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Baldur's Gate Cheats, Codes, Hints and Walkthroughs for PC Games.

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Hints and Tips for: Baldur's Gate

Baldur's Gate Cheats

Baldur's Gate

Cheat Codes:


Edit baldur.ini, and add the line "Cheats=1" under [Game Options]. Then save the file, and

run the game. Once in the game, hit Ctrl-Tab to bring up the console in which you type the

cheats (Ctrl-Tab also closes this console). The list of cheats (all followed by Enter) are

(type in exactly as shown below):

Code Effect


Cheats:DrizztAttacks(); - creates a hostile Drizzt

Cheats:DrizztDefends(); - creates a friendly Drizzt

Cheats:Midas(); - gives you 500 gold

Cheats:CowKill(); - creates a CowKill spell (very cool)

Cheats:CriticalItems(); - spawns all the game critical items

Cheats:FirstAid(); - creates 5 healing potions,

5 neutralize poison potions,

1 stone to flesh scroll

Cheats:Hans(); - if you get stuck somehow moves your

characters to a free adjacent area

Cheats:ExploreArea(); - marks entire area explored

(like Clairvoyance spell)

Cheats:TheGreatGonzo(); - summons 10 killer chickens who defend

you at all cost

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Merlin") - Summon Merlin, mage with all 6th

level spells

CLUAConsole:CreateItem("[item name]") - Create selected item from following list

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("[six letter name]") - Spawn selected creature or NPC as

in the following examples

CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("[0-89000]") - Set experience points of all party

members to indicated value

CLUAConsole:AddGold("[number]") - Gain indicated amount of gold;

the number must not be too large

CLUAConsole:AddSpell("[spell tag]") - Add spells a character

CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys() - Enable cheat keys from following list

Cheat key list:


Press one of the following keys after enabling the "CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys()" code.

Effect Keys

[Ctrl] + 1 - Change armor of paper doll

[Ctrl] + 2 - Fade screen to black

[Ctrl] + 3 - Fade screen normally

[Ctrl] + 4 - Highlight the background with interactive objects

[Ctrl] + 6 - Shapeshift your character in previous paper doll

[Ctrl] + 7 - Shapeshift your character in next paper doll

[Ctrl] + 8 - Highlight text boxes

[Ctrl] + 9 - Highlight sprites

[Ctrl] + A - Sprite animation

[Ctrl] + B - View last FMV sequence

[Ctrl] + C - Advance to next chapter

[Ctrl] + F - Turn to character

[Ctrl] + J - Jump to pointer

[Ctrl] + L - Display coordinates

[Ctrl] + R - Heal character at pointer

[Ctrl] + S - Select sprite animation

[Ctrl] + X - Information on position

[Ctrl] + Y - Kill character at cursor

[Ctrl] + D - Display debug data

Hex Cheat mode:


Edit FILE: "baldur.gam" in the save game folder.



(although you can go above 18, it's really not worth it, all listed are suggested

limits, some race/class can be 19)

STR - 044C,044D change to 12,63

DEX - 044E change to 12

CON - 044F change to 12

INT - 0450 change to 12

WIS - 0451 change to 12

CHA - 0452 change to 12

(For a 19 stat, change the 12 to 13 *duh*)



(does have a limit, but 65K is good for now) 0018,0019 change to FF,FF for 65K gold



(Must be reset after each level gained since the program rechecks your stats)

Change all in - 0268 to 026C - to 13

(it doesn't like a natural 20 but you can put in 14 if you like)



Here is an explanation as to how to derive the exact number you want.

1) Convert your desired experience to HEX don't forget that your desired

number will be divided by the number of classes you have!

2) we'll use the 89K max limit for this example. 89000 converts to

HEX 015BA8. You then reverse the digits for putting into the

file. 015BA8 now becomes A85B01.

