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Thank you for downloading our demo for CATaclysm!

An RPG of
Feline Proportions! This demo includes an abridged version of the
rules as well as a fully playable short adventure: “The Despot of
Dark Pond.” This is not the final game. This version is provided “as
is” for preview purposes only and does not necessarily represent the
final product. This version is not permitted for sale. If you would
like to get updates for the game and when the game is released
please visit www.cataclysmrpg.com and sign up for our newsletter;
look for us on Kickstarter (launching October 14, 2017); follow us
on Twitter (@akinji_ent), and; like us on Facebook (www.facebook.
com/akinji). This demo and CATaclysm! are copyright by Akinji
Entertainment Inc.

Da humanz iz ded. No moar fud for us. No moar scratchez for Cats have created their own grand society. For over a
us. No moar protecshun frum teh outsides for us. We haz taken thousand years they established a rich tapestry of tuna-like
teh earth... flavour that permeates their civilization.
Cats shaped their own governments and monarchies
Defend the realm of cats from the evil rat hordes that which partly resembled the legendary governments of
threaten their expanding kingdoms. The time of humans feudal cities of the human world. Cat Breeds often con-
has passed and our beloved feline friends have inherited gregate together with little to no breedism. However, there
the earth. They roam the land searching for ancient Hu- are Cat outsiders who live on the fringes of society and try
man Relics and Meowgic. They wage war with the evil rats, to avoid big Cat congregations.
frogs, and toads, who want nothing more than to make Cats built their cities around ancient human sites
the cats go the way of the humans: extinct. Choose your that held great residual power. These sites may have
cat. Choose your weapon. And fight for honour, glory, and been collapsed barns, airplane fuselages, or rotted out
your ball of yarn. trains. These sites became the centers of their metrop-
CatAclysm places the world in the capable paws of our olises and from them they developed majestic and
favorite fur-balls in this easy to learn roleplaying game. sprawling capitals of feline commerce. Some cities have
Akinji Entertainment brings a game for cat lovers and buildings as big as two storeys but most buildings are a
roleplaying enthusiasts alike. This game has elements of single storey dwellings.
high fantasy and sci-fi that will leave you rolling with Cat cities are often built in spiraling loops that center
laughter and dice. CatAclysm is purrfect for players of all on pleasurable pass times, taverns, and cat nip dens;
levels, and whether you are new to RPGs or a seasoned whereas industries of manufacture tend to be pushed out
veteran, you will enjoy the witty play and the fresh take towards the outskirts. With residences and administrative
on dice adventure games. Using a simple no-fuss me- buildings sandwiched in between. Bigger Cat cities have
chanic, CatAclysm provides a streamlined ruleset that can heavy focus on comfort, everything is designed for loung-
be learned and played within as little as 10 minutes. This ing and a decadent life. If there is a couch in a tavern, it is
game makes use of a brand new gaming platform that uses a plush couch with fluffy pillows meant to lure and entice
d10s in conjunction with a new life management system Cats to remain upon it for a long while. Cities of this kind
never before utilized in RPGs. Whether you are coughing are often ruled by a Cat monarch who dwells within a
up fireballs or swinging your cat-o-nine-tails, you will love Cat castles or palaces, which are either built on top of the
this fun and action oriented adventure game. founding human element of the city or built nearby it.

“We can beez warriurz?”

The Gamemaster
The World CatAclysm requires the players to participate in an interac-
tive story. Players take on the roles of their unique Heroes
The world is bereft of human life, and the cats have risen and journey through the world of Cat-Aclysm.
up to fill the void. Over thousands of years cats have This world is generated by the Gamemaster (or ‘GM’).
evolved into sentient beings that occupy towns and cities, The GM serves as the director, narrator, and referee for
create weapons and armour, and search for ancient Human all of the action that takes place in the world. The GM
Relics to help them in their newly found position of power. describes situations, asks the Heroes what they want to
Geographically this world is the same as our world, but a do, and resolves actions according to the rules of the game.
few thousand years in the future; mankind has been ex- The GM sets each scene, keeps the story moving, and takes
tinct for a very long time. Man’s cities have mostly decayed on the roles of the foes and other individuals which the
and the cats search for those ancient places of glass towers Heroes encounter during each adventure. If a player is the
and powerful machines. GM, they should read the rules through all sections of

this book; while there is no need to memorize these, they Once all of a Hero’s lives have been spent, she is complete-
should have an idea of where to find elements once the ly dead and cannot return to life.
game begins.
Feats represent a Hero’s special abilities which they can

The Heroes perform. These feats are a form of Hero progression and
training, and as a Hero gains experience or levels, they gain
If a player is not the GM she must be a Hero – one of the an extra feat that allow them to become more powerful.
stars of the action. The Heroes are each unique and suit
individual players’ customized specifications, depending on Talents
what type of Hero a player wishes to play. Whether she Every Hero has nine abilities known as Talents. These
wants to be a warrior who is strong and courageous, or a Talents represent a Hero’s strengths and weaknesses. The
bookish scholar who would rather read than adventure, the Talents allow a Hero to perform tasks in the game like
choice is hers. The Heroes work together to form a team or looking around, using Meowgic, or fighting. All Talents
a party who travel through the world created by the GM. can be attempted even if a Hero has no score in the corre-
sponding Talent.

Game Mechanics Skills

Skills represent how well a Hero does at dramatic tasks. All
CatAclysm makes use of a brand new game platform called Heroes are assumed to have a wide selection of average
Ph4se. This platform keeps play fast and intuitive. When- Skills; the game only measures the Skills in which a Hero
ever a Hero wants to attempt an action that has a chance has a better than average ability and thus can use these skills
of failure, she rolls a ten sided die (or ‘d10’). To determine to attempt tasks in action situations. Skills are measured by
success of the task (for a Talent, Skill, or Attack) she the scores placed in the Talents. Each skill is attached to a
simply does this: particular Talent and thus the Skill uses the Talent score to
resolve the check. All Skills can be attempted even if a Hero
›› a) Roll a d10 has no score in the corresponding Talent.
›› b) Add any relevant scores and modifiers
›› c) Compare the result to the required result Steps to Take
There are certain steps that must be followed to create a
If the required result is met or exceeds the target num- Hero in Cataclysm. First in the journey of becoming a Cat
ber the Hero performs the action or task. If the result is Hero is deciding what your Hero’s personality is going to be.
lower, the Hero fails. You can choose to be the standoffish loner Cat or the cuddly
snuggly lovable Cat, the choices is yours. Next is selecting
Life-Force Dials Cat Breed. Each Breed has a Breed Bonus and a Breed
Every Hero has a Life-Force dial, a new element incorpo- Feat which are unique to that Cat. Third, is to choose a Feat
rated into RPGs. These dials track a Hero’s health and tell which provides a specific bonus that may improve a combat
the player whether their Hero is well, injured, or dead. As ability or a specific Talent. For the last step, Hero must
a Hero takes attack damage, he rotates his Life-Force dial disperse their 21 available Talent points into the 9 Talents
to the appropriate section. A Hero who takes several hits (no Talent score can exceed 5, without bonuses). Once these
is subject to a critical injury, which means he will suffer a steps are completed a Hero should select their equipment
unique impediment during play. and prepare for a pawsome adventure.

Lives Dials
Every Hero has a Lives dial. This represents a Hero’s nine
lives. Each time a Hero dies, after a short period of time Hero Creation
they are able to return to by spending one of their nine When creating a Hero there are a couple of things that a
lives. Once a life is spent a Hero returns to life with all of player will need to consider. A player needs first to decide
her wounds healed (except where rules state otherwise). what type of Hero they wish to play. Do they want to be a

brave and cunning warrior or do they want to be a bookish Who are the Cats?
mage, or would they like to be a daring thief or a master In short they are Cats, though, there are a few differenc-
of technology? These traits will be exemplified in a player’s es from the cat that is snoozing on your keyboard. The
choices of cat breed, dispersal of Talent points, and weap- primary difference is that these Cats stood up and picked
ons and equipment. up an axe. Cats have developed over 1000 years into the
Another consideration should be what style of game dominant species on the planet. During this time there
a player is partaking. Is the campaign a serious campaign have been three Cat Ages; the Age of the Bronze Paw, the
fraught with danger, or is it a relaxing light-hearted cam- Age of Bright Whisker, and the current age the Age of the
paign meant only to entertain? This choice can also affect Shining Claw. Throughout these ages Cats created more
how a player creates his Hero. and more civilized and complex societies. Keep in mind
Each player starts with 21 points to spend on Talents. Cats are still deeply fascinated by shiny and tassely things
It is recommended that players put at least one point in and their homes, pleasure dens, and businesses often pay
each Talent; however this is not required. A maximum of homage to these mesmerizing elements of their old lives.
5 points can be allocated to any one Talent, not including
bonuses. Those points will represent a Hero’s aptitude at
any skills that correspond with that Talent.

Each Cat Breed has their own traits. These traits manifest as a bonus to one of the nine Talents. That
bonus applies to all the skills that correspond with a Talent. Therefore if a player chooses to
play a Persian, she receives a bonus of +1 to Intellect, meaning she gains a +1 to all of her
skills under the Intellect Talent. All Cat Breeds stand between 3-3.5 feet tall unless
otherwise stated. In addition each breed gains a unique breed feat, which manifests in
an ability or bonus.

Bengal +1 Coordination

Bengals are highly skilled at performing tasks in rapid succession; they

move fluidly and without hesitation. This is why they receive a +1 to
Coordination. Though not traditionally descended from the royal wildcats that
they resemble, Bengals often hold true to the traits of those noble wild breeds.
Bengals have a very unique colouration pattern that resembles feline royalty such
as leopards, ocelots, and margays. All Bengals have an 18 Ft. movement speed.
Pride: Due to their unique colouration Bengals behave as though they were
Princess Fluffy
one of the legendary cats they descended from. Due to this they
“Halt rodent, or thou shalt find you will re-
gain a +1 to intimidate checks. semble a Hedgehog rather than a bilge Rat.”

Egyptian Mau +1 Reflexes

Egyptian Mau are very fast and agile; they make excellent thieves or assassins. This is why they receive a
+1 to Reflexes. Egyptian Mau are well known for their unbelievable loyalty: they stick to their compan-
ions through thick and thin. Egyptian Mau have a very particular colouration, grey with black spots. All
Egyptian Mau have an 18 Ft. movement speed.
Cat’s Best Friend: Due to their devotion to their companions twice per day
the Egyptian Mau can transfer his +1 to Reflexes to an ally in need for
one round.

Jasper Snuggles
Maine Coon +1 Strength

Maine Coons are tough and strong, often seen

“My my my, what a wonderfully
delicious proppawsition” wielding heavy weapons with ease. They are the big-
gest of the common breeds and often stand 3.5-4 feet
tall. This is why they receive a +1 to Strength. Maine Coons have a strange love
of water and many find work as sailors, pirates, or travelling soldiers of fortune.
Maine Coons have a number of fur colourations varying from mottled grey to
purest white. All Maine Coons have an 18 Ft. movement speed.
Sea Cat: Due to their love of water, Maine Coons do not move into the stressed
phase (yellow) on their Life-Force dial when they are near or in water, in addition
they gain a +1 bonus to Coordination Swim.
Mombo Wiskermug
“It is with great plawsure that I
divest you of thine head”

Manx +1 Meowgic

Manx are mystical individuals, a breed most comfortable playing with Meowgic.
Manx are mysterious and often seen as outcasts from typical cat society, possi-
bly due to their natural affinity with Meowgic. This is why they receive a +1 to
Meowgic. Manx have varying colour fur patterns, and may have short or long hair.
All Manx have an 18 Ft. movement speed.
Ninth Sense: Due to their outsider-like behavior, Manx have learnt to look
after themselves, which gives them a +1 to sense danger checks.

Persian +1 Intellect

Misty Paws
Persians, also known as Shirazi, are highly in-
telligent and enjoy reading, teaching, and learn- “The mystic powers of Meowgic
flows through my claws as a river
ing. This is why they receive a +1 to Intellect. flows towards the lake.”
Persians are typically very quiet and reserved,
but will not allow others to take advantage of them. Persians have a number of
colour patterns, which are not reserved to one palette. All Persians have an 18
Ft. movement speed.
Edified Nerve: Due to their high intelligence Persians have learned to
evaluate threats and maintain a cool head, because of this they do not move
into the stressed phase (yellow) on their
Life-Force dial when frightened by foes.

Moritz Shirazi III

“I say my good feline, pass the catnip,
I have a deal of reading to do.” Siamese +1 Physique

Siamese are clever and naturally attractive. They are usually the charmer in the party, and
always have a song or joke to lighten the mood. This is why they receive a +1 to Physique. Si-
amese are highly social and love being around other cats. Siamese have a very distinct coloura-
tion pattern, often light in the body fur and dark on the extremities and face. All Siamese have
an 18 Ft. movement speed.
Purrsuasive: Due to their unique colouration and natural wit, Siamese gain a +1 to bluff
checks, because opponents find it hard to believe that they would lie.

Seymour Fourstrings
“Why don’t lions play with spotted cats?
Because they were all Cheetahs… get it?”


