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Simple Present

O Simple Present é, como o próprio nome já diz, a forma verbal simples do presente. Em inglês
é utilizado para expressar as situações recorrentes em seu dia a dia ou para expressar coisas como
elas são no momento em que se fala.
Verbo to be
O verbo to be é o equivalente a ser ou estar em português. Veja abaixo a tabela com a conjugação
de to be no Present Simple, e logo em seguida aprenda como usá-lo.
Como formar o verbo to be no Present Simple:

Forma Forma Negativa Forma Interrogativa significado

I am/ I‘m I am not/ I‘m not Am I…? Eu sou / estou
You are/ You‘re You are not/ Are you…? Você é / está
You‘re not
He is/ He‘s He is not/ He‘s not Is he…? Ele é / está
She is/ She‘s She is not/ She‘s Is she…? Ela é / está
It is/ It‘s It is not/ It‘s not Is it…? Ele(a) é / está
We are/ We’re We are not/ We‘re Are we…? Nós somos / estamos,
not ou a gente é /está
You are/ You‘re You are not/ Are you…? Vocês são / estão
You‘re not
They are/ They are not/ Are they…? Eles(as) são / estão
They‘re They‘re not

1) Fill in these sentences using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ and the words in the
1. I_____________ happy.(not) 2. He _________ sad.
3. You _____________ Japanese. (not) 4. We __________ Chinese.
5. They ____________ busy. (not) 6. Tigers _________big cats.
7. Cheung Chau __________ in Kowloon. 8. His name ______ Billy.
9. We _______ good friends. 10. She ______ my mother.
11. You ______ the monitor. 12. I ______ thirteen years old.
13. He ______ 2 years old.(not) 14. They ______ good football players.(not)

2) Say these questions and answers using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’. Then write the
words in the blanks.
1. ___________ he early? Yes, he is.
2. ___________ I late? No, you aren’t.
3. ___________ you sick? No, I’m not.
4. ___________ they friends? Yes, they are.
5. ___________ she at school? No, she isn’t.
6. ___________ we in the hall? No, you aren’t/we aren’t.
7. ___________ I in Class 1S? Yes, you are.
8. ___________she your friend? Yes, she is.
9. ___________they police? No, they aren’t.
10.__________we good friends? Yes, we are.

Outros verbos (frases afirmativas):

Você precisa saber os verbos na sua forma mais simples para usar o Simple Present. Por exemplo,
“to run” que significa correr, é usado em “I run” para dizer eu corro. Veja os exemplos:
I run – Eu corro
You run – Tu corres/Vocês correm
We run – Nós corremos
They run – Eles correm

Se queremos falar de uma ação que acontece com frequência, como “eu sempre corro”, podemos
I always run – Eu sempre corro
You sometimes run – Tu corres às vezes/Vocês correm às vezes
We usually run – Nós usualmente corremos
They often run – Eles correm com frequência

As únicas alterações que acontecem nos verbos se limitam aos pronomes he, she e it. De modo
geral, quando vamos usar o Simple Present para nos referirmos a ele, ela e indefinido, a maioria
dos verbos recebe um “s” no final:
He runs – Ele corre
She runs – Ela corre
It runs – Ele/ela corre

Apesar de ser a maioria, essa regrinha de acrescentar o “s” só não funciona para verbos que têm
algumas terminações específicas com “o”, “s”, "ss", “sh”, “ch” “x” ou “z”. Nestes casos, você
deve acrescentar “es” no final:
He goes – Ele vai
She does – Ela faz
It watches – Ele/ela assiste

Outra regra simples do Simple Present acontece quando o verbo termina com consoantes e “y”
no final. Por exemplo, os verbos study, try e cry e têm consoantes antes do “y”. Nesses casos,
você deve tirar o “y” e acrescentar “ies” no lugar. Veja o exemplo:
He studies – Ele estuda
She tries – Ela tenta
It cries – Ele/ela chora

Mas fique atento! Com verbos que também terminam com “y” e têm uma vogal antes, permanece
a regra geral da maioria dos verbos: acrescentar apenas o “s” ao final da palavra.
He enjoys – Ele gosta
She stays – Ela fica
It plays – Ele/ela brinca

Frases negativas:
Subject Subject
I/We/You/You/They He/She/It
Positive (+) I eat ice-cream. He eats ice-cream.
You eat ice-cream. She eats ice-cream.
We eat ice-cream. It eats ice-cream.
They eat ice-cream.