3) change offsets 022C to A8, 022D to 5B, 022E to 01


Secrets list

* Ring of Protection *

1 map directly south of friendly arm



* Ring of Fire Resistance & Iol Gem & Star Sapphire *

Area directly East of the Nashkel Mines Overland Map

X=1955 y=2372

* Ring of Wizardy *

map of friendly arm



* Ankheg Plate Armor *

x=187, y=2747 AR4800 (Nashkel)

It's on the farmer's land, far east, under a tree near the edge.

* Wand of frost *

On the Nashkel mines map

Co-ords X= 169, Y=177

NW corner in a dead tree

* Scrolls of Cloudkill & Chromatic Orb *

Area directly West of Nashkel Mines Overland Map

X=1793 Y=414

The Ankhegs infest the area north of the Friendly Arms Inn. There is a huge

ankheg hole in the ground to the mid left of the screen.

Inside, there is a visible ankheg horde, 4 caves to the right: Brun's dead
son, Chainmail+1, Potion of Magic Protection, Wand of Fire, Dagger +1, 5

Darts of Stunning, 5 Darts of Wounding, Ghost Armor Spell, Dire Charm

Spell, Potion of Cloud Giant Strength, Antidote.

Bracers AC 7 at the Baldurs Gate bridge, follow the river north to the house

and speak to the BitchQueens priestess. Flail +1 from the farmers for killing

the BitchQueen's priestess. They are outside the large house to the far far

left of the map just north of the Friendly Arms Inn.

Hidden scrolls: West of Nashkul mines; x1793, y414

* Tomes *

Constitution - In cave of Sirines on Lighthouse map

Strength/Wisdom - In Caverns under Castlekeep

Wisdom - From Temple in BG

Dex - In thieves guild in BG

Int - At top of Razamith's tower in BG

charisma - caves near the Gnoll fortress


Tips: Easy Level Gain and Money


When starting the game in the Town of Candlekeep do all the "Quests" (errands

for guards, and other characters). That means anything that gives experience.

Once you have done this go to the Character Screen and export your character.

End the game and start a new game and import character. This allows you to

start the game with the amount of experience that you had gained. Repeat until

Easy Money


Put potions in all of your quick item slots. Switch to the inventory screen and

replace the rightmost potion with a gem. Now return to the adventure screen.

Notice the picture of the potion you replaced with a gem still looks like a

potion. Click it multiple times and return to the iventory screen. The number

of gems should change from 1 to no number at all. Switch back to adventure

screen and repeat the process. now you should have 65,000 gems.

Object Duplication


Export the character that has the object(s) you wish to duplicate, export said

character to a vacant slot. Then, when in a game, import that character to get

the items in his/her inventory. The same character can be imported multiple

times to the same party.

Tip 1


When you remove characters from your party, they tend to stay where you left

them. If you want to change your party and add that extra cleric temporarily,

you can always dump him later and return for the fighter you left behind.

Tip 2


Some of the boss characters are a real pain to handle once combat begins.

They start casting spells and hold, charm, or terrorize your party members

so you are much less effective. If you run into particularly nasty characters
who don't attack until having a conversation with you, try attacking them

before they start talking. If you weaken them before combat, they are much

easier to handle.



After editing the Baldur.ini file in the Bgate directory, (as was done for

the other cheats), you can use the following codes:


where xxx is the code for an item, see below


where yyy is the name of a creature or NPC

ie: CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Ray") will create a gibberling

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Khalid") will create Khalid

CLUAConsole:CreateCreature("Noober") will create the best NPC in the game ;)

The name you enter is limited to 6 characters, so some

names are different, as in Jaheira would have to be entered

as blah:("Jaheir")


Set the current Experience points for all party members to 8900

Item List


AMUL01 - Necklace of Missiles

AMUL02 - Necklace
AMUL04 - Studded Necklace with Zios Gems

AMUL05 - Bluestone Necklace

AMUL06 - Agni Mani Necklace

AMUL07 - Rainbow Obsidian Necklace

AMUL08 - Tiger Cowrie Shell Necklace

AMUL09 - Silver Necklace

AMUL10 - Gold Necklace

AMUL11 - Pearl Necklace

AMUL12 - Laeral's Tear Necklace (3000 gp)