Feats amounts of stress that immediately puts one foe (excluding

Each player begins the game with one feat. They can select chiefs and large beasts) into their yellow phase.
the feat from the list below. Each feat provides special
abilities, bonuses, or actions that would otherwise be Cool Cat
impossible for the Hero to perform. Feats can be taken A Hero with this feat is able to ignore some of the stresses
multiple times, in this case the bonuses do not stack but that plague felines. Once per day, a Hero can ignore
the duration of the bonuses extend. stressful situations that would normally cause them to
move into the yellow phase of their Life-Force dial. This
Cat Burglar feat does not apply to damage, it only applies to stress-in-
A Hero with this feat is so deft fingered that he is able ducing situations.
to steal any object from a Hero or a foe with relative ease.
This feat grants a Hero a +1 bonus to all Reflexes Talent Copycat
checks when attempting to steal any object from any Hero A Hero with this feat can mimic the voice of any foe, hero,
or foe, up to twice times per day. or ally. Twice per day this feat provides a +1 bonus to Intu-
ition for Bluff checks.
Cat Got Your Tongue
A Hero with this feat is so physically impressive that she Curiosity Killed the Cat
can stop any foe in their tracks. This feat provides a +1 A Hero with this feat is adept at discovering knowledge
bonus to Physique when trying to intimidate any Hero or that is difficult to obtain. Once per day a Hero can move
foe twice per day. her life force dial into the yellow phase and receive one
answer to any knowledge-based question she asks the GM.
Cat’s Meow It is the GM’s discretion as to what is the answer to the
A Hero with this feat is able to use Meowgic that is more question, however, the GM does have to answer the inqui-
potent if she howls out while casting. Once per day this ry with truthful answers, even if they are vague.
feat provides a +1 bonus to Meowgic Talent checks. This
effect lasts for an entire combat phase. For example: Misty Hellcat
howls out as she casts her spell and green Meowgical energy A Hero with this feat is a hellion on the battlefield. Once
pulsates powerfully from her paws. per day a Hero gains a +1 bonus to all Strength Talent
checks during a combat phase. This bonus lasts for one full
Cat Out of the Bag encounter and finishes when all visible foes are dead or gone.
A Hero with this feat is exceptionally fast on the draw.
Twice per day, during the combat round, he gains a +1 Make the Fur Fly
bonus to Initiative during that combat phase. A Hero with this feat is able to fire projectiles with pin-
point accuracy. Once per day a Hero gains a +1 bonus to
Cat Walk all Coordination Talent checks during a combat phase. This
A Hero with this feat can skilfully climb onto any surface bonus lasts for one full encounter and finishes when all
with great ease. Twice per day a Hero can gain a +1 bonus visible foes are dead or gone.
to Strength when making a climb checks to climb onto any
ledge, cliff, or wall. Sourpuss
A Hero with this feat is able to affect any combat situation
Caterwauling in his favor. Once per day when a Hero enters combat he
A Hero with this feat can create an awful noise that stuns can make himself so unpleasant that one foe takes a -1
foes and causes them serious harm. Once per day, a Hero penalty to any action against the Hero. This effect lasts
can make a cacophonous noise, which causes enemies large three rounds.


To make a skill or Talent check, roll a d10 and add the Intuition (mental)
appropriate Talent score. This Talent is the ability to make good judgments and
quick decisions, typically in a particular domain. The skills
Roll 1d10 + Talent Score + Bonus that correspond with this Talent are:
›› Barter
EXAMPLE: A Hero who rolls an 8 with a 4 in Strength ›› Bluff
and has a weapon that provides a +1 would achieve a result of ›› Diplomacy
13 for the corresponding skill. ›› Find worth
›› Forgery
A Hero can use any Talent or skill, even if untrained. ›› Hunt
This means that if a Hero wishes to perform a Talent or
skill check but has no score in the corresponding Talent, Perception (mental)
she can still make an attempt. She simply rolls a d10, and This Talent is the ability to see, hear, or become aware of
the result of the roll is her Talent or skill check result. something through the senses. The skills that correspond
with this Talent are:
Roll 1d10 ›› Listen
›› Look around
EXAMPLE: A Hero who rolls a 4 with no score in her ›› Sense danger
Tech/Mechanical Talent would achieve a result of 4 for the ›› Instinct
corresponding skill.
Meowgic (mental)
Note: If a Hero places many points in a particular Tal- This Talent is the ability to cast Meowgic. The skills that
ent this means that a Hero is very good at this Talent and correspond with this Talent are:
the skills associated with the Talent. However, if a Hero ›› Meowgic physical attack
has a particularly low amount or no Talent points in a cer- ›› Meowgic mental attack
tain Talent this means the Hero is not good at this Talent ›› Meowgic heal
or the skills associated with it. If a Hero has 1 or no points
in Intellect that means the Hero is not very intelligent. A Tech/Mechanical (physical)
Hero who has 1 or no points in Coordination means the This Talent is an aptitude for understanding and using
Hero is likely a little clumsy. This should effect the way a machines or tools. The skills that correspond with this
player roleplays the character. Talent are:
›› Disable device
›› Repair

Talents ›› Use item

Physique (physical)
Intellect (mental) This Talent is the use of the body as per its form, size,
This Talent is the ability of the mind to come to correct and development. The skills that correspond with this
conclusions about what is true or real. The skills that corre- Talent are:
spond with this Talent are: ›› Charm
›› Collect information ›› Durability
›› Knowledges ›› Intimidate
›› Mental Defense ›› Perform
›› Navigate
›› Read/write

Reflexes (physical) well known, 10-14 if the knowledge is rare, and 15+ if the
This Talent is an immediate reaction that happens without knowledge is extraordinarily rare).
conscious thought. The skills that correspond with this Mental Defense – A Hero is able to cerebrally defend
Talent are: against mental attacks. This skill covers avoiding mental
›› Evade Meowgical intrusions. A Hero utilizes her quick thinking
›› Defense when using Mental Defense. To make a Mental Defense
›› Theft check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Intellect Talent
score to the roll. A Mental Defense roll is made when a
Coordination (physical) Hero comes under mental attack. A foe targets the Hero
This Talent is the organization of the different elements and rolls his mental Meowgic Attack (Melee or Ranged).
of a complex body or activity so as to enable them to work Then the Hero makes a Mental Defense check to see if the
together effectively. The skills that correspond with this attack hits or misses. If the Hero’s Mental Defense check
Talent are: is greater than the foe’s attack, the attack has no effect. If
›› Leap the mental attack is higher, the Hero is stunned for one
›› Ranged attack round. For more comprehensive instructions and rules see
›› Sneak the Meowgic chapter.
›› Swim Navigate – A Hero always knows which way to go.
This skill covers finding locations, learning directions,
Strength (physical) reading maps, and making maps. A Hero uses Navigate
This Talent is the action of utilizing muscular aptitude. The in order to discern locations through knowledge of land
skills that correspond with this Talent are: forms and map reading. To make a Navigate check, a Hero
›› Climb rolls a d10 and adds his Intellect Talent score to the roll.
›› Melee attack The higher the result, the greater the accuracy in the task
›› Moving Objects the Hero is trying to do. Something simple like reading
a map requires only a low result. More complicated tasks
require higher results. More complicated tasks include

Skill Descriptions discerning direction, creating a map (cartography), or

discovering locations.
Read/Write – A Hero has the innate ability to read
Intellect (mental) and write in whatever language they wish. This skill covers
Collect information – A Hero has the uncanny ability to the knowhow of reading and writing any form of writ,
resourcefully obtain information. This skill covers shaking scribble, or glyph. A Hero uses Read/Write if she wants to
down locals, investigating clues found at a scene, spreading decipher ancient human texts, read documents written in
rumours, and gathering facts. A Hero who uses Collect any language, or write or scribe words in any language. For
Information obtains facts through charisma, cunning, each point the Hero has in her Intellect Talent, she can
monetary exchanges, and persuasion. To make a Collect read or write a new language plus one. Thus, if the Hero
Information check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Intel- has 4 points in her Intellect Talent, she can read and write
lect Talent score to the roll. The higher the result the better a total of 5 languages. A list of possible languages can be
the information gleaned. Often a Hero who achieves a low found in the GM section under Game Mastering.
result can offer a bribe in order to achieve the desired result.
Knowledges – A Hero has exceptional knowledge Intuition (mental)
on a number of subjects. This skill covers discovering the Barter – A Hero can wheel and deal for the best possible
answers to questions, knowing what something means, or price. This skill covers purchasing, trading, and haggling. A
determining the next logical step. A Hero uses Knowledge Hero uses Barter to lower the cost of an object or weapon
to figure things out when he comes across a problem or or to trade services or goods. Barter outcomes vary based
needs answers to burning questions. To make a Knowledge on the amount of difference between the Hero’s Barter
check, a Hero rolls d10 and adds his Intellect Talent score check and the target’s Barter check. To make a Barter
to the roll. For general knowledge questions, the required check, the Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Intuition Talent
total is low (4 or less); for more precise or acute knowledge score to the roll. Then the target of the Barter makes an
the required total is higher (5-9 if the knowledge is not opposing Barter check. For every point that the Hero’s

Barter check beats the target’s Barter check, the price of Find Worth – A Hero can find the worth of any object
the good or service goes down by 5%. If the Hero’s check she comes across. This skill covers appraising, discovering
does not beat the target’s check, then no deal is made. age, and determining the worth of objects or items. A
Bluff – A Hero can make the untrue seem plausi- Hero who uses Find Worth employs inference, deduction,
ble. This skill covers conning, fast-talking, misdirecting, and past knowledge to discover the value of an object. To
and misleading. A Hero uses bluff to create temporary make a Find Worth check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her
confusion, get out of a situation, or draw attention. Bluff Intuition Talent score to the roll. The success of the Find
outcomes can vary greatly depending on the circumstances Worth check is determined by the table below:
of the Bluff. A Bluff can be outlandish or simple, but these
circumstances affect how the foe will perceive it. To make
a Bluff check, the Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Intuition RARITY OF ITEM RESULT
Talent score to the roll. Then the foe will make an Instinct Common 3-9
check (see Instinct) to try to beat the Bluff check. If the Rare 10-14
Bluff succeeds, then the foe believes the yarn that has been Exotic 15+
told. The success of the Instinct check is determined by the
table below: Forgery – A Hero can forge any document or sig-
nature he wishes. This skill covers forgery of documents,
CIRCUMSTANCE BONUS signatures, and copies of any paper, parchment, or scroll. A
Target wants to believe you -6 Hero who uses Forgery uses their wit, cleverness, and dex-
terity to create exact replicas. To make a Forgery check, a
The bluff is believable or does not affect +0
the foe greatly Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Intuition Talent score to the
The bluff is a little hard to believe or +1 roll. Then the examiner will make an Instinct check (see
places some risk on the foe Instinct) to try to beat the Forgery check. If the Forgery
The bluff is hard to believe or places +3 succeeds, then the examiner believes that the forgery is
serious risk on the foe authentic. The success of the Instinct check is determined
The bluff is impossible to believe +6 by the table below:

Diplomacy – A Hero can persuade a foe through CIRCUMSTANCE INSTINCT BONUS

negotiation and arbitration. This skill covers negotiating, Type of document is unfamiliar to -6
arbitrating, managing, and connecting with others in examiner
peaceful, non-threatening ways. A Hero who uses Diplo- Type of document somewhat +0
macy shows tact, etiquette, social grace, and subtlety to known to examiner
convince those around her that their way is the right way. Type of document is well known to +1
the examiner
Diplomacy outcomes can vary greatly depending on the
Document is examined by more +3
circumstances. If the situation is hostile, the act of Diplo-
than one individual
macy will be more difficult. To make a Diplomacy check,
the Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Intuition Talent score to Hunt – A Hero can track down prey or targets using
the roll. The success of the Diplomacy check is determined his keen wits. This skill covers pursuing, hunting, and
by the table below: tracking foes or prey. A Hero who uses Hunt makes use
of his instincts and quick wits to discern the location of
NEW ATTITUDE his quarry through observation and deduction. To

Hostile Unfriendly Indifferent Friendly Helpful make a Hunt check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds
Hostile 6 or less 5 10 12 15 his Intellect Talent score to the roll. The higher the
Unfriendly 4 or less 5 6 8 10 roll, the better he is at tracking his prey. A hero
can also use this skill to avoid being tracked. To do
Indifferent N/A 2 or less 4 6 8
this, he simply makes an opposing roll to the foe
Friendly N/A N/A 2 or less 4 6
that is hunting him. If the Hero’s result is higher
he adeptly conceals his trail and the foe cannot easily track
him. If he fails, then the Hero can be tracked.

Perception (mental) make an Instinct check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her
Listen – A Hero has hearing so acute that she can detect Perception Talent score to the roll. One of the key uses of
the faintest of noises. This skill covers secretly eavesdrop- Instinct is to oppose a Bluff check by a foe. The foe will
ping on a conversation, listening for signs of trouble, and make a Bluff check (see Bluff ) to try to lie to the Hero.
detecting a foe sneaking up from behind. A Hero who Then the Hero makes an Instinct check to discern the
uses Listen has acute hearing and excellent perception. truth. If the Instinct succeeds, then the foe’s lie is revealed.
To make a Listen check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her See the table for the Bluff skill for bonuses to Instinct.
Perception Talent score to the roll. The most common Another common use is to discover a forgery. The foe will
use of Listen would be to discover a hidden foe: a Hero attempt to pass a forgery by making a Forgery check. The
matches her roll against the foe’s Sneak check (see Sneak). Hero will make an Instinct check to try to beat the Forg-
If the Hero rolls a higher result than the foe, the foe is ery check. If the Instinct succeeds, then the foe’s forgery
no longer hidden. Other common uses for Listen include is revealed as inauthentic. See the table for the Forgery
eavesdropping or listening for trouble. In these cases, the skill for bonuses to the examiner’s Instinct. You can also
higher the result of the Listen check, the greater amount use Instinct to use your instincts to gauge an opponent’s
of information heard. intentions or a situation. In this case the higher the result
Look Around – A Hero is very perceptive and knows of the Instinct check, the greater the instinct as to detect-
how to spot precisely what she is looking for. This skill ing the opponent’s intentions, or whether the situation is
covers using sight to locate objects, noticing things that good or bad.
are out of place, spotting a hiding foe, and searching for
clues in an environment. A Hero who uses Look Around Meowgic (mental)
utilizes her keen eyes and her quick reactions to see what Meowgic – A Hero is skilled in the art of Meowgic. This
otherwise cannot be seen. To make a Look Around check, skill covers attacking Meowgic and healing Meowgic. A
a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Perception Talent score to Hero who uses Meowgic calls on the mysticism of the
the roll. The most common use for Look Around would be world around her to manifest powers. A Hero can either
discovering a hidden foe: a Hero matches her roll against attack or heal with Meowgic. To make a Spell Casting
the foe’s Sneak check (see Sneak). If the Hero rolls a high- check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Meowgic Talent
er result then the foe, the foe is no longer hidden. Another score to the roll. This works for attacking and healing. For
common use is seeing things that are out of the ordinary more comprehensive instructions and rules see the Meow-
(e.g., spotting a pickpocket, finding a hidden object). In gic chapter.
this case, the higher the result of the Look Around check
the greater the success in finding something. Tech/Mechanical (physical)
Sense Danger – A Hero can detect danger before it Disable Device – A Hero is clever enough to disable any
happens. This skill covers detecting a trap, detecting an device that he comes across. This skill covers disabling traps,
incoming surprise, or just being generally alert. A Hero disabling technical devices, and disabling Meowgical devices.
who uses Sense Danger makes use of his instincts to be A Hero using Disable Device uses his sharp mind, nimble
alert and aware of his surroundings. To make a Sense fingers, and knowhow to safely disarm an object. To make
Danger check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Perception a Disable Device check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his
Talent score to the roll. The higher the roll, the better he is Tech/Mechanical Talent score to the roll. The success of the
at sensing impending doom. A Hero can also use this skill Disable check is determined by the table on page 11.
as a means to increase his awareness. The Hero must state Repair – A Hero has the skills and knowledge re-
that he is using the skill in this way and make a Sense quired to repair all sorts of mechanical devices. This skill
Danger skill check. This result stays with the Hero as he covers repairing clockwork devices, repairing mechanical
walks at half speed in order to feel his way through a situ- hardware, and repairing weapons and armour. A Hero
ation. It is assumed that throughout he will be focused on using Repair uses his cleverness, manual dexterity, and
his surroundings and have his Sense Danger skill activated. knowhow to restore any object he desires. To make a
Instinct – A Hero is capable of differentiating lies and Repair check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Tech/Me-
rumour from truth. This skill covers discerning truth from chanical Talent score to the roll. Repairs not only require
lies, discovering a forgery, and gauging the attitude of an skill checks but also incur particular costs for tools and
opponent or situation. A Hero who uses Instinct uses her materials. The success of the Repair check is determined
cunning, intelligence, and wit to discern facts from lies. To by the table on page 11.

