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LESSON 2: French Introductions. Les Présentations.

When you meet French speakers, you need to know how to introduce yourself and
what to say when you are introduced. Here are some useful expressions related
to French introductions

How to say what's your name in French?

Let's start with a short introduction. In French you start introducing yourself
with a "Hello" = "Salut". The greeting is followed by some questions about your
name. A few useful sentences for this case can be found in the table below.

English French
What's your name? Comment tu t'appelles?
What's your name? (formal) Comment vous appelez-vous?
my name is je m'appelle
my name is je suis
my name is je me présente
My (first) name is... mon prénom est
I'd like to introduce (formal) Je vous présente
I'd like to introduce (informal) Je te présente
It's nice to meet you Enchanté
Where are you coming from?

Usually in the second phase of a conversation one is curious about where do you
come from, in French it's formed with verbs "venir" or "être".

English French
Where are you from? D'où venez-vous?
Where are you from? D'où viens-tu?
From which country are you? De quel pays êtes-vous?
Where do you come from? Quelle est votre origine?
What is your nationality? Quelle est votre nationalité?
I am from Croatia Je viens de la Croatie
I am from Croatia Je suis croate

How to say what is your profession in French?

To ask what somebody does in daily life, usually we say "What do you do for a
living?" (Que faites-vous dans la vie?or "What is your profession?" (Quel métier
faites-vous?). Here you have a list for the most common professions.

Professions in English Professions en français

student étudiant
professor professeur
doctor médecin
manager directeur
nurse infirmière
dentist dentiste
psychologist psychologue
lawyer avocat
diplomat diplomate
teacher enseignant
soldier soldat
scientist scientifique
waiter serveur
engineer ingénieur
The structure is: subject + conjugated form of "être" + profession


She is a doctor. = Elle est médecine.

He is a engineer. = Il est ingénieur.

She is a waitress. = Elle est serveuse.

What is your age in French?

For asking how old somebody is, in French is used the verb "avoir", but you
need to distinguish formal and informal form. Literally you say "J'ai 23 ans."

English French
How old are you? Quel âge as-tu?
I am 23 J'ai 23 ans
What is your age? Tu as quel âge?
How old is he? (formal) Quel âge a-t-il?
How old is he? (informal) Il a quel âge?

Notice that there is no indefinite article "un/e", like it's used in English.

Dialogue example

Marc: Salut, comment tu t'appelles?
Julien: Salut, je m'appelle Julien, enchanté. Je suis Français.
Marc: Quel âge as-tu?
Julien: J'ai 28 ans et je suis étudiant.
Marc: Finalement j'ai connu un autre Français en Espagne.

Marc: Hi, what is your name?
Julien: Hi, my name is Julien, nice to meet you. I am from France.
Marc: How old are you?
Julien: I am 28 years old and I am a student.
Marc: I am finally meeting another French guy in Spain.
Using the details below, write a short introduction for each of these people
in French.

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