AMUL13 - Bloodstone Amulet

AMUL14 - Amulet of Protection +1

AMUL15 - Shield Amulet

AMUL16 - Amulet of Metaspell Influence (+1 2nd level spell)

AROW01 - Arrow

AROW02 - Arrow +1

AROW03 - Arrow of Slaying

AROW04 - Acid Arrow

AROW05 - Arrow of Biting

AROW06 - Arrow of Detonation

AROW07 - Arrow or Dispelling

AROW08 - Arrow of Fire

AROW09 - Arrow of Ice

AROW10 - Arrow of Piercing

AROW11 - Arrow +2

AROW1A - Arrow +2 (different graphic)

AX1H01 - Battle Axe

AX1H02 - Battle Axe +1

AX1H03 - Battle Axe +2

AX1H04 - Throwing Axe

AX1H05 - Throwing Axe +2

BELT01 - Girdle

BELT02 - Golden Girdle

BELT03 - Girdle of Bluntness

BELT04 - Girdle of Piercing

BELT05 - Girdle of Sex Change

BLUN01 - Club

BLUN02 - Flail

BLUN03 - Flail +1

BLUN04 - Mace

BLUN05 - Mace +1

BLUN06 - Morning Star

BLUN07 - Morning Star +1

BOLT01 - Bolt

BOLT02 - Bolt +1

BOLT03 - Bolt of Lightning

BOLT04 - Bolt of Biting

BOLT05 - Bolt of Polymorphing

BOLT06 - Bolt +2

BOOK01 - Magical Book

BOOK02 - Spell Book

BOOK03 - +1 con

BOOK04 - +1 str

BOOK05 - +1 dex

BOOK06 - +1 int

BOOK07 - +1 chr

BOOK08 - +1 wis
BOOK09 - Normal Book

BOOT01 - Boots of Speed

BOOT02 - Boots of Stealth

BOOT03 - Boots of the North

BOOT04 - Boots of Avoidance

BOOT05 - Boots of Grounding

BOW01 - Composite Long Bow

BOW02 - Composite Long Bow +1

BOW03 - Long Bow

BOW04 - Long Bow +1

BOW05 - Short Bow

BOW06 - Short Bow +1

BOW07 - Long Bow of Marksmanship

BOW08 - Eagle Bow

BRAC01 - Bracers of Defense AC 8

BRAC02 - Bracers of Defense AC 7

BRAC03 - Bracers of Defense AC 6

BRAC04 - Bracers of Archery

BRAC05 - Bracers

BRAC06 - Gauntlets of Ogre Power

BRAC07 - Gauntlets of Dexterity

BRAC08 - Gauntlets of Fumbling

BRAC09 - Gauntlets of Weapon Skill

BRAC10 - Gauntlets of Weapon Expertise

BULL01 - Bullet

BULL02 - Bullet +1

BULL03 - Bullet +2
CHAN01 - Chainmail

CHAN02 - Chainmail +1

CHAN03 - Chainmail +2

CHAN04 - Splint Mail

CHAN05 - Splint Mail +1

CHAN06 - Mithril Chain Mail +4

CLCK01 - Cloak of Protection +1

CLCK02 - Cloak of Protection +2

CLCK03 - Cloak of Displacement

CLCK04 - Cloak of the Wolf

CLCK05 - Cloak of Balduran

CLCK06 - Cloak of Non-Detection

CLCK07 - Nymph Cloak

DAGG01 - Dagger

DAGG02 - Dagger +1

DAGG03 - Dagger +2

DAGG04 - Dagger +2, Longtooth

DAGG05 - Throwing Dagger

DART01 - Dart

DART02 - Dart +1

DART03 - Dart of Stunning

DART04 - Dart of Wounding

HALB01 - Halberd

HALB02 - Halberd +1

HALB03 - Halberd +2
HAMM01 - War Hammer

HAMM02 - War Hammer +1

HAMM03 - War hammer +2

HELM01 - Helmet

HELM02 - Helm of Opposite Alignment

HELM03 - Helm of Glory

HELM04 - Helm of Defense

HELM05 - Helm of Infravision

HELM06 - Helm of Charm Protection

HELM07 - Helm of Balduran

LEAT01 - Leather Armor

LEAT02 - Leather Armor +1

LEAT03 - Leather Armor +2

LEAT04 - Studded Leather Armor

LEAT05 - Studded Leather Armor +1

LEAT06 - Studded Leather Armor +2, missile attraction

LEAT07 - Studded Leather Armor +2

LEAT08 - Shadow Armor

MISC01 - Winter Wolf Pelt

MISC07 - Gold Piece

MISC12 - Ankheg Shell

MISC13 - Samuel (body)

MISC16 - Fire Agate Gem

MISC17 - Lynx Eye Gem

MISC18 - Sunstone Gem

MISC19 - Turquoise Gem

MISC20 - Bloodstone Gem

MISC21 - Skydrop Gem

MISC22 - Andar Gem

MISC23 - Jasper Gem

MISC24 - Tchazar Gem

MISC25 - Zircon Gem

MISC26 - Iol Gem

MISC27 - Moonstone Gem

MISC28 - Waterstar Gem

MISC29 - Ziose Gem

MISC30 - Chrysoberyl Gem

MISC31 - Star Diopside Gem

MISC32 - Shandon Gem

MISC33 - Aquamarine Gem

MISC34 - Garnet Gem

MISC35 - Horn Coral Gem

MISC36 - Pearl

MISC37 - Sphene Gem

MISC38 - Black Opal

MISC39 - Water Opal

MISC40 - Moonbar Gem

MISC41 - Star Saphire(sic)

