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MDH and MDE Commissioner Statement

Minnesota Commissioner of Health Jan Malcolm and Minnesota Department of Education Commissioner
Brenda Casselius issued the following statement today regarding testing for radon in Minnesota schools:

Providing a healthy and safe environment for children is a top priority for all of us. To that end,
the Minnesota Department of Health and the Minnesota Department of Education have been
working together to address concerns about the potential for elevated levels of radon in some
schools around the state.
First, we are exploring all available policy avenues including legislative proposals. Second, we
have been taking action this summer to inform schools of the concern and improve the safety of
facilities. This outreach effort includes proactive training sessions in school districts throughout
the state. In May and June, MDH and MDE staff delivered presentations on radon testing,
reporting and mitigation to schools at five meetings around the state. More recently, staff
provided three training events in partnership with the School Education Facility Management
Professionals Association.
In addition, MDH and MDE continue to work together to develop other action steps we can take
as a state to protect the health and safety of our schools from the threat of radon. While school
exposure is one concern of focus, we also recognize the importance of building greater
awareness of the risk of in-home exposure. To that end, we continue to encourage all
Minnesota parents to test their homes for radon.

For more information, contact:

Doug Schultz, MDH Communications

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