IRR=17%)
cost is scaled appropriately higher.
B. These are calculated from simulated flows of chemicals and determined for the electricity and export sugarcane resi-
commodity prices. due (i.e., bagasse), if considered as by-products for the
C. ‘B’ refers to flow of biomass to the CHP over 24 h in wet ton/day. Sugarcane Crushing Industry. It is seen that the required

Table 5. Summary of scenarios and simulated products.

Scenario Raw Sugar (not simulated) Ethanol (simulated) Electricity (simulated) Bagasse Exports (simulated)
SM-E √ √
SM-B √ √ √
2G-Int-SM √ √ √
2G-StandA √ √
1G-Base √ √
1G-MaxE √ √
1G-2G √ √

232 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa AM Petersen et al.

Table 6. Output rates of ethanol, electricity, and biomass export.

Technical Results Feedstock of interest Ethanol Output Electricity Output Biomass Export
  type ton/hr l/tf MW/tf ton/tf
SM-E mix residue 66 - 0.77 -
SM-B mix residue 66 - 0.48 0.33
2G-Int-SM mix residue 66 144 0.33 -
2G-StandA bagasse 110 276 0.41 -
1G Base cane 493 67 0.07 -
1G MaxE cane 493 67 0.19 -
1G-2G cane 493 94 0.10 -
A. Tf – tonne of biomass feed, either cane or residues

Table 7. Prices determined for biomass and and the 86 bar boiler considered here, which could have
electricity (2016). up to double the CAPEX of a 22bar boiler CHP19. Else, the
Item Prices Premium on cost of the ethanol processing equipment based on vendor
Fossil Equivalent quotes in Brazil was 32% lower than that of this study,
Electricity from Cane Industry 97 25% which was based on vendor quotes in SA and literature.
($/MWhr) Thus, the MESPs of the first-generation scenarios is based
Competitive Residue Price ($/dry ton) 90 -16% on CAPEX estimates that is not competitive internation-
ally, and therefore, a sensitivity analysis will be carried out
to determine the effects of lower CAPEX on the MESPs.
electricity price was 25% higher than the standard national To compare MESPs in this study against literature, a
production price of electricity (77US$/MWhr). This time-scaling index was needed, by recalculating the MESPs
premium was within the band of premiums determined for 2011 US$. Then with the 2016 MESPs (Fig. 5(a)), a vir-
for renewable electricity generated from wind and solar tual inflation index for MESPs from 2011 to 2016 of 1.5%
sources, which were respectively from –14% to 77% on the was obtained. Thus, citing literature based on sugarcane
standard price.50 The competitive price for export biomass bagasse, Dias et al.21 obtained an IRR of 10% with a 2016
on the other hand, was 16% below its corresponding fos- selling price of 0.65 US$/l at plant scale of 273MWth while
sil price, which was the energy equivalent of the price of Seabra et al.52 determined a 2016 MESP of 0.48 US$/l for
South African steam coal of 5.4US$/GJ,51 determined as an an IRR of 12% at a plant scale of 221 MWth. Considering
average of 10 years (2007–2016). Thus, renewable electric- relationships between plant capacity and MESP established
ity from sugar mills in SA is competitive with other forms, in literature,53 the price determined by Dias et al.21 adjusts
while biomass exported for valorization is competitive to 0.54 US$/l for a plant scale of 600MWth, while that
with its fossil equivalent. of Seabra et al.52 adjusts to 0.36 US$/l. The target IRR in
the financial models in this study were adjusted to 11% in
Investment analysis order to compare with the values in these literatures, then
the calculated MESP for the standalone 2G adjusts to 0.64
Discussion on first- and second-generation
US$/l, which shows that the selling price determined in
scenarios this study is in good agreement with literature.
The CAPEX for the first-generation base scenario While the specific CAPEX and OPEX of the 1G MaxE
(Fig. 5(a)) was US$ 372 million and its MESP obtained is less than the 2G-StandA, the ethanol yield is 77% less
was 0.84US$/l. Maximizing the cogeneration of electricity (Table 6), and hence ranks less preferable by MESP in Fig.
(1GE-MaxE) increased the CAPEX by 16%, and the MESP 5(a). This comparison is contrary to the outcomes of Dias et
decreased by 15% since the specific OPEX decreased by al.21 primarily because the CAPEX estimation of the first-
18% (Fig. 5(b)) due to the additional electricity exported. generation scenario by Dias et al.21 was 35% lower than that
For a similar sized plant in a Brazilian context, the of this study, which leads to a lower estimation of first-gen-
CAPEX determined by Dias et al.21 for the 1GE-MaxE sce- eration production costs. Furthermore, the price of cane in
nario was 35% lower. One reason is the CHP section that this study was 54% higher than that used by Dias et al.,21
was based on a 22 bar boiler considered by Dias et al.21 and also, the scale of the standalone second-generation

© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 233
AM Petersen et al. Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa



Figure 5. (a) Total capital expenditure, operating expenses and MESP; (b) Specific
operating and capital costs (2016 US$).

production was 56% higher than studied case by Dias et required for upgrading sugar mills amortizes to 6.32 US$/
al.21 Thus, these differences in cost assumptions, scales, and tonne bagasse converted18) and no enzyme costs, since
cane prices led to contradictory conclusions. only hemicellulose is solubilized for fermentation. Specific
capital and operating costs are compared in Fig. 5(b) and
it is seen that the integration strategy reduces the opera-
Discussion on the integration of second-
tional costs by about 95%, due the absence of feedstock
generation fuel with sugar mills and first-
and enzyme costs.
generation ethanol distilleries Compared to Macrelli et al.22 (time scale adjustment
A peculiar feature of Fig. 5(a) is the MESP of 0.38 US$/l index = 1.5%) where integrated second-generation etha-
for the 2G-Int-SM scenario, which is 26% lower than the nol is produced from the cellulose fraction of sugarcane
equivalent price of fossil gasoline in SA (i.e., HHV equiva- residues at a price of 0.75 US$/l , the selling price of the
lent of BFP). This is due to the negligible cost associated 2G-Int-SM scenario is about 45% less. The objective of
with obtaining bagasse in integrated setups (capital Macrelli et al.,22 however, was to compare the specific

234 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb
Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa AM Petersen et al.

costs of cellulosic ethanol against the wholesale genera-

tion of electricity from sugarcane residues and therefore,
a penalty of 0.17 US$/l for the reduction in the amount

Variation in MESP (%)

of electricity exported compared to the exclusive genera-
tion of electricity from residues was included. Also, the 1G-2G
revenue of 0.07 US$/l earned by exporting electricity as a
by-product from second-generation production was not 1G-MaxE

accounted for. Thus, if the economic models is corrobo-

rated with this study, the production cost of integrated 1G Base

second-generation ethanol for Macrelli et al.22 adjusts to

-15.0% -10.0% -5.0% 0.0% 5.0% 10.0% 15.0%
0.51 US$/l, and then to 0.38 US$/l if the enzyme cost of Hemicellulose process +10% CAPEX Hemicellulose Ethanol Yield -10%
0.13 US$/l is also accounted for. Hence, the adjusted MESP Cane Price -10% 1G CAPEX reduction