MISC42 - Diamond

MISC43 - Emerald

MISC44 - Kings Tears

MISC45 - Rogue Stone

MISC47 - Golden Pantaloons

MISC48 - Idol

MISC49 - Melicamp the Chicken

MISC50 - Skull

MISC51 - Lock of Nymph's Hair

MISC52 - Wyvern Head

MISC53 - Bowl of Water Elemental Control

MISC54 - Child's Body

MISC55 - Duke Eltan's Body

MISC56 - Broken Weapon

MISC57 - Broken Shield

MISC58 - Broken Armor

MISC59 - Broken Miscellaneous

MISC60 - Spider Body

MISC61 - Bottle of Wine

MISC62 - Dead Cat

MISC63 - Chew Toy

MISC64 - Telescope

MISC69 - Helshara's Artifact Fragment

MISC70 - Delorna's Statue

MISC72 - The Claw of Kazgaroth

MISC73 - The Horn of Kazgaroth

MISC74 - The Candle

MISC79 - Female Body

MISC80 - Male Body

MISC83 - Key to River Plug


MISC85 - Mulahey's Holy Symbol

MISC86 - Bandit Scalp

MISC87 - Contaminated Iron

MISC88 - Rabbit's Foot

PLAT01 - Plate Mail Armor

PLAT02 - Plate Mail +1

PLAT04 - Full Plate Mail

PLAT05 - Full Plate Mail +1

PLAT06 - Ankheg Plate Mail

POTN02 - Potion of Fire Resistance

POTN03 - Potion of Hill Giant Strength

POTN04 - Potion of Frost Giant Strength

POTN05 - Potion of Fire Giant Strength

POTN06 - Potion of Cloud Giant Strength

POTN07 - Potion of Storm Giant Strength

POTN08 - Potion of Healing

POTN09 - Potion of Heroism

POTN10 - Potion of Invisibility

POTN11 - Potion of Invulnerability

POTN12 - Potion of Stone Giant Strength

POTN13 - Oil of Firey Burning

POTN14 - Oil of Speed

POTN15 - Red Potion

POTN16 - Violet Potion

POTN17 - Elixir of Health

POTN18 - Potion of Absorption

POTN19 - Potion of Agility

POTN20 - Antidote

POTN21 - Potion of Clarity

POTN22 - Potion of Cold Resistance

POTN23 - Oil of Speed

POTN24 - Potion of Defense

POTN25 - Potion of Healing

POTN26 - Potion of Explosions

POTN27 - Potion of Firebreath

POTN28 - Potion of Fortitude

POTN29 - Potion of Genius

POTN30 - Potion of Infravision

POTN31 - Potion of Insulation

POTN32 - Antidote
POTN33 - Potion of Magic Blocking

POTN34 - Potion of Magic Protection

POTN35 - Potion of Magic Shielding

POTN36 - Potion of Master Thievery

POTN37 - Potion of Mind Focusing

POTN38 - Potion of Mirrored Eyes

POTN39 - Potion of Perception

POTN40 - Potion of Invulnerability

POTN41 - Potion of Power

POTN42 - Potion of Regeneration

POTN43 - Potion of Insight

POTN44 - Potion of Strength

POTN45 - Potion of Freedom

POTN46 - Potion of Stone Form

RING01 - Ring

RING02 - Ring of Fire Resistance

RING03 - Ring of Animal Friendship

RING04 - Ring of Clumsiness