Negative(-) I don’t eat ice-cream. He does not eat ice-cream.

You don’t eat ice-cream. She does not eat ice-cream.
We don’t eat ice-cream. It does not eat ice-cream.
They don’t eat ice-cream.

3) Complete the bank spaces with the right conjugation of the Simple Present Tense. Follow the
Example: Anne loves the Jane Austin's work. (love)

a) Cayo ________________to the College tonight. (go)

b) My parents _______________ Italian and French classes on Thurdays every week. (have)
c) Louise ____________________at the Brad's Office. (work)
d) I ___________________ bread with nuts jelly every morning. (eat)
e) The plane _______________ at 08:00 in the city. (arrive)

4) Say these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
(1) Susie ______________ shopping in Causeway Bay.(love)
(2) Causeway Bay ____________ very busy.(be)
(3) Betty _______________________ early.(not get up)
(4) I ______________________ fruit.(not like)
(5) School always _____________ at eight o’clock in the morning.(start)
(6) We usually _________________ at school at half past seven.(arrive)
(7) The dog ________________ me. (like)
(8) Henry ___________ a nice school bag.(have)
(9) She ________________ television every night. (not watch)
(10) I ____________________ that dress.(not like)

5) Say these sentences using the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
1. Sam __________(wash) his face every day.
2. Susie ___________(kiss) Mum every night.
3. Dad often _____________(carry) Susie’s books.
4. Nick ___________(cook) dinner for his family every evening.
5. He ____________ (brush)his hair every morning.
6. May often ____________ (read) books.
7. Kitty ____________ (wash) the dishes every night.
8. My bird __________(fly) beautifully.
9. The dog __________(like) eating bones.
10.My baby sister ___________(cry) every night.
11.Jenny always ___________(do) her homework on time.
12.Vincent _____________(love) Flora.
13.Ron_________(take) his dog for a walk every afternoon.
14.Mable usually___________(buy) vegetables at the market.
15.The lion __________(run) very fast.

6) Say these sentences using the correct form of the verb ‘to be’ or ‘to have’ and the word in
brackets. Then write the words in the blanks.
1. He ___________(have/not) any brothers.
2. Betty _____________(have) one sister.
3. Yuki ______________(have/not) a very nice dress.
4. The cat _____________(have) a very good place to live at.
5. They ___________(have/not) a very big house.
6. We _______________(have) a very kind class teacher.
7. Peter and Jason _____________(have) a powerful computer.
8. I __________(have) 5 members in my family.
9. She __________(have/not) long hair.
10.He ___________(have) white teeth.
11.Sally ___________(have) 6 members in her family. She _____________(have) 3 sisters but
she __________(have/not) any brothers. Sally __________(have) short hair bur all her
sisters ___________(have) long and straight hair. Sally and her sisters ___________(have) a
pet cat called Dolly.

Frases interrogativas sem as question words:

Auxiliar Sujeito Verbo Resto da frase Yes/No Subject
(+ n't)

Yes, I do.
Do you read books?
No, I don't.

Yes, he does.
Does Peter play football?
No, he doesn't.

Frases interrogativas com as question words:

Auxiliary Subject Verb Rest Answer

on your I play games on

What do you play
computer? my computer.

your She goes to work

When does go to work?
mother at 6 o'clock.

I meet them at the

Where do you meet your friends?
bus stop.