Device Time Required Required Result Examples and Notes
Disable or rig a simple device 1 round 1 Jamming a lock
Disable or rig a tricky device 2-3 rounds 3 Sabotage a wheel or axel
Disable or rig a difficult device or 5-6 rounds 6 Disable or rearm a simple trap
set a simple trap
Open a simple lock 1 round 6
Open an average lock 2 rounds 9
Disable or rig an extremely com- 9 rounds 12 Disable or rearm a complex trap or sabotage
plex device or set a complex trap a clockwork device
Open a good lock 3 rounds 12
Open an amazing lock 5 rounds 15+
Disable or arm an explosive 8 rounds 15+ Failure on this check results in the Hero
moving down two Life-Force levels

Task Purchase Cost Required Result Time
Simple repair – replace a wooden hand 1 ss 3 10 min.
Moderate repair – mechanical component or blacksmithing 10 ls 6 3 hours
(repair a weapon or armour)
Complex repair – mechanical device or simple clockwork 25 ls 9 6 hour
Advanced repair – top of the line mechanical device or clock- 50 ls 12 9 hours
work device
Exceptional repair – top of the line clockwork device 100 ls 15+ 18 hours

Use Item – A Hero has an intuitive knowledge of Physique (physical)

how artifacts work, whether mechanical or techni- Charm – A Hero is so charming, so charismatic, that his
cal. This skill covers using artifacts found in the world, wiles woo wanton wallflowers. This skill covers charming
using technical or mechanical artifacts found in the others, wooing a potential lover, convincing others to your
world, and having the ability to know how these items cause, and just simply being a good-looking cat. A Hero
work. To make a Use Item check, a Hero rolls a d10 and makes use of his handsome fur, bright eyes, and charm-
adds his Tech/Mechanical Talent score to the roll. The ing wit to tame the savage beasts around him. To make a
success of the Tech/Mechanical check is determined by Charm check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Physique
the table below: Talent score to the roll. By use of Charm, a Hero can
change the opinion of a target to one that is more helpful
TASK REQUIRED RESULT towards the Hero making the Charm. The success of the
Use an ancient writ or scroll 9 Charm check is determined by the table below:
or a technical readout
Use a Relic or technical de- 9
vice that is known by user
Unfriendly Indifferent Friendly Helpful

Decipher an ancient or tech- 10


nical text Unfriendly 5 6 8 10

Activate a Relic device or a 12 Indifferent 2 or less 4 6 8
piece of tech Friendly N/A 2 or less 4 6

Durability – A Hero is capable of consuming large targets the Hero and rolls his Attack (Melee or Ranged).
quantities of hazardous consumables potables with little to Then the Hero makes a Defense check to see if the attack
no effect. This skill covers swallowing poison, very heavy hits or misses. If the Hero’s Defense check is greater than
drinking, and eating copious amounts food. A Hero uses the foe’s attack, the Hero takes no damage. If the attack
his great fortitude and iron gut to overcome these toxins is higher, the Hero takes damage. For more comprehen-
and grub. To make an Durability check, a Hero rolls a d10 sive instructions and rules see the Combat chapter.
and adds his Physique Talent score to the roll. The higher Evade – A Hero is quick to react to situations that re-
the roll the more likely it is a Hero overcomes poisons, quire her to leap out of danger. This skill covers dodging
drunkenness, or food comas. moving objects, leaping from an explosion, or avoiding
Intimidate – A Hero is physically terrifying and falling debris. A Hero makes use of her quick feet and
makes his presence clear. This skill covers intimidating, mobility to avoid harm. To make an Evade check, a Hero
threatening, and brow-beating foes into giving you what rolls a d10 and adds her Reflexes Talent score to the
you want. A Hero uses his powerful presence, cohesion, roll. There are three levels of success for the Evade skill:
and muscle to frighten his target. To make an Intimidate pure success, partial success, and failure. Pure success is
check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Physique Talent achieved on a roll of 14 or higher: the Hero made the
score to the roll. In order to Intimidate a foe, the Hero Evade check successfully and takes no damage. Partial
must beat the foe’s check result, which is the sum of the success is achieved on a roll of 9-13: the Hero did not
foe’s Intuition, Perception, and Physique Talent scores. If fully get out of harm’s way while performing the Evade
the Hero’s Intimidate check is greater than the foe’s check and moves her Life-Force level down by one. Failure is
result, then the foe is intimidated. any result 8 or lower: the Hero failed her Evade check
Perform – A Hero can impress audiences by using and takes full damage. Full damage requires a Hero to
her impressive gifts and abilities. This skill covers per- move her Life-Force level down by two. If the Hero
forming of any kind to wow audiences or earn money. A moves into the red section of her Life-Force dial, she
Hero uses her natural charm, her Talent, and her gusto to incurs critical damage (see Critical Damage for more
perform in front of audiences. To make a Perform check, information).
a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Physique Talent score to Theft – A Hero has deft hands and can lift a purse
the roll. The success of the Perform check is determined as easily as he can lift a finger. This skill covers theft of
by the table below: all kinds. A Hero who uses Theft makes use of his quick
hands, precision, and fast thinking. To make a Theft
check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his Reflexes Talent
PERFORMANCE MONETARY REQUIRED score to the roll. The success of the Theft check is deter-
REWARD RESULT mined by the table below:
Routine performance 6 ss 3
Enjoyable 12 ss or 1 ms 6
Great performance 24 ss or 2 ms 9 RESULT
Memorable 48 ss or 4 ms 12 Palming a shiny or making a shiny item 3
performance disappear
Extraordinary 6 ms or 1 ls 15+ Stealing an unattended item 6
Stealing a purse, pouch, or item from 9
an unaware target’s being
Stealing an object from plain sight or 12
stealing a purse, pouch or item from an
Reflexes (physical) aware target’s being
Defense – A Hero is able to dodge blows and avoid
Stealing an object from a trap or steal- 15+
danger. This skill covers avoiding damage from incoming ing a purse, pouch, or item from an
attacks. A Hero utilizes her quick reflexes when using aware target’s being
Defense. To make a Defense check, a Hero rolls a d10
and adds her Reflexes Talent score to the roll. A Defense
roll is made when a Hero comes under attack. A foe

Coordination (physical) Look Around or Listen checks, in which case she remains
Leap – A Hero that is proficient at Leap is capable of hidden for the duration of that Sneak.
leaping, pouncing, and jumping. This skill covers jump- Swim – A Hero is a capable swimmer. This skill covers
ing up onto fences or low walls, leaping across a pit, or swimming in any body of water or liquid. A Hero who
pouncing onto a foe. A Hero using Leap uses her reflexes swims uses physical strength and coordinated movements
and speed to bound over any obstruction. There are two to paddle her way through streams, ponds, and lakes. To
options for making a Leap check. A Hero can make a make a Swim check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Co-
high Leap by jumping up onto a fence post or ledge. She ordination Talent score to the roll. There are certain condi-
can also make a long Leap by leaping over a ditch or a tions that make Swimming more difficult. The success of
pit. Both of these options use the skill in the same way. the Swim check is determined by the table below:
To make a Leap check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her
Coordination Talent score to the roll. The required result
depends on the conditions of the leap. The success of the WATER REQUIRED
Coordination check is determined by the table below: RESULT
Calm water 6
Rough water 9
Stormy water 15+
1-3 feet 1
4-6 feet 3 Strength (physical)
7-9 feet* 6 Climb – A Hero is capable of scaling walls, trees, or ram-
parts with ease. This skill covers climbing any object in-
10-12 feet* 9
cluding trees, walls, ropes, and gates. Further, this skill also
13-15+ feet* 12+
includes balancing on objects such as posts, tight-ropes,
*Requires a 10-foot running start
or walls. A Hero using Climb uses his coordination and
Ranged Attack – A Hero has incredible skill when cleverness to scale the obstruction. To make a Climb check,
attacking from a distance. This skill covers attacking from a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Strength Talent score to
a long range. A Hero who uses Ranged Attack makes use the roll. The required result depends on the conditions of
of her keen eyes, determined focus, and a sturdy weapon. the climb. The success of the Strength check is determined
To make a Ranged Attack, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her by the table below:
Coordination Talent score to the roll. A Ranged Attack is
always made against a foe’s Defense skill. Once the Attack EXAMPLE OF SURFACE OR ACTIVITY REQUIRED
is declared, the foe rolls a Defense check (see Defense RESULT
skill). If the Ranged Attack roll is higher, the Hero hits A slope too steep to walk up, or a knot- 1
the foe. For more comprehensive instructions and rules see ted rope with a wall to brace against
the Combat chapter. An unknotted rope with a wall to brace 3
Sneak – A Hero is very stealthy and can sneak up against, or a hanging knotted rope
on prey and foes alike. This skill covers hiding from A surface with ledges to hold on to and 6
stand on, such as a rough wall or a
enemies, sneaking around silently, and moving without
ship’s rigging.
being detected. A Hero using Sneak utilizes her stealth
Balancing on a beam or wall top
and sneakiness to move without a trace. To make a Sneak
Any surface with adequate handholds 9
check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Coordination and footholds, a tree, an unknotted
Talent score to the roll. The most common use for Sneak hanging rope, or pulling up from a dan-
would be hiding from a foe or prey. A Hero would match gling position.
her Sneak result against a foe’s Look Around check or a Balancing on fence top or railing
foe’s Listen skill check. If the Hero’s Sneak result is higher An uneven surface with some narrow 12
than the foe’s Look Around or Listen check, the Hero handholds and footholds.
stays hidden. The Hero would need to make a Sneak check Balancing on a tight-rope
every round if she is moving nearby any foe or prey unless An overhang or ceiling with handholds 15+
her initial Sneak check was 9 points higher than the foe’s

Melee attack – A Hero possesses incredible ferocity
in hand-to-hand combat. This skill covers attacking from Diplomacy vs. Charm
close quarters. A Hero who uses Melee Attack makes use vs. Intimidate
of his physical Prowess, ferocity, and a robust weapon. To
Though these Skills seem interchangeable, they
make a Melee Attack, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his
all have very different applications and conse-
Strength Talent score to the roll. A Melee Attack is always
quences. A Hero must decide if they want to
made against a foe’s Defense skill. Once the Attack is
persuade someone with their wit and rhetoric,
declared, the foe rolls a Defense skill check (see Defense
through their appearance, or frighten them into
skill). If the Melee Attack roll is higher, the Hero hits the
doing what they desire. A few things to consider
foe. For more comprehensive instructions and rules see the
about each of these Skills:
Combat chapter.
Diplomacy: A Hero will want to use Diplo-
Moving Objects – A Hero has great strength and
macy in situations where she is encountering
can move and lift objects without a care. This skill covers
an official or person of importance. This may be
moving, lifting, carrying, and otherwise manhandling
an official, a dignitary, or a political leader. By
heavy objects. A Hero uses brute strength and sturdiness
using Diplomacy, you are flexing your intellect in
to shift objects out of the way. To make a Moving Object
the situation and allowing for rational thought
check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds her Strength Talent
to prevail.
score to the roll. The success of the Moving Object check
Charm: A Hero will want to use Charm in sit-
is determined by the table below:
uations when he is trying to impress someone
like a prospective lover, an ornery barmaid or
bartender, or a less intelligent or unsavory type.
RESULT By using Charm you are employing your good
Lifting a light weight object such as a 3 looks and wit in the situation and allowing baser
stool or heavy pot feelings to prevail.
Lifting a medium weight object such as 6 Intimidate: A Hero will want to use Intimi-
a table or pulling an empty wagon date in situations when she is trying to frighten
"Lifting a heavy weight object such as a 9 someone into doing what she wants. This Skill
medium chest of loot or pulling a half employs fear to force or coerce a foe into bending
-loaded wagon"
to the Hero’s will. Once this tactic is employed,
Lifting a very heavy weight object 12 the foe cannot be reasoned with through Diplo-
such as a large chest of loot or a ar-
mour-clad foe macy or enchanted through Charm.