RING05 - Ring of Invisibility

RING06 - Ring of Protection +1

RING07 - Ring of Protection +2

RING08 - Ring of Wizardry

RING09 - Ring of Free Action

RING10 - Gold Ring

RING11 - Silver Ring

RING12 - Onyx Ring

RING13 - Jade Ring

RING14 - Greenstone Ring

RING15 - Bloodstone Ring

RING16 - Angel Skin Ring

RING17 - Flamedance Ring

RING18 - Fire Opal Ring

RING19 - Ruby Ring

RING20 - Ring of Energy

RING21 - Ring of Infravision

RING22 - Ring of Holiness

RING23 - Ring of Folly

SCRL02 - Spell Scroll

SCRL03 - Protection from Acid

SCRL04 - Protection from Cold

SCRL05 - Protection from Electricity

SCRL06 - Protection from Fire

SCRL07 - Protection from Magic

SCRL08 - Protection from Poison

SCRL09 - Protection from Undead

SCRL10 - Cursed Scroll of Weakness

SCRL15 - Protection from Petrification

SCRL18 - Cursed Scroll of Stupidity

SCRL1B - Agannazar's Scorcher

SCRL1C - Ghoul Touch

SCRL1D - Clairvoyance

SCRL1E - Dispel Magic

SCRL1F - Flame Arrow

SCRL1G - Fireball

SCRL1H - Haste

SCRL1I - Hold Person

SCRL1K - Lightning Bolt

SCRL1L - Monster Summoning I

SCRL1M - Non-Detection

SCRL1N - Protection from Normal Missiles

SCRL1O - Slow

SCRL1P - Skull Trap

SCRL1Q - Vampiric Touch

SCRL1R - Wraith Form

SCRL1S - Dire Charm

SCRL1T - Ghost Armor

SCRL1U - Confusion

SCRL1V - Dimension Door

SCRL1Y - Improved Invisibility

SCRL1Z - Minor Globe of Invulnerability

SCRL2A - Monster Summoning II

SCRL2D - Animate Dead

SCRL2E - Cloudkill

SCRL2F - Cone of Cold

SCRL2G - Monster Summoning III

SCRL2H - Shadow Door

SCRL2I - Letter

SCRL2J - Letter

SCRL3D - Letter

SCRL56 - Cure Serious Wounds

SCRL58 - Free Action

SCRL59 - Neutralize Poison

SCRL61 - Cure Critical Wounds

SCRL62 - Flame Strike

SCRL63 - Raise Dead

SCRL66 - Grease

SCRL67 - Armor

SCRL68 - Burning Hands

SCRL69 - Charm Person

SCRL70 - Color Spray

SCRL71 - Blindness
SCRL72 - Friends

SCRL73 - Protection from Petrification

SCRL75 - Identify

SCRL76 - Infravision

SCRL77 - Magic Missile

SCRL78 - Protection from Evil

SCRL79 - Shield

SCRL80 - Shocking Grasp

SCRL81 - Sleep

SCRL82 - Chill Touch

SCRL83 - Chromatic Orb

SCRL84 - Larloch's Minor Drain

SCRL85 - Blur

SCRL86 - Detect Evil

SCRL87 - Detect Invisibility

SCRL89 - Horror

SCRL90 - Invisibility

SCRL91 - Knock

SCRL92 - Know Alignment

SCRL93 - Luck

SCRL94 - Resist Fear

SCRL95 - Melf's Acid Arrow

SCRL96 - Mirror Image

SCRL97 - Stinking Cloud

SCRL98 - Strength

SCRL99 - Web

SHLD01 - Small Shield

SHLD02 - Small Shield +1

SHLD03 - Medium Shield