from Macrelli et al.22 corroborates with the price obtained

Figure 6. Sensitivity analysis on selling prices.
for the 2G-Int-SM scenario in this study.
Thus, second-generation integration by hemicellulose
1G MaxE, and 1G-2G) by 2–3%, which implies that the
conversion is the cheapest form of ethanol production in
costs of first-generation ethanol production lies primar-
this study, primarily due to the absence of enzyme costs
ily in the operational costs. Thus, when the cane price is
and the negligible feedstock costs. Therefore, incorporating
reduced by just 10%, the production price of the first-gen-
hemicellulose-based second-generation ethanol production
eration scenarios is reduced by 8–10%, resulting with the
with first-generation ethanol production to improve etha-
1G-MaxE and the 1G-2G processes becoming competitive
nol production (1G-2G) shows that the MESP was reduced
with 2G-StandA. Thus, first-generation ethanol produc-
by 25%, which was similar to what was previously shown.25
tion from cane in SA is dependent primarily on the cost
Even though the specific CAPEX and OPEX rose by 15%
of cane and in the implementation of advanced processing
and 4%, (Fig. 5(b)) for incorporating second-generation eth-
schemes where either ethanol or electricity is maximized
anol production with first-generation production, respec-
through processing of post-harvest residues. Considering
tively, the yield improved by 40%. This result opposes the
that the cost of cane in Brazil21 is about 54% lower than it
conclusion reached in studies where the cellulose fraction is
is SA, it is likely a reduction in the cost of cane can occur,
used for ethanol production in integrated 1G-2G scenarios,
and hence, the competitiveness of first-generation ethanol.
which resulted in the ‘pure’ first-generation ethanol being
Regarding the efficiency of second-generation technol-
cheaper.15,23 The CAPEX of the 1G-MaxE scenario is also
ogy in integrated schemes (i.e., hemicellulose extraction
slightly higher than that of the 1G-2G scenario, which also
and fermentation), reducing the overall yield of ethanol
differs from previous findings21,23 because those studies
from lignocellulose by 10% increased the ethanol selling
considered additional second-generation processing steps
price of the 1G-2G by 2%, since the contribution from the
such as alkaline delignification, enzymatic hydrolysis and
second-generation processing is only 28% of the total etha-
biodigestion steps for unfermented hydrolyzates. Hence, the
nol yield. However, since such a reduction in yield affects
MESP of 1G-2G was lower than that of 1G-MaxE.
ethanol produced in the case of the 2G-Int-SM in its full
Sensitivity analysis proportion, the selling price increased significantly by 12%.
Thus, 2G-Int production in practice requires careful pro-
Figure 6 depicts the sensitivity of MESPs of certain sce-
cess monitoring and optimization to ensure that the selling
narios to parameters that have uncertainty or cause for
price is minimized. Furthermore, since the hemicellulose
variation, which were the first-generation ethanol process
conversion technology is not a mature technologically, a
equipment CAPEX because of ethanol plants in Brazil
sensitivity analysis on the CAPEX was accomplished. The
costing 35% less; the cane price since the 2016 price was
result shows that the MESP of 2G-Int can increase by 9%,
on average 16% higher than the prices of the preceding 9
if the capital costs had been underestimated by 10%.
years; and the ethanol yield from hemicellulose from sug-
arcane residues in integrated second-generation produc-
Implications of standalone
tion and integrated second-generation capital estimates.
The reduction in CAPEX of the first-generation ethanol
second-generation production
process equipment by 35% is shown to only reduce the As the feedstock supply of a standalone second-generation
production costs of the first-generation scenarios (1G base, plant unit requires an infrastructure consisting of 5 mills

© 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb 235
AM Petersen et al. Modeling and Analysis: Economic analysis of bioethanol and electricity production from sugarcane in South Africa

that are upgraded to export bagasse, a capital of 990 Acknowledgments

million US$ is required to develop this infrastructure.
We acknowledge the Department of Science and Technology
Furthermore, the electricity sold by these mills require
of South Africa for providing the funds to carry out this
subsidy (Table 7) in order to be financially competitive and
research, through the National Research Foundation. We
therefore, a yearly cost of 20 million US$ is required to sus-
also acknowledge Alan Fraser of the PGBI Group, for pro-
tain these mills. Thus, while the selling price of 2G-StandA
viding cost estimates for sugarcane processing equipment.
ethanol in the sugarcane industry seems favorable when
compared to first-generation ethanol, it has intensive finan-
cial demands for the development and maintenance of the
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clustering. Biomass Bioenerg 34:1065–1078 (2010).
exergy and energy analysis of different technologies. He
53. Argo AM, Tan ECD, Inman D, Langholtz MH, Eaton LM,
holds a PhD in Chemical Engineering.
Jacobson JJ et al., Investigation of biochemical biorefinery
sizing and environmental sustainability impacts for conven-
tional bale system and advanced uniform biomass logistics
designs. Biofuels Bioprod Bioref 7:282–302 (2013).
54. Al-Riyami BA, Klimes J and Perry S, Heat Integration retrofit Johann F. Görgens
analysis of a heat exchanger network of a fluid catalytic crack-
ing plant. Applied Therm Eng 21:1449–1487 (2001). Johann F. Görgens is a professor of
55. Bailey D, Issues analysis of retrofitting once-through cooled Chemical Engineering at Stellenbosch
plants with closed-cycle cooling. Electric Power Research University, where he leads a research
Institute, Palo Alto, CA (2007). group in sustainable process engineer-
56. EPA. Biomass CHP Catalogue, Part 7: Representative ing, with a focus on development and
Biomass CHP System Cost and Performance Profiles. assessment of biomass valorization
Combined Heat and Power Partnership, Environmental technologies. Prof. Görgens holds
Protection Agency, Washington, DC (2007). a PhD (Chemical Engineering) and an MBA, and has
collaborated with various academic partners during
research projects.
Abdul M. Petersen
Abdul M. Petersen is a postdoctoral
researcher at Stellenbosch University
and holds a PhD degree in Chemical
Engineering. He specializes in process
simulations, techno-economics, and
environmental impacts of biorefineries.

238 © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd | Biofuels, Bioprod. Bioref. 12:224–238 (2018); DOI: 10.1002/bbb

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