7) Say these questions and answers using the correct form of the verb ‘to do’. Then write the
words in the blanks.
1. ________ you like English? Yes, I do/we do.
2. _________Bobby like noodles? No, he doesn’t.
3. _________ we have a test now? Yes, you do/we do.
4. __________ they have a test this morning? No, they don’t.
5. __________ Susie like ice cream? Yes, she does.
6.___________Tommy walk to school? Yes, he does.
7.___________you understand? Yes, I do.
8. ___________I read English books? No, you don’t.
9. ___________you remember me? Yes, I do.
10. ___________we have to stay after school? No, you don’t.
Present Continuous

Quando usar o present continuous:

Para que você consiga entender quando usar esse tempo verbal tão importante, basta pensar nas
coisas que estão acontecendo no exato momento em que você fala. Para isso, utilizamos
o verbo to be e acrescentamos o –ing nos verbos de ação que queremos usar. Por
exemplo, do (fazer), study (estudar) e read (ler) ficam doing, studying e reading. Olha só como é
fácil com estes outros exemplos:
Drink - beber
I am drinking water. – Eu estou bebendo água.
Eat - comer
You are eating a hamburger. – Você está comendo um hambúrguer.
Talk - conversar
She is talking to her teacher. – Ela está conversando com a sua professora.
Read - ler
We are reading a book. – Nós estamos lendo um livro.
Cook – cozinhar/preparar (comida)
They are cooking the meal. – Eles estão preparando a refeição.

Você também pode usar palavras que indiquem o que está acontecendo no momento em que se
I can’t answer my cell phone, I’m driving right now. – Eu não posso atender o meu celular,
estou dirigindo agora.
I am washing the dishes now. – Eu estou lavando a louça agora.
She is sleeping at her parents’ house at the moment. – Ela está dormindo na casa dos pais
dela neste momento.
They are currently working at the company. – Eles estão atualmente trabalhando na companhia.

Exceções do present continuous

Em verbos que terminam em -e, eliminamos o -e e acrescentamos -ing
Dance – dançar
He is dancing with his girlfriend. – Ele está dançando com a sua namorada.
Ride - andar de/a
They are riding their bikes right now. – Eles estão andando de bicicleta agora.
Em verbos que terminam em consoante + vogal + consoante, dobramos a última letra e
acrescentamos -ing
Run – correr
The dog is running like crazy! – O cachorro está correndo feito doido!
Swim – nadar
She is right there at the pool swimming. – Ela está lá na piscina nadando.

O present continuous na forma negativa

Usamos a negativa para falar sobre algo que não está acontecendo em um determinado
momento. Para isso, basta acrescentar o not. Podemos também utilizar a forma contraída do
verbo to be na negativa. Veja:
I’m not crying. – Eu não estou chorando.
You aren’t even listening to me. – Você não está nem me escutando.
She isn’t helping me with my homework. – Ela não está me ajudando com o dever de casa.
They aren’t talking to each other. – Eles não estão conversando entre eles.

O present continuous na forma interrogativa

Para fazer uma pergunta no present continuous, devemos usar a mesma regrinha que utilizamos
para as interrogativas no verb to be.
Are they cleaning the house? – Eles estão limpando a casa?
Is she complaining again? – Ela está reclamando de novo?
Is he making a cake? – Ele está fazendo um bolo?
Are they waiting for us? – Eles estão esperando pela gente?

1) Complete as sentenças com o Present Continuous Tense.
a) I _________________________a letter to my friend. (to write)
b) Peter and Robert _________________________ tennis at the club. (to play)
c) Mrs. Taylor _________________________her house today. (to clean)
d) My teacher _________________________my composition. (to correct)
e) I _________________________my black pencils. (count - contar)
f) Joe _________________________to school now. (go - ir)
g) Mary _________________________ to Brenda now. (talk - conversar)
h) The teachers _________________________at their students. (look at - olhar)
i) I _________________________some milk right now. (drink - beber)
j) They _________________________delicious sandwiches at the moment. (eat - comer)
k) We _________________________to the teacher now. (listen to - ouvir)
l) The children _________________________TV now. (watch - assistir)
m) Margareth _________________________ for a test today. (study - estudar)
m) The boys _________________________ soccer game in the yard. (win - ganhar)
o) The boy _________________________ the ball. (to kick) (chutar)
p) Bob _________________________ the math test ( to take)
q) The teacher _________________________ a new lesson today. (to give) (dar)
r) They _________________________ about the accident. (to talk)
s) You _________________________ an apple pie. (to make)
t) Frank _________________________in his bed. (to lie)
u) The baby _________________________. (to sleep) (dormir)
v) The girls _________________________a tree (to plant)
w) I _________________________a beautiful house near the lake. (to buy)
x) The game _________________________ now. (to start)
Simple Past

