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Basic Numerlogical Number Traits

Traits: Cosmic Knowledge, Wisdom, Free-Will, Truth, Purity, Love, Justice,

0 Integrity, Compassion, Hope

In numerology the number 0 is only used to represent a Challenge. 0 is considered

by most numerologists to be a number exclusive to "old souls," those who have
journeyed through many lives. Those with a 0 challenge number have profound
spiritual knowledge and a sense of right on a cosmic scale.
The 0 signifies the full circle. It can encompass all the Challenges of the numbers 1
through 9, or none of them. This is because owners of a 0 challenge are truly the
masters of their own destiny. They may choose to face all challenges or none. The
bearer of a 0 Challenge is by nature extremely passionate. They will love with a
depth which is often incomprehensible to most others. Often the word "genius" may
be used when referring to a 0 Challenge holder. However, being completely free to
express their genius as they see fit, they may disappoint those around them by letting
their special gift lie fallow. Should someone carrying a 0 Challenge decide to face it,
the actual test they may face probably involves balancing the depth of their love for
individuals, as well as humankind, with their own needs.

Traits: Individualism, Leadership, Boldness, Courage, Creativity, Determined,

1 Ambitious, Pioneering.
Negative Traits: Egocentric, Overbearing, Repressive, Indolent, Weak.

One is the number of new beginnings, action and leadership. Wherever a 1 appears
in a person's chart, you can expect change in that area, and the bearer of the 1 will
most likely lead the charge towards initiating that change. They are pioneers, ever-
ready to light up the dark.

Traits: Cooperative, Sensitive, Balanced, Responsible, Loving, Patient, Modest,

2 Supportive

Negative Traits: Rude, Weak-willed, Finicky, Shy, Fearful, Sly

2 is the number of compromise, cooperation, diplomacy and mediation. Wherever

you see this number in your Chart you can expect it means you are willing to be a
team player to attain your goal or overcome your challenge.

Traits: Optimistic, Verbal, Creative, Expressive, Sociable, Happy, Amusing

3 Negative Traits: Superficial, Non-communicative, Boring, Deceitful, Whining,

The number 3 represents optimism, energy, imagination and fun. 3 is the number of
creation. There is an indefinable power behind a 3, which allows the bearer to create
things and solutions heretofore unknown. 3 also represents a number of profound
triads including: Past, Present, Future; Mother Father, Child; and Birth, Life, Death.

Traits: Pragmatic, Faithful, Disciplined, Organized, Cautious

4 Negative Traits: Dogmatic, Crude, Incompetent, Inefficient

The number 4 represents the stable, traditional, practical and respectable. A 4 also
stands for soberness and faithfulness. 4 also reflects organization and discipline. The
4's symbol is the square, and represents such things as the 4 seasons, 4 directions,
and the 4 aspects of the self. The 4 brings form to things, provides them with a stable

Traits: Freedom, Enthusiasm, Clever, Sensual, Adventurous, Prolific

5 Negative Traits: Rash, Impulsive, Trite, Undirected, Dull

5 is the number of change, opportunity, chance and adventure. Where a 5 appears in

a person's chart there will be risk. 5, representing the 5 senses, usually denotes
sensuality taken to its limits as well. Wherever a 5 appears in a chart expect change,
the expression of free will and the exploration of the physical world.

Traits: Nurturing, Responsible, Dutiful, Family Oriented, Kind, Stable, Devoted

6 Negative Traits: Intolerant, Discontented, Dictatorial, Dogmatic

6 is the number of nurturing. 6 holds all the qualities needed to nurture successfully:
generosity, caring, sacrificing, loving. 6 also represents love and marriage, and
unions in general. From romantic to motherly to platonic, 6 represents all forms.
Wherever a 6 is seen on a chart look for the powers of love and nurturing to come
into play.

Traits: Analytical, Mystical, Prepared, Wise

7 Negative Traits: Aloof, Cynical, Superficial, Fussy

The Number 7 denotes introspection and the pursuit of universal truths. 7 is the
Number of the individual seeking knowledge in solitude. Wherever a 7 appears in a
chart mysticism may come into play. 7 is considered the number that connects
Heaven and Earth. Throughout history many priests have thought 7 was the number
of God.

Traits: Strong, Self-Reliant, Aggressive, Intelligent, Clever, Tasteful

8 Negative Traits: Materialistic, Dogmatic, Unscrupulous, Lethargic

8 is the number of wealth, success, leadership and effective organization. The 8 is a

worldly number. Everything about it is in plain view. While the 8 does represent
success, it may also denote failure. With 8s there is no in between: it succeeds
beyond expectations or fails miserably. 8 also represents endurance and the ability to
stay the course until the job is done.
Traits: Compassionate, Tolerant, Benevolent, Intuitive, Mystical, Charming,
9 Idealistic
Negative Traits: Stingy, Impulsive, Intolerant, Insensitive, Effusive

As 1 marked beginnings and leadership, 9 marks completion of the circle and

humanitarianism. 9 is the number that finishes all that was started by the numbers
which come before it. 9 represents highly developed intuition and spirituality. 9 also
represents the apex of human spiritual development. It is considered the supreme
number of the 1 to 9 circle. While 9 denotes endings it also signifies the mastery of
all the challenges faced by the numbers which precede it.

11 Traits: Intuitive, Sensitive, Bright, Visionary, Spiritual, Uplifting, Creative,

Inspirational, Optimistic

In Numerology the Number 11 represents the "Spiritual Messenger." Those carrying

an 11 in their chart are in some way, or possibly every way, on a journey of spiritual
enlightenment meant to bring divine insights to us all.

22 Traits: Master Builder, Organizer and Planner. Visionary, Ambitious, Inspired,

Wise, Honest, Born to Lead

22 is the number of the Master Builder—a person with the ability to things for
humanity as a whole. They possess superior organizational skills, a mind which stays
focused and very high ideals. The 22 thinks big and builds big. These unselfish,
hardworking visionaries are blessed with the skills to turn their dreams into realities
that benefit us all. They are the “doers” of Numerology.

33 Traits: Nurturing, Responsible, Dutiful, Family Oriented, Kind, Stable, Devoted,

Seeker of Harmony, Champion of the Underdog

33 is the number of nurturing and goodwill towards all things. 33 holds all the
qualities needed to nurture successfully: generosity, caring, sacrificing, loving. 33
also represents love and marriage, and unions in general. From romantic to motherly
to platonic, 33 represents all forms. Wherever a 33 is seen on a chart look for the
powers of love and nurturing to come into play.

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