SHLD04 - Medium Shield +1

SHLD05 - Large Shield

SHLD06 - Large Shield +1

SHLD07 - Large Shield +1, +4 vs Missiles

SHLD08 - Buckler

SHLD09 - Buckler

SHLD10 - Buckler

SHLD11 - Small Shield

SHLD12 - Small Shield

SHLD13 - Medium Shield

SHLD14 - Medium Shield

SHLD15 - Large Shield

SHLD16 - Large Shield

SLNG01 - Sling

SLNG02 - Sling +1

SPER01 - Spear

SPER02 - Spear +1

SPER03 - Spear +3, Backbiter

STAF01 - Quarterstaff

STAF02 - Quarterstaff +1

SW1H01 - Bastard Sword

SW1H02 - Bastard Sword +1

SW1H03 - Bastard Sword +1, Shapeshifters

SW1H04 - Long Sword

SW1H05 - Long Sword +1

SW1H06 - Long Sword +2

SW1H07 - Short Sword

SW1H08 - Short Sword +1

SW1H09 - Short Sword +2

SW1H10 - Short Sword of Backstabbing

SW1H13 - Moonblade

SW1H15 - Scimitar +3, Frostbrand

SW2H01 - Two Handed Sword

SW2H02 - Two Handed Sword +1

SW2H03 - Two Handed Sword, Berserking

SW2H06 - Spider's Bane

WAND02 - Wand of Fear

WAND03 - Wand of Magic Missiles

WAND04 - Wand of Paralyzation

WAND05 - Wand of Fire

WAND06 - Wand of Frost

WAND07 - Wand of Lightning

WAND08 - Wand of Sleep

WAND09 - Wand of Polymorphing

WAND10 - Wand of Monster Summoning

WAND11 - Wand of the Heavens

XBOW01 - Heavy Crossbow

XBOW02 - Heavy Crossbow +1

XBOW03 - Heavy Crossbow of Accuracy

XBOW04 - Light Crossbow

XBOW05 - Light Crossbow +1

XBOW06 - Light Crossbow of Speed


Submitted by: beb

If you want easy money,get many(20) winterwolf skins and go to nashkel's store.

The store keeper take the skins and give you 500 Gp each. When you have given

him them all, he can't hold them and he stands upon them, and you can easily

take them up and give them again.

Hidden comments:


When you add an NPC to your party, repeatedly click on him or her. They will

say things that are either serious or funny. For example, Khalid says "Click

on someone your own size". Each NPC says four things, then return to addressing

you normally.

Very good armor at start:


When you first start the game in Candlekeep, look to the right side of the inn.

There are two barrels and a treasure chest located there. Go inside the inn and

get the supplies that you need, then walk outside. Wait a little while. A guard

will walk by. When he is at the first barrel, kill him and you will get his


Unlimited liquor:


If you like going to the taverns and buying drinks to find information for your

journal, you can remove your intoxication by saving and reloading your game, even

after the bartender refuses to give you any more drinks.