Quando usar o simple past

Em inglês, o simple past é utilizado para explicarmos situações que aconteceram no passado e já
I loved the dessert. – Eu amei a sobremesa.
Amy canceled the meeting. – Amy cancelou a reunião.
Peter bought me a dress. – Peter comprou um vestido para mim.
He lost his dad’s pen. – Ele perdeu a caneta do pai dele.
Você também pode identificar uma frase no passado por algumas palavras que determinam o
tempo. Veja os exemplos sublinhados para entender melhor:
I missed you at the party yesterday. – Eu senti sua falta ontem na festa.
Paul fixed the sink last month and it’s broken again. – Paul consertou a pia no mês passado e ela
está quebrada de novo.
I moved to São Paulo last year. – Eu me mudei para São Paulo no ano passado.
My husband heard some weird noises last night. – Meu marido ouviu uns barulhos estranhos
ontem à noite.
Catherine met Daniel 5 years ago. – Catherine conheceu Daniel 5 anos atrás.
I told Márcia about the picnic the day before yesterday. – Eu falei com a Márcia sobre o
piquenique anteontem.

Verbos regulares e irregulares

Os verbos regulares são aqueles que, quando usados para expressar as situações que aconteceram
no passado, possuem a terminação -ed. Por exemplo, o verbo to ask transforma-se em asked no
passado. Veja alguns exemplos de outros verbos regulares:
To call
He called you. – Ele ligou para você.
To dance
Jean danced the whole night. – Jean dançou a noite toda.
To help
Mary helped Carlos with his homework. – Mary ajudou Carlos com o seu dever de casa.

Regular verbs (+ed)

(assistir) Watch watched
(iniciar) Start started
-Verbos terminados em e:
(chegar) Arrive arrived
(gostar) Like liked
-Verbos terminados em y
- vogal + y
play played (jogar, brincar, tocar instrumento musical)
- consoante + y
cry cried (chorar)
Verbos terminados em consoante+vogal+consoante (cvc)
Stop stopped (parar)
Plan planned (planejar)

Já os verbos irregulares não seguem um padrão quando usados no passado. Neste caso, os verbos
são escritos de modo diferente e não apresentam a terminação –ed. Veja alguns exemplos de
verbos irregulares:
To be
Sorry, I was sick. – Me desculpe, eu estava doente.
To eat
Thomas ate three slices of pizza. – Thomas comeu três fatias de pizza.
To forget
You forgot my birthday! – Você se esqueceu do meu aniversário!

Irregular verbs (ed)

Go went (ir)
Drink drank (beber)
See saw (ver)
Cut cut (cortar)
Write wrote (escrever)
Win won (vencer)
Buy bought (comprar)
Cost cost (custar)
Eat ate (comer)
Have had (ter)

Affirmative sentences
As sentenças afirmativas seguem a seguinte estrutura:
Sujeito + verbo (simple past) + ... .
Mozart wrote wonderful pieces of music.
Pit invited his friends for a party.
We drank orange juice last night.
I watched a great movie on TV.

Negative sentences
Para as sentenças negativas precisamos do auxiliar DID NOT ou DIDN’T. Observe que o verbo
“volta” a sua “primeira forma” quando acompanha o auxiliar no passado.
Sujeito + did not/didn’t + verbo (infinitivo sem “to”) + ... .

Sharon didn’t write an e-mail to her friend.

The baby did not cry last night.

Interrogative sentences
Nas sentenças interrogativas usamos DID no início da sentença como auxiliar do Simple Past.
Observe que na interrogativa o verbo também “volta” a sua “primeira forma” pois, acompanha o
auxiliar no passado.
Did+sujeito+verbo (infinitivo sem “to”) +…

Did Mary play well the piano?

Where did you go out last night?

