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I use a VH-11 with a TD-10.

These are the steps I followed to get HiHats working

really well while instantiated within Sonar as a plugin (vs. running in Toontrack Solo):

1. Create and Load Superior 2.0 in my Sonar project from the default "N.Y. - Avatar"
2. Right click the HiHat to select it.
3. In the "Instrument" Pane (lower right hand corner), go through each Articulation one-
by-one and press "remove" to completely clear out all default assignments. (most
articulations have multiple assignments, so clear them all out. Doing this step ensures
that there are no unanticipated HiHat events)
4. Play my VH-11 and exercise the pedal. Verify that Superior 2.0 triggers absolutely
no sounds.
5. Mapping the pedal controller: Choose the "hatsCtrl"' articulation. Type 'CC4' in the
Key field and press enter.
6. Mapping the Open edge zone: Choose the "hatsTrig" articulation. Leave the HiHat
pedal open completely. Press "Learn". Strike the edge of the HiHat with stick. Should
result in a mapped Key of ''D0". (or if you are viewing MIDI Notes as Numbers: 26)
7. Mapping the Open bow zone: Choose the "hatsTipTrig" articulation. Leave the
HiHat pedal open completely. Press "Learn". Strike the bow of the HiHat with stick.
Should result in a mapped Key of "A#1". (or if you are viewing MIDI Notes as
Numbers: 46)

That gets me the full range of Open sounds while playing the hats and using the pedal.
Now for the Closed Edge and Bow sounds, foot chick and foot splash.
8. Mapping the Closed edge zone: Choose the "hatsTrig" articulation. Step on the
HiHat pedal to close it (important: do that before you Press "Learn"). Press "Learn".
Strike the edge of the HiHat with stick. Should result in an additional mapped key of
"A#-1" to the "hatsTrig" articulation. (or if you are viewing MIDI Notes as Numbers:
22). You can view all mapped keys to an articulation by right clicking in the Key field.
9. Mapping the Closed bow zone: Choose the "hatsTipTrig" articulation. Step on the
HiHat pedal to close it (important: do that before you Press "Learn"). Press "Learn".
Strike the bow of the HiHat with stick. Should result in an additional mapped key of
"F#1" to the "hatsTipTrig" field. (or if you are viewing MIDI Notes as Numbers: 42)
10. Mapping the Foot chick and Foot splash: Choose the "Closed Pedal" articulation.
With the HiHat open, press "Learn". Step on the HiHat to close it. Should result in a
mapped key of "G#1". (or if you are viewing MIDI Notes as Numbers: 44)

Some final notes: The TD-10/VH-11 combo does not have "pressure sensing" on the
HiHat to obtain Tight sounds by pressing the pedal harder. But the Tight articulation is
being used with the pedal closed normally. If you desire just the Closed articulation
sounds in that position, you can map the notes from steps 8 and 9 above to the "Closed"
and "ClosedTip" articulations respectively. You will no longer access "Tight" sounds.

If you like the way your HiHat is working, Save your MIDI Preset now so that you have
a starting point to load just the HiHat (it requires the most tweaking, the rest of the kit is
quick and easy to map with the "learn" feature). 

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