Extra time before attack:


If you are resting and are interrupted by an encounter and do not have enough time

to respond, press [Space] to pause game play. When the monsters attack, they will

be stopped (as well as your party) until the game is resumed.

Skip parts of the game:


Start a new game. Enable the CLUAConsole:SetCurrentXP("89000") to level up and equip

yourself with the desired armor and weapons. Do the sub-quests then talk to Gorion.

Go through the scene where he dies. Return to Candlekeep. The man at the gate will

not let you in without a book.

Enable the the Cheats:ExploreArea() and CLUAConsole:EnableCheatKeys() codes and have

your characters go within Candlekeep's gates, Press [Ctrl] + J to jump in.

You have now skipped the Iron Throne part of the game.

Enable blood and gore:


German and other international versions:

Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the

file before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "Baldur.ini" file in the

game directory. Add the line "Memory Access=100".

Hidden Ring Of Wizardy:


Press L to see current X,Y coordinates for your mouse cursor. Go to x-2546, y-3507

on the Friendly Arms Inn Map to get a Ring of Wizardry which doubles 1st level spells
Combat trick for low level party:


This tactic requires two clerics/druids to be effective. One cleric heads into a zone

you know has a pack of monsters, after casting sanctuary on himself. The monters cannot

harm him, but they all focus on him. Next the Druid drops an entangle on the pack of

monsters. Then the party opens up with missle fire and kills the helpless creatures.

This will not work against enemies that have ranged attacks, but it helped our first

level party kill packs of wolves & spiders with no trouble.

Quick cash or equipment:


When you first start, you have access to magical weapons right at the begining. First

go to the training room. The mage there will summon some allies and monsters. Kill all

the monsters and steal your allies equipment. Export your guy before leaving the room

and then restart. You should get some healing potions a wand of the heavens, wand of

magic missles, +1 shield and some other items.

Algernons cloak:


To get a robe that increases your charisma and will give you a breath weapon that gives

you control of the spells target, go to the inn at bergost where tazok is staying. there

will be a fat man in the room across the hall from him named algernon, or he will be

wandering around. Take imoen up there save the game and pick pocket from algernon,

hopefully her pick pocket is good enough but once you get it, have it identified and

you can recruit any man, beast, critter, or monster good or evil on the spot.
Big Money:


Try this to get some serious spending cash.

In inventory, put a potion in each of your quick item slots. Then, replace one of the

potions with a gem, preferably your most valuable one. Go out to the game, select that

character and you should still see the potion in your quick item slot instead of the

gem. Click quickly and repeatedly on the slot with the "bogus" potion. Do this for about

2-3 minutes (I'm not sure how long it takes, but I believe that clicking very quickly is

the key) and the go back to your inventory. If the gem no longer has a number by it move

the cursor over it, and it should now show 65,535(FFFF) gems. Depending on the value,

I've gotten as much as 12 MILLION gold from the sale of this treasure.

Duplicating items:


This trick will duplicate any item that can be "stacked" in the inventory. One of the

best uses is to duplicate gems to create an unlimited source of gold. Place a potion

of healing in one of the quick items slots. Open the inventory screen, replace it with

a gem, then immediately return to the game screen. The image of the potion should still

be in that slot, but the gem's name should appear on the help scroll if the pointer is

left over that slot. Left click on the gem once, wait for the target cursor to disappear

from your character, then left click the gem a second time. After the target cursor

disappears again, return to the inventory screen. The number of gems in that slot should

now be 65352 instead of 1. Do not stack any additional gems in that slot, or the CPU will

reset the total to 20. Note: This trick works with the original release of the game and

may not function in patched versions.

Have a character get the item you want to be duplicate. Save the character that has the

item. Make multi-player game with no one else, just your own computer. Select the first

character slot and import the character that you made. Fill the character slots with that


Make all those characters give that item to the first person. Save the character who has
all the items.