1. Fill in the Regular verbs in parentheses into the sentences. Use the Simple Past Tense.
1. Lico __________ soccer yesterday. (to play)
2. Sarah __________ a cartoon on TV. (to watch)
3. They __________ their books. (to carry)
4. He __________ his father last Saturday. (to help)
5. John and Mary __________ the house. (to clean)

2. Fill in the Irregular verbs in parentheses into the sentences. Use the Simple Past Tense.
1. She _________ a beautiful car last week (to drive)
2. Frank _________ the whole pizza. (to eat)
3. They ________ a very good teacher last year. (to have)
4. The candidates _______ their opinion on the paper. (to write)
5. He _________ his favorite song. (to sing)

3. Change the sentences below into the interrogative and negative forms of the Simple Past
1. His grandfather died 8 years ago.
2. My cousin lived in France 2 years ago.
3. I rode my bike to school this morning.
4. We had a good holiday.
5. John visited the Statue of Liberty last summer.

4. Put the sentences in the Simple Past Tense.

1. My father goes to the office by car.
2. I drive his car to work in the morning.
3. We eat tuna sandwiches.
4. The secretary types many letters.
5. Samantha has pizza for dinner.

Tabela de verbos irregulares no passado

Passado Particípio
Infinitivo Significado
simples passado
to arise arose arisen erguer, levantar
to awake awoke awoken acordar, despertar
to be was / were been ser, estar, ficar
to bear bore borne suportar, aguentar
to beat beat beaten bater, espancar, superar, vibrar, palpitar
to become became become tornar-se
to begin began begun começar, iniciar
to bend bent bent curvar, entortar, franzir, dirigir, desistir
to bet bet bet apostar
oferecer, convidar, ordenar, desejar,
to bid bade bidden
to bind bound bound atar, amarrar, obrigar
to bite bit bitten morder, engolir a isca
to bleed bled bled sangrar, perder sangue;
to blow blew blown soprar, assobiar, fazer soar
to break broke broken quebrar, romper, violar
procriar, gerar, fazer criação, educar,
to breed bred bred
to bring brought brought trazer, servir, causar, executar, induzir
to build built built construir, edificar, fabricar
to burn burnt burnt queimar, incendiar, carbonizar
to burst burst burst arrebentar, explodir, brotar, exclamar
to buy bought bougth comprar
to cast cast cast arremessar, jogar, derrubar, moldar
to catch caught caught pegar, capturar, entender, adquirir
to choose chose chosen escolher, selecionar, preferir
to cling clung clung pegar-se, unir-se, aderir
to clothe clothed clothed vestir, cobrir
to come came come vir, chegar
to cost cost cost custar
engatinhar, arrastar-se no chão, andar de
to creep crept crept
to crow crew crowed cacarejar
to cut cut cut cortar, partir, reduzir, recortar, castrar
dar, distribuir, repartir, dividir, espalhar,
to deal dealt dealt
to dig dug dug cavar, escavar
to do did done fazer
to draw drew drawn desenhar, extrair, sair
to drink drank drunk beber
to drive drove driven dirigir, guiar
residir, ficar por um tempo, enfatizar,
to dwell dwelt dwelt
insistir em
to eat ate eaten comer
cair, desaguar, abater-se, decrescer,
to fall fell fallen
to feed fed fed alimentar, nutrir
to feel felt felt sentir, notar
to fight fought fought lutar, brigar
to find found found achar, encontrar
to flee fled fled fugir, escapar, evitar, correr
to fling flung flung lançar, arremessar
to fly flew flown voar
to forbid forbade forbidden proibir
to forget forgot forgotten esquecer(-se)
to forgive forgave forgiven perdoar
to forsake forsook forsaken abandonar, desertar, largar; abrir mão de
to freeze froze frozen congelar, gelar
to get got got obter, conseguir
to give gave given dar
to go went gone ir
to grow grew grown crescer, florescer, germinar
to hang hung hung pendurar, suspender
to have had had ter, possuir
to hear heard heard ouvir, escutar, ter notícias
