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Because of the greater

porosity oflightweight
aggregates, follow these
procedures to ensure
production of top-quality
concrete masonry units

The same equipment is used to produce both lightweight and nonnalweight block.

T he demand for lightweight block pounds per cubic foot (see Table 1).
By Carolyn
for loadbearing walls is increas- The Expanded Shale, Clay & Slate Institute
ing. Coping with a labor shortage defines lightweight masonry as being less
in some geographic areas, the than 94 pounds per cubic foot (or a 25-
masonry industry is trying to boost the pro- pound, 8x8xl6-inch CMU). Many blocks are
ductivity of existing masons and laborers, called "lightweight" when, in reality , they are
as well as attract new workers, including semi-lightweight or mediumweight block.
women, into the field. Increasing produc- Commercially available lightweight concrete
tivity also reduces construction time and block range from 85 pounds per cubic foot
overhead costs, thus making masonry a (a 22-pound, 8x8xl6-inch CMU) to 105
more competitive building system. pounds per cubic foot (a 28-pound, 8x8x16-
Uke noffi1alweight concrete masonry , struc- inch CMU); they are made with varying
tural lightweight block must meet the re- amounts and types of lightweight aggregates.
quirements of ASTM C 90 (Standard Specifi- All three weight classifications must meet
cation for Loadbearing Concrete Masonry the same requirement for net compressive
Units). ASTM C 90 classifies loadbearing light- strength-at least 1900 psi. Regarding maxi-
weight concrete masonry (under strength and mum water absorption, however, the re-
absorption requirements) as having an oven- quirements differ. Lightweight concrete ma-
dry weight of less than 105 pounds per cubic sonry may absorb up to 18 pounds of
foot. Mediumweight block weighs from 105 water per cubic foot, compared to 15
pounds to less than 125 pounds per cubic pounds per cubic foot for mediumweight
foot; normalweight block weighs at least 125 and 13 pounds per cubic foot for normal-

weight block (Ref. 1). i the requirements of ASTM C 331 (Standard
Although the same equipment is used to i Specification for Lightweight Aggregates for
produce both lightweight and normal- i Concrete Masonry Units).
weight units, you must modify certain pro- ~ Fine aggregate must have a dry loose
cedures to make up for the greater porosity ~ weight of no more than 70 pounds per cu-
of lightweight aggregates. ! bic foot; coarse aggregate, a dry loose
weight of no more than 55 pounds per cu-
Selecting aggregates bic foot. The maximum dry loose weight of
With a specific gravity ranging from 1.1 combined fine and coarse aggregate is 65
to 2.0 (considerably below that of sand and pounds per cubic foot (see Table 2). Light-
gravel) lightweight aggregates for loadbear- weight aggregates must meet the grading
ing concrete masonry include: aggregates requirements shown in Table 3 (Ref. 3).
manufactured by expanding shale, clay, or Since as much as 65% to 75% of the ab-
slate; natural volcanic materials, such as solute volume of a lightweight block con-
pumice and scoria; and by-products, such sists of aggregate, it must be top-quality.
as blast-fumace slag and coal cinders. When purchasing lightweight aggregate:
The weight of the aggregate depends on .Check every available source of materi-
the amount of air trapped in each individual al that may be economically feasible for
particle. The more air that is trapped, the use in your block plant.
lighter the weight and the better the insula- .Consider the size and reputation of the
tion value, but the lower the strength (Ref. 2). aggregate supplier, hauling distance, and
Lightweight concrete block strong enough for road load limits.
structural applications are 200/0to more than .Make sure the source can consistently
300/0lighter than conventional block.
Lightweight aggregates often are blended Segregated bin without baffles
together and with conventional aggregates,
such as sand, to satisfy various weight and
performance criteria. Exactly which light- ..
weight aggregates to use, however, is .
largely determined by cost and availability . . .:
As with normalweight block, high freight ..
costs keep lightweight concrete masonry
production a regional enterprise.
On the West Coast of the United States
and in the Rocky Mountain region, where
pumice and scoria are available naturally,
these materials are frequently used in block
production. In addition, imported pumice
from the Mediterranean is competitively
priced on the East Coast. But in general, Filling Emptying

block producers favor expanded shale,

clay, and slate, which are more uniform
Bin with baffles
than pumice and scoria and require less ce-
ment in the manufacturing process. .~ Deflector
Tom Hammer of Westblock Products Inc., .
a Portland, Ore.-based block producer, rnan- .
ufactures a 28-pound, nominal 8x8x16-inch
block with an aggregate blend that is 50% .
pumice and 500/0sand and gravel by volume.
"With the pumice alone, you can achieve on-
ly about 75% of the required 1900-psi
strength, so we add sand and gravel."
Hammer uses pumice because it is avail- Baffle
able and affordable in his area. "We charge reblends
only a dime extra per unit for lightweight aggregale

block," he says. Filling Emptying

Regardless of origin, all lightweight ag-
Source: Buildex Inc.
gregates for concrete masonry must satisfy

allows producers to make units
with less cement than they would
otherwise need (Ref. 5).