View FMV sequences:


Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; create a backup copy of the file

before proceeding. Use a text editor to edit the "Baldur.ini" file in the game directory.

Add the following lines under the "[Movies]" section to unlock all FMV sequences in the

"Play Movie" option.



























Unlimited gold Tip I:


Go down to the opening of the mine shaft outside Nashkel Mines. Do not enter the mine.

Stand by the Flaming Fist guard that guards the entrance to the mine, then sleep. Most of

the time a winter wolf will attack and interrupt your rest. The Flaming Fist guard will

attack the wolf before it even gets near you. If you have someone with missile or spear

weapons, they will kill it before it comes down to you. Your party will get all the

experience and a winter wolf pelt. Take the pelts to the Naskel store owner. He will give

you 500 gold pieces. Repeat this as many times as needed.

Unlimited gold Tip II:


Note: If your computer cannot play the multi-player parts of the game, do not use this

trick. Items (Star Sapphire recommended) that cost 500 gp or higher are required for this

trick. When at the main menu, go to "Single Player" and start a new game. When starting

the game, create a Halfling Thief with a Dexterity of 19. After setting your first abilities,

make Lockpicking 65%. When your character is complete, go into Candlekeep and go

in the inn. Go to the room closest to you where nobody is sleeping. Do not go to the room

with the noblemen in it. Pick the lock, and peek into the dresser. Get the Star Sapphire

and export that Thief character. Quit the game (either saving or not). At the main menu,

select multi player mode and create a game. Start a new game, and on every slot import the
Thief character. Put the Star Sapphires on the first character and export him or her. Save

the game. Load the game and delete every character except for the first one. Import the

Thief again on every slot and transfer the Star Sapphires on the first character. Export

the first character, save the game, and repeat until his or her inventory is full. Then,

start a new game in multi-player or single player mode. In a multi-player game, you can

create a permanent character, then import the Thief and transfer the Star Sapphires. In

a single player game, you have to play as the Thief. Sell the Star Sapphires to get

320,000 gp per Thief character.

Unlimited gold Tip III:


Talk to the Gatewarden in Candlekeep, the castle that you start at. The Gatewarden asks

you if you want to practice some mass combat. Do so. Go down into the cellar and a wizard

will create some enemy illusions and an illusion party. Go into the illusion party's

inventory and take all their good items (plate mail, shield +1, wands). Export your

character. If you tell the wizard to teleport back outside, you will lose the items; you

must export your character. Then, start a new game, import the character, and he will have

all the items. Do this as often as needed. You can sell the plate armor for 300 gp.

Identify the the small golden shield before selling to to get about 500 gp.

Get extra gold:


Put a postion on your belt so you can use it quickly. Go to the main game screen to see

it. Then go back to your inventory replace it with a gem of an kind then go back to the

main game screen you should see the postion. Then click on the postion go back to your

inventory and the gem should have no number by it then go back to the main game screen

click on the postion again when you go back to the inventory you should have 65535 or

somewhere around that number number buy the gem. Then go sell the gem and you will get

lots of money.
Summoned Creatures:


Summoned creatures (e.g. skeletons from 'Animate Dead') can be used to great advantage.

Summon them near an opponent and then run your main characters away until you are no

longer within sight of the battle. The opponents will stop fighting (as they can no

longer see your characters), but your summoned creatures will still fight the enemy

without them lifting a finger to retaliate.



Submitted by: Flamestripe

In The first baldur's gate, when you return the book to that lady, she'll give you a gem.

You have to have a potion and you place it in the quick item slot where the potion was,

now if you exit backpack you will see a picture of a potion, but when you hover over it

it will say the type of gem you got. However when you click The picture the circle around

him will sorta flash.

Once it stops, click once more then go into your backpack, Now there should be a large

amount of gems to sell at withrope's inn. ENJOY (:

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