to heave hove hove puxar
to hew hewed hewn reduzir, talhar
to hide hid hidden esconder(-se), ocultar
to hit hit hit bater, chocar-se
to hold held held segurar, agarrar
to hurt hurt hurt ferir(-se), machucar
to keep kept kept manter, conservar, preservar
to kneel knelt knelt ajoelhar-se
to knit knit knit tricotar
to know knew known saber, conhecer
to lay laid laid pôr, colocar, derrubar, deitar
to lead led led conduzir, liderar, dirigir, comandar
saltar, pular, transportar, cobrir (os
to leap leapt leapt
to learn learnt learnt aprender, ficar sabendo
to leave left left partir, deixar, sair
to lend lent lent emprestar
to let let let permitir, deixar
to lie lay lain deitar, jazer
to light lit lit acender, iluminar
to lose lost lost perder
to make made made fazer, criar, elaborar
to mean meant meant significar, querer dizer
to meet met met encontrar(-se), reunir(-se)
to partake partook partaken participar
to pay paid paid pagar
to put put put pôr, colocar
to quit quit quit desistir, abandonar
to read read read ler, interpretar
to ride rode ridden cavalgar, andar de bibicleta ou carro
to ring rang rung soar, tocar (campainha, telefone)
to rise rose risen erguer-se, levantar-se
to run ran run correr, apressar-se
to saw sawed sawn serrar
to say said said dizer, afirmar, declarar
to see saw seen ver, perceber
to seek sought sought procurar, pedir, almejar
to sell sold sold vender
to send sent sent enviar, mandar
to set set set pôr, dispor, ajustar
to sew sewed sewn costurar, coser
sacudir, agitar, apertar a mão (em
to shake shook shaken
to shed shed shed derramar, vazar
to shine shone shone brilhar
to shoot shot shot atirar, ferir com tiro
to show showed shown mostrar, apresentar
to shred shred shred cortar em pedaços, picar, retalhar, rasgar
to shrink shrank shrunk contrair, encolher, recuar
to shut shut shut fechar, cerrar; tampar
to sing sang sung cantar
to sink sank sunk afundar
to sit sat sat sentar(-se)
to slay slew slain matar, assassinar, destruir, arruinar
to sleep slept slept dormir
to slide slid slid escorregar, deslizar
to sling slung slung atirar, arremessar
to smell smelt smelt cheirar
to smite smote smitten bater, espancar
to sow sowed sown semear
to speak spoke spoken falar
to spell spelt spelt soletrar
to spend spent spent gastar (dinheiro), passar (tempo)
to spill spilt spilt derramar
to spin spun spun girar
to spit spat spit cuspir
to spoil spoilt spoilt estragar, destruir
to spread spread spread espalhar, estender
to spring sprang sprung saltar, lançar-se, libertar-se
to stand stood stood ficar ou pôr-se de pé
to steal stole stolen roubar, furtar
to stick stuck stuck cravar, fincar
to sting stung stung picar, ferroar
to stink stank stunk feder; enojar
to strew strewed strewn espalhar, polvilhar, aspergir
to stride strode stridden caminhar, cavalgar
to strike struck struck bater, golpear
to string strung strung amarrar, pendurar, enfiar, esticar
to strive strove striven aspirar, tentar, esforçar-se
to swear swore sworn jurar
to sweat sweat sweat suar
to sweep swept swept varrer
to swell swelled swollen inchar (-se), crescer, encher (os pneus)
to swim swam swum nadar
to swing swung swung balançar
to take took taken tomar, pegar, levar
to teach taught taught ensinar
to tear tore torn chorar, lacrimejar; rasgar, rachar
to tell told told dizer, contar
to think thought thought pensar, achar
to thrive throve thriven ter sucesso
to throw threw thrown lançar, atirar
to thrust thrust thrust empurrar
to tread trod trodden pisar, andar, pôr os pés
understood understood entender, compreender
to wake woke woken acordar
to wear wore worn vestir, usar, trajar
to weave wove woven tecer, trançar
to weep wept wept chorar
to wet wet wet molhar, umedecer
to win won won ganhar, vencer
to wind wound wound girar, enrolar-se
to wring wrung wrung torcer
Past continuous