Preventing segregation
Lightweight aggregates are more
susceptible to segregation than nor-
malweight aggregates, and coarse
aggregates more than fine aggre-
gates. Prewetting the material is
one way to prevent segregation and
should take place at the lightweight
aggregate manufacturing plant or, if
necessary, at the point of unloading
when the aggregate is received. Ap-
i ply a fine-water spray or mist to the
i aggregate just as it is discharged
I i from the rail car or truck (Ref. 6).
furnish well-graded and sufficient j strength requirements," obselVes an i Another way to control segrega-
amounts of material to ensure unin- 1 aggregate manufacturer. High- i tion is to use deflectors and sus-
i pend a plate over the discharge
terrupted production. 1 strength mixes, designed to pro-
.Perform periodic sieve tests at j duce 3000- to 5000-psi net area i opening of the silo, to force the
your plant to check on the aggre- 1 strengths, require more cement-a ! material to remix as the silo emp-
gate supplier's quality control, since 1 ratio of approximately 1:6. i ties (see illustration). The plate
broken screens and worn convey- i According to this manufacturer , i should be several times larger than
ors, chutes, and hoppers can yield 1 some of the factors that determine ~ the opening and placed far enough
aggregate that fails to meet your 1 cement content include blockmak- ~ above it to allow material to flow
original gradation specifications 1 ing machine speed; smoothness of ~ out of the silo. In addition, avoid
1 running the silo completely empty .
(Ref. 4). 1 the equipment handling green and
cured block; type and amount of ~ Prewetting the aggregate also
Variations in mix design curing; and time in the yard to age ~ serves another purpose. Light-
Because so many variables must the block before testing. 1 weight aggregates are more porous
be considered, it's difficult to make Moreover, normalweight aggre- ~ than other aggregates and, conse-
useful generalizations about mix gates, such as ASTM C 33 concrete ~ quently, have a high affinity for wa-
designs for loadbearing lightweight sand or crushed limestone, often i ter. For uniform production, this
block. Lightweight concrete mason- are added to the mix at 10% to 30% ~ absorption should be satisfied be-
ry often requires more cement for a by volume. The angularity of the ~ fore adding cement.
given amount of aggregate than crushed limestone can help im- ~ Furthermore, if the moisture isn't
normalweight block. prove green strength; and the fine ~ adjusted properly, either manually
However, cement-to-aggregate ra- fraction (passing the No.100 sieve) ~ or via an automatic moisture meter,
tios for concrete masonry made of acts like added cement paste in the ~ the mix will run too dry .A dry mix
a particular lightweight aggregate green block. Using the proper i will undergo less compaction in the
can vary as widely as they do amount and gradation of limestone ! block machine and, therefore, will
among block made of different ag-
gregates (see Table 4). As is true of
normalweight aggregate, light-
weight aggregate of the same name
varies from one locale to another .
Moreover, block today are custom-
formulated to meet a wide range of
job specifications.
"I estimate that most block mixes
containing our expanded shale-
designed to produce an 8-inch
stretcher weighing 23 to 26
pounds-have cement -to-aggregate
ratios ranging from 1:8 to 1:12 by
volume, to meet ASTM C 90

Table 3. Grading Requirements for
Lightweight Aggregates for Concrete Masonry Units

Percentage(by weight) passing sieves having square openings


~In. to No.4
%In. to No.8



yield masonry units that are more tion in which the material enters the aggregates should be mixed
porous and have less strength. the mixer. By this means, any varia- with water before adding the ce-
tion in unit weight can be deter- mentitious materials.
Minimizing batch variation ~ mined and adjustments made on One block machine manufacturer
Any lightweight aggregate blend 1 the weigh batcher (Ref. 6). recommends this mixing procedure
can have variations in loose densi- 1 One block machine manufacturer (Ref. 4):
ty, which can affect the batch con- 1 recommends volumetric batchers, I. Charge the mixer with alllight-
sistency. In most plants, automated 1 which are standard in Europe and weight aggregate.
weigh batchers proportion materials 1 beginning to gain ground in the 2. Add one-half to two-thirds of
by weight. With the use of light- 1 United States, to improve batch the total mixing water.
weight aggregate, small variations 1 consistency. 3. Mix for 30 seconds.
in weight equate to big variations i 4. Add all the cementitious
in volume due to the low unit i Mixing lightweight concrete material.
weight of the material. This is sig- 1 In the production of normal- S. Add the balance of the re-
nificant because increases in vol- 1 weight block, the materials are dry- quired mixing water.
ume weaken the mix; the cement, 1 mixed in the mixer for several min- 6. Continue mixing an absolute
remaining at a constant weight and 1 utes before water is added. When minimum of two to four minutes.
volume, then coats a greater vol- 1 making lightweight block, however , 7. If additional water is required
ume of aggregate. i
As a safeguard, producers should i
set up a volume-gauging system 1
when making lightweight block. In i
plants that have a skip hoist, an 1
experienced machine operator 1
who sees the mix as it moves from 1 Type of Range of mixes
the mixer to the block machine 1
can adjust the batch weights if the 1 ):8 to :12
size of the mix varies. Bin indica- 1 1:4 to "

