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1. Crimes that is committed when members of a group are prevented from achieving their fullest
potential because of status bias.

a. Hate crimes

b. Crimes of repression*

c. Violent crimes

d. Discriminative crimes

2. The study of criminal behavior involving research on the links between different types of crimes and

a. Criminal typology*

b. Criminology

c. Crime typology

d. All of the foregoing

3. A branch of criminology that examines change in criminal career over the life course.

a. Strain theory

c. Developmental theory*

b. Differential Association theory

d. Biosocial theory

4. Refers to the mental processes of criminals in action.

a. Criminogenic process

c. Human behavior

b. Criminal behavior

d. Criminal sychodynamics*
5. Refers to morbid propensity to make love.

a. Erotomania*

b. Megalomania

c. Logomacy

d. Dipsomania

6. He developed a system of classifying criminals according to bodily measurements, his method of

identification centered on the fact that no two individuals are alike in all dimensions.

a. Dr. Charles Goring c. RH Goddard

b. Alphonse Bertillon* d. John Howard

7. This school on crime causation emphasized economic determinism and concentrated on the need for
equality among all citizen. They provided statistical data which claimed to show that variations in crime
rates are associated with variations in economic conditions.

a. Carthographic School

b. Socialist School*

c. Psychiatric School

d. Sociological and Social-Psychological School

8. This school on crime causation is primarily concerned with the distribution of crimes in certain areas
both social and geographical.

a. Carthographic School*

b. Socialist School

c. Psychiatric School

d. Sociological and Social-Psychological School

9. The study of victimology, which deals on the role of the victim in the commission of a crime is also
referred to as:

a. Crime target* c. Criminal ecology

b. Criminal anthropology d. Criminal psychology

10. Jose a 16 year old child, usually commits petty crimes as a form of rebellion brought about by
communication gap, disrespect and conflict with his parents may be classified as a:

a. Environmental delinquent*

b. Emotional maladjusted delinquent

c. Psychiatric delinquent

d. Juvenile delinquent

11. This specific theory of criminal law argues that crime is essentially a morbid and mental
phenomenon and as such it cannot be solely treated by the application of abstract principles of

a. Classical Theory

b. Neo-classical theory

c. Positive Theory*

d. Modern theory

12. This explains that crime is a result of free will of men; but committed due to some compelling
reasons that prevailed upon the person to commit a crime.

a. Classical School of Thought

b. Neo Classical School of Thought*

c. Positive School of Thought

d. Italian School of Thought

13. This School of Thought advocated that criminals are essentially born.

a. Classical School of Thought

b. Neo Classical School of Thought

c. Positive School of Thought*

d. Clinical School of Thought

14. Those who commit crimes because they are pushed to it by inducement, reward or promise without
considering its consequences.

a. Passive inadequate criminals*

c. Socialized delinquents

b. Active aggressive criminals

d. Chronic criminals

15. This theory in the causes of crime states that crime may be caused by one or more factors, while in
other instances caused by another set of factors.

a. Single theory

c. Multiple factor theory

b. Unitary cause theory

d. Eclectic theory*

16. Refers to the reversion of man to his apelike ancestor.

a. Stigmata c. Anomaly

b. Atavism* d. All of the foregoing

17. The study of the relationship between facial features and human conduct of a person in relation to
his crimes.

a. Craniology c. Physiognomy*

b. Phrenology d. All of the above

18. Discipline should be strict but must always be tempered with sympathy and understanding. To abide
by this principle, a superior officer must:

a. Investigate thoroughly all the facts before making a decision

b. Always implement the policies, rules and regulations

c. Treat all personnel equally.*

d. Always listen to the explanation of the erring subordinate.

19. Willful and continuous commission of minor offenses shall constitute:

a. Felony

c. Ground for dismissal

b. Recidivism

d. Serious offense of habitual dereliction*

20. Reason why a police officer must always wear his uniform securely buttoned.

a. Loose clothing is shabby.

b. A complete uniform gets women’s attention

c. It is a minor offense

d. A neat appearance will command respect*

21. It concerns those actions that pertain to one’s duties towards his neighbors and himself.

a. Moral virtue*

b. Dignity

c. Responsibility

d. Discipline

22. Policy in exercising utmost restraint by law enforcers in the performance of their duties.

a. Command responsibility

c. Maximum tolerance*

b. Parens Patria

d. Rules of engagement

23. Power to own, use and exact something.

a. Authority

b. Privilege

c. Right*

d. All of these
24. Authority a person exercise over his subordinates.

a. Command*

c. Command responsibility

b. Responsibility

d. Chain of command

25. A normative science of the conduct of human being living in a society.

a. Norms

b. Behavior

c. Ethics*

d. Virtue

26. A virtue which regulates carnal appetite for sensual pleasure.

a. Prudence

b. Temperament *

c. Fortitude

d. Justice

27. Ability to last.

a. Patience

b. Endurance*

c. Perseverance

d. Fortitude

28. Courage to endure without yielding.

a. Perseverance

b. Endurance

c. Fortitude *

d. Perseverance
29. Composure and calmness in enduring something.

a. Perseverance

b. Endurance

c. Patience*

d. Prudence

30. The ability to go on despite the tremendous adversity.

a. Perseverance *

b. Endurance

c. Patience

d. Prudence

31. Which of the following traits/capabilities is most essential to a police officer?

a. Physical stamina and hearing

c. High intelligence

b. Absence of physical fear

d. High standard of morality*

32. Is the process which constantly endeavors to obtain good will cooperation and support of public for
effective law enforcement and to accomplish police objectives.

a. Public relations

b. Community relations

c. Police public relation*

d. Police community relations

33. It can be said that the best public relations between the police and the public exist when the public
attitude is one of:

a. Formal acceptance
c. Confidence, approval and respect

b. Taut acceptance

d. Due approval

34. The most important medium to determine public attitudes between the police and the public is the:

a. Radio and Television

c. Individual policeman*

b. Print Mass Media

d. Public Relations Officer

35. A remorseful, cold, vicious and brutal delinquent.

a. Social delinquent

b. Asocial delinquent*

c. Neurotic delinquent

d. Accidental delinquent

36. Refers to a person whose behavior results with repeated conflict with the law.

a. Juvenile

b. Delinquent*

c. Habitual criminals

d. Recidivist

37. It attributes variations in delinquency to influence social structures.

a. Biogenic approach

b. Sociogenic approach*

c. Psychogenic approach

d. All of these
38. It explains delinquency is a result of critical factors such as personality problems to which
misbehavior is a response mechanism.

a. Biogenic approach

b. Sociogenic approach

c. Psychogenic approach*

d. None of these

39. Delinquency is a result of faulty biology or some hereditary defect.

a. Biogenic approach*

b. Sociogenic approach

c. Psychogenic approach

d. Biologic approach

40. This cause of behavioral disorder of the youth is a result of factors such as personal problems,
ignorance, and curiosity.

a. Predisposing factor

b. Biologic factor

c. Precipitating factor*

d. Environmental factor

41. Refers to inherited propensities which cannot be considered a criminal one unless there is a
probability that a crime will be committed.

a. Predisposing factor*

c. Biologic factor

b. Precipitating factor

d. Environmental factor

42. Refers to a type of delinquent gang which in which the manipulation of violence predominates as a
way of winning status and respect.

a. Criminal sub culture

b. Conflict sub-culture

b. Juvenile gang*

d. Retreatist sub culture

43. A child with no parent or guardian.

a. Abandoned child

b. Neglected child

c. Dependent child *

d. All of these

44. If the offender is over nine years of age but under 18 years of age at the time of the commission of
the crime, he is often referred to as?

a. Socialized delinquent

b. Youth offender*

c. Criminal

d. Truant

45. Not a mere creature of the state but regarded as its most important asset.

a. Family

b. Women

c. Child*

d. Youth

46. Basic unit of society.

a. Family*

b. Church

c. School

d. Community
47. Foundation of the nation.

a. Family *

b. Church

c. School

d. Community

48. Implies the keeping of unlawful behavior from occurring.

a. Control

b. Prevention*

c. Repression

d. Recession

49. Acknowledges the existence of unlawful behavior.

a. Control*

b. Prevention

c. Repression

d. Recession

50. Community hazards harmful to youth.

a. Undesirable conditions

b. Obstruction

c. Attractive nuisance*

d. Police hazards

51. A type of gang in which vices, consumption of drugs and illicit experiences is stressed.

a. Retreatist sub culture *

c. Criminal subculture

b. Conflict sub culture

d. All of these
52. The most important person in hostage crisis situations.

a. Negotiator

b. Commander

c. Hostage taker

d. Hostage*

53. In hostage taking incidents, there should be how may number of negotiators?

a.1 *

b. 2

c. 3

d. 4

54. If one unit head is constantly bogged down with detail work. And investigation revealed that this
overload did not take place under same conditions but different predecessors, what is the logical reason
for such overload?

a. The division has incompetent supervisors

b. The division has too many supervisors

c. He assigns to much important work to his subordinates

d. He failed to implement proper delegation*

55. A type of reaction to facts of relationship between the individual and his environment which is

a. Habitual

b. Symbolic *

c. Instinctive

d. Complex

56. An attribute of human behavior which concerns function of time.

a. Duration*

b. Extensity
c. Intensity

d. Quantity

57. Human behavior in terms of magnitude.

a. Duration

b. Extensity

c. Intensity *

d. Quantity

58. It refers to two or more habitual behavior which occurs in one situation, such as smoking in bed after
a sexual intercourse.

a. Habitual

b. Symbolic

c. Instinctive

d. Complex*

59. It refers to knowledge of stimulus.

a. Sensation

b. Perception*

c. Awareness

d. All of these

60. Impression of stimulus by utilizing one’s sense of smell.

a. Olfactory

b. Cutaneous

c. Auditory

d. Gustatory

61. Mike after tasting an unripe mango grimaced this sensation is said to be:
a. Olfactory*

b. Cutaneous

c. Auditory

d. Gustatory

62. It refers to a psychological activity according to the interpretation and experience.


b. Perception

c. Awareness*

d. a –b – c

63. It speaks of an attribute of human behavior which deals with spatial characteristics.

a. Duration

b. Extensity*

c. Intensity

d. Quantity

64. In terms of normality and abnormality, what attribute of human behavior is manifested?

a. Duration

b. Extensity

c. Intensity

d. Quantity*

65. A peeping tom who gains gratification by seeing nude woman/man in some form of sexual act.

a. Transvetism

b. Fetishism

c. Exhibitionism

d. Voyeurism*
66. Connotes hypersensitivity, unwarranted suspicion, envy and jealousy.

a. Compulsive personality disorder

b. Paranoid personality disorder*

c. Hysterical personality disorder

d. Passive aggressive personality disorder

67. It refers to an abnormal behavior caused by environment.

a. Functional *

b. Organic

c. Psycho physiological

d. Neuroses

68. When anxiety, depression or unusual fear(phobia) is displayed it refers to:

a. Neuroses*

b. Psycho physiological

c. Psychoses

d. Personality disorder

69. Directly under the supervision of the Department of Justice, its most important function in the
Criminal Justice System is to maintain and recognize the rule of law through the speedy delivery of
services particularly in the prosecution and investigation of all crimes.

a. National Prosecution Service8

c. Sandigan Bayan

b. Tanod Bayan

d. Ombudsman

70. Refers to all disciplines involved in the study of crimes and criminals.

a. Criminology

b. Crime prevention
c. Criminological enterprise*

d. Crime control

71. Refers to restraining or isolating criminals behind prison facilities to effectively protect society.

a. Crime control*

b. Crime prevention

c. Crime deterrence

d. All of the foregoing

72. The political will of the state to punish criminals in accordance with law.

a. Crime control

b. Crime prevention

c. Crime deterrence*

d. All of the foregoing

73. Refers to all governmental and non-governmental activities to thwart, preempt and stop the crime
from occurring.

a. Crime control

b. Crime prevention*

c. Crime deterrence

d. All of the foregoing

74. In the attempt to prevent crimes, what must be eliminated by the police?

a. Opportunity to commit crimes *

b. Desire to commit crimes

c. Motives to commit crimes

d. Intent to commit crimes

75. Primary objective of law enforcement.

a. Crime control

b. Crime prevention*

c. Crime deterrence

d. All of the foregoing

76. An attached agency of the office of the president tasked to implement and undertake drug law

a. Narcotics command


c. PDEA*

d. PNP

77. In making arrests under rule 113, Sec 5, par 3(fugitives from justice) of the rules of court, what is the
duty of the arresting officer?

a. Deliver the person to the nearest jail

b. Deliver the person to the nearest police station*

c. Deliver the person to the custody of the prosecutor

d. Either a and b

78. When an offense has in fact been committed, and he has personal knowledge of facts indicating that
the person to be arrested has committed it; this contemplates warantless arrest involving:

a. Hot pursuit

b. Caught in the act

c. Fresh pursuit

d. Both a and b

79. Refers to all the systems and interplay of activities in the community which addresses all the
negative factors affecting security, health and welfare of the public in natural calamities, disaster,
famine, criminality, drought and epidemics.

a. Crime control
c. Crime prevention

b. Crime deterrence

d. Social defense*

80. A blueprint for a responsive and well suited anti crime machinery that shall operate its strategic

a. Crime control

b. National Anti Crime Strategy*

c. Crime prevention

d. Social defense

81. Period prescribed by law for the preliminary investigation to be undertaken by the prosecutor.

a. 10 days*

b. 15 days

c. 30 days

d. 45 days

82. It is defined as “… The machinery of the state or government which enforces the rules of conduct
necessary to protect life and property and maintain peace and order”.

a. Juvenile justice system

c. Criminal procedures

b. Due process

d. Criminal justice system*

83. Its most important function in the Criminal Justice System is to maintain and recognize the rule of
law through the speedy delivery of services particularly in the prosecution and investigation of all

a. Police *

b. Prosecution

c. Courts
d. Corrections

84. They are referred to as the initiator of the criminal justice system.

a. Police *

b. Prosecution

c. Courts

d. Corrections

85. Primary function of every court system.

a. Help keep domestic peace*

b. Decide controversies

c. Issuance of warrants of arrests

d. Administrative role

86. Training required for permanency for a police Chief Inspector.

a. OSEC *

c. Officer’s Basic Course


d. Officer’s Candidate Course

87. A quota allocated promotion.

a. Regular promotion*

c. Meritorious promotion

b. Special promotion

d. All of the foregoing

88. Total period of time a candidate has acquired in a certain grade in permanent status.

a. Time-in-grade c. Seniority in Rank*

b. Rank d. Eligibility
89. More often than not PNP members are confused with what particular rank they are supposed to
address themselves, this is due to the fact that for a long time they have been acquainted with using old
military ranks instead of their civilian rank, General Sipsip Matapat of the PNP is supposed to be
addressed as;

a. Sir

c. Senior Superintendent

b. Chief Superintendent *

d. Superintendent

90. The commensurate military rank of Police Inspector is;

a. Lieutenant*

b. Captain

c. Major

d. Lt. Colonel

91. In crime scenes, it is common that the public or the “UZISEROS” who are curious onlookers troop
and flock the area numbering more than the police personnel who are supposed to process it; hence to
protect the integrity of the evidences it is wise to;

a. Cordon the area*

b. Sanitize the area

c. Evacuate the area

d. All of these

92. Ideally there should be at least three rings or cordon to protect the integrity of the crime scene, the
outermost cordon is to ward off the curious onlookers, the middle should be occupied by the press,
police personnel, government officials, the innermost would allow entrance only to;

a. SOCO team

b. Commanding officer

c. Police Investigator

d. Both A and B*
93. They are policemen who are honest to a fault and straightforward. They are willing to take extreme
positions on ethical issues due to their idealism. They are referred to as;

a. Angels

b. Rouges

c. White Knights*

d. Straight Shooters

94. Although honest individuals, these policemen are willing and ready to hide the corrupt practices of
their comrades for the sake of “hiya”, “utang na loob” and “pakikisama” which is the top three “Pinoy”

a. Angels

b. Rouges

c. White Knights

d. Straight Shooters*

95. They are police officers who engage in minor type of corruption as they present themselves.

a. Grass Eaters or Vegetarian Cop *

b. Rouges

c. White Knights

d. Straight Shooters

96. They are police officers who actively seek out corruption opportunities and engaged in both minor
and major patterns of corruption.

a. Angels

b. Meat Eaters or Carnivorous Cops*

c. Rouges

d. Straight Shooters

97. They are policemen who are considered as having all deviant behaviors of a corrupt law enforcer.
a. Angels c. Rouges*

b. White Knights d. Straight Shooters

98. It is defined as a dereliction of police duties either because of malfeasance, misfeasance or


a. Police corruption c. Police Misbehavior

b. Police Misconduct* d. Police Deviancy

99. It refers to the unnecessary and unreasonable use of force in effecting arrest or abuse in the manner
of conducting search and seizure.

a. Abuse of Authority c. Rouge

b. Police Misconduct d. Brutality*

100. Considered to be a part of police working environment, this lying is a deceptive ploy to allow
discreet police operations.

a. Accepted lying* c. Deviant lying

b. Tolerated lying d. Dishonesty

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