O past continuous deve ser utilizado para se referir a uma ação que estava em andamento no
passado.Para escrever essas frases em inglês, basta utilizar was ou were e o verbo terminado em
–ing. Veja como fica:
She was working yesterday. - Ela estava trabalhando ontem.
I was playing on the weekend. - Eu estava jogando no final de semana.
They were talking at the restaurant. - Eles estavam conversando no restaurante.
She was eating a pancake the last time I met her. – Ela estava comendo uma panqueca a última
vez que a encontrei.
They were playing Call of Duty. – Eles estavam jogando Call of Duty.
It was snowing last Thursday. – Estava nevando na última quinta-feira.
You were dancing so well yesterday! – Você estava dançando tão bem ontem!

Forma interrogativa
Para utilizar a forma interrogativa do past continuous, basta trocar a posição
do was ou were. Veja só:
Was she working yesterday? – Ela estava trabalhando ontem?
Were you sleeping? – Você estava dormindo?
Was it raining there? – Estava chovendo lá?
Were they coming when you spoke with them? – Eles estavam vindo quando você falou com
What was she filming yesterday? – O que ela estava filmando ontem?
Was my dad fixing my door last night? – Meu pai estava consertando a minha porta na noite
Was my mom looking beautiful on that dress? – Minha mãe estava bonita naquele vestido?

Forma negativa
Para utilizar a forma negativa do past continuous, você deve adicionar not após o was ou were.
I was not sleeping. – Eu não estava dormindo.
She was not working yesterday. – Ela não estava trabalhando ontem.
It was not raining there. – Não estava chovendo lá.
They were not at home at 5 pm. - Eles não estavam em casa às 5 da tarde.
We were not at home when the storm started. - Nós não estávamos em casa quando a
tempestade começou.
They were not prepared for the test. - Eles não estavam preparados para a prova.

Complete as sentenças usando o Past Continuous. (Passado contínuo)
1. When I phoned my friends, they ____________ monopoly. (play)
2. Yesterday at six I ___________________ dinner. (prepare)7
3. The kids ___________________ in the garden when it suddenly began to rain. (run)
4. I _____________________ the guitar when he came home. (practise)
5. We _______________________ all day. ( not - Cycle)
6. While Aaron ________________ in his room, his friends _________________ in the
pool. (work/swim)
7. I tried to tell them the truth but they ____________________. (not - listen)
8. What ________ you ________ yesterday? (do)
9. Most of the time we ________________________ in the park. (sit)
10. __________Lucy _________ on the computer? (work)
11. __________ they ________________ the car ? (repair)
12. _________ Melissa __________ out a book? (take)
13. _________ you ______________ to music? (listen)
14. _______ Nicolas _________ at a picture? (look)
15. _________ Emma and Bertha __________her friend? (phone)
16. _______ the girl _________the window? (open)
17. ________ he _______ judo? (do)
18. _________ the friends ________ home from school? (come)
19. _______ Tyler ____________with the cooking? (help)
20. She _____________________________. (not-work)

Simple Future

Esse tempo verbal da língua inglesa é muito usado para falar de eventos que ainda não
aconteceram. Ele deve ser usado tanto com will quanto going to. No post de hoje, a Wizard ensina
para você quando e como usar o futuro simples no inglês.

Como e quando usar o will?

Quando você quiser falar de algo que tem a intenção de realizar no futuro, como uma previsão,
deve usar o will. Ele pode aparecer de duas formas, completa (will) ou contraída (‘ll). Veja
He will work during the night this month. – Ele trabalhará durante a noite este mês.
I think I’ll stay at home to study. – Eu acho que ficarei em casa para estudar.

Se você for falar que algo não acontecerá no futuro, você deve colocar o will com o not, ou a
versão contraída, o won’t, como nas frases abaixo:
Louis won’t come to the party. – Louis não virá para a festa.
I guess she won’t remember to talk to him. – Eu acho que ela não se lembrará de falar com ele.

Já para fazer perguntas sobre o futuro, é só colocar o willno início da frase desta forma:
Will you travel on your vacation? – Você viajará nas férias?
Will they go out too? – Eles sairão também?