tors, mirrors for sight adjustment, i 1:5 to :7

and slots cut in the batch hopper i 1:6 to

, 8
can also help detect aggregate vol- i
1c8 to ."]2
ume changes. 1
1:6 to
, :8
Many block plants periodically 1 1 '
run unit weight tests of their blend- 1 'c 8 to ,'12 ,

ed aggregate in the loose-pour con- 1

dition, which simulates the condi- ~

to bring the mix to the right con-
sistency, mix for an additional 5.
one minute. vs.
Increase mix compaction ~
Whether producing conventional ~
or light~eight concrete masonry , ~
the molding process is the same. ~
However, when increasing the ~
strength of lightweight block from ~
1900 psi to 4000 or 5000 psi, it's im- ~
portant to slow the machine cycle ~ ,
time by about 20% to achieve more ~
compaction. Increasing the com- ~ Increased strength
paction time has an even greater ~ -1 due to compaction
impact on compressive strength ~
than increasing the cement content, ~
emphasizes Thomas Holm, vice ~
president of engineering for Rich- ~
mond, Va.-based Solite Gorp., ~
Increased strength
due to cement
which operates eight block plants ~
(see Table 5). ~
The machine operator should ex- ~
tend the feed-finish time, in which ~
the feed drawer is positioned over ~ Cement content =
cubic feet of molded concrete
the mold and the vibrating head 1
comes down and consolidates the 1 fRet. 7)

zero-slump concrete. j

Curing and drying tect them from rain and snow. 2. Lightweight Concrete, 1971 ,
Like normalweight block, most The modifications needed to pro- Expanded Shale Clay & Slate Insti-
lightweight block today are cured duce lightweight block, however, are tute, 2225 E, Murray-Holladay Rd.,
in low-pressure steam kilns. But minimal compared with the potential Ste. 102, Salt Lake City, UT 84117.
lightweight units generally are gains from pursuing this burgeoning 3. ASTM C 331-89, "Standard
cured at higher temperatures to fa- market. Just remember to handle the Specification for Lightweight Ag-
cilitate cement hydration. aggregate to minimize segregation. gregates for Concrete Masonry
Since lightweight units are more Use quality control as needed to ad- Units," ASTM.
porous and absorb more water dur- just for aggregate density variations
4. Materials and Methods Used
ing curing, some producers dry the and to keep block yield constant.
in the Manufacture of Concrete
block out slightly longer than nor- And put as much water in the block
Masonry Units, 1985 revision,
malweight block to prevent shrink- as practical for compaction, strength,
Besser Co., P.O. Box 336, Afpena,
age problems later on. To evapo- and resulting economy. +
MI 49707.
rate the moisture in the units, many
5. "Buildex Lightweight Aggregate
low-pressure steam kilns can be set Carolyn Schierhorn is senior editor of
for Concrete Blocks," Buildex Inc.,
to circulate dry heat for about four Aberdeen's Magazine of Masonry
P.O. Box 15, Ottawa, KS 66067.
or five hours. Construction.
6. Instruction Manual, Columbia
Handling finished units References Machine Inc., P.O. Box 8950, Van-
Lightweight units typically are I. ASTM C 90-948, "Standard Spec- couver, WA 98668,
cubed and stored in the same man- ification for Loadbearing Concrete 7, Thomas A, Holm, "Engineered
Masonry Units, " American Society
ner as conventional block. But since Masonry with High-strength Light-
lightweight block are more porous, for Testing and Materials, 100 8arr weight Concrete Masonry Units,"
some producers are more likely to Harbor Dr "' West Conshohocken, Sofite Corp" P.O, Box 27211, Rich-
cover the cubes with plastic to pro- PA 19428. mond, VA 23261.

Reprinted from Concrete Journal

-@ copyrighted by

~ ~ The Aberdeen Group@

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