Lifting an extremely heavy object such 15+

as a giant log or pulling a full wagon


Sometimes a situation deteriorates and a Feline must turn against an attack. A Hero can make as many free move-
to fighting to survive. A Hero must be efficient in combat ments as need be during a round.
if she wants to live out her nine lives. Combat functions as A Hero can make either one standard movement or
follows: A Hero makes an attack, either Melee or Ranged, one defensive retreat per round. A standard movement
using the corresponding Talent. Then the foe uses his is when a Hero runs into combat. He can move in any
Reflexes to determine whether the attack hits or misses. A direction up to his full speed (18 ft.) unless otherwise
Defense result that is lower than the Attack result leads to encumbered. This movement can happen before or after
a hit and the foe will take damage. A missed attack results an Attack but not both. A defensive retreat is similar to a
in no damage to the enemy. standard movement except this movement is away from a
Combat is broken into rounds. A round is approxi- foe. A defensive movement is guarded and slow; a Hero
mately 9 seconds of in-game time. During the round, each moves away from his foe at half speed. If a Hero moves
Hero performs a number of maneuvers which allow the away from a foe without making a defensive movement, he
Heroes to react in combat. A combat situation can be .is subject to an additional attack from his foe. This is called
sectioned into three maneuvers: Move, Attack, and De- an attack of opportunity. That Hero is still able to make
fend. In each round, a Hero gets one Move action and one his Defense check as normal.
Attack action. She can move up to her allowed speed (18
ft. per round) each round and perform one attack against Feint
a single foe. A Hero also gets a Defend action against any Another movement a Hero can choose to perform is a feint.
incoming attack. If she is set upon by three foes and each Feinting is an Intuition, Bluff check that a Hero can do to
one attacks her, she gets three Defend actions. force a foe off-guard. A feint check requires a Hero to make
Typically players will have a map that displays a bird’s an Intuition, Bluff check as a move action forcing the foe
eye view of what the Heroes are seeing. These maps have to make a Perception, Instinct check to try and discern the
a great effect on visualizing the scene and making it easier Bluff. If the Hero succeeds his feint attempt and the Intu-
for Heroes to move around in combat. This way, both the ition, Buff beats the foe’s Perception, Instinct check the foe
GM and players can trace movements and accurately take takes a -1 penalty to Defense in that round. If the attempt
action in a given round. A standard map for combat is fails there is no effect and the Attack is resolved normally.
generally broken down on a grid. A single square on the
grid represents a 3x3 foot patch of ground. This means that
a Hero that can move 18 feet in a round, and therefore can
travel 6 squares in any direction on the map. Note that a Other Actions
diagonal movement costs a player 3 squares. There are other actions that a Hero can perform during a
combat round. These actions usually require a full round to
complete. They include standing up from a prone position,

Movement healing oneself with Meowgic, healing an ally with Meow-

gic, or making a Talent or skill check.
Movement is one of the most important elements during Standing from a prone position takes a full round. If a
combat rounds. A Hero gets to choose how he wishes to Hero is holding a heavy weapon or wearing heavy armour,
move in that 9-second round. A Hero gets to make one she is required to make a Strength check with a Required
of several types of movements. These movements that a Result of 5 in order to stand up. Otherwise unencumbered,
Hero can do in one round are: a free movement, a standard a Hero can stand from prone without making a check.
movement, a defensive retreat, a feint or a Talent action. Healing oneself or another with Meowgic takes a full
A Hero can make a number of free movements in a round and requires concentration. A Hero must remove
round. A free movement can be one of two different ac- himself from combat to Meowgically heal himself or an-
tions: talking to an ally or foe or making a Defense check other. The Hero rolls the skill check as normal.

Drop On All Fours Grappling is a combat action that takes the place of a
A Hero might decide she wants to move very Hero’s Attack. If a Hero wants to grapple and hold a foe
quickly and cover more ground faster. She can he makes a Strength Talent check against a foe’s Strength
accomplish this by running on all fours. A Hero Talent check. If the Hero’s Talent check is higher than his
who wants to run on all fours has to sheath or foe’s, then the foe is grappled. If the Hero’s Talent check is
drop any weapons or items she is holding and lower than the foe’s, the grapple fails. If a Hero is grappled
has to spend the entire round running. If a Hero by a foe, he has to make a Strength Talent check to break
utilizes the run feature she moves at double her free. If the Hero’s Talent check is higher than the foe’s
land speed (36ft per round). Talent check he breaks free; if not, he remains grappled.

Take Down
Heroes can also make a Talent or skill check during A take down is a combat action that takes the place of a
combat. To make a Talent or skill check during combat, a Hero’s Attack. If Hero wants to take down a foe she makes
Hero spends his attack action and performs the Talent or a Strength Talent check against a foe’s Strength Talent
skill check as normal. check. If the Hero’s Talent check is higher than her foe’s,
then the foe is taken down. If the Hero’s Talent check is
lower than the foe’s, the take down fails. If a Hero is taken

Determining Order down by a foe she is knocked prone and has to take a
round to stand up.
Players must determine the order of Initiative. Initiative
is when a player can take his or her turn during a combat Disarm
round. Initiative is determined by rolling a d10 and adding A disarm is a combat action that takes the place of a
the result to a Hero’s Reflexes Talent. Hero’s Attack. If Hero wants to disarm a foe he makes
EXAMPLE:Caterina and Clawdius approach a group of a Strength Talent check against a foe’s Strength Talent
rats. They want to know which one of them has the first move check. If the Hero’s Talent check is higher than his foe’s,
in the round. Caterina rolls a 3 and adds her Reflexes Talent then the foe is disarmed. If the Hero’s Talent check is low-
score of 5 for a total of 8. Clawdius rolls a 4 and adds his Re- er than the foe’s, the disarm fails. If a Hero is disarmed by
flexes Talent score of 3 for a total of 7. Thus, Caterina moves a foe he is weaponless and will need to recover his weapon
first in the round followed by Clawdius. or find a new one.

Attacking Defending
Attacking is performed like any other Talent check. In Cataclysm uses an Active Defense system in combat. De-
order to attack, a Hero first decides whether his attack is fending is performed like any other Talent check. In order
Melee or Ranged. A Melee attack uses the Hero’s Strength to defend from an impending attack, a Hero rolls a d10
Talent while a Ranged attack uses the Hero’s Coordina- and adds her Reflexes Talent score to the roll to determine
tion Talent. To make an attack, he rolls a d10 and adds the her Defense. If the Defense result is higher than the At-
corresponding Talent score to the roll. All Attack roll results tack result, the Attack misses. If the Attack result is higher
are matched against a foe’s Defense roll results; if the Attack than the Defense result, the Attack hits.
result is higher than the Defense result, the Hero scores a
hit. Any attack that scores a hit deals damage to the foe (see
Life and Lives); however, if the difference between the He-
ro’s Attack and the foe’s Defense is 9 or higher, the result is Critical Injuries
a critical hit. In the event of a critical hit the foe takes more Critical Injuries are a result of a Hero moving his Life-
damage than a standard hit and moves down two Life- Force dial into the red phase of the dial. A Critical Injury
Force phases. Attacking requires a half-round action. If the is a serious hindrance for a Hero and can only be removed
Hero or the foe enter the Red phase, refer to the Critical through Meowgic healing or long periods of rest. If a
Damage table in the Life and Lives Chapter.

In a Drop Round some, combatants are aware Punctured limb, a limb is no longer functioning 0
of their opponents before a regular Combat Instant kill 1
round beings. In order of Initiative, the combat- Bleeding wound, bleed out in one round 2
ants that are aware of their opponents gain an
Bleeding wound, bleed out in three round 3
additional attack on these foes denying the foe a
Loss of initiative for 2 rounds 4
defensive action.
Loss of initiative for 1 round 5
Knocked prone 6

Hero receives damage and enters the red phase of his Life- Reduced speed by 6 feet 7
Force dial, he will be required to roll for his Critical Injury. Roll for two critical injuries, roll 2d10 twice 8
and check the results on the table
A Critical Injury can be something as simple as a
Broken armour, take a -1 to Defense as long 9
damaged weapon to something far more serious such as
as the Hero is wearing the armour
a maimed limb. In addition to the injury that is inflicted,
a Hero in the red phase of his Life-Force dial takes a -1
penalty on all actions until he is healed or rested. Critical SLASHING CRITICAL INJURIES RESULT
Injuries linger until they are either treated or repaired. To Cut off limb, a limb is no longer functioning 0
eradicate a Critical Injury, the Hero must heal themselves Instant kill 1
to the green phase on the Life-Force dial. Injured primary hand, take -1 to all attacks 2
To roll for a Critical Injury, a Hero rolls 1d10 and (melee and ranged)
checks the result on the Critical Injury chart to determine Severed from Meowgic 3
the injury sustained by the Hero. Note that the 0 on a d10 Strength loss, - 1 to Strength 4
is a 0; it does not count as a 10. Below are three tables Damaged weapon, take -1 to all attacks with 5
containing the possible Critical Injuries. There are three this weapon
types weapons and thus three tables for Critical Injury; Knocked prone 6
Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing. Each weapon has Coordination loss, -1 to Coordination 7
an assigned type which designates which table to use for Roll for two critical injuries, roll 2d10 twice 8
Critical Injuries. For example, a Great Axe is a slashing and check the results on the table
weapon, thus a Critical Injury will come from the Slashing Broken armour, take a -1 to Defense as long 9
Critical Injury table (find the weapon types next to the as the Hero is wearing the armour
weapon listings):


Broken bones, a limb is no longer functioning
Life And Lives
Instant kill 1
Thrown back 6 ft 2 Life-Force Dials
Each player has a Life-Force dial. The Life-Force dial
Sickened and cannot attack for one round 3
is coded with colours to represent a Hero’s Life-Force.
Dazed for one round 4
Green indicates healthy, black indicates dead. Yellow in-
Dazed for three rounds 5
dicates winded, and means the Hero is more likely to take
Knocked prone 6
heavier damage. Red indicates wounded or injured, and
Knocked out 7
then a Hero has to roll a check to determine whether they
Damaged weapon, take -1 to all attacks with 8 incur a critical injury. Compare the result of the roll to the
this weapon
Critical Injury table (insert page). These dials add a sense
Broken armour, take a -1 to Defense as long 9
as the Hero is wearing the armour of urgency to the game, and provide an interactive element
to every session.
Green: A Hero in the green phase is healthy. He can
perform any and all of their normal actions. They can per-
form any attack and can maneuver as a normal Hero. The

green phase means the player is not encumbered by any Lives Dials
critical ailments or injuries. Since the Heroes are cats, they all have nine lives. Thus,
Yellow: A Hero in the yellow phase is winded, stressed, each Hero has a Lives dial, which tells a Hero how many
afraid, or near injury. She can perform any and all of her of their nine lives are left. Each time a life is spent, they
normal actions; however, she risks serious injury if she move the dial down one counter. Once all nine lives are
does not heal herself. She can return to the green phase used up, that Hero is permanently dead.
after she casts a healing spell, treats her wound, or rests for
two rounds. A Hero moves into the yellow phase from the
green phase after sustaining a hit from an enemy, being
terrified or scared, or being in a stressful situation.
Red: A Hero in the red phase is wounded or injured,
and has sustained a critical hit. He cannot perform regular
actions without a penalty (-1 plus any additional encum-
brances or penalties incurred on the Critical Injury table).
The red phase means the Hero has sustained a serious
injury and is in need of assistance through either healing
or a long rest. A critical injury can be removed instantly by
using a Meowgic healing spell or through a full day of rest.
Critical injuries can range from broken weapons to broken
bones, and everything in between. A Hero moves into the
red phase from the yellow phase after sustaining a hit from
an enemy.
Black: A Hero in the black phase is dead.
Lives Dial

Life-Force Dial Example

Weapons, Armour, and Shields have an impact on the
success of your Hero. Weapons can add bonuses to your Never Go Unarmed
attack and Armour can add bonuses to your defense. Cats naturally are always armed, they have
claws. Claws do not provide any bonus to any
Talent or ability. They are simply a Cat’s (or any
Weapons creature for that matter) last means of attack.

Weapons can bring victory or failure on the battlefield. A

Hero with a high Strength Talent may be easily defeated if
she does not have a suitable weapon. Weapons come in three Ranged
categories: Light, Standard, and Heavy. These weapons each All Ranged weapon bonuses are added to the Coordina-
have a bonus that translates into an advantage to your ini- tion Talent. Note that ranged weapons have a maximum
tiative or attack rolls. In order to use any Light Weapons (in effective range. If a Hero fires his weapon beyond that
Melee or Ranged weapons), a Hero must have a minimum range, a -1 penalty is taken from his attack roll for every 6
Coordination Talent of +3 Talent. In order to use any Heavy feet beyond the range.
Weapons (Melee or Ranged), a Hero must have a minimum Light weapons provide the wielder with a bonus to
Strength Talent of +4 Talent; further all Heavy Weapons are Initiative.
two-handed Weapons and cannot be wielded with one hand.
Note that these bonuses only apply to attacks and not to any WEAPONS RANGE
other Skill that the corresponding Talent can perform.
Javelin Piercing 1 15 ft. 3 ls
Sling Bludgeoning 1 15 ft. 2 ms
Light weapons provide the wielder with a bonus to Initiative.
Standard weapons provide the wielder with a bonus to
Whip Bludgeoning 1 6 ls
Throwing Slashing 1 15 ft. 10 ls
Rapier Piercing 1 6 ls
Crossbow Piercing 1 30 ft. 8 ls
Standard weapons provide the wielder with a bonus to Long Bow Piercing 1 50 ft. 5 ls

STANDARD TYPE STRENGTH COST Heavy weapons provide the wielder with a bonus to
Sword Slashing 1 6 ls
Spear Piercing 1 6 ls
Compound Piercing 2 70 ft. 10 ls
Heavy weapons provide the wielder with a bonus to


Double Faced Axe Slashing 2 10 ls
Great Sword Slashing 2 10 ls

Armour and Shields Equipment
Armour and Shields are protective items Heroes can use Every Hero needs some amount of equipment in order to
to defend themselves against foes. They provide bonuses journey forth into the world. Equipment is any object that
to Defense while occasionally impeding other Talents. a Hero carries or uses that is not a weapon, armour, or a
Choose your protective gear wisely. shield. Equipment can be anything from a length of rope
to a torch to a wagon. Equipment is useful for many things,
Armour from sharpening your sword to sewing your torn tabard.
Armour provides protection against attack from enemies. A Below is a list of equipment and the costs associated with
Hero with fast Reflexes may still find defeat at the hands of those items:
a mighty foe. Armour can increase a Hero’s Defense and add
that extra edge he needs to survive. Armour comes in 2 cat- ITEM COST
egories: Light and Heavy. These types of armour come with Backpack 3 ms
benefits but they are not without their share of impediments. Bedroll 3 ss
All Light Armours provide a bonus to a Hero’s Defense and Blanket 3 ms
do not impede any other ability. These Armours are light and Block and tackle 8 ls
agile, allowing the Hero to take full advantage of his cat-like
Bottle, glass 1 ms
reflexes. Heavy Armours are somewhat different. All Heavy
Box of matches 5 ss
Armours provide a bonus to a Hero’s Defense but they come
Caltrops (Catrops, this slows enemy move- 1 ls
at a price. All Heavy Armours require a Hero to have a Talent ment by half)
Score of +4 in Strength in order to wear them; otherwise Candle 1 ss
the Hero takes a -2 penalty to all other Physical Talents.
Crowbar 1 ls
Any Hero wearing Heavy Armour also takes a penalty to
Fishing net, 10 sq. ft. 4 ls
his movement speed. Further, a Hero takes a penalty to the
Flask 4 ms
Coordination Talent as the armour is too heavy to perform
Flint and tinder 3 ms
delicate tasks. The bonuses and penalties for both Light and
Grappling hook 2 ls
Heavy Armour are listed in the tables below:
Hourglass 20 ls

Leather 1 11 ls Length of rope 10 ft. long 1 ls

Fur 1 11 ls Length of rope 50 ft. long 2 ls

Hide 1 10 ls Length of rope 100 ft. long 4 ls

Simple lock 2 ms
Average lock 4 ms
Amazing lock 100 ls
Bone Plate 2 -1/-3 ft. 18 ls
Oil 1 ms
Steel Plate 2 -1/-3 ft. 20 ls
Piton 1 ms
Quill and paper 4 ms
Shields Scroll case 1 ls
Shields function much like Armour and can be used in
Shackles 15 ls
conjunction with both Armour and Light or Standard
Spyglass 100 ls
Weapons. Shields provide a bonus to a Heroes Defense
Tankard 3 ms
and, depending on the size of the shield, do not cause any
impediments to any other Talents. Thread and needle 1 ss
Torch 1 ss
SHIELD BONUS COST Water skin 3 ms
Small Shield 1 10 ls Whetstone 2 ss
Medium Shield 2 15 ls


Meowgic is the magical energy that envelopes the world of Adding Flare to the Game
the Cats. Where it comes from is unknown and mysteri- To add flare to the game, the player can announce
ous but it grants the Cats greater power. Meowgic is very what type of energy she is attacking with. As an
useful for the Meowgician who wishes to heal her friends example, Caterina is using her Meowgic attack
or to obliterate her enemies through a blast of devastating against a rat warrior and she chooses to use light-
Meowgical energy or with a concussive Meowgical flare. ning as her method of attack. A bolt of lightning
Meowgic has two functions: Attacking and Healing. shoots from her fingers and strikes the rat warrior
These two functions work like any other Talent or Skill check dead. Any energy type can be chosen for a Meowgic
attack; it does not, however, cause any additional
damage. For even more fun a player can choose

Attacking to apply cat-like flavor to the Meowgic. A glowing

Fabergé egg appears above the head of a toad and
There are two options for Meowgical attacks: physical or a mystical Meowgic paw swats it off the shelf, caus-
mental. ing the egg to fall on the toad, killing him.