As situações em que o will deve ser usado são:

 Coisas que vão acontecer em um futuro não imediato.

One day she will be a big painter. – Um dia ela será uma grande pintora.

 Para aquilo que é certo para o futuro, seja ele imediato ou não.

I’ll buy a new car, that one is too old. – Eu comprarei um novo carro, esse está muito velho.

 Expressar decisões tomadas na hora da fala.

We need more coffee. I’ll take it! – Nós precisamos de mais café. Eu pegarei!

 Falar daquilo que será consumado no futuro.

I think the Brazilian economy will be better next year. – Eu acho que a economia brasileira
estará melhor ano que vem.

 Para fazer um pedido de forma muito educada.

Will you open the door, please? – Você poderia abrir a porta, por favor?

Expressões que costumam aparecer com o will:

 Probably – provavelmente
 Guess – eu acho
 Think – eu acho
 Maybe – talvez

Observação: Com I e we, você pode substituir will por shall em situações mais formais.
Normalmente, ele aparece em perguntas, convites e sugestões.
Shall we go to the theatre tomorrow night? – Vamos ao teatro amanhã à noite?

Como e quando usar o going to?

O going to é indicado para situações em que há planejamento daquilo que se vai fazer no futuro,
algo como o “vou realizar” do português. Como nestes exemplos:
I’m going to call her to know what happened. – Eu vou ligar para ela para saber o que
Paul is going to see the doctor on Friday. –Paul vai ver o médico na sexta.

Mas se precisar dizer que algo não vai acontecer, você deve colocar o not antes do going to na
frase, como você vê abaixo:
He isn’t going to visit his mother this holiday. – Ele não vai visitar a mãe dele neste feriado.
It isn’t going to rain anytime soon. – Não vai chover tão cedo.
Se precisar fazer uma pergunta sobre o futuro, basta fazer uma frase interrogativa comum e
acrescentar o going to antes do verbo. Com estes exemplos abaixo você vai entender direitinho:
Are you going to talk to your brother about that? – Você vai falar com seu irmão sobre isso?
Is she going to be there also? – Ela vai estar lá também?

As situações em que o going to deve ser usado são:

 Falar daquilo que se tem intenção de realizar.

I’m going to buy a gift for her this afternoon. – Eu vou comprar um presente para ela esta

 Ao contar planos para o futuro próximo.

Phill is going to move to my street today. – Phill vai se mudar para minha rua hoje.

 Expressar planos para o futuro mais distante.

Luci is going to be a doctor when she grows up. – Luci vai ser médica quando crescer.
Expressões que costumam aparecer com o going to:
In a week/month/year – em uma semana/mês/ano
Next week/month/year – semana/mês/ano que vem
Today/tomorrow – hoje/amanhã
Em algumas situações, é possível usar o will e o going to com o mesmo sentido. Entretanto,
quando algo já foi pensado previamente e acontecerá em breve, prefira o going to.

1) They ______________________________ in the disco. (to meet)

2) It ____________________________ a sunny day tomorrow. (to be)

3) You ____________________________ well the job. (to do)

4) I _____________________________ next week. (to travel)

5) You ________________________ to the movies next Monday. (to go)

6) She _____________________________ a book tomorrow. (to read)

7) You ________________________________ the book which you need. (to find)

8) He_________________________________ you tomorrow (to call)

9) She ______________________________ me with the English (to help)

Coloque as frases abaixo nas formas negativa e interrogativa:

1) They will play soccer tomorrow.

n.: ________________________________________________________

i.: ________________________________________________________

2) It will cost 47 dollars to fix the car.

n.: ___________________________________________________________

i.: ___________________________________________________________

3) We will take the children to the park.

n.: _________________________________________________________

i.: __________________________________________________________

4) The girls will talk to you.

n.: ____________________________________________________________________

i.: ____________________________________________________________________

5) We will arrive on time. n.:


i.: ___________________________________________________________________

6) The bus will leave at 10 o’clock.

n.: ___________________________________________________________

i.: ____________________________________________________________

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