Physical Meowgical Attack foe; however, if the difference between the Hero’s mental
A physical Meowgical attack is a lancing blast of energy that Meowgic attack and the foe’s Mental Defense is 9 or higher,
renders foes smoldering and in ruins. A physical attack by a the foe is dazed for two rounds. Note: that a to use a mental
Hero with the Meowgic Talent is treated as any with other Meowgical attack a Hero must have a minimum Intel-
attack. She rolls a d10 and adds her Meowgic Talent score lect Talent of +3 Talent, as this type of Meowgical attack
to the roll. Then the foe rolls his Reflexes score in the form requires a high intelligence to achieve.
of a Defense check to determine damage. A failed Defense
results in a hit and the foe will take damage. A missed
Meowgic attack results in a spent Meowgic action and no
damage to the foe. Any Meowgic attack that scores a hit Healing
deals damage to the foe; however, if the difference between In order to heal with the Meowgic Talent, a Hero simply
the Hero’s Meowgic attack and the foe’s Defense is 9 or treats the healing as any other skill check. He rolls a d10
higher, the foe takes more damage than a standard hit and and adds his Meowgic Talent score to the roll. He then
moves down two Life-Force phases, which incurs a Critical checks his result in the table below to see how much he
Injury. This type of Meowgic attack can be used as a melee heals himself or his ally. Self-healing with Meowgic uses
or a ranged attack. A ranged Meowgic has an effective a Hero’s Talent action and can be performed at any time.
range of 18 feet and requires line of sight to be successful. Healing another Hero with Meowgic requires a full round
action and complete concentration. Healing another with
Mental Meowgical Attack Meowgic cannot be done within melee range because the
A mental Meowgical attack is a cerebral flare that disables Hero casting the healing Meowgic must be safe from dan-
a foe and leaves them reeling and weak. A mental attack by ger or combat before healing can take place. Success of the
a Hero with the Meowgic Talent is treated as a new type healing Meowgic is determined by the table below:
attack. The roll is still resolved in the same way (by adding a
d10 roll to the Talent score), however, the foe uses a Mental SELF RESULT ALLY RESULT
Defense (Intellect, Mental Defense) to defend against the No effect 1-5 No effect 1-5
attack. A failed Mental Defense results in a hit and the foe One Life-Force 6-14 One Life-Force 6-14
becomes dazed for one round. A dazed foe cannot make level level
any action during this round. A missed mental Meowgic Two Life-Force 15+ Two Life-Force 15+
attack results in a spent Meowgic action and no effect to the levels levels
foe. Any mental Meowgic attack that scores a hit effects the


The Basics Style of Play

“Hello my beauties, this should be a purrfect evening” Though a GM creates the world and adventures for the
– Purrtha Kit game, both the GM and the players work together to
create the game on the whole. However, it is the GM’s
Gamemastering involves writing, planning, acting, refer- responsibility to guide the way the game is going to be
eeing, arbitrating, and facilitating a game session. When a played. The best way to do this is to discuss as a group
player assumes the role of GM, they build the world that what the group wants and how they all want to play. There
other players interact with. She is the guiding force of the are many styles of play and this book outlines only a few
game. If the game is fun, it will be because the GM put to discuss before playing.
in her effort. Note, it is not a GM’s job to win the game.
A GM should not try to kill her players or destroy their Swing! That! AXE!
morale. She is only meant to create a challenging and fun The Heroes kick down the door, fight the rats and toads
environment to play within. with no mercy, and rescue the Purrincess. This style of
A GM’s primary role is to provide adventure scenarios play is very straightforward. It tends to be fun, exciting,
for the other players to take part in. To accomplish this and action-oriented. Little time is spent on developing
a GM must spend some time before a game session to pre- complex Heroes, engaging in deep roleplaying encounters,
pare all the necessary plans in order to facilitate the game or mentioning situations other than the immediate action
properly. Creating adventures takes time. Many GMs find at hand. If this is the style of game that players want, the
that this creation process is the most fun and rewarding GM will create obviously evil villains, obviously helpful
part of being the Gamemaster. Creating interesting He- allies, and clearly defined plot lines which the Heroes have
roes, settings, plots, and challenges to present to the other to follow. Do not expect the players to anguish over what
players can be a great creative endeavor. Creating a good to do with prisoners. Do not get overly concerned with
adventure is so important that the last section of this book recovery times or on in-game downtime. Do whatever it
is dedicated to doing so. Do not worry, Gamemastering takes to get the players and their Heroes back into the
is not as hard as it may seem, this book provides supple- action as quickly as possible. One thing a GM has to keep
ments and pre-made foes that a GM can utilize to create a in mind with this style of play is on the balance of Heroes.
rich and challenging world. If one Hero is clearly more combat-oriented than another
Hero, the fairness of the game will swiftly shift and will
become uneven and unfair. Be aware of adjudicating the

Teaching the Game rules and utilizing foes to balance the tables of power.

A GM is often called on to teach or facilitate learning the A Long and Ancient Story
rules of the game. This is why it is important that the GM Filled With Suspense, Drama,
at least skims every section of the rulebook. Teaching a
new player the rules can be a good way for a GM to solidi-
and Intrigue
fy her knowledge of the game, and only serves to make her The Heroes are facilitating a meeting between warring
a better Gamemaster. A GM does not have to memorize tribes of barbarian cats. They have to keep the peace and
the rules in order to Gamemaster, she simply has to have arbitrate fairly between the two groups and convince
an idea of where to find the appropriate rule, so that the tribes to resolve their differences and ally to defend
during game sessions rules can be looked up and checked the realm against an impending threat of a massive rat
quickly without slowing the action. horde. This can only be achieved by coming to terms with
the Heroes’ own agendas and biases. This style of play is
complex, challenging, and deeply immersive. It requires
the GM and players alike to create in-depth and mean-

ingful Heroes that interact in a world where combat is that all GMs should be prepared for lots of joking around,
not the primary focus. Personas and personalities are very regardless of the style of campaign that was planned.
important and need to be developed by player Heroes and Often jokes and fun will happen in the downtime or in the
GM controlled characters. Entire sessions of play may pass player-to-player communication, but things will natu-
by without a single weapon being raised. The GM has to rally take a more serious tone when the chips are down.
create opportunities for the players to flex their roleplaying As a precaution to avoid a game spiraling out of control,
muscles and allow them to interact verbally in the scenar- avoiding excess amounts of puns or jokes can prevent the
ios that are presented them. There is never a clear route to session from deteriorating quickly. If this happens actual
the end in this style of play, there are always multiple paths game play will take a back seat to players one-upping each
to any given result and intrigue is inevitable in any given other with puns and jokes. Keep in mind that this game
situation. A GM has to keep in mind that this style of play can be equally light-hearted and serious. GMs should
will quickly become one-sided or unfair if aplayer’s Hero is choose wisely.
heavily combat oriented.
Naming Conventions
Hand Me My Sword, This May This is something that GMs really need to consider while
Get Messy planning a world and a campaign session. Names are
very important not just for GM controlled Heroes but
The Heroes are sitting at a bar room table speaking with also places, groups, and items that Heroes will encounter.
a few locals about a recent theft. Accusations start to fly Names give the game a more realistic and involved feel
and the Heroes are forced to defend an innocent party and create a world that the Heroes feel like they are truly
that is being accused. Words have failed and weapons a part of.
are drawn. This is the style that most campaigns fall into. Names are a good place to incorporate the puns and
This style is a mix between the other two. There are equal jokes that are natural in a game that involves cats. This
parts intrigue and action. Heroes are deep and developed, provides an outlet for GMs and players alike to get the
and action is intense and engaging, and the Heroes are jokes out of their system if the GM wants to keep play
responsible for driving the action forward. This ‘in-between’ more serious. Names like Caterina, Pawl, Pawton, Clawd-
style provides a nice balance of roleplaying encounters and ius, Notdog, Felina Kyle, Stephan, Muffin, Whiskers, Mit-
actions packed combat encounters. In this style a GM can tens, Misty, etc. can add a little fun into the game without
have Heroes that want to be very intellectual and who can taking too much attention away from the play.
manage more complicated roleplaying situations as well
as having Heroes that just want to swing their mace into
their enemies.
GM Leadership
When the players gather around the table the GM is in

Other Style charge. That does not mean that he can tell other players
what to do outside of the game boundaries, but it does
Considerations mean that he is the final arbiter of the rules within the
game. Good players recognize that the GM is the authori-
Serious or humorous ty over the game mechanics, even occasionally superseding
This is something that definitely needs to be considered the rulebook. Good GMs know not to change or overturn
by the players and GMs alike. It is the nature of this an existing rule without a good, logical, justified reason.
game that puns, lol-cat language, and just plain fun will This means that a GM needs to know the rules. He is
take hold in any given session. How serious a GM wants not meant to memorize the entire rulebook, he requires a
to make the game is something that has to be constantly good understanding of what is in the book, so when a situ-
reinforced. If a GM wants the tone of the campaign to be ation arises that requires ruling he knows where to look.
very serious, then jokes have to be kept to a minimum in A GM needs to remember to keep the game fair. He
order to maintain that serious tone. However, jokes, funny should not allow one Hero to become too powerful or to
comments, or lol-cat speech can add a fun and occasion- dominate every situation. A good GM allows fair play for
ally hilarious tone to the game, one that serves to increase every Hero and equal opportunity to succeed. Remember
the level of entertainment. Overall, it is a recommendation

to allow every player to have his voice heard, try to avoid pounding drum beat. Movie soundtracks can also add flare
letting other players talk over each other. Fairness is key. to the play. This will exhilarate the players and create a
powerful atmosphere.
Try speaking in unique voices and dialects. This adds

Altering Rules a level of authenticity and reality to the game and the play-
ers will appreciate it. It can be difficult to maintain this
If a situation arises that is not explicitly covered by the technique over long campaigns, but consistency is key.
rules, it is a GM’s responsibility to provide guidance and Try turning the tables. It is fun to occasionally throw
arbitrate how that situation should be resolved. When a a monkey wrench in the mix. A good way to do this is to
situation like that arises consider the following: take a character that the players had thought was a villain
or to be untrustworthy and make him a good guy. This
›› Look for a similar situation that *IS* covered by the technique should be used only once in a great while, as if
rules. Try to expand on what is already presented. a GM uses this trick too often the Heroes will come to
›› Look for another rule that is similar that will set a expect this and become bored with the twist.
precedent for the new situation.
›› If a new ‘house rule’ is created, stick with it for the rest
of the campaign. Do not change the rules randomly or
there will be no consistency in the game. Though, a GM Optional Rules
should try to avoid creating too many new rules as it will
become confusing for players and the GM alike. Catastrophic Failure
Some GMs may want to add an additional challenge for
their players, or perhaps the players want an additional

Running the Session challenge to the game. A GM can introduce the cata-
strophic failure system. This system adds in a penalty for
Sometimes a game session can fall flat, get bogged down rolled result if 0. So if a player is attempting to attack
in details, or the players are just not feeling the game. This a Frog warrior and rolls a 0 he not only fails the attack
is not the GM’s fault, however, there are ways that she can (meaning his attack completely misses) but also takes an
increase interest and spice up the game play to make the additional failure.
campaign all the more memorable. These are small things A failure of this nature could be anything from a Hero
that can really add power and pizazz to any mission. falling over with the effort to getting his sword stuck in
Try throwing in some artwork. The mind of the player his belt to hitting an ally. A GM should come up with 3-9
is a very imaginative one, but some things can be helped failures and assign them to a number on their d10. When
along if a GM includes some scene art, weapon art, or a catastrophic failure occurs simply roll a die and apply
Hero art to literally illustrate what the players are seeing. the failure to the player. This failure only lasts for one
There are lots of images and artists online or in archives round, and does not add any additional penalties once it is
that can be used to give the session that extra push to resolved.
become a tremendous one. Alternatively a GM can create A great way to prepare for catastrophic failures is to
her own works to show the players she wants them to have watch videos of cat fails. This can be a great way to add a
not only a good session but a great campaign. level of funny cat-like play into any game.
Try evocative, powerful, and exciting descriptions. A
GM’s greatest power is in her mind, it is the tool that cre-
ates the world that the players interact with. She can create
compelling descriptions by utilizing all the mediums at her
fingertips such as the Internet, a thesaurus, TV, movies, or
books – to weave a complex portrayal of the Heroes, places,
and things that are presented to the Heroes.
Try adding a soundtrack to the session. This can add
a level of excitement to every game. As the Heroes enter
a room filled with rats, weapons drawn, the GM plays a
hard and fast heavy metal track or a classical piece with a


The Gamemaster is the creator of his campaign world. of them to allow for versatile travel around the building.
Even though the game is based on an already developed Each building stands between one and two storeys tall,
theme and general plot, it is still the GM’s campaign. with a rare few extending past that. Buildings may have
The setting is more than just a backdrop for the adven- entrances on multiple levels and walkways from ground
tures of the other players. It is everything that a fictional level to the roofs on the outside and inside of the buildings.
world is based on and everything that the world is com- Buildings are always tiered and allow Cats to interact with
prised of, with the exception of the other players’ Heroes. any surface within them. Rafters, banisters, and ledges are
A well designed and well run world seems to go on around just other places for Cats to sit, walk, or travel upon. Win-
the Heroes, so they feel part of something bigger than the dows and doorways are used interchangeably and a Cat
action that is taking place immediately. can enter or exit any of these portals with no care or worry.
Consistency is often the key to providing a uni- Barely anything within a Cat city is off limits
verse. When the Heroes return to their town, say as a Cat’s concept of privacy is far less
Catsburg, for supplies, they should encounter developed than a human’s concept of
some of the same GM characters who privacy. This means that Cats can
they met before. If the campaign lasts enter any building seemingly
a long time, Heroes will eventually without care and without
learn who runs the local tavern and offending the Cats within.
inn, who makes the best weapons, Although, most Cats have
and who has the best information the common curtesy to
in the town. Once a GM has ob- announce their presence
tained a level of consistency in his before entering a private
world, occasional change and shifts dwelling. Taverns and
will shake things up and create new places of business have no
plotlines in your overall story. set hours and operate 24hrs
A GM is responsible for the charac- a day with no barring of access
ters that the players interact with. In doing to Cats. This is largely because
so a GM has to consider interaction style for Cats do not keep a set schedule for
the game. This can either be talking in the first eating, sleeping, and living and thus their
person or third person. This decision determines the voice society runs on a constantly ‘open’ basis.
of the game. A GM needs to think about how he wants to Cities contain shops, taverns, and business that provide
interact with the players during a game session. items for purchase and services for sale. These businesses
Cat cities are often built in spiraling loops or con- can range from Cat Nip Dens to Relic Shops to Grocery
centric circles that have a human ruin at the center with Stores. These businesses are run by Cat families or Cat
pleasure dens and taverns nearest that center. Less fun conglomerates and, in large cities, sell anything and every-
industry and manufacture would be on the outskirts. With thing a Cat may need. Be mindful that Relics are rare so
residences and administrative buildings sandwiched in be- finding true Relics in a shop is very unlikely.
tween. The biggest Cat cities have heavy focus on comfort. Cities are often ruled by a Cat monarch who dwells
These cities are dens for decadent life and living a highly within a Cat castles or palaces, which are either built on
comfortable lifestyle. If there is a couch in a tavern, it is a top of the founding human element of the city or built
plush couch with fluffy pillows meant to lure and entice nearby it. These places have more of a limited access policy
Cats to remain upon it for a long while. than the conventional buildings and dwellings of Cat
These cities are filled with buildings and structures that society. An appointment or summons is generally required
are designed for cat use. What does this mean? It means to be admitted into one of these establishments. Cat mon-
that buildings are meant to entice Cats into it or around it. archs break the rule in regards to privacy and they love
This means that buildings have walkways on the outsides to maintain their private lives. It is unclear as to why this

is, perhaps they enjoy the wide empty hallways of their Taverns are designed to capture a Cat and keep them
palaces to remain that way, wide and empty. there for the maximum amount of time. This means Tav-
Alternatively, some Cat cities function solely for indus- erns have lots of comfortable places to rest, many games
trial purposes. These cities are frontier cities and settlement and baubles that draw the Cat’s focus and keep them
cities that are frequented by merchants, manufacturers, playing, and lots of food and drink that will entice a Cat’s
and adventurers. These cities are fringe cities that amass greed and gluttony and keep them within the bar. Not to
a random assortment of Cats and other denizens. These mention the Cat Nip. These buildings are geared toward
places collect Cats trying to vanish, Cats trying to make a pleasure so ask yourself, would a Cat enjoy this? If the
new life, and Cats trying to find a great deal. These cities answer is ‘yes’ then the tavern would like have it.
do not ignore pleasure, I mean… Cats are Cats. However, Any goodly species can be found within a Tavern and
they do not focus on them as much as the larger metropo- often they are interacting cordially with the Cat patrons.
lises. It is likely that these cities and towns have one or two Occasionally fights break out within these saloons and
pleasure dens filled with cushy pillows, lavish daybeds, and in this situation it tends to become an every creature for
beams of sunlight to fall asleep in. themselves type of circumstance.
These industrial or fringe cities still contain buildings A GM should consider is the cost of items and
that are designed to lure Cats in with walkways services that exist in the Cat cities, villages, and stores.
and paths that go around the inside and Items may include drinks at the local tavern, food
outside of buildings. These buildings at the inn, or a room. As a GM there are
are more geared towards manu- several things to consider in deciding the
facture and mercantilism than costs of these items. What area of the
comfort. city is the merchant in, if it is a pricey
Key to any fantasy cam- or ritzy neighborhood then the cost
paign is the Tavern. Taverns would naturally be higher. Another
are where adventurers point to ponder is what is being
meet, get new jobs, or gain offered, is it lodging and a meal, is
valuable information about it dinner with a show, or is it a not
new missions. Taverns in so fancy feast. Lastly, a GM should
these cities could be run think about what sort of establish-
by Cats or any other good ment it is that the Heroes are visiting.
species. The cliental could be A tavern may be less expensive than
anyone who lives in these cities an inn which would be far less expensive
from Cats, to Squirrels, to Mice. The than a luxury Cat hotel.
fare that is served at these taverns could
be ice cold cat ales or catnip.


“What brings a feline like you to a dump like this” at the tavern, or shaking down a thief for information.
– Giacomo Catsanova These communities should be rich and vibrant and contain
all manner of different cat breeds, different professions,
and different shops. These communities can contain other

Heroes species (listed below) that live in conjunction with the cats
and enjoy peaceful lives.
GMs should be aware of players’ life force statuses as the To go along with the communities, the GM should
game progresses. Each status has different effects and lim- create unique characters that live in them. These characters
itations and the GM should know both what these effects should have more unique traits, specific skills, and inter-
are and how these effects impact her players. A player in esting personalities so that the players enjoy encountering
the Green phase is healthy and can perform any action or them. These characters should remain consistent to the
react to any circumstance without penalty. A player in the towns, cities, and villages that the players travel through.
Yellow phase is winded or stressed; this means the Hero is If Clawrlton Furston, the bartender at the Cat’s Meow
in a situation that causes him to feel strained. A GM can Tavern, lives in the town of Pawsville, then when the
have a Hero enter a stressed state by means other than players go to Pawsville they should expect to see Clawrlton.
combat. Specifically, a situation that would cause a cat or These unique characters should have interesting traits and
other creature to feel stress would result in a Hero moving personalities to add to the realism of the character. Clawrl-
his dial into the Yellow phase. For example, a Hero may ton is known to walk with a limp favoring his left leg, and lost
feel stress if he snuck into an enemy base undetected, only his right ear in a fight with a gang of rats. These memorable
to be faced with a shiny alarm bell with a long bright blue traits make the character feel real and will help the players
tassel. A cat would feel stressed resisting his natural in- relate to the GM characters.
stinct to swat at it. This stress could be removed by having
the Hero leave the situation or give into his feline instincts.
A player in the Red phase is wounded or injured and has
to roll a check to determine a critical injury. That injury Other Species
plagues the Hero until he is healed or dies. It is important “I’ve seen nicer tails on dogs.”
for the GM to keep these impediments in mind so that – Purrl le Chat
she can be sure they are applied in all circumstances. A
player in the Black phase is dead. He cannot perform any There are naturally other species that exist within the
actions on his turn until he is resurrected, using up one of world that the players travel. It is a GM’s responsibility
his nine lives. to populate the forests, swamps, and cities with other
creatures that interact with the players. There are species
that are helpful to the cats, and there are species that are

Communities anything but. This section outlines a few other species that
a GM can sprinkle into the world to make it more realistic.
It is the GM’s responsibility to create the world with This book provides instructions on how a GM can make
which the Heroes interact. This means that he is not only her own versions of each of these species. Note that there
responsible for creating the setting and propelling the are stat blocks included for each of the species listed below.
game forward but also creating communities, allies, and These blocks include any species, weapon, and armour
enemies with whom the players will mingle. A GM should bonuses that the pre-made character possesses. Note that
create a world filled with lots of characters that the players only Cat Heroes have nine lives, when other creatures are
can talk to, work with, or even fight. wounded and their Life-Force dial enters the black section,
GMs need to make communities of cats for the players that creature is dead (with the exception of Feral Cats).
to visit and do what needs to be done. This could be inter- Additionally all species have their own language, which
acting with the local blacksmith, talking to the bartender includes a written language. This means Rats, Toads, Frogs,

Snakes, and Birds, as well as Squirrels, Dogs, and Cats, Large Dogs stand between 4-5.5 feet tall at the shoulder.
each speak their own unique languages. All animals, unless All large dogs have a movement speed of 21 feet:
the GM states otherwise, speak a Basic Animal language.
Any animal can learn to speak any other animal’s language TALENT RANK BONUS
if their Intellect score is high enough. During their charac- Intuition 0
ter creation, Heroes must select additional languages they Intellect 1
can speak and read or write. Perception 3
Physique 4
Dogs Reflexes 4
Dogs are perhaps the most common other species that
Coordination 2
are encountered with the cats. The ancient animosity that
Strength 6 2
once existed between cats and dogs has long been forgot-
ten, and when the human race left dog needed a new best
friend, he turned to cat. Dogs act as workers, labourers, If a GM chooses, they utilize dogs as mounts, she will
soldiers, police, and sentient mounts for the cats. They are have to add in a new skill, Handle Animals. The rules for
less intelligent but intensely loyal, and desperately want to this skill are outlined below:
serve their cat companions as best they can. In-game dogs
typically function as mounts for their feline friends. Handle Animals (Physique)
Much like the Knights of King Arthur’s court or the A Hero has a natural way with mounts and pets. This skill
roving Cowboys of the Wild West, warriors and their covers riding a mount, performing tricks on a mount, and
mounts are intrinsic to legendary adventures. These combat maneuvers on a mount. A Hero uses his charis-
warrior cats are no different and sometimes epic adven- matic nature to have his cohort perform for him. To make
tures require a trusty companion to ride into the fray. a Handle Animals check, a Hero rolls a d10 and adds his
Riding is performed much like any other Talent or skill Physique Talent score to the roll. A Hero with the Handle
check. Mounts are treated as GM characters and act in Animal skill is capable of performing several maneuvers
accordance to those rules, generally they are obedient and while riding their mount. These maneuvers include: riding
perform as instructed by their rider. If a Hero has a mount as transportation, riding into battle, training a wild mount,
she can ride it as a means of transportation, as a combat and training a pet to hunt. The success of these maneuvers
ally, or as a hunting companion. Dogs can use the armour is based on the result of the check. Thus if a Hero is trying
that is listed in the Weapons and Armour Chapter, but to urge his mount on into battle and achieves a low result,
cannot wield weapons. Dogs are treated as being unarmed his mount is unlikely to ride into battle.
when attacking, although they do not receive an individual
attack when mounted. Dogs do not know Meowgic and
cannot use Technology or Mechanical devices. When a
Hero is mounted on a dog and riding into combat, he Evil Species
receives a +1 to all melee attacks. If a foe targets a mount- “Get your scales off me you damn, dirty snake.”
ed Hero with any attack, the Hero makes a defense check – Clawrlton Furston
using his mount’s Reflexes Talent score (not in addition to
the Hero’s Reflexes Talent score). All dogs have the same There are several evil species which a GM can cast as
Life-Force phases as cats. Below are some examples of dog villains in her campaign. These species are generally
breeds and size categories they fall into. malicious and never work with cats. They occasionally live
in their own cities and towns, but typically travel in small
Large Dog marauding bands raiding cat villages. They are known to
Large dogs are hefty and sturdy. Though they are not as harass and annoy local cat villages by stealing, looting, and
fast as their smaller counterparts, they make up for their killing. It is not recommended that a GM allow players to
lack of speed with strength. They make good mounts for play any of the evil species. Note that a GM can change or
Heroes who want to lead the charge or own the battlefield. recreate any Foe in her game simply by creating her own
Large dogs also make up the rank and file of the police evil species character block.
and guard forces because of their dedication to serve and There are two types of foe the cats can do battle with,
protect. Large dogs gain a +2 species bonus to Strength. Foes and Raiders. Foes have less health than the cats and

Beefing Up the Bad Guys Rats are the most common threat that the cats encounter.
Rats are inherently evil and hate the cats more than any
Sometimes a GM mayneed to make the villains
other species. They are warriors, thieves, and pirates that
more of a challenge for the Heroes. This is done
prey on cat civilization. They are rarely found alone, often
by giving the foes one or two feats from the
travelling with other rats, toads, or frogs. They are almost
Feats and Progression Chapter. These abilities
always led by an evil leader. Rats are not very bright and
will augment the Foes’ existing abilities and
are easy to scare in small groups. Large hordes of rats tend
make conflicts more difficult for players.
to be fearless until the horde is thinned out. Rats can ac-
quire any of the weapons and armour listed in the Equip-
are treated as always being stressed (they are always in ment chapter as long as they meet the requirements. Rats
their Yellow Phase) and are thus less of a challenge for cat begin with 21 points to place into Talents and gain a +1
heroes. Raiders have higher health than their Standard to Strength Talent. When Rats travel in a group of two or
counterparts (they have the same Life-Phases as the cat more evil creatures all Rats in the group gain a +1 any Re-
heroes) and are meant to be a challenge for the cat heroes. flexes Talent check for Defense. Typically, Rats do not use
Technology or Meowgic, however, Rat Raiders do utilize
Evil Leaders Meowgic occasionally. All Rats are not unknown to use
Typically evil species are led by chiefs, captains, or kings. Miasma Bombs. Rats range in height perhaps more than
These individuals are always more powerful than the any other Evil Species, they can stand anywhere between
creatures they lead. To make any evil species an evil leader 2.5-5 feet tall. All Rats have a movement speed of 18 feet.
a GM adds an additional 4 points to that species’ Talent Below is a standard stat block for a Rat:
pool. Evil leaders can acquire any of the weapons and ar-
mour listed in the Equipment chapter as long as they meet TALENT RANK BONUS
the requirements. Evil leaders have more Life-Force than
Intuition 2
typical creatures, an evil leader has an additional phase on
Intellect 1
their Life-Force dial, an orange phase, as they are heartier
Perception 5
than most species. Furthermore, evil leaders often utilize
Meowgic 0
Meowgic and Miasma, whereas their followers do not.
Evil leaders begin with 25 points to place into Talents and Tech/Mechanical 0

a GM can choose a feat from the Feats and Progression Physique 2

Chapter to apply to an Evil Leader. Below is a universal Reflexes 4 1
stat block for an evil leader, note GM will have to add the Coordination 2
species bonuses depending on what species she chooses for Strength 5 1
her evil leader: Equipment: Sword, battle axe, or Mace, crossbow x 10
bolts, leather armour, 3 silver paws


Intuition 2
Intellect 2
Perception 3
Meowgic 3
Tech/Mechanical 1
Physique 3
Reflexes 4 2
Coordination 2 -1
Strength 4 2
Equipment: Warhammer, javelin x 3, bone plate armour,
10 large shinies

Frogs meet the requirements. Toads begin with 21 points to
Frogs are slimy thugs who roam the forests, swamps, and place into Talents and gain a +1 to Intuition Talent. Due
waterways. Frogs are characteristically evil and hate cats. to Toads’ repulsive nature they gain a +1 any time they
They tend to be pirates, thieves, and bandits that prey on attempt to intimidate using their Physique Talent. Toads
cats as they travel through the realm. They are rarely alone, are more likely to use Meowgic and Technology than their
often travelling with other frogs, rats, or toads. They are vermin counterparts. They also make good use of Miasma
almost always led by an evil leader. Frogs are by far the Bombs. Toads stand between 3-3.5 feet tall. All Toads
dumbest of the evil species, but what they lack in smarts have a movement speed of 15 feet. Below is a standard stat
they make up for in speed. In large hordes frogs tend to block for a Toad:
lead the charge against foes and are often on the front line.
Frogs can acquire any of the weapons and armour listed in TALENT RANK BONUS
the Equipment chapter as long as they meet the require- Intuition 1 1
ments. Frogs begin with 21 points to place into Talents Intellect 4
and gain a +1 to Reflexes Talent. Frogs also gain a +3 to Perception 2
all Swim skill checks. Frogs can hold their breath for an Meowgic 2
unnaturally long time, because of this Frogs are immune
Tech/Mechanical 0
to drowning and suffocation effects. Typically Frogs do
Physique 3
not use Technology or Meowgic, however, they have been
Reflexes 2 1
known to wield Miasma Bombs. Frogs range in height
Coordination 4
from 3-5 feet tall. All Frogs have a movement speed of 21
Strength 3
feet, and can move 30 feet in the water. Below is a stan-
dard stat block for a Frog: Equipment: Spear or sword, crossbow x 10 bolts, leath-
er armour, 3 medium shinies


Intuition 3
Intellect 2
Perception 4
Meowgic 0
Tech/Mechanical 0
Physique 2
Reflexes 4 2
Coordination 4
Strength 2
Equipment: Spear or battle axe, javelin x 3, leather
armour, 3 medium shinies

Toads are scummy ruffians who plague forests, bogs, and
swamps. Toads are innately evil and despise cats. They
tend to be warriors, thieves, and brigands that prey on cat
civilizations. They are rarely found alone, often travelling
with other toads, rats, or frogs. They are almost always led
by an evil leader. Toads are the sharpest of the evil species
and do not scare easily. In large hordes, toads generally
take a commanding position and usually rise to the status
of evil leader. Toads can acquire any of the weapons and
armour listed in the Equipment chapter as long as they

Snakes Snake Movement
Snakes are treated as a villain species but on very rare
If a snake is sitting coiled it will occupy nine
occasions can be helpful to cats. They are typically an enemy
spaces to form a larger square. If the GM wants
to all species fighting, hunting, and killing them without
to make things ‘spooky’ for his players, when
cause. Consider snakes as you may consider dragons, they
he makes the snake move across the board he
sometimes ally with other species but often work on their
simply moves individual sections of the snake
own agendas while doing so. Snakes defend their lairs and
slowly across the board. If this is the tactic he
territory with ferocity and protect their brood or loot with
wishes to employ he must uses multiple tokens
unmatched strength. This does not mean Snakes will kill or
to represent the snake.
attack other species at every opportunity; what it does mean
is that Snakes cannot be trusted. Snakes respond well to
bribes, in general they like shiny things, unique items, and negate stress do not apply to Snake Fear unless otherwise
relics. If a cat has an item for trade or to offer as a bribe, a stated.
Snake is likely to take it. Snakes have no need for armour
or weapons, their scales provide powerful armour and their TALENT RANK BONUS
mouths and crushing bodies are all the weapons they require. Intuition 3
All types of Snakes are able to employ poison and the special Intellect 3
grapple and move special abilities. All Snakes gain a +2 to Perception 3
their Strength Talent and a +2 to their defense. Snakes have Meowgic 5
more Life-Force than other creatures, a Snake has two addi-
Tech/Mechanical 0
tional phases, a lime green and an orange, on their Life-Force
Physique 4
dial as they are heartier than most species. Snakes often have
Reflexes 4 2
huge loot caches. If a snake is around there is likely to be a
Coordination 1
loot cache nearby. Snakes begin with 30 points to place into
Strength 7 2
Talents. For convenience blocks have been provided for each
size category of snake. The categories are medium and large. Equipment: Bite and grapple, 40 small shinies, 20
medium shinies, 10 large shinies, and the possibility of
having a relic
Large Snake
Large Snakes are highly intelligent and very cunning. They
never attack without analyzing the situation first, always
talking to and sizing up their foes before deciding whether
or not to strike. Large Snakes are generally between 12
and 21 feet in length. A Large Snake can make a number
of moves during their turn. A Large Snake can attack with
its mouth, grapple and hold a foe, or grapple and strangle
a foe. Once a foe is grappled by a Large Snake they can
attempt to break free with a Strength check on their turn.
A Large Snake that is 15 feet long or larger can grapple
and hold two foes at the same time. Large Snakes have a
movement speed of 21 feet:
Grapple Special: A Large Snake can move and attack
other foes while holding another. The Snake simply grap-
ples a foe, and if successful it can move as normal while
holding the foe in its coils. The Snake only has to maintain
the grapple if the foe attempts to break free.
Snake Fear: When a Snake first appears in any
encounter the Heroes immediately move into the Yellow
Phase for one round. This ability is not the same as a
stressful situation, it is a Meowgical effect. Feats that


“Over there, looks like a storm is brewing.” far off destinations. There are simple rules for working
– Purrsius Prior weather into any game. If the GM chooses sunshine,
then there is nothing to worry about and all the Heroes
Heroes can spend a lot of time in the most dismal, danger- can see what they are doing and can travel unimpeded.
ous, and generally unpleasant places imaginable. If the foes Light rain and light snow also do not add any sort of
and other creatures do not kill the Heroes, the environ- impediment, this precipitation often incites a fun and
ment might. This section details some hazards that the playful mood. Heavy rain, thick fog, or a blizzard can
Heroes may face from the physical world around them. cause serious trouble for Heroes. The heavier the weather,
the slower they can travel safely and the more dangerous
their travels. If a GM employs heavy rain, thick fog, or

Light and Dark a blizzard, the Heroes suffer reduced visibility and are
not able to move as fast. In addition to having progress
Usually campaigns involve forays into the darkness. slowed, GMs have the option to have a Hero enter a
Whether it is the dark of night, deep into a cave, or plung- stressed phase on their Life-Force dial. The GM can de-
ing into a dungeon darkness is unavoidable. Variations in termine how impeded is travel for the the Heroes, based
light and dark can be broken down into a few categories: on how brutal the weather is that he employed.
light, low-light, dark, and utter-dark. Light is essentially
anything that is bright and clear, such as daylight or a
well-lit room. Low-light is basically anything where the
light has dimmed or is obscured, such as a foggy day, a Extremes
poorly-lit tavern, or a night lit by the full moon. Dark is “Wow! That took a dark turn.”
anything where light is very sparse or is essentially not – Clawdius Maximus Catulus
present, such as a moonless night, a deep cavern, or an
unlit dungeon. None of these scenarios are a problem for Though this is meant to be a light-hearted game, some
the cats however. Cats are able to see in light, low-light, more serious players or GMs may want to incorporate
and dark with little difficulty. Utter-dark, is another story. more solemn elements. It is recommended that the
Utter-dark is any place that is so deep, so bottomless, and elements in this section only be used for more serious and
so unfathomable that light cannot penetrate it. These plac- less light-hearted campaigns.
es are typically exceptionally deep underground or in the
most evil dungeon where it is unnaturally dark. In these Arid and Freezing Temperatures
places cats need assistance to see. Heroes can use torches, The blistering desert or freezing wastes can be just as
lanterns, or a Meowgical relic to aide their vision. Similar deadly as any rat chieftain. Prolonged exposure to hot or
to cats - rats, toads, and frogs, can see in light, low-light, cold temperatures can be the end of any Hero venturing
and dark. Dogs, squirrels, and birds can only see well in forth to save the day. Hot and cold temperatures can wreak
light and low-light. Snakes have the uncanny ability to see havoc on a Hero and cause a few different devastating, and
in all levels of light and dark. They are the only creature sometimes deadly, effects. The effects for hot and cold are
that is able to do this. measured on a table below. Note that extremes in either
hot or cold are dictated by the GM. To find the effect that
a Hero exposed to temperature extremes simply roll a d10

Weather and match the number to the number on the table. The
Hero is then afflicted with the item that corresponds with
Weather is a necessary element for GMs to play with if his roll. Any Hero who is exposed to these conditions is
a campaign is taking place outside. Weather can set the immediately stressed and should have their Life-Force
mood and make a scene more dramatic, or it can add dial moved into the yellow phase. It is recommended that
an extra impediment when the Heroes are traveling to

this roll be done once per day in game so it does not slow Poison
down the play: Snakes, assassins, and some frogs (if a GM wishes to in-
corporate poison-arrow frogs) occasionally strike out with
EFFECT RESULT poison. When a hero is exposed to poison, he has to make
Tired, Hero must rest for 30 minutes out of 1 a Physique, Durability Talent check (required result 8) to
the elements to recoup negate. A Hero who succeeds is only slightly shaken by
Fatigue, Hero must rest for 1 hour out of 2 the poison and simply moves his Life-Force dial down one
the elements to recoup section. A Hero who fails instantly moves his Life-Force
Extreme fatigue, Hero must rest for 2 3 dial down to the red section and is subject to a Critical
hours out of the elements to recoup
Injury (see Critical Injury). Note that if the Critical Injury
Dire fatigue, Hero must rest for 3 hours 4
is weapon- or armour-related, a reroll is required. A Hero
out of the elements to recoup
infected by poison can only be healed by Meowgic.
Exhaustion, Hero must rest for 1 day out of 5
the elements to recoup
Extreme exhaustion, Hero must rest for 2 6
days out of the elements to recoup
Needs sustenance, Hero must get food or 7
drink in 1 hour or they will move down one
Life-Force section
Loss of Life-Force, Hero moves down one 8
Life-Force section
Loss of function, Hero is no longer able to 9
move and must receive assistance or will
die in one hour
Death, Hero loses one life 0

Suffocation and Drowning

A Hero in an airless environment (underwater, strangu-
lation) can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal
to her Physique Talent score +3. After this period of time,
the Hero must make a Physique Talent check (required
result 6) every successive round to continue holding her
breath. Every round she remains unable to breathe, the
required result increases by +1. When the Hero fails her
Physique Talent check she begins to suffocate or drown.
In the first round, she drops her Life-Force dial to the
yellow phase, the second round to red, and finally in the
third round after her failed check she dies. Species such
as large snakes can strangle Heroes as a way of killing
them. If a snake successfully grapples a Hero, the GM
can choose whether or not the snake will hold the Hero
tight or strangle her. Use the rules for suffocation and
drowning to resolve strangulation.

“I have it, but it’ll cost ya.” hold more or less value. In general, a small gem would be
– Peter Pawwn worth two large shinies, some valuable jewelry would be
worth four large shinies, and precious stones would be
No world is complete without some form of bartering worth five medium shinies. The GM has the final decision
system. The cats long ago decided using the system the on what any of these objects are worth.
humans had used was the best way to do business. The
interesting thing is that cats had no idea how the ‘shinies’
the humans used for money worked. So they developed a
modified system. The shinies come in small, medium, and Technology and Relics
large and vary in value. There is a table in the Equipment “Ooh, shiny.”
section that has a list of standard items and their cost. A – Pix E. Bob
GM can add any item to this list and decide cost based
on similar items. If a similar item cannot be found, a GM The world is full of Meowgic and ancient technology left
should assign a price that is reasonable and also fair. Costs behind by the great fallen civilization. Technology can
can always be negotiated using the Barter skill (see Talent range from cat-made items to ancient human artifacts.
and Skills chapter).
Standard shinies can be represented by a number Technology
of things such as: buttons, washers, bottle caps, coins, Cat Technology: Cats have the ability, through the Tech/
tokens, etc. Mechanical Talent, to create items of their own or fix
Small shinies (ss) are the lowest value and they are items that they possess. The rules on what can be fixed are
easy to come by and easy to spend. A single small shiny laid out in the Talents and Skills section. Creating items
may buy a Hero a candle while five small shinies would is another matter and a GM can decide what he wants to
get a Hero a box of matches. Small shinies are the most allow the Heroes to be able to create. These items could
common form of payment for simple labour jobs or farm- range from the sublime to the ridiculous and include ob-
ing jobs. A small shiny could be any round object smaller jects like simple weapons and armour, flashlights, or even
than a copper penny. clockwork-steampunk mechanical body suits. The table
Medium shinies (ms) are only slightly less common below has a few ideas of what specialty items would cost,
but are significantly more valuable. One medium shinies is how much time they would take, and the Required Result
worth 18 small shinies. A single medium shinies could buy needed to create such an item. Note that creating these
a Hero a dinner with wine at a tavern while four medium items require a workshop, a forge, tools, and materials.
shines would get a Hero an average lock to keep her loot Leftover Technology and Relics: Alternately, a GM
safe. Medium shinies are the most common form of pay- can decide that Heroes can only craft simple arms and
ment for jobs that require a little finesse, such as guarding armour for themselves and that the real technology comes
a caravan or transporting valuables. A medium shinies from the great fallen civilization. These items were left
could be a coin such as a nickel or a very shiny button. behind by the beings who ruled the earth aeons before
Large shinies (ls) are the most valuable. One large the cats and are exceedingly rare. This technology is often
shinies is worth 9 medium shinies or 162 small shinies. A referred to as relics. These relics perform wonderful and
single large shinies would get a Hero a crowbar while 100 miraculous things of which that the cats could only dream.
large shinies could purchase a spyglass. Large shinies are Due to their rarity, relics are highly valuable and should
the most common form of payment for jobs of a highly not be lightly tossed into a game session. Relics can range
dangerous nature, such as rescuing a captured princess or from simple flashlights (known as the undying torch), to
working as mercenaries to fight a warlord. A large shinies complex gold pocket watches (known as time-makers), to
could be anything larger than a quarter. a laser pointer (the Great Distractor). These items can add
Other forms of shinies might include gems, valuable a new level of fun and adventure to the campaign. It is a
jewelry, or precious stones. These items, depending on size, recommendation that GMs use items that are mundane

Build Task Material Cost Required Result Time
Easy build – making arrows or making a tunic 2-10 ss 3 1 hour
Simple build – forging a weapon or tool 30 ms 6 4 hours
Moderate build – forging armour or a crafting an average lock 50 ls 8 9 hours
Complex build – creating a simple pocket watch or undying torch 100 ls 9 1 day
Advanced build – creating boots that will help you jump higher or a 400 ls 12 3 days
steam-powered crossbow (+2 to attack)
Exceptional build – forging a steam powered body suit 10000 ls 16+ 18 days
Note: These items are just samples to give the GM ideas for what can be created. It is not recommended that the GM
utilize all of the items on the list. These items are simply for consideration.

enough that they do not make the Heroes too powerful, Some relics provide extra power that the
but entertaining enough to maintain interest of players can access as they progress
the players. In order to create a relic, a GM through the world. If a GM decides
simply has to think of a piece of somewhat to utilize this, he should do so
mundane technology and tell the player sparingly, otherwise his players
what it does. Example: you found will become overpowered
a small cube-shaped object, the and the game will lose some
material is like paper but stronger of the intensity in combat.
somehow. You all feel an urge, no it However, this can add an
is stronger than an urge, a desire to exciting reward system
crawl into it. This is describing the for players who uncover a
Meowgical Inescapable Prison Cube, relic. These relics follow a
or a cardboard box. These relics can simple formula and provide
be used by Heroes and foes alike. Note a Talent Score bonus and an
that many electronic devices are pow- extra ability. For example, the
ered by batteries and thus the items would players may stumble across an
likely be non-functioning after all these eons. ancient human guidance device (a
A GM can choose to side-step this issue by saying GPS) which would provide a Talent Score
that Meowgic powers the devices and thus they function bonus to Intellect of +1 while also being a device
normally. Conversely a GM can add in battery caches that that they can locate other relics when they are nearby. Or
Heroes can access as treasure or loot and which can then perhaps they find a human amusement doll (action figure)
power their items. Either way. this will add an exciting which would provide a Talent Score bonus to Strength
element to the game. of +1 while also providing a player with a bonus to all
Intimidate checks.

Preamble In this bar the team will either have to negotiate with
some shinies (no less than 8 medium shinies) and an
You have been conscripted by the King of Pawton, Clawdius Intuition, Diplomacy check (RR 9-12) or a challenge to
Furbal, to rescue his daughter, Purrincess Mittens Furbal, the tavern’s owner, Black-Eye, to a drinking competition
who has been captured by the evil warlord Fractless Rebett. (Physique, Durability RR 12-15). If they succeed in either
Fractless has spirited her away to his ancient fortress. Before Black-Eye will provide the following information:
you start your journey you must first find the map to the For- “Shadows is a slimy creature, he owes me a great deal of
tress of Dark Pond. You have been told that a shifty cat known shinies. However, he is a good gambler and a better fighter,
as Shadows Paw has one and is a denizen of the taverns and (omit the following if playing with children) we have night
bars of Catsburgh… fights here and he tends to fight for drink or catnip. He is
likely at Cat’s Meow tavern, they let him drink for free there
The players must travel through town and try to find for some reason.”
Shadows Paw. There are three taverns in Catsburgh that
Shadows frequents. The players must ask around in the
taverns to discover where Shadows is.
Third Tavern
As you pass the threshold of the tavern, The Cat’s Meow, you

First Tavern smell the tempting aroma of catnip and crisp ales. You scan the
tavern for your contact.
As you enter the first tavern, Whiskers’ Alehouse, you notice
that the cliental is from higher Cat society. There is a few Aris- Scanning the Bar
tocats and the place has the faint smell of lavender and honey. Scan the bar (Perception Check, look around, RR 9+):

If the team approaches the bartender, Whiskers, he will ›› If the players get a 9 they will notice their contact Sir
willingly provide information about Shadows. He believes Whiskers who will direct them to Shadows Paw. Sir
that the team are going to arrest him and thus stop him Whiskers directs the players to the corner of the room
from returning to his establishment. No money or bribery to a dark booth where Shadows Paw sits
is required to ply this information. ›› If the players get over 12 they notice Sir Whiskers
but also notice Shadows Paw immediately
Answers To Questions:
Where is Shadows? “He comes here often, I generally Sitting in the corner of the bar is a shadowy figure. Shad-
turn his tail away. My clients find his odor offensive, and he ows, the Sphynx, is wearing a deep smoke coloured robe pulled
never pays for drinks. I do not know where he is.” low over his face. He is smoking a long pipe puffing fragrant
When was the last time you saw him? “He was here purple smoke.
three days ago, drank up a tab when I was not on the bar and
I had him thrown out when I returned.” Encounter with Shadows Paw
Depending on how the players approach Shadows he will
react in different ways:

Second Tavern ›› If the party approaches calmly Shadows will act

This tavern smells significantly worse than the first tavern. sly but not unfriendly. In this circumstance he will
The Litterbox is known as the place where good Cats lose their trade the map for a favor that he will call in once this
way. The sounds of dice rolling and cards shuffling are min- mission is completed. (This scenario will require some
gled with the sounds of clinking glasses and sobbing losers. chatting, bribe attempts, and charming in order to get the
map. If the players decide to intimidate see second option.)

›› If the players approach aggressively he will recoil but
There is a Water Snake that lives in the lake. If the He-
on a successful intimidate (Physique, intimidate, RR
roes enter the lake, they have a chance of encountering the
12+) he will cave immediately and give the players the
beast. GM rolls a d10; if the result is 5+ the Water Snake
map. If the players fail the intimidate Shadows will fight
shows up. See below for Water Snake stats and tactics.
back and draw his dagger. He will not actually fight the
players but he will threaten and eventually try to escape.
There are 3 main options to enter the Fort:
›› Walk across the bridge, but the guards will definitely

Dark Pond see you

›› Swim to the edge (Coordination Check, swim, RR
Once the players have retrieved the map they begin their 9+), but run the risk of having the snake attack
long journey. After several days travel over land and 1) If the swim check fails, player emerges on
through treacherous terrain the players breach the edge of ledge with life-force dial showing yellow
the forest to see Dark Pond. 2) Climb along the ledge (Coordination Check,
Your party breaches the edge of the forest to see the old climb, RR 6-9)
fort, Dark Pond. The crisp breeze blows the smell of rot, 3) The Maine Coon can swim the rope across to
decay, and a slight fishy odor into your nostrils. The fort sits fasten it to the other side (Coordination Check,
on an island 15 ft. from shore in the icy cold lake. A short swim, RR 9+).
wooden causeway spans the water in full view of the old for- ›› Use ropes and grappling hooks (Coordination Check,
tress. The fort, which was once a guard post for the legendary climb, RR 9+ to attach rope, RR 6-9 to climb across it)
Feral Cats, has seen better days; the walls are crumbly and to climb underneath the bridge above the water.
eroded from weather and age. The walls stand between 10
and 15 feet high, with the northernmost wall being reduced The Barracks
to a pile of rubble. The buildings to the east and west are As you open the decaying door, the acrid stench of rotting meat
roofed with flat clay shingles that are patchy and rotten. The and damp skins fills your nostrils. The light is dim but your
western building is the barracks and is in the worst shape; keen cat eyes clearly survey the room to see bunk beds running
the stone walls are rough and the roof is riddled with holes along the walls. Straw, skins, and dirty scraps of cloth are
and patches. The eastern keep is in the best shape; this is hanging from each bed. Sleeping in 5 of the beds are 3 Rats
where Fractless Rebett stays, if you trust the rat bandit you and 2 Toads. They’re sleeping soundly and snoring loudly, but
questioned on the trail here. His ‘throne room’ has only one their weapons are close by. There is a doorway directly across
entrance, which is in the courtyard between the barracks from the eastern door you entered through. It is locked with a
and the main keep. There is a tall dark tower that stands at heavy rusted bolt. (Two of the Rats are Heavy Foes, the rest of
the north end of the fort. It stands 20 feet high and is in bad the minions are Standard Foes).
disrepair. The tiled roof is mostly missing and a flap of some
animal’s skin is shrewdly fastened as a makeshift gable. The Heroes can traverse the space fairly easily (Coor-
(Optional) Hanging on the side of the tower is a skinned dination Check, sneak, RR 3-6) <failure results in the foes
rat, blowing in the breeze, the mark of Fractless Rebett. There waking up and attacking>. To open the door, the players
is a main entrance on the southern wall that leads into the must make a successful disable device check (Mechanical
courtyard and a side entrance on the eastern wall that leads Check, disable device, RR 6-9). Players could also pour
into the barracks. Standing at the entrance to the fort is a oil into the bolt to open it smoothly. If the players do not
sleepy eyed toad (Heavy Foe). succeed, the foes wake up and attack.

Fractless has 10 warriors (3 Toads, 2 Frogs, and 5 Rats) The Courtyard

guarding and living in the fort. There is always one guard The breeze blows off the lake and takes the mild smell of filth
at the main entrance, a Toad. There is also one guard at and rot away temporarily. The rubble is easily traversed and
the side entrance to the barracks, a Rat (Perception Check, offers a decent hiding spot (Coordination Check, sneak, RR 3+)
look around, RR 6-9, notices he is asleep). The remaining and vantage point. The courtyard is open and empty except for
soldiers are either in the barracks (3 Rats and 2 Toads), one Frog, armed with a mace, leaning against the southern wall,
in the open court yard (1 Frog) or in the main hall with oblivious to anyone other than himself (Standard Foe). You can
Fractless (1 Rat and 1 Frog). If less than 4 players, change clearly see the doorway to Fractless Rebett’s throne room.
number of warriors to 6 (2 Toads, 1 Frog, and 3 Rats).

The Keep Standard Foe
The keep walls are adorned with moth-eaten tapestries Standard foes have low health and are fairly easily dealt
depicting battles between the legendary cat heroes of old and with by the cat heroes. Below is a stat block for the Rats,
the crusty eyed rats yore. Rusted swords hang in ‘x’ patterns Toads, Frogs that fill Rebett’s fort. Standard Foes had few-
between the tattered tapestries. There is a soft fiery glow in the er life-force phases than heroes (yellow, Red, and black):
room emanating from sconces on the walls. The air is warm
and you almost forget how far north you are. There is a faint TALENT RANK BONUS
odor of roasted meat, likely the remnants of Fractless’ meal, Acumen 1
perhaps it will be his last. In the north of the room there is an Intellect 1
open archway with a winding staircase leading up the tower. Perception 3
On the floor there is a tattered wolverine skin rug, the fur Physique 2
rubbed away and worn and all of the teeth had fallen out long
Reflexes 2 1
ago. A top the old rug is an immense throne constructed from
Coordination 3
the antlers of ancient beasts. It is flanked by a large Rat and a
Strength 3
cloudy-eyed Frog (Both are Heavy Foes). A morbidly bloated
Equipment: Long sword or mace, crossbow x 10 bolts,
Toad sits atop the throne. His mottled, wart-covered head is leather armour (x1), 3 medium shinies
partly protected by a helmet made from the skull of Rat. He
turns his mucousy pink eyes towards you and emits a guttural
croak, ‘ATTACK!’...
Heavy Foe
Roll initiative Reflexes Check; highest result goes first Heavy Foes have higher health than their standard coun-
and so on. terparts and are meant to be a challenge for the cat heroes.
Below is a stats block for the more elite Rats, Toads, Frogs
Fractless Rebett that fill Rebett’s fort. Heavy Foes have as many life-force
Fractless Rebett always begins combat by bringing his phases as the cat heroes (green, yellow, Red, and black):
trap into play, the dreaded Box. After he deploys the Box
he enters combat wielding his Hammer. He will order TALENT RANK BONUS
his henchmen to fire crossbows or move into melee while Acumen 1
he targets the most powerful hero. Fractless Rebett has Intellect 1
healing Meowgic, but cannot attack with it. He will merci- Perception 3
lessly attack until he is dead, never retreating unless to heal Physique 2
himself quickly. He will only heal if he feels that his life
Reflexes 2 1
is truly threatened. Like all bosses, Fractless Rebett has
Coordination 3
more life-force phases than the cat heroes. (Green, yellow,
Strength 4 2
orange, red, and black)
Equipment: Double head axe (x2), crossbow x 10 bolts,
leather armour (x1), 3 medium shinies
Acumen 2
Intellect 2
Perception 3 Water Snake
Tech/Meowgic 1 The snake is slow and methodical, taking on the weakest
opponent first then working her way up to the top. She
Physique 2
will occasionally submerge to sneak attack or recover
Reflexes 4 2
briefly. She can be reasoned with, and/or bribed. The snake
Coordination 3
will let the Heroes live if they trade the fort or offer a
Strength 4 2
substantial amount of shinies. This snake is 12 ft. long and
Equipment: Hammer (x2), steal armour (x2), 10 medi-
has more life-force phases than a standard cat hero (green,
um shinies, 4 large shinies
lime green, yellow, orange, red, and black). See below for
special attacks.

Note:Large Snake: Large snakes are highly intelligent
and very cunning. They never attack without analyzing the End
situation first, always talking to and weighing their foes The players walk up the winding dilapidated staircase to
before deciding whether or not to strike. Large snakes are find a bolted door at the top. The wood is rotted and mil-
generally between twelve and twenty-one feet long. Large dewy and seems to be oozing some sort of ichy slime. The
snakes do not have poison; instead, they grapple their foes bolt is easily unbolted and inside is the Purrincess. Her
until they suffocate (see Grapple section). A large snake gown is in disrepair and she looks hungry, but well. She is
can make a number of moves during their turn. A snake kneeling on a tattered fur matt, and looks damp and cold.
can attack with its mouth, grapple and hold a foe, or grap- “Oh my, the Knights of Clowder, I’m saved!” she exclaims as
ple and strangle a foe. A large snake can move and attack she lifts her arms to the sky.
other foes while holding another. Once a foe is grappled
by a large snake they can attempt to break free with a -FIN
Strength check on their turn. A large snake that is 15 feet
long or larger can grapple and hold two foes at the same
time. Large snakes have a movement speed of 21 feet:

Heavy Foe Life-Force Dial Snake Life-Force Dial
Hero Life-Force Dial Foe Life-Force Dial
Hero